Effect of Mixing Energy On Fresh Properties of SCC: Indroduction
Effect of Mixing Energy On Fresh Properties of SCC: Indroduction
Effect of Mixing Energy On Fresh Properties of SCC: Indroduction
While for the composition and properties of concrete and its raw materials numerous
publications of rules and guidelines are available, the actual process of concrete produc-
ing, the mixing, is largely left to the user. The raw materials are to be mixed in such a
way during mixing that the mixture appears to be uniform. As a matter of principle, the
mixing duration is to be selected in such a way that sufficient mixing of the raw materials
takes place. It is important that water and superplasticizer are evenly distributed and suf-
ficiently disintegrated. If mixing energy is insufficient, the properties will not be
achieved, which could be possible, according to the mixture proportion of the concrete.
The necessary mixing duration depends mainly on the mixer design, as well as the mix-
ture proportion. Due to the low water contents relative to the powder contents and high
additive dosages, more energy is required for the production of self-compacting concrete
to distribute the raw materials evenly. Mixing times of 240 s are not rare in a ready mixed
concrete plant. This limits the concrete output in the plant significantly compared with
common vibrated concrete and is, therefore, a substantial cost factor.
First investigations at the cbm of Munich TU revealed a large optimising potential. Ini-
tially, the influence of mixing energy on the initial consistency, as well as the time-
depending development of the fresh concrete properties of self-compacting concretes was
systematically investigated. Based on these results, the mixing procedure could be opti-
mised and the mixing time significantly reduced. An intensive mixer of the machine fac-
tory Gustav Eirich [3] with controllable tool velocity was made available to cbm for these
examinations. It was also possible, to record the power input at the mixing tool and the
mixing plate during the mixing process.
Investigations of two self-compacting concretes with usual composition and mixing time
(SCC.A and SCC.B) were carried out. The compositions of these concrete types, as well
as the fresh concrete properties are shown in Table 1. The concrete types SCC.A and
SCC.B differ, essentially, in the coarse aggregate content g, as well as the ratio of water
to powder volume VW/VP. In order to clarify the optimising potential of the mixing
process, also a concrete was used, which is characterised by a high energy requirement to
achieve its optimal fresh concrete properties (SCC.C). This concrete differs from SCC.B
only by higher additive contents. It was possible to determine the effects of the various
influencing factors during mixing more detailed due to the longer mixing times for pro-
ducing SCC.C.
The particle movements during mixing can be divided according to Stie [2], in principle,
into a convective and dispersive transport. Convective transport is a forced, directed
movement of larger portions of the mix, e. g. by the mixing tool (coarse dispersion,
Figure 1). This is SVB
superimposed by A B C
the dispersive
Cement c 330 335 335
transport. Disper-
Filler f 236 293 293
sive transport is the
Water w [kg/m] 175 172 172
random movement
Sand 0/2 s 647 690 690
of individual parti-
Gravel 4/16 g 1009 912 912
cles due to colli-
Superplasticiser sp 2.2 2.0 2.4
sions between the [M.-%]
Viscosity agent va 0.5 0.5 1.0
particles. This leads
Water-powder volume
to a mixing in small ratio
Vw/VP 0.9 0.8 0.8
areas (fine disper- Water-cement ratio w/c 0.53 0.51 0.51
sion), as well as a
Maximum slump flow
disintegration of with J-ring
dSJ [mm] 730-750 770-790 770-790
agglomerates. V-funnel time tV [s] 10-12 6-8 6-8
The degree of ho- At mixing time
tm [s] 120 240 > 480
mogenisation of the 1)
mixing tool velocity 1,3 m/s
mix achieved in the Table 1: Mixture proportions, basic characteristics and optimal fresh con-
concrete production crete properties
influences the prop-
erties of the fresh, as well as the hardened concrete. The mixing quality depends, besides
the mixture proportion of the concrete, essentially on the mixing time, the velocity of the
mixing tool (or the mixing container), the geometry of the mixing tool and the mixing
At first, the influence of the mixing time on the fresh concrete properties of the self-
compacting concretes was examined. In Figure 3, the development of the slump flow
with J-ring is drawn up in dependence from the mixing time by the example of the
SCC.C. In addition, the recorded input power at the
mixing tool is shown. Three phases can be distin-
guished by the progression of the slump flow measure
and power.
Phase 1 - Dispersing coarse dispersion fine dispersion
Water was added at the time t0 within 10 s. Fluid bonds
between the particles (Figure 2) are formed by adding
and dispersing of water. Due to the surface tension of
the water and the capillary pressure inside the fluid disagglomeration
bond, the inter-particle forces increase. Therefore, the
first phase is initially characterised by a significant Figure 1: Processes during mixing
power input increase at the mixing tool. With the pro-
gress of dispersion of water and superplasticizer, a
transition takes place from a grain bulk to a suspension.
As soon as the particles are in a liquid environment, the
capillary forces omit. This is shown by the decrease in
power, which then follows. During this first phase, the
Figure 2: Fluid bond
flowability clearly increases with 2.4 900
Phase 2 Optimum
power P [kW ]
reduces asymptotic during the 1.2 600
mixing process. As soon as a
plateau is reached, a further ho- 0.8 500
mogenizing of the raw materials DISPER-
800 800
700 700
slump flow dSJ [mm]
600 600
500 500
Figure 4: Effect of mixture proportion mixing Figure 5: Effect of mixing tool velocity - SCC.C
tool velocity 1.3 m/s
Furthermore, it could be observed that the maximum flowability decreases somewhat
with increased tool speed. Temperature increase in the mix as a reason could be excluded.
