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Crosman 357 Factory Service Manual

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Factory Service Manual



Th ducts. It is not instructional

ttinut proper factory training.

980 Turk Hi!! Road, Falrport, N.Y. 14450
Mode! 357 Service Repair Procedures Phase I (manufacturing date 8/82}
NOTE,: Safety glasses should be worn when working on all guns.
General operating instructions for this model are contained In the Owners Manual and should be read
thoroughly The detailed drawings, repair instructions and disassembly/assembly procedures must be studied
carefully before any repair work is started. This will insure quicker and more precise repair of gun,
It is not always necessary to disassemble the entire gun in repair work and it is hoped that this section will
assist you in diagnosis of the repair problem and will speed up repair time.

2. Vssve Tube teaher at 1 To de1»rmimj what ond ot Valve

I - Leaks Pioteisig Body or Valve Tube is loakrng, read Problem 1
Body (.-.-JUKHiJ by a sSeps 1 through S in Troublo
defective Quad Seal Shootlnfl. Than toliow Group IX
(3S7AOS4J. Vatve & Plarcing Body Assy,
disassembly ft. asswrnbly.
/ 'i kKikaqe slii' •.-»'•.':.. .1! ulinji
i Charge !he gun with new Powerlet pe? instructions ir*
Ing Body may have a s/r.iirh or
ItriHs in it causing Quad Sflai
2. Fire gun making sure Powertat is putting lull charge of CO, J357AOS4J lo laak
through Vaivc. g, if th« atjove problem sxisit, :t
3 Pull Hammer buck m single action position and put safety la rec:;t)iii!n«n<l«d to rep!«C« PiefC-
on to proven* accidental firing, ) : « ; ; li.-.iiv i3S?"A046i or Valw.! Body

4, Hold 'BUM!!; <tnd of tjijf 1 down Looking down into Frame.

fifop a. f'JVM drops ot oil down along copper Valve Tube 3 Dt?t«'ctive Valve Seal 1. Sea Disassembly & Assembly
(357-041) or O-ring procedures Valve Assy Group X.

; NU? (3S7AMS) on Vaivti Body to II • Low Velocity

S, Fro n, drop a few i!r.::,[-s ol :.>ii nrough POSSIBLE CAUSES REPAIR PROCEDURES
O«8 1, Detent Spring 1.
f3S7-037) rnisstng or
defective causing little spring tensirjn against li, If not,
tension against Cylinder see Group VII Cylinder Piste,
Detent (357-038) Cylinder Detent and Detent Spring
t.DSJHiiS Group,
st per in- 2, Improper Installation 1, Remove Side Covet {357-W2I
or weak Hummer Spring writ! sw. G'fjup X! Hammer & Harti-
(357437). fner Spni-g Group and chock il
.( (38-128) by rermwmg u We Coiiai spring is disiocatea or damaged In
(357-056) with wide blade any way.
(d •jcrevudrivpr. Note: !t is not
3. Satety Link (367-033) 1. PuM Hammer back and look
H- - • -iry tci remove Siae Cover
not lining up with Valve oown Into Frame, Continue to
Siern properly hold Hammer back and pull Trig-
ger back at same time. Sea it Safe-
itiinove End SKH! and replaco.
ty Link is lining up with cense? ot
4, VVHh End Seal romovfjij, in
Valve Stem- If not, sec Group Xil
sped Piwcing Pin (3SA02?) for
Trigger, Safely Link S Trigger
damage OF wear and replace at
Spring Group.
this time,
6. Wh«tn replacing Guide Collars
(357-058), I»ah1en only slightly
against End Seal Note: Over
tightening *ili cause hard pierc-
Ins of PoA-enet
4. Guide Collar (35/-056I 1. if Guide Collar is over lighten- 4. tnded teeth *orn or
is too tighi causing par ed. it will cause EriiJ SI-MI (38-128^ broken on Cylir-dor
timl piercing of Powenef, to protrude above Piercing Pin Assembly
causing Improper piercing of
Power!at, The Powerlst ahouW be
removed and Guide CoJIaf should PROBLEM VI! - Hammer Will Not
toe baokeoolt a quarter turn. Lock Back In
Single Action
Ill - Poweriet
I. 'Inuyi i ;-.-*•«• (357 031) 1. Fitter lo Di:,u em&ly ;
SS1BLE CAUSES HEP ROCEDURES • inp'Operly located Or Assembly Group VI Tn<;qpr :-,p;r :
1, Defflc'ivo P.nroinq 1 . NO'lc,: P f e r c l n g Pins have Seat Spring (357A029) Spring Group
Pin (3fiA02f| fttanied iips. If the angle does not missing
exist, trie cookie cutter acfton of
ihr> Pifi.itiij ' ip will deposil a
srnal! pioi'.s of metal inside
PROBLEM VIII - Trigger Fails To
Po'A'irrn'i A'n.ch ftveniually frtay be Return Forward Or
forced back plugging the hollo*
tip of piercing pin, Refer to Prob-
Very Little Tension
lem I Leaks.
ufldac magnification Replace it \. Relof to Giou;:
necessary «aS7-06r) not located Safesy Link S frigflW '
3. Gui'le Collar is too !t: Problem M' 1. *;BMi hi proparly 2 Make sure that !
CO, leg of Trigger Sprinc


