Boss 107 O&M M1.1
Boss 107 O&M M1.1
Boss 107 O&M M1.1
1 January 1, 2016
BOSS 5T/107
BOSS 45T/107
BOSS 25T/107 1
O&M Manual rev M1.1 January 1, 2016
O&M Manual rev M1.1 January 1, 2016
I. Shutdown Procedures......................................................................................................... 21
J. Control Enclosure .............................................................................................................. 22
K. Circuit Board .................................................................................................................. 22
i. Serial Numbers B7190 to B41270: ................................................................................ 22
ii. Serial Numbers starting with B50101: ........................................................................... 22
iii. Custom Control Panel ................................................................................................. 22
3. Maintenance........................................................................................................................... 23
A. Maintenance Philosophy ................................................................................................ 23
B. Component Maintenance................................................................................................ 23
i. Pump............................................................................................................................... 23
ii. Control Valves................................................................................................................ 23
iii. Oil Content Monitor (OCM)....................................................................................... 26
iv. Coalescing Media ....................................................................................................... 26
ii. Polisher Media................................................................................................................ 28
iii. Control Components ................................................................................................... 30
iv. Flow Indicator............................................................................................................. 30
C. Draining the Separator ................................................................................................... 31
D. Annualized Recommended Maintenance Schedule ....................................................... 31
i. OWS Time-Based Maintenance ..................................................................................... 31
ii. OWS Condition-Based Maintenance ............................................................................. 31
4. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 32
A. System Recycles into Fill Mode Frequently .................................................................. 32
B. System is not Getting Enough Lift ................................................................................. 32
C. Reduced Flow Through the System ............................................................................... 32
i. Plugged Pre-Filter .......................................................................................................... 32
ii. Plugged Polisher............................................................................................................. 32
iii. Bacteria ....................................................................................................................... 33
D. Fault Alarms and Remote Monitoring Capabilities ....................................................... 33
i. Potential causes of the OCM system fault include:........................................................ 33
ii. Available signals from the OCM ................................................................................... 34
iii. Available signals from the Control Panel ................................................................... 34
E. Solenoid Valve Not Working............................................................................................. 34
F. System Goes into Fill Mode but the Fill Valve Does Not Open ....................................... 34
G. High Oil Content Reading Causing Water to Recycle ................................................... 34
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i. Turbidity ......................................................................................................................... 34
ii. High Emulsions .............................................................................................................. 35
iii. High Oil Concentrations ............................................................................................. 35
iv. Full Media................................................................................................................... 35
v. Dirty OCM Cell .............................................................................................................. 35
vi. High Flow Rate ........................................................................................................... 35
H. No Flow Through the OCM ........................................................................................... 35
I. Pulling Vacuum on the Filter ............................................................................................. 36
5. Safety ..................................................................................................................................... 37
A. Ignition Hazard Assessment ........................................................................................... 37
B. Electromagnetic .............................................................................................................. 37
C. 29 CFR, Part 1910 .......................................................................................................... 37
D. Dangers, Warnings, Cautions ......................................................................................... 37
E. Federal Protection Standards ............................................................................................. 37
6. Available Options .................................................................................................................. 38
A. Area Classification (AC) ................................................................................................ 40
i. Zone 2 (Class I, Div II): Option X2............................................................................ 40
ii. Zone 1 (Class I, Div I): Option X1 ............................................................................. 40
B. Pressure Classification (PC) ........................................................................................... 41
i. High Lift Suction: Option HL.................................................................................... 41
ii. Vacuum Operation with Higher Vessel Design Pressure: Options VM and VH ...... 41
iii. Low Positive Pressure: Option PL ......................................................................... 42
iv. Pump Located Before the Separator: Options PM and PH .................................... 42
C. Pre Filtration (PF)........................................................................................................... 43
i. Basket Strainer: Options BS and DB ..................................................................... 43
ii. Heavy Solids: Option SS ............................................................................................ 44
D. In Line Filtration (Bag Filter BF) ............................................................................... 44
i. Dual Poly Bag Filters: Option P2 .............................................................................. 44
ii. Single Stainless Bag Filter: Option S1 ...................................................................... 44
iii. Dual Stainless Bag Filters: Option S2.................................................................... 44
iv. Cascading Bag Filter: Option S3 ........................................................................... 45
E. Polisher Vessels (PV) ........................................................................................................ 46
i. Additional Polisher: Option EP ................................................................................. 46
ii. Automatic Backwash: Option AB ............................................................................. 46
O&M Manual rev M1.1 January 1, 2016
O&M Manual rev M1.1 January 1, 2016
1. System Description:
The BOSS line of oily water separators are designed and certified to remove oils, grease and
other hydrocarbons from water in accordance with IMO standards as defined in MEPC
107(49). The BOSS system removes fluids A & B and other free oils with a coalescing
separator. Fluid C and other emulsions are removed using a bulk mediagenerally
organoclay. Fine particles are removed by using various filtering alternatives. Water quality is
monitored with a certified oil content monitor. The BOSS system, if operated properly, will
meet and exceed all the requirements of MEPC 107(49).
A. Components
A P&ID is attached to this manual that shows all the components of the system. All
systems come with a standard design that meets MEPC 107(49) standards. Additional
features are available to meet specific situations or to help improve the performance of the
system to exceed MEPC standards. The list below shows the standard components plus the
components that are part of a specific option. The system you have may or may not have
some of the following components depending on how the system was originally ordered or
modified since the system was installed.
PID # Description
CV-101 Inlet check valve
CV-102 Oil discharge valve (not used with Option HW)
CV-103 Discharge check valve
F-101 Pre-filter Y-strainer / basket strainer
F-102 Oil discharge Y strainer (not used with Option HW)
F-103 Additional polishing vessel (Option EF)
F-104A Bag filter #1 (Option P1)
F-104B Bag filter #2 (Option P2)
F-105 Fluid C polishernormally organoclay
F-106 Extra filter organoclay, sand or carbon (Option EF)
FI-101 Flow indicator
FR-101 OCM flow restrictor
FH-(XXX) Various flex hoses as required
G-101 Vacuum/pressure gauge
G-102 Pump discharge pressure gauge
G-103 Pressure gauge after polisher
G-104A Filter pressure gauge (for F-104A)
G-104B Filter pressure gauge (for F-104B)
H-101 Emulsion breaking heater (Option HE)
LS-101 Oil level switch
MOV 101 Oil discharge valve (Options X1, X2, PM, PH)
MOV-102 Cascade Bag Filter control valve (Option S3)
MOV-103 Cascade Bag Filter control valve (Option S3)
MOV-104 Cascade Bag Filter control valve (Option S3)
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B. Process Description
The water then spills over the inner weir and flows down
through another layer of media to the bottom of the
separator. Passing through the second stage of coalescing media further removes
residual oil droplets which rise to the top of the separator. Separated water exits the
separator out the bottom of the outer section, through the pump (P-101), then is pumped
under pressure through the flow meter (FI-101), the post separator bag filter (F-104),
the post filter media and finally the flow control valve (V-003). The polisher is
equipped with manual backwash valves (V-106 & V-107)
to remove accumulated fines from the polisher media.
