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MOST An Advance Prof S S Patil PDF

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PatiI.S.S", Shinde B.M.~, Katikar.R.S.~, Kavade M. V.4

The paper is with the intention to provide awareness of particular work measurement technique called
'Maynard Operation Sequence Technique' essential for planning and controlling operation. The objective ot
any work measurement technique is to reduce the work content and thereby improve the productivity of the
process. The disadvantages of the other work measurement methods over Mo.S. T is that in each
technique like MTM, PMTS the recording of the data is classified into a number of intangit:...Jranges, .,.!'Ihich
are not user-friendly. Mo.S. T has the data manipulation during operation. They has almost eliminated the
online worker unconfortability.

H.B.Maynard and Company had nuruduccd M.O.ST system after they found the applicauou (If PMTS./l.ITM detailed
in data collection .This new system was brought into practice in the u.s. 1975. There are malty reasons for wanting to
know the amount of time a particular task should take to accomplish .It may simply be for rcaSO:1S of curiosity. But,
r,iislically , it is for any of three reasons: to accomplish planning. determine performance. and establish C(IStS.

The advantages of M.O.S.T . over other work measurement technique ,~re:-

It is faster 111.111 other work measurement techniques.
It has corurollcd accuracy
It reduces r;ll'cr work.
The tunc ~';IIIbe calculated in advance.
[a~y ~(l ;L' \!'II and understand, it is workman-Ir icndly.
It is uni vcrv.rl .ipphcation.
Ralill~ ;';ILI{lr " 1101required.
III C:illl,I.,hit,h \\lIr;"- measurement mdcpcndcntly.
The \Iilll 1':quHcli i\ less Ih;II1 other methods and hence economical.
It is UlIl'.I<C,,1 thcrclorc , more ;1-:t;epJrl<: (11 management .cng iuccr-. ,u!',;rvisurs and \\,.)ri.:nlCll.

A 1I-1.0.ST allalY~ls i~" L""1i':' Ic study of an opcr.uon or a suboperation consisting ol l,Ii': or

several methods step, and corresponding sequence models. as well as appropriate parameter time
and total normal u nu: !UI the operation or suboperation (excluding allowancex ) .


"Because Industrial CIl~IiI,'cr, .irc lilllght with sufficient study any method can he improv cd. many crforts have been
made to simplify the \'.t'~' lIiC.I\UrCIIlCn[ analyst', lash: .Thi s has . for instance. led ill a vurict y of higher 1e\",:1 MTM
data system now III u-, I ',,, .ur.rudc also led us [(I cx auunc the whole concept of w or], measurement III find a better
way for :lIlalyslS III ;:";',11''1':I,h Ihclr Illi,sioll. The result w.rv the formation of the ,::>:lc'L'j'! l.ucr to he known as ~10ST.
Maynard Operation Sn;uL'IiL', Tcc hruquc ".

;"IOST is il sysrcn, 10 IIle,I'W,: \.(lrh:. therefore it conccrur.ncs on [he .noveme.u of \lb;L'c', , Ltficicnt. smooth. productive
wor']; is performed \\ hc;! Ih.: I,,i( motion pallCrtlS arc tact ically arranged and '!l;"";hly choreographed (method
cn~i nccri ng ). It \\ .1\ 11<'\1,c',: II!;U tl: movcrncu I, or the object <, fo 110vv ccrt.ii n COIl\I-tcn i Iv repeat ing pnucru: such itS
reach. gr,asp', II!(I\C. IHhlll<'". illc (lbjccl. etc. To ilH"'C an object ,l universe s:XjUCIlCL'111<',:-':1 in-rend of random dctui lcd
b.is, motions dC~CI d\~ ... ru. ''. ..:I.!t .:II!.

~ ~.C;lt"('1 /)('/'dll',,\'/l.'I'; /'".1::':1:,.[11111 Cl1giJ/c{'ri/l.~'. ht;orori \,iti\"(JjJ('c//;'s C'II//c.!..,'('o(F; :..: '.-..(":ill::":. I'rut c
-.l.ccturcr. 1)('/1(11[11:. ,-: ", i', '/illl!{l1! l;:ngillc('ri;!,-: '\'!l1hgod C',I/cg('o,' F.i':...:nl'CI"JII.t.:. P:.
. ,-\SSf. /'rolc'.\"\(I. 1),,:,.,, .. ;: '0'; f'lI/dllctioll rJI~:llr(nllr..:. SJJJlIt:Or/ Colt c-; 01 EI1~lIICl'l; ..
.' l 'ur),
I Senior rl'CfIIlCI. I) :'" .. " (I,: \1", il{l!licfI/ l:'I1!.:/J.'('(T'lig. N{l/{Iroll!iJt:/"1 ":di!llfC i:! 'L (. ;'/0'.:,\. Sul/ul!tiic
--I. !:::

"';:i':- ._,
Nation::! Conference on Recent Trends in CAD/CAMiCAE (NCRTC-2004). 21-23 June 2C04. R.1.T.. Rajararnnagar

!n general. objects call be moved in only two ways, either they are picked and moved freely through space. or they are
moved while maintaining contact with another surface. For example, a box can be picked up and carried from one end
of a workbench to another or it can be pushed across the top of the workbench. For each type of move, a different
sequence of CVCIII~ occurs, therefore. a separate MOST activity model applies. The use of tools analyzed through a
i separate activity sequence model.

