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Sean Borkowski, B.S.1 tions that are magnified under increased both the head and the body during the put-
Jonathan C. Bernardo, B.S.1 psychological pressure. ting stroke by concentrating on the ball.15
George K Hung, Ph.D.1 However, such drills that are often prac-
Kenneth J. Ciuffreda, O.D., Ph. D.2 Key Words ticed in ones backyard may not trans-
breathing rate, eye movement, golf put- late into success on the golf course. This
1. Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Rutgers Uni- ting, head movement, heart rate, stress could be due to increased psychological
versity, Piscataway, NJ pressure during actual competition, or
2. Dept. of Vision Sciences, State University of simply ones perceived pressure of having
New York, State College of Optometry, New INTRODUCTION
to make a putt even in an ordinary round

York, NY
of golf. Robert Wyatt, from the United
n recent years, there has been in-
States Golf Teachers Federation, has sug-
Abstract creased interest in physiological mea-
gested that putters often suffer under psy-
This study investigated the effect of psy- surements to quantify functions of the
chological pressure reflected in unneces-
chological pressure on physiological re- human body during sports performance.1-3
sary body movement.16 The extra motions
sponses during the golf putting stroke. These parameters can provide valuable
during ones putting stroke could cause an
Six young adults (four males and two fe- information regarding the internal physi-
increase in eye movement, which could
males) participated in the study. The ex- ological state of the athlete. For example,
decrease putting success.9 The causes of
periment was comprised of a contest that in skiing, sensors worn by professional
this extra movement are not well under-
consisted of four sessions, with a dinner skiers have provided important infor-
stood; however, the movements could be
prize awarded to the winner. In each ses- mation on forces generated during ski
due to changes in physiological functions,
sion, the subject was instructed to attempt runs.1 In soccer, multiple sensors have
such as HR and breathing rates (BR). The
20, 9-foot putts. Eye, head, and putter been used to record heart rate (HR), body
main questions then become whether or
motions, as well as heart rate and breath- motion, and other physiological param-
not a quantifiable form of stress can be
ing rate, were objectively recorded during eters to assess the relationship between
imposed under laboratory conditions. Do
each trial. For all sessions, each success- the players physiological responses and
the effects from this psychological pres-
ful putt was awarded a score of +2 points. performance.4 In golf, sensors have been
sure affect the physiological parameters
However, as the four sessions progressed, used to measure eye movement (EM) and
associated with putting success?
any missed putt was given progressively head movements (HM) during the putting
Some links are known between psycho-
greater negative scores: -2, -3, -4, and -5 stroke. These measures provide insight
logical pressure, or perceived extraor-
points, respectively. At the end of the ex- into the golfers physiological and mental
dinary emotional demands and simple
periment, the subject rated the perceived state.5-8 These golf studies are the latest in
physiological processes.17,18 In addition,
pressure during each session on a scale of a growing literature that attempts to unlock
there are relationships between these
1 to 5, with 1 corresponding to no pressure some of the mysteries surrounding this ap-
physiological functions and attention.
and 5 corresponding to extreme pressure. parently simple act of putting.9-13
From a study on child development and
Overall, the results demonstrated that the The importance of putting is evident, as
