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IJREI - Vibration Analysis and Response Characteristics of A Half Car Model Subjected To Different Sinusoidal Road Excitation

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International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation Vol-1, Issue-1 (May-2017), 6-11


International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation

journal home page: http://www.ijrei.com
ISSN (Online): 2456-6934


Vibration analysis and response characteristics of a half car model subjected

to different sinusoidal road excitation
Arshad Mehmood
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering/ University of Buraimi, OMAN

The displacement response of different masses of half car model. The analysis has been done for different car models also to
see the dynamic response of the driver body coupled with the seat of a vehicle. It has been assumed the driver body is rigidly
coupled with seat of the vehicle. The vehicle has been modeled for two D.O.F, in two D.O.F Half car model two motion
(Pitch and Bounce) have been considered. The response of the vehicle has been obtained for different velocities and different
amplitudes sinusoidal bump excitation. 2016 ijrei.com. All rights reserved

Key words: Half car Model, Degree of Freedom, Model development, Lagrange equation

1. Introduction
parameters [3]. The biodynamic response characteristics of
This paper deals with the dynamic characterization of an seated occupants influenced by several factors, among
automotive shock absorber, a continuation of an earlier work which body posture, body weight and vibration excitation
Vibration is undesirable, not only because of the unpleasant type and amplitude probably represent the most influential
motion, the noise and the dynamic stresses, which may lead parameters [4]. Half car has been modelled as two DOF
to fatigue and failure of the structure, but also because of the systems, in which bounce and pitch motion has been
energy losses and the reduction in performance which considered, the driver body and vehicle body has considered
accompany the vibrations [1-2]. Vibration analysis should as one mass. The mathematical analysis of the suspension
be carried out as an inherent part of the design because of system has been performed to develop the model. Dynamic
the devastating effects, which unwanted vibrations could analysis has been performed, for solving the half car model.
have on machines and structures. The shock absorber is one The goal of this study was to determine if the current
of the most important elements in a vehicle suspension excitation technique holds true when more than one
system. It is also one the most non-linear and complex frequency is present. In recent years, commercial demand
elements to model. The current method of characterizing the for comfortable and quiet vehicles has encouraged the
dynamic properties of shock absorbers for CAE models industrial development of methods to accommodate a
involves testing at discrete frequencies, displacements, and balance of performance, efficiency, and comfort levels in
preloads using an MTS test machine. The dynamic stiffness new automobiles. Particularly, the noise, vibration, and
(K) and damping (C) are extracted by fitting a linear model harshness (NVH) characteristics of cars and trucks are
of the form F(w)=K*x(w)+C*v(w) to the measured input becoming increasingly important [5].
displacement (x), velocity (v), and output force (F). The
excitation technique is a pure sine excitation at the desired 2. Mathematical Modeling
frequency and amplitude. These harmonic excitations are
2.1 Half Car Model: Two Degree of Freedom
then swept through all desired frequency and amplitudes.
First, it is commonly understood and accepted that human The vehicle mass is set at 750kg, and the mass of human
response to dynamic excitation depends on many body is assumed to be 55.2kg coupled with the vehicle body.
mechanical, physical, physiological and psychological It has a moment of inertia about the center of mass of

Corresponding author: Arshad Mehmood 6

Email address: Arshad10.07@gmail.com
Arshad Mehmood / International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 1, (May-2017), 6-11

805.2kgm2. Figure A: The center of mass location is set at

a distance 1m from the front axle and 1.5m from the rear
axle. The effects of the tires (rolling motion, mass, etc.) Table 2: mass-spring-damper two D.O.F model
have been neglected [6]. The equivalent stiffness and
damping of the front and rear axle assemblies are set to the Variable Description Value
same values for each axle, 1 =2 =25,000 N/m, and 1 =2
=2,000Ns/m respectively. The road roughness has not been M1 Mass of the automobile 750kg
considered in this analysis
M2 Mass of the driver body 55.2kg

M Total mass(M1+M2) 805.2kg

Radius of gyration 1m

J The mass moment of 805.2kg-m2

inertia of the automobile
about the center of mass

1 Damping coefficient of the 2000Ns/m

dashpot on the front of the
Figure A: Half car model with 5-link rear suspension
2 Damping coefficient for 2000Ns/m
the dashpot on the rear of
Table 1 Modes of Vibration for Various Car Models the model
Modes Bounce Pitch Roll Yaw
Half Car Model Yes yes no No 1 Spring coefficient for the 25000N/m
spring at the front of the

2 Spring coefficient for the 25000N/m

spring at the rear of the

1 Distance from the center 1m

of mass to the front

2 Distance from the center 1.5m

of mass to the rear

3. Governing Equations
To determine the equations of motion, Lagrange's equations,
also known as the energy method, has utilized. Equation (1)
shows the general form of Lagrange's equations

( ) = , i = 1,2 (1)

Where is the non conservative generalized force
corresponding to the ith generalized coordinate .Where L is
related to kinetic and potential energies as follows in
equation (2)
= (2)
Figure 1: Two-degree-of-freedom half car mode
Arshad Mehmood / International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 1, (May-2017), 6-11

Where T is the kinetic energy, U is the potential energy of

the system. The terms and from Eq. (1) represents a + (1 + 2 ) + (1 + 2 ) + (1 1 + 2 2 )
degree of freedom and the non-conservative work for each + (1 1 + 2 2 )
DOF (subscript denoting the first and second degrees of = 1 1 + 2 2 + 1 1 + 2 2 (7)
freedom); represents the derivative of .
By substituting equation (2) into equation (1) for the value The same series of steps are performed on equations (4)-(6)
of L leads to equation (3). for 2 and .

