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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Reference Manual

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J

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ISBN: 978-1-63276-906-0

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DS50001456J-page 2 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.


Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1. Library Overview
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 11
1.2 OMF-Specific Libraries/Start-up Modules .................................................... 12
1.3 Start-up Code ............................................................................................... 12
1.4 DSP Library .................................................................................................. 12
1.5 16-Bit Peripheral Libraries ............................................................................ 12
1.6 Standard C Libraries with Math and Support Functions ............................... 13
1.7 Fixed-Point Math Functions .......................................................................... 13
1.8 Compiler Built-in Functions .......................................................................... 13
Chapter 2. Standard C Libraries
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 15
2.2 Using the Standard C Libraries .................................................................... 16
2.3 <assert.h> diagnostics ................................................................................. 17
2.4 <ctype.h> character handling ....................................................................... 18
2.5 <errno.h> errors ........................................................................................... 27
2.6 <float.h> floating-point characteristics .......................................................... 28
2.7 <limits.h> implementation-defined limits ...................................................... 33
2.8 <locale.h> localization .................................................................................. 35
2.9 <setjmp.h> non-local jumps ......................................................................... 36
2.10 <signal.h> signal handling .......................................................................... 37
2.11 <stdarg.h> variable argument lists ............................................................. 43
2.12 <stddef.h> common definitions .................................................................. 45
2.13 <stdio.h> input and output .......................................................................... 47
2.14 <stdlib.h> utility functions ........................................................................... 97
2.15 <string.h> string functions ........................................................................ 122
2.16 <time.h> date and time functions ............................................................. 145
Chapter 3. Standard C Libraries - Math Functions
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 153
3.2 Using the Standard C Libraries .................................................................. 153
3.3 <math.h> mathematical functions .............................................................. 155
Chapter 4. Standard C Libraries - Support Functions
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 197
4.2 Using the Support Functions ...................................................................... 198
4.3 Standard C Library Helper Functions ......................................................... 199
4.4 Standard C Library Functions That Require Modification ........................... 204
4.5 Functions/Constants to Support A Simulated UART .................................. 205

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

4.6 Functions for Erasing and Writing EEDATA Memory ................................. 208
4.7 Functions for Erasing and Writing Flash Memory ...................................... 211
4.8 Functions for Specialized Copying and Initialization .................................. 216
Chapter 5. Fixed-Point Math Functions
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 219
5.2 Overview of Fixed-Point Data Formats ...................................................... 220
5.3 Using the Fixed-Point Libraries .................................................................. 223
5.4 <libq.h> mathematical functions ................................................................. 225
Appendix A. ASCII Character Set .............................................................................245
Index ...........................................................................................................................252
Worldwide Sales and Service ...................................................................................266

DS50001456J-page 4 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.



All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and
documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs
and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site
(www.microchip.com) to obtain the latest documentation available.
Documents are identified with a DS number. This number is located on the bottom of each
page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is
DSXXXXXXXXA, where XXXXXXXX is the document number and A is the revision level
of the document.
For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB IDE online help.
Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help files.

This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using 16-bit
libraries. Items discussed include:
Document Layout
Conventions Used in this Guide
Recommended Reading
The Microchip Web Site
Development Systems Customer Change Notification Service
Customer Support

This document describes how to use GNU language tools to write code for 16-bit
applications. The document is organized in the following order:
Chapter 1: Library Overview gives an overview of libraries. Some are described
further in this document, while others are described in other documents or online
Help files.
Chapter 2: Standard C Libraries lists the library functions and macros for stan-
dard C operation.
Chapter 3: Standard C Libraries Math Functions lists the math functions for
standard C operation.
Chapter 4: Standard C Libraries Support Functions lists standard C library
helper functions.
Chapter 5: Fixed-Point Math Functions lists the fixed-point library math
Appendix A: ASCII Character Set

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 5

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


The following conventions may appear in this documentation:

Description Represents Examples
Arial font:
Italic Referenced books MPLAB IDE Users Guide
Emphasized text ...is the only compiler...
Initial caps A window the Output window
A dialog the Settings dialog
A menu selection select Enable Programmer
Quotes A field name in a window or Save project before build
Underlined, italic with right A menu path File>Save
angle bracket
Bold A dialog button Click OK
A tab Click the Power tab
Text in angle brackets < > A key on the keyboard Press <Enter>, <F1>
Courier New font:
Plain Sample source code #define START
Filenames autoexec.bat
File paths c:\mcc18\h
Keywords _asm, _endasm, static
Command-line options -Opa+, -Opa-
Bit values 0, 1
Constants 0xFF, A
Italic A variable argument file.o, where file can be
any valid filename
Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments mpasmwin [options]
file [options]
Curly brackets and pipe Choice of mutually exclusive errorlevel {0|1}
character: { | } arguments; an OR selection
Ellipses... Replaces repeated text var_name [,
Represents code supplied by void main (void)
user { ...

DS50001456J-page 6 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.


This documentation describes how to use 16-bit libraries. Other useful documents are
listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as
supplemental reference resources.
Readme Files
For the latest information on Microchip tools, read the associated Readme files (HTML
files) included with the software.
16-Bit Language Tools Getting Started (DS70094)
A guide to installing and working with the Microchip language tools for 16-bit devices.
Examples using the 16-bit simulator SIM30 (a component of MPLAB SIM) are
MPLAB Assembler, Linker and Utilities for PIC24 MCUs and dsPIC DSCs
Users Guide (DS51317)
A guide to using the 16-bit assembler, object linker and various utilities, including the
16-bit archiver/librarian.
MPLAB C Compiler for PIC24 MCUs and dsPIC DSCs Users Guide (DS51284)
A guide to using the 16-bit C compiler. The 16-bit linker is used with this tool.
Device-Specific Documentation
The Microchip website contains many documents that describe 16-bit device functions
and features. Among these are:
Individual and family data sheets
Family reference manuals
Programmers reference manuals
C Standards Information
American National Standard for Information Systems Programming Language C.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 11 West 42nd. Street, New York,
New York, 10036.
This standard specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs
expressed in the programming language C. Its purpose is to promote portability,
reliability, maintainability and efficient execution of C language programs on a
variety of computing systems.
C Reference Manuals
Harbison, Samuel P. and Steele, Guy L., C A Reference Manual, Fourth Edition,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632.
Kernighan, Brian W. and Ritchie, Dennis M., The C Programming Language, Second
Edition. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632.
Kochan, Steven G., Programming In ANSI C, Revised Edition. Hayden Books,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268.
Plauger, P.J., The Standard C Library, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632.
Van Sickle, Ted., Programming Microcontrollers in C, First Edition. LLH Technology
Publishing, Eagle Rock, Virginia 24085.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


Microchip provides online support via our web site at www.microchip.com. This web
site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers.
Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following
Product Support Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample
programs, design resources, users guides and hardware support documents,
latest software releases and archived software
General Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical
support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program
member listing
Business of Microchip Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip
press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices,
distributors and factory representatives


Microchips customer notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip
products. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever there are changes,
updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of
To register, access the Microchip web site at www.microchip.com, click on Customer
Change Notification and follow the registration instructions.
The Development Systems product group categories are:
Compilers The latest information on Microchip C compilers, assemblers, linkers
and other language tools. These include all MPLAB C compilers; all MPLAB
assemblers (including MPASM assembler); all MPLAB linkers (including
MPLINK object linker); and all MPLAB librarians (including MPLIB object
Emulators The latest information on Microchip in-circuit emulators.This
includes the MPLAB REAL ICE and MPLAB ICE 2000 in-circuit emulators.
In-Circuit Debuggers The latest information on the Microchip in-circuit
debuggers. This includes MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debuggers and PICkit 3
debug express.
MPLAB IDE The latest information on Microchip MPLAB IDE, the Windows
Integrated Development Environment for development systems tools. This list is
focused on the MPLAB IDE, MPLAB IDE Project Manager, MPLAB Editor and
MPLAB SIM simulator, as well as general editing and debugging features.
Programmers The latest information on Microchip programmers. These include
production programmers such as MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator, MPLAB
ICD 3 in-circuit debugger and MPLAB PM3 device programmers. Also included
are nonproduction development programmers such as PICSTART Plus and
PICkit 2 and 3.

DS50001456J-page 8 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.


Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:
Distributor or Representative
Local Sales Office
Field Application Engineer (FAE)
Technical Support
Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer
(FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of
sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document.
Technical support is available through the web site at:

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

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Chapter 1. Library Overview

A library is a collection of functions grouped for reference and ease of linking. See the
MPLAB XC16 Assembler, Linker and Utilities Users Guide (DS50002106) for more
information about making and using libraries.

1.1.1 Compiler Installation Locations

The majority of the libraries discussed in this manual come with the MPLAB XC16
C Compiler, which is installed by default in the following locations:
Windows OS 32-bit - C:\Program Files\Microchip\xc16\x.xx
Windows OS 64-bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\x.xx
Mac OS - Applications/microchip/xc16/x.xx
Linux OS - /opt/microchip/xc16/x.xx
(where x.xx is the version number).

1.1.2 Assembly Code Applications

Free versions of the 16-bit language tool libraries are available from the Microchip web
site. DSP and 16-bit peripheral libraries are provided with object files and source code.
A math library (containing functions from the standard C header file <math.h>) is
provided as an object file only. The complete standard C library is provided with the
MPLAB XC16 C Compiler.

1.1.3 C Code Applications

The 16-bit language tool libraries are included in the lib subdirectory of the MPLAB
XC16 C Compiler install directory (Section 1.1.1 Compiler Installation Locations).
These libraries can be linked directly into an application with a 16-bit linker.

1.1.4 Chapter Organization

This chapter is organized in the following order:
OMF-Specific Libraries/Start-up Modules
Start-up Code
DSP Library
16-Bit Peripheral Libraries
Standard C Libraries with Math and Support Functions
Fixed-Point Math Functions
Compiler Built-in Functions

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


Library files and start-up modules are specific to OMF (Object Module Format). An
OMF can be one of the following:
COFF This is the default.
ELF The debugging format used for ELF object files is DWARF 2.0.
There are two ways to select the OMF:
1. Set an environment variable called XC16_OMF for all tools.
2. Select the OMF on the command line when invoking the tool, i.e., -omf=omf or
16-bit tools will first look for generic library files when building your application (no OMF
specification). If these cannot be found, the tools will look at your OMF specifications
and determine which library file to use.
As an example, if libdsp.a is not found and no environment variable or command-line
option is set, the file, libdsp-coff.a, will be used by default.


In order to initialize variables in data memory, the linker creates a data initialization
template. This template must be processed at start-up, before the application proper
takes control. For C programs, this function is performed by the start-up modules in
libpic30-coff.a (either crt0.o or crt1.o) or libpic30-elf.a (either crt0.eo or
crt1.eo). Assembly language programs can utilize these modules directly by linking
with the desired start-up module file. The source code for the start-up modules is
provided in corresponding .s files.
The primary start-up module (crt0) initializes all variables (variables without initializers
are set to zero as required by the ANSI standard) except for variables in the persistent
data section. The alternate start-up module (crt1) performs no data initialization.
For more on start-up code, see the MPLAB XC16 Assembler, Linker and Utilities
Users Guide (DS52106) and, for C applications, the MPLAB XC16 C Compiler
Users Guide (DS00052071).


The DSP library (libdsp-omf.a) provides a set of digital signal processing operations
to a program targeted for execution on a dsPIC30F digital signal controller (DSC). In
total, 49 functions are supported by the DSP Library.
Documentation for these libraries is provided in HTML Help files. Examples of use may
also provided. By default, the documentation is found in the docs\dsp_lib subdirec-
tory of the MPLAB XC16 C Compiler install directory (see Section 1.1.1 Compiler
Installation Locations).


The 16-bit software and hardware peripheral libraries provide functions and macros for
setting up and controlling 16-bit peripherals. These libraries are processor-specific and
of the form libpDevice-omf.a, where Device is the 16-bit device number (e.g.,
libp30F6014-coff.a for the dsPIC30F6014 device) and omf is either coff or elf.
Documentation for these libraries is provided in HTML Help files. Examples of use are
also provided in each file. By default, the documentation is found in the
docs\periph_lib subdirectory of the MPLAB XC16 C Compiler install directory (see
Section 1.1.1 Compiler Installation Locations).

DS50001456J-page 12 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Library Overview


A complete set of ANSI-89 conforming libraries are provided. The standard C library
files are libc-omf.a (written by Dinkumware, an industry leader) and libm-omf.a
(math functions, written by Microchip).
Additionally, some 16-bit standard C library helper functions, and standard functions
that must be modified for use with 16-bit devices, are in libpic30-omf.a.
A typical C application will require these libraries. Documentation for these library
functions is contained in this manual.


Fixed-point math functions may be found in the library file libq-omf.a. Documentation
for these library functions is contained in this manual.


The MPLAB XC16 C Compiler contains built-in functions that, to the developer, work
like library functions. These functions are listed in the MPLAB XC16 C Compiler
Users Guide (DS50002071).

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Chapter 2. Standard C Libraries

Standard ANSI C library functions are contained in the file libc-omf.a, where omf will
be coff or elf depending upon the selected object module format.

2.1.1 Assembly Code Applications

A free version of the math functions library and header file is available from the
Microchip web site. No source code is available with this free version.

2.1.2 C Code Applications

The MPLAB XC16 C Compiler install directory (Section 1.1.1 Compiler Installation
Locations) contains the following subdirectories with library-related files:
lib standard C library files
src\libm source code for math library functions, batch file to rebuild the library
support\h header files for libraries
In addition, there is a file, ResourceGraphs.pdf, which contains diagrams of resources
used by each function, located in lib.

2.1.3 Chapter Organization

This chapter is organized as follows:
Using the Standard C Libraries
<assert.h> diagnostics
<ctype.h> character handling
<errno.h> errors
<float.h> floating-point characteristics
<limits.h> implementation-defined limits
<locale.h> localization
<setjmp.h> non-local jumps
<signal.h> signal handling
<stdarg.h> variable argument lists
<stddef.h> common definitions
<stdio.h> input and output
<stdlib.h> utility functions
<string.h> string functions
<time.h> date and time functions

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


Building an application which utilizes the standard C libraries requires two types of files:
header files and library files.

2.2.1 Header Files

All standard C library entities are declared or defined in one or more standard headers
(See list in Section 2.1.3 Chapter Organization.) To make use of a library entity in
a program, write an include directive that names the relevant standard header.
The contents of a standard header is included by naming it in an include directive, as in:
#include <stdio.h> /* include I/O facilities */
The standard headers can be included in any order. Do not include a standard header
within a declaration. Do not define macros that have the same names as keywords
before including a standard header.
A standard header never includes another standard header.

2.2.2 Library Files

The archived library files contain all the individual object files for each library function.
When linking an application, the library file must be provided as an input to the linker
(using the --library or -l linker option) such that the functions used by the
application may be linked into the application.
A typical C application will require three library files: libc-omf.a, libm-omf.a, and
libpic30-omf.a. (See Section 1.2 OMF-Specific Libraries/Start-up Modules for
more on OMF-specific libraries.) These libraries will be included automatically if linking
is performed using the compiler.

Note: Some standard library functions require a heap. These include the standard
I/O functions that open files and the memory allocation functions. See the
MPLAB XC16 Assembler, Linker and Utilities Users Guide (DS52106)
and MPLAB XC16 C Compiler Users Guide (DS00052071) for more
information on the heap.

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Standard C Libraries


The header file assert.h consists of a single macro that is useful for debugging logic
errors in programs. By using the assert statement in critical locations where certain
conditions should be true, the logic of the program may be tested.
Assertion testing may be turned off without removing the code by defining NDEBUG
before including <assert.h>. If the macro NDEBUG is defined, assert() is ignored and
no code is generated.

Description: If the expression is false, an assertion message is printed to stderr and
the program is aborted.
Include: <assert.h>
Prototype: void assert(int expression);
Argument: expression The expression to test.
Remarks: The expression evaluates to zero or non-zero. If zero, the assertion
fails and a message is printed to stderr. The message includes the
source file name (__FILE__), the source line number (__LINE__),
the expression being evaluated and the message. The macro then calls
the function abort(). If the macro _VERBOSE_DEBUGGING is defined,
a message will be printed to stderr each time assert() is called.
Example: #include <assert.h> /* for assert */

int main(void)
int a;

a = 2 * 2;
assert(a == 4); /* if true-nothing prints */
assert(a == 6); /* if false-print message */
/* and abort */
sampassert.c:9 a == 6 -- assertion failed

with _VERBOSE_DEBUGGING defined:

sampassert.c:8 a == 4 -- OK
sampassert.c:9 a == 6 -- assertion failed

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


The header file ctype.h consists of functions that are useful for classifying and
mapping characters. Characters are interpreted according to the Standard C locale.

Description: Test for an alphanumeric character.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int isalnum(int c);
Argument: c The character to test.
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is alphanumeric;
otherwise, returns a zero.
Remarks: Alphanumeric characters are included within the ranges A-Z, a-z or 0-9.
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for isalnum */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
int ch;

ch = '3';
if (isalnum(ch))
printf("3 is an alphanumeric\n");
printf("3 is NOT an alphanumeric\n");

ch = '#';
if (isalnum(ch))
printf("# is an alphanumeric\n");
printf("# is NOT an alphanumeric\n");
3 is an alphanumeric
# is NOT an alphanumeric

Description: Test for an alphabetic character.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int isalpha(int c);
Argument: c The character to test.
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is alphabetic;
otherwise, returns zero.
Remarks: Alphabetic characters are included within the ranges A-Z or a-z.

DS50001456J-page 18 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

isalpha (Continued)
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for isalpha */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
int ch;

ch = 'B';
if (isalpha(ch))
printf("B is alphabetic\n");
printf("B is NOT alphabetic\n");

ch = '#';
if (isalpha(ch))
printf("# is alphabetic\n");
printf("# is NOT alphabetic\n");
B is alphabetic
# is NOT alphabetic

Description: Test for a control character.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int iscntrl(int c);
Argument: c character to test.
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is a control character;
otherwise, returns zero.
Remarks: A character is considered to be a control character if its ASCII value is
in the range 0x00 to 0x1F inclusive, or 0x7F.
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for iscntrl */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char ch;

ch = 'B';
if (iscntrl(ch))
printf("B is a control character\n");
printf("B is NOT a control character\n");

ch = '\t';
if (iscntrl(ch))
printf("A tab is a control character\n");
printf("A tab is NOT a control character\n");
B is NOT a control character
a tab is a control character

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Test for a decimal digit.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int isdigit(int c);
Argument: c character to test.
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is a digit; otherwise,
returns zero.
Remarks: A character is considered to be a digit character if it is in the range of
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for isdigit */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
int ch;

ch = '3';
if (isdigit(ch))
printf("3 is a digit\n");
printf("3 is NOT a digit\n");

ch = '#';
if (isdigit(ch))
printf("# is a digit\n");
printf("# is NOT a digit\n");
3 is a digit
# is NOT a digit

Description: Test for a graphical character.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int isgraph (int c);
Argument: c character to test
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is a graphical
character; otherwise, returns zero.
Remarks: A character is considered to be a graphical character if it is any
printable character except a space.
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for isgraph */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
int ch;

DS50001456J-page 20 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

isgraph (Continued)
ch = '3';
if (isgraph(ch))
printf("3 is a graphical character\n");
printf("3 is NOT a graphical character\n");

ch = '#';
if (isgraph(ch))
printf("# is a graphical character\n");
printf("# is NOT a graphical character\n");

ch = ' ';
if (isgraph(ch))
printf("a space is a graphical character\n");
printf("a space is NOT a graphical character\n");
3 is a graphical character
# is a graphical character
a space is NOT a graphical character

Description: Test for a lowercase alphabetic character.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int islower (int c);
Argument: c character to test
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is a lowercase
alphabetic character; otherwise, returns zero.
Remarks: A character is considered to be a lowercase alphabetic character if it is
in the range of a-z.
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for islower */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
int ch;

ch = 'B';
if (islower(ch))
printf("B is lowercase\n");
printf("B is NOT lowercase\n");

ch = 'b';
if (islower(ch))
printf("b is lowercase\n");
printf("b is NOT lowercase\n");

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islower (Continued)
B is NOT lowercase
b is lowercase

Description: Test for a printable character (includes a space).
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int isprint (int c);
Argument: c character to test
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is printable;
otherwise, returns zero.
Remarks: A character is considered to be a printable character if it is in the range
0x20 to 0x7e inclusive.
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for isprint */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)

int ch;

ch = '&';
if (isprint(ch))
printf("& is a printable character\n");
printf("& is NOT a printable character\n");

ch = '\t';
if (isprint(ch))
printf("a tab is a printable character\n");
printf("a tab is NOT a printable character\n");
& is a printable character
a tab is NOT a printable character

Description: Test for a punctuation character.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int ispunct (int c);
Argument: c character to test
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is a punctuation
character; otherwise, returns zero.
Remarks: A character is considered to be a punctuation character if it is a printable
character which is neither a space nor an alphanumeric character.
Punctuation characters consist of the following:

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ispunct (Continued)
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for ispunct */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
int ch;

ch = '&';
if (ispunct(ch))
printf("& is a punctuation character\n");
printf("& is NOT a punctuation character\n");

ch = '\t';
if (ispunct(ch))
printf("a tab is a punctuation character\n");
printf("a tab is NOT a punctuation character\n");
& is a punctuation character
a tab is NOT a punctuation character

Description: Test for a white-space character.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int isspace (int c);
Argument: c character to test
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is a white-space
character; otherwise, returns zero.
Remarks: A character is considered to be a white-space character if it is one of
the following: space (' '), form feed ('\f'), newline ('\n'), carriage return
('\r'), horizontal tab ('\t'), or vertical tab ('\v').
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for isspace */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)

int ch;

ch = '&';
if (isspace(ch))
printf("& is a white-space character\n");
printf("& is NOT a white-space character\n");

ch = '\t';
if (isspace(ch))
printf("a tab is a white-space character\n");
printf("a tab is NOT a white-space character\n");

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isspace (Continued)
& is NOT a white-space character
a tab is a white-space character

Description: Test for an uppercase letter.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int isupper (int c);
Argument: c character to test
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is an uppercase
alphabetic character; otherwise, returns zero.
Remarks: A character is considered to be an uppercase alphabetic character if it
is in the range of A-Z.
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for isupper */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
int ch;

ch = 'B';
if (isupper(ch))
printf("B is uppercase\n");
printf("B is NOT uppercase\n");

ch = 'b';
if (isupper(ch))
printf("b is uppercase\n");
printf("b is NOT uppercase\n");
B is uppercase
b is NOT uppercase

Description: Test for a hexadecimal digit.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int isxdigit (int c);
Argument: c character to test
Return Value: Returns a non-zero integer value if the character is a hexadecimal digit;
otherwise, returns zero.
Remarks: A character is considered to be a hexadecimal digit character if it is in
the range of 0-9, A-F, or a-f. Note: The list does not include the
leading 0x because 0x is the prefix for a hexadecimal number but is not
an actual hexadecimal digit.

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isxdigit (Continued)
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for isxdigit */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
int ch;

ch = 'B';
if (isxdigit(ch))
printf("B is a hexadecimal digit\n");
printf("B is NOT a hexadecimal digit\n");

ch = 't';
if (isxdigit(ch))
printf("t is a hexadecimal digit\n");
printf("t is NOT a hexadecimal digit\n");
B is a hexadecimal digit
t is NOT a hexadecimal digit

Description: Convert a character to a lowercase alphabetical character.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int tolower (int c);
Argument: c The character to convert to lowercase.
Return Value: Returns the corresponding lowercase alphabetical character if the
argument was originally uppercase; otherwise, returns the original
Remarks: Only uppercase alphabetical characters may be converted to lower-
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for tolower */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
int ch;

ch = 'B';
printf("B changes to lowercase %c\n",

ch = 'b';
printf("b remains lowercase %c\n",

ch = '@';
printf("@ has no lowercase, ");
printf("so %c is returned\n", tolower(ch));

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tolower (Continued)
B changes to lowercase b
b remains lowercase b
@ has no lowercase, so @ is returned

Description: Convert a character to an uppercase alphabetical character.
Include: <ctype.h>
Prototype: int toupper (int c);
Argument: c The character to convert to uppercase.
Return Value: Returns the corresponding uppercase alphabetical character if the
argument was originally lowercase; otherwise, returns the original char-
Remarks: Only lowercase alphabetical characters may be converted to upper-
Example: #include <ctype.h> /* for toupper */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)

int ch;

ch = 'b';
printf("b changes to uppercase %c\n",

ch = 'B';
printf("B remains uppercase %c\n",

ch = '@';
printf("@ has no uppercase, ");
printf("so %c is returned\n", toupper(ch));
b changes to uppercase B
B remains uppercase B
@ has no uppercase, so @ is returned

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The header file errno.h consists of macros that provide error codes that are reported
by certain library functions (see individual functions). The variable errno may return
any value greater than zero. To test if a library function encounters an error, the
program should store the zero value in errno immediately before calling the library
function. The value should be checked before another function call could change the
value. At program start-up, errno is zero. Library functions will never set errno to zero.

Description: Represents a domain error.
Include: <errno.h>
Remarks: EDOM represents a domain error, which occurs when an input argument
is outside the domain in which the function is defined.

Description: Represents an overflow or underflow error.
Include: <errno.h>
Remarks: ERANGE represents an overflow or underflow error, which occurs when
a result is too large or too small to be stored.

Description: Contains the value of an error when an error occurs in a function.
Include: <errno.h>
Remarks: The variable errno is set to a non-zero integer value by a library func-
tion when an error occurs. At program start-up, errno is set to zero.
Errno should be reset to zero prior to calling a function that sets it.

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The header file float.h consists of macros that specify various properties of
floating-point types. These properties include number of significant figures, size limits
and what rounding mode is used.

Description: Number of decimal digits of precision in a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 6 by default, 15 if the switch -fno-short-double is used
Remarks: By default, a double type is the same size as a float type (32-bit repre-
sentation). The -fno-short-double switch allows the IEEE 64-bit
representation to be used for a double precision floating-point value.

Description: The difference between 1.0 and the next larger representable double
precision floating-point value
Include: <float.h>
Value: 1.192093e-07 by default, 2.220446e-16 if the switch
-fno-short-double is used
Remarks: By default, a double type is the same size as a float type (32-bit repre-
sentation). The -fno-short-double switch allows the IEEE 64-bit
representation to be used for a double precision floating-point value.

Description: Number of base-FLT_RADIX digits in a double precision floating-point
Include: <float.h>
Value: 24 by default, 53 if the switch -fno-short-double is used
Remarks: By default, a double type is the same size as a float type (32-bit repre-
sentation). The -fno-short-double switch allows the IEEE 64-bit
representation to be used for a double precision floating-point value.

Description: Maximum finite double precision floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 3.402823e+38 by default, 1.797693e+308 if the switch
-fno-short-double is used
Remarks: By default, a double type is the same size as a float type (32-bit repre-
sentation). The -fno-short-double switch allows the IEEE 64-bit
representation to be used for a double precision floating-point value.

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Description: Maximum integer value for a double precision floating-point exponent in
base 10.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 38 by default, 308 if the switch -fno-short-double is used
Remarks: By default, a double type is the same size as a float type (32-bit repre-
sentation). The -fno-short-double switch allows the IEEE 64-bit
representation to be used for a double precision floating-point value.

Description: Maximum integer value for a double precision floating-point exponent in
Include: <float.h>
Value: 128 by default, 1024 if the switch -fno-short-double is used
Remarks: By default, a double type is the same size as a float type (32-bit repre-
sentation). The -fno-short-double switch allows the IEEE 64-bit
representation to be used for a double precision floating-point value.

Description: Minimum double precision floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 1.175494e-38 by default, 2.225074e-308 if the switch
-fno-short-double is used
Remarks: By default, a double type is the same size as a float type (32-bit repre-
sentation). The -fno-short-double switch allows the IEEE 64-bit
representation to be used for a double precision floating-point value.

Description: Minimum negative integer value for a double precision floating-point
exponent in base 10.
Include: <float.h>
Value: -37 by default, -307 if the switch -fno-short-double is used
Remarks: By default, a double type is the same size as a float type (32-bit repre-
sentation). The -fno-short-double switch allows the IEEE 64-bit
representation to be used for a double precision floating-point value.

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Description: Minimum negative integer value for a double precision floating-point
exponent in base FLT_RADIX.
Include: <float.h>
Value: -125 by default, -1021 if the switch -fno-short-double is used
Remarks: By default, a double type is the same size as a float type (32-bit repre-
sentation). The -fno-short-double switch allows the IEEE 64-bit
representation to be used for a double precision floating-point value.

Description: Number of decimal digits of precision in a single precision floating-point
Include: <float.h>
Value: 6

Description: The difference between 1.0 and the next larger representable single
precision floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 1.192093e-07

Description: Number of base-FLT_RADIX digits in a single precision floating-point
Include: <float.h>
Value: 24

Description: Maximum finite single precision floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 3.402823e+38

Description: Maximum integer value for a single precision floating-point exponent in
base 10.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 38

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Description: Maximum integer value for a single precision floating-point exponent in
Include: <float.h>
Value: 128

Description: Minimum single precision floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 1.175494e-38

Description: Minimum negative integer value for a single precision floating-point
exponent in base 10.
Include: <float.h>
Value: -37

Description: Minimum negative integer value for a single precision floating-point
exponent in base FLT_RADIX.
Include: <float.h>
Value: -125

Description: Radix of exponent representation.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 2
Remarks: The base representation of the exponent is base-2 or binary.

Description: Represents the rounding mode for floating-point operations.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 1
Remarks: Rounds to the nearest representable value.

Description: Number of decimal digits of precision in a long double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 15

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Description: The difference between 1.0 and the next larger representable long
double precision floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 2.220446e-16

Description: Number of base-FLT_RADIX digits in a long double precision
floating-point significand.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 53

Description: Maximum finite long double precision floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 1.797693e+308

Description: Maximum integer value for a long double precision floating-point
exponent in base 10.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 308

Description: Maximum integer value for a long double precision floating-point
exponent in base FLT_RADIX.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 1024

Description: Minimum long double precision floating-point value.
Include: <float.h>
Value: 2.225074e-308

Description: Minimum negative integer value for a long double precision
floating-point exponent in base 10.
Include: <float.h>
Value: -307

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Description: Minimum negative integer value for a long double precision
floating-point exponent in base FLT_RADIX.
Include: <float.h>
Value: -1021


The header file limits.h consists of macros that define the minimum and maximum
values of integer types. Each of these macros can be used in #if preprocessing

Description: Number of bits to represent type char.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 8

Description: Maximum value of a char.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 127

Description: Minimum value of a char.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: -128

Description: Maximum value of an int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 32767

Description: Minimum value of an int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: -32768

Description: Maximum value of a long long int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 9223372036854775807

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Description: Minimum value of a long long int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: -9223372036854775808

Description: Maximum value of a long int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 2147483647

Description: Minimum value of a long int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: -2147483648

Description: Maximum number of bytes in a multibyte character.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 1

Description: Maximum value of a signed char.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 127

Description: Minimum value of a signed char.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: -128

Description: Maximum value of a short int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 32767

Description: Minimum value of a short int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: -32768

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Description: Maximum value of an unsigned char.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 255

Description: Maximum value of an unsigned int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 65535

Description: Maximum value of a long long unsigned int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 18446744073709551615

Description: Maximum value of a long unsigned int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 4294967295

Description: Maximum value of an unsigned short int.
Include: <limits.h>
Value: 65535


This compiler defaults to the C locale and does not support any other locales; therefore,
it does not support the header file locale.h. The following would normally be found in
this file:
struct lconv

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The header file setjmp.h consists of a type, a macro and a function that allow control
transfers to occur that bypass the normal function call and return process.

Description: A type that is an array used by setjmp and longjmp to save and
restore the program environment.
Include: <setjmp.h>
Prototype: typedef int jmp_buf[_NSETJMP];
Remarks: _NSETJMP is defined as 16 + 2 that represents 16 registers and a
32-bit return address.

Description: A macro that saves the current state of the program for later use by
Include: <setjmp.h>
Prototype: #define setjmp(jmp_buf env)
Argument: env variable where environment is stored
Return Value: If the return is from a direct call, setjmp returns zero. If the return is
from a call to longjmp, setjmp returns a non-zero value.
Note: If the argument val from longjmp is 0, setjmp returns 1.
Example: See longjmp.

Description: A function that restores the environment saved by setjmp.
Include: <setjmp.h>
Prototype: void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val);
Arguments: env variable where environment is stored
val value to be returned to setjmp call.
Remarks: The value parameter, val, should be non-zero. If longjmp is invoked
from a nested signal handler (that is, invoked as a result of a signal
raised during the handling of another signal), the behavior is undefined.

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The header file signal.h consists of a type, several macros and two functions that
specify how the program handles signals while it is executing. A signal is a condition
that may be reported during the program execution. Signals are synchronous,
occurring under software control via the raise function.
A signal may be handled by:
Default handling (SIG_DFL); the signal is treated as a fatal error and execution
Ignoring the signal (SIG_IGN); the signal is ignored and control is returned to the
user application
Handling the signal with a function designated via signal.
By default, all signals are handled by the default handler, which is identified by
The type sig_atomic_t is an integer type that the program accesses atomically. When
this type is used with the keyword volatile, the signal handler can share the data
objects with the rest of the program.

Description: A type used by a signal handler.
Include: <signal.h>
Prototype: typedef int sig_atomic_t;

Description: Used as the second argument and/or the return value for signal to
specify that the default handler should be used for a specific signal.
Include: <signal.h>

Description: Used as the return value for signal when it cannot complete a
request due to an error.
Include: <signal.h>

Description: Used as the second argument and/or the return value for signal to
specify that the signal should be ignored.
Include: <signal.h>

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Description: Name for the abnormal termination signal.
Include: <signal.h>
Prototype: #define SIGABRT
Remarks: SIGABRT represents an abnormal termination signal and is used in
conjunction with raise or signal. The default raise behavior
(action identified by SIG_DFL) is to output to the standard error stream:
abort - terminating
See the example accompanying signal to see general usage of
signal names and signal handling.
Example: #include <signal.h> /* for raise, SIGABRT */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
printf("Program never reaches here.");
ABRT stands for abort.

Description: Signals floating-point errors such as for division by zero or result out of
Include: <signal.h>
Prototype: #define SIGFPE
Remarks: SIGFPE is used as an argument for raise and/or signal. When
used, the default behavior is to print an arithmetic error message and
terminate the calling program. This may be overridden by a user
function that defines the signal handler actions. See signal for an
example of a user-defined function.
Example: #include <signal.h> /* for raise, SIGFPE */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
printf("Program never reaches here");
FPE stands for floating-point error.

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Standard C Libraries

Description: Signals illegal instruction.
Include: <signal.h>
Prototype: #define SIGILL
Remarks: SIGILL is used as an argument for raise and/or signal. When
used, the default behavior is to print an invalid executable code mes-
sage and terminate the calling program. This may be overridden by a
user function that defines the signal handler actions. See signal for
an example of a user-defined function.
Example: #include <signal.h> /* for raise, SIGILL */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
printf("Program never reaches here");
ILL stands for illegal instruction.

Description: Interrupt signal.
Include: <signal.h>
Prototype: #define SIGINT
Remarks: SIGINT is used as an argument for raise and/or signal. When
used, the default behavior is to print an interruption message and termi-
nate the calling program. This may be overridden by a user function
that defines the signal handler actions. See signal for an example of
a user-defined function.
Example: #include <signal.h> /* for raise, SIGINT */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
printf("Program never reaches here.");
INT stands for interruption.

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Description: Signals invalid access to storage.
Include: <signal.h>
Prototype: #define SIGSEGV
Remarks: SIGSEGV is used as an argument for raise and/or signal. When
used, the default behavior is to print an invalid storage request mes-
sage and terminate the calling program. This may be overridden by a
user function that defines the signal handler actions. See signal for
an example of a user-defined function.
Example: #include <signal.h> /* for raise, SIGSEGV */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
printf("Program never reaches here.");
SEGV stands for invalid storage access.

Description: Signals a termination request.
Include: <signal.h>
Prototype: #define SIGTERM
Remarks: SIGTERM is used as an argument for raise and/or signal. When
used, the default behavior is to print a termination request message
and terminate the calling program. This may be overridden by a user
function that defines the signal handler actions. See signal for an
example of a user-defined function.
Example: #include <signal.h> /* for raise, SIGTERM */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
printf("Program never reaches here.");
TERM stands for termination request.

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Standard C Libraries

Description: Reports a synchronous signal.
Include: <signal.h>
Prototype: int raise(int sig);
Argument: sig signal name
Return Value: Returns a 0 if successful; otherwise, returns a non-zero value.
Remarks: raise sends the signal identified by sig to the executing program.
Example: #include <signal.h> /* for raise, signal, */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for div, div_t */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <p30f6014.h> /* for INTCON1bits */

void __attribute__((__interrupt__))

void illegalinsn(int idsig)

printf("Illegal instruction executed\n");
int main(void)
int x, y;
div_t z;

signal(SIGILL, illegalinsn);
x = 7;
y = 0;
z = div(x, y);
printf("Program never reaches here");
Illegal instruction executed
This example requires the linker script, p30f6014.gld. There are
three parts to this example.
First, an interrupt handler is written for the interrupt vector,
_MathError, to handle a math error by sending an illegal instruction,
signal (SIGILL), to the executing program. The last statement in
the interrupt handler clears the exception flag.
Second, the function illegalinsn will print an error message and
call exit.
Third, in main, signal (SIGILL, illegalinsn) sets the handler
for SIGILL to the function illegalinsn.
When a math error occurs due to a divide by zero, the _MathError
interrupt vector is called, which in turn will raise a signal that will call the
handler function for SIGILL: the function illegalinsn. Thus, error
messages are printed and the program is terminated.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Controls interrupt signal handling.
Include: <signal.h>
Prototype: void (*signal(int sig, void(*func)(int)))(int);
Arguments: sig signal name
func function to be executed
Return Value: Returns the previous value of func.
Example: #include <signal.h> /* for signal, raise, */
/* SIG_IGN, and SIGFPE */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

/* Signal handler function */

void mysigint(int id)
printf("SIGINT received\n");

int main(void)
/* Override default with user defined function */
signal(SIGINT, mysigint);

/* Ignore signal handler */

signal(SIGILL, SIG_IGN);
printf("SIGILL was ignored\n");

/* Use default signal handler */

printf("Program never reaches here.");
SIGINT received
SIGILL was ignored
The function mysigint is the user-defined signal handler for SIGINT.
Inside the main program, the function signal is called to set up the
signal handler (mysigint) for the signal SIGINT that will override the
default actions. The function raise is called to report the signal
SIGINT. This causes the signal handler for SIGINT to use the
user-defined function (mysigint) as the signal handler so it prints the
SIGINT received message.
Next, the function signal is called to set up the signal handler
SIG_IGN for the signal SIGILL. The constant SIG_IGN is used to indi-
cate the signal should be ignored. The function raise is called to
report the signal SIGILL that is ignored.
The function raise is called again to report the signal SIGFPE. Since
there is no user-defined function for SIGFPE, the default signal handler
is used so the message FPE is printed (which stands for
arithmetic error - terminating). Then, the calling program
is terminated. The printf statement is never reached.

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The header file stdarg.h supports functions with variable argument lists. This allows
functions to have arguments without corresponding parameter declarations. There
must be at least one named argument. The variable arguments are represented by
ellipses (...). An object of type va_list must be declared inside the function to hold the
arguments. va_start will initialize the variable to an argument list, va_arg will access
the argument list and va_end will end the use of the argument.

Description: The type va_list declares a variable that will refer to each argument
in a variable-length argument list.
Include: <stdarg.h>
Example: See va_arg.

Description: Gets the current argument.
Include: <stdarg.h>
Prototype: #define va_arg(va_list ap, Ty)
Argument: ap pointer to list of arguments
Ty type of argument to be retrieved
Return Value: Returns the current argument
Remarks: va_start must be called before va_arg.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_arg, va_start,
va_list, va_end */

void tprint(const char *fmt, ...)

va_list ap;

va_start(ap, fmt);
while (*fmt)
switch (*fmt)

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va_arg (Continued)
case '%':
if (*fmt == 'd')
int d = va_arg(ap, int);
printf("<%d> is an integer\n",d);
else if (*fmt == 's')
char *s = va_arg(ap, char*);
printf("<%s> is a string\n", s);
printf("%%%c is an unknown format\n",
printf("%c is unknown\n", *fmt);

int main(void)
tprint("%d%s.%c", 83, "This is text.", 'a');
<83> is an integer
<This is text.> is a string
. is unknown
%c is an unknown format

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Description: Ends the use of ap.
Include: <stdarg.h>
Prototype: #define va_end(va_list ap)
Argument: ap pointer to list of arguments
Remarks: After a call to va_end, the argument list pointer, ap, is considered to be
invalid. Further calls to va_arg should not be made until the next
va_start. In the 16-bit compiler, va_end does nothing, so this call is
not necessary but should be used for readability and portability.
Example: See va_arg.

Description: Sets the argument pointer ap to first optional argument in the
variable-length argument list.
Include: <stdarg.h>
Prototype: #define va_start(va_list ap, last_arg)
Argument: ap pointer to list of arguments
last_arg last named argument before the optional arguments
Example: See va_arg.


The header file stddef.h consists of several types and macros that are of general use
in programs.

Description: The type of the result of subtracting two pointers.
Include: <stddef.h>

Description: The type of the result of the sizeof operator.
Include: <stddef.h>

Description: A type that holds a wide character value.
Include: <stddef.h>

Description: The value of a null pointer constant.
Include: <stddef.h>

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Description: Gives the offset of a structure member from the beginning of the
Include: <stddef.h>
Prototype: #define offsetof(T, mbr)
Arguments: T name of structure
mbr name of member in structure T
Return Value: Returns the offset in bytes of the specified member (mbr) from the
beginning of the structure.
Remarks: The macro offsetof is undefined for bitfields. An error message will
occur if bitfields are used.
Example: #include <stddef.h> /* for offsetof */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

struct info {
char item1[5];
int item2;
char item3;
float item4;

int main(void)
printf("Offset of item1 = %d\n",
offsetof(struct info,item1));
printf("Offset of item2 = %d\n",
offsetof(struct info,item2));
printf("Offset of item3 = %d\n",
offsetof(struct info,item3));
printf("Offset of item4 = %d\n",
offsetof(struct info,item4));

Offset of item1 = 0
Offset of item2 = 6
Offset of item3 = 8
Offset of item4 = 10
This program shows the offset in bytes of each structure member from
the start of the structure. Although item1 is only 5 bytes (char
item1[5]), padding is added so the address of item2 falls on an
even boundary. The same occurs with item3; it is 1 byte (char
item3) with 1 byte of padding.

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Standard C Libraries


The header file stdio.h consists of types, macros and functions that provide support
to perform input and output operations on files and streams. When a file is opened, it
is associated with a stream. A stream is a pipeline for the flow of data into and out of
files. Because different systems use different properties, the stream provides more uni-
form properties to allow reading and writing of the files.
Streams can be text streams or binary streams. Text streams consist of a sequence of
characters divided into lines. Each line is terminated with a newline (\n) character. The
characters may be altered in their internal representation, particularly in regards to line
endings. Binary streams consist of sequences of bytes of information. The bytes trans-
mitted to the binary stream are not altered. There is no concept of lines - the file is just
a series of bytes.
At start-up, three streams are automatically opened: stdin, stdout and stderr. stdin
provides a stream for standard input, stdout is standard output and stderr is the stan-
dard error. Additional streams may be created with the fopen function. See fopen for
the different types of file access that are permitted. These access types are used by
fopen and freopen.
The type FILE is used to store information about each opened file stream. It includes
such things as error indicators, end-of-file indicators, file position indicators and other
internal status information needed to control a stream. Many functions in the stdio use
FILE as an argument.
There are three types of buffering: unbuffered, line buffered and fully buffered. Unbuff-
ered means a character or byte is transferred one at a time. Line buffered collects and
transfers an entire line at a time (i.e., the newline character indicates the end of a line).
Fully buffered allows blocks of an arbitrary size to be transmitted. The functions setbuf
and setvbuf control file buffering.
The stdio.h file also contains functions that use input and output formats. The input
formats, or scan formats, are used for reading data. Their descriptions can be found
under scanf, but they are also used by fscanf and sscanf. The output formats, or print
formats, are used for writing data. Their descriptions can be found under printf.
These print formats are also used by fprintf, sprintf, vfprintf, vprintf and

2.13.1 Compiler Options

Certain compiler options may affect how standard I/O performs. In an effort to provide
a more tailored version of the formatted I/O routines, the tool chain may convert a call
to a printf or scanf style function to a different call. The options are summarized
The -msmart-io option, when enabled, will attempt to convert printf, scanf
and other functions that use the input output formats to an integer-only variant.
The functionality is the same as that of the C standard forms, minus the support
for floating-point output. -msmart-io=0 disables this feature and no conversion
will take place. -msmart-io=1 or -msmart-io (the default) will convert a func-
tion call if it can be proven that an I/O function will never be presented with a
floating-point conversion. -msmart-io=2 is more optimistic than the default, and
will assume that non-constant format strings or otherwise unknown format
strings will not contain a floating-point format. In the event that -msmart-io=2 is
used with a floating-point format, the format letter will appear as literal text and
its corresponding argument will not be consumed.

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-fno-short-double will cause the compiler to generate calls to formatted I/O
routines that support double as if it were a long double type.
Mixing modules compiled with these options may result in a larger executable size or
incorrect execution if large and small double-sized data is shared across modules.

2.13.2 Customizing STDIO

The standard I/O relies on helper functions described in Chapter 4. Standard C
Libraries - Support Functions. These functions include read(), write(), open(),
and close() which are called to read, write, open or close handles that are associated
with standard I/O FILE pointers. The sources for these libraries are provided for you to
customize as you wish.
It is recommended that these customized functions be allocated in a named section
that begins with .lib. This will cause the linker to allocate them near to the rest of the
library functions, which is where they ought to be.
The simplest way to redirect standard I/O to the peripheral of your choice is to select
one of the default handles already in use. Also, you could open files with a specific
name via fopen() by rewriting open() to return a new handle to be recognized by
read() or write() as appropriate.
If only a specific peripheral is required, then you could associate handle 1 == stdout
or 2 == stderr to another peripheral by writing the correct code to talk to the interested
A complete generic solution might be:
/* should be in a header file */
enum my_handles {

int __attribute__((__weak__, __section__(".libc")))

open(const char *name, int access, int mode) {
switch (name[0]) {
case 'i' : return handle_stdin;
case 'o' : return handle_stdout;
case 'e' : return handle_stderr;
case 'c' : return handle_can1;
case 'C' : return handle_can2;
case 's' : return handle_spi1;
case 'S' : return handle_spi2;
default: return handle_stderr;
Single letters were used in this example because they are faster to check and use less
memory. However, if memory is not an issue, you could use strcmp to compare full

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Standard C Libraries
In write(), you would write:
int __attribute__((__section__(".libc.write")))
write(int handle, void *buffer, unsigned int len) {
int i;
volatile UxMODEBITS *umode = &U1MODEbits;
volatile UxSTABITS *ustatus = &U1STAbits;
volatile unsigned int *txreg = &U1TXREG;
volatile unsigned int *brg = &U1BRG;

switch (handle)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
if ((__C30_UART != 1) && (&U2BRG)) {
umode = &U2MODEbits;
ustatus = &U2STAbits;
txreg = &U2TXREG;
brg = &U2BRG;
if ((umode->UARTEN) == 0)
*brg = 0;
umode->UARTEN = 1;
if ((ustatus->UTXEN) == 0)
ustatus->UTXEN = 1;
for (i = len; i; --i)
while ((ustatus->TRMT) ==0);
*txreg = *(char*)buffer++;
case handle_can1: /* code to support can1 */
case handle_can2: /* code to support can2 */
case handle_spi1: /* code to support spi1 */
case handle_spi2: /* code to support spi2 */
where you would fill in the appropriate code as specified in the comments.
Now you can use the generic C STDIO features to write to another port:
FILE *can1 = fopen("c","w");
fprintf(can1,"This will be output through the can\n");

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2.13.3 STDIO Functions

Description: Stores information for a file stream.
Include: <stdio.h>

Description: Type of a variable used to store a file position.
Include: <stdio.h>

Description: The result type of the sizeof operator.
Include: <stdio.h>

Description: Indicates full buffering.
Include: <stdio.h>
Remarks: Used by the function, setvbuf.

Description: Indicates line buffering.
Include: <stdio.h>
Remarks: Used by the function, setvbuf.

Description: Indicates no buffering.
Include: <stdio.h>
Remarks: Used by the function, setvbuf.

Description: Defines the size of the buffer used by the function setbuf.
Include: <stdio.h>
Value: 512

Description: A negative number indicating the end-of-file has been reached or to
report an error condition.
Include: <stdio.h>
Remarks: If an end-of-file is encountered, the end-of-file indicator is set. If an
error condition is encountered, the error indicator is set. Error
conditions include write errors and input or read errors.

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Description: Maximum number of characters in a filename including the null
Include: <stdio.h>
Value: 260

Description: Defines the maximum number of files that can be simultaneously open.
Include: <stdio.h>
Value: 8
Remarks: stderr, stdin and stdout are included in the FOPEN_MAX count.

Description: Defines the number of characters for the longest temporary filename
created by the function tmpnam.
Include: <stdio.h>
Value: 16
Remarks: L_tmpnam is used to define the size of the array used by tmpnam.
Description: The value of a null pointer constant.
Include: <stdio.h>

Description: Indicates that fseek should seek from the current position of the file
Include: <stdio.h>
Example: See example for fseek.

Description: Indicates that fseek should seek from the end of the file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Example: See example for fseek.

Description: Indicates that fseek should seek from the beginning of the file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Example: See example for fseek.

Description: File pointer to the standard error stream.
Include: <stdio.h>

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Description: File pointer to the standard input stream.
Include: <stdio.h>

Description: File pointer to the standard output stream.
Include: <stdio.h>

Description: The maximum number of unique filenames the function tmpnam can
Include: <stdio.h>
Value: 32

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Description: Resets the error indicator for the stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: void clearerr(FILE *stream);
Argument: stream stream to reset error indicators
Remarks: The function clears the end-of-file and error indicators for the given
stream (i.e., feof and ferror will return false after the function
clearerr is called).
Example: /* This program tries to write to a file that is */
/* readonly. This causes the error indicator to */
/* be set. The function ferror is used to check */
/* the error indicator. The function clearerr is */
/* used to reset the error indicator so the next */
/* time ferror is called it will not report an */
/* error. */
#include <stdio.h> /* for ferror, clearerr, */
/* printf, fprintf, fopen,*/
/* fclose, FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;

if ((myfile = fopen("sampclearerr.c", "r")) ==

printf("Cannot open file\n");
fprintf(myfile, "Write this line to the "
if (ferror(myfile))
printf("No error\n");
if (ferror(myfile))
printf("Still has Error\n");
printf("Error indicator reset\n");

Error indicator reset

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Description: Close a stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fclose(FILE *stream);
Argument: stream pointer to the stream to close
Return Value: Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns EOF if any errors were
Remarks: fclose writes any buffered output to the file.
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fopen, fclose, */
/* printf,FILE, NULL, EOF */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile1, *myfile2;
int y;

if ((myfile1 = fopen("afile1", "w+")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile1\n");
printf("afile1 was opened\n");

y = fclose(myfile1);
if (y == EOF)
printf("afile1 was not closed\n");
printf("afile1 was closed\n");
afile1 was opened
afile1 was closed

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Description: Associate a stream with a file descriptor.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: FILE *fdopen(int fildes, const char *mode);
Arguments: fildes file descriptor
mode type of access permitted
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the open stream. If the function fails, a null pointer
is returned.
Remarks: The following are types of file access:
r- opens an existing text file for reading
w- opens an empty text file for writing.
a- opens a text file for appending.
rb - opens an existing binary file for reading.
wb - opens an empty binary file for writing.
ab - opens a binary file for appending.
r+ - opens an existing text file for reading and writing.
w+ - opens an empty text file for reading and writing.
a+ - opens a text file for reading and appending.
r+b or rb+ - opens an existing binary file for reading and writing.
w+b or wb+ - opens an empty binary file for reading and writing.
a+b or ab+ - opens a binary file for reading and appending.
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fdopen, fclose, */
/* printf, FILE, */
/* NULL, EOF */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile1, *myfile2;
int y;

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fdopen (Continued)
if ((myfile1 = fdopen("afile1", "r")) == NULL)
printf("Cannot open afile1\n");
printf("afile1 was opened\n");
y = fclose(myfile1);
if (y == EOF)
printf("afile1 was not closed\n");
printf("afile1 was closed\n");

if ((myfile1 = fdopen("afile1", "w+")) == NULL)

printf("Second try, cannot open afile1\n");
printf("Second try, afile1 was opened\n");
y = fclose(myfile1);
if (y == EOF)
printf("afile1 was not closed\n");
printf("afile1 was closed\n");

if ((myfile2 = fdopen("afile2", "a+")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile2\n");
printf("afile2 was opened\n");
y = fclose(myfile2);
if (y == EOF)
printf("afile2 was not closed\n");
printf("afile2 was closed\n");

Cannot open afile1
Second try, afile1 was opened
afile1 was closed
Cannot open afile2
afile1 must exist before it can be opened for reading (r) or the
fdopen function will fail.
If the fdopen function opens a file for writing (w+) that doesnt exist, it
will be created and then opened. If the file does exist, it cannot be over-
written and will be appended.
If the fdopen function attempts to append a file (a+) that doesnt exist,
it will NOT be created and fdopen will fail. If the file does exist, it will
be opened for appending.

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Description: Tests for end-of-file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int feof(FILE *stream);
Argument: stream stream to check for end-of-file
Return Value: Returns non-zero if stream is at the end-of-file; otherwise, returns zero.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for feof, fgetc, fputc, */
/* fopen, fclose, FILE, */
/* NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;
int y = 0;

if( (myfile = fopen( "afile.txt", "rb" )) == NULL )

printf( "Cannot open file\n" );
for (;;)
y = fgetc(myfile);
if (feof(myfile))
fputc(y, stdout);
fclose( myfile );
Contents of afile.txt (used as input):
This is a sentence.
This is a sentence.

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Description: Tests if error indicator is set.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int ferror(FILE *stream);
Argument: stream pointer to FILE structure
Return Value: Returns a non-zero value if error indicator is set; otherwise, returns a
Example: /* This program tries to write to a file that is */
/* readonly. This causes the error indicator to */
/* be set. The function ferror is used to check */
/* the error indicator and find the error. The */
/* function clearerr is used to reset the error */
/* indicator so the next time ferror is called */
/* it will not report an error. */

#include <stdio.h> /* for ferror, clearerr, */

/* printf, fprintf, */
/* fopen, fclose, */
/* FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;

if ((myfile = fopen("sampclearerr.c", "r")) ==

printf("Cannot open file\n");
fprintf(myfile, "Write this line to the "
if (ferror(myfile))
printf("No error\n");
if (ferror(myfile))
printf("Still has Error\n");
printf("Error indicator reset\n");

Error indicator reset

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Description: Flushes the buffer in the specified stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fflush(FILE *stream);
Argument: stream pointer to the stream to flush.
Return Value: Returns EOF if a write error occurs; otherwise, returns zero for suc-
Remarks: If stream is a null pointer, all output buffers are written to files. fflush
has no effect on an unbuffered stream.

Description: Get a character from a stream
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fgetc(FILE *stream);
Argument: stream pointer to the open stream
Return Value: Returns the character read or EOF if a read error occurs or end-of-file
is reached.
Remarks: The function reads the next character from the input stream, advances
the file-position indicator and returns the character as an unsigned
char converted to an int.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fgetc, printf, */
/* fclose, FILE, */
/* NULL, EOF */

int main(void)
FILE *buf;
char y;

if ((buf = fopen("afile.txt", "r")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile.txt\n");
y = fgetc(buf);
while (y != EOF)
printf("%c|", y);
y = fgetc(buf);
Contents of afile.txt (used as input):
Longer string
|L|o|n|g|e|r| |s|t|r|i|n|g|

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Description: Gets the streams file position.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fgetpos(FILE *stream, fpos_t *pos);
Arguments: stream target stream
pos position-indicator storage
Return Value: Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns a non-zero value.
Remarks: The function stores the file-position indicator for the given stream in
*pos if successful, otherwise, fgetpos sets errno.
Example: /* This program opens a file and reads bytes at */
/* several different locations. The fgetpos */
/* function notes the 8th byte. 21 bytes are */
/* read then 18 bytes are read. Next the */
/* fsetpos function is set based on the */
/* fgetpos position and the previous 21 bytes */
/* are reread. */

#include <stdio.h> /* for fgetpos, fread, */

/* printf, fopen, fclose, */
/* FILE, NULL, perror, */
/* fpos_t, sizeof */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;
fpos_t pos;
char buf[25];

if ((myfile = fopen("sampfgetpos.c", "rb")) ==

printf("Cannot open file\n");
fread(buf, sizeof(char), 8, myfile);
if (fgetpos(myfile, &pos) != 0)
perror("fgetpos error");
fread(buf, sizeof(char), 21, myfile);
printf("Bytes read: %.21s\n", buf);
fread(buf, sizeof(char), 18, myfile);
printf("Bytes read: %.18s\n", buf);

if (fsetpos(myfile, &pos) != 0)
perror("fsetpos error");

fread(buf, sizeof(char), 21, myfile);

printf("Bytes read: %.21s\n", buf);
Bytes read: program opens a file
Bytes read: and reads bytes at
Bytes read: program opens a file

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Description: Get a string from a stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: char *fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream);
Arguments: s pointer to the storage string
n maximum number of characters to read
stream pointer to the open stream.
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the string s if successful; otherwise, returns a null
Remarks: The function reads characters from the input stream and stores them
into the string pointed to by s until it has read n-1 characters, stores a
newline character or sets the end-of-file or error indicators. If any char-
acters were stored, a null character is stored immediately after the last
read character in the next element of the array. If fgets sets the error
indicator, the array contents are indeterminate.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fgets, printf, */
/* fopen, fclose, */
/* FILE, NULL */
#define MAX 50

int main(void)
FILE *buf;
char s[MAX];

if ((buf = fopen("afile.txt", "r")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile.txt\n");
while (fgets(s, MAX, buf) != NULL)
printf("%s|", s);
Contents of afile.txt (used as input):
Longer string
|Longer string

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Description: Opens a file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode);
Arguments: filename name of the file
mode type of access permitted
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the open stream. If the function fails a null pointer
is returned.
Remarks: The following are types of file access:
r- opens an existing text file for reading
w- opens an empty text file for writing. (An existing file will
be overwritten).
a- opens a text file for appending. (A file is created if it
doesnt exist).
rb - opens an existing binary file for reading.
wb - opens an empty binary file for writing. (An existing file
will be overwritten).
ab - opens a binary file for appending. (A file is created if it
doesnt exist).
r+ - opens an existing text file for reading and writing.
w+ - opens an empty text file for reading and writing. (An
existing file will be overwritten).
a+ - opens a text file for reading and appending. (A file is
created if it doesnt exist).
r+b or rb+ - opens an existing binary file for reading and writing.
w+b or wb+ - opens an empty binary file for reading and writing. (An
existing file will be overwritten).
a+b or ab+ - opens a binary file for reading and appending. (A file is
created if it doesnt exist).
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fopen, fclose, */
/* printf, FILE, */
/* NULL, EOF */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile1, *myfile2;
int y;

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fopen (Continued)
if ((myfile1 = fopen("afile1", "r")) == NULL)
printf("Cannot open afile1\n");
printf("afile1 was opened\n");
y = fclose(myfile1);
if (y == EOF)
printf("afile1 was not closed\n");
printf("afile1 was closed\n");

if ((myfile1 = fopen("afile1", "w+")) == NULL)

printf("Second try, cannot open afile1\n");
printf("Second try, afile1 was opened\n");
y = fclose(myfile1);
if (y == EOF)
printf("afile1 was not closed\n");
printf("afile1 was closed\n");

if ((myfile2 = fopen("afile2", "w+")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile2\n");
printf("afile2 was opened\n");
y = fclose(myfile2);
if (y == EOF)
printf("afile2 was not closed\n");
printf("afile2 was closed\n");

Cannot open afile1
Second try, afile1 was opened
afile1 was closed
afile2 was opened
afile2 was closed
afile1 must exist before it can be opened for reading (r) or the
fopen function will fail. If the fopen function opens a file for writing
(w+) it does not have to already exist. If it doesnt exist, it will be created
and then opened.

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 63

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Prints formatted data to a stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
Arguments: stream pointer to the stream in which to output data
format format control string
... optional arguments
Return Value: Returns number of characters generated or a negative number if an
error occurs.
Remarks: The format argument has the same syntax and use that it has in
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fopen, fclose, */
/* fprintf, printf, */
/* FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;
int y;
char s[]="Print this string";
int x = 1;
char a = '\n';

if ((myfile = fopen("afile", "w")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile\n");
y = fprintf(myfile, "%s %d time%c", s, x, a);

printf("Number of characters printed "

"to file = %d",y);

Number of characters printed to file = 25
Contents of afile:
Print this string 1 time

DS50001456J-page 64 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Puts a character to the stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fputc(int c, FILE *stream);
Arguments: c character to be written
stream pointer to the open stream
Return Value: Returns the character written or EOF if a write error occurs.
Remarks: The function writes the character to the output stream, advances the
file-position indicator and returns the character as an unsigned char
converted to an int.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fputc, EOF, stdout */

int main(void)
char *y;
char buf[] = "This is text\n";
int x;

x = 0;

for (y = buf; (x != EOF) && (*y != '\0'); y++)

x = fputc(*y, stdout);
fputc('|', stdout);
T|h|i|s| |i|s| |t|e|x|t|

Description: Puts a string to the stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream);
Arguments: s string to be written
stream pointer to the open stream
Return Value: Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise, returns EOF.
Remarks: The function writes characters to the output stream up to but not
including the null character.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fputs, stdout */

int main(void)
char buf[] = "This is text\n";

This is text

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 65

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Reads data from the stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nelem,
FILE *stream);
Arguments: ptr pointer to the storage buffer
size size of item
nelem maximum number of items to be read
stream pointer to the stream
Return Value: Returns the number of complete elements read up to nelem whose
size is specified by size.
Remarks: The function reads characters from a given stream into the buffer
pointed to by ptr until the function stores size * nelem characters
or sets the end-of-file or error indicator. fread returns n/size where n is
the number of characters it read. If n is not a multiple of size, the value
of the last element is indeterminate. If the function sets the error
indicator, the file-position indicator is indeterminate.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fread, fwrite, */
/* printf, fopen, fclose, */
/* sizeof, FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *buf;
int x, numwrote, numread;
double nums[10], readnums[10];

if ((buf = fopen("afile.out", "w+")) != NULL)

for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)
nums[x] = 10.0/(x + 1);
printf("10.0/%d = %f\n", x+1, nums[x]);

numwrote = fwrite(nums, sizeof(double),

10, buf);
printf("Wrote %d numbers\n\n", numwrote);

printf("Cannot open afile.out\n");

DS50001456J-page 66 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

fread (Continued)
if ((buf = fopen("afile.out", "r+")) != NULL)
numread = fread(readnums, sizeof(double),
10, buf);
printf("Read %d numbers\n", numread);
for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)
printf("%d * %f = %f\n", x+1, readnums[x],
(x + 1) * readnums[x]);
printf("Cannot open afile.out\n");
10.0/1 = 10.000000
10.0/2 = 5.000000
10.0/3 = 3.333333
10.0/4 = 2.500000
10.0/5 = 2.000000
10.0/6 = 1.666667
10.0/7 = 1.428571
10.0/8 = 1.250000
10.0/9 = 1.111111
10.0/10 = 1.000000
Wrote 10 numbers

Read 10 numbers
1 * 10.000000 = 10.000000
2 * 5.000000 = 10.000000
3 * 3.333333 = 10.000000
4 * 2.500000 = 10.000000
5 * 2.000000 = 10.000000
6 * 1.666667 = 10.000000
7 * 1.428571 = 10.000000
8 * 1.250000 = 10.000000
9 * 1.111111 = 10.000000
10 * 1.000000 = 10.000000
This program uses fwrite to save 10 numbers to a file in binary form.
This allows the numbers to be saved in the same pattern of bits as the
program is using, which provides more accuracy and consistency.
Using fprintf would save the numbers as text strings, which could
cause the numbers to be truncated. Each number is divided into 10 to
produce a variety of numbers. Retrieving the numbers with fread to a
new array and multiplying them by the original number shows the
numbers were not truncated in the save process.

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 67

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Reassigns an existing stream to a new file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: FILE *freopen(const char *filename, const char
*mode, FILE *stream);
Arguments: filename name of the new file
mode type of access permitted
stream pointer to the currently open stream
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the new open file. If the function fails a null pointer
is returned.
Remarks: The function closes the file associated with the stream as though
fclose was called. Then it opens the new file as though fopen was
called. freopen will fail if the specified stream is not open. See fopen
for the possible types of file access.
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fopen, freopen, */
/* printf, fclose, */
/* FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile1, *myfile2;
int y;

if ((myfile1 = fopen("afile1", "w+")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile1\n");
printf("afile1 was opened\n");

if ((myfile2 = freopen("afile2", "w+",

myfile1)) == NULL)
printf("Cannot open afile2\n");
printf("afile2 was opened\n");
afile1 was opened
afile2 was opened
This program uses myfile2 to point to the stream when freopen is
called, so if an error occurs, myfile1 will still point to the stream and
can be closed properly. If the freopen call is successful, myfile2 can
be used to close the stream properly.

Description: Scans formatted text from a stream.

DS50001456J-page 68 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

fscanf (Continued)
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
Arguments: stream pointer to the open stream from which to read data
format format control string
... optional arguments
Return Value: Returns the number of items successfully converted and assigned. If
no items are assigned, a 0 is returned. EOF is returned if end-of-file is
encountered before the first conversion or if an error occurs.
Remarks: The format argument has the same syntax and use that it has in
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fopen, fscanf, */
/* fclose, fprintf, */
/* fseek, printf, FILE, */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;
char s[30];
int x;
char a;

if ((myfile = fopen("afile", "w+")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile\n");
fprintf(myfile, "%s %d times%c",
"Print this string", 100, '\n');

fseek(myfile, 0L, SEEK_SET);

fscanf(myfile, "%s", s);

printf("%s\n", s);
fscanf(myfile, "%s", s);
printf("%s\n", s);
fscanf(myfile, "%s", s);
printf("%s\n", s);
fscanf(myfile, "%d", &x);
printf("%d\n", x);
fscanf(myfile, "%s", s);
printf("%s\n", s);
fscanf(myfile, "%c", a);
printf("%c\n", a);

Contents of afile:
Print this string 100 times

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 69

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

fscanf (Continued)

Description: Moves file pointer to a specific location.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int mode);
Arguments: stream stream in which to move the file pointer.
offset value to add to the current position
mode type of seek to perform
Return Value: Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns a non-zero value and set
Remarks: mode can be one of the following:
SEEK_SET seeks from the beginning of the file
SEEK_CUR seeks from the current position of the file pointer
SEEK_END seeks from the end of the file
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fseek, fgets, */
/* printf, fopen, fclose, */
/* FILE, NULL, perror, */
/* SEEK_END */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;
char s[70];
int y;

myfile = fopen("afile.out", "w+");

if (myfile == NULL)
printf("Cannot open afile.out\n");
fprintf(myfile, "This is the beginning, "
"this is the middle and "
"this is the end.");

y = fseek(myfile, 0L, SEEK_SET);

if (y)
perror("Fseek failed");
fgets(s, 22, myfile);
printf("\"%s\"\n\n", s);

DS50001456J-page 70 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

fseek (Continued)
y = fseek(myfile, 2L, SEEK_CUR);
if (y)
perror("Fseek failed");
fgets(s, 70, myfile);
printf("\"%s\"\n\n", s);

y = fseek(myfile, -16L, SEEK_END);

if (y)
perror("Fseek failed");
fgets(s, 70, myfile);
printf("\"%s\"\n", s);
"This is the beginning"

"this is the middle and this is the end."

"this is the end."

The file afile.out is created with the text, This is the beginning, this
is the middle and this is the end.
The function fseek uses an offset of zero and SEEK_SET to set the file
pointer to the beginning of the file. fgets then reads 22 characters
which are This is the beginning, and adds a null character to the
Next, fseek uses an offset of two and SEEK_CURRENT to set the file
pointer to the current position plus two (skipping the comma and
space). fgets then reads up to the next 70 characters. The first 39
characters are this is the middle and this is the end. It stops when it
reads EOF and adds a null character to the string.
Finally, fseek uses an offset of negative 16 characters and SEEK_END
to set the file pointer to 16 characters from the end of the file. fgets
then reads up to 70 characters. It stops at the EOF after reading
16 characters this is the end, and adds a null character to the string.

Description: Sets the streams file position.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int fsetpos(FILE *stream, const fpos_t *pos);
Arguments: stream target stream
pos position-indicator storage as returned by an earlier call
to fgetpos
Return Value: Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns a non-zero value.
Remarks: The function sets the file-position indicator for the given stream in *pos
if successful; otherwise, fsetpos sets errno.

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 71

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

fsetpos (Continued)
Example: /* This program opens a file and reads bytes at */
/* several different locations. The fgetpos */
/* function notes the 8th byte. 21 bytes are */
/* read then 18 bytes are read. Next, the */
/* fsetpos function is set based on the */
/* fgetpos position and the previous 21 bytes */
/* are reread. */

#include <stdio.h> /* for fgetpos, fread, */

/* printf, fopen, fclose, */
/* FILE, NULL, perror, */
/* fpos_t, sizeof */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;
fpos_t pos;
char buf[25];

if ((myfile = fopen("sampfgetpos.c", "rb")) ==

printf("Cannot open file\n");
fread(buf, sizeof(char), 8, myfile);
if (fgetpos(myfile, &pos) != 0)
perror("fgetpos error");
fread(buf, sizeof(char), 21, myfile);
printf("Bytes read: %.21s\n", buf);
fread(buf, sizeof(char), 18, myfile);
printf("Bytes read: %.18s\n", buf);

if (fsetpos(myfile, &pos) != 0)
perror("fsetpos error");

fread(buf, sizeof(char), 21, myfile);

printf("Bytes read: %.21s\n", buf);
Bytes read: program opens a file
Bytes read: and reads bytes at
Bytes read: program opens a file

DS50001456J-page 72 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Gets the current position of a file pointer.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: long ftell(FILE *stream);
Argument: stream stream in which to get the current file position
Return Value: Returns the position of the file pointer if successful; otherwise, returns
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for ftell, fread, */
/* fprintf, printf, */
/* fopen, fclose, sizeof, */
/* FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;
char s[75];
long y;

myfile = fopen("afile.out", "w+");

if (myfile == NULL)
printf("Cannot open afile.out\n");
fprintf(myfile,"This is a very long sentence "
"for input into the file named "
"afile.out for testing.");


if ((myfile = fopen("afile.out", "rb")) != NULL)

printf("Read some characters:\n");
fread(s, sizeof(char), 29, myfile);
printf("\t\"%s\"\n", s);

y = ftell(myfile);
printf("The current position of the "
"file pointer is %ld\n", y);
Read some characters:
"This is a very long sentence "
The current position of the file pointer is 29

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 73

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Writes data to the stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size,
size_t nelem, FILE *stream);
Arguments: ptr pointer to the storage buffer
size size of item
nelem maximum number of items to be read
stream pointer to the open stream
Return Value: Returns the number of complete elements successfully written, which
will be less than nelem only if a write error is encountered.
Remarks: The function writes characters to a given stream from a buffer pointed
to by ptr up to nelem elements whose size is specified by size. The
file position indicator is advanced by the number of characters success-
fully written. If the function sets the error indicator, the file-position
indicator is indeterminate.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fread, fwrite, */
/* printf, fopen, fclose, */
/* sizeof, FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *buf;
int x, numwrote, numread;
double nums[10], readnums[10];

if ((buf = fopen("afile.out", "w+")) != NULL)

for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)
nums[x] = 10.0/(x + 1);
printf("10.0/%d = %f\n", x+1, nums[x]);

numwrote = fwrite(nums, sizeof(double),

10, buf);
printf("Wrote %d numbers\n\n", numwrote);

printf("Cannot open afile.out\n");

DS50001456J-page 74 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

fwrite (Continued)
if ((buf = fopen("afile.out", "r+")) != NULL)
numread = fread(readnums, sizeof(double),
10, buf);
printf("Read %d numbers\n", numread);
for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)
printf("%d * %f = %f\n", x+1, readnums[x],
(x + 1) * readnums[x]);
printf("Cannot open afile.out\n");
10.0/1 = 10.000000
10.0/2 = 5.000000
10.0/3 = 3.333333
10.0/4 = 2.500000
10.0/5 = 2.000000
10.0/6 = 1.666667
10.0/7 = 1.428571
10.0/8 = 1.250000
10.0/9 = 1.111111
10.0/10 = 1.000000
Wrote 10 numbers

Read 10 numbers
1 * 10.000000 = 10.000000
2 * 5.000000 = 10.000000
3 * 3.333333 = 10.000000
4 * 2.500000 = 10.000000
5 * 2.000000 = 10.000000
6 * 1.666667 = 10.000000
7 * 1.428571 = 10.000000
8 * 1.250000 = 10.000000
9 * 1.111111 = 10.000000
10 * 1.000000 = 10.000000
This program uses fwrite to save 10 numbers to a file in binary form.
This allows the numbers to be saved in the same pattern of bits as the
program is using which provides more accuracy and consistency. Using
fprintf would save the numbers as text strings, which could cause
the numbers to be truncated. Each number is divided into 10 to pro-
duce a variety of numbers. Retrieving the numbers with fread to a
new array and multiplying them by the original number shows the
numbers were not truncated in the save process.

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 75

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Get a character from the stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int getc(FILE *stream);
Argument: stream pointer to the open stream
Return Value: Returns the character read or EOF if a read error occurs or end-of-file
is reached.
Remarks: getc is the same as the function fgetc.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for getc, printf, */
/* fopen, fclose, */

int main(void)
FILE *buf;
char y;

if ((buf = fopen("afile.txt", "r")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile.txt\n");
y = getc(buf);
while (y != EOF)
printf("%c|", y);
y = getc(buf);
Contents of afile.txt (used as input):
Longer string
|L|o|n|g|e|r| |s|t|r|i|n|g|

DS50001456J-page 76 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Get a character from stdin.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int getchar(void);
Return Value: Returns the character read or EOF if a read error occurs or end-of-file
is reached.
Remarks: Same effect as fgetc with the argument stdin.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for getchar, printf */

int main(void)
char y;

y = getchar();
printf("%c|", y);
y = getchar();
printf("%c|", y);
y = getchar();
printf("%c|", y);
y = getchar();
printf("%c|", y);
y = getchar();
printf("%c|", y);
Contents of UartIn.txt (used as stdin input for simulator):
Longer string

Description: Get a string from stdin.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: char *gets(char *s);
Argument: s pointer to the storage string
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the string s if successful; otherwise, returns a null
Remarks: The function reads characters from the stream stdin and stores them
into the string pointed to by s until it reads a newline character (which is
not stored) or sets the end-of-file or error indicators. If any characters
were read, a null character is stored immediately after the last read
character in the next element of the array. If gets sets the error
indicator, the array contents are indeterminate.