Consequently. (llih three basic MOST activity sequences are -ieeded for describing manual work. plus a fourth for
measuring the movements of objects with manual cranes:
The General Move Sequence (for the movements of an objects fr.:e1y through air)

The controlled MI)\C Sequence (for the movements of an objects when it remain in contact with a surface or is attached
to another object dl1rtng thc movement)

The Tool Use )C4L1eIlLC(fur the use of common hand tools) . Refer Table 1.

2.1) The Basic Sequence Model-

General Move is defined as moving objects manually from one location to another freely through the air. To account
for the various ways in which a General Move can occur. the activity sequence is made up of four subactivities :
A Action distance (mainly horizontal)
R Body motions (mainly vertical)
G Gain corurol
P Placement

These subacuviuc-, .1.--:arranged in a sequence model (Fig. I ). consisting of a series of parameters organized in a logical
sequence. The ~e4l!e'~,c model defines the events or actions that always take place in a prescribed order when an object
is being moved r"r,,::: OIIC location to another. The General Move Sequence Model, which is the most commonly used
sequence u.odc}. ,...1..1..:;"; ncd ..J~ follows:

These subacu v iuc , .'1 ~e411C:1Cemodel parameters, are then assigned time related index numbers based on the motion
content of tile ':ul'.lc'i\-::\,. This approach provides complete analysis flex ibility within the overall control of the
sequence mods: i,r "id'~object moved. any combination of motions might occur, and using MOST. any cornbinarior,
m y he analyzed : ,- II:.: General Move Sequence. these index values arc easily memorized from a brief datu card .. -\
!'uily indexed G-:::- i .. \ I .vc Sequence, for example. might appear as fo!lows:

Gel , Put
.-\6 36 ("', , "~ ! BO P3

Where: A6 '" W.:;, ,',' t" four steps to object location

B6 = Bend .uu: <
GI = Gain c.v: ., ,.: ,'IIC light object
1 A I = Move ,oj ;. .: .: JI'dance within reach
fl BU = No blld~:: ::.':1

P3 = Place .IP,i .., ,::,1 "t'ject
AO = No re'IU:i,
6 + 6 + I + ! . .\ 10 = 170 TMU

This c x amplc CUll:
arise. and place 11;,'

.u st ancc, represent
'i :'1,1 hole.
the following activity: walk three: steps to pick up a bolt from floor level.

,I General lVlovc " .

occurs as it G:':Il,'; :
i h.: most frequently
'- 1. '\ c. with the percentage
used of the three sequence rnode ls. Roughly SO % of all manual work
running higher for assembl y and material handling and lower for
machine shop 01"'; "

4. 13

Na;ional Conference en Recent Trends in CAD/CAM/CAE (NCRTC-2004)_ 21-23 June 2004. RJ.T . Rajaramnagar

2.2)The Controlled Move Sequence

(Fig.L). This sequence is used to coyer such activitjss as operating a lever Of crank, activating a button or switch, or
simply sliding an object over a surface. In addition to the A, B, and G parameters from the General Move Sequence, the
sequence model for a controlled move contains the following subactivities:
'" I
Process time Align

I As many as one -third of the activities occurring in machine shop operations may involve controlled moves. In
assembly work. however. the fraction is usually much smallest. A Typical activity covered by the controlled move
I sequence is the engaging of the feed lever on the milling machine. The sequence model for this activity might be
I indexed s follows: r.

I Get Mot ,0;: Actuate

Where: Al Reach to the lever a distance with in reach

No body motion
Get hold of the lever
Move lever up to 12 inches to engage feed
Process time of Approximately
=: No alignment
3.5 sec.

AO No return.
Example- From a position in front of the lathe, the operator takes two steps to the side, turns the handwheel two
revolution. and sets the cutting tool by aligning the handwheel dial to a scale mark
A3 80 G I M6 XO 16 AO

( 3 + I + 6 + 6 ) X 10 =: 16C TMU

2.3) Tool Use Sequence mode! :

This sequence model covers the use of hand tools for such activities as fastening or loosening, CUlling .cleaning.
gauging. and recording .Aiso . certain activities requiring the use of the blain fer mental processes can be classified as
tool use. e.g .. reading and thinking. As indicated above. this model i, a combination of General move and controlled
move uctivirics. It was developed as a pdr! of the basic MOST systems. merely to sirr.plify the analysis of the activities
related to the use of the hand tools.

