Cassava Biology and Physiology
Cassava Biology and Physiology
Cassava Biology and Physiology
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Mabrouk A. El-Sharkawy
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
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Mabrouk A. El-Sharkawy
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), A.A. 6713, Cali, Valle, Colombia; present address: A.A.
(P.O. Box) 26360, Cali, Valle, Colombia; e-mail
Key words: cassava, food, leaf, Manihot esculenta, photosynthesis, productivity, stress, water use efficiency
Cassava or manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a perennial shrub of the New World, currently is the sixth world
food crop for more than 500 million people in tropical and sub-tropical Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is
cultivated mainly by resource-limited small farmers for its starchy roots, which are used as human food either fresh
when low in cyanogens or in many processed forms and products, mostly starch, flour, and for animal feed. Because
of its inherent tolerance to stressful environments, where other food crops would fail, it is often considered a food-
security source against famine, requiring minimal care. Under optimal environmental conditions, it compares
favorably in production of energy with most other major staple food crops due to its high yield potential. Recent
research at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) in Colombia has demonstrated the ability of
cassava to assimilate carbon at very high rates under high levels of humidity, temperature and solar radiation,
which correlates with productivity across all environments whether dry or humid. When grown on very poor
soils under prolonged drought for more than 6 months, the crop reduce both its leaf canopy and transpiration
water loss, but its attached leaves remain photosynthetically active, though at greatly reduced rates. The main
physiological mechanism underlying such a remarkable tolerance to drought was rapid stomatal closure under both
atmospheric and edaphic water stress, protecting the leaf against dehydration while the plant depletes available soil
water slowly during long dry periods. This drought tolerance mechanism leads to high crop water use efficiency
values. Although the cassava fine root system is sparse, compared to other crops, it can penetrate below 2 m soil,
thus enabling the crop to exploit deep water if available. Leaves of cassava and wild Manihot possess elevated
activities of the C4 enzyme PEP carboxylase but lack the leaf Kranz anatomy typical of C4 species, pointing to the
need for further research on cultivated and wild Manihot to further improve its photosynthetic potential and yield,
particularly under stressful environments. Moreover, a wide range in values of Km (CO2 ) for the C3 photosynthetic
enzyme Rubisco was found among cassava cultivars indicating the possibility of selection for higher affinity to
CO2 , and consequently higher leaf photosynthesis. Several plant traits that may be of value in crop breeding and
improvement have been identified, such as an extensive fine root system, long leaf life, strong root sink and high
leaf photosynthesis. Selection of parental materials for tolerance to drought and infertile soils under representative
field conditions have resulted in developing improved cultivars that have high yields in favorable environments
while producing reasonable and stable yields under stress.
Cassava: a crop for sustainable agriculture and amphidiploid or sequential allopolyploids. The crop is
food security in developing countries widely grown as a staple food and animal feed in coun-
tries of tropical and sub-tropical Africa, Asia and Latin
Cassava or manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz, Eu- America between 30 N and 30 S with a total cultiv-
phorbiaceae) was originally a perennial shrub of the ated area over 13 million hectares, more than 70% of
New World. It is an outbreeding species possessing it being in Africa and Asia (El-Sharkawy, 1993). It
2n = 36 chromosomes, and is considered to be an is currently the most important food source for carbo-
hydrate, after rice, sugarcane and maize, for over 500 ics (Pellet and El-Sharkawy, 1997). The most com-
million people in the developing countries of the trop- mon production system is intercropping with other
ics and sub-tropics. Its main value is in its storage roots staple food crops such as maize, sorghum and grain
with dry matter containing more than 80% starch. Due legumes (Leihner, 1983), but a significant proportion
to the very low protein content in storage roots (values of production occurs in single-crop system. Although
range among cultivars from 5 to 19 g per kg dry matter, cassava requires a warm climate (>20 C mean day
based on an average conservative Kjeldahl nitrogen- temperature) for optimum growth and production, and
to-protein conversion factor of 2.493.67; Yeoh and for maximum leaf photosynthesis (with an optimum
Truong, 1996), human requirements for protein and leaf temperature of 2535 C; El-Sharkawy et al.,
other essential nutrients are commonly fulfilled by 1992a), it is often cultivated in the high-altitude tropics
other food sources. (up to 1800 m above sea level) and in the sub-tropics
In some areas where the crop is grown, particu- with a lower mean annual temperature where crop
larly in Africa, young leaves are also harvested and growth is slower (Irikura et al., 1979), leaf photosyn-
processed for human consumption as a vegetable or thetic activities are reduced and storage roots bulking
as a constituent in a form of sauce eaten along with and harvesting time are much delayed compared to
main staple meals (Lancaster and Brooks, 1982). Also, what occurs in the warmer climates of the lowland
cassava leaves have value as a protein supplement (leaf tropics.
