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Lecture No. 3 Problems

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0.02 in. 0.06 in. transfer coefficients at the inner and the outer surfaces of the
tank are 80 W/m2 C and 10 W/m2 C, respectively. Deter-
mine (a) the rate of heat transfer to the iced water in the tank
and (b) the amount of ice at 0C that melts during a 24-h
period. The heat of fusion of water at atmospheric pressure is
hif 5 333.7 kJ/kg.
368 Steam at 320C flows in a stainless steel pipe (k 5
15 W/m C) whose inner and outer diameters are 5 cm and
5.5 cm, respectively. The pipe is covered with 3-cm-thick glass
wool insulation (k 5 0.038 W/m C). Heat is lost to the sur-
roundings at 5C by natural convection and radiation, with
a combined natural convection and radiation heat transfer co-
efficient of 15 W/m2 C. Taking the heat transfer coefficient
inside the pipe to be 80 W/m2 C, determine the rate of heat
Copper filling Epoxy board loss from the steam per unit length of the pipe. Also determine
FIGURE P363E the temperature drops across the pipe shell and the insulation.
369 Reconsider Problem 368. Using EES (or other)
software, investigate the effect of the thickness of
Heat Conduction in Cylinders and Spheres the insulation on the rate of heat loss from the steam and the
temperature drop across the insulation layer. Let the insulation
364C What is an infinitely long cylinder? When is it proper thickness vary from 1 cm to 10 cm. Plot the rate of heat loss
to treat an actual cylinder as being infinitely long, and when and the temperature drop as a function of insulation thickness,
is it not? and discuss the results.
365C Consider a short cylinder whose top and bottom sur- 370 A 50-m-long section of a steam pipe whose outer
faces are insulated. The cylinder is initially at a uniform tem- diameter is 10 cm passes through an open space
perature Ti and is subjected to convection from its side surface at 15C. The average temperature of the outer surface of the
to a medium at temperature T`, with a heat transfer coefficient pipe is measured to be 150C. If the combined heat transfer co-
of h. Is the heat transfer in this short cylinder one- or two- efficient on the outer surface of the pipe is 20 W/m2 C, de-
dimensional? Explain. termine (a) the rate of heat loss from the steam pipe, (b) the
366C Can the thermal resistance concept be used for a solid annual cost of this energy lost if steam is generated in a natural
cylinder or sphere in steady operation? Explain. gas furnace that has an efficiency of 75 percent and the price of
367 A 5-m-internal-diameter spherical tank made of natural gas is $0.52/therm (1 therm 5 105,500 kJ), and (c) the
1.5-cm-thick stainless steel (k 5 15 W/m C) is used to store thickness of fiberglass insulation (k 5 0.035 W/m C) needed
iced water at 0C. The tank is located in a room whose temper- in order to save 90 percent of the heat lost. Assume the pipe
ature is 30C. The walls of the room are also at 30C. The outer temperature to remain constant at 150C.
surface of the tank is black (emissivity 5 1), and heat trans-
fer between the outer surface of the tank and the surroundings Tair = 15C
is by natural convection and radiation. The convection heat

Troom = 30C

Iced water
50 m
Di = 5 m 1.5 cm
Tin = 0C

371 Consider a 2-m-high electric hot water heater that has a

diameter of 40 cm and maintains the hot water at 55C. The
FIGURE P367 tank is located in a small room whose average temperature is


3 cm
40 cm

12.5 cm
2m Tair = 25C
Tw = 55C

Water 6 cm

FIGURE P371 374 Repeat Problem 373, assuming a thermal contact

resistance of 0.00008 m2 C/W between the can and the

27C, and the heat transfer coefficients on the inner and outer 375E Steam at 450F is flowing through a steel pipe (k 5 8.7
surfaces of the heater are 50 and 12 W/m2 C, respectively. Btu/h ft F) whose inner and outer diameters are 3.5 in. and
The tank is placed in another 46-cm-diameter sheet metal tank 4.0 in., respectively, in an environment at 55F. The pipe is
of negligible thickness, and the space between the two tanks is insulated with 2-in.-thick fiberglass insulation (k 5 0.020
filled with foam insulation (k 5 0.03 W/m C). The thermal Btu/h ft F). If the heat transfer coefficients on the inside and
resistances of the water tank and the outer thin sheet metal the outside of the pipe are 30 and 5 Btu/h ft2 F, respectively,
shell are very small and can be neglected. The price of elec- determine the rate of heat loss from the steam per foot length of
tricity is $0.08/kWh, and the home owner pays $280 a year for the pipe. What is the error involved in neglecting the thermal
water heating. Determine the fraction of the hot water energy resistance of the steel pipe in calculations?
cost of this household that is due to the heat loss from the tank.
Hot water tank insulation kits consisting of 3-cm-thick fiber-
glass insulation (k 5 0.035 W/m C) large enough to wrap the
entire tank are available in the market for about $30. If such an
insulation is installed on this water tank by the home owner Steel pipe
himself, how long will it take for this additional insulation to
pay for itself? Answers: 17.5 percent, 1.5 years
372 Reconsider Problem 371. Using EES (or other) Steam
software, plot the fraction of energy cost of hot 450F
water due to the heat loss from the tank as a function of the
hot water temperature in the range of 40C to 90C. Discuss
the results. Insulation
373 Consider a cold aluminum canned drink that is initially
at a uniform temperature of 3C. The can is 12.5 cm high and
has a diameter of 6 cm. If the combined convection/radiation 376 Hot water at an average temperature of 90C is flowing
heat transfer coefficient between the can and the surrounding through a 15-m section of a cast iron pipe (k 5 52 W/m C)
air at 25C is 10 W/m2 C, determine how long it will take for whose inner and outer diameters are 4 cm and 4.6 cm, respec-
the average temperature of the drink to rise to 10C. tively. The outer surface of the pipe, whose emissivity is 0.7, is
In an effort to slow down the warming of the cold drink, a exposed to the cold air at 10C in the basement, with a heat
person puts the can in a perfectly fitting 1-cm-thick cylindrical transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2 C. The heat transfer coeffi-
rubber insulation (k 5 0.13 W/m C). Now how long will it cient at the inner surface of the pipe is 120 W/m2 C. Taking
take for the average temperature of the drink to rise to 10C? the walls of the basement to be at 10C also, determine the rate
Assume the top of the can is not covered. of heat loss from the hot water. Also, determine the average