The use of a wrench. for example. might be described by the following sequence:

Put 1001 or
Ur tool
Put 1001 ir Return or o~ect object In place

A I 130 GI AI BO P3 FIG AI 80 PI
Where: r\ I Reach to wrench
= No body motion
G I = Get hold of wrench
B(~ = Nc body motion
P' = Place wrench on fastener
F 10 = Tiglucn fastener with wrench
A I = Move wrench a distance with in reach
f3(l No body motion
PI = Lay wrench aside
.-\0 = No return
( I + I ;- I +.'
+ 10 + I + I ) X 10 = 180 TMU


MOST IS d i Ideo into
v ious systems as furnished
v .rr below depending till the level of accuracy.

-L 14
National Conference on Recent Trends in CAD/CAM/CAE (NCRTC-2004)_ 21-23 June 2004_ R.I.T .. Rajaramnagar

repetitiveness off the operations. cycie time of the operation being performed. type 'of operation etc. There
types of MOST systems which are-
Mini MOST ( used for repetitive operations)
Basic MOST ( used for general operations)
Maxi MOST ( used for Non-repetitive. operations)
Clerical MOST ( used for clerical operation)

At the lowest level . Mini MOST provides the most de uled and precise
I methods analyze.In general , this level of detail an pr cision is required to analyze any operation likely to be re
mere than 1500 rimes per work .An operation in this c tegory may range from 2 to 10 seconds .There are only Set
models i.c the General and the Controlled Move. In contrast to Basic MOST. the index value total for a Set
j model IS 11Iulli;,licd by I and converted to minutes or seconds
Area of arrlic.t!ioll';: Light press operations. Manufacturing of PCB.etc
Basic \'IOST
At the I nrcrmcdiatc level, operations that are likely to be performed more than 150 but fewer than 1500 times per
should be analyvcd with Basic MOSi. An operation in this category may range from a few seconds to 10 rninu
length. (Opcrauons longer than 10 minutes may be analyzed with Basic MOST, with 0.5-3 minutes being typical
time for Busic !'-IOSD. The majority of operations in most industries fall into this category. Basic MOST index r:
:I readily accommodate the cycle-to-cycle variations typical at this level. The method descriptions that result from I
~.I MOST :tn."~ .'';' .irc sufficiently detailed for use as operator instructions.
~\ Areas ot application: General manual Work.

!\:iAXI _\lOST
At the hl:;he't level. Maxi MOST is used to analyze operations that are likely to be performe-d fewer than 150 time!
week. .-\n oper.':ltlll in this category may be less than 2 minutes to more than several hours in length. Maxi Mt
index r ..Jn~t::, .:L":;,;:\Ir.t:d::.te the wide cycle-to-cycle variations that are typical in such work as setups or heavy assern
Even ..!,
,hI.' J..-. ,.1. the method descriptions resulting from Maxi MOST are very practical for instructional purpc
Maxi :-'1(),,j u<, 'he same index values as Basic and Mini MOST. However the multiplier here is 100 instead of [
.n [h~k \l(.l\ I "ilLi then converted as required,
Areas ,_,j' ;Ii~pl;\ .uion. Maintenance work, S[l:P building, rail C3.i fabrications etc.

4)TU\IL 1:'\["1 ~;:

The um., ::,;[. ,!,,;,I In MOST are identical to those used in the basic M'I M (Methods-Time Measurement) system,
arc b;,~e.:,i .;' i:l'i.~. and parts of hours called Time Measurement Units (TMl,;l. One TMU is equivalent to 0.00001 ho
The f<,[I" .:': _"n\crsion table is provided for calculating standard times:

The till:_' .' '" TMU for each sequence mode! in calculated by adding the index numbers and multiplying the SUIll
I u. !l I- ., _,"l\c.:fted to hours, mins or sees. Total time for adding the computed sequence times arrives at I
complete . , . I x. r analysis. All time values established b~ \LO.5.T reflect the activity of an average skilled opcra
\\"orkin:; :r..:;c performance level or normal pace. This time represents pure work content at 1009', perforrnur

The vur: , .,:I..I;:tivities in the various sequences are based on detailed MT.M. backup analyses describing I
different .. !"' ,:, "h. The MT.M analyses are slotted into fixed time ranges represented by an index vall
c(Jrre.:s[l":: ... ~ i 'Illcdian. Time range~ arc calculated using statistical accuracy principle theory. The para me
van.uu-, .:: .: .',.1 till data cards for quick reference. Parameter indexing is the appl ication of time related index vall
to e;I.:I: .... .. .: n.odcl parameter base Oil the motion content. It is defined as the process of sclccung the appropr i.
par.uucr,': ::i Irom the reference table or date card and appiving the corresponding mdex value .