attention, it was shown that increased at-
apparently simple act of putting involves it comprises approximately 40% of ones
tention to a task results in decreased HR.19
a complex interplay among various physi- total golf strokes during a typical round
On the other hand, external stress causes
ological and neurological control param- of golf.14 Books, drills, and professional
increased HR.20 Hence, such increased
eters, hence reflecting a myriad of emo- advice constantly describe the importance
pressure may lessen ones attentional fo-
of minimizing EM and HM during the
cus on the task at hand, such as putting.
putting stroke.7,9,10 One drill suggested
These relationships might prove to be
Borkowski R, Bernardo JC, Hung GK, Ciuffreda KJ, that improved putting involves keeping
crucial in affecting body movements dur-
Effect of psychological pressure on eye, head, heart one eye closed during the putting stroke.
and breathing responses during the golf putting ing the putting stroke, and in turn, putting
This drill is meant to improve stillness of
stroke. J Behav Optom 2009;20:35-41. accuracy. It is well known that prior to
Journal of Behavioral Optometry Volume 20/2009/Number 2/Page 35
addressing a putt, the perception of dis- or puzzles, and physical
tance and direction is provided by visual tasks, such as lifting small
inspection of the putting green terrain. weights.26 These tasks are
This occurs even while walking about the considered stressors in that
intended line of the putt. However, dur- they are both mentally and
ing the execution of a putt, head and eye physically demanding.
stability is crucial in maintaining a con- Thus, the purpose of this
stant visual environment.7,9 A single task study was to examine the
of focusing, or concentrating, to minimize relationships among av-
eye movement during putting, is said to erage HR, BR, EM, HM,
have a large impact on putting success.21 and putting accuracy under
Thus, any deviation away from normal increasing psychological
conditions, such as under a stressful en- pressure conditions. The
vironment, could increase ones HR, and stress-induced protocol in-
thereby decrease ones ability to concen- cluded a contest based on Figure 1. Subject wearing multi-sensor device mounted on a visor.
trate. Lastly, another study demonstrated performance that gave a
that increased physiological arousal, lead- prize for the top performer.
0.25 cm and 45 cm, respectively. The
ing to an increase in HR, increases ones Additional stressors were a rating scale
electronic signals from the eye, head, and
susceptibility to choke, i.e., miss the that increased the penalty for missed putts
putter sensors were transmitted wirelessly
putt.22 as the rounds progressed, and the pres-
to a circuit board connected via the USB
HR variability (HRV), which is a measure ence of a video camera to record the re-
port on a conventional laptop computer.
related to HR, has been shown to be an sponses.
This computer ran the Shoane-Biomedi-
important indicator of the bodys response METHODS cal program for recording the signals from
to stress.23 It is defined as the variation The study was performed using six Rut- the eye, head and putter movement sensor
(standard deviation) in the RR interval gers University undergraduate students systems. The entire recording system had
(i.e., the time interval between the peaks (four males and two females) ranging in a sampling rate of 100 Hz.8,27 The breath-
of successive beats) of an electrocardio- age from 19 to 22 years. One of the sub- ing and heart signals were recorded using
gram recording, or the variation in the jects had significant golfing experience, infrared reflection transducers (SS4LA) in
beat-to-beat interval.24 In an experiment and the remainder had varying amounts of a Biopac system (Model MP30). The de-
studying patterns in HRV in the presence experience ranging from zero to moderate. vice has a maximum sampling rate of 100
