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Venus International College Of Technology

Department Of Mechanical Engineering Semester: 6th

Dynamics Of Machinery (2161901) Term: 2017-18

Sr.No. Name of Tutorial

1 Balancing OF Rotating Masses
2 Balancing OF Reciprocating Masses
3 Mechanical Vibrations
4 Torsional Vibrations

Name of the Faculty: 1. Asst. Prof. Shyam Gupta

2. Asst. Prof. Mayur Ghormade
3. Asst. Prof. Krishna Sharma

Subject Coordinator HOD

Asst. Prof. Shyam Gupta Prof. Sagar Ramavat

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Venus International College Of Technology
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Semester: 6th
Dynamics Of Machinery (2161901) Term: 2017-18

Tutorial 1
Balancing Of Rotating Masses
1. Four masses m1, m2, m3 and m4 are 200 kg, 300 kg, 240 kg and 260 kg respectively.
The corresponding radii of rotation are 0.2 m, 0.15 m, 0.25 m and 0.3 m respectively and
the angles between successive masses are 45, 75 and 135. Find the position and
magnitude of the balance mass required, if its radius of rotation is 0.2 m. Explain
balancing of single mass by single masses rotating in same planes?

2. A shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D of magnitude 200 kg, 300 kg, 400 kg and 200
kg respectively and revolving at radii 80 mm, 70 mm, 60 mm and 80 mm in planes
measured from A at 300 mm, 400 mm and 700 mm. The angles between the cranks
measured anticlockwise are A to B 45, B to C 70 and C to D 120. The balancing
masses are to be placed in planes X and Y. The distance between the planes A and X is
100 mm, between X and Y is 400 mm and between Y and D is 200 mm. If the balancing
masses revolve at a radius of 100 mm, find their magnitudes and angular positions

3. A shaft carries four masses in parallel planes A, B, C and D in this order along its length.
The masses at B and C are 18 kg and 12.5 kg respectively, and each has an eccentricity
of 60 mm. The masses at A and D have an eccentricity of 80 mm. The angle between the
masses at B and C is 100 and that between the masses at B and A is 190, both being
measured in the same direction. The axial distance between the planes A and B is 100
mm and that between B and C is 200 mm. If the shaft is in complete dynamic balance,
determine : 1. The magnitude of the masses at A and D ; 2. the distance between planes A
and D ; and 3:the angular position of the mass at D.

4. A shaft is supported in bearings 1.8 m apart and projects 0.45 m beyond bearings at each
end. The shaft carries three pulleys one at each end and one at the middle of its length.
The mass of end pulleys is 48 kg and 20 kg and their centre of gravity are 15 mm and
12.5 mm respectively from the shaft axis. The centre pulley has a mass of 56 kg and its
centre of gravity is 15 mm from the shaft axis. If the pulleys are arranged so as to give
static balance, determine : 1. relative angular positions of the pulleys, and 2. dynamic
forces produced on the bearings when the shaft rotates at 300 r.p.m.

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Venus International College Of Technology
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Semester: 6th
Dynamics Of Machinery (2161901) Term: 2017-18

Tutorial 2
Balancing Of Reciprocating Masses

1. An inside cylinder locomotive has its cylinder centre lines 0.7 m apart and has a stroke
of 0.6 m. The rotating masses per cylinder are equivalent to 150 kg at the crank pin, and
the reciprocating masses per cylinder to 180 kg. The wheel centre lines are 1.5 m apart.
The cranks are at right angles. The whole of the rotating and 2/3 of the recipro-cating
masses are to be balanced by masses placed at a radius of 0.6 m. Find the magnitude and
direction of the balancing masses. Find the fluctuation in rail pressure under one wheel,
variation of tractive effort and the magnitude of swaying couple at a crank speed of 300

2. The following data refer to two cylinder locomotive with cranks at 90 : Reciprocating
mass per cylinder = 300 kg ; Crank radius = 0.3 m ; Driving wheel diameter = 1.8 m ;
Distance between cylinder centre lines = 0.65 m ; Distance between the driving wheel
central planes = 1.55 m. Determine : (1) the fraction of the reciprocating masses to be
balanced, if the hammer blow is not to exceed 46 kN at 96.5 km. p.h. (2). the variation
in tractive effort and (3) the maximum swaying couple.

