BNSS Shankar
(Revision 2)
While every effort has been made to avoid any mistake or omission, the author do not owe any
responsibility for any damage or loss to any person on account of error or omission in this PEQB. The
reader is final judge before answering the questions in any examination and do not have any right to
blame the author in future. However, the author will be obliged if mistakes or comments are brought to
his notice through email, for correction and improvements in further editions.
About PEQB
Lot of questions from previous papers and several standard text books have been collected and
organized in a systematic manner into six chapters. As per authors experience, questions from
various competitive exams will be of either objective or conventional in nature. Objective
questions in GATE exam will be in different nature comparing with other exams. By observing
several question papers, each chapter in this PEQB is divided into three exercises and named as
exercise A, B and C.
Exercise A will be mainly useful for objective/prelims preparation of ESE/ PSUs and one
mark questions for GATE exam. Student should practice this exercise without calculator
and difficulty level of the questions will be low.
Exercise B will be mainly useful for GATE exam both one mark and two mark
questions. Student can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise and difficulty level
of the questions will moderate and difficult.
Exercise C will be mainly useful for Engineering Services Examination and Civil
Services mains preparation. Student can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
and difficulty level of the questions will low, moderate and difficult.
Answers for all the questions are given at the end of each exercise for verification. Student is
expected to solve and can ask the author if they have any doubt through email. Do not demand
the detailed solutions.
After six chapters, some important interview questions have been given and student can prepare
for any interview like M.Tech admissions in IITs, BARC, Power grid and so on.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported me directly or indirectly to
make PEQB in this format.
I would like express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. M. Pavan Kumar for his great support in proof
reading of the material.
My special thanks to Mrs. Vijaya (my wife) for her great encouragement, moral support and in
providing peace of mind during draft work of this PEQB.
Finally, I would like to express my great prayer to my beloved GOD for giving me lot of
patience otherwise the diagrams are very difficult to draw in this PEQB
Source: Guide for the use of International System of Units (SI) released by NIST (National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce USA)
Expression in
Name of terms of SI base
Quantity Unit/Description Symbol units
Time second s (dont use sec)
Electrical current ampere A
Electrical capacitance farad F C/V
Electrical charge coulomb C
Electrical conductance siemens S A/V
Electrical inductance henry H
Electrical potential volt V W/A
Electrical resistance ohm V/A
Force newton N
Frequency hertz Hz
Magnetic flux weber Wb Vs
Magnetic flux density tesla T Wb/m2
Power or radiant flux watt W J/s
Pressure pascal Pa
Work, energy, heat joule J Nm
Electrical charge density coulomb per cubic meter C/m3 m-3 s A
Electric field strength volt per meter V/m m kg s-3 A-1
coulomb per square
Electric flux density meter C/m2 m-2 s A
Energy density joule per cubic meter J/m3 m-1 kg s-2
Moment of inertia kilogram meter squared kg.m2 kg.m2
Torque Newton meter N.m m2 kg s-2
Permeability henry per meter H/m m kg s-2 A-2
Permittivity farad per meter F/m m-3 kg-1 s4 A2
Power kilowatt kW 10-3 m2 kg s-3
Permeability of free space = 4 10 H/m
Permittivity of free space = 8.854 10 F/m
Chapter 1: Basics and Power semi conductor devices
Exercise A 08 29
Exercise B 30 40
Exercise C 41 50
Key for Chapter 1 51 52
Chapter 2: AC DC Converters
Exercise A 53 77
Exercise B 78 97
Exercise C 98 114
Key for Chapter 2 115 118
Chapter 3: DC DC Converters
Exercise A 119 134
Exercise B 135 149
Exercise C 150 164
Key for Chapter 3 165 167
Chapter 4: DC AC Converters
Exercise A 168 184
Exercise B 185 195
Exercise C 196 204
Key for Chapter 4 205 207
Chapter 5: AC AC Converters
Exercise A 208 219
Exercise B 220 222
Exercise C 223 227
Key for Chapter 5 228 229
Chapter 6: Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
Exercise A 230 238
Exercise C 239 251
Key for Chapter 6 252 253
Interview Questions 254 256
References 256 256
PEQB Chapter 1
Basics and Power Ch
semi conductor devices
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise A
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise mainly useful for objective/prelims preparation of ESE/ PSUs and one mark
questions for GATE exam. Do not use calculator to solve this exercise
Q1A 01
An SCR is considered to be semi controlled device. Because
(A) It can be turned OFF but not turned ON with gate pulse
(B) It conducts during only one half cycle of an alternating current wave
(C) It can be turned ON but not turned OFF with a gate pulse
(D) It can be turned ON only during only one half cycle of an alternating voltage wave
Q1A 02
SCR can be turned on by
1. Applying anode voltage at a sufficiently fast rate
2. Applying sufficiently large anode voltage
3. Increasing SCR temperature to a sufficiently large value
4. Applying adequately large gate current with SCR forward biased
From these, the correct statement
(A) 2, 4 (B) 4 only (C) 1, 2 4 (D) All
Q1A 03
Which of the following does not cause permanent damage to SCR?
(A) high current (B) high rate of rise of current
(C) high temperature rise (D) high rate rise of voltage
Q1A 04
Thyristors can be turned off by
1. reducing the current below the holding level
2. applying a negative voltage to the anode of the device
3. reducing gate current
from these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 (C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) 2 and 3
Q1A 05 (ONGC - 2014)
What is a TRIAC?
(A) Two thyristors connected in parallel mode
(B) Two thyristors connected in series mode
(C) Two thyristors connected in anti parallel mode
(D) Two transistors connected in anti parallel mode
Q1A 06
(A) Uncontrolled switch (B) Semi controlled switch
(C) Fully controlled switch (D) None of the above
Q1A 07
For a TRIAC and SCR,
(A) both are unidirectional devices
(B) TRIAC requires more current for turn on than SCR at a particular voltage
(C) TRIAC has less time for turn off than SCR
(D) Both are available with comparable voltage and current ratings
Q1A 08 (JTO - 2009)
Which one of the following statements is TRUE for an ideal power diode?
(A) Forward voltage drop is zero and reverse saturation current is non zero
(B) Reverse recovery time is non zero and reverse saturation current is zero
(C) Forward voltage drop is zero and reverse recovery time is zero
(D) Forward voltage drop is non zero and reverse recovery time is zero
Q1A 09
Surge current rating of an SCR specifies the maximum
(A) repetitive current with sine wave (B) non repetitive current with rectangular wave
(C) non repetitive current with sine wave (D) repetitive current with rectangular wave
Q1A 10 (TSNPDCL - 2015)
Consider the following statements:
1. IGBT has low input impedance compared to PMOSFET
2. IGBT and PMOSFET are both voltage controlled devices
3. IGBT can be designed for higher voltages as compared to PMOSFETs
4. IGBT converters are more costly and bigger in size compared to BJT converters
The correct statements are:
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 3 and 4 (D) 1 and 4
Q1A 11
Thyristor A has rated gate current of 2 A and thyristor B has rated current of 100 mA
1. A is a GTO and B is a conventional SCR
2. B is a GTO and A is conventional SCR
3. A may operate as a transistor
4. B may operate as a thyristor
From the above the correct statements are
(A) 1, 4 (B) only 1 (C) 2, 3 (D) 2, 4
Q1A 12
In a GTO, anode current begins to fall when gate current
(A) is negative peak at t = 0
(B) is negative peak at t = storage period ts
(C) just begins to become negative at t = 0
(D) is negative peak at t = (ts + fall time)
Q1A 13
The snubber circuit is used in thyristor circuits for
(A) triggering (B) phase shifting
(C) di/dt protection (D) dv/dt protection
Q1A 14
Snubber circuits are used to protect thyristor from which of the following?
(A) High di/dt and low dv/dt (B) High dv/dt and low di/dt
(C) High dv/dt and high di/dt (D) low di/dt and low dv/dt
Q1A 24
Secondary breakdown occurs in
(A) BJT but not in MOSFET (B) MOSFET but not in BJT
(C) both BJT and MOSFET (D) None of the above
Q1A 25 (ONGC - 2014)
Thermal runaway is not possible in FET because, as the temperature of FET increases,
(A) The mobility of charge carriers decreases (B) The transconductance increases
(C) The drain current increases (D) The mobility increases
Q1A 26
In the figure shown, if Vs = 100 V, Is = 10 A, then peak instantaneous power loss in watt is
(A) 250
(B) 166.67
(C) 333.33
Q1A 33
The average current rating of a thyristor, as supplied by manufacturers, corresponds to
(A) resistive current (B) Inductive current
(C) capacitive current (D) Independent of load
Q1A 34
A forward voltage can be applied to SCR after its
(A) Anode current reduces to zero (B) gate recovery time
(C) reverse recovery time (D) anode voltage reduces to zero
Q1A 35 (ONGC 2014)
What is the average on state current for 60 conduction angle where in the average on state
current for an SCR is 20 A for conduction angle of 120
(A) 20 A (B) 25 A (C) 40 A (D) < 20 A
Q1A 36
The average on state current for an SCR is 20 A for a resistive load. If an inductance of 5 mH is
included in the load, then average on state current would be
(A) more than 20 A (B) less than 20 A (C) 15 A (D) 20 A
Q1A 37
Data sheet for an SCR gives its maximum rms on state current as 35 A. The rms current rating
for a conduction angle of 120 would be
(A) more than 35 A (B) less than 35 A (C) 35 A (D) 20 A
Q1A 38 (Vizag steel - 2015)
An SCR has specified value of dv/dt as 157 V/s. If a sinusoidal noise signal of frequency 500
kHz appears, the maximum allowed peak value of noise signal for not triggering the SCR is
(A) 50 V (B) 25 V (C) 100 V (D) 150 V
Q1A 39
Turn on time of an SCR can be reduced by using a
(A) rectangular pulse of high amplitude and narrow width
(B) rectangular pulse of low amplitude and wide width
(C) triangular pulse (D) trapezoidal pulse
Q1A 40
For an SCR with turn on time of 5 s, an ideal trigger pulse should have
(A) short rise time with pulse width = 3 s (B) long rise time with pulse width = 6 s
(C) short rise time with pulse width = 6 s (D) long rise time with pulse width = 3 s
Q1A 41
For a pulse transformer, the material used for its core and the possible turn ratio from primary to
secondary are, respectively
(A) ferrite; 20 : 1 (B) laminated iron; 1 : 1
(C) ferrite; 1 : 1 (D) powdered iron; 1 : 1
Q1A 42 (ISRO - 2014)
An SCR triggered by current pulse applied to gate cathode can be turned OFF
(A) by applying pulse to cathode (B) by applying pulse to anode
(C) by applying another pulse of opposite polarity to the gate cathode
(D) by reversing the polarity of the anode and cathode voltage
Q1A 43 (ISRO - 2014)
A waveform shown as an input is applied across primary of a pulse transformer which has 1: 1
turns ratio.
Q1A 44
The capacitance of reverse biased junction of a thyristor is 20 pF. The charging current of this
thyristor is 4 mA. The limiting value of dv/dt in V/s is
(A) 50 (B) 100 (C) 200 (D) 500
Q1A 45 (ONGC 2014)
Two identical SCRs are placed back to back in series with load. If each is fired at 90o, a dc
voltmeter across the load will read
(A) Zero (B) peak voltage
1 4
(C) peak voltage (D) peak voltage
Q1A 46
Which one of the following statement is correct?
In order to get the best results per unit cost, the heat sinks on which thyristors are mounted, are
made of
(A) copper (B) Aluminium (C) nickel (D) stainless steel
Q1A 47
Carrier frequency gate drive is used for turn on of a thyristor to reduce
(A) di/dt (B) turn on time (C) dv/dt (D) size of pulse transformer
Q1A 48
The correct sequence of the given devices in the decreasing order of their speed of operation is
Q1A 49
Over current protection of thyristors is provided by
(A) use of saturable di/dt coils (B) use of circuit breaker and fuse
(C) use of snubber circuit (D) liberal heat sinking
Q1A 50
A thyristor, when triggered, will change from forward blocking state to conduction state if its
anode to cathode voltage is equal to
(A) peak repetitive off state forward voltage
(B) peak working off state forward voltage
(C) peak working off state reverse voltage
(D) peak non repetitive off state forward voltage
Q1A 51
The most efficient gate triggering signal for SCR is
(A) a short duration pulse (B) a steady dc level
(C) a high frequency pulse train (D) none of the above
Q1A 52 (APSPDCL - 2014)
Ten thyristors are used in a string to withstand a dc voltage of 15 kV. The worst case steady state
voltage across the thyristors is 1800 V. The derating factor is
Q1A 79
High frequency modulation of the gate pulse is normally done in triggering an SCR in order to
(A) reduce power dissipation in the SCR
(B) minimize the saturation of the pulse transformer
(C) reduce the turn on time of SCR
(D) reduce the turn off time of SCR
Q1A 80
An SCR has half cycle surge current rating of 3,000 A for 50 Hz supply. One cycle surge current
rating is
(A) 1500 A (B) 2121.32 A (C) 4242.62 A (D) 6000 A
Q1A 81
An SCR is in conducting state, a reverse voltage is applied between anode and cathode, but it
fails to turn off. What could be the reason?
(A) Positive voltage is applied to gate (B) The reverse voltage is small
(C) Anode current is more than holding current (D) Turn off time of SCR is large
Q1A 82
Most SCRs can be turned off by voltage reversal during negative half cycle of the ac supply for
(A) all frequencies (B) frequencies upto 300 Hz
(C) frequencies upto 30 kHz (D) frequencies upto 300 kHz
Q1A 83
If a diode is connected in anti parallel with thyristor, then
(A) both turn off power loss and turn on time decreases
(B) turn off power loss increases and turn on time decreases
(C) turn off power loss decreases and turn on time increases
(D) both turn off power loss and turn on time increases
Q1A 84
During turn off process in a thyristor, the current flow does not stop at the instant reaches zero
but continues to flow to a peak value in the reverse direction. This is due to
(A) hole storage effect (B) commutation failure
(C) presence of reverse voltage across thyristor (D) protective inductance in series with
Q1A 85
A power semi conductor device of thermal resistance 0.6oC/W has its heat sink at 90 oC. In case
the junction drop is 1.5 V for a load current of 30 A dc, the junction temperature would be
(A) 63 oC (B) 107 oC (C) 117 oC (D) 127 oC
Q1A 86
A thyristor can withstand a maximum junction temperature of 120 oC with an ambient
temperature of 75 oC. If this SCR has thermal resistance from junction to ambient as 1.5 oC/W,
the maximum internal power dissipation allowed is
(A) 30 W (B) 60 W (C) 80 W (D) 50 W
Q1A 87
The voltage across and current through a power semi conductor device is during switching
transient is shown in the figure. Is the transition turn ON or turn OFF? What is the energy loss
during the transition?
List I List II
A. Peak Voltage limit 1. PQ
B. Secondary break down 2. QR
C. Power dissipation limit 3. RS
D. Peak current limit 4. ST
(A) A 2, B 1, C 4, D 3
(B) A 4, B 3, C 2, D 1
(C) A 2, B 3, C 4, D 1
(D) A 4, B 1, C 2, D 3
Q1A 103
When compared with BJTs, MOSFETs have lesser turn off time, enabling them to operate at
high operating frequencies. What is the reason that can be contributed to that property?
(A) High input impedance (B) positive temperature coefficient
(C) Absence of minority stored charge (D) Smaller leakage current
Q1A 104
Satisfactory turn off of a thyristor will takes place if the reverse bias period of the device, after
its current has become zero, is
(A) greater than its turn off time (B) less than its turn off time
(C) greater than circuit time constant (D) less than circuit time constant
Q1A 105
A BJT operates as a switch
(A) in active region of transfer characteristics (B) with no signal condition
(C) under small signal condition (D) under large signal condition
Q1A 106
n p n transistors are preferred in power electronic circuits over p n p transistors because
they have
(A) high mobility of holes (B) high mobility of electrons in p n p
(C) low mobility of holes
(D) higher mobility of electrons than the mobility of holes in p n p transistors
Q1A 107
Which one of the following device has bi directional current capability?
Q1A 108
For the V I characteristics of an SCR,
1. It will trigger when the applied voltage is more than the forward break over voltage
2. Holding current is greater than latching current
3. When reverse biased, a small value of leakage current will flow
4. It can be triggered without gate
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1, 3 and 4 (C) 1, 2 and 4 (D) 2, 3 and 4
Q1A 109
Consider the following statements regarding thyristor?
1. It conducts when forward biased and positive current flows through gate
2. It conducts when forward biased and negative current flows through gate
3. It commutates when reverse biased and negative current flows through the gate
4. It commutates when gate current is withdrawn
Q1A 117
Which of the following statements is not correct for a MOSFET?
(A) Are easy to parallel for higher currents
(B) Leakage current is relatively high
(C) Have more linear characteristics
(D) Overload and peak current handling capability are high
Q1A 118
Number of thyristors, each with a rating of 500 V, 75 A required in each branch of a series
parallel combination for a circuit with a total voltage and current ratings of 7.5 kV and 1 kA
respectively. If the device de rating factor of 14%, then what is the number of thyristors in series
and parallel branch respectively?
Number of thyristors in series Number of thyristors in parallel
branch branch
(A) 18 16
(B) 15 14
(C) 12 12
(D) 16 18
Q1A 119
For an SCR, the gate cathode characteristic has a straight line slope of 140. For trigger source
voltage of 20 V and allowable gate power dissipation of 0.5 W, What is the gate source
(A) 200 (B) 255 (C) 195 (D) 185
Q1A 120
When compared to those of a symmetrical thyristor, the turn off time and reverse blocking
voltage of an asymmetrical thyristor are respectively
(A) large and large (B) large and small
(C) small and large (D) small and small
Q1A 121
If the amplitude of the gate pulse to thyristor is increased, then
(A) both delay time and rise time increases
(B) the delay time would increase and rise time would decrease
(C) the delay time would decrease and rise time would increase
(D the delay time would decrease and rise time remains unaffected
Q1A 122
How many SCRs are to be connected in series with 800 V rating to be used for a 3 kV circuit
using de rating factor of 15%?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
Q1A 123
The transition capacitance of a diode is 1 nF and it can withstand a reverse potential of 400 V. A
capacitance of 2 nF which can withstand a reverse potential of 1 kV is obtained by connecting
(A) two 1 nF diodes in parallel
(B) six parallel branches with branch comprising three 1 nF diodes in series
(C) two 1 nF diodes in series
(D) three parallel branches with branch comprising six 1 nF diodes in series
Q1A 124
(A) can conduct in both directions (B) has a built in anti parallel diode
(C) is preferred in high voltage and high current applications where optical isolation is used
between trigger source and switching device
(D) can be turned off by negative gate signal
Note: Each of the following 08 items consists of two statements, labeled as Statement I and
Statement II. Examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using
the code given below:
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are individually TRUE and Statement II is correct
explanation for Statement I
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are individually TRUE but Statement II is not correct
explanation for Statement I
(C) Statement I is TRUE and Statement II is FALSE
(D) Statement I is FALSE and Statement II is TRUE
Q1A 125
Statement I: MOSFETs have larger power handling capability in linear applications
Statement II: This can be attributed to their excellent thermal stability due to their positive
temperature Coefficient
Q1A 126
Statement I: In an enhancement MOSFET, only positive voltage can be applied to gate with
respect to substrate
Statement II: Only with a positive voltage, an inversion layer is formed and conduction takes
Q1A 127
Statement I: The turn on and turn off time of MOSFET is very small
Statement II: MOSFET is majority carrier device
Q1A 128
Statement I: An SCR has current controlled negative resistance characteristics
Statement II: For a given current the voltage can be determined while for a given voltage
current cannot be determined
Q1A 129
Statement I: The gate of MOSFET is insulated from the body of FET by deposition of a very
thin fragile layer of SiO2 over the substrate
Statement II: The device is therefore called as an insulated gate field effect transistor (IGFET)
Q1A 130
Statement I: In a transistor switching circuit, it is desirable that the transistor should not be
driven into hard saturation for fast switching applications
Statement II: When a transistor is under saturation state, both its emitter base and collector
base junctions remain under forward bias
Q1A 131
Statement I: The turn on and turn off time of MOSFET is very small
Statement II: The MOSFET is voltage controlled device
Q1A 132
Statement I: MOSFETs are intrinsically faster than bipolar devices
Statement II: MOSFETs have excess minority carrier
Q1A 133
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list
List I List II
P. TRIAC 1. good di/dt behavior even at low gate currents
Q. RCT 2. Normally provided with a small continuous negative
R. GTO Gate pulse during off state
S. Amplifying gate thyristor 3. Negative gate current for reverse conduction
4. No gate pulse for reverse conduction
(A) P 4, Q 3, R 1, S 2 (B) P 3, Q 4, R 2, S 1
(C) P 3, Q 4, R 1, S 2 (D) P 4, Q 3, R 2, S 1
Q1A 134 (TS GENCO 2015)
SCR is more utilized as compared to a Triac because
(A) more capable in regard to control (B) more efficient
(C) available with higher ratings (D) comparatively cheaper
Q1A 135
If a diode is connected in anti parallel with thyristor, then
(A) both turn off power loss and turn off time decreases
(B) turn off power loss decreases and turn off time increases
(C) turn off power loss increases and turn off time decreases
(D) none of the above
Q1A 136 (DRDO - 2008)
A Darlington pair consisting of two power transistors has an effective of 125. If the driver BJT
has a of 20, the of the main transistor is
(A) 5 (B) 25 (C) 65 (D) 100
Q1A 137 (APTRANSCO 2011)
A thyristor (SCR) turns off when
(A) Gate pulse is removed (B) Gate pulse is applied
(C) Thyristor current is below holding value (D) Anode voltage is made negative
Q1A 138 (APTRANSCO 2011)
A triac is device which acts as a
(A) Diode in the forward direction and thyristor in reverse direction
(B) Thyristor in both directions
(C) Diode in both directions
(D) Thyristor in the forward direction and diode in reverse direction
Q1A 139
Which of the following power semi conductor device has bipolar capability?
Q1A 140
Which of the following transistors is symmetrical in the sense that emitter and collector or source
and drain terminals can be interchanged?
(C) NPN transistor (D) PNP transistor
Q1A 141
The snubber circuit used to shape the turn on switching trajectory of thyristor and/or to limit
during turn off is
(A) L R snubber polarized (B) R C snubber polarized
(C) R C snubber un polarized (D) L R snubber un polarized
Q1A 142
When a thyristor is in the forward blocking state, then
(A) All 3 junctions are reverse biased
(B) Anode and cathode junctions are forward biased and gate junctions reverse biased
(C) Anode junction is forward biased but other two reverse biased
(D) Anode and gate junctions are forward biased and cathode junction is reverse biased
Q1A 143
Turn off time of a thyristor
(A) depends on junction temperature and forward current
(B) is a constant (C) depends on load (D) None of the above
Q1A 144
Latching current of an SCR is
(A) below 10% (B) 10 20%
(C) 20 25% (D) 25 30% of rated current
Q1A 145
An SCR can be turned off by
(A) interrupting its anode current
(B) reversing the polarity of its anode cathode voltage
(C) low current drop out (D) All of the above
Q1A 146
What are different methods followed to take p n p n device from its conducting state to non
conducting state
1. Reducing the anode current below the holding value
2. Reducing the gate current to zero
3. Reducing the gate voltage to zero
4. Reducing anode voltage below the holding value
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 1 and 4 (D) 3 and 4
Q1A 147
Which one of the following statement is correct?
The turn off time of converter grade SCRs are normally in the range of
(A) 1 to 2 s (B) 50 to 200 s (C) 500 s to 1ms (D) 1 to 2 ms
Q1A 148
Thyristors are classified as inverter grade or converter grade thyristors based on
(A) turn off time (B) turn on time (C) holding current
(D) forward break over voltage
Q1A 149
R C snubber is used in parallel with the thyristor to
dv di
(A) reduce across it (B) reduce across it
dt dt
(C) limit current through the thyristor
(D) ensure its conduction after gate signal is removed
Q1A 150
TRIAC can be used only in
(A) inverter (B) rectifier
(C) multi quadrant chopper (D) cycloconverter
Q1A 151
TRIAC cannot be used in
(A) ac voltage regulators (B) cycloconverter
(C) solid state type of switch (D) inverter
Q1A 152
A pulse transformer is used for pulse isolation in case of
(C) SCR, power BJT and GTO (D) MOSFET, IGBT and TRIAC
Q1A 153
Opto coupler is used to
(A) reduce SCR turn off time (B) protect IGBTs against dv/dt
(C) regulate gate signal (D) isolate gate circuitry from power lines
Q1A 154
dv di
An SCR has VDRM = 600 V, = 25 V/s and = 30 A/s. It is used to energize a
dt max dt max
100 resistance load. What are the minimum values for an RC snubber circuit to avoid
unintentional triggering? (VDRM means peak repetitive forward blocking voltage)
(A) T = 10 s, C = 2.4 F and R = 4.5 m
(B) T = 24 s, C = 0.24 F and R = 4.5 m
(C) T = 24 s, C = 2.4 F and R = 7.0 m
(D) T = 10 s, C = 0.24 F and R = 7.0 m
Q1A 155
Maximum string efficiency can be achieved when
(A) uniform distribution of voltage across SCRs in a string appears
(B) uneven voltage distribution of voltages across SCRs in a string appears
(C) One of the SCRs shares maximum voltage and rest share same voltage in a string
(D) derating factor = 1 string efficiency
Q1A 156
An SCR requires 50 mA gate current to switch it ON. The driver circuit supply voltage is 10 V.
The gate cathode drop is about 1 V. The resistive load supplied from a 100 V dc supply is
(A) 66 (B) 73 (C) 80 (D) 100
Q1A 157
Which is the important factor in the steady state characteristics of a MOSFET?
(A) Current gain (B) Transconductance
(C) Output resistance (D) Drain source voltage
Q1A 158
Consider the following statements about IGBT
1. It has high input impedance 2. It has low ON state voltage drop
3. Its switching speed is higher than that of MOSFET
4. It is voltage controlled device
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Q1A 159
When the drain voltage in an n MOSFET is negative, it is operating in
(A) active region (B) inactive region
(C) ohmic region (D) reactive region
Q1A 160
In a power diode, if the applied reverse voltage increase, then width of space charge region
(A) decreases (B) increases (C) remains constant (D) None
Q1A 161
Reverse saturation current in a power diode is extremely sensitive to
(A) reverse voltage variations (B) forward voltage variations
(C) temperature variations (D) doping variations
Q1A 162
Forward current in a diode is
(A) inversely proportional to life time of carriers
(B) directly proportional to life time of carriers
(C) independent of proportional to life time of carriers
(D) None of the above
Q1A 163
The I V characteristics of a power diode for large forward current is
(A) Exponential (B) Linear (C) Sinusoidal (D) Hyperbolic
Q1A 164
The derating curves of a power diode provides the relation between
(A) IFAV/IFRM and case temperature (B) Conduction angle and temperature
(C) Surge current and number of cycles (D) Surge current and I2t rating
Q1A 165
Which of the following diode will have no turn on transient and very little turn off transient?
(A) Snappy diode (B) Fast recovery diode (C) Schottkey diode
(D) None of the above
Q1A 166
Consider the following statements regarding BJT
1. BJT will be in cut off region when both B E and C B junctions are reverse biased
2. BJT will be in saturation region when both B E and C B junctions are forward biased
3. When the base-emitter junction of a BJT is forward biased while the base-collector
junction is reverse biased the BJT is said to be in the active region
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only (C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3
Q1A 167
In which of the following region of BJT, the doping concentration is high
(A) collector (B) emitter
(C) base (D) almost all will have equal doping concentration
Q1A 168
The dc current gain of power transistor remains fairly constant in
(A) Active region (B) saturation region
(C) cut off region (D) both B & C
Q1A 169
In a power BJT, non uniformity of collector current distribution results in
(A) thermal run away (B) Current crowding
(C) Second break down (D) Punch through
Q1A 170
In a power BJT, reverse biased base emitter junction can be represented as
(A) voltage dependent inductor (B) current dependent inductor
(A) P 4, Q 3, R 2, S 1 (B) P 1, Q 2, R 4, S 3
(C) P 1, Q 2, R 3, S 4 (D) P 1, Q 3, R 2, S 4
Q1A 173
The gate source voltage at which the inversion layer in a MOSFET is formed is called
(A) Cut in voltage (B) Break over voltage
(C) Peak inverse voltage (D) Threshold voltage
Q1A 174
The primary breakdown voltage of MOSFET is
(A) increases with increase in drain current
(B) increases with decrease in drain current
(C) decreases with increase in drain current
(D) independent of drain current
Q1A 175
In the switching model of MOSFET, Which of the following capacitance is the largest?
Q1A 176
of an IGBT during turn off should be controlled to prevent
(A) short circuit (B) Latch up
(C) Thermal run away (D) EMI problem
Q1A 177
Which component of power dissipation in a power semi conductor device is reduced by an RCD
Switching Aid Network?
(A) Off state losses (blocking) (B) Turn on losses
(C) Turn off losses (D) On state losses (conduction)
PEQB Chapter 1
Basics and Power semi conductor devices
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise B
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for GATE exam both one mark and two mark questions.
You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q1B 01
The basic definition of power electronics is shown
in the figure. The energy efficiency is 95%. The
output power to a three phase load is as follows:
200 V line to line (rms) sinusoidal voltages at 52
Hz and line current of 10 A at power factor of 0.8
lagging. The input to power processor is a single
phase utility voltage of 230 V at 60 Hz. The input
power is drawn at unity power factor. The input
current and input power is
(A) 12.68 A and 2916 W (B) 9.15 A and 2105 W
(C) 12.68 A and 2105 W (D) 9.15 A and 2916 W
Q1B 02
The voltage across a capacitor (C = 100 F) in a power electronic application is shown in figure.
The capacitor has an equivalent series resistance (ESR) of 1.4 m. The losses in the capacitor is
(A) 3.64 W
(B) 0.67 W
(C) 2.67 W
(D) 1.67 W
Q1B 03
The voltage v across a load and current i into the positive polarity terminal are as follows (1 and
3 are not equal):
v(t ) = Vd + 2V1 cos (1t ) + 2V1 sin (1t ) + 2V3 cos ( 3t ) V
i (t ) = I d + 2 I 1 cos(1t ) + 2 I 3 cos(3t 3 ) A
if Vd = 10 V, Id = 5 A, V1 = 100 V, V3 = 30 V, I1 = 10 A, I3 = 3 A, 3=60,
Then power factor at which the load is operating is
(A) 0.5 (B) 0.873 (C) 0.631 (D) 1.0
Q1B 04
The repetitive waveforms for the current into and the voltage across a load are shown in figure
by linear segments. The average power into the load is
(A) 275 W
(B) 560 W
(C) 280 W
(D) 550 W
Q1B 05
The approximate wave shape of capacitor current in
a power electronic circuit is shown in the figure.
The capacitor has an equivalent series resistance of
20 m. The power dissipation in the capacitor will
(A) 50 W (B) 25 W
(C) 100 W (D) 150 W
Q1B 06
In a power electronics laboratory, an experiment
is conducted to find circuit component value and
its circuit diagram is shown in the figure. The
voltage and current waveforms for periodic time
of 20 ms are captured from oscilloscope are also
shown below. The component would be
(A) Inductor and is 0.05 H
(B) Capacitor and is 0.1 F
(C) Inductor and is 0.1 H (D) Capacitor and is 0.05 F
Q1B 07
In a power electronics laboratory, an experiment
is conducted to find circuit component value and
its circuit diagram is shown in the figure. The
voltage and current waveforms for periodic time
of 10 ms are captured from oscilloscope are also
shown below. The component would be
(A) Inductor and is 0.05 H
(B) Capacitor and is 0.1 F
(C) Inductor and is 0.1 H (D) Capacitor and is 0.05 F
Q1B 08
The diode (20ETS08) is a 20 A, 800 V rectifier diode. It has a voltage drop of 0.8 V at 2 A and
1.2 V at 30 A. If this diode is carrying a 30 A of half sine wave of current, then conduction loss
in the device will be
By considering current through inductor (iL) and voltage across capacitor (vC) as state variables,
Kirchhoffs laws can be written as follows:
dX (t ) iL
= AX (t ) + Bu (t ) Where X(t) is a state variable vector = and u(t) is the single input = vi.
dt vC
Then the matrix A will be
r 1 r 1 1 r R 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Q1B 10
In the circuit shown in figure of Q1B 09, if vi = 70 sin 314t , L = 9.55 mH, r = 0 , C = 63.66
F and R = 5 , then amplitude of the fundamental component in the capacitor voltage VC in volt
under steady state is ______.
Q1B 11
The typical ratio of latching current to holding current in a 20 A thyristor is
(A) 5.0 (B) 2.0 (C) 1.0 (D) 0.5
Q1B 12
When a bipolar junction transistor is operating in saturation mode, which one of the following
statements is TRUE about the state of its collector base (CB) and base emitter (BE)
(A) The CB junction is forward biased and the BE junction is reverse biased
(B) The CB junction is reverse biased and the BE junction is forward biased
(C) Both the CB and BE junctions are forward biased
(D) Both the CB and BE junctions are reverse biased
Q1B 13
Q1B 14
Conductivity modulation phenomenon is absent in
(A) Power diode (B) SCR (C) MOSFET (D) BJT
Q1B 15
Figure shows a composite switch consisting of a power transistor
(BJT) in series with a diode. Assuming that the transistor switch
and the diode are ideal, the I V characteristic of the composite
switch is
Q1B 16
Match the switch arrangements on the top row to the steady state V I characteristics on the
lower row. The steady state operating points are shown by large black dots.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Q1B 18
The resistance R should be
(A) 4.7 k (B) 470 (C) 47 (D) 4.7
Q1B 19
The minimum approximate volt second rating of the pulse transformer suitable for triggering
the SCR should be (volt sec rating is the maximum of product of the voltage and the width of
the pulse that may be applied)
(A) 2000 V-s (B) 200 V-s (C) 20 V-s (D) 2.0 V-s
Q1B 20
An electronic switch S is required to block voltage of either polarity during its OFF state as
shown in figure (a). The switch is required to carry current only in one direction during its ON
state as shown in figure (b)
(a) (b)
Which of the following are valid realizations of switch S?
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
Q1B 22
An SCR having a turn on time of 5 s, latching current of 50
mA and holding current of 40 mA is triggered by a short
duration pulse and is used in the circuit shown in figure. The
minimum pulse width required to turn on the SCR will be
v(t ) = 1.2 sin (t ) + 0.33 sin (3t ) + 0.2 sin (5t ) and
i (t ) = 0.6 sin (t + 30 o ) + 0.1sin (5t + 45 o ) + 0.1sin (7t + 60 o )
The average power (in p.u) given by
(A) 0.312 (B) 0.007 (C) 0.32 (D) 0.367
Q1B 24
The switching waveform for a power electronic switch
is shown in figure. Find the energy loss during turn
ON and turn OFF transitions
(A) EON = 4.4 mJ and EOFF = 13.2 mJ
(B) EON = 4.4 mJ and EOFF = 11.73 mJ
(C) EON = 13.2 mJ and EOFF = 4.4 mJ
(D) EON = 11.73 mJ and EOFF = 4.4 mJ
Q1B 25
A power diode is modeled in ON state as shown in figure. Consider it is ideal in blocking and
switching durations.
The above diode is capable of dissipating 75 W in ON state. For square wave operation, it is
rated for peak current of 100 A and 135 A at duty ratios of 0.5 and 0.3 respectively. Find the
diode parameters Rd and Vd
(A) Rd = 5 m and Vd = 0.98 V (B) Rd = 0.98 and Vd = 5 mV
(C) Rd = 3 m and Vd = 0.5 V (D) Not a valid model
Q1B 26
A composite switch is used in a power converter
is shown in figure. The periodic current through
the switch is also shown. Evaluate the total
power loss in the composite switch
Q1B 27
Consider the following statements:
1. The ON state voltage drop of GTO is higher than that of SCR
2. GTO can be used for more switching frequency than that of SCR
3. SCR can handle large currents than GTO
4. GTO can turn ON and turn OFF from the same gate
Choose the appropriate options
(A) only 1 is true (B) 1, 2 and 3 are true
(C) 1, 2 and 4 are true (D) All statements are true
Q1B 28
A thyristor is used in an application carrying
half sinusoidal current of period 1 ms and a
peak of 100 A as shown in figure. The
thyristor may modeled during conduction to
have a constant voltage drop of 1.1 V and
dynamic resistance of 8 m. Evaluate the
average conduction loss in the device
(A) 55 W (B) 0.4 W (C) 35 W (D) 20 W
Q1B 29
A periodic current through a power
switching device in a switching
application is shown in the figure. A
BJT with a device drop of 1.2 V and
MOSFET with an ON state resistance
of 150 m are considered
for this application. The conduction loss in BJT and MOSFET are respectively
(A) 6 W and 3.75 W (B) 6 W and 6.667 W
(C) 3.75 W and 6 W (D) 6.67 W and 6 W
Q1B 30
Which of the following switch can be used as four quadrant switch (used in matrix converter)?
(A) (B) (C)
Q1B 31
Consider the following statements regarding ideal switches.
1. In OFF state, current flowing through ideal switch is zero
2. In ON state, voltage across ideal switch is zero
3. The ideal switch needs finite energy to turn switch ON/OFF or OFF/ON
4. The switch can be turned ON and OFF simultaneously
Choose the correct option:
(A) All statements are true (B) Only 1, 2 and 4 are true
(C) Only 1, 2 and 3 are true (D) None
Q1B 32
During forward conduction, a thyristor has static V I characteristic as
shown by a straight line in the given figure. Find the average power
loss in the thyristor in case it is carrying a constant current of 80 A for
one half cycle
Q1B 33
The voltage (vCE) across and current (ic) through a power electronic switch are shown in figure.
The energy loss for one switching cycle in mJ will be _____.
Q1B 34
During forward conduction, a thyristor has static V I characteristic are expressed as
1. 2
va = 0.8 + ia V. The average power loss (in watt) in the thyristor if it is carrying a half sine
wave of peak value 50 A will be __________.
Q1B 35
A bipolar transistor shown in figure has current gain = 50. The load resistance RC = 10 , dc
supply voltage VCC = 120 V and input voltage to base circuit, VB = 10 V. For VCES = 1.2 V and
VBES = 1.6 V, the value of RB (in ) for an overdrive factor of 6 is _________.
Q1B 36
Voltage (v) across and current (i) flowing through a power
electronic switch for one switching cycle are shown in the
figure. I = 80 A, V = 220 V, ton = 1.5 s, toff = 4 s. Then, the
peak value of instantaneous power loss during ton and toff
intervals are respectively
(A) 4400 W, 2200 W
(B) 2200 W, 4400 W
(C) 4400 W, 4400 W
(D) 2200 W, 2200 W
Q1B 37
For an SCR, the gate cathode characteristic has a straight line slope of 130. For trigger source
voltage of 15 V and allowable gate power dissipation of 0.5 W, the gate source resistance (in )
is _____.
Q1B 38
Thyristor shown in the figure has I2t rating of 20A2s. If terminal A gets short circuited to ground,
the approximate fault clearance time (in s) so that SCR is not damaged is _____.
Q1B 39
An SCR has half cycle surge current rating of 3000 A for 50 Hz supply. Its one cycle surge
current and I2t rating will respectively be Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 38 of 257
(A) 2121.32 A and 22,500 A2s (B) 2121.32 A and 45,000 A2s
(C) 1500 A and 22,500 A s (D) 1500 A and 45,000 A2s
Q1B 40
For the circuit shown in figure, v s = 230 2 sin 314t and
inductance of 15 H the maximum value dv/dt for the SCR
in V/s is
(A) 21.685
(B) 15.33
(C) 216.85
(D) 153.3
Q1B 41
During turn off of a thyristor, idealized voltage
and current waveforms are shown in figure.
For a triggering frequency 50 Hz, the mean
power loss during turn off process is
(A) 1W
(B) 0.5 W
(C) 2W
(D) 1.5 W
Q1B 42
The data sheet for an SCR gives maximum rms on state current as 50 A. If this SCR is used in a
resistive circuit, the average on state current rating for conduction angle of 60 in case current
waveform is half sine wave
(A) 12.556 A (B) 14.434 A
(C) 18.01 A (D) 20.412 A
Q1B 43
The data sheet for an SCR gives maximum rms on state current as 35 A. If this SCR is used in a
resistive circuit, the average on state current rating for rectangular wave current for conduction
angle of 90
(A) 24.75 A (B) 17.5 A (C) 10.1 A (D) 15.75 A
Q1B 44
di dv
R, L and C in an SCR circuit meant for protection against and are 5 , 6 H and 6 F
dt dt
respectively. If the supply voltage to the circuit is 240 V dc, the permissible values of in
V/s is _____.
Q1B 45
Following are the specifications of a thyristor operating from a peak supply of 500 V:
di dv
Repetitive peak current of Ip = 250 A, = 60 A/s, = 200 V/s.
dt max dt max
Take a factor of safety 2, for three specifications mentioned above. The minimum load resistance
is 20 and = 0.65, the suitable snubber parameters will be
Q1B 49
A thyristor has an i 2 dt rating of 15 A2s and is being used to
supply the circuit shown in figure from ac supply whose source
voltage is v s = 120 sin t . When a fault occurs, short circuiting
the 10 resistors to earth. The shortest fault clearance time (in
ms) to be achieved if the damage to the thyristor is to be
prevented is
(A) 2.083 (B) 0.521
(C) 1.042 (D) 1.021
Q1B 50
A thyristor Vg Ig relation as Vg = 1+ 10 I g . In an application, where the gating voltage is 20 V
rectangular pulse of 180 duration, the resistance Rg to be connected in series with the gate
source voltage in order to limit the average gate power loss to 0.5 W is
(A) 96.145 (B) 60.37 (C) 120 (D) 84.5
Q1B 51
Two MOSFETs which are connected as shown in the figure carry a
total current of 30 A. The drain to source voltage of MOSFET m1 is
VDS1 = 4 V and MOSFET m2 is VDS2 = 4.5 V. The differences in
current (I) sharing if the current sharing series resistances are:
RS1 = RS2 = 0.3
Q1B 52
Two thyristors, having a difference of 4 mA in latching current are connected in series in a
circuit. Voltages across the devices are 500 V and 480 V. The required equalizing resistance in
kilo ohm is _____.
Q1B 53
A steady state dc current of 100 A is flowing through a power module (S, D) as shown in figure
(a). The V I characteristics of IGBT (S) and the diode are shown in figure (b) and (c),
respectively. The conduction power loss in the power module (S, D) in watt is ______
Q1B 54
The voltage (vs) across and the current (is) through a semi conductor switch during a turn ON
transition are shown in the figure. The energy dissipated during the turn ON transition, in mJ is
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PEQB Chapter 1
Basics and Power semi conductor devices
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise C
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for Engineering Services Examination and Civil Services
mains preparation. You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q1C 01
(A) Describe reverse recovery characteristics of a power diode. Show that reverse recovery
time and peak inverse current are dependent upon storage charge and rate of change of
(B) For a power diode, the reverse recovery time is 3.9 s and the rate of diode current decay
is 50 A/ s. For a softness factor of 0.3, calculate the peak inverse current and the stored
Q1C 02
(A) Compare power MOSFETs with BJTs.
(B) A bipolar transistor shown in figure has current gain
= 40. The load resistance RC = 10 , dc supply voltage VCC =
130 V and input voltage to base circuit, VB = 10 V. For VCES =
1.0 V and VBES = 1.5 V, calculate:
(a) the value of RB for operation in saturated state.
(b) the value of RB for an overdrive factor of 5.
(c) forced current gain and
(d) power loss in the transistor for both parts (a) and (b).
Q1C 03
A power transistor has its switching
waveforms as shown in figure. If the
average power loss in the transistor is
limited to 300 W, find the switching
frequency at which this transistor can be
Q1C 04
The forward characteristic of a power diode can be represented by v f = 0.88 + 0.015i f .
Determine the average power loss and rms current for a constant current of 50 A for 2/3 rd of a
Q1C 05
(A) Discuss the conditions which must be satisfied for turning on an
SCR with a gate signal.
(B) During forward conduction, a thyristor has static V I
characteristic as shown by a straight line in figure. Find the average
power loss in the thyristor and its rms current rating for the following
(i) A constant current of 80 A for one half cycle.
(ii) A constant current of 30 A for one third cycle.
(iii) A half sine wave of peak value 80 A.
Q1C 06
(A) Describe input and output characteristics of BJT. Show the region of the transistor
characteristic where it acts like a switch.
(B) For a power transistor, typical switching
waveforms are shown in the figure. The various
parameters of the transistor circuit are as under:
VCC = 220 V, VCES = 2 V, ICS = 80 A, td = 0.4 s,
tr = 1 s, tn = 50 s, ts = 3 s, tf = 2 s, to = 40 s
and f = 5 kHz. Collector to emitter leakage current
ICEO = 2 mA.
(i) Determine average power loss due to collector
current during ton (=td + tr) and tn. Find also the
peak instantaneous power loss due to collector
current during turn on time.
(ii) Determine average power loss due to collector
current during toff (=ts + tf) and to. Find also the
peak instantaneous power loss due to collector
current during fall time.
Q1C 07
Voltage (v) across and current (i) flowing through a power
electronic switch for one switching cycle are shown in the
(i) Derive the expression for energy loss during switch
on and switch off transitions.
(ii) Also derive the expression for average power loss
during on and off transitions.
(iii) Repeat (i) and (ii) with I = 80 A, V = 220 V, ton = 1.5
s, toff = 4 s and switching frequency of 2 kHz.
Q1C 08
A bipolar transistor shown in figure has current gain = 50. The load resistance RC = 10 , dc
supply voltage VCC = 120 V and input voltage to base circuit, VB = 10 V. For VCES = 1.2 V and
VBES = 1.6 V, calculate:
(a) the value of RB for operation in saturated state.
Q1C 10
Switching characteristics of a power electronic switch are
shown in the figure. Derive the expressions for energy loss
during turn on and turn off transitions and also for the
average switching power loss.
For Vs = 220 V, Is = 10 A, t1 = 1 s, t2 = 2 s, t3 = 1.5 s
and t4 = 3 s. Find the average value of power switching
loss in the device for a switching frequency of 1 kHz.
Q1C 11
(A) Discuss what would happen if gate is made positive with respect to cathode during the
reverse blocking of a thyristor.
(B) The average gate power dissipation for an SCR is 0.5 W. The allowable gate voltage
variation is from a minimum of 2 V to a maximum of 10 V. Taking average gate power
dissipation constant, plot allowable gate voltage as a function of gate current. If this SCR is
triggered with gate pulses of duty cycle of 0.5, find the new value of gate power dissipation.
Q1C 12
The trigger circuit of thyristor has a source voltage of 15 V and the load line has a slope of
120 V per ampere. The minimum gate current to turn on the SCR is 25 mA. Compute:
Q1C 18
A circuit with thyristor controlling the power in a load resistance RL is
shown in the figure. The supply voltage is 240 V dc and the specified
di dv
limits for and for the SCR are 50 A/s and 300 V/s
dt dt
respectively. Determine the values of inductance and snubber
circuit parameters Rs and Cs.
Q1C 19
A thyristor operating from a peak voltage of 400 V has the following specifications:
di dv
Repetitive peak current, Ip = 200 A, = 50 A/s, = 200 V/s.
dt max dt max
di dv
Choosing a factor of safety of 2 for Ip, and , design a suitable circuit. The
dt max dt max
minimum value of load resistance is 10 . Take damping ratio as 0.65.
Q1C 20
For the circuit shown in figure, v s = 230 2 sin 314t and
inductance of 15 H
(i) calculate the maximum values of di/dt and dv/dt for the SCR
(ii) find the average and rms current ratings of SCR for firing
angle delays of 90 and 150.
(iii) Suggest a suitable voltage rating of the SCR.
Q1C 21
For a thyristor, maximum junction temperature is 125 C. The thermal resistances for the
thyristor sink combination are jc = 0.16 C/W and cs = 0.08 C/W. For a heat sink temperature
of 70 C, compute the total average power loss in the thyristor sink combination.
In case, the heat sink temperature is brought down to 60 C by forced cooling, find the
percentage increase in the device rating.
Q1C 22
A string of four series connected thryistor is provided with static and dynamic equalizing
circuits. This string has to withstand an off state voltage of 10 kV. The static equalizing
resistance is 25 k and the dynamic equalizing circuit has RC = 40 and C = 0.08 F. The
leakage currents for four thyristors are 21 mA, 25 mA, 18 mA and 16 mA respectively.
Determine voltage across each SCR in the off state and the discharge current of each capacitor at
the time of turn on.
Q1C 23
SCRs with a rating of 1000 V and 200 A are available to be used in a string to handle
6 kV and 1 kA. Calculate the number of series and parallel units required in case derating factor
is (i) 0.1 and (ii) 0.2.
Q1C 24
It is required to operate 250 A SCR in parallel with 350 A SCR with their respective on state
voltage drops of 1.6 V and 1.2 V. Calculate the value of resistance to be inserted in series with
each SCR so that they share the total load of 600 A in proportion to their current ratings.
Q1C 25
In an SCR, the anode current rises linearly from zero to I1 = 100 A whereas anode voltage across
SCR falls linearly from 600 V to zero during its turn on time of t1 = 5 s. Find the average power
loss in SCR in case if f = 100 Hz.
