Fan Control 3
Fan Control 3
Fan Control 3
Publ. DFC-2-A
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Product This product has been designed to interface directly with the Denison
Compatibility: Hydraulics range of vane pumps, motors and manifold blocks currently
available for this and other projects, however, the unit will also control
proportional pressure, flow or pump strokers with ease to fit the required
Please contact the factory by the e-mail address given below or nearest
Denison Hydraulics distributor for further technical information and availability.
Denison Hydraulics Inc. reserves the right to upgrade, revise or better any e-product controller as
technology improves without notice being given.
Wherever possible, full downwards compatibility for both hardware and software on replaced controllers
will be maintained but it is the users responsibility to ensure that the latest technical details or literature is
being used for application reference.
If you are unsure of the literature, hardware or software revisions you have, or suspect that it is an older
revision, please send an e-mail request for the latest releases to
The information contained in this literature is the sole intellectual property of Denison Hydraulics Inc. It shall not be copied or
transmitted by any format to any third parties without our knowledge and express written permission.
ALL information contained herein is copyrighted to Denison Hydraulics Inc., Marysville, Ohio, 43040, U.S.A. 2003.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
System Introduction:
This product has been designed to give the user new levels of fan cooling control while integrating
seamlessly into a typical discrete cooling system.
It can control a hydraulically driven fan proportionally or in an ON/OFF manner based on user
settings, system configuration and cooling needs with three independent inputs ( zones ) that will
interface with industry standard NTC, two wire thermistors. Two (2) switch inputs, suitable for over
temperature switches, retarder switches and air conditioning clutch switches are also provided for
added system flexibility
Standard features include a robust vibration, flame proof package, Waterproof single heavy duty
connector ( DT15-12PA Deutsch 12 pin header ), Alarms interface, intelligent diagnostics, self
protection that enable the controller to operate reliably under arduous environmental conditions
and a real-time graphing and data logging facility that allows the user to observe and then record
several operating parameters that are saved in a common file format for later examination in
Microsoft Excel.
Local on-board diagnostic LED indicators are available for power ON, each thermistor input, Two
on/off style override inputs, proportional output and a specific error code LED which all show
through observation, the current status of the controller and connected peripheral devices.
Easy to use set-up and diagnostic software that is provided with the unit, works in conjunction with
the Denison Hydraulics Opto-Link interface unit to provide high speed data communications
between the controller and the host computer and runs on any PC with a Windows O/S platform.
Once the profile for a particular cooling requirement has been established, the software
allows the developer to up/download the complete personality into other blank controllers
giving the user a high level of application specific security and keeping company
confidential information in-house.
The inputs can be configured to interface directly with pre-set range ON/OFF Bi-metallic
temperature switches without the proportional control offered by the thermistors but giving savings
advantages where absolute accuracy is not required and system cost is at a premium.
There are no external or onboard potentiometers, switches or adjustments for user settings to
ensure controller integrity and operation under harsh environmental and operator conditions.
The set-up software allows the controller to be very flexible regarding settings and system
configuration with password levels invoked to ensure that characteristics cannot be changed
without the proper authority.
Each password level entered, affords the user more options and available settings that are kept
transparent to the operator or observer to avoid confusion.
ALL inputs and outputs on the controller are fully protected, continuously monitored and when
connected, displayed by the software in the Error window.
Readings are also taken and stored of highest temperatures seen in each active zone, supply
voltages and other parameters to allow event correlation and system diagnostics if required at a
later date.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Product Advantages:
Fail safe design gives full fan cooling even with catastrophic controller failure.
Full remote (PC) and local smart visual diagnostics ( with optional Opto-Link ).
Fully isolated design for improved safety and ease of application in difficult areas.
Fully protected ( shorts, opens and reverse connection ) Inputs and Outputs.
