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Riscuri de Incendiu Asociate Cu Rezervoarele

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Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities

– Part 1
In today’s fire service we tend to focus our pre-planning and training for the “bread and butter”
operations that we encounter daily. These “bread and butter” operations are generally single and
double residential structure fires, multiple family structure fires, hi-rise commercial and office fires,
and assorted emergencies that we encounter frequently. We are creatures of habit and feel most
comfortable with what we respond to most frequently. While these incidents are usually high
frequency/low to medium risk incidents, this tends to be our focus. We are sure that most
jurisdictions have industrial and commercial facilities that the firefighters pass frequently without
giving them a passing glance. It is fires and emergencies at these facilities that we classify as low
frequency/high risk events.

One type of facility that we would like to focus on in this series of articles is the petroleum storage
tank facility. We rarely hear of a storage tank fire today, because the industry has improved on the
design, construction, and fire protection requirements for these facilities. It is interesting to note that
over the years the number of fires in storage tank facilities has decreased, but the actual tank sizes
have increased. The larger tank sizes actually increase the hazard. A fire in these larger tanks can be
extremely disruptive to business continuity, costly in terms of property damage, create
environmental issues, affect interstate commerce and create negative public opinion. When a
storage tank fire involves the full surface of the product contained within the tank (hereafter called
‘full surface fire’), it will require a large commitment of resources, both equipment and human, and
will require an extensive logistics structure. On a positive note, the improvements to the various
codes and standards developed and maintained by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), along with proper enforcement of these standards and
codes by the authorities having jurisdiction, have reduced these incidents to the lowest levels in

The above mentioned bulk storage tank facilities can be located almost anywhere, from large
refinery and petro-chemical plants to smaller bulk storage plants with loading terminals. In between
we may have large marine terminals and smaller ethanol refining facilities. In this series of articles we
will focus on the types of storage tanks, fire suppression systems, firefighting operations, and pre-
incident response planning.

Types of Storage Tanks

In this article we will focus on above ground atmospheric petroleum storage tanks. These tanks range
from diameters of 3.048 meters (10 feet) to over 106.68 meters (350 feet). In some instances, there
are tanks exceeding 121.92 meters (400 feet). Average heights for above-ground tanks are 13.72
meters (45 feet). Tanks may be in individual dike areas or may have multiple tanks within one dike.
Dikes, or bunds as they are also referred to are physical barriers or dividers used to prevent the
spread of tank contents in the event of a tank overflow or tank rupture.
There are several types of above ground atmospheric storage tanks. For this article we concentrate
on the following types, typically found at bulk storage facilities:

• Cone roof and dome roof tanks

• Open top floating roof tanks

• Covered floating roof tanks including geodesic domes

• Vertical low-pressure storage tanks

• Horizontal Storage Tanks

The types of tanks used to store flammable and combustible products are generally determined by
the physical characteristics of the product being stored, however, this may not always be the case.
There have been instances where products have been stored in tanks not intended for the particular

Cone Roof Tanks – note the difference in roof shapes

Cone Roof Tanks – note the difference in roof shapes

Cone or Dome Roof Tanks

Cone roof and dome roof tanks are similar with the difference being the shape of the roof. Cone
roofs have a cone shape, but depending on the slope of the roof, the cone shape may not be evident
from the ground. These tanks will have a vapor space between the product surface and the
underside of the roof. If this vapor space is in the explosive range and an ignition source is
introduced, an explosion will occur. Generally, these tanks are used to store liquids with a flashpoint
of 37.8°C (100°F) or higher, however, there have been instances where liquids with lower flashpoints
have been stored in such tanks and the vapor space has ignited.

These tanks are equipped with a pressure/vacuum relief device to allow the internal pressure to
nearly equal the external atmospheric pressure. They may also have open vents. These devices allow
the tank to “breathe” during loading, unloading, and extreme changes in temperature resulting in a
change of the pressure in the vapor space. Cone and dome roof tanks will also have a weak roof-to-
shell seam. In the event of an incident such as internal overpressure from an explosion or similar
incident, the roof will separate from the vertical shell, thus preventing the failure of the bottom
seams and a resultant tank rocketing event. Flame arrestors may also be found to prevent the
introduction of a spark to the vapor space through vents or pressure/vacuum relief devices.

Open Top Floating Roof Tank – note the presence of the wind girder just under the open top
Open Top Floating Roof Tank – note the presence of the wind girder just under the open top

Open Top (External) Floating Roof Tanks

Open top floating roof tanks are vertical steel cylinders with a roof that floats on the surface of the
liquid in the tank but it is open to the atmosphere above. The roof moves up and down inside the
tank shell with the product. This floating roof’s advantage is that there is no vapor space between the
liquid and the roof as in a cone roof tank. These roofs float on pontoons or have a double-deck for
floatation on the liquid’s surface.

These tanks can be distinguished from a cone roof tank by the presence of a wind girder that rings
the top of the tank. The wind girder acts as a stiffening ring for the top of the tank, giving it additional
structural support. Between the shell of the tank and the roof edge, a rim seal will be provided to
prevent vapors from escaping to the outer air. The rim seal area is considered to be the space
between the tank shell wall and the floating roof edge. This distance may be 0.30 meters to 1.21
meters (1 foot to 4 feet). Open top floating roofs generally carry low flash point liquids which have
high vapor pressures.

While the roofs of these tanks are designed for carrying a specific live load plus additional loads
created by rain and snow, they can fail if the load exceeds the designed limits. To prevent the
excessive load, the roofs are designed with a drainage system to remove normal rain water from the
roof to the ground where it can be collected inside the dike area. In the event the drain system fails,
or is overwhelmed by severe weather, the load can partially or fully sink the roof. When this happens
the product is exposed to the atmosphere and vapors are released, subjecting them to possible

Covered Floating Roof Tank – note the ‘eyebrow’ vents near the tank top
Covered Floating Roof Tank – note the ‘eyebrow’ vents near the tank top

Covered (Internal) Floating Roof Tanks

These tanks exhibit the same basic construction features as the open top floating roof tanks but with
the added feature of a fixed roof at the top of the tank. The fixed roof may be self supporting or may
have vertical supports within the tank. These tanks also have a rim seal to prevent the escape of
vapors from the liquid. The fixed roofs of these tanks are freely vented with the expectation that any
vapors in the space above the floating roof will be below the flammable limit.

Covered floating roof tanks have distinguishing “eyebrow” vents at the top of the tank shell. These
vents allow air to escape and enter the inside space between the fixed roof and the internal floating
roof as it moves up and down inside the tank shell.

Domed External Floating Roof Tank next to Vertical Low Pressure Tank
Domed External Floating Roof Tank next to Vertical Low Pressure Tank

Domed External Floating Roofs

Domed external floating roof tanks are similar to covered floating roof tanks but instead of a steel
roof, a much lighter roof structure is installed on an existing open top floating roof tank. These roofs
are often referred to as geodesic dome tanks. The dome serves to provide a barrier to the wind and
rain and may also provide environmental control with respect to fugitive emissions.

Vertical Low Pressure Storage Tanks

These tanks have relatively simple features. They are cylindrically shaped with a top and bottom.
They will have some form of pressure/vacuum device. These tanks are generally smaller than cone
roof tanks and generally used in process areas or specialty storage areas.

Horizontal Storage Tanks

Above ground horizontal storage tanks are normally smaller capacities, 151,400 liters (40,000
gallons) or less and are used primarily for storing flammable and combustible liquids.

Locations of Storage Tanks

The above-mentioned storage tanks can be found at many locations within fire districts. Locations
that are most common are refineries, petro-chemical facilities, bulk storage plants, airports and
marine terminals. This list is not all inclusive and many smaller facilities may have storage of
flammable and combustible liquids. This series of articles focuses on larger facilities where the
number and spacing of tanks, or the volume of the tanks creates a severe fire hazard.