crude protein content on a dry basis ranges among The crop is vegetatively propagated by mature
cultivars from 21% to 39%; Yeoh and Chew, 1976; woody stem cuttings (or stakes, 1530 cm long)
Ravindran, 1993) in animal nutrition either in feed planted horizontally, vertically, or inclined on flat
formulations for monogastric animals or as a fresh for- or ridged soils at densities ranging from 5000 to
age to supplement low-quality roughages in ruminant 20 000 cuttings per hectare, depending on the crop-
feeds (Ravindran, 1993). Worldwide, the crop occu- ping system and purpose of production (Keating et al.,
pies the sixth place as a source of energy; it is not 1988). Seeds are used mainly in breeding programs,
generally consumed outside the tropics and subtropics though its use in commercial cassava production is
where it is produced. About 70% of world cassava a promising option to obviate constraints, particu-
root production (which is estimated to be over 45 larly diseases, associated with vegetative propagation
million metric tons of dry root annually) is used for (Iglesias et al., 1994). Storage roots are generally
human consumption either directly after cooking or in harvested 724 months after planting, depending on
processed forms; the remaining 30% is used for an- cultivar, purpose of use and growing conditions. Due
imal feed and other industrial products such as starch, to root perishability and rapid deterioration after har-
glucose, and alcohol. vest, fresh roots have to be used immediately after
In areas where cassava is commonly used directly harvesting, either eaten on the farm, marketed for
for human consumption, particularly in Africa and consumption, processed for starch extraction, dried
Latin America, cultivars low in cyanogens (sweet) are for flour production, roasted for food products and/or
preferably used to avoid health hazards. In cultivars used for animal feed. Some of the processed food
high in cyanogens (bitter), much of the hydrocyanic products are commonly known as farinha da man-
acid is removed from cassava roots and leaves by us- dioca in Brazil and bordering countries, gablek in In-
ing a mix of complex traditional methods and modern donesia, and gari and foufou in West Africa. However,
technologies during food processing and preparation pre-harvest pruning in the three weeks before harvest
(Essers, 1995). decreases root deterioration because of increases in the
Cassava is produced mainly by resource-limited total sugar/starch ratio in the roots (van Oirschot et al.
small farmers, virtually without purchased inputs, by 2000). Combining fresh cassava markets with those of
virtue of its remarkable tolerance to abiotic stresses its processed products should increase marketing flex-
and adverse environments, in contrast with the capital- ibility and crop profitability, hence reducing the many
intensive and input-demanding Green Revolution cer- risks often encountered by the producers.
eal crops such as wheat, rice and maize. It is grown
in marginal, low-fertility acidic soils under variable
rain-fed conditions ranging from less than 600 mm
per year in semi-arid tropics (De Tafur et al., 1997) to
more than 1000 mm in the sub-humid and humid trop-
Molina and El-Sharkawy (1995) reported that the yield slightly, as compared to heavy thick stakes.
nutritional content of cassava stems as influenced by Similar findings were reported from Thailand (Oka
soil fertility status affected the regenerative ability of et al., 1987) where stakes with a high volume dens-
collected stakes which, in turn, affected yields of sub- ity (weight per unit volume), taken from the lower or
sequent crops irrespective of their soil fertility status middle part of the mother plant, gave better sprouting
(Table 1). They found that sprouting rate and root (germination) and a higher survival rate in both dry
formation were strongly influenced by the nitrogen, and wet seasons.
phosphorus and potassium contents in the planting These findings highlight the paramount importance
materials, with the lowest sprouting rate and the smal- of the quality of planting materials in commercial
lest amount of rootlets occurring in materials from cassava production systems.
mother plants receiving no K fertilizer in soil very
low in potassium, but moderate levels of nitrogen and Plant development and growth under field conditions
phosphorus. Sprouting potential was not affected by
planting the cuttings in fertilized or unfertilized soils, Figure 2 illustrates the patterns and amounts of dry
indicating that nutritional reserves contained in stem matter accumulation and partitioning between storage
cuttings were more important. Moreover, cuttings roots, stems, leaves and petioles during 12 months of
from mother plants growing under adequate levels of a growing cycle for unfertilized plants of the vigorous
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium resulted in plants and early-branching cv. M Mex 59 and the less vig-
with the greatest leaf area, and the highest production orous and late-branching cv. M Col 22. Both cultivars
of commercial roots/plant in both fertilized and unfer- were grown at a population density of 15 625 plants/ha
tilized soils (Table 1); however, leaf photosynthesis in at CIAT-Quilichao station (3 06 N, 76 31 W; 990 m
subsequent crops was not affected by the nutritional above sea level; 24 C mean daily temperature), Cauca
status of cuttings (Cayn et al., 1997). Dept., Colombia (Howeler and Cadavid, 1983). The
Keating et al. (1988), studied the effect of length, soil was classified as Dystropept and has the following
thickness, orientation, and population density of cas- chemical characteristics pH 4.6; organic matter 8.5%;
sava stakes on subsequent growth and yield in Queens- Bray II phosphorus 2.3 mg/kg; and in meq per 100 g
land, Australia. They reported that stake orientation dry soil: Al 3.1, Ca 0.91, Mg 0.58, K 0.40 and Al
had little or no effect on yield, but the use of thin saturation 62%; and in mg/kg: B 0.14, Zn 1.4, Mn
stakes from upper parts of the mother plant reduced 26. The soil has had volcanic ash influence, is high in
507-37 and the parent M Col 1684. The crops (planted days at 32% of solar radiation input reduced the rate
on 15 April 1983) were grown under rain-fed condi- of increase in root length density (about 50% decrease
tions that were much less than pan evaporation from in elongation rate), decreasing total root length .
