Rock Slope Assessment at Jalan Bukit Permai Cheras
Rock Slope Assessment at Jalan Bukit Permai Cheras
Rock Slope Assessment at Jalan Bukit Permai Cheras
Keywords: Rock Slope Assessment, stability, rock fall path, kinetic energy
Abstract. The rock slope at Jalan Bukit Permai, Cheras, Selangor is an abandoned quarry before the
developer decided to build a residential house. The problem arose when the residential area and the
road alignment were built close to the rock slope with very limited buffer zone. This study is
important in determining the type of instability and probability mode of failure by using Dips 6.0.
The software allows for analyzing and visualizing structural discontinuity analysis based on the
kinematic analysis. The software allows for analyzing and visualizing structural discontinuity
analysis based on the kinematic analysis. The rock fall simulation was then utilised to simulate the
rock fall event using Rocfall 5.0. The software is capable of monitoring in terms of the rock fall
path, endpoint location and maximum kinetic energy. The end location will give a useful guideline
for the authorities to have a safe buffer zone at that area. Lastly, the rock slope was also assessed
for the rockfall hazard rating level as several cases of rock falls have been observed in this area; to
take action for the remedial work to be carried out by using Rockfall Hazard Rating System
(RHRS). All the results from analysis may provide usefull information for the authorities to take a
proper action in this area.
In rock falls, a rock mass of any size is detached from a steep slope or cliff along a surface on
which little or no shear displacement takes place, and descends mostly through the air either by free
fall, leaping, bouncing, or rolling. It is generally initiated by some climatic or biological event that
causes a change in the forces acting on a rock.
These events may include pore pressure increase due to rainfall infiltration, erosion of
surrounding material during heavy rain storms, freeze-thaw processes in cold climates, chemical
degradation or weathering of the rock, root growth or leverage by roots moving in high winds [1].
The slopestability is concerned with many projects in hilly as well as plain terrains, such
asfoundations of structures (buildings, bridges, power houses and dams),transportation routes
(highways, railways, canals, pipelines and tunnels) andunderground storages and basements.
Then, rock slope stability analyses are routinely performed and directed towards the safe and
functional design of excavated slopes. Within the phenomena of slope instability, the detachment of
blocks fromsteep walls and their subsequent fall along slopes are particularly important.
Infact, slopes suffering rock falls involve a very high risk, that considerable sums ofmoney are
spent each year on their upkeep and improvement [2]. So, the required stability conditions of rock
slopes in others country will depending on the type of project andthe consequence of failure.
The analysis of rock fall has always been a challenging task, mainly because of the presence of
discontinuities in the rocks masses. Rock or disuse quarry that not been used for the long time ago
will be weathered due to time and the condition of that stability is not good as compared to the fresh
rock. So, when the rock is weathered and it will become worse if it have a lot of fractured or
discontinuities happens on the surface of rock slope. The tendency of the rock slope to fail is high
based on that situation and it also may fail in various modes of failure.
Problem statementIn Malaysia, many constructions built close or near to the unstable rock slope
face. This happened due to the high demand of real estate and also because the location for that
residential area is strategic compared to others places. By assuming the rock is strong and safe, the
developer usually take least attention on the buffer zone, in which by time rock or disuse quarries
may become unstable and can affect the stability of the rock slope. Given the situation, some
analysis of the rock fall at Jalan Bukit Permai, Cheras will be carried out to determine the stability
condition of the rock forming slope.
Previous study
In a rock fall, relatively large fragments of rock become detached and it can free-fall, rolling,
sliding or a combination of these methods and make it moves rapidly down a very steep slope under
the force of gravity.
Rock failure occurs when the downward movements of material due to gravity and happen
imbalance condition between shear stresses and shear strength in the surface of the ground.
Therefore, factors that tend to increase the shear stresses or decrease the shear strength increase the
chances of failure of a rock. Different processes can lead to reduction in the shear strengths of rock
mass [3].
The stability of rock slopes is significantly influenced by the structural discontinuity in the rock
in which the slope is excavated. A discontinuity is a plane or surface that marks a change in
physical or chemical characteristics in a soil or rock mass.
This discontinuity controls the type of failure which may occur in a rock slope such as plane,
wedge, toppling and rotational (circular/non-circular). Table 1 show four different type of failures
that are commonly encountered in the rock slopes event.
Rock falls can occur where a rock source exists above slopes steep enough to allow rapid down
slope movement of dislodged rocks. Most rock falls originate on slopes steeper than 35 degrees,
although rock-fall hazards are found on lesser slopes. Rock-fall sources include bedrock outcrops or
boulders on steep slopes such as mountainsides, cliffs, bluffs, and terraces.
