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Art 20173230

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Effects of Problem Based Learning Strategy and

Achievement Motivation on the Students Critical
Thinking Abilities
Firman Dwiyanto1, Punaji Setyosari2, Wahjoedi3, Wasis Djoko Dwiyogo4
1, 2, 3, 4
Postgraduate Program, State University of Malang, Semarang Street, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 65145

Abstract: This research aims to examine the differences of students critical thinking viewed from different motivation for achievement
between the two groups. The research used quasi experimental design, with experimental group given PBL treatment and control group
given group discussion treatment. The research result data is analyzed by Multivariate Analysis of Variance. The research results
showed that (1) there are differences of students critical thinking, as well as (2) there are no interactions between learning strategy and
motivation for achievement on the critical thinking ability. Students taught by PBL or have higher motivation for achievement obtain
optimal value.

Keywords: learning strategy, problem based learning, motivation for achievement, critical thinking ability

1. Introduction problems to be solved are problems that they face in daily

life. Meanwhile, in discussion strategy, the problems are
Entrepreneurship learning is a teaching and learning activity given from any topics that have been structured.
stimulating students to be able to conduct a business. Characteristics of problem based learning according to
Therefore, it is necessary for a way or strategy so that the Eggen and Kauchack (2012), that are (1) the learning
students can solve problem faced. Basically, the focuses on problem solving, (2) the responsibility to solve
entrepreneurship learning objective is to support the creation problem rests on the students, and (3) teaches support the
of skills to face economic challenges and provide skills to process when the students are working on the problems.
support the creation of sustainable prosperity (Hanke et. al,
2005). The entrepreneurship learning purpose can be This research will compare PBL learning strategy to group
achieved by developing learning strategy that can directly discussion learning strategy. Group discussion is an
touch to problems faced by students, one of which is instructional strategy or a strategy involving students to
problem based learning strategy. share their ideas about one common topic (Eggen and
Kauchack, 2012). In group discussion learning strategy,
Problem based learning is a learning strategy giving teacher starts the learning activity with one issue, explore
guarantee on the learning effectiveness of craft and and then review it. Research about group discussion learning
entrepreneurship subjects. In problem-based approach, real strategy which conducted by Botelho and Donnel (2001),
problems are used to motivate students to identify and study showed that learning with group discussion can change the
any concepts and principles that they need to know what to learning environment into student centered learning (SCL).
do through the problems (Duch et.al, 2001). The focus
applied in this strategy is student activeness. The students Related to motivation, learning strategy will be more
are no longer given any one-direction materials, such as effective if it considers motivation for achievement factor.
conventional learning strategy. So, this strategy is expected Nurseto (2010) argued that one with high motivation will try
to develop university students knowledge independently. to do the best, have confidence on the ability to work
independently and optimistically, be not easily satisfy to the
Research about learning strategy implementation has been obtained results as well as have big responsibility of any
conducted by Hanke, et. al. (2005), which showed that PBL actions conducted so that one with high motivation for
strategy can enhance entrepreneurship skills. Muhson (2005) achievement will be more success in his or her life compared
also has been conducted research about the implementation to they with low motivation for achievement.
of PBL on entrepreneurship learning, which showed that (1)
PBL can enhance students attention and active The research will test on the excellent of PBL learning
participation, (2) PBL can stimulate students learning strategy as well as motivation for achievement having
interest in the outside of class, (3) PBL can enhance significant effects on the learning outcomes of critical
students learning independently, and (4) PBL can enhance thinking abilities by the students in craft and
students knowledge and comprehension about learning entrepreneurship subjects.

PBL learning strategy has different characters to group

discussion strategy, however, it still has excellences and
weaknesses. In the entrepreneurship learning, the PBL
learning strategy is given more expectation, because

Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20173230 DOI: 10.21275/ART20173230 707
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
2. Theoretical Review problem rests on the students, and (3) teaches support the
process when the students are working on the problems.
1) Problem Based Learning Strategy
Problem Based Learning is a learning strategy which use On PBL strategy implementation, students were given some
problem as beginning step to collect and integrate new problems. Then they will strive to solve the problems
knowledge. This strategy also focuses on students learning together with their group which consist of 5-8 students. It
activity. Students were not given the learning material one hopes that students actively search the necessary information
way such as conventional learning. By implementing this from any resource to solve the problems. The necessary
strategy, students can develop their knowledge information can be gained from literature, informant, and
independently. others.

