Lab2 - Numbering Systems
Lab2 - Numbering Systems
Lab2 - Numbering Systems
Numbering Systems
The VHDL modeling language allows numbers being represented in several radix systems. The
underlying digital circuit processes the number in binary, however, input into and output from such circuits
is typically done using decimal numbers. In this lab you will learn various representations and methods for
converting numbers from one representation into another. Please refer to the Vivado tutorial on how to
use the Vivado tool for creating projects and verifying digital circuits.
After completing this lab, you will be able to:
Define a number in various radix
Design combinatorial circuits capable of converting data represented in one radix into another
Design combinatorial circuits to perform simple addition operation
Learn a technique to improve addition speed
i. 0 : logic-0 or false
ii. 1 : logic-1 or true
iii. x : unknown
iv: z : high-impedance
VHDL is case insensitive. A z value at the input of a gate or in expression is usually interpreted as a
dont care or x. There are three types of constants in VHDL: (i) integer, (ii) real, and (iii) string. Integer
numbers can be written in (i) simple decimal or (ii) base format. An integer in simple decimal form is
specified as a sequence of digits with an optional + or a -. For example,
Where 15 can be represented in binary as 01111 in 5-bit format and -32 can be represented in binary as
100000 in 6-bit format. The simple format representation may result in 32-bit hardware.
A number can be represented in the base format with syntax:
Where base is one of o or O (for octal), b or B (for binary), x or X (for hexadecimal), and value is a
sequence of digits which are valid for the specified base. Binary values can be declared in double
quotations without needing to specify a base. The value must be unsigned. For example,
IIf the vector variable is bigger than the value being assigned, then additional zeros will need to be
concatenated to extend the bit count. For example:
1-1. Define a 4-bit number in the model and display it on the right most 7-
segment display.
1-1-2. Create and add the VHDL module that defines a 4-bit number in binary format and displays the
same on the right most 7-segment display. You may use the model developed in 4-2 of Lab 1
assuming that the number you define will be between 0 and 9.
1-1-3. Add the appropriate board related master XDC file to the project and edit it to include the related
1-1-5. Generate the bitstream, download it into the Basys3 or the Nexys4 DDR board, and verify the
2-1. Output a 4-bit binary input number onto one LED (most significant bit) and
the right most 7-segment display (least significant digit) after converting
them into two-digit decimal equivalent (BCD). Use only dataflow modeling.
Design a circuit that converts a 4-bit binary number v into its 2-digit decimal equivalent, z and m.
Since valid input range is between 0 and 15, the most significant digit can be displayed using one
LED. Table below shows the required output values. A block diagram of the design is given in
figure below. It includes a comparator that checks when the value of v is greater than 9, and uses
the output of this comparator in the control of the 7-segment displays. Hint: The m3 would be zero
whenever V is greater than binary 1001.
v[3:0] z m[3:0]
0000 0 0000
0001 0 0001
0010 0 0010
0011 0 0011
0100 0 0100
0101 0 0101
0110 0 0110
0111 0 0111
1000 0 1000
1001 0 1001
1010 1 0000
1011 1 0001
1100 1 0010
1101 1 0011
1110 1 0100
1111 1 0101
2-1-2. Create and add the VHDL module (name it as lab2_2_1_partA) with v[3:0] input, and z and m[3:0]
output, instantiating comparator_dataflow, lab2_circuitA_dataflow, and mux_2to1 and connecting
them as necessary.
2-1-5. Simulate the design for 200 ns and verify the design works.
2-1-6. Extend the design by creating the top-level module (lab2_2_1) to have bcdto7segment_dataflow
decoder (that you developed in Lab 1) and provide one 7-bit output seg0 instead of m.
2-1-7. Add the appropriate board related master XDC file to the project and edit it to include the related
pins. Assign v input to SW3-SW0, z to LED0, and seg0 to 7-segment display cathodes, CA-CG,
and assign an to the pins J17, J18, T9, J14, P14, T14, K2, U13 (for Nexys4 DDR) or
U2,U4,V4,W4 (for Basys3).
2-1-10. Generate bitstream, download it in to the Basys3 or the Nexys4 DDR board, and verify the
functionality. Please note that the most significant decimal digit is indicated by LED0 on the
2-2. Model a 2-out-of-5 binary code and display a 4-bit binary coded decimal
input number onto five LEDs. Use dataflow modeling.
2-2-2. Create and add a hierarchical design with 4-bit input (x[3:0]) and 5-bit output(y[4:0]). Use dataflow
modeling statements only.
2-2-3. Add the appropriate board related master XDC file to the project and edit it to include the related
pins. Assign SW3-SW0 to x and LED4-LED0 to y.
2-2-5. Generate bitstream, download it in to the Basys3 or the Nexys4 DDR board, and verify the
3-1-2. Create and add the VHDL module named fulladder_dataflow with three inputs (a, b, cin) and two
outputs (s and cout) using dataflow modeling. All inputs and outputs should be one-bit wide.
3-1-4. Simulate the design for 80 ns and verify that the design works
3-1-5. Create and add the VHDL module to the project with three inputs (a, b, cin) and two outputs (cout
and s) instantiating full adder (FA) four times and connecting them as necessary. The a, b, and s
should be a 4-bit vector and cin and cout should each be one-bit wide.
3-1-6. Add the appropriate board related master XDC file to the project and edit it to include the related
pins. Assign a to SW7-SW4, b to SW3-SW0, s to LED3-LED0, cin to BTNU, and cout to LED7.
3-1-8. Generate bitstream, download it in to the Basys3 or the Nexys4 DDR board, and verify the
3-2. Modify the design of 3-1 by treating the 4-bit input as BCD, performing
addition, generating result in BCD, and displaying it on LED0 and right
most 7-segment display. Use switches to input two 4-bit BCD input and
BTNU for carry-in. Reuse models developed in 2-1 and 3-1 as needed. Use
dataflow modeling.
3-2-2. Modify the project of 3-1 as necessary to perform the required function and outputting the result
on LED0 and the right most 7-segment display.
3-2-3. Add the appropriate board related master XDC file to the project and edit it to include the related
pins. Use switches SW73-SW0 to assign two 4-bit BCD input and SW15 for carry in.
3-2-5. Generate bitstream, download it in to the Basys3 or the Nexys4 DDR board, and verify the
Where Pi = Ai + Bi and Gi = AiBi. Within Carry Look Ahead unit, Ci+1 = Gi + PiCi. The speed-up is
achieved through the fact that Ci being generated at the same time irrespective of ith position.
4-1. Create a carry-look ahead adder circuit by modifying the project of 3-1 and
using dataflow modeling.
4-1-1. Open Vivado and open the project you had created in 3-1.
4-1-2. Modify the project of 3-1 as necessary to perform the addition of two four-bit numbers using the
carry look-ahead structure and outputting the result LEDs. Provide carry-in through BTNU. Hint:
You will need to modify FA to output Pi and Gi, and then create and add another module CLA to
perform the carry look ahead function (takes c0 and pigi (i=0 to 3) and outputs c4 and pg and gg.
4-1-3. Modify the XDC file to provide input b through SW3-SW0, a through SW7-SW4, cin through
BTNU. Output cout through LED7 and sum through LED3-LED0.
4-1-5. Generate bitstream, download it in to the Basys3 or the Nexys4 DDR board, and verify the
In this lab, you learned how to define numbers in various radix systems. You also designed various
number conversion circuits using dataflow modeling. You also learned a technique of improving addition