MDD 2 y 3 Subiraeva
MDD 2 y 3 Subiraeva
MDD 2 y 3 Subiraeva
Valentina Acua
Carolina Rojas.
June 11th, 2017.
English Teaching Experience II
1. Lesson 1 Topic:
At the end of the lesson students will be able to report what their classmates do on
their weekend through speaking and writing.
Using Present simple - Simple past - Verbs
The aim of the first lesson plan is aligned with the National Chilean curriculum
related to the first unit My first job, inasmuch as in the fundamental objectives
express the following aspects:
1.2.2 Justification:
Reported Speech is a topic which results incredible important in terms of
communicate effectively. Even more when they need to try English communication
between their peers and form relationships with others saying the things that their
classmates said.
Interactive board.
PPT presentation.
White board.
Kraft paper.
Whiteboard markers
1.5 Assessments.
During this particular class, I will be checking two skills Speaking and Writing. The
Speaking part will be examined through checking the pronunciation of new
vocabulary learnt. On Writing part, will be assessed through peer-cheeking, because
they will have to create some sentences in Present Simple Tense and exchange
them with their classmates who are going to transform this Present simple sentences
into Reported Speech. Then the teacher is going to check the task of the worksheet
delivered to the students.
1.6 Motivation for learning: Describe how you will motivate student learning at
the beginning of the lesson. Consider what you will say and what you will do
to motivate student learning
At first, in order to catch students attention and promote their motivation, I will
start the class with a warm up activity, which in my opinion, definitely help
teachers in order to motivate students. In my case, I carry out a competition
between them related to the topic of JOBS.
1.7 Activities: Include descriptions of the activities you plan to use in the lesson.
Your activities should be designed to support your learning goals and should be
clearly described and carefully sequenced. Actively engaging students in learning
also gives you an opportunity to assess their understanding. Make sure you take
advantage of this opportunity by coordinating your activities with your assessment
a. What will students do? (For how long? Alone or in groups? Using what
resources?, etc)