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 77

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

gets (Continued)
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for gets, printf */

int main(void)
char y[50];

gets(y) ;
printf("Text: %s\n", y);
Contents of UartIn.txt (used as stdin input for simulator):
Longer string
Text: Short

Description: Prints an error message to stderr.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: void perror(const char *s);
Argument: s string to print
Return Value: None.
Remarks: The string s is printed followed by a colon and a space. Then, an error
message based on errno is printed followed by an newline.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for perror, fopen, */
/* fclose, printf, */
/* FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;

if ((myfile = fopen("samp.fil", "r+")) == NULL)

perror("Cannot open samp.fil");
printf("Success opening samp.fil\n");

Cannot open samp.fil: file open error

DS50001456J-page 78 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Prints formatted text to stdout.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int printf(const char *format, ...);
Arguments: format format control string
... optional arguments
Return Value: Returns number of characters generated or a negative number if an
error occurs.
Remarks: There must be exactly the same number of arguments as there are for-
mat specifiers. If the are less arguments than match the format specifi-
ers, the output is undefined. If there are more arguments than match
the format specifiers, the remaining arguments are discarded. Each for-
mat specifier begins with a percent sign followed by optional fields and
a required type as shown here:
- left justify the value within a given field width
0 Use 0 for the pad character instead of space (which is the
+ generate a plus sign for positive signed values
space generate a space or signed values that have neither a plus
nor a minus sign
# to prefix 0 on an octal conversion, to prefix 0x or 0X on a
hexadecimal conversion, or to generate a decimal point and
fraction digits that are otherwise suppressed on a float-
ing-point conversion
specify the number of characters to generate for the conversion. If the
asterisk (*) is used instead of a decimal number, the next argument
(which must be of type int) will be used for the field width. If the result
is less than the field width, pad characters will be used on the left to fill
the field. If the result is greater than the field width, the field is
expanded to accommodate the value without padding.
The field width can be followed with dot (.) and a decimal integer repre-
senting the precision that specifies one of the following:
- minimum number of digits to generate on an integer conversion
- number of fraction digits to generate on an e, E, or f conversion
- maximum number of significant digits to generate on a g or G
- maximum number of characters to generate from a C string on an s
If the period appears without the integer, the integer is assumed to be
zero. If the asterisk (*) is used instead of a decimal number, the next
argument (which must be of type int) will be used for the precision.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

printf (Continued)
h modifier used with type d, i, o, u, x, X; converts the value to a
short int or unsigned short int
h modifier used with n; specifies that the pointer points to a short
l modifier used with type d, i, o, u, x, X; converts the value to a
long int or unsigned long int
l modifier used with n; specifies that the pointer points to a long
l modifier used with c; specifies a wide character
l modifier used with type e, E, f, F, g, G; converts the value to a
ll modifier used with type d, i, o, u, x, X; converts the value to a
long long int or unsigned long long int
ll modifier used with n; specifies that the pointer points to a long
long int
L modifier used with e, E, f, g, G; converts the value to a long
d, i signed int
o unsigned int in octal
u unsigned int in decimal
x unsigned int in lowercase hexadecimal
X unsigned int in uppercase hexadecimal
e, E double in scientific notation
f double decimal notation
g, G double (takes the form of e, E or f as appropriate)
c char - a single character
s string
p value of a pointer
n the associated argument shall be an integer pointer into
which is placed the number of characters written so far.
No characters are printed.
% A % character is printed
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
/* print a character right justified in a 3 */
/* character space. */
printf("%3c\n", 'a');

/* print an integer, left justified (as */

/* specified by the minus sign in the format */
/* string) in a 4 character space. Print a */
/* second integer that is right justified in */
/* a 4 character space using the pipe (|) as */
/* a separator between the integers. */
printf("%-4d|%4d\n", -4, 4);

/* print a number converted to octal in 4 */

/* digits. */
printf("%.4o\n", 10);

DS50001456J-page 80 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

printf (Continued)
/* print a number converted to hexadecimal */
/* format with a 0x prefix. */
printf("%#x\n", 28);

/* print a float in scientific notation */

printf("%E\n", 1.1e20);

/* print a float with 2 fraction digits */

printf("%.2f\n", -3.346);

/* print a long float with %E, %e, or %f */

/* whichever is the shortest version */
printf("%Lg\n", .02L);
-4 | 4

Description: Puts a character to the stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int putc(int c, FILE *stream);
Arguments: c character to be written
stream pointer to FILE structure
Return Value: Returns the character or EOF if an error occurs or end-of-file is
Remarks: putc is the same as the function fputc.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for putc, EOF, stdout */

int main(void)

char *y;
char buf[] = "This is text\n";
int x;

x = 0;

for (y = buf; (x != EOF) && (*y != '\0'); y++)

x = putc(*y, stdout);
putc('|', stdout);
T|h|i|s| |i|s| |t|e|x|t|

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 81

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Put a character to stdout.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int putchar(int c);
Argument: c character to be written
Return Value: Returns the character or EOF if an error occurs or end-of-file is
Remarks: Same effect as fputc with stdout as an argument.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for putchar, printf, */
/* EOF, stdout */

int main(void)

char *y;
char buf[] = "This is text\n";
int x;

x = 0;

for (y = buf; (x != EOF) && (*y != '\0'); y++)

x = putchar(*y);
This is text

Description: Put a string to stdout.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int puts(const char *s);
Argument: s string to be written
Return Value: Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise, returns EOF.
Remarks: The function writes characters to the stream stdout. A newline char-
acter is appended. The terminating null character is not written to the
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for puts */

int main(void)
char buf[] = "This is text\n";

This is text

DS50001456J-page 82 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Deletes the specified file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int remove(const char *filename);
Argument: filename name of file to be deleted
Return Value: Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns -1.
Remarks: If filename does not exist or is open, remove will fail.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for remove, printf */

int main(void)
if (remove("myfile.txt") != 0)
printf("Cannot remove file");
printf("File removed");
File removed

Description: Renames the specified file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int rename(const char *old, const char *new);
Arguments: old pointer to the old name
new pointer to the new name
Return Value: Return 0 if successful; otherwise, returns a non-zero value.
Remarks: The new name must not already exist in the current working directory,
the old name must exist in the current working directory.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for rename, printf */

int main(void)
if (rename("myfile.txt","newfile.txt") != 0)
printf("Cannot rename file");
printf("File renamed");
File renamed

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Resets the file pointer to the beginning of the file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: void rewind(FILE *stream);
Argument: stream stream to reset the file pointer
Remarks: The function calls fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_SET) and then clears
the error indicator for the given stream.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for rewind, fopen, */
/* fscanf, fclose, */
/* fprintf, printf, */
/* FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;
char s[] = "cookies";
int x = 10;

if ((myfile = fopen("afile", "w+")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile\n");
fprintf(myfile, "%d %s", x, s);
printf("I have %d %s.\n", x, s);

/* set pointer to beginning of file */

fscanf(myfile, "%d %s", &x, &s);
printf("I ate %d %s.\n", x, s);

I have 10 cookies.
I ate 10 cookies.

DS50001456J-page 84 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Scans formatted text from stdin.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int scanf(const char *format, ...);
Argument: format format control string
... optional arguments
Return Value: Returns the number of items successfully converted and assigned. If
no items are assigned, a 0 is returned. EOF is returned if an input
failure is encountered before the first.
Remarks: Each format specifier begins with a percent sign followed by optional
fields and a required type as shown here:
indicates assignment suppression. This will cause the input field to be
skipped and no assignment made.
specify the maximum number of input characters to match for the con-
version, not including white space that can be skipped.
h modifier used with type d, i, o, u, x, X; converts the value to a
short int or unsigned short int.
h modifier used with n; specifies that the pointer points to a short
l modifier used with type d, i, o, u, x, X; converts the value to a
long int or unsigned long int
l modifier used with n; specifies that the pointer points to a long
l modifier used with c; specifies a wide character
l modifier used with type e, E, f, F, g, G; converts the value to a
ll modifier used with type d, i, o, u, x, X; converts the value to a
long long int or unsigned long long int
ll modifier used with n; specifies that the pointer points to a long
long int
L modifier used with e, E, f, g, G; converts the value to a long

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

scanf (Continued)
d,i signed int
o unsigned int in octal
u unsigned int in decimal
x unsigned int in lowercase hexadecimal
X unsigned int in uppercase hexadecimal
e,E double in scientific notation
f double decimal notation
g,G double (takes the form of e, E or f as appropriate)
c char - a single character
s string
p value of a pointer
n the associated argument shall be an integer pointer into,
which is placed the number of characters read so far.
No characters are scanned.
[...] character array. Allows a search of a set of characters.
A caret (^) immediately after the left bracket ( [ ) inverts
the scanset and allows any ASCII character except
those specified between the brackets. A dash character
(-) may be used to specify a range beginning with the
character before the dash and ending the character
after the dash. A null character can not be part of the
% A % character is scanned
Example: For MPLAB SIM simulator.
#include <stdio.h> /* for scanf, printf */
#include <libpic30.h>

int main(void)
int number, items;
char letter;
char color[30], string[30];
float salary;

printf("Enter your favorite number, "
"favorite letter, ");
printf("favorite color desired salary "
"and SSN:\n");
items = scanf("%d %c %[A-Za-z] %f %s", &number,
&letter, &color, &salary, &string);

printf("Number of items scanned = %d\n", items);

printf("Favorite number = %d, ", number);
printf("Favorite letter = %c\n", letter);
printf("Favorite color = %s, ", color);
printf("Desired salary = $%.2f\n", salary);
printf("Social Security Number = %s, ", string);
If not using the simulator, remove these lines:
#include <libpic30.h>
Contents of UartIn.txt (used as stdin input for simulator):
5 T Green 300000 123-45-6789

DS50001456J-page 86 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

scanf (Continued)
Enter your favorite number, favorite letter,
favorite color, desired salary and SSN:
Number of items scanned = 5
Favorite number = 5, Favorite letter = T
Favorite color = Green, Desired salary = $300000.00
Social Security Number = 123-45-6789

Description: Defines how a stream is buffered.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: void setbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf);
Arguments: stream pointer to the open stream
buf user allocated buffer
Remarks: setbuf must be called after fopen but before any other function calls
that operate on the stream. If buf is a null pointer, setbuf calls the
function setvbuf(stream, 0, _IONBF, BUFSIZ) for no buffering;
otherwise setbuf calls setvbuf(stream, buf, _IOFBF,
BUFSIZ) for full buffering with a buffer of size BUFSIZ. See setvbuf.
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for setbuf, printf, */
/* fopen, fclose, */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile1, *myfile2;
char buf[BUFSIZ];

if ((myfile1 = fopen("afile1", "w+")) != NULL)

setbuf(myfile1, NULL);
printf("myfile1 has no buffering\n");

if ((myfile2 = fopen("afile2", "w+")) != NULL)

setbuf(myfile2, buf);
printf("myfile2 has full buffering");

myfile1 has no buffering
myfile2 has full buffering

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Defines the stream to be buffered and the buffer size.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int setvbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf, int mode,
size_t size);
Arguments: stream pointer to the open stream
buf user allocated buffer
mode type of buffering
size size of buffer
Return Value: Returns 0 if successful
Remarks: setvbuf must be called after fopen but before any other function
calls that operate on the stream. For mode, use one of the following:
_IOFBF for full buffering
_IOLBF for line buffering
_IONBF for no buffering
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for setvbuf, fopen, */
/* printf, FILE, NULL, */
/* _IONBF, _IOFBF */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile1, *myfile2;
char buf[256];

if ((myfile1 = fopen("afile1", "w+")) != NULL)

if (setvbuf(myfile1, NULL, _IONBF, 0) == 0)
printf("myfile1 has no buffering\n");
printf("Unable to define buffer stream "
"and/or size\n");

if ((myfile2 = fopen("afile2", "w+")) != NULL)

if (setvbuf(myfile2, buf, _IOFBF, sizeof(buf)) ==
printf("myfile2 has a buffer of %d "
"characters\n", sizeof(buf));
printf("Unable to define buffer stream "
"and/or size\n");
myfile1 has no buffering
myfile2 has a buffer of 256 characters

DS50001456J-page 88 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Prints formatted text to a string.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...);
Arguments: s storage string for output
format format control string
... optional arguments
Return Value: Returns the number of characters stored in s excluding the terminating
null character.
Remarks: The format argument has the same syntax and use that it has in
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for sprintf, printf */

int main(void)
char sbuf[100], s[]="Print this string";
int x = 1, y;
char a = '\n';

y = sprintf(sbuf, "%s %d time%c", s, x, a);

printf("Number of characters printed to "

"string buffer = %d\n", y);
printf("String = %s\n", sbuf);
Number of characters printed to string buffer = 25
String = Print this string 1 time

Description: Scans formatted text from a string.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int sscanf(const char *s, const char *format, ...);
Arguments: s storage string for input
format format control string
... optional arguments
Return Value: Returns the number of items successfully converted and assigned. If
no items are assigned, a 0 is returned. EOF is returned if an input error
is encountered before the first conversion.
Remarks: The format argument has the same syntax and use that it has in

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

sscanf (Continued)
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for sscanf, printf */

int main(void)
char s[] = "5 T green 3000000.00";
int number, items;
char letter;
char color[10];
float salary;

items = sscanf(s, "%d %c %s %f", &number, &letter,

&color, &salary);

printf("Number of items scanned = %d\n", items);

printf("Favorite number = %d\n", number);
printf("Favorite letter = %c\n", letter);
printf("Favorite color = %s\n", color);
printf("Desired salary = $%.2f\n", salary);

Number of items scanned = 4
Favorite number = 5
Favorite letter = T
Favorite color = green
Desired salary = $3000000.00

Description: Creates a temporary file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: FILE *tmpfile(void)
Return Value: Returns a stream pointer if successful; otherwise, returns a NULL
Remarks: tmpfile creates a file with a unique filename. The temporary file is
opened in w+b (binary read/write) mode. It will automatically be
removed when exit is called; otherwise the file will remain in the
directory. This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for tmpfile, printf, */
/* FILE, NULL */

int main(void)
FILE *mytempfile;

if ((mytempfile = tmpfile()) == NULL)

printf("Cannot create temporary file");
printf("Temporary file was created");
Temporary file was created

DS50001456J-page 90 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Creates a unique temporary filename.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: char *tmpnam(char *s);
Argument: s pointer to the temporary name
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the filename generated and stores the filename in
s. If it can not generate a filename, the NULL pointer is returned.
Remarks: The created filename will not conflict with an existing file name. Use
L_tmpnam to define the size of array the argument of tmpnam points
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for tmpnam, L_tmpnam, */
/* printf, NULL */

int main(void)
char *myfilename;
char mybuf[L_tmpnam];
char *myptr = (char *) &mybuf;

if ((myfilename = tmpnam(myptr)) == NULL)

printf("Cannot create temporary file name");
printf("Temporary file %s was created",
Temporary file ctm00001.tmp was created

Description: Pushes character back onto stream.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream);
Argument: c character to be pushed back
stream pointer to the open stream
Return Value: Returns the pushed character if successful; otherwise, returns EOF.
Remarks: The pushed back character will be returned by a subsequent read on
the stream. If more than one character is pushed back, they will be
returned in the reverse order of their pushing. A successful call to a file
positioning function (fseek, fsetpos or rewind) cancels any pushed
back characters. Only one character of push back is guaranteed.
Multiple calls to ungetc without an intervening read or file positioning
operation may cause a failure.

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ungetc (Continued)
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for ungetc, fgetc, */
/* printf, fopen, fclose, */

int main(void)
FILE *buf;
char y, c;

if ((buf = fopen("afile.txt", "r")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile.txt\n");
y = fgetc(buf);
while (y != EOF)
if (y == 'r')
c = ungetc(y, buf);
if (c != EOF)
y = fgetc(buf);
printf("%c", y);
y = fgetc(buf);
Contents of afile.txt (used as input):
Longer string
Longe2r st2ring

DS50001456J-page 92 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Prints formatted text to a string using a variable length argument list.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int vasprintf(char **s, const char *format,
va_list ap);
Arguments: s storage string for output
format format control string
ap pointer to a list of arguments
Return Value: Returns number of characters stored in s excluding the terminating null
Remarks: The format argument has the same syntax and use that it has in
To access the variable length argument list, the ap variable must be ini-
tialized by the macro va_start and may be reinitialized by additional
calls to va_arg. This must be done before the vasprintf function is
called. Invoke va_end after the function returns. For more details, see
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for vasprintf, printf */
#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_start, */
/* va_list, va_end */

void errmsg(const char *fmt, ...)

va_list ap;
char buf[100];
char **bufptr;
bufptr = &buf;

va_start(ap, fmt);
vasprintf(bufptr, fmt, ap);
printf("Error: %s", buf);

int main(void)
int num = 3;

errmsg("The letter '%c' is not %s\n", 'a',

"an integer value.");
errmsg("Requires %d%s\n", num,
" or more characters.\n");
Error: The letter 'a' is not an integer value.
Error: Requires 3 or more characters.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Prints formatted data to a stream using a variable length argument list.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int vfprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format,
va_list ap);
Arguments: stream pointer to the open stream
format format control string
ap pointer to a list of arguments
Return Value: Returns number of characters generated or a negative number if an
error occurs.
Remarks: The format argument has the same syntax and use that it has in
To access the variable length argument list, the ap variable must be ini-
tialized by the macro va_start and may be reinitialized by additional
calls to va_arg. This must be done before the vfprintf function is
called. Invoke va_end after the function returns. For more details, see
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for vfprintf, fopen, */
/* fclose, printf, */
/* FILE, NULL */

#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_start, */

/* va_list, va_end */

FILE *myfile;

void errmsg(const char *fmt, ...)

va_list ap;

va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(myfile, fmt, ap);

int main(void)
int num = 3;

if ((myfile = fopen("afile.txt", "w")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open afile.txt\n");
errmsg("Error: The letter '%c' is not %s\n", 'a',
"an integer value.");
errmsg("Error: Requires %d%s%c", num,
" or more characters.", '\n');
Contents of afile.txt
Error: The letter 'a' is not an integer value.
Error: Requires 3 or more characters.

DS50001456J-page 94 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Prints formatted text to stdout using a variable length argument list.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int vprintf(const char *format, va_list ap);
Arguments: format format control string
ap pointer to a list of arguments
Return Value: Returns number of characters generated or a negative number if an
error occurs.
Remarks: The format argument has the same syntax and use that it has in
To access the variable length argument list, the ap variable must be ini-
tialized by the macro va_start and may be reinitialized by additional
calls to va_arg. This must be done before the vprintf function is
called. Invoke va_end after the function returns. For more details, see
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for vprintf, printf */
#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_start, */
/* va_list, va_end */

void errmsg(const char *fmt, ...)

va_list ap;

va_start(ap, fmt);
printf("Error: ");
vprintf(fmt, ap);

int main(void)
int num = 3;

errmsg("The letter '%c' is not %s\n", 'a',

"an integer value.");
errmsg("Requires %d%s\n", num,
" or more characters.\n");
Error: The letter 'a' is not an integer value.
Error: Requires 3 or more characters.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Prints formatted text to a string using a variable length argument list.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int vsprintf(char *s, const char *format, va_list
Arguments: s storage string for output
format format control string
ap pointer to a list of arguments
Return Value: Returns number of characters stored in s excluding the terminating null
Remarks: The format argument has the same syntax and use that it has in
To access the variable length argument list, the ap variable must be ini-
tialized by the macro va_start and may be reinitialized by additional
calls to va_arg. This must be done before the vsprintf function is
called. Invoke va_end after the function returns. For more details, see
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for vsprintf, printf */
#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_start, */
/* va_list, va_end */

void errmsg(const char *fmt, ...)

va_list ap;
char buf[100];

va_start(ap, fmt);
vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
printf("Error: %s", buf);

int main(void)
int num = 3;

errmsg("The letter '%c' is not %s\n", 'a',

"an integer value.");
errmsg("Requires %d%s\n", num,
" or more characters.\n");
Error: The letter 'a' is not an integer value.
Error: Requires 3 or more characters.

DS50001456J-page 96 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries


The header file stdlib.h consists of types, macros and functions that provide text
conversions, memory management, searching and sorting abilities and other general

Description: A type that holds a quotient and remainder of a signed integer division
with operands of type int.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: typedef struct { int quot, rem; } div_t;
Remarks: This is the structure type returned by the function, div.

Description: A type that holds a quotient and remainder of a signed integer division
with operands of type long.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: typedef struct { long quot, rem; } ldiv_t;
Remarks: This is the structure type returned by the function, ldiv.

Description: The type of the result of the sizeof operator.
Include: <stdlib.h>

Description: A type that holds a wide character value.
Include: <stdlib.h>

Description: Reports unsuccessful termination.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Remarks: EXIT_FAILURE is a value for the exit function to return an unsuccessful
termination status.
Example: See exit for example of use.

Description: Reports successful termination.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Remarks: EXIT_SUCCESS is a value for the exit function to return a successful
termination status.
Example: See exit for example of use.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Maximum number of characters in a multibyte character.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Value: 1

Description: The value of a null pointer constant.
Include: <stdlib.h>

Description: Maximum value capable of being returned by the rand function.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Value: 32767

Description: Aborts the current process.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: void abort(void);
Remarks: abort will cause the processor to reset.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fopen, fclose, */
/* printf, FILE, NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for abort */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;

if ((myfile = fopen("samp.fil", "r")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open samp.fil\n");
printf("Success opening samp.fil\n");

Cannot open samp.fil

DS50001456J-page 98 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Calculates the absolute value.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: int abs(int i);
Argument: i integer value
Return Value: Returns the absolute value of i.
Remarks: A negative number is returned as positive; a positive number is
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for abs */

int main(void)
int i;

i = 12;
printf("The absolute value of %d is %d\n",
i, abs(i));

i = -2;
printf("The absolute value of %d is %d\n",
i, abs(i));

i = 0;
printf("The absolute value of %d is %d\n",
i, abs(i));
The absolute value of 12 is 12
The absolute value of -2 is 2
The absolute value of 0 is 0

Description: Registers the specified function to be called when the program
terminates normally.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: int atexit(void(*func)(void));
Argument: func function to be called
Return Value: Returns a zero if successful; otherwise, returns a non-zero value.
Remarks: For the registered functions to be called, the program must terminate
with the exit function call.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for scanf, printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for atexit, exit */

void good_msg(void);
void bad_msg(void);
void end_msg(void);

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

atexit (Continued)
int main(void)
int number;

printf("Enter your favorite number:");
scanf("%d", &number);
printf(" %d\n", number);
if (number == 5)
printf("Good Choice\n");
printf("%d!?\n", number);

void good_msg(void)
printf("That's an excellent number\n");

void bad_msg(void)
printf("That's an awful number\n");

void end_msg(void)
printf("Now go count something\n");
With contents of UartIn.txt (used as stdin input for simulator):
Enter your favorite number: 5
Good Choice
That's an excellent number
Now go count something
With contents of UartIn.txt (used as stdin input for simulator):
Enter your favorite number: 42
That's an awful number
Now go count something

DS50001456J-page 100 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Converts a string to a double precision floating-point value.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: double atof(const char *s);
Argument: s pointer to the string to be converted
Return Value: Returns the converted value if successful; otherwise, returns 0.
Remarks: The number may consist of the following:
[whitespace] [sign] digits [.digits]
[ { e | E }[sign]digits]
optional whitespace followed by an optional sign, then a sequence
of one or more digits with an optional decimal point, followed by one
or more optional digits and an optional e or E followed by an optional
signed exponent. The conversion stops when the first unrecognized
character is reached. The conversion is the same as strtod(s,0)
except it does no error checking so errno will not be set.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for atof */

int main(void)
char a[] = " 1.28";
char b[] = "27.835e2";
char c[] = "Number1";
double x;

x = atof(a);
printf("String = \"%s\" float = %f\n", a, x);

x = atof(b);
printf("String = \"%s\" float = %f\n", b, x);

x = atof(c);
printf("String = \"%s\" float = %f\n", c, x);
String = "1.28" float = 1.280000
String = "27.835:e2" float = 2783.500000
String = "Number1" float = 0.000000

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Converts a string to an integer.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: int atoi(const char *s);
Argument: s string to be converted
Return Value: Returns the converted integer if successful; otherwise, returns 0.
Remarks: The number may consist of the following:
[whitespace] [sign] digits
optional whitespace followed by an optional sign, then a sequence
of one or more digits. The conversion stops when the first unrecog-
nized character is reached. The conversion is equivalent to (int)
strtol(s,0,10), except it does no error checking so errno will not
be set.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for atoi */

int main(void)

char a[] = " -127";

char b[] = "Number1";
int x;

x = atoi(a);
printf("String = \"%s\"\tint = %d\n", a, x);

x = atoi(b);
printf("String = \"%s\"\tint = %d\n", b, x);
String = " -127" int = -127
String = "Number1" int = 0

Description: Converts a string to a long integer.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: long atol(const char *s);
Argument: s string to be converted
Return Value: Returns the converted long integer if successful; otherwise, returns 0.
Remarks: The number may consist of the following:
[whitespace] [sign] digits
optional whitespace followed by an optional sign, then a sequence
of one or more digits. The conversion stops when the first unrecog-
nized character is reached. The conversion is equivalent to (int)
strtol(s,0,10), except it does no error checking so errno will not
be set.

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Standard C Libraries

atol (Continued)
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for atol */

int main(void)
char a[] = " -123456";
char b[] = "2Number";
long x;

x = atol(a);
printf("String = \"%s\" int = %ld\n", a, x);

x = atol(b);
printf("String = \"%s\" int = %ld\n", b, x);
String = " -123456" int = -123456
String = "2Number" int = 2

Description: Performs a binary search.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base,
size_t nelem, size_t size,
int (*cmp)(const void *ck, const void *ce));
Arguments: key object to search for
base pointer to the start of the search data
nelem number of elements
size size of elements
cmp pointer to the comparison function
ck pointer to the key for the search
ce pointer to the element being compared with the key.
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the object being searched for if found; otherwise,
returns NULL.
Remarks: The value returned by the compare function is <0 if ck is less than ce,
0 if ck is equal to ce or >0 if ck is greater than ce.
In the following example, qsort is used to sort the list before bsearch
is called. bsearch requires the list to be sorted according to the
comparison function. This comp uses ascending order.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

bsearch (Continued)
Example: #include <stdlib.h> /* for bsearch, qsort */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, sizeof */

#define NUM 7

int comp(const void *e1, const void *e2);

int main(void)
int list[NUM] = {35, 47, 63, 25, 93, 16, 52};
int x, y;
int *r;

qsort(list, NUM, sizeof(int), comp);

printf("Sorted List: ");

for (x = 0; x < NUM; x++)
printf("%d ", list[x]);

y = 25;
r = bsearch(&y, list, NUM, sizeof(int), comp);
if (r)
printf("\nThe value %d was found\n", y);
printf("\nThe value %d was not found\n", y);

y = 75;
r = bsearch(&y, list, NUM, sizeof(int), comp);
if (r)
printf("\nThe value %d was found\n", y);
printf("\nThe value %d was not found\n", y);

int comp(const void *e1, const void *e2)


const int * a1 = e1;

const int * a2 = e2;

if (*a1 < *a2)

return -1;
else if (*a1 == *a2)
return 0;
return 1;
Sorted List: 16 25 35 47 52 63 93
The value 25 was found

The value 75 was not found

DS50001456J-page 104 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Allocates an array in memory and initializes the elements to 0.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: void *calloc(size_t nelem, size_t size);
Arguments: nelem number of elements
size length of each element
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the allocated space if successful; otherwise,
returns a null pointer.
Remarks: Memory returned by calloc is aligned correctly for any size data
element and is initialized to zero. This function requires a heap.
Example: /* This program allocates memory for the */
/* array 'i' of long integers and initializes */
/* them to zero. */

#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, NULL */

#include <stdlib.h> /* for calloc, free */

int main(void)
int x;
long *i;

i = (long *)calloc(5, sizeof(long));

if (i != NULL)
for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
printf("i[%d] = %ld\n", x, i[x]);
printf("Cannot allocate memory\n");
i[0] = 0
i[1] = 0
i[2] = 0
i[3] = 0
i[4] = 0

Description: Calculates the quotient and remainder of two numbers.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: div_t div(int numer, int denom);
Arguments: numer numerator
denom denominator
Return Value: Returns the quotient and the remainder.
Remarks: The returned quotient will have the same sign as the numerator divided
by the denominator. The sign for the remainder will be such that the
quotient times the denominator plus the remainder will equal the
numerator (quot * denom + rem = numer). Division by zero will invoke
the math exception error, which, by default, will cause a Reset. Write a
math error handler to do something else.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

div (Continued)
Example: #include <stdlib.h> /* for div, div_t */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

void __attribute__((__interrupt__))
printf("Illegal instruction executed\n");

int main(void)
int x, y;
div_t z;

x = 7;
y = 3;
printf("For div(%d, %d)\n", x, y);
z = div(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %d and the "
"remainder is %d\n\n", z.quot, z.rem);

x = 7;
y = -3;
printf("For div(%d, %d)\n", x, y);
z = div(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %d and the "
"remainder is %d\n\n", z.quot, z.rem);

x = -5;
y = 3;
printf("For div(%d, %d)\n", x, y);
z = div(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %d and the "
"remainder is %d\n\n", z.quot, z.rem);

x = 7;
y = 7;
printf("For div(%d, %d)\n", x, y);
z = div(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %d and the "
"remainder is %d\n\n", z.quot, z.rem);

x = 7;
y = 0;
printf("For div(%d, %d)\n", x, y);
z = div(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %d and the "
"remainder is %d\n\n", z.quot, z.rem);

DS50001456J-page 106 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

div (Continued)
For div(7, 3)
The quotient is 2 and the remainder is 1

For div(7, -3)

The quotient is -2 and the remainder is 1

For div(-5, 3)
The quotient is -1 and the remainder is -2

For div(7, 7)
The quotient is 1 and the remainder is 0

For div(7, 0)
Illegal instruction executed

Description: Terminates program after clean up.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: void exit(int status);
Argument: status exit status
Remarks: exit calls any functions registered by atexit in reverse order of reg-
istration, flushes buffers, closes stream, closes any temporary files
created with tmpfile and resets the processor. This function is
customizable. See pic30-libs.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fopen, printf, */
/* FILE, NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for exit */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;

if ((myfile = fopen("samp.fil", "r" )) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open samp.fil\n");
printf("Success opening samp.fil\n");
printf("This will not be printed");
Cannot open samp.fil

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 107

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Frees memory.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: void free(void *ptr);
Argument: ptr points to memory to be freed
Remarks: Frees memory previously allocated with calloc, malloc or realloc.
If free is used on space that has already been deallocated (by a previ-
ous call to free or by realloc) or on space not allocated with cal-
loc, malloc or realloc, the behavior is undefined. This function
requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf, sizeof, */
/* NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc, free */

int main(void)
long *i;

if ((i = (long *)malloc(50 * sizeof(long))) ==

printf("Cannot allocate memory\n");
printf("Memory allocated\n");
printf("Memory freed\n");
Memory allocated
Memory freed

Description: Get a value for an environment variable.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: char *getenv(const char *name);
Argument: name name of environment variable
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the value of the environment variable if successful;
otherwise, returns a null pointer.
Remarks: This function must be customized to be used as described (see
pic30-libs). By default, there are no entries in the environment list
for getenv to find.

DS50001456J-page 108 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

getenv (Continued)
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf, NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for getenv */

int main(void)
char *incvar;

incvar = getenv("INCLUDE");
if (incvar != NULL)
printf("INCLUDE environment variable = %s\n",
printf("Cannot find environment variable "
Cannot find environment variable INCLUDE

Description: Calculates the absolute value of a long integer.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: long labs(long i);
Argument: i long integer value
Return Value: Returns the absolute value of i.
Remarks: A negative number is returned as positive; a positive number is
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for labs */

int main(void)
long i;

i = 123456;
printf("The absolute value of %7ld is %6ld\n",
i, labs(i));

i = -246834;
printf("The absolute value of %7ld is %6ld\n",
i, labs(i));

i = 0;
printf("The absolute value of %7ld is %6ld\n",
i, labs(i));
The absolute value of 123456 is 123456
The absolute value of -246834 is 246834
The absolute value of 0 is 0

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the quotient and remainder of two long integers.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: ldiv_t ldiv(long numer, long denom);
Arguments: numer numerator
denom denominator
Return Value: Returns the quotient and the remainder.
Remarks: The returned quotient will have the same sign as the numerator divided
by the denominator. The sign for the remainder will be such that the
quotient times the denominator plus the remainder will equal the
numerator (quot * denom + rem = numer). If the denominator is zero,
the behavior is undefined.
Example: #include <stdlib.h> /* for ldiv, ldiv_t */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
long x,y;
ldiv_t z;

x = 7;
y = 3;
printf("For ldiv(%ld, %ld)\n", x, y);
z = ldiv(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %ld and the "
"remainder is %ld\n\n", z.quot, z.rem);

x = 7;
y = -3;
printf("For ldiv(%ld, %ld)\n", x, y);
z = ldiv(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %ld and the "
"remainder is %ld\n\n", z.quot, z.rem);

x = -5;
y = 3;
printf("For ldiv(%ld, %ld)\n", x, y);
z = ldiv(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %ld and the "
"remainder is %ld\n\n", z.quot, z.rem);

x = 7;
y = 7;
printf("For ldiv(%ld, %ld)\n", x, y);
z = ldiv(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %ld and the "
"remainder is %ld\n\n", z.quot, z.rem);

x = 7;
y = 0;
printf("For ldiv(%ld, %ld)\n", x, y);
z = ldiv(x, y);
printf("The quotient is %ld and the "
"remainder is %ld\n\n",
z.quot, z.rem);

DS50001456J-page 110 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

ldiv (Continued)

For ldiv(7, 3)
The quotient is 2 and the remainder is 1

For ldiv(7, -3)

The quotient is -2 and the remainder is 1

For ldiv(-5, 3)
The quotient is -1 and the remainder is -2

For ldiv(7, 7)
The quotient is 1 and the remainder is 0

For ldiv(7, 0)
The quotient is -1 and the remainder is 7
In the last example (ldiv(7,0)) the denominator is zero, the behavior
is undefined.

Description: Allocates memory.
The default implementation of malloc will require an additional 4 bytes
of heap memory per allocation.
The legacy library's malloc will use an additional 2 bytes of heap
memory per allocation.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: void *malloc(size_t size);
Argument: size number of characters to allocate
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the allocated space if successful; otherwise,
returns a null pointer.
Remarks: malloc does not initialize memory it returns.
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf, sizeof, */
/* NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc, free */

int main(void)
long *i;

if ((i = (long *)malloc(50 * sizeof(long))) ==

printf("Cannot allocate memory\n");
printf("Memory allocated\n");
printf("Memory freed\n");
Memory allocated
Memory freed

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

DS50001456J-page 112 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Gets the length of a multibyte character. (See Remarks.)
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: int mblen(const char *s, size_t n);
Arguments: s points to the multibyte character
n number of bytes to check
Return Value: Returns zero if s points to a null character; otherwise, returns 1.
Remarks: The 16-bit compiler does not support multibyte characters with length
greater than 1 byte.

Description: Converts a multibyte string to a wide character string. (See Remarks.)
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t *wcs, const char *s,
size_t n);
Arguments: wcs points to the wide character string
s points to the multibyte string
n the number of wide characters to convert.
Return Value: Returns the number of wide characters stored excluding the null
Remarks: mbstowcs converts n number of wide characters unless it encounters
a null wide character first. The 16-bit compiler does not support
multibyte characters with length greater than 1 byte.

Description: Converts a multibyte character to a wide character. (See Remarks).
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: int mbtowc(wchar_t *pwc, const char *s, size_t n);
Arguments: pwc points to the wide character
s points to the multibyte character
n number of bytes to check
Return Value: Returns zero if s points to a null character; otherwise, returns 1.
Remarks: The resulting wide character will be stored at pwc. The 16-bit compiler
does not support multibyte characters with length greater than 1 byte.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Performs a quick sort.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: void qsort(void *base, size_t nelem, size_t size,
int (*cmp)(const void *e1, const void *e2));
Arguments: base pointer to the start of the array
nelem number of elements
size size of the elements
cmp pointer to the comparison function
e1 pointer to the key for the search
e2 pointer to the element being compared with the key
Remarks: qsort overwrites the array with the sorted array. The comparison func-
tion is supplied by the user. In the following example, the list is sorted
according to the comparison function. This comp uses ascending order.
This function requires a heap.
Example: #include <stdlib.h> /* for qsort */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

#define NUM 7

int comp(const void *e1, const void *e2);

int main(void)
int list[NUM] = {35, 47, 63, 25, 93, 16, 52};
int x;

printf("Unsorted List: ");

for (x = 0; x < NUM; x++)
printf("%d ", list[x]);

qsort(list, NUM, sizeof(int), comp);

printf("Sorted List: ");
for (x = 0; x < NUM; x++)
printf("%d ", list[x]);

int comp(const void *e1, const void *e2)


const int * a1 = e1;

const int * a2 = e2;

if (*a1 < *a2)

return -1;
else if (*a1 == *a2)
return 0;
return 1;

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Standard C Libraries

qsort (Continued)
Unsorted List: 35 47 63 25 93 16 52
Sorted List: 16 25 35 47 52 63 93

Description: Generates a pseudo-random integer.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: int rand(void);
Return Value: Returns an integer between 0 and RAND_MAX.
Remarks: Calls to this function return pseudo-random integer values in the range
[0,RAND_MAX]. To use this function effectively, you must seed the ran-
dom number generator using the srand function. This function will
always return the same sequence of integers when no seeds are used
(as in the example below) or when identical seed values are used. (See
srand for seed example.)
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for rand */

int main(void)
int x;

for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)

printf("Number = %d\n", rand());
Number = 21422
Number = 2061
Number = 16443
Number = 11617
Number = 9125

Notice if the program is run a second time, the numbers are the same.
See the example for srand to seed the random number generator.