June to the time of sampling (1 October 1983).The Cassava fine root systems are sparse compared to
hybrid CM 507-37 had finer roots, a greater density those of some tropical grasses, with which it is often
of root length in the upper layer of soil and its root intercropped, indicating possible root interaction that
system penetrated into deeper soil layers (perhaps bey- might lead to competition in exploring shared soils for
ond the 2 m depth studied) than the parent M Col nutrient and water uptake (Tscherning et al., 1995).
1684 did. The more intensive and extensive root sys- These findings are of paramount importance in inter-
tem of CM 507-37 was advantageous in terms of its cropping systems of cassava that involve other species
ability to withdraw more water (and perhaps more nu- with more aggressive rooting systems and growth
trients) from larger and deeper volumes of soil. It is habits that may result in partial shading of the cassava
noteworthy that differences between the hybrid and its canopy. Cassava growth rates, storage root develop-
parent in rooting capacities at sprouting were apparent ment and yield are depressed under shading (Fukai
(Figure 1), indicating the effectiveness of early screen- et al., 1984).
ing and selection for fine root characteristics among
large number of breeding materials. Shoot (stems and leaves) growth and its implications
Connor et al. (1981) reported similar findings for for storage root yield
two other cultivars, M Mex 59 and M Col 22, but with
much less rooting densities within 2.6 m soil depth. The dynamics of shoot growth, branching habit and
These authors also noted that in both cultivars root patterns of leaf formation and leaf characteristics, such
length density was greater in crops subjected to water as size, duration of activity, and fall as affected by gen-
shortage of two months than in well-watered crops. otype and environment, have been extensively studied
Moreover, Aresta and Fukai (1984) studied the ef- (Cock et al., 1979; Irikura et al., 1979; Tan and Cock,
fects of solar radiation on the growth of fibrous roots 1979; Connor and Cock, 1981; Keating, 1981; Porto,
of cv. M Aus 7 grown in field at Queensland, Aus- 1983; Veltkamp, 1985).
tralia. These authors found that within 50 days of
Stem and leaf formation
planting, root length density in the 020 cm soil layer
was 1.6 cm/cm3 and by 84 days it had increased to Upon sprouting, one or more axillary buds on a cut-
3.6 cm/cm3, with the rooting depth increasing rapidly ting develop rapidly and form, in sequence, nodal
to beyond 1.2 m by day 72. Shading the plants for 35 units consisting of a node, a bud, a palmate leaf blade
subtended by a long petiole, and an internode whose Crop canopy as yield determinant
length and mass depend on the genotype, age of the
plant and environment. Figure 4 illustrates, schematically, total biomass,
Due to apical dominance and the indeterminate shoot and storage root production in cassava as func-
habit of the cassava plant, new leaves are formed con- tions of leaf canopy area measured by the ratio of
tinuously in a spiral manner but with rates that vary leaf surface area (one side only) to land area, or the
with genotype, age of the plant and environmental leaf area index (LAI) (Cock, 1984). In contrast to the
conditions prevailing during growth. In addition to biologically known two-phase crop development pat-
environmental influence, the total number of leaves tern in grain crops, where vegetative and reproductive
produced per plant depends on the genotype, number phases are separated in time (with little or no compet-
of vegetative stems per plant and number of symbodial ition for current photoassimilates), in cassava shoots
branches. The latter are formed from the topmost axil- (stems and leaves) and roots develop simultaneously
lary buds once apical dominance ceases and flowering and hence photoassimilates are partitioned between
takes place. This process is called branching or forking growth of shoots and roots. This pattern of dry mat-
in cassava. The rate of nodal unit formation decreases ter partitioning leads to the existence of an optimum
from about once per day in the early stage of growth to LAI value for storage root growth at which there is
once per week in later stages (Figure 3; Irikura et al., a balance in dry matter distribution between the two
1979). competing plant organs. If more photoassimilates are
At temperatures lower than 24 C, rates of leaf allocated to form more stems and leaves, or a larger
formation decrease (Irikura et al., 1979; Keating, LAI value, less dry matter will be available for storage
1981). Similarly, extended water shortage reduces the root growth and filling.
rate of leaf formation in all cultivars (Connor and
Cock, 1981; Porto, 1983). At high temperatures, a Simulated ideal plant type for maximum yield
leaf is fully expanded in two weeks and the size in-
Building on the knowledge and insight gained about
creases with plant age up to about four months and
the physiological mechanisms underlying patterns of
then declines; however, at low temperatures the max-
dry matter partitioning in cassava, Cock et al. (1979)
imum size decreases and is achieved at late growth
developed a computer-based simulation model to de-
stages. Leaves produced under prolonged water stress
termine the ideal plant type for maximum yield under
are also smaller, but leaf life or duration of leaf activity
favorable growth conditions. The simulated ideal plant
increases (Connor and Cock, 1981).
type had the following characteristics: late branching
At about 24 C leaf life varies by genotype and
at 69 months from planting with no vegetative suck-
plant age, being about 6080 days during the first four
ers, maximum leaf size near 500 cm2 per leaf blade at
months of growth and increasing to about 120 days at
4 months from planting, long leaf life of ca. 100 days,
later plant age; however, at lower temperature leaf life
LAI between 2.5 and 3.5 during most of the growth
may extend up to 200 days in some cultivars (Irikura
cycle, a harvest index (the ratio of storage root mass to
et al., 1979).