Characteristics of problem based learning according to There were four phases to implement PBL strategy (Eggen
Eggen and Kauchack (2012), that are (1) the learning & Kauchack, 2012). Table 1 explains the four phases of PBL
focuses on problem solving, (2) the responsibility to solve strategy implementation.

Table 1: PBL Strategy Implementation Phases

Phase Description
Phase I: review and formulate problems Call students attention and bring them into learning activity.
Teacher review some necessary knowledge to solve the Evaluate the first knowledge informally.
problems and give students some specific and concrete Give concrete focus on learning.
problems to be solved.
Phase II: strategies arranging Ensure that students use some useful approach to solve the
Students arrange strategies to solve the problems and problem.
teacher give a feedback.
Phase III: strategies implementation Give students experiences to solve the problem.
Students implement their strategies when teacher monitor
and give feedback their work.
Phase IV: Result Discussion and Evaluation Give students feedback about their work.
Teacher guide the discussion about students work.

Research about learning strategy implementation has been strength and weakness. According to the empirical studies
conducted by Hanke, et. al. (2005), which showed that PBL above, PBL Strategy was more desirable, because problems
strategy can enhance entrepreneurship skills. Muhson (2005) that will be solved are problems which they faced every day
also has been conducted research about the implementation in daily activities. While the problems in group discussion
of PBL on entrepreneurship learning, which showed that (1) learning strategy was coming from structured topic.
PBL can enhance students attention and active
participation, (2) PBL can stimulate students learning 2) Group Discussion Learning Strategy
interest in the outside of class, (3) PBL can enhance Group discussion is a learning strategy which engages
students learning independently, and (4) PBL can enhance students to share some ideas about general topic (Eggen &
students knowledge and comprehension about learning Kauchack, 2012). In this strategy, teacher begins the
material. learning activity by giving one issue, explore and then
review it. The following table will explains three phases to
Character of PBL strategy was different with group implement group discussion learning strategy.
discussion learning strategy. Each leaning strategies have

Table 2: Group Discussion Implementation Phases

Phase Description
Phase 1 : Introduction Calling for attention
Teacher gives one issue as opening discussion. Give a focus topic on discussion
Activating background knowledge
Phase II : Exploration Motivate students participation
Students exploring topic, clarifying their idea, and take Support students deep comprehension about the topic
one position. Develop critical thinking and social progress
Phase III: Conclusion Clearing agreement points
The main points of discussion were reviewed.

Research about group discussion learning strategy has been strategy effectively can expand students comprehension
conducted by Botelho and Donnel (2001), which explains about leadership concepts. Besides that, a research about
that learning with group discussion can change the learning group discussion learning strategy also has been conducted
environment into student centered learning (SCL). by Narjes et. al. (2015), that group discussion learning
Implementation of group discussion learning strategy can strategy can enhance students social skills.
expand students comprehension about learning material. It
can be seen from research result which can be conducted by 3) Motivation for Achievement
Sabatini and Knox (1999) that group discussion learning On daily activities, we often observe students who very

Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20173230 DOI: 10.21275/ART20173230 708
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
active and full energy on learning activities in schools or 5) Entrepreneurship Learning
organization. On the other hand, there were students who The entrepreneurship learning objective is to support the
lazy, often absent, and passive in school or organization. creation of skills to face economic challenges and provide
What is the difference about two characters of that students?. skills to support the creation of sustainable prosperity
It was being a prod question to explain the factors which (Hanke et. al, 2005). That entrepreneurship learning
form the level of motivation for achievement (high or low) objective can be reached by developing learning strategy
on each person. According to Nurseto (2010), the forming which can touch directly with students faced problems.
process of motivation for achievement was complex, as Because of it, teacher role was very important to facilitate
complex as human personality development. Motive was how students will learn. Entrepreneurship learning has a
cannot be separated from that personality development, and characteristic which can make someone be able to create an
never develop on vacuum condition. We know that how activity independently. That education can be did by some
great family role on individual personality development. The methods: (a) building faith, soul, and spirit, (b) building and
relationship between students and their parent as little as developing mental attitudes and entrepreneurship character,
possible showed personality patterns and then develop with (c) developing thinking power and entrepreneurship way, (d)
all their characteristics, include attitudes, habits, thinking advancing and developing self-motivation, (e) understanding
style, motives, and others. and commanding risk taking techniques, competitiveness,
and cooperation process, (f) understanding and commanding
The indicator of motivation for achievement, according to idea selling ability, (g) having management and leadership
Nurseto (2010), can be identified as follows: (1) doing tasks ability, and (h) having some skill such as international
with maximal result, (2) doing something with measurable language for communication (Suherman, 2010).
calculation, (3) think and future oriented, (4) more
emphasize achievement than received pay, (5) not 3. Method
consumptive, but productive, (6) preference to inner
orientation, (7) energetic, hard work, and fully vitality, (8) The research design used is quasi experimental. This
was not yield easily and feel awry when cannot do as well, research model is used because there are obstacles in full
(9) not forget quickly when receive a precise for his/her randomization on the selection of research subjects. The
achievement, (10) can accept critics about his/her work experimental group in this research is given PBL learning
conveniently, (11) more comfortable when working on strategy treatment, meanwhile, the control group is given
difficult and challenging task, (12) feel happy naturally group discussion learning strategy treatment. This research
when winning a competition, (13) always being her/his work experimental design is Pretest-Posttest non-equivalent
on the pass as feedback for next step, (14) more comfortable control group design (Setyosari, 2010).
working on competitive atmosphere, (15) feel regret if
his/her work was bad, (16) have a principal, that pay which These research subjects are students of Class X State
he/she receive should suited with his/her work quality and Vocational High School 1 Situbondo taking subjects of craft
achievement, and (17) calculating the average risk with and entrepreneurship. The number of students involved as
predictable result. the samples are 59 students and divided into 2 groups of
Research about motivation for achievement has been
conducted by Awan et. al. (2011), who discovers that The instruments used in this research consist of (1)
motivation for achievement and self-concept have a instrument to measure motivation for achievement, and (2)
significant relationship on academic achievement. Then, Sari instrument to measure the learning achievement of critical
and Taman (2013) in their research concluded that there was thinking ability. The instruments used by the researchers are
significant effect of motivation for achievement on learning non-test instrument, namely to measure motivation for
achievement. achievement. The assessment system conducted is giving
score between 1 until 4 for each question items. For critical
4) Critical Thinking Ability thinking ability instrument, the form of questions is essay.
Critical thinking ability is a cognitive ability which The measurement indicator is the ability to formulate
correlates with mind (Cotrell, 2005). Facione (2011) also problems, give and analyze argument, deduction, induction,
explains that cognitive ability as critical thinking ability and decision-making.
core, includes interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference,
explanation and self-regulation. Critical thinking ability was The collected data in this research is process in statistic
essential tools for all people on their live process (Achmad, inferential by using Multivariate Analysis of Variance
2007). Crirical thinking ability has concrete benefit on (MANOVA). After all of the assumptions are met, so it is
enhancing students learning outcomes. Critical thinking continued by anava factorial 2x2 analysis to test the research
ability can be developed with learning pattern which give a hypotheses. All of statistical analyzes conducted using
problem as beginning step on learning activity, such as computer software of statistical package for Social Science
problem based learning (PBL) strategy (Fathurrohman, (SPSS) version 20,0 for Windows.
2008). Schublova (2008) explains his research result that
