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1 The turning moment diagram for a petrol engine is drawn to a vertical scale of 1mm to 600Nm and
horizontal scale of 1mm to 1o. The turning moment repeats itself after every half revolution of the
engine. The areas above and below the mean torque line are 305, 710, 50, 350, 980 and 275mm 2.
Mass of rotating parts is 40kg at radius gyrations of 140mm. calculate the coefficient of fluctuations
of speed if the mean speed is 1500 rpm.
1.2 The maximum and minimum speeds of a flywheel are 242 r.p.m. and 238 r.p.m. respectively. The
mass of flywheel is 2600 kg and radius of gyration is 1.8 m. Find (i) mean speed of flywheel (ii).
Maximum fluctuation of energy and (iii). Co-efficient of fluctuation of speed.
1.3 A punching press is required to punch 30 mm diameter holes in a plate of 20 mm thickness at the rate
of 20 holes per minute. It required 6 Nm of energy per mm 2 of sheared area. If punching takes place
in 1/10 of a second and the r.p.m. of the flywheel varies from 160 to 140, determine the mass of the
flywheel having radius of gyration of 1 meter.
1.4 The lengths of crank and connecting rod of a horizontal reciprocating engine are 200 mm and 1.0 m
respectively. The crank is rotating at 400 r.p.m. When the crank has turned 30 from the inner dead
centre, the difference of pressure between the cover end and piston end is 0.4N/mm 2. If the mass of
the reciprocating parts is 100kg and cylinder bore is 0.4m, then calculate: (i) Inertia force, (ii). Force
on piston, (iii). Piston effort, (iv). Thrust on the sides of cylinder walls, (v) Thrust in the connecting
rod, (vi) (Crank effort and (vii) Turning moment on the crank shaft. Neglect the effect of piston rod
diameter and
frictional resistance.
1.5 The lengths of crank and connecting rod of a vertical reciprocating engine are 300 mm and 1.5 m
respectively. The crank is rotating at 200 r.p.m clockwise as shown in figure. Find analytically, (i).
Acceleration of piston, (ii). Velocity of piston and (iii). Angular acceleration of the connecting rod
when the crank has turned through 40 from the top dead centre and piston is moving downwards.
1.6 A flywheel, which is rotating at a maximum speed of 250 r.p.m. and is having radius of gyration as
0.5m, is attached to a punching press. The press is driven by a constant torque electric motor and
punches 750 holes per hour. Each punching operation requires 14000 Nm of energy and takes 1.8
seconds. If the speed of the flywheel is not to fall below 225 r.p.m. find: (i). power of the motor and
(ii) mass of flywheel.
1.7 The crank-pin circle radius of a horizontal engine is 300 mm. The mass of the reciprocating parts is
250 kg. When the crank has travelled 60 from I.D.C., the difference between the driving and the
back pressures is 0.35 N/mm2. The connecting rod length between centers is 1.2 m and the cylinder
bore is 0.5 m. If the engine runs at 250 rpm and if the effect of piston rod diameter is neglected,
calculate: 1. Pressure on slide bars, 2. Thrust in the connecting rod, 3. Tangential force on the crank
pin, and 4. turning moment on the crank shaft.
1.8 A horizontal cross compound steam engine develops 300 KW at 90 rpm. The coefficient of
fluctuation of energy as found from the turning moment diagram is to be 0.1 and the fluctuation of
speed is to be kept within 0.5% of the mean speed. Find the weight of the flywheel required, if the
radius of gyration is 2 meters.

