The document compares the specifications for reinforcement steel under three standards: BS 4449/1997 Grade 460B, BS 4449/2005 Grade B500B, and ASTM A 615/A 615M. It outlines the chemical composition requirements, mechanical properties including minimum yield strength and tensile strength, elongation percentages, gauge lengths, mandrel sizes for bend tests, bending angles, and weight tolerances for different bar sizes under each standard.
The document compares the specifications for reinforcement steel under three standards: BS 4449/1997 Grade 460B, BS 4449/2005 Grade B500B, and ASTM A 615/A 615M. It outlines the chemical composition requirements, mechanical properties including minimum yield strength and tensile strength, elongation percentages, gauge lengths, mandrel sizes for bend tests, bending angles, and weight tolerances for different bar sizes under each standard.
The document compares the specifications for reinforcement steel under three standards: BS 4449/1997 Grade 460B, BS 4449/2005 Grade B500B, and ASTM A 615/A 615M. It outlines the chemical composition requirements, mechanical properties including minimum yield strength and tensile strength, elongation percentages, gauge lengths, mandrel sizes for bend tests, bending angles, and weight tolerances for different bar sizes under each standard.
The document compares the specifications for reinforcement steel under three standards: BS 4449/1997 Grade 460B, BS 4449/2005 Grade B500B, and ASTM A 615/A 615M. It outlines the chemical composition requirements, mechanical properties including minimum yield strength and tensile strength, elongation percentages, gauge lengths, mandrel sizes for bend tests, bending angles, and weight tolerances for different bar sizes under each standard.
Chemical Composition Composition deviation deviation Composition deviation C % 0.25 Max 0.02 C % 0.24 Max 0.03 Chemical S % 0.05 Max 0.005 S % 0.055 Max Composition P % 0.05 Max 0.005 P % 0.055 Max P % 0.06 Max +25% Max Requirement N % 0.012 Max 0.001 N % 0.014 Max Cu % 0.85 Max CEV % 0.51 Max 0.03 CEV % 0.50 Max 0.02 Yield Strength (min.) 460 N/mm 2 Yield Strength(min.) 500 N/mm2 Yield Strength(min.) 420 N/mm2 Tensile Strength Tensile Strength (min) 1.08 x YS Tensile Strength (min) 1.08 x YS 620 N/mm2 (min) Mechanical Properties 10-18mm 9% Elongation @ fracture Elongation @ (A5) 14% (min) maximum force (Agt) 5% (min) Elongation 22-25mm 8% 32mm 7% Gauge Length = 5d Gauge Length = 100mm Gauge Length = 200mm
Bar Size Mandrel Size Bar Size Mandrel Size Bar Size Mandrel Size
Rebend & d 16mm 5d d 16mm 4d 10-16mm 3.5d
Bend Test 18-25mm 5d d > 16mm 7d d > 16mm 7d 32mm 7d 45 to 23 90 to 20 Bending Angle 180o Weight 8mm - 10mm 6.5 % 8mm 6.0 % -6% Tolerance % 12mm & above 4.5% 10mm & above 4.5%