there was difference of critical thinking ability between 4. Result and Discussion
students who learn using direct learning and computer
simulation. 1) Expert Validation Results
Before the data collection was conducted, the researchers
first examined the validity of the data collection instruments,
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20173230 DOI: 10.21275/ART20173230 709
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
particularly on the test of critical thinking ability. The test of Table 3: Test of Between-Subjects Effects` Result
critical thinking ability has been prepared using critical Variable Df 1 Df 2 F value F table Significant
thinking abilities indicators which adapted from Ennis Critical Thinking 1 57 5.020 4.010 0.029
(1991). The validity test of critical thinking abilities test Ability Pretest
instruments is done through expert validation. The experts Critical Thinking 1 57 10.898 4.010 0.002
who examine the validity of critical thinking ability test Ability Posttest
instruments were learning expert and
economic/entrepreneurial learning expert consisting of two The analysis result of critical thinking ability pretest showed
persons, namely Wardhono and Mahjudin. The aspects of that F value 5.020 with significant value 0.029, whereas the
expert validity of critical thinking ability test instrument value of F table for df 1: 1 and df 2: 57 on 95% significant
were: level was 4.010. Because of F value > F table (5.020 >
4.010) and the significant value 0.029 < 0.05, it can be
a) Suitability description of the test with instructional concluded that there was significant difference of critical
materials thinking ability by pretest between students who learn using
b) Suitability description of the test materials to the learning PBL and group discussion learning strategies on craft and
objectives entrepreneur learning.
c) Clarity about the description of the tests in critical
thinking abilities On the other hand, the analysis result of critical thinking
d) The coverage of indicators in the critical thinking abilities posttest showed that F value 10.898 with significant value
test instrument 0.002, whereas the value of F table for df 1: 1 and df 2: 57
e) Grammatical utilization on 95% significant level was 4.010. Because of F value > F
table (10.898 > 4.010) and the significant value 0.002 <
The results of validity test of critical thinking abilities test 0.05, it can be concluded that there was significant
instruments based on the first expert assessment, showed difference of critical thinking ability by pretest between
that (1) the test instrument was appropriate for students who learn using PBL and group discussion learning
instructional materials, (2) the description of the test strategies on craft and entrepreneur learning.
materials were also appropriate for the learning objectives,
(3) the description of critical thinking abilities test was These research results show that there is significant
"good and clear", (4) the coverage of critical thinking difference of pretest and posttest results between
abilities indicator in the test instrument was "good", and (5) experimental class and control class. It can be seen that the
grammatical utilization in the critical thinking abilities test lowest mean value is pretest value for group discussion,
instrument was also "good". namely 29.221, meanwhile, the highest mean value is
posttest value for groups using PBL learning strategy,
While the second expert give an assessment to the critical namely 78.859.
thinking abilities test instrument, namely (1) the test
instrument was adequate for instructional materials, (2) These research results shows that PBL strategy is more
the description of the test materials were appropriate for effective compared to group discussion learning strategy.
the learning objectives, (3) the description of critical This is consistent with arguments by Duch et.al (2001)
thinking abilities test was "very good and very clear", (4) the stating that PBL is the learning strategy giving guarantee on
coverage of critical thinking abilities indicator in the test the effectiveness of entrepreneurship learning. The focus
instrument was "very good", and (5) grammatical utilization applied in this strategy is student activeness. The students
in the critical thinking abilities test instrument was "good". are no longer given one-direction material such as in the
conventional learning strategy. So, this strategy is expected
Based on the validity test results of the critical thinking to be able to develop students knowledge independently.
abilities test instrument by the experts above, it can be These research results are also consistent with the research
concluded that the critical thinking abilities test instrument results by Schublova (2008) expressing that there are
rated good to use, on the basis of clarity and conformance differences of critical thinking as learning outcomes
test instrument with learning materials, learning objectives, conducted by direct learning and computer simulation.
critical thinking abilities indicators, as well as good in
grammatical utilization. Thus, it can be said that the critical 3) Learning Outcome Difference of Students Critical
thinking abilities test instrument was declared valid. Thinking Ability with Low Motivation and High
Motivation for Achievement
2) Learning Outcomes Differences of Critical Thinking This research also used test of between-subject effect to
This research used test of between-subject effect to examine examine the difference of students critical thinking ability
the difference of students critical thinking ability between between students who learn using PBL and group discussion
students who learn using PBL and group discussion learning learning strategies with high and low motivation for
strategies. Table 3 illustrates the results. achievement on craft and entrepreneurship learning. Table 4
illustrates the results.

Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20173230 DOI: 10.21275/ART20173230 710
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Table 4: Test of Between-Subjects Effects Result
Variable Df 1 Df 2 F value F table Significant
Critical thinking ability pretest between Students who have high and low 1 57 0.301 4.010 0.586
motivation for achievement on craft and entrepreneurship learning
Critical thinking ability posttest between Students who have high and 1 57 83.210 4.010 0.000
low motivation for achievement on craft and entrepreneurship learning

The analysis result of critical thinking ability pretest Table 5: Multivariate Test Result
between students who have high and low motivation for Data Analysis
F value Significant Explanation
achievement showed that F value 0.301 with significant Test Type
value 0.586, whereas the value of F table for df 1: 1 and df Pilais Trace 7,499.832 0.000 There was interaction
2: 57 with 95% significant level was 4.010. Because of F between learning
value < F table (0.301 < 4,010) and the significant value strategies and motivation
for achievement on
0.586 > 0.05, it can be concluded that there was no critical thinking ability
significant difference of critical thinking ability pretest learning outcomes.
between students who learn using PBL and group discussion WilksLambda 7,499.832 0.000 There was interaction
learning strategies with high and low motivation for between learning
achievement on craft and entrepreneurship learning. strategies and motivation
for achievement on
On the other hand, the analysis result of critical thinking critical thinking ability
ability posttest between students who have high and low learning outcomes.
motivation for achievement showed that F value 83.210 with Hottelings 7,499.832 0.000 There was interaction
Trace between learning
significant value 0.000, whereas the value of F table for df 1:
strategies and motivation
1 and df 2: 57 with 95% significant level was 4.010. for achievement on
Because of F value > F table (83.210 > 4.010) and the critical thinking ability
significant value 0.000 < 0.05, it can be concluded that there learning outcomes.
was significant difference of critical thinking ability posttest Roys Larges 7,499.832 0.000 There was interaction
between students who learn using PBL and group discussion Root between learning
learning strategies with high and low motivation for strategies and motivation
achievement on craft and entrepreneurship learning. for achievement on
critical thinking ability
The results of the second hypothesis testing in this research learning outcomes.
show that there is learning outcome difference of critical
thinking between students using PBL learning strategy and Based on table 3, the result of multivariate test which consist
group discussion learning strategies with high and low of Pilais Trace, Wilks Lambda, Hotellings Trace, and
motivation for achievement on Craft and Entrepreneurship Roys Larges Root test showed that F value 7,499.832 with
subjects. significant value 0.000. It means that there was interaction
between learning strategies and motivation for achievement
The research results show that the motivation for on affecting critical thinking ability learning outcomes.
achievement serves an important role in the improvement of
students critical thinking ability. The higher motivation for The third hypothesis of this research explain that there was
achievement leads to the better critical thinking ability. And interaction between PBL and group discussion learning
the other way around, the lower motivation for achievement strategies and also motivation for achievement on students
leads to the worse critical thinking ability. critical thinking ability learning outcomes for craft and
entrepreneurship learning. To examine the third hypothesis,
The critical thinking ability is not the only factor affecting this research used test of between-subjects effect. Table 6
on the learning outcome of critical thinking ability, selection illustrates the results.
of appropriate learning strategy can also affect on the
learning outcome of critical thinking ability. As tested in this Table 6: Test of Between-Subjects Effects Result
research, PBL strategy is more effective to be applied in the Variable Df 1 Df 2 F value F table Significant
Critical Thinking 1 57 0.171 4.010 0.681
improvement of students critical thinking ability compared
Ability Pretest
to group discussion learning strategy. Critical Thinking 1 57 3.424 4.010 0.070
Ability Posttest
4) Interaction between learning strategies and
Motivation for Achievement on Critical Thinking The F value, to examine the interaction between PBL and
Ability Learning Outcomes group discussion learning strategies and also motivation for
Interaction between learning strategies and motivation for achievement on critical thinking ability learning outcomes
achievement on students critical thinking ability learning by pretest for craft and entrepreneurship learning, was 0.171
outcomes in this research was analyzed by using with significant value 0.681, whereas the value of F table for
multivariate test and test of between-subject effect. Table 5 df 1: 1 dan df 2: 57 on 95% significant degree was 4.010.
illustrates the result. Because of F value < F table (0.171 < 4.010) and significant
value 0.681 < 0.05, it can be concluded that there was no
interaction between PBL and group discussion learning
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20173230 DOI: 10.21275/ART20173230 711
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20173230 DOI: 10.21275/ART20173230 712
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20173230 DOI: 10.21275/ART20173230 713

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