Table 1: Types Rock Slope Failure
Type of failure Description
Planar failure Planar failure in rock in which a discontinuity
daylights the slope face. Sliding without rotation
along a face; single or multiple blocks.
The detailed rating is done to numerically differentiate the risk at the identified sites. Once rated,
the sites can be sorted and prioritized on the basis of their scores. These 12 categories represent the
significant elements of a rock fall section that contribute to the overall hazard.
The four columns of benchmark criteria to the right correspond to logical breaks in the
increasing risk associated with each category. The category scores are then totalled. Slopes with
higher scores present the greater risk.
Accordingly, as the risk increases from left to right, the related scores above each column
increase from 3 to 8 1 points. These set scores increase exponentially. An exponential scoring
system provides a rapid increase in score that distinguishes the more hazardous sites.
Conclusion is higher scores implies more risk and Table 2 represent a summary sheet of RHRS.
Table 2: Summary sheet of the Rockfall Hazard Rating System [4]
Rating Criteria and Score
Category Points 3 Points 9 Points 27 Poinst 81
Slope height 25 ft 50 ft 75 ft 100 ft
Ditch effectiveness Good Moderate Limited
No catchment
catchment catchment catchment
Average vehicle risk 25% of the 75% of the 100% of the
50% of the time
time time time
Percent of decision sight Very limited
distance Adequate site Limited site
Moderate sight sight
distance, 100% distance, 60%
distance, 80% of distance,
of low design of low design
low design value 40% of low
value value
design value
randomorientation orientation
orientation orientation
Geologic character
Clay infilling
Rock friction Undulating Planar or
Structural differential Occasional erosion Many erosion
Case 2
Based on the number of study done at rockfall site in towns and countries, rockfall hazard are
classified into four levels with an interval of 199 points, in which level one is the most dangerous
and level four is the least dangerous and also relevant measures are suggested [4].
Table 3: Assessment of Rockfall Hazard and Relevant Measures [5]
Risk Degree Score Measure
Level 4 0 199 No special measures needed; twice or three times of routine
inspection a week.
Level 3 200 399 Warning sign needed; four times of routine inspection a
week or five times in monsoon; measures should be taken
when resources are available.
Level 2 400 599 Warning sign, monitoring and speed limit required; daily
inspection; inspection immediately after rain; measures
should be taken preferentially when resources are available.
Level 1 > 600 Warning sign and speed limit required; close the traffic
when necessary; daily inspection; inspection immediately
after the rain; measures should be taken preferentially or
immediately when resources are available.
This research was divided into three stages in order to complete which are preliminary study,
data collection and analysis with conclusion.
Background studyThe research was conducted at Jalan Bukit Permai, near the Pangsapuri Intan,
Cheras which at there have a lot of rock slope due to this area is from a disused quarry. That road is
a main road between Pangsapuri Indah, Monte Bayu Condominium and also the main road to
another place.
Field workOn 14th of January 2016, a field work was conducted at Jalan Bukit Permai, Cheras
from 2pm until 5pm. The reference of that rock slope is UK417344/R004/3/T by Majlis
Perbandaraan Ampang Jaya. The field work was carried out by using conventional scanline survey.
The scanline are measured which located three different places with different rock slope and slope
face, each for three scanlines. The locations of the scanlines were selected as to presence the
differences major discontinuities on the rock slope at that area.
Data collectionSpecific equipment such as Clar Compass was used to the measurement for dip and
dip direction of the discontinuities and the slope face. The Clar compass allows measurement of dip
angle and dip direction in one single operation. The height of the slope is too great to use measuring
tape; therefore the slope height was measured using the disometer. The width of road also measured
using the same equipment to be compared with the length of the endpoint location and the roadway
width as the reference to know whether the area of buffer zone is enough or not at that location.
Figure 1: Obtaining Dip Angle and Dip Direction by using Clar Geological Compass
Aperture can be measure by using filler gauges. There are several thicknesses of filler a gauge
which are inscribed in the gauge and was used by filling them into the aperture. The reading is
based on the tightest fit gauge when inserted into the aperture. Whereas the infilling of the aperture
can be obtained by observation only.Other data such as the weathering grade, the infilling material
and waterflow on the rock slope is done by observation only.
Other data such as the weathering grade, the infilling material and water flow on the rock slope
is done by observation only. From the slope face it can be seen that a few loose rock due to the
weathering and it broke into a smaller pieces of rock. The presence of water flow and trees can also
be measured by the observation.