S) SYS'! I \ I . ..,!:LECTION CH.A..RTS

Figlli":'. ~ : provide another approach to applying the s c selection gurde lmcs. These chart-, arc bas cd on r-
pi H~t..-q,:! ..:" .. .: I(,ngcr the analyzed rime. the morc accurate the anal yxi c (Jut: 10 the baiancing clfcct): (2) the OVCI
.iccur.. :. '!i' of analyses !mpro,es as short-cycle anal , '<5 arc properly combined, Theses Ci':III~arc designed
CfI"illl .. Ii:.: ...:i (If standards that includes short-cycle Jnal: <5 wi ll havc the expected level of accuracy.

-L l:'i
National Conference on ~ecent Trends in CAD/CAM/CAE (NCRTC-2004). 21-23 June 2004. R.I.T . Rajaramnagar

Each chart covers one of the two levels of accuracy most often required by government and industry. With either chart.
if you know or can estimate the approximate length of the operation in minutes and the percentage of the standard
calculation period occupied. by repetitions of the operation. you can quickly determine which MOST version will be
suff:ciently accurate for the analysis. This provides a useful guideline for avoiding the extra work that would he
required to analyze operations with a version of MOST more detailed than necessary. ---

For example. using Fig. 2 if the operation is about one minute long and will be repeated enough times to occupy about
I 30 % of the pay period. a Basic MOST analysis will be sufficiently accurate. If repetitions of this same operation
I occupy 70 % of the period, however, then Mini MOST must be used for the analysis. A similar determination is made

I for each analysis. When all analyses of the operations that fill the calculation period fall within the charted limits.
overall accuracy within .::!:..-5% is assured. To maintain overall accuracy, when estimating the cycle time for the
operation, do not include the time for any step or sequence of steps that is repeatedvdentically jvithin the operation
j cycle. .


With the help of MOST method. its possible to achieve major times reduction in the manufacturing of the products .
. MOST nearly gives non-machining time reduction of 60 to 65 0/0. Which is measure achievement for MOST
application. MOST gives alternative to the Time Study method.

i With the help of this method its possible to get the production time of the products before its actual manufacturing
r> starts. This helps in the production planning of FOK (First of Its Kind) products.

.":" With the Most it's possible now to plan the production for one day before in the beginning of day itself Since its
provided with software support called as MDAT (MOST DATA) which eliminate the manual calculation and give ease
in the time measurement.

I. Antis. William, Honeycutt, John M., J r. , and Koch, Edward N .. The Basic Moticns of MTM, The Maynard
Foundation. 1986
L.. Hodscn, William K., Editor-in-Chief, Maynard's Industrial Engineering Handbook, 4th Edition. MoGraw-Hill.
3. Wcsterkarnp. Thomas A., Maintenance Manager's Standard Manual, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Halt, 1997
4. Zandin, Kjefl E., M05T Wo.k Measurement Systems, 2nd Edition. Marcel Dekker. 1990
5. SCl'111. P "MOST Work Measurement Systems" 200)
6. Vcnkat~sh.S" Thesis on MOST Study at Gear carrier assembly" ~OO2

4. 16
",,:iollaJ Conference on Recent Trends in CAD/CAM/CAE (NCRTC-2004). 21-23 June 2004. R.I.T . Rajaramnagar

' . -. ;
.-... .

.- :~

i 5
[ <U 4.5
I .g "-I-
I t::

0- 1
I '0
~ 25
L!J -


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Estimated Percentage of calculation Period

Fig I. MOST <ystern selection guidelines for -5% accuracy

at a 95 % confidence level

! UseMaxiMOS;!

il.l I S
1. Use Basic OST

!l '..
-,'." i


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Estimated Percentage of calculation Period
Fig '2 .\ 1( ",' ",(;;11 selection guidelines for J 09C accuracy at a 90 % confidence level

4. J

National Conference on Recent l rcnu> ~ ._. _ ...

Basic MOST work measurement Technique

I Action Distance, B- Body Motion
I General Move ABGABPA G- Gain Control , P- Placement
M- Move controlled, X - Process Time
I Controlled
Alignment -
ASP F-Fasten,
Surface Treat
L- Loosen, C- Cut, S-
I M- Measure, R- Record, T- Thick

I Table 1 Sequence Models comprising the Basic MOST technique.

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