The backwash discharge is normally directed back to the
bilge or holding tank.
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WATER DISCHARGE" mode to "FILL & OIL DISCHARGE" mode (see the lights on
the panel. The pump (P-101) turns off, the discharge valve (SV-102 and or the recycle
valve (SV-103) close, the water makeup valve (SV-101) and oil discharge motor
operated ball valve (MOV-101, if equipped) open. Makeup water is allowed in,
pressurizing the separator and raising the level of the water. The oil-air-gas is pushed
out of the separator through the oil out valve. Once the water reaches the high level,
the level sensor switch shuts the makeup water and oil out valves. Normal "PUMP &
WATER DISCHARGE" mode resumes.
The operation of the discharge and recycle valves is directly controlled by the oil
content monitor (OCM). Various models and types of OCM units are available. The
specific OCM O&M manual for your unit is included as an attachment to this manual.
If the water flow at the discharge valve has oil content of less than 15ppm on a standard
system (5ppm on some units) the water is allowed to be discharged over board or to
another appropriate collection receptacle or drainage. If it is greater than the pre set oil
content ppm level, it is directed through the recycle valve back to the oily water source.
In some cases the situation may warrant the pump to be located on the inlet side of the
separator and the oily water is pushed through the separator. This requires a
progressive cavity pump running at low rpms in order to minimize the formation of
mechanical emulsions. The progressive cavity pump option is described in more detail
in Section 6 of this manual.
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valve (MOV-101) is MANDATORY for the oil discharge. WARNING: If the system
is operated under pressure without MOV-101 it will allow water and oil out of the oil
discharge check valve. For more discussion of the MOV option see Section 6.
It is critical that all connections to the oil water separator are airtight and properly
sized for the installation. Any leaks in the inlet piping or piping restrictions will
impact the amount of vacuum that the pump can pull.
The system will still work up to as much as 16 Hg (5.5 meters or 18 head) with a
JEU pump or a 2-stage CDU pump or a CDU pump with a size 5 impeller (13 Hg
with a CDU pump with a size 1 or 3 impeller), but the flow will be restricted. The
flow indicator will still read full flow but what is happening is that the system is
pulling part of the water from the bilge and part of the water is coming from the
head of the separator. The system will short cycle and go into the fill mode more
often than normal. The higher the vacuum the less water the system will pull from
the bilge.
If the actual lift is more than described above, the pump could stop pulling water
from the sump or could pull very little and could cavitate.
A high lift option (as described in Section 6 of this manual) is available for 11 gpm,
25 gpm and 45 gpm systems in situations with high suction lift. With this option
the height of the oil reservoir is increased by 6 so that the system will run longer
without going into the fill mode. The impeller size for the pump is also increased to
a size 5 impeller or a 2 stage CDU pump is supplied. This will generally require the
motor to increase in horsepower. These modifications allow the system to pull up
to 16 feet (5 meters) of negative head or vertical suction lift and maintain a
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reasonably normal cycle time. The high lift option is not necessary for 2.2 gpm or 5
gpm systems.
v. Pre-filtration
When the unit is turned on the main process pump (P-101) pulls water from the sump
through a pre-filter screen F-101. The standard unit comes with a Y strainer. A basket
strainer (or dual basket strainers) is available as an option, as described more fully in
Section 6 of this manual. The strainer will remove particulates larger than 1/20th of an
inch in any dimension. The pre-filter screen system also includes a check valve (CV-
101) to prevent water from back flowing from the system when the unit is off or in the
fill/oil discharge mode.
The system operates slightly differently when the system is pressurized as discussed in
Section 6.
WARNING: When the system is pressurized an MOV-101 is required on the oil out
line. The check valve will withstand a pressure of about 1 psig. Anything above that
will push water and oil through the check valve and into the slop oil tank and could
cause the oil tank to fill up and overflow.
During normal operation oily water entering the system flows up through the center
section of the separator and over the top of the inner section where most of the oil is
separated from the water. The water then flows down through the outer section of the
separator, which contains additional media. Passing through the second stage of
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coalescing media helps remove any residual oil and provides discharge water from the
primary separator in most cases with less than 15 PPM oil content. Separated water
exiting the separator comes out the bottom of the outer section and is pumped to the
post separator bag filter and then to the polisher unit.
The bag filter after the separator is used to remove silt and turbidity. The standard REI
system comes with a bag filter because it dramatically improves the overall
performance of the system. Earlier systems or special order systems may not have
come with a bag filter. If your system does not have a bag filter it is easy to add one
and highly recommended. The bag filter can either be a single bag filter or dual bag
filters. If dual bag filters are used they can be piped either in series or parallel.
In some cases, additional bag filter options may be desirable to improve the longevity
of the bags, improve the removal of solids and/or to make the bag changing easier or
less frequent for the operator. For other bag filter options see Section 6 of the manual.
Warning: The system will not operate to its peak performance if suspended solids are
present and they are not being filtered out. For this reason the bag filter is a standard
feature unless specially ordered otherwise. We strongly recommend a bag filter if one
is not already installed. The bag filter will increase the life of the polishing filter media
and it will result in lower ppm oil being measured by the OCM monitor.
The standard OCM comes with a 15 ppm limit. The OCM allows the limit to be set in
a range from 1 ppm to 15 ppm, but cannot be set above 15 ppm. In some cases there is
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a requirement for 5 ppm discharge. If this is the case it can be handled by either setting
the standard OCM to 5 ppm or by ordering a special 5 ppm version of the OCM that
cannot be set above 5 ppm. For instruction on how to reset the monitor to 5 ppm,
consult the OCM manual. For further information on the 5 ppm operation and options
refer to Section 6 of this manual.
The sample water tubing to the OCM is installed with a flow-restricting orifice in the
outlet port of the OCM-- just inside the end of the tube fitting. This will limit the flow
through the OCM meter to a flow of approximately 0.5 l/m to 2.0 l/m. You cannot see
the orifice without removing the tube fitting.
The return line from the OCM does not come with a shut-off or restricting valve.