Description: Reallocates memory to allow a size change.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
Arguments: ptr points to previously allocated memory
size new size to allocate to
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the allocated space if successful; otherwise,
returns a null pointer. This function requires a heap.
Remarks: If the existing object is smaller than the new object, the entire existing
object is copied to the new object and the remainder of the new object
is indeterminate. If the existing object is larger than the new object, the
function copies as much of the existing object as will fit in the new
object. If realloc succeeds in allocating a new object, the existing
object will be deallocated; otherwise, the existing object is left
unchanged. Keep a temporary pointer to the existing object since
realloc will return a null pointer on failure.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

realloc (Continued)
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf, sizeof, NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for realloc, malloc, free */

int main(void)
long *i, *j;

if ((i = (long *)malloc(50 * sizeof(long)))

== NULL)
printf("Cannot allocate memory\n");
printf("Memory allocated\n");
/* Temp pointer in case realloc() fails */
j = i;

if ((i = (long *)realloc(i, 25 * sizeof(long)))

== NULL)
printf("Cannot reallocate memory\n");
/* j pointed to allocated memory */
printf("Memory reallocated\n");
Memory allocated
Memory reallocated

DS50001456J-page 116 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Set the starting seed for the pseudo-random number sequence.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: void srand(unsigned int seed);
Argument: seed starting value for the pseudo-random number sequence
Return Value: None.
Remarks: This function sets the starting seed for the pseudo-random number
sequence generated by the rand function. The rand function will
always return the same sequence of integers when identical seed val-
ues are used. If rand is called with a seed value of 1, the sequence of
numbers generated will be the same as if rand had been called without
srand having been called first.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for rand, srand */

int main(void)
int x;

for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
printf("Number = %d\n", rand());
Number = 16327
Number = 5931
Number = 23117
Number = 30985
Number = 29612

Description: Duplicates a string.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: char *strdup(const char *s1);
Arguments: s1 pointer to the string
Return Value: A pointer to a new string on success. Otherwise, it shall return a null
Remarks: The strdup() function shall return a pointer to a new string, which is a
duplicate of the string pointed to by s1. The returned pointer can be
passed to free(). A null pointer is returned if the new string cannot be
This function required a heap.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for strdup */

int main(void)
char a[] = "MyString";
char *b;

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

strdup (Continued)
b = strdup(a);
printf("String a = \"%s\"\n" , a );
printf("String b = \"%s\"\n" , b );

String a = "MyString"
String b = "MyString"

Description: Converts a partial string to a floating-point number of type double.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: double strtod(const char *s, char **endptr);
Arguments: s string to be converted
endptr pointer to the character at which the conversion stopped
Return Value: Returns the converted number if successful; otherwise, returns 0.
Remarks: The number may consist of the following:
[whitespace] [sign] digits [.digits]
[ { e | E }[sign]digits]
optional whitespace followed by an optional sign, then a sequence
of one or more digits with an optional decimal point, followed by one
or more optional digits and an optional e or E followed by an optional
signed exponent.
strtod converts the string until it reaches a character that cannot be
converted to a number. endptr will point to the remainder of the string
starting with the first unconverted character.
If a range error occurs, errno will be set.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for strtod */

int main(void)
char *end;
char a[] = "1.28 inches";
char b[] = "27.835e2i";
char c[] = "Number1";
double x;

x = strtod(a, &end);
printf("String = \"%s\" float = %f\n", a, x );
printf("Stopped at: %s\n\n", end );

x = strtod(b, &end);
printf("String = \"%s\" float = %f\n", b, x );
printf("Stopped at: %s\n\n", end );

x = strtod(c, &end);
printf("String = \"%s\" float = %f\n", c, x );
printf("Stopped at: %s\n\n", end );

DS50001456J-page 118 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

strtod (Continued)
String = "1.28 inches" float = 1.280000
Stopped at: inches

String = "27.835e2i" float = 2783.500000

Stopped at: i

String = "Number1" float = 0.000000

Stopped at: Number1

Description: Converts a partial string to a long integer.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: long strtol(const char *s, char **endptr, int base);
Arguments: s string to be converted
endptr pointer to the character at which the conversion stopped
base number base to use in conversion
Return Value: Returns the converted number if successful; otherwise, returns 0.
Remarks: If base is zero, strtol attempts to determine the base automatically.
It can be octal, determined by a leading zero; hexadecimal, determined
by a leading 0x or 0X; or decimal in any other case. If base is specified,
strtol converts a sequence of digits and letters a-z (case insensitive)
where a-z represents the numbers 10-36. Conversion stops when an
out of base number is encountered. endptr will point to the remainder
of the string starting with the first unconverted character. If a range
error occurs, errno will be set.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for strtol */

int main(void)
char *end;
char a[] = "-12BGEE";
char b[] = "1234Number";
long x;

x = strtol(a, &end, 16);

printf("String = \"%s\" long = %ld\n", a, x );
printf("Stopped at: %s\n\n", end );

x = strtol(b, &end, 4);

printf("String = \"%s\" long = %ld\n", b, x );
printf("Stopped at: %s\n\n", end );
String = "-12BGEE" long = -299
Stopped at: GEE

String = "1234Number" long = 27

Stopped at: 4Number

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 119

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Converts a partial string to an unsigned long integer.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: unsigned long strtoul(const char *s, char **endptr,
int base);
Arguments: s string to be converted
endptr pointer to the character at which the conversion stopped
base number base to use in conversion
Return Value: Returns the converted number if successful; otherwise, returns 0.
Remarks: If base is zero, strtol attempts to determine the base automatically.
It can be octal, determined by a leading zero, hexadecimal, determined
by a leading 0x or 0X, or decimal in any other case. If base is specified
strtol converts a sequence of digits and letters a-z (case insensi-
tive), where a-z represents the numbers 10-36. Conversion stops when
an out of base number is encountered. endptr will point to the remain-
der of the string starting with the first unconverted character. If a range
error occurs, errno will be set.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for strtoul */

int main(void)
char *end;
char a[] = "12BGET3";
char b[] = "0x1234Number";
char c[] = "-123abc";
unsigned long x;

x = strtoul(a, &end, 25);

printf("String = \"%s\" long = %lu\n", a, x );
printf("Stopped at: %s\n\n", end );

x = strtoul(b, &end, 0);

printf("String = \"%s\" long = %lu\n", b, x );
printf("Stopped at: %s\n\n", end );

x = strtoul(c, &end, 0);

printf("String = \"%s\" long = %lu\n", c, x );
printf("Stopped at: %s\n\n", end );
String = "12BGET3" long = 429164
Stopped at: T3

String = "0x1234Number" long = 4660

Stopped at: Number

String = "-123abc" long = 4294967173

Stopped at: abc

DS50001456J-page 120 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Execute a command.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: int system(const char *s);
Argument: s command to be executed
Remarks: This function must be customized to be used as described (see
pic30-libs). By default, system will cause a Reset if called with
anything other than NULL. system(NULL) will do nothing.
Example: /* This program uses system */
/* to TYPE its source file. */

#include <stdlib.h> /* for system */

int main(void)
system("type sampsystem.c");
System(type sampsystem.c) called: Aborting

Description: Converts a wide character to a multibyte character. (See Remarks.)
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: int wctomb(char *s, wchar_t wchar);
Arguments: s points to the multibyte character
wchar the wide character to be converted
Return Value: Returns zero if s points to a null character; otherwise, returns 1.
Remarks: The resulting multibyte character is stored at s. The 16-bit compiler
does not support multibyte characters with length greater than
1 character.

Description: Converts a wide character string to a multibyte string. (See Remarks.)
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: size_t wcstombs(char *s, const wchar_t *wcs,
size_t n);
Arguments: s points to the multibyte string
wcs points to the wide character string
n the number of characters to convert
Return Value: Returns the number of characters stored excluding the null character.
Remarks: wcstombs converts n number of multibyte characters unless it
encounters a null character first. The 16-bit compiler does not support
multibyte characters with length greater than 1 character.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


The header file, string.h, consists of types, macros and functions that provide tools
to manipulate strings.

Description: The type of the result of the sizeof operator.
Include: <string.h>

Description: The value of a null pointer constant.
Include: <string.h>

Description: Locates a character in a buffer.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: void *memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n);
Arguments: s pointer to the buffer
c character to search for
n number of characters to check
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the location of the match if successful; otherwise,
returns null.
Remarks: memchr stops when it finds the first occurrence of c, or after searching
n number of characters.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for memchr, NULL */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "What time is it?";
char ch1 = 'i', ch2 = 'y';
char *ptr;
int res;

printf("buf1 : %s\n\n", buf1);

ptr = memchr(buf1, ch1, 50);

if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - buf1 + 1;
printf("%c found at position %d\n", ch1, res);
printf("%c not found\n", ch1);

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memchr (Continued)

ptr = memchr(buf1, ch2, 50);

if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - buf1 + 1;
printf("%c found at position %d\n", ch2, res);
printf("%c not found\n", ch2);
buf1 : What time is it?

i found at position 7

y not found

Description: Compare the contents of two buffers.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
Arguments: s1 first buffer
s2 second buffer
n number of characters to compare
Return Value: Returns a positive number if s1 is greater than s2, zero if s1 is equal to
s2 or a negative number if s1 is less than s2.
Remarks: This function compares the first n characters in s1 to the first n charac-
ters in s2 and returns a value indicating whether the buffers are less
than, equal to or greater than each other.
Example: #include <string.h> /* memcmp */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "Where is the time?";
char buf2[50] = "Where did they go?";
char buf3[50] = "Why?";
int res;

printf("buf1 : %s\n", buf1);

printf("buf2 : %s\n", buf2);
printf("buf3 : %s\n\n", buf3);

res = memcmp(buf1, buf2, 6);

if (res < 0)
printf("buf1 comes before buf2\n");
else if (res == 0)
printf("6 characters of buf1 and buf2 "
"are equal\n");
printf("buf2 comes before buf1\n");

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memcmp (Continued)

res = memcmp(buf1, buf2, 20);

if (res < 0)
printf("buf1 comes before buf2\n");
else if (res == 0)
printf("20 characters of buf1 and buf2 "
"are equal\n");
printf("buf2 comes before buf1\n");


res = memcmp(buf1, buf3, 20);

if (res < 0)
printf("buf1 comes before buf3\n");
else if (res == 0)
printf("20 characters of buf1 and buf3 "
"are equal\n");
printf("buf3 comes before buf1\n");
buf1 : Where is the time?
buf2 : Where did they go?
buf3 : Why?

6 characters of buf1 and buf2 are equal

buf2 comes before buf1

buf1 comes before buf3

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Description: Copies characters from one buffer to another.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: void *memcpy(void *dst , const void *src , size_t n);
Arguments: dst buffer to copy characters to
src buffer to copy characters from
n number of characters to copy
Return Value: Returns dst.
Remarks: memcpy copies n characters from the source buffer src to the
destination buffer dst. If the buffers overlap, the behavior is undefined.
Example: #include <string.h> /* memcpy */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "";
char buf2[50] = "Where is the time?";
char buf3[50] = "Why?";

printf("buf1 : %s\n", buf1);

printf("buf2 : %s\n", buf2);
printf("buf3 : %s\n\n", buf3);

memcpy(buf1, buf2, 6);

printf("buf1 after memcpy of 6 chars of "
"buf2: \n\t%s\n", buf1);


memcpy(buf1, buf3, 5);

printf("buf1 after memcpy of 5 chars of "
"buf3: \n\t%s\n", buf1);
buf1 :
buf2 : Where is the time?
buf3 : Why?

buf1 after memcpy of 6 chars of buf2:


buf1 after memcpy of 5 chars of buf3:


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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Copies n characters of the source buffer into the destination buffer,
even if the regions overlap.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: void *memmove(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
Arguments: s1 buffer to copy characters to (destination)
s2 buffer to copy characters from (source)
n number of characters to copy from s2 to s1
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the destination buffer.
Remarks: If the buffers overlap, the effect is as if the characters are read first from
s2, then written to s1, so the buffer is not corrupted.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for memmove */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "When time marches on";
char buf2[50] = "Where is the time?";
char buf3[50] = "Why?";

printf("buf1 : %s\n", buf1);

printf("buf2 : %s\n", buf2);
printf("buf3 : %s\n\n", buf3);

memmove(buf1, buf2, 6);

printf("buf1 after memmove of 6 chars of "
"buf2: \n\t%s\n", buf1);


memmove(buf1, buf3, 5);

printf("buf1 after memmove of 5 chars of "
"buf3: \n\t%s\n", buf1);
buf1 : When time marches on
buf2 : Where is the time?
buf3 : Why?

buf1 after memmove of 6 chars of buf2:

Where ime marches on

buf1 after memmove of 5 chars of buf3:


DS50001456J-page 126 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

Description: Copies the specified character into the destination buffer.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
Arguments: s buffer
c character to put in buffer
n number of times
Return Value: Returns the buffer with characters written to it.
Remarks: The character c is written to the buffer n times.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for memset */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[20] = "What time is it?";
char buf2[20] = "";
char ch1 = '?', ch2 = 'y';
char *ptr;
int res;

printf("memset(\"%s\", \'%c\',4);\n", buf1, ch1);

memset(buf1, ch1, 4);
printf("buf1 after memset: %s\n", buf1);

printf("memset(\"%s\", \'%c\',10);\n", buf2, ch2);
memset(buf2, ch2, 10);
printf("buf2 after memset: %s\n", buf2);
memset("What time is it?", '?',4);
buf1 after memset: ???? time is it?

memset("", 'y',10);
buf2 after memset: yyyyyyyyyy

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Appends a copy of the source string to the end of the destination string.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strcat(char *s1, const char *s2);
Arguments: s1 null terminated destination string to copy to
s2 null terminated source string to be copied
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the destination string.
Remarks: This function appends the source string (including the terminating null
character) to the end of the destination string. The initial character of
the source string overwrites the null character at the end of the
destination string. If the buffers overlap, the behavior is undefined.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strcat, strlen */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "We're here";
char buf2[50] = "Where is the time?";

printf("buf1 : %s\n", buf1);

printf("\t(%d characters)\n\n", strlen(buf1));
printf("buf2 : %s\n", buf2);
printf("\t(%d characters)\n\n", strlen(buf2));

strcat(buf1, buf2);
printf("buf1 after strcat of buf2: \n\t%s\n",
printf("\t(%d characters)\n", strlen(buf1));


strcat(buf1, "Why?");
printf("buf1 after strcat of \"Why?\": \n\t%s\n",
printf("\t(%d characters)\n", strlen(buf1));
buf1 : We're here
(10 characters)

buf2 : Where is the time?

(18 characters)

buf1 after strcat of buf2:

We're hereWhere is the time?
(28 characters)

buf1 after strcat of "Why?":

We're hereWhere is the time?Why?
(32 characters)

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Standard C Libraries

Description: Locates the first occurrence of a specified character in a string.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
Arguments: s pointer to the string
c character to search for
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the location of the match if successful; otherwise,
returns a null pointer.
Remarks: This function searches the string s to find the first occurrence of the
character, c.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strchr, NULL */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "What time is it?";
char ch1 = 'm', ch2 = 'y';
char *ptr;
int res;

printf("buf1 : %s\n\n", buf1);

ptr = strchr(buf1, ch1);

if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - buf1 + 1;
printf("%c found at position %d\n", ch1, res);
printf("%c not found\n", ch1);


ptr = strchr(buf1, ch2);

if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - buf1 + 1;
printf("%c found at position %d\n", ch2, res);
printf("%c not found\n", ch2);
buf1 : What time is it?

m found at position 8

y not found

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Description: Compares two strings.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
Arguments: s1 first string
s2 second string
Return Value: Returns a positive number if s1 is greater than s2, zero if s1 is equal to
s2 or a negative number if s1 is less than s2.
Remarks: This function compares successive characters from s1 and s2 until
they are not equal or the null terminator is reached.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strcmp */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "Where is the time?";
char buf2[50] = "Where did they go?";
char buf3[50] = "Why?";
int res;

printf("buf1 : %s\n", buf1);

printf("buf2 : %s\n", buf2);
printf("buf3 : %s\n\n", buf3);

res = strcmp(buf1, buf2);

if (res < 0)
printf("buf1 comes before buf2\n");
else if (res == 0)
printf("buf1 and buf2 are equal\n");
printf("buf2 comes before buf1\n");


res = strcmp(buf1, buf3);

if (res < 0)
printf("buf1 comes before buf3\n");
else if (res == 0)
printf("buf1 and buf3 are equal\n");
printf("buf3 comes before buf1\n");


res = strcmp("Why?", buf3);

if (res < 0)
printf("\"Why?\" comes before buf3\n");
else if (res == 0)
printf("\"Why?\" and buf3 are equal\n");
printf("buf3 comes before \"Why?\"\n");

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strcmp (Continued)
buf1 : Where is the time?
buf2 : Where did they go?
buf3 : Why?

buf2 comes before buf1

buf1 comes before buf3

"Why?" and buf3 are equal

Description: Compares one string to another. (See Remarks.)
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: int strcoll(const char *s1, const char *s2);
Arguments: s1 first string
s2 second string
Return Value: Using the locale-dependent rules, it returns a positive number if s1 is
greater than s2, zero if s1 is equal to s2 or a negative number if s1 is
less than s2.
Remarks: Since the 16-bit compiler does not support alternate locales, this
function is equivalent to strcmp.

Description: Copy the source string into the destination string.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2);
Arguments: s1 destination string to copy to
s2 source string to copy from
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the destination string.
Remarks: All characters of s2 are copied, including the null terminating character.
If the strings overlap, the behavior is undefined.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strcpy, strlen */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "We're here";
char buf2[50] = "Where is the time?";
char buf3[50] = "Why?";

printf("buf1 : %s\n", buf1);

printf("buf2 : %s\n", buf2);
printf("buf3 : %s\n\n", buf3);

strcpy(buf1, buf2);
printf("buf1 after strcpy of buf2: \n\t%s\n\n",

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

strcpy (Continued)
strcpy(buf1, buf3);
printf("buf1 after strcpy of buf3: \n\t%s\n",
buf1 : We're here
buf2 : Where is the time?
buf3 : Why?

buf1 after strcpy of buf2:

Where is the time?

buf1 after strcpy of buf3:


Description: Calculate the number of consecutive characters at the beginning of a
string that are not contained in a set of characters.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: size_t strcspn(const char *s1, const char *s2);
Arguments: s1 pointer to the string to be searched
s2 pointer to characters to search for
Return Value: Returns the length of the segment in s1 not containing characters
found in s2.
Remarks: This function will determine the number of consecutive characters from
the beginning of s1 that are not contained in s2.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strcspn */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char str1[20] = "hello";
char str2[20] = "aeiou";
char str3[20] = "animal";
char str4[20] = "xyz";
int res;

res = strcspn(str1, str2);

printf("strcspn(\"%s\", \"%s\") = %d\n",
str1, str2, res);

res = strcspn(str3, str2);

printf("strcspn(\"%s\", \"%s\") = %d\n",
str3, str2, res);

res = strcspn(str3, str4);

printf("strcspn(\"%s\", \"%s\") = %d\n",
str3, str4, res);
strcspn("hello", "aeiou") = 1
strcspn("animal", "aeiou") = 0
strcspn("animal", "xyz") = 6

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Standard C Libraries

strcspn (Continued)
In the first result, e is in s2 so it stops counting after h.
In the second result, a is in s2.
In the third result, none of the characters of s1 are in s2 so all
characters are counted.

Description: Gets an internal error message.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strerror(int errcode);
Argument: errcode number of the error code
Return Value: Returns a pointer to an internal error message string corresponding to
the specified error code errcode.
Remarks: The array pointed to by strerror may be overwritten by a
subsequent call to this function.
Example: #include <stdio.h> /* for fopen, fclose, */
/* printf, FILE, NULL */
#include <string.h> /* for strerror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
FILE *myfile;

if ((myfile = fopen("samp.fil", "r+")) == NULL)

printf("Cannot open samp.fil: %s\n",
printf("Success opening samp.fil\n");
Cannot open samp.fil: file open error

Description: Finds the length of a string.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: size_t strlen(const char *s);
Argument: s the string
Return Value: Returns the length of a string.
Remarks: This function determines the length of the string, not including the
terminating null character.

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strlen (Continued)
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strlen */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char str1[20] = "We are here";
char str2[20] = "";
char str3[20] = "Why me?";

printf("str1 : %s\n", str1);

printf("\t(string length = %d characters)\n\n",
printf("str2 : %s\n", str2);
printf("\t(string length = %d characters)\n\n",
printf("str3 : %s\n", str3);
printf("\t(string length = %d characters)\n\n\n",

str1 : We are here
(string length = 11 characters)

str2 :
(string length = 0 characters)

str3 : Why me?

(string length = 7 characters)

Description: Append a specified number of characters from the source string to the
destination string.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strncat(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
Arguments: s1 destination string to copy to
s2 source string to copy from
n number of characters to append
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the destination string.
Remarks: This function appends up to n characters (a null character and charac-
ters that follow it are not appended) from the source string to the end of
the destination string. If a null character is not encountered, then a ter-
minating null character is appended to the result. If the strings overlap,
the behavior is undefined.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strncat, strlen */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "We're here";
char buf2[50] = "Where is the time?";
char buf3[50] = "Why?";

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strncat (Continued)
printf("buf1 : %s\n", buf1);
printf("\t(%d characters)\n\n", strlen(buf1));
printf("buf2 : %s\n", buf2);
printf("\t(%d characters)\n\n", strlen(buf2));
printf("buf3 : %s\n", buf3);
printf("\t(%d characters)\n\n\n", strlen(buf3));

strncat(buf1, buf2, 6);

printf("buf1 after strncat of 6 characters "
"of buf2: \n\t%s\n", buf1);
printf("\t(%d characters)\n", strlen(buf1));


strncat(buf1, buf2, 25);

printf("buf1 after strncat of 25 characters "
"of buf2: \n\t%s\n", buf1);
printf("\t(%d characters)\n", strlen(buf1));


strncat(buf1, buf3, 4);

printf("buf1 after strncat of 4 characters "
"of buf3: \n\t%s\n", buf1);
printf("\t(%d characters)\n", strlen(buf1));
buf1 : Were here
(10 characters)

buf2 : Where is the time?

(18 characters)

buf3 : Why?
(4 characters)

buf1 after strncat of 6 characters of buf2:

Were hereWhere
(16 characters)

buf1 after strncat of 25 characters of buf2:

Were hereWhere Where is the time?
(34 characters)

buf1 after strncat of 4 characters of buf3:

Were hereWhere Where is the time?Why?
(38 characters)

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Description: Compare two strings, up to a specified number of characters.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2,
size_t n);
Arguments: s1 first string
s2 second string
n number of characters to compare
Return Value: Returns a positive number if s1 is greater than s2, zero if s1 is equal to
s2 or a negative number if s1 is less than s2.
Remarks: strncmp returns a value based on the first character that differs
between s1 and s2. Characters that follow a null character are not
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strncmp */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "Where is the time?";
char buf2[50] = "Where did they go?";
char buf3[50] = "Why?";
int res;

printf("buf1 : %s\n", buf1);

printf("buf2 : %s\n", buf2);
printf("buf3 : %s\n\n", buf3);

res = strncmp(buf1, buf2, 6);

if (res < 0)
printf("buf1 comes before buf2\n");
else if (res == 0)
printf("6 characters of buf1 and buf2 "
"are equal\n");
printf("buf2 comes before buf1\n");


res = strncmp(buf1, buf2, 20);

if (res < 0)
printf("buf1 comes before buf2\n");
else if (res == 0)
printf("20 characters of buf1 and buf2 "
"are equal\n");
printf("buf2 comes before buf1\n");

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strncmp (Continued)

res = strncmp(buf1, buf3, 20);

if (res < 0)
printf("buf1 comes before buf3\n");
else if (res == 0)
printf("20 characters of buf1 and buf3 "
"are equal\n");
printf("buf3 comes before buf1\n");

buf1 : Where is the time?
buf2 : Where did they go?
buf3 : Why?

6 characters of buf1 and buf2 are equal

buf2 comes before buf1

buf1 comes before buf3

Description: Copy characters from the source string into the destination string, up to
the specified number of characters.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strncpy(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
Arguments: s1 destination string to copy to
s2 source string to copy from
n number of characters to copy
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the destination string.
Remarks: Copies n characters from the source string to the destination string. If
the source string is less than n characters, the destination is filled with
null characters to total n characters. If n characters were copied and no
null character was found, then the destination string will not be
null-terminated. If the strings overlap, the behavior is undefined.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strncpy, strlen */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "We're here";
char buf2[50] = "Where is the time?";
char buf3[50] = "Why?";
char buf4[7] = "Where?";

printf("buf1 : %s\n", buf1);

printf("buf2 : %s\n", buf2);
printf("buf3 : %s\n", buf3);
printf("buf4 : %s\n", buf4);

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strncpy (Continued)
strncpy(buf1, buf2, 6);
printf("buf1 after strncpy of 6 characters "
"of buf2: \n\t%s\n", buf1);
printf("\t( %d characters)\n", strlen(buf1));


strncpy(buf1, buf2, 18);

printf("buf1 after strncpy of 18 characters "
"of buf2: \n\t%s\n", buf1);
printf("\t( %d characters)\n", strlen(buf1));


strncpy(buf1, buf3, 5);

printf("buf1 after strncpy of 5 characters "
"of buf3: \n\t%s\n", buf1);
printf("\t( %d characters)\n", strlen(buf1));


strncpy(buf1, buf4, 9);

printf("buf1 after strncpy of 9 characters "
"of buf4: \n\t%s\n", buf1);
printf("\t( %d characters)\n", strlen(buf1));
buf1 : Were here
buf2 : Where is the time?
buf3 : Why?
buf4 : Where?
buf1 after strncpy of 6 characters of buf2:
Where here
( 10 characters)

buf1 after strncpy of 18 characters of buf2:

Where is the time?
( 18 characters)

buf1 after strncpy of 5 characters of buf3:

( 4 characters)

buf1 after strncpy of 9 characters of buf4:

( 6 characters)

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strncpy (Continued)
Each buffer contains the string shown, followed by null characters for a
length of 50. Using strlen will find the length of the string up to, but
not including, the first null character.
In the first example, 6 characters of buf2 (Where ) replace the first
6 characters of buf1 ("Were ") and the rest of buf1 remains the same
("here" plus null characters).
In the second example, 18 characters replace the first 18 characters of
buf1 and the rest remain null characters.
In the third example, 5 characters of buf3 ("Why?" plus a null terminat-
ing character) replace the first 5 characters of buf1. buf1 now actually
contains ("Why?", 1 null character, " is the time?", 32 null characters).
strlen shows 4 characters because it stops when it reaches the first
null character.
In the fourth example, since buf4 is only 7 characters, strncpy uses
2 additional null characters to replace the first 9 characters of buf1. The
result of buf1 is 6 characters ("Where?") followed by 3 null characters,
followed by 9 characters ("the time?"), followed by 32 null characters.

Description: Search a string for the first occurrence of a character from a specified
set of characters.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strpbrk(const char *s1, const char *s2);
Arguments: s1 pointer to the string to be searched
s2 pointer to characters to search for
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the matched character in s1 if found; otherwise,
returns a null pointer.
Remarks: This function will search s1 for the first occurrence of a character
contained in s2.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strpbrk, NULL */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char str1[20] = "What time is it?";
char str2[20] = "xyz";
char str3[20] = "eou?";
char *ptr;
int res;

printf("strpbrk(\"%s\", \"%s\")\n", str1, str2);

ptr = strpbrk(str1, str2);
if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - str1 + 1;
printf("match found at position %d\n", res);
printf("match not found\n");

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strpbrk (Continued)

printf("strpbrk(\"%s\", \"%s\")\n", str1, str3);

ptr = strpbrk(str1, str3);
if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - str1 + 1;
printf("match found at position %d\n", res);
printf("match not found\n");
strpbrk("What time is it?", "xyz")
match not found

strpbrk("What time is it?", "eou?")

match found at position 9

Description: Search for the last occurrence of a specified character in a string.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strrchr(const char *s, int c);
Arguments: s pointer to the string to be searched
c character to search for
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the character if found; otherwise, returns a null
Remarks: The function searches the string s, including the terminating null
character, to find the last occurrence of character c.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strrchr, NULL */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char buf1[50] = "What time is it?";
char ch1 = 'm', ch2 = 'y';
char *ptr;
int res;

printf("buf1 : %s\n\n", buf1);

ptr = strrchr(buf1, ch1);

if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - buf1 + 1;
printf("%c found at position %d\n", ch1, res);
printf("%c not found\n", ch1);

DS50001456J-page 140 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

strrchr (Continued)

ptr = strrchr(buf1, ch2);

if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - buf1 + 1;
printf("%c found at position %d\n", ch2, res);
printf("%c not found\n", ch2);
buf1 : What time is it?

m found at position 8

y not found

Description: Calculate the number of consecutive characters at the beginning of a
string that are contained in a set of characters.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: size_t strspn(const char *s1, const char *s2);
Arguments: s1 pointer to the string to be searched
s2 pointer to characters to search for
Return Value: Returns the number of consecutive characters from the beginning of s1
that are contained in s2.
Remarks: This function stops searching when a character from s1 is not in s2.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strspn */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char str1[20] = "animal";
char str2[20] = "aeiounm";
char str3[20] = "aimnl";
char str4[20] = "xyz";
int res;

res = strspn(str1, str2);

printf("strspn(\"%s\", \"%s\") = %d\n",
str1, str2, res);

res = strspn(str1, str3);

printf("strspn(\"%s\", \"%s\") = %d\n",
str1, str3, res);

res = strspn(str1, str4);

printf("strspn(\"%s\", \"%s\") = %d\n",
str1, str4, res);

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

strspn (Continued)
strspn("animal", "aeiounm") = 5
strspn("animal", "aimnl") = 6
strspn("animal", "xyz") = 0
In the first result, l is not in s2.
In the second result, the terminating null is not in s2.
In the third result, a is not in s2 , so the comparison stops.

Description: Search for the first occurrence of a string inside another string.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2);
Arguments: s1 pointer to the string to be searched
s2 pointer to substring to be searched for
Return Value: Returns the address of the first element that matches the substring if
found; otherwise, returns a null pointer.
Remarks: This function will find the first occurrence of the string s2 (excluding the
null terminator) within the string s1. If s2 points to a zero length string,
s1 is returned.
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strstr, NULL */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
char str1[20] = "What time is it?";
char str2[20] = "is";
char str3[20] = "xyz";
char *ptr;
int res;

printf("str1 : %s\n", str1);

printf("str2 : %s\n", str2);
printf("str3 : %s\n\n", str3);

ptr = strstr(str1, str2);

if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - str1 + 1;
printf("\"%s\" found at position %d\n",
str2, res);
printf("\"%s\" not found\n", str2);

DS50001456J-page 142 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries

strstr (Continued)

ptr = strstr(str1, str3);

if (ptr != NULL)
res = ptr - str1 + 1;
printf("\"%s\" found at position %d\n",
str3, res);
printf("\"%s\" not found\n", str3);

str1 : What time is it?
str2 : is
str3 : xyz

"is" found at position 11

"xyz" not found

Description: Break a string into substrings, or tokens, by inserting null characters in
place of specified delimiters.
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: char *strtok(char *s1, const char *s2);
Arguments: s1 pointer to the null terminated string to be searched
s2 pointer to characters to be searched for (used as
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the first character of a token (the first character in
s1 that does not appear in the set of characters of s2). If no token is
found, the null pointer is returned.
Remarks: A sequence of calls to this function can be used to split up a string into
substrings (or tokens) by replacing specified characters with null char-
acters. The first time this function is invoked on a particular string, that
string should be passed in s1. After the first time, this function can con-
tinue parsing the string from the last delimiter by invoking it with a null
value passed in s1.
It skips all leading characters that appear in the string s2 (delimiters),
then skips all characters not appearing in s2 (this segment of charac-
ters is the token), and then overwrites the next character with a null
character, terminating the current token. The function, strtok, then
saves a pointer to the character that follows, from which the next
search will start. If strtok finds the end of the string before it finds a
delimiter, the current token extends to the end of the string pointed to
by s1. If this is the first call to strtok, it does not modify the string (no
null characters are written to s1). The set of characters that is passed
in s2 need not be the same for each call to strtok.
If strtok is called with a non-null parameter for s1 after the initial call,
the string becomes the new string to search. The old string previously
searched will be lost.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

strtok (Continued)
Example: #include <string.h> /* for strtok, NULL */
#include <stdio.h> / * for printf */

int main(void)
char str1[30] = "Here, on top of the world!";
char delim[5] = ", .";
char *word;
int x;

printf("str1 : %s\n", str1);

x = 1;
word = strtok(str1,delim);
while (word != NULL)
printf("word %d: %s\n", x++, word);
word = strtok(NULL, delim);
str1 : Here, on top of the world!
word 1: Here
word 2: on
word 3: top
word 4: of
word 5: the
word 6: world!

Description: Transforms a string using the locale-dependent rules (see Remarks).
Include: <string.h>
Prototype: size_t strxfrm(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
Arguments: s1 destination string
s2 source string to be transformed
n number of characters to transform
Return Value: Returns the length of the transformed string not including the terminat-
ing null character. If n is zero, the string is not transformed (s1 may be
a point null in this case) and the length of s2 is returned.
Remarks: If the return value is greater than or equal to n, the content of s1 is
indeterminate. Since the 16-bit compiler does not support alternate
locales, the transformation is equivalent to strcpy, except that the
length of the destination string is bounded by n-1.

DS50001456J-page 144 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries


The header file time.h consists of types, macros and functions that manipulate time.

Description: Stores processor time values.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: typedef long clock_t

Description: The type of the result of the sizeof operator.
Include: <time.h>

struct tm
Description: Structure used to hold the time and date (calendar time).
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: struct tm {
int tm_sec;/*seconds after the minute ( 0 to 61 )*/
/*allows for up to two leap seconds*/
int tm_min;/*minutes after the hour ( 0 to 59 )*/
int tm_hour;/*hours since midnight ( 0 to 23 )*/
int tm_mday;/*day of month ( 1 to 31 )*/
int tm_mon;/*month ( 0 to 11 where January = 0 )*/
int tm_year;/*years since 1900*/
int tm_wday;/*day of week ( 0 to 6 where Sunday = 0
int tm_yday;/*day of year ( 0 to 365 where January 1
= 0 )*/
int tm_isdst;/*Daylight Savings Time flag*/
Remarks: If tm_isdst is a positive value, Daylight Savings is in effect. If it is
zero, Daylight Saving Time is not in effect. If it is a negative value, the
status of Daylight Saving Time is not known.

Description: Represents calendar time values.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: typedef long time_t

Description: Number of processor clocks per second.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC
Value: 1
Remarks: The compiler returns clock ticks (instruction cycles) not actual time.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: The value of a null pointer constant.
Include: <time.h>

Description: Converts the time structure to a character string.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: char *asctime(const struct tm *tptr);
Argument: tptr time/date structure
Return Value: Returns a pointer to a character string of the following format:
DDD MMM dd hh:mm:ss YYYY
DDD is day of the week
MMM is month of the year
dd is day of the month
hh is hour
mm is minute
ss is second
YYYY is year
Example: #include <time.h> /* for asctime, tm */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

volatile int i;

int main(void)
struct tm when;
time_t whattime;

when.tm_sec = 30;
when.tm_min = 30;
when.tm_hour = 2;
when.tm_mday = 1;
when.tm_mon = 1;
when.tm_year = 103;

whattime = mktime(&when);
printf("Day and time is %s\n", asctime(&when));
Day and time is Sat Feb 1 02:30:30 2003

Description: Calculates the processor time.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: clock_t clock(void);
Return Value: Returns the number of clock ticks of elapsed processor time.
Remarks: If the target environment cannot measure elapsed processor time, the
function returns -1 cast as a clock_t (i.e. (clock_t) -1). By default,
the 16-bit compiler returns the time as instruction cycles.

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Standard C Libraries

clock (Continued)
Example: #include <time.h> /* for clock */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

volatile int i;

int main(void)
clock_t start, stop;
int ct;

start = clock();
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
stop = clock();
printf("start = %ld\n", start);
printf("stop = %ld\n", stop);
start = 0
stop = 317

Description: Converts calendar time to a string representation of local time.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: char *ctime(const time_t *tod);
Argument: tod pointer to stored time
Return Value: Returns the address of a string that represents the local time of the
parameter passed.
Remarks: This function is equivalent to asctime(localtime(tod)).
Example: #include <time.h> /* for mktime, tm, ctime */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
time_t whattime;
struct tm nowtime;

nowtime.tm_sec = 30;
nowtime.tm_min = 30;
nowtime.tm_hour = 2;
nowtime.tm_mday = 1;
nowtime.tm_mon = 1;
nowtime.tm_year = 103;

whattime = mktime(&nowtime);
printf("Day and time %s\n", ctime(&whattime));
Day and time Sat Feb 1 02:30:30 2003

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Find the difference between two times.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: double difftime(time_t t1, time_t t0);
Arguments: t1 ending time
t0 beginning time
Return Value: Returns the number of seconds between t1 and t0.
Remarks: By default, the 16-bit compiler returns the time as instruction cycles so
difftime returns the number of ticks between t1 and t0.
Example: #include <time.h> /* for clock, difftime */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

volatile int i;

int main(void)
clock_t start, stop;
double elapsed;

start = clock();
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
stop = clock();
printf("start = %ld\n", start);
printf("stop = %ld\n", stop);
elapsed = difftime(stop, start);
printf("Elapsed time = %.0f\n", elapsed);
start = 0
stop = 317
Elapsed time = 317

Description: Converts calendar time to time structure expressed as Universal Time
Coordinated (UTC) also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *tod);
Argument: tod pointer to stored time
Return Value: Returns the address of the time structure.
Remarks: This function breaks down the tod value into the time structure of type
tm. By default, the 16-bit compiler returns the time as instruction
cycles. With this default, gmtime and localtime will be equivalent,
except gmtime will return tm_isdst (Daylight Savings Time flag) as
zero to indicate that Daylight Savings Time is not in effect.