Unit status Diagnostic LEDs user visible and functional at all times.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
9 Take a few minutes to FULLY read THESE information's / data sheets BEFORE starting!!
9 Check the supply voltage is correctly wired and fused for the controller.
9 Make sure the controller supply voltage is the same as the coils on the valves being driven !
9 Ensure that you are aware of the limits, location & available adjustments in the software.
9 Know the Hydraulic circuit you are working on and the anticipated performance expected.
9 Make sure you have the correct tools to do the intended job ( i.e. PC, D.V.M. ) e.t.c.
9 Ensure you have the correct PC version software loaded and operating correctly.
9 Isolate this unit from all other equipment BEFORE any form of welding takes place.
9 Check ALL connections to and from this unit to ensure NO short / Open circuits.
9 Operate the units within specified operating temperature for best & reliable performance.
9 Ensure that any unused wires / terminals are terminated safely and not shorted together.
9 Change the Opto-Link battery or connect the mains adapter BEFORE starting any set-up.
9 Contact DENISON Hydraulics for more information if you are unsure of connecting this unit.
9 Follow the set-up procedures in this manual for best operational results.
8 Arc Weld or Charge Batteries with this driver unit connected as damage can occur.
8 Attempt to use this unit if you are unsure of connections or expected operation.
8 Attempt to use this unit in Areas where AC or DC coils HAVE NOT been fully suppressed.
8 Use a power supply that is not rated for the correct required O/P current under full load.
8 Allow wires TO or FROM the unit to short circuit ( to each other or chassis / cabinet e.t.c. ).
8 Attempt to use this unit in areas of intense RF without adequate screening measures.
8 Disconnect or connect wires to or from this unit unless it it isolated from the power supply.
8 Keep High Voltage AC cables separate from Low Voltage DC signal and supply cables.
8 Use this unit in temperatures that exceed those specified as operation may be effected.
PTC Engine &
Multi-path Transmission
Water Jacket Coolant
External or Motor
Mounted Manifold
Typical Installation:
Block Water
Fresh air
intake Relief Valve
PTC Coolant / Oil / Other
Ch # 2
CH #3
Coolant switch
/ Oil /
CH# 2
CH # 1
CH# 3 0V
Temperature CH# 1
zone inputs Fan speed Over-ride switch input #1
Fan speed Over-ride switch input #2
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Controller Electrical
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Two wire NTC thermistors sensors with both wires brought back to the
unit are required for each zone being monitored.
DO NOT use thermistors with one lead grounded as the sensor and
the measuring accuracy will be severely degraded !
The controller is compatible with most automotive type thermistors with
Borg Warner, Delphi and Ford IAT sensors being pre-configured and
selectable on a drop down menu.
Other transducers not pre-set may have their profiles added and stored
under user selectable names for future use by Denison personnel.
If other thermistors are to be added, the acceptable Ohmic range is
50ohms at the maximum temperature that can occur in the system to
2Mohm at the minimum temperature that can occur in the system.
Open (> 2 M ohm) or shorted (< 50 ohms) thermistor inputs will be
detected and cause full fan speed output and indicate with the
appropriate alarm response and error code to aide diagnosis of the
Each thermistor input can also be configured and used as simple contact
closure switch inputs.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Switch inputs These inputs are ON/OFF in nature and are intended to compliment the
( fan speed proportional thermistor inputs by allowing the application to have two
over-ride ) : Emergency maximum fan speed selector channels. These inputs can be
connected to simple temperature switches and used to give full fan speed if the
temperature being measured is reached. Alternative operation could be from
in-cab such that when a particular vehicle operation is activated, the fan goes
to full speed for the duration of the cycle.
Power Supply and For most accurate smooth control with best resolution, protection and
Valve coil voltage : product reliability, the following combinations of power supply and valve coil
voltage should be adhered to:-
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Fan control logic: The controller uses "PI" to regulate the temperatures to be no more than
the Setpoints entered by the user.
The P and I terms act on temperature error, with the P term used to
instantaneously respond to temperature errors and should be adjusted to
respond quickly to large temperature changes, but have little impact
The I term is used to track the average fan current required to keep the
hottest temperature measured closest to its setpoint and should be set-up
for slow and smooth response while giving accurate control round the
General operation default values for the P & I terms are embedded in the
software but may be altered by users with the proper password level of
authorisation to fine tune a system.
Temperature error is the difference between the actual measured
temperature and the temperature setpoint, scaled by the difference
between the temperature setpoint and the 'Overtemp' alarm setpoint.
The scaling is required to allow comparison of all the thermistor inputs on
an equal basis.
The active thermistor input with the largest scaled error above its setpoint
will be used by the PI process.
If all temperatures are below their user setpoints, the thermistor closest to
its set point will be used to give control.
In a properly tuned system, this process will result in the fan turning just
fast enough to keep one temperature regulated to its setpoint and all other
temperatures less than their Setpoints.
If a thermistor input is shorted or open, the unit will ramp to full fan speed.
This error behavior will continue until power is turned off if the user
programmable Retry All Faults is NOT selected, otherwise, it will resume
normal operation when the fault is cleared.