Too many times these facilities with their tanks become just “part of the landscape” within our
districts. As mentioned previously the fire service tends to focus on our “bread and butter”
operations, and ignore the low frequency events. It is imperative that we notice these facilities, pre-
plan them, and learn as much as we can about the facility, product, processes, and the fire protection
or lack thereof in a facility.

Fire Hazards
The following are some of the hazards associated with the various types of storage tanks:1

Fixed (Cone Roof) Tanks

• Vent fire

• Overfill ground fire

• Unobstructed/obstructed full surface fire

Open Floating Roof Tanks

• Rim seal fire

• Overfill ground fire

• Unobstructed/obstructed full surface fire

Internal (Covered) Floating Roof Tanks

• Vent fire

• Overfill ground fire

• Obstructed rim seal fire

• Obstructed full surface fire

Domed External Floating Roof Tanks

• Vent fire
• Overfill ground fire

• Obstructed rim seal fire

• Obstructed full surface fire

Vertical Low Pressure Tanks

• Vent fire

• Overfill ground fire

• Obstructed full surface

• Tank explosion and failure preceded by ground fire

• Tank explosion and failure with resulting ground fire

Horizontal Tanks

• Vent fire

• Overfill ground fire

• Tank explosion and failure preceded by ground fire

• Tank explosion and failure with resulting ground fire

The above listings may occur alone or in combination with each other. For instance, you may have a
full surface fire in a tank and at the same time have a ground fire in the dike area. Our next article
will focus on the types of fires in depth and the fire protection methods available followed by a third
article which will give firefighting strategies and tactics as well as pre-incident planning guidelines.

Chief (ret) Craig H. Shelley FIFireE, CFPS

Craig is a 45-year veteran of the fire service. He served with the FDNY for 26 years retiring as the
Chief of Marine Operations. Craig has performed petroleum industry and marine consulting
throughout the world, most recently for major oil companies in Libya and Brazil where
comprehensive analysis’ of process, storage and marine facilities were conducted. Currently, Craig is
an Assistant Chief with Industrial Emergency Services (IES) and Manager of Marine Operations. In
addition, he is the CEO of World Safe International.

Battalion Chief (ret) Sue Tarantino BS, MBA

Sue is a retired 27-year veteran of the Charlotte (NC) Fire Department. Sue served as a Battalion
Commander for 12 years, during which time she supervised the operations of the hazardous
materials company. She is currently a Division Chief with Industrial Emergency Services (IES) and
Assistant Manager of Marine Operations. She also serves as a senior fire protection specialist with
World Safe International, LLC teaching flammable liquids firefighting and performing consulting work
in storage tank facilities and other industrial complexes.

For more information, go to www.worldsafeinternational.com

1American Petroleum Institute [API]. API Recommended Practice 2021: Management of Atmospheric
Storage Tank Fires. Washington, DC: API, 2001, Reaffirmed 2006

Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities

– Part 2
In the previous installment we talked about the types of petroleum storage tanks, their
locations, and common fire hazards. In this article we will discuss the various types of
fires and the fire protection methods available.

In the last article it was mentioned that different types of tanks have various common
types of fires. Delving into these fires they can be further identified as follows:

Types of Fires
Overfill Ground Fires
Overfill ground, dike, or bund fires result from piping or tank leakage. This may be
caused by operator error, equipment or instrumentation failure. These incidents are
considered the least severe.1 When a leak occurs without ignition, all ignition sources
should be eliminated and vapors suppressed. Remember that our fire appliances
(apparatus) can be the source of ignition. If ignition does occur, the fire is treated as a
large pool fire. If valves or piping are leaking, treat these areas as three dimensional
Vent Fires
Vent fires are typically associated with fixed roof tanks such as cone roof, covered
floating roof tanks, dome roof, vertical low pressure fixed roof, and horizontal tanks.
These are less severe fires and can usually be extinguished using a dry chemical
extinguisher or reducing the pressure in the tank. Vent fires can be caused by lightning
or sometimes hot work in the vicinity.
Rim Seal Fires
Rim seal fires comprise the large majority of fires in open top floating roof tanks. As with
vent fires, lightning is usually the primary source of ignition. If the seals are not
maintained, deterioration may cause fugitive vapor emissions to escape. When these
vapors are in the flammable range they can ignite when exposed to an ignition source.
There is usually a high rate of extinguishment success if there is no associated damage
such as a pontoon explosion or if the suppression efforts do not sink the roof by using
excessive water during firefighting.

In internal floating roof tanks, rim seal fires may be extremely challenging, especially if
there is no permanently attached foam system. With no foam system in place, the only
openings to apply foam into the tank would be the small vent openings at the top of the
tank. These openings typically have protective screens in them, hampering foam
application further. With open top and internal floating roof tanks, fixed or semi-fixed
foam systems are the preferred method of extinguishment for rim seal fires.

Fire detection system in rim seal area. Interruption in electrical current by fire will activate
foam system.
Unobstructed Full Surface Fires
With sufficient resources and trained personnel, unobstructed full surface fires are
relatively easy to extinguish on relatively small tanks (less than 45.72 meters [150’]).
Larger tanks greater than this size will be much more challenging because of the size of
the tanks, application and flow rates required, resources required, and the logistics
involved with the firefighting efforts. Unobstructed full surface fires can occur in fixed roof
tanks without internal roofs when the weak seam at the roof-shell joint separates from an
explosion or other over-pressure event, leaving an exposed full liquid surface in the tank.
External floating roof tanks can have unobstructed full surface fires when heavy loads
(e.g., rains) exceed the weight capacity of the roof, causing it to sink below the surface of
the product. This may also occur if the roof drains have been left closed during periods of
heavy rains.
Obstructed Full Surface Fires
Full surface fires with a fully or partially sunken roof can occur where tanks have fixed
roofs, internally floating roofs, or external floating roofs. These fires are challenging
because access to the burning surface is blocked by the roof or floating roof (pan). An
increase in vapor pressure between the liquid and the roof can cause the pan to tilt,
partially exposing product above the pan. Pontoon failure may also cause a pan to sink.
Heavy rains may also tilt or sink a pan.
Foam injection system for storage tank fire protection. This system must be started
manually. Is your department familiar with the operation of this equipment? Especially at
2 a.m. when there may not be a facility operator on duty?

Fire Protection Systems

Fixed and semi-fixed fire protection systems are used in industry to protect various
equipment and processes. They are used in many cases to protect petroleum storage
tank facilities. In differentiating between a fixed and semi- fixed fire protection system we
find that a fixed fire protection system has all of the components to produce water or
foam discharges without the aid of a fire vehicle. Water and foam based systems may be
activated manually or activated by the use of devices such as smoke, heat, or flame
detectors. A semi-fixed system is required to be supported by a fire vehicle.

The following are some of the systems that may be found at petroleum storage tank

Rim Seal Protection

This is the most common type of system found on atmospheric storage tanks. They are
installed on either an open top or covered floating roof tank. The rim seal will have a 30
cm (12 inch) to 61 cm (24 inch) foam dam designed to hold the foam in the rim seal area
so that it can flow and extinguish fire along the seal. These systems can either be fixed
or semi-fixed. Mostly, these systems will be manually activated. The manual procedures
could include starting the fire and foam pumps as well as opening and/or closing valves.
A semi-fixed system will require a fire vehicle to connect to a lateral terminal connection
and supply the foam chambers with foam solution at a specific pressure. These
pressures should be identified during pre- incident planning and signs posted at the
manifolds indicating these pressures.

Foam chambers are typically installed for rim seal protection, but in some instances they
may be installed for extinguishment of full surface fires in both floating roof and covered
storage tanks. Once again, pre-incident planning will be crucial to allow the fire service to
know how much foam solution should be flowed and at what pressures.