Under no circumstances should a valve be installed on the OCM sample return line.
viii. Polisher
The primary purpose of MEPC 107(49) was to address the monitoring and removal of
emulsified oil. A coalescing separator will not remove chemical emulsions and will
only partially remove mechanical emulsions. Some form of post treatment is
The standard BOSS 107 system includes a polyglass (Models 2.2T-107, 5T-107 and
11T-107) or steel (Models 25T-107 and 45T-107) polisher vessel designed to hold bulk
media. The standard bulk media used is organoclay. This media has the advantage of
being efficient and long lasting. Activated carbon can also be used as an option but
does not last as long. For discussion of this option see Section 6 of this manual.
There are 2 types of polisher housings that are supplied. The 2, 5 and 11 gpm systems
use a polyglass polisher with a tube that goes down the center. The inlet and outlet are
both handled through the top distributor. These vessels are rated for 125 psig pressure.
The 25 and 45 gpm systems use a steel vessel with an inlet distributor at the top and an
outlet distributor at the bottom. These vessels are rated for 75 psig pressure. For
higher pressure options see Section 6.
The advantage of the bulk media is that it lasts a long time relative to other forms of
media. The disadvantage is that it is hard to vacuum out the old media. The bulk
organoclay media is by far the lowest cost alternative for removing emulsions.
An option for cartridge filters is available and is discussed more fully in Section 6 of
this manual.
C. System Specifications
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Specification Value
IMO MEPC Compliance 107(49) certified by ABS, USCG, BV, CCS and MED(EC)
Vessel Metallurgy Marine Coated Carbon Steel
Exterior Coating Specification SSPC-10 Blast with Epoxy/Urethane Paint System
Coalescing Media Polypropylene (Mycelx Snippets Added with 5P Option)
Separator Vessel Design / Test Pressure 15 / 45 PSIG
Polisher Vessel Design / Test Pressure 75 / 98 PSIG for Steel Vessels
125 / 125 PSIG for Fiberglass Vessels
Operating Pressure < 0 PSIG (Up to 15 PSIG with Pressurized Option)
Water Operating Temp Range 5-60 C
Design Negative Inlet Head (Ft/M) 13 / 4 (with CDU Pump with Size 1 or 3 Impeller)
Design Negative Inlet Head (Ft/M) 16 / 5 (with JEU, 2CDU or CDU Pump with Size 5 Impeller)
Positive Inlet Head Design Pressure 15 PSIG
(Motorized Valve Required)
Max Free Oil Concentration 35%
Max Fluid C Oil Concentration (with Polishing) 6%
Oil in Water Discharge <15 ppm (<5 ppm with 5P Option)
Control Panel NEMA 4X Polycarbonate (SS304 with RO or X2 Options)
OCM (Oil Content Monitor) IMO MEPC 107(49) Certified Monitor with Data Logging
Max Turbidity for Accurate OCM Reading 35 NTU (Higher with TD-107 OCM)
Level Sensor Conductance with 304 Stainless Steel Probes
Discharge, Recycle, Fill Valves Bronze Body, Solenoid Type, Rated for Salt Brine
Oil Out Valve Check, Bronze Body (Motorized Valve with MV Option)
Backwash Valves 3-Way Manual, Bronze Body (Motorized with AB Option)
Bag Filter Valves Manual, Bronze Body (Motorized with BFM Option)
Pump Centrifugal with 304 Stainless Steel Housing (Progressive
Cavity with PC Option)
Motor TEFC NEMA 56 (IP 55) (Exp. Proof with X1 or X2 Options)
Piping & Fittings Marine Grade Red Brass Pipe, Bronze Fittings (304 Stainless
Steel with SS Option)
Flow Indicator Visual Mechanical, Bronze Body with Glass Window
Single Phase Power Options 110/120vac, 208vac, 220/240vac
Three Phase Power Options 208vac, 220/240vac, 380/415vac, 440/480vac, 575/600vac
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Max Amperage < 15 amps
Hazard Area Classification NEMA 4X (Not Rated) (Class I Div I or II with X1, X2
Figure 1: Various options are available that may modify some specifications and may have pricing implications. Specifications for
some of the options are shown in parentheses. See Section 6 for additional discussion of the options. Oil Discharge Pressure
equals the pressure of the makeup water inlet, but should be restricted to less than 15lbs.
O&M Manual rev M1.1 January 1, 2016
2. Operation
A. Initial Procedure
Installation procedures outlined in the installation manual should be followed before this
initial procedure. Verify that the clean water source has been turned on. It is
recommended that the pressure of the clean water should not exceed 15 psig (the vessel
design pressure). Turn the system switch to ON and follow the startup procedure in
Section 4 of the Installation Manual.
B. Normal Operation
After all of the specified testing has been completed and the system has run satisfactorily
with the water flowing through the polisher, then the system can be put in normal
operation. Turn the switch to ON and open the sample lines to the OCM. The unit will
then monitor the outlet stream and automatically switch between discharge and recycle as
needed. The system is designed to operate without operator interface except in certain
conditions as described below.
The systems are designed to handle up to 4 to 5 meters of suction lift (depending on the
pump) and approximately 80 feet of discharge head with the standard centrifugal pump. If
a progressive cavity pump is used in front of the separator it will handle up to 6 meters
suction lift with approximately 80 feet of discharge head. For further information on the
suction lift and high lift options see Section 6.
C. Pump Design
One of the advantages of the BOSS OWS systems is the use of a centrifugal pump. This
pump allows the user to control the flow through the separator by adjusting a manual flow
control valve located after the polishing vessel. This position allows the system to restrict
the flow while still allowing full pump capacity for backwashing the polishing filter. With
other systems that have a positive displacement type pump, the pump does not have any
With a centrifugal pump, the pump is oversized so that the same pump will work in a
variety of discharge pressure situations. The pump will operate from 10% of design up to >
100% of design without impacting the pump.
The standard BOSS line of oily water separators with a centrifugal pump can be configured
to any voltage from 110 vac to 575 vac and either 50 Hz or 60 Hz. If you have a pump
that has been configured for a voltage or frequency that is different than what you expect, it
is possible to change the voltage and frequency. Changing voltages or frequency can be
done by following the table shown in the Installation Manual.
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i. Backwash System
The system will come with a 3-way manual backwash valve
assembly. This allows the operator to backwash the polisher
whenever they want. This valve assembly will come installed
for each system.
It is possible to automate the 3-way valves to make the backwash process automatic.
The system will not come this way but this option can be added. To obtain a quote call
the factory or a distributor. See Section 6 for more discussion about this option.