Q1C 26
For an SCR, the gate cathode characteristic is given by a straight line with a gradient of 20 V/A
passing through origin. The maximum turn on time is 4 s and the minimum gate current
required to turn on is 400 mA. If the gate source voltage is 15 V, calculate the resistance to be
connected in series and the gate power dissipation. Given that pulse width is equal to the turn on
time and average power dissipation is 0.2 W, compute the maximum triggering frequency that
will be possible when pulse firing is used.
Q1C 27
The gate cathode characteristic is given by a Vg = 0.5 + 8 I g . For a triggering frequency of 400 Hz
and duty cycle of 0.1, compute the value of resistance connected in series with the gate circuit.
The rectangular trigger pulse applied to the gate circuit has amplitude of 12 V. The thyristor has
average gate power loss of 0.5 W.
Q1C 28
A thyristor data sheet gives 1.5 V and 100 mA as the minimum value of gate trigger voltage and
gate trigger current respectively. A resistor of 20 is connected across gate cathode terminals.
For a trigger supply voltage of 8 V, compute the value of resistance that should be connected in
series with gate circuit in order to ensure turn on of the device.
Q1C 29
A thyristor is triggered by a train of pulses of frequency 4 kHz and of duty cycle 0.2. Calculate
the pulse width. In case average gate power dissipation of 1 W, find the maximum allowable gate
power drive.
Q1C 30
During turn off of a thyristor, idealized voltage and current waveforms are shown in figure. For a
triggering frequency 50 Hz, Find the mean power loss due to turn off process and obtain the
reverse recovered charge.
Q1C 31
The spread in gate cathode characteristics of a thryistor is given by the following two relations:
I g = 2.0 10 3 V g2 and I g = 2.0 10 3 Vg1.5
For an average gate power dissipation of 0.5 W, design the trigger circuit voltage and current for
hard drive
Q1C 32
The data sheet for an SCR gives maximum rms on state current as 50 A. If this SCR is used in a
resistive circuit, compute average on state current rating for conduction angles of 30 and 60 in
case current waveform is (i) half sine wave and (ii) rectangular wave
Q1C 33
A thyristor is placed between dc voltage source of 240 V and resistive load of RL. The specified
di dv
limits for and for the SCR are 60 A/s and 300 V/s respectively. Determine the values of
dt dt
inductor and snubber circuit parameters Rs and Cs. Take damping ratio as 0.5. Discuss how
these parameters may be modified to suit the working conditions in the circuit. Derive the
expressions used. Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 47 of 257
Q1C 34
di dv
R, L and C in an SCR circuit meant for protection against and are 4 , 6 H and 6 F
dt dt
respectively. If the supply voltage to the circuit is 300 V, calculate the permissible values of
and .
Q1C 35
During the turn off process in a thyristor, the reverse recovery current of 10 A is interrupted in a
time interval of 4 s. The thyristor is connected in series with an inductance of 6 mH with no
resistance in the circuit. If the source voltage during turn off process is 300 V, calculate:
(i) Peak voltage across the thyristor when reverse current is interrupted and
(ii) the value of snubber circuit resistance in case snubber capacitance Cs = 0.3 F and
damping ratio is 0.65.
Q1C 36
A thyristor is rated to carry an rms current of 100 A, its maximum allowable junction
temperature is 125 C.
(i) If this thyristor is made to carry direct current continuously, find the maximum allowable
current rating of the SCR
(ii) If this SCR is used in a single phase half wave circuit with resistive load, find the
maximum allowable average current for firing angles of 1 = 30 and 2 = 120.
(iii) For part (ii), determine the sink temperatures if average powers dissipated are 200 W for
1 and 150 W for 2.The value of thermal impedances are:
jc = 0.15 C/W, cs = 0.07 C/W for 1
jc = 0.16 C/W, cs = 0.08 C/W for 2
Q1C 37
A thyristor string is made up of a number of SCRs connected in series and parallel. The string
has voltage and current ratings of 11 kV and 4 kA respectively. The voltage and current ratings
of available SCRs are 1800 V and 1000 A respectively. For a string efficiency of 90%, calculate
the number of series and parallel connected SCRs.
(i) For these SCRs, maximum off state blocking current is 12 mA. Determine the value of
static equalizing resistance for the string.
(ii) If the maximum difference in their recovery charge is 25 C, compute the value of
dynamic equalizing capacitance of this string.
Q1C 38
Three series connected thyristors, provided with static and dynamic equalizing circuits, have to
withstand an off state voltage of 8 kV. The static equalizing resistance is 20 k and dynamic
equalizing circuit has Rc = 40 and C = 0.06 F. These three thyristors have leakage currents of
25 mA, 23 mA and 22 mA respectively. Determine the voltage across each SCR in the off state
and the discharge current of each capacitor at the time of turn on.
Q1C 39
In a power circuit, four SCRs to be connected in series. Permissible difference in blocking
voltage is 20 V for a maximum difference in their blocking currents of 1 mA. Difference in
recovery charge is 10 C. Design a suitable equalizing circuit.
Q1C 40
A number of SCRs, each with a rating of 2000 V and 50 A are to be used in series parallel
combination in a circuit to handle 11 kV and 400 A. For a derating factor of 0.15, calculate the
number of SCRs in series and parallel units.
The maximum difference in their reverse recovery charge is 20 C. Calculate (i) the value of
dynamic equalizing capacitance and (ii) the voltage across each of the slow thyristors in case of
series connected SCR is fast.
Q1C 41
A typical V I characteristic for a thyristor in ON
state is shown in figure. Compute the average
power loss due to the rectangular current pulses of
Iav = 100 A. For conduction angles of
(i) 180
(ii) 360
Q1C 42
A thyristor has a forward characteristic which may be
approximated over its normal working range to the straight line
shown in the figure.
Calculate the mean power loss for
(i) a continuous on state current of 23 A.
(ii) a half sine wave of mean value 18 A.
(iii) a level current of 39.6 A for one half cycle.
(iv) a level current of 48.5 A for one third cycle.
Q1C 43
A thyristor Vg Ig relation as Vg = 1+ 10 I g . In an application, where the gating voltage is 20 V
rectangular pulse of 180 duration, calculate the resistance Rg to be connected in series with the
gate source voltage in order to limit the average gate power loss to 0.5 W. Also calculate the
value of Vg and Ig during gating.
Q1C 44
Two thyristors, having a difference of 4 mA in latching current are connected in series in a
circuit. Voltage across the devices are 500 V and 480 V. Calculate the required equalizing
Q1C 45
(i) Calculate the number of SCRs, each with rating of 5000 V, 75 A required in each branch
of series and parallel combination for a circuit with the total voltage and current rating of 7.5 kV
and 1000 A. Assume derating factor of 14%.
(ii) These SCRs have the maximum difference in their off state leakage current, Ib = 1 mA
and the maximum difference in their reverse recovery charge, Q = 30 C. Calculate the values
of R and C that will divide the static and dynamic voltages equally between the series connected
Q1C 46
A 100 A SCR is to be used in parallel with a 150 A SCR. The on state voltage drops of the SCRs
are 2.1 V and 1.75 V respectively. Calculate the series resistance that should be connected with
each SCR if the two SCRs to share the total current 250 A in proportion to their ratings.
Q1C 47
Two SCRs are connected in parallel. One SCR has an approximate characteristic of Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 49 of 257
{ ( )} { ( )}
V = 0.9 + 2.4 10 4 i V, and the other SCR V = 1.0 + 2.3 10 4 i V. Determine the current
taken by each SCR if the total current is
(i) 500 A (ii) 1000 A (iii) 2000 A
Determine the equal resistors which when placed in series with the SCRs in part (iv) will bring
the SCR current to within 10% of equal current sharing.
Q1C 48
During turn on and turn off of a power electronic switch, current voltage and current time
relationships are shown in the figure. Calculate the energy loss during both turn on and turn off
periods, and the mean power loss during both turn on and turn off periods, and the mean power
loss if the switch is being switched at a frequency of 1 kHz
Q1C 49
Two MOSFETs which are connected as shown in the figure carry a
total current of 30 A. The drain to source voltage of MOSFET m1 is
VDS1 = 4 V and MOSFET m2 is VDS2 = 4.5 V. Compute the drain
current of each MOSFET and differences in current sharing if the
current sharing series resistances are:
(i) RS1 = 0.4 and RS2 = 0.3 (ii) RS1 = RS2 = 0.3
Q1C 50
A power switching device is rated for 600 V and 30 A. The device has an on state voltage drop
of 1.5 V to 2.4 V for conduction current in the range of 15 to 30 A. The device has a leakage
current of 5 mA while blocking 600 V. Evaluate
(i) the maximum conduction loss
(ii) maximum blocking loss and
(iii) ratio of the conduction and blocking loss with maximum possible power that may be
controlled by this switch and make you comment on the result
Q1C 51
In figure shown, the source voltage is 100 V and the load
resistance RL is 10 . The SCR can withstand value of 50
V/s. If the snubber discharge current must be limited to 2 A,
find the value of snubber resistor and capacitor.
Q1C 52
A thyristor string is formed by series and parallel connection of thyristors. The voltage and
current ratings of the string are 11 kV, 4 kA respectively. The thyristor to be employed has
voltage and current ratings of 1.7 kV, 1 kA. The string efficiency is 90% for both series and
parallel combinations. If the maximum blocking current is 15 mA and maximum charge storage
( Qmax ) is 24 C. Calculate the value of resistance and capacitance of equalizer circuit.
Q1C 53
The voltage v across a load and current i into the positive polarity terminal are as follows (1 and
3 are not equal):
v(t ) = Vd + 2V1 cos (1t ) + 2V1 sin (1t ) + 2V3 cos ( 3t ) V
i (t ) = I d + 2 I 1 cos(1t ) + 2 I 3 cos(3t 3 ) A
Calculate the following if Vd = 10 V, Id = 5 A, V1 = 100 V, V3 = 30 V, I1
= 10 A, I3 = 3 A, 3=60:
(a) The average power P supplied to the load
(b) The rms value of v(t) and i(t)
(c) The power factor at which the load is operating.
Education and values imparted in childhood are more important than the
education received in college and university
01 C 02 D 03 A 04 B 05 C 06 B 07 B 08 C 09 C 10 B
11 B 12 B 13 D 14 C 15 C 16 D 17 B 18 A 19 C 20 C
21 A 22 C 23 C 24 A 25 A 26 A 27 C 28 B 29 - A 30 D
31 B 32 B 33 A 34 B 35 D 36 A 37 C 38 A 39 A 40 C
41 C 42 D 43 D 44 C 45 A 46 B 47 D 48 D 49 B 50 B
51 A 52 C 53 D 54 C 55 D 56 B 57 B 58 C 59 B 60 C
61 D 62 C 63 A 64 C 65 D 66 C 67 C 68 B 69 D 70 D
71 A 72 B 73 D 74 D 75 C 76 A 77 B 78 D 79 B 80 B
81 C 82 B 83 C 84 A 85 C 86 A 87 A 88 D 89 C 90 C
91 A 92 B 93 D 94 D 95 A 96 C 97 D 98 A 99 A 100D
101 A 102 B 103 C 104 A 105 D 106 D 107 C 108 B 109 D 110 A
111 D 112 C 113 D 114 B 115 C 116 A 117 B 118 A 119 C 120 D
121 D 122 C 123 B 124 C 125 D 126 A 127 A 128 A 129 A 130 B
131B 132C 133B 134-AC 135A 136A 137C 138D 139A 140B
141B 142B 143A 144A 145A 146C 147B 148A 149A 150D
151D 152B 153D 154B 155A 156C 157C 158C 159C 160B
161C 162A 163B 164A 165C 166D 167B 168A 169C 170D
171C 172C 173D 174D 175A 176B 177C
PEQB Chapter 2
AC DC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise A
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for objective/prelims preparation of ESE/ PSUs and one
mark questions for GATE exam. Do not use calculator to solve this exercise
Q2A 01
For the triangular waveform shown in the figure, the RMS value
of the voltage is equal to
1 1
(A) (B)
6 3
1 2
(C) (D)
3 3
Q2A 02
For the current waveform shown in the figure, the RMS
value of the current is equal to
(A) 2 3 (B) 3 3
(C) 2 5 (D) 2 6
Q2A 03
In a single phase half wave diode rectifier, connected to Vm sin t , feeds a load of R = 45 . The
diode has forward resistance of 5 and the remaining parameters are same as those of an ideal
diode. The dc component of the source current is
Vm Vm Vm 2Vm
(A) (B) (C) (D)
50 50 2 100 2 50
Q2A 04
A pure inductor is connected to 1 sinusoidal source through a diode. Conduction angle for
diode is
(A) 90 (B) 180 (C) 270 (D) 360
Q2A 05
A pure capacitor is connected to 1 sinusoidal source through a diode. Conduction angle for
diode is
(A) 90 (B) 180 (C) 270 (D) 360
Q2A 06 (TSNPDCL 2015)
In the circuit shown, v s = 100 sin 200t and L = 0.5 H. The ideal PMMC
and MI ammeters are used. Then, their readings are respectively
(A) zero, 0.707 A (B) 1.414 A, 1.414 A
(C) 0.707 A, 1 A (D) 1 A, 1.225 A
Q2A 07
In the circuit shown in figure, v s = 200 sin 200t V, L = 0.5 H. Then,
moving iron voltmeters M1 and M2 will respectively read
(A) 141.4 V, 141.4 V
(B) 0 V, 141.4 V
(C) 0 V, 200 V
(D) 141.4 V, 0 V
Q2A 08
In the circuit shown in figure, v s = 10 sin 314t V, C = 100 F. Then,
an ideal moving iron voltmeter will read
(A) 7.07 V (B) 12.25 V
(C) 14.14 V (D) 20.0 V
Q2A 09
In the circuit shown in the figure, v s = 300 sin t , R = 10 and E
= 100 V. Then PIV required for the diode is
(A) 300 V (B) 100 V
(C) 200 V (D) 400 V
Q2A 10
In a single phase diode bridge rectifier shown in the figure, the
source voltage is 200 sin t with t = 2 50 rad/s and the load
is R = 50 . The power dissipated in the load resistor R is
3200 400
(A) W (B) W
(C) 400 W (D) 800 W
Q2A 11
The center tap full wave single phase rectifier circuit uses two diodes. The transformer turns ratio
from primary to each secondary is 2. In case transformer input voltage is 200 V at 50 Hz. The
RMS voltage across each diode is
(A) 565.6 V (B) 282.8 V (C) 70.7 V (D) 141.4 V
Q2A 12
A single phase diode rectifier supplies a highly inductive load. The load current can be assumed
to be ripple free. The ac supply side current waveform will be
(A) Sinusoidal (B) constant dc (C) square (D) triangular
Q2A 13
A single phase full bridge diode rectifier delivers a load current of 10 A, which is ripple free.
Average and RMS values of diode currents are respectively
(A) 10 A, 7.07 A (B) 5 A, 10 A (C) 5 A, 7.07 A (D) 7.07 A, 5 A
Q2A 14
A single phase full bridge diode rectifier delivers a load current of 10 A, which is ripple free.
Average and RMS values of source currents are respectively
(A) 5 A, 10 A (B) 10 A, 10 A (C) 5 A, 5 A (D) 0 A, 10 A
Q2A 15
A 1 diode bridge has input of 200 sin t V with load R = 50 . RMS voltage across each
diode is
(A) 100 V (B) 141.4 V (C) 200 V (D) V
Q2A 16
The figure shows a circuit of rectifier fed from a 230 V (RMS),
50 Hz sinusoidal votlage source. If we want to replace the
current source with a resistor so that the RMS value of current
supplied by the voltage source remains unchanged, the value of
resistance in (ohm) is _____
Q2A 17
The RMS value of half wave rectified symmetrical square wave current of 2 A is
(A) 2A (B) 1A (C) A (D) 3A
Q2A 18
The disadvantage of half diode rectifier is that the
(A) diode must have high PIV rating (B) diode must have high power rating
(C) Output voltage is difficult to filter (D) diode must have high current rating
Q2A 19
In a single phase diode rectifier fed from Vm sin (2ft ), the lowest ripple frequency and PIV are
1. ,Vm for half wave circuit 2. f , Vm for full wave circuit
3. 2 f , Vm for M 2 circuit 4. f , Vm for half wave circuit
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2 and 4 (C) 3 and 4 (D) 2, 3 and 4
Q2A 20
A single phase bridge rectifier
(A) can operate without isolating transformer
(B) cannot operate with isolating transformer
(C) cannot operate without isolating transformer (D) None of these
Q2A 21
A single phase diode bridge rectifier has a load R and filter capacitor across it. If one of the diode
is defective, then
1. The dc load voltage would be lower than its expected value
2. Ripple frequency would be lower than the expected value
3. The capacitor surge current would increase manifold
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 1 and 3 (C) 2 and 3 (D) 1, 2 and 3
Q2A 22
Reactive power requirement in a rectifier system depends upon
1. displacement factor 2. Input power factor
3. current distortion factor 4. Crest factor
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 2 only (B) 1, 3, 4 (C) 2, 3, 4 (D) 1, 2, 3
Q2A 23
An inductor filter at the output of a rectifier results in ripple which
(A) increases with load resistance R (B) decreases with R
(C) remains unaltered increase of R (D) remains unaltered decrease of R
Q2A 24
The function of a filter in a rectifier circuit is to
(A) limit the total current in the rectifier (B) limit the peak voltage of the rectifier
(C) limit the dc current (D) reduce the ripple voltage in the output
Q2A 25
The function of center tapping on the secondary in a full wave rectifier is to
(A) step up the voltage (B) step down the voltage
(C) isolate the load from ground (D) cause the diodes to conduct alternately
Q2A 26
A three phase M 6 (Midpoint 6 pulse) diode rectifier is fed from 400/1000 V, delta star
transformer, PIV of each diode is
(A) 707 V (B) 1414 V (C) 1732 V (D) 866 V
Q2A 27
In a six pulse converter, with resistive load,
1. continuous conduction occurs for 0 < 60 o
2. discontinuous conduction for 60 o < 120 o
3. Maximum possible firing angle is 120
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 1 and 3 (D) 1, 2 and 3
Q2A 28
In a twelve pulse converter, with resistive load,
1. continuous conduction occurs for 0 < 75 o
2. discontinuous conduction for 75 o < 105 o
3. Maximum possible firing angle is 105
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) 1 and 3
Q2A 29
A delta star transformer, with output line voltage of 1000sin100t V, feeds 3 diode
rectifier circuits, their PIV is
1. 1000 V for 3 pulse rectifier 2. 1155 V for M 6 rectifier
3. 1414 V for 3 pulse rectifier 4. 1000 V for B 6 rectifier
5. 1414 V for B 6 rectifier
(Note: M 6 means midpoint six pulse and B 6 means bridge six pulse)
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1, 2 and 5 (B) 1, 2 and 4 (C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) 2, 3 and 5
Q2A 30
A 3 half wave diode rectifier feeds a load of R = 100 . For an input of 400 V, 50 Hz, the
power delivered to the load is
(A) 753.73 W (B) 974.23 W (C) 376.98 W (D) 487.26 W
Q2A 31
A single phase diode bridge rectifier is feeding a parallel combination of resistance and a
capacitor of high value. The nature of the input current drawn by the rectifier from the ac source
will be
(A) a square wave of 180o duration (B) a square wave of 120o duration
(C) peaky, with peaks at both positive and negative half cycles of the input voltage
(D) peaky, with peaks only at positive half cycles of the input voltage
Q2A 32
The circuit in the figure shows a 3 phase half wave rectifier. The
source is a symmetrical 3 phase four wire system. The line to line
voltage of the source is 100 V. The supply frequency is 400 Hz. The
ripple frequency at the output is
(A) 400 Hz (B) 800 Hz
(C) 1200 Hz (D) 2400 Hz
Q2A 33
In a 3 half wave diode rectifier, ratio of average output voltage to per phase maximum ac
voltage is
(A) 0.955 (B) 0.827 (C) 1.654 (D) 1.169
Q2A 34
In a 3 half wave diode rectifier, ratio of average output voltage to maximum ac line voltage
(A) 0.239 (B) 0.955 (C) 0.827 (D) 0.4775
Q2A 35
In a three phase half wave diode rectifier, if per phase input voltage is 200 V, then the average
output voltage is
(A) 233.91 V (B) 116.95 V (C) 202.56 V (D) 101.28 V
Q2A 36
In a three phase half wave rectifier, dc output voltage is 230 V. The PIV across each diode is
(A) 481.7 V (B) 460 V (C) 345 V (D) 230 V
Q2A 37
In a three phase full wave diode rectifier, the PIV in terms of average output voltage is
(A) 1.571 (B) 0.955 (C) 1.047 (D) 2.094
Q2A 38
If the commutation angle of a single phase diode bridge rectifier (due to source inductance) is ,
then inductive voltage regulation is
1 + cos cos cos 1 cos
(A) (B) 1+ (C) 1 (D)
2 2 2 2
Q2A 39
In a 3 phase bridge rectifier fed from star connected secondary winding of a transformer, let the
voltage to the neutral of A phase (phase sequence is A, B, C) be Vm sin t. At the instant, when
voltage of A phase is maximum, the output voltage at the rectifier terminal would be
(A) (B) Vm (C) 1.5 Vm (D) 3.Vm
Q2A 40
Three phase voltages va, vb, vc are applied to a three phase M 3 diode rectifier. When va is
passing through zero and becoming positive, the load voltage vo would be (Vmp = maximum
value of phase voltage)
(A) vb = 0.5 Vmp (B) vc = 0.866 Vmp
(C) vb = 0.866 Vmp (D) vc = 0.5 Vmp
Q2A 41
Line voltages vab, vac, vbc, vba etc are applied to a three phase, six pulse diode bridge rectifier.
When vab is zero and becoming positive, the load voltage vo would be (Vml = maximum value of
line voltage)
(A) vcb = Vml (B) vbc = 0.866 Vml
(C) vcb = 0.866 Vml (D) vac = 0.866 Vml
Q2A 42 (ONGC 2014)
A single phase one pulse converter circuit has resistance and counter emf load and 400sin 314t
as the source voltage. For a load counter emf of 200 V, the range of firing angle control is
(A) 30 to 150 (B) 160 to 180 (C) 190 to 250 (D) 260 to 280
Q2A 43 (ONGC - 2014)
What is the frequency at which the output voltage pulsates in a 3 phase full converter?
(A) Supply frequency f (B) 2f (C) 3f (D) 6f
Q2A 44 (ONGC 2014)
When is the peak inverse voltage highest in AC to DC converters?
(A) Single phase full wave midpoint converter (B) Single phase full converter
(C) Three phase bridge converter (D) Three phase half wave converter
Q2A 45
A single phase half wave controlled rectifier has 400sin 314t as the input voltage and R as the
load. For a firing angle of 60o, the average output voltage is
400 300 240 200
(A) V (B) V (C) V (D) V
Q2A 46
In a single phase half wave circuit with RL load and a freewheeling diode across the load,
extinction angle is more than . For a firing angle of , the SCR and freewheeling diode would
conduct, respectively for
(A) , (B) , (C) , (D) ,
Q2A 47
In a single phase one pulse circuit with RL load and a freewheeling diode across the load,
extinction angle is less than . For a firing angle of , the SCR and freewheeling diode would
conduct, respectively for
(A) ,0 (B) , (C) , (D) ,
Q2A 48
A single phase full wave mid point thyristor converter uses 230/200 V transformer with center
tap on the secondary side. PIV per thyristor is
(A) 100 V (B) 141.4 V (C) 200 V (D) 282.8 V
Q2A 49
A single phase two pulse bridge converter has an average output voltage and power output of
500 V and 10 kW respectively. The SCRs used in the two pulse bridge converter are now re
employed to form a single phase two pulse mid point converter. This new controlled converter
would give, respectively, an average output voltage and power output of
(A) 500 V, 10 kW (B) 250 V, 5 kW (C) 250 V, 10 kW (D) 500 V, 5 kW
Q2A 50
In a single phase full converter, for discontinuous load current and extinction angle > , each
SCR conducts for
(A) (B) (C) (D) +
Q2A 51
In a single phase semi converter load current is discontinuous (extinction angle = ) each SCR
conducts for
1. when > 2. when <
3. when > 4. when <
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 4 (B) 1 and 3 (C) 2 and 4 (D) 1 and 2
Q2A 52
In a single phase semi converter with resistive load and for a firing angle , each SCR and
freewheeling diode conducts for
(A) ,0 (B) , (C) + , (D) ,0
Q2A 53
In controlled rectifiers, the nature of load current, i.e., whether the load current is continuous or
(A) does not depend on the type of load and firing angle delay
(B) depends on both type of load and firing angle delay
(C) depends only on the type of load
(D) depends only on the firing angle delay
Q2A 54
In a single phase semi converter with resistive load and for a firing angle , the load current is
1. zero at , + ,2 + .... 2. Remains zero for duration
3. sin at , + ,2 + .... 4. Remains zero for duration
5. sin at only
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2, 3 and 5 (C) 2 and 3 (D) 4 and 5
Q2A 55
In a single phase full converter, if output voltage has peak and average values of 325 V and
133 V respectively, then firing angle is
(A) 40 (B) 140 (C) 50 (D) 130
Q2A 56
In a single phase semi converter, if output voltage has peak and average values of 325 V and
133 V respectively, then firing angle is
(A) 40 (B) 73.4 (C) 80 (D) 140
Q2A 57
A single SCR is inserted in between voltage source 200sin 314t and a load of R = 10 . If the
gate trigger voltage lags the ac supply voltage by 120, then the average load current is
15 15 5 5
(A) A (B) A (C) A (D) A
Q2A 58
A freewheeling diode is placed across the dc load
1. to prevent reversal of load voltage
2. to transfer the load current away from the source
3. to transfer the load current away from conducting thyristor
From these, the correct statements are
(A) ripple content of the load current will remain the same
(B) ripple content of the load current will decreases
(C) ripple content of the load current will increases
(D) there is a possibility of discontinuous conduction due to an increase in the ripple content
Q2A 67
Neglecting drops across SCRs and the circuit resistance except that in the load, the regulation of
a converter, Vd is given by Id. R where R is an equivalent output resistance. It is proportional to
(A) input line voltage (B) trigger angle
(C) back emf in the dc circuit (D) number of commutations per second
Q2A 68
Reactive loading of supply lines by a converter is directly dependent on
(A) displacement angle only (B) displacement angle and distortion factor
(C) back emf in the load circuit (D) circuit configuration
Q2A 69
A single phase full converter operates as an inverter, when
(A) 0 o 90 o (B) 90 o 180 o (C) it supplies to a back emf load
(D) 90 180 And there is a suitable dc source in the load circuit
o o
Q2A 70
An inductance is inserted in the load circuit of SCR. With this
1. the turn on time of SCR is increased
2. dc output voltage is reduced for the same firing angle
3. conduction continues even after reversal of phase of input voltage
4. bypass diode is connected in such circuits
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 3 and 4 (C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) 1, 2 and 3
Q2A 71
Overlap in a phase controlled converter, under continuous conduction, does not depend on
(A) frequency (B) applied voltage
(C) load current (D) load inductance
Q2A 72
Commutation overlap in the phase controlled ac to dc converters is due to
(A) load inductance (B) harmonic content of load current
(C) switching operation in the converter (D) source inductance
Q2A 73
A single phase full converter would lose its controllability if it is feeding a load having
(A) resistance and a current source in it (B) resistance and inductance in series
(C) parallel combination of a resistance and capacitance
(D) None of these
Q2A 74
Modern ac to dc converters employ GTOs instead of SCRs in order to have
(A) low reactive volt ampere flow (B) reliable commutation
(C) low switching loss (D) smaller heat sink
Q2A 75
A converter which can operate in both 3 pulse and 6 pulse modes is a
(A) 1 phase full converter (B) 3 phase half wave converter
(C) 3 phase semi converter (D) 3 phase full converter
Q2A 76
In a three phase semi converter, for a firing angle less than or equal to 60, each thyristor and
diode conduct, respectively, for
(A) 60, 60 (B) 90, 30
(C) 120, 120 (D) 180, 180
Q2A 77
In a three phase semi converter with continuous conduction, for a firing angle equal to 90,
duration of SCR conduction, diode conduction and freewheeling action respectively for
(A) 30, 60, 0 (B) 90, 90, 30
(C) 60, 30, 30 (D) 120, 120, 30
Q2A 78
A three phase semi converter can work as
(A) rectifier for = 0 o to = 180 o (B) rectifier for = 0 o to = 90 o
(C) Inverter for = 90 o to = 180 o (D) inverter for = 0 o to = 90 o
Q2A 79
In a three phase semi converter, three SCRs are triggered at an interval of
(A) 60 (B) 90 (C) 120 (D) 180
Q2A 80
In a three phase full converter, six SCRs are triggered at an interval of
(A) 60 (B) 90 (C) 120 (D) 180
Q2A 81
For a single phase two pulse controlled rectifier, with a freewheeling diode across RL load
(A) the instantaneous output voltage vo is always positive
(B) vo may be positive or zero
(C) vo may be positive, zero or negative
(D) vo is always zero or negative
Q2A 82
The frequency of the ripple in the output voltage of a three phase semi converter depends on
(A) firing angle and load resistance (B) firing angle and load inductance
(C) the supply frequency (D) firing angle and supply frequency
Q2A 83
In a single phase full converter, if load current is I and ripple free, then average and RMS values
of SCR current are
(A) , (B) , (C) , (D) I,
2 2 3 3 4 2 2
Q2A 84
In a three phase full converter, if load current is I and ripple free, then average and RMS values
of SCR current are
(A) , (B) , (C) , (D) I,
2 2 3 3 4 2 3
Q2A 85
The effect of source inductance on the performance of single phase and three phase full
converters is to
(A) reduce the ripples in the load current (B) make discontinuous current as continuous
(C) reduce the output voltage (D) increase the load voltage
Q2A 86
The number of conducting SCRs during overlap in the single phase and three phase full
converters are
(A) 4 and 6 (B) 4 and 2 (D) 2 and 6 (D) 4 and 3
Q2A 87
In a single phase full converter, the output voltage during overlap is
(A) Zero (B) source voltage (C) inductance drop
(D) Source voltage minus inductance drop
Q2A 88
In a three phase full converter, the output voltage during overlap is
(A) Zero (B) source voltage
(C) Source voltage minus inductance drop (D) average of conducting phase voltages
Q2A 89
The total number of SCRs conducting simultaneously in 3 phase full converter with overlap
considered has the sequence of
(A) 3, 3, 2, 2 (B) 3, 3, 3, 2 (C) 3, 2, 3, 2 (D) 2, 2, 2, 3
Q2A 90
A three phase full converter has an average output voltage of 200 V for a firing angle of 0 with
resistive load. For a firing angle of 90, the output voltage would be
(A) zero (B) 17.86 V (C) 100 V (D) 26.8 V
Q2A 91
A four quadrant operation requires
(A) two full converters connected back to back (B) two full converters in series
(C) two full converters connected in parallel (D) two semi converters in back to back
Q2A 92
In a circulating current type of dual converter, the nature of voltage across reactor is
(A) alternating (B) pulsating (C) direct (D) triangular
Q2A 93
For the same ac input voltage, the PIV in ac to dc converter system is highest in
(A) single phase full wave M 2 converter (B) single phase full converter
(C) 3 phase bridge converter (D) 3 phase M 3 converter
Q2A 94
The three phase ac to dc converter which requires neutral point of connection is
(A) 3 phase semi converter (B) 3 phase full converter
(C) 3 phase half wave converter (D) 3 phase full converter with diodes
Q2A 95
A three pulse converter feeds RLE load. The source has a definite inductance causing overlap.
The thyristors are ideal. It has an overlap angle of 20 at the minimum firing angle . The
current remains constant in the complete range of firing angle. The range of firing angle for the
converter would be
(A) 0 o < < 180 o (B) 20 o < < 180 o
(C) 20 o < < 160 o (D) 0 o < < 160 o
Q2A 96
The range of firing angle for a 3 phase, 3 pulse converter feeding a resistive load is
(A) 0 to 180 (B) 0 to 150 (C) 30 to 150 (D) 30 to 180
Q2A 107
A 3 pulse converter supplies from an ideal transformer, load current Io, which is ripple free, to
RLFD load. The triggering angle is such that the freewheeling diode FD conducts each time for
the same duration as each SCR. The RMS values of load current, SCR current and FD current,
respectively are
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) 1: : (B) 1: : (C) 1: : (D) 1: :
6 6 3 3 6 2 6 2
Q2A 108
A 2 pulse converter supplies RLE load with R = 5 , L = 20 H and E = 160 V from a 220 V,
50 Hz supply. Load draws an average current Io of 7.614 A. If the value of E is changed to
155 V, the new value of Io will be
(A) 7.914 A (B) 8.614 A (C) 7.214 A (D) 8.414 A
Q2A 109
Inter group reactor in a dual converter is needed
(A) to absorb the instantaneous inequalities between output voltages of the converters
(B) to absorb the regenerated from motor to load inertia
(C) to eliminate inter converter circulating current
(D) to avoid abrupt transfer of current from one converter to another
Q2A 110
A thyristorised, three phase fully controlled converter feeds a dc load that draws a constant
current. Then the input ac line current of the converter has
(A) an RMS value equal to the dc load current
(B) an average value equal to the dc load current
(C) a peak value equal to the dc load current
(D) a fundamental frequency component, whose RMS value is equal to the dc load current
Q2A 111
A fully controlled, natural commutated 3 phase bridge rectifier is operating with a firing angle
= 30. The peak to peak voltage ripple expressed as a ratio of the peak
(A) 0.5 (B) 3/2 (C) 1 (D) 3 1
Q2A 112
A single phase half controlled converter is shown in the figure. The control angle is = 30o. The
output dc voltage waveform shape will be as shown in
Q2A 113
Analysis of voltage waveform of a single phase bridge converter shows that it contains x% of 6th
harmonic. The 6th harmonic content of the voltage waveform of a three phase bridge converter
would be
(A) less than x% due to an increase in the number of pulses
(B) equal to x%, the same as that of the single phase converter
(C) greater than x% due to changes in the input and output voltages of the converter
(D) difficulty to predict as the analysis of converters is not governed by any generalised
Q2A 114
Consider a phase controlled converter shown in the figure. The
thyristor is fired at an angle in every positive half cycle of the
input voltage. If the peak value of the instantaneous output voltage
equals 230 V, the firing angle is close to
(A) 45 (B) 135 (C) 90 (D) 83.6
Q2A 115
A 3 phase full converter, fed from 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz source, delivers power to load R.
Each SCR is triggered sequentially. If the peak value of the instantaneous output voltage is
400 V, the firing angle of 3 phase full converter would be
(A) 30 (B) 45 (C) 60 (D) 75
Q2A 116
A 3 phase semi converter, fed from 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz source, delivers power to load
such that the load current is continuous. The triggering angle for each SCR is such that FD
conducts for 60. Under these conditions, the firing angle of each SCR is
(A) 90 (B) 120 (C) 150 (D) 160
Q2A 117
A three phase full converter delivers power to a load R = 50 . The source voltage is 400 V,
50 Hz. For a firing angle delay of 45, the power delivered to the load is
(A) 3200 W (B) 2918 W (C) 4800 W (D) 5846.4 W
Q2A 118
When a line commutated converter operates in the inverter mode
1. It draws both real and reactive power from the ac supply
2. It delivers both real and reactive power to the ac supply
3. It delivers real power to the ac supply
4. It draws reactive power from the ac supply
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) 3 only (D) 3 and 4
Q2A 119
In a three phase semi converter, frequency of the ripple in the output voltage wave may be
1. 3 times the supply frequency f for firing angle < 60
2. 3f for > 60 3. 6f for < 60 4. 6f for > 60
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1 and 4 (C) 2 and 3 (D) 2 and 4
Q2A 120
For the same ac voltage and load impedance, read the following statements about rectifiers
1. The average load current in a full wave rectifier is twice that in a half wave rectifier
2. The average load current in a full wave rectifier is time that in a half wave rectifier
3. Half wave rectifier will have a bigger sized transformer compared to full wave rectifier
4. Half wave rectifier will have a smaller transformer compared to full wave rectifier
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 4 (B) 2 and 4 (C) 1 and 3 (D) 2 and 3
Q2A 121
A three phase diode bridge rectifier fed from a 400 V, 50 Hz, three phase ac source. If the load is
purely resistive, the peak instantaneous output voltage equal to
(A) 400 V (B) 400 2 V (C) 400 2 / 3 V (D) 400 / 3 V
Q2A 122
Which of the following are the advantages of freewheeling of load current in phase controlled
1. It reduces reactive power demand of the converter
2. It improves the displacement factor
3. It improves the distortion factor
4. It requires large inductance to provide continuous conduction
From these, the correct statements are
(A) All (B) 1, 2 and 3 (C) 1 and 4 (D) 2, 3 and 4
Q2A 123
A fully controlled line commutated converter functions as an inverter when firing angle is in the
(A) 0 90 (B) 90 180
(C) 90 180 only when there is a suitable dc source in the load
(D) 90 180 only it supplies a back emf load
Q2A 124
A single phase fully controlled bridge converter supplies a load drawing constant ripple free load
current. If the firing angle is 30, the input power factor will be
(A) 0.65 (B) 0.78 (C) 0.85 (D) 0.866
Q2A 125
A three phase fully controlled thyristor bridge converter is used as line commutated inverter to
feed 50 kW power at 420 V dc to a 3 phase, 415 V (line), 50 Hz ac mains. Consider dc link
current to be constant. The RMS current of the thyristor is
(A) 119.05 A (B) 79.37 A (C) 68.73 A (D) 39.68 A
Q2A 126
If p is the pulse number and n is an integer, what is the order of harmonics on the ac side and dc
side of an HVDC converter?
(A) (np + 1) and (np 1) respectively (B) (np 1) and np respectively
(C) (np + 1) and np respectively (D) (np 1) and np respectively
Q2A 127 (TSTRANSCO 2015)
In a dual converter, the circulating current
(A) allows smooth reversal of load current, but increases the response time
(B) allows smooth reversal of load current with improved speed of response
(C) does not allow smooth reversal of load current, but reduces the response time
(D) flows only if there is no interconnecting inductor
Q2A 128
The circulating current inductor is required in a dual converter to
(A) improve the power factor (B) limit the circulating current
(C) increase the circulating current (D) smoothen the waveform of circulating
Q2A 129
A 3 pulse converter is feeding purely resistive load. What is the value of firing angle , which
dictate the boundary between continuous and discontinuous mode of current conduction? Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 68 of 257
Q2A 152
If V1 is the fundamental voltage and V3, V5 are the amplitudes of 3rd and 5th harmonic and
V3 V
= x% and 5 = y % then total harmonic distortion of the system is
V1 V1
y 1
(A) x2 + y2 (B) (C) x+y (D)
x x2 + y2
Q2A 153
For a firing angle of 60 in respect of a single phase half wave controlled rectifier with a resistive
load supplied from 230 V, 50 Hz supply, the average output voltage would be
(A) 52 V (B) 77.5 V (C) 104 V (D) 155 V
Q2A 154
The frequency of ripple in the output of a three phase controlled bridge rectifier depends on
(A) firing angle (B) load inductance
(C) load resistance (D) supply frequency
Q2A 155
The input power factor of the converter circuit may be defined as the ratio of
(A) total mean input power to the total RMS input volt amperes
(B) total RMS input volt amperes to total mean input power
(C) total peak input power to the total RMS input volt amperes
(D) total RMS input volt amperes to total peak input power
Q2A 156
Consider the following statements:
Phase controlled converters at small values of output voltage have
1. Large harmonics in utility system 2. Poor power factor
3. High efficiency 4. Notches in the line voltage waveform
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 1, 2 and 4 (C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) 1 and 4
Q2A 157
In a 3 controlled bridge rectifier, the maximum conduction of each thyristor is
(A) 60 (B) 90 (C) 120 (D) 150
Q2A 158
A full wave rectifier using center tapped transformer and a bridge rectifier use similar diodes and
have equal no load output voltage. Under equal load conditions:
(A) Output of bridge rectifier will be less than that of the other
(B) Output of bridge rectifier will be more than that of the other
(C) Output voltage of both will be exactly equal
(D) Output voltage of anyone may be more than that of the other
Q2A 159
Average output of a semi converter connected to a 120 V, 50 Hz supply and firing angle of /2 is
(A) 54.02 V (B) 56.02 V (C) 108.04 V (D) 0V
Q2A 160
A single phase half wave controlled rectifier has 400sin 314t as the input voltage and R as the
load. For a firing angle of 30o, the average output voltage is
(A) 118.8 V (B) 127.4 V (C) 95.5 V (D) 76.4 V Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 72 of 257
Q2A 161
Compute the ripple factor of a single phase full wave rectifier with load resistance RL = 10 k.
Forward bias dynamic resistance of diodes used is 100 . The rms voltage across secondary
winding is 330 V
(A) 4.82 (B) 1.21 (C) 0.482 (D) 0.812
Q2A 162
A three phase semi converter is feeding a separately excited dc motor at constant field current.
The motor can operate in the following condition:
(A) Speed positive and torque positive
(B) Speed positive or negative and torque positive
(C) Speed positive and torque positive or negative
(D) Speed positive or negative and torque positive or negative
Q2A 163
A 3-phase converter feeds a pure resistance load at a firing angle of 60, The average value of
current flowing in the load is 10 A. If a very large inductance is connected in the load circuit,
(A) the average value of current will remain as 10 A
(B) the average value of current will become greater than 10 A
(C) the average value of current will become less than 10 A
(D) Trend of variation of current cannot be predicted unless the exact value of the inductance
connected is known
Q2A 164
In ac applications, a different measure of harmonics is needed. The total harmonic ratio (THR) is
given by
f rms f1,2rms 2
f rms f1,2rms
(A) (B)
f rms f1,2rms
f1,2rms f rms
f1,2rms f rms
(C) (D)
f rms f1,rms
Q2A 165
In a single phase full wave controlled bridge rectifier, minimum output voltage and maximum
output voltage are obtained at which conduction angles?
(A) 0, 180 respectively (B) 180, 0 respectively
(C) 0, 0 respectively (D) 180, 180 respectively
Q2A 166
A single phase full bridge converter with a freewheeling diode feeds an inductive load. The load
resistance is 15.53 and it has a large inductance providing constant and ripple free dc current.
Input to converter is from an ideal 230 V, 50 Hz single phase source. For a firing angle delay of
60, the average value of diode current is
(A) 10 A (B) 8.165 A (C) 5.774 A (D) 3.33 A
Q2A 167
A single phase fully controlled thyristor bridge ac dc converter is operating at a firing angle of
25 and an overlap angle of 10 at constant dc current of 20 A. The fundamental power factor
(displacement power factor) at ac input mains is
(A) 0.78 (B) 0.827 (C) 0.866 (D) 0.9
Q2A 168
Freewheeling diode at the output terminals of a rectifier allows
(A) SCR to trigger properly (B) turn off SCR at the end of half cycle
(C) protection of SCR against over voltage (D) None of the above
Q2A 169
A freewheeling diode is connected across R L load, because
(A) it prevents, an infinite voltage across switch which breaks current
(B) it rectifies current
(C) it prevents current in opposite direction
(D) None of the above
Q2A 170
The advantage of using freewheeling diode with bridge type ac to dc converter is
(A) regenerative braking (B) reliable speed control
(C) improved power factor (D) reduced cost of the system
Q2A 171
A single phase full wave half controlled bridge converter feeds an inductive load. The two SCRs
in the converter are connected to a common dc bus. The converter has to have a freewheeling
(A) because the converter inherently does not provide for freewheeling
(B) because the converter does not provide for freewheeling for high values of triggering
(C) or else the freewheeling action of the converter will cause shorting of the AC triggering
(D) or else if a gate pulse to one the SCRs is missed, it will subsequently cause a high load
current in the other SCR
Q2A 172
A half controlled bridge converter is operating from an rms input voltage of 120 V. Neglecting
the voltage drops, what are the mean load voltage at firing delay angle of 0 and 180
120 2 2 120 2 2
(A) V and 0 (B) 0 and V
120 2 120 2
(C) V and 0 (D) 0 and V
Q2A 173
In a single phase full converter with resistive load and for firing angle , the load current is zero
and non zero, respectively for
(A) , (B) , (C) , + (D) ,
Q2A 174
A single phase fully controlled converter feeds power to RLE load with R = 10 , L = 10 mH
and E = 50 V, the ac source voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. For continuous conduction, what is the
average value of load current for a firing angle of 60?
(A) 4.63 A (B) 6A (C) 6.5 A (D) 5.35 A
Q2A 175
The following converters can feed any one of the four quadrants?
(A) semi converter (B) full converter
(C) Dual converter (D) combination of semi and full converters
Q2A 176
In HVDC converter station equipment using thyristors, it is necessary to use a large number of
thyristors in series because:
(A) Current rating of thyristors is low (B) Voltage rating of thyristors is low
(C) Thyristors always fail to an internal open circuit
(D) None of the above
Q2A 177
The characteristic features of discontinuous conduction compared to continuous conduction in a
four pulse, single phase converter are
(A) Larger value of load voltage and larger ripple content
(B) Larger average value of load voltage and smaller ripple content
(C) Load current is always negative
(D) Smaller average value of load voltage and larger ripple content
Q2A - 178
Which one of the following is the correct statement?
In a two quadrant converter working in the 1st and 2nd quadrants
(A) load current and load voltage are always positive
(B) load current is always negative
(C) load current can be positive or negative
(D) load current and load voltage are always negative
Q2A 179
If a fully controlled converter is modified as a full wave half controlled converter, what will be
the maximum value of active power (P) and maximum value of reactive power demand (Q)?
(A) Double Half
(B) Unchanged Unchanged
(C) Half Double
(D) Unchanged Half
Q2A 180
Ac to dc circulating current dual converters are operated with following relationship between
their triggering angles (1 and 2)
(A) 1 + 2 = 180 o (B) 1 + 2 = 360 o
(C) 1 2 = 180 o (D) 1 + 2 = 90 o
Q2A 181
In order to simplify the design of a converter transformer, the two converters in a dual converter
should be connected using
(A) Series connection (B) Cross connection
(C) direct anti parallel connection (D) anti parallel connection
Q2A 182
The average output voltage of a three phase half wave controlled circuit using thyristors is
(A) ( )
3 6 / 2 E m cos (B) ( )
3 6 / E m cos
(C) (3 )
3 / E m cos (D) (3 )
3 / 2 E m cos
Q2A 183
In a three phase bridge rectifier circuit for HVDC transmission, the ratio of output dc voltage to
input ac voltage is
(A) 0.5 (B) 1.0 (C) 3 (D) 2
Q2A 184
Two fully controlled three phase bridges are connected in anti parallel across a load to provide
reversible dc voltage to the load. The bridges operate in circulating current mode. The input is
3 phase 440 V, 50 Hz ac supply and the maximum load current is 30 A. The peak value of the
circulating current is taken to be 6 A. What is the value of inductance for limiting circulating
(A) 30 mH (B) 32 mH (C) 36 mH (D) 38 mH
Q2A 185
In a 3 phase controlled bridge rectifier, with an increase of overlap angle, the output voltage is
(A) decreases (B) increases
(C) does not changes (D) depends on load inductance
Q2A 186
A 3 phase ac to dc converter which requires neutral point connection is
(A) 3-phase semi converter (B) 3-phase full converter
(C) 3-phase half wave converter (D) 3-phase full converter with diodes
Q2A 187
A three phase thyristor bridge rectifier is used in HVDC link. The firing angle (as measured
from the point of natural commutation) is constrained to lie between 5 and 30. If the dc side
current and the ac side voltage magnitudes are constant, which of the following statements is
true? (neglect harmonics in the ac side current and commutation overlap in your analysis)
(A) Reactive power absorbed by the rectifier is maximum when = 5
(B) Reactive power absorbed by the rectifier is maximum when = 30
(C) Reactive power absorbed by the rectifier is maximum when = 15
(D) Reactive power absorbed by the rectifier is minimum when = 5
Q2A 188
A 3 phase full converter is supplying a purely resistive load at 300 V dc for 0 firing angle. The
output voltage for 90 firing angle would be
(A) 0V (B) 40 V (C) 50 V (D) 100 V
Q2A 189
A 3 phase full converter is supplying a purely resistive load at 200 V dc for 0 firing angle. If
the output voltage is 26.8 V, then firing angle would be
(A) 15 (B) 30 (C) 60 (D) 90
Q2A 190
A 6-pulse SCR converter is connected to a 230 V, 50 Hz ac mains and is controlling a dc drive
with terminal voltage 205 V and rated current of 105 A. The commutation angle = 18 and
firing angle = 45, What is the range of shunt compensator and power factor?
(A) 21.6 kVAR, 0.707 (B) 22.68 kVAR, 0.69
(C) 21.6 kVAR, 0.69 (D) 22.68 kVAR, 0.707
Q2A 191
A three phase thyristor controlled rectifier is feeding a purely resistive load on the dc side. The
firing angle of the 6 thyristors of the converter is 90. AC side is connected to a balanced 3-phase
supply. Considering the fundamental of the input current, active power P and reactive power Q
estimated at the ac side of the rectifier are
(A) P 0, Q = 0 (B) P = 0, Q 0 (C) P 0, Q 0 (D) P = 0, Q = 0
Q2A 192
A separately excited dc motor is started using a 3-phase ac to dc, controlled rectifier using soft
starting. For limiting the starting current it is required that firing angle should be
Q2A 198
Statement I: A three phase thyristorised full converter feeding a resistive load with delayed
firing angle of thyristors will draw reactive power from the ac supply
Statement II: The ac supply current at delayed firing angle will be non sinusoidal and its
fundamental component would lag supply voltage
Q2A 199
Statement I: The performance of a phase controlled converter is degraded for large values of
firing angle
Statement II: The output voltage is reduced for large values of
Q2A 200
Statement I: Ratio of actual power factor (PF) to displacement power factor (DPF) decreases
with increasing in THD
Statement II: = 1 + THD 2
PEQB Chapter 2
AC DC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise B
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for GATE exam both one mark and two mark questions.
