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Introduction To AOSP: Building Your Own Android

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Introduction to AOSP

Building your own Android

Wilhelm Fitzpatrick
19 years of Java
4 years of Android
Work for Cyanogen, Inc.
Whats it all about?
What is Android
What is AOSP?
How do you get it?
How do you build it?
How do you get started exploring it
Pragmatic focus
a working environment, not architecture
emulator, not devices
What is Android
Most widely used mobile OS
Most popular Linux distribution ever?
The Java OS we always dreamed about?
A trademark of Google, Inc.

Not a trademark
What is AOSP
Android Open Source Project
The code for the OS part of Android
Not the complete end-user experience
Is AOSP Really Open?
Open: a complete mobile operating system
Open: Apache & GPL licensed
Open: anyone can submit fixes & changes

Closed: ...but Google decided what goes in

Closed: new versions developed in private
Closed: Google apps not included

Only runs on Nexus devices out of the box

Is it Linux?
Uses Linux kernel and device drivers, but
Kernel extensions
bionic instead of glibc
missing most of the standard CLI
unique userspace based heavily on Java
Androids Not Java
Not derived from the Sun/Oracle stack
Class library derived from Apache Harmony
Different bytecode: smali
VM/Runtime: Dalvik (JIT) or ART (AOT)
GUI not derived from Swing/AWT
Language support has fallen behind
JDK 6 + selected JDK 7 features.
Dalvik vs ART
Dalvik (Android 4.4 (KitKat) and older)
VM optimized for mobile devices
Register-based, not stack-based (JVM)
Originally just an interpreter, but later JITed
Has its own bytecode and class file format
ART (Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and newer)
Install time compiler, from Dalvik bytecode
Trades space for performance & efficiency
Overcomes some limits built into Dalvik
But still has an interpreter for when it make sense
Why Do I Care?
If I just want to write Android applications, why
care about AOSP?

Being able to study how the APIs are

implemented is the best documentation
The same language you use to build apps is
used to build much of the OS
A unique strength of Android compared to
other mobile (or any?) OS.
What Do I Need?
A hefty machine
at least 16GB of RAM
100GB of disk just to check out
at least 150GB of disk to build
64-bit Linux
Ubuntu 14.04 is official, but others work too
or recent Mac OS X
A little fussier, but still well supported
Sorry, no Windows
...but you can always use a VM
Java 6 (Android 4.4-) or Java 7 (Android 5.0)
What are the tools?
git: for version control
repo: for managing collections of repositories
make: for building things
python: helping to build things
gcc/Xcode: compiling native stuff
JDK: compiling Java stuff
All very well documented:
Ubuntu 14.04 from scratch
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
$ sudo apt-get install bison g++-multilib
git gperf libxml2-utils make
zlib1g-dev:i386 zip

Optional: create...
...if you want to talk to physical Android devices

See: https://source.android.com/source/initializing.html
Getting AOSP https://source.android.com/source/downloading.html

curl gets repo:

$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

pick a version:

repo gets the source:

$ repo init
-u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest
-b android-5.1.1_r3
$ repo sync

Wait at least an hour...

Building AOSP https://source.android.com/source/building-running.html

set up the environment:

$ source build/envsetup.sh

pick the target:

$ lunch aosp_x86-eng

run the build:

$ make -j16 1-2 x number of hardware threads

...wait several hours...

run the emulator:

$ emulator -skin WVGA854
See development/tools/emulator/skins/ for options
Additional Hints
Can speed rebuilds by caching C/C++ compiler results:
$ export USE_CCACHE=1
$ export CCACHE_DIR=/<path_of_your_choice>/.ccache
$ prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G
...but also can be source of stale artifacts that break builds:
$ prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -C
When the rubber chicken fails,
try clearing ccache...
Ubuntu 15.04
prevents jayatanaag.jar from being appended to classpaths
Bogus You have tried to change the API from what has been
previously approved.
Tools for Exploring
jgrep and cgrep
tools included with AOSP: search all .java file or all .
c/.cpp file for a string
Silver Searcher
fast string/file searching through any directory tree
Android SDK Search
Chrome extension for Android dev docs searching
Android SDK Search

Chrome Extension

Fast search Android Developer

docs from Chrome address bar

Adds AOSP source links to

developer docs displayed in
AOSP in Android Studio (1)
edit $ANDROID_STUDIO/bin/idea.properties:

edit /etc/sysctl.conf:
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288
$ sudo sysctl -p

Build and run idegen:

$ cd development/tools/idegen/
$ mm
from build/envsetup.sh
$ croot
$ ./development/tools/idegen/idegen.sh
$ java -cp $OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE/aosp/host/linux-x86/framework/idegen.jar Main

Open the generated android.ipr file in your AOSP root with Android Studio
Derived from: https://shuhaowu.com/blog/setting_up_intellij_with_aosp_development.html
AOSP in Android Studio (2)
Open File -> Project Structure
Change Project SDK to Just Java

Change Module SDK, and remove generated .jar dependencies

AOSP in Android Studio (3)
Add additional Content Roots in Source Tab:
out/aosp/target/common/R - then mark as Source

R provides generated
resources classes to
satisfy R.id.foo type

framework provides
classes generated
from AIDL files to
satisfy service
interface calls.

Architecture Overview

The core structure of Android is a collection

of cooperating services that communicate
through the Binder IPC mechanism to
satisfy application API calls, and
communicate with the underlying
hardware. Some are native code, but many
are written all or mostly in Java.

One way to start learning your way around

is to start with the APIs your applications
use, and follow them down through the
AOSP source to see how the pieces are
put together.
apk: packaging format for Android applications and
some system components. Zip archive with code
(classes.dex) and resources

dex: code packaging format used by Dalvik/ART. Cross

between a .class file and a .jar file

adb: command line tool for interacting with Android

devices or emulators. Can be found in AOSP or in the
Android SDK.
What is CyanogenMod?
Derived from AOSP
Adds support for many popular devices
Supports devices EOLd by manufacturers
Extends AOSP with interesting features
Privacy Guard, Profiles, Quick Tiles, etc.
Largest community working on fully open
source Android
Similar projects: AOKP, OmniRom, etc.
What is Cyanogen, Inc.?
Extend Android around the principles of
Customization, Performance, Security
Cyanogen OS
based on CyanogenMod
ships on devices as the original OS
passes Google certification, includes Google apps
A day job for core CyanogenMod devs
Were hiring!
Learn More
AOSP Docs:

Android Developer Docs:


Embedded Android
By Karim J. Yaghmour

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