3. The following particulars relate to a two-cylinder locomotive with two coupled wheels on
each side : Stroke = 650 mm , Mass of reciprocating parts per cylinder = 240 kg, Mass of
revolving parts per cylinder = 200 kg, Mass of each coupling rod = 250 kg, Radius of
centre of coupling rod pin = 250 mm, Distances between cylinders = 0.6 m, Distance
between wheels = 1.5 m, Distance between coupling rods = 1.8 m. The main cranks are at
right angles and the coupling rod pins are at 180 to their respec-tive main cranks. The
balance masses are to be placed in the wheels at a mean radius of 675 mm in order to
balance whole of the revolving and 3/4th of the reciprocating masses. The balance mass
for the reciprocating masses is to be divided equally between the driving wheels and the
coupled wheels. (1) The magnitudes and angular positions of the masses required for the
driving and trailing wheels (2) The hammer blow at 120 km/h, if the wheels are 1.8 metre

4. A four crank engine has the two outer cranks set at 120 to each other, and their
reciprocating masses are each 400 kg. The distance between the planes of rotation of
adjacent cranks are 450 mm, 750 mm and 600 mm. If the engine is to be in complete
primary balance, find the reciprocating mass and the relative angular position for each of
the inner cranks. If the length of each crank is 300 mm, the length of each connecting rod
is 1.2 m and the speed of rotation is 240 r.p.m., what is the maximum secondary
unbalanced force.

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Venus International College Of Technology
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Semester: 6th
Dynamics Of Machinery (2161901) Term: 2017-18

5. The cranks and connecting rods of a 4-cylinder in-line engine running at 1800 r.p.m. are
60 mm and 240 mm each respectively and the cylinders are spaced 150 mm apart. If the
cylinders are numbered 1 to 4 in sequence from one end, the cranks appear at intervals of
90 in an end view in the order 1-4-2-3. The reciprocating mass corresponding to each
cylinder is 1.5 kg. Determine: 1. Unbalanced primary and secondary forces, if any, and
2. Unbalanced primary and secondary couples with reference to central plane of the

6. In an in-line six cylinder engine working on two stroke cycle, the cylinder centre lines are
spaced at 600 mm. In the end view, the cranks are 60 apart and in the order 1-4-5-2-3-6.
The stroke of each piston is 400 mm and the connecting rod length is 1 metre. The mass
of the reciprocating parts is 200 kg per cylinder and that of rotating parts 100 kg per
crank. The engine rotates at 300 r.p.m. Examine the engine for the balance of primary
and secondary forces and couples. Find the maximum unbalanced forces and couples.

7. The three cylinders of an air compressor have their axes 120 to one another, and their
connecting rods are coupled to a single crank. The stroke is 100 mm and the length of
each connecting rod is 150 mm. The mass of the reciprocating parts per cylinder is 1.5
kg. Find the maximum primary and secondary forces acting on the frame of the
compressor when running at 3000 r.p.m. Describe clearly a method by which such forces
may be balanced.

8. A vee-twin engine has the cylinder axes at right angles and the connecting rods operate a
common crank. The reciprocating mass per cylinder is 11.5 kg and the crank radius is 75
mm. The length of the connecting rod is 0.3 m. Show that the engine may be balanced for
primary forces by means of a revolving balance mass. If the engine speed is 500 r.p.m.
What is the value of maximum resultant secondary force?

9. The reciprocating mass per cylinder in a 60 V-twin engine is 1.5 kg. The stroke and
connecting rod length are 100 mm and 250 mm respectively. If the engine runs at 2500
r.p.m., determine the maximum and minimum values of the primary and secondary
forces. Also find out the crank position corresponding these values.

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Venus International College Of Technology
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Semester: 6th
Dynamics Of Machinery (2161901) Term: 2017-18

Tutorial 3
Mechanical Vibrations

1. A cantilever shaft 50 mm diameter and 300 mm long has a disc of mass 100 kg at its free
end. The Young's modulus for the shaft material is 200 GN/m2. Determine the frequency
of longitudinal and transverse vibrations of the shaft.

2. The measurements on a mechanical vibrating system show that it has a mass of 8 kg and
that the springs can be combined to give an equivalent spring of stiffness 5.4 N/mm. If
the vibrating system have a dashpot attached which exerts a force of 40 N when the mass
has a velocity of 1 m/s, find : 1. critical damping coefficient, 2. damping factor, 3.
logarithmic decrement, and 4. ratio of two consecutive amplitudes.

3. A machine of mass 75 kg is mounted on springs and is fitted with a dashpot to damp out
vibrations. There are three springs each of stiffness 10 N/mm and it is found that the
amplitude of vibration diminishes from 38.4 mm to 6.4 mm in two complete oscillations.
Assuming that the damping force varies as the velocity, determine : 1. the resistance of
the dash- pot at unit velocity ; 2. the ratio of the frequency of the damped vibration to the
frequency of the undamped vibration ; and 3. the periodic time of the damped vibration.

4. The mass of a single degree damped vibrating system is 7.5 kg and makes 24 free
oscillations in 14 seconds when disturbed from its equilibrium position. The amplitude of
vibration reduces to 0.25 of its initial value after five oscillations. Determine : 1. stiffness
of the spring, 2. logarithmic decrement, and 3. damping factor, i.e. the ratio of the system
damping to critical damping.