of mental tasks, it was shown that men- The subjects completed written consent KHz. One of the transducers was clipped
tal activity increased sympathetic nervous forms prior to participating in the study, on the earlobe to measure the blood flow,
system activity. This activity was in pro- and the forms were signed by the admin- and in turn the heart pulse. Also, a small
portion to the amount of stress involved istrator of the experiment. The study was rectangular piece of paper was taped to a
with each particular activity.25 Increased approved by the Rutgers University Insti- transducer and placed in front of the right
sympathetic activity results in an increased tutional Review Board committee. nostril. Air flow from the nostril deflected
HR and a decrease in HRV. Another study
Apparatus the paper, and in turn the infrared reflec-
measured HR and HRV in the presence of
a reaction time activity, as well as mental Subjects wore a visor apparatus contain- tion signal, thereby providing the BR re-
arithmetic activities.26 The results demon- ing wireless Shoane-Biomedical biosen- sponse. Since only the HR and BR were
strated that during the reaction time activ- sor devicesa for measuring eye and head required in this study, no calibration of
ity, HRV decreased, while HR increased. motion,8,27 along with the infared sensors response level was performed for these
However, no significant change in HRV for measuring HR and BR (Biopac Model transducers. The wires from these trans-
was present during the mental arithmetic MP30,b Figure 1). The measured param- ducers were situated behind the subject in
tasks. This could have been due to respi- eters included EM, HM, BR, and HR. an unobtrusive manner during putting.
ratory interference of the HRV measure- The eye sensor system consisted of an in- Experimental Procedure
ment during the recording resulting from frared reflection limbal tracking system,28 The golf putting competition consisted of
verbal interaction of the subjects and the which had a resolution of 15 min arc, four sessions in a laboratory environment.
mediator. The links between mental and a linear range of 25, and a bandwidth Each subject participated on two separate
physical arousal, and their affects on sym- of 200 Hz. The head sensor consisted days for the competition, with sessions 1
pathetic activity (and in turn, HRV), may of an accelerometer in a circuit board and 2 on day one, and sessions 3 and 4 on
indicate methods to improve ones ability mounted on the visor. The head position day two. During each session, the subject
to concentrate. Therefore, the impact of signal, which is derived from the acceler- attempted 20 putts. The distance from the
pressure and its consequent physiological ometer signal, had a resolution of 0.5 cm ball to the target was 9 feet for all sessions
arousal on HRV becomes important when (equivalent displacement on the putting (Figure 2). A compact disc (12 cm, or 4.7
considering the ability to increase atten- platform) and a range of 25 cm. The inches in diameter) was used to represent
tional focus and concentrate on a specific putter sensor consisted of an accelerom- the golf cup, and a stretch of green artifi-
activity, such as putting. eter mounted on a circuit board attached cial turf was used as the putting surface.7,8
Common methods for increasing stress to the putter shaft. The putter position, A putt was considered successful if more
in a laboratory environment include which is derived from the accelerom- than half the ball was inside the disc, and
mental tasks, such as mental arithmetic eter signal had a resolution and range of furthermore the ball speed was moderate
Volume 20/2009/Number 2/Page 36 Journal of Behavioral Optometry
Table 1. Individual subjects EM and HM RMS values
Subjects CH DH WK NN RP JS
Putt (%) 68.5 59.2 44.7 42.1 36.8 31.8