1.9 A machine punching 38 mm holes in 32 mm thick plate requires 7 N-m of energy per sq. mm of
sheared area, and punches one hole in every 10 seconds. Calculate the power of the motor required.
The mean speed of the flywheel is 25 meters per second. The punch has a stroke of 100 mm.
Find the mass of the flywheel required, if the total fluctuation of speed is not to exceed 3% of the mean
speed. Assume that the motor supplies energy to the machine at uniform rate.
1.1 The following data apply to a outside cylinder unbalanced locomotives
Mass of reciprocating parts per cylinder =240kg.
Mass of rotating parts per cylinder =300kg.
Angle between cranks =90
Wheels centres =1.4m
Cylinder centres =1.8m.
Crank radius = 24 cm.
Radius of balance masses =60cm.
If whole of the rotating and two third of the reciprocating parts are to be
balanced in plane of
driving wheels determine
a). Magnitude and angular position of the balance mass
b). speed in km/hr. at which the wheel will lift off the rails when load on each driving wheel is
40KN. And the diameter of tread of driving wheel is 1.6m
c). swaying couple at the speed arrived at in (b) above.
2.2 A shaft caries four masses A,B,C and D .The masses are 12kg ,10kg,18kg and 15kg, respectively and
their radius of rotations are 40mm,50mm,60,and 30mm.The angular position of the masses B,C,and D
are60,130,and270 from the mass A. find the magnitude and position of the balancing mass at a
radius of 100mm.
2.3 A shaft caries four masses A,B,C and D .The masses are 200kg ,300kg,400kg,and 200kg,
respectively and revolving at radii 80mm,70mm,60mm,and80mm in the planes measured from A at
300mm,400mm,and700mm.The angles between the cranks measured anticlockwise are A to B45,B
to C 70 ,and C to D 120. The balancing masses are to placed in the planes X and Y. the distance
between the masses A and X is 100mm, between X and Y is 400mm, and between Y and D is 200mm.
if the balancing masses revolve at a radius of 100mm, Find their magnitudes and angular positions.
their radius of rotations are 40mm,50mm,60,and 30mm.The angular position of the masses B,C,and D
are60,130,and270 from the mass A. find the magnitude and position of the balancing mass at a
radius of 100mm.
2.4 The reciprocating mass per cylinder of a two cylinder locomotive is 300kg. the angle between the
cranks is 90. The crank radius is 0.3m and driving diameter 1.7m.the distance between the driving
wheel central plans is 1.6m. and that between the cylinder centerline 0.7 m determine a . The fraction
of the reciprocating masses to be balanced if the hammer blow is not to exceed 40 KN at 90km /hr.
(b) variation in tractive effort .(c)maximum swaying couple.
2.5 A four-cylinder engine has the two outer crank as 120 o to each other and their reciprocating masses
are each 400kg. The distance between the planes of rotation of adjacent cranks are 400mm, 700mm
and 500mm. Find the reciprocating mass and the relative angular positions for each of the inner
cranks, if the engine is to be in complete primary balance. Also find the maximum unbalanced
secondary forces, if the length of each crank is 350mm, the length of each connecting rod 1.7m and
the engine speed 500rpm.

2.6 A single cylinder horizontal engine runs at 180rpm . the stroke is 60cm. the mass of revolving parts
assembled concentrated at crank pin is 86kg and the mass of reciprocating parts is 129kg. find the
magnitude of the balance mass required , assuming that its C.G. is 20 cm from the centre of crank
shaft .determine the maximum value of unbalanced horizontal and vertical force introduced by
balanced mass. Take c= 2/3.
2.7 Four masses m1, m2, m3 and m4 are 200 kg, 300 kg, 240 kg and 260 kg respectively. The
corresponding radii of rotation are 0.2 m, 0.15 m, 0.25 m and 0.3 m respectively and the angles
between successive masses are 45, 75, and 135. Find the position and magnitude of the balance
mass required, if its radius of rotation is 0.2 m.
2.8 Four masses A, B, C and D as shown below are to be completely balanced.
Mass (kg)
Radius (mm)
The planes containing masses B and C are 300 mm apart. The angle between planes containing B and C
is 90. B and C make angles of 210 and 120 respectively with D in the same sense. Find:
1. The magnitude and the angular position of masses A and
2. The position of planes A and D.

2.9 The three cranks of a cylinder locomotive are all on the same axle and are set at 120. The pitch of
the cylinder is 1 meter and the stroke of each piston is 0.6 m. The reciprocating masses are 300 kg
for inside cylinder and 260 kg for each outside cylinder and the planes of rotation of the balance
masses are 0.8 m from the inside crank.
If 40% of the reciprocating parts are to be balanced, find:
1. The magnitude and the position of the balancing masses required at a radius of 0.6 m and
2. The hammer blow per wheel when the axle makes 6 rps.


A four cylinder vertical engine has crank 150 mm long. The planes rotation of the first,
second and fourth cranks are 400 mm, 200 mm and 200 mm respectively from the third crank
and their reciprocating masses are 50 kg, 60 kg and 50 kg respectively. Find the mass of the
reciprocating parts for the third cylinder and the relative angular positions of the cranks in
order that the engine may be in complete primary balance.

3.1 The mass of the single degree damped vibrations system is 7.5kg. and makes 24 free oscillations in
14sec. when disturbed from its equilibrium position. The amplitude of vibrations. Reduces to 0.25 of
its initial value after five oscillations. Determine a stiffness
of the spring, b. logarithmic decrement,
c. damping factor, i.e the ratio of the system
damping to critical damping.