Subsurface Injection
Subsurface injection may be found on some covered roof storage tanks. When a floating
roof is present, this system is not practical and cannot be used. The floating roof will
keep the foam from reaching the surface of the fuel. These systems can either be fixed
or semi-fixed. Aqueous film forming foams have low fuel tolerance and will not effectively
rise to the surface. Subsurface injection also can not be used with polar solvent products.
Once again, during pre-incident planning consult the plant operators to ensure that your
personnel know how these systems operate and ensure that foam supplies, both fire
service and plant, are compatible with the fuel in the tanks. The foam solution must be
injected above the water level in the tank. Foam injected below this level will dissolve into
the water and not rise to the surface.
Cooling Systems
Another system that may be used is a cooling system. Cooling rings on the exterior of
the tank are placed so that they discharge water onto the tank’s exterior, protecting it
from radiant heat from fire in close proximity. In many instances, these systems will have
to be manually activated.
Cooling rings on storage tank.

New Technologies
Looking back at storage tank fire protection we see that while fixed and semi-fixed
systems have basically remained unchanged for 60 years but the size of the tanks has
grown larger. In recent years, new technologies have been developed to make fixed and
semi-fixed systems more efficient. As tank diameters increase, the degree of difficulty for
extinguishment also increases. As with the rest of the fire service, new technologies help
improve efficiencies and performance. Some of the new technologies for storage tank
fire protection are:
Dual Agent Chambers
Traditional foam chambers would aerate the foam and distribute it evenly on rim seal or
full surface fires. A dual agent chamber is a two-phase application through the same
chamber. The first phase cascades a rich blanket of foam to extinguish and seal the
surface of the contained product, while the second phase injects Purple K dry chemical
to evacuate the internal vapor space of any lingering flammable vapors, rendering the
space inert. These systems would be used on covered tanks.
Point and Shoot System
The Point and Shoot system provides a more aggressive and more efficient foam
application as compared to traditional foam chambers. In actual tests, the Point and
Shoot system provides 73 meters (240 feet) of coverage from one wand, a 200%
increase in performance over a foam chamber. The foam wand will distribute foam from
three orifices, two lateral and one discharging down the wall of the tank immediately
below the wand. An optional feature is the addition of a separate riser to allow a
specialized monitor to be quickly deployed and mounted to the tanks rim for additional
extinguishment and/or vapor suppression.
Point and Shoot system. Note the two lateral and one downward discharge ports.

Hollow Point
The Hollow Point system was developed to overcome issues faced by foam chambers
when they are installed on a fixed or cone roof tank for the purpose of full surface
protection. When foam chambers are installed, they rely on gravitational forces and the
static head pressure of the foam to provide the propulsion for the foam to cover the
surface area of the product. The Hollow Point system projects the foam toward the
center of the tank as well as to the left and right along the tank wall.
The Ambush system is designed for use on large diameter jumbo storage tanks. Type II
“Over the top” applications on these tanks require huge amounts of resources and
firefighting equipment. In some locations, 122 meter (400+ feet) diameter tanks are
present. The Ambush is designed to provide enhanced fixed system response for
external floating roof storage tanks. The system reduces foam fallout from the stream to
provide more efficient foam/water application densities. It addresses four distinct areas of
the tank simultaneously; the area to the left of the wand, the area to the right of the
wand, the center of the tank, and the area directly below the wand. Multiple units may be
required for complete coverage depending on the tank diameter.

Additional information on these new technologies can be obtained direct from the
manufacturer of this equipment. An internet search will assist with locating the

This article and our previous one have discussed the types of atmospheric petroleum
storage tanks, the types of fires, and fire protection systems. Our next installment will
discuss the strategy and tactics involved with fighting atmospheric petroleum storage
tanks as well as pre-incident planning techniques.

For more information, go to www.worldsafeinternational.com

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