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Role of Nanotechnology in The Development of Agriculture: 100 PM Plant, Animal Cell Bacteria

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Role of Nanotechnology
in the Development of Agriculture
Globally many countries in the world like USA, Iran etc. have identified the potential
of Nanotechnology not only in the agro-food sector, but also for cleaning ground
water, use of herbicides and pesticides on controlled release method, anti-
bacterial products (Nano acid) cure cancer and tumour, production of
detergents, paints, ceramics, shoes, garments etc. India has a great
scope for the application of nanotechnology in the
development of agriculture.
Dr. R. S. Sengar

In agriculture and food systems, pulate matter at the atomic or mole- comparison, a virus is roughly 100
the fundamental life processes are cular scale using physics, enginee- nanometres (nm) in size. The word
explored through research in mole- ring, chemistry and biology. There nanotechnology is generally used
cular and cellular biology. New tools are when referring to materials with the
for molecular and cellular biology are Dimensions size of 0.1 to 100 nanometres.
100 pm
needed that are specifically designed History of Nanotechnology
for separation, identification and
qualification of individual molecules. Plant,
} The first mention of some of the
This is possible with nanotechnology Animal cell 10 pm distinguishing concepts in nanotech-
and could permit rapid advances in
agriculture research, such as repro-
ductive science and technology,
1 pm } Bacteria nology (but predating use of that
name) was in Theres Plenty of
Room at the Bottom, a talk given by
conversion of agricultural and food
wastes to energy and other useful
byproducts through enzymatic nano- } 100 nm
} Virus
physicist Richard Feynman at an
American Physical Society meeting at
Caltech on December 29, 1959.
Protein 10 nm Feynman described a process by

bioprocessing, disease prevention
and treatment in plants and animals. Simple which the ability to manipulate indivi
To excel in these and other areas of DNA turn Molecule dual atoms and molecules might be
agriculture are required novel tools 1 nm developed, using one set of precise
that allow us to work and explore
living cells and biomolecules at the
molecule scale. Nanotechnology
DNA base
0.1 nm } Atoms
tools to build and operate another
proportionally smaller set, and so on
down to the needed scale. In the
holds such a promise. Fig. Logarithmic Length, A matter of course of this, he noted, scaling issues
scale and the level of structure would arise from the changing
What is Nanotechnology ? magnitude of various physical
two main themes of it viz. (1) Nano-
Nanotechnology is the manipu- phenomena; gravity would become
technology is a broad and interdis-
lation or self-assembly of individual less important, surface tension and
ciplinary area of research and
atoms. molecules, or molecular clus- Van der Waals attraction would
development activity that has been
ters into structures to create materials become more important etc. This
growing at a rapid pace world-wide
and devices with new or vastly diffe- basic idea appears feasible, and
in the past few years. It enables
rent properties. exponential assembly enhances it
researchers to understand the
with parallelism to produce a useful
Nanotechnology can work from relationship between macroscopic
quantity of end products.
the top down approach (which means properties and molecular structure in
reducing the size of the smallest biological materials of plants and Applications and Benefits
structures to the nanoscale e.g. animals origin. (2) It is already
Nanotechnology has the poten-
photonics applications in nanoelec- having a significant commercial
impact, which will certainly increase tial to revolutionize the agricultural
tronics and nanoengineering) or the
bottom up approach (which involves in the future. and food industry with new tools for
manipulating individual atoms and the molecular treatment of diseases,
The definition of nanotechno-
molecules into nanostructures and rapid disease detection, enhancing
logy is based on the prefix nano
more closely resembles chemistry or which is from the Greek word the ability of plants to absorb
biology). meaning dwarf. In more technical nutrients etc. Smart sensors and
Nanotechnology has the poten- terms, the word nano means smart delivery systems will help the
tial to revolutionize the scientific denoting factor of 10 9 (nano second) agricultural industry combat viruses
world by allowing scientists to mani- or one billionth or something. For and other crop pathogens.

PD/August/2007/249 When firmness is sufficient, rashness is unnecessary.

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