( ) + = (3) ( = ) =

These equations are then used with the two degree of
freedom system of the automobile. First, the generalized
coordinates replace the representation . These coordinates
are as follows.

1 =x(t) = 1 (1 )( 1 1 ) + 2 (2 )( + 2 2 )

2 =(t)
The kinetic energy and potential energy equations 2 = = (1 ( 1 1 )(1 )

developed as follows in equations (4) and (5), as well as the + 2 ( + 2 2 )(2 ))
force acting on the vehicle.
1 1
= 2 + 2 (4) these equations are placed in the Lagrange form.
2 2 + 1 ((1 )( 1 1 )) + 2 (2 )( + 2 2 )
1 1 = (1 ( 1 1 )(1 )
= 1 ( 1 1 )2 + 2 ( + 2 2 )2 (5)
2 2 + 2 ( + 2 2 )(2 ))
1 1 2
These equations are expanded to be in the same form as
= 1 ( 1 1 )2 + 2 ( + 2 2 ) (6) equation (7).
2 2
+ (1 12 + 2 22 ) + (1 12 + 2 22 ) + (1 1 + 2 2 )
where k1 and k2are the equivalent spring rates of the front + (1 1 + 2 2 )
and rear suspension, x is the displacement of the body's = 1 (1 1 ) + 1 (1 1 ) + 2 (2 2 )
center of gravity, l1 and l2are the distances from the center + 2 (2 2 (8)
of gravity to the front suspension and rear suspensions, and The equation of motion is then set up in matrix form by
y1and y2 are the input functions of the road for the front and combining equations (7) and (8) to make equation (9).
rear of the system.
The Lagrange equation for found through the following
0 1 + 2 1 1 + 2 2
[ ][ ]+[ ][ ]
series of steps.
0 1 1 + 2 2 9751 12 + 2 22 0
1 + 2 1 1 + 2 2
( = ) = +[ ][ ]
1 1 + 2 2 1 12 + 2 22
1 2
= [ ] [ 1 ]
1 1 2 2 2
1 2 1
+[ ][ ] (9)
1 1 2 2 2
= 2 (10)
= 1 (( 1 1 )) + 2 ( + 2 2 )

The parameters of the system are as follows:

1 = = (1 ( 1 1 ) + 2 ( + 2 2 ))
1 = 2 =25000N/m, c1 = c2 = 2000 Ns/m, M =805.2kg, J =
These separate parts placed into the Lagrange equation as 805.2kgm2, = 1,1 = 1m, and 2 = 1.5m. Substituting these
follows. values and expanding Eqs. (3.9) & (3.10) yields Eqs. (11) &
+ 1 ( 1 y1) + 2 ( + 2 2 ) = (1 ( (12)
1 1 ) + 2 ( + 2 2 ))
+ 4.97 + 62 + 1.24 + 15.5
This equation has been expanded in order to place it in = 2.481 + 311 + 2.482
matrix form, separating the motion of the car in and + 312 (11)
coordinates, from the variables of motion from the road,
1 and 2 . The expanded form follows in equation (7).

Arshad Mehmood / International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 1, (May-2017), 6-11

+ 8.07 + 101 + 1.24 + 15.5 magnifies than the input sinusoidal excitation from road to
= 2.481 311 + 3.732 the wheel. On increasing the velocity of the vehicle the
+ 46.572 (12) amplitudes of vibration are increased up to the certain
The car is assumed to be travel over road at different speeds, velocity and for a particular velocity of the vehicle the
the road is assumed to be sinusoidal in nature with amplitude amplitudes of vibration reaches to a maximum value. If the
of X (in meters) and having a wavelength (d) of 5meters. velocity of the vehicle is further increased then the vibration
With this information, the input functions y1and y2 are amplitudes are continuously decreased.
defined in Equation. (13) & (14)
1 = () (13) Bounce motion Y = 0.01Sin(wt)
0.02 Y = 0.03Sin(wt)
Y = 0.05Sin(wt)
1 = ( + ) (14) 0.015
Where, is the phase difference between front and rear
wheel. 0.01

= 2 (1 + 2 )/


= 2 (1 + 1.5)/5 =

Where, t is the time traveled and is the time shift that -0.01
accounts for the time that it takes for the rear suspension to
negotiate the "bump" that the front suspension had -0.015