5. A mass of 10 kg is suspended from one end of a helical spring, the other end being fixed.
The stiffness of the spring is 10 N/mm. The viscous damping causes the amplitude to
decrease to one-tenth of the initial value in four complete oscillations. If a periodic force
of 150 cos 50 t N is applied at the mass in the vertical direction, find the amplitude of the
forced vibrations. What is its value of resonance.

6. A machine part of mass 2 kg vibrates in a viscous medium. Determine the damping

coefficient when a harmonic exciting force of 25 N results in a resonant amplitude of
12.5 mm with a period of 0.2 second. If the system is excited by a harmonic force of
frequency 4 Hz what will be the percentage increase in the amplitude of vibration when
damper is removed as compared with that with damping.

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Venus International College Of Technology
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Semester: 6th
Dynamics Of Machinery (2161901) Term: 2017-18

7. The mass of an electric motor is 120 kg and it runs at 1500 r.p.m. The armature mass is
35 kg and its C.G. lies 0.5 mm from the axis of rotation. The motor is mounted on five
springs of negligible damping so that the force transmitted is one-eleventh of the
impressed force. Assume that the mass of the motor is equally distributed among the five
springs. Determine : 1. stiffness of each spring; 2. dynamic force transmitted to the base
at the operating speed; and 3. natural frequency of the system.

8. A single-cylinder engine of total mass 200 kg is to be mounted on an elastic support

which permits vibratory movement in vertical direction only. The mass of the piston is
3.5 kg and has a vertical reciprocating motion which may be assumed simple harmonic
with a stroke of 150 mm. It is desired that the maximum vibratory force transmitted
through the elastic support to the foundation shall be 600 N when the engine speed is 800
r.p.m. and less than this at all higher speeds. 1. Find the necessary stiffness of the elastic
support, and the amplitude of vibration at 800 r.p.m., and 2. If the engine speed is
reduced below 800 r.p.m. at what speed will the transmitted force again becomes 600 N.

Page 6
Venus International College Of Technology
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Semester: 6th
Dynamics Of Machinery (2161901) Term: 2017-18

Tutorial 4
Torsional Vibrations
1. A steel shaft 1.5 m long is 95 mm in diameter for the first 0.6 m of its length, 60 mm in
diameter for the next 0.5 m of the length and 50 mm in diameter for the remaining 0.4 m
of its length. The shaft carries two flywheels at two ends, the first having a mass of 900
kg and 0.85 m radius of gyration located at the 95 mm diameter end and the second
having a mass of 700 kg and 0.55 m radius of gyration located at the other end.
Determine the location of the node and the natural frequency of free torsional vibration of
the system. The modulus of rigidity of shaft material may be taken as 80 GN/m2.

2. A 4-cylinder engine and flywheel coupled to a propeller are approximated to a 3-rotor

system in which the engine is equivalent to a rotor of moment of inertia 800 kg-m2, the
flywheel to a second rotor of 320 kg-m2 and the propeller to a third rotor of 20 kg-m 2.
The first and the second rotors being connected by 50 mm diameter and 2 metre long
shaft and the second and the third rotors being connected by a 25 mm diameter and 2
metre long shaft. Neglecting the inertia of the shaft and taking its modulus of rigidity as
80 GN/m2, determine: 1. Natural frequencies of torsional oscillations, and 2. The
positions of the nodes.

3. An electric motor is to drive a centrifuge, running at four times the motor speed through a
spur gear and pinion. The steel shaft from the motor to the gear wheel is 54 mm diameter
and L metre long ; the shaft from the pinion to the centrifuge is 45 mm diameter and 400
mm long. The masses and radii of gyration of motor and centrifuge are respectively 37.5
kg, 100 mm ; 30 kg and 140 mm. NEGLECTIng the inertia effect of the gears, find the
value of L if the gears are to be at the node for torsional oscillation of the system and
hence determine the frequency of torsional oscillation. Assume modulus of rigidity for
material of shaft as 84 GN/m2.

4. Determine the natural frequencies of torsional oscillation for the following system. The
system is a reciprocating I.C. engine coupled to a centrifugal pump through a pair of
gears. The shaft from the flywheel of the engine to the gear wheel is of 60 mm diameter
and 950 mm length. The shaft from the pinion to the pump is of 40 mm diameter and 300
mm length. The engine speesb is th of the pump speed. Moment of inertia of the
flywheel = 800 kg-m2, Moment of inertia of the gear wheel = 15 kg-m2. Moment of
inertia of the pinion = 4 kg-m2. Moment of inertia of the pump = 17 kg-m2. Modulus of
rigidity for shaft material is 84 GN/m2.

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