EM RMS 17.0 27.8 9.4 14.6 9.9 14.7

HM RMS 25.5 40.5 41.6 28.0 41.1 43.9

Table 2. Average values for the four test sessions

across subjects.
Average Average Average Average
putts made
Session 1 31.6 15.4 37.7 13.7 81.1

Session 2 52.6 10.5 36.8 13.1 81.6

Session 3 47.4 4.7 44.7 12.5 92.5
Session 4 47.4 6.8 47.3 13.7 94.6
EM - eye movements; HM - head movements; RMS - root mean square; BR - breathing
rate; HR - heart rate
stroke to the point of ball impact. not exhibit a trend with decreased putting
Also, HR and BR were analyzed performance, HM RMS showed a mild
Figure 2. Subject putting while wearing the multi-sensor de- over the continuously-recorded trend (with one exception) of increased
vice. session, and the average HR, HM RMS values with decreased putting
HRV, and average BR per session performance. This trend for HM RMS
enough so it would have dropped into an were calculated. The percentage suggests that the better performers may
actual cup. Each putt was then scored of putts made per session was calculated. either have learned or were naturally in-
on a simple made versus missed basis, In addition, the perceived pressure score clined towards holding their heads steady
and the putting results were recorded ac- assessed by the subject per session was while putting.
cordingly. Putting performance was de- tabulated.
termined by the percentage of successful After these results were obtained on each Across Subjects
putts. Average Values. Table 2 shows the aver-
subject, an intra-subject comparison of age values across subjects for each ses-
Scoring System and Pressure any two of the parameters was obtained sion. Average EM RMS decreased, av-
Protocol using a Matlab29 program by calculating erage HM RMS increased, average HR
Scores were given for each individual the correlation coefficient of the param- increased, and BR remained relatively
putt, and these score values were changed eters over the four sessions. This was per- constant, as the sessions progressed. Aver-
as the sessions progressed. Positive scores formed among all paired-combinations of age putting percentage increased relative
were awarded for successful putts, and parameters. Finally, for each paired-com- to the first session. EM and HM values are
negative scores were awarded for missed bination, the correlations were displayed in equivalent displacement on the putting
putts. In all four sessions, each success- across the subjects, and then they were platform (in cm) based on EM and HM
ful putt was awarded a score of +2 points. ranked from best to worst putting perfor- rotation. BR is in breaths/min, and HR is
However, the penalty for missed putts be- mance. For simplicity, only those combi- in beats/min.
came increasingly negative as the sessions nations showing a substantial trend (i.e., Effect of Perceived Pressure. Two group
progressed. The penalties for missed showing more than just a random varia- trends were found when the subjects were
putts in rounds 1-4 were -2, -3, -4, and tion) across subject-performance are pre- ranked in order of decreasing putting per-
-5, respectively. The subjects were peri- sented in the results. formance: The correlation between per-
odically informed of their present score. ceived pressure and HM RMS increased
Upon completion of the four rounds of RESULTS (Figure 5), while the correlation between
putting, each subject submitted a feed- Individual Subject perceived pressure and HRV decreased,
back form. The subjects rated the amount A typical record of the putting, eye, and becoming more negative for the worse
of perceived pressure felt, on a scale of head traces is shown in Figure 3, and a performers (Figure 6). The trends were
1-5 (1 for no pressure and 5 for extreme typical record of the breathing, heart- not monotonic, as there were a few excep-
pressure), for each of the sessions. The pulse, and interval marker traces for the tions. It is, however, very suggestive of
winner of this contest was awarded a din- same subject is shown in Figure 4. a relationship between the psychological
ner prize. Individual Subjects impact and physiological response as per-
Data Analysis RMS Values. Table 1 shows the individu- formance decreased.
For each putt, the root mean square (RMS) al subjects RMS values for EM and HM In addition, an interesting finding was
values of the EM and HM were calculated ranked from the best (1) to worst (6) put- the very similar patterns for the plots of
over the range from the beginning of the ting performance. While EM RMS did
Journal of Behavioral Optometry Volume 20/2009/Number 2/Page 37
Figure 3. Typical Putting (Top Left), Eye Movement (Bottom Left), and Head Movement (Top Right) traces over a 3 sec interval. Ordinate
values for all three plots are in units of cm of equivalent displacement on the putting platform. The computer panel (bottom right) controls
the recording of the putting trials. Transient noise in the putting trace indicates putter impact on the ball.
correlation between perceived pressure
and putting performance (Figure 7, top),
and between perceived pressure and EM
RMS (Figure 7, bottom). This suggests
an underlying relationship between EM
variation and putting performance, per-
haps being modulated by the subjective
perception of pressure.
HM RMS versus EM RMS. There was a
pattern of a decrease in correlation be-
tween head RMS and eye RMS as per-
formance rank decreased (Figure 8). This
suggests a poorer neural coordination be-
tween the head and the eye position sig-
nals for the poorer performers.
In golf, pressure plays as an important a
role in a small wager among friends as it
does in a multi-million dollar professional
tournament. It is difficult to define, but
golfers know it and feel it when certain
Figure 4. Typical breathing (top), heart-pulse (middle), and interval marker (bottom) traces over a critical situations arise.17 A 5-foot left-
30 sec interval. Downward spikes (4 shown in this figure) in the interval-marker trace indicate the to-right downhiller to decide the wager,
beginning of each putting trial. These marker signals were obtained by an infrared sensor attached or to win a major championship, will
to the index finger of the experimenter for pressing down on the mouse key to start a trial. The small
variations in the trace are due to the experimenters finger pulse and random movement. get the heart to race, the palms to sweat,
and the mouth to dry up. Some players
succumb to the pressure and miss badly,