It is important not to go for long periods of time without backwashing. If the silt is
driven to deep into the organoclay bed it will not come out. We recommend that the
backwash be done daily or after each batch process.
All of these options are simple to install and in most cases will address the silt issue and
extend the life of the organoclay. We recommend that any operator that is experiencing
silt issues should consider one of these options if not already part of the system. Please
contact the factory or your distributor for more information about solids removal.
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v. Combo Separator
REI has also developed a combination separator that combines the Solids Separator and
the Oily Water Separator into a single vessel, which we call a Combo Separator.
This system operates identical to the standard separator except that the vessel has an
additional section for solids removal. The Combo Separator can be used for situations
with as much as 30% solids. The Combo Separator cannot be added to an existing
system. It has to be ordered that way.
Sometimes the OCM can indicate a high PPM condition when the polisher has not reached
its maximum saturation. This condition is a result of the glass tube in the sampling cell
having a buildup of contaminants from the effluent stream. To clear this condition cycle
the OCM several times through using the OCM clean mode (see OCM manual for
instructions on how to accomplish this) and clean the cell glass with the brush provided.
Backwashing of the polishing filter should be done after each usage for 5 to 10 minutes if
running batches, or at least once a day if running continuous. If there are high levels of
solids it may be necessary to backwash longer or more often to keep the polisher media
from plugging up. The flow control valve is located after the polishing vessel so as to
allow the full pressure of the pump to be employed on backwashing. Prolonging the
backwash operation allows solids that have collected in the polisher to solidify and become
impossible to backwash out. If, after cleaning the cell and backwashing the polisher, the
OCM level is still above the 15-PPM limit, it may be time to change the polishing media.
There is 1 alarm condition and 4 action conditions that require operator response.
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panel indicates that the system is in recycle and that oil greater than 15 (5) PPM has
been detected in the water. There is an adjustable 0-20 sec. delay timer in the OCM
that is met before the recycle valve is actuated.
Air Leaks
The most common cause of short cycling is because the inlet of the separator is
pulling air into the separator with the oily water. The air collects in the top of the
separator and displaces the oil, driving down the internal water/oil level interface.
This in turn activates the level sensor which tells the system it is time to discharge
oil. If the inlet piping connections are not air tight, air will be pulled into the
separator. The larger the leak the faster the cycle time. This situation can be
corrected by making sure there are no leaks in the inlet piping.
Foot Valve
If there is no foot valve in the bilge or if the foot valve is not interlocked with the
system the system can suck air and go into fill mode. The correction is to install a
foot valve that is interlocked with the system to shut off when the bilge level goes
below the foot valve.
Suction Lift
The system will also short cycle if the suction lift is too great. A standard 2.2 gpm
or 5 gpm system with a JEU jet pump has a suction lift of 5 meters (16 feet) as it
comes from the factory without any modifications. Any system with a CDU pump
has a standard lift of 3-4 meters (10-13 ft.) In order to achieve a 5 meter (16 ft.) lift
with a CDU pump the high lift (HL) option must be exercised and following
modifications must take place: (i) the pump has to have a larger impeller and motor
or (ii) it has to be a 2 stage pump (2CDU). (ii) The oil reservoir has to be larger.
With a large suction lift the vacuum expands any air space in the top of the
separator. If there are any leaks in the inlet piping air will accumulate in the top of
the oil reservoir and any vacuum will expand the air space leaving no room for
water or oil. The system will short cycle if this happens. To address this issue the
oil reservoir is increased by 6 to increase the length of time the system will operate
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before going into fill mode. If the suction lift exceeds these levels the system will
continue to process water at a reduced flow up to about 6 meters for a JEU pump or
the hi-lift option and 5 meters for a CDU pump without the hi-lift option. After that
the pump will just deadhead and nothing will be coming out of the sump.
If your system is equipped with a remote start/stop it is possible that the external
sump low level switch is faulty, and the system is sucking the sump dry. Check the
sump level switch or adjust the system flow rate.
Plugged Line
If the inlet line or the pre-filter are plugged the separator will likely short cycle.
Remove the restriction.
Excess Flow
If the process flow is greater than the design it can also cause a short-cycle
condition. Check the flow rate and make sure it is not above the design flow.
Any of these conditions could cause the level sensor to read low water level (high
oil level) and will cause the system to go into oil discharge/fill mode in a shorter
cycle than normal. A cycle time of less than 30 min. in most cases is an indication
of this problem. If this happens one of the above conditions exist. You will need to
find and fix the problem. In some cases a hi-lift option may be required to fix the
problem. See Section 6 of this manual for a discussion of the hi-lift option.
Anytime you want to improve the performance of the system or extend the life of the
organoclay you can reduce the flow rate through the system. In most cases the system
will not be running continuous and slowing it down will not seriously impact vessel. A
good practice is to slow the system down during normal conditions and then in
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situations with abnormally high water levels in the bilge run at full design or maybe
even higher than design.
v. Expected Results
Operating properly the BOSS 107 Separator system will reduce the oil in your
discharge water to below the 15 ppm limit set by the IMO MEPC regulation 107(49).
In many situations the oil content will be significantly lower than the 15 ppm. With the
5 ppm option the oil content will be below 5 ppm. You can expect the following results
from the system:
a. With no emulsions present and using organoclay in a down flow configuration, the
system will generally remove any free oil and the monitor will generally read 0-1
b. The higher the volume of oil in the oily water the more oil the primary separator
will discharge. For example, in most situations the primary separator will remove
free oil to < 15 ppm. However, with high concentrations of oil the primary
separator will pass more than 15 ppm oil. The separator will handle 100% oil for
short periods of time. However, as the oil concentration goes up so will the amount
of oil in the water leaving the separator. This is generally not a problem because
the polisher will take out whatever the primary separator does not remove. The
more oil in the separator discharge the faster the post polisher media will be
consumed but the system will accommodate such conditions.
c. If the separator is not being used all the time or is not running full time at the design
rate, the performance can be improved by slowing down the separator. The flow
control valve can be used to restrict the flow to less than the design rate. This will
improve the performance of the separator and allow the coalescing separator to
remove more oil, making the Polisher media last longer. This can be an effective
tool for managing discharge levels of oil.
The only work you can do on the monitor is to change the cell, clean the cell or perform
some other minor functions explained in the oil content monitor instruction manual. Any
other work must be done by the factory. A separate instruction manual for the oil content
monitor is attached.
The oil content monitor cell will need to be cleaned on a regular basis. To clean the cell,
follow the instructions in the attach OCM manual. Do not use toothbrushes or other
brushes that do not have a soft end. Brushes can be ordered from your distributor or the
factory. Once the cell is brushed, screw the top on the cell and push the water button again
to flush clean water through the cell again. The system can now be turned back on. Do
not shut off the disconnect. The monitor will need power in order to control the solenoid
valve and go through its functions. You should read and refer to the separate OCM manual
for more details on how to operate and maintain the OCM.