You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q2B 01
In the circuit shown in figure, Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz, L = 10 mH
and E = 150 V.
Q2B 03
Consider the basic commutation circuit shown in the figure (a) with Io = 10 A. Output voltage vo
is measured across the terminals X and Y
If vs has the pulse waveform with a frequency f = 60 Hz, shown in figure (b) and Ls = 5 mH, then
average power delivered to the load is
(A) 540 W (B) 510 W (C) 970 W (D) 636.7 W
Q2B 04
A half controlled switch is used to connect a load of 5 , 0.05 H to a 240 V, 50 Hz supply. The
triggering angle (in degree) to ensure no current transients is
(A) 162.34 (B) 72.34 (C) 0 (D) 180
Q2B 05
The figure shows circuit diagram of a rectifier. The load consists
of a resistance of 10 and an inductance of 0.05 H connected in
series and input voltage is 325 sin (314t) V. Assuming ideal
thyristor and ideal diode, the thyristor firing angle (in degree)
needed to obtain an average load voltage of 70 V is ______.
Q2B 06
A 230 V, 1 kW heater, fed through single phase half wave diode rectifier, has rated voltage at its
terminals. The average value of diode current in ampere is ______.
Q2B 07
In the single phase rectifier shown in figure, vs is sinusoidal with rms value of 120 V at 60 Hz, Ls
= 1 mH and E = 150 V. From io waveform io,peak value in ampere is _______.
Q2B 08
The Fourier series expansion f (t ) = a0 + an cos nt + bn sin nt of the periodic signal shown
n =1
below will contain the following nonzero terms
(A) 1.333kW (B) 2 kW (C) 4 kW (D) 1 kW
Q2B 10
In the single phase rectifier circuit shown in figure (a), If vs has the pulse waveform with a
frequency f = 60 Hz, shown in figure (b), Ls = 1 mH and Io = 10 A.
Then, power delivered to the load is
(A) 1069.2 W (B) 1976 W (C) 1309.3 W (D) 1500 W
Q2B 11
In the single phase rectifier shown in figure (a), Ls = 1 mH, E = 160 V. The input vs has the pulse
waveform with a frequency f = 60 Hz, shown in figure (b).
(a) (b)
The power delivered to the load is
(A) 14.813 kW (B) 35.55 kW (C) 10.56 kW (D) 8.658 kW
Q2B 12
In the following circuit, the input voltage Vin is 100 sin(100t). For
100RC = 50, the average voltage across R (in volt) under steady
state is nearest to
Q2B 14
The time (in hours) required to deliver a charge of 200 Ah through a single phase half wave
diode rectifier with an output current of 100 A (rms) with sinusoidal input voltage. Assume diode
conduction for a half cycle
Q2C 15
A load of R = 60 is fed from 1 phase, 230 V, 50 Hz supply through a step up transformer and
then one diode. The transformer turns ratio is 2. The approximate kVA rating of the transformer.
Q2B 16
A dc battery of constant emf E is being charged through a resistor as
shown in the figure. For source voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz and for R =
8 , E = 150 V. The charging time (in hours) in case battery
capacity is 1000 Wh is ____.
Q2B 17
A single phase diode bridge rectifier is required to supply a dc output voltage of 230 V to a load
of R = 10 . Then, kVA rating of source transformer is
(A) 5.875 (B) 2.937 (C) 6.526 (D) 3.29
Q2B 18
A battery is charged by a single phase half wave diode rectifier. The supply is 30 V, 50 Hz and
the battery emf is constant at 6 V. Take a voltage drop of 1 V across diode. The resistance (in )
to be inserted in series with the battery to limit the charging current to 4 A is _____.
Q2B 19
In the single phase rectifier shown in figure,
assume the ac side impedance to be negligible.
Instead, an inductor Ld is placed between the
rectifier output and the filter capacitance.
If Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz and Io = 10 A, then the
minimum value of Ld that will result in a
continuous io assuming that ripple in vo is
negligible ( C ) is.
(A) 6.66 mH (B) 7.77 mH (C) 8.88 mH (D) 9.99 mH
Q2B 20
A three phase rectifier circuit is shown in
figure. Assume the ac side inductance Ls to
be negligible. Instead, an inductor Ld is
placed between the rectifier output and the
filter capacitance.
If VLL = 400 V at 50 Hz and Io = 10 A, then
the minimum value of Ld that will result in
a continuous io assuming that ripple in vo is
negligible ( C ) is.
(A) 1.655 mH (B) 2.34 mH (C) 8.88 mH (D) 9.99 mH
Q2B 21
A single phase half wave diode rectifier is designed to supply dc output voltage of 240 V to a
load of R = 24 . Approximate kVA rating of source transformer is ______.
Q2B 22
A fully controlled converter bridge feeds a highly
inductive load with ripple free load current. The input
supply (vs) to the bridge is a sinusoidal source.
Triggering angle of the bridge converter is = 30.
The input power factor of the bridge is _______.
Q2B 23
A diode circuit feeds an ideal inductor as shown in the figure.
Given v s = 100 sin (t ) V, where = 100 rad/s, and L = 31.83
mH. The initial value of inductor current is zero. Switch S is
closed at 2.5 ms after positive zero crossing of the source
voltage. The peak value of inductor current iL (in A) in the first
cycle is ________.
Q2B 24
A three phase fully controlled bridge converter is fed through star delta transformer as shown
in the figure.
The converter is operated at firing angle of 30, assuming the load current (Io) to be virtually
constant at 1 p.u and transformer to be an ideal one, the input phase current waveform is
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Q2B 25
The holding current of thyristors in a single phase full converter is 500 mA and the delay time is
1.5 s. The converter is supplied from a 120 V, 60 Hz supply and has a load of L = 10 mH and
R = 10 . The converter is operated with = 30. The minimum value of gate pulse (in s)
required for SCRs is
(A) 58.93 (B) 1.5 (C) 57.43 (D) 60.43
Q2B 26
A periodic voltage waveform observed on an
oscilloscope across a load is shown in the figure.
What is the RMS value?
(A) 4.5 V
(B) 5.4 V
(C) 8.5 V
(D) 15 V
Q2B 27
A half controlled single phase bridge rectifier is supplying an R L load. It is operated at firing
angle of and the load current is continuous. The fraction of cycle that the freewheeling diode
conducts is
(A) (B) 1 (C) (D)
2 2
Q2B 28
The voltage across and current through a load are as given below:
v(t ) = E1 sin (t ) + E3 sin (3t ) and i (t ) = I 1 sin (t 1 ) + I 3 sin (3t 3 ) + I 5 sin (5t )
The average power consumed by the load is
E1 I 1 cos 1 (B)
[E1 I1 cos 1 + E3 I 3 cos 3 + E5 I 5 ]
2 2
[E1 I1 cos 1 + E3 I 3 cos 3 ] (D)
[E1 I1 cos 1 + E3 I1 cos 1 ]
2 2
Q2B 29
AC side quantities of a full converter are shown in figure.
Then identify correct matching from the following by using
the codes given below:
P = Active power input
Q1 = Fundamental reactive power
S1 = Fundamental apparent power
S = Total apparent power
P Q1 S1 S
(A) 3 4 2 1
(B) 3 4 1 2
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 4 3 1 2
Common data for the following two questions:
The input voltage given to a converter is vi = 100 2 sin (100t ) V and the current drawn by the
converter is ii = 10 2 sin100t + 5 2 sin 300t + + 2 2 sin 500t A
3 4 6
Q2B 30
The input power factor of the converter is
(A) 0.31 (B) 0.44 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.71
Q2B 31
The active power drawn by the converter is
(A) 181 W (B) 500 W (C) 707 W (D) 887 W
Statement for linked answer question:
A solar energy installation utilizes a three phase bridge converter to feed energy into a power
system through a transformer of 400/400 V, as shown below:
The energy is collected in a bank of 400 V battery and is connected to converter through a large
filter choke of resistance 10
Q2B 32
The maximum current through the battery will be
(A) 14 A (B) 40 A (C) 80 A (D) 94 A
Q2B 33
The kVA rating of the input transformer is
(A) 53.2 kVA (B) 46.0 kVA (C) 22.6 kVA (D) 19.6 kVA
Q2B 34
Power is transferred from system A to system B by an HVDC link as shown in the figure. If the
voltages VAB and VCD are as indicated in the figure, and I > 0, then
(A) VAB < 0, VCD < 0, VAB > VCD (B) VAB > 0, VCD > 0, VAB < VCD
(C) VAB > 0, VCD > 0, VAB > VCD (D) VAB > 0, VCD < 0
Q2B 35
A single phase fully controlled converter bridge is used for
electrical braking of a separately excited dc motor. The dc
motor load is represented by an equivalent circuit as shown
in the figure. Assume that the load inductance is sufficient to
ensure continuous and ripple free load current. Source
voltage to the bridge is 230 V, 50 Hz. Then, firing angle of
the bridge for a load current of Io = 10 A will be
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Q2B 38
A single phase half controlled converter shown in the
figure is feeding power to highly inductive load. The
converter is operating at a firing angle of 60.
If the firing pulses are suddenly removed, the steady
state voltage (vo) waveform of the converter will
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Q2B 39
A three phase, 440 V, 50 Hz ac mains fed thyristor bridge is feeding a 400 V dc, 15 kW, 1500
rpm separately excited dc motor with a ripple free continuous current in the dc link under all
operating conditions. Neglecting the losses, the power factor of the ac mains at half the rate
speed is
(A) 0.354 (B) 0.372 (C) 0.90 (D) 0.955
Q2B 40
A single phase 230 V, 50 Hz ac mains fed step down transformer (4:1) is supplying power to a
half wave uncontrolled ac dc converter used for charging a battery (12 V dc) with the series
current limiting resistor being 19.04 . The charging current is
(A) 2.43 A (B) 1.65 A (C) 1.22 A (D) 1.0 A
Q2B 41
A single phase half wave uncontrolled converter
circuit is shown in the figure. A 2 winding
transformer is used at the input for isolation.
Assuming the load current to be constant and
v = Vm sin t , the current waveform through diode D2
will be
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Q2B 42
A 3 phase fully controlled bridge converter with freewheeling diode is fed from 400 V, 50 Hz
AC source and is operating at a firing angle of 60. The load current is assumed constant at 10 A
due to high load inductance. The input displacement factor (IDF) and the input power factor
(IPF) of the converter will be
(A) IDF = 0.867 and IPF = 0.828 (B) IDF = 0.867 and IPF = 0.552
(C) IDF = 0.5 and IPF = 0.478 (D) IDF = 0.5 and IPF = 0.318
Q2B 43
A solar cell of 350 V is feeding power to an ac supply of 440 V, 50 Hz through a three phase
fully controlled bridge converter. A large inductance is connected in the dc circuit to maintain
the dc current at 20 A. if the solar cell resistance is 0.5 , then each thyristor will be reverse
biased for a period of
(A) 125 (B) 120 (C) 60 (D) 55
Q2B 44
An HVDC link consists of rectifier, inverter, transmission line and other equipments. Which one
of the following is TRUE for this link?
(A) The transmission line produces/supplies reactive power
(B) The rectifier consumes reactive power and the inverter supplies reactive power from/to
the respective connected AC systems
(C) The rectifier supplies reactive power and the inverter consumes reactive power from/to
the respective connected AC systems
(D) Both the converters (rectifier and inverter) consume reactive power from the respective
connected AC systems
Q2B 45
A three phase bridge rectifier, using diodes, delivers power to a load of R = 10 at a dc voltage
of 400 V. Then, kVA rating of source side three phase delta star transformer is
(A) 13.33 (B) 23.11 (C) 11.85 (D) 16.765 Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 87 of 257
Q2B 46
A single phase bridge converter is used to charge a battery of 200
V having an internal resistance of 0.2 as shown in the figure.
The SCRs are triggered by a constant dc signal. If SCR2 gets open
circuited, then what will be the average charging current?
(A) 23.8 A (B) 15 A
(C) 11.9 A (D) 3.54 A
Q2B 47
Two six pulse converters are rated for 1000 MW,
200 kV used for a bipolar HVDC transmission
system (shown in figure).
The RMS current rating of each thyristor would be
(A) 2500 A
(B) 1443.4 A
(C) 2886.75 A
(D) 5773.5 A
Q2B 48
A three phase fully controlled rectifier is supplying power to a purely resistive load of 10 .
Input to the bridge is 230 V, 50 Hz. The power delivered to the load (in watt) when firing angle
of 90 is ______
Q2B 49
A single phase asymmetrical semi converter feeds an RL load with R = 10 and large L so that
load current is current stiff. The source voltage to the bridge is 200 V, 50 Hz. For a firing angle
of 30, the rms value of diode current will be ______ A
Q2B 50
Consider a current stiff load with freewheeling diode across it. Which of the following rectifier
circuit will have 3 pulses in the output voltage?
(A) 1- full converter with = 90 (B) 3- full converter with = 90
(C) 3- semi converter with = 90 (D) both B & C
Q2B 51
A single phase full converter charges a battery which offers a constant value of E = 12 V.
A resistor R is inserted to limit the battery charging current. The supply voltage to the bridge is
40 V, 50 Hz. Consider a voltage drop of 1 V across conducting SCRs. Assume that pair of SCRs
fired continuously. Find the value of R in case battery charging current is 10 A.
(A) 2 (B) 2.4 (C) 4 (D) 8
Q2B 52
A battery is to be charged from single phase uncontrolled bridge rectifier. On full discharge, the
battery voltage is 10.2 V and on full charge it is 12.7 V. The battery internal resistance is 0.1 .
Find the input voltage to the rectifier so that the battery charging current under full charging
condition is 10% by assuming continuous conduction under all charging condition
(A) 14.415 V (B) 41.41 V (C) 24.41 V (D) 48 V
Q2B 53
A single phase diode bridge is delivering power to purely resistive load of 10 . The input to the
bridge is 1-, 230 V, 50 Hz. The RMS value of second harmonic component of load current is Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 88 of 257
Which of the following statements are true as per given output voltage waveform
(A) x1 = VRY , x 2 = VYB , x3 = VRB (B) x1 = VRB , x2 = VYR , x3 = VBR
(C) x1 = VRY , x2 = VYB , x3 = VBR (D) x1 = VRB , x 2 = VYR , x3 = VBY
Q2B 59
In a single phase semi converter, %THD in source current is found to be 31%, and then firing
angle could be
(A) 30 (B) 40 (C) 45 (D) 60
Q2B 60
In the following single phase diode rectifier circuit,
the average and rms current rating of the diode will
be respectively
(A) ID,av = 10.35 A and ID,r = 12.68 A
(B) ID,av = 14.64 A and ID,r = 10.35 A
(C) ID,av = 7.32 A and ID,r = 10.35 A
(D) ID,av = 10.35 A and ID,r = 7.32 A
Q2B 61
A three phase half wave phase controlled rectifier is operated from a three phase star connected
400 V, 50 Hz supply and the load resistance is R = 10 . If it is required to obtain an average
output voltage of 50% of maximum possible output voltage, then the converter circuit need to
operate at =
(A) 135 (B) 67.7 (C) 60 (D) 30
Common data for the following two questions:
A single phase semi converter is operated from 230 V, 50 Hz ac supply and with a firing angle of
/4. The load on the converter is highly inductive with a resistance of 17.675 and load current
is ripple free.
Q2B 62
RMS value of the freewheeling current is
(A) 10 A (B) 3.33 A (C) 5A (D) none
Q2B 63
RMS value of fundamental source current will be
(A) 10 A (B) 9A (C) 5A (D) 8.66 A
Q2B 64
In the following rectifier circuit, load current is maximum
at t =
(A) 90
(B) 135
(C) 45
(D) Load current is not maximum at any instant
Q2B 65
In the given circuit, a thryistor converter is feeding
a resistor R, the power consumed by R in the
absence of SCR is P. In the presence of SCR, the
power consumed by SCR by R at = 90 would be
reduced by a factor of
(A) 1/2 (B) 1/4
(C) 1/6 (D) 1/12
Q2B 66
Input of a single phase bridge rectifier is taken from a 110/220 V, 60 Hz, single phase, 1 kVA
transformer and the leakage reactance of transformer is 4%. Its total leakage reactance referred to
110 V side Llt1 and referred to 220 V side Llt2. Then
(A) Llt1 = lt 2 (B) Llt1 = Llt 2 (C) Llt1 = lt 2 (D) Llt1 = lt 2
2 4 2
Q2B 67
A three phase full converter feeds power to a resistive load of 10 . For a firing angle of 30, the
load takes 5 kW. Find the value of per phase input supply voltage
(A) 230 V (B) 188 V (C) 108 V (D) 335.5 V
Q2B 68
A three phase fully controlled rectifier is operating from a 3 - star connected 400 V, 50 Hz AC
supply and the load resistance is R = 10 . A large inductance is connected in series with load to
maintain ripple free load current. If it is required to obtain an average output voltage of 86.66%
of the maximum possible output voltage, then the firing angle is
(A) 30 (B) 60 (C) 45 (D) 90
Q2B 69
A single phase fully controlled rectifier is supplying power to a purely resistive load of 35 . If
the bridge is triggered at 90 and input voltage to the bridge is 230 V, 50 Hz. The average current
drawn by the load is given by
(A) 0A (B) 2A (C) 2 2 A (D) 1/ 2 A
Common data for the following two questions:
Two 3 - full converters are connected as shown
in the figure.
Q2B 70
The total number of pulses in the output voltage
at the terminals A and B is
(A) 6 (B) 12
(C) 3 (D) 24
Q2B 71
The lowest harmonic in the input current is
(A) 3 (B) 5
(C) 11 (D) 13
Q2B 72
Input power factor (IPF) of a rectifier can be defined as below:
Actual power input to the rectifier
(A) IPF =
Apparent power input to the rectifier
(B) IPF = (distortion factor) (displacement factor)
(C) IPF =
1 + (THD )
Q2B 75
The dc equivalent circuit of a single phase full
converter is shown in the figure. The net
average output voltage available across
terminals X and Y is 200 V and load current is
1 A. If the fundamental source frequency is 50
Hz, then source inductance will be
(A) 1H (B) 0.2 H
(C) 0.01 H (D) None
Q2B 76
A three phase half wave controlled rectifier is delivering power to highly inductive load in such a
way that load current is ripple free. Which of the following equation can be used to find average
output voltage for firing angle of 45?
3Vmp 3 3 Vmp
(A) 1 + cos + (B) cos
2 6 2
3 3 Vmp 3 3 Vmp
(C) [1 + cos ] (D) 1 + cos +
2 2 6
Q2C 77
A step down delta star transformer, with per phase turns ratio 5, is fed from 3 phase, 1100 V,
50 Hz source. The secondary of this transformer, through a rectifier, feeds a load R = 10 . The
rms value of diode current in case the rectifier is three phase half wave un controlled type
(A) 8.576 A (B) 15.1 A (C) 2.57 A (D) 6.84 A
Q2B 78
A 3 phase diode bridge rectifier charges a 240 V battery. Input voltage to rectifier is 3 phase,
230 V, 50 Hz. Current limiting resistance in series with battery is 8 and an inductor makes the
load current almost ripple free. The kVA rating of source transformer is ____
Q2B 79
A single phase two pulse diode rectifier has input supply of 230 V, 50 Hz and the load resistance
R = 300 . Consider second harmonic as most dominant and neglect higher order harmonics
The value of inductance (in henry) to be connected in series with R so as to limit the current
ripple factor to 5% is _____
Q2B 80
Q2B 82
A single phase full wave diode rectifier has mean output voltage of 200 V and the load resistance
is 300 and source frequency is 50 Hz. The inductance (in henry) required to limit the rms
value of second harmonic current in the load is 0.05 A is ______
Q2B 83
A single phase full converter feeds power to RLE load with R = 6 , L = 6 mH and E = 60 V.
The ac source voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. In case one of the four SCRs gets open circuited due to a
fault, average load current (in ampere) by assuming the output current as continuous for a firing
angle of 45 is ________.
Q2B 84
A three phase half wave 3 pulse converter is operated from 3 phase, 230V, 50 Hz supply with
load resistance R = 10 . The converter is operating in such a way that average output voltage of
50% of the maximum possible output voltage. Under this condition, RMS value of the load
current is
(A) 67.7 A (B) 7.765 A (C) 10.476 A (D) 5.494 A
Q2B 85
A three phase full converter feeds power to a resistive load of 10 . For a firing angle delay of
30, the load takes 5 kW. The per phase input supply voltage is
(A) 153.575 V (B) 266 V (C) 188 V (D) 108.6 V
Q2B 86
A three phase semi converter feeds power to a resistive load of 10 . For a firing angle delay of
90, the load takes 5 kW. The per phase input supply voltage is
(A) 149 V (B) 172 V (C) 210.8 V (D) 365.15 V
Q2B 87
A three phase half controlled converter charges a battery from a three phase supply of 230 V,
50 Hz. The battery emf is 200 V and its internal resistance is 0.5 . On account of inductance
connected in series with the battery, charging current is constant at 20 A. The supply power
factor is _____lag
Q2B 88
A three phase full converter, fed from 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz source, is connected to load
R = 10 , E = 350 V and large inductance so that output current is ripple free. The power
delivered to load for firing advance angle of 60 is
(A) 5512 W (B) 2158 W (C) 8270 W (D) 4775 W
Q2C 89
A three phase 3 pulse converter, fed from 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz supply, has a load R = 1 ,
E = 230 V and large inductance so that load current of 15 A is level. If source has an inductance
of 4 mH, then overlap angle of the inverter in degree is ______.
Q2B 90
A 3 phase dual converter, operating in the circulating current mode, has the following data:
Per phase supply voltage = 230 V, f = 50 Hz, 1 = 45, current limiting reactor, L = 20 mH. The
peak value of circulating current in ampere is ________.
Q2B 91
A three phase fully controlled bridge converter with 415 V supply, 0.04 resistance per phase
and 0.25 reactance per phase is operating in the inverting mode at a firing advance angle of
35. Calculate the mean generator voltage when the current is level at 80 A. The thyristor voltage
drop is 1.5 V. In case load consists of RLE load with R = 0.2 , inductance large enough to make
load current level at 80 A and emf E, the mean value of E (in volt) firing advance angle of 35 is
Q2B 92
A battery charging circuit using SCRs is shown in
the figure. The input voltage from neutral to any
line is 230 V (rms) and firing angle for thyristors is
30. The average current flowing through the
battery in ampere is _______.
Q2B 93
An RL load, energized from single phase 230 V, 50 Hz source through a single thyristor, has
R = 10 and L = 0.08 H. If thyristor is triggered in every positive half cycle at = 75, the
( )
current equation as a function of time can be expressed as io = K1 sin 314t 68.3o K 2 e K3t then
(A) K1 = 8.503, K2 = 1.403 and K3 = 125
(B) K1 = 12.025, K2 = 2.362 and K3 = 1/125
(C) K1 = 12.025, K2 = 2.362 and K3 = 125
(D) K1 = 8.503, K2 = 1.403 and K3 = 1/125
Q2B 94
A single phase semi converter delivers power to RLE load with R = 5 , L = 10 mH and
E = 80 V. The ac source voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. For continuous conduction, converter is
operating with a firing angle delay of 50. If one of main SCR is damaged and open circuited due
to fault, the value of average output current on the assumption of continuous conduction is
(A) 5A (B) 2.5 A (C) 0.5 A (D) 1A
Q2B 95
A single phase full converter feeding RLE load has the following data. Source voltage = 230 V,
50 Hz, R = 2.5 , E = 100 V, Firing angle = 45. If load inductance is large enough to make the
load current virtually constant, then the input power factor of the converter in case a
freewheeling diode is connected across the load is _____ lag
Q2B 96
A separately excited dc motor fed through a 1- phase semi converter runs at a speed of 1200 rpm
when ac supply voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz and the motor counter emf is 140 V. The firing angle
delay is 50. Armature circuit resistance is 3 , and then motor torque in Nm is _____.
Q2B 97
A single phase mid point SCR converter supplies constant load current of 5 A when the
triggering angle is maintained at 35. The input voltage to the converter is 220 V at 50 Hz. The
turns ratio from primary to each secondary is . The input power factor of the converter is
(A) 0.369 lag (B) 0.7375 lag (C) 0.986 lag (D) 1.0
Q2B 98
A three phase diode rectifier feeds RL load with R = 5 and L = 3 mH, the average load current
in ampere for three phase input voltage of 400 V, 50 Hz is
Q2B 99
An M 3 converter operates on a 400 V, 50 Hz 3 phase mains and delivers power to the
armature of a dc motor with negligible resistance and infinitely large reactor in the dc bus. The
transformer has Dy 11 connection with unity phase turns ratio. Back emf is 300 V. The triggering
angle of the converter in degree is _____
Q2B 100
A three phase three pulse converter is connected to RLE load. The source voltage is 400 V,
50 Hz and the load current is level at 10 A. For R = 0.5 and L = 2 H and E = 150 V, then
firing angle advance is
(A) 54.98 (B) 122.47 (C) 57.53 (D) 125.02
Q2B 101
A battery is to be charged from three phase supply mains of 230 V, 50 Hz through a three phase
semi converter. The battery emf is 190 V and its internal resistance is 0.5 . An inductor
connected in series with the battery renders the charging current of 20 A ripple free. The input
power factor of the converter is
(A) 0.36 lag (b) 0.866 lag (C) 0.802 lag (D) 0.652 lag
Q2B 102
A three phase half wave phase controlled rectifier is fed from a 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz source
and is connected to a load taking a constant current of 30 A with freewheeling diode (FD) across
the load. SCRs are having a voltage drop of 1.9 V when they are in conduction. RMS value of
FD current is
(A) 15 A (B) 25 A (C) 7.5 A (D) 30 A
Q2B 103
A three phase full converter fed from 3 phase, 400 V source, has an output voltage of 450 V dc
for a firing angle delay of 30. Then overlap angle of the converter is
(A) 6.86 (B) 4.81 (C) 5.65 (D) Insufficient data
Q2B 104
A three phase four wire system is shown in the figure.
All single phase rectifier loads are identical and
conditions are such that each line current flows for less
than 60 during each half cycle of the line to neutral
voltage. If rms value of line current is 10 A, then rms
value of neutral current is
(A) 10 3 A (B) A
(C) A (D) 30 A
Q2B 105
A three phase rectifier circuit is shown in
figure. Assume the commutation voltages to be
increasing linearly rather than sinusoidal. Then
overlap angle () in terms of VLL,, Ls and Io
can be expressed as
2 2Ls I o
(A) =
1 1
2 2Ls I o 2 Ls I o 2 Ls I o
(B) = (C) = (D) =
Q2B 106
A single phase full converter supplies power to an inductive load with Io = constant. Source
inductance is 5% with the rated voltage of 250 V at 60 Hz and the rated volt ampere of 5 kVA. If
the converter is operated with rated voltage, output power of 3 kW and firing angle of 30,
Commutation angle and average output voltage of the converter will be
(A) = 3.034 and Vo = 191.8 V (B) = 5.8 and Vo = 194.5 V
(B) = 4.435 and Vo = 181.8 V (B) = 6.8 and Vo = 184.5 V
Q2B 107
In the circuit shown in figure, vs1 and vs2 have an rms value of
120 V at 60 Hz and the two are 180 out of phase. Assume
Ls = 5 mH and Io = 10 A is a dc current. The average value of
vo and the commutation interval for a delay angle = 45 is
(A) = 8.41 and Vo = 82.37 V
(B) = 9.90 and Vo = 82.37 V
(C) = 8.41 and Vo = 70.37 V
(D) = 9.90 and Vo = 70.37 V
Q2B 108
In the circuit shown in figure, the balanced
three phase voltages va, vb and vc have an rms
value of 120 V at 60 Hz. Assume Ls = 5 mH
and Io = 10 A is a dc current. The average
value of vo and the commutation interval
for a delay angle = 45 is
(A) = 9.63 and Vo = 99.24 V
(B) = 9.63 and Vo = 99.24 V
(C) = 8.41 and Vo = 70.37 V
(D) = 8.41 and Vo = 82.37
Q2B 109
Consider the single phase half controlled converter shown in
figure, where vs is sinusoidal. The value of %THD in source
current for Vo = do , where Vdo is the dc output at = 0 is
(A) 47% (B) 31%
(C) 65% (D) 48.34%
Q2B 110
In the single phase full converter shown in figure, the input
voltage is a square waveform with amplitude of 200 V at a
frequency of 60 Hz. Assume Io = 10 A and Ls = 3 mH. The
average value of vo and the commutation interval for a
delay angle = 45 is
(A) = 9.63 and Vo = 82.90 V
(B) = 8.41 and Vo = 99.24 V
(C) = 6.48 and Vo = 92.8 V
(D) = 8.41 and Vo = 82.37 V
Q2B 111
A single phase full converter shown in the figure is
supplying a dc load of 1 kW. A 1.5 kVA isolation
transformer with a source side voltage rating of 120 V at
60 Hz is used. It has a total leakage reactance of 8% based
on its ratings. The ac source voltage of nominally 115 V is
in the range of 10% and + 5%. Assume Ld is large
enough to allow the assumption of io is to be constant (Io).
The minimum transformer turns ratio (from primary to secondary) if the dc load voltage is to be
regulated at 100 V is
1 1
(A) (B) (C) 0.9 (D) 0.6
0 .9 0 .6
Q2B 112
In the three phase converter shown in figure, VLL = 460 V at 60 Hz and Ls = 25 H. If Vo = 525 V
and Po = 500 kW, then displacement power factor is
(A) 0.866 lag (B) 0.636 lag (C) 0.845 lag (D) 0.345 lag
Q2B 113
A three phase converter shown in figure is
supplying a dc load of 12 kW. A Y Y connected
isolated transformer has a per phase rating of
5 kVA and an ac source side voltage rating of
120 V at 60 Hz. It has a total per phase leakage
reactance of 8% based on its ratings. The ac
source voltage of nominally 208 V (line to line) is
in the range of 10% and +5%. Assume Ld is
large enough to allow the assumption io is constant. The minimum transformer turns ratio (from
primary to secondary) if the dc load voltage is to be regulated at 300 V is
1 1
(A) (B) (C) 0.61 (D) 0.81
0 .9 0 .6
Q2B 114
In typical applications Ls is finite. Moreover io is not a pure dc current. The following table lists
typical and idealized values of ac side current harmonics in a six pulse, full bridge controlled
converter as functions of its fundamental current component.
%THD in the 5th harmonic current for typical values is ____.
h 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 25
Typical I h / I1 0.17 0.10 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
Idealized I h / I 1 0.20 0.14 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04
(A) 20.3% (B) 10.04% (C) 15% (D) 3.16%
Q2B 115
In the three phase converter shown in figure,
Assume that Ls and Rd are negligible and Ed is a dc
voltage. The minimum dc current IoB that results in
a continuous current conduction for given
VLL =400 V at 60 Hz, Ld = 10 mH and = 30 is
(A) 10.6 A (B) 6.7 A
(C) 12.5 A (D) 8.3 A
Q2B 116
For a three phase line commutated inverter
shown in figure, VLL = 460 V at 60 Hz,
Ed = 550 V, and Ls = 0.5 mH. Assume Ld is
very large, to yield io (t ) = I o . If the power flow
is 55 kW, then firing angle is
(A) 125
(B) 135
(C) 155
(D) 145
Q2B 117
A single phase full bridge converter is supplying an RLE
load shown in the figure. The firing angle of the bridge
converter is 120. The supply voltage is
v s = 200 sin (100t ) V and R = 20 , E = 800 V. The
inductor L is large enough to make the output current io a
smooth dc current. Switches are lossless. The real power
fed back to the source, in kW is ______.
Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before
you, and out of that will come Great work
PEQB Chapter 2
AC DC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise C
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for Engineering Services Examination and Civil Services
mains preparation. You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q2C 01
In the circuit shown in figure, calculate and plot the current
io along with vs for the following data:
(a) Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz, L = 10 mH and E = 150 V.
(b) Vs = 230 V at 50 Hz, L = 10 mH and E = 150 V.
(c) Comment on the results.
Q2C 02
A half controlled switch is used to connect a load of 5 , 0.05 H to a 240 V, 50 Hz supply.
Estimate the triggering angle to ensure no current transients. Also indicate the initial triggering
angle for the worst transient.
Q2C 03
Find the time required to deliver a charge of 200 Ah through a single phase half wave diode
rectifier with an output current of 100 A (rms) with sinusoidal input voltage. Assume diode
conduction for a half cycle.
Q2C 04
A single phase 230 V, 1 kW heater is connected across the single phase 230 V, 50 Hz supply
through a diode. Calculate the power delivered to the heater element. Find also the peak diode
current and input power factor.
Q2C 05
A dc battery of constant emf E is being charged through a resistor as
shown in the figure. For source voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz and for R = 8 ,
E = 150 V
(a) find the value of average charging current.
(b) find the power supplied to battery and that dissipated in resistor.
(c) Calculate supply power factor.
(d) find the charging time in case battery capacity is 1000 Wh and
(e) find rectifier efficiency and PIV of the diode.
(f) find conduction time of the diode.
Q2C 06
In a single phase full wave diode bridge rectifier, the diode has a reverse recovery time of 40 s.
For an ac input voltage of 230 V, determine the effect of reverse recovery time on the average
output voltage for a supply frequency of (i) 50 Hz and (ii) 2.5 kHz. Comment on the result.
Q2C 07
A single phase full bridge diode rectifier is supplied from 230 V, 50 Hz source. The load consists
of R = 10 and a large inductance so as to render the load current constant. Determine:
(i) average values of output voltage and output current.
(ii) average and rms values of diode currents.
(iii) rms values of output and input current, and supply pf.
Q2C 08
A diode whose internal resistance is 20 is to supply power to a 1000 load from a 230 V
(rms) source of supply. Calculate (i) the peak load current (ii) the dc load current (iii) the dc
diode voltage (iv) the percentage regulation from no load to given load.
Q2C 09
A load of R = 60 is fed from 1 phase, 230 V, 50 Hz supply through a step up transformer and
then one diode. The transformer turns ratio is 2. Find the VA rating of the transformer.
Q2C 10
A 230 V, 50 Hz supply is connected to a 1 phase transformer
which feeds a diode bridge as shown in the figure. Primary to
secondary turns ratio for transformer is 0.5 and load RL has a
ripple free current Io = 10 A. Determine (i) average value of
output voltage (ii) input current distortion factor (iii) input
displacement factor (iv) THD in source current.
Q2C 11
A single phase diode bridge rectifier is required to supply a dc output voltage of 230 V to a load
of R = 10 . Determine the diode current ratings and VA rating of source transformer.
Q2C 12
A step down delta star transformer, with per phase turns ratio 5, is fed from 3 phase, 1100 V,
50 Hz source. The secondary of this transformer, through a rectifier, feeds a load R = 10 .
Calculate the average value of output voltage, average and rms values of diode currents and
power delivered to load in case the rectifier is three phase half wave un controlled type.
Q2C 13
A three phase bridge rectifier, using diodes, delivers power to a load of R = 10 at a dc voltage
of 400 V. Determine the diode current ratings and VA rating of source side three phase delta
star transformer
Q2C 14
A single phase two pulse diode rectifier has input supply of 230 V, 50 Hz and the load resistance
R = 300 . Calculate the value of inductance to be connected in series with R so as to limit the
current ripple factor to 5%. Find the value of in case R = 30 . Determine also the value of
current ripple factor (CRF) without L. Consider second harmonic as most dominant and neglect
higher order harmonics.
Q2C 15
A 230 V, 1 kW heater, fed through single phase half wave diode rectifier, has rated voltage at its
terminals. Find the ac input voltage. Find also PIV and diode peak current.
Q2C 16
A battery is charged by a single phase half diode rectifier. The supply is 30 V, 50 Hz and the
battery emf is constant at 6 V. Find the resistance to be inserted in series with the battery to limit
the charging current to 4 A. Take a voltage drop of 1 V across diode. Draw waveform for voltage
across diode and find its PIV. Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 100 of 257
Q2C 17
A single phase half wave un controlled rectifier is supplied from 230 V, 50 Hz ac supply. The
load is R = 10 and L = 5 mH, extinction angle is 210. Find the average value of output
voltage and output current. Also average value of output voltage and output current if
freewheeling diode is connected across the load
Q2C 18
For the circuit shown in figure, io is assumed to be constant on
the account of large inductance L in the load. find
(i) Average value of output voltage and output current
(ii) Average and rms values of freewheeling diode currents
(iii) supply power factor
Q2C 19
A single phase half wave diode rectifier is designed to supply dc output voltage of 230 V to a
load of R = 10 . Calculate the ratings of diode and transformer for this circuit arrangement.
Q2C 20
A single phase full wave diode rectifier has mean output voltage of 200 V and the load resistance
is 400 . Determine the inductance required to limit the amplitude of second harmonic current in
the load is 0.06 A. Take source frequency as 50 Hz.
Q2C 21
A single phase 230 V, 1 kW heater is connected across a single phase 230 V, 50 Hz supply
through an SCR. For firing angle of 45 and 90, calculate the power absorbed by the heater
Q2C 22
A dc battery is charged through a resistor R as shown in the figure and
thyristor is fired continuously
(i) For a source voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz, find the value of average
charging current for R=8 and E = 150 V.
(ii) Find the power supplied to the battery and that dissipated in the
(iii) Calculate supply power factor.
(iv) Repeat part (i) to (iii) in case thyristor is triggered at a firing angle of 35 in every positive
half cycle.
Q2C 23
A 230 V, 50 Hz one pulse SCR controlled converter is triggered at a firing angle of 40 and the
load current extinguishes at an angle of 210. Find the circuit turn off time, average output
voltage and average load current for
(a) R = 5 and L = 2 mH (b) R = 5 , L = 2 mH and E = 110 V.
Q2C 24
A single phase transformer, with secondary voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz delivers power to load
R = 10 through a half wave controlled rectifier circuit. For a firing angle of 60, determine (a)
the rectification efficiency (b) form factor (c) voltage ripple factor
Q2C 25
SCRs with peak forward voltage rating of 1000 V and average on state current rating of 40 A are
used in single phase mid point converter and single phase bridge converter. Find the power that
these two converters can handle. Use a factor of safety of 2.5.
Q2C 34
A 3 phase diode bridge rectifier charges a 240 V battery. Input voltage to rectifier is 3 phase,
230 V, 50 Hz. Current limiting resistance in series with battery is 8 and an inductor makes the
load current almost ripple free. Determine (i) power delivered to the battery and load (ii) input
displacement factor (iii) current distortion factor (iv) input power factor (v) THD in source
current (vi) transformer rating.
Q2C 35
A 3 phase full wave diode rectifier delivers power to an inductive load which takes ripple free
current of 120 A. The source voltage is 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz. Determine the ratings of diodes,
power delivered to load and the rms value of source current.
Q2C 36
A three phase half wave 3 pulse converter is operated from 3 phase, 230V, 50 Hz supply with
load resistance R = 10 . An average output voltage of 50% of the maximum possible output
voltage is required. Determine (a) the firing angle (b) average and rms values of load current (c)
rectifier efficiency.
Q2C 37
A three phase half wave controlled converter is fed from 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz source and is
connected to load taking a constant current of 36 A. Thyristors have a voltage drop of 1.4 V. (a)
Calculate average value of load voltage for a firing angle of 30 and 60 (b) Determine average
and rms current rating as well as PIV of thyristors. (c) Find average power dissipated in each
Q2C 38
(a) A three phase full converter charges a battery from a three phase supply of 230 V, 50 Hz.
The battery emf is 200 V and its internal resistance is 0.5 . On account of inductance connected
in series with the battery, charging current is constant at 20 A. Compute the firing angle delay
and the supply power factor.
(b) In case it is desired that power flows from dc source to ac load in part (a), find the firing
angle delay for the same dc current.
Q2C 39
(a) A three phase full converter feeds power to a resistive load of 10 . For a firing angle delay
of 30, the load takes 5 kW. Find the value of per phase input supply voltage.
(b) Repeat part (a) in case a large reactor in series with load renders the load current ripple free.
Q2C 40
(a) A three phase semi converter feeds power to a resistive load of 10 . For a firing angle
delay of 30, the load takes 5 kW. Find the magnitude of per phase input supply voltage.
(b) Repeat part (a) in case load current is ripple free by connecting large inductor in series
with the load
(c) Repeat part (a) and (b) in case firing angle is 90
Q2C 41
A three phase semi converter charges a battery from a three phase supply of 230 V, 50 Hz. The
battery emf is 200 V and its internal resistance is 0.5 . On account of inductance connected in
series with the battery, charging current is constant at 20 A. Compute the firing angle delay and
the supply power factor.
Q2C 42
A three phase full converter delivers a ripple free load current of 10 A with a firing angle delay
of 45. The input voltage is 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz,
(a) Express the source current in Fourier series
Q2C 50
For the same average dc output voltage of 200 V, calculate the peak inverse voltage of a thyristor
used in the following configurations of phase controlled converter:
(i) Single phase full wave center tapped circuit (ii) single phase full converter (iii) single phase
semi converter (iv) three phase half wave converter (v) three phase full converter (vi) three phase
semi converter.
Q2C 51
A resistive load of 10 is connected through a half wave SCR circuit to 220 V, 50 Hz single
phase source. Calculate the power delivered to load for a firing angle of 60. Find also the value
of input power factor.
Q2C 52
An RL load, energized from single phase 230 V, 50 Hz source through a single thyristor, has
R = 10 and L = 0.08 H. If thyristor is triggered in every positive half cycle at = 75, find the
current expression as a function of time.
Q2C 53
A single phase half wave converter is operated from 230 V, 50 Hz source and the load resistance
is R = 12 . For a firing angle of 30, determine (a) the rectification efficiency (b) form factor
(c) voltage ripple factor (d) PIV of thyristor.
Q2C 54
A battery is charged by a single phase one pulse thyristor controlled converter. The supply is
50 V, 50 Hz and the battery emf is constant at 8 V. Find the resistance to be inserted in series
with the battery to limit the charging current to 5 A on the assumption that SCR is triggered
continuously. Take a voltage drop of 1 V across SCR. Derive the expression used. Also find PIV
of SCR.
Q2C 55
A dc battery is charged through a resistor R as shown in the figure
from a source voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz, and triggered at firing
angle of 30.
(i) Find the value of average charging current for R=10 and
E=110 V.
(ii) Find the power supplied to the battery and that dissipated in the
(iii) Calculate supply power factor.
Q2C 56
A single phase one pulse converter with RLE load has the following data:
Supply voltage = 230 V at 50 Hz, R = 2 , L = 1 mH and E = 120 V, Extinction angle = 220
and firing angle = 25.
(a) calculate the voltage across thyristor at the instant SCR is triggered.
(b) Find the voltage that appears across SCR when current decays to zero.
(c) Find the peak inverse voltage for the SCR.
(d) Find average output voltage and output current.
(e) circuit turn off time.
Q2C 57
In a single phase mid point converter, turns ratio from primary to each secondary is 1.25. The
source voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. For a resistive load of R = 2 , determine:
(a) maximum value of average output voltage and load current and the corresponding firing
and conduction angles
(b) maximum average and rms thyristor current.
(c) maximum possible values of positive and negative voltages across SCRs.
(d) the value of for load voltage of 100 V.
(e) the value of voltage across SCR at the instant of commutation for part (d).
Q2C 58
A single phase full converter charges a battery which offers a constant value of E = 12 V.
A resistor R is inserted to limit the battery charging current. Assume that each pair of SCRs is
fired continuously in each half cycle. Take a voltage drop of 1 V in conducting SCRs. Find the
value of R in case battery charging current is 6 A, supply voltage is 40 V, 50 Hz. Also find the
supply power factor.
Q2C 59
A single phase semi converter delivers power to RLE load with R = 5 , L = 10 mH and
E = 80 V. The ac source voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. For continuous conduction, find the average
value of charging current for a firing angle delay of 50. If one of main SCR is damaged and
open circuited due to fault, find the new value of average output current on the assumption of
continuous conduction.
Q2C 60
A single phase full converter feeding RLE load has the following data. Source voltage = 230 V,
50 Hz, R = 2.5 , E = 100 V, Firing angle = 30. If load inductance is large enough to make the
load current virtually constant, then
(a) sketch the time variations of source voltage, source current, load voltage, load current,
current through one SCR and voltage across it.
(b) compute the average value of load voltage and load current.
(c) compute the input power factor.
(d) repeat from (a) to (c) in case freewheeling diode is connected across RLE load.
Q2C 61
A separately excited dc motor fed through a 1 - phase semi converter runs at a speed of 1200 rpm
when ac supply voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz and the motor counter emf is 140 V. The firing angle
delay is 50. Armature circuit resistance is 3 , compute the average current and motor torque.
Q2C 62
A single phase full converter supplies power to RLE load. The source voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz
and for load R = 2 , L = 10 mH and E = 100 V. For a firing angle of 30, find the average value
of output voltage and output current in case load current extinguishes at (a) 200 and (b) 170
Q2C 63
A single phase mid point SCR converter supplies constant load current of 5 A when the
triggering angle is maintained at 35. The input voltage to the converter is 220 V at 50 Hz. The
turns ratio from primary to each secondary is . Determine the load voltage and input power
Q2C 64
A single phase full converter delivers ripple free current to RL load with R = 15 . The source
voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. For a firing angle of 30, calculate rectifier efficiency, voltage ripple
factor, displacement factor, current distortion factor, power factor, THD, active and reactive
power input.
Q2C 65
A three phase half wave SCR converter delivers constant load current of 30 A over the firing
angle range of 0 to 80. At these two firing angles, compute the power delivered to load for an
ac input voltage of 400 V from a delta star transformer.
Q2C 66
A delta star transformer feeds power to a load of R = 10 through a three phase half wave
3 pulse converter. The input voltage to converter is 400 V, 50 Hz. Find the power delivered to
load for a firing angle delay of (a) 15 (b) 60.
Q2C 67
An M 3 converter operates on a 400 V, 50 Hz 3 phase mains and delivers power to the
armature of a dc motor with negligible resistance and infinitely large reactor in the dc bus. The
transformer has Dy 11 connection with unity phase turns ratio. Back emf is 300 V. Determine the
triggering angle.
Q2C 68
A three phase three pulse converter is connected to RLE load. The source voltage is 230 V,
50 Hz and the load current is level at 10 A. For R = 0.5 and L = 2 H, determine (a) firing angle
for E = 134 V and (b) firing angle advance for E = 134 V
Q2C 69
(a) A resistive load of 10 is connected to three phase full converter. The load takes 5 kW
for a firing angle delay of 70. Find the value of per phase input supply voltage.
(b) Repeat part (a) in case an inductor connected in series with the load makes the load
current constant
Q2C 70
(a) A three phase full converter is used for charging a battery with an emf of 110 V and an
internal resistance of 0.2 . For a constant charging current of 10 A, compute the firing angle
delay for an ac line voltage of 220 V. Find also the supply power factor
(b) For the purpose of delivering energy from dc source to 3 phase system, the firing angle
of the converter has been increased to 150. For the same value of dc source current of 10 A,
compute the output ac line voltage
Q2C 71
A battery is to be charged from three phase supply mains of 230 V, 50 Hz through a three phase
semi converter. The battery emf is 190 V and its internal resistance is 0.5 . An inductor
connected in series with the battery renders the charging current of 20 A ripple free. Compute the
firing angle delay and the supply power factor.
Q2C 72
A three phase full converter is delivering a constant load current of 50 A at 230 V dc when its
input is 3 phase, 415 V, 50 Hz. If each thyristor has a voltage drop of 1.1 V when conducting,
calculate (a) the firing angle delay of the SCRs (b) the rms current of SCRs (c) rms source
current (d) the mean power loss in each SCR (e) input power factor (f) in case ac supply has an
inductance of 3 mH per phase, find the new value of firing angle for the same dc power output as
Q2C 73
A three phase half wave phase controlled rectifier is fed from a 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz source
and is connected to a load taking a constant current of 30 A. SCRs are having a voltage drop of
1.9 V when they are in conduction. Calculate,
(a) Average value of load voltage for firing angle of 30 and 60.
(b) Average and rms current ratings of SCRs as well PIV of SCRs.
(c) Power loss in each SCR.
(d) In case, freewheeling diode (FD) is connected across the load, then find the new value of
average output voltage, average and rms value of FD current for firing angle of 30 and 60.
Q2C 74
A single phase full converter fed from 220 V, 50 Hz supply gives output voltage of 180 V at no
load. When loaded with constant output current of 10 A, the overlap angle is found to be 6.
Compute the value of source inductance.
Q2C 75
A single phase full converter is connected to ac supply of 330 sin 314t volt. It operates with a
firing angle of = /4 rad. The total load current is maintained constant at 5 A and the load
voltage is 140 V. Calculate the source inductance, angle of overlap and the load resistance.
Q2C 76
A three phase fully controlled bridge converter is fed from a 3 phase 400 V, 50 Hz mains. For
firing angle of 60, output current is level at 25 A and output voltage is 250 V. Calculate the
source inductance, angle of overlap and the load resistance.