Volume 20/2009/Number 2/Page 38 Journal of Behavioral Optometry

Correlation: Perceived Pressure and Head Movement RMS while others, like Jack Nicklaus and Ti-
ger Woods,9,30 thrive on this pressure with
even greater concentration and superior
How does pressure affect physiological
responses and putting performance under
less severe (i.e., laboratory) conditions?
This was the scope of the present study.
The subjective assessment of this pressure
provided a measure of the internal psycho-
logical state of the individual. Comparing
this with the individuals physiological
responses provided a relative measure of
the effects of pressure. Ranking these
comparisons across individuals, based on
performance, provided an overall assess-
ment of trends that may not be evident in
the within-subject data. The increase in
correlation between perceived pressure
and HM RMS suggests a greater affect
of pressure on the ability of poorer per-
formers to maintain head stability. The
decrease in correlation between perceived
pressure and HRV suggests that pressure
has a greater influence on the sympathetic
physiological response of the poorer per-
Figure 5. Trend across subjects showing the correlation between perceived pressure and
head movement RMS increased as subject performance decreased Subject ranked accord- formers. This is consistent with the litera-
ing to putting performance from best (1) to worst (6). ture, which shows that as pressure increas-
es, sympathetic activity increases, while
HRV decreases.23 The finding of very
Correlation: Perceived Pressure and Heart Rate Variability similar patterns for the plots of the cor-
relation between perceived pressure and
putting performance, and between per-
ceived pressure and EM RMS is sugges-
tive of a relationship between eye move-
ment variation and putting performance.
Although the individual data (Table 1) did
not show a trend between EM RMS and
putting performance, other higher level
factors may have been involved that re-
sulted in a relationship, via the pressure
perceived by different individuals. These
underlying relationships have been found
in other studies which showed an associa-
tion between decreased EM RMS and im-
proved putting performance.7,27,31 Lastly,
the group trend showing the negative
correlation between EM RMS and HM
RMS (Figure 8) suggests a trade off be-
tween eye and head variation. This trade
off can also be seen in the decrease in
the EM RMS values with the increase in
HM RMS values as the pressure increased
from session 1 to session 4 (Table 2). It
is also consistent with earlier findings on
Figure 6. Trend across subjects showing the correlation between perceived pressure and the effect of wearing different progressive
heart rate variability decreased with poorer performance. addition lenses (PALs) on putting perfor-
mance.7 In that study, it was found that
subjects wearing the progressive addition
lens with the narrower intermediate zone
(PAL2) exhibited slightly smaller EM
Journal of Behavioral Optometry Volume 20/2009/Number 2/Page 39
Correlation: Perceived Pressure and Performance than with the lens having a wider
intermediate zone (PAL1). On
the other hand, in apparent com-
pensation for the restricted clear
field-of-view, subjects wearing
the PAL2 exhibited greater HM
than PAL1. Thus, there ap-
pears to be a trade-off between
the amount of HM and EM for
maintenance of fixation stability.
This may be due to a poor neural
coordination between the head
and the eye, which would result
in a disassociation between HM
and EM where, for example, the
Correlation: Perceived Pressure and Eye Movement RMS head is held fixed while the eye
exhibits instability. In the present
study, the decrease in correlation
between HM RMS and EM RMS
for the poorer performers sug-
gests a reduced ability to provide
an appropriate trade off between
EM and HM.
This study investigated the rela-
tionships among the physiologi-
cal parameters affecting the golf
putting stroke under laboratory-
simulated psychological pressure
conditions. The use of multi-sen-
Figure 7. Similarity of correlation between perceived pressure and putting performance (top), and between
sor recordings provided valuable
perceived pressure and eye movement RMS (bottom), for each subject. information regarding the indi-
viduals mental state as reflected
in the physiological responses
Correlation: Eye Movement RMS and Head Movement RMS and putting performance under
increased psychological pressure.
It was shown in the relationships
between perceived pressure and
In addition, there appeared to be
a trade off between EM RMS
and HM RMS. Thus, the present
study showed that the apparently
simple task of putting a golf ball
masks a complex interplay among
psychological, physiological, and
neurological control processes
that are manifest under pressure

Figure 8. Trend across subjects showing the negative correlation between eye movement
RMS and head movement RMS decreased in magnitude with poorer performance.

Volume 20/2009/Number 2/Page 40 Journal of Behavioral Optometry

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Journal of Behavioral Optometry Volume 20/2009/Number 2/Page 41

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