total plant biomass) greater than 0.5, nine or more stor-
The branching or forking behavior of stems (after
age roots per plant at a population density of 10 000
the top buds turn into reproductive ones) varies widely
plants/ha, and each plant having two vegetative shoots
among cultivars, ranging from zero to about four
originating from the original cuttings. If this simulated
branches per branching point (initiated from the ax-
ideal plant ever existed in cassava germplasm or has
illary buds below the point of branching) (Tan and
been genetically bred for, then it should yield in a year,
Cock, 1979). Timing and height of the first branching
according to the model predictions, about 90 t/ha of
point also varies among cultivars, with some branch-
fresh roots (about 30 t/ha dry matter), provided that
ing earlier than others. The branching process contin-
the growing environment is optimal (no stress).
ues also in the newly formed sympodial branches once
apical dominance ceases, thus forming several branch- Performance of the simulated ideal plant under stress
ing points, in series, in each branch. The final outcome
of shoot development and growth is the formation of In a stressful environment, however, the ideal plant
crop canopy which in turn determines, in interaction type will suffer more than a leafier type, i.e. with
with the environment, total biological productivity as LAI values greater than the simulated optimum LAI
well as economic yield. (El-Sharkawy and Cock, 1987a). The hypothesis and
the mechanism underlying the response of cassava to (altitude 600 m, 2 09 N, 7704 W) with annual pre-
water stress in relation to changes in LAI are shown cipitation of 9001000 mm, 60% of which occurred
in Figure 5 with contrasting cultivars. A cultivar with in the first three months of crop establishment, and
slightly higher than optimum LAI (e.g. CM 507-37) with a pronounced dry period of three months before
will reduce its LAI under stress with a minimal effect harvest. The climate at Patia Valley is characterized by
on yield, while an ideal plant type for non-stress con- high solar radiation (about 22 MJ m2 day1 ), a high
ditions (e.g. M Col 22) will yield only very slightly mean day temperature (28 C), and high atmospheric
more under non-stressed conditions, but yields will be humidity (70%). These climatic factors appear to be
very sensitive to stress. On the other hand, a cultivar near-optimal for high cassava productivity.
with a very large LAI (e.g. M Mex 59) will produce Such an observed productivity indicates that cas-
less under optimal conditions than under stress. Based sava has high yield potential when grown under near-
on this hypothesis and the apparent reasonable fitness optimum conditions and confirms the validity of the
of experimental data to it, it would appear that for ideal plant type simulated by Cock et al. (1979).
stable high yields in both stress and non-stress envir- Furthermore, it agrees with the previously observed
onments, a cultivar with higher than optimal leafiness productivity on a small plot at the CIAT experimental
under favorable conditions such as hybrid CM 507-37 station, Palmira, Valle, Colombia, of about 28 t/ha dry
would be advantageous. Moreover, it has been sug- root per year (CIAT, 1979), and with more recently
gested (El-Sharkawy and Cock, 1987a) that cultivars reported high yields of more than 80 t/ha fresh root per
with higher leaf area ratio (LAR, the ratio of leaf area year for improved cultivars grown on several hectares
per unit total shoot biomass) such as that found with by CIAT researchers (H. Ceballos, personal commu-
CM 507-37 will produce higher than optimal LAI val- nication). In India, similar experimental high yields
ues under non-stress conditions and reasonable LAI were realized with irrigation (Ramanujam, 1990).
values under stress, with less competition with stor- However, the gap between the potential yield and
age roots for dry matter due to thinner stems and/or the actual yields on farmers fields is six-fold, sug-
shorter internodes. In addition to the advantage of pro- gesting that the real potential of cassava is far from
ducing cultivars with higher LAR, longer leaf life (i.e. being realized. Current yields of 816 tons/ha on a
better leaf retention) is another desirable leaf trait to fresh weight basis, with the largest yields occurring
select and breed for, as this should result in dry matter in India, are normally attained with local, traditional
saving that could be partitioned to storage root filling varieties on marginal soils without application of agro-
(El-Sharkawy et al., 1992b). chemicals (El-Sharkawy,1993). Thus, if the many
socioeconomic constraints on cassava production, util-
ization, and marketing would be alleviated, farmers
Physiological processes underlying potential yields could be easily doubled by using improved
productivity, tolerance to water stress and technologies.
plant-related limiting factors
Photosynthesis in relation to crop productivity
Potential productivity in cassava
Observed yield potential of cassava, in the absence The maximum leaf net photosynthetic rates in cassava
of production constraints, compares favorably with grown under favorable field conditions were between
other major staple food crops in the tropics, with 40 and 50 mol CO2 m2 s1 with high solar radi-
cassava having the greatest potential for energy pro- ation (>1800 mol m2 s1 in the range of photo-
duction except for sugarcane (Table 3; de Vries et al., synthetically active radiation) and with an optimum
1967; El-Sharkawy,1993). Based on the highest re- leaf temperature around 3035 C (El-Sharkawy et al.,
ported annual experimental yields, cassava produces 1984d, 1992a; El-Sharkawy and Cock, 1990). These
more energy per hectare than maize, sorghum, and high maximum photosynthetic rates may explain, in
rice. El-Sharkawy et al. (1990) reported an average ex- part, the observed high productivity in cassava in the
perimental yield for several improved cassava cultivars field trials conducted in Patia Valley. Also in season-
(over an experimental area of 1 ha) as high as 90 tons ally dry and semi-arid environments (De Tafur et al.,
of fresh roots per hectare (equivalent to about 27 tons 1997) or in humid ones (El-Sharkawy et al., 1993;
of oven-dried matter) in 10 months. This high pro- Pellet and El-Sharkawy, 1993a) it was found that both
ductivity took place in Patia Valley, Cauca, Colombia total biomass and storage dry root yield correlated
Table 3. Maximum recorded yield and food energy of some important
tropical food crops. Source: de Vries et al. (1967).
