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Science Sampling KS2 2010 - Paper B PDF

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National sampling for science



35 Test A


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You have 45 minutes for this test.


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your answer.

For some questions you may need to draw an

answer instead of writing one.

Do not write in the grey margins.

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Some questions may have a box like this for

you to write down your thoughts and ideas.


1 Drinking water
(a) People who walk in the mountains can travel a long way from towns.
They might have to get their drinking water from a stream.
The water must be made safe before they drink it.


bits of mud plant materials

stream water

Animals can be separated from the water using the equipment

shown below.

What is the equipment in the picture below called?

...................................................... (1 mark)

(b) It is important to put the animals back where they were found.

Write true or false next to each statement to show why it is

important for the animals to be put back in the stream.

True or false?

because the animals are

adapted to live in the stream .......................

so the animals do not get

eaten by predators ....................... (1 mark)


(c) There are still bits of mud in
filter paper
the water. The mud can be
separated from the water funnel
by filtering.


Explain how the filter paper separates the mud and water.


................................................................................................................. (1 mark)

(d) It is still not a good idea to drink the water because there are
micro-organisms in it.

What is likely to happen to people who drink stream water with

micro-organisms in it?

................................................................................................................. (1 mark)

(e) Boiling the water helps to make it safe to drink.

Tick ONE box to show the best way for walkers to boil the water.

Hold it over a Hang it over a fire

torch. in a pot.

Put the water in Leave it in a

an insulated flask. sunny place. (1 mark)

(f) Tick ONE box to show the temperature at which water boils.

0C 10C 100C 1000C

(1 mark)

2 Circuit
(a) Abida makes a circuit with a bulb, cell and wire.

Complete the diagram of Abidas circuit below by drawing the

symbol for a cell and connecting the cell in the circuit.

(1 mark)

(b) Name the piece of equipment that Abida could add to her circuit
so she can turn the bulb on and off.

..................................................... (1 mark)

(c) Abida wants to measure the brightness of the bulb in her circuit.
She puts the bulb and a light sensor under a box.
The light sensor measures the brightness of the bulb.

Tick ONE box to show why Abida puts both the bulb and light
sensor inside the box.

so the bulb is so she does not measure

insulated light from other sources

so the bulb lights so the light from the

up more brightly bulb cannot be seen (1 mark)


(d) Abida uses the sensor to measure the brightness of the bulb in the
circuit below.

She wants to find out if she

can change the brightness
of the bulb in her circuit.

Each time she adds one object between the clips,

the bulb lights up.

Abida measures the brightness

of the bulb for each object.

Then she takes the object

out again.

How will the brightness of the bulb change when Abida correctly
adds each object to her circuit?

Tick ONE box in each row of the table.

The bulb
used will be will not will be
dimmer. change. brighter.

copper wire

a motor

another cell

another bulb
(2 marks)


3 Heating water
(a) Jenna has three saucepans of water.

Jenna wants to find out how long it will take to heat each saucepan
of water to 50C. Look at the diagram.


What variable is Jenna changing in her investigation?

................................................................................................................. (1 mark)

(b) Jenna times how long it takes to heat each saucepan of water to
50C. Jennas mum helps her to do this safely.

Name a piece of equipment Jenna could use to measure the

temperature of the water.

..................................................... (1 mark)

(c) Each saucepan has a wooden handle.

How does the wooden handle make using the saucepan safer?


................................................................................................................. (1 mark)


(d) The graph below shows how the water temperature changed in
each saucepan.

When Jenna looked at the graph she realised her test was not fair.

Why was Jennas test not fair? Use the graph to help you.


................................................................................................................. (1 mark)

(e) How much time did it take the water in saucepans A and B to
reach 50C? Use the graph to help you complete the table.

Time to reach
50C (seconds)

C 66
(1 mark)


4 River wildlife
(a) Some children visit a river and see a duck, a swan and a frog.
The children use the features of the animals to sort the duck and
swan into one group and the frog into another.

Duck Swan Frog

[These are not to scale]

(i) Name a feature of the duck and the swan that puts them
in the same group without the frog.

...................................................................................................... (1 mark)

(ii) Describe a feature the children could use to put the duck
and the swan into different groups.

...................................................................................................... (1 mark)

(b) Ducks can be sorted into different groups.