Q2C 77
A three phase full converter fed from 3 phase, 400 V source, has an output voltage of 450 V dc
for a firing angle delay of 30. Calculate the overlap angle and the voltage drop due to overlap.
Q2C 78
Two 3 phase full converters are connected in anti parallel to form a dual converter of the
circulating current type. The input to the dual converter is 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz. If peak value
of the circulating current is limited to 20 A, find the value of inductance needed for the reactor
for firing angle of (a) 1 = 30 o and (b) 2 = 60 o
Q2C 79
A highly inductive load, such that load current can be assumed to be constant, is to be supplied
from a 230 V, 50 V single phase supply by a fully controlled and a half controlled bridges.
Compare the average load voltage provided by each bridge at firing angles of 30 and 90.
Neglect device voltage drops.
Q2C - 80
A three phase fully controlled converter is supplying a dc load of 400 V, 60 A from a three phase
50 Hz, 660 V (line) supply. If the thyristors have a voltage drop of 1.2 V when conducting, then
neglect overlap, compute
(a) the firing angle of thyristor (b) RMS current in thyristors (c) the mean power loss in thyristors
(d) if the ac supply has an inductance of 3.6 mH, what will be the new value of firing angle
required to meet the load requirements?
Q2C 81
A single phase full wave mid point converter with freewheeling diode across the load is supplied
from a 120 V, 50 Hz supply with a source inductance of 0.33 mH. Assuming the load current is
continuous at 4 A, find the overlap angles for
(a) transfer of current from a conducting thyristor to the commutating diode and
(b) from the commutating diode to a thyristor when the firing angle is 15
Q2C 82
A single phase fully controlled bridge is connected to an ac supply of 230 V and 50 Hz is used
for the speed control of dc motor with separate field excitation. The full load average armature
current is 10 A and the converter operates at a firing angle of /4. Neglecting the inductance and
resistance of both armature and source, calculate the minimum value of series inductance Ld
required in the armature circuit to provide for continuous conduction.
Q2C 83
A fully controlled three phase bridge converter is working in the inversion mode with a firing
advance angle of 25. If the ac supply is 220 V with a resistance of 0.1 /phase, determine the
maximum current that can be commutated, allowing a recovery angle of 5. Neglect device
voltage drops.
Q2C 84
A three phase fully controlled bridge converter is connected to a three phase 50 Hz, 415 V (line)
supply and is operating in the inverting mode at a firing advance angle of 30. If the ac supply
has a resistance and impedance per phase of 0.09 and 1 mH respectively, find
(a) dc source voltage (b) overlap angle (c)recovery angle, when the dc current is constant at 52 A
Thyristors have a forward voltage drop of 1.8 V during conduction.
Q2C 85
A three phase fully controlled bridge converter operates in both rectification and inversion mode.
The leakage inductance of each phase of input transformer winding is 0.002 H. The three phase
input voltage is balanced and sinusoidal, and has an RMS value of 230 V per phase at 50 Hz.
The load current at dc side is 15 A.
(a) Calculate the drop in the dc output voltage caused by the internal reactance drop.
(b) When the bridge is working in rectification mode and the dc output voltage is 200 V, then
compute (i) firing angle (ii) overlap angle for the phase currents.
(c) When the bridge is to be functioning as an inverter with a load current 15 A and dc output
voltage of 200 V then calculate recovery angle or margin angle.
Q2C 86
The holding current of thyristors in a single phase full converter is 500 mA and the delay time is
1.5 s. The converter is supplied from a 120 V, 60 Hz supply and has a load of L = 10 mH and
R = 10 . The converter is operated with = 30. Determine the minimum value of gate pulse
required for SCRs.
Q2C 87
Two six pulse converters are used in bipolar HVDC transmission system. The ac systems are
3 phase, 11 kV, 50 Hz. The input transformers have a leakage inductance of 10 mH per phase.
The current in dc line is 300 A. The inverter marginal angle is 20. Resistance of each dc
transmission line is 1 . Calculate firing angle of the rectifier, its output voltage and dc link
Q2C 88
Two 6 pulse converter, used for bipolar HVDC transmission system, are rated at 1000 MW,
200 kV. Calculate the rms current and peak recovery voltage rating of each thyristor valves.
Q2C 89
Q2C 90
With highly inductive load, a fully controlled converter works as an inverter whenever the delay
angle is more than 90. Is it true or false? Explain with the help of waveforms.
Q2C 91
A thyristor connected in series with inductive load (resistance = 0) is triggered at an angle in
each positive half cycle. Draw the load voltage and load current. Derive the expression for load
current. Comment on power flow.
Q2C 92
A line commutated inverter transfers energy into a 440 V, 50 Hz, 3 phase supply from a battery
of 500 V. The battery is linked to the converter through a large filter choke of resistance 12.4 .
It is desired to transfer 5 kW power into the system.
(a) Calculate the firing angle at which the inverter is to be operated. Also, determine (b) Input
power factor (c) RMS value of fundamental current (d) efficiency of energy transfer (e) What is
the maximum usable value of SCR firing angle? (f) Calculate the SCR voltage and rms current
Q2C 93
A single phase 2 pulse mid point converter triggered at a firing angle of 120 operates in inverter
mode. The load inductance is such that current is discontinuous in nature. Draw output voltage,
source current and thyristor voltage waveforms.
Q2C 94
A three phase diode rectifier connected to 415 V line to line source and feed a resistive load of
25 . Assume drawl of balanced quasi square waveform currents in the three phases, the
distortion factor given to be 3/. Compute power drawn at fundamental frequency from mains.
Q2C 95
State the different forced commutation methods used for improving the power factor in
controlled AC DC rectifiers.
Q2C 96
A three phase half wave rectifier is operating from a three phase star connected supply of 220 V,
50 Hz. The load resistance at the dc terminals of the rectifier is 10 . At 75% of the maximum
dc output voltage, calculate (a) firing angle of SCR (b) average and rms load currents (c) rectifier
Q2C 97
In the single phase diode rectifier circuit shown in figure (a) with zero Ls, and constant dc current
of Io = 10 A, calculate the average power supplied to the load:
(a) If vs is a sinusoidal voltage with Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz.
(b) If vs has the pulse waveform with a frequency f = 60 Hz, shown in figure (b)
Q2C 98
(a) In the single phase rectifier circuit shown in figure (a), If vs is a sinusoidal voltage with
Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz, Ls = 1 mH and Io = 10 A. Calculate , Vo and Po. What is the percentage
voltage drop due to Ls?
(b) Repeat part (a) if vs has a square waveform with an amplitude of 200 V at 60 Hz.
(c) Repeat part (a) If vs has the pulse waveform with a frequency f = 60 Hz, shown in figure (b)
Q2C 99
Consider the basic commutation circuit shown in the figure (a) with Io = 10 A. Output voltage vo
is measured across the terminals X and Y
(a) With Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz, and Ls = 0, calculate average output voltage Vo and Po.
(b) With Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz, and Ls = 5 mH, calculate , average output voltage Vo and Po.
(c) Here vs has a 60 Hz square waveform with an amplitude of 200 V and Ls = 5 mH, plot is
waveform and calculate , average output voltage Vo and Po.
(d) Repeat part (c) If vs has the pulse waveform with a frequency f = 60 Hz, shown in figure (b)
Q2C 100
In the single phase rectifier shown in figure,
assume the ac side impedance to be negligible.
Instead, an inductor Ld is placed between the
rectifier output and the filter capacitance.
Q2C 101
Q2C 102
In the single phase rectifier shown in figure (a), Ls = 1 mH, E = 160 V. The input vs has the pulse
waveform with a frequency f = 60 Hz, shown in figure (b). Plot is, and io waveforms.
(a) (b)
Q2C 103
A three phase rectifier circuit is shown in
figure. Assume the ac side inductance Ls to
be negligible. Instead, an inductor Ld is
placed between the rectifier output and the
filter capacitance.
Derive the minimum value of Ld in terms
of VLL, and Io that will result in a
continuous io assuming that ripple in vo is
( C ).
Q2C 104
A three phase rectifier circuit is shown in
figure. VLL = 208 V at 60 Hz, Ls = 2 mH and Io
= 10 A
(a) Assume the commutation voltages to be
increasing linearly rather than sinusoidal.
Obtain an expression for overlap angle ().
(b) Also calculate value by using the
2Ls I o
equation cos = 1
(c) Compare the numerical values obtained part (a) and (b). Comment on the results.
Q2C 105
In the circuit shown in figure, vs1 and vs2 have an rms value of
120 V at 60 Hz and the two are 180 out of phase. Assume
Ls = 5 mH and Io = 10 A is a dc current. For the following two
values of delay angle , obtain vs1, is1 and vo waveforms.
Calculate the average value of vo and the commutation interval
at (a) 45 and (b) 135.
Q2C 106
Average output voltage expression for single phase full converter
with source inductance can be expresses in terms of the equivalent
circuit shown in figure. R is a lossless resistor to represent the
voltage drop due Id. Express this equivalent circuit in terms of
extinction angle rather than the delay angle to represent the
inverter mode of operation.
Q2C 107
In the circuit shown in figure, the balanced
three phase voltages va, vb and vc have an rms
value of 120 V at 60 Hz. Assume Ls = 5 mH
and Io = 10 A is a dc current. For the
following two values of delay angle , obtain
va, ia and vo waveforms. Calculate the
average value of vo and the commutation
interval at (a) 45 and (b) 135.
Q2C 108
In the single phase full converter show in figure,
(a) The input voltage is a square waveform with amplitude
of 200 V at a frequency of 60 Hz. Assume Io = 10 A and
Ls = 0. Obtain Vo waveform and its average value for
equal to 45 and 135.
(b) Repeat part (a) by considering Ls = 3 mH. Also find
commutation angle . Comment on the expression for .
Q2C 109
A single phase full converter shown in the figure is
supplying a dc load of 1 kW. A 1.5 kVA isolation
transformer with a source side voltage rating of 120 V at
60 Hz is used. It has a total leakage reactance of 8% based
on its ratings. The ac source voltage of nominally 115 V is
in the range of 10% and + 5%. Assume Ld is large
enough to allow the assumption of io is to be constant (Io).
Calculate the minimum transformer turns ratio (from primary to secondary) if the dc load voltage
is to be regulated at 100 V. What is the value of when Vs = 115 + 5%.
Q2C 110
In a single phase line commutated inverter shown in
figure, Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz, Ls = 1.2 mH, Ld = 20 mH
and Ed = 88 V. The delay angle = 135. Obtain vs, is,
vo and io waveforms in steady state.
Vary the delay angle from a value 165 down to 120
and plot Io versus . Obtain the delay angle b below
which io becomes discontinuous. How does the slope
the characteristic in this range depend on Ls?
Q2C 111
In the three phase converter shown in figure,
VLL = 460 V at 60 Hz and Ls = 25 H.
(a) Calculate the commutation angle if Vo = 525 V
and Po = 500 kW. Also find the displacement power
(b) Plot the locus of the reactive VA due to
fundamental frequency component of the line
current versus real power for various values of the
delay angle by assuming Ls = 0.
Q2C 112
A three phase converter shown in figure is supplying
a dc load of 12 kW. A Y Y connected isolated
transformer has a per phase rating of
5 kVA and an ac source side votlage rating of 120 V
at 60 Hz. It has a total per phase leakage reactance of
8% based on its ratings. The ac source voltage of
nominally 208 V (line to line) is in the range of
10% and +5%. Assume Ld is
large enough to allow the assumption io is constant. Calculate the minimum number of turns ratio
if the dc load voltage is to regulated at a constant value of 300 V. What is the value of when
VLL = 208 + 5%.
Q2C 113
In the three phase converter shown in figure,
derive an expression for minimum dc current
IoB that results in a continuous current
conduction for given VLL, , Ld and = 30.
Assume that Ls and Rd are negligible and Ed is
a dc voltage.
Q2C 114
For a three phase line commutated inverter shown in figure, VLL = 460 V at 60 Hz, Ed = 550 V,
and Ls = 0.5 mH. Assume Ld is very large, to yield io (t ) = I o . Calculate and if the power flow
is 55 kW.
Q2C 115
In typical applications Ls is finite. Moreover io is not a pure dc current. The following table lists
typical and idealized values of ac side current harmonics in a six pulse, full bridge controlled
converter as functions of its fundamental current component.
Calculate the ratio of 1 and THD in the current for typical as well as idealized harmonics.
h 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 25
Typical I h / I1 0.17 0.10 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
Idealized I h / I1 0.20 0.14 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04
2 2Ls I o 2
Q104: (a) = (b) 18.35 (c) equal
Q105: (a) = 8.41 and Vo = 70.37 V (b) = 9.9 and Vo = 82.37 V
Q107: (a) = 9.63 and Vo = 99.24 V (b) = 11.65 and Vo = 99.24 V
Q108: (a) 100 and 100 V (b) for = 45: Vo = 92.8 V and = 6.48;
for = 135: Vo = 107.2 V and = 6.48
Q109: 0.9, 31.5 Q111: = 3 and DPF = 0.845 lag
Q112: 0.806, 31 Q113: I oB = 0.1403
Q114: = 145 and = 23.8
h 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 25
Typical I1 / I 0.98 0.995 0.999 0.9995 0.9998 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
%THD 20.3 10.04 4.475 3.16 2 1.41 1.41 1.41
Similarly proceed for Idealized values also
PEQB Chapter 3
DC DC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise A
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for objective/prelims preparation of ESE/ PSUs and one
mark questions for GATE exam. SMPS questions are not in the syllabus of GATE
Q3A 01
A step down chopper is operated in the continuous conduction mode in steady state with a
constant duty cycle ratio D. If Vo is the magnitude of the dc output voltage and if Vdc is the
magnitude of the input dc voltage, the ratio of o
1 D
(A) D (B) 1D (C) (D)
1 D 1 D
Q3A 02
A step up chopper has Vdc as source voltage and D as duty cycle ratio. The output voltage for this
chopper is given by
Vdc Vdc
(A) Vdc (1 + D ) (B) (C) Vdc (1 D ) (D)
(1 D ) (1 + D)
Q3A 03 (TSNPDCL 2015)
For the simple chopper circuit with Vs = 200 V
shown, the average and rms value of currents for a
duty cycle of 0.49, (in amp) are (neglect the voltage
drop across the chopper when it is ON)
(A) 9.8, 14 (B) 14, 9.8
(C) 20, 28.28 (D) 14, 18.2
Q3A 04 (TS TRANSCO 2015)
A dc chopper is fed from a constant voltage mains, the duty ratio of the chopper is progressively
increased while the chopper feeds and RL load. The per unit ripple current would
(A) increases progressively
(B) decreases progressively
(C) decrease to minimum value at = 0.5 and then increase
(D) increase to maximum value at = 0.5 and then decrease
Q3A 05 (TS GENCO 2015)
In a thyristor dc chopper, which type of commutation results in best performance?
(A) voltage commutation (B) current commutation
(C) load commutation (D) supply commutation
Q3A 06
In dc choppers, if Ton is the on period and f is the chopping frequency, then output voltage in
terms of input voltage Vdc is given by
T f Vdc
(A) Vdc . on (B) Vdc . (C) .Ton (D) Vdc . f .Ton
f Ton f
Q3A 09
In dc choppers, the waveforms for input and output voltages are respectively
(A) discontinuous, continuous (B) both continuous
(C) both discontinuous (D) continuous, discontinuous
Q3A 10
A chopper can be used on
(A) pulse width modulation only (B) frequency modulation only
(C) amplitude modulation only (D) both PWM and FM
Q3A 11
In PWM method of controlling the average output voltage in a chopper,
1. on time Ton is varied and chopping frequency f is kept constant
2. Ton is kept constant and f is varied
3. both Ton and Toff is varied and chopping frequency f is kept constant
4. Toff is varied and T is kept constant
From the above, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1, 3 and 4 (C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) 3 and 4
Q3A 12
In FM method of controlling the average output voltage in a chopper,
1. on time Ton is kept constant and chopping period T is varied
2. turn off time Toff is kept constant and T is varied
3. Ton is kept constant and Toff is varied
4. Toff is kept constant and Ton is varied
From the above, the correct statements are
(A) 1, 3 and 4 (B) 2, 3 and 4 (C) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (D) 1, 2 and 3
Q3A 13
A step down chopper is operated in the discontinuous conduction mode in steady state with a
constant duty ratio D. If tx is extinction time, Vdc is the dc source voltage, T is chopping period
and E is constant dc load voltage, then the magnitude of the average output voltage is given by
t t
(A) DVdc 1 x E (B) DVdc + 1 x E
t T
(C) DVdc + 1 + x E (D) DVdc + 1 E
T tx
Q3A 14
For type A chopper, Vdc is the source voltage, R is the load resistance and D is the duty cycle
ratio. The average output voltage and current for this chopper are respectively
DVdc , D. dc (B) (1 D )Vdc , (1 D ). Vdc
Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc
(C) , (D) ,
D DR 1 D (1 D )R
Q3A 15
Type A chopper has Vdc as the source voltage, R as the load resistance and D as the duty cycle
ratio. For this chopper, RMS value of output voltage is
(A) DVdc (B) DVdc (C) (D) 1 D.Vdc
Q3A 16
For type A chopper, Vdc is the source voltage, R is the load resistance and D is the duty cycle
ratio. RMS and average values of thyristor currents for this chopper are
DVdc V V V
(A) , D . dc (B) D dc , D . dc
, (1 D ). dc
Vdc Vdc Vdc V
(C) D , D. (D) 1 D
Q3A 17
In dc choppers, per unit ripple is maximum when duty cycle D is
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.7 (D) 0.9
Q3A 18
In the circuit shown in figure, L = 5 H and C = 20 F. C is initially
charged to 200 V. After switch S is closed at t = 0, the maximum
value of current and the time at which it reaches this value are
(A) 400 A, 15.707 s (B) 50 A, 30 s
(C) 100 A, 62.828 s (D) 400 A, 31.414 s
Q3A 19
A voltage commutated chopper has the following parameters:
Vdc = 200 V, Load circuit parameters: 1 , 2 mH, 50 V; Commutation circuit parameters, L = 25
H, C = 50 F; Ton = 500 s and T = 2000 s
For a constant load current of 100 A, the effective on period and peak current through the main
thyristor are respectively
(A) 1000 s, 200 A (B) 700 s, 382.8 A
(C) 700 s, 282.8 A (D) 1000 s, 382.8 A
Q3A 20
For the voltage commutated chopper of Q3A 19, the turn off times for main and auxiliary
thyristor are, respectively
(A) 120 s, 60 s (B) 100 s, 0.5 s
(C) 120 s, 55 s (D) 100 s, 55.54 s
Q3A 21
A dc chopper is charged from a constant dc source of 200 V through a chopper. The dc battery is
to be charged from its internal emf of 90 V to 120 V. The battery has internal resistance of 1 .
For a constant charging current of 10 A, the range of duty cycle ratio is
(A) 0.45 to 0.6 (B) 0.5 to 0.65 (C) 0.4 to 0.55 (D) 0.5 to 0.6
Q3A 22
For type A chopper, Vdc, R, Io and D are dc source voltage, load resistance, constant load current
and duty cycle ratio respectively. For this chopper, average and RMS values of freewheeling
diode currents are
(A) DI o ; D .I o (B) (1 D )I o ; 1 D .I o
; D dc
(D) (1 D )I o ; D .I o
Q3A 23
A dc chopper is fed from 100 V dc. Its load voltage consists of rectangular pulses of duration
1 ms in an overall cycle time of 3 ms. The average output voltage and ripple factor for this
chopper are respectively
(A) 25 V, 1 (B) 50 V, 1
(C) 33.33 V, 2 (D) 33.33 V, 1
Q3A 24
When series LC circuit is connected to a dc supply of V volt through a thyristor, then the peak
current through thyristor is
(A) V . LC (B) (C) V. (D) V.
Q3A 25
For the arrangement shown in the figure, the circuit is initially
in steady state with thyristor T is off. R = 100 , L = 0.01 H
and C = 100 F. After thyristor T is turned on, the peak
thyristor current would be
(A) 2A (B) 22 A
(C) 40 A (D) 42 A
Q3A 26
In a type A chopper, source voltage is 100 V dc, on period = 100 s, off period = 150 s and
load RLE consists of R = 2 , L = 5 mH and E = 10 V. For continuous conduction, average
output voltage and average output current for this chopper are respectively
(A) 40 V, 15 A (B) 66.66 V, 28.33 A
(C) 60 V, 25 A (D) 40 V, 20 A
Q3A 27
A step up chopper is fed from a 220 V dc source to deliver a load voltage of 660 V. If the non
conduction time of the thyristor is 100 s, the required pulse width will be
(A) 100 s (B) 200 s (C) 220 s (D) 660 s
Q3A 28
The freewheeling diode is subjected to double the source voltage in the following chopper
1. Voltage commutated chopper 2. Current commutated chopper
3. Load commutated chopper 4. Jones chopper
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 2 and 3 (C) 1, 2 and 4 (D) 2, 3 and 4
Q3A 29
The effective on period in a voltage commutated chopper
(A) increases with load current Io as well as with the commutating capacitance C
Q3A 32
In a two quadrant dc to dc chopper, the load voltage is varied from positive maximum to
negative maximum by varying the time ratio of the chopper from
(A) zero to unity (B) unity to zero
(C) zero to 0.5 (D) 0.5 to zero
Q3A 33
A chopper circuit is operating TRC principle at a frequency of 2 kHz on a 220 V dc supply. If
the load voltage is 170 V, then the conduction period of thyristor in each cycle is
(A) 3.86 ms (B) 7.72 ms (C) 0.772 ms (D) 0.386 ms
Q3A 34 (CSIR - 2012)
The switch S of the dc to dc buck converter shown in the figure
is operated with a duty ratio of 0.5 at a switching frequency of
5 kHz while it is feeding a certain load. While the input voltage
of the converter is maintained at 100 V dc, the steady state
average voltage at the output terminals of the converter, Vo is
found to be 70 V.
Which of the following statement is true for this converter?
(A) The converter is operating under continuous mode of conduction
(B) The converter is operating under discontinuous mode of conduction
(C) The converter is operating on the boundary of continuous and discontinuous mode of
(D) The converter is operating in unstable mode of operation
Q3A 35 (CSIR - 2013)
When the input voltage applied to a certain dc to dc converter (shown in figure A) is 100 V, the
output voltage of the converter is found to be 50 V while the converter is operating at steady
state under continuous mode of conduction with a certain duty cycle . The approximate
waveform of the input current of the converter is shown in figure B. The dc to dc converter is
Figure A
Figure B
(A) increase the chopping frequency keeping its duty cycle constant
(B) increase the chopping frequency and its duty ratio in equal ratio
(C) decrease only the chopping frequency
(D) decrease only the duty cycle
Q3A 42
A dc chopper has an average value of load current of 10 A while feeding a pure resistive load at
a given time and frequency. If a large inductance is placed in series with the load resistance and
operated at the same switching frequency and the same time ratio, then the average load current
(A) remains constant at 10 A (B) becomes less than 10 A
(C) becomes more than 10 A
(D) variation cannot be estimated without knowing the value of inductance
Q3A 43
Consider the chopper circuit shown in figure. The chopper
operates at 50% duty cycle. The load current remains
constant at 10 A. Assuming input voltage to be 200 V and
the devices are ideal, the turn off time available for thyristor
TM in s is
(A) 20 (B) 40
(C) 30 (D) 80
Q3A 44
The power electronic converter shown in the figure has a single
pole double throw switch. The pole P of the switch is connected
alternately to throws A and B. The converter shown is a
(A) step down chopper (buck converter)
(B) half wave rectifier
(C) step up chopper (boost converter)
(D) full wave converter
Q3A 45
The input current and output currents in a buck boost converter are 10 A and 10 A respectively.
Assume inductor current is ripple free and continuous. Then peak value of switch current is
(A) 10 A (B) 15 A (C) 20 A (D) 30 A
Q3A 46
For the circuit shown in figure, C = 4 F and L = 16 H, then conduction
time for thyristor is
(A) 0.393 s
(B) 2.546 s
(C) 25.133 s
(D) 8.0 s
Q3A 47
For the circuit in Q3A 46, the capacitor and thyristor voltages after SCR gets self commutated
are respectively
(A) 200 V, 0V (B) 400 V, -200 V
(C) 300 V, -200 V (D) 100 V, -400 V
Q3A 48
In the circuit of figure Q3A 46, the peak value of thyristor current is
(A) 100 A (B) 50 A (C) 400 A (D) 800 A
Q3A 49
A series circuit consists of R = 2.4 , L = 25 H, C and a thyristor. For obtaining self
commutation in the circuit, the value of C should be equal to
(A) 50 F (B) 30 F (C) 20 F (D) 10 F
Q3A 50
In a commutation circuit employed to turn off an SCR, satisfactory turn off is obtained when
(A) circuit turn off time < device turn off time
(B) circuit turn off time > device turn off time
(C) circuit time constant < device turn off time
(D) circuit time constant > device turn off time
Q3A 51
Natural commutation of a thyristor takes place when
(A) anode current becomes zero (B) gate current becomes zero
(C) voltage across the device becomes zero
(D) voltage across the device becomes negative
Q3A 52
In the circuit shown in the figure, the maximum value of current
through thyristor T1 and TA can respectively
Vdc Vdc C Vdc C C
(A) , + Vdc (B) + Vdc , Vdc
C Vdc Vdc C
(C) Vdc , (D) , Vdc
Q3A 53
For the circuit shown in figure of Q3A 52, the peak value of resonant current is twice the load
current. In case Vdc = 200 V, the magnitude of voltage across the main thyristor, when it gets
turned off, is equal to
(A) 86.6 V (B) 100 V (C) 173.2 V (D) 200 V
Q3A 54
For the circuit shown in figure of Q3A 52, the peak value of current through auxiliary SCR is
twice that the main SCR. In case Vdc = 100 V, C = 10 F and constant load current of 40 A, the
circuit turn off time for main SCR, in s is
(A) 12.5 (B) 21.665 (C) 25 (D) 10
Q3A 55
Read the following statements with regard to figure shown. Capacitor
C is charged to Vdc with polarity as shown in the figure.
Q3A 56
A voltage commutated circuit shown in the figure of Q3A 55, Vdc = 100 V, R1 = R2 = 50 . If
the turn off time of the SCRs is 50 s and a safety margin of 2 is considered, then what will be
the approximate minimum value of capacitor required for proper commutation?
(A) 2.88 F (B) 1.44 F (C) 0.91 F (D) 0.72 F
Q3A 57
In the circuit shown in the figure of Q3A 55, Vdc = 100 V, R1 = 50 , R2 = 100 . The possible
peak values of current through SCRs T1 and T2 are respectively
(A) 2 A, 5 A (B) 1 A, 2 A (C) 4 A, 2 A (D) 4 A, 5 A
Q3A 58
In the circuit shown in the figure, Vdc = 200 V, C = 4 F,
L = 16 H and R = 20 . The peak value of current through T1
and D can respectively are
(A) 110 A, 100 A
(B) 10 A, 110 A
(C) 110 A, 10 A
(D) 100 A, 110 A
Q3A 59
In the circuit shown in figure of Q3A 58, the circuit turn off time for main and auxiliary SCRs
in s are respectively
(A) 8, 12.566 (B) 40, 1.2566 (C) 80, 12.566 (D) 80, 25.132
Q3A 60
In the circuit configuration shown in the figure, Vdc = 200 V,
R = 10 the circuit turn off time for main thyristor is 34.657 s. The
value of capacitor C required, in the circuit is
(A) 5 F
(B) 3.466 F
(C) 1.733 F
(D) 10 F
Q3A 95
A fly back converter is to be designed to operate in just continuous conduction mode when the
input dc is at its maximum expected voltage of 200 V and when the load draws maximum power.
The load voltage is regulated at 16 V. What should be the primary to secondary turns ratio of the
transformer if the switch duty ratio is limited to 80%. Neglect on state voltage drop across switch
and diodes.
(A) 20 : 1 (B) 30 : 1 (C) 25 : 2 (D) 50 : 1
Q3A 96
The function of diode in the secondary winding of a forward converter circuit is
(A) rectifies secondary voltage
(B) blocks back propagation of secondary voltage to transformer
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) protects the freewheeling diode from excessive reverse voltage
Q3A 97
A forward converter-transformer has 10 primary turns and 15 tertiary turns and the maximum
input dc voltage is 300 V. The maximum voltage stress of the switch in the primary winding and
diode in the tertiary winding are, respectively
(A) 500 V and 750 V (B) 750 V and 500 V
(C) 450 V and 900 V (D) 900 V and 450 V
Q3A 98
If the turns ratio of the primary and tertiary windings of the forward transformer are in the ratio
of 1:2, what is the maximum duty ratio at which the converter can be operated?
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 2 3 5
Q3A 99
Corresponding to duty ratio calculated in Q3A 98, by neglecting the switch and diode
conduction drops, what should be the minimum ratio of secondary to primary turns if the input
dc supply is 400 V and the required output voltage is 15 V.
9 80 7
(A) (B) (C) (D) None
80 9 49
Q3A 100
For a high frequency transformer the relation between the transformer size and frequency of
voltage waveform can be given as
(A) size increases with frequency (B) size decreases with frequency
(C) core size reduces but copper weight increases with increase in frequency
(D) size is independent of frequency
Q3A 101
The assembly of fly back and forward type transformer cores may differ in the following sense:
(A) Air gap is inserted in fly back type but is undesirable for forward type
(B) Air gap in the flux path is undesirable for both types
(C) only forward type must have a suitable length of air gap
(D) Little air gap is deliberately put for both transformers
Q3A 102
The transformers of forward type and H bridge type SMPS circuits of identical VA rating and
frequency differ in the following sense:
(A) The forward type transformer will be bigger
(B) The H bridge circuit will require bigger transformer
Q3A 108
Statement I: A switched mode dc power supply has high efficiency and light weight
Statement II: A switched mode power supply uses a dc to dc switching converter switched at
high frequency
Q3A 109
Statement I: A forward dc to dc converter requires a minimum load at the output
Statement II: Without minimum load excess output voltage can be produced
Q3A 110 (ESE-14/Q98)
In a forward converter, a tertiary winding is used. What is the reason?
(A) to provide protection to the switching device
(B) to provide protection to the switching device
(C) to provide electrical isolation between input and output
(D) to demagnetize the core before the application of the next switching pulse
PEQB Chapter 3
DC DC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise B
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for GATE exam both one mark and two mark questions.
You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q3B 01
Consider a regulated dc power supply shown in the figure (a) and the instantaneous input voltage
corresponds the waveform given in figure (b) where Vdc,min = 20 V and Vdc,max = 30 V.
Approximate this waveform by a triangular wave consisting of two linear segments between the
above two values. Let Vo = 15 V and assume that the output load is constant.
The energy efficiency in this part of the power supply due to losses in the transistor is
(A) 50% (B) 60% (C) 65.7% (D) 86.8%
Q3B 02
In the chopper circuit shown in the figure, the
duty ratio of the switch S is 0.4. If the inductor
and capacitor are sufficiently large to ensure
continuous inductor current and ripple free
capacitor voltage, the charging current (in
ampere) of the 5 V battery, under steady state
is ________
Q3B 03
Consider a dc power supply represented by the circuit in
figure. The input dc voltage is 20 V and the switch duty
cycle ratio is 0.75. The switching frequency is 300 kHz
and the resistive load draws 240 W. The filter
components are L = 1.3 H and C = 50 F. The
attenuation in decibels of the ripple voltage in voi at
second harmonic frequency is Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 136 of 257
1 1
(A) VL = 0,VC = Vdc (B) VL = Vdc ,VC = Vdc
1 2 1
(C) VL = 0,VC = Vdc (D) VL = Vdc ,VC = Vdc
1 2 1
Q3B 08
For the converter shown in the following figure, assume steady state operation. Also assume that
the components are ideal, the inductor current is always positive and continuous and switching
period is Ts. If the voltage VL is as shown, the duty cycle of the switch is ______
Q3B 09
Figure (i) shows the circuit diagram of a chopper. The switch S in circuit in figure (i) is switched
such that the voltage vD across the diode has the wave shape as shown in figure (ii). The
capacitance C is large so that the voltage across it is constant. If switch S and the diode are ideal,
source voltage is 100 V and L =1 mH, then peak to peak ripple (in A) in the inductor current is
Figure (ii)
Figure (i)
Q3B 10
A step up chopper is used to feed a load at 400 V dc from a 250 V dc source. The inductor
current is continuous. If the off time of the switch is 20 s, the switching frequency of the
chopper in kHz is _______.
Q3B 11
The separately excited dc motor in the figure below has a
rated armature current of 20 A and a rated armature voltage
of 150 V. An ideal chopper switching at 5 kHz is used to
control the armature voltage. If La = 0.1 mH, Ra = 1 ,
neglecting armature reaction, the duty ratio of the chopper
to obtain 50% of the rated torque at the rated speed and the
rated field current is
(A) 0.4 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.6 (D) 0.7
Q3B 12
Thyristor T in the figure below is initially off and is triggered with
a single pulse of width 10 s. It is given that L = H and
C= F. assuming latching and holding currents of the
thyristor are both zero and the initial charge on C is zero.
T conducts for
(A) 10 s (B) 50 s (C) 100 s (D) 200 s
Q3B 13
In the figure shown below, the chopper feeds a
resistive load from a battery source. MOSFET Q
is switched at 250 kHz, with a duty ratio of 0.4.
All the elements of circuit are ideal. The average
value of the source current (in ampere) in steady
state is
3 5 5 15
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 2 4
Q3B 14
In the circuit shown in Q3B 13, the PEAK TO PEAK source current ripple (in ampere) is
(A) 0.96 (B) 0.144 (C) 0.192 (D) 0.288
Q3B 15
In the circuit shown, an ideal switch S is oeprated at
100 kHz with a duty ratio of 50%. Given that ic is
1.6 A peak to peak and Io is 5 A dc, the peak
current in S is
(A) 6.6 A (B) 5.0 A
(C) 5.8 A (D) 4.2 A
Q3B 16
A voltage commutated chopper circuit,
operated at 500 Hz, is shown in figure.
If the maximum value of load current is 10 A,
then the maximum current through the main
(M) and auxiliary (A) thyristors will be
(A) iM max = 12 A and i A max = 10 A
(B) iM max = 12 A and i A max = 2 A
(C) iM max = 10 A and i A max = 12 A
(D) iM max = 10 A and i A max = 8 A
Statement for Linked answer question:
The L C circuit shown in the figure has an inductance L = 1 mH and C = 10 F.
Q3B 17
The initial current through the inductor is zero, while the initial capacitor voltage is 100 V. The
switch is closed at t = 0. The current i through the circuit is
(A) 5 cos (5 10 3 t ) A (B) 5 sin (10 4 t ) A
(C) 10 cos (5 10 3 t ) A (D) 10 sin (10 4 t ) A
Q3B 18
The L C circuit of Q3B 17 is used to commutate a
thyristor, which is initially carrying a current of 5 A as
shown in the figure below. The values and initial conditions
of L and C are same as in the above question. The switch is
closed at t = 0. If the forward drop is negligible, the time
taken for the device to turn off is
(A) 52 s (B) 156 s
(C) 312 s (D) 26 s
Q3B 19
An ideal capacitor is charged to a voltage Vo and connected at t = 0 across an ideal inductor L.
(The circuit now consists of capacitor and inductor alone) If we let o = , the voltage
across the capacitor at time t > 0 is given by
(A) Vo (B) Vo cos o t (C) Vo sin o t (D) Vo e t cos o t Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 139 of 257
Q3B 20
In the chopper circuit shown, the main thyristor
(TM) is operated at a duty ratio of 0.8 which is
much larger than the commutation interval. If the
maximum allowable reapplied dv/dt on TM is
50 V/s, what should be theoretical minimum
value of C1? Assume current ripple through Lo to
be negligible.
(A) 0.2 F (B) 0.02 F
(C) 2 F (D) 20 F
Q3B 21
In the circuit shown in the figure, Vdc = 20 V. The switch is
operated at a duty cycle of 0.5. A large capacitor is connected
across the load. The inductor current is assumed to be
continuous and IL = 4 A. The average voltage across the load
and the average current through diode will respectively be
(A) 10 V, 2 A (B) 10 V, 8A
(C) 40 V, 2 A (D) 40 V, 8 A
Q3B 22
The circuit in the figure is a current commutated dc dc
chopper where ThM is the main SCR and ThAUX is the
auxiliary SCR. The load current is constant at 10 A. ThM
is ON. ThAUX is triggered at t = 0. ThM is turned OFF
(A) 0 s < t 25 s (B) 25 s < t 50 s
(C) 50 s < t 75 s (D) 75 s < t 100 s
Statement for Linked answer question:
A voltage commutated chopper operating at 1 kHz is used to
control the speed of dc motor as shown in the figure. The load
current is assumed to be constant at 10 A
Q3B 23
The minimum time in s for which the SCR M should be ON is
(A) 280 (B) 140
(C) 70 (D) 0
Q3B 24
The average output voltage of the chopper will be
(A) 70 V (B) 47.5 V (C) 35 V (D) 0V
Q3B 25
Figure shows a chopper. The device S1 is the main
switching device and S2 is the auxiliary commutation
device. S1 is rated for 400 V, 60 A and S2 is rated for
400 V, 30 A. The load current is 20 A. The main
device operates with a duty ratio of 0.5. The peak
current through S1 is
Q3B 26
In the chopper circuit shown in the figure, The input dc voltage
is constant at Vdc. The output voltage Vo is assumed to be ripple
free. The switch S is operated with a switching time period T
and a duty ratio D. What is the value of D at the boundary of
continuous and discontinuous conduction of the inductor
current iL?
Vdc 2L 2L RT
(A) D = 1 (B) D= (C) D = 1 (D) D=
Common data for the following two questions
An ideal switch S is switched on and off with a switching
frequency of 10 kHz. The switching time period is
T = t on + t off = 100 s. The circuit is operated in boundary
of continuous and discontinuous conduction.
Q3B 27
ON time of the switch in s is given by _____
Q3B 28
The value of peak current Ip (in A) is _____
Q3B 29
The semi conductor switch in the circuit shown is operated at a
frequency of 20 kHz and a duty ratio of D = 0.5. The circuit
operates in the steady state. The power transferred from dc voltage
source V1 (= 100 V) to dc voltage source V2 (= 300 V) in watt is
Q3B 30
The average input and output voltages of a chopper circuit
are 100 V and 50 V respectively. The inductor current
waveform is shown in the figure.
What could be the chopper circuit?
(A) Step down chopper
(B) Step down/up chopper
(C) Step up/down chopper
(D) Step up chopper
Q3B 31
Which of the following DC DC converter operation will be unstable for large duty cycle ratios?
(A) Buck converter (B) Boost converter
(C) Buck Boost converter (D) both B & C
Q3B 32
In boost converter, the duty ratio is adjusted to regulate the output voltage Vo at 48 V. The input
voltage varies in a wide range from 12 to 36 V. The maximum output power is 120 W. For
stability reasons, it is required that the converter always operates in a discontinuous current
conduction mode. The switching frequency is 50 kHz. Assuming ideal components and C as very
large, the maximum value of L that can be used is
Q3B 39
In the circuit shown in figure, the switch is open and a
current of 20 A is flowing through FD, R and L. If the
switch is closed at t = 0, the expression for current
flowing through the switch is given by
(A) i (t ) = 22 + 2e 1000 t (B) i (t ) = 2 22e 1000 t
(C) i (t ) = 22 2e 1000 t (D) i(t ) = 0
Q3B 40
In the following dc dc converter circuit, if the switch is
operated at 20 kHz with duty ratio of 0.5, the energy
transferred from V1 to V2 is
(A) 940 J
(B) 94 J
(C) 0.47 J
(D) 0.047 J
Q3B 41
In the DC DC converter shown in the figure, the source
voltage is 500 V. The switch is operating with duty ratio of
0.2. The load inductance is 0.06 H and E can be assumed to be
constant. The peak to peak ripple current in inductor current is
10 A and inductor current is in boundary between continuous
and discontinuous conduction. The power delivered to the
battery (E) and conduction time of switch are respectively
(A) 400 W, 1.5 ms (B) 100 W, 7.5 ms
(C) 500 W, 7.5 ms (D) 500 W, 1.5 ms
Q3B 42
In the following DC DC converter circuit, the switch
is operating at 10 kHz. If the switch is placed in
position 1, the inductor stores energy for a period of
50s and release energy in 20 s if the switch is
moved to position 2. Then, 1 =
2 5 7 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 2 2 7
Q3B 43
A commutation circuit for a thyristor is shown in figure.
Determine the available circuit turn off time for T1 if Vdc = 200
V, R = 10 and C = 10 F. Voltage across capacitor before
SCR T2 is fired, is Vdc with polarity as shown in figure.
(A) 69.3 s (B) 69.3 ms
(C) 0.693 s (D) 0s
Q3B 44
Regarding buck boost converter which of the following statements is true?
1. It will operate as buck converter when 0 < D < 0.5 Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 143 of 257
2. It will operate as boost converter when 0.5 < D < 1 and stable throughout this range
3. It will operate as boost converter when 0.5 < D < Dmax and unstable when D > Dmax
(A) only 1 and 3 are true (B) all are true
(C) only 1 and 2 are true (D) None of these
Q3B 45
In the boost converter shown in the figure, source voltage is
100 V and load resistance is 10 . Assume that the inductor
has an internal resistance of 0.5 . The range of duty cycle to
operate the given converter in stable operation is
(A) 0 < D < 0.776 (B) 0.776 < D < 1
(C) 0.886 < D < 1 (D) 0<D<1
Q3B 46
The following chopper circuit is operating at a
switching frequency of 1kHz with a duty cycle ratio
of 50%. Assume a voltage drop of 2 V across the
switch when it is ON. The converter circuit
efficiency is
(A) 95% (B) 98%
(C) 100% (D) 99%
Q3B 47
The input voltage to a dc dc converter shown in the
figure is 12 V. The switch is operating at 25 kHz. From
an experiment it is observed that Vo = 20 mV and IL =
0.8 A. For an average output voltage of 5 V, the value of
capacitance will be
(A) 200 F (B) 145.8 F
(C) 150 F (D) None
Q3B 48
In a resonant commutation circuit, supply voltage is 200 V and load current is 10 A. The device
turn off time is 30 s. The ratio of peak resonant current to load current is 1.5, the value of L and
C will be
(A) L = 2.66 mH and C = 1.5 F (B) L = 1.5 mH and C = 0.266 F
(C) L = 0.266 mH and C = 1.5 F (D) None
Q3B 49
In the following circuit, MOSFET Q is
switched at 100 kHz with a duty ratio of 0.5.
MOSFET is having an ON resistance of 1
when it is ON. Find the average conduction
loss in MOSFET
(A) 20.41 W (B) 41.67 W
(C) 12.5 W (D) 4.167 W
Q3B 50
Which of the following circuit representation is equivalent to buck boost converter?
Q3B 51
In the following resonant pulse commutation
scheme, find the voltage across main SCR when
it gets turned off by considering L = 5 H and
C = 20 F
(A) 460 V
(B) 177 V
(C) 174.37 V
(D) 230 V
Q3B 52
An RL load is connected to DC voltage source of
220 V through a diode as shown in the figure. A
freewheeling diode is connected across the load to
recover the trapped energy. Assume that switch is
closed for 100 s and then opened. Find the final
energy stored in the inductor by assuming
negligible load resistance
(A) 1J (B) 0.5 J (C) 1.5 J (D) 1.1 J
Q3B 53
A chopper circuit shown in the figure, is operating at
a frequency of 25 kHz with a duty cycle ratio of
0.25. The peak to peak ripple in the inductor current
will be
(A) 1A (B) 1.8 A
(C) 0.5 A (D) 0.8 A
Q3B 54
The basic difference between transformer and inductor used in power conversion circuit is
(A) Both have same purpose
(B) Inductor is used to smoothen the energy flow whereas transformer will provide electrical
isolation and voltage levels matching
(C) Inductor will store energy whereas transformer will not store energy
(D) both B & C are correct
Q3B 55
A type A chopper is operating at 2 kHz from a 100 V dc source has a load time constant of 5
ms and load resistance of 10 . Find the maximum value of inductor current for a mean load
voltage of 50 V
(A) 5.25 A (B) 5.025 A (C) 5.125 A (D) 4.875 A
Q3B 56
A diode is connected in series with LC
circuit as shown in figure. Assume the
capacitor is initially charged to a voltage of
50 V and initial inductor current is zero.
The voltage across capacitor at the time
diode turns off is
Q3B 63
For the dc to dc converter shown in the figure, source
voltage is 60 V and switch is operating at D = 0.6. The
load resistance is R = 12 and T = 20 s. Assume
ripple in capacitor voltage is 1% of its average value and
ripple in inductor current is 10% of its average value.
Consider that current through the inductor and voltage
across capacitor are all continuous. Then
(A) L = 960 H and C = 2 F (B) L = 2667 H and C = 24 F
(C) L = 2667 H and C = 2 F (D) L = 960 H and C = 24 F
Q3B 64
In the circuit shown in the figure, SCR is forced commutated by
circuitry not shown in the figure. Compute the minimum value of C so
that SCR does not get turned on due to reapplied dv/dt. The SCR has
minimum charging current of 5 mA to turn it on and its junction
capacitance is 25 pF
(A) 0.02 F (B) 0.05 F (C) 0.1 F (D) < 0.02 F
Q3B 65
Q3B 66
For the circuit shown in the figure, Vdc = 200 V, L = 0.2 mH,
C = 20 F, constant load current Io = 10 A and capacitor is
initially charged to source voltage Vdc with lower plate
positive. The auxiliary thyristor TA is turned on at t = 0 to
commutate the main thyristor T1. The circuit turn off time
(in s) for T1 is ____
Q3B 67
Q3B 68
In the circuit shown in figure, source voltage is 200 V with
polarity indicated. Assume load current is constant at 50 A and C =
20 F The circuit turn off time (in s) for main thyristor T1 after it
is voltage commutated by thyristor TA is _____.
Q3B 69
Q3B 70
A class C commutation circuit (complementary) employing with Vdc = 230 V and R1 = 20 and
R2 = 100 . Each SCR has a minimum charging current of 4 mA to turn it on and its junction
capacitance is 20 pF. The minimum value of C (in F) so that thyristors do not get turned on due
to reapplied dv/dt is _______.
Q3B 71
An input voltage of a repetitive waveform is filtered and then applied across the load resistance
as shown in figure.
Consider the system to be in steady state. It is given that L = 5 H and Pload = 250 W.
Assume that C so that vo (t ) Vo .The rms value of capacitor current ic is
4 2
(A) 2A (B) 4A (C) A (D) A
3 3
Q3B 72
In a buck converter shown in figure, consider all
components to be ideal. Let vo Vo be held constant at 5
V by controlling the switch duty ratio D. Consider source
voltage is varies from 10 to 40 V, Po 5 W and switching
frequency of converter is 50 kHz. The minimum
inductance L required to keep the converter operation in a
continuous conduction mode under all conditions is
(A) 23.75 H (B) 33.75 H
(C) 43.75 H (D) 53.75 H
Q3B 73
In a buck converter shown in Q3B 72, consider all components to be ideal.
Assume Vo = 5 V, fs = 20 kHz, L = 1 mH and C = 470 F. If Vdc = 12.6 V and Io = 200 mA, then
peak to peak ripple in capacitor voltage (Vo) is
(A) 1.01 mV (B) 2.01 mV (C) 3.01 mV (D) 4.01 mV
Q3B 74
In Q3B 73, the RMS value of ripple current through L and hence through C are respectively
(A) 43.66 mA and 21.83 mA (B) 21.83 mA and 43.66 mA
(C) 21.83 mA and 21.83 mA (D) 43.66 mA and 43.66 mA
Q3B 75
In a buck converter shown in Q3B 72, consider all components to be ideal.
I oB
Assume Vo = 5 V, fs = 20 kHz, L = 1 mH and C = 470 F. If Vdc = 12.6 V and I o = where IoB
is the average output current when iL is at boundary. Then peak to peak ripple in capacitor
voltage (Vo) is
(A) 1.66 mV (B) 2.01 mV (C) 3.25 mV (D) 5.66 mV
Q3B 76
In a boost converter shown in the figure, consider all
components to be ideal. Let Vdc be 8 to 16 V,
Vo = 24 V (regulated), fs = 20 kHz and C = 470 F. If
Po 5 W, then minimum inductance value (Lmin)
required to keep the converter operation in a
continuous conduction mode is
(A) 470 H (B) 427 H
(C) 627 H (D) 327 H
Q3B 77
In a boost converter shown in the figure Q3B 76, consider all components to be ideal. Assume
Vdc = 12 V, Vo = 24 V, fs = 20 kHz, Io = 0.5 A, L = 150 H and C = 470 F.
Then peak to peak ripple in capacitor voltage (Vo) is
(A) 29.92 mV (B) 39.92 mV (C) 49.92 mV (D) 59.92 mV
Q3B 78
In Q3B 77, the RMS value of ripple in the diode current (which also flows through the
capacitor) is
(A) 0.816 A (B) 0.645 A (C) 0.456 A (D) 0.546 A
Q3B 79
In a boost converter shown in the figure Q3B 76, consider all components to be ideal. Assume
Vdc = 12 V, Vo = 24 V, fs = 20 kHz, L = 150 H and C = 470 F. I o = oB where IoB is the
average output current when iL is at boundary. Then peak to peak ripple in capacitor voltage
(Vo) is
(A) 15.1 mV (B) 16.4 mV (C) 18.1 mV (D) 20.1 mV
Q3B 80
In a buck boost converter shown in figure, consider
all components to be ideal. Let Vdc to be 8 to 40 V,
Vo = 15 V (regulated), fs = 20 kHz and C = 470 F. If
Po 2 W, then minimum inductance value (Lmin)
required to keep the converter operation in a
continuous conduction mode is
(A) 0.49 mH (B) 1.49 mH
(C) 2.49 mH (D) 4.49 mH
Q3B 81
In a buck boost converter shown in the figure Q3B 80, consider all components to be ideal.