To Or Left Study the drawing carefully as you read
disassembly and assembly procedures and prior
POSSIBL.L-.CAU5 REPAIR PROCEDURES to disassembly of your first gun. Assembly Is in
reverse of disassembly, but special notations
1, Refer to Group f Bartel & Barrel
(35?-103) o Housing,
have been made throughout this section to assist
2. Replace:- BHn«->i <l n in the assembly procedures.

V - Cylinder General Information

1. Exhaust at) CO? Gas and remove PoweHet per
To Rotate instructions in Owners Manual "To Exfiaust


2. Instructions are defmud in assembly groups
1. ln> Ken 1, Open Barrel
off 01 Inder Cylinder. Inspoi and disassembly instructions in each group are
necessary. a continuation of the instructions in trie
'-052) 1. Refer to Group V Levei & Itwt .-
previous groups,
3, All lubrication should be with Crosman
Peilgunoii as regular gun oil and oil containing
detergents are harmful to the Seals.

VI - Jamming i BARREL &

1, Powerlei low on CO, t. Remove Barrel and push out 1, Press the Barrel Latch Button down
pallets. and open the barrel,
2, Weak or damaged t. Refer to Group XI Hammer & 2, First remove the Pellet Cylinder
harni'ii.!('',;•->in:; rss7 Hamrn&r Spring Group. Ch«k to (357-017) from Shaft and inspect for
...-- seo if Sf-rn'i'.) is dislocateij ot
broken ratchet teeth.
damaged in any way.
3, W i t h Barrel Housing A s s e m b l y
llets or 1, Inspect Pellets and advise 5357-102} or (357-OOi) open, remove
ctistofnar, Note: Only Crosirwn
pBltets are i
Barrel Housing Screw (357-019) and
remove the complete Barrel Housing
Assembly from main unit.
4. Remove Barrel (357-103) or (357-010) 4. Turn Guide Collar (357-056) into Pierc-
from Barrel Housing (357-100) or ing Body), Guide Collar Should be turn-
(357-003) by taking the following steps. ed down until snug. Beyond this point,
a. Push against muzzle end of Barrel the center of the End Seal (38-128) will
and carefully slide it out of the protrude above the Piercing Pin
Housing. (3BA027) resulting in partial piercing of
b. Lift Barrel Housing Rib (3i7-WS) or the powerlet.
(357-101) out of Barrel Housing. ill REAR SIGHT &
c. Remove Barrel Latch Plate (357-008), SIDE COVER GROUP
d. Turn Barrel Housing upside down to A, DISASSEMBLY
remove Barrel Weight {357-055) or 1. Note; The Rear Sight can not be
(357.QS9). removed until the side cover is remov-
e. Inspect all parts and replace if
2. Remove the two (2) Frame Screws
138-117) and one (1} Barrel Housing
1, Place Barrel Weight back in Barrel
Screw (387-019).
Housing making sure it is properly In
3. Before removing Side Cover (357-QG2),
push safety in by pulling Hammer back
2, Place Barrel Housing Rib Into Barrel
slightly. Then carefully lift off Side
Housing, Cover (357-002).
3, Slide Barrel Latch Plate (3S7-W8) as 4. Lift out Been Sight Assembly (357-012)
show! 1 cm ilfaw.ru;
and inspect before replacing,
4, With srruilt ''in! first, slide Barrel
5. If Elevation Screw (357-011) needs
through Barrel Latch and continue to
replacing, turn out from bottom of
slide Barrel into Barrel Housing all the
5, Place complete Barrel Housing
1. With Elevation Screw turned in from
Assembly onto main unit of gun and