Table 4. Comparative water use efficiency of cassava, grain sorghum and field bean.
Source: El-Sharkawy and Cock (1986).
HI: Harvest index = (dry grain or dry root)/(total dry weight) 100.
significantly with mean seasonal upper canopy leaf Another physiologically important plant trait that
photosynthetic rate, and generally the relations were may contribute to yield is long leaf life and better leaf
due to non-stomatal (biochemical and anatomical) retention, particularly under stressful environments
factors (El-Sharkawy and Cock, 1990; El-Sharkawy (El-Sharkawy et al., 1992b; El-Sharkawy, 1993). Be-
et al., 1990). In the absence of limitations on the cause cassava leaves were found to remain photosyn-
crop to maximize light interception (i.e. crop canopy thetically active under prolonged water stress in the
near optimum LAI for maximum light interception), field (more than two months), though at a reduced
storage root yield correlated significantly with leaf ni- rate (water-stressed leaves had on average about 40%
trogen use efficiency (as measured in terms of rate of their observed maximum rate under favorable con-
of photosynthesis on the basis of total leaf nitrogen ditions), and because the stressed leaves were also
content) (Figure 6). This indicates that the association capable of partially recovering from stress once water
between yield and leaf photosynthesis was mainly due becomes available again, their retention, coupled with
to biochemical factors controlling carbon assimilation resistance to pests and diseases, may represent a sig-
in cassava. Thus, selection for high leaf photosyn- nificant saving in biomass invested in leaf formation.
thesis, particularly under field conditions in which
cassava is normally grown, should be considered in
cassava breeding programs as a factor that may con-
tribute to yield improvement when combined with
other yield determinants such as appropriate LAI val-
ues and strong storage root sink (i.e. greater number of
storage roots /plant).
Figure 7. Cross sections in leaves of wild Manihot species showing the development of a second palisade layer at lower surface of the leaf. Note:
the chloroplast-containing vascular bundle sheath between the two palisade layers, and the stomata on the upper epidermis. a, M. rubricaulis;
b, M. grahami. Sources: CIAT Cassava Program Annual Report, 1994, Cassava Physiology Section, and M.A. El-Sharkawy, unpublished).
Role of wild species in improving cassava 5.5 mol per mg chlorophyll per minute, compared to
photosynthesis 612 in sorghum, a C4 species, and 0.20.4 in beans,
a C3 species (CIAT, 1994; Calatayud et al., 2002).
Recent research within the very limited wild ger- Moreover, these wild Manihot species had very high
mplasm of Manihot grown at the CIAT station, leaf net photosynthetic rates in normal air and under
Palmira, Valle, Colombia, has revealed the existence high photon flux density (>50 mol CO2 m2 s1 ,
of few species with amphistomatous leaf and with a Figure 8) and relatively low photorespiration (CO2
second short palisade layer at the lower side of the compensation point around 2535 ppm at 3035 C
leaf, in addition to the long palisade layer on the up- and high photon flux density). The observed character-
per side (CIAT, 1994). Two species, M. rubricaulis istics of leaf anatomy, high photosynthetic rates, low
and M. grahami, were found to possess amphisto- photorespiration and elevated PEP carboxylase activ-
matous leaves, a second short palisade layer, and in ities in leaves of some wild Manihot species might
between conspicuous vascular bundle sheaths, though indicate that cassava and wild manihot species repres-
not fully developed, with chloroplasts (Figure 7) and, ent an intermediate photosynthesis between the typical
most notably, an elevated activity in leaf extracts of C3 and C4 species (El-Sharkawy and Cock, 1987b). It
the C4 photosynthetic enzyme PEP carboxylase (from is known that within the family Euphorbiaceae there
15% to over 25% of activity in leaves of the C4 spe- are species representing the CAM, C3 and C4 pho-
cies sorghum and maize). PEP carboxylase activity tosynthetic pathways. It is possible, therefore, that
in leaf extracts of wild Manihot ranged from 1.5 to the genus Manihot represents an evolutionary step to-
Table 5. Average net photosynthetic rate, PN
(mol(CO2 )m2 s1 ), stomatal conductance, gs
(mol(H2 O) m 2 1
s ), intercellular CO2 concentration,
ci (mol/mol) and dry root yield (kg/m2 ) of field-grown cassava
under rain-fed conditions at Santo Tomas, Atlantic Department
(seasonally dry environment) and Riohacha, Guajira (semi-arid
environment). 19921993. Source: De Tafur et al. (1997).