A thermistor reaching Overtemp is an error that results in ramping to full
fan speed. The Overtemp error condition is automatically cleared if the
thermistor drops below Overtemp, ramping to the PWM% value
demanded by the PI loop.
Password Password protection has been provided to ensure that damage cannot be
protection: caused once commissioning is completed. There are three levels of
security, all of which may only be accessed via the Opto-link and PC
software and with the proper password level of authorisation:
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Proportional Output: A variable current output is used for driving a proportional valve to control
the fan speed.
BOTH wires from the valve coil must be connected to the controller where
indicated by +Prop Valve O/P and -Prop Valve O/P.
The output is fully protected against shorted or mis-wired coils with errors
being both indicated locally on the associated LED and annunciated on the
controller software if the program is running on a PC connected to the unit.
Shorted coils or connection wires are detected only when the controller
tries to drive the coil and is indicated with a RED FLASHING output LED.
Open circuit coils or connection wires are detected only when the
controller tries to drive the coil and is indicated with a GREEN FLASHING
output LED.
The proportional valve coil selected must be capable of withstanding the
power supply's maximum voltage or the user must set the maximum output
current ( I Max ) to a safe value.
User adjustable minimum current ( I Min ) and selectable PWM frequency
( 31 to 250 Hz ) allows tuning for smoothly starting the fan from a stop.
The proportional output is rated for a 3.3A coil current maximum at the
connected supply voltage.
The software allows user selection of driving normally open and normally
closed proportional valves.
For data and integrity protection, the controller and proportional output is
turned off if the units internal temperature sensor temperature exceeds
80 C ( 176 F ).
Fan Max speed This is called Max Vlv Current % in the software and allows current to be
setting: adjusted from 0 100 % PWM output.
If Max Valve Current is set to zero (0) all other settings will also go to zero.
Fan Min speed This is called Min Vlv Current % in the software and allows current to be
setting: adjusted from 0 100 % PWM output set by Max Vlv Current above.
Ramp settings: The user programmable ramp Up and Down times are applied to limit the
controllers rate of change in output current to a value that prevents
damaging the hydraulic system components and the fan blades.
The ramp rate is set in seconds (s) for a full scale current output change in
the range of 1 to 10 seconds.
This ramp time should be set low enough not to interfere with the
temperature control loop response but high enough to give smooth system
Dither frequency The set-up software allows the dither frequency ( PWM frequency ) to be set
setting: from 31.5 to 250Hz to cater for the known range of proportional valves that
could be used for this application.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Diagnostic Indicators: The unit is fitted with LED indicators to show real time diagnostic
information and indicate by error codes in a visual manner the current
operational status and if a fault develops with the system, where the
fault may be originating from.
Power ON / Opto-link The red LED indicates power supply status with the LED OFF for less
transmitter: than 8 volts and flashes ON/OFF for more than 40 volts. This LED
also acts as the communications transmitter when connected to the
Opto-link unit.
Opto-link Receiver: The clear LED is used only for Infra-Red communications when
connected to the Opto-link unit and never shows any visible light.
Proportional Valve The proportional coil PWM% LED is fully RED for 0% PWM and fully
Output: GREEN for 100% PWM, with shades of red, orange, yellow and green
indicating intermediate values.
Thermistor input The GREEN LED for the thermistor that is controlling the fan comes on
status: steadily while the other thermistor LEDs are off, if no more than one
thermistor is above setpoint. If multiple thermistors are above setpoint,
the thermistor that is controlling the PI process has a blinking LED and
the others above setpoint are on steady.
input status See page 13 for
Fan speed
switch status
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Error Indicator: The RED error led that flashes an Error code when fault conditions that
have no other visual indicator have been detected.
The LED blinks error codes if faults have been detected with the
thermistor inputs, module temperature, module memory and alarm output.
The blink code will occur at a rate of 0.5 seconds on and 0.5 seconds off
with a two second pause before repeating.
Only the highest priority blink code will be displayed.
See table below for blink codes, with the lower number of blinks having
higher priority.
A controller unit temperature greater than 80C ( 176F ) will be indicated
by the error LED ON until retried if "retry fault" is selected, or until power
is cycled OFF then back ON.
The unit calculates the checksum of the internal FLASH program and the
user settings data file at power up.
If the checksum is incorrect, the unit is corrupt and will turn OFF all
outputs, and flash ALL LEDs except for the Power LED which is required
for OptoLink communication.