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Standard C Libraries

gmtime (Continued)
Example: #include <time.h> /* for gmtime, asctime, */
/* time_t, tm */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
time_t timer;
struct tm *newtime;

timer = 1066668182; /* Mon Oct 20 16:43:02 2003 */

newtime = gmtime(&timer);
printf("UTC time = %s\n", asctime(newtime));
UTC time = Mon Oct 20 16:43:02 2003

Description: Converts a value to the local time.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: struct tm *localtime(const time_t *tod);
Argument: tod pointer to stored time
Return Value: Returns the address of the time structure.
Remarks: By default, the 16-bit compiler returns the time as instruction cycles.
With this default, localtime and gmtime will be equivalent, except
localtime will return tm_isdst (Daylight Savings Time flag) as -1 to
indicate that the status of Daylight Savings Time is not known.
Example: #include <time.h> /* for localtime, */
/* asctime, time_t, tm */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
time_t timer;
struct tm *newtime;

timer = 1066668182; /* Mon Oct 20 16:43:02 2003 */

newtime = localtime(&timer);
printf("Local time = %s\n", asctime(newtime));
Local time = Mon Oct 20 16:43:02 2003

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Converts local time to a calendar value.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: time_t mktime(struct tm *tptr);
Argument: tptr a pointer to the time structure
Return Value: Returns the calendar time encoded as a value of time_t.
Remarks: If the calendar time cannot be represented, the function returns -1 cast
as a time_t (i.e. (time_t) -1).
Example: #include <time.h> /* for localtime, */
/* asctime, mktime, */
/* time_t, tm */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
time_t timer, whattime;
struct tm *newtime;

timer = 1066668182; /* Mon Oct 20 16:43:02 2003 */

/* localtime allocates space for struct tm */
newtime = localtime(&timer);
printf("Local time = %s", asctime(newtime));

whattime = mktime(newtime);
printf("Calendar time as time_t = %ld\n",
Local time = Mon Oct 20 16:43:02 2003
Calendar time as time_t = 1066668182

Description: Formats the time structure to a string based on the format parameter.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: size_t strftime(char *s, size_t n,
const char *format, const struct tm *tptr);
Arguments: s output string
n maximum length of string
format format-control string
tptr pointer to tm data structure
Return Value: Returns the number of characters placed in the array, s, if the total,
including the terminating null, is not greater than n. Otherwise, the
function returns 0 and the contents of array s are indeterminate.
Remarks: The format parameters follow:
%a abbreviated weekday name
%A full weekday name
%b abbreviated month name
%B full month name
%c appropriate date and time representation
%d day of the month (01-31)
%H hour of the day (00-23)

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Standard C Libraries

strftime (Continued)
%I hour of the day (01-12)
%j day of the year (001-366)
%m month of the year (01-12)
%M minute of the hour (00-59)
%p AM/PM designator
%S second of the minute (00-61)
allowing for up to two leap seconds
%U week number of the year where Sunday is the first day of week 1
%w weekday where Sunday is day 0 (0-6)
%W week number of the year where Monday is the first day of week 1
%x appropriate date representation
%X appropriate time representation
%y year without century (00-99)
%Y year with century
%Z time zone (possibly abbreviated) or no characters if time zone is
%% percent character %
Example: #include <time.h> /* for strftime, */
/* localtime, */
/* time_t, tm */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
time_t timer, whattime;
struct tm *newtime;
char buf[128];

timer = 1066668182; /* Mon Oct 20 16:43:02 2003 */

/* localtime allocates space for structure */
newtime = localtime(&timer);

strftime(buf, 128, "It was a %A, %d days into the "

"month of %B in the year %Y.\n", newtime);

strftime(buf, 128, "It was %W weeks into the year "

"or %j days into the year.\n", newtime);
It was a Monday, 20 days into the month of October in
the year 2003.
It was 42 weeks into the year or 293 days into the

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the current calendar time.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: time_t time(time_t *tod);
Argument: tod pointer to storage location for time
Return Value: Returns the calendar time encoded as a value of time_t.
Remarks: If the target environment cannot determine the time, the function
returns -1 cast as a time_t. By default, the 16-bit compiler returns the
time as instruction cycles. This function is customizable (see
Example: #include <time.h> /* for time */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

volatile int i;

int main(void)
time_t ticks;

time(0); /* start time */

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) /* waste time */
time(&ticks); /* get time */
printf("Time = %ld\n", ticks);
Time = 256

DS50001456J-page 152 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Chapter 3. Standard C Libraries - Math Functions
Standard ANSI C library math functions are contained in the file, libm-omf.a, where
omf will be coff or elf depending upon the selected object module format.

3.1.1 Assembly Code Applications

A free version of the math functions library and header file is available from the
Microchip web site. No source code is available with this free version.

3.1.2 C Code Applications

The MPLAB XC16 C Compiler install directory (Section 1.1.1 Compiler Installation
Locations) contains the following subdirectories with library-related files:
lib standard C library files
src\libm source code for math library functions, batch file to rebuild the library
support\h header files for libraries
In addition, there is a file, ResourceGraphs.pdf, which contains diagrams of resources
used by each function, located in lib.

3.1.3 Chapter Organization

This chapter is organized as follows:
Using the Standard C Libraries
<math.h> mathematical functions


Building an application which utilizes the standard C libraries requires two types of files:
header files and library files.

3.2.1 Header Files

All standard C library entities are declared or defined in one or more standard headers.
(See list in Section 3.1.3 Chapter Organization.) To make use of a library entity in
a program, write an include directive that names the relevant standard header.
The contents of a standard header are included by naming them in an include directive,
as in:
#include <stdio.h> /* include I/O facilities */
The standard headers can be included in any order. Do not include a standard header
within a declaration. Do not define macros that have the same names as keywords
before including a standard header.
A standard header never includes another standard header.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

3.2.2 Library Files

The archived library files contain all the individual object files for each library function.
When linking an application, the library file must be provided as an input to the linker
(using the --library or -l linker option), such that the functions used by the
application may be linked into the application.
A typical C application will require three library files: libc-omf.a, libm-omf.a and
libpic30-omf.a (see Section 1.2 OMF-Specific Libraries/Start-up Modules for
more on OMF-specific libraries). These libraries will be included automatically if linking
is performed using the compiler.

Note: Some standard library functions require a heap. These include the standard
I/O functions that open files and the memory allocation functions. See the
MPLAB XC16 Assembler, Linker and Utilities Users Guide (DS50002106)
and MPLAB XC16 C Compiler Users Guide (DS50002071) for more
information on the heap.

DS50001456J-page 154 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions


The header file math.h consists of a macro and various functions that calculate com-
mon mathematical operations. Error conditions may be handled with a domain error or
range error (see errno.h).
A domain error occurs when the input argument is outside the domain over which the
function is defined. The error is reported by storing the value of EDOM in errno and
returning a particular value defined for each function.
A range error occurs when the result is too large or too small to be represented in the
target precision. The error is reported by storing the value of ERANGE in errno and
returning HUGE_VAL if the result overflowed (return value was too large) or a zero if the
result underflowed (return value is too small).
Responses to special values, such as NaNs, zeros and infinities, may vary depending
upon the function. Each function description includes a definition of the functions
response to such values.

Description: HUGE_VAL is returned by a function on a range error (e.g., the function
tries to return a value too large to be represented in the target
Include: <math.h>
Remarks: -HUGE_VAL is returned if a function result is negative and is too large
(in magnitude) to be represented in the target precision. When the
printed result is +/- HUGE_VAL, it will be represented by +/- inf.

Description: Calculates the trigonometric arc cosine function of a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double acos (double x);
Argument: x value between -1 and 1 for which to return the arc cosine
Return Value: Returns the arc cosine in radians in the range of 0 to pi (inclusive).
Remarks: A domain error occurs if x is less than -1 or greater than 1.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for acos */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x,y;

errno = 0;
x = -2.0;
y = acos (x);
if (errno)
printf("The arccosine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

acos (Continued)
errno = 0;
x = 0.10;
y = acos (x);
if (errno)
printf("The arccosine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

Error: domain error
The arccosine of -2.000000 is nan

The arccosine of 0.100000 is 1.470629

Description: Calculates the trigonometric arc cosine function of a single precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float acosf (float x);
Argument: x value between -1 and 1
Return Value: Returns the arc cosine in radians in the range of 0 to pi (inclusive).
Remarks: A domain error occurs if x is less than -1 or greater than 1.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for acosf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

errno = 0;
x = 2.0F;
y = acosf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The arccosine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = acosf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The arccosine of %f is %f\n", x, y);

Error: domain error
The arccosine of 2.000000 is nan

The arccosine of 0.000000 is 1.570796

DS50001456J-page 156 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the trigonometric arc sine function of a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double asin (double x);
Argument: x value between -1 and 1 for which to return the arc sine
Return Value: Returns the arc sine in radians in the range of -pi/2 to +pi/2 (inclusive).
Remarks: A domain error occurs if x is less than -1 or greater than 1.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for asin */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y;

errno = 0;
x = 2.0;
y = asin (x);
if (errno)
printf("The arcsine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = asin (x);
if (errno)
printf("The arcsine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

Error: domain error
The arcsine of 2.000000 is nan

The arcsine of 0.000000 is 0.000000

Description: Calculates the trigonometric arc sine function of a single precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float asinf (float x);
Argument: x value between -1 and 1
Return Value: Returns the arc sine in radians in the range of -pi/2 to +pi/2 (inclusive).
Remarks: A domain error occurs if x is less than -1 or greater than 1.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for asinf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

asinf (Continued)
errno = 0;
x = 2.0F;
y = asinf(x);
if (errno)
printf("The arcsine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = asinf(x);
if (errno)
printf("The arcsine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

Error: domain error
The arcsine of 2.000000 is nan

The arcsine of 0.000000 is 0.000000

Description: Calculates the trigonometric arc tangent function of a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double atan (double x);
Argument: x value for which to return the arc tangent
Return Value: Returns the arc tangent in radians in the range of -pi/2 to +pi/2
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for atan */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
double x, y;

x = 2.0;
y = atan (x);
printf("The arctangent of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

x = -1.0;
y = atan (x);
printf("The arctangent of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);
The arctangent of 2.000000 is 1.107149

The arctangent of -1.000000 is -0.785398

DS50001456J-page 158 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the trigonometric arc tangent function of a single precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float atanf (float x);
Argument: x value for which to return the arc tangent
Return Value: Returns the arc tangent in radians in the range of -pi/2 to +pi/2
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for atanf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
float x, y;

x = 2.0F;
y = atanf (x);
printf("The arctangent of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

x = -1.0F;
y = atanf (x);
printf("The arctangent of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);
The arctangent of 2.000000 is 1.107149

The arctangent of -1.000000 is -0.785398

Description: Calculates the trigonometric arc tangent function of y/x.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double atan2 (double y, double x);
Arguments: y y value for which to return the arc tangent
x x value for which to return the arc tangent
Return Value: Returns the arc tangent in radians in the range of -pi to pi (inclusive)
with the quadrant determined by the signs of both parameters.
Remarks: A domain error occurs if both x and y are zero or both x and y are
+/- infinity.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for atan2 */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y, z;

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 159

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

atan2 (Continued)
errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = 2.0;
z = atan2(y, x);
if (errno)
printf("The arctangent of %f/%f is %f\n\n",
y, x, z);

errno = 0;
x = -1.0;
y = 0.0;
z = atan2(y, x);
if (errno)
printf("The arctangent of %f/%f is %f\n\n",
y, x, z);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
z = atan2(y, x);
if (errno)
printf("The arctangent of %f/%f is %f\n\n",
y, x, z);

The arctangent of 2.000000/0.000000 is 1.570796

The arctangent of 0.000000/-1.000000 is 3.141593

Error: domain error

The arctangent of 0.000000/0.000000 is nan

DS50001456J-page 160 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the trigonometric arc tangent function of y/x.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float atan2f (float y, float x);
Arguments: y y value for which to return the arc tangent
x x value for which to return the arc tangent
Return Value: Returns the arc tangent in radians in the range of -pi to pi with the
quadrant determined by the signs of both parameters.
Remarks: A domain error occurs if both x and y are zero or both x and y are
+/- infinity.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for atan2f */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y, z;

errno = 0;
x = 2.0F;
y = 0.0F;
z = atan2f (y, x);
if (errno)
printf("The arctangent of %f/%f is %f\n\n",
y, x, z);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = -1.0F;
z = atan2f (y, x);
if (errno)
printf("The arctangent of %f/%f is %f\n\n",
y, x, z);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = 0.0F;
z = atan2f (y, x);
if (errno)
printf("The arctangent of %f/%f is %f\n\n",
y, x, z);

The arctangent of 2.000000/0.000000 is 1.570796

The arctangent of 0.000000/-1.000000 is 3.141593

Error: domain error

The arctangent of 0.000000/0.000000 is nan

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 161

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the ceiling of a value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double ceil(double x);
Argument: x a floating-point value for which to return the ceiling
Return Value: Returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to x.
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur. See floor.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for ceil */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
double x[8] = {2.0, 1.75, 1.5, 1.25, -2.0,
-1.75, -1.5, -1.25};
double y;
int i;

for (i=0; i<8; i++)

y = ceil (x[i]);
printf("The ceiling for %f is %f\n", x[i], y);
The ceiling for 2.000000 is 2.000000
The ceiling for 1.750000 is 2.000000
The ceiling for 1.500000 is 2.000000
The ceiling for 1.250000 is 2.000000
The ceiling for -2.000000 is -2.000000
The ceiling for -1.750000 is -1.000000
The ceiling for -1.500000 is -1.000000
The ceiling for -1.250000 is -1.000000

DS50001456J-page 162 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the ceiling of a value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float ceilf(float x);
Argument: x floating-point value
Return Value: Returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to x.
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur (see floorf).
Example: #include <math.h> /* for ceilf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
float x[8] = {2.0F, 1.75F, 1.5F, 1.25F,
-2.0F, -1.75F, -1.5F, -1.25F};
float y;
int i;

for (i=0; i<8; i++)

y = ceilf (x[i]);
printf("The ceiling for %f is %f\n", x[i], y);
The ceiling for 2.000000 is 2.000000
The ceiling for 1.750000 is 2.000000
The ceiling for 1.500000 is 2.000000
The ceiling for 1.250000 is 2.000000
The ceiling for -2.000000 is -2.000000
The ceiling for -1.750000 is -1.000000
The ceiling for -1.500000 is -1.000000
The ceiling for -1.250000 is -1.000000

Description: Calculates the trigonometric cosine function of a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double cos (double x);
Argument: x value for which to return the cosine
Return Value: Returns the cosine of x in radians in the ranges of -1 to 1 inclusive.
Remarks: A domain error will occur if x is a NaN or infinity.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for cos */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x,y;

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 163

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

cos (Continued)
errno = 0;
x = -1.0;
y = cos (x);
if (errno)
printf("The cosine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);
errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = cos (x);
if (errno)
printf("The cosine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

The cosine of -1.000000 is 0.540302

The cosine of 0.000000 is 1.000000

Description: Calculates the trigonometric cosine function of a single precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float cosf (float x);
Argument: x value for which to return the cosine
Return Value: Returns the cosine of x in radians in the ranges of -1 to 1 inclusive.
Remarks: A domain error will occur if x is a NaN or infinity.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for cosf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

errno = 0;
x = -1.0F;
y = cosf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The cosine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = cosf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The cosine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

DS50001456J-page 164 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

cosf (Continued)
The cosine of -1.000000 is 0.540302

The cosine of 0.000000 is 1.000000

Description: Calculates the hyperbolic cosine function of a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double cosh (double x);
Argument: x value for which to return the hyperbolic cosine
Return Value: Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
Remarks: A range error will occur if the magnitude of x is too large.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for cosh */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y;

errno = 0;
x = -1.5;
y = cosh (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic cosine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = cosh (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic cosine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 720.0;
y = cosh (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic cosine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

The hyperbolic cosine of -1.500000 is 2.352410

The hyperbolic cosine of 0.000000 is 1.000000

Error: range error

The hyperbolic cosine of 720.000000 is inf

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 165

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the hyperbolic cosine function of a single precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float coshf (float x);
Argument: x value for which to return the hyperbolic cosine
Return Value: Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
Remarks: A range error will occur if the magnitude of x is too large.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for coshf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

errno = 0;
x = -1.0F;
y = coshf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic cosine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = coshf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic cosine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 720.0F;
y = coshf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic cosine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

The hyperbolic cosine of -1.000000 is 1.543081

The hyperbolic cosine of 0.000000 is 1.000000

Error: range error

The hyperbolic cosine of 720.000000 is inf

DS50001456J-page 166 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the exponential function of x (e raised to the power x where
x is a double precision floating-point value).
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double exp (double x);
Argument: x value for which to return the exponential
Return Value: Returns the exponential of x. On an overflow, exp returns inf and on
an underflow exp returns 0.
Remarks: A range error occurs if the magnitude of x is too large.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for exp */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y;

errno = 0;
x = 1.0;
y = exp (x);
if (errno)
printf("The exponential of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 1E3;
y = exp (x);
if (errno)
printf("The exponential of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = -1E3;
y = exp (x);
if (errno)
printf("The exponential of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);
The exponential of 1.000000 is 2.718282

Error: range error

The exponential of 1000.000000 is inf

Error: range error

The exponential of -1000.000000 is 0.000000

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 167

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the exponential function of x (e raised to the power x where
x is a single precision floating-point value).
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float expf (float x);
Argument: x floating-point value for which to return the exponential
Return Value: Returns the exponential of x. On an overflow, expf returns inf and on
an underflow exp returns 0.
Remarks: A range error occurs if the magnitude of x is too large.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for expf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

errno = 0;
x = 1.0F;
y = expf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The exponential of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 1.0E3F;
y = expf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The exponential of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = -1.0E3F;
y = expf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The exponential of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);
The exponential of 1.000000 is 2.718282

Error: range error

The exponential of 1000.000000 is inf

Error: range error

The exponential of -1000.000000 is 0.000000

DS50001456J-page 168 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the absolute value of a double precision floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double fabs(double x);
Argument: x floating-point value for which to return the absolute value
Return Value: Returns the absolute value of x. A negative number is returned as pos-
itive, a positive number is unchanged.
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for fabs */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
double x, y;

x = 1.75;
y = fabs (x);
printf("The absolute value of %f is %f\n", x, y);

x = -1.5;
y = fabs (x);
printf("The absolute value of %f is %f\n", x, y);
The absolute value of 1.750000 is 1.750000
The absolute value of -1.500000 is 1.500000

Description: Calculates the absolute value of a single precision floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float fabsf(float x);
Argument: x floating-point value for which to return the absolute value
Return Value: Returns the absolute value of x. A negative number is returned as pos-
itive, a positive number is unchanged.
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for fabsf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
float x,y;

x = 1.75F;
y = fabsf (x);
printf("The absolute value of %f is %f\n", x, y);

x = -1.5F;
y = fabsf (x);
printf("The absolute value of %f is %f\n", x, y);
The absolute value of 1.750000 is 1.750000
The absolute value of -1.500000 is 1.500000

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 169

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the floor of a double precision floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double floor (double x);
Argument: x floating-point value for which to return the floor
Return Value: Returns the largest integer value less than or equal to x.
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur. See ceil.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for floor */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
double x[8] = {2.0, 1.75, 1.5, 1.25, -2.0,
-1.75, -1.5, -1.25};
double y;
int i;

for (i=0; i<8; i++)

y = floor (x[i]);
printf("The ceiling for %f is %f\n", x[i], y);
The floor for 2.000000 is 2.000000
The floor for 1.750000 is 1.000000
The floor for 1.500000 is 1.000000
The floor for 1.250000 is 1.000000
The floor for -2.000000 is -2.000000
The floor for -1.750000 is -2.000000
The floor for -1.500000 is -2.000000
The floor for -1.250000 is -2.000000

Description: Calculates the floor of a single precision floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float floorf(float x);
Argument: x floating-point value
Return Value: Returns the largest integer value less than or equal to x.
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur. See ceilf.

DS50001456J-page 170 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

floorf (Continued)
Example: #include <math.h> /* for floorf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
float x[8] = {2.0F, 1.75F, 1.5F, 1.25F,
-2.0F, -1.75F, -1.5F, -1.25F};
float y;
int i;

for (i=0; i<8; i++)

y = floorf (x[i]);
printf("The floor for %f is %f\n", x[i], y);
The floor for 2.000000 is 2.000000
The floor for 1.750000 is 1.000000
The floor for 1.500000 is 1.000000
The floor for 1.250000 is 1.000000
The floor for -2.000000 is -2.000000
The floor for -1.750000 is -2.000000
The floor for -1.500000 is -2.000000
The floor for -1.250000 is -2.000000

Description: Calculates the remainder of x/y as a double precision value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double fmod(double x, double y);
Arguments: x a double precision floating-point value
y a double precision floating-point value
Return Value: Returns the remainder of x divided by y.
Remarks: If y = 0, a domain error occurs. If y is non-zero, the result will have the
same sign as x and the magnitude of the result will be less than the
magnitude of y.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for fmod */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x,y,z;

errno = 0;
x = 7.0;
y = 3.0;
z = fmod(x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmod(%f, %f) the remainder is %f\n\n",
x, y, z);

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 171

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

fmod (Continued)
errno = 0;
x = 7.0;
y = 7.0;
z = fmod(x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmod(%f, %f) the remainder is %f\n\n",
x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = -5.0;
y = 3.0;
z = fmod(x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmod(%f, %f) the remainder is %f\n\n",
x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 5.0;
y = -3.0;
z = fmod(x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmod(%f, %f) the remainder is %f\n\n",
x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = -5.0;
y = -5.0;
z = fmod(x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmod(%f, %f) the remainder is %f\n\n",
x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 7.0;
y = 0.0;
z = fmod(x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmod(%f, %f) the remainder is %f\n\n",
x, y, z);

DS50001456J-page 172 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

fmod (Continued)
For fmod(7.000000, 3.000000) the remainder is

For fmod(7.000000, 7.000000) the remainder is


For fmod(-5.000000, 3.000000) the remainder is


For fmod(5.000000, -3.000000) the remainder is


For fmod(-5.000000, -5.000000) the remainder is


Error: domain error

For fmod(7.000000, 0.000000) the remainder is nan

Description: Calculates the remainder of x/y as a single precision value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float fmodf(float x, float y);
Arguments: x a single precision floating-point value
y a single precision floating-point value
Return Value: Returns the remainder of x divided by y.
Remarks: If y = 0, a domain error occurs. If y is non-zero, the result will have the
same sign as x and the magnitude of the result will be less than the
magnitude of y.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for fmodf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x,y,z;

errno = 0;
x = 7.0F;
y = 3.0F;
z = fmodf (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmodf (%f, %f) the remainder is"
" %f\n\n", x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = -5.0F;
y = 3.0F;
z = fmodf (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmodf (%f, %f) the remainder is"
" %f\n\n", x, y, z);

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 173

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

fmodf (Continued)
errno = 0;
x = 5.0F;
y = -3.0F;
z = fmodf (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmodf (%f, %f) the remainder is"
" %f\n\n", x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 5.0F;
y = -5.0F;
z = fmodf (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmodf (%f, %f) the remainder is"
" %f\n\n", x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 7.0F;
y = 0.0F;
z = fmodf (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmodf (%f, %f) the remainder is"
" %f\n\n", x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 7.0F;
y = 7.0F;
z = fmodf (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("For fmodf (%f, %f) the remainder is"
" %f\n\n", x, y, z);
For fmodf (7.000000, 3.000000) the remainder is

For fmodf (-5.000000, 3.000000) the remainder is


For fmodf (5.000000, -3.000000) the remainder is


For fmodf (5.000000, -5.000000) the remainder is


Error: domain error

For fmodf (7.000000, 0.000000) the remainder is nan

For fmodf (7.000000, 7.000000) the remainder is


DS50001456J-page 174 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Gets the fraction and the exponent of a double precision floating-point
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double frexp (double x, int *exp);
Arguments: x floating-point value for which to return the fraction and exponent
exp pointer to a stored integer exponent
Return Value: Returns the fraction, exp points to the exponent. If x is 0, the function
returns 0 for both the fraction and exponent.
Remarks: The absolute value of the fraction is in the range of 1/2 (inclusive) to 1
(exclusive). No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for frexp */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
double x,y;
int n;

x = 50.0;
y = frexp (x, &n);
printf("For frexp of %f\n the fraction is %f\n ",
x, y);
printf(" and the exponent is %d\n\n", n);

x = -2.5;
y = frexp (x, &n);
printf("For frexp of %f\n the fraction is %f\n ",
x, y);
printf(" and the exponent is %d\n\n", n);

x = 0.0;
y = frexp (x, &n);
printf("For frexp of %f\n the fraction is %f\n ",
x, y);
printf(" and the exponent is %d\n\n", n);

For frexp of 50.000000
the fraction is 0.781250
and the exponent is 6

For frexp of -2.500000

the fraction is -0.625000
and the exponent is 2

For frexp of 0.000000

the fraction is 0.000000
and the exponent is 0

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 175

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Gets the fraction and the exponent of a single precision floating-point
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float frexpf (float x, int *exp);
Arguments: x floating-point value for which to return the fraction and exponent
exp pointer to a stored integer exponent
Return Value: Returns the fraction, exp points to the exponent. If x is 0, the function
returns 0 for both the fraction and exponent.
Remarks: The absolute value of the fraction is in the range of 1/2 (inclusive) to 1
(exclusive). No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for frexpf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
float x,y;
int n;

x = 0.15F;
y = frexpf (x, &n);
printf("For frexpf of %f\n the fraction is %f\n ",
x, y);
printf(" and the exponent is %d\n\n", n);

x = -2.5F;
y = frexpf (x, &n);
printf("For frexpf of %f\n the fraction is %f\n ",
x, y);
printf(" and the exponent is %d\n\n", n);

x = 0.0F;
y = frexpf (x, &n);
printf("For frexpf of %f\n the fraction is %f\n ",
x, y);
printf(" and the exponent is %d\n\n", n);

For frexpf of 0.150000
the fraction is 0.600000
and the exponent is -2

For frexpf of -2.500000

the fraction is -0.625000
and the exponent is 2

For frexpf of 0.000000

the fraction is 0.000000
and the exponent is 0

DS50001456J-page 176 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the result of a double precision floating-point number
multiplied by an exponent of 2.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double ldexp(double x, int ex);
Arguments: x floating-point value
ex integer exponent
Return Value: Returns x * 2^ex. On an overflow, ldexp returns inf and on an
underflow, ldexp returns 0.
Remarks: A range error will occur on overflow or underflow.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for ldexp */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x,y;
int n;

errno = 0;
x = -0.625;
n = 2;
y = ldexp (x, n);
if (errno)
printf("For a number = %f and an exponent = %d\n",
x, n);
printf(" ldexp(%f, %d) = %f\n\n",
x, n, y);

errno = 0;
x = 2.5;
n = 3;
y = ldexp (x, n);
if (errno)
printf("For a number = %f and an exponent = %d\n",
x, n);
printf(" ldexp(%f, %d) = %f\n\n",
x, n, y);

errno = 0;
x = 15.0;
n = 10000;
y = ldexp (x, n);
if (errno)
printf("For a number = %f and an exponent = %d\n",
x, n);
printf(" ldexp(%f, %d) = %f\n\n",
x, n, y);

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 177

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

ldexp (Continued)
For a number = -0.625000 and an exponent = 2
ldexp(-0.625000, 2) = -2.500000

For a number = 2.500000 and an exponent = 3

ldexp(2.500000, 3) = 20.000000

Error: range error

For a number = 15.000000 and an exponent = 10000
ldexp(15.000000, 10000) = inf

Description: Calculates the result of a single precision floating-point number
multiplied by an exponent of 2.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float ldexpf(float x, int ex);
Arguments: x floating-point value
ex integer exponent
Return Value: Returns x * 2^ex. On an overflow, ldexp returns inf and on an
underflow, ldexp returns 0.
Remarks: A range error will occur on overflow or underflow.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for ldexpf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x,y;
int n;

errno = 0;
x = -0.625F;
n = 2;
y = ldexpf (x, n);
if (errno)
printf("For a number = %f and an exponent = %d\n",
x, n);
printf(" ldexpf(%f, %d) = %f\n\n",
x, n, y);

errno = 0;
x = 2.5F;
n = 3;
y = ldexpf (x, n);
if (errno)
printf("For a number = %f and an exponent = %d\n",
x, n);
printf(" ldexpf(%f, %d) = %f\n\n",
x, n, y);

DS50001456J-page 178 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

ldexpf (Continued)
errno = 0;
x = 15.0F;
n = 10000;
y = ldexpf (x, n);
if (errno)
printf("For a number = %f and an exponent = %d\n",
x, n);
printf(" ldexpf(%f, %d) = %f\n\n",
x, n, y);
For a number = -0.625000 and an exponent = 2
ldexpf(-0.625000, 2) = -2.500000

For a number = 2.500000 and an exponent = 3

ldexpf(2.500000, 3) = 20.000000

Error: range error

For a number = 15.000000 and an exponent = 10000
ldexpf(15.000000, 10000) = inf

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 179

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the natural logarithm of a double precision floating-point
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double log(double x);
Argument: x any positive value for which to return the log
Return Value: Returns the natural logarithm of x. -inf is returned if x is 0 and NaN is
returned if x is a negative number.
Remarks: A domain error occurs if x 0.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for log */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y;

errno = 0;
x = 2.0;
y = log (x);
if (errno)
printf("The natural logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = log (x);
if (errno)
printf("The natural logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = -2.0;
y = log (x);
if (errno)
printf("The natural logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

The natural logarithm of 2.000000 is 0.693147

The natural logarithm of 0.000000 is -inf

Error: domain error

The natural logarithm of -2.000000 is nan

DS50001456J-page 180 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the base-10 logarithm of a double precision floating-point
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double log10(double x);
Argument: x any double precision floating-point positive number
Return Value: Returns the base-10 logarithm of x. -inf is returned if x is 0 and NaN
is returned if x is a negative number.
Remarks: A domain error occurs if x 0.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for log10 */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y;

errno = 0;
x = 2.0;
y = log10 (x);
if (errno)
printf("The base-10 logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = log10 (x);
if (errno)
printf("The base-10 logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = -2.0;
y = log10 (x);
if (errno)
printf("The base-10 logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);
The base-10 logarithm of 2.000000 is 0.301030

The base-10 logarithm of 0.000000 is -inf

Error: domain error

The base-10 logarithm of -2.000000 is nan

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 181

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the base-10 logarithm of a single precision floating-point
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float log10f(float x);
Argument: x any single precision floating-point positive number
Return Value: Returns the base-10 logarithm of x. -inf is returned if x is 0 and NaN
is returned if x is a negative number.
Remarks: A domain error occurs if x 0.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for log10f */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

errno = 0;
x = 2.0F;
y = log10f(x);
if (errno)
printf("The base-10 logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = log10f(x);
if (errno)
printf("The base-10 logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = -2.0F;
y = log10f(x);
if (errno)
printf("The base-10 logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);
The base-10 logarithm of 2.000000 is 0.301030

Error: domain error

The base-10 logarithm of 0.000000 is -inf

Error: domain error

The base-10 logarithm of -2.000000 is nan

DS50001456J-page 182 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the natural logarithm of a single precision floating-point
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float logf(float x);
Argument: x any positive value for which to return the log
Return Value: Returns the natural logarithm of x. -inf is returned if x is 0 and NaN is
returned if x is a negative number.
Remarks: A domain error occurs if x 0.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for logf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

errno = 0;
x = 2.0F;
y = logf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The natural logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = logf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The natural logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = -2.0F;
y = logf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The natural logarithm of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);
The natural logarithm of 2.000000 is 0.693147

The natural logarithm of 0.000000 is -inf

Error: domain error

The natural logarithm of -2.000000 is nan

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 183

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Splits a double precision floating-point value into fractional and integer
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double modf(double x, double *pint);
Arguments: x double precision floating-point value
pint pointer to a stored the integer part
Return Value: Returns the signed fractional part and pint points to the integer part.
Remarks: The absolute value of the fractional part is in the range of 0 (inclusive)
to 1 (exclusive). No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for modf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
double x,y,n;

x = 0.707;
y = modf (x, &n);
printf("For %f the fraction is %f\n ", x, y);
printf(" and the integer is %0.f\n\n", n);

x = -15.2121;
y = modf (x, &n);
printf("For %f the fraction is %f\n ", x, y);
printf(" and the integer is %0.f\n\n", n);
For 0.707000 the fraction is 0.707000
and the integer is 0

For -15.212100 the fraction is -0.212100

and the integer is -15

DS50001456J-page 184 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Splits a single precision floating-point value into fractional and integer
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float modff(float x, float *pint);
Arguments: x single precision floating-point value
pint pointer to stored integer part
Return Value: Returns the signed fractional part and pint points to the integer part.
Remarks: The absolute value of the fractional part is in the range of 0 (inclusive)
to 1 (exclusive). No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for modff */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
float x,y,n;

x = 0.707F;
y = modff (x, &n);
printf("For %f the fraction is %f\n ", x, y);
printf(" and the integer is %0.f\n\n", n);

x = -15.2121F;
y = modff (x, &n);
printf("For %f the fraction is %f\n ", x, y);
printf(" and the integer is %0.f\n\n", n);
For 0.707000 the fraction is 0.707000
and the integer is 0

For -15.212100 the fraction is -0.212100

and the integer is -15

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 185

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates x raised to the power y.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double pow(double x, double y);
Arguments: x the base
y the exponent
Return Value: Returns x raised to the power y (x^y).
Remarks: If y is 0, pow returns 1. If x is 0.0 and y is less than 0, pow returns inf
and a domain error occurs. If the result overflows or underflows, a
range error occurs.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for pow */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x,y,z;

errno = 0;
x = -2.0;
y = 3.0;
z = pow (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("%f raised to %f is %f\n\n ", x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 3.0;
y = -0.5;
z = pow (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("%f raised to %f is %f\n\n ", x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 4.0;
y = 0.0;
z = pow (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("%f raised to %f is %f\n\n ", x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = -3.0;
z = pow (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("%f raised to %f is %f\n\n ", x, y, z);

DS50001456J-page 186 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

pow (Continued)
-2.000000 raised to 3.000000 is -8.000000

3.000000 raised to -0.500000 is 0.577350

4.000000 raised to 0.000000 is 1.000000

Error: domain error

0.000000 raised to -3.000000 is inf

Description: Calculates x raised to the power y.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float powf(float x, float y);
Arguments: x base
y exponent
Return Value: Returns x raised to the power y (x^y).
Remarks: If y is 0, powf returns 1. If x is 0.0 and y is less than 0, powf returns
inf and a domain error occurs. If the result overflows or underflows, a
range error occurs.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for powf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x,y,z;

errno = 0;
x = -2.0F;
y = 3.0F;
z = powf (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("%f raised to %f is %f\n\n ", x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 3.0F;
y = -0.5F;
z = powf (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("%f raised to %f is %f\n\n ", x, y, z);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = -3.0F;
z = powf (x, y);
if (errno)
printf("%f raised to %f is %f\n\n ", x, y, z);

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 187

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

powf (Continued)
-2.000000 raised to 3.000000 is -8.000000

3.000000 raised to -0.500000 is 0.577350

Error: domain error

0.000000 raised to -3.000000 is inf

Description: Calculates the trigonometric sine function of a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double sin (double x);
Argument: x value for which to return the sine
Return Value: Returns the sine of x in radians in the ranges of -1 to 1 inclusive.
Remarks: A domain error will occur if x is a NaN or infinity.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for sin */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y;

errno = 0;
x = -1.0;
y = sin (x);
if (errno)
printf("The sine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = sin (x);
if (errno)
printf("The sine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

The sine of -1.000000 is -0.841471

The sine of 0.000000 is 0.000000

DS50001456J-page 188 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the trigonometric sine function of a single precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float sinf (float x);
Argument: x value for which to return the sine
Return Value: Returns the sin of x in radians in the ranges of -1 to 1 inclusive.
Remarks: A domain error will occur if x is a NaN or infinity.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for sinf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

errno = 0;
x = -1.0F;
y = sinf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The sine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = sinf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The sine of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

The sine of -1.000000 is -0.841471

The sine of 0.000000 is 0.000000

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 189

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the hyperbolic sine function of a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double sinh (double x);
Argument: x value for which to return the hyperbolic sine
Return Value: Returns the hyperbolic sine of x
Remarks: A range error will occur if the magnitude of x is too large.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for sinh */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y;

errno = 0;
x = -1.5;
y = sinh (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic sine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = sinh (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic sine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 720.0;
y = sinh (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic sine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

The hyperbolic sine of -1.500000 is -2.129279

The hyperbolic sine of 0.000000 is 0.000000

Error: range error

The hyperbolic sine of 720.000000 is inf

DS50001456J-page 190 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the hyperbolic sine function of a single precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float sinhf (float x);
Argument: x value for which to return the hyperbolic sine
Return Value: Returns the hyperbolic sine of x .
Remarks: A range error will occur if the magnitude of x is too large.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for sinhf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

errno = 0;
x = -1.0F;
y = sinhf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic sine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = sinhf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The hyperbolic sine of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

The hyperbolic sine of -1.000000 is -1.175201

The hyperbolic sine of 0.000000 is 0.000000

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 191

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the square root of a double precision floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double sqrt(double x);
Argument: x a non-negative floating-point value
Return Value: Returns the non-negative square root of x.
Remarks: If x is negative, a domain error occurs.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for sqrt */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y;

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = sqrt (x);
if (errno)
printf("The square root of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 9.5;
y = sqrt (x);
if (errno)
printf("The square root of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = -25.0;
y = sqrt (x);
if (errno)
printf("The square root of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

The square root of 0.000000 is 0.000000

The square root of 9.500000 is 3.082207

Error: domain error

The square root of -25.000000 is nan

DS50001456J-page 192 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

Description: Calculates the square root of a single precision floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float sqrtf(float x);
Argument: x non-negative floating-point value
Return Value: Returns the non-negative square root of x.
Remarks: If x is negative, a domain error occurs.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for sqrtf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x;

errno = 0;
x = sqrtf (0.0F);
if (errno)
printf("The square root of 0.0F is %f\n\n", x);

errno = 0;
x = sqrtf (9.5F);
if (errno)
printf("The square root of 9.5F is %f\n\n", x);

errno = 0;
x = sqrtf (-25.0F);
if (errno)
printf("The square root of -25F is %f\n", x);

The square root of 0.0F is 0.000000

The square root of 9.5F is 3.082207

Error: domain error

The square root of -25F is nan

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 193

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the trigonometric tangent function of a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double tan (double x);
Argument: x value for which to return the tangent
Return Value: Returns the tangent of x in radians.
Remarks: A domain error will occur if x is a NaN or infinity.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for tan */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
double x, y;

errno = 0;
x = -1.0;
y = tan (x);
if (errno)
printf("The tangent of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0;
y = tan (x);
if (errno)
printf("The tangent of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

The tangent of -1.000000 is -1.557408

The tangent of 0.000000 is 0.000000

Description: Calculates the trigonometric tangent function of a single precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float tanf (float x);
Argument: x value for which to return the tangent
Return Value: Returns the tangent of x.
Remarks: A domain error will occur if x is a NaN or infinity.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for tanf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf, perror */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */

int main(void)
float x, y;

DS50001456J-page 194 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Math Functions

tanf (Continued)
errno = 0;
x = -1.0F;
y = tanf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The tangent of %f is %f\n\n", x, y);

errno = 0;
x = 0.0F;
y = tanf (x);
if (errno)
printf("The tangent of %f is %f\n", x, y);

The tangent of -1.000000 is -1.557408

The tangent of 0.000000 is 0.000000

Description: Calculates the hyperbolic tangent function of a double precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: double tanh (double x);
Argument: x value for which to return the hyperbolic tangent
Return Value: Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x in the ranges of -1 to 1 inclusive.
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for tanh */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
double x, y;

x = -1.0;
y = tanh (x);
printf("The hyperbolic tangent of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

x = 2.0;
y = tanh (x);
printf("The hyperbolic tangent of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);
The hyperbolic tangent of -1.000000 is -0.761594

The hyperbolic tangent of 2.000000 is 0.964028

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 195

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Calculates the hyperbolic tangent function of a single precision
floating-point value.
Include: <math.h>
Prototype: float tanhf (float x);
Argument: x value for which to return the hyperbolic tangent
Return Value: Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x in the ranges of -1 to 1 inclusive.
Remarks: No domain or range error will occur.
Example: #include <math.h> /* for tanhf */
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */

int main(void)
float x, y;

x = -1.0F;
y = tanhf (x);
printf("The hyperbolic tangent of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);

x = 0.0F;
y = tanhf (x);
printf("The hyperbolic tangent of %f is %f\n\n",
x, y);
The hyperbolic tangent of -1.000000 is -0.761594

The hyperbolic tangent of 0.000000 is 0.000000

DS50001456J-page 196 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.