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There are times when the cell can be coated with material that is hard to get off. You may
need to use soap, lime away or vinegar or some other cleaner that is non abrasive to get the
cell clean.
It is possible to check the calibration of the cell. There is a test kit that can be purchased
either from your distributor or the factory to verify the calibration of the monitor. It is not
necessary to test the calibration as long as the cell has a valid calibration certificate. The
instructions for checking the calibration will be included in the calibration kit. If this check
is done by an authorized representative they should provide you with a certificate
indicating the date that the test was completed and the results. In some cases, this check
provided by an authorized representative can satisfy the IMO requirement at IOPP. This
will need to be verified with your local inspector.
H. Special Tools
There are no special tools, test equipment or materials needed for servicing and
maintaining the system except the following:
Brush to clean the cell on the oil content monitor
Wrench for removing bag filter housing
Calibration test kit to test the calibration of the monitor. This is totally optional and is
generally not required by local authorities.
I. Shutdown Procedures
If the system is connected to a level control in the bilge sump the separator will
automatically turn on and off according to the high and low settings on the level control
and no manual intervention is required. If there is no level control in the bilge then the
system will need to be started and stopped manually. Startup procedures are shown above.
To shut the system off simply turn the 3 position selector switch on the face of the control
panel to the off position.
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If the shutdown is required for any maintenance that requires opening the panel or
servicing an electrical component, make sure that the disconnect on the separator AND the
main breaker is turned off and the system is locked out and tagged according to standard
lock-out, tag-out procedures. The disconnect in the main panel will shut off all power to
the pump and internal control board but lethal voltages are still present in the control panel.
To clean the cell, do not shut off the disconnect. You will shut off the 3 position switch but
not the disconnect. You will need power to the system to operate the oil content monitor
during the cleaning process.
Any time the system is shut down all isolation valves should be shut.
J. Control Enclosure
The control enclosure is a NEMA 4X IP 68 polycarbonate box. There following pictures
show the outside and inside of the control enclosure.
K. Circuit Board
i. Serial Numbers B7190 to B41270:
These circuit boards are a relay based circuit board unless noted otherwise. All of the
logic and control is done through relay logic. A level control relay is plugged into the
board in order to control level and can be swapped out if the level relay is faulty. The
level relay is the only user repairable component on the circuit board. We recommend
having a spare relay in inventory. The OCM is wired to these circuit boards and
communicates through status relays. Special features can be added to these systems by
adding separate control devices such as timing relays. These separate control devices
will not be added directly to the circuit board, but are mounted on DIN rail inside the
control enclosure. There are 4 status signals that are available to the customer. These
status signals indicate the following states of the system; Power, Fill (Oil Discharge),
Discharge (Pump), and Recycle (PPM Alarm).
There are 4 status signals that are available to the customer. These status signals
indicate the following states of the system; Common Fault, Fill and Oil Discharge,
Pump and Water Discharge, and Alarm (PPM).
The new circuit boards are completely backwards compatible and can be installed in
place of the older circuit boards back to serial number B7190.
Bradley or Do-more. When a PLC is used the controls can be completely customized.
The human machine interface (HMI) can be lights and switches or it can be a touch
screen that will use software such as Wonderware or Factory Talk View. If your
system includes a custom control panel and HMI see the separate electrical and control
drawings for an explanation of your system.
3. Maintenance
A. Maintenance Philosophy
The standard system does not have installed redundancy, although it can be ordered with
any level of redundancy the customer wishes. The general maintenance philosophy for
most of the components is to replace the components as they fail. We have not developed a
mean time between failures for most of the components because every situation is different.
The system does not generally run continuouslyonly when the bilge level increases to a
designated level. In general there is adequate time to make any required repair without
impacting the bilge water level. We recommend maintaining critical spare parts in
inventory so that if there is a failure the part can be replaced quickly. Most components
can be changed within a few minutes.
There are no components that need to be overhauled. In most cases the components are
fairly inexpensive and it is less expensive to replace the part than it is to overhaul or repair
the part. The only exception to this is the oil content monitor, which is the most expensive
component on the system. In the case of the oil content monitor it is against IMO
regulations for the customer to do any maintenance on the system other then cleaning the
cell and other minor service. If the monitor fails it generally has to be replaced. Any
attempt by the customer to break the seal and open the monitor will void the validity of the
There are some routine maintenance functions that need to be performed to keep the system
running at peak performance.
B. Component Maintenance
i. Pump
The standard centrifugal pump installed on the system does not require lubrication.
The mechanical seal should be replaced periodically or when it fails. At least one spare
seal should be kept in inventory.
a. Solenoid Valve: If a solenoid valve fails to open the actuating coil could be at fault
and will need to be replaced. If a valve fails to close properly, there may be foreign
objects lodged in the plunger assembly. The valve must be disassembled and
cleaned. NEVER remove the solenoid coil from the valve with the power on or
apply power with the coil not on the plunger stem. This will IMMEDIATELY
destroy the coil and will nullify any warranty on the valve. If you need to service
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the valve, loosen the large nut at the base of the coil and remove the entire coil
assembly. This will expose the plunger and allow you to replace the o-ring and
valve disc or clean out any sand. If you need to change the coil you will need to
disconnect the power before removing the cover. In most cases actuated ball valves
have electric actuators, although air actuators are available and are used in some
conditions. There is very little maintenance required for actuated valves. A spare
actuator should be maintained in inventory in the event of a failure.
Occasionally a Magnatrol valve will hang open and not shut off the flow of water
either on the fill water inlet or one of the outlet valves. The repair procedure is the
same for all sizes of valves. There is an inner core that slides in the main bore of
the valve that can get a particle of sand or other debris lodged which can cause the
valve not to close. Or a particle may scratch the surface of the core and raise a burr
on the surface, this will also hang open the valve.
ALSO be sure the spring washer is on the top of the coil on the core stem and all
components are positioned as shown below.
b. MOV. The system will generally not come with an MOV on the oil discharge
line unless the whole system is pressurized. An MOV is required with a
positive inlet pressure. If the separator is delivered without an MOV and you
have a positive pressure, or if you decide for any reason that you want an MOV
on the oil discharge an MOV will need to be installed as follows:
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Sample fitting
Flow Restrictor
Sample return
Remove the return fitting and insert the flow button in the threaded end and reinstall
the return fitting. You may need to replace the Teflon tape on the threads. Do not
use petroleum based pipe dope on the plastic fittings.