bottom of Rear Sight so that it will
replace Barrel Housing Screw (357-019).
clear Valve Body.
6, Replace Cylinder (357-017} over pivot
2, Carefully place Rear Sight Assembly
stud and close Barrel Assembly and at
down In casting properly.
the same time check to see it If lat- 3. If Side Cover does not go down
ches properly. against main casting properly, check
for mislocated parts like Trigger Pin,
Sear Pin, Piercing Body and Safety.
& SEAL GROUP 4, Make sure all parts are properly
A, DISASS d then id Cover
1, it is not necessary to remove any other (357-002) and replace the screws.
part of the gun.
2. Remove the L H. Grip and Powerlel IV BARREL HOUSING
from gun. LATCH GROUP
3. With a large blade screw driver, A, DISASSEMBLY
remove Guide Collar (357-056). 1, Remove Side Cover as instructed above.
4, With a small pick or screw driver, pull 2. Carefully remove Latch Support
out a (357-021).
5. Tap butt of gun on bench to drop out 3. Lift out Barrel Housing Latch (3S7-020),
Piercing Pin (38AQ27) and Screen 4, Inspect parts for damage and wear
{38-028), and replace if necessary.
1. Turn gun up and drop Screen {18-028) 1. Locate Pivot Pin on Barrel Housing
In Piercing Body. Latch in hole in casting and with hook
2. Inspect Piercing Pin (38A027) for any of latch up.
damage to piercing point before 2. Place Latch Support (357-021) on top Of
Cylinder Plate (357-035) and with
3. Place End Seal (31-128) on Piercing Pin tapersd end under Barrel Housing
(36A027). NOTE: Check for depression Latch (357-020). Note: Make sure
set, chips and for any other defect Latch Support is located properly
before inplacing. against Cylinder Plate (3S7-03S) and
casting flange,
3. Replace Side Cover (3S7-002) as
4, Now Place the two Quad Seals on 5. Place Valve Seal (357-041) and Valve
each end ol the Valve Tube (357-044). Seal Retainer Nut (357A043) over Valve
5, With the two Quad Ring Retainers and Stem (357-03i) and turn Valve Seal Re-
Quad Seals assembled on each end of tainer Nut with wrench until tight,
the Valve Tube, as one unit, press one
end in Piercing Body and one end in XI HAMMER &
Valve Body as far as they will go, Note: HAMMER SPRING GROUP
Quad Seals must be assembled on A. DISASSEMBLY
Valve Tube and then pressed into 1. Pull out floating Pivot Pln{3S-012)from
Valve and Piercing Body. If this is not Hammer Assembly (3S7-Q3Q) and
done properly, the Quad Seal will not locating hole In Frame.
seal themselves around Valve Tube, 2. Lift out Hammer Assembly (357-030)
6, By holding Valve & Piercing Assembly and inspect for damage1 or \<vear.
together as one unit, piace in Frame as Note: Hammer Paw! (3SF-028) and
stated in '-7 below, Pawl Spring (357-042) should work free-
7, With Hani (Tier Spring (357-027) located ly and should be inspected for that,
on stud and under Hammer as shown 3. Remove Hammer Spring (357-027) from
on drawing, press Piercing Body stud in Frame and should be inspected.
Assembly against short end of Ham- B. ASSEMBLY
mer Spring and into Frame Make sure 1. Place Pfvot Pin (36-Q12} in locating
that rib in Frame is between Piercing hole in casting,
Body 6, Guide Collars. Then continue 2. Place Hammer Assembly (357-030)
to hold Valve Body Assembly against over Pivot Pin (36-012),
Valve Tube and place Valve Assembly 3. Place Hammer Spring (357-027) over
in Frame making sure small tab on stud in frame with long end of spring
Valve Body is located in locating slot so it win press against Hammer,
in Frame,
1, With Valvi Body Assembly (357B049) 1. It Is helpful to study how and where
removed from Frame, proceed to Trigger Spring (357-057) is located in
disassemble Valve Assembly as Frame,
2. Unhook Trigger Spring (357-Q57) from
2, Using wrench T3S-11 furnished by boss to release tension.
Crosman, turn out Valve Seal Retainer 3. Pull out Pivot Pin (36-012) from Trigger
Nu! (357A043J, (357-032) and Frame,
3, Remove Valve (357-0411, Valve 4. Remove Trigger (357-032), Trigger
Stem (357-039) and Valve Spring Spring (357-057) and Safety Link
(111A026). (357-033),
4, By using a pick or tiook tool, put! out 5. Inspect all above parts for damage or
Valve Washer (357-040) and G-ring
(38-130) B, ASSEMBLY
5, All parts, seals arid O-rmgs should be 1. Place Pivot Pin (36-012} in locating
inspected for chips, dents and tor any hole in Trigger area of Frame-,
other defects. It Is recommended that 2. Place Trigger Spring (357-057) over
Valve Seal (357-Q41J and 0-ring {38-130} Pivot Pin and locate long straight end
be replaced while the Valve is of spring between Trigger Guard and
fio a^-.-'..• mi. o:d, Boss Flange so that Spring will be
B. ASSEMBLY relaxed while replacing Trigger.
1, Place O-ring {38-130) into Valve Body 3. Put short end of Safety Link (357-033)
(357AG38) In recessed area. In hole in Trigger from right side and
2, Drop in Valve Washer {357-040} and hold Safety Link and Trigger together
press down on washer to make sure as one unit. Place over Pivot Pin allow-
0-ring (31*130) is properly seated, ing hook part of Trigger Spring to rest
3, Drop Valve Spring (111A026) in Valve against flat straight part of Trigger.
Body, Note: At this point, there should not
4, Piace Valve Stem (35F-03S) on Valve be any tension against Trigger, (read
Spring. next step)
4, Hold Trigger Assembly down and take
long straight end of Trigger Spring and
hook it on top of boss flange.
Note: This will give you the proper ten-
sion on Trigger,


1, Note; The only time this Group is
disassembled is when Piercing Screw
(357-015) is broke off or damaged.
2, To remove Piercing Screw when
broken at Piercing Lever take the
following steps:
a. Grind the end of screw so that all
burrs or damaged threads are
removed. If this is not done, you will
damage the thread;,! in the Frame
b. Turn Piercing Screw out up through
p O W O l l O l itH.<,•••:.->':,ril OpBflir'liJ by u5intj
a small pair of pliers or alien wrench
size %„, If there Is difficulty in turn-
ing Piercing Screw out, double
check to see If threads on screw are
damaged, Note: A noticeable tight-
ness will be felt when Piercing
Screw is being turned out,
1, Turn Piercing Screw 1357-015) back
through Frame (357-018)
2, Assemble Piercing Lever (357-014),
Piercing Lever Pin (357-013) to Piercing
Screw (357*015).
3, Place head of Lever Pin on block and
pean end over,

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