Chapter 4. Standard C Libraries - Support Functions

This chapter describes support functions that either must be customized for correct
operation of the Standard C Library in your target environment or are already custom-
ized for a Microchip target environment. The default behavior section describes what
the function does as it is distributed. The description and remarks describe what it
typically should do.
The corresponding object modules are distributed in the libpic30-omf.a archive, and
the source code (for the compiler) is available in the src\pic30 folder.

4.1.1 Assembly Code Applications

A free version of this library and its associated header file is available from the
Microchip web site. Source code is included.

4.1.2 C Code Applications

The MPLAB XC16 C Compiler install directory (Section 1.1.1 Compiler Installation
Locations) contains the following subdirectories with library-related files:
lib standard C library files
src\pic30 source code for library functions, batch file to rebuild the library
support\h header files for libraries
In addition, there is a file, ResourceGraphs.pdf, which contains diagrams of resources
used by each function, located in lib.

4.1.3 Chapter Organization

This chapter is organized as follows:
Using the Support Functions
Standard C Library Helper Functions
Standard C Library Functions That Require Modification
Functions/Constants to Support A Simulated UART
Functions for Erasing and Writing EEDATA Memory
Functions for Erasing and Writing Flash Memory
Functions for Specialized Copying and Initialization

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


Building an application which utilizes the support functions requires two types of files:
header files and library files.
Rebuilding the libpic30-omf.a Library

4.2.1 Header Files

All standard C library entities are declared or defined in one or more standard headers
(See list in Section 4.1.3 Chapter Organization.) To make use of a library entity in
a program, write an include directive that names the relevant standard header.
The contents of a standard header is included by naming it in an include directive, as in:
#include <libpic30.h> /* include dsPIC30F facilities */
The standard headers can be included in any order. Do not include a standard header
within a declaration. Do not define macros that have the same names as keywords
before including a standard header.
A standard header never includes another standard header.

4.2.2 Library Files

The archived library files contain all the individual object files for each library function.
When linking an application, the library file must be provided as an input to the linker
(using the --library or -l linker option) such that the functions used by the
application may be linked into the application.
A typical C application will require three library files: libc-omf.a, libm-omf.a and
libpic30-omf.a. (See Section 1.2 OMF-Specific Libraries/Start-up Modules for
more on OMF-specific libraries.) These libraries will be included automatically if linking
is performed using the compiler.

Note: Some standard library functions require a heap. These include the standard
I/O functions that open files and the memory allocation functions. See the
MPLAB XC16 Assembler, Linker and Utilities Users Guide (DS50002106)
and MPLAB XC16 C Compiler Users Guide (DS50002071) for more
information on the heap.

4.2.3 Rebuilding the libpic30-omf.a Library

By default, the helper functions listed in this chapter were written to work with the sim30
simulator. The header file simio.h defines the interface between the library and the
simulator. It is provided so you can rebuild the libraries and continue to use the simu-
lator. However, your application should not use this interface since the simulator will not
be available to an embedded application.
The helper functions must be modified and rebuilt for your target application. The lib-
pic30-omf.a library can be rebuilt with the batch file named makelib.bat which has
been provided with the sources in src\pic30. Execute the batch file from a command
window. Be sure you are in the src\pic30 directory. Then, copy the newly compiled
file (libpic30-omf.a) into the lib directory.

DS50001456J-page 198 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Support Functions


These functions are called by other functions in the standard C library and must be
modified for the target application. The corresponding object modules are distributed in
the libpic30-omf.a archive, and the source code (for the compiler) is available in the
src\pic30 folder.

Description: Displays the current use/free state of the heap.
Include: None
Prototype: void _dump_heap_info();
Argument: None
Remarks: This helper function can be used to profile memory allocation in the
heap. It is useful for memory allocation functions.
Default Behavior: This function prints information about the heap to stderr. Information
includes the memory region where heap is located, the different sec-
tions of the heap, whether a section is currently busy or free, and a
summary of how much heap is free.
For example, below, a heap of 1000 has been allocated. The heap
begins and ends at d0c and 10f4, respectively. The malloc function
has been executed 3 different times, resulting in 3 different sections of
BUSY memory and 1 FREE memory section of heap that has not been
used. If the free function were to be used on any of these 3 allocated
sections, the status would turn from BUSY to FREE as well.
*** Unused Heap status:
*** start: 0x00000d0c end: 0x000010f4
*** 0d0c 8 BUSY
*** 0d14 16 BUSY
*** 0d24 20 BUSY
*** 0d38 956 FREE
*** 44 used, 956 free, 010f0 end
File: _dump_heap_info.c

Description: Terminate program execution.
Include: None
Prototype: void _exit (int status);
Argument: status exit status
Remarks: This is a helper function called by the exit() Standard C Library
Default Behavior: As distributed, this function flushes stdout and terminates. The parame-
ter status is the same as that passed to the exit() standard C library
File: _exit.c

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Set the end of the processs data space.
Include: None
Prototype: int brk(void *endds);
Argument: endds pointer to the end of the data segment
Return Value: Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns -1.
Remarks: brk() is used to dynamically change the amount of space allocated for
the calling processs data segment. The change is made by resetting
the processs break value and allocating the appropriate amount of
space. The break value is the address of the first location beyond the
end of the data segment. The amount of allocated space increases as
the break value increases.
Newly allocated space is uninitialized.
This helper function is used by the Standard C Library function
Default Behavior: If the argument endds is zero, the function sets the global variable
__curbrk to the address of the start of the heap and returns zero.
If the argument endds is non-zero and has a value less than the
address of the end of the heap, the function sets the global variable
__curbrk to the value of endds and returns zero.
Otherwise, the global variable __curbrk is unchanged and the
function returns -1.
The argument endds must be within the heap range (see data space
memory map below).






Notice that, since the stack is located immediately above the heap,
using brk() or sbrk() has little effect on the size of the dynamic
memory pool. The brk() and sbrk() functions are primarily intended
for use in run-time environments where the stack grows downward and
the heap grows upward.
The linker allocates a block of memory for the heap if the
-Wl,--heap=n option is specified, where n is the desired heap size in
characters. The starting and ending addresses of the heap are reported
in variables: _heap and _eheap, respectively.
For the 16-bit compiler, using the linkers heap size option is the stan-
dard way of controlling heap size, rather than relying on brk() and
File: brk.c

DS50001456J-page 200 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Support Functions

Description: Close a file.
Include: None
Prototype: int close(int handle);
Argument: handle handle referring to an opened file
Return Value: Returns 0 if the file is successfully closed. A return value of -1
indicates an error.
Remarks: This helper function is called by the fclose() Standard C Library
Default Behavior: As distributed, this function passes the file handle to the simulator,
which issues a close in the host file system.
File: close.c

Description: Move a file pointer to a specified location.
Include: None
Prototype: long lseek(int handle, long offset, int origin);
Argument: handle refers to an opened file
offset the number of characters from the origin
origin the position from which to start the seek. origin may
be one of the following values (as defined in stdio.h):
SEEK_SET Beginning of file.
SEEK_CUR Current position of file pointer.
SEEK_END End-of-file.
Return Value: Returns the offset, in characters, of the new position from the beginning
of the file. A return value of -1L indicates an error.
Remarks: This helper function is called by the Standard C Library functions
fgetpos(), ftell(), fseek(), fsetpos and rewind().
Default Behavior: As distributed, the parameters are passed to the host file system
through the simulator. The return value is the value returned by the host
file system.
File: lseek.c

Description: Open a file.
Include: None
Prototype: int open(const char *name, int access, int mode);
Argument: name name of the file to be opened
access access method to open file
mode type of access permitted
Return Value: If successful, the function returns a file handle: a small positive integer.
This handle is then used on subsequent low-level file I/O operations. A
return value of -1 indicates an error.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

open (Continued)
Remarks: The access flag is a union of one of the following access methods and
zero or more access qualifiers:
0 Open a file for reading.
1 Open a file for writing.
2 Open a file for both reading and writing.
The following access qualifiers must be supported:
0x0008 Move file pointer to end-of-file before every write operation.
0x0100 Create and open a new file for writing.
0x0200 Open the file and truncate it to zero length.
0x4000 Open the file in text (translated) mode.
0x8000 Open the file in binary (untranslated) mode.
The mode parameter may be one of the following:
0x0100 Reading only permitted.
0x0080 Writing permitted (implies reading permitted).
This helper function is called by the Standard C Library functions
fopen() and freopen().
Default Behavior: As distributed, the parameters are passed to the host file system
through the simulator. The return value is the value returned by the host
file system. If the host system returns a value of -1, the global variable
errno is set to the value of the symbolic constant, EFOPEN, defined in
File: open.c

Description: Read data from a file.
Include: None
Prototype: int read(int handle, void *buffer,
unsigned int len);
Argument: handle handle referring to an opened file
buffer points to the storage location for read data
len the maximum number of characters to read
Return Value: Returns the number of characters read, which may be less than len if
there are fewer than len characters left in the file or if the file was
opened in text mode, in which case, each carriage return-linefeed
(CR-LF) pair is replaced with a single linefeed character. Only the
single linefeed character is counted in the return value. The replace-
ment does not affect the file pointer. If the function tries to read at
end-of-file, it returns 0. If the handle is invalid, or the file is not open for
reading or the file is locked, the function returns -1.
Remarks: This helper function is called by the Standard C Library functions
fgetc(), fgets(), fread() and gets().
Default Behavior: As distributed, the parameters are passed to the host file system
through the simulator. The return value is the value returned by the host
file system.
File: read.c

Description: Extend the process data space by a given increment.
Include: None
Prototype: void * sbrk(int incr);
Argument: incr number of characters to increment/decrement

DS50001456J-page 202 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Support Functions

sbrk (Continued)
Return Value: Return the start of the new space allocated or -1 for errors.
Remarks: sbrk() adds incr characters to the break value and changes the
allocated space accordingly. incr can be negative, in which case the
amount of allocated space is decreased.
sbrk() is used to dynamically change the amount of space allocated
for the calling processs data segment. The change is made by reset-
ting the processs break value and allocating the appropriate amount of
space. The break value is the address of the first location beyond the
end of the data segment. The amount of allocated space increases as
the break value increases.
This is a helper function called by the Standard C Library function
Default Behavior: If the global variable __curbrk is zero, the function calls brk() to ini-
tialize the break value. If brk() returns -1, so does this function.
If the incr is zero, the current value of the global variable __curbrk
is returned.
If the incr is non-zero, the function checks that the address
(__curbrk + incr) is less than the end address of the heap. If it is
less, the global variable __curbrk is updated to that value and the
function returns the unsigned value of __curbrk.
Otherwise, the function returns -1.
See the description of brk().
File: sbrk.c

Description: Write data to a file.
Include: None
Prototype: int __attribute__((__section__(".libc.write")))
write(int handle, void *buffer, unsigned int count);
Argument: handle refers to an opened file
buffer points to the storage location of data to be written
count the number of characters to write.
Return Value: If successful, write returns the number of characters actually written. A
return value of -1 indicates an error.
Remarks: If the actual space remaining on the disk is less than the size of the buf-
fer, the function trying to write to the disk write fails and does not flush
any of the buffers contents to the disk. If the file is opened in text mode,
each linefeed character is replaced with a carriage return linefeed
pair in the output. The replacement does not affect the return value.
This is a helper function called by the Standard C Library function
Default Behavior: As distributed, the parameters are passed to the host file system
through the simulator. The return value is the value returned by the host
file system.
File: write.c

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


Although these functions are part of the Standard C Library, the object modules are
distributed in the libpic30-omf.a archive and the source code (for the compiler) is
available in the src\pic30 folder. These modules are not distributed as part of

Description: Get a value for an environment variable.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: char *getenv(const char *s);
Argument: s name of environment variable
Return Value: Returns a pointer to the value of the environment variable if successful;
otherwise, returns a null pointer.
Default Behavior: As distributed, this function returns a null pointer. There is no support
for environment variables.
File: getenv.c

Description: Remove a file.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int remove(const char *filename);
Argument: filename file to be removed
Return Value: Returns 0 if successful, -1 if unsuccessful.
Default Behavior: As distributed, the parameters are passed to the host file system
through the simulator. The return value is the value returned by the host
file system.
File: remove.c

Description: Rename a file or directory.
Include: <stdio.h>
Prototype: int rename(const char *oldname, const char
Argument: oldname pointer to the old name
newname pointer to the new name
Return Value: Returns 0 if it is successful. On an error, the function returns a
non-zero value.
Default Behavior: As distributed, the parameters are passed to the host file system
through the simulator. The return value is the value returned by the host
file system.
File: rename.c

Description: Execute a command.
Include: <stdlib.h>
Prototype: int system(const char *s);
Argument: s command to be executed

DS50001456J-page 204 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Support Functions

system (Continued)
Default Behavior: As distributed, this function acts as a stub or placeholder for your
function. If s is not NULL, an error message is written to stdout and
the program will reset; otherwise, a value of -1 is returned.
File: system.c

Description: Get the system time.
Include: <time.h>
Prototype: time_t time(time_t *timer);
Argument: timer points to a storage location for time
Return Value: Returns the elapse time in seconds. There is no error return.
Default Behavior: As distributed, if Timer2 is not enabled, it is enabled in 32-bit mode. The
return value is the current value of the 32-bit Timer2 register. Except in
very rare cases, this return value is not the elapsed time in seconds.
File: time.c


These functions and constants support UART functionality in the MPLAB SIM simulator.

Description: Attach a hosted file to the standard input stream.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: int __attach_input_file(const char *p);
Argument: p pointer to file
Remarks: This function differs from the MPLAB IDE or MPLAB X IDE mechanism
of providing an input file because it provides on-demand access to the
file. That is, data will only be read from the file upon request and the
asynchronous nature of the UART is not simulated. This function may
be called more than once; any opened file will be closed. It is only
appropriate to call this function in a simulated environment.
Default Behavior: Allows the programmer to attach a hosted file to the standard input
stream, stdin.
The function will return 0 to indicate failure. If the file cannot be opened
for whatever reason, standard in will remain connected (or be
re-connected) to the simulated UART.
File: attach.c

Description: Close a previously attached file.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void __close_input_file(void);
Argument: None
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: This function will close a previously attached file and re-attach stdin
to the simulated UART. This should occur before a Reset to ensure that
the file can be re-opened.
File: close.c

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Produce a delay of a specified number of clock cycles.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void __delay32(unsigned long cycles);
Argument: cycles number of cycles to delay
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: This function will effect a delay of the requested number of cycles. The
minimum supported delay is 12 cycles (an argument of less than or
equal to 12 will result in 12 cycles). The delay includes the call and
return statements, but not any cycles required to set up the argument
(typically this would be two for a literal value).
File: delay32.s

Description: Produce a delay of a specified number of milliseconds (ms).
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void __delay_ms(unsigned int time);
Argument: time number of ms to delay
Remarks: This function is implemented as a macro.
Default Behavior: This function relies on a user-supplied definition of FCY to represent the
instruction clock frequency. FCY must be defined before header file lib-
pic30.h is included. The specified delay is converted to the equivalent
number of instruction cycles and passed to __delay32(). If FCY is not
defined, then __delay_ms() is declared external, causing the link to fail
unless the user provides a function with that name.
File: delay32.s

Description: Produce a delay of a specified number of microseconds (us).
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void __delay_us(unsigned int time);
Argument: time number of us to delay
Remarks: This function is implemented as a macro. The minimum delay is
equivalent to 12 instruction cycles.
Default Behavior: This function relies on a user-supplied definition of FCY to represent the
instruction clock frequency. FCY must be defined before header file,
libpic30.h, is included. The specified delay is converted to the
equivalent number of instruction cycles and passed to __delay32().
If FCY is not defined, then __delay_us() is declared external, caus-
ing the link to fail unless the user provides a function with that name.
File: delay32.s

Description: Constant that defines the default UART.
Include: N/A
Prototype: int __C30_UART;
Argument: N/A

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Standard C Libraries - Support Functions

__C30_UART (Continued)
Return Value: N/A
Remarks: Defines the default UART that read() and write() will use for
stdin (unless a file has been attached) and stdout.
Default Behavior: By default, or with a value of 1, UART 1 will be used. Otherwise,
UART 2 will be used. read() and write() are the eventual
destinations of the C standard I/O functions.
File: N/A

Examples of Use


#include <libpic30.h> /* a new header file for
these defintions */
#include <stdio.h>

void main() {
if (__attach_input_file("foo.txt")) {
while (!feof(stdin)) {


/* This program flashes a light and transmits a lot of messages at
9600 8n1 through uart 2 using the default stdio provided
by the 16-bit compiler. This is for a dsPIC33F DSC
on an Explorer 16(tm) board (and isn't very pretty) */

#include <libpic30.h> /* a new header file for these

defintions */
#include <stdio.h>

#ifndef __dsPIC33F__
#error this is a 33F demo for the explorer 16(tm) board
#inlcude <p33Fxxxx.h>


main() {
ODCA = 0;
TRISAbits.TRISA6 = 0;
U2BRG = 38;
U2MODEbits.UARTEN = 1;
while (1) {
printf("Hello world %d\n",U2BRG);

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries
#define FCY 1000000UL
#include <libpic30.h>

int main()
/* at 1MHz, these are equivalent */


#define FCY 1000000UL
#include <libpic30.h>

int main()
/* at 1MHz, these are equivalent */


These functions support the erasing and writing of EEDATA memory for devices that
have this type of memory.

Description: Erase EEDATA memory on dsPIC30F and PIC24FXXKA devices.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _erase_eedata(_prog_addressT dst, int len);
Argument: dst destination memory address
len dsPIC30F: length may be _EE_WORD or _EE_ROW
PIC24FxxKA: length may be _EE_WORD, _EE_4WORDS
or _EE_8WORDS (bytes)
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Erase EEDATA memory as specified by parameters.
File: eedata_helper.c

Description: Erase the entire range of EEDATA memory on dsPIC30F and
PIC24FXXKA devices.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _erase_eedata_all(void);
Argument: None
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Erase all EEDATA memory for the selected device.
File: eedata_helper.c

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Standard C Libraries - Support Functions

Description: Wait for an erase or write operation to complete on dsPIC30F and
PIC24FXXKA devices.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _wait_eedata(void);
Argument: None
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Wait for an erase or write operation to complete.
File: eedata_helper.c

Description: Write 16 bits of EEDATA memory on dsPIC30F and PIC24FXXKA
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_eedata_word(_prog_addressT dst,
int dat);
Argument: dst destination memory address
dat integer data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write one word of EEDATA memory for dsPIC30F devices.
File: eedata_helper.c

Description: Write _EE_ROW bytes of EEDATA memory on dsPIC30F devices.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_eedata_row(_prog_addressT dst,
int *src);
Argument: dst destination memory address
*src points to the storage location of data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write specified bytes of EEDATA memory.
File: eedata_helper.c

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Example of Use dsPIC30F DSCs

#include "libpic30.h"
#include "p30fxxxx.h"

char __attribute__((space(eedata), aligned(_EE_ROW))) dat[_EE_ROW];

int main()
char i,source[_EE_ROW];
_prog_addressT p;

for (i = 0; i < _EE_ROW; )

source[i] = i++; /* initialize some data */

_init_prog_address(p, dat); /* get address in program space */

_erase_eedata(p, _EE_ROW); /* erase a row */

_wait_eedata(); /* wait for operation to complete */

_write_eedata_row(p, source); /* write a row */


Example of Use PIC24FXXKA MCUs

#include "libpic30.h" /* should use <> here */
#include "p24Fxxxx.h"

int __attribute__((space(eedata), aligned(_EE_4WORDS)))


int main()
_prog_addressT p;

_init_prog_address(p, dat); /* get address in program

space */
_erase_eedata(p, _EE_4WORDS); /* erase the dat[] array */
_wait_eedata(); /* wait to complete */
_write_eedata_word(p, 0x1234); /* write a word to dat[0] */

p += 2;
_write_eedata_word(p, 0x5678); /* write a word to dat[1] */

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Standard C Libraries - Support Functions


These functions support the erasing and writing of Flash memory for devices that have
this type of memory.

Description: Erase a page of Flash memory. The length of a page is _FLASH_PAGE
words (1 word = 3 bytes = 2 PC address units).
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _erase_flash(_prog_addressT dst);
Argument: dst destination memory address
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Erase a page of Flash memory.
File: flash_helper.s

_erase_flash (PIC24FXXKA Only)

Description: Erase rows of Flash memory, either one, two or four rows.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _erase_flash(_prog_addressT dst, int len);
Argument: dst destination memory address
len length may be _FLASH_ROW, _FLASH_2ROWs or
_FLASH_4ROWS (bytes)
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Erase rows of Flash memory.
File: flash_helper2.s

Description: Write a row of Flash memory with 16-bit data. The length of a row is
_FLASH_ROW words. The upper byte of each destination word is filled
with 0xFF. Note that the row must be erased before any write can be
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_flash16(_prog_addressT dst,
int *src);
Argument: dst destination memory address
*src points to the storage location of data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write a row of Flash memory with 16-bit data.
File: flash_helper.s

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: Write a row of Flash memory with 24-bit data. The length of a row is
_FLASH_ROW words. Note that the row must be erased before any write
can be successful.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_flash24(_prog_addressT dst,
long *src);
Argument: dst destination memory address
*src points to the storage location of data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write a row of Flash memory with 24-bit data.
File: flash_helper.s

Description: Write a word of Flash memory with 16-bit data. The upper byte of the
destination word is filled with 0xFF. Note that the word must be erased
before any write can be successful. This function is currently available
only for PIC24F devices (excluding PIC24FXXKA MCUs).
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_flash_word16(_prog_addressT dst,
int dat);
Argument: dst destination memory address
dat integer data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write a word of Flash memory with 16-bit data for most PIC24 devices.
File: flash_helper.s

Description: Write a word of Flash memory with 24-bit data. Note that the word must
be erased before any write can be successful. This function is currently
available only for PIC24F devices (excluding PIC24FXXKA MCUs).
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_flash_word24(_prog_addressT dst,
long dat);
Argument: dst destination memory address
dat integer data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write a word of Flash memory with 24-bit data for most PIC24 devices.
File: flash_helper.s

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Standard C Libraries - Support Functions

Description: Write two words of FLASH memory with 16 bits of data per word. The
16 bits are written to the low 16 bits of the word. Word writes are sup-
ported dsPIC33E and PIC24E devices. The row address is specified
with type _prog_addressT. Note that the location must be erased
before any write can be successful.
This function is currently disabled for devices subject to the Device ID
errata as described in DS-80444, DS-80446, or DS-80447 (#32).
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_flash_word32(_prog_addressT dst,
int dat1, int dat2);
Argument: dst destination memory address
dat1, dat2 integer data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write two words of Flash memory with 16-bit data for most
dsPIC33E/PIC24E devices.
File: flash_helper.s

Description: Write two words of FLASH memory with 24 bits of data per word. Word
writes are supported 33E and 24E devices. The row address is speci-
fied with type _prog_addressT. Note that the location must be erased
before any write can be successful.
This function is currently disabled for devices subject to the Device ID
errata as described in DS-80444, DS-80446, or DS-80447 (#32).
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_flash_word48(_prog_addressT dst,
int dat1, int dat2);
Argument: dst destination memory address
dat1, dat2 integer data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write two words of Flash memory with 48-bit data for most
dsPIC33E/PIC24E devices.
File: flash_helper.s

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Example of Use
#include "libpic30.h"
#include "p24Fxxxx.h"

int __attribute__((space(prog),aligned(_FLASH_PAGE*2)))

int main()
int i;
int source1[_FLASH_ROW];
long source2[_FLASH_ROW];
_prog_addressT p;

for (i = 0; i < _FLASH_ROW; ) {

source1[i] = i;
source2[i] = i++;
} /* initialize some data */

_init_prog_address(p, dat); /* get address in program space */

_erase_flash(p); /* erase a page */

_write_flash16(p, source1); /* write first row with 16-bit data */

#if defined (__dsPIC30F__)

_erase_flash(p); /* on dsPIC30F, only 1 row per page */
p += (_FLASH_ROW * 2); /* advance to next row */

_write_flash24(p, source2); /* write second row with 24-bit data */


DS50001456J-page 214 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Support Functions

Example of Use PIC24FXXKA MCUs

#include "libpic30.h" /* should use <> here */
#include "p24Fxxxx.h"

int __attribute__((space(prog),aligned(_FLASH_2ROWS*2)))

int main()
int i;
int source1[_FLASH_ROW];
long source2[_FLASH_ROW];
_prog_addressT p;

for (i = 0; i < _FLASH_ROW; ) {

source1[i] = i;
source2[i] = i++;

_init_prog_address(p, dat); /* get address in program

space */
_erase_flash(p, _FLASH_2ROWS); /* erase two rows */

_write_flash16(p, source1); /* write first row with

16-bit data */
p += (_FLASH_ROW * 2); /* advance to next row */

_write_flash24(p, source2); /* write second row with

24-bit data */

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


These functions support specialized data copying and initialization.

Description: Copy 16 bits of data from each address in program memory to data
memory. The next unused source address is returned.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: _prog_addressT _memcpy_p2d16(char *dest,
_prog_addressT src, unsigned int len);
Argument: *dest pointer to destination memory address
src address of data to be written
len length of program memory
Return Value: The next unused source address.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Copy 16 bits of data from each address in program memory to data
File: memcpy_helper.s

Description: Copy 24 bits of data from each address in program memory to data
memory. The next unused source address is returned.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: _prog_addressT _memcpy_p2d24(char *dest,
_prog_addressT src, unsigned int len);
Argument: *dest pointer to destination memory address
src address of data to be written
len length of program memory
Return Value: The next unused source address.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Copy 24 bits of data from each address in program memory to data
File: memcpy_helper.s

Description: Copy 16 bits of data from each address in program memory to data
memory. The operation terminates early if a NULL char is copied. The
next unused source address is returned.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: _prog_addressT _strncpy_p2d16(char *dest,
_prog_addressT src, unsigned int len);
Argument: *dest pointer to destination memory address
src address of data to be written
len length of program memory
Return Value: The next unused source address.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Copy 16 bits of data from each address in program memory to data
File: memcpy_helper.s

DS50001456J-page 216 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Standard C Libraries - Support Functions

Description: Copy 24 bits of data from each address in program memory to data
memory. The operation terminates early if a NULL char is copied. The
next unused source address is returned.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: _prog_addressT _strncpy_p2d24(char *dest,
_prog_addressT src, unsigned int len);
Argument: *dest pointer to destination memory address
src address of data to be written
len length of program memory
Return Value: The next unused source address.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Copy 24 bits of data from each address in program memory to data
File: memcpy_helper.s

Description: A macro that is used to initialize variables of type, _prog_addressT.
These variables are not equivalent to C pointers.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: _init_prog_address(a,b);
Argument: a variable of type _prog_addressT
b initialization value for variable a
Return Value: N/A
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Initialize variable to specified value.
File: libpic30.c

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Example of Use
#include "stdio.h"
#include "libpic30.h"

void display_mem(char *p, unsigned int len) {

int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
printf(" %d", *p++);

char __attribute__((space(prog))) dat[] =

{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };

char buf[10];

int main() {
int i;
_prog_addressT p;

/* method 1 */
_init_prog_address(p, dat);
(void) _memcpy_p2d16(buf, p, 10);


/* method 2 */
_init_prog_address(p, dat);
p = _memcpy_p2d16(buf, p, 4);
p = _memcpy_p2d16(&buf[4], p, 6);


DS50001456J-page 218 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.


Chapter 5. Fixed-Point Math Functions

Fixed-point library math functions are contained in the files libq-omf.a (standard) and
libq-dsp-omf.a (DSP), where omf will be coff or elf depending upon the selected
object module format. The header file is named libq.h, and is the same for standard
or DSP versions of the library. Linker options -lq (standard and DSP) and -lq-dsp
(DSP only) must be used when linking the respective libraries.

5.1.1 Assembly Code Applications

A free version of the math functions library and header file is available from the
Microchip web site.

5.1.2 C Code Applications

The MPLAB XC16 C Compiler install directory (Section 1.1.1 Compiler Installation
Locations) contains the following subdirectories with library-related files:
lib standard C library files
support\h header files for libraries
In addition, there is a file, ResourceGraphs.pdf, which contains diagrams of resources
used by each function, located in lib.

5.1.3 Chapter Organization

This chapter is organized as follows:
Overview of Fixed-Point Data Formats
Using the Fixed-Point Libraries
<libq.h> mathematical functions

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries


The integer data is encoded as its twos compliment to accommodate both positive and
negative numbers in binary format. The twos compliment can be represented using
integer format or the fractional format.

5.2.1 Integer Format

The integer format data is represented as a signed twos complement value, where the
Most Significant bit is defined as a sign bit. The range of an N-bit twos complement
integer is -2N-1 to 2N-1-1 with a resolution of 1. For a 16-bit integer, the data range is
-32768 (0x8000) to +32767 (0x7FFF) with a resolution of 1. For a 32-bit integer, the
data range is -2,147,483,648 (0x8000 0000) to +2,147,483,647 (0x7FFF FFFF) with a
resolution of 1.

5.2.2 Fractional Format

The fractional data format (Qn.m) has integral part (n) and fractional part (m) and the
Most Significant bit represents the sign, thus consisting of (m+n+1) bits. It represents
a signed twos complement value. Qn.m format data has a range of [-2n, (2n-2-m)] with
2-m resolution.
The binary representation of an N-bit (m+n+1 bits) number in Qn.m is shown in
Figure 5-1. The value is given by the equation shown in Figure 5-2.


n b m n 1 ... b m .b m 1 ... b 1 b o
b m
N 1


Value b N 1 2 bl 2
n l m

l0 Q15 (1.15) FORMAT

In Q15 format, the Most Significant bit is defined as a sign bit and the radix point is
implied to lie just after the sign bit followed by the fractional value. This format is
commonly referred to as 1.15 or Q15 format, where 1 is the number of bits used to rep-
resent the integer portion of the number, and 15 is the number of bits used to represent
the fractional portion. The range of an N-bit twos complement fraction with this implied
radix point is -1.0 to (1 - 21-N). For a 16-bit fraction, the 1.15 data range is -1.0 (0x8000)
to +0.999969482 (0x7FFF) with a precision of 3.05176x10-5.


Bit Position
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15

-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
or 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768
Implied Radix (Decimal) Point
Bit Value

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Fixed-Point Math Functions
The following table shows the conversion of a twos complement 16-bit integer +24576
to Q15 value +0.75.
Binary Dec Q15
0 0x (-215 ) 0 0 x (-2 ) 0

1 1 x 214 16384 1 x 2-1 0.5
1 1x 213 8192 1 x 2-2 0.25
0 0 x 212 0 0 x 2-3 0
0 0x2 0 0 x 2-4 0
0 0x 210 0 0x2 -5
0 0 x 29 0 0 x 2-6 0
8 -7
0 0x2 0 0x2 0
0 0 x 27 0 0 x 2-8 0
6 -9
0 0x2 0 0x2 0
0 0 x 25 0 0 x 2-10 0
0 0x 24 0 0x 2-11 0
0 0 x 23 0 0 x 2-12 0
0 0x2 0 0x 2-13 0
0 0 x 21 0 0 x 2-14 0
0 0x 20 0 0x 2-15 0
SUM +24576 SUM +0.75
- Radix Point Q15.16 FORMAT

In the Q15.16 format, the Most Significant bit is defined as a sign bit followed by 16 bits
of the integral part. The radix point is implied to lie just after the integral part, followed
by 16 bits of the fractional value. This format is commonly referred to as Q15.16 format.
The range of Q15.16 numbers is from -32768.0 (0x8000 0000) to
+32767.9999847412109375 (0x7FFF FFFF) and has a precision of 2-16.


Bit Position
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
or Sign Bit Integral Part

Bit Position
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536
Implied Radix (Decimal) Point
Fractional Part

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries
The following table shows the conversion of a twos complement 32-bit integer,
-715827882 to Q15.16 value -10922.6666564941.
Binary Dec Q15.16
1 1x (-231 ) -2147483648 1 x (-2 ) 15
1 1 x 230 1073741824 1 x 214 16384
29 13
0 0x2 0 0x2 0
1 1 x 228 268435456 1 x 212 4096
0 0 x 227 0 0 x 211 0
1 1x2 67108864 1 x 210 1024
0 0 x 225 0 0 x 29 0
1 1x2 16777216 1 x 28 256
0 0 x 223 0 0 x 27 0
1 1x 222 4194304 1 x 26 64
0 0 x 221 0 0 x 25 0
1 1x2 1048576 1 x 24 16
0 0 x 219 0 0 x 23 0
1 1x 218 262144 1 x 22 4
0 0x2 0 0x 21 0
1 1 x 216 65536 1 x 20 1

0 0 x 215 0 0 x 2-1 0
1 1x 214 16384 1x 2-2 0.25
0 0 x 213 0 0 x 2-3 0
1 1x2 4096 1x 2-4 0.0625
0 0 x 211 0 0 x 2-5 0
1 1x 210 1024 1x 2-6 0.015625
0 0 x 29 0 0 x 2-7 0
1 1x 28 256 1x 2-8 0.00390625
0 0 x 27 0 0 x 2-9 0
6 2-10
1 1x2 64 1x 0.000976563
0 0 x 25 0 0 x 2-11 0
1 1x 24 16 1x2 -12
0 0 x 23 0 0 x 2-13 0
1 1x 22 4 1x 2-14 6.10352E-05
1 1 x 21 2 1 x 2-15 3.01576E-05
0 0x2 0 0x 2-16 0
SUM -715827882 SUM -10922.6666564941
- Radix Point

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Fixed-Point Math Functions

5.2.3 Integer - Fractional Format Mapping

The same twos complement N-bit word may represent an integer format value or a frac-
tional format value. For example., the 16-bit integer range [-32768, +32767] format maps
to Q15 range of [-1.0, +0.999969482]. Figure 5-5 shows the mapping between these


-32768 -24576 -16384 -8192 0 8192 16384 24576 32767

-1.0000 -0.7500 -0.5000 -0.2500 0 0.2500 0.5000 0.7500 0.9999

Fractional Values

A similar relationship exists between the 32-bit integer format and the Q15.16 format,
where the integer range [-2147483648, +2147483647] is mapped to the Q15.16 range
[-32768.0, +32767.9999847412109375].


-2147483648 -1431655764 -715827882 0 715827882 1431655764 2147483647

-32768.0 -10922.6666564941 0 +10922.6666564941 +32767.9999847

-21845.3333129882 Q15.16 Values +21845.3333129882

5.2.4 libq Library and Fixed-Point Data Format

The functions in the libq library use the fixed-point data format. The parameters
passed and the results generated by the functions are fractional in nature. There are
two similar sets of math functions which perform the same math operations. One set
supports Q15 operands and the other supports Q15.16 operands. Q15.16 operand
functions, naturally, have better precision and range compared to Q15 operand


Building an application which utilizes the fixed-point libraries requires two types of files:
header files and library files.