Santo Tomas
wards the C4 pathway. Contrary to this hypothesis, compartmentalization of the C3 and C4 main enzymes
others (Edwards et al., 1990; Angelov et al., 1993; (Laetsch, 1974). Moreover, the kinetics of the C3 pho-
Calatayud et al., 2002) have concluded that neither tosynthetic enzyme Rubisco differ between C3 and C4
cassava nor wild relatives possess C4 photosynthesis, species, with the latter having higher Km (CO2 ) values
based on the dynamics of 14 C labeling, CO2 compens- due to the adaptation of the enzyme to higher concen-
ation point and the natural abundance of 13 C. Such trations of CO2 that normally exist at its site in the
discrepancies could be attributed to the lack of leaf bundle sheath chloroplasts of C4 leaves with Kranz
Kranz anatomy, typical of C4 species, in cassava and anatomy. In cassava and other C3 -C4 intermediate spe-
wild Manihot species. Kranz anatomy is essential, at cies, Km (CO2 ) values and other kinetic parameters of
least in C4 higher-plant species, for the separation and the C3 photosynthetic enzyme Rubisco are similar to
Stomatal response to atmospheric humidity and its Cock, 1984, 1986; El-Sharkawy et al., 1984c, 1985;
implications for tolerance to water stress and crop Cock et al., 1985; El-Sharkawy,1993). Irrespective
water use efficiency of soil water status, cassava stomata were found to
partially close in low air humidity with virtually no
The physiological mechanisms underlying cassava tol- changes in leaf water potential, and also in response
erance to water stress were found to be related to the to soil water shortage, hence protecting the leaf from
remarkable sensitivity of cassava stomata to both at- severe dehydration and at the same time the leaf re-
mospheric and edaphic water stress (El-Sharkawy and mains photosynthetically active (Figure 9). Genetic
differences in stomatal response to changes in air hu- WUE of cassava compares favorably with that of grain
midity were observed in potted outdoor-grown plants sorghum, a C4 crop known for its high level of toler-
as well as in field-grown crops (Figure 10). Moreover, ance to drought among tropical grasses. Due to the
stomatal density was found to correlate positively with higher harvest index of cassava, the dry matter of
the degree of sensitivity to changes in air humidity economic yield produced per unit water transpired in
across a wide range of tropical plant species including many cases exceeds that of grain sorghum. However,
cassava (El-Sharkawy et al., 1985). Since the great with a non-limiting water supply or with brief soil
majority of cassava cultivars have a very high stomatal water shortages, maximizing total harvestable yield
density only on the abaxial surface of the leaf blade would be of greater value than optimizing WUE.
(300500 per mm2 of leaf surface) with virtually none Under these conditions, cultivars less responsive to
on the adaxial side, except a few stomata adjacent changes in VPD would be more useful (El-Sharkawy
to leaf veins (El-Sharkawy et al., 1984a), it was ar- and Cock, 1984, 1986; El-Sharkawy et al., 1984c).
gued that in order to decrease stomatal sensitivity to Therefore, it is highly desirable to select and breed for
air humidity, and thus to maximize photosynthesis in cassava cultivars with amphistomatous leaves which
environments where water is not limiting, selection will be less sensitive to changes in air humidity.
for amphistomatous leaves with the same total leaf Such cultivars should be targeted to regions with high
conductance to gas exchange as hypostomatous ones precipitation and atmospheric humidity, such as in
will be advantageous (El-Sharkawy et al., 1985; El- Amazonian regions.
Sharkawy and Cock, 1987b). The very few clones
(about 2% of 1500 clones screened) found with signi- Leaf movement in cassava and its implication for
ficant stomata on the adaxial surface might be used in plant-water relation
crossing programs to manipulate stomatal distribution
on both surfaces of the leaf . The long petiole of cassava leaf (which constitutes 20
The strong stomatal response to changes in leaf-to- 30% of leaf weight and varies in length from 10 to
air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) observed in cassava is 25 cm) plays a pivotal role in orientating the leaf blade
particularly important for crops that have to endure a towards the sun during the day, thus maximizing light
long dry season (37 months) commonly encountered interception early in the morning and in late afternoon
during the production cycle. Under these stressful con- when angles of incident solar radiation are large (i.e.
ditions, with stomata less sensitive to VPD, both CO2 heliotropism or sun tracking) (El-Sharkawy and Cock,
uptake and HO2 loss will occur at relatively high rates 1984; Hozyo et al., 1984), and perhaps in intercepting
until available soil water is rapidly depleted. The leaf sunflakes that penetrate into the shaded lower part of
water potential will then decrease to the level required the crop canopy. Moreover, the midribs of leaf lobes
to induce stomatal closure, at which time both pho- were found to be responsible for the daily changes in
tosynthesis and transpiration will approach zero. A another type of leaf movement called leaf drooping
greater proportion of daily transpiration loss will take or folding (i.e. leaf bending away from the horizontal
place at periods of peak VPD near midday. In such a position it holds early in the morning by folding down-
case water use efficiency (WUE) either of a single leaf ward at midday), irrespective of soil water and leaf
or of a crop canopy will be low. On the other hand, turgor pressure (El-Sharkawy and Cock, 1984; Berg
with a larger and more direct stomatal response to et al., 1986).