This condition is cleared by re-loading the FLASH program and/or the
stored user characteristic data file.
This above situation should never occur unless power is lost during file
storage or up or download.
If memory checksum failure occurs without an attempt to update
FLASH or the user data file, the corrupted unit should be returned
without correcting the problem to Denison Hydraulics Inc. for failure
The other fault conditions stop flashing when the triggering error is cleared
or if unit power is cycled depending on the Retry Fault user setting.
Error Indicator
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Data logging The facility exists to allow the user to LOG data of the thermistors and
option: several other controller functions for later or fault / trend examination.
The files can be individually named to suit the application and is suffixed
with a *.csv extension for direct and easy reading into Microsoft Excel for
graphical plotting and mathematical calculations as required.
Internal data The unit records the controller serial number, date first setup (born date)
logging: with a PC, highest supply voltage, the highest temperature of each
thermistor input (other than during calibration) and the highest module
temperature. The user can not reset these values without a password.
Shorted or open thermistor faults will not be recorded as a high temperature.
Connectors: The connector used on this controller are DT15-12PA Deutsch 12 pin
family and are of the two part, polarised, heavy duty screw variety to suit
the intended application environment while still allowing easy cable
access, installation, pre-looming and normal maintenance.
The controller comes with the integral male ( on the unit ) while the
female is either customer supplied or can be ordered from Denison
Hydraulics ( Part No.:- 700-00022-0 )
General Maintenance:
The controller printed circuit board and components are sealed and impervious to hydraulic oils, other
non corrosive liquids and hostile environments.
If the controller is dirty, wipe clean with a cloth only. DO NOT use abrasive cleaners as this will
degrade the units information label.
If the controllers diagnostic indicator LEDs are broken, the unit will continue to function
normally with no adverse effects and will maintain the fully sealed rating.
The unit should be replaced as soon as possible if any of the LED indicators are damaged or broken to
allow full local diagnostic information on controller operation.
E-Mail to :
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Retry ALL Faults: The user setting retry all faults determines if the unit will retry faults
that are detected with the controller or peripheral devices after 4 seconds
or if NOT selected, the unit will stop operation until the power supply is
turned OFF and back ON.
If after a power reset, the fault is cleared, the unit will return to normal
operation. If the fault persists, the controller will once again stop and
repeat the procedure above.
Opto-link This is the method by which the fan controller is set-up and monitored.
The Opto-Link unit ( 700-00012-0 ) must be ordered separately to the main
controller but this is a universal communications adapter which will be used
with other upcoming Denison Hydraulics controllers and products.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Software Setup
guide ( Menu Bar ):
The FILE tab brings the SAVE and RESTORE options to the user.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Software Setup
guide ( Menu Bar ):
At OEM and Professional password levels only, Clicking the Trouble Codes
tab allows the user to observe a log of any error codes that have been triggered.
The currently displayed Event log can be reset from both of these levels.
Event times and number of occurrences are NOT recorded, rather that the error
occurred at least once from the last log reset.
At OEM password level only, Clicking the Permanent Log tab allows the user to
observe list of trapped data that indicate the maximum levels that the controller
has ever seen from initiation:-
At Professional password level only, items 2,3 can be observed and reset.
At any password level, Clicking the Help tab allows the user to see contact
information, web and e-mail addresses as well as software and hardware
revisions for the actual product currently in use.
At any password level, Clicking the Quit tab turns OFF the Opto-link and
exits the program in the correct manner
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Software Setup
guide Observation Page:
5 6
4 10 12
8 7
At the observer level, I/O Display, Help and Quit is the only General display area for controller information and input /
options available on the menu bar. output status.
Alarm and Error text window. Analogue needle display and digital readout of real-time
output current to proportional valve drive.
Error messages are in RED text.
The window stays as above while there are no errors or 11
Analogue bar graph and digital readout of real-time output
alarms reported by the system and/or controller. current as a % of the maximum set.
3 12
Clicking this button starts the data logging process. Status of the reverse ( Purge ) cycle ( auto or manual ) if
reverse is enabled and/or triggered.
ALL of the parameters available in the item 5 drop down
menu as well as other profile settings are logged for a
period of 256 samples . After the logging period, a popup Clicking the O in Denison prompts the user for the
window asks for file name and storage location. password level required:-
This file is saved with a *.csv extension which allows direct
import, reading and graphing in Microsoft Excel.