5.3.1 Header Files

All standard C library entities are declared or defined in one or more standard headers
(see list in Section 5.1.3 Chapter Organization). To make use of a library entity in
a program, write an include directive that names the relevant standard header.
The contents of a standard header are included by naming them in an include directive,
as in:
#include <libq.h> /* include fixed-point library */
The standard headers can be included in any order. Do not include a standard header
within a declaration. Do not define macros that have the same names as keywords
before including a standard header.
A standard header never includes another standard header.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

5.3.2 Library Files

The archived library files contain all the individual object files for each library function.
When linking an application, the library file (libq-omf.a or libq-dsp-omf.a) must be
provided as an input to the linker (using the --library or -l linker option), such that
the functions used by the application may be linked into the application. Also, linker
options -lq and -lq-dsp must be used when linking the respective libraries.
A typical C application will require three library files: libc-omf.a, libm-omf.a and
libpic30-omf.a (see Section 1.2 OMF-Specific Libraries/Start-up Modules for
more on OMF-specific libraries). These libraries will be included automatically if linking
is performed using the compiler.

5.3.3 Function Naming Conventions

Signed fixed-point types are defined as follows:
n is the number of data bits to the left of the radix point
m is the number of data bits to the right of the radix point
Note: A sign bit is implied.

For convenience, short names are also defined:

Exact Name # Bits Required Short Name
_Q0_15 16 _Q15
_Q15_16 32 _Q16
In this document, the terms Q15.16 and Q16 are used interchangeably; however, both
imply Q15.16 format. Functions in the library are prefixed with the type of the return
value. For example, _Q15acos returns a Q15 value equal to the arc cosine of its argu-
Argument types do not always match the return type. Refer to the function prototype
for a specification of its arguments.
In cases where the return value is not a fixed-point type, the argument type is appended
to the function name. For example, function _itoaQ15 accepts a type
Q15 argument.
In cases where two versions of a function are provided with the same return type but
different argument types, the argument type is appended to the function name. For
Function Name Return Type Argument Type
_Q16reciprocalQ15 _Q16 _Q15
_Q16reciprocalQ16 _Q16 _Q16

DS50001456J-page 224 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions


The header file libq.h consists of macro definitions and various functions that
calculate fixed-point mathematical operations.

5.4.1 Q15 Functions

Many functions in this section use fixed-point Q15 (1.15) format. For each function, the
entire range may not be used.

Description: The function finds the absolute value of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15abs(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the absolute value of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from 0 to 32767.

Description: This function finds the arc cosine of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15acos(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from 17705 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the arc cosine of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from 256 to 32767.

Description: This function finds the arc cosine of a Q15 value and then divides by
PI ().
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15acosByPI(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the arc cosine of x, divided by PI, in Q15 format.
The value ranges from 82 to 32767.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: This function finds the sum value of two Q15 values. The function takes
care of saturation during overflow and underflow occurrences.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15add(_Q15 x, _Q15 y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
y a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the sum of x and y in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

Description: This function finds the arc sine of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15asin(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -27573 to 27573.
Return Value: This function returns the arc sine of x in Q15 format. The value ranges
from -32768 to 32767.

Description: This function finds the arc sine of a Q15 value and then divides by
PI ().
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15asinByPI(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the arc sine of x, divided by PI, in Q15 format. The
value ranges from -16384 to 16303.

Description: This function finds the arc tangent of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15atan(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the arc tangent of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -25736 to 25735.

DS50001456J-page 226 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions

Description: This function finds the arc tangent of a Q15 value and then divides by
PI ().
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15atanByPI(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the arc tangent of x, divided by PI, in Q15 format.
The value ranges from -8192 to 8192.

Description: This function finds the arc tangent of a Q15 value divided by a second
Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15atanYByX(_Q15 x, _Q15 y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
y a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the arc tangent of y divided by x in Q15 format.
The value ranges from -25736 to 25735.

Description: This function finds the arc tangent of a Q15 value divided by a second
Q15 value and then divides the result by PI ().
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15atanYByXByPI(_Q15 x, _Q15 y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
y a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the arc tangent of y divided by x, divided by PI, in
Q15 format. The value ranges from -8192 to 8192.

Description: This function takes a string which holds the ASCII representation of
decimal digits and converts it into a single Q15 number.
Note: The decimal digit should not be beyond the range: -32768 to
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15atoi(const char *s);
Argument: s a buffer holding the ASCII values of each decimal digit.
Return Value: This function returns the integer equivalent of s in Q15 format, which
range is from -32768 to 32767.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: This function finds the cosine of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15cos(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the cosine of x in Q15 format. The value ranges
from 17705 to 32767.

Description: This function finds the cosine of PI () times a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15cosPI(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the cosine of PI times x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

Description: This function finds the exponential value of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15exp(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 0.
Return Value: This function returns the exponent value of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from 12055 to 32767.

Description: This function converts a single precision floating-point value into its
corresponding Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15ftoi(float x);
Argument: x a floating-point equivalent number. The corresponding
floating-point range is -1 to 0.99996.
Return Value: This function returns a fixed-point number in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

DS50001456J-page 228 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions

Description: This function converts each decimal digit of a Q15 value to its represen-
tation in ASCII. For example, 1 is converted to 0x31, which is the ASCII
representation of 1.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: void _itoaQ15(_Q15 x, char *s);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
s a buffer holding values in ASCII, at least 8 characters long.
Return Value: None.

Description: This function converts a Q15 value into its corresponding floating-point
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: float _itofQ15(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns a floating-point equivalent number. The
corresponding floating-point range is -1 to 0.99996.

Description: This function finds the natural log of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15log(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from 12055 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the natural log of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to -1.

Description: This function finds the log (base 10) of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15log10(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from 3277 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the log of x in Q15 format. The value ranges from
-32768 to 0.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: This function negates a Q15 value with saturation. The value is
saturated in the case where the input is -32768.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15neg(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns -x in Q15 format. The value ranges from -32768 to

Description: This function finds the normalized value of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15norm(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the square root of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from 16384 to -32767 for a positive number and -32768 to
-16384 for a negative number.

Description: This function finds the power result given the base value and the power
value in Q15 format.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15power(_Q15 x, _Q15 y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from 1 to 215-1.
The value of this argument ranges from 1 to 32767.
y a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from 1 to 215-1.
The value of this argument ranges from 1 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns x to the power of y in Q15 format. The value
ranges from 1 to 32767.

Description: This function generates a random number in the range from -32768 to
32767. The random number generation is periodic with period 65536.
The function uses the _Q15randomSeed variable as a random seed
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15random(void);
Argument: None.
Return Value: This function returns a random number in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

DS50001456J-page 230 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions

Description: This function shifts a Q15 value by num bits, to the left if num is positive
or to the right if num is negative. The function takes care of saturating
the result, in case of underflow or overflow.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15shl(_Q15 x, short num);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
2 -1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
num an integer number, which ranges from -15 to 15.
Return Value: This function returns the shifted value of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

Description: This function shifts a Q15 value by num bits, to the left if num is positive
or to the right if num is negative. The function sets the
_Q15shlSatFlag variable in case of underflow or overflow but does
not take care of saturation.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15shlNoSat(_Q15 x, short num);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
15-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
num an integer number, which ranges from -15 to 15.
Return Value: This function returns the shifted value of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

Description: This function shifts a Q15 value by num bits, to the right if num is
positive or to the left if num is negative. The function takes care of
saturating the result, in case of underflow or overflow.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15shr(_Q15 x, short num);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
15-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
num an integer number, which ranges from -15 to 15.
Return Value: This function returns the shifted value of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

Description: This function shifts a Q15 value by num bits, to the right if num is
positive or to the left if num is negative. The function sets the
_Q15shrSatFlag variable in case of underflow or overflow but does
not take care of saturation.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15shrNoSat(_Q15 x, short num);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
num an integer number, which ranges from -15 to 15.
Return Value: This function returns the shifted value of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

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Description: This function finds the sine of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15sin(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the sine of x in Q15 format. The value ranges from
-27573 to 27573.

Description: This function finds the sine of PI () times a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15sinPI(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the sine of PI times x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

Description: Generates the sine series with the given normalizing frequency, f, and
the given number of samples, num, starting from start. Stores the
result in buffer, buf.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: short _Q15sinSeries(_Q15 f, short start, short num,
_Q15 *buf);
Argument: f a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from 0 to
(231-1). The valid range of values for this argument is from -16384 to
16384. The argument represents the Normalizing frequency.
start a fixed-point number in Q16 format, which ranges from 0 to
(231-1). The valid range of values for this argument is from 1 to 32767.
This argument represents the Starting Sample number in the Sine
num a fixed-point number in Q16 format, which ranges from 0 to
(231-1). The valid range of values for this argument is from 1 to 32767.
This argument represents the Number of Sine Samples the function is
called to generate.
Note: num should not be more than 16383 for dsPIC and 32767 for PIC
buf a pointer to the buffer where the generated sine samples would
get copied into.
Return Value: This function returns num, the number of generated sine samples.

DS50001456J-page 232 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions

Description: This function finds the square root of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15sqrt(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from 1 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the square root of x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from 1 to 32767.

Description: This function finds the difference of two Q15 values. The function takes
care of saturation during overflow and underflow occurrences.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15sub(_Q15 x,_Q15 y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
2 -1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
y a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns x minus y in Q15 format. The value ranges from
-32768 to 32767.

Description: This function finds the tangent of a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15tan(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -25736 to 25735.
Return Value: This function returns the tangent of x in Q15 format. The value ranges
from -32768 to 32767.

Description: This function finds the tangent of PI () times a Q15 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q15 _Q15tanPI(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the tangent of PI times x in Q15 format. The value
ranges from -32768 to 32767.

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5.4.2 Q16 Functions

Many functions in this section use fixed-point Q16 (15.16) format. For each function,
the entire range may not be used.

Description: This function finds the arc cosine of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16acos(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -65566 to 65536.
Return Value: This function returns the arc cosine of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -205887 to 205887.

Description: This function finds the arc cosine of a Q16 value and then divides by
PI ().
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16acosByPI(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -65536 to 65536.
Return Value: This function returns the arc cosine of x, divided by PI, in Q16 format.
The value ranges from -65536 to 65536.

Description: This function finds the arc sine of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16asin(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -65566 to 65536.
Return Value: This function returns the arc sine of x in Q16 format. The value ranges
from -102944 to 102944.

Description: This function finds the arc sine of a Q16 value and then divides by
PI ().
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16asinByPI(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -65536 to 65536.
Return Value: This function returns the arc sine of x, divided by PI, in Q16 format. The
value ranges from-65536 to 65536.

DS50001456J-page 234 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions

Description: This function finds the arc tangent of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16atan(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the arc tangent of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function finds the arc tangent of a Q16 value and then divides by
PI ().
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16atanByPI(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the arc tangent of x, divided by PI, in Q16 format.
The value ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function finds the arc tangent of y divided by x.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16atanYByX(_Q16 x, _Q16 y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647. This forms the x input.
y a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647. This forms the y input.
Return Value: This function returns the arc tangent of y, divided by x, in Q16 format.
The value ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function finds the arc tangent of the 32-bit input, y, divided by x,
and then divides by PI ().
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16atanYByXByPI(_Q16 x, _Q16 y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647. This forms the x input.
y a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647. This forms the y input.
Return Value: This function returns the arc tangent y divided by x, divided by PI, in
Q16 format. The value ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

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Description: This function finds the cosine of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16cos(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the cosine of x in Q16 format. The value ranges
from -65566 to 65536.

Description: This function finds the cosine of PI () times a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16cosPI(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the cosine of PI times x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -65536 to 65536.

Description: This function returns the quotient of its arguments.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16mpy(_Q16 dividend, _Q16 divisor);
Argument: dividend a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argu-
ment ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
divisor a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argu-
ment ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the quotient of its arguments. The value ranges
from 0 to 2147483647..

Description: This function returns the quotient and remainder of its arguments.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16mpy(_Q16 dividend, _Q16 divisor, _Q16
Argument: dividend a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argu-
ment ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
divisor a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argu-
ment ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
remainder a pointer to an object large enough to hold the remainder.
This must be provided by the caller.
Return Value: This function returns the quotient and remainder of its arguments.
The values range from 0 to 2147483647.

DS50001456J-page 236 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions

Description: This function finds the exponential value of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16exp(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -772244 to 681391.
Return Value: This function returns the exponent value of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.

Description: This function finds the natural log of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16log(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 1 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the natural log of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -726817 to 681391.

Description: This function finds the log (base 10) of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16log10(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 1 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the log of x in Q16 format. The value ranges from
-315653 to 295925.

Description: This function multiplies the two 32-bit inputs, x and y, and accumulates
the product with prod. The function takes care of saturating the result
in case of underflow or overflow.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16mac(_Q16x, _Q16 y, _Q16 prod);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
y a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
prod a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the multiplied and accumulated value prod in
Q16 format. The value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.

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Description: This function multiplies the two 32 bit inputs, x and y and accumulates
the product with prod.This function only sets the _Q16macSatFlag
variable in case of an overflow or underflow and does not take care of
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16macNoSat(_Q16 x, _Q16 y, _Q16 prod);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
y a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
prod a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the multiplied and accumulated value prod in
Q16 format. The value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.

Description: This function returns the product of its arguments.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16mpy(_Q16 a,_Q16 b);
Argument: a a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
b a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the product of its arguments. The value ranges
from 0 to 2147483647.

Description: This function negates x with saturation. The value is saturated in the
case where the input is -2147483648.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16neg(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the negated value of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function finds the normalized value of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16norm(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the square root value of x in Q16 format. The
value ranges from 1073741824 to 2147483647 for a positive number
and -2147483648 to -1073741824 for a negative number.

DS50001456J-page 238 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions

Description: This function finds the power result, given the base value, x, and the
power value, y.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16power(_Q16 x, _Q16 y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
y a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the value of x to the power of y in Q16 format. The
value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.

Description: This function generates a pseudo random number with a period of
2147483648. The function uses the _Q16randomSeed variable as a
random seed value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16random(void);
Argument: None.
Return Value: This function returns the generated random number in Q16 format. The
value of this output ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Remarks: RndNum(n) = (RndNum(n-1) * RAN_MULT) + RAN_INC
SEED VALUE = 21845, RAN_MULT = 1664525 and
RAN_INC = 1013904223.

Description: This function returns the reciprocal of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16reciprocal(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the reciprocal of x in Q16 format. The value of this
output ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function returns the reciprocal of a Q15 value. Since the input
range lies in the -1 to +1 region, the output is always greater than the -1
or +1 region. So, Q16 format is used to represent the output.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16reciprocalQ15(_Q15 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q15 format, which ranges from -215 to
215-1. The value of this argument ranges from -32768 to 32767.
Return Value: This function returns the reciprocal of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147418112.

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Description: This function returns the reciprocal value of the input.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16reciprocalQ16(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the reciprocal of x in Q16 format. The value of this
output ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function shifts the input argument, x, by y number of bits, to the
left if y is positive or to the right if y is negative. The function takes care
of saturating the result, in case of underflow or overflow.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16shl(_Q16 x, short y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
y an integer number, which ranges from -32 to +32.
Return Value: This function returns the shifted value of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function shifts the input argument, x, by y number of bits, to the
left if y is positive or to the right if y is negative. The function sets the
_Q16shlSatFlag variable in case of underflow or overflow, but does
not take care of saturation.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16shlNoSat(_Q16 x, short y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
y an integer number, which ranges from -32 to +32.
Return Value: This function returns the shifted value of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function shifts the input argument, x, by y number of bits, to the
right if y is positive or to the left if y is negative. The function takes care
of saturating the result, in case of underflow or overflow.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16shr(_Q16 x, short y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from-2147483648 to 2147483647.
y an integer number, which ranges from -32 to +32.
Return Value: This function returns the shifted value of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

DS50001456J-page 240 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions

Description: This function shifts the input argument, x, by y number of bits, to the
right if y is positive or to the left if y is negative. The function sets the
_Q16shrSatFlag variable in case of underflow or overflow, but does
not take care of saturation.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16shrNoSat(_Q16 x, short y);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
y an integer number, which ranges from -32 to +32.
Return Value: This function returns the shifted value of x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function finds the sine of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16sin(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the sine of x in Q16 format. The value ranges from
-65566 to 65536.

Description: This function finds the sine of PI () times a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16sinPI(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the sine of PI times x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -65536 to 65536.

Description: Generates the sine series with the given normalizing frequency, f, and
the given number of samples, num, starting from start. Stores the
result in buffer, buf.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: short _Q16sinSeries(_Q16 f, short start, short num,
_Q16 *buf);

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

_Q16sinSeries (Continued)
Argument: f a fixed-point number in Q16 format, which ranges from 0 to
(231-1). The valid range of values for this argument is from -32768 to
32768. This argument represents the Normalizing frequency.
start a fixed-point number in Q16 format, which ranges from 0 to
(231-1). The valid range of values for this argument is from 1 to 32767.
This argument represents the Starting Sample number in the Sine
num a fixed-point number in Q16 format, which ranges from 0 to
(231-1). The valid range of values for this argument is from 1 to 32767.
This argument represents the Number of Sine Samples the function is
called to generate.
Note: num should not be more than 16383 for dsPIC and 32767 for PIC
buf a pointer to the buffer where the generated sine samples would
get copied into.
Return Value: This function returns num, the number of generated sine samples.

Description: This function finds the tangent of a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16tan(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the tangent of x in Q16 format. The value ranges
from-2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function finds the tangent of PI () times a Q16 value.
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16tanPI(_Q16 x);
Argument: x a fixed-point number in Q16 format. The value of this argument
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns the tangent of PI times x in Q16 format. The value
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

DS50001456J-page 242 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Fixed-Point Math Functions

Description: This function converts a float value to a Q16 fixed-point fractional
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: _Q16 _Q16ftoi(float f);
Argument: f a floating-point number. The value of this argument ranges from
-32768 to 32768.
Return Value: This function returns a Q16 fixed-point fractional value. The value
ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Description: This function converts a Q16 fixed-point fractional value to a float
Include: <libq.h>
Prototype: float _Q16ftoi(_Q16 q);
Argument: q a fixed-point number. The value of this argument ranges from
-2147483648 to 2147483647.
Return Value: This function returns a floating-point value. The value ranges from
-32768 to 32768.

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Appendix A. ASCII Character Set

This table shows the ASCII character set in nibbles.

Most Significant Nibbles

Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 NUL DLE Space 0 @ P ` p
1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q
2 STX DC2 " 2 B R b r
3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s
4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t
5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u
Least 6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v
Significant 7 Bell ETB ' 7 G W g w
Nibbles 8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x
9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y
A LF SUB * : J Z j z
B VT ESC + ; K [ k {
C FF FS , < L \ l |
D CR GS = M ] m }
E SO RS . > N ^ n ~
F SI US / ? O _ o DEL

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Appendix B. Document Revision History

Revision J (December 2014)
Section 2.14 <stdlib.h> utility functions - updated malloc function.
Section 4.7 Functions for Erasing and Writing Flash Memory - updated
descriptions for _erase_flash (PIC24FXXKA Only) and
Section 4.8 Functions for Specialized Copying and Initialization - the
following function descriptions have been updated:
- _memcpy_p2d24
- _memcpy_p2d16
- _strncpy_p2d24
- _strncpy_p2d16

Revision H
Section 1.1 Introduction - added Compiler Installation Locations
Section 2.10 <signal.h> signal handling - updated signal function.
Section 2.13 <stdio.h> input and output - updated Customizing STDIO han-
dles and descriptions for fdopen and vasprintf.
Section 4.3 Standard C Library Helper Functions - updated
_dump_heap_info function.
Section 4.7 Functions for Erasing and Writing Flash Memory - updated
descriptions for _write_flash_word32 and _write_flash_word48.
Section 5.2 Overview of Fixed-Point Data Formats - inserted Table 5-1 and
Table 5-2.
Section 5.4 <libq.h> mathematical functions - the following function descrip-
tions have been updated:
- _Q16div
- _Q16divmod
- _Q16mpy
Minor typographical changes.

Revision G
Section 2.13 <stdio.h> input and output - updated scanf function
Section 2.15 <string.h> string functions - updated memchr function
Inserted Section 5.2 Overview of Fixed-Point Data Formats
Minor typographical changes.

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 247

MPLAB XC16 C Compiler Users Guide

Revision F
Section 4.5 Functions/Constants to Support A Simulated UART - the fol-
lowing function descriptions have been updated:
- _delay_ms
- _delay_us
- _C30UART
Section 4.6 Functions for Erasing and Writing EEDATA Memory- updated
_write_eedata_row function.
Section 4.7 Functions for Erasing and Writing Flash Memory - updated
descriptions for _erase_flash and _write_flash_word24.
Section 5.3 Using the Fixed-Point Libraries - updated descriptions for
Q16ftoi and itofQ16.
Minor typographical changes.

Revision E
Section 2.4 <ctype.h> character handling - the following function descrip-
tions have been updated:
- islower
- isxdigit
- tolower
- toupper
Section 2.6 <float.h> floating-point characteristics- the following function
descriptions have been updated:
Section 2.9 <setjmp.h> non-local jumps - the following function descriptions
have been updated:
- jmp_buf
- longjmp
- raise
- signal
Divided Chapter 3. Standard C Libraries - Math Functions into Chapter
4. Standard C Libraries - Support Functions and Chapter 5. Fixed-Point
Math Functions
Minor typographical changes.

DS50001456J-page 248 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Document Revision History

Revision D
Section 3.7 <limits.h> implementation-defined limits - the following function
descriptions have been updated:
Section 3.9 <setjmp.h> non-local jumps - the following function descriptions
have been updated:
- jmp_buf
- setjmp
- longjmp
Section 3.10 <signal.h> signal handling - the following function descriptions
have been updated:
- raise
Section 3.13 <stdio.h> input and output- the following function descriptions
have been updated:
- fpos_t
- L_tmpnam
- stderr
- stdout
- clearerr
- feof
- fgetpos
- fopen
- fprintf
- fread
Minor typographical changes

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 249

MPLAB XC16 C Compiler Users Guide

Revision C
Updated Section 2.8 <locale.h> localization and the following function
- PIDInit
- PIDCoeffCalc
Updated Section 2.9 <setjmp.h> non-local jumps and the following function
- Fract2Float
- Float2Fract
Updated Section 3.2 Using the Standard C Libraries
Section 3.3 <math.h> mathematical functions - the following function
descriptions have been updated:
- OpenXLCD
- putsXLCD
- SetDDRamAddr
- WriteDataXLCDWriteCmdXLCD
Divided Section 3.3 <math.h> mathematical functions into Section 3.4
CAN Functions. The following function descriptions have been updated:
- CAN1AbortAll
- CAN1GetRXErrorCount
- CAN1GetTXErrorCount
- CAN1IsBusOff
- CAN1IsRXReady
- CAN1IsRXPassive
- CAN1IsTXPassive
Section 5.2 Overview of Fixed-Point Data Formats - the following function
descriptions have been updated:
- _builtin_addab
- _builtin_add
- _builtin_btg
- _builtin_clr
- _builtin_clr_prefetch
- _builtin_dmaoffset
- _builtin_ed
- _builtin_edac
- _builtin_fbcl
- _builtin_mac
- _builtin_movsac
- _builtin_mpy
- _builtin_mpyn
- _builtin_msc
- _builtin_mulss
- _builtin_mulsu
- _builtin_mulus
- _builtin_muluu
- _builtin_nop
- _builtin_psvpage
Minor typographical changes

DS50001456J-page 250 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Document Revision History

Revision B
Divided Chapter 4. Standard C Libraries - Support Functions into Chapter
5. Fixed-Point Math Functions
Added Section 1.2 OMF-Specific Libraries/Start-up Modules
Minor typographical changes

Revision A
Initial release of this document.

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 251


Symbols _Q15sin.................................................................. 232
^, Caret..................................................................... 86 _Q15sinPI .............................................................. 232
__attach_input_file ................................................. 205 _Q15sinSeries........................................................ 232
__C30_UART......................................................... 206 _Q15sqrt ................................................................ 233
__close_input_file .................................................. 205 _Q15sub................................................................. 233
__delay_ms............................................................ 206 _Q15tan ................................................................. 233
__delay_us............................................................. 206 _Q15tanPI .............................................................. 233
__delay32 .............................................................. 206 _Q16acos............................................................... 234
__FILE__ ................................................................. 17 _Q16acosByPI ....................................................... 234
__LINE__ ................................................................. 17 _Q16asin................................................................ 234
_dump_heap_info .................................................. 199 _Q16asinByPI ........................................................ 234
_erase_eedata ....................................................... 208 _Q16atan ............................................................... 235
_erase_eedata_all ................................................. 208 _Q16atanByPI........................................................ 235
_erase_flash .......................................................... 211 _Q16atanYByX ...................................................... 235
_exit ....................................................................... 199 _Q16atanYByXByPI............................................... 235
_init_prog_address ................................................ 217 _Q16cos................................................................. 236
_IOFBF .........................................................50, 87, 88 _Q16cosPI ............................................................. 236
_IOLBF................................................................50, 88 _Q16div.................................................................. 236
_IONBF .........................................................50, 87, 88 _Q16divmod........................................................... 236
_itoaQ15 ................................................................ 229 _Q16exp................................................................. 237
_itofQ15 ................................................................. 229 _Q16ftoi.................................................................. 243
_itofQ16 ................................................................. 243 _Q16log.................................................................. 237
_MathError ............................................................... 41 _Q16log10.............................................................. 237
_memcpy_p2d16 ................................................... 216 _Q16mac (Continued)............................................ 237
_memcpy_p2d24 ................................................... 216 _Q16macNoSat...................................................... 238
_NSETJMP .............................................................. 36 _Q16mpy................................................................ 238
_Q15abs ................................................................ 225 _Q16neg ................................................................ 238
_Q15acos............................................................... 225 _Q16norm .............................................................. 238
_Q15acosByPI ....................................................... 225 _Q16power............................................................. 239
_Q15add ................................................................ 226 _Q16random .......................................................... 239
_Q15asin................................................................ 226 _Q16reciprocal....................................................... 239
_Q15asinByPI ........................................................ 226 _Q16reciprocalQ15 ................................................ 239
_Q15atan ............................................................... 226 _Q16reciprocalQ16 ................................................ 240
_Q15atanByPI........................................................ 227 _Q16shl.................................................................. 240
_Q15atanYByX ...................................................... 227 _Q16shlNoSat........................................................ 240
_Q15atanYByXByPI............................................... 227 _Q16shr ................................................................. 240
_Q15atoi ................................................................ 227 _Q16shrNoSat ....................................................... 241
_Q15cos................................................................. 228 _Q16sin.................................................................. 241
_Q15cosPI ............................................................. 228 _Q16sinPI .............................................................. 241
_Q15exp ................................................................ 228 _Q16sinSeries........................................................ 241
_Q15ftoi ................................................................. 228 _Q16tan ................................................................. 242
_Q15log ................................................................. 229 _Q16tanPI .............................................................. 242
_Q15log10 ............................................................. 229 _strncpy_p2d16...................................................... 216
_Q15neg ................................................................ 230 _strncpy_p2d24...................................................... 217
_Q15norm .............................................................. 230 _VERBOSE_DEBUGGING...................................... 17
_Q15power ............................................................ 230 _wait_eedata.......................................................... 209
_Q15random .......................................................... 230 _write_eedata_row................................................. 209
_Q15shl.................................................................. 231 _write_eedata_word............................................... 209
_Q15shlNoSat........................................................ 231 _write_flash_word16 .............................................. 212
_Q15shr ................................................................. 231 _write_flash_word24 .............................................. 212
_Q15shrNoSat ....................................................... 231 _write_flash_word32 .............................................. 213

DS50001456J-page 252 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

_write_flash_word48 .............................................. 213 ASCII Character Set............................................... 245
_write_flash16 ........................................................ 211 asctime................................................................... 146
_write_flash24 ........................................................ 212 asin......................................................................... 157
-, Dash ..................................................................... 86 asinf........................................................................ 157
\f, Form Feed ........................................................... 23 assert ....................................................................... 17
\n, Newline .............................23, 47, 61, 66, 77, 78, 82 assert.h .................................................................... 17
\r, Carriage Return ................................................... 23 Assignment Suppression ......................................... 85
\t, Horizontal Tab...................................................... 23 Asterisk .............................................................. 79, 85
\v, Vertical Tab ......................................................... 23 atan ........................................................................ 158
#if ............................................................................. 33 atan2 ...................................................................... 159
#include............................................. 16, 153, 198, 223 atan2f ..................................................................... 161
%, Percent ............................................ 80, 85, 86, 151 atanf ....................................................................... 159
atexit................................................................. 99, 107
atof ......................................................................... 101
0x ........................................................ 24, 79, 119, 120 atoi ......................................................................... 102
A atol ......................................................................... 102
attach_input_file ..................................................... 205
Abnormal Termination Signal................................... 38
abort ....................................................................17, 98 B
abs ........................................................................... 99 Base ............................................................... 119, 120
Absolute Value 10 ..................................... 29, 30, 31, 32, 181, 182
Double Floating Point ..................................... 169 2 ........................................................................ 31
Integer............................................................... 99 e .............................................................. 180, 183
Long Integer.................................................... 109 FLT_RADIX.......................... 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Single Floating Point ....................................... 169 Binary
Absolute Value Function Base.................................................................. 31
abs .................................................................... 99 Mode ......................................................55, 62, 90
fabs ................................................................. 169 Search............................................................. 103
fabsf ................................................................ 169 Streams............................................................. 47
labs ................................................................. 109 Bitfields..................................................................... 46
Access Mode brk .................................................................. 200, 203
Binary...........................................................55, 62 bsearch .................................................................. 103
Text ..............................................................55, 62 Buffer Size.......................................................... 50, 88
acos ....................................................................... 155 Buffering Modes ....................................................... 88
acosf ...................................................................... 156 Buffering, See File Buffering
Allocate Memory .................................................... 111 BUFSIZ .............................................................. 50, 87
calloc............................................................... 105 Built-in Functions...................................................... 13
Free ................................................................ 108
realloc ............................................................. 115 C
Alphabetic Character C Locale ............................................................. 18, 35
Defined ............................................................. 18 C30_UART............................................................. 206
Test for.............................................................. 18 Calendar Time......................... 145, 147, 148, 150, 152
Alphanumeric Character calloc .............................................................. 105, 108
Defined ............................................................. 18 Caret (^) ................................................................... 86
Test for.............................................................. 18 Carriage Return........................................................ 23
AM/PM ................................................................... 151 ceil.......................................................................... 162
Append............................................................128, 134 ceilf......................................................................... 163
arccosine ceiling
Double Floating Point ..................................... 155 Double Floating Point...................................... 162
Single Floating Point ....................................... 156 Single Floating Point ....................................... 163
arcsine char
Double Floating Point ..................................... 157 Maximum Value ................................................ 33
Single Floating Point ....................................... 157 Minimum Value ................................................. 33
arctangent Number of Bits .................................................. 33
Double Floating Point ..................................... 158 CHAR_BIT ............................................................... 33
Single Floating Point ....................................... 159 CHAR_MAX ............................................................. 33
arctangent of y/x CHAR_MIN .............................................................. 33
Double Floating Point ..................................... 159 Character Array........................................................ 86
Single Floating Point ....................................... 161 Character Case Mapping
Argument List .................................... 43, 93, 94, 95, 96 Lower Case Alphabetic Character .................... 25
Arithmetic Error Message......................................... 38 Upper Case Alphabetic Character .................... 26

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 253

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries
Character Case Mapping Functions close ....................................................................... 201
tolower .............................................................. 25 close_input_file....................................................... 205
toupper .............................................................. 26 COFF........................................................................ 12
Character Handling, See ctype.h Common Definitions, See stddef.h
Character Input/Output Functions Compare Strings .................................................... 130
fgetc .................................................................. 59 Comparison Function ..................................... 103, 114
fgets .................................................................. 61 Comparison Functions
fputc .................................................................. 65 memcmp ......................................................... 123
fputs .................................................................. 65 strcmp ............................................................. 130
getc ................................................................... 76 strcoll............................................................... 131
getchar .............................................................. 77 strncmp ........................................................... 136
gets ................................................................... 77 strxfrm ............................................................. 144
putc ................................................................... 81 Compiler Options
putchar .............................................................. 82 -fno-short-double............................................... 48
puts ................................................................... 82 -msmart-io ......................................................... 47
ungetc ............................................................... 91 Concatenation Functions
Character Testing strcat ............................................................... 128
Alphabetic Character ........................................ 18 strncat ............................................................. 134
Alphanumeric Character ................................... 18 Control Character
Control Character.............................................. 19 Defined.............................................................. 19
Decimal Digit ..................................................... 20 Test for .............................................................. 19
Graphical Character .......................................... 20 Control Transfers...................................................... 36
Hexadecimal Digit ............................................. 24 Conversion ................................................... 79, 85, 89
Lower Case Alphabetic Character .................... 21 Convert
Printable Character ........................................... 22 Character to Multibyte Character .................... 121
Punctuation Character ...................................... 22 Multibyte Character to Wide Character ........... 113
Upper Case Alphabetic Character .................... 24 Multibyte String to Wide Character String ....... 113
White-Space Character..................................... 23 String to Double Floating Point ............... 101, 118
Character Testing Functions String to Integer............................................... 102
isalnum.............................................................. 18 String to Long Integer.............................. 102, 119
isalpha............................................................... 18 String to Unsigned Long Integer ..................... 120
iscntrl................................................................. 19 To Lower Case Alphabetic Character ............... 25
isdigit ................................................................. 20 To Upper Case Alphabetic Character ............... 26
isgraph .............................................................. 20 Wide Character String to Multibyte String ....... 121
islower ............................................................... 21 Copying Functions
isprint ................................................................ 22 memcpy........................................................... 125
ispunct............................................................... 22 memmove ....................................................... 126
isspace .............................................................. 23 memset ........................................................... 127
isupper .............................................................. 24 strcpy............................................................... 131
isxdigit ............................................................... 24 strncpy............................................................. 137
Characters cos.......................................................................... 163
Alphabetic ......................................................... 18 cosf......................................................................... 164
Alphanumeric .................................................... 18 cosh........................................................................ 165
Control .............................................................. 19 coshf....................................................................... 166
Convert to Lower Case Alphabetic.................... 25 cosine
Convert to Upper Case Alphabetic.................... 26 Double Floating Point...................................... 163
Decimal Digit ..................................................... 20 Single Floating Point ....................................... 164
Graphical........................................................... 20 crt0, crt1 ................................................................... 12
Hexadecimal Digit ............................................. 24 ctime....................................................................... 147
Lower Case Alphabetic ..................................... 21 ctype.h...................................................................... 18
Printable ............................................................ 22 isalnum .............................................................. 18
Punctuation ....................................................... 22 iscntrl................................................................. 19
Upper Case Alphabetic ..................................... 24 isdigit ................................................................. 20
White-Space ..................................................... 23 isgraph .............................................................. 20
Classifying Characters ............................................. 18 islapha............................................................... 18
clearerr ..................................................................... 53 islower ............................................................... 21
Clearing Error Indicator ............................................ 53 ispring................................................................ 22
clock ....................................................................... 146 ispunct............................................................... 22
clock_t ............................................................ 145, 146 isspace .............................................................. 23
CLOCKS_PER_SEC.............................................. 145 isupper .............................................................. 24

DS50001456J-page 254 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

isxdigit ............................................................... 24 Minimum Exponent (base 10) ........................... 29
tolower .............................................................. 25 Minimum Exponent (base 2) ............................. 30
toupper.............................................................. 26 Minimum Value ................................................. 29
Current Argument .................................................... 43 Number of Binary Digits .................................... 28
Customer Notification Service.................................... 8 Number of Decimal Digits ................................. 28
Customer Support ...................................................... 9 double Type ............................................................. 48
Customized Function ............................................. 108 Dream Function........................................................ 79
dump heap info ...................................................... 199
Duplicate a string ................................................... 117
Dash (-) .................................................................... 86 DWARF .................................................................... 12
Date and Time ....................................................... 150
Date and Time Functions, See time.h E
Day of the Month.....................................145, 146, 150 EDOM ...................................................................... 27
Day of the Week .....................................145, 146, 150 edom ...................................................................... 155
Day of the Year ...............................................145, 151 ELF........................................................................... 12
Daylight Savings Time ............................145, 148, 149 Ellipses (...) ........................................................ 43, 86
DBL_DIG.................................................................. 28 Empty Binary File ............................................... 55, 62
DBL_EPSILON ........................................................ 28 Empty Text File .................................................. 55, 62
DBL_MANT_DIG ..................................................... 28 End Of File ............................................................... 50
DBL_MAX ................................................................ 28 Indicator ............................................................ 47
DBL_MAX_10_EXP ................................................. 29 Seek.................................................................. 70
DBL_MAX_EXP ....................................................... 29 Test For............................................................. 57
DBL_MIN ................................................................. 29 Environment Function
DBL_MIN_10_EXP .................................................. 29 getenv ............................................................. 108
DBL_MIN_EXP ........................................................ 30 Environment Variable............................................. 204
Deallocate Memory .........................................108, 115 EOF.......................................................................... 50
Debugging Logic Errors ........................................... 17 ERANGE .................................................................. 27
Decimal ............................................... 80, 86, 119, 120 erange .................................................................... 155
Decimal Digit erase_eedata ......................................................... 208
Defined ............................................................. 20 erase_eedata_all.................................................... 208
Number Of .............................................28, 30, 31 erase_flash............................................................. 211
Test for.............................................................. 20 errno................................................................. 27, 155
Decimal Point ........................................................... 79 errno.h.......................................................27, 155, 202
Default Handler ........................................................ 37 EDOM ............................................................... 27
delay_ms................................................................ 206 ERANGE........................................................... 27
delay_us................................................................. 206 errno.................................................................. 27
delay32 .................................................................. 206 Error Codes...................................................... 27, 133
Diagnostics, See assert.h Error Conditions ..................................................... 155
difftime ................................................................... 148 Error Handler.......................................................... 105
Digit, Decimal, See Decimal Digit Error Handling Functions
Digit, Hexadecimal, See Hexadecimal Digit clearerr.............................................................. 53
Direct Input/Output Functions feof .................................................................... 57
fread.................................................................. 66 ferror ................................................................. 58
fwrite ................................................................. 74 perror ................................................................ 78
div .....................................................................97, 105 Error Indicator .......................................................... 47
div_t ......................................................................... 97 Error Indicators
Divide Clearing....................................................... 53, 84
Integer............................................................. 105 End Of File .................................................. 53, 61
Long Integer.................................................... 110 Error ............................................................ 53, 61
Divide by Zero .............................................38, 41, 105 Test For............................................................. 58
Documentation Error Signal .............................................................. 37
Conventions ........................................................ 6 Errors, See errno.h
Layout ................................................................. 5 Errors, Testing For ................................................... 27
Domain Error..... 27, 155, 156, 157, 159, 161, 163, 164, Exception Error ...................................................... 105
171, 173, 180, 181, 182, 183, 188, 189, 192, 193, 194 exit................................................. 90, 97, 99, 107, 199
dot ............................................................................ 79 EXIT_FAILURE ........................................................ 97
Double Precision Floating Point EXIT_SUCCESS...................................................... 97
Machine Epsilon ............................................... 28 exp ......................................................................... 167
Maximum Exponent (base 10) .......................... 29 expf ........................................................................ 168
Maximum Exponent (base 2) ............................ 29 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Maximum Value ................................................ 28 exp .................................................................. 167