Tick ONE box to show why it is a good idea to sort the ducks
into groups. (1 mark)

to help rescue ducks from to help identify different

polluted rivers ducks

to work out what a baby duck because there are a lot of

will look like when it grows plants ducks like to eat

(c) The children use the key below to identify some other birds they see.

Use the key to name TWO birds that have black feathers on
their bodies.

................................................... and ..................................................... (2 marks)

Key to river birds:

<HV *272
1R *272

<HV coot
1R moorhen

<HV *272
1R *272

<HV shelduck
1R mute swan


1R male mallard

(d) Use the key to answer the question below.

What colour are the wings and beak of a heron?

The wings are ......................................

The beak is ........................................... (1 mark)

5 Foil boats
(a) Some children did an investigation with four foil boats.

Foil boat

Draw an arrow on the diagram below to show the force from

the water on the boat.



(1 mark)


(b) All of the boats were made from identical foil trays. The photographs
and diagrams below show the different shapes of the boats.

Boat 1 Boat 2 Boat 3 Boat 4

The children counted how many 1p coins they put in each boat
to make it sink. Boat 3 needed the most 1p coins to make it sink.

Tick ONE box to show why boat 3 needed the most 1p coins to
make it sink.

Boat 3...

is the lightest. has the thickest base.

is the strongest. has the largest base.

(1 mark)

(c) Write true or false next to each of the statements about boat 3.

Compared with the other boats... True or false?

boat 3 was more waterproof. ..........................

there was a bigger force from the water

stopping boat 3 sinking. ..........................

there was less gravity pulling down on

boat 3. .......................... (2 marks)


6 Model sheep
(a) Alice has a model sheep.
The instructions say she can grow a white coat for the sheep.


1. Build the sheep 2. Stand the sheep 3. Leave the sheep

from cardboard in the special for two days.
pieces. liquid.

The special liquid was made by mixing a solid in water.

After the solid mixed with the water, the liquid was completely clear.

Explain why Alice cannot see the solid mixed in the liquid.

................................................................................................................. (1 mark)

(b) The special clear liquid soaks up to the top of the cardboard sheep.


pot of special
clear liquid

Which property of cardboard allows it to soak up the liquid?

Tick ONE box.

soft opaque

strong absorbent

rigid smooth
(1 mark)


(c) After the special liquid has soaked into the cardboard, the water
separates from the solid.

A white coat slowly grows on the sheep.


At the start After 1 day After 2 days

The white coat is made out of the solid from the special liquid.
After 2 days the white coat stops growing.

Explain why the sheeps coat stops growing.


................................................................................................................. (1 mark)

(d) The sheeps coat was made by the solid that had been mixed in
the water.

Tick ONE box to show what the sheeps coat could be made of.

chalk flour

rice salt
(1 mark)

7 Watering plants
(a) David knows that plants need water to grow.

Name TWO other things that plants need to take in for healthy

.................................................... and .................................................... (2 marks)

(b) David grows some plants.

He wants to find out if the amount of water affects their growth.

Tick ONE box after each question to show the best way for
David to carry out his test.

Should David use the same

yes no
type of soil in each pot?

Should David put the plant

yes no
pots in the same place?

Should David put the same

yes no
amount of water in each pot?

How many plants should

2 plants 5 plants
David use? (2 marks)


(c) Plants absorb rain water from the soil.

Name the TWO parts of the plant the water must travel through
to get from the soil to the leaves.

1. ..................................................

2. .................................................. (1 mark)

(d) Rain falling is part of the water cycle.

Write the letters AE on the diagram to show the order of the

stages in the water cycle.

One stage is done for you.

Stages of the water cycle

A. water vapour starts B. water collects in

to cool down rivers and lakes

C. rain falls D. water vapour E. water evaporates


(2 marks)


8 Ice
(a) Tom is measuring the air
temperature outside.


What is temperature a measure of?

................................................................................................................. (1 mark)

(b) Tom records the air temperatures in the table below.

(i) Write yes or no to show if Tom could find ice on the

puddle each day.

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri

Temperature (C) 3 2 1 1 6

Could Tom find ice

on the puddle?
Yes or no?
(1 mark)

(ii) Explain why there could be ice on the puddle on the days
you chose.


...................................................................................................... (1 mark)



Please check your answers.

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QCDA/10/4682 (Pupil pack)
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority 2010 QCDA/10/4681 (Marker pack) 300259


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