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f. The inner section should be pushed down about 1-2 inches below the weir on 2
and 5 gpm units and about 4-6 inches on the larger units. The outer section
should be pushed down just below the weir
g. If you cut off too much and the media is too loose it can float up in operation
and will interfere with the operation of the level probes. If the media is loose
pull it out. Roll back layer of the roll and sandwich in a small section of the
excess that was cut off and re roll. See picture below. This will make it tighter
fitting in the pipes. It is not likely that the media in the outer section will ever
come up because the water pressure is pushing it down.
h. A small clamp is provided with the unit. This should be installed at the top of
the center pipe to prevent the possibility of the media from rising up and
interfering with the level probes. This will normally only happen if the center
media was not rolled tight enough.
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Vacuum the old media from the unit using a shop vacuum. You will
need to keep the media wet in order to vacuum it out.
In some cases the center tube will come out easily as long as the
media is wet. In some cases it may be hard to remove initially. If
this is the case the vacuum hose will need to be small enough to
go down alongside the tube or you can put the vacuum over the
Rinse out the housing. (Skip the first 5 procedures if you are
using a new filter housing.)
Place the center tube into the housing, making sure it is centered.
Plug up the tube so nothing goes down the center of the tube.
Place the funnel to the side of the tube. DO NOT ALLOW
into the funnel. The sand should cover the bottom distributor
basket about 6. This can vary depending on what objective you are trying to achieve. If
you tend to have problems with turbidity it is better to have more sand and less media.
Turbidity or sediment will plug up the media and shorten its life. The organoclay may still
have plenty of life but the media could be plugged. If this is a problem then use more sand
and less organoclay or carbon. The sand should be coarse sand (40
mesh or courser).
Pour the organoclay or carbon into the housing using the same
funnel. Fill the vessel to about 10 from the top.
Any combination of sand, carbon and organoclay is possible
depending on your situation. If you have a lot of turbidity add
more sand (up to half). If you have more emulsions add more
carbon. If you have high concentrations of oil use more
organoclay. You can purchase pre-measured buckets of
sand/carbon/organoclay from the factory or your distributor.
The following table shows the number of buckets that should be used for each size
vessel. Do not overfill the polisher vessels. In some cases there will be a little
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more media than is required because the vessel size doesnt match exactly with the
buckets. If you overfill the vessel vacuum out the excess.
You can also hire a local filter company or your distributor to change the media.
They will come out and vacuum out the polisher and replace the media.
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you will not know exactly what the flow rate is. If the flow indicator fails the system
can be operated normally until a replacement can be procured. In this situation the
system can be operated based on its performance. If there is too much flow going
through the separator, the efficiency will decrease. If the oil content in the discharge
goes up, slow down the flow and the efficiency will improve. As long as the separator
is meeting IMO requirements it is not critical to know the exact flow rate during a
temporary situation but lower flow is always safest in these situations.
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4. Troubleshooting
The following suggestions are provided for situations that have been encountered in the past:
A sand filter can also be installed prior to the organoclay polisher instead of the bag
filter to remove these suspended solids before they reach the organoclay polisher.
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The system comes with backwash valves to remove sediment or turbidity that collect in
the Polisher. The system should be backwashed daily with continuous operation or at
the end of each batch with a batch process. If the sediment is allowed to go deep into
the polisher it will be too embedded to remove. Once the organoclay polisher is
plugged with solids the media will need replacing.
If the bag filters are being replaced too often or in situations with high levels of
sediment the Y strainer and bag filters may not be adequate to remove the solids. In
this situation a solid separator can be installed on the front of the system. This is a
gravity separator that will remove high levels of solids down to a particle size of about
20 micron, depending on the specific gravity of the material. If you are struggling with
high solids please call the factory or your distributor and ask about the various options
for handling solids.
iii. Bacteria
In some cases we have found that the bilge is full of bacteria that are growing in the
bilge. This will plug the polisher and will also cause the OCM to not work because it
will discolor the water and cause the OCM to alarm. If there is bacteria in the bilge it
must be removed with chlorine or something else that will kill the bacteria and keep it
from returning. Neither the bag filter nor the polisher will remove bacteria. If the
separator is not used for long periods of time it can go anaerobic and clog the media.
The separator should be run at least weekly. There are times when the vessel operates a
dry bilge and rarely if ever uses the separator. This is not good for the separator and
could cause problems when it is used. If the unit is not going to be used on a regular
basis it should still be run at least weekly. This can be done manually or REI can
provide a timer that will automatically turn the system on at some interval using clean
water. By cycling the system on a timed basis the system will stay clean and fresh and
available for use when needed.
(See separate OCM O&M manual for a more detailed explanation of the OCM
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The above control features are standard with the system. Any other control features
that the customer would like to have can probably be done for an additional fee.
NEVER remove the coil with the power still connected. You will destroy the coil instantly
if the coil is separated from the valve and the power somehow is either left on or gets
turned on.
If the valve needs a new gasket or O-ring turn off the power and make sure there is no
power to the coil. Then loosen the nut just above the valve and remove the coil section.
Replace the gasket/O-ring and reassemble the valve. Do not turn the power back on until
the valve is fully reassembled.
F. System Goes into Fill Mode but the Fill Valve Does Not Open
For systems with the optional MOV valve on the oil discharge, the MOV and the fill valves
should open when the system goes into fill mode. If the MOV opens but the Fill Valve does
not open then it is possible that the MOV switch is faulty. If the switch does not make
complete contact then the MOV will open but SOV 101 will not do anything. If this
happens you have a bad switch on the MOV and need to replace the switch.
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system should be considered. Contact the factory or your distributor to discuss this
because the drain from the OCM goes back into the vessel and if everything is at the same
pressure nothing will flow. One way to correct this is to make sure the polisher vessel is
not plugged. If the polisher is not plugged then there will always be a differential pressure.
Another way is to pipe the recycle water from the OCM to a non-pressurized drain and then
flow will start again. It is also possible to install a flow switch that will interlock with the
OCM so that the system will shut down if there is no flow through the system. Please
contact the factory or your distributor for this option.
These conditions are rare but possible. There are several ways to address this situation:
i. Dont shut off the inlet isolation valve until after the separator has had a chance to
relieve the vacuum.
ii. Keep the Y strainer clean.
iii. In order to prevent this from happening we have located a check valve (CV-103) on the
inlet side of the filter tank. This will prevent the separator from pulling vacuum from
the filter and will prevent the collapse of the fiberglass Organoclay tanks on the 2, 5,
and 11 GPM units. It is not an issue for 25 or 45 gpm units. If for any reason your unit
does not have a check valve on the inlet line to the filter you should install a check
valve or ask the factory or your distributor for a check valve. The factory will provide
this check valve at no charge.