However, the kinetic energy of the particles increases to the second power with an in-
crease of the mix velocity. In case of a collision between particles, also harder agglomer-
ates can now be disintigrated. The surface and, by this, the water demand of the solid
mixture increases compared with mixtures, which are mixed at lower velocities. The con-
sequence is a lower flowability.
How much the mixing time can be shortened by increasing the tool velocity and in how
far this is combined with a decrease in flowability, depends, again, on the mixture pro-
portion (Figure 6). The decrease in flowability is influenced by the content of coarse ag-
gregate. Therefore, the decrease in flowability of SCC.A with higher content of coarse
aggregate was clearer than of SCC.B and SCC.C with lower coarse aggregate content. On
the other hand, SCC.A needs lower tool velocities, compared with the other two con-
cretes. The mixing time to reach maximum flowability of SCC.A could already at a mix-
ing tool velocity of 2.6 m/s reduced to only 60 s. A further increase of the velocity was
not sensible, as no further reduction of the mixing time could be achieved. In contrast, the
mixing time for SCC.B could still clearly be reduced to 90 s by increasing the tool speed
to 8.7 m/s.
According to this, the optimal velocity is, therefore, not a fixed value, but has to be de-
termined for every type of concrete, depending on mixing time and maximum flowabil-
ity. If high tool velocities are to be used, then, especially for high coarse aggregate con-
tents, an increased water demand in the mixture proportion has, possibly, to be taken into
However, the reduction of mixing time, connected to an increase of the tool velocity, can
significantly contribute to an increase of the capacity of a ready mixed concrete plant. At
mixing times of 60 s, including time for water and superplasticizer addition, the mixing
time of self-compacting concrete is in the range of common vibrating concrete types.
For a further reduction of mixing times, tests were carried out with hybrid mixing se-
quences. In hybrid mixing sequences, mixing is carried out in several partial processes
with varying mixing intensity. In previous investigations it was found that high tool ve-
max. slump flow dm ax [mm]
800 5 100
mixing tool velocity [m/s]
homogenisation [%]
m , m ax
mixing time t
240 w ater- intensive w ater and f inal
addition SP-disintegration homogenisation
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
mixing tool velocity v [m/s] mixing time t m [s]
Figure 6: Effect of mixing tool velocity to maxi- Figure 7: Scheme of hybrid mixing sequence
mum slump flow and mixing time
locities accelerate, especially, dispersion of water and superplasticizer. After transition
from grain bulk to suspension, a high energy input is not required any more. In hybrid
mixing processes, the tool velocity is adjusted according to the respective requirements
(Figure 7). By high tool velocities in the starting phase, especially, water and superplasti-
cizer dispersion is to be intensified. In order to minimise the energy input and, by this,
reduce a progressing desagglomeration, the final homogenising of the mix is then carried
out at lower tool velocities. It was possible to produce the SCC.A with its maximal flow-
ability (dSJ = 744 mm) in a mixing time of 60 s with such a hybrid mixing process. A
period of 20 s with high tool velocity (4.5 m/s) proved to be optimal for this concrete. In
the following, the tool velocity was lowered to 1.3 m/s.
If the idea of a hybrid mixing process is transferred to the production of self-compacting
concrete in the ready mixed concrete plant, it would be possible reducing the running
time of the plant mixer still further. In this case, only the intensive water and superplasti-
cizer dispersion takes place in the plant mixer; the final homogenising can take place at
low mixing intensity in the vehicle concrete mixer. When using a hybrid mixing process
according to Figure 7, the mixing time in the factory mixer could be reduced to 30 s for
the SCC.A. First tests in a ready mixed concrete plant showed that the effective mixing
time in the plant mixer can be clearly reduced by using hybrid mixing processes, also
with compulsory mixers at low mixing tool velocities.
Without a doubt, numerous concrete technological and economical advantages are com-
bined with the use of self-compacting concretes. However, long mixing times lead to a
reduction of the capacity of the concrete plant and can cause, also, supply bottlenecks on
site. It was possible, by increasing the mixing tool velocity, to reduce the mixing time to
60 s, including time for water and superplasticizer addition. Due to this, the mixing time
for the production of self-compacting concretes lies in the range of common vibrating
concrete. The productivity of the production can be considerably increased by this sig-
nificant reduction of mixing time and, due to this, the production costs for self-
compacting concrete can, eventually, be reduced.
Self-compacting concrete could be produced in a total mixing time of 60 s too by using
hybrid mixing sequences. A separation of the mixing process into an intensive mixing
phase in the plant mixer and following homogenising in the vehicle concrete mixer is
conceivable for the production of ready mixed concrete. Thus, a reduction of the effective
mixing times in the plant mixer down to 30 s can be achieved by respective tool veloci-
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2 Stie, M.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik 1. Second issue. Springer Berlin 1995
3 Takada, K.; Walraven, J.: Influence of mixing efficiency on the properties of flowable
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