Large Rod Stand: Instruction Sheet For The PASCO Model ME-8735
Large Rod Stand: Instruction Sheet For The PASCO Model ME-8735
Large Rod Stand: Instruction Sheet For The PASCO Model ME-8735
Instruction Sheet $1.00
for the PASCO
Model ME-8735
Introduction When using the Large Rod Stand keep the following
The PASCO Model ME-8735 Large Rod Stand can be in mind:
used whenever a sturdy base for your vertical support The mass of the Large Rod Stand is approximately 9
rod is needed. lbs. (4 kg). If dropped, the Large Rod Stand may be
Rods with an outside diameter of 1/4" to 1/2" (6.5mm damaged, cause damage to other equipment or cause
to 13mm) may be placed in either the central mounting injury. To prevent personal injury and damage, al-
hole and/or the alternate mounting hole at the peak of ways carry the Large Rod Stand with a firm grip and
the stand. They can be secured to the stand with either try to setup the Large Rod Stand away from the edge
of the two clamp screws provided. of any table or work bench whenever possible.
The Large Rod Stand can be leveled by turning the To prevent the Large Rod Stand from tipping or top-
knobs on the leveling feet. pling over during experiments, be reasonable as you
setup experiments. Always be sure the Large Rod
Stand is able to rest firmly when any possible mo-
tion of your experiments occur.