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5. Safety
A. Ignition Hazard Assessment
The transformer generates up to 100 watts, which is not enough to generate an ignition
source. In the case of a dead short, the transformer would trip and the source of heat would
cease. If the transformer got too hot it would automatically trip and the heat would cease.
The system is protected by a primary and secondary fuse. The system cannot generate
sparks, shock waves, exothermic reactions, electrical arcing or adiabatic compression.
There is no ignition hazard.
B. Electromagnetic
The system has been tested under EN Standard 61000-6-2:2005 and EN 61000-6-4:2007
for electromagnetic compatibility by an independent laboratory and was found to have no
EMI or EMC interference or hazard to the operator.
The control panel has an IP 66 rating. All components in the control panel are finger safe.
The separator operates under vacuum so there are no pressure issues. Even through the
separator vessel operates under vacuum it has been designed according to ASME Section
VIII standards at 15 psig pressure and has been tested at 45 psig pressure or higher.
The system does not require hand rails, ladders, scaffolds or any other devices for access to
the separator or post polisher. The system has its own disconnect, which must be turned
off in order to open the control panel enclosure. The system is protected by fuses. The
system is not processing any hazardous chemicals.
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6. Available Options
The basic separator meets the requirements of MEPC 107(49) and will work fine in most
situations. However, there are a number of situations where existing conditions require some type
of modification from the standard package in order to enhance the performance of the system or to
meet specific requirements. A list of the available options is shown below. Most of these options
can be added to an existing system.
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Bulk Media
Polisher Organoclay bulk media polisher (standard) OP
Bulk Media
Polisher Automatic Backwash AB
Bulk Media
Polisher 2nd polisher EF
Mycelx Dual cartridge filters (2 or 5 gpm systems
Cartridge Filter only) MF
Organoclay dual cartridge filters (2 or 5 gpm systems
Cartridge Filter only) OF
Wave International dual cartridge filters (2 or 5 gpm
Cartridge Filter systems only) WF
Enhanced Performance
Options EP
Heater Insertion heater mounted in side of separator HE
High Flow Allows clean water to be discharged at a higher rate HF
Harsh Environment For rigs or other harsh environment conditions HW
5 PPM Meets 5 ppm discharge standard 5P
Oil Content Monitor
Options OC
Brannstrom Bilgmon 488 (standard) B
Brannstrom Bilgmon 488 with autoclean A
Rivertrace Smartcell R
Deckma OMD-2008 D
NAG TD-107 T
H Automation Options AU
Imbedded PLC level control, polycarbonate
Poly enclosure enclosure (standard) 1
SS enclosure Imbedded PLC level control, 304 SS enclosure 2
PLC Control Panel PLC control, polycarbonate enclosure 3
I Other Options OC
Drip Pan System mounted on a drip pan and fully piped DP
Skid System mounted on a skid and fully piped SK
Skid with pan System mounted on a skid with a pan and fully piped SP
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The system can be designed to meet a hazard area classification for either Zone 2 (Class I,
Div II) or Zone 1 (Class I, Div I).
i. Zone 2 (Class I, Div II): Option X2
a. The pump motor is explosion proof.
b. The solenoid valves and motorized ball valve are rated for NEMA 7.
c. The control panel is in a 304 SS NEMA 4X purged enclosure.
d. The OCM is enclosed in a NEMA 4X purged 304 SS enclosure.
e. The level relay is intrinsically safe with a Zener barrier.
f. The external wiring is armored cable with the appropriate connectors and glands.
g. The oil discharge line has a NEMA 7 MOV.
h. The OCM has remote buttons located on the face of the enclosure to allow
operation of the OCM without opening the cover.
i. The OCM has automatic washing of the cell.
j. The tubing is all 304 SS.
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The Oil Content Monitor does not come rated for Zone 1 or Zone 2, so a separate enclosure
is provided for the Oil Content Monitor. The enclosure for Zone 1 is NEMA 7, using an
ex.d protection method. The enclosure for Zone 2 is a NEMA 4X 304 SS enclosure with
purge control, using an ex.p protection method. The level control is protected inside the
enclosure with a Zener barrier (ex.i method). The purge panel is designed so that if the
panel is opened power to the OCM is immediately shut off. The rest of the system can
continue to run in a safe mode but the valves will automatically fail to the recycle position
when the purge panel is opened. The purge panel can be set to allow time to purge each
time the door is opened. For instructions on how to do this see the separate purge control
ii. Vacuum Operation with Higher Vessel Design Pressure: Options VM and VH
A system may operate in both a vacuum condition or a pressure condition at different
times for different reasons. Alternatively, the specifications may call for a higher
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pressure rating. In such cases the vessel design needs to be modified. Option VM
includes a separator pressure rating of 50 psig and a polisher vessel rating of 150 psig.
Option VH includes a separator pressure rating of 150 psig and a polisher vessel rating
of 150 psig.
In some cases it is necessary to locate the pump on the inlet of the separator and push
through the system. This would normally be required to meet a specific pump
specification or if the suction lift is higher than 5 meters. In this situation the system is
pressurized and additional modifications are required. There are 2 pressurized options.
Option HP is a high pressure system with both the separator and the polisher rated at
150 psig. Option MP is a medium pressure system with the separator rated at 50 psig
and the polisher rated at 75 psig.
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rate range which is set by the rpm of the motor and the pressure. If the pressure
changes the flow rate will change within a narrow range. In order to control the flow
rate, the standard system includes a manual bypass valve back to the inlet of the
separator so the flow rate can be adjusted or controlled by bypassing any excess flow.
An option for an automated system to control the frequency (rpm) of the pump motor is
also available at an extra cost. The VFD option is automated but much more expensive.
A manual flow control valve is provided to adjust the flow to the design level when a
VFD is not used. A motorized valve on the oil discharge is required. For vacuum
situations a check valve is used to keep anything from coming back into the separator.
However, with positive pressure the check valve will not hold enough pressure and a
motorized valve is required. Since the pump is on the inlet of the system, the separator
will always be under pressure. In this situation it is MANDATORY that the system
includes a motorized control valve on the oil discharge.
A positive pressure setup has a few differences from the standard vacuum pressure
setup. With positive pressure:
All the fabricated vessels are designed according to ASME Section VIII Div I. However,
they do not come with a U Stamp unless specifically requested and ordered that way. Any
system can be ordered with an ASME U Stamp (Option AS) for an additional fee.