Data Analysis
Slope 1
Input Data Based on the scanline, it show that this slope have total of three joint set. Before start to
develop the model using Rocfall 5.0 and Dips 6.0 software, first thing to do is input all the data
required to that software:
Dips 6.0 SoftwareDIPS software is capable of calculating the probability mode of failure based on
the unfavourable orientation of discontinuities. Table 5 summarised the probability of failure for
Slope 1. It was found that the potential of instability at Slope 1 are due to planar (33%), wedge
(100%) and rock fall (33%). Even though the highest instability is from the wedge type of failure,
since the block is small in size, it may fail as the rock fall. In addition, there is also evidence of
rockfall during the field visit. Therefore, the next analysis will be performed in the Rocfall software
as to simulate the rock fall event and determine the end point location.
Rocfall 5.0 Software In Rocfall version 5.0, the rockfall is monitors in terms of the rock fall path,
endpoint location and maximum kinetic energy. Figure 5 shows the rockfall path and it was found
thatthe endpoint is located at 6.5m from the slope toe. With this end point distance and available
buffer zone, the rockfall may hit the passing vehicle. With the maximum kinetic energy of 17 kJ,
the passing by vehicle can be damaged from this rockfall event (Figure 6). This kinetic energy is
also important for the design of the rock fall barrier.
Table 5: Type and Percentage of Failure for First Slope
Type of Failure Critical Area Percentage (%)
Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS)According to RHRS, Slope 1 gives the rating of 414,
which fall in Level 2 of the slope risk degree. The measure on risk degree level 2 is warning sign,
monitoring and speed limit required; daily inspection; inspectionimmediately after rain; measures
should be taken preferentially when resources are available.
Table 6 RHRS Parameters and Rating for First Slope (refer Table 2)
Parameter Description Value rating
Slope height 10 m = 32 ft 3
Ditch effectiveness No Catchment 81
Average vehicle risk 100% of the time 81
Percent of decision sight Limited sight distance 27
Roadway width 6.6 m = 22 ft 81
Structural condition Continues joints, adverse orientation 81
Rock friction Planar 27
Block size 0.8 m = 2.6 ft 27
Climate and presence of Low to moderate precipitation 3
water on slope
Rock fall history Few falls 3
Slope 2
Input Data Based on the scanline, it show that this slope have total of two joint set. Before start to
develop the model, input all the data required:
Table 7: Information Data for Second Slope Face
No Type of Information Description / Data
1 Coordinate 3635N, 1014530E on
34 North East(NE)
2 Slope height 16.5 meter
3 Slope angle 80
4 Slope face 75, 250
5 Dips orientation Joint 1 (55, 210) Joint 2 (70, 230)
6 Shape of rock Square (Super ellipse^4,1:1)
7 Dimension block 0.4 m x 0.4 m
8 Roadway width 6.9 meter
9 Slope material Bedrock slope & asphalt road
10 Others info Hanging more on horizontal joint
Dips 6.0 Software Table 8 summarised the probability of failure for Slope 2. It was found that the
potential of instability at Slope 1 are due to planar (50%), wedge (0%) and rock fall (50%).
Eventhough the percent of instability is same from the planar and toppling type of failure; it may
fail as the rock fall for the toppling condition. Therefore, the next analysis will be performed in the
Rocfall software as to simulate the rock fall event and determine the end point location.
Rocfall 5.0 Software In Rocfall version 5.0, the rockfall is monitores in terms of the rock fall path,
endpoint location and maximum kinetic energy. Figure 8 shows the rockfall path and it was found
thatthe endpoint is located at 6.5 m from the slope toe. With this end point distance and available
buffer zone, the rockfall may hit the passing vehicle. With the maximum kinetic energy of 22 kJ,
the passing by vehicle can be damaged from this rockfall event (Figure 9). This kinetic energy is
also important for the design of the rock fall barrier
Figure 8: Model of Second Rock Figure 9: Total Kinetic Energy on Second Slope
Fall Percentile (95%)
Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS)According to RHRS, Slope 1 gives the rating of 366,
which fall in level 3 of the slope risk degree. The measure on risk degree level 3 is warning sign
needed; four times of routine inspection a week or five times in monsoon; measures should be taken
when resources are available.
Slope 3
Input DataBased on the scanline, it shows that this slope doesnt have any set of joint. Before start
to develop the model, input all the data required:
Figure 10: Joint System in Slope 3
Dips 6.0 Software Table 11 summarised the probability of failure for Slope 3. It was found that the
potential of instability at Slope 3 are due to planar (0%), wedge (0%) and rock fall (0%). So, the
result shows no potential of instability, but based on the visual assessment at that location the
remedial work has been installed on site.
Therefore, the next analysis will be performed in the Rocfall software as to simulate the rock fall
event and determine the end point location just in case if rock fall occur at that area of slope.