VPD as that observed in cassava, the limited amount of In the field, it was found that the phenomenon
available soil water during the dry season will be con- of leaf folding decreased light interception by 50%,
sumed slowly, as transpiration loss will occur mainly compared with adjacent horizontally supported leaves,
in periods of lower VPD and higher WUE early in the increased the angle of light incidence at midday (being
morning and late afternoon. This, in turn, will lead to about 61 in folding leaves as compared with 10 in
a greater total carbon gain over the stress period and horizontal leaves), decreased leaf temperature by 6
a greater seasonal crop WUE (El-Sharkawy and Cock, 7 C, decreased leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit by
1984, 1986; El-Sharkawy et al., 1984c). about 1.3 kPa, and increased leaf conductance to gas
The water use efficiency of cassava is indeed much exchange to more than double the conductance in ho-
greater than that of beans (a C3 crop) which are rizontal leaf (Berg et al., 1986). The outcome of leaf
less sensitive to VPD (Table 4; El-Sharkawy et al., folding is a reduction in transpiration water loss while
1984c; El-Sharkawy and Cock, 1986). Moreover, the leaf maintains a reasonable photosynthetic rate at
a higher leaf conductance. Thus, the phenomenon of used as parental materials in cassava breeding for yield
leaf folding or drooping at midday observed in both improvement.
well-watered and stressed plants (when atmospheric Table 5 (De Tafur et al.,1997) presents data on
evaporative demand is greatest in the tropics), may act storage root yields and leaf gas exchange for a group
as a water stress avoidance mechanism, and hence un- of cultivars from the core breeding germplasm that
derlies, at least partly, cassava tolerance to prolonged were grown under seasonally dry and semi-arid en-
drought . vironments at two locations on the north coast of
Colombia. Soils of both locations are sandy and ex-
tremely low in all nutrients where both trials were
Selection under field conditions for tolerance to planted without fertilization and no irrigation. Planting
abiotic stresses took place between 20 and 25 September 1992 on the
onset of rainfall and harvesting took place in the first
The rationale week of August 1993. Leaf gas exchange was meas-
ured on upper canopy leaves with a portable infrared
Early efforts in cassava breeding focused on devel- gas analyzer during several days in February/March.
oping high yielding cultivars for favorable environ- All gas exchange measurements were made between
ments, where biotic and abiotic stresses are either min- 08:00 and 12:00 local time with a solar light intens-
imal or obviated through high-input cultural practices ity in the range of photosynthetically active radiation
(Kawano et al., 1978; Cock et al., 1979). Due to the higher than 1000 mol m2 s1 (De Tafur et al.,
fact that cassava is grown by small resource-limited 1997). At the seasonally dry location (Santo Toms,
farmers in adverse environments under uncertain rain- Atlantic Department), total annual precipitation was
fall and mostly on infertile soils, virtually without 829 mm with a 7-month dry period when monthly
agrochemical input, goals of recent breeding strategies rainfalls oscillated from less than 5 to 80 mm; an-
have shifted toward developing cultivars with reason- nual pan evaporation 1647 mm; mean monthly solar
able and stable yield potentials under the various and radiation around 560 MJ/m2 ; mean day temperature
complex stresses (Hershey and Jennings, 1992). In 27.5 C. At the semi-arid location (Rioacha, Guajira
view of this environmentally sound breeding strategy, Department), total annual precipitation was 550 mm
research on cassava physiology at CIAT in the past two with a 8-month dry period during which monthly rain-
decades has focused on both basic and applied aspects falls oscillated between zero to 80 mm, and total
of crop behavior in order to elucidate some of its fun- annual pan evaporation was 2293 mm, but with mean
damental characteristics and mechanisms that might daily temperature and mean monthly solar radiation
underlie and better explain the high level of cassava being slightly higher than at Santo Toms.
tolerance to adverse environments where the crop is Under these stressful conditions, average cassava
commonly grown, as well as to identify plant traits that yield was 6.7 tons/ha oven-dried storage roots at the
might be of value in breeding efforts (El-Sharkawy, seasonally dry location (yields ranged among cul-
1993). tivars from 5.8 to 7.6 tons/ha), and 2.3 tons/ha at the
semi-arid one (yields ranged from 0.4 to 3.3 tons/ha).
Selection for high photosynthesis in relation to Nevertheless, due to severe shortage of water in the
productivity under prolonged drought semi-arid location, dry matter content in the harves-
ted roots was lower (<30%) than for the seasonally
Research efforts on cassava basic physiology have dry one where rainfall was much higher and potential
yielded some useful information about the crop and evapotranspiration was lower. Thus, for a better yield
have led to a better understanding of the response of and a higher dry matter content in cassava grown in
cassava to various abiotic stresses. Cassava is endowed the semi-arid region, the crop growth cycle has to be
with a high photosynthetic potential that positively extended for a second rainy season, which is common
correlates with crop productivity in both humid and practice in northeast Brazil, where annual rainfall is
dry environments (El-Sharkawy and Cock, 1990; El- less than 700 mm (El-Sharkawy, 1993). Early-bulking
Sharkawy et al., 1990, 1993; Pellet and El-Sharkawy, cultivars might also have a better yield potential in
1993a; De Tafur et al., 1997), and field screening semi-arid zones.
under these environments have identified clones with Differences in yield among cultivars were signi-
good yields and high leaf photosynthesis that could be ficant at both locations. Average leaf photosynthesis
rates ranged among cultivars from 25 to 31 mol affinity to CO2 under higher optimum temperature for
CO2 m2 s1 at the seasonally dry location, while activity, can scavenge or recycle internal respiratory
rates ranged from 7 to 20 mol CO2 m2 s1 at the CO2 , and hence reduce the net loss of carbon dur-
semi-arid location. Nevertheless, these rates of pho- ing photosynthesis (i.e. less loss of CO2 from both
tosynthesis were measured on plants 45 months old photorespiration and mitochondrial dark respiration).
