Narrative RPP
Narrative RPP
Narrative RPP
A. Standard Competence:
1. Comprehending and practicing the religious values professed
2. Comprehending and practicing honesty, discipline, reponsibility, attention, politeness,
responsivity, and activeness and behave as the part of solution of various problems in
communicating effectively in social and natural environment also in putting oneself as
nations guide in worldly association
3. Comprehending, practicing and analyzing factual, conceptual, and prosedural knowledge
based on curiousity about science, technology, art and culture, and humanities alongside
nationalism, citizenship, humanism and civilization according to recent event and
phemenone, also implementing procedural knowledge in specific field in line with potency
and interest in solving problems .
4. Processing and providing, in concrete and abstract domains related to the development of
what students learn a school independently, and being able to use methods according to
scienctific principle.
B. Basic Competence
1. Being grateful for the oppurtunity at learning English as an international language
2. Showing responsible, atentive, cooperative, and peace-loving atitude in doing functional
3. Analyzing social function and linguistic aspect at Narrative text based on the contextual
D. Material
E. Teaching-Learning Activity
NO Activity Time
1. Opening Activit: 15 minutes
a. Showing ones readiness by checking the attendance and
uniform orderliness, position and seat are fitted with the
learning activity.
b. Giving example communicatively related to Narrative text
c. Explaining basic competence and the objective to be achieved,
it is the students are able to communicate in the context of love
d. Preparing media and supportive tools for teaching-learning
2. Core Activity: 60 minutes
- Students are listening and writing the explanation given by the
teacher about the Narrative text
- In pairs, students are instructed to Narrative text based on
the comics pictures given by the teacher
3. Closing Activity:
a. Doing evaluation and refelection by giving question and asking
students reaction about the activities done as an input and
evaluation material for the next meeting
b. Planning and giving the follow-up by giving homework in
individual or group about Narrative text
c. Explaing the lesson plan for the next meeting
F. Media/Supportive Tools/Sources
1. Media/Tool : Slate, Question Cards, LCD Projector
2. Sources : English Zone for Senior High School Students Year XI by
Eka Mulya Astuti
: Look Ahead book
DPL/Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL