Model E Parts List Sheridan 5Mm Co, Pistol: Ref. Part No. No. Part Name
Model E Parts List Sheridan 5Mm Co, Pistol: Ref. Part No. No. Part Name
Model E Parts List Sheridan 5Mm Co, Pistol: Ref. Part No. No. Part Name
When ordering parts, specify Model, Serial No. Part No. and Name of Parts. Include remittance with order. All prices subject
to change without notice. Minimum order $5.00.
1 3 2
41 9
3205 SHERIDAN RD. / RACINE, WISCONSIN 53403 / PHONE 633-5424 (AREA CODE 414)
Rebuild your Benjamin or Sheridan Valve and Pump
Remove the stock (or frame if pistol).
Two side screws and trigger mount screw (no trigger screw with a pistol) release
retaining cap (tube plug).
Drop the striker spring and striker out the rear.
*** Note: Some models have only pin(s) retaining the tube cap.
Use the square end of the tool to remove the valve retaining nut.
Reverse the tool, screw onto the exhaust valve body, shake, wiggle and pull the exhaust
valve out.
The internal parts should drop out.
*** Note: The inlet valve may stick. Apply WD-40, tap on the rear of the tube with a
WOOD block
Lightly coat each piece as installed with oil supplied in the kit.
Drop the intake valve in. Make sure the back brass side is up.
The small, intake spring, is next.
The brass washer.
The larger, exhaust spring, with the small end up.
*** Note: A pistol may not contain the brass washer or second spring.
Place the rubber washer on the front, short lip, of the exhaust valve.
The lead washer on the rear of the exhaust valve. Insert the square end of the tool
through the retaining nut.
Place the exhaust valve on into the tool, nut chamfer to the lead washer.
Slide the exhaust valve, wahers and nut in completely.
Hold firmly, tap the opposite end of the tool with a WOOD block.
Place a punch or pin through the tool and tighten.
Replace the retaining cap (tube plug), trigger, pump rod/lever, and stock (frame if pistol).