However, this is not an option that can be added later. The system has to be ordered with a
U Stamp before it is built.
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The Combo Separator does not change the function of the oily water separator. The
only operating difference is that the Combo Separator requires the addition of a
blowdown system (pump, valve, solids level control) for the solids, a larger vessel, the
BF option with 2 bag filters, the HP or MP Option and the PS Option.
Most situations do not require a pre-filter other than a Y strainer or basket strainer to
remove large particles. If your system has more solids than a Y strainer or basket
strainer can handle then you should seriously consider a Solids Separator or Combo
Separator. You can contact REI directly or go through your distributor.
The standard system comes with a single poly bag filter located between the oily water
separator and the polisher, unless specifically requested not to have one. REI highly
recommends the use of a bag filter to remove solids before the polisher. The bag filter will
increase the life of the polishing media and improve the performance of the OCM. The
following additional configurations and control options are available for the bag filters:
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a. Theory--The Cascade System has been designed to take full advantage of the bag
filters in the process. Typically there are two configurations that bag filters are
placed in; series or parallel. Series filtration will provide the highest water quality
due to fluid passing through each filter sequentially. This is an optimal condition
when filters are in a new and clean state. Parallel filtration will provide a larger
filter surface area due to the splitting of the fluid streams. This provides an optimal
condition when filters are in a dirty state. Parallel configuration also makes it easier
to do maintenance because the system can still be running while one of the filters is
changed. Cascade technology uses a series filter configuration under clean
conditions and a parallel configuration under dirty conditions to extend the life
filtration media and reduce operator maintenance.
b. Auto Mode--In Auto Mode the cascade system will be controlled by the
differential pressure sensed across the cascade system. The initial state in Auto
Mode will have the bag filters in a series configuration. The flow of process will
enter one bag filter and then the next in a line or series type flow. As the
differential pressure increases and eventually hits a predetermined set point the bag
filters will then be changed to a parallel configuration or CASCADE. The flow of
process will enter and exit both bag filters at the same time in a parallel type flow.
The parallel configuration will cause the differential pressure to drop because of the
reduced resistance to flow through the bag filters. As the differential pressure
increases again it will hit another predetermined set point. Once this set point is
achieved, process flow will stop, and a light will indicate that the filters need to be
changed. After the operator has changed the bag filters the system will be notified
via a pushbutton, and Auto Mode will resume from the beginning.
c. Manual Mode--In Manual Mode the operation of the system is totally controlled
by the operator. They will have full control over all valves and pumps. Two
additional states are available in Manual Mode that are not available in Auto
Mode. The operator will be able to run each bag filter separately and completely
independent of the other bag filter.
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F. Enhanced Performance EP
The standard heater comes with a single heater in the 2.2, 5 and 11 gpm sizes and 2
heaters in the 25 and 45 gpm sizes. The heater has an internal thermostat that can be set
anywhere from 10 degrees C to 120 degrees C, although it should not be set above 80
degrees C. The heater is controlled by a circuit breaker located in the panel. If the
heater is to be used the circuit breaker is turned on and will heat the affected zone of the
separator to the set temperature and then turn off. As long as the heater switch is turned
on the heater will maintain the set temperature in the upper section of the separator.
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WARNING! The heater should not be operated unless the separator is filled with
water. Operating the heater without water in the separator could cause damage to the
heater elements. Setting the thermostat in the heater to higher than 80 degrees C could
cause damage to the separator.
With a hi-flow option the separator works exactly the same as a normal separator. The
difference in the system is that there is a control valve on the main line and additional
control valves coming in and out of the separator to control the two different modes of
A Stand Alone Monitor (SAM) can be used to do the same things as the Hi-
flow Option. A SAM is a free standing monitor that controls a discharge
and recycle valve just like a separator. A sample of the water goes through
the SAM. If the oil content is below the set point the water is allowed to go
overboard. If the oil content is above the set point the water goes back to
the bilge and has to be processed by the oily water separator.
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still certified for 15 ppm but is set to alarm at 5 ppm. Alternatively, a monitor can be
supplied that is factory set and certified at 5 ppm with no ability to raise the setting.
Option 1:
This option is based on providing better coalescing and removal of suspended
solids. Additional coalescing media is placed in the separator that works in
conjunction with the standard media. The two medias work slightly different and
impact the oily water differently. The combination of two different types of media
helps cover a broader spectrum of treatment. If the system does not already have a
bag filter, a bag filter is added between the separator and the polisher. It is
difficult to consistently reach 5 ppm discharge if there is silt or suspended solids
that could impact the accuracy of the monitor.
Option 2:
This option is based on providing a second polishing filter loaded with activated
carbon. Organoclay and carbon remove different hydrocarbons and emulsions.
The combination fills in any gaps and provides better assurance of removal to 5
Option 3:
This option is based on a simple operational adjustment. The efficiency of the oil
water separator is impacted by the velocity of the water going through the system
and the retention time. The slower the velocity the easier it is for oil particles to
float to the top. One option to reduce velocity is to reduce the flow through the
separator. In most applications the separator is not running all the time. In these
cases, the separator can be slowed down which will improve the oil water
separation. All that is required for this approach is to close the control valve until 5
ppm is achieved and to reset the alarm monitor. As an example a 5 gpm separator
can be run at 2 or a 25gpm at 10-15 gpm. You can keep slowing the flow until you
reach the optimum result for your situation.
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present. This can be corrected with more light sources. Brannstrom has a monitor that
has 8 light sources that will work well in high turbidity, but it is not certified under
MEPC 107(49). Consequently, the current light scattering monitors are not accurate
when there is high turbidity. The light scattering type monitors are as follows:
Brannstrom (Option B) (This is the standard)
Brannstrom with an automatic cleaning device (Option A)
Rivertrace (Option R)
Deckma (Option D)
If your system has turbidity then refer to the options above dealing with solids. If the
OCM alarms it does not necessarily mean that the system is not removing oil or that the
oil content is > 15 ppm. If the polisher back pressure is increasing it is likely plugging
up with solids, which indicates the presence of turbidity. This can usually be addressed
by using the various methods discussed above for dealing with solids. If the oil content
increases without an increase in back pressure then the polisher is removing oil and the
issue is likely emulsions with high concentrations of oil coming through the system. In
these situations one way to improve the life of the polisher media is to slow down the
flow rate.
H. Other Options
i. Drip Pan or Skid: Options DP, SK and SP
Boss systems can come with or without a drip pan or skid or a skid
with a drip pan, depending on how they are ordered by the
distributor. There are several different
types of skids or drip pans depending
on the specific application and
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