Window where Real-time graphing of selected parameter
in 5 is displayed.
Drop down list of available parameters for display.
Digital representation of the parameter being displayed in 4
Selects Slow, Medium or Fast graph time base setting.
Selects Graphic window scaling between FULL scale or
AUTO. Auto gives better resolution for lower values.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Software Setup
guide OEM / Professional 1
Set-up Page:
high priority.
1 5
At OEM and Professional password levels, the full menu Drop down list of available parameters for display.
bar options are displayed and available.
Digital representation of the parameter being displayed in 4
Alarm and Error text window.
Error messages are in RED text. 7
Selects Slow, Medium or Fast graph time base setting.
The window stays as above while there are no errors or
alarms reported by the system and/or controller.
Selects Graphic window scaling between FULL scale or
AUTO. Auto gives better resolution for lower values.
Clicking this button starts the data logging process.
ALL of the parameters available in the item 5 drop down 9
General parameter set-up area for controller. See following
menu as well as other profile settings are logged for a
section in this manual for further details.
period of 255 samples . After the logging period, a popup
window asks for file name and storage location.
This file is saved with a *.csv extension which allows direct Thermistor Enable and set-up controls. See following
import, reading and graphing in Microsoft Excel. section in this manual for further information.
4 11
Window where Real-time graphing of selected parameter 2 x Fan speed over-ride switch set-up controls.
in 5 is displayed.
Set to the option shown here, the fan will be fully ON if the
switch is OPEN CIRCUIT and fully OFF if the switch is
connected to +V controller supply.
If the Cold = Low button is selected, the fan will be fully ON
if the switch is OPEN CIRCUIT and fully OFF if the switch is
connected to 0V controller supply.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Software Setup
1 13
1 2 11
Click the down arrow and select from the menu for
3 12
Proportional or ON/OFF type output current. In ON/OFF
mode, no Min, Max, Test or Rev Vlv current settings are 4
available and the output will be dependent on the supply
voltage to the controller.
In ON/OFF mode the ramps are left active to aide the use
of a soft-shift valve if used. 7
2 6
Click the down arrow and select from the drop down menu,
the dither frequency between 31.5Hz and 250Hz that is
nearest to the recommended value for the proportional 10
valve product being driven. 14
Use the up/down arrows on each box or directly enter a
4 value ( in seconds ) in the range 0 60S for the ramp UP
and DOWN.
See the next page for Thermistor set-up details
Set the Maximum valve current here from 0 100%.
Maximum current ( 100% ) depends on coil Ohmic value
Sets the units of temperature displayed throughout the and supply voltage and will determine the fans maximum
software from Degrees Centigrade ( C ) to Degrees speed.
Farenhieght ( F ).
This setting must be entered first and the software ensures
that no other settings can be greater than this.
Sets the overall Integral time constant of the controller.
Set the Minimum valve current here from 0 100% of the
maximum current in. 11 This current will determine the
8 fans starting speed.
This feature is intended to allow vehicle starting with
minimum loading and holds OFF controller action until the Software ensures that this setting cannot be greater than
time entered her in seconds ( 0 60S ) expires. the maximum setting.
Click this button to allow inverted current output to control
Click this button to enable retry all faults which will allow reverse acting proportional valves.
the controller to automatically try an error reset every 4
seconds to see if the fault has cleared.
If this feature is disabled, any error will trigger the controller This is the Proportional value that sets how Aggressive
to shutdown and stop functioning until a Power On Reset the change in fan speed is to a change in temperature.
is applied. 15
This is the Integrator value that sets the Accuracy of the
change in fan speed to a change in temperature.
Click this button to enable or disable the entire controller.
This button on a new controller is defaulted to disabled.
The first time that a controller is enabled, the date from the
connected PC is Trapped and taken as activation date
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Thermistor Selection :
2 3
12 13
The DFC-2 software includes several pre-characterized thermistor calibration profiles. These are
accessed by pressing <Unit Settings>, <Setup> (for the thermistor to be calibrated), <Select Profile>.
This allows selecting one of these thermistors from a drop down list.
This procedure is carried out for each channel which will allow different sensors to be used for different
liquid / medium measurement.
1 The window showing Thermistor settings is only 3 Clicking the Save Profile button, saves the thermistor
available with OEM and professional password points to a file called [Name].dtp in the same directory and
levels and when the menu bar Unit Settings tab will then appear in the [Select profile] list.
is clicked.