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 255

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries
expf ................................................................. 168 DBL_MAX_EXP ................................................ 29
frexp ................................................................ 175 DBL_MIN........................................................... 29
frexpf ............................................................... 176 DBL_MIN_10_EXP ........................................... 29
ldexp ............................................................... 177 DBL_MIN_EXP ................................................. 30
ldexpf .............................................................. 178 FLT_DIG ........................................................... 30
log ................................................................... 180 FLT_EPSILON .................................................. 30
log10 ............................................................... 181 FLT_MANT_DIG ............................................... 30
log10f .............................................................. 182 FLT_MAX .......................................................... 30
logf .................................................................. 183 FLT_MAX_10_EXP........................................... 30
modf ................................................................ 184 FLT_MAX_EXP................................................. 31
modff ............................................................... 185 FLT_MIN ........................................................... 31
Exponential Function FLT_MIN_10_EXP ............................................ 31
Double Floating Point...................................... 167 FLT_MIN_EXP .................................................. 31
Single Floating Point ....................................... 168 FLT_RADIX....................................................... 31
FLT_ROUNDS .................................................. 31
LDBL_DIG......................................................... 31
fabs ........................................................................ 169 LDBL_EPSILON................................................ 32
fabsf ....................................................................... 169 LDBL_MANT_DIG............................................. 32
fclose ................................................................ 54, 201 LDBL_MAX ....................................................... 32
fdopen ...................................................................... 55 LDBL_MAX_10_EXP ........................................ 32
feof ..................................................................... 53, 57 LDBL_MAX_EXP .............................................. 32
ferror................................................................... 53, 58 LDBL_MIN......................................................... 32
fflush................................................................. 59, 203 LDBL_MIN_10_EXP ......................................... 32
fgetc ................................................................. 59, 202 LDBL_MIN_EXP ............................................... 33
fgetpos ............................................................. 60, 201 Floating Point
fgets ................................................................. 61, 202 Limits................................................................. 28
Field Width ............................................................... 79 No Conversion .................................................. 47
FILE...............................................................17, 47, 50 Types, Properties Of ......................................... 28
File Access Functions Floating Point, See float.h
fclose................................................................. 54 Floating-Point Error Signal ....................................... 38
fdopen ............................................................... 55 floor ........................................................................ 170
fflush ................................................................. 59 Double Floating Point...................................... 170
fopen ................................................................. 62 Single Floating Point ....................................... 170
freopen .............................................................. 68 floorf ....................................................................... 170
setbuf ................................................................ 87 FLT_DIG................................................................... 30
setvbuf .............................................................. 88 FLT_EPSILON ......................................................... 30
File Access Modes ........................................47, 55, 62 FLT_MANT_DIG ...................................................... 30
File Buffering FLT_MAX ................................................................. 30
Fully Buffered .............................................. 47, 50 FLT_MAX_10_EXP .................................................. 30
Line Buffered............................................... 47, 50 FLT_MAX_EXP ........................................................ 31
Unbuffered .................................................. 47, 50 FLT_MIN .................................................................. 31
File Operations FLT_MIN_10_EXP ................................................... 31
Remove............................................................. 83 FLT_MIN_EXP ......................................................... 31
Rename ............................................................ 83 FLT_RADIX .............................................................. 31
File Positioning Functions FLT_RADIX Digit
fgetpos .............................................................. 60 Number Of............................................. 28, 30, 32
fseek ................................................................. 70 FLT_ROUNDS ......................................................... 31
fsetpos .............................................................. 71 Flush................................................................. 59, 107
ftell .................................................................... 73 fmod ....................................................................... 171
rewind ............................................................... 84 fmodf ...................................................................... 173
FILENAME_MAX...................................................... 51 -fno-short-double .....................................28, 29, 30, 48
File-Position Indicator.......47, 50, 59, 60, 65, 66, 71, 74 fopen .....................................................47, 62, 88, 202
Files, Maximum Number Open................................. 51 FOPEN_MAX ........................................................... 51
Fixed Point Math Library ........................................ 219 Form Feed................................................................ 23
flags.......................................................................... 79 Format Specifiers ............................................... 79, 85
float.h ....................................................................... 28 Formatted I/O Routines ............................................ 47
DBL_DIG........................................................... 28 Formatted Input/Output Functions
DBL_EPSILON ................................................. 28 fprintf ................................................................. 64
DBL_MANT_DIG .............................................. 28 fscanf................................................................. 68
DBL_MAX ......................................................... 28 printf .................................................................. 79
DBL_MAX_10_EXP .......................................... 29

DS50001456J-page 256 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

scanf ................................................................. 85 limits.h............................................................... 33
sprintf ................................................................ 89 locale.h.............................................................. 35
sscanf ............................................................... 89 math.h ............................................................. 155
vasprintf ............................................................ 93 setjmp.h ............................................................ 36
vfprintf ............................................................... 94 signal.h.............................................................. 37
vprintf ................................................................ 95 stdarg.h ............................................................. 43
vsprintf .............................................................. 96 stddef.h ............................................................. 45
Formatted Text stdio.h ....................................................... 47, 204
Printing.............................................................. 89 stdlib.h....................................................... 97, 204
Scanning ........................................................... 89 string.h ............................................................ 122
fpos_t ....................................................................... 50 time.h ...................................................... 145, 205
fprintf ...................................................................47, 64 Heap....................................................................... 200
fputc ......................................................................... 65 Hexadecimal ....................................... 80, 86, 119, 120
fputs ......................................................................... 65 Hexadecimal Conversion ......................................... 79
fraction and exponent function Hexadecimal Digit
Double Floating Point ..................................... 175 Defined.............................................................. 24
Single Floating Point ....................................... 176 Test for.............................................................. 24
Fraction Digits .......................................................... 79 Horizontal Tab.......................................................... 23
fread ..................................................................66, 202 Hour ........................................................145, 146, 150
free ......................................................................... 108 HUGE_VAL ............................................................ 155
Free Memory.......................................................... 108 Hyperbolic Cosine
freopen ........................................................47, 68, 202 Double Floating Point...................................... 165
frexp ....................................................................... 175 Single Floating Point ....................................... 166
frexpf ...................................................................... 176 Hyperbolic Functions
fscanf ..................................................................47, 68 cosh ................................................................ 165
fseek ...........................................................70, 91, 201 coshf ............................................................... 166
fsetpos ........................................................71, 91, 201 sinh ................................................................. 190
ftell ....................................................................73, 201 sinhf ................................................................ 191
Full Buffering .......................................................87, 88 tanh ................................................................. 195
Fully Buffered ......................................................47, 50 tanhf ................................................................ 196
fwrite ........................................................................ 74 Hyperbolic Sine
Double Floating Point...................................... 190
Single Floating Point ....................................... 191
getc .......................................................................... 76 Hyperbolic Tangent
getchar ..................................................................... 77 Double Floating Point...................................... 195
getenv .............................................................108, 204 hyperbolic tangent
gets ...................................................................77, 202 Single Floating Point ....................................... 196
GMT ....................................................................... 148
gmtime ............................................................148, 149 I
Graphical Character Ignore Signal ............................................................ 37
Defined ............................................................. 20 Illegal Instruction Signal ........................................... 39
Test for.............................................................. 20 Implementation-Defined Limits, See limits.h
Greenwich Mean Time ........................................... 148 Indicator
End Of File .................................................. 47, 50
Error ............................................................ 47, 58
h modifier ............................................................80, 85 File Position ....................47, 59, 60, 65, 66, 71, 74
Handler Infinity..................................................................... 155
Default .............................................................. 37 init_prog_address................................................... 217
Error ................................................................ 105 Input and Output, See stdio.h
Interrupt ............................................................ 41 Input Formats ........................................................... 47
Nested .............................................................. 36 Instruction Cycles....................................148, 149, 152
Signal ...........................................................37, 42 int
Signal Type....................................................... 37 Maximum Value ................................................ 33
Handling Minimum Value ................................................. 33
Interrupt Signal ................................................. 42 INT_MAX.................................................................. 33
Header Files INT_MIN ................................................................... 33
assert.h ............................................................. 17 Integer Limits............................................................ 33
ctype.h .............................................................. 18 Internal Error Message........................................... 133
errno.h ...............................................27, 155, 202 Internet Address, Microchip ....................................... 8
float.h ................................................................ 28 Interrupt Handler ...................................................... 41
libq.h ............................................................... 225 Interrupt Signal......................................................... 39

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries
Interrupt Signal Handling.......................................... 42 Fixed Point Math ............................................. 219
Interruption Message ............................................... 39 Math ................................................................ 153
Invalid Executable Code Message ........................... 39 Standard C ........................................................ 15
Invalid Storage Request Message ........................... 40 Standard C Math ............................................. 155
Inverse Cosine, See arccosine Support............................................................ 197
Inverse Sine, See arcsine Limits
Inverse Tangent, See arctangent Floating Point .................................................... 28
IOFBF............................................................50, 87, 88 Integer ............................................................... 33
IOLBF ................................................................. 50, 88 limits.h ...................................................................... 33
IONBF ...........................................................50, 87, 88 CHAR_BITS ...................................................... 33
isalnum ..................................................................... 18 CHAR_MAX ...................................................... 33
iscntrl ........................................................................ 19 CHAR_MIN ....................................................... 33
isdigit ........................................................................ 20 INT_MAX........................................................... 33
isgraph ..................................................................... 20 INT_MIN............................................................ 33
islapha ...................................................................... 18 LLONG_MAX .................................................... 33
islower ...................................................................... 21 LLONG_MIN ..................................................... 34
isprint........................................................................ 22 LONG_MAX. ..................................................... 34
ispunct ...................................................................... 22 LONG_MIN. ...................................................... 34
isspace ..................................................................... 23 MB_LEN_MAX. ................................................. 34
isupper ..................................................................... 24 SCHAR_MAX.................................................... 34
isxdigit ...................................................................... 24 SCHAR_MIN ..................................................... 34
SHRT_MAX....................................................... 34
SHRT_MIN........................................................ 34
jmp_buf .................................................................... 36 UCHAR_MAX.................................................... 35
Justify ....................................................................... 79 UINT_MAX. ....................................................... 35
L ULLONG_MAX.................................................. 35
ULONG_MAX.................................................... 35
L modifier ........................................................... 80, 85
USHRT_MAX. ................................................... 35
l modifier............................................................. 80, 85
LINE ......................................................................... 17
L_tmpnam .......................................................... 51, 91
Line Buffered ...................................................... 47, 50
labs......................................................................... 109
Line Buffering ........................................................... 88
LC_ALL .................................................................... 35
ll modifier ............................................................ 80, 85
LC_COLLATE .......................................................... 35
LLONG_MAX ........................................................... 33
LC_CTYPE............................................................... 35
LLONG_MIN............................................................. 34
LC_MONETARY ...................................................... 35
Load Exponent Function
LC_NUMERIC .......................................................... 35
Double Floating Point...................................... 177
LC_TIME .................................................................. 35
Single Floating Point ....................................... 178
lconv, struct .............................................................. 35
Local Time.............................................. 147, 149, 150
LDBL_DIG ................................................................ 31
Locale, C ............................................................ 18, 35
LDBL_EPSILON....................................................... 32
Locale, Other............................................................ 35
LDBL_MANT_DIG.................................................... 32
locale.h ..................................................................... 35
LDBL_MAX .............................................................. 32
localeconv ................................................................ 35
LDBL_MAX_10_EXP ............................................... 32
Localization, See locale.h
LDBL_MAX_EXP ..................................................... 32
localtime ................................................. 147, 148, 149
LDBL_MIN................................................................ 32
Locate Character.................................................... 129
LDBL_MIN_10_EXP ................................................ 32
log........................................................................... 180
LDBL_MIN_EXP ...................................................... 33
log10....................................................................... 181
ldexp....................................................................... 177
log10f...................................................................... 182
ldexpf...................................................................... 178
Logarithm Function
ldiv .................................................................... 97, 110
Double Floating Point...................................... 181
ldiv_t ......................................................................... 97
Single Floating Point ....................................... 182
Leap Second .................................................. 145, 151
Logarithm Function, Natural
Left Justify ................................................................ 79
Double Floating Point...................................... 180
libc ............................................................................ 13
Single Floating Point ....................................... 183
libdsp ........................................................................ 12
logf.......................................................................... 183
libm........................................................................... 13
Logic Errors, Debugging........................................... 17
libp............................................................................ 12
Long Double Precision Floating Point
libpic30 ..................................................................... 13
Machine Epsilon................................................ 32
libpic30, Rebuilding ................................................ 198
Maximum Exponent (base 10) .......................... 32
libq.h....................................................................... 225
Maximum Exponent (base 2) ............................ 32

DS50001456J-page 258 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Maximum Value ................................................ 32 HUGE_VAL..................................................... 155
Minimum Exponent (base 10) ........................... 32 ldexp ............................................................... 177
Minimum Exponent (base 2) ............................. 33 ldexpf .............................................................. 178
Minimum Value ................................................. 32 log ................................................................... 180
Number of Binary Digits .................................... 32 log10 ............................................................... 181
Number of Decimal Digits ................................. 31 log10f .............................................................. 182
long double Type ..................................................... 48 logf .................................................................. 183
long int modf ................................................................ 184
Maximum Value ................................................ 34 modff ............................................................... 185
Minimum Value ................................................. 34 pow ................................................................. 186
long long int powf ................................................................ 187
Maximum Value ................................................ 33 sin ................................................................... 188
Minimum Value ................................................. 34 sinf .................................................................. 189
long long unsigned int sinh ................................................................. 190
Maximum Value ................................................ 35 sinhf ................................................................ 191
long unsigned int sqrt .................................................................. 192
Maximum Value ................................................ 35 sqrtf ................................................................. 193
LONG_MAX ............................................................. 34 tan ................................................................... 194
LONG_MIN .............................................................. 34 tanf .................................................................. 194
longjmp .................................................................... 36 tanh ................................................................. 195
Lower Case Alphabetic Character tanhf ................................................................ 196
Convert To ........................................................ 25 Mathematical Functions, See libq.h
Defined ............................................................. 21 Mathematical Functions, See math.h
Test for.............................................................. 21 MathError ................................................................. 41
lseek....................................................................... 201 Maximum
Multibyte Character........................................... 98
Maximum Value
Machine Epsilon Double Floating-Point Exponent (base 10) ....... 29
Double Floating Point ....................................... 28 Double Floating-Point Exponent (base 2) ......... 29
Long Double Floating Point .............................. 32 Long Double Floating-Point Exponent (base 10) ..
Single Floating Point ......................................... 30 32
Magnitude ................155, 167, 168, 171, 173, 190, 191 Long Double Floating-Point Exponent (base 2) 32
malloc.............................................. 108, 111, 200, 203 Multibyte Character........................................... 34
Mapping Characters................................................. 18 rand................................................................... 98
Math Exception Error ............................................. 105 Single Floating-Point Exponent (base 10) ........ 30
Math Library ........................................................... 153 Single Floating-Point Exponent (base 2) .......... 31
math.h .................................................................... 155 Type char .......................................................... 33
acos. ............................................................... 155 Type Double...................................................... 28
acosf. .............................................................. 156 Type int ............................................................. 33
asin. ................................................................ 157 Type Long Double............................................. 32
asinf ................................................................ 157 Type long int ..................................................... 34
atan................................................................. 158 Type long long int.............................................. 33
atan2. .............................................................. 159 Type long long unsigned int .............................. 35
atan2f. ............................................................. 161 Type long unsigned int...................................... 35
atanf. ............................................................... 159 Type short int .................................................... 34
ceil .................................................................. 162 Type signed char .............................................. 34
ceilf ................................................................. 163 Type Single ....................................................... 30
cos .................................................................. 163 Type unsigned char .......................................... 35
cosf ................................................................. 164 Type unsigned int.............................................. 35
cosh ................................................................ 165 Type unsigned short int..................................... 35
coshf ............................................................... 166 MB_CUR_MAX ........................................................ 98
exp .................................................................. 167 MB_LEN_MAX ......................................................... 34
expf ................................................................. 168 mblen ..................................................................... 113
fabs ................................................................. 169 mbstowcs ............................................................... 113
fabsf ................................................................ 169 mbtowc................................................................... 113
floor ................................................................. 170 memchr .................................................................. 122
floorf ................................................................ 170 memcmp ................................................................ 123
fmod................................................................ 171 memcpy.................................................................. 125
fmodf ............................................................... 173 memcpy_p2d16...................................................... 216
frexp................................................................ 175 memcpy_p2d24...................................................... 216
frexpf ............................................................... 176

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries
memmove .............................................................. 126 O
Memory Object Module Format.............................................. 12
Allocate ....................................................105, 111 Octal.................................................... 80, 86, 119, 120
Deallocate ....................................................... 108 Octal Conversion...................................................... 79
Free ................................................................ 108 offsetof ..................................................................... 46
Reallocate ....................................................... 115 OMF ......................................................................... 12
memset .................................................................. 127 open ....................................................................... 201
Message Output Formats ........................................................ 47
Arithmetic Error ................................................. 38 Overflow Errors ..27, 155, 167, 168, 177, 178, 186, 187
Interrupt ............................................................ 39 Overlap............................ 125, 126, 128, 131, 134, 137
Invalid Executable Code ................................... 39
Invalid Storage Request ................................... 40 P
Termination Request ........................................ 40 Pad Characters ........................................................ 79
Minimum Value Percent.................................................. 80, 85, 86, 151
Double Floating-Point Exponent (base 10) ....... 29 Peripheral Libraries .................................................. 12
Double Floating-Point Exponent (base 2) ......... 30 perror........................................................................ 78
Long Double Floating-Point Exponent (base 10) .. pic30-libs
32 __attach_input_file.......................................... 205
Long Double Floating-Point Exponent (base 2) 33 __C30_UART.................................................. 206
Single Floating-Point Exponent (base 10) ........ 31 __close_input_file ........................................... 205
Single Floating-Point Exponent (base 2) .......... 31 __delay_ms..................................................... 206
Type char .......................................................... 33 __delay_us...................................................... 206
Type Double ..................................................... 29 __delay32 ....................................................... 206
Type int ............................................................. 33 _dump_heap_info ........................................... 199
Type Long Double ............................................ 32 _erase_eedata ................................................ 208
Type long int ..................................................... 34 _erase_eedata_all .......................................... 208
Type long long int ............................................. 34 _erase_flash ................................................... 211
Type short int .................................................... 34 _exit ................................................................ 199
Type signed char .............................................. 34 _init_prog_address ......................................... 217
Type Single....................................................... 31 _memcpy_p2d16 ............................................ 216
Minute .....................................................145, 146, 151 _memcpy_p2d24 ............................................ 216
mktime ................................................................... 150 _strncpy_p2d16 .............................................. 216
modf ....................................................................... 184 _strncpy_p2d24 .............................................. 217
modff ...................................................................... 185 _wait_eedata................................................... 209
modulus function _write_eedata_row.......................................... 209
Double Floating Point ..................................... 184 _write_eedata_word........................................ 209
Single Floating Point ....................................... 185 _write_flash_word16 ....................................... 212
Month .............................................. 145, 146, 150, 151 _write_flash_word24 ....................................... 212
-msmart-io ................................................................ 47 _write_flash_word32 ....................................... 213
Multibyte Character ...................................98, 113, 121 _write_flash_word48 ....................................... 213
Maximum Number of Bytes............................... 34 _write_flash16................................................. 211
Multibyte String ...............................................113, 121 _write_flash24................................................. 212
brk ................................................................... 200
close................................................................ 201
NaN ........................................................................ 155 getenv ............................................................. 204
Natural Logarithm lseek................................................................ 201
Double Floating Point ..................................... 180 open ................................................................ 201
Single Floating Point ....................................... 183 read................................................................. 202
NDEBUG.................................................................. 17 remove ............................................................ 204
Nearest Integer Functions rename............................................................ 204
ceil .................................................................. 162 sbrk ................................................................. 202
ceilf ................................................................. 163 system............................................................. 204
floor ................................................................. 170 time ................................................................. 205
floorf ................................................................ 170 write ................................................................ 203
Nested Signal Handler ............................................. 36 Plus Sign .................................................................. 79
Newline ..................................23, 47, 61, 66, 77, 78, 82 Pointer, Temporary ................................................ 115
No Buffering ............................................ 47, 50, 87, 88 pow......................................................................... 186
Non-Local Jumps, See setjmp.h Power Function
NSETJMP ................................................................ 36 Double Floating Point...................................... 186
NULL....................................... 35, 45, 51, 98, 122, 146 Single Floating Point ....................................... 187
Power Functions

DS50001456J-page 260 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

pow ................................................................. 186 Search Functions
powf ................................................................ 187 memchr ........................................................... 122
powf ....................................................................... 187 strchr ............................................................... 129
precision................................................................... 79 strcspn ............................................................ 132
Prefix ...................................................................24, 79 strpbrk ............................................................. 139
Print Formats ........................................................... 47 strrchr.............................................................. 140
Printable Character strspn .............................................................. 141
Defined ............................................................. 22 strstr ................................................................ 142
Test for.............................................................. 22 strtok ............................................................... 143
printf ....................................................................47, 79 Second ............................................ 145, 146, 148, 151
Processor Clocks per Second................................ 145 Seed............................................................... 115, 117
Processor Time ...............................................145, 146 Seek
Pseudo-Random Number ...............................115, 117 From Beginning of File...................................... 70
ptrdiff_t ..................................................................... 45 From Current Position....................................... 70
Punctuation Character From End Of File............................................... 70
Defined ............................................................. 22 SEEK_CUR ........................................................ 51, 70
Test for.............................................................. 22 SEEK_END ........................................................ 51, 70
Pushed Back ............................................................ 91 SEEK_SET......................................................... 51, 70
putc .......................................................................... 81 setbuf ............................................................47, 50, 87
putchar ..................................................................... 82 setjmp....................................................................... 36
puts .......................................................................... 82 setjmp.h.................................................................... 36
jmp_buf ............................................................. 36
longjmp ............................................................. 36
Q15 Functions........................................................ 225 setjmp ............................................................... 36
Q16 Functions........................................................ 234 setlocale ................................................................... 35
qsort ................................................................103, 114 setvbuf...........................................................47, 50, 88
Quick Sort .............................................................. 114 short int
R Maximum Value ................................................ 34
Minimum Value ................................................. 34
Radix ........................................................................ 31
SHRT_MAX.............................................................. 34
raise ............................................ 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
SHRT_MIN............................................................... 34
rand .................................................................115, 117
sig_atomic_t ............................................................. 37
RAND_MAX ......................................................98, 115
SIG_DFL .................................................................. 37
Range ...................................................................... 86
SIG_ERR ................................................................. 37
Range Error27, 119, 120, 165, 166, 167, 168, 177, 178,
SIG_IGN................................................................... 37
.................................................... 186, 187, 190, 191
SIGABRT ................................................................. 38
read ........................................................................ 202
SIGFPE .................................................................... 38
Reading, Recommended ........................................... 7
SIGILL ...................................................................... 39
realloc .............................................................108, 115
SIGINT ..................................................................... 39
Reallocate Memory ................................................ 115
Rebuilding the libpic30 library ................................ 198
Abnormal Termination....................................... 38
Registered Functions ........................................99, 107
Error .................................................................. 37
Floating-Point Error........................................... 38
Double Floating Point ..................................... 171
Ignore................................................................ 37
Single Floating Point ....................................... 173
Illegal Instruction ............................................... 39
Remainder Functions
Interrupt............................................................. 39
fmod................................................................ 171
Reporting .......................................................... 41
fmodf ............................................................... 173
Termination Request......................................... 40
remove ..............................................................83, 204
signal....................................................... 38, 39, 40, 42
rename ..............................................................83, 204
Signal Handler.................................................... 37, 42
Reset.................................................................98, 121
Signal Handler Type................................................. 37
Reset File Pointer .................................................... 84
Signal Handling, See signal.h
rewind .........................................................84, 91, 201
signal.h..................................................................... 37
Rounding Mode........................................................ 31
raise .................................................................. 41
S sig_atomic_t...................................................... 37
sbrk .................................................................200, 202 SIG_DFL ........................................................... 37
Scan Formats........................................................... 47 SIG_ERR .......................................................... 37
scanf ...................................................................47, 85 SIG_IGN ........................................................... 37
SCHAR_MAX........................................................... 34 SIGABRT .......................................................... 38
SCHAR_MIN ............................................................ 34 SIGFPE............................................................. 38

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16-Bit Language Tools Libraries
SIGILL ............................................................... 39 va_arg ............................................................... 43
SIGINT .............................................................. 39 va_end .............................................................. 45
signal................................................................. 42 va_list ................................................................ 43
SIGSEGV .......................................................... 40 va_start ............................................................. 45
SIGTERM.......................................................... 40 stddef.h..................................................................... 45
signed char NULL ................................................................. 45
Maximum Value ................................................ 34 offsetof .............................................................. 46
Minimum Value ................................................. 34 ptrdiff_t .............................................................. 45
SIGSEGV ................................................................. 40 size_t................................................................. 45
SIGTERM ................................................................. 40 wchar_t.............................................................. 45
sim30 simulator ...................................................... 198 stderr .......................................................17, 47, 51, 78
sin........................................................................... 188 stdin................................................... 47, 51, 52, 77, 85
sine stdio.h............................................................... 47, 204
Double Floating Point...................................... 188 _IOFBF.............................................................. 50
Single Floating Point ....................................... 189 _IOLBF.............................................................. 50
sinf.......................................................................... 189 _IONBF ............................................................. 50
Single Precision Floating Point BUFSIZ ............................................................. 50
Machine Epsilon................................................ 30 clearerr .............................................................. 53
Maximum Exponent (base 10) .......................... 30 EOF................................................................... 50
Maximum Exponent (base 2) ............................ 31 fclose................................................................. 54
Maximum Value ................................................ 30 fdopen ............................................................... 55
Minimum Exponent (base 10) ........................... 31 feof .................................................................... 57
Minimum Exponent (base 2) ............................. 31 ferror.................................................................. 58
Minimum Value ................................................. 31 fflush.................................................................. 59
Number of Binary Digits .................................... 30 fgetc .................................................................. 59
Number of Decimal Digits ................................. 30 fgetpos .............................................................. 60
sinh......................................................................... 190 fgets .................................................................. 61
sinhf........................................................................ 191 FILE................................................................... 50
size ........................................................................... 80 FILENAME_MAX .............................................. 51
size_t ............................................. 45, 50, 97, 122, 145 fopen ................................................................. 62
sizeof ............................................. 45, 50, 97, 122, 145 FOPEN_MAX .................................................... 51
Sort, Quick ............................................................. 114 fpos_t ................................................................ 50
Source File Name..................................................... 17 fprintf ................................................................. 64
Source Line Number ................................................ 17 fputc .................................................................. 65
Space ....................................................................... 79 fputs .................................................................. 65
Space Character fread .................................................................. 66
Defined.............................................................. 23 freopen .............................................................. 68
Test for .............................................................. 23 fscanf................................................................. 68
Specifiers ........................................................... 79, 85 fseek.................................................................. 70
sprintf ................................................................. 47, 89 fsetpos............................................................... 71
sqrt ......................................................................... 192 ftell..................................................................... 73
sqrtf ........................................................................ 193 fwrite.................................................................. 74
Square Root Function getc ................................................................... 76
Double Floating Point...................................... 192 getchar .............................................................. 77
Single Floating Point ....................................... 193 gets ................................................................... 77
Square Root Functions L_tmpnam ......................................................... 51
sqrt .................................................................. 192 NULL ................................................................. 51
sqrtf ................................................................. 193 perror................................................................. 78
srand ...................................................................... 117 printf .................................................................. 79
sscanf ................................................................. 47, 89 putc ................................................................... 81
Stack ...................................................................... 200 putchar .............................................................. 82
Standard C Libraries ................................................ 15 puts ................................................................... 82
Standard C Locale ................................................... 18 remove .............................................................. 83
Standard Error.................................................... 47, 51 rename .............................................................. 83
Standard Input.................................................... 47, 52 rewind................................................................ 84
Standard Output ................................................. 47, 52 scanf.................................................................. 85
Start-up .................................................................... 47 SEEK_CUR ....................................................... 51
Module, Alternate .............................................. 12 SEEK_END ....................................................... 51
Module, Primary ................................................ 12 SEEK_SET........................................................ 51
stdarg.h .................................................................... 43 setbuf ................................................................ 87

DS50001456J-page 262 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

setvbuf .............................................................. 88 strcspn.................................................................... 132
size_t ................................................................ 50 strdup ..................................................................... 117
sprintf ................................................................ 89 Streams.................................................................... 47
sscanf ............................................................... 89 Associate .......................................................... 55
stderr................................................................. 51 Binary................................................................ 47
stdin .................................................................. 52 Buffering............................................................ 88
stdout ................................................................ 52 Closing ...................................................... 54, 107
TMP_MAX ........................................................ 52 Opening ............................................................ 62
tmpfile ............................................................... 90 Reading From ................................................... 76
tmpnam ............................................................. 91 Text ................................................................... 47
ungetc ............................................................... 91 Writing To.................................................... 74, 81
vasprintf ............................................................ 93 strerror.................................................................... 133
vfprintf ............................................................... 94 strftime ................................................................... 150
vprintf ................................................................ 95 String
vsprintf .............................................................. 96 Length ............................................................. 133
stdlib.h...............................................................97, 204 Search............................................................. 142
abort.................................................................. 98 Transform........................................................ 144
abs .................................................................... 99 String Functions, See string.h
atexit ................................................................. 99 string.h ................................................................... 122
atof .................................................................. 101 memchr ........................................................... 122
atoi .................................................................. 102 memcmp ......................................................... 123
atol .................................................................. 102 memcpy .......................................................... 125
bsearch ........................................................... 103 memmove ....................................................... 126
calloc............................................................... 105 memset ........................................................... 127
div ................................................................... 105 NULL............................................................... 122
div_t .................................................................. 97 size_t............................................................... 122
exit .................................................................. 107 strcat ............................................................... 128
EXIT_FAILURE................................................. 97 strchr ............................................................... 129
EXIT_SUCCESS .............................................. 97 strcmp ............................................................. 130
free.................................................................. 108 strcoll............................................................... 131
getenv ............................................................. 108 strcpy .............................................................. 131
labs ................................................................. 109 strcspn ............................................................ 132
ldiv .................................................................. 110 strerror ............................................................ 133
ldiv_t ................................................................. 97 strlen ............................................................... 133
malloc ............................................................. 111 strncat ............................................................. 134
MB_CUR_MAX ................................................. 98 strncmp ........................................................... 136
mblen .............................................................. 113 strncpy ............................................................ 137
mbstowcs ........................................................ 113 strpbrk ............................................................. 139
mbtowc ........................................................... 113 strrchr.............................................................. 140
NULL................................................................. 98 strspn .............................................................. 141
qsort ................................................................ 114 strstr ................................................................ 142
rand................................................................. 115 strtok ............................................................... 143
RAND_MAX ...................................................... 98 strxfrm ............................................................. 144
realloc ............................................................. 115 strlen ...................................................................... 133
size_t ................................................................ 97 strncat .................................................................... 134
srand ............................................................... 117 strncmp .................................................................. 136
strdup .............................................................. 117 strncpy.................................................................... 137
strtod ............................................................... 118 strncpy_p2d16........................................................ 216
strtol ................................................................ 119 strncpy_p2d24........................................................ 217
strtoul .............................................................. 120 strpbrk .................................................................... 139
system ............................................................ 121 strrchr ..................................................................... 140
wchar_t ............................................................. 97 strspn ..................................................................... 141
wctomb ........................................................... 121 strstr ....................................................................... 142
wxstombs ........................................................ 121 strtod .............................................................. 101, 118
stdout ................................................ 47, 51, 52, 79, 82 strtok ...................................................................... 143
strcat ...................................................................... 128 strtol ............................................................... 102, 119
strchr ...................................................................... 129 strtoul ..................................................................... 120
strcmp .................................................................... 130 struct lconv ............................................................... 35
strcoll...................................................................... 131 struct tm ................................................................. 145
strcpy ..................................................................... 131 strxfrm .................................................................... 144

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 263

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries
Substrings .............................................................. 143 atan ................................................................. 158
Subtracting Pointers ................................................. 45 atan2 ............................................................... 159
Successful Termination ............................................ 97 atan2f .............................................................. 161
Support Library....................................................... 197 atanf ................................................................ 159
system ............................................................ 121, 204 cos................................................................... 163
cosf.................................................................. 164
sin.................................................................... 188
Tab ........................................................................... 23 sinf................................................................... 189
tan .......................................................................... 194 tan ................................................................... 194
tanf ......................................................................... 194 tanf .................................................................. 194
tangent type..................................................................... 80, 86
Double Floating Point...................................... 194
Single Floating Point ....................................... 194 U
tanh ........................................................................ 195 UCHAR_MAX........................................................... 35
tanhf ....................................................................... 196 UINT_MAX ............................................................... 35
Temporary ULLONG_MAX......................................................... 35
File ............................................................ 90, 107 ULONG_MAX........................................................... 35
Filename ..................................................... 51, 91 Underflow Errors 27, 155, 167, 168, 177, 178, 186, 187
Pointer............................................................. 115 ungetc....................................................................... 91
Termination Universal Time Coordinated................................... 148
Request Message ............................................. 40 unsigned char
Request Signal.................................................. 40 Maximum Value ................................................ 35
Successful......................................................... 97 unsigned int
Unsuccessful..................................................... 97 Maximum Value ................................................ 35
Text Mode .......................................................... 55, 62 unsigned short int
Text Streams ............................................................ 47 Maximum Value ................................................ 35
Ticks ........................................................145, 146, 148 Unsuccessful Termination ........................................ 97
time ................................................................ 152, 205 Upper Case Alphabetic Character
Time Difference ...................................................... 148 Convert To ........................................................ 26
Time Structure................................................ 145, 150 Defined.............................................................. 24
Time Zone .............................................................. 151 Test for .............................................................. 24
time_t ......................................................145, 150, 152 USHRT_MAX ........................................................... 35
time.h ............................................................. 145, 205 UTC ........................................................................ 148
asctime............................................................ 146 Utility Functions, See stdlib.h
clock ................................................................ 146
clock_t ............................................................. 145
CLOCKS_PER_SEC ...................................... 145 va_arg ......................................... 43, 45, 93, 94, 95, 96
ctime ............................................................... 147 va_end............................................... 45, 93, 94, 95, 96
difftime ............................................................ 148 va_list ....................................................................... 43
gmtime ............................................................ 148 va_start.............................................. 45, 93, 94, 95, 96
localtime .......................................................... 149 Variable Argument Lists, See stdarg.h
mktime ............................................................ 150 Variable Length Argument List .... 43, 45, 93, 94, 95, 96
NULL............................................................... 146 vasprintf.................................................................... 93
size_t............................................................... 145 VERBOSE_DEBUGGING ........................................ 17
strftime ............................................................ 150 Vertical Tab .............................................................. 23
struct tm .......................................................... 145 vfprintf................................................................. 47, 94
time ................................................................. 152 vprintf.................................................................. 47, 95
time_t .............................................................. 145 vsprintf................................................................ 47, 96
TMP_MAX ................................................................ 52 W
tmpfile....................................................................... 90
wait_eedata ............................................................ 209
tmpnam .................................................................... 91
wchar_t............................................................... 45, 97
Tokens ................................................................... 143
wcstombs ............................................................... 121
tolower...................................................................... 25
wctomb ................................................................... 121
toupper ..................................................................... 26
Web Site, Microchip ................................................... 8
Transferring Control ................................................. 36
Week ...................................................................... 151
Transform String..................................................... 144
White Space ......................................85, 101, 102, 118
Trigonometric Functions
White-Space Character
acos ................................................................ 155
Defined.............................................................. 23
acosf ............................................................... 156
Test for .............................................................. 23
asin ................................................................. 157
wide .......................................................................... 97
asinf ................................................................ 157

DS50001456J-page 264 2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc.

Wide Character ...............................................113, 121
Wide Character String.....................................113, 121
Wide Character Value .............................................. 45
Width........................................................................ 79
width....................................................................79, 85
write ....................................................................... 203
write_eedata_row................................................... 209
write_eedata_word................................................. 209
write_flash_word16 ................................................ 212
write_flash_word24 ................................................ 212
write_flash_word32 ................................................ 213
write_flash_word48 ................................................ 213
write_flash16 .......................................................... 211
write_flash24 .......................................................... 212
Year ........................................................145, 146, 151
Zero........................................................................ 155
Zero, divide by ............................................38, 41, 105

2004-2014 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50001456J-page 265

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