3.2 A machine part of mass two kg vibrates in a viscous medium. Determine the damping coefficient
when a harmonic exciting force of 25N result in a resonant amplitude of
12.5mm.with a period of
0.2sec.if the system excited by a harmonic force of frequency of
4Hz.What will be the %
increase in the amplitude of vibration when damper is removed
as compared with that with
3.3 A vertical shaft 25mm diameter and 0.75m long is mounted in long bearings and carries
a pulley
of mass 10kg midway between the bearings. The centre of pulley is 0.5mm from the axis of the
shaft. Find (a). The whirling speed and (b). The bending stress in the shaft, when it is rotating at
1700rpm. Neglect the mass of the shaft and take
3.4 An instrument vibrates with a frequency of 1 Hz when there is no damping. When
provided, the frequency was observed to be 0.9 Hz. Find the (i)
damping factor (ii) logarithmic
3.5 The following data relate to a shaft held in long bearings. Length of shaft = 0.5m,
diameter of shaft
= 12.5mm, mass of a rotor at mid point = 16kg, eccentricity of
centre of mass of rotor from
centre of rotor = 0.5mm, permissible stress in shaft
material = 120MN/m2. Modulus of elasticity of
shaft material = 200GN/m .
Determine 1. Critical speed of the shaft, and 2. The range of speed
over which it is unsafe to run the shaft. Assume shaft materials.
3.6 Derive an expression for natural frequency of free longitudinal vibration by the equilibrium method.
3.7 A cantilever shaft 50 mm diameter and 300 mm long has a disc of mass 100 kg at its free end. The
Youngs Modulus for the shaft materials is 200 GM/m 2. Determine the frequency of longitudinal and
transverse vibration of the shaft.
3.8 Calculate the whirling speed of a shaft 20 mm diameter and 0.6 m long carrying a mass of 1 kg at its
mid point. The density of the shaft material is 40 Mg/m 3 and Youngs Modulus is 200 GN/m2 . Assume
the shaft to be freely supported.
3.9 The measurements on a mechanical vibrating system show that it has a mass of 8 kg and that the spring
can be combined to give an equivalent spring stiffness 5.4 N/mm.If the vibrating system have a dashpot
attached which exerts a force of 40 N when the mass has a velocity of 1 m/s, find 1. critical damping
coefficient, 2. damping factor, 3. logarithmic decrement, and 4. ratio of two consecutive amplitudes.
3.10 A shaft of 100 mm diameter and 1 m long is fixed at one end and the other end carries a flywheel of
mass 1 tonne. The radius of gyration of flywheel is 0.5 m. Find the frequency of torsional vibrations, if
modulus of rigidity for the shaft material is 80 GN/m2.
4.1 The damped natural frequency of a system as obtained from a free vibration test, is 7.7 Hz. During
the forced vibration test with constant exiting force on the same system, the maximum amplitude of
vibration is found to be at 7.5 Hz. Find the damping factor for the system and its natural frequency.
4.2 A single cylinder vertical petrol engine of total mass 400kg is mounted upon a steel chassis frame and
caused a vertical static deflection of 2.4 mm. The reciprocating parts of engine have a mass of 18kg

and move through a vertical stroke of 160 mm with S.H.M. A dashpot is provided, the damping
resistance of which is directly proportional to the velocity and amounts to 2000 N/m/s. Determine:
(a). the speed of the driving shaft at which resonance will occur, and
(b). the amplitude of steady state forced vibrations when the driving shaft of the engine rotates at 500 r.p.
4.3 A machine of mass 100kg is supported on openings of total stiffness 800 kN/m and has a rotating
unbalance element which result in a disturbing force of 400 N at a speed of 3000 r.p.m. Assuming the
damping ratio as 0.25, determine:
(i). the amplitude of vibration due to unbalance: and (ii). The transmitted force.
4.4 A machine of mass 75kg is mounted on springs of stiffness 12X105 N/m and with an assumed
damping factor of 0.2 A piston within the machine of mass 2 kg has a reciprocating motion with a
stroke of 80 mm and a speed of 3000 cycles / min.
Assuming the motion to be simple harmonic, find:
(i). the amplitude of motion of the machine
(ii). its phase angle with respect to the exciting force,
(iii). the force transmitted to the foundation
(iv). the phase angle of transmitted force with respect to the exciting force, and t
(v). the phase lag of the transmitted force with respect to the applied force.
4.5 A single cylinder vertical petrol engine of total mass 300kg is mounted upon a steel chassis frame and
caused a vertical static deflection of 3.4 mm. The reciprocating parts of engine have a mass of 15kg
and move through a vertical stroke of 150 mm with S.H.M. A dashpot is provided, the damping
resistance of which is directly proportional to the velocity and amounts to 1000 N/m/s. Determine:
(a). the speed of the driving shaft at which resonance will occur, and
(b). the amplitude of steady state forced vibrations when the driving shaft of the engine rotates at 400
4.6 A refrigerator unit having a mass of 40kg is to be supported on four springs, each having a spring
stiffness s. The unit operates at 500 r.p.m. Find the value of stiffnesss if only 20% of the shaking
force is allowed to be transmitted to the supporting structure.
4.7 A 300Kg single cylinder vertical petrol engine is mounted upon chassis frame and cause deflection =
1.5mm . mass of reciprocating parts of engine =25kg and it has a stroke of 145 mm . A dashpot is
provided whose damping resistance is 1.5KN/m/s. determine
i ) Amplitude of forced vibrations , when driving shaft rotates at 480rpm,
ii) The speed of driving shaft at which resonance occurs
4.8 A machine part having a mess of 2.5 kg executes vibration in a viscous damping medium. A harmonic
exciting force of 30N acts on the part and causes a resonant amplitude of 14mm, with a period of 0.22
sec. find the damping coefficient when the frequency of the exciting force is changed to 4Hz.
Determine the increase in amplitude of the forced vibration upon the removal of the damper.
4.9 A weight attached to a spring of stiffness 6 N/cm has a viscous damping device when the weight was
displaced and released, the period of vibration was found to be 1.8 sec and the ratio of consecutive