4 This window displays the current profile selected for the
The figure to the right shows the three thermistor relevant channel. To change the profile, follow step 2 and
inputs with Thermistor 1, enabled as a thermistor press accept.
and with the Setup button depressed.
Clicking on the radio button marked Setup opens a box called 10 The value in this window is the Setpoint that the controller
Thermistor Setup shown to the right. will attempt to maintain be altering fan speed.
Thermistor 2 is shown enabled as a thermistor and with the This value must be between 40 or +300 Degrees F.
setup button as normal.
11 The value in this window is the Overtemp alarm threshold
Thermistor 3 is shown NOT enabled. In this state, the options that will cause the alarm output to activate if reached.
associated with the thermistor are removed from the screen for
clarity. This value must be greater than the Setpoint value.
2 Clicking this arrow will roll down a menu list [ Select Profile ] If the difference between Setpoint and Overtemp is to
( see 2a above ) of transducer profiles available. Default profiles small, the controller may keep going into alarm condition as
are supplied and all other user created files will be shown if the actual temperature is controlled around optimum.
stored in the default file locations.
12 Push this button to accept displayed data and return to the
main program.
The set-up software has embedded default settings for Borg Warner, Delphi and Ford AIT sensors
available. These files are write protected to prevent accidental editing and should be left in this state for
Reset to Datum Operation purposes.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Controller Operation:
The DFC-2 controller has been designed to integrate into a typical cooling system and
control a hydraulically driven fan system proportionally or in an ON/OFF manner based on user settings.
There are three (3) independent industry standard two wire thermistor inputs, two (2) fan speed over-ride
inputs and one (1) proportional valve output.
The thermistor inputs can also interface directly with pre-set ON/OFF temperature switches without the
finer more accurate proportional control offered by the thermistors.,
The unit once calibrated and set-up with the supplied software, uses the fan speed to regulate the
temperature that is measured as being the highest above its user selected setpoint back towards the
desired temperature set value.
User settings and adjustments to the regulation process are made via a laptop PC to allow precise
customizing the unit for specific applications.
There are available settings for Minimum and Maximum coil current, Dither frequency and amplitude and
ramp up and down to ensure smooth control of the fan.
Once commissioned, the entire controller profile can be saved as a file on the PC for backup purposes or
serial production uses as this can be directly uploaded into a new Blank fan controller unit.
There are no onboard potentiometers or switches for user settings to ensure best controller integrity and
operation under harsh environmental conditions.
Connector Information:
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Information: I
DFC - 2
SWITCH 1 P/No:- 700-00019-0
Label Inches Millimetre S/No:- DFC 00000
A 1.825 46.355
U.S.A. G
B 0.2 5.08
C 3.1 78.74
D 3.25 82.55
E 0.7 17.78 1 2 3 4 5 6
F 0.5 12.7
G 3.7 93.98 H 12 11 10 9 8 7
Mechanical Data:
DFC-2 System wiring.
Power ON/OFF
switch.( Emergency
fan full speed** )
10A max fuse
Optional Optional
Fan speed Fan speed
Controller module Over-ride Over-ride
12 or 24VDC switch #1 switch #2
power supply.
SWITCH 2 P/No: 700-00019-0
S/No: DFC-01390
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
DFC-2 System wiring.
Power ON/OFF
switch.( Emergency
fan full speed** )
10A max fuse
Optional Optional
Fan speed Fan speed
Controller module Over-ride Over-ride
12 or 24VDC switch #1 switch #2
power supply.
SWITCH 2 P/No: 700-00019-0
S/No: DFC-01390
Motor with
0V valves
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Proportional REVERSE REVERSE Output Power
Condition Error LED Alarm Output PWM Output LED Thermistor Leds Cleared By
Valve Output Output LED LED
Thermistor Input Open On Full Fan No Change No Change No Change No Change Open Same As Error Power Off Till Fault Corrected
PWM Output Shorted Off On Off Flashing Red / Off No Change No Change No Change No Change Power Off Till Fault Corrected
PWM Output Open Off On Off Flashing Green / Off No Change No Change No Change No Change Power Off Till Fault Corrected
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Controller Mounting:
The electronic components used in this controller released by Denison Hydraulics, conform to the
Commercial temperature range which is -40 to +75 Centigrade. This rating means that the
components will work reliably and give a good life span if the operating temperature is kept within
these ( absolute maximum ) limits.