Assume Vdc = 12 V, Vo = 15 V, fs = 20 kHz, Io = 250 mA, L = 150 H and C = 470 F.
Then peak to peak ripple in capacitor voltage (Vo) is
(A) 18.86 mV (B) 28.86 mV (C) 38.86 mV (D) 48.86 mV
Q3B 82
In Q3B 81, the RMS value of ripple in the diode current (which also flows through the
capacitor) is
(A) 0.248 A (B) 0.645 A (C) 0.448 A (D) 0.348 A
Q3B 83
In a buck boost converter shown in the figure Q3B 80,consider all components to be ideal.
Assume Vdc = 12 V, Vo = 15 V, fs = 20 kHz, L = 150 H and C = 470 F.
I o = oB where IoB is the average output current when iL is at boundary. Then peak to peak ripple
in capacitor voltage (Vo) is
(A) 16.64 mV (B) 18.64 mV (C) 15.64 mV (D) 20.64 mV
Q3B 84
A transformer is wound on a toroidal core. The primary winding is supplied with a square wave
voltage with a 50 V amplitude and a frequency of 100 kHz. Assuming a uniform flux density in
the core, calculate the minimum number of primary winding turns required to keep the peak flux
density in the core below 0.15 Wb/m2 if the core cross sectional area is 0.635cm2.
The mean path length equals 3.15 cm and the relative permeability r = 2500.
The magnetizing inductance Lm is
(A) 1.24 mH (B) 1.24 H (C) 2.48 mH (D) 2.48 H
Q3B 85
A toroidal core has distributed airgaps that make the relative permeability equal to 125. The
cross sectional area is 0.113 cm2 and the mean path length is 3.12 cm. The number of turns
required to obtain an inductance of 25 H is
(A) 14 (B) 21 (C) 25 (C) 13
To succeed in your mission, you must have single minded devotion to your goal
PEQB Chapter 3
DC DC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK),MIE
Exercise C
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for Engineering Services Examination and Civil Services
mains preparation. You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q3C 01
An RLE load is operating in chopper circuit from a 500 V dc source. For the load L = 0.06 H, R
= 0 and constant E. For a duty cycle of 0.2, find the chopping frequency to limit peak to peak
ripple current in inductor is 10 A
Q3C 02
The schematic of a chopper driven separately excited
dc motor is shown in the figure. An SPDT switch
operates with a switching period T of 1 ms. The switch
is placed at period of Ton at S position and for a period
of Toff at S position in such that = 0.2 .
Ton + Toff
The motor may be assumed lossless, with an armature inductance of 10 mH. The motor draws an
average current of 20 A at a constant back emf of 80 V, under steady state.
(a) Sketch and label the voltage waveform across the motor terminals
(b) Sketch and label the motor current for one switching period
(C) Evaluate the peak to peak current ripple of the motor
Q3C 03
For type A chopper, feeding an RLE load from a source voltage of Vdc, show that maximum
value of average current rating for the thyristor is in case load current remains constant
4Vdc R
Q3C 04
A step down chopper operating at 2 kHz from 100 V dc source has a load time constant of 6 ms
and load resistance of 10 . Find the mean load current, the magnitude of current ripple for a
mean load voltage of 50 V. Also calculate the minimum and maximum values of load current
Q3C 05
A step down (type A) chopper is fed from 230 V dc and its duty cycle is 0.5. Calculate the rms
value of output voltage for fundamental, second and third harmonic components. Hence, express
the output voltage as a function of Fourier series
Q3C 06
A 120 V battery supplies RL load through a chopper. A freewheeling diode is connected across
RL load having R = 5 and L = 60 mH. Load current varies between 7 A and 9 A. Calculate
time ratio on for this chopper
Q3C 07
A step up chopper has output voltage of two to four times the input voltage. For a chopping
frequency of 2000 Hz, determine the range of off periods for the gate signal
Q3C 08
A step up chopper with a pulse width of 100 s is operating from 230 V dc supply. Compute the
average value of load voltage for a chopping frequency of 2000 Hz
Q3C 09
A dc battery is to be charged from a constant dc source of 220 V. The battery is to be charged
from its internal emf of 90 V to 122 V. The battery has internal resistance of 1 . For a constant
charging current 10 A, compute the range of duty cycle
Q3C 10
A dc chopper feeds power to RLE load with R = 2 , L = 10 mH and E = 6 V. If this chopper is
operating at a chopping frequency of 1 kHz and with duty cycle of 10% from a 220 V dc source.
Compute the maximum and minimum currents taken by the load
Q3C 11
For type A chopper feeding RLE load, find an expression for the duty cycle for which the
average current rating of freewheeling diode would be maximum. Assume constant load current
Q3C 12
A battery with its terminal voltage of 200 V is supplied with power from type A chopper circuit.
The output voltage of the chopper consists of rectangular pulses of 2 ms duration in an overall
cycle time of 5 ms. Internal resistance of the battery is negligible. Calculate:
(a) ripple factor (b) average and rms values of output voltage (c) rms value of the fundamental
component of output voltage (d) ac ripple voltage
Q3C 13
The semi conductor switch in the circuit shown is operated at a
frequency of 20 kHz and a duty ratio of D = 0.5. The circuit
operates in the steady state.
(a) Calculate the power transferred from dc voltage source V1 (=
100 V) to dc voltage source V2 (= 300 V)
(b) Repeat (a) if V1 = 100 V and V2 = 250 V
Q3C 14
An ideal switch S is switched on and off with a switching
frequency of 10 kHz. The switching time period is
T = t on + t off = 100 s. The circuit is operated in boundary of
continuous and discontinuous conduction.
(a) find ON time of the switch in s
(b) The value of peak current Ip in ampere
Q3C 15
A step up chopper has input voltage of 220 V and output voltage of
660 V. if the conducting time of the switch is 100 s, compute the
pulse width of output voltage. In case, if the pulse width is halved
for constant frequency of operation, find the average value of new
output voltage.
Q3C 16
For type A chopper, dc source voltage = 230 V, load resistance = 10 . Take a voltage drop of 2
V across chopper when it is on. For a duty cycle ratio of 0.4, calculate
(a) average and rms values of output voltage (b) chopper efficiency (c) effective input resistance
of the chopper (d) average and rms value of switch current.
Q3C 17
A type A chopper has input dc voltage of 200 V and a load of R = 10 in series with L = 80
mH. If load current varies linearly between 12 A and 16 A, find the time ratio on for this
Q3C 18
A step down/up chopper has input dc voltage of 220 V and output voltage of 660 V. If the
conduction time of thyristor chopper is 120 s, compute the pulse width of load voltage.
In case pulse width of load voltage is increased to three times its previous width, for constant
frequency of operation, find the average value of new output voltage.
Q3C 19
For type A chopper, source voltage Vdc = 220 V, chopping frequency = 500 Hz, on period of the
switch is 600 s, load circuit parameters: R = 1 , L = 5 mH and E = 24 V.
(a) Find whether load current is continuous or not
(b) Calculate the value of average load current
(c) Calculate the approximate maximum and minimum values on steady state output current
(d) Compute the average value of source current
(e) Compute input power, the power absorbed by the load counter emf and the power loss in
the resistor
(f) Find rms values of first, second and third harmonics of the load current and then find the
rms value of output current.
Q3C 20
A step down chopper fed from 220 V dc is connected to RL load with R = 10 and L = 15 mH.
Chopper frequency is 1250 Hz and duty cycle is 0.5. Calculate (a) peak to peak ripple in inductor
current (b) minimum and maximum values of inductor current (c) average value of load current
(d) rms value of switch current.
Q3C 21
A DC to DC converter is operated at a duty cycle of 0.4. The load resistance if R = 150 . The
inductor has internal resistance of 1 . Determine the voltage gain in steady state for (a) Buck
converter (b) Boost converter (c) Buck Boost converter.
Q3C 22
A buck converter has an input voltage of 15 V. The required output voltage is 5 V and the peak
to peak ripple in output voltage is 10 mV. The switching frequency is 20 kHz. The peak to peak
ripple in inductor current is limited to 0.5 A. Determine
(a) duty cycle ratio (b) filter inductance, L (c) filter capacitance, C (d) critical values of L and C
at load resistance of 10 .
Q3C 23
A boost converter has an input voltage of 6 V and average output voltage of 15 V. The average
load current is 0.5 A at a switching frequency of 20 kHz. If L = 250 H and C = 440 F,
determine (a) duty cycle ratio (b) peak to peak ripple in inductor current, I L (c) peak value of
inductor current, iLP (d) the ripple voltage in filter capacitor, Vo (e) critical values of L and C.
Q3C 24
A Buck Boost converter has an input voltage of 12 V and operates at a switching frequency of 25
kHz with duty cycle of 0.6. If L = 250 H and C = 220 F and average load current = 1.5 A.
Determine (a) Average output voltage (b) the ripple voltage in filter capacitor, Vo (c) peak to
peak ripple in inductor current, I L (d) peak value of switch current (e) critical values of L and C
Q3C 25
A voltage commutated chopper feeds power to a battery powered electric car. The battery
voltage is 60 V, starting current is 60 A and thyristor turn off time is 20 s. Calculate the value
of the commutating capacitor C and the commutating inductor L. Assume factor of safety is 2.0.
Q3C 26
A DC DC converter shown in the figure
consists of two SPDT switches. Both switch are
at S position for a period of DT and S position
for a period of (1 D )T where T is one
switching cycle time. Consider that currents
through the inductors (L1 and L2) and voltage
across capacitors (C1 and C2) are all continuous.
The switch drops may be taken to be zero during conduction.
(a) Evaluate the voltage conversion ratio o
(b) Calculate L1, L2, C1 and C2 by considering the circuit data as Vdc = 100 V, D = 0.6, R = 12
and T = 20 s. Assume ripple in capacitor voltage is 1% of its average value and ripple in
inductor current is 10% of its average value.
Q3C 27
In the buck converter shown in the figure, the diode has a lead inductance of 0.2 H and reverse
recovery charge of 10 C forward diode current of 10 A. Find the peak current through switch
Q3C 28
A chopper circuit drives an inductive load from a 200 V dc supply. Given the load resistance of
40 , the average load current of 30 A and the operating chopper frequency of 400 Hz, compute
the On and OFF periods of the chopper.
Q3C 29
A separately excited dc motor is supplied from a 60 V dc source through a fixed frequency
chopper. The rated speed is 900 rpm and the rated current is 30 A. Armature circuit resistance is
0.25 . Find the duty cycle ratio of the chopper at rated motor torque for a speed of 300 rpm
ignoring current pulsations.
Q3C 30
A voltage commutated chopper is shown in figure, with main
thyristor T1 conducting, the capacitor C is charged to a source
voltage Vdc = 200 V with the polarities as marked. Now after the
auxiliary SCR TA is turned on, the main SCR reverse biased for
100 s. Calculate the value of the commutating component C by
considering R = 10
Find also the value of commutating component L in case
maximum permissible current through main SCR is (a) 2.5 times the load current and (b) 1.5
times the peak diode current.
Q3C 31
A voltage commutated chopper has the following parameters:
Source voltage = 220 V, load circuit parameters = 0.5 , 2 mH, 40 V
Commutation circuit parameters:
L = 20 H and C = 50 F
Ton = 800 s, T = 2000 s
For a constant load current of 80 A, compute the following:
(a) Effective on period (b) peak currents through main and auxiliary SCRs (c) turn off times for
T1 and TA (d) total commutation interval (e) capacitor voltage 150 s after TA is triggered
(f) time needed to recharge the capacitor to voltage Vdc
Q3C 32
An impulse commutated chopper feeds an inductive load requiring a constant current of 260 A.
The source voltage is 220 V dc and the chopping frequency is 400 Hz. Turn off time for main
thyristor is 18 s. Peak current through main thyristor is limited to 1.8 times the constant load
current. Taking a factor of safety 2 for the main thyristor, calculate the values of (a) commutating
components C and L (b) the minimum and maximum output voltages.
Q3C 33
A current commutated chopper is fed from a dc source of 230 V. Its commutating components
are L = 20 H and C = 50 F. If load current of 200 A is assumed constant during the
commutation process, then compute the following:
(a) turn off time for main thyristor (b) total commutation interval (c) turn off time for auxiliary
Q3C 34
In a voltage commutated chopper, the main
thyristor THm is commutated by connecting a pre
charged capacitor directly across it through
auxiliary thyristor THa as shown in the figure.
The main thyristor has a turn off time of 50 s
and a maximum rating of 500 V/s. Find out a
suitable value of C for safe commutation of THm.
Q3C 35
(a) For a current commutated chopper, peak commutating current is twice the maximum possible
load current. The source voltage is 230 V dc and main SCR turn off time is 30 s. For a
maximum load current of 200 A, calculate
(i) the values of commutating inductor and capacitor (ii) maximum capacitor voltage (iii) peak
commutating current
(b) Repeat part (a), in case peak commutating current is thrice the maximum possible load
current. And Compare the results obtained in part (a) and (b)
Q3C 36
For type A chopper feeding an RLE load, show that maximum value of rms current rating for the
2 Vdc E 2
freewheeling diode, in case load current is ripple free, is given by 1
3 3 R Vdc
Q3C 37
The speed of a separately excited dc motor is controlled below base by type A chopper. The
supply voltage is 220 V dc. The armature circuit has ra = 0.5 and La = 10 mH. The motor
constant K = 0.1 V/rpm. The motor drives a constant torque load requiring an armature current of
30 A. On the assumption of continuous armature current, calculate (a) the range of speed control
and (b) the range of duty cycle.
Q3C 38
A dc chopper is used to control the speed of a separately excited dc motor. The dc supply voltage
is 220 V, armature resistance ra = 0.2 and motor constant K a = 0.08 V/rpm. The motor drives
a constant torque load requiring an average armature current of 25 A. Determine (a) the range of
speed control and (b) the range of duty cycle. Assume the motor current to be continuous.
Q3C 39
A voltage commutated chopper delivers power to RLE load for which R = 0 and L = 8 mH. For a
chopping frequency of 200 Hz and dc source voltage of 400 V, find the chopper duty cycle so as
to limit the load current excursion to 40 A.
Q3C 40
A current commutated chopper has the following data: Source voltage = 220 V dc, peak
commutating current = 1.8 times the load current, main SCR tq = 20 s, factor of safety = 2 and
load current = 180 A.
Determine the values of commutating inductor and capacitor, maximum capacitor voltage and
the peak commutating current.
Q3C 41
The commutating components for a current commutated chopper are C = 40 F and L = 18 H.
DC source voltage is 220 V and load current is constant at a value of 180 A during the
commutation interval. For this chopper, calculate:
(a) circuit turn off time for main thyristor (b) circuit turn off time for auxiliary thyristor (c) total
commutation interval.
Q3C 42
Q3C 43
A buck converter has an input voltage of 16 V. The required output voltage is 8 V and the peak
to peak ripple in output voltage is 10 mV. The switching frequency is 25 kHz. The peak to peak
ripple in inductor current is limited to 0.7 A. Determine
(a) duty cycle ratio (b) filter inductance, L (c) filter capacitance, C
Q3C 44
A boost converter has an input voltage of 8 V and average output voltage of 16 V. The average
load current is 0.5 A at a switching frequency of 30 kHz. If L = 160 H and C = 380 F,
determine (a) duty cycle ratio (b) peak to peak ripple in inductor current, I L (c) peak value of
switch current (d) the ripple voltage in filter capacitor, Vo
Q3C 45
A Buck Boost converter has an input voltage of 10 V and operates at a switching frequency of
25 kHz with duty cycle of 0.3. If L = 150 H and C = 220 F and average load current = 1.2 A.
Determine (a) Average output voltage (b) the ripple voltage in filter capacitor, Vo (c) peak to
peak ripple in inductor current, I L (d) peak and average value of switch current.
Q3C 46
A DC motor is fed from a 220 V dc supply through a chopper circuit operating on constant
frequency of 800 Hz. The armature and series field resistances are 0.08 and 0.04
respectively. The back emf of the motor is 170 V. Find the ON and OFF periods of the chopper.
Assume armature current is 50 A.
Q3C 47
A single quadrant chopper feeds an RL load comprising a resistance of 10 and an inductance
of 15 mH and is fed from 110 V dc. Determine (i) minimum and maximum values of load
current (ii) peak to peak ripple (iii) average value of load current. Assume chopper frequency is
500 Hz, duty cycle = 0.5 and current is continuous.
Q3C 48
In a voltage commutated chopper DC input voltage is 250 V, constant load current is 20 A.
Chopper frequency is 250 Hz and commutating components are L = 1.25 mH, C = 8 F.
Calculate the exact minimum average output voltage and circuit turn off time.
Q3C 49
Draw a neat circuit diagram for four quadrant chopper employing self commutated switches,
feeding the armature of a DC motor (separately excited type). Explain through voltage and
current waveform the working for both duty ratio greater than and less than 0.5
Q3C 50
Consider a switched mode power supply (SMPS) represented
by the circuit shown in figure. The input dc voltage is 20 V
and the switch duty cycle ratio is 0.75. The switching
frequency is 300 kHz and the resistive load draws 240 W.
The filter components are L = 1.3 H and C = 50 F.
(a) Calculate Fourier components of voi
(b) Calculate the attenuation in decibels of the ripple voltage in voi at various harmonic
(c) Calculate and draw voltage and current associated with the filter inductor L, and current
through capacitor C. Using the capacitor current obtained, estimate the peak to peak ripple in the
voltage across C, which was initially assumed to be zero.
Q3C 51
An input voltage of a repetitive waveform is filtered and then applied across the load resistance
as shown in figure.
Consider the system to be in steady state. It is given that L = 5 H and Pload = 250 W.
(a) Calculate the average output voltage.
(b) Assume that C so that vo (t ) Vo . Calculate Io and RMS value of capacitor current ic.
(c) In part (b), plot vL and iL.
Q3C 52
A step down dc chopper has load resistance of 20 . Chopper input voltage is 200 V dc. The
chopper switch has a voltage drop of 1.5 V when conducting. If the chopper frequency is 2 kHz,
find the input and output power of the chopper at a duty cycle of 0.5. Also find chopper
Q3C 53
Derive an expression for Vo (peak to peak ripple) in a discontinuous conduction mode of iL in
terms of the circuit parameters for three basic dc dc converters are shown in the figures
(a) (c)
Q3C 54
In a full bridge dc dc converter shown in the figure, the input Vdc is constant and the output
voltage is controlled by varying the duty ratio using (a) PWM with bipolar switching and (b)
PWM with unipolar switching.
Q3C 55
The circuit shown in the figure is initially relaxed. The
thyristor T is turned on at t = 0. Consider L = 5 mH and C
= 20 F and Vdc = 200 V. Determine (a) conduction time
of thyristor and (b) voltage across thyristor and capacitor
after SCR is turned off
Q3C 56
A resonant pulse commutation (or class B commutation)
has C = 20 F and L = 5 H is shown in the figure. Initial
voltage across capacitor is Vdc = 230 V. For a constant load
current of 300 A, calculate: (a) conduction time for the
auxiliary thyristor (b) voltage across the main thyristor
when it gets commutated and (c) the circuit turn off time
for the main thyristor
Q3C 57
A class C commutation circuit with Vdc = 200 V, R1 = 10
and R2 = 100 is shown in the figure. Determine
(a) peak value of current through thyristors T1 and T2
(b) value of capacitor C if each thyristor has turn off time of 40
s. Take a factor of safety 2.0 (c) derive the expressions used.
Q3C 58
Class D commutation (voltage commutation) circuit is
shown in the figure. For this circuit, Vdc = 230 V, L = 20
H and C = 40 F. For a constant load current of 120 A,
(a) peak value of current through capacitance
(b) peak current through main and auxiliary SCR
(c) circuit turn off times for main and auxiliary SCR
Q3C 59
In the circuit shown in the figure, SCR is forced commutated by
circuitry not shown in the figure. Compute the minimum value of C so
that SCR does not get turned on due to reapplied dv/dt. The SCR has
minimum charging current of 5 mA to turn it on and its junction
capacitance is 25 pF
Q3C 60
For a voltage or impulse commutated thyristor circuit shown in
the figure, capacitor is initially charged to Vdc with polarity as
shown. Find the circuit turn off time for the main thyristor (T1)
in case C = 10 F, R = 5 and Vdc = 200 V
Q3C 61
For the circuit shown in the figure, commutating elements L =
20 H and C = 40 F are connected in series with load
resistance R = 1 , check whether self commutation or load
commutation, would occur or not. Find the conduction time of
the thyristor.
Q3C 62
(a) For the circuit shown in figure, Vdc = 250 V and RL
= 20 . dv/dt rating of SCR is 400 V/s and its
junction capacitance is 25 pF. Switch S is closed at t =
0. Calculate the value of Cs so that thyristor T is not
turned on due to dv/dt.
(b) In case maximum current through thyristor of figure
is limited to 40 A, determine the value of Rs.
Q3C 63
Q3C 64
For current commutated circuit of figure shown in the Q3C 63, Vdc = 230 V, L = 16 H and C
= 5 F. Capacitor is initially charged to voltage Vdc with left hand place positive. Auxiliary
thyristor TA is turned on at t = 0. Find the total time for which capacitor current ic exists. The
peak resonant current is 1.5 times the full load current
Q3C 65
For the circuit shown in the figure, Vdc = 200 V, L = 0.2
mH, C = 20 F, constant load current Io = 10 A and
capacitor is initially charged to source voltage Vdc with
lower plate positive. The auxiliary thyristor TA is turned
on at t = 0 to commutate the main thyristor T1. Calculate
(a) the time at which the commutation of main thyristor T1
gets initiated (b) the circuit turn off time for T1. Comment
on the conduction time of auxiliary thyristor
Q3C 66
Q3C 67
Q3C 68
In the circuit shown in figure, source voltage is 200 V with polarity indicated. Find the circuit
turn off time for main thyristor T1 after it is voltage commutated by thyristor TA. Assume load
current is constant at 40 A and C = 10 F
Q3C 69
A circuit employing resonant pulse commutation has C = 20 F and L = 3 H. The initial
capacitor voltage = source voltage, Vdc = 230 V. Determine conduction time for auxiliary
thyristor and circuit turn off time for main thyristor in case constant load current is (a) 300 A and
(b) 60 A.
Q3C 70
A class C commutation circuit (complementary) employing with Vdc = 200 V and R1 = 10 .
Find the value of capacitor so that thyristor T1 is commutated in 50 s. It is required that SCR
T2 is turned off naturally when current through it falls below the holding current of 4 mA. Find
the value of R2.
Q3C 71
A class C commutation circuit (complementary) employing with Vdc = 230 V and R1 = 20 and
R2 = 100 . Determine the minimum value of C so that thyristors do not get turned on due to
reapplied dv/dt. Each SCR has a minimum charging current of 4 mA to turn it on and its junction
capacitance is 20 pF.
Q3C 72
For the static dc circuit breaker shown in the figure, the
supply voltage is 200 V dc and load current required is 10 A.
SCR T1 has a turn off time of 20 s and SCR T2 has a
holding current of 5 mA. Find the values of parameters R2, C
and load resistance. Take a factor of safety is 2.
Calculate the loss of efficiency due to power losses in the transistor at full load, with the input
voltage at its maximum. (Hint: Approximate the capacitor voltage waveform with straight line
Q3C 74
(a) A transformer is wound on a toroidal core. The primary winding is supplied with a square
wave voltage with a 50 V amplitude and a frequency of 100 kHz. Assuming a uniform flux
density in the core, calculate the minimum number of primary winding turns required to keep the
peak flux density in the core below 0.15 Wb/m2 if the core cross sectional area is 0.635cm2.
Plot the voltage and flux density waveforms in steady state as a function of time.
(b) Refer to part (a), calculate the magnetizing inductance Lm if the mean path length equals 3.15
cm and the relative permeability r = 2500.
Q3C 75
A toroidal core has distributed airgaps that make the relative permeability equal to 125. The
cross sectional area is 0.113 cm2 and the mean path length is 3.12 cm. Calculate the number of
turns required to obtain an inductance of 25 H
Q3C 76
In a fly-back converter, the required output voltage is 100 V for a nominal input voltage of 12 V.
If the switch is operating at duty ratio of 0.5,
(a) find the turns ratio of fly-back transformer. Assume voltage drop across switch is 0.8 V
and diode is 0.8 V
(b) Find the minimum and maximum values of D, if the input voltage varies from 10 to 14 V,
by maintaining Vo to be constant. Assume the switching frequency of 2 kHz
(c) Find the value of Ls on secondary winding so that secondary current is just continuous at
the minimum value of D calculated in part (b). Consider load resistance of 100
Q3C 77
The average output voltage of fly-back converter is 24 V at a resistive load of 0.8 . The duty
cycle ratio is 0.5 and switching frequency is 1 kHz. The ON state voltage drops of switch and
diode are VT = 1.2 V and VD = 0.7 V. The turns ratio of the transformer is = 0.25 .
Find efficiency of the converter
Q3C 78
A fly-back converter is to be designed to operate in just continuous conduction mode when the
input dc is at its minimum expected voltage of 200 V and when the load draws maximum power.
The load voltage is regulated at 16 V. What should be the primary to secondary turns ratio of the
transformer if duty ratio of the switch is limited to 80%. Neglect ON state voltage drops across
the switch and diodes
Q3C 79
Find maximum voltage across the switch in the primary winding and diode in the tertiary
winding if the forward converter transformer has 10 primary turns, 15 tertiary turns and
maximum dc input voltage is 300 V
Q3C 80
If turns ratio of the primary and tertiary windings of the forward transformer are in the ratio of
1 : 2 , what is the maximum duty ratio at which the converter can be operated? Corresponding to
this duty ratio, what should be the minimum ratio of secondary to primary turns if the input dc
supply is 400 V and the required output voltage is 15 V. Neglect switch and diode conduction
voltage drops
Q3C 81
A forward converter operating at duty
ratio of 0.4 is shown in the figure. The
switch is operating with a switching
frequency of 50 kHz.
(a) Find the output voltage with ideal
(b) Find the output voltage and efficiency
of the converter by considering the
following non idealities:
ON state voltage drop of switch and diode is 0.4 V and 0.8 V respectively. The internal
resistance of the primary and secondary windings is 30 m and 60 m respectively.
Internal resistance of the inductor is 15 m and load resistance is 1
(c) If the transformer has magnetizing inductance of 500 H, then evaluate the magnetization
loss involved in the core resetting process. Also find the new efficiency
Q3C 82
A fly back converter is operating in a complete demagnetization mode. Derive the voltage
conversion ratio o in terms of the load resistance R, switching frequency fs, transformer
inductance Lm, and duty ratio D.
Q3C 83
A forward converter is operating at the boundary
of continuous and discontinuous conduction. The
switch is operating at 100 kHz. Assume = for
the core so that energy recovery winding is
ignored. A load of 10 A at 20 V is being supplied.
(a) Find the inductance value
(b) Find peak to peak ripple in output voltage as
% of average output voltage o
Q3C 84
In a regulated flyback converter with a 1:1 turns ratio, Vo = 12 V, Vdc is 12 to 24 V, Pload is 6 to
60 W, and the switching frequency fs = 200 kHz. Calculate the maximum value of magnetizing
inductance Lm that can be used if the converter is always required to operate in a complete
demagnetization (equivalent to discontinuous conduction) mode. Assume ideal components.
Q3C 85
A flyback converter is operating in an incomplete demagnetization mode with a duty ratio of 0.4.
In the same application, another operation may be parallel two half size flyback converters as
shown in figure. Compare the ripple in input current is and the output stage current io waveforms
in these two options, assuming a very large output capacitor such that vo (t ) Vo .
Q3C 86
A switched mode power supply is to be designed with the following specifications:
Vdc = 48 10% V, Vo = 5 V (regulated), fs = 100 kHz and Pload is 15 to 50 W.
A forward converter operating in a continuous conduction mode with a demagnetizing winding
(N3 = N1) chosen. Assume all components to be ideal except for the presence of transformer
magnetization inductance.
(a) Calculate 2 if this turns ratio is desired to be as small as possible.
(b) Calculate the minimum value of the filter inductance.
Q3C 87
A forward converter with a demagnetizing winding is designed to operate with a maximum duty
ratio Dmax of 0.7. Calculate the voltage rating of the switch if the source voltage is 48 V.
Q3C 88
The average output voltage of a push pull converter shown in the figure below is 24 V at a
resistive load of 0.8 . The on state voltage drops of switches and diodes are Vt = 1.2 V and Vd =
0.7 V respectively. The turns ratio of the transformer is 2 = 0.25 .
Determine (a) the average input current (b) efficiency of the converter (c) peak, average and rms
value of switch current (d) The voltage stress on the switch. Neglect losses in the transformer,
and the ripple in load as well as input supply current is negligible. Assume duty cycle ratio is
Q3C 89
In the push pull converter shown in figure of Q3C 88, assume the losses to be zero and each
switch duty ratio is 0.25. The transformer has magnetizing inductance and im is the magnetizing
(a) At a large load where i L 2 >> im . Draw im, iD1 and iD2 waveforms.
(b) At essentially no load, draw the im waveform and show that the peak value of im is higher
than in part (a).
A man who works regularly in a systematic fashion never feels over worked or
tired. He knows his limits and is able to do in fair time, all that he undertakes. It
is not hard work that kills a man, but irregularity or lack of system.
Q06: 2500 Q08: 075 Q09: 2.49 to 2.51 Q10: 31.0 to 31.5
Q27: 83.33 Q28: 83.33 Q29: 937.5 Q60: 0.514
Q61: 1.416 Q62: 34.66 Q65: 125.664 Q66: 166.73
Q67: 1.5684 Q68: 80 Q69: 1.574 Q70: 0.1
Vdc V
(iii) (a) 0 and I L ,max = (b) 0.5 and I L ,max = dc
2 La f s 8La f s
Q55: (a) 993.46 s (b) 200 V
Q56: (a) 31.416 s (b) 174.355 V (c) 11.624 s
Q57: (a) 24 A and 42 A (b) 11.542 F
Q58: (a) 325.22 A (b) 445.22 A, 120 A (c) 76.67 s and 44.43 s
Q59: < 0.02 F Q60: 34.66 s
Q61: 125.664 s Q62: (a) Cs = 0.025 F (b) Rs = 6.67
Q63: L = 17.143 H and C = 29.167 F
Q64: 58.047 s Q65: (a) 15.981 s (b) 166.73 s
Q66: iR = 0 A and iL = 1.5684 A
PEQB Chapter 4
DC AC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise A
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for objective/prelims preparation of ESE/ PSUs and one
mark questions for GATE exam.
200 100
(A) (B)
(C) 200 (D) 100
Q4A 03 (ONGC 2014)
A transistor is used as a switch for developing which of the following?
(A) Only high power inverters (B) Both low and medium power inverters
(C) Only low power inverters (D) Medium power inverters
Q4A 04
The inverter switches work in fully on or full off mode to achieve
(A) easier gate control circuit for the switching devices
(B) minimum distortion in the output voltage waveform
(C) reduced losses in the switches
(D) satisfactory operation for non resistive load at the output
Q4A 05 (JTO 2009)
Two single phase inverters, one half bridge and the other full bridge, operating with equal inputs
delivering power to identical loads. The ratio of the power delivered, the first harmonic voltage
and the total harmonic distortion, for full bridge inverter to half bridge inverter, respectively are
(A) 4, 2, 1 (B) 4, 2, 2 (C) 4, 1, 1 (D) 2, 1, 1
Q4A 06
In a single phase VSI bridge inverter, the load current is io = 200 sin (t 45o ) mA. The dc
supply voltage is 220 V, what is the power drawn from the supply?
(A) 9.8 W (B) 19.8 W (C) 27.25 W (D) 34.03 W
Q4A 22
For a three phase bridge inverter shown in figure Q4A 21 of operates in 120 conduction
mode, the sequence of SCRs conduction in the first two steps, beginning with initiation of
thyristor 1 is
(A) 6. 1 and 1, 2 (B) 1, 2 and 2, 3
(C) 1, 6 and 5, 6 (D) 1, 3 and 3, 4
Q4A 23
In a single pulse modulation of PWM inverters, the pulse width is 120, for an input voltage of
220 V dc, the RMS value of output voltage is
(A) 179.63 V (B) 254.04 V (C) 127.02 V (D) 185.04 V
Q4A 24
In a single pulse modulation used in PWM inverters, Vdc is the input dc voltage. For eliminating
third harmonic, the magnitude of RMS value of fundamental component of output voltage and
pulse width is respectively
2 2 6 2 2 6
(A) Vdc ,120o (B) Vdc ,60 o (C) Vdc ,60 o (D) Vdc ,120o
Q4A 25
In multiple pulse width modulation used in PWM inverters, the amplitude of reference square
wave and triangular carrier wave are respectively 1 V and 2 V. For generating 5 pulses per half
cycle, the pulse width should be
(A) 36 (B) 24 (C) 18 (D) 12
Q4A 26
In multiple pulse width modulation used in PWM inverters, the amplitude and frequency for
triangular carrier and square reference signals are respectively 4 V, 6 kHz and 1 V, 1 kHz. The
number of pulses per half cycle and pulse width are respectively
(A) 6, 90 (B) 3, 45 (C) 4, 60 (D) 3, 40
Q4A 27
The 6 stepped load phase voltage of a three phase square wave inverter, with a dc link voltage
of 100 V, will have the following rms magnitudes of 1st, 3rd and 5th harmonic voltages are,
(A) 10 V, 30 V and 50 V (B) 100 V, 33.3 V and 20 V
(C) 90 V, 30 V and 0 V (D) 45 V, 0 V and 9 V
Q4A 28
In sinusoidal pulse width modulation used in PWM inverters, the amplitude and frequency for
triangular carrier and sinusoidal reference signals are respectively 5 V, 1 kHz and 1 V, 50 Hz. If
zeros of the triangular carrier and reference sinusoid coincide, then the modulation index and
order of significant harmonics are respectively
(A) 0.2, 9 and 11 (B) 0.4, 9 and 11
(C) 0.2, 17 and 19 (D) 0.2, 19 and 21
Q4A 29
In sinusoidal pulse width modulation used in PWM inverters, the amplitude and frequency for
triangular carrier and sinusoidal reference signals are respectively 5 V, 1 kHz and 1 V, 50 Hz. If
peak of the triangular carrier coincide with zero of the reference sinusoid, then the modulation
index and order of significant harmonics are respectively
(A) 0.2, 9 and 11 (B) 0.4, 9 and 11
(C) 0.2, 17 and 19 (D) 0.2, 19 and 21
Q4A 30
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct in connection with inverters?
(A) VSI and CSI require feedback diodes (B) Only CSI requires feedback diodes
(C) GTOs can be used in CSIs (D) Only VSI requires feedback diodes
Q4A 31
In a CSI if frequency is of output voltage is f Hz, then frequency of input voltage to CSI is
(A) f (B) 2f (C) f/2 (D) 3f
Q4A 32
In an inverter with fundamental output frequency of 50 Hz, if third harmonic is eliminated, then
frequencies of other components in the output voltage wave, in Hz would be
(A) 250, 350, 450 and high frequencies (B) 50, 250, 350, 450
(C) 50, 250, 350, 550 (D) 50, 100, 200, 250
Q4A 33
A series capacitor commutated inverter can operate satisfactorily if
1 R2 1 R2 1 R2
(A) > 2 (B) = 2 (C) < 2 (D) irrespective of R, L, C
LC 4 L LC 4 L LC 4 L
Q4A 34
Simple method of eliminating third harmonic from the output voltage waveform of a single
phase bridge inverter is to use
(A) inverters in series (B) single pulse modulation
(C) stepped wave inverters (D) multiple pulse inverters
Q4A 35
A three phase square inverter feeds a balanced three phase resistive inductive load. The load
phase current will contain, apart from the fundamental frequency current, the following harmonic
(A) All odd multiples of fundamental
(B) All odd and even multiples of fundamental
(C) All even multiples of fundamental except 6th and multiples of 6th
(D) All odd multiples of fundamental except 3rd and multiples of 3rd
Q4A 36
In sinusoidal PWM, there are m cycles of the triangular carrier wave in the half cycle of
reference sinusoidal signal. If zero of the reference sinusoid coincides with zero/peak of the
triangular carrier wave, then number of pulses generated in each half cycle are respectively
m 1 m 1 m m
(A) (B) (C) (D)
m m 1 m m 1
Q4A 37 (APEPDCL 2014)
A PWM switching scheme is used in single phase inverters to
(A) reduce the total harmonic distortion with modest filtering
(B) minimize the load on the dc side
(C) increase the life of batteries
(D) reduce lower order harmonics and increase higher order harmonics
Q4A 38
In three phase 180 mode bridge inverter, the lowest order harmonic in the line to neutral output
voltage (fundamental frequency output = 50 Hz) is
(A) 100 Hz (B) 150 Hz (C) 200 Hz (D) 250 Hz
Q4A 39
A single phase inverter has square wave output voltage. What is the percentage of the fifth
harmonic component in relation to the fundamental component?
(A) 40% (B) 30% (C) 20% (D) 10%
Q4A 40
A time margin for series inverter ensures
(A) low power loss (B) safety of the device
(C) improved power factor (D) absence of harmonics
Q4A 41
A single phase full bridge VSI operating in square wave mode supplies a purely inductive load.
If the inverter time period is T, then the time duration for which each of feedback diode conduct
in a cycle is
(A) T (B) T/2 (C) T/4 (D) T/8
Q4A 42
Consider the following statements:
1. Inherent short circuit protection 2. Regeneration capability
3. Need for inverter grade thyristors 4. Voltage spikes across the load
Which of these features are associated with CSI?
Q4A 45
In a 1 - bridge inverter, the maximum value of fundamental component of load current is I.
For a load which is highly inductive in nature, the maximum value of nth harmonic component
of load current will be
(A) (B) (C) (D) I
n n n n2
Q4A 46
In a 1 - bridge inverter, the maximum value of fundamental component of load current is I.
For a load which is highly capacitive in nature, the maximum value of nth harmonic component
of load current would be
(A) (B) (C) (D) I
n n n n2
Q4A 47
In a 1 - bridge inverter, the maximum value of fundamental component of load current is I.
For a load which is highly resistive in nature, the maximum value of nth harmonic component of
load current would be
(A) (B) (C) (D) I
n n n n2
Q4A 48
Output voltage of a single phase bridge inverter, fed from a fixed dc source, is varied by
(A) varying the switching frequency (B) pulse width modulation
(C) pulse amplitude modulation (D) all of the above
Q4A 49
A three phase VSI supplies a purely inductive three phase load. Upon Fourier series analysis, the
output voltage waveform is found to have an hth order harmonic of magnitude h times that of the
fundamental component (h <1). The load current would then have an hth order harmonic of
(A) Zero (B) h times the fundamental component
(C) h . h times the fundamental component
(D) h/ h times the fundamental component
Q4A 50
A three phase VSI supplies a purely capacitive three phase load. Upon Fourier series analysis,
the output voltage waveform is found to have an hth order harmonic of magnitude h times that of
the fundamental component (h <1). The load current would then have an hth order harmonic of
(A) Zero (B) h times the fundamental component
(C) h . h times the fundamental component
(D) h/ h times the fundamental component
Q4A 51
A three phase VSI supplies a purely resistive three phase load. Upon Fourier series analysis, the
output voltage waveform is found to have an hth order harmonic of magnitude h times that of the
fundamental component (h <1). The load current would then have an hth order harmonic of
(A) Zero (B) h times the fundamental component
(C) h . h times the fundamental component (D) h/ h times the fundamental
Q4A 52
The output voltage of a three phase inverter contains
(A) only even harmonics (B) both odd and even harmonics
(C) only odd harmonics (D) only triplen harmonics
Q4A 53
An inverter has a periodic output voltage as shown in the
figure. When conduction angle = 120, the RMS value
of the fundamental component is
(A) 0.78 V (B) 1.10 V
(C) 0.9 V (D) 1.27 V
Q4A 54
With reference to the output voltage shown in figure of Q4A 53, the output of the converter
will be free from 5th harmonic when
(A) = 72 (B) = 36 (C) = 120 (D) = 150
Q4A 55
The output voltage waveform of a 3-phase square wave inverter contains no third harmonics in
1. line voltages in 180 mode 2. phase voltages in 120 mode
3. line voltages in 120 mode 4. phase voltages in 180 mode
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1, 3, and 4 (B) 1, 2 and 3 (C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Q4A 56
McMurray commutation is superior to parallel capacitor commutation in respect of
(A) number of components (B) over voltage spike at the output
(C) instantaneous reduction in SCR current (D) trigger circuit
Q4A 57
A single phase bridge inverter can be designed by having thyristors without forced commutation
circuitry if the load it is handling is
(A) series combination of resistance and a large inductance
(B) series combination of resistance and a large capacitance
(C) series combination of resistance, capacitance and inductance with resonant frequency of
the circuit being lower than the inverter switching frequency
(D) series combination of resistance, capacitance and inductance with resonant frequency of
the circuit being higher than the inverter switching frequency
Q4A 58
The power delivered to a star connected load of R per phase, from a 3 phase bridge inverter
fed from a fixed dc source, is 10 kW for 180 mode. For 120 mode, the power delivered to the
load would be
(A) 10 kW (B) 5 kW (C) 6.67 kW (D) 7.5 kW
Q4A 59
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II
P. Freewheeling diode 1. Voltage spikes in the output voltage
Q. Feedback diode 2. Peaks in the inverter current
R. Current source inverter 3. Inductive loads of phase controlled converter
S. Voltage source inverter 4. Inductive loads of dc to ac inverter
(A) P 4, Q 3, R 1, S 2 (B) P 3, Q 4, R 1, S 2
(C) P 3, Q 4, R 2, S 1 (D) P 4, Q 3, R 2, S 1
Q4A 60
Control of frequency and control of voltage in 3 phase inverters operating in 120 or 180
mode of conduction is
(A) possible only through inverter control circuits
(B) possible through the control circuit of inverter and converter simultaneously
(C) possible through inverter control of frequency and converter control for voltage
(D) possible through converter control only
Q4A 61
In McMurray commutation circuit, the circuit turn off time is
(A) dependent on load current and independent of operating frequency
(B) dependent on load current and also dependent on load power factor
(C) independent of load current and dependent on operating frequency
(D) independent of load current and dependent on recovery period
Q4A 62
In a 3 phase bridge inverter, the line to line voltage waveform is
1. Quasi square wave for 180 mode 2. Quasi square wave for 120 mode
3. stepped wave for 180 mode 4. stepped wave for 120 mode
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 1 and 4 (D) 2 and 4
Q4A 63
In a three phase 180 mode bridge inverter, feeding a star connected load with open neutral, the
third harmonic component will present in
(A) voltage of each inverter phase with respect to the mid - point of the dc source
(B) line to line output voltage (C) line currents
(D) None of the above
Q4A 64
The operating frequency of a self oscillating inverter using a saturable core is dependent on
(A) battery voltage only (B) battery voltage and saturation flux density
(C) battery voltage, saturation flux density and number of turns on primary winding
(D) load circuit power factor
Q4A 65
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II
P. phase controlled rectifier feeding RL 1. Depend on the values of R and L
load with perfect smoothing 2. Depends on firing angle
Q. Single pulse converter feeding RL load 3. constant and independent of R and
R. A constant dc voltage fed dc to ac L of the load
inverter feeding RL load 4. Depends on firing angle and also
S. A constant dc current fed dc to ac impedance angle of the load
inverter feeding RL load
(A) P 2, Q 3, R 4, S 1 (B) P 1, Q 4, R 3, S 2
(C) P 1, Q 3, R 4, S 2 (D) P 2, Q 4, R 3, S 1
Q4A 66
In a 3- VSI operating in square wave mode, the output line voltage is free from ____ harmonic
(A) 3rd (B) 7th (C) 11th (D) 13th
Q4A 67
Which of the following are the functions of the feedback diodes in a McMurray inverter?
1. To freewheel the load current
2. To provide required reverse bias across the outgoing thyristor
3. To provide the return path for the reactive current of the load
4. To provide a path for the excess of commutation current above the load current
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 2, 3 and 4 (B) 2 and 4 (C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) 3 and 4
Q4A 68
A 3- inverter fed from 600 V dc source. For a star connected load of 15 per phase, the RMS
value of load current for 120 conduction is
(A) 32.66 A (B) 16.32 A (C) 8.16 A (D) 12.33 A
Q4A 69
A single phase bridge inverter is shown in the figure has an
ideal transformer with primary turns equal to 10. For
obtaining a fundamental frequency output voltage of 240
V, the number of secondary turns in transformer should be
(take = 3)
(A) 120 (B) 150
(C) 150 2 (D) 150 / 2
Q4A 70
Gate (base) signals to the VSI switches, using n channel IGBTs, need to isolated to allow
(A) protection of switches against short at the inverter output terminals
(B) switches to be connected in the bridge fashion
(C) lower losses in the gate drive circuit
(D) a dc link voltage higher than the switch voltage rating
Q4A 71
A 3 - VSI is operated in 180 conduction mode. Which of the following statement is true?
(A) both pole voltage and line voltage will have 3rd harmonic components
(B) pole voltages will have 3rd harmonic but line voltages are free from 3rd harmonic
(C) line voltages will have 3rd harmonic but pole voltages are free from 3rd harmonic
(D) both pole voltage and line voltage will be free from 3rd harmonic components
Q4A 72
A single phase full bridge VSI is feeding purely
inductive load as shown in the figure, where S1, S2, S3
and S4 are power transistors and D1, D2, D3 and D4 are
feedback diodes. The inverter is operated in square wave
mode with a frequency of 50 Hz. If the average load
current is zero, then conduction of each feedback diode
in a cycle is
(A) 5 ms (B) 10 ms (C) 20 ms (D) 2.5 ms
Q4A 73
A single phase full bridge VSI is feeding purely inductive load of 0.1 H as shown in the figure of
Q4A 72, the inverter is operated in square wave mode with a frequency of 50 Hz. Assume the
dc component in load current is zero. For a source voltage of 200 V dc, the peak value of the
inductor current will be
(A) 6.37 A (B) 10 A (C) 20 A (D) 40 A
Q4A 74
If Vr and Vc are the amplitudes of reference and control (or carrier) signals, then modulation
index MI is given by
Vc Vr Vc Vr
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Vr Vc Vr Vc
Q4A 75
A 3- bridge inverter feeds a star connected load. For 180 conduction mode, RMS value of
switch current is 10 A. For 120 mode, RMS value of switch current is
(A) 10 A (B) 15 A (C) 8.66 A (D) 8.165 A
Q4A 76
For a single phase series inverter
1. maximum output frequency is less than the circuit ringing frequency
2. output frequency depends on L and C only
3. commutating components carry the load current
4. source current flows during positive half cycle only
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 2 and 4 (B) 2, 3 and 4 (C) 1, 2 and 4 (D) 1, 3 and 4
Q4A 77
A 3- inverter fed by a constant voltage source Vdc and connected to a balanced resistive load at
the output are shown in the figure. Each switching device may conduct for 120 or 180. The
waveform shown in figure is
(A) line voltage with 120 mode (B) phase voltage with 120 mode
(C) line voltage with 180 mode (D) phase voltage with 180 mode
Q4A 78 (APSPDCL - 2012)
In the output voltage of a single phase inverter bridge is
shown in the figure
(A) 5th and 7th harmonics will be absent
(B) 3rd, 5th and 7th harmonics will be absent
(C) 3rd, 9th and 15th harmonics will be absent
(D) 3rd and 7th harmonics will be absent
Q4A 79
In a single phase full bridge inverter, what is the advantage of a unipolar switching over the
bipolar switching?
(A) Increase of the fundamental component by a factor of 1.15 for the same DC input voltage
(B) Elimination of 5th and 7th harmonics
(C) Apparent doubling of the switching frequency
(D) None of the above
Q4A 80
What is the region of operation of a 3-phase inverter employing sinusoidal PWM when the peak
to peak values of both carrier and the modulating waves are made equal?
(A) Linear modulation (B) Over modulation
(C) Boundary of Linear and over modulation (D) Six step operation
Q4A 81
Modified McMurray full bridge inverter works on
(A) Voltage commutation (B) Current commutation
(C) Load commutation (D) complementary commutation
Q4A 82
In a McMurray inverter, diodes are connected in inverse parallel to thyristors to
1. Protect the thyristor 2. Make the turn off of thyristor successful
3. Make the turn on of thyristor successful
4. Provide path to the reactive component of the load current
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1 and 4 (C) 2 and 4 (D) 2 and 3
Q4A 83
For a 1-phase full bridge inverter fed from 48 V dc and connected to load resistance of 2.4 , the
RMS value of the fundamental component of output voltage is
(A) 20 V (B) 21.6 V (C) 34.4 V (D) 43.2 V
Q4A 84
A voltage source inverter is used when source and load inductances are respectively
(A) small and large (B) large and small
(C) large and large (D) small and small
Q4A 85
A line commutated phase controlled inverter is operating at its inverter limit. There can be
commutation failure if
(A) The frequency decreases (B) The voltage increases
(C) The frequency increases
(D) Both voltage and frequency change such that V/f constant
Q4A 86
What should be the frequency modulation ratio (mf) of 3-phase inverter if the mf th harmonic and
its odd multiples are to be suppressed in the line to line voltages?