Direct Toppling (Intersection) 0.00
Oblique Toppling (Intersection) 0.00
Base Plane (All) 0.00
Rocfall 5.0 Software In Rocfall version 5.0, the rockfall is monitores in terms of the rock fall path,
endpoint location and maximum kinetic energy. Eventhough, there have no potential of mode of
instability at this slope, but below that slope are parking vehicle and residential area, the danger is
still have and this simulation will assume the endpoint of that rock fall eventif it happen. Figure 11
shows the rockfall path and it was found that the endpoint is located at 6.6 m from the slope toe.
With this end point distance and available buffer zone, the rockfall may hit the passing vehicle.
With the maximum kinetic energy of 13 kJ, the passing by vehicle can be damaged from this
rockfall event (Figure 12). This kinetic energy is also important for the design of the rock fall
Table 13: Summary of slope analyse based on different approaches
Slope Kinematic Rockfall RHRS Level Comment / Summary
(Mode of Simulation (Description)
Instability) (Endpoint
Level 2 Based on visual observation
Slope Planar Sliding, 6.5 meter (Warning sign, on rock slope, the rock fall
1 Wedge Sliding, (Roadway monitoring and speed event may occur, it consist 3
Base Plane width: 6.7 m) limit required; daily mode of instabilities and not
(Toppling) inspection; enough buffer zone
inspection immediately allocated, but it still consider
after rain) safe due to the existing
remedial work (wire mesh
and rock bolt.
Level 3 Based on visual observation
Slope Planar Sliding, 6.5 meter (Warning sign needed; on rock slope, the rock fall
2 Base Plane (Roadway four times inspection a event can occur, it consist 2
(Toppling) width: 6.7 m) week; inspection mode of instability and not
immediately after rain.) enough buffer zone allocated
at there, but still safe due to
the remedial work that have
been install.
Level 3 Based on visual observation
Slope 6.6 meter (Warning sign needed; on rock slope, there is no
3 (Roadway four times inspection a sign of instability.
width: 6.7 m) week; inspection Additionally, wire mesh has
immediately after rain.) been installed on site to
prevent the rock fall.
The fieldwork has been carried out on 14th of January 2016 at Jalan Bukit Permai, Cheras. Three
slopes were chosen as the study slopes based on different slope conditions. Data have been
collected based on three scanlines as the input parameter for the analysis stage. Through the slope
inspection, factors that contribute to the slope instability can be easily indentified. As the slope is
an abandon quarry, fractures induced from previous blasting work has reduced the quality of the
rock slope. Additional, no proper rehabilitation was performed prior to closing the quarry operation.
Dips software was utilised in identifying the slope instability. It was found slope 1 planar, wedge
sliding and base plane toppling; slope 2 consists of planar sliding and base plane toppling while
slope 3 doesnt consists of any mode of instability. Then, rock fall simulations were performed to
monitor the rock fall event in terms of the rock fall path, endpoint location and maximum kinetic
energy. This will provide the guideline to the authorities for a safe buffer zone.
Lastly, the Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) was applied to identify hazard level, from
the RHRS it was found slope 1 in level 2 while slope 2 and slope 3 both in level 3. Since no
parameter for the remedial work in RHRS, it has misled the hazard level. The existing remedial
work has been installed on site, therefore it is suggested that a consistent maintenance work are
requires to ensure the safe slope condition.
Since the Rocscience software is imperative and practiced to analyze the possibility of rock fall
event, it is suggested that for the next research to use the another method of scanline survey such as
Terrestrial Digital Photogrammetry (TDP) or Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) which can provide
high resolution of 3Digital Terrain Model (DTM) by remote all data collection in order to give a
consistency and accurate data of collecting rock parameter on site before it can be analyzed in
software due to the field work which are dealing with a lot of uncertainties. The output can be
stored in a database as a reference to others researches.
Eventhough, the shape and size of rock cannot be easily predicted so for the further research is
suggested to carry out the parametric study on the size and shape of the boulders. The next research
is recommend have more study site in order to obtain the consistence and accurate result because
there a lot of disused quarries which developer takes part to develop the construction area.
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[2] Spang and Rautenstrauch.(1988). The Shear Strength of Rock Joints in Theory and Practice.
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[3] Wyllie, D. C. (1999). Foundation on Rock, 2nd Edition. UK: Taylor and Francis.
[4] Pierson, Lawrence, A. (1991). The Rockfall Hazard Rating System. (Oregon: Oregon
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[5] Liu, Hu, Y. C. and Chen, C. S. (2007). A new approach for application of rock mass
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[6] Roscience. (2011). Stability Analysis for Rock Slope (Version 5.0). Toronto: Rocscience Inc.