The controllers when in operation do generate and dissipate internal heat. The amount of heat
generated is dependent on the amount of work that the controller is being asked to do as well as other
factors such as supply voltage, type and voltage of coil being driven e.t.c. with the worst case
combination being a 24VDC supply with a 12V coil.
In order for the unit not to exceed the +75C maximum operating temp and cause a self-protection
shut down situation, the user must mount the controller in a position that is ergonomically preferred
especially for visual inspection and system maintenance and also provide for adequate ventilation to
ensure that the unit is cooled to maintain operation.
In addition to ventilation, the system designer must also look at the mounting arrangement for the
cards / controllers and be aware that adequate space should be left around, in-front and behind to
allow the above ventilation to take effect.
It should be noted that temperatures are Additive which means that with a high ambient temperature,
the units internal temperature rise need only be quite small to reach the maximum specified levels.
If controllers are going to be used in High ambient temperature or unusual application areas, please
contact the electronic controls personnel in Denison Hydraulics for advice on cooling and mounting.
Enclosures should have an IN and an OUT vent for correct cooling air circulation.
Do not mount controllers in non-ventilated sealed boxs especially in high ambient areas.
DO NOT mount controllers face-face or densely as this will cause over-heating problems.
Read the literature and observe the max operating temp figures and work to them.
RememberHigh temp. ambient air used for cooling is not a good solution !!
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
The controller does NOT recognise open circuits on the valve coils:-
The controller senses open circuits by passing a very small current all the time through the connected
coils to ensure connectivity and winding integrity. This non reporting error is caused by the valve coil
plug having a light bulb fitted that appears to the controller to be an electrical load. Remove the light
bulb or use an LED variety that uses less current.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Temperature Converter
The table opposite will allow easy conversion of Deg C Deg F Deg C Deg F Deg C Deg F
Manifold Blocks:
To allow the system to be modular and flexible in application, pre-designed manifold blocks are
being offered.
They are designed to be OFF MOTOR mounting to reduce the un-usable cooling area behind the
fan center hub and to maximise the effective remaining surface area of the radiating element
around the small size motor unit.
Manifolds are available in two different voltages ( 12VDC or 24VDC ) to suit the application.
Further manifold solutions are constantly being developed such as fan control with steering
options. Technical support, Part numbers, prices and deliveries for these blocks and their
derivatives will be available from Denison Hydraulics Inc or your local distributor.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Controller FLASH
programming tool:
The controller is able to be re-programmed in the field if needed to meet individual OEM
requirements or to allow Denison Hydraulics Inc. to upgrade the products operation if a
technical benefit is developed.
NO extra external equipment is needed by the user / OEM except for a standard Opto-Link
interface unit ( 700-00012-0 ) and the associated software that will be provided as required.
In the event of the FLASH memory needing upgrading, Denison Hydraulics Inc. will provide
the five ( 5 ) files necessary to allow the process.
Typically these will be as shown below:-
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Controller FLASH
programming tool:
This process may take several minutes to
complete with the Blue bar showing progress
to the User / OEM.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
Controller FLASH
programming tool:
1) The Opto-Link MUST be fitted with a new battery or powered externally to ensure operation
during the process.
2) The user / OEM undertaking the re-programming MUST NOT attempt to use the controller
during the upgrade process.
3) The hydraulics must be put into an assured safe condition such that NO unexpected operation
can take place.
4) Re-programming should ONLY be carried out for special OEM software or if advised to do so
by Denison Hydraulics Inc. engineering support personnel.
5) Only have ONE program for the fan controller unit ( PIC loader OR DFC set-up ) running at
any one time or communications port conflicts will occur.
6) Understand the full procedure BEFORE attempting re-programming.
The programming / upgrade should NOT be stopped or
interrupted for any reason once started or the controller
memory will be permanently corrupted and will make the
controller un-usable.
If this happens, return the unit to Denison Hydraulics Inc.
for it to be fully re-programmed, checked and tested.
Digital Fan Controller Unit DFC 2 - 700-00019-0
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Tel : +1 (305) 362 2246
Your Fax : +1 (305) 362 2246
Other European, Middle East,
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Denison Hydraulics S.A.
14 route du bois blanc
For latest product, software and information updates, visit us at :- BP 538
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Tel : +33 (2) 48 53 01 20
E-Mail to : Fax : +33 (2) 48 53 01 46
Copyright Denison Hydraulics Inc. 2001- 2002