(A) mf should be odd (B) mf should be even
(C) mf should be odd multiple of 3 (D) mf should be even multiple of 3
Q4A 87
A PWM switching scheme is used in three phase inverters to
(A) reduce the total harmonic distortion with modest filtering
(B) minimize the load on the dc side
(C) increase the life of batteries
(D) reduce lower order harmonics and increase higher order harmonics
Q4A 88
A current source inverter is obtained by inserting large
(A) Inductance in series with dc supply (B) Capacitance in parallel with dc supply
(C) Inductance in parallel with dc supply (D) Capacitance in series with dc supply
Q4A 89
Resonant converters are basically used to
(A) generate large peaky voltage (B) reduce the switching losses
(C) eliminate harmonics (D) convert square wave into a sine wave
Q4A 90
The purpose of feedback transformer and diode in complementary commutated inverters is to
(A) improve the power factor of the load
(B) return the trapped energy to source
(C) improve the displacement power factor
(D) absorb more reactive power from the source
Q4A 91
Triangular PWM control, when applied to BJT based inverters for the purpose of
(A) controlling output voltage (B) output harmonics
(C) reducing filter size
(D) controlling the output voltage, output harmonics and reducing filter size
Q4A 92
A dc source is switched in steps to synthesize the three phase output. The basic three phase
bridge inverter can be controlled. The angle through which each switch conducts, and at any
instant the number of switches conducting simultaneously are, respectively
(A) 120 and 02 (B) 120 and 03
(C) 180 and 02 (D) 180 and 04
Q4A 93
In a single phase IGBT bridge inverter, compared to single pulse PWM control, multiple pulse
(A) gives higher maximum output voltage (rms)
(B) gives lower harmonic content in the output voltage
(C) requires more number of switching devices
(D) gives higher harmonic content
Q4A 94
What is the effect of blanking time on output voltage in PWM inverter?
(A) Distortion in instantaneous voltage at current zero crossing
(B) Low order space harmonics in output voltage
Q4A 102
How does the output power handling capacity of a single-phase half bridge inverter compare
with that of a single-phase full bridge inverter when they are connected to same dc bus voltage
and the peak current capability of the inverter switches is also same. Also compare their costs.
(A) The half bridge inverter can output double power but cost also doubles.
(B) The half bridge inverter can output only half the power but cost is less.
(C) The half bridge inverter can output only half the power but cost is nearly same
(D) The output power capability is same but half bridge inverter costs less.
Q4A 103
A single phase full bridge inverter is connected to a purely resistive load. Each inverter switch
consists of an IGBT in anti parallel with a diode. For this load, how does the diode conduction
loss compare with the IGBT conduction loss?
(A) Diode and IGBT will have nearly same conduction loss
(B) Diode conduction loss will be nearly half of the IGBT loss
(C) Diode will have no conduction loss
(D) IGBT will have no conduction loss
Q4A 104
Using frequency domain analysis, estimate the ratio of 5th and 7th harmonic currents in a purely
inductive load that is connected to the output of a single phase half bridge inverter with square
wave pole voltages
(A) 5th harmonic current will be nearly double of the 7th harmonic current
(B) 5th harmonic current will be 40% more than that of the 7th harmonic current
(C) 5th harmonic current will be zero while 7th harmonic current will present
(D) Both 5th and 7th harmonic currents will be zero
Q4A 105
A 3 phase square wave inverter feeds a balanced 3 phase inductance type load. The worst
case load phase current (peak magnitude) is expected to be 100 A and the worst case dc input
voltage is expected to be 600 V. The diodes of the inverter will be subjected to the following
peak voltage and current stresses
(A) 600 V, 100 A (B) 600 V, 70.7 A
(C) 424 V, 70.7 A (D) 424 V, 100 A
Q4A 106
A PWM inverter is operated from a dc link voltage of 600 V. The maximum rms line voltage
(fundamental component) will be less than or equal to
(A) 600 V (B) 300 V (C) 467 V (D) 582 V
Q4A 107
A 3 phase square wave inverter, fed from a fixed dc input, is capable of producing the
following type of ac (fundamental component) voltages
(A) variable voltage variable frequency type (B) fixed voltage variable frequency type
(C) variable voltage fixed frequency type (D) None of the above
Q4A 108
In the harmonic analysis of pole voltage waveform (produced by a three phase PWM inverter
feeding a balanced three phase load), the 3rd and multiples of 3rd harmonics are ignored because
(A) They will not appear in pole voltages
(B) They will not appear in load phase voltages
(C) They will not appear in load phase and line voltages
(D) They will appear in line voltage but not in phase voltages
Q4A 109
An IGBT based PWM inverter, with very large number of (nearly) evenly distributed notches per
unit cycle, is used to feed three phase balanced R L load with a load power factor of 0.9. The
peak magnitude of diode current and the IGBT current will have the following relation
(A) They will be equal
(B) Peak diode current will be less than half of the peak IGBT current
(C) Diode current will be nearly zero
(D) Peak diode current will be less than one third of the peak IGBT current
Q4A 110
A PWM inverter is capable of producing the following type of output voltage
(A) variable in magnitude and frequency (B) variable voltage fixed frequency
(C) fixed voltage, variable frequency (D) fixed voltage, fixed frequency
Q4A 111
The over modulation of sine PWM inverter is generally avoided because it introduces
(A) lower frequency harmonics in the inverter output waveform
(B) non linearity between the magnitudes of modulating signal and fundamental voltage
output by the inverter
(C) both of the above (D) None of the above
Q4A 112
A three phase sine PWM inverter operates from a dc link voltage of 600 V. For modulation index
of 1.0, the rms magnitude of line voltage of fundamental frequency will be equal to
(A) 600 V (B) nearly 367 V
(C) nearly 481 V (D) nearly 581 V
Q4A 113
The carrier waveform of sine modulated PWM inverter is of 10 kHz frequency. When the
fundamental output frequency of the inverter is 50 Hz, the inverter switches need to be turned on
and turned off at a rate of
(A) 1000 times per second (B) 10,000 times per second
(C) 50,000 times per second (D) 50 times per second
Q4A 114
A three phase sine modulated PWM inverter is used to get a balanced three phase fundamental
output voltage. The modulating waveforms must have
(A) Three DC signals of identical magnitude
(B) Three identical and in phase ac signals of fundamental frequency
(C) Three balanced ac signals of fundamental frequency
(D) Three balanced ac signals of carrier frequency
Q4A 115
The third harmonic component in the pole voltages of a 3 phase inverter, connected to a
balanced three phase load, affects:
(A) load phase voltage (B) load line voltage
(C) load phase current (D) None of the above
Q4A 116
For a dc link voltage of 142 V, which of the following PWM schemes can produce good quality
line voltage (free from lower order harmonics) of 95 V (rms) at 50 Hz?
(A) sine PWM (B) sine + 3rd harmonic PWM
(C) space vector PWM (D) all the above
Q4A 117
With 283 V dc link voltage connected to a 3-phase inverter, what is the maximum phase voltage
(rms value) of good quality can be obtained by sine PWM?
(A) 50 V (B) 100 V (C) 141 V (D) 200 V
Q4A 118
The disadvantage of the method selective harmonic elimination is that
(A) some required harmonics are also eliminated along with unwanted ones
(B) some spikes may occur in the output voltage waveform
(C) the peak of the available voltage exceeds the rated value
(D) the peak of the available voltage becomes limited
Note: Each of the following 07 items consists of two statements, labeled as Statement I and
Statement II. Examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using
the code given below:
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are individually TRUE and Statement II is correct
explanation for Statement I
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are individually TRUE but Statement II is not correct
explanation for Statement I
(C) Statement I is TRUE and Statement II is FALSE
(D) Statement I is FALSE and Statement II is TRUE
Q4A 119
Statement I: The maximum possible output frequency of a basic series inverter using SCRs T1
and T2 is limited to the resonant frequency
Statement II: Thyristor T2 can only be fired when thyristor T1 is OFF and vice versa, otherwise
dead short circuit will take place across the dc supply
Q4A 120
Statement I: Variable frequency square wave inverter providing variable voltage cannot be
operated below 10% of base frequency
Statement II: The thyristors get damaged due to high di/dt
Q4A 121
Statement I: The L and C component of commutation circuit in the McMurray inverter are
chosen such that the peak value of resonant current pulse during commutation is
sufficiently greater than the load current
Statement II: A thyristor will successfully turn off if the current is maintained below holding
value for a time greater than the turn off time of the device
Q4A 122
Statement I: Multiple pulse width modulation is used to reduce the harmonic content in
Statement II: The higher order harmonics can be easily filtered using passive filter
Q4A 123
Statement I: The output current of current source inverter remains constant irrespective of load
Statement II: The load voltage of CSI depends on the load impedance
Q4A 124
Statement I: Resonant converters are superior to the hard switched converters in all accounts
Statement II: The resonant converter reduces switching losses at the cost of higher
voltage/current stress on the devices
Q4A 125
Statement I: Multiple pulse width modulation is used to reduce the harmonic content in
Statement II: The higher order harmonics can be easily filtered using passive filters
Q4A 126
Statement I: During inverter operation of a phase controlled thyristor power converter, the
upper value of firing angle range is limited to a value less than 180
Statement II: A thyristor requires a definite amount of time to regain forward blocking
capability after its current has become zero
Q4A 127
The voltage source inverter (VSI) shown in the figure below is switched to provide a 50 Hz,
square wave ac output voltage (vo) across an R L load. Reference polarity of vo and reference
direction of the output io are indicated in the figure. It is given that R = 3 and L = 9.55 mH
Appropriate transition i.e., Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS)/Zero Current Switching (ZCS) of the
IGBTs during turn on/off is
(A) ZVS during turn off (B) ZVS during turn on
(C) ZCS during turn off (D) ZCS during turn on
PEQB Chapter 4
DC AC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise B
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for GATE exam both one mark and two mark questions.
You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q4B 01
A 3 phase 50 Hz square wave (6 step) VSI feeds a 3 phase, 4 pole induction motor. The VSI
line voltage has a dominant 5th harmonic component. If the operating slip of the motor with
respect to fundamental component voltage is 0.04, the slip of the motor with respect to 5th
harmonic component voltage is _________
Q4B 02
A three phase current source inverter used for the speed control of an induction motor is to be
realized using MOSFET switches as shown in the figure. Switches S1 to S6 are identical
Q4B 03
In a constant V/f control of induction motor, the ratio V/f is maintained constant from 0 to base
frequency, where V is the voltage applied to the motor at fundamental frequency f. Which of the
following statements relating to low frequency operation of the motor is TRUE?
(A) At low frequency, the stator flux increase from its rated value
(B) At low frequency, the stator flux decrease from its rated value
(C) At low frequency, the motor saturates
(D) At low frequency, the stator flux remains unchanged at its rated value
Q2B 04
The current source inverter shown in the figure
is operated by alternately turning on thyristor
pairs (T1, T2) and (T3, T4). If the load is purely
resistive, the theoretical maximum output
frequency obtainable will be
(A) 125 kHz
(B) 250 kHZ
(C) 500 kHz
(D) 50 kHz
Q4B 05
A single phase full bridge VSI is fed from DC source such that fundamental component of output
voltage (RMS) is 200 V. Assume all harmonics are absent. The average value of source current
when the load R = 10
(A) 10 A (B) 20 A (C) 40 A (D) 18 A
Q4B 06
A three phase full bridge VSI is feeding a star
connected balanced purely inductive load of
20 mH per phase. The inverter is operated in
square wave mode (conduction period of each
switch is 180) with a frequency of 50 Hz.
Assume the dc component in load current is
zero. For a source voltage of 270 V dc, the
peak value of the inductor current will be
(A) 30 A (B) 45 A
(C) 60 A (D) 15 A
Q4B 07
The single phase full bridge voltage source inverter (VSI),
shown in figure, has an output frequency of 50 Hz. It uses
unipolar pulse width modulation with switching frequency of
50 kHz and modulation index of 0.7. For Vin = 100 V dc, L =
9.55 mH, C = 63.66 F and R = 5 , the amplitude of the
fundamental component in the output voltage Vo (in volt)
under steady state is _______
Q4B 08
A single phase voltage source inverter is controlled in a single pulse width modulated mode with
a pulse width of 150 in each half cycle.
V 2 V12
Total Harmonic Distortion is defined as THD = rms 100 , where V1 is the rms value of
the fundamental component of the output voltage. The THD of output ac voltage waveform is
(A) 65.65% (B) 48.42% (C) 31.83% (D) 30.49%
Q4B 09
A single phase full bridge VSI delivers power to a series RLC load with R = 2 and L = 10 .
The periodic time T = 0.1 ms. The value of C that should be used to achieve load commutation if
SCR has turn off time of 10 s and factor of safety of 1.5 Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 187 of 257
The peak value of the 100 Hz component of the load current (iL), in ampere is ____
Q4B 12
A symmetrical square wave of 50% duty cycle has amplitude
of 15 V and time period of 0.4 ms. This square wave is
applied across a series RLC circuit with R = 5 , L = 10 mH
and C = 4 F. The amplitude of the 5000 rad/s component of
the capacitor voltage (in volt) is _____
Q4B 13
The figure shows one period of the output voltage of an inverter. should be chosen such that
60 < < 90. If rms value of the fundamental component is 50 V, then in degree is _____
Q4B 14
A single phase full bridge VSI, fed from 230 V dc is connected to a load of R = 10 and L =
0.03 H. Fundamental frequency of inverter output is 50 Hz. Inverter is operating with a quasi
square wave output with an on period of 0.5 of a cycle. The rms value of load current at
fundamental frequency would be
(A) 15.07 A (B) 12.65 A (C) 9.15 A (D) 10.65 A
Q4B 15
A single phase voltage source inverter shown in the figure is feeding power to a load. The
triggering pulses of the devices are also shown in the figure.
If the load current is sinusoidal and is zero at 0, , 2, , the node voltage vAO has the waveform
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Q4B 16
A single phase voltage source inverter is shown in the figure (a). The semi conductor switches of
the inverter are operated in such a manner that the pole voltages V10 and V20 are also shown in
the figure (b). What is the rms value of pole to pole voltage?
Fig (b)
Fig (a)
Vs Vs
(A) (B) Vs (C) Vs (D)
2 2
Q4B 17
A single phase CSI (with ideal switches) has the following data:
Source current = 30 A, output frequency = 500 Hz and load is of pure capacitance = 20 F. The
peak value of reverse voltage that appears across thyristor in volt is _____
Q4B 18
The voltage source inverter (VSI) shown
in the figure below is switched to provide
a 50 Hz, square wave ac output voltage
(vo) across an R L load. Reference
polarity of vo and reference direction of
the output io are indicated in the figure. It
is given that R = 3 and L = 9.55 mH
In the interval when vo < 0 and io > 0 the pair of devices which conducts the load current is
(A) Q1, Q2 (B) Q3, Q4 (C) D1, D2 (D) D3, D4
Common data for the following two questions
In the 3 phase inverter shown in the figure, the load is balanced and gating scheme is 180
conduction mode. All the switches are ideal.
Q4B 19
If the dc bus voltage is Vdc = 300 V, the RMS load phase voltage is
(A) 106.1 V (B) 141.4 V (C) 212.2 V (D) 282.8 V
Q4B 20
The power consumed by the three phase load is
(A) 1.5 kW (B) 2.0 kW (C) 2.5 kW (D) 3.0 kW
Q4B 21
A single phase force commutated CSI is shown in the
figure. Output frequency of the inverter is 500 Hz. The
circuit turn off time is
(A) 438.14 s (B) 750.25 s
(C) 200 s (D) none
Q4B 22
In the three phase inverter shown in the figure, the load is balanced and gating scheme is 120
conduction mode. All the switches are ideal. If the dc source voltage is 200 V, the power
consumed be 3 - load is
Q4B 30
A three phase full bridge VSI delivers power to a resistive load from a 450 V dc source. For a
star connected resistive load of 10 /ph. Find the rms value of the load current under 180
conduction mode
(A) 18.708 A (B) 13.23 A
(C) 18.371 A (D) 21.213 A
Q4B 31
A single phase half bridge voltage source inverter (VSI) has a resistive load of R = 2.4 and the
dc input voltage is 48 V. Distortion factor of nth harmonic is defined as, DFn = for n > 1.
Vo1 n 2
Then DF of 3rd harmonic component of output voltage waveform is
(A) 3.704% (B) 90% (C) 33.33% (D) 48.43%
Q4B 32
A single phase full bridge VSI has an RLC load with R = 10 , L = 31.5 mH and C = 112 F.
The inverter frequency is 60 Hz and dc input voltage is 220 V. Then conduction time of each
diode is
(A) 6031 s (B) 3015 s (C) 4604 s (D) 2302 s
Q4B 33
A single phase bridge inverter delivers power to a series connected RLC load with R = 2 and
L = 10 . The periodic time T = 0.1 ms. The thyristor turn off time is 10 s. Take circuit turn
off time as 1.5tq. Assume load current contains only fundamental component. The value of C (in
F) should the load have in order to obtain load commutation for the SCRs is ____
Q4B 34
A single phase full bridge inverter is fed from a dc voltage source such that fundamental
component of output voltage is 200 V (rms). Assume that load current contains only fundamental
component. If the load is having R = 2 , XL = 8 and XC = 6 , then rms value of diode
current is ______
(A) 0A (B) 81.33 A (C) 54.818 A (D) 21.35 A
Q4B 35
A single phase full bridge inverter is fed from a dc voltage source such that fundamental
component of output voltage is 200 V (rms), 50 Hz. Assume that load current contains only
fundamental component. If the load is having R = 2 , XL = 8 and XC = 6 , then conduction
time of each switch is
(A) 2.5 ms (B) 5 ms (C) 7.5 ms (D) 1.25 ms
Q4B 36
A single phase full bridge inverter has RLC load of R = 4 , L = 35 mH and C = 155 F. The dc
input voltage is 230 V and the output frequency is 50 Hz. Assume that load current contains
harmonic till 5th order and higher order harmonics are eliminated. Then, power delivered to the
load is
(A) 1633 W (B) 1603 W (C) 3210 W (D) 810 W
Q4B 37
A three phase bridge inverter delivers power to a resistive load of 10 per phase from a constant
dc voltage source. RMS load current in 180 conduction mode is 10 A, then the value of power
delivered to the load in 120 conduction mode is
(A) 3000 W (B) 1500 W (C) 2000 W (D) 2250 W
Q4B 38
A single phase bridge inverter is fed from 230 V dc. In the output voltage wave, only
fundamental component of voltage is considered. If the load contains L = 2 , rms current
ratings of switch and a diode of the bridge will be
(A) 73.211 A, 0 A (B) 73.211 A, 73.211 A
(C) 51.776 A, 51.776 A (D) 73.211 A, 51.776 A
Q4B 39
Two single phase inverter are connected in series to control the output voltage. Each inverter has
output voltage of 400 V and each transformer has primary to secondary turns ratio of . If the
output voltage of two inverters differ by 30, rms value of the resultant output voltage in volt is
Q4B 40
For a single phase bridge inverter, source voltage is 230 V dc and the load is series RLC with
R = 1 , L = 2 and = 1.5 . The output voltage is controlled by single pulse width
modulation and the pulse width is 120. RMS value of fifth harmonic component of load current
(A) 160.43 A (B) 0A (C) 3.6786 A (D) 1.8537 A
Q4B 41
A single phase capacitor commutated CSI connected to load R has the following data:
R = 10 , C = 50 F, f = 100 Hz, Source current = 40 A. For this CSI, the approximate circuit
turn off time (in s) is _____
Q4B 42
In a single phase full bridge PWM inverter, the input dc voltage varies in a range of 295 325 V.
Because of the low distortion required in the output vo, ma 1.0 where ma is amplitude
modulation ratio and is defined as ma = control . The highest Vo1 that can be obtained and
stamped on its nameplate as its voltage rating is
(A) 208.6 V (B) 229.8 V (C) 295 V (D) 325 V
Q4B 43
In a single phase full bridge PWM inverter, the input dc voltage varies in a range of 295 325 V.
Because of the low distortion required in the output vo, ma 1.0 . Its name plate volt ampere
rating is specified as 2000 VA, that is Vo1,max . I o ,max = 2000 VA, where io is assumed to be
sinusoidal. The combined switch utilization ratio when the inverter is supplying its rated VA is
(A) 0.125 (B) 0.113 (C) 0.16 (D) 0.26
Q4B 44
Consider the problem of ripple in the output current
of single phase full bridge inverter. Assume Vo1 = 220
V at a frequency of 47 Hz and the type of load is as
shown in figure with L = 100 mH. In the figure,
consider v L = v L1 + vripple and eo (t ) = 2 Eo sin 1t .
The peak value of ripple in inductor current if the
inverter is operating in a square wave mode is
Then, the ratio of maximum amplitude of fundamental frequency component of inverter output
( VAo1 ) to source voltage, Ao1 is
Vdc / 2
(A) 0.5 (B) 1.5 (C) 0.75 (D) 1.188
Q4B 47
Consider the problem of ripple in the output current of three phase full bridge square wave (180
conduction)inverter. Assume VLL1 = 200 V at a frequency of 52 Hz and the type of load is as
shown in figure with L = 100 mH. The peak ripple current in the load is.
(A) 1.483 A
(B) 0.116 A
(C) 0.483 A
(D) 0.649 A
Q4B 48
A three phase voltage source inverter (VSI) is feeding a delta connected resistive load of
30 /phase. If it is fed from a 600 V battery, with 180 conduction of solid state devices, the
power consumed by the load in kW is ______
Q4B 49
A 400 V, 50 Hz, 4 pole, 1400 rpm, star connected squirrel cage induction motor has the
following parameters referred to the stator:
Rr = 1.0 , X s = X r = 1.5
Neglect stator resistance, core and rotational losses of the motor. The motor is controlled from a
three phase voltage source inverter with constant V/f control. The stator line to line voltage (rms)
and frequency to obtain the maximum torque at starting will be:
(A) 20.6 V, 2.7 Hz (B) 133.3 V, 16.7 Hz
(C) 266.6 V, 33.33 Hz (D) 323.3 V, 40.3 Hz
Q4B 50
The single line diagram of a power system is shown in figure. It consists of taps to yield 95, 100
and 105% of the input voltage at no load. The transformer is rated at 120 V, 60 Hz and 1 kVA. It
has a leakage reactance (resistance can be neglected) of 6%.
Assume the load draws a sinusoidal current at unity power factor. The reactive power that the dc
ac converter must draw to bring the load voltage to 100% of the nominal value of 120 V if the
utility voltage is 128 V is
(A) 222 VAR (B) 111 VAR (C) 235 VAR (D) 565 VAR
(Hint: use 95% tap)
Q4B 51
A single phase bi directional voltage source converter (VSC) is shown in the figure. All devices
are ideal. It is used to charge a battery at 400 V with power of 5 kW from a source Vs = 220 V
(rms), 50 Hz sinusoidal AC mains at unity pf. If its AC side interfacing inductor is 5 mH and the
switches are operated at 20 kHz, then the phase shift () between AC mains voltage (Vs) and
fundamental AC rms VSC voltage (VC1), in degree is _____
Q4B 52
A figure below shows a three phase self
commutated voltage source converter
connected to a power system. The converters
dc bus capacitor is marked as C in the figure.
The circuit is initially operating in steady state
with = 0 and the capacitor dc voltage is equal to Vdc0. You may neglect all losses and
harmonics. What action should be taken to increase the capacitor dc voltage slowly to a new
steady state value?
(A) Make positive and maintain it at a positive value
If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it
even if I may not have it at the beginning
PEQB Chapter 4
DC AC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise C
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
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otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for Engineering Services Examination and Civil Services
mains preparation. You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q4C 01
(i) A single phase half bridge voltage source inverter (VSI) has a resistive load of R = 2.4 and
the dc input voltage is 48 V. Determine (a) rms output voltage at fundamental frequency (b)
output power (c) peak and average currents of each switch (d) the voltage rating of each switch
(e) THD (f) Harmonic factor (HF) and Distortion factor (DF) of the lower order harmonic
(ii) Repeat part (i) for single phase full bridge VSI.
[Hint: Distortion factor of nth harmonic, DFn = , n > 1]
Vo1 n 2
Q4C 02
A single phase full bridge VSI has an RLC load with R = 10 , L = 31.5 mH and C = 112 F.
The inverter frequency is 60 Hz and dc input voltage is 220 V.
(a) Express the instantaneous load current in Fourier series till 9th harmonic (b) rms load current
at fundamental frequency (c) THD of load current (d) power absorbed by the load and
fundamental power (e) average current of dc supply (f) peak and rms current of each switch (g)
Draw the waveform of fundamental load current and show the conduction intervals of switches
and diodes. Calculate the conduction time of (h) switches and (i) diodes.
Q4C 03
A three phase full bridge VSI has a star connected load of R = 5 and L = 23 mH. The inverter
frequency is 60 Hz and dc input voltage is 220 V. (a) Express instantaneous line to line voltage
vab(t) and line current ia(t) in Fourier series till 17th harmonic (b) rms line voltage (c) rms phase
voltage (d) rms line voltage at fundamental frequency (e) rms phase voltage at fundamental
frequency (f) THD in output line voltage (g) Harmonic factor (HF) and Distortion factor (DF) of
the lower order harmonic (LOH) (h) load power (i) average and rms switch current.
Q4C 04
A single phase full bridge inverter controls the power in a resistive load. The nominal value of
input dc voltage is 220 V and a uniform pulse width modulation with five pulses per half cycle is
used. For the required control, the width of each pulse is 30. (a) Determine rms value of the load
voltage (b) If the dc supply increases by 10%, determine the required pulse width to maintain
same load power (c) If the maximum possible pulse width is 35, determine the minimum
allowable limit of the dc input voltage to deliver same load power.
Q4C 05
(a) A single phase full bridge VSI is connected to an RL load. The circuit is initially relaxed.
For a dc source voltage of Vdc and output frequency f = , obtain expressions for load current as
function of time for the first two half cycles of the output voltage. (b) Derive also the expression
for steady state current for the two half cycles. (c) For R = 20 and L = 0.1 H, obtain current
expression for parts (a) and (b) in case source voltage is 240 V dc and frequency output voltage
is 50 Hz.
Q4C 06
(a) Repeat parts (a) and (b) of Q4C 05, in case load consists of resistor R and capacitor C in
(b) For R = 20 and C = 50 F, obtain current expressions for part (a) for input voltage of
240 V and output frequency of 500 Hz.
Q4C 07
A single phase bridge inverter delivers power to a series connected RLC load with R = 2 and
L = 10 . The periodic time T = 0.1 ms. What value of C should the load have in order to
obtain load commutation for the SCRs. The thyristor turn off time is 10 s. Take circuit turn off
time as 1.5tq. Assume load current contains only fundamental component.
Q4C 08
A single phase half bridge inverter has load R = 2 and dc source voltage dc = 115 V.
(a) Sketch the waveforms for vo, load current io1, currents through switch 1 and diode 1 and
voltage across switch 1. Harmonics other than fundamental component are neglected. Indicate
the devices that conduct during different intervals of one cycle.
(b) Find the power delivered to load due to fundamental current.
(c) Check whether forced commutation is required.
Q4C 09
For a single phase bridge inverter, Vdc = 230 V, T = 1 ms. The load consists of RLC in series with
R = 1 , L = 6 and = 7 . (a) Sketch the waveforms for load voltage vo, fundamental
component of load current io1, source current is and voltage across thyristor 1. Indicate the
devices under conduction during different intervals of one cycle. (b) Find the power delivered to
load due to fundamental current. (c) Check whether forced commutation is required or not. Take
thyristor turn off time as 100 s.
Q4C 10
A single phase full bridge inverter is fed from a dc voltage source such that fundamental
component of output voltage is 230 V (rms). Assume that load current contains only fundamental
component. Find the rms value of switch and diode currents for the following loads:
(a) R = 2 (b) R = 2 , XL = 8 and XC = 6 .
Q4C 11
A single phase full bridge inverter has RLC load of R = 4 , L = 35 mH and C = 155 F. The dc
input voltage is 230 V and the output frequency is 50 Hz.
(a) Find an expression for load current till fifth harmonic. Also calculate
(b) rms value of fundamental load current (c) the power absorbed by load and the fundamental
power (d) peak and rms currents of each switch (e) conduction time of switches and diodes if
only fundamental component of load current is considered.
Q4C 12
A single phase half bridge inverter, connected to 230 V dc source, feeds a resistive load of 10 .
Determine (a) fundamental rms output voltage (b) total output power and fundamental frequency Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 198 of 257
power (c) peak and average currents of each switch (d) THD in output voltage (e) harmonic
factor for LOH.
Q4C 13
A single phase full bridge inverter using transistors and diodes, is feeding a resistive load of 3
with an input voltage of 60 V. Determine (a) rms output voltage (b) rms value of fundamental
output voltage (c) total output power and fundamental frequency power (d) peak and average
currents of each transistor (e) blocking voltage of each transistor (f) harmonic factor for LOH (g)
Q4C 14
A single phase full bridge inverter using transistors and diodes, is fed from 230 V dc and output
frequency is 50 Hz. Load is RLC with R = 6 , L = 30 mH and C = 180 F.
(a) Calculate THD of output voltage (b) Also calculate THD of output current by considering till
7th harmonic component (c) load power and average dc source current.
By considering only the fundamental component of load current, calculate (d) conduction time of
each transistor and diode (e) peak and rms current of each transistor.
Q4C 15
A three phase bridge inverter delivers power to a resistive load from a 450 V dc source. For a
star connected load of 10 per phase, determine for both (a) 180 and (b) 120 conduction
mode, (i) rms value of load current (ii) rms value of switch current (iii) load power.
Q4C 16
A single phase bridge inverter, fed from 230 V dc, is connected to load R = 10 and L = 0.03 H.
Determine the power delivered to the load in case the inverter is operating at 50 Hz with (a)
square wave output (b) quasi square wave output with an on period of 0.5 of a cycle (c) two
symmetrically spaced pulses per half cycle with an on period of 0.5 of cycle. Consider till 7th
harmonic component to get accurate results.
Q4C 17
A single phase auto commutated sequential CSI is fed from 220 V dc source. The load is
R = 10 . Thyristors have turn off time of 20 s and inverter output frequency is 50 Hz. Take a
factor of safety of 2. Determine the suitable value of source inductance assuming a maximum
current change of 0.5 A in one cycle. Neglect all losses. Find also the values of commutating
Q4C 18
(i) In a self commutated SCR circuit, the load consists of R = 10 in series with commutating
components of L = 10 mH and C = 10 F. Check whether the circuit commutate by itself when
triggered from zero voltage condition on the capacitor. What will be the voltage across capacitor
and inductor at the time of commutation? Find also at t = 0.
(ii) In part (i), initial voltage across capacitor is 80 V and output current is assumed to be
sinusoidal. Calculate power delivered to the load, average and rms values of thyristor current.
Q4C 19
Calculate the output frequency of a series inverter with the following parameters:
Inductance L = 6 mH, capacitance C = 1.2 F and load resistance R = 100 , Toff = 0.2 ms.
If the load resistance is varied from 40 to 140 , find out the range of output frequency.
Q4C 20
In a single phase series inverter, the operating frequency is 5 kHz and the thyristor turn off time
is tq = 10 s. Circuit parameters are R = 3 , L = 60 H and C = 7.5 F. Source voltage = 220 V
dc. Determine (a) the circuit turn off time (b) maximum possible operating frequency. Assuming
a factor of safety = 1.5.
Q4C 21
In a single phase capacitor commutated parallel inverter using two thyristors and a center tapped
transformer, the source voltage is 220 V dc. The center tapped transformer has a turns ratio from
each half primary winding to secondary winding is 3 : 1, for a load resistance of 20 , find the
value of capacitor C to obtain 20 s turn off time on the thyristor. Assume the inductor L is large
and transformer is idea. Take factor of safety is 2.0.
Q4C 22
A three phase 180 mode bridge inverter has star connected load of R = 4 and L = 20 mH. The
inverter is fed from 220 V dc and its output frequency is 50 Hz. Obtain Fourier series expression
for line voltage vab(t) and phase voltage vaN(t) and line current ia(t). Also calculate (a) rms values
of phase and line voltages (b) rms value of fundamental component of phase and line voltages (c)
THD for voltages (d) load power and average source current (e) average value of switch current.
Q4C 23
For a single phase bridge inverter, Vdc = 230 V, T = 1 ms. The load consists of RLC in series with
R = 1.2 , L = 8 and = 7 . (a) Sketch the waveforms for load voltage vo, fundamental
component of load current io1, source current is and voltage across thyristor 1. Indicate the
devices under conduction during different intervals of one cycle. Find also rms value of
fundamental component of load current (b) Find the power delivered to load due to fundamental
component. (c) Check whether forced commutation is required or not.
Q4C 24
A single phase bridge inverter is fed from 230 V dc. In the output voltage wave, only
fundamental component of voltage is considered. Determine the rms current ratings of switch
and a diode of the bridge for the following types of loads:
(a) R=2 (b) L = 2
Find also the repetitive peak voltage that may appear across a switch in parts (a) and (b).
Q4C 25
A single phase full bridge inverter feeds power at 50 Hz to RLC load of R = 5 , L = 0.3 H and C
= 50 F. The dc input voltage is 220 V.
(a) Find an expression for load current till fifth harmonic. Also calculate
(b) the power absorbed by load and the fundamental power (d) peak and rms currents of each
switch (e) conduction time of switches and diodes if only fundamental component of load current
is considered.
Q4C 26
A three phase bridge inverter delivers power to a resistive load from a 420 V dc source. For a
star connected load of 15 per phase, determine for both (a) 180 and (b) 120 conduction
mode, (i) rms value of load current (ii) rms value of switch current (iii) load power.
Q4C 27
For the series inverter control of voltage, two single phase inverter are connected in series. Each
inverter has output voltage of 400 V and each transformer has primary to secondary turns ratio of
. Calculate the resultant output voltage from this scheme in case firing angles for the two
inverters differ by 30.
Q4C 28
A single phase full bridge inverter has rms value of the fundamental component of output
voltage, with single pulse modulation, equal to 110 V. Compute the pulse width required and the
rms value of output voltage in case dc source voltage is 220 V.
Q4C 29
For a single phase bridge inverter, source voltage is 230 V dc and the load is series RLC with
R = 1 , L = 2 and = 1.5 . The output voltage is controlled by single pulse width
modulation and the pulse width is 120. Determine the rms values of fundamental, third, fifth
and seventh harmonic components of output current.
Also, find the power delivered to load.
Q4C 30
A single phase bridge inverter, fed from 400 V dc, is connected to load R = 12 and L = 0.04 H.
Determine the power delivered to the load in case the inverter is operating at 50 Hz with (a)
square wave output (b) quasi square wave output with an on period of 0.6 of a cycle (c) two
symmetrically spaced pulses per half cycle with an on period of 0.6 of cycle. Consider till 7th
harmonic component to get accurate results.
Q4C 31
For harmonic reduction in single phase inverters, two identical transformers are used. If their
rectangular output voltage waveforms are shifted from each other by 120, then sketch these
output voltage waveforms and their resultant waveform on the assumption that transformer
secondary voltages oppose each other. Find also an expression for the net output voltage as a
function of time. Hence find the percentage derating of the inverter so far as its fundamental
power component is concerned.
Q4C 32
A single phase CSI (with ideal switches) has the following data:
I = 30 A, f = 500 Hz, Load capacitance = 20 F
For this inverter, calculate (a) the circuit turn off time (b) the peak value of reverse voltage that
appears across thyristors.
Q4C 33
A single phase capacitor commutated CSI connected to load R has the following data:
R = 40 , C = 50 F, f = 500 Hz, Source current = 40 A. For this CSI,
(a) Obtain expression for the output current as a function of time and find its value at t = 0 and
t = T/2
(b) find the circuit turn off time (c) compute the average value of input voltage and the power
delivered to load.
Q4C 34
In a self commutated SCR circuit, the load consists of R = 15 in series with commutating
components of L = 12 mH and C = 8 F. Check whether the circuit commutate by itself when
triggered from zero voltage condition on the capacitor. What will be the voltage across capacitor
and inductor at the time of commutation? Find also at t = 0.
Q4C 35
A single phase quasi square wave inverter operates on a 24 V battery and it is required to feed
power to a 230 V, 50 Hz load. For a heater load of 1 A at 230 V, find the rms value of
fundamental component of inverter output current in case inverter operates with (a) square wave
output (b) quasi square output with 120 pulse width. Treat the transformer ideal.
Q4C 36
(a) calculate the maximum possible frequency of a series inverter with the following data:
R = 100 , L = 0.05 H and C = 10 F
(b) Calculate the output frequency of the series inverter if the parameters are:
L = 5 mH, C = 0.2 F, R = 200 and Toff = 0.2 ms
Q4C 37
A single phase full bridge inverter using transistors and diodes, is fed from 230 V dc and output
frequency is 100 Hz. Load is RLC with R = 6 , L = 20 mH and C = 100 F.
(a) Calculate THD of output voltage (b) Also calculate THD of output current by considering till
7th harmonic component (c) load power and average dc source current.
By considering only the fundamental component of load current, calculate (d) conduction time of
each transistor and diode (e) peak and rms current of each transistor.
Q4C 38
A three phase 120 mode bridge inverter has star connected load of R = 5 . The inverter is fed
from 230 V dc and its output frequency is 50 Hz. Obtain Fourier series expression for line
voltage vab(t) and phase voltage vaN(t) and line current ia(t). Also calculate (a) rms values of
phase and line voltages (b) rms value of fundamental component of phase and line voltages (c)
THD for voltages (d) load power and average source current (e) average and rms value of switch
Q4C 39
A three phase full bridge VSI is feeding a star
connected balanced purely inductive load.
The inverter is operated in square wave mode
(conduction period of each switch is 180)
with a frequency of 50 Hz. Assume the dc
component in load current is zero.
Draw the steady state vAN, iA, current flowing
through upper switches (S1, S3, S5) and diodes
(D1, D3, D5), and source current waveforms.
Q4C 40
A single phase bridge inverter is feeding an RL load with R = 8 and L = 0.04 H. Find the load
voltage and current expressions for the first two half cycles with rectangular wave output at
50 Hz . The input to the inverter is 220 V dc.
Q4C 41
A 1 phase full bridge bipolar PWM inverter
employs selective harmonic elimination
method. The output voltage waveform of the
inverter is shown in figure. Obtain an
expression for amplitude of the nth harmonic
component. How would you obtain the values
of 1, 2, 3 that will permit the 3rd and 5th
harmonic components to be eliminated keeping
the fundamental at 0.5 pu.
Q4C 42
A full bridge inverter (IGBT) has the switching sequence which produces a square wave voltage
across a series RL load. For the instant case, the switching frequency is 50 Hz, Vdc = 100 V, R =
10 and L = 25 mH. Determine the amplitude of the Fourier series terms for load current and
the power absorbed by the load. Consider only 3rd, 5th and 7th harmonic terms. Compute THD for
voltage and current. If the switching frequency is modified to produce quasi square waveform,
what changes will be observed in Fourier coefficients and THD voltage and current waveforms.
Q4C 43
Explain the single pulse width modulation technique to control the output voltage of a single
phase inverter.
Q4C 44
A 110/220 V, 60 Hz, single phase, 1 kVA transformer has leakage reactance of 4%.
(a) Calculate its total leakage inductance referred to (i) the 110 V side and (ii) the 220 V side.
(b) Also calculate the transformer voltage regulation in percent, if the input voltage is 110 V to
the transformer which supplies its full load at the following power factors: (i) 1.0 (ii) 0.8 lag
Q4C 45
In a single phase full bridge PWM inverter, the input dc voltage varies in a range of 295 325 V.
Because of the low distortion required in the output vo, ma 1.0 where ma is amplitude
modulation ratio and is defined as ma = control .
(a) What is the highest Vo1 that can be obtained and stamped on its nameplate as its voltage
(b) Its name plate volt ampere rating is specified as 2000 VA, that is Vo1,max . I o ,max = 2000 VA,
where io is assumed to be sinusoidal. Calculate the combined switch utilization ratio when the
inverter is supplying its rated VA.
Q4C 46
Consider the problem of ripple in the output current of single phase full bridge inverter. Assume
Vo1 = 220 V at a frequency of 47 Hz and the type of load is as shown in figure with L = 100 mH.
In the figure, consider v L = v L1 + vripple and eo (t ) = 2 Eo sin 1t .
Calculate the peak value of ripple in inductor current if the inverter is operating with the
following conditions
(a) in a square wave mode
(b) in a sinusoidal PWM mode, with mf = 21 and ma = 0.8. Assume bipolar switching
(c) Output voltage is controlled by voltage cancellation method and Vdc has the same value
as required in the PWM inverter of part (b).
Q4C 47
Consider the problem of ripple in the output current of three phase full bridge square wave (180
conduction)inverter. Assume VLL1 = 200 V at a frequency of 52 Hz and the type of load is as
shown in figure with L = 100 mH. Calculate the peak ripple current in the load.
Q4C 48
Repeat Q4C 47, if inverter is operating in a synchronous PWM mode with mf = 39 and
ma = 0.8. Calculate the peak ripple current in the load.
Q4C 49
Obtain an expression for the Fourier components in the waveform shown in figure, for
programmed harmonic elimination of the fifth and seventh order harmonics.
Find 1, 2, 3 to eliminate fifth and seventh harmonics in the output. Under this condition,
express the maximum amplitude of fundamental frequency component of inverter output ( VAo1 )
in terms of source voltage.
Q4C 50
A dc transmission link interconnects two 230 kV ac systems. It has four bridges at each terminal
(two per pole) with each pole rated at 250 kV, 1000 A. The parameters for each pole of the dc
link are given in the following table:
Rectifier Inverter
Actual open circuit voltage ratio for line to line voltages on 0.468 0.435
primary and secondary sides of converter transformers,
secondary divided by primary voltage
Number of three phase converter bridges in series on the dc side 2 2
Converter transformers leakage reactance per bridges in , 16.28 14.27
referred to secondary side dc line resistance per pole = 15.35
Minimum extinction angle of inverter = 18
In this system, I = min = 18. At the rectifier terminal, the voltage is close to 250 kV as possible.
Idc = 1000 A.
Calculate all the currents, voltages, real and reactive powers, and angles at each end of the dc
Q4C 51
Repeat Q4C 50, if each converter transformer is equipped with a tap changer. Now, it is
possible to operate the rectifier at a firing angle as close to 18 as possible, while the inverter
operates as close to the minimum extinction angle of 18 (but 18) as possible. The tap
information is given below where the nominal line to line primary voltage for each converter
transformer is 230 kV (rms):
(a) Maximum value of the converter transformer tap ratio in per unit: 1.15 at the rectifier
terminal and 1.10 at the inverter terminal
(b) Minimum value of the converter transformer tap ratio in per unit: 0.95 at the rectifier and
0.90 at the inverter terminal
(c) Converter transformer tap step in per unit: 0.0125 at both terminals
There is no real excellence in this world which can be separated from right living
Q01: (i) (a) 21.6 V (b) 240 W (c) 10 A, 5 A (d) 48 V (e) 48.43 (f) HF3 = 33.33% and
DF3 = 3.704% (ii) (a) 43.2 V (b) 960 W (c) 20 A, 10 A (d) 48 V (e) 48.43%
(f) HF3 = 33.33% and DF3 = 3.704%
( ) ( ) (
Q02: (a) io (t ) = 18.1sin 377t + 49.72 o + 3.17 sin 3 377t 70.17 o + sin 5 377t 79.63o )
( ) ( )
+ 0.5 sin 7 377t 82.85 o + 0.3 sin 9 377t 84.52 o + ...... (b) 12.8 A (c) 18.59%
(d) 1695 W, 1638.4 W (e) 7.7 A (f) 18.41 A, 9.2 A (h) 6031 s (i) 2302 s
Q03: (b) 179.63 V (c) 103.7 V (d) 171.53 V (e) 99.03 V (f) 31.08% (g) 20% and 0.8%
(h) 1473 W (i) 2.23 A and 5.72 A
Q04: (a) 200.8 V (b) 24.75 (c) 203.64 V
Q05: (c) io (t ) = 12 21.139e 200t for first half cycle and io (t ) = 12 + 21.139e 200t for second
half cycle
Q06: (c) io (t ) = 17.545e 1000 t for first half cycle and io (t ) = 17.545e 2000t for second half cycle
Q07: 1.248 F
Q08: (b) 5361.5 W (c) Required.
Q09: (b) 21.445 kW (c) not required
Q10: (a) 81.33 A and 0 A (b) 54.818 A and 17.328 A
( ) ( ) (
(a) io (t ) = 28.331sin 314t + 67.25o + 3.689 sin 3 314t 81.3o + 1.1473sin 5 314t 85.5o )
(b) 20.02 A (c) 1633.3 W and 1603.2 W (d) 28.572 A and 14.286 A (e) 6.267 ms and
3.738 ms
Q12: (a) 103.552 V (b) 1322.5 W and 1072.3 W (c) 11.5 A and 5.75 A (d) 48.43% (e) 33.33%
Q13: (a) 60 V (b) 54.02 V (c) 1200 W, 972.72 W (d) 20 A, 10 A (e) 60 V (f) 33.33% (g)
Q14: (a) 48.43% (b) 15.55% (c) 2314.4 W, 10.52 A (d) 7 ms and 3 ms (e) 27.44 A, 12.66 A
Q15: (a) (i) 21.213 A (ii) 15 A (iii) 13.5 kW (b) (i) 18.371 A (ii) 12.99 A (iii) 10.125 kW
Q16: (a) 2333.76 W (b) 1166.58 W (c) 888.82 W
Q17: 8.8 H and C = 5.77 F
Q18: (i) VL = 0.60472Vdc and VC = 1.60472Vdc , = 100Vdc A/s (ii) 4671.27 W, 10.617 A,
dt t =0
27.895 A
Q19: 866.55 Hz; range: 239.8 Hz to 1046.2 Hz
Q20: (a) 21.46 s (b) 5345.5 Hz
Q21: 0.0815 F
Q22: (a) 103.71 V, 179.63 V (b) 99.035 V, 171.534 V (c) 31.08% (d) 2127.8 W, 9.672 A (e)
3.224 A
Q23: (a) 132.586 A (b) 21094.8 W (c) Required.
Q24: (a) 73.211 A, 0 A, 230 V (b) 51.776 A, 51.776 A, 230 V
Q25: (a)
( ) ( ) ( )
io (t ) = 9.036 sin 314t 80.72 o + 0.357 sin 3 314t 88.9 o + 0.122 sin 5 314t 89.38o
(b) 204.54 W and 204.12 W (d) 9.044 and 4.522 A (e) 5.513 ms and 4.487 ms
Q26: (a) (i) 13.2 A (ii) 9.33 A (iii) 7840.8 W (b) (i) 11.43 A (ii) 8.083 A (iii) 5879.02 W
Q27: 1545.48 V
Q28: 67.471, 134.693 V
Q29: 160.43 A, 0 A, 3.6786 A, 1.8537 A, 25754.7 W
Q30: (a) 5285.56 W (b) 3400.96 W (c) 2706.34 W
4 3 1 1
Q31: vo (t ) = Vdc sin t + + sin 5t + sin 5t + ..... , 13.4%
6 5 6 7 6
Q32: (a) 500 s (b) 750 V
[ ]
Q33: (a) 40 1 1.245e 500 t (b) 438.14 s (c) 32.52 V, 1300.8 W
Q34: (i) VL = 0.538Vdc and VC = 1.538Vdc , = 83.33Vdc A/s
dt t =0
Q35: (a) 10.643 A (b) 12.29 A
Q36: (a) 159.15 Hz (b) 2442.36 Hz
Q37: (a) 48.43% (b) 7.428% (c) 2737.5 W, 11.9 A (d) 4.189 ms, 0.811 ms (e) 39.124 A,
15.861 A
Q38: (a) 93.897 V, 162.635 V (b) 89.665 V, 155.304 V (c) 31.08% (d) 5154.86 W, 22.412 A
(e) 7.667 A, 13.28 A
Q44: (a) (i) 1.28 mH (ii) 5.15 mH (b) (i) 0% (ii) 0.116%
Q45: (a) 208.6 V (b) 0.113
Q46: (a) 2.45 A (b) 0.98 A (c) 2.33 A
Q47: 0.483 A Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 207 of 257
Q48: 0.116 A
Q49: 1 = 0, 2 = 16.24 and 3 = 22.06; VAo1 = 1.188 dc
Q50: At rectifier side: 122.5 MW, 78.36 MVAR (lag).
At inverter side: 114.83 MW, 71.3 MVAR (lag)
Q51: At rectifier side: 125 MW, 77.81 MVAR (lag).
At inverter side: 117.325 MW, 73.81 MVAR (lag)
PEQB Chapter 5
AC AC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise A
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for objective/prelims preparation of ESE/ PSUs and one
mark questions for GATE exam
Q5A 01
AC voltage regulators are widely used in
(A) traction drives (B) fan drives
(C) synchronous motor drives
(D) slip power recovery scheme of slip ring induction motor
Q5A 02
What is the power factor of a 1 phase ac regulator feeding a resistive load?