during the driest months in both locations, i.e. Febru- Furthermore, it is possible that the PEP carboxylase
ary and March, when monthly rainfall was less than 5 located in mesophyll cytoplasm plays a role in fixing
mm including January. Thus, they represent the lowest atmospheric CO2 in forms of C4 acids which could
possible rates in the field and indicate the comparative be then mass transported to the chloroplasts where the
advantage of cassava over other crops in these harsh Rubisco is located, hence obviating or reducing the
environments. Differences among cultivars were sig- normally much higher mesophyll resistance to CO2
nificant in all leaf gas exchange parameters measured. diffusion from cell wall to chloroplast. However, the
Dry root yield correlated positively and highly signi- C4 acids must be decarboxylated in order to provide
ficantly with average leaf photosynthesis rate across the Rubisco with CO2 .
locations (r 2 = 0.90, P < 0.001), and the asso- It is hypothesized, therefore, that in cassava that
ciation was mainly due to non-stomatal factors (De lacks the leaf Kranz anatomy typical of C4 species
Tafur et al., 1997). The yield correlated also negatively (where both the C3 and C4 main enzymes are com-
with intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci ) (Figure 11, partmentalized in the vascular bundle sheath and in the
r 2 = 0.82, P < 0.001), hence indicating that the mesophyll tissue, respectively; Laetsch, 1974), the ob-
relation was mainly due to cultivars differences in served higher PEP carboxylase/Rubisco ratio in water-
biochemical factors controlling CO2 fixation such as stressed plants (Table 6) may underlie, at least partly,
enzymes activities. the relatively high leaf net photosynthesis and, in
turn, the reasonable yields observed in seasonally dry
Activities of photosynthetic enzymes as affected by and semi-arid environments where most other crops
water stress would fail. However, to be effective, selection for high
photosynthesis should be combined with other yield
When field-grown cassava was subjected to more than determinants such as high harvest index (preferably
2 months of water stress, imposed at 3 months from >0.5), long leaf area duration (i.e. longer leaf life and
planting at CIAT-Quilichao station, activities of the better leaf retention), strong storage root sink (i.e. high
C3 photosynthetic enzyme Rubisco in leaves that de- storage root number per plant) and appropriate can-
veloped under stress decreased by about 40% at 8 opy architecture (i.e. maintaining a near-optimum LAI
weeks after initiation of water stress, as compared to for root production during most of the growth cycle).
activities in unstressed plants, with significant differ- With the availability of modern techniques that allow
ences among cultivars (CIAT, 1993; Table 6). On the screening large populations of breeding materials in
other hand, the average activities of the C4 enzyme the field it is, therefore, recommended that cassava
PEP carboxylase in leaves of the stressed plants in- breeding programs include selection for leaf photosyn-
creased by about 13% above those of unstressed ones, thesis whether for identifying parental materials or in
with significant differences among cultivars. This im- evaluating breeding lines.
plies that under extended water stress the activity of
the C4 PEP carboxylase in cassava was favored over Selection for tolerance to low-fertility soils
the C3 Rubisco. Moreover, in a separate field trial, it
was found that net leaf photosynthesis rates in several As most of cassava production occurs on acidic soils
cultivars subjected to prolonged water stress correlated low in nutrients, particularly phosphorus, with little
significantly with the activity of PEP carboxylase of or no external input, breeding for efficient cultivars in
the same leaves (r = 0.53, P < 0.05, Figure 12). exploiting native nutrients, i.e. higher yield per unit
The C3 enzyme is known to have much less affinity to nutrient extracted, was warranted to develop environ-
CO2 , particularly at temperatures higher than 25 C, mentally sound technologies that helps sustain reason-
compared to the C4 enzyme, and it controls both able and stable productivity while alleviating pressures
carboxylation (fixing CO2 ) and oxygenation (releas- on natural resources in marginal lands (Hershey and
ing CO2 ) reactions simultaneously under light. On the Jennings, 1992; El-Sharkawy, 1993). In view of this
other hand, the C4 enzyme, besides having very high strategy, both the cassava nutrition and physiology
Table 6. Activities of some photosynthetic enzymes in leaf extracts of field-grown cassava as affected by 8 weeks
of water stress commencing at 92 days after pollination at Santander de Quilichao, 1993. Values are means SD.
Activities in mol per mg chlorophyll per minute. Source: CIAT Annual Report, 1993, Physiology Section.
CM 4013-1 0.86 0.12 0.28 0.10 3.10 1.18 0.17 0.30 0.01 3.9
CM 4063-6 0.89 0.05 2.30 0.03 0.39 1.42 0.26 0.62 0.02 2.3
SG 536-1 1.46 0.42 0.44 0.12 3.30 1.33 0.22 0.25 0.08 5.3
MCol 1505 1.09 0.10 0.57 0.13 1.90 0.96 0.16 0.89 0.14 1.1
Avg. 1.08 0.90 2.2 1.22 0.52 3.2
% Average change due to stress +13 42 +45
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