amplitude was 4.2:1. determine the amplitude and phase angle when a force F=0.4 cos 3 t acts on the
4.10 An engine of 560N is mounted on isolators of stiffness 1 KN/mm and a damping factor of 0.25.
the piston of the engine weighing 30 N has a stroke of 80mm. the engine runs at 300 rpm. Determine
the force transmitted to the foundation.
5.1 A loaded porter governor has four link each 250mm long, two revolving masses each of 3kg and
central dead weight of mass 20kg. All the links are attached to respective sleeves at radial distances of
40mm. from the axis of rotation. The masses revolve at a radius of 150mm at minimum speed and at a
radius of 200mm at maximum speed. Determine the range of speed
5.2 In a spring loaded hartnel type governor the extreme radii of rotation of balls are 80mm and
101mm .the ball arm and the sleeve arm of the bell crank leaver are equals in length. The mass of
each ball 2 kg. if the speeds at the two extreme positions are 400 and 420 r.p.m, find:1.the initial
compression of the central spring, and the spring constant.
5.3 An aeroplane makes a complete half circle of 50 metre radius, towards left, when flying at 200
km/hr. there rotary engine and the propeller of the plan has a mass of 400 kg and radius of gyrations
of 0.3 m.. The engine rotates at 2400 r.p.m clock wise when viewed from the rear. Find gyroscopic
couple on the aircraft and state its effect on it
5.4 Calculate the range of speed of a porter governor, which has equal arms of each 200mm long and
pivoted on the axis of rotation. The mass of each ball is 4kg and the central mass of the sleeve is 20kg.
The radius of rotation of the ball is 100mm when the governor begins to lift and 130mm when the
governor is at maximum speed.
5.5 A governor of hartnell type has equal balls of mass 3 kg initially at a radius of 200mm. The arms of
bell cranks are 110mm vertically and 150mm horizontally. Find (i) initial compressive force on the spring
on the spring at a radius of 200mm at 240 rpm. And (ii) the stiffness of the spring required permitting a
sleeve movement of 4mm on a fluctuation of 7.5% in the engine speed.
5.6 The mass of each ball of a proell governor is 7.5 kg and the load on the sleeve is 80 kg. Each of the
arms is300mm long. The upper arms are pivoted on the axis of rotation whereas the lower arms pivoted
to links of 40mm from the axis of rotation. The extensions of the lower arms to which the balls are
attached are 100mm long and are parallel to the governor axis at the minimum radius. Determine the
equilibrium speeds corresponding to extreme radii of 180mm and 240mm.
5.7 A uniform disc having a mass of 6 Kg and a radius of gyration 175 mm is mounted on one end of a
horizontal arm of length 220mm.The other end of the arm can rotate freely in a universal bearing. The
disc is given a clockwise spin of 300 r.p.m as seen from the disc end of the arm. With what speed will it
precess about the vertical axis?
5.8 A uniform disc of diameter 450 mm and a mass of 8 Kg is mounted on one end of an arm of length
550 mm.The other end of the arm is free to rotate in a universal bearing. If the disc rotate about the arm
with a speed of 240 r.p.m clockwise, looking from the front ,with what speed will it precess about the
vertical axis?

5.9 The rotor of turbo jet engine has a mass of 210 kg and a radius of gyration 250 mm. The engine
rotates at a speed of 9500 rpm in the clockwise direction if viewed from the front of the aeroplane. The
aeroplane while flying at 975 kmph turns with the a radius of 2.25 km to the right. Compute gyroscopic
moment exerted by the rotor on the plain structure. Also determine whether the nose of the plane tends to
raise or fall when the plane turns.
5.10 A ship sails at speed of 125 kmph, the mass of its turbine rotor 600 kg having a radius of gyration of
0.6 m. It rotates at 1600 rpm in a clockwise direction when looking from its stern. When the ship steers to
the left in a radius of curvature 110 m, what would be the gyroscopic couple acting on the ship and what
would be its effect?

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