(A) (per unit power)2 (B) (per unit power)1/2
1 1
(C) (per unit power)2 (D) (per unit power)1/2
2 2
Q5A 03
For a single phase ac voltage controller feeding a resistive load, what is the power factor?
( ) + 2 sin 2
1 2
(A) unity for all values of firing angle (B)
1 1
1 2 1 2
(C) ( + ) +
sin 2 (D) ( + )
sin 2
2 2
Q5A 04 (TSSPDCL - 2015)
The input voltage of a 1 full wave ac voltage controller is v = 282.8 sin 314t V. If the load is
resistive and output voltage is 162 V, then the power factor is
(A) 0.573 (B) 0.900 (C) 0.810 (D) 0.656
Q5A 05
Triacs cannot be used in ac voltage regulators for
(A) resistive load (B) back emf load
(C) inductive load (D) resistive inductive load
Q5A 06 (TSNPDCL 2015)
A single phase voltage controller of 220 V, 50 Hz is feeding a load of 10 . For 9 cycles ON and
7 cycles OFF, The RMS output voltage and input power factor are
(A) 170 V, 0.7 (B) 171 V, 0.78 (C) 165 V, 0.75 (D) 180 V, 0.6
Q5A 07
A load resistance of 10 is fed through a 1-phase voltage controller from a voltage source of
200 sin 314t. For a firing angle of 90, the power delivered to load in kW is
(A) 0.5 (B) 0.75 (C) 1 (D) 2 Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 209 of 257
Q5A 08
A load resistance of 10 is fed through a single phase voltage controller from a voltage source
of 200 sin 314t. If the power delivered to the load is 1 kW, the firing angle delay is
(A) 30 (B) 60 (C) 45 (D) 90
Q5A 09
A 1-phase voltage controller is employed for controlling the power flow from 260 V, 50 Hz
source into a load consisting of R = 5 and L = 12 . The value of maximum value of RMS
load current and the firing angle are respectively
260 260
(A) 20 A, 67.4 (B) , 0 (C) 20 A, 0 (D) , 90
10.91 10.91
Q5A 10
A load consisting of R = 10 and L = 10 is being fed from 230 V, 50 Hz source through 1-
phase voltage controller. For a firing angle of 45, the RMS value of the load current will be
23 23 23
(A) 23 A (B) A (C) > A (D) < A
2 2 2
Q5A 11
In a single phase voltage controller with RL load, ac output power can be controlled if
(A) firing angle > (load phase angle) and conduction angle =
(B) > and < (C) < and = (D) < and >
Q5A 12
A 1- phase voltage controller feeds power to a resistance of 10 . The source voltage is 200 V
rms. For a firing angle of 90, the rms value of thyristor current is
(A) 20 A (B) 15 A (C) 10 A (D) 5A
Q5A 13
A load resistance of 10 is fed through a 1-phase voltage controller from a voltage source of
200 sin 314t. For a firing angle of 90, the average thyristor current in ampere is
10 5 2
(A) 10 (B) (C) (D) 5 2
Q5A 14
A single phase voltage controller, using two SCRs in anti parallel, is found to be operating as a
controlled rectifier. This is because
(A) load is R and pulse gating is used
(B) load is R and high frequency carrier gating is used
(C) load is RL and pulse gating is used
(D) load is RL and continuous gating is used
Q5A 15
A single phase voltage controller feeds an induction motor (A) and a heater (B)
(A) In both the loads, fundamental and harmonics are useful
(B) In A only fundamental and in B only harmonics are useful
(C) In A only fundamental and in B harmonics as well as fundamental are useful
(D) Only fundamental are useful in both A and B
Q5A 16
A single phase ac voltage controller fed from 50 Hz system supplies a load having resistance and
inductance of 2.0 and 6.36 mH respectively. The control range of firing angle for this
regulator is
(A) 0 o < < 180 o (B) 45 o < < 180 o (C) 90 o < < 180 o (D) 0 o < < 45 o Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 210 of 257
Q5A 17
Two identical SCRs, connected back to back feed a load R. If each SCR is fired 90, a MI
voltmeter across the load would read
1 1
(A) peak voltage (B) peak voltage (C) peak voltage (D) zero
Q5A 18
A purely inductive load is controlled by a single phase ac voltage controller using back to back
connected SCRs. If firing angle of each SCR is 75, the current through two SCRs will flow for
(A) 285 and 0 (B) 210 and 0 (C) 105 and 105 (D) 180 and 180
Q5A 19
A purely inductive load is controlled by a single phase ac voltage controller using back to back
connected SCRs. If firing angle of each SCR is 100, the current through two SCRs will flow for
(A) 180 and 180 (B) 160 and 160 (C) 100 and 100 (D) 160 and 0
Q5A 20
A single phase voltage controller, using one SCR in anti parallel with a diode, feeds a load R and
the supply voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. For a firing angle of 90 for the SCR, a PMMC voltmeter
connected across the load would read
(A) zero (B) 51.8 V (C) 51.8 V (D) 36.63 V
Q5A 21
A single phase voltage controller, using back to back connected SCR and diode, feeds a load R
and the supply voltage is 200 V, 50 Hz. For a firing angle of 90 for the SCR, a MI voltmeter
connected across the load would read
(A) 230 V (B) 173.2 V (C) - 173.2 V (D) 51.8 V
Q5A 22
A single phase half wave ac voltage controller feeds a load R. For a firing angle of 180, a
PMMC voltmeter across the load would read
1 1
(A) peak voltage (B) peak voltage
(C) peak voltage (D) zero
Q5A 23
A single phase half wave ac voltage controller feeds a load R. For a firing angle of 180, a MI
voltmeter across the load would read
1 1
(A) peak voltage (B) peak voltage
(C) peak voltage (D) zero
Q5A 24
A single phase ac voltage controller has input voltage of 240 V, 50 Hz and a load of R = 5 . For
three cycles on and two cycles off, a PMMC voltmeter across the load would read
(A) 160 V (B) 80 V (C) zero (D) 195.96 V
Q5A 25
A single phase ac voltage controller has input voltage of 240 V, 50 Hz and a load of R = 5 . For
three cycles on and two cycles off, a MI voltmeter across the load would read
(A) 144 V (B) 151.79 V (C) 185.9 V (D) 96 V
Q5A 26
A single phase ac voltage controller has input voltage of 240 V, 50 Hz and a load of R = 6 . For
three cycles on and two cycles off, the load would consume a power of
(A) 2880 W (B) 5760 W (C) 3456 W (D) 11520 W
Q5A 27
In a single phase voltage controller feeding RL load, when
1. firing angle < (load phase angle), load voltage vo is sinusoidal
2. > , vo is non sinusoidal
3. < , vo is non sinusoidal
4. = , vo is sinusoidal
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 3 and 4 (C) 1, 2 and 4 (D) 1 and 4
Q5A 28
In a single phase voltage controller feeding RL load, is firing angle, is load phase angle and
is extinction angle. For this controller, output power can be controlled if > and
1. = 2. < 3. >
4. < 5. =
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 2 and 3 (B) 2 and 5 (C) 2 and 4 (D) 1 and 5
Q5A 29
A single phase voltage controller using a triac, controls the ac output power to the resistive load
R = 10 . The input voltage is 230 2 sin t and firing angle is 45. The peak power dissipation
in the load is
(A) 3968 W (B) 5290 W (C) 7935 W (D) 10580 W
Q5A 30
A single phase voltage controller using a triac, controls the ac output power to the resistive load
R = 10 . The input voltage is 230 2 sin t and firing angle is 120. The peak power dissipation
in the load is
(A) 3968 W (B) 5290 W (C) 7935 W (D) 10580 W
Q5A 31
Output voltage waveform of a converter is distorted and is found to have fundamental and third
harmonic components. The distorted voltage wave differs from fundamental voltage as under:
1. peak value of distorted wave (DW) > peak value of fundamental wave (FW)
2. rms value of DW > rms value of FW
3. average value of DW > average value of FW
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 2 only (D) 1, 2 and 3
Q5A 32
Output voltage waveform of a converter is distorted and is found to have fundamental and
second harmonic components. The distorted voltage wave differs from fundamental voltage as
1. peak value of distorted wave (DW) > peak value of fundamental wave (FW)
2. rms value of DW > rms value of FW
3. average value of DW > average value of FW
4. average value of DW over half cycle > average value of FW over half cycle
5. average value of DW over half cycle = average value of FW over half cycle Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 212 of 257
Q5A 41
The effective inductance offered by thyristor controlled inductor is 20 mH. The effective load
inductance, seen by the source, would be
1. 20 mH for firing angle = 60 2. 20 mH = 90
3. < 20 mH for = 120 4. > 20 mH for = 120
5. < 20 mH for = 60
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2, 4 and 5 (C) 1, 2 and 4 (D) 1, 2, 4 and 5
Q5A 42
The most accurate and versatile method of achieving reactive power compensation is by using, in
(A) thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) and fixed capacitor
(B) TCR and a capacitor bank
(C) TCR bank and thyristor switched capacitor (TSC)
(D) TCR banks and TSC banks
Q5A 43
A 1 phase ac voltage controller feeds a pure resistive load. At a firing angle (> 90), thyristor
conducts for an angle . If the load is replaced by a pure inductance keeping the firing angle
constant, the conduction angle of the thyristor would be
(A) 2 (B) (C) /2 (D) /3
Q5A 44
A 1 phase ac voltage controller feeds a pure inductive load. At a firing angle , thyristor
conducts for an angle . If the load is replaced by a pure resistance keeping the firing angle
constant, the conduction angle of the thyristor would be
(A) 2 (B) (C) /2 (D) /3
Q5A 45
A 1 phase ac voltage controller feeds a pure inductive load. At a firing angle , thyristor
conducts for an angle . If the load is replaced by a RL load keeping the firing angle constant, the
conduction angle of the thyristor would be
(A) 2 (B) (C) 0.866 (D) 1.33
Q5A 46 (ESE-15/Q103)
How can the 3rd harmonic current be filtered in a Thyristor controlled reactor?
(A) By connecting in delta (B) By connecting star
(C) By connecting in star delta (D) None of the above
Q5A 47
Static VAR controllers are used to provide dynamic voltage regulation. These controllers are
primarily of
(A) thyristor switched inductors (TCR) (B) thyristor controlled capacitors
(C) thyristor switched capacitors (TSC) (D) TCR and TSC
Q5A 48
Consider the following devices:
1. Synchronous condenser 2. Saturable reactor
In which of these devices, the accuracy of compensation is very high and noise level is very low?
(A) 1, 2, 1 and 4 (B) 3 and 4 (C) 3 only (D) 2 and 3
Q5A 49
In switched capacitors network for VAR compensation, the SCRs are commutated by
Q5A 58
Consider the following statements regarding cycloconverters:
1. In 1 phase to 1 phase CC, firing angle may be varied
2. In 3 phase to 1 phase CC, firing angle may be kept constant
3. In 1 phase to 1 phase CC, firing angle may be kept constant
4. In 3 phase to 1 phase CC, firing angle may be varied
5. In 3 phase to 1 phase CC, firing angle must be varied
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 2, 4 and 5 (B) 1, 3 and 5 (C) 2, 3 and 5 (D) 2, 3 and 4
Q5A 59
3 Phase to 3 phase cycloconverters employing 18 SCRs and 36 SCRs have the same voltage
and current ratings for their component thyristors. The ratio of VA rating of 36 SCR device to
that of 18 SCR device is
(A) 1/2 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4
Q5A 60
3 Phase to 3 phase cycloconverters employing 18 SCRs and 36 SCRs have the same voltage
and current ratings for their component thyristors. The ratio of power output of 36 SCR converter
to that of 18 SCR converter is
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 1/2
Q5A 61
The number of thyristors required for single phase to single phase cycloconverter of the mid
point type and for three phase to three phase three pulse type cycloconverter are respectively
(A) 4, 6 (B) 8, 18 (C) 4, 18 (D) 4, 36
Q5A 62
A 3-phase to single phase conversion device employs a 6-pulse bridge cycloconverter. For an
input voltage of 200 V per phase, the fundamental RMS value of output voltage is
600 300 3 300 600 3
(A) V (B) V (C) V (D) V
Q5A 63
A 3-phase to single phase conversion device employs a 3-pulse positive and negative group
converter. For an input voltage of 200 V per phase, the fundamental RMS value of output
voltage is
600 300 3 300 600 3
(A) V (B) V (C) V (D) V
Q5A 64
A 3-phase to single phase converter consists of positive and negative group of converters. In this
device one of the two component converters would operate as a
1. rectifier if the output voltage Vo and output current Io have the same polarity
2. inverter if Vo and Io have the same polarity
3. rectifier if Vo and Io have the opposite polarity
4. inverter if Vo and Io have the opposite polarity
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1 and 4 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 3 and 4 (D) 1 and 2
Q5A 65
A 3-phase to 3-phase converter requires
1. 18 SCRs for 3-pulse device 2. 18 SCRs for 6-pulse device
3. 36 SCRs for 3-pulse device 4. 36 SCRs for 6-pulse device Apr 2016) Copy rights reserved 2016
PEQB Rev 2 by BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Page 216 of 257
Q5A 73
Match List I (power electronic converter) with List II (applications) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II Codes:
P. controlled rectifier 1. High power ac drive (A) P 4, Q 3, R 1, S 2
Q. voltage controller 2. Solar cells (B) P 4, Q 3, R 2, S 1
R. cycloconverter 3. Ceiling fan drive (C) P 3, Q 4, R 1, S 2
S. Inverter 4. Magnet power supply (D) P 4, Q 1, R 3, S 2
Q5A 74
Match List I (power electronic converter) with List II (applications) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II Codes:
P. Inverter 1. Fork lift truck (A) P 4, Q 3, R 2, S 1
Q. controlled rectifier 2. Illumination control (B) P 3, Q 4, R 2, S 1
R. voltage controller 3. UPS (C) P 3, Q 4, R 1, S 2
S. chopper 4. Hydrogen production (D) P 3, Q 2, R 4, S 1
Q5A 75 (JTO 2009)
The correct match between column A and column B is
Column A Column B
1. DC switch P. Boost converter
2. Regulated DC DC Q. Cycloconverter
3. AC to AC R. Inverter
(A) 1 R, 2 Q, 3 P, 4 S (B) 1 S, 2 P, 3 Q, 4 R
(C) 1 P, 2 R, 3 Q, 4 S (D) 1 S, 2 Q, 3 P, 4 R
Q5A 76 (DRDO - 2008)
A triac operating at a voltage of 120 V (rms) and a frequency of 60 Hz delivers power to a
resistive load. The maximum rate of change of current expected is 50 A/s. The required snubber
inductor value is
(A) 2.4 H (B) 4.42 H (C) 4.4 H (D) 4.4 H
Q5A 77 (DRDO - 2008)
A cycloconverter is controlling a reversible ac drive in the speed range corresponding to firing
angles 45 to 150. If the highest value of the input power factor is 0.5, the load power factor
will be
2 3
(A) (B) 1 (C) (D) 3
3 2
Q5A 78
In a single phase to single phase cycloconverter, the magnitudes of harmonic components are
quite large. How can they be reduced by using
(A) Chopper circuit (B) RC oscillator (C) 3 phase input supply
(D) By adding an alternator to the input supply
Q5A 79 (APSPDCL - 2012)
The output waveform shown here can be obtained from
(A) Controlled rectifier (B) AC chopper
(C) DC chopper
(D) DIAC TRIAC phase control circuit
Q5A 80
The output frequency of cycloconverter is less than input frequency because
(A) there is no intermediate dc link
(B) the number of switching devices is large compared to that in a cascaded converter pair
(C) the cycloconverter is normally used for high voltage and high current applications
(D) the cycloconverter employs natural commutation of the SCRs and more number of supply
voltage cycles are needed from one cycle of the output voltage
Q5A 81
The output frequency of cycloconverter is generally limited to
(A) four times the supply frequency (B) twice that of line frequency
(C) 33% to 50% line frequency (D) less than 10% of line frequency
Q5A 82
For low speed high power reversible operation, the most suitable drives are
(A) voltage source inverter fed ac drives (B) current source inverter fed ac drives
(C) dual converter fed ac drives (D) cycloconverter fed ac drives
Q5A 83
An advantage of cycloconverter is
(A) very good power factor (B) requires few number of SCRs
(C) commutation failure does not short circuit the source
(D) load commutation is possible
Q5A 84
The quality of output ac voltage of a cycloconverter is improved with
(A) increase in output voltage at reduced frequency
(B) increase in output voltage at increased frequency
(C) decrease in output voltage at reduced frequency
(D) decrease in output voltage at increase frequency
Q5A 85
An intergroup reactor is used in a single phase cycloconverter circuit to
(A) reduce current ripples (B) reduce voltage ripples
(C) Limit circulating current (D) Limit di/dt in the semiconductor switch
Q5A 86
In a single phase to single phase cycloconverter, if 1 and 2 are the triggering angles of positive
converter and negative converter, then
(A) 1 + 2 = (B) 1 + 2 = (C) 1 + 2 = (D) 1 + 2 = 2
2 2
Q5A 87
A cycloconverter is operating on a 50 Hz supply, the range of output frequency that can be
obtained with acceptable quality, is
(A) 0 16 Hz (B) 0 32 Hz (C) 0 64 Hz (D) 0 128 Hz
Q5A 88
The ratio of power handled by 18 SCRs to 36 SCRs three phase to three phase cycloconverter for
the same voltage and current rating of SCRs is
(A) 1 (B) 1/2 (C) 1/4 (D) 1/8
Q5A 89
3 phase cycloconverter is used to obtain a variable frequency single phase ac output. The single
phase ac load is 200 V, 60 A at a pf of 0.6 lagging. The rms value of input voltage required is
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit
PEQB Chapter 5
AC AC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise B
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for GATE exam both one mark and two mark questions.
You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q5B 01
A single phase SCR based ac regulator is feeding power to a load consisting of 5 resistance
and 16 mH inductance. The input supply is 230 V, 50 Hz ac. The maximum firing angle at which
the voltage across the device becomes zero all throughout and the rms value of current through
SCR under this operating condition, are
(A) 30 and 46 A (B) 30 and 23 A
(C) 45 and 23 A (D) 45 and 32 A
Q5B 02
In a single phase voltage controller shown in the figure, for what range of triggering angle (),
the output voltage vo is not controllable?
Q5B 04
The source voltage to the ac voltage regulator shown in the
figure is 220 V, 50 Hz. If SCRs are triggered at 120
symmetrically in every half cycle, then rms value of the
fundamental component of source current will be
(A) 57 A (B) 70 A
(C) 40 A (D) 0A
Q5B 05
Consider the following circuits
From the above circuits, which one will operate as AC voltage regulator?
(A) only P (B) only P and Q (C) P, Q and R (D) None
Common data for the following two questions:
An AC voltage regulator from 230 V, 50 Hz source
and diode bridge rectifier are connected as shown
Q5B 06
Find the power delivered to the load in case = 60
and R = 10
(A) 4255.8 W (B) 2125.8 W
(C) 1062.75 W (D) 8502 W
Q5B 07
In case if D3 in above circuit is open circuited due to fault, then power delivered to the load is
(A) 4255.8 W (B) 2127.9 W (C) 1062.75 W (D) 8502 W
Q5B 08
A single phase ac voltage controller has 120 V (rms), 50 Hz source. The load resistance is 15
and is delivering 500 W to the load. RMS value of the source current is
(A) 8.8 A (B) 5.78 A (C) 6.36 A (D) Cannot be determined
Q5B 09
A single phase half wave ac voltage regulator feeds power to a resistive load of 6 from 230 V,
50 Hz source. The firing angle of SCR is /2. Average input current is
(A) 0A (B) 8.62 A (C) 8.62 A (D) 20.5 A
Q5B 10
A three phase three wire bi directional controller supplies a star connected resistive load of
R = 5 and line to line input voltage is 210 V (rms), 50 Hz. The firing angle = . RMS value
of output voltage is
(A) 250 V (B) 199 V (C) 150 V (D) 102 V
Q5B 11
A single phase load of resistance 12 in series with an inductance of 24 mH is fed from a
240 V, 50 Hz supply by a pair of inverse parallel thyristor. The mean power in load at firing of
120 is
(A) 3440 W (B) 1370 W (C) 177.2 W (D) 135.6 W
Q5B 12
A single phase ac voltage regulator feeds power to a resistive load of 20 and RMS load current
is 12 A. Then, RMS current rating of each thyristor is
(A) 10 A (B) 12 A (C) 6A (D) 8.485 A
Q5B 13
A single phase ac regulator controls the load power. Input to the controller is 230 V, 50 Hz
sinusoidal. The load circuit consists of R = 3 and L = 4 , the maximum possible value of
di/dt that may occur in the SCR is
(A) 2.0437 A/s (B) 2.0437 kA/s (C) 20.437 kA/s (D) 204.37 A/s
5B 14
A single phase transformer tap changer of figure,
has the primary voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz. The
secondary voltages are v1 = 110 V and v2 = 110
V. If the load resistance is 8 , the rms load
voltage is 170 V and the firing angles of thyristors
T1, T2 is 72. RMS currents of T3 and T4 is
(A) 16.194 A (B) 5.382 A
(C) 4.418 A (D) 7.736 A
Q5B 15
A single phase ac voltage regulator connected to 230 V, 50 Hz source, is feeding a series load of
R = 3 and XL = 5 . For a firing angle delay of 120, the rms output voltage (in volt) will be
Q5B 16
A single phase full wave ac voltage regulator has R = 5 and the input voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz.
If the load power is 5 kW, the firing angle delay (in degree) for thyristors is ______
Q5B 17
A single phase half wave ac voltage controller, using one SCR in anti parallel with diode, feeds
1 kW, 230 V heater. For a supply voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz, for a firing angle of 180, the power
delivered to the load is
(A) 1000 W (B) 500 W (C) 857 W (D) 0W
Q5B 18
A single phase bidirectional ac voltage controller delivers a load power of 50 kW, with an
efficiency and power factor of 0.9 and 0.85 respectively. The input voltage is 230, 50 Hz. The
maximum possible rms current rating of thyristor is
(A) 127.92 A (b) 325.22 A (C) 200.93 A (D) 225.56 A
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.
When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength
PEQB Chapter 5
AC AC Converters
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise C
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for Engineering Services Examination and Civil Services
mains preparation. You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q5C 01
A single phase half wave ac voltage regulator, using one SCR in anti parallel with a diode, feeds
1 kW, 230 V heater. Find the load power for a firing angle of (a) 0 (b) 180 and (c) 170.
Q5C 02
A heater load is controlled by means of single phase ac voltage controller. Determine the firing
angle delay, when the controlled power is at (i) 50% (ii) 70% of its maximum power. Derive the
expression used.
Q5C 03
A single phase ac voltage controller has 120 V (rms), 50 Hz source. The load resistance is 15 .
Determine (a) delay angle required to deliver 500 W to the load (b) rms source current (c) input
power factor (d) THD of the source current.
Q5C 04
A single phase ac regulator with resistive load has the following data:
Supply mains: 230 V, 50 Hz, R = 4 . Determine
(a) the firing angle at which at greatest forward or reverse voltage is applied to either of the
thyristors and the magnitude of these voltages
(b) the greatest forward or reverse voltage that appears across either of the thyristors for firing
angles of 120 and 60
(c) the RMS value of fifth harmonic current and its phase for = /4.
Q5C 05
A single phase ac regulator controls the load power. Input to the controller is 230 V, 50 Hz
sinusoidal. The load circuit consists of R = 3 and L = 4 , Determine:
(a) The control range of firing angle (b) the maximum value of rms load current (c) the
maximum power and power factor (d) the maximum values of average and rms thyristor currents
(e) the maximum possible value of di/dt that may occur in the SCR and (f) the conduction angle
for = 0 and = 135, assuming a gate pulse of duration .
Q5C 06
A single phase load of resistance 12 in series with an inductance of 24 mH is fed from a
240 V, 50 Hz supply by a pair of inverse parallel thyristor. Find the mean power in load at firing
angles of (a) 0 (b) 90 and (c) 120. Ignore source inductance and device voltage drops.
Q5C 07
A three phase resistive heating load is controlled by triacs from a 415 V (line), 50 Hz supply. (a)
if the maximum load is 24 kW, (i) determine the rating of triacs and their firing angles for loads
(ii) 16 kW and (iii) 8 kW. (b) If the triacs are replaced by thyristors, how would the current
rating change?
Q5C 08
A single phase ac regulator feeds power to a resistive load of 4 from 230 V, 50 Hz source.
(a) the peak values of average and rms thyristor currents for any firing angle
(b) the minimum circuit turn off time for any firing angle
(c) the ratio of third harmonic voltage to fundamental voltage for = .
Q5C 09
A single phase half wave ac voltage regulator feeds power to a resistive load of 6 from 230 V,
50 Hz source. The firing angle of SCR is /2. Calculate:
(a) the rms value of output voltage (b) input power factor (c) average input current.
Q5C 10
A three phase three wire bi directional controller supplies a star connected resistive load of R = 5
and line to line input voltage is 210 V (rms), 50 Hz. The firing angle = . Determine:
(a) RMS output voltage (b) input power factor (c) expression for instantaneous output voltage of
phase a.
Q5C 11
A single phase transformer tap changer of figure,
has the primary voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz. The
secondary voltages are v1 = 110 V and v2 = 110
V. If the load resistance is 8 , the rms load
voltage is 170 V and the firing angles of thyristors
T1, T2 is 72. Determine:
(a) RMS currents of T1 and T2 (b) RMS currents
of T3 and T4 (c) input power factor.
Q5C 12
The power in a resistor to be controlled by a tapped transformer as shown in figure of Q5C 11.
Taking the load as 10 , the full load transformer secondary as 100 V, with the tapping at
70.7 V, plot a curve of load power against firing angle delay. Determine the required thyristor
ratings. Neglect losses.
Q5C 13
A single phase ac voltage regulator feeds a load of R = 20 with an input voltage of 230 V, 50
Hz. Firing angle for both the thyristors is 45, calculate (a) rms value of output voltage (b) load
power and input power factor (c) average and rms current of thyristors.
Q5C 14
A single phase voltage controller has input voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz and load of R = 15 . For 6
cycles on and 4 cycles off, determine (a) rms output voltage (b) input power factor and (c)
average and rms current ratings of thyristors.
Q5C 15
A single phase ac voltage regulator connected to 230 V, 50 Hz source, is feeding a series load of
R = 3 and XL = 5 . For a firing angle delay of 120, calculate the extinction angle and rms
value of output voltage.
Q5C 16
A two stage sequence controlled single phase ac voltage regulator is feeding a load of R = 20 .
The source voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz and turns ratio from primary to each secondary is unity. For
two stage sequence control, the firing angle of upper thyristors is 60. Calculate (a) rms value of
output voltage (b) rms value of current for upper thyristors (c) rms value of current for lower
thyristors (d) transformer VA rating (e) input power factor.
Q5C 17
For the circuit shown in figure,
(a) sketch the waveform for two cycles of supply
voltage, supply current, load voltage and load current
for a firing angle of about 45 for the two thyristors
(b) For 230 V, 50 Hz as the supply voltage, find the
power consumed by the load in case = 60 o
and load R = 10 .
(c) In case diode D3 gets open circuited, draw the
load current waveform and then calculate power
delivered to the load.
Q5C 18
A single phase unidirectional voltage controller is connected to a load of R = 10 . Input voltage
is 230 V, 50 Hz. Firing angle delay is 30. Determine (a) rms value of output voltage (b) average
and rms values of thyristor current (c) average and rms values of diode current (d) input power
Q5C 19
A single phase full wave ac voltage regulator has R = 5 and the input voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz.
If the load power is 5 kW, find (a) firing angle delay for thyristors (b) input power factor.
Q5C 20
A single phase ac voltage controller uses burst firing control for heating a load of R = 5 with
an input voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz. For a load power of 5 kW, determine (a) the duty cycle ratio
(b) input power factor (c) average and rms thyristor currents.
Q5C 21
A single phase half wave ac voltage controller, using one SCR in anti parallel with diode, feeds
1 kW, 230 V heater. For a supply voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz, find the load power for a firing angle
of (a) 0 (b) 180 (c) 70
Q5C 22
A single phase ac regulator with resistive load has the following data:
Supply mains: 230 V, 50 Hz, load = 0 + j4 . Determine
(a) the control range of firing angle (b) the maximum value of rms load current (c) the maximum
value of average and rms thyristor currents (d) the maximum value of di/dt that may occur in
thyristors (e) the value of conduction angle for = 90, assuming gate pulse width of radian.
Q5C 23
A single phase bidirectional ac voltage controller delivers a load power of 50 kW, with an
efficiency and power factor of 0.9 and 0.85 respectively. The input voltage is 230, 50 Hz.
Determine the maximum possible ratings of (a) average and rms thyristor currents (b) repetitive
voltage of thyristors.
Q5C 24
(a) A reactive load is connected to 1 phase 230 V, 50 Hz source. Load current is observed to
vary between two extreme limits of (4 j 0) A and (6 j10 ) A. It is required that supply pf is to
be maintained unity by using a fixed capacitor and TCR of linear characteristics in parallel with
the load. Determine the required values of capacitor and inductor. What should be the firing
angle of TCR at the two extreme limits of load current?
(b) In part (a), if load current attains a value of (6 j 4 ) A, find the firing angle of TCR.
Q5C 25
A TCI is fed from 230 V, 50 Hz and has an inductance of 10 mH. Calculate the effective
inductance seen by the source for firing angle of 90, 120, 150, 170, 175 and 180.
Q5C 26
A single phase inductive load of 100 kW + j50 kVAR is supplied from 11 kV, 50 Hz source. The
static VAR compensator (SVC) has fixed capacitors of rating 100 kVAR whereas TCI can draw
a maximum of 100 kVAR. For raising the system power factor to unity, find the firing angle
delay of TCI and its effective inductance.
Q5C 27
A single phase load of 20 kW + j12 kVAR is fed from 400 V, 50 Hz source. TCI in SVC has an
inductance of 0.8 H. For a firing angle of 120, it is found that system operates at unity pf. Find
the value of capacitance of fixed capacitor and kVAR delivered by it.
Q5C 28
The particulars of a transmission line with a TCR is shown in the figure are
V = 220 V, f = 60 Hz, X = 1.2 and PP = 56 kW.
The maximum current of the TCR is IL(max) = 100 A. Find
(a) the phase angle,
(b) the line current
(c) the reactive power QP of the shunt compensator
(d) current through the TCR
(e) inductive reactance XL
(f) the delay angle of the TCR if the IL is 60% of the maximum current
Q5C 29
The input voltage of single phase to single phase cyclo converter (bridge configuration) is 120 V
(rms), 60 Hz. The load resistance is 5 and load inductance L = 40 mH. The frequency of the
output voltage is 20 Hz. If the converters are operated as semi converter such that 0 and
the delay angle is p = , determine (a) the rms value of output voltage (b) the rms current of
each thyristor (c) input power factor
Q5C 30
A single phase ac regulator is used to control the power output of a heater. The supply voltage is
220 V, 50 Hz and the resistance of the heater is 100 . If the regulator is operated at a firing
angle of 90, draw the voltage waveform across the regulator. Derive the expression for input
power factor, power output and input current. Also determine their numerical values
Q5C 31
Derive an expression for rms output voltage of a single phase AC voltage controller feeding an
RL load. Draw the circuit and waveforms.
Q5C 32
A capacitor is connected across an ac regulator feeding inductor (TCR). Input is at 230 V, 50 Hz
and inductive reactance (XL) = 10 and capacitive reactance (XC) = 10 . Calculate the net
VAR supplied by the circuit at = 135 o
Q5C 33
(a) A 1 - circuit for temperature regulation uses ON OFF control. The ac input is 1 - ,
220 V, 50 Hz supply. The circuit has a variable frequency, constant ON time. If the input voltage
goes up by 10%, calculate the percentage change required in the triggering frequency of the
(b) Explain the working of a thyristor controlled reactor fixed capacitor.
Q5C 34
The nominal line to line voltage at a bus in a three phase ac system is 230 kV (rms) when it is
supplying a three phase inductive load of P + jQ equal to 1500 MW + j 750 MVAR
The per phase ac system impedance Zs seen by the bus can be approximated to be purely
inductive with Zs = j 5.0
(a) Calculate the percentage change in the bus voltage magnitude for a 10% increase in P.
(b) Calculate the percentage change in the bus voltage magnitude for a 10% increase in Q.
Q5C 35
A hybrid arrangement of TCI and TSC is connected at the ac bus in Q5C 34. The TCI can
draw a maximum of 50 MVAR per phase, whereas the TSC consists of 4 capacitor banks, each
with a per phase rating of 50 MVARs. Holding the ac bus voltage to its nominal value for a 10%
increase in Q of Q5C 34 (b). Calculate the number of capacitor banks that should be switched
in, the delay angle at which the TCI should operate, and the per phase effective inductance of
the TCI.
PEQB Chapter 6
Fundamentals of electric drives
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise A
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for Objective preparation of ESE/ PSUs
Q6A 01
An electric motor developing a starting torque of 15 Nm, starts with a load of 7 Nm on its shaft.
If the acceleration at start is 2 rad/s2, the moment of the inertia of the system must be (neglect
viscous and coulomb friction)
(A) 0.25 kgm2 (B) 0.25 Nm2 (C) 4 kgm2 (D) 4 Nm2
Q6A 02
A variable speed drive rated for 1500 rpm, 40 Nm is reversing
under no load. The given figure shows the reversing torque (in
Nm) and the speed (in rpm) during the transient. The moment of
inertia of the drive is
(A) 0.048 kgm2
(B) 0.064 kgm2
(C) 0.096 kgm2
(D) 0.128 kgm2
Q6A 03
The phase controlled rectifiers used in speed control of dc motors, converters fixed ac supply
voltage into
(A) variable dc (B) variable ac
(C) variable frequency ac (D) full rectified ac
Q6A 04
A single phase half wave converter with freewheeling diode, drives a separately excited dc motor
at 900 rpm with firing angle 60, when this motor is fed from 1 phase semi converter with =
60, the motor speed would be
(A) 1800 rpm (B) 1200 rpm (C) 900 rpm (D) 1500 rpm
Q6A 05
Which one of the following is the most suitable electric drive for large power, low speed, and
reversible drive?
(A) cycloconverter fed 3 phase ac motor drive
(B) CSI fed self controlled load commutated synchronous motor drive
(C) square wave VSI fed 3 phase ac drive
(D) 3 phase induction motor drive fed from 3 phase ac voltage controller
Q6A 06
A 220 V, 20 A, 1000 rpm, separately excited dc motor has an armature resistance of 2.5 . The
motor is controlled by step down chopper with a frequency of 1 kHz. The input dc voltage of the
chopper is 250 V. The duty cycle of the chopper for the motor to operate at a speed of 600 rpm
delivering the rated torque will be
(A) 0.518 (B) 0.608 (C) 0.852 (D) 0.902
Q6A 07 (TSTRANSCO 2015)
The speed of induction motor is controlled by a variable voltage and variable frequency control
(i.e, keeping V/f ratio constant). As the frequency is reduced, the slip at maximum torque
(A) Decreases (B) Increases
(C) Remains constant (D) None of the above
Q6A 08 (TSGENCO-2015 and ESE-2003)
In a self controlled synchronous motor fed from variable frequency inverter
(A) the rotor poles invariably have damper windings
(B) there are stability problems
(C) the speed of the rotor decides stator frequency
(D) the frequency of the stator decides the rotor speed
Q6A 09 (TSSPDCL 2015)
Speed of a 3-, 2-pole, 60 Hz synchronous motor is controlled by a step down 3-
cycloconverter. The maximum speed of the motor can be
(A) 1200 rpm (B) 3000 rpm (C) 1000 rpm (D) 3600 rpm
Q6A 10 (TSSPDCL 2015)
In constant flux control of 3- synchronous motor, at medium and rated frequencies the supply
voltage V and supply frequency f are related as V = kf, where k is constant. But, at very low
frequencies, the supply voltage should be
(A) greater than kf (B) equal to kf1.6
(C) less than kf (D) equal to k f
Q6A 11
A separately excited dc motor, when fed from 1 phase full converter with firing angle of 60
runs at 1000 rpm. If this motor is connected to 1 phase semi converter with the same firing
angle of 60, the motor would now run at
(A) 2000 rpm (B) 1500 rpm (C) 1450 rpm (D) 1000 rpm
Q6A 12
A separately excited dc motor is required to control from a 3-phase source for operation in the
first quadrant only. The most preferred converter would be
(A) fully controlled converter
(B) fully controlled converter with freewheeling diode
(C) half controlled converter
(D) sequential control of two series connected fully controlled converters
Q6A 13
A single phase half controlled converter drives a separately excited dc motor. The dc motor has a
back emf constant of 0.5 V/rpm. The armature current is 5 A without any ripple. The armature
resistance is 2 . The converter is working from a 230 V, 1 phase ac source with a firing angle
of 30. Under this operating condition, the speed of the motor will be
(A) 339 rpm (B) 359 rpm (C) 366 rpm (D) 386 rpm
Q6A 14
A separately excited dc motor, when fed from 1-phase full converter with firing angle , runs at a
speed of N rpm. When this motor is fed from 1-phase semi converter but with the same firing
angle as for full converter, the motor speed is found to be 2N rpm. The value of firing angle is
(A) 70.528 (B) 60 (C) 45 (D) 90
Q6A 15
A single phase half wave converter with freewheeling diode, drives a separately excited dc motor
at 900 rpm with firing angle of 60. When this motor is fed from 1 phase full converter with
= 60, the motor speed would be
(A) 600 rpm (B) 900 rpm (C) 1200 rpm (D) 1800 rpm
Q6A 16
A three phase semi converter feeds the armature of a separately excited dc motor, supplying a
non zero torque. For steady state operation, the motor armature current is found to drop to zero at
certain instances of time. At such instances, the voltage assumes a value that is
(A) equal to the instantaneous value of the ac phase voltage
(B) equal to the instantaneous value of the motor back emf
(C) arbitrary (D) zero
Q6A 17
A separately excited dc motor, when fed from 1 phase full converter, runs at a speed of 1200
rpm. Load current remains continuous. If one of the four SCRs gets open circuited, the motor
speed will reduce to
(A) 900 rpm (B) 800 rpm (C) 600 rpm (D) 400 rpm
Q6A 18
A single phase semi converter delivers power to a separately excited dc motor. Armature current
is ripple free at 20 A. For a firing angle delay of 45, the average and rms values of freewheeling
current would respectively be
(A) 10 A, 5 A (B) 5 A, 10 A (C) 15 A, 17.32 A (D) 17.32 A, 15 A
Q6A 19
A three phase bridge inverter is used for controlling the speed of a squirrel cage induction motor.
If frequency of supply voltage is decreased with
1. constant supply voltage V1, starting torque Test decreases
2. constant V1, Test increases
3. constant V1/f1, Test increases
4. constant V1/f1, maximum Te,m must remain constant
5. constant V1, Test decreases
6. constant V1/f1 and at very low frequencies, Te,m may decrease
From these, the correct statements are
(A) 1, 4 and 5 (B) 2, 3, 4 and 6
(C) 1, 3 and 5 (D) 2, 3 and 6
Q6A 20
For an ac voltage controller fed induction motor drive negotiating a load whose torque
requirement does not vary with speed
(A) fundamental component of current drawn from the supply decrease as speed is reduced
(B) fundamental component of current drawn from the supply increase as speed is reduced
(C) fundamental component of current drawn from the supply is independent of speed
(D) None of the above
Q6A 21
A delta connected induction motor being fed by a 3 phase dc to ac inverter and operated in
constant V/f control mode requires during starting a
(A) star delta starter (B) DOL starter
(C) auto transformer starter (D) none of the above
Q6A 22
An ac induction motor is used for speed control application. It is driven from an inverter with a
constant V/f control. The motor name plate details are as follows:
V = 415 V; Phases = 3; frequency = 50 Hz; speed = 2850 rpm
The motor is run with an inverter output frequency set at 40 Hz and with half the rated slip. The
running speed of the motor is
(A) 2400 rpm (B) 2280 rpm (C) 2340 rpm (D) 2790 rpm
Q6A 23
Slip power control schemes provide a range of speed control of a three phase induction motor.
The range is
(A) 0 to Ns (B) Ns to Ns (C) 0 to 2Ns (D) 2Ns to 2Ns
Q6A 24
A three phase 440 V, 50 Hz ac mains fed thyristor bridge is feeding a 440 V dc, 15 kW, 1500
rpm separately excited dc motor with a ripple free continuous current in the dc link under all
operating conditions. Neglecting the losses, the power factor of the ac mains at half the rated
speed is
(A) 0.354 (B) 0.372 (C) 0.90 (D) 0.955
Q6A 25
A 220 V, 1400 rpm, 40 A separately excited dc motor has an armature resistance of 0.4 . The
motor is fed from a 1 phase circulating current dual converter with an input ac line voltage of
220 V (rms). The approximate firing angle of the dual converter for motoring operation at 50%
of rate torque and 1000 rpm will be
(A) 43, 137 (B) 43, 47 (C) 39, 141 (D) 39, 51
Q6A 26
A 6 pulse non reversible thyristorised 415 V ac to dc converter is controlling a 440 V dc motor.
If total drop in the circuit is limited to 10%, then the converter must be locked at an angle of
(A) 30 (B) 60 (C) 45 (D) 90
Q6A 27
An inverter capable of supplying a balanced 3 phase variable voltage variable frequency output
is feeding a 3 phase induction motor rated for 50 Hz and 440 V. The stator winding resistances
of the motor are negligibly small. During starting, the current inrush can be avoided without
scarifying the starting torque by suitably applying
(A) low voltage at rated frequency (B) low voltage keeping the V/f ratio constant
(C) rated voltage at low frequency (D) rated voltage at rated frequency
Q6A 28
A VSI is used to control the speed of 3 phase, 50 Hz SCIM. Its slip for rated torque is 4%. The
flux is maintained at rated value. If the stator resistance and rotational losses are neglected, then
the frequency of the impressed voltage to obtain twice the rated torque at starting should be
(A) 10 Hz (B) 5 Hz (C) 4 Hz (D) 2 Hz
Q6A 29
A three phase induction motor is fed from a variable voltage variable frequency source such that
the air gap flux remains constant. Which one of the following is correct statement?
The armature current of the motor is
(A) independent of rotor frequency but dependent on stator frequency
(B) independent of stator frequency but dependent on rotor frequency
(C) dependent on both stator and rotor frequency
(D) in dependent on both stator and rotor frequency
Q6A 30
A three phase induction motor operates at constant slip frequency while the stator frequency is
varied from zero to rated value. Which one of the following statement is correct?
The torque developed by the motor is
(A) proportional to speed (B) proportional to square of speed
(C) inversely proportional to speed
(D) constant in the complete range up to base speed
Q6A 31
A three phase induction motor operates under constant Volt/Hertz control. At 50 Hz supply, the
motor current and its pf are 30 A and 0.3 lag at the time of starting. These values at the time of
starting at 25 Hz supply would be
(A) motor current > 30 A and pf > 0.3 (B) motor current < 30 A and pf < 0.3
(C) motor current < 30 A and pf > 0.3 (D) motor current > 30 A and pf < 0.3
Q6A 32
A three phase induction motor is controlled by keeping ratio V/f constant. At 50 Hz, the slip at
maximum torque is 0.15, At 25 Hz, the slip at maximum torque would be
(A) 0.15 (B) 0.30 (C) 0.40 (D) 0.28
Q6A 33
A 3-phase ac voltage controller feeds a 3-phase induction motor for its speed control. The speed
control will be more pronounced it
(A) TL is inversely proportional to speed squared (B) TL is proportional to speed
(C) TL is proportional to speed squared (D) load torque TL constant
Q6A 34
The speed of a three phase, 440 V, 50 Hz induction motor is to be controlled over a wide range
from zero speed to 1.5 times the rated speed using 3-phase VSI. It is desired to keep the flux in
the machine constant in the constant torque region by controlling the terminal voltage as the
frequency changes. The inverter output voltage versus frequency characteristics should be
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(B) Speed of the rotation magnetic field is 1500 rpm and slip speed is 800 rpm
(C) Speed of the rotation magnetic field is 800 rpm and slip speed is 100 rpm
(D) Speed of the rotation magnetic field is 750 rpm and slip speed is 50 rpm
Q6A 37 (CSIR - 2013)
A 400 V, 3-, 50 Hz, 950 rpm squirrel cage induction motor is having per phase rotor resistance,
referred to stator, r2 = 0.5 . The per phase standstill rotor reactance, series stator impedance and
the effect of magnetizing branch of the machine can be neglected. The machine is fed from a
voltage source inverter and is operated as V/f controlled drive. The motor is running at steady
state speed of 375 rpm while driving half of its rated torque. Assuming the output voltage of the
inverter to be purely sinusoidal, the frequency and rms value of the line to line inverter output
voltage are respectively
(A) 20 Hz, 160 V (B) 18.75 Hz, 150 V
(C) 21.25 Hz, 170 V (D) 18.75 Hz, 400 V
Q6A 38 (APTRANSCO 2011)
For speed control of ac drives, the preferred method using thyristors is
(A) Phase control (B) Integral cycle control
(C) Single pulse PWM control (D) Sinusoidal PWM control
Q6A 39
It is required to control the speed and braking operation of dc shunt motor in both the directions
of rotation. The most suitable power electronic circuit will be
(A) a half controlled converter (B) a fully controlled converter
(C) a diode bridge converter (D) a dual converter
Q6A 40
Armature of a dc motor is fed from a phase controlled rectifier whereas its field is supplied from
a constant dc source. To reduce the speed of the motor regeneratively
(A) the firing angle of the converter should be increased
(B) the polarity of the dc voltage should be reversed
(C) the polarity of armature induced voltage should be reversed
(D) the firing angle should be varied in the range 90 to 180 simultaneously reversing the
armature connections
Q6A 41
The armature current of dc motor fed from a thyristor power converter contains ripple. The ripple
in the armature current affects
(A) commutating capability of the motor (B) overload capacity of the motor
(C) torque capability of the motor (D) control ability of speed of the motor
Q6A 42
A motor armature supplied through phase controlled SCRs receives a smoother voltage shape at
(A) High motor speed (B) Low motor speed
(C) Rated motor speed (D) None of the above
Q6A 43
When fed from a fully controlled rectifier, a dc motor, driving an active load can operate in
(A) reverse motoring and reverse braking mode
(B) forward motoring and forward braking mode
(C) forward motoring and reverse braking mode
(D) reverse motoring and forward braking mode
Q6A 44
A single phase bridge type full converter can be used for regenerative braking of a dc drive
(A) with change over switch (B) without any additional device
(C) by open circuiting the field (D) by simply making firing angle equal to /2
Q6A 45
For a single phase ac to dc controlled rectifier to operate in regenerative mode, which of the
following condition should be satisfied?
(A) Half controlled bridge, < 90, source of emf in load
(B) Half controlled bridge, > 90, source of emf in load
(C) Full controlled bridge, > 90, source of emf in load
(D) Full controlled bridge, < 90, source of emf in load
Q6A 46
A large dc motor is required to control the speed of blower from a three phase ac source. What is
the most suitable ac to dc converter?
(A) 3-phase fully controlled bridge converter
(B) 3-phase fully controlled bridge converter with freewheeling diode
(C) 3-phase half controlled bridge converter
(D) A pair of 3-phase converters in sequence control
Q6A 47
Chopper circuits are used to control the speed of dc motors which are fed from fixed dc voltage
sources. Variable voltage output can be obtained by which of the following methods.
1. Varying the on and off time ratio 2. Adjusting the wave shape
3. adjusting the frequency of switching
4. Using a saturable core reactor in series with the motor
The correct answer is
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 1 and 3 (C) 2 and 3 (D) 2 and 4
Q6A 48
In ac motor control, the ratio of voltage to frequency is maintained at constant value
(A) to make maximum use of magnetic circuit
(B) to make minimum use of magnetic circuit
(C) to maximize the current drawn from the supply to provide torque
(D) to provide maximum pull out torque
Q6A 49
A cycloconverter fed induction motor drive is most suitable for which one of the following?
(A) compressor drive (B) machine tool drive
(C) paper mill drive (D) cement mill drive
Q6A 50
The operation of an inverter fed induction motor can be shifted from motoring to regenerative
braking by
(A) reversing phase sequence (B) reducing inverter voltage
(C) decreasing inverter frequency (D) increasing inverter frequency
Q6A 51
A 3-phase induction motor is used as an adjustable speed drive from zero to 2.0 per unit speed
using variable frequency inverter. In the speed range of 1.0 to 2.0 per unit, in order to ensure
satisfactory operation, which one of the following sets of quantities is to be maintained
approximately constant?