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3.1 Calculation for the Natural Frequencies
+ 62 + 15.5 = 0 (15)
+ 101 + 15.5 = 0 (16) Pitch motion Y = 0.01Sin(wt)
0.05 Y = 0.03Sin(wt)
= ( + ) (17) Y = 0.05Sin(wt)

= ( + ) (18) 0.04

On putting the value of equation (17) & (18) in equation (15) 0.03

& (16) yield equation (19). 0.02


4 1632 + 6021.75 = 0 (19) 0.01

On solving equation (19) the value of natural frequencies are -0.01

as follow: -0.02
1 = 7.5
2 = 10.3 -0.03

Corresponding to these natural frequencies, the value of -0.04

amplitude ratios are as follow. -0.05

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
= 2.86 (b)
2 Figure 1: Motion response of the vehicle at v=11.5km/h, (a)
= 0.3 bounce motion, (b) Pitch Motion
4. Results and Discussion

To obtain the dynamic response of the system MATLAB

program has been written for equations (11) and (12), for
different velocities 11.5km/hr, 17.2km/hr, 22.9km/hr and
28.65km/hr respectively.
First of all, the half car model encountering to sinusoidal
bump analysis has been done to see the response. When the
amplitude of sinusoidal bump is increased the amplitudes of
vibration are also increased. The amplitudes of vibration

Arshad Mehmood / International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 1, (May-2017), 6-11

Pitch motion Y = 0.01Sin(wt) Pitch motion Y = 0.01Sin(wt)

0.06 Y = 0.03Sin(wt) 0.08 Y = 0.03Sin(wt)
Y = 0.05Sin(wt) Y = 0.05Sin(wt)





0 0




-0.06 -0.08
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time(t)-Sec. Time(t)-Sec.

Bounce motion Y = 0.01Sin(wt) Figure 3: Motion response of the vehicle at v=22.9 km/h,
0.03 Y = 0.03Sin(wt)
Y = 0.05Sin(wt)
(a) Bounce motion, (b) Pitch Motion


Y = 0.01Sin(wt)
Bounce moion
0.025 Y = 0.03Sin(wt)
0.01 Y = 0.05Sin(wt)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time(t)-Sec. -0.01

(b) -0.015

Figure 2: Motion response of the vehicle at v=17.5km/h, (a)

bounce motion, (b) Pitch Motion 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bounce motion Y = 0.01Sin(wt)
0.03 Y = 0.03Sin(wt)
Y = 0.05Sin(wt)
Pitch motion Y = 0.01Sin(wt)
0.02 0.06 Y = 0.03Sin(wt)
Y = 0.05Sin(wt)

0.01 0.04

0 0.02

-0.01 0

-0.02 -0.02

-0.03 -0.04
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 4: Motion response of the vehicle at v=28.65 km/h,
(a) Bounce motion, (b) Pitch Motion

Arshad Mehmood / International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 1, (May-2017), 6-11

5. Conclusion [5] G. S. Paddan and M. J. Griffin, A review of the

transmission of translational seat vibration to the head,
In this paper, a stochastic half-car model is used to Journal of Sound and Vibration 215 (1998) 863882
investigate the dynamic response of half cars with [6] T. E. Fairley and M. J. Griffin, The apparent mass of
uncertainty. The effect of uncertainty in the vehicles the seated human body: vertical vibration, Journal of
parameters on the randomness of the natural frequencies and Biomechanics22 (1989), 81-94.psychological and
vehicles random responses are presented by using the physiological reactions of humans exposed to
MATLAB CODES. The dynamic characteristics and vibration, International Journal of Industrial
random response of stochastic vehicles are obtained Ergonomics 27 (2001) 219232.
expediently. This method will also be applied to the
dynamic analysis of random vehicles by using stochastic
full-car models
The amplitudes of vibration of a vehicle can be controlled
for a particular speed with particular values of damping and
stiffness coefficients. If the values of damping and stiffness
coefficients increase to high extent then spring and damper
act as rigid body and all input vibration to the tire
transmitted to the upper parts of the vehicle as such. The
effect of spring coefficients is not so much on vibration
control to the different parts but variation in damping
coefficient is having much effect on vibration amplitudes.
From the results it has seen that the transmission of vibration
to the upper part is of maximum amplitudes. The amplitude
of vibration is minimum to the tire. It has been observed
from the results that the bump amplitude to the road should
be of optimum value.
Random vibration analysis can be further done of a road
vehicle is investigated using different car models which are
quarter car model, bicycle car model, and half car model.
Computer programs in Mathematical are developed for all
car models. To understand the base excitation response
behaviors of the sprung mass in all car models, firstly
deterministic vibration analysis are carried out and the
results are presented by graphs. This graphs show the
vibration amplitudes vs time under the excitation
frequencies which are near to and far from the natural
frequencies. To simplify the calculations, proportional
damping is considered for damping properties in car models.


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