Vector Spaces
Vector Spaces
Vector Spaces
Definition 1 Let V be a set on which addition and scalar multiplication are defined
(this means that if u and v are objects in V and c is a scalar then weve defined u + v
and c u in some way) . If the following axioms are true for all objects u, v, and w in V
and all scalars c and k in K then V is called a vector space and the objects in V are called
When we restrict the scalars to real numbers we generally call the vector space a real
vector space and when we allow the scalars to be complex numbers we generally call
the vector space a complex vector space. We will be working exclusively with real
vector spaces and from this point on when we see vector space it is to be understood
that we mean a real vector space.
We should now look at some examples of vector spaces and a couple of examples of sets that
arent vector spaces.
Example 1 If n is any positive integer then the set = with the standard addition and
scalar multiplication as defined in the Euclidean n-space section (standard addition is
defined as let = (1 , 2 , , ) = (1 , 2 , , ) 2 +
= (1 , 2 , , ) + (1 , 2 , , ) = (1 + 1 , 2 + 2 , , + ) and scalar
multiplication is defined as for c in R and u in V = (1 , 2 , , ) =
(1 , 2 , , ) ) is a vector space.
Example 2 The set = 2 the standard vector addition and scalar multiplication defined
Example 4 The set = 2 with the standard scalar multiplication and addition defined as
(u1,u2 ) + (v1, v2 ) = (u1 + 2v1, u 2 + v2 )
Is NOT a vector space.
Example 5 Let the set V be the points on a line through the origin in R2 with the standard
addition and scalar multiplication. Then V is a vector space.
Example 6 Let the set V be the points on a line that does NOT go through the origin in R2
with the standard addition and scalar multiplication. Then V is not a vector space.
Therefore u + v is not in V
Example 7 Let the set V be the points on a plane through the origin in R3 with the standard
addition and scalar multiplication. Then V is a vector space.
Example 8 Let n and m be fixed numbers and let Mn m represent the set of all n m
matrices. Also let addition and scalar multiplication on Mn m be the standard matrix
addition and standard matrix scalar multiplication. Then Mn m is a vector space.
Example 9 Let F [a ,b] be the set of all real valued functions that are defined on the interval
[a ,b] . Then given any two vectors, f = f (x) and g = g (x) , from F [a ,b] and any scalar c define
addition and scalar multiplication as
() = 0 + 1 + 2 2 + +
HomeWork The set of all convergent sequences is a vector space over the field of
real numbers ?
HomeWork Suppose that the set V = R+ is the set of positive real numbers with addition
and scalar multiplication defined as follows
x + y = xy and cx = x c x, y R+ and c R
The set under this addition and scalar multiplication is a vector space over R.
a0 = 0 a K
0u = 0 V
a(-u) = -(au) a K , V
(-a)u = -(au) a K , V
a(u-v) = au - av a K , , V
au = 0 either a = 0 or u = 0