(A) Voltage and power (B) Flux and torque
List I List II
P. Chopper controlled resistance in the rotor 1. Very low speed, high power reversible drive
circuit of an induction motor 2. Centrifuges in sugar industry
Q. Sub synchronous converter cascade in the 3. Blowers and compressors
rotor circuit of an induction motor 4. Loads requiring good starting performance
R. 3 phase ac voltage controller
S. Cycloconverter
(A) P 3, Q 4, R 2, S 1 (B) P 3, Q 4, R 1, S 2
(C) P 4, Q 3, R 1, S 2 (D) P 4, Q 3, R 2, S 1
Note: Each of the following 01 item consists of two statements, labeled as Statement I and
Statement II. Examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using
the code given below:
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are individually TRUE and Statement II is correct
explanation for Statement I
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are individually TRUE but Statement II is not correct
explanation for Statement I
(C) Statement I is TRUE and Statement II is FALSE
(D) Statement I is FALSE and Statement II is TRUE
Q6A 57
Statement I: Power electronic converters are extensively used in adjustable speed drives
Statement II: Power electronic converters do not produce harmonic distortion
Q6A 58
The torque speed characteristics of motor (TM) and load (TL) for two cases are shown in the
figures (a) and (b). The load torque is equal to motor torque at points P, Q, R and S
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters
Compared to what lies within us
PEQB Chapter 6
Fundamentals of electric drives
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Exercise C
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
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otherwise, without the written permission of the author
This exercise is mainly useful for Engineering Services Examination and Civil Services
mains preparation. You can use scientific calculator to solve this exercise
Q6C 01
A single phase fully controlled bridge converter is used to control the speed of a separately
excited dc motor. A reactor of 50 mH is connected in the armature circuit. The converter is
connected to 220 V, 50 Hz supply and is operated at a firing angle of 90. The back emf of the
motor is 180 V. Draw the output voltage waveform of the converter and determine the peak
value of current drawn. Neglect the resistance and reactance of the dc machine armature.
Q6C 02
The speed of separately excited dc motor is controlled through a single phase half wave
controlled converter fed from 230 V mains. The motor armature resistance is 0.5 and motor
constant is K = 0.4 Vs/rad. For load torque of 20 Nm at 1500 rpm and for constant armature
current, calculate (a) firing angle delay of the converter (b) rms value of the thyristor current (c)
input power factor of the motor.
Q6C 03 (IAS - 2004)
The speed of 15 kW, 460 V, 1000 rpm, separately excited dc motor is controlled by a single
phase full bridge converter. The rated motor armature current is 35 A and the armature resistance
is 0.15 . The ac supply voltage is 480 V. The motor back emf constant is Kb = 0.45 V/rpm.
The motor current is continuous and ripple free. For rectifier operation (dc machine running as a
motor) and for a firing angle of = 60 and rated armature current, calculate (a) torque (b) speed
(c) supply power factor.
Q6C 04 (IAS - 2015)
A separately excited dc motor, operating from a single phase half controlled bridge at a speed of
1400 rpm, has an input voltage of 330 sin 314t and a back emf of 80 V. The SCRs are fired
symmetrically at = 30 in every half cycle and the armature has a resistance of 4 . Calculate
the average armature current and the motor torque.
Q6C 05
The speed of a separately excited dc motor is controlled by a single phase semi converter. The
field current, which is also controlled by a single phase semi converter, is set the maximum
possible value. The ac supply voltage to armature and field converters is one phase 208 V,
60 Hz. The armature resistance is 0.25 , the field resistance is 147 , and the motor voltage
constant is Kv = 0.7032 V-s/rad A. The load torque is 45 Nm at 1000 rpm. The viscous friction
and no load losses are negligible. The inductances of the armature and field circuits are sufficient
enough to make the armature and field currents continuous and ripple free. Determine (a) the
field current (b) the delay angle of the converter in the armature circuit converter (c) input power
factor of the armature circuit converter.
Q6C 06
A separately excited dc motor has its armature circuit connected to one semi converter and field
winding to another semi converter. The supply for both the converters is single phase 230 V,
50 Hz. Resistance for the field circuit is 100 and that for the armature circuit is 0.2 . Rated
torque is 80 Nm at 1000 rpm. The motor constant is 0.8 Vs/rad and magnetic saturation is
neglected. For ripple free armature and field currents with zero degree firing angle for field
converter, determine: (a) rated armature current (b) firing angle delay of armature converter at
rated load (c) speed regulation at full load (d) input power factor of the armature converter and
the drive at rated load.
Q6C 07
A separately excited dc motor is fed from two single phase semi converters. One in the armature
and another in the field circuit. Field current is constant at 2 A. Motor armature resistance is
0.8 and motor constant is K = 0.5 Vs/A rad. AC voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. For ripple free
armature current and speed of 1500 rpm, calculate
(a) motor current and torque for a firing angle of 30 and (b) input supply power factor.
Q6C 08
A 200 V, 1000 rpm, 10 A separately excited dc motor is fed from a single phase full converter
with ac source of 230 V, 50 Hz. Armature circuit resistance is 1 . Armature current is
continuous. Calculate firing angle for: (a) rated motor torque at 500 rpm (b) half the rated motor
torque at 500 rpm.
Q6C 09
(i) The speed of a separately excited dc motor is controlled by a single phase full converter. The
field current, which is also controlled by a single phase full converter, is set the maximum
possible value. The ac supply voltage to armature and field converters is one phase 440 V,
60 Hz. The armature resistance is 0.25 , the field resistance is 175 , and the motor voltage
constant is Kv = 1.4 V-s/rad A. The armature current corresponding to load demand is 45 A.
The viscous friction and no load losses are negligible. The inductances of the armature and field
circuits are sufficient enough to make the armature and field currents continuous and ripple free.
If the delay angle of armature converter is 60 and the armature current is 45 A, Determine (a)
the torque developed by the motor (b) the speed (c) input power factor of the drive
(ii) If the polarity of back emf in part (i) is reversed by reversing the polarity of field current,
determine (a) the delay angle of the converter in the armature circuit converter to maintain the
armature current constant at the same value of 45 A (b) the power fed back to the supply due to
regenerative braking of the motor.
Q6C 10
The speed of a separately excited dc motor is controlled by two single phase full converter. One
in the armature and another in the field circuit. Both the converter are fed from the same single
phase 230 V, 50 Hz source. Armature resistance is 0.5 and field circuit resistance is 200 .
Firing angle for field converter is zero and motor constant is 0.8 Vs/A rad. Armature and field
currents are continuous and ripple free. If armature current is 30 A for a firing angle of 45,
determine: (a) motor speed (b) motor torque (c) input power factor of the armature converter and
(d) input pf of the drive.
Q6C 11
A separately excited dc motor drives a rated load torque of 85 Nm at 1200 rpm. The field circuit
resistance is 200 and armature circuit resistance is 0.2 . The field winding connected to
single phase, 400 V source, is fed through 1 phase full converter with zero degree firing angle.
The armature circuit is also fed through another full converter from the same 1 phase, 400 V
source. With magnetic saturation neglected, the motor constant is 0.8 V-s/A-rad. For ripple free
armature and field currents, determine:
(a) rated armature current (b) firing angle delay of armature converter at rated load (c) speed
regulation at full load (d) input power factor of the armature converter and the drive at rated load.
Q6C 12
In Q6C 11, the polarity of the counter emf is reversed by reversing the field excitation to its
maximum value. Calculate (a) delay angle of the field converter (b) delay angle of the armature
converter at 1200 rpm to maintain the armature current constant at 50 A and (c) the power fed
back to the supply during regenerative braking of the motor.
Q6C 13
A separately excited dc motor is fed from 230 V, 50 Hz source through a 1 phase semi
converter. The motor armature resistance is 2 and its torque constant is 1.2 Nm/A. The
thyristors are fired at an angle of 100 and the discontinuous armature current extinguishes at 45
beyond voltage zero. Calculate the motor speed if the load on the motor is 3 Nm.
Q6C 14
A separately excited dc motor is supplied from 230 V, 50 Hz source through a single phase half
controlled converter. Its field is fed through 1 phase semi converter with zero degree firing
angle delay. Motor resistance ra = 0.7 and motor constant = 0.5 Vs/rad. For rated load torque
of 15 Nm at 1000 rpm and for continuous ripple free currents, determine:
(a) firing angle delay of the armature converter (b) rms value of thyristor and freewheeling diode
currents (c) input power factor of the armature converter.
Q6C 15
The speed of 15 HP, 220 V, and 1000 rpm dc series motor is controlled using a single phase half
controlled bridge converter. The combined armature and field resistance is 0.2 . Assuming
continuous and ripple free motor current and speed of 1000 rpm and K = 0.03 Nm/A2, determine
(a) motor current (b) motor torque and (c) input power factor for a firing angle = 30, AC
voltage is 250 V. Derive any formulae used.
Q6C 16
A 220 V, 1500 rpm, 10 A separately excited dc motor has an armature resistance of 1 . It is fed
from a single phase fully controlled bridge rectifier with an ac source voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz.
Assuming continuous load current, compute:
(a) motor speed at the firing angle of 30 and torque of 5 Nm (b) developed torque at the firing
angle of 45 and speed of 1000 rpm.
Q6C 17
A 220 V, 1000 rpm, 60 A separately excited dc motor has an armature resistance of 0.1 . It is
fed from a single phase full converter with an ac source voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz. Assuming
continuous conduction, compute:
(a) firing angle for rated motor torque at 600 rpm (b) firing angle for rated motor torque at
500 rpm (c) motor speed for = 150 and half rated torque.
Q6C 18
The speed of 20 HP, 300 V, 1800 rpm separately excited dc motor is controlled by a three phase
full converter drive. The field current is also controlled by a three phase full converter and is set
to the maximum possible value. The ac input is three phase Y connected 208 V, 60 Hz supply.
The armature resistance is 0.25 , the field resistance is 245 , and the motor voltage constant is
Kv = 1.2 V-s/rad A. The viscous friction and no load losses are negligible. The inductances of
the armature and field circuits are sufficient enough to make the armature and field currents
continuous and ripple free. Determine (a) the delay angle of the armature converter, if the motor
supplies the rated power at the rated speed. (b) the no load speed if the delay angles are same as
in (a) and the armature current at no load is 10% of the rated value (c) the speed regulation.
Q6C 19
The speed of 20 HP, 300 V, 1800 rpm separately excited dc motor is controlled by a three phase
full converter drive. The field current is also controlled by a three phase full converter. The ac
input to the armature and field converters is three phase, Y connected 208 V, 60 Hz supply. The
armature resistance is 0.25 , the field resistance is 145 , and the motor voltage constant is Kv
= 1.2 V-s/rad A. The viscous friction and no load losses are negligible. The inductances of the
armature and field circuits are sufficient enough to make the armature and field currents
continuous and ripple free. (a) If the field converter is operated at the maximum field current and
the developed torque is 116 Nm at 900 rpm, determine the delay angle of the armature converter
(b) If the field circuit converter is set for the maximum field current, the developed torque is
116 Nm and the delay angle of the armature converter is 0, determine the speed of the motor. (c)
For the same load demand as in (b), determine the delay of the field converter if the speed has to
be increased to 1800 rpm.
Q6C 20
The speed of a separately excited dc motor is controlled by means of a 3 phase semi converter
from a three phase, 415 V, 50 Hz supply. The motor constants are inductance is 10 mH,
resistance is 0.9 and armature constant is 1.5 V/rad/s. Calculate the speed of this motor at a
torque of 50 Nm when the converter is fired at 45. Neglect losses in the converter.
Q6C 21
A 600 V, 1500 rpm, 80 A separately excited dc motor is fed through a three phase semi converter
from three phase 400 V supply. Motor armature resistance is 1 . Armature current is assumed
constant. (a) For a firing angle of 45 at 1200 rpm, compute the rms values of source and
thyristor currents, average value of thyristor current and the supply power factor.
(b) repeat part (a) for a firing angle of 90 at 700 rpm.
Q6C 22
A 100 kW, 500 V, 2000 rpm separately excited dc motor is energized from 400 V, 50 Hz,
3 phase source through a three phase full converter. The voltage drop in the conducting
thyristors is 2 V. The dc motor parameters are as under:
Ra = 0.1 , Km = 1.6 Vs/rad, La = 8 mH
Rated armature current = 210 A. No load armature current = 10% of rated current. Armature
current is continuous and ripple free.
(a) Find the no load speed at firing angle of 30 (b) find the firing angle for a speed of 2000 rpm
at rated armature current. Determine also the supply power factor. (c) find the speed regulation
for the firing angle obtained in part (b).
Q6C 23
A 230 V, 1500 rpm, 20 A separately excited dc motor is fed from 3 phase full converter. Motor
armature resistance is 0.6 . Full converter is connected to 400 V, 50 Hz source through a delta
star transformer. Motor terminal voltage is rated when converter firing angle is zero.
(a) calculate the transformer phase turns ratio from primary to secondary (b) calculate the firing
angle delay of the converter when (i) the motor is running at 1000 rpm at rated torque and (ii) the
motor is running at 900 rpm and at half the rated torque.
Q6C 24
A 230 V, 10 kW, 1000 rpm separately excited dc motor has its armature resistance of 0.3 and
field resistance of 300 . The speed of the motor is controlled by two 3 phase full converters,
one in the armature circuit and another in the field circuit and both are fed from 400 V, 50 Hz
source. The motor constant is 1.1 Vs/A rad. Armature and field current are ripple free.
(a) with field converter setting to maximum field current, calculate firing angle for the armature
converter for load torque of 60 Nm at rated speed.
(b) with the load torque as in part (a) and zero degree firing angle for armature converter, speed
is to be raised to 3000 rpm. Determine the firing angle of the field converter.
Q6C 25
In a speed controlled dc drive, the load torque is 40 Nm. At time t = 0, the operation is under
steady state and the speed is 500 rpm. Under this condition at t = 0+, the generated torque is
instantly increased to 100 Nm. The inertia of the drive is 0.01 Nm.s2/rad. The friction is
negligible. (a) write down the differential equation governing the speed of the drive t > 0
(b) Evaluate the time taken for the speed to reach 1000 rpm.
Q6C 26
A dc motor driven from a full controlled 3 phase converter and draws a dc current of 100 A
with negligible ripple. (a) Sketch the ac line current for one phase (b) Determine the 3rd and 5th
harmonic components of the line current as a percentage of the fundamental current.
Q6C 27
A dc motor driven from 3 phase full converter draws dc current of 60 A with negligible ripple.
(a) Sketch the line voltage vab taking it zero crossing and becoming positive at t = 0. Also,
sketch the line current iA for one cycle for = 150. Indicate also the conduction of devices.
Thyristor current iT should also be sketched. (b) calculate average and rms values of thyristor
current (c) compute power factor at the ac source (d) If motor constant is 2.4 Vs/rad and
armature circuit resistance is 0.5 . Calculate motor speed.
Q6C 28
A separately excited dc motor, with ra = 4 , La = 0.04 H and Km = 1 Nm/A, is fed from 230 V,
50 Hz supply via a 1 phase semi converter. For a firing angle delay of 75, the motor runs at a
speed of 1360 rpm. (a) derive expression for motor armature current (b) sketch the waveforms of
source voltage, load voltage and motor armature current (c) calculate the average motor torque.
Q6C 29
(a) Repeat Q6C 28 with the same firing angle, but with load torque reduced so that motor
speed rises to 2100 rpm.
(b) Repeat Q6C 28 with the same firing angle, but with load torque increased so that motor
speed reduces to 840 rpm.
Q6C 30
A single phase full converter feeds a separately excited dc motor having ra = 3 , La = 0.06 H
and torque constant 1 Nm/A. For a source voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz, the motor runs at a speed of
1400 rpm for a firing angle of 60. (a) derive expression for motor armature current (b) sketch
the waveforms of source voltage, load voltage and motor armature current (c) calculate the
average motor torque.
Q6C 31
In Q6C 30, load torque on the motor is increased and this causes the speed to drop to 600 rpm
with the same firing angle delay. Calculate the load torque and expression for the motor armature
Q6C 32
The speed of a dc series motor is controlled by a 3 phase semi converter connected to a 3
phase 400 V, 50 Hz source. The motor constant is 0.4 Vs/A rad. Total field and armature
resistance is 1 . Assuming continuous and ripple free armature current at firing angle of 40
and speed of 1000 rpm, determine: (a) motor current and torque (b) power delivered to the motor
(c) reactive power drawn from the supply in VAR,
Q6C 33
The speed of a 50 kW, 500 V, 120 A, 1500 rpm separately excited dc motor is controlled by a
three phase full converter fed from 400 V, 50 Hz supply. Motor armature resistance is 0.1 .
Find the range of firing angle required to obtain speeds between 1000 rpm and ( 1000) rpm at
rated torque.
Q6C 34
The speed of a separately excited dc motor is controlled by two 3 phase full converters, One in
the armature and another in the field circuit and both are fed from 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz
supply. Resistance of armature and field circuits is 0.2 and 320 respectively. The motor
constant is 0.5 Vs/A rad. Field converter has zero degree firing angle delay. Armature and field
currents have negligible ripple. For rated load torque of 60 Nm at 2000 rpm, calculate (a) rated
armature current (b) firing angle delay of the armature converter (c) speed regulation at rated
load and (d) input power factor of the armature converter and the drive at rated load.
Q6C 35
A dc motor driven from 3 phase full converter draws dc current of 90 A with negligible ripple.
(a) Sketch the line voltage vab taking it zero crossing and becoming positive at t = 0. Also,
sketch the line current iA for one cycle and thyristor current for = 30. Indicate also the
conduction of devices. (b) calculate average and rms values of thyristor current (c) compute
power factor at the ac source (d) If motor constant is 2.5 Vs/rad and armature circuit resistance is
0.4 . Calculate motor speed.
Q6C 36
A dc series motor is fed from 600 V dc source through a chopper. The dc motor has the
following parameters:
ra = 0.04 , rs = 0.06 , K = 4 10-3 Nm/A2
The average armature current of 300 A is ripple free. For a chopper duty cycle of 60%,
determine: (a) input power from the source (b) equivalent input resistance of the chopper drive
(c) motor speed and (d) motor torque.
Q6C 37
A chopper is used for on off control of a dc separately excited motor has supply voltage of
230 V dc, an on time of 10 ms and off time of 15 ms. Neglecting armature inductance and
assuming continuous conduction for motor current, calculate the average load current when the
motor speed is 1500 rpm and has a voltage constant of Kv = 0.5 V/rad/s. The armature resistance
is 3 .
Q6C 38
A dc chopper is used to control the speed of a separately excited dc motor. The dc supply voltage
is 220 V, armature resistance is ra = 0.2 and motor constant Ka = 0.08 V/rpm. This motor
drives a constant torque load requiring an average armature current of 25 A. Determine (a) the
range of speed control (b) the range of duty cycle. Assume the motor current to be continuous.
Q6C 39
A separately excited dc motor is fed from 220 V dc source through a chopper operating at
400 Hz. The load torque is 30 Nm at a speed of 1000 rpm. The motor has ra = 0, La = 20 mH and
Km = 1.5 Vs/rad. Neglecting all motor and chopper losses.
(i) Calculate: (a) the minimum and maximum values of armature current and the armature
current excursion (b) the armature current expressions during on and off periods.
(ii) Repeat part (i) in case motor has a resistance of 0.2 in its armature circuit.
Q6C 40
A dc chopper is used for regenerative braking of separately excited dc motor. The dc supply
voltage is 400 V. The motor has ra = 0.2 , Km = 1.2 Vs/rad. The average armature current
during regenerative braking is kept constant at 300 A with negligible ripple. For a duty cycle of
60% for a chopper, determine:
(a) power returned to dc supply (b) equivalent load resistance to the dc supply (c) minimum and
maximum permissible braking speeds and (d) speed during regenerative braking.
Q6C 41
A dc series motor is fed from 400 V dc source through a chopper. The dc motor has the
following parameters:
ra = 0.05 , rs = 0.07 , K = 5 10-3 Nm/A2
The average armature current of 200 A is ripple free. For a chopper duty cycle of 50%,
determine: (a) input power from the source (b) motor speed and (c) motor torque.
Q6C 42
A 230 V dc source is connected to a separately excited dc motor through a chopper operating at
500 Hz. The load torque is 32.5 Nm at a speed of 1200 rpm. The motor has ra = 0, La = 20 mH
and Km = 1.3 Vs/rad. Neglecting all motor and chopper losses.
(i) Calculate: (a) the minimum and maximum values of armature current and the armature
current excursion (b) the armature current expressions during on and off periods of the chopper
(ii) Repeat part (i) in case motor has a resistance of 0.3 in its armature circuit.
Q6C 43
A 220 V, 60 A dc series motor having combined resistance of armature and field of 0.15 , is
controlled in regenerative braking mode. The dc source voltage is 220 V. The motor constant is
Km = 0.05 Vs/A rad. The average motor armature current is rated and ripple free. For a duty
cycle of 50%, determine: (a) power returned to the supply (b) minimum and maximum
permissible braking speeds and (d) speed during regenerative braking.
Q6C 44
Consider a permanent magnet dc servo motor with the following parameters:
Trated = 10 Nm, nrated = 3700 rpm,
kT = 0.5 Nm/A, kE = 53 V/1000 rpm, Ra = 0.37 ,
e = 4.05 ms, m = 11.7 ms
Where, electrical time constant e = a and mechanical time constant m = a m
Ra kT k E
Calculate the terminal voltage Vt in steady state if the motor is required to deliver a torque of
5 Nm at a speed of 1500 rpm.
Q6C 45
The transfer function of an uncontrolled and unloaded dc motor is given below.
(s )
G1 (s ) = m =
Vt (s ) (Ra + sLa )(sJ + B ) + kT k E
Assume, B = 0 and express the transfer function G1(s) in the following form:
G1 (s ) =
1/ k E
2 sD s 2
1+ +
n n2
Calculate D and n for the motor parameters given in problem Q6C 44. Plot the magnitude and
phase of G1(s) by means of Bode plot.
Q6C 46
Using the servomotor parameters given in the Q6C 44, Calculate and plot the change in m
(speed) as a function of time for a step increase of 10 V in the terminal voltage of that
uncontrolled, unloaded servomotor.
Q6C 47
The servo motor given in the Q6C 44, is driven by full bridge dc dc converter operating from
a 200 V dc bus. Calculate the peak to peak ripple in the motor current if a PWM bipolar voltage
switching scheme is used. The motor is delivering a torque of 5 Nm at a speed of 1500 rpm. The
switching frequency is 20 kHz.
Q6C 48
Repeat Q6C 47, if PWM unipolar voltage switching scheme is used.
Q6C 49
In the servo drive of Q6C 44, a PI regulator is used in the speed loop to obtain a transfer
function of the following form:
(s )
F (s ) =
= Where D = 0.5 and n = 300 rad/s
* (s ) 2D s 2
1 + s + 2
n n
(s )
(a) Draw the Bode plot of the closed loop transfer function F (s ) = if a gain kp = 60
* (s )
(b) What is the bandwidth of the above close loop system?
Q6C 50
Consider the servomotor of Q6C 44 in a speed control loop. If an internal current loop is not
used, the block diagram is as shown in figure (a), where only a proportional control is used. If an
internal current loop is used, the block diagram without the current limits is as shown in figure
(b), where n is 10 times that in part (a).
Design the controllers (Kv, Kvi, Ki) to yield a control loop with slightly under damped response
(D = 0.7). Compare the two control schemes in terms of bandwidth and transient performance,
assuming that the current limit is not reached in either of them.
Q6C 51
A 3 phase, 460 V, 60 Hz, 4 pole star connected induction motor has the following parameters:
Rs = 1.01 , Rr = 0.69 , Xs = 1.3 , X r = 1.94 and Xm = 43.5 . The no load losses are
negligible. The load torque, which is proportional to speed squared, is 41 Nm at 1740 rpm. If the
motor speed is 1550 rpm, determine (a) the load torque (b) the rotor current (c) the stator supply
voltage (d) the motor input current (e) the motor input power (f) the slip for maximum torque (g)
the maximum rotor current (h) the speed at maximum rotor current and (i) the torque at the
maximum current.
Q6C 52
A three phase, 460 V, 60 Hz, 6 pole star connected induction motor whose speed is controlled by
slip power with chopper in its rotor circuit. The motor has the following parameters:
Rs = 0.041 , Rr = 0.044 , Xs = 0.29 , X r = 0.44 and Xm = 6.1 . The turns ratio from
rotor stator windings is 0.9. The filter inductor makes the inductor current ripple free. Losses in
the rectifier, inductor, chopper and no load losses of the motor are neglected. Load torque,
proportional to speed squared, is 750 Nm at 1175 rpm.
(a) If the motor has to operate with a minimum speed is 800 rpm, determine the resistance R.
For the value of R obtained in part (a), if the speed is to be raised to 1050 rpm, calculate,
(b) inductor current (c) duty cycle of the chopper (d) rectified output voltage (e) efficiency and
(f) input power factor of the drive.
Q6C 53
The induction motor in Q6C 52, is controlled by a static Kramer drive. The turn ratio of the
converter ac voltage to supply voltage is 0.40. The load torque is 750 Nm at 1175 rpm. If the
motor is required to operate at a speed of 1050 rpm. Calculate (a) inductor current (b) the
rectifier dc voltage (c) the delay angle of the converter (d) efficiency (e) input power factor the
drive. The losses in diode rectifier, converter, transformer and inductor are negligible.
Q6C 54
A three phase 11.2 kW, 1750 rpm, 460 V, 60 Hz, 4 pole star connected induction motor has the
following parameters: Rs = 0 , Rr = 0.38 , Xs = 1.14 , X r = 1.71 and Xm = 33.2 .The
motor is controlled by varying the supply frequency. If the break down torque requirement is
35 Nm, calculate (a) the supply frequency and (b) the speed at maximum torque.
Q6C 55
A three phase 11.2 kW, 1750 rpm, 460 V, 60 Hz, 4 pole star connected induction motor has the
following parameters: Rs = 0.66 , Rr = 0.38 , Xs = 1.14 , X r = 1.71 and Xm = 33.2 . The
motor is controlled by varying both the voltage and supply frequency. The volt/Hertz ratio,
which corresponds to the rated voltage and rated frequency, is maintained constant.
(a) calculate the maximum torque and corresponding speed for 60 Hz and 30 Hz.
(b) repeat part (a) if Rs is negligible.
Q6C 56
A three phase 11.2 kW, 1750 rpm, 460 V, 60 Hz, 4 pole star connected induction motor has the
following parameters: Rs = 0.66 , Rr = 0.38 , Xs = 1.14 , X r = 1.71 and Xm = 33.2 . The
no load loss is negligible. The motor is controlled by a current source inverter and the input
current is maintained constant at 20 A. If the frequency is 40 Hz and the developed torque is
55 Nm, determine (a) slip for maximum torque and maximum torque (b) slip (c) rotor speed (d)
terminal voltage per phase and (e) power factor.
Q6C 57
A three phase 460 V, 60 Hz, 6 pole star connected cylindrical synchronous motor has a
synchronous reactance of 2.5 and the armature resistance is negligible. The load torque, which
is proportional to speed squared, is 398 Nm at 1200 rpm. The power factor is maintained at unity
by field control and the voltage to frequency ratio is kept constant at the rated value. If the
inverter frequency is 36 Hz, and the motor speed is 720 rpm, calculate (a) input voltage (b)
armature current (c) excitation voltage (d) torque angle (e) pull out torque.
Q6C 58
A three phase 230 V, 60 Hz, 4 pole star connected reluctance motor has Xd = 22.5 and Xq = 3.5
. The armature resistance is negligible. The load torque is 12.5 Nm and the voltage to
frequency ratio is kept constant at the rated value. If the supply frequency is 60 Hz, calculate (a)
the torque angle (b) the line current and (c) the input power factor.
Q6C 59
(a) A three phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor (SCIM) drives a blower type load. No load
rotational losses are negligible. Show that rotor current is maximum when motor runs at a slip
s = . Find also the expression for maximum rotor current.
(b) If three phase SCIM runs at a speed of (i) 1450 rpm and (ii) 1350 rpm. Determine the
maximum current in terms of rated current at these speeds. The IM drives a fan and no load
rotational losses are ignored.
Q6C 60
A 3 phase, 400 V, 20 kW, 1440 rpm, 50 Hz, star connected induction motor has rotor leakage
impedance of 0.4 + j 1.6 . Stator leakage impedance and rotational losses are assumed to be
negligible. If this motor is energized from 120 Hz, 400 V, 3 phase source, then calculate:
(a) the motor speed at rated load (b) the slip at which maximum torque occurs (c) the maximum
Q6C 61
A 3 phase, 20 kW, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 400 V delta connected induction motor has the following
parameters referred to stator:
r1 = 0.6 , r2 = 0.4 , x1 = x2 = 1.6
Its magnetizing reactance is neglected. If this motor is operated at 200 V, 25 Hz with DOL
starting, calculate:
(a) current and pf at the instant of starting and under maximum torque conditions; compare the
results with normal values,
(b) starting and maximum torques and compare with normal values.
Q6C 62
An inverter feeds a three phase induction motor whose parameters are given Q6C 61. Calculate
the source current and torque at a full load slip of 0.04 when inverter output is 400 V, 50 Hz. If
the inverter output is suddenly reduced to 360 V, 45 Hz, determine at that moment, the new
values of source current and torque.
Q6C 63
A 400 V, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 3 phase star connected induction motor has r1 = 0, x1 = x2 = 1 , r2 =
0.4 , Xm = 50 , all referred to stator. This induction motor is fed from (i) a constant voltage
source of 231 V per phase and (ii) a constant current source of 28 A
For both parts (i) and (ii), calculate:
(a) the slip for maximum torque (b) the starting and maximum torques (c) the supply voltage
required to sustain the constant current at the maximum torque.
Q6C 64
A 3 phase, 420 V, 4 pole, 50 Hz star connected SRIM has its speed controlled by means of
GTO chopper in its rotor circuit. The effective phase turns ratio from rotor to stator is 0.8. The
filter inductor makes the inductor current ripple free. Losses in the rectifier, inductor, GTO
chopper and no load losses of the motor are neglected. Load torque, proportional to speed
squared, is 450 Nm at 1440 rpm.
(a) For a minimum rotor speed of 1000 rpm, calculate the value of chopper resistance R.
For the value of R obtained in part (a), if the speed is to be raised to 1320 rpm, calculate,
(b) inductor current (c) duty cycle of the chopper (d) rectified output voltage (e) efficiency in
case per phase resistances for stator and rotor are 0.015 and 0.02 respectively.
Q6C 65
A four pole, 10 HP, 460 V induction motor is supplying its rated power to a centrifugal load
( TL 2 ) at a 60 Hz frequency. Its rated speed is 1746 rpm.
(a) Calculate its speed, slip frequency and slip when it is supplied by a 230 V, 30 Hz source.
(b) If the starting torque required to be 150% of the rated torque, then calculate the starting
frequency required to maintain by the solid state drive.
Q6C 66
A 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 960 rpm, star connected SRIM has the following per phase
parameters referred to stator:
r1 = 0.1 , r2 = 0.08 , x1 = x2 = 0.3 , Xm = 0
per phase turns ratio from rotor to stator = 0.7. Speed of this motor is controlled by a GTO
chopper in its rotor circuit. For a speed of 800 rpm, the inductor current is 110 A and the chopper
resistance is 2 . Calculate:
(a) the value of chopper duty cycle (b) efficiency for a power output of 20 kW and for negligible
no load losses (c) the input power factor.
Q6C 67
A 3 phase, 420 V, 4 pole, 50 Hz star connected SRIM has its speed controlled by means of
static Kramer drive. The effective phase turns ratio from rotor to stator is 0.8 and transformer has
phase turns ratio from LV to HV as 0.4. The inductor current is ripple free. Losses in diode
rectifier, inductor, inverter and transformer are neglected. The load torque is proportional to
speed squared and its value at 1200 rpm is 450 Nm. For a motor operating speed of 1000 rpm,
calculate: (a) rotor rectified voltage (b) inductor current (c) delay angle of the inverter (d)
efficiency, in case inductor resistance is 0.01 and per phase resistances for stator and rotor are
0.015 and 0.02 respectively.
(e) For the firing angle obtained in part (c), the load torque is increased to 500 Nm, find the
motor speed.
Q6C 68
(a) A static Kramer drive is used for the speed control of a 4 pole, SRIM fed from 3 phase,
415 V, 50 Hz supply. The inverter is connected directly to the supply. If the motor is required to
operate at 1200 rpm, find the firing advance angle of the inverter. Voltage across the open
circuited rotor slip rings at stand still is 700 V. Allow a voltage drop of 0.7 V and 1.5 V across
each of the diodes and thyristors respectively. Inductor drop is neglected.
(b) Repeat part (a) in case there is an overlap angle of 18 in the rectifier and 4 in the inverter.
(c) Using data in part (a), find voltage ratio of the transformer to be interposed between supply
and the inverter for a minimum speed at 1200 rpm.
Q6C 69
A 400 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz, SCIM develops full load torque at 1470 rpm. If supply voltage reduces
to 340 V, with load torque remaining constant, calculate the motor speed. Assume speed torque
characteristics of the motor to be linear in the stable region. Neglect stator resistance.
Q6C 70
A 3 phase, 400 V, 20 kW, 970 rpm, 50 Hz, delta connected induction motor has rotor leakage
impedance of 0.5 + j 2.0 . Stator leakage impedance and rotational losses are assumed to be
negligible. If this motor is energized from 90 Hz, 400 V, 3 phase source, then calculate:
(a) the motor speed at rated torque (b) the slip at which maximum torque occurs (c) the
maximum torque.
Q6C 71
A 3 phase, 15 kW, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 420 V delta connected induction motor has the following
parameters referred to stator:
r1 = 0.5 , r2 = 0.4 , x1 = x2 = 1.5 , Xm = 0
If this motor is operated at 210 V, 25 Hz with DOL starting, calculate:
(a) current and pf at the instant of starting and under maximum torque conditions; compare the
results with normal values,
(b) starting and maximum torques and compare with normal values.
Q6C 72
A 420 V, 6 pole, 50 Hz, 3 phase star connected induction motor has r1 = 0, x1 = x2 = 1.2 ,
r2 = 0.5 , Xm = 50 , as its per phase parameters are referred to stator. This induction motor is
fed from (i) a constant voltage source of 242.5 V per phase and (ii) a constant current source of
30 A. For both types of sources (i) and (ii), calculate:
(a) the slip for maximum torque (b) the starting and maximum torques (c) the supply voltage
required to sustain the constant current at the maximum torque.
Q6C 73
A 3 phase SRIM uses rotor ON OFF control by means of chopper for its speed control. The
effective rotor resistance is increased to 10 times during OFF period. If the motor develops 0.4
p.u torque at a slip of 0.02 for normal operation, calculate the average torque developed at the
same slip for 20%, 50% and 80% duty cycles of the static rotor chopper.
Q6C 74
A 3 phase, 400 V, 6 pole, 50 Hz star connected SRIM uses chopper in its rotor circuit for its
speed controlled. The effective phase turns ratio from rotor to stator is 0.8. The filter inductor
makes the inductor current ripple free. Losses in the rectifier, inductor, chopper and no load
losses of the motor are neglected. Load torque, proportional to speed squared, is 360 Nm at
970 rpm. (a) For a minimum rotor speed of 600 rpm, calculate the value of chopper resistance R.
For the value of R obtained in part (a), if the speed is to be raised to 800 rpm, calculate,
(b) inductor current (c) duty cycle of the chopper (d) rectified output voltage (e) efficiency in
case per phase resistances for stator and rotor are 0.015 and 0.02 respectively.
Q6C 75
A 3 phase, 415 V, 50 Hz, 1470 rpm, star connected SRIM has the following per phase
parameters referred to stator:
r1 = 0.12 , r2 = 0.1 , x1 = x2 = 0.4 , Xm = 0
per phase turns ratio from rotor to stator = 0.8. Speed of this motor is controlled by a rotor ON
OFF control. For a speed of 1200 rpm, the inductor current is 100 A and the chopper resistance is
1.8 . Calculate:
(a) the value of chopper duty cycle (b) efficiency for a power output of 25 kW and for negligible
no load losses (c) the input power factor.
Q6C 76
A 3 phase, 400 V, 6 pole, 50 Hz star connected SRIM has its speed controlled by means of
static Kramer drive. The effective phase turns ratio from rotor to stator is 0.6 and transformer has
phase turns ratio from LV to HV as 0.4. The inductor current is ripple free. Losses in diode
rectifier, inductor, inverter and transformer are neglected. The load torque is proportional to
speed squared and its value at 800 rpm is 250 Nm. For a motor operating speed of 700 rpm,
calculate: (a) rotor rectified voltage (b) inductor current (c) delay angle of the inverter (d)
efficiency, in case inductor resistance is 0.01 and per phase resistances for stator and rotor are
0.015 and 0.02 respectively. (e) For the firing angle obtained in part (c), the load torque is
increased to 350 Nm, find the motor speed.
Q6C 77
(a) Speed of a 6 pole, SRIM fed from 400 V, 50 Hz source is controlled by static Kramer drive.
The inverter is connected directly to the supply. If the motor is required to operate at 800 rpm,
find the firing advance angle of the inverter. Voltage across the open circuited rotor slip rings at
stand still is 700 V. Allow a voltage drop of 0.7 V and 1.5 V across each of the diodes and
thyristors respectively. Inductor drop is neglected.
(b) Repeat part (a) in case there is an overlap angle of 12 in the rectifier and 5 in the inverter.
(c) Using data in part (a), find voltage ratio of the transformer to be interposed between supply
and the inverter for a minimum speed at 600 rpm.
Q6C 78
A 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 6 pole star connected round rotor synchronous motor has Z s = j 2 .
Load torque proportional to speed squared, is 340 Nm at rated synchronous speed. The speed of
the motor is lowered by keeping V/f constant and maintaining unity pf by field control of the
motor. For the motor operation at 600 rpm, calculate (a) supply voltage (b) the armature current
(c) the excitation voltage (d) the load angle and (e) the pull out torque. Neglect rotational losses.
Q6C 79
A 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4 pole star connected reluctance motor, with negligible armature
resistance, has Xd = 8 and Xq = 2 . For a load torque of 80 Nm, calculate (a) the load angle
(b) the line current and (c) the input power factor. Neglect rotational losses.
Q6C 80
A 415 V, 50 Hz, 4 pole star connected synchronous motor has Xs = 1.5 . Load torque
proportional to speed squared, is 300 Nm at synchronous speed. The speed of the motor is
lowered by keeping constant and maintaining 0.8 pf leading by field control. For the motor
operation at 840 rpm, calculate (a) supply voltage (b) the armature current (c) the excitation
voltage (d) the load angle and (e) the pull out torque. Neglect rotational losses.
Do not neglect parents and family in your life. Health is more important than
money. Do not come to any conclusion when you are in depression. Good mentors
(can be parents, teachers and friends) will play an important role for your growth
-BNSS Shankar
Note: As electric drives topic is removed from GATE syllabus, Exercise B is not give here
Key for Chapter 6 and Exercise C:
Q01: 5.225 A Q02: (a) 45.821 (b) 30.52 A (c) 0.6255 lag
Q03: (a) 150.402 Nm (b) 468.43 rpm (c) 0.45 lag
Q04: 29 A, 15.834 Nm Q05: (a) 1.274 A (b) 82.2 (c) 0.694 lag
Q06: (a) 48.31 A (b) 39.78 (c) 5.571% (d) 0.769 lag, 0.8338 lag
Q07: (a) 45.12 A, 45.12 Nm (b) 0.92 lag Q08: (a) 59.526 (b) 115.766
Q09: (i) (a) 142.4 Nm (b) 564 rpm (c) 0.45 lag (ii) (a) 116.31 (b) 7900 W
Q10: (a) 1515.1 rpm (b) 24.845 Nm (c) 0.6365 lag and 0.6672 lag
Q11: (a) 59.03 A (b) 57.63 (c) 6.53% (d) 0.4819 lag and 0.5091 lag
Q12: (a) 119.254 (b) 8798 W Q13: 922.86 rpm
Q14: (a) 65.34 (b) 24.766 A (c) 0.565 lag
Q15: (a) 62.84 A (b) 118.466 Nm (c) 0.9202 lag
Q16: (a) 1253.92 rpm (b) 8.543 Nm
Q17: (a) 49.512 (b) 119.274 (c) 851.683 rpm
Q18: (a) 14.59 (b) 1877.6 rpm (c) 4.3% Q19: (a) 34.46 (b) 1102.5 rpm (c) 52.2
Q20: 2853.97 rpm
Q21: (a) 36.791 A, 15.02 A, 0.815 lag (b) 19.385 A, 13.705 A, 0.551 lag
Q22: (a) 2767.2 rpm (b) 48.47 and 0.633 lag (c) 5.64%
Q23: (a) 4.067:1 (b) (i) 46.84 (ii) 122.861
Q24: (a) 66.376 (b) 31.406 Q25: (b) 0.0873 s
Q26: (b) 0 and 20%
Q27: (b) 20 A, 34.642 A (c) 0.827 (d) 1980.43 rpm
Q28: (c) 5.2575 Nm Q29: (a) 1.9375 Nm (b) 10.5875 Nm
Q30: (c) 5.249 Nm Q31: 13.563 Nm
Q32: (a) 11.12 A, 49.462 Nm (b) 5303.46 W (c) 3383.1 VAR
Q33: 51.35 o 125.46 o
Q34: (a) 71.10 A (b) 69.291 (c) 8.045% (d) 0.3376 lag and 0.3601 lag
Q36: (a) 108 kW (b) 3.33 (c) 2626.1 rpm (d) 360 Nm
Q37: 4.87 A Q38: 0 < N < 2687.5 rpm and < D <1
Q39: (i) (a) 17.912 A, 22.808 A and 5.616 A (b) ia (t ) = 17.192 + 3146 t for 0 t DT and
ia (t ) = 22.808 7854t for DT t T
(ii) (a) 17.516 A, 22.907 A and 5.39 A (b) ia (t ) = 314.6(1 e 10t ) + 17.516e 10t for
0 t DT and ia (t ) = 785.4(1 e 10t ) + 22.907e 10t for DT t T
Q40: (a) 48 kW (b) 0.7333 (c) 477.46 rpm, 3660.6 rpm (d) 1750.7 rpm
Q41: (a) 40 kW (b) 1680.68 rpm (c) 200 Nm
Q42: (i) (a) 22.634 A, 27.366 A and 4.732 A (b) ia (t ) = 22.634 + 3332t for 0 t DT and
ia (t ) = 27.366 8168t for DT t T (ii) (a) 14.438 A, 18.95 A and 4.512 A (b)
( ) ( )
ia (t ) = 222.13 1 e 15t + 14.438e 15t for 0 t DT and ia (t ) = 544.53 1 e 15t + 18.95e 15t for
DT t T
Q43: (a) 6.6 kW (b) 28.65 rpm, 728.9 rpm (c) 378.82 rpm
Q44: 83.2 V Q45: 0.85 and 145.28 rad/s
Q46: m (t ) = 20 1 e 123.48t
cos 73.526t 1.6137e 123.48t sin 76.526t
Q47: 2.76 A Q48: 0.81 A Q49: (b) 80 rad/s or 12.7 Hz.
Q50: Kv = 0.237 V/rad/s, Kvi = 22 A/rad/s, Ki = 3.33 V/A
Q51: (a) 32.5 Nm (b) 20.28 A (c) 137.82 V (d) 22 35.82 o A (e) 7386 W (f) 1/3 (g) 24.3 A
(h) 1200 rpm (i) 19.45 Nm
Q53: (a) 2.3856 (b) 134.6 A (c) 0.782 (d) 69.9 V (e) 85% (f) 0.908 lag
Q53: (a) 134.6 A (b) 69.9 V (c) 106.3 (d) 96% (e) 0.702 lag
Q54: (a) 158.51 Hz (b) 4275 rpm
Q55: (a) at 60 Hz: 156.55 Nm and 1566 rpm; at 30 Hz: 125.82 Nm and 682 rpm (b) at 60 Hz:
196.94 Nm and 1560 rpm; at 30 hz: 196.94 Nm and 660 rpm
Q56: (a) 0.158 and 94.68 Nm (b) 0.0501 (c) 1140 rpm (d) 147.6 V (e) 0.849 lag
Q57: (a) 159.34 V (b) 22.6 A (c) 169.1 19.52 o V (d) 19.52 (e) 428.82 Nm
Q58: (a) 10.84 (b) 9.2 A (c) 0.643 lag
Q59: (b) (i) I 2 , max = 2.291 I 2 (ii) I 2 ,max = 1.352 I 2
Q60: (a) 3290.83 rpm (b) 0.1042 (c) 55.265 Nm
Q61: At starting conditions: (a) 106 A, 0.53 lag; at normal: 119.31 A, 0.2983lag (b) 171.673
Nm and 108.75 Nm at normal
Under maximum torque conditions: (a) 71.187 A, 0.822 lag; at normal: 79.875 A, 0.7692
lag (b) 330.885 Nm and 396.26 Nm at normal
Q62: 36.124 16.8o A, 249.23 Nm and 58.823 151.93o A and 440.56 Nm
Q63: (i) (a) 0.202 (b) 96.012 Nm, 247.37 Nm (c) 231 V
(ii) (a) 0.00784 (b) 5.756 Nm, 366.993 Nm (c) 1715.2 V
Q64: (a) 2.0134 (b) 130.895 A (c) 0.7934 (d) 54.452 V (e) 86.52%
Q65: (a) 886.5 rpm, 0.45 Hz, 1.5% (b) 2.7 Hz
Q66: (a) 0.656 (b) 65.66% (c) 0.7323 lag
Q67: (a) 151.26 V (b) 108.18 A (c) 131.81 (d) 97.58% (e) 994.3 rpm.
Q68: (a) 70.76 (b) 73.25 (c) 0.3373 Q69: 1458.5 rpm
Q70: (a) 1819.8 rpm (b) 0.138 rpm (c) 235.785 Nm
Q71: (a) 120.05 A, 0.5145 lag, 81.862 A, 0.8112 lag; At normal: 134.1 A, 0.2873 lag, 90.486
A, 0.763 lag (b) 220.2 Nm, 404.702 Nm; At normal: 137.38 Nm, 475.662 Nm
Q72: (a) 0.2108, 0.00976 (b) 136.71 Nm, 12.293 Nm, 338.676 Nm, 629.47 Nm (c) 1838.1 V
Q73: 0.112 pu, 0.22 pu, 0.328 pu
Q74: (a) 3.496 (b) 65.93 A (c) 0.7187 (d) 64.823 V (e) 79.285%
Q75: (a) 0.498 (b) 67.84% (c) 0.822 lag
Q76: (a) 97.23 V (b) 61.84 A (c) 116.743 (d) 98.37% (e) 696.53 rpm
Q77: (a) 106.97 (b) 76.305 (c) 0.6
Q78: (a) 240 V (b) 18.5 A (c) 243.07 V (d) 9.1 (e) 773.77 Nm
Q79: (a) 12.382 (b) 37.53 A (c) 0.4833 lag
Q80: (a) 232.4 V (b) 44.96 A (c) 276.635 V (d) 10.904 (e) 870.15 Nm
Interview Questions
Author: BNSS Shankar, M.Tech (IITK), MIE
Special Note:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or
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Some standard questions in electrical engineering are given here for interview
preparation. You can practice before attending any interview.
1. What is the basic difference between Transformer and Inductor? What are the applications of
these two in power electronic converter circuits?
2. What do you understand by step down and step up transformers?
3. Draw the flux waveform in a transformer when its primary is excited by voltage waveform of
(a) Sinusoidal (b) Square (c) Trapezoidal
4. How can you measure the losses in a transformer? How can you minimize these losses?
5. Is it possible to operate a single phase 110 V, 50 Hz transformer satisfactorily at 200 Hz? If
yes, explain how?
6. How are the transformer losses affected if pf of a given load is varied?
7. How is voltage regulation of transformer affected by a change in its operating frequency?
8. Two mutually coupled coils act as an ideal transformer. Find the nature of its reluctance.
9. What happens in a transformer if its core is made from high permeability ferromagnetic
10. What are the basic difference between hot rolled and CRGO laminations used in a
11. What are the three basic principles for the electromechanical energy conversion?
12. For an electromechanical energy conversion process, reaction of coupling magnetic field on
electrical or mechanical system is essential. Explain in simple words.
13. How is the reluctance torque produced in a rotating machine?
14. Salient pole alternators are more suitable for low speed operation. Explain?
15. Non salient pole alternators are more suitable for high speed operation. Explain?
16. Can a dc generator be converted into alternator? Justify your answer with reasons
17. What is the meaning of electrical angle? How is it different from mechanical angle?
18. What are the methods of reducing space harmonics in a machine?
19. How is a sinusoidal voltage developed in a synchronous machine?
20. Why should the output voltage from a poly phase alternator be sinusoidal?
21. What is the magnetization curve in reference to a dc shunt generator? Explain the procedure
to get it
22. What do you mean by GNA and MNA in a dc machine?
23. What is the motor best suitable for traction applications? Any other alternative you can
24. Draw the block diagram for a DC motor and then explain speed control of dc motor
54. Explain mathematically, the transfer of power (active and reactive) between two active
sources shown below:
Characteristics of Power Electronic devices, phase control, bridge converters, choppers
and inverters, basic concepts of adjustable speed drives, Control of Induction &
Synchronous Motors
Semiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs - static
characteristics and principles of operation; triggering circuits; phase control rectifiers; bridge
converters - fully controlled and half controlled; principles of choppers and inverters; basic
concepts of adjustable speed dc and ac drives.
Semiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs - static
characteristics and principles of operation; triggering circuits; phase control rectifiers; bridge
converters - fully controlled and half controlled; dual converters, principles of choppers,
inverters, cyclo-converters and ac voltage controllers. Four quadrant operation, Types of loads,
Steady-state stability, Types of braking in dc & ac motors, Energy loss during starting and
braking of dc and ac motors, Basic concepts of converter and chopper fed dc drives; V/f control
of ac motors, chopper controlled rotor resistance and slip power recovery scheme.
End of PEQB
Thank you