velocity of the water in the pipe if the temperature of the water N2 vapor
drops by 3C as it passes through the basement.
Tair = 15C
377 Repeat Problem 376 for a pipe made of copper (k 5
386 W/m C) instead of cast iron.
378E Steam exiting the turbine of a steam power plant at
100F is to be condensed in a large condenser by cooling water
flowing through copper pipes (k 5 223 Btu/h ft F) of inner 1 atm
diameter 0.4 in. and outer diameter 0.6 in. at an average Liquid N2
temperature of 70F. The heat of vaporization of water at 196C
100F is 1037 Btu/lbm. The heat transfer coefficients are 1500
Btu/h ft2 F on the steam side and 35 Btu/h ft2 F on the
water side. Determine the length of the tube required to con-
dense steam at a rate of 120 lbm/h. Answer: 1148 ft

Steam, 100F FIGURE P381

120 lbm/h

Consider a 3-m-diameter spherical tank that is initially filled

with liquid nitrogen at 1 atm and 2196C. The tank is exposed
to ambient air at 15C, with a combined convection and radia-
tion heat transfer coefficient of 35 W/m2 C. The temperature
Cooling of the thin-shelled spherical tank is observed to be almost the
water same as the temperature of the nitrogen inside. Determine
the rate of evaporation of the liquid nitrogen in the tank as a
result of the heat transfer from the ambient air if the tank is
(a) not insulated, (b) insulated with 5-cm-thick fiberglass insu-
lation (k 5 0.035 W/m C), and (c) insulated with 2-cm-thick
superinsulation which has an effective thermal conductivity of
0.00005 W/m C.
Liquid water 382 Repeat Problem 381 for liquid oxygen, which has
FIGURE P378E a boiling temperature of 2183C, a heat of vaporization of
213 kJ/kg, and a density of 1140 kg/m3 at 1 atm pressure.
379E Repeat Problem 378E, assuming that a 0.01-in.-thick Critical Radius of Insulation
layer of mineral deposit (k 5 0.5 Btu/h ft F) has formed on 383C What is the critical radius of insulation? How is it
the inner surface of the pipe. defined for a cylindrical layer?
380 Reconsider Problem 378E. Using EES (or 384C A pipe is insulated such that the outer radius of the
other) software, investigate the effects of the insulation is less than the critical radius. Now the insulation is
thermal conductivity of the pipe material and the outer di- taken off. Will the rate of heat transfer from the pipe increase
ameter of the pipe on the length of the tube required. Let or decrease for the same pipe surface temperature?
the thermal conductivity vary from 10 Btu/h ft F to 400
Btu/h ft F and the outer diameter from 0.5 in. to 1.0 in. Plot 385C A pipe is insulated to reduce the heat loss from it.
the length of the tube as functions of pipe conductivity and the However, measurements indicate that the rate of heat loss
outer pipe diameter, and discuss the results. has increased instead of decreasing. Can the measurements
be right?
381 The boiling temperature of nitrogen at atmospheric
pressure at sea level (1 atm pressure) is 2196C. Therefore, ni- 386C Consider a pipe at a constant temperature whose ra-
trogen is commonly used in low-temperature scientific studies dius is greater than the critical radius of insulation. Someone
since the temperature of liquid nitrogen in a tank open to the at- claims that the rate of heat loss from the pipe has increased
mosphere will remain constant at 2196C until it is depleted. when some insulation is added to the pipe. Is this claim valid?
Any heat transfer to the tank will result in the evaporation of 387C Consider an insulated pipe exposed to the atmo-
some liquid nitrogen, which has a heat of vaporization of 198 sphere. Will the critical radius of insulation be greater on calm
kJ/kg and a density of 810 kg/m3 at 1 atm. days or on windy days? Why?

388 A 2-mm-diameter and 10-m-long electric wire is tightly 394C What is the difference between the fin effectiveness
wrapped with a 1-mm-thick plastic cover whose thermal con- and the fin efficiency?
ductivity is k 5 0.15 W/m C. Electrical measurements indi- 395C The fins attached to a surface are determined to have
cate that a current of 10 A passes through the wire and there is an effectiveness of 0.9. Do you think the rate of heat transfer
a voltage drop of 8 V along the wire. If the insulated wire is ex- from the surface has increased or decreased as a result of the
posed to a medium at T` 5 30C with a heat transfer coeffi- addition of these fins?
cient of h 5 24 W/m2 C, determine the temperature at the
interface of the wire and the plastic cover in steady operation. 396C Explain how the fins enhance heat transfer from a
Also determine if doubling the thickness of the plastic cover surface. Also, explain how the addition of fins may actually
will increase or decrease this interface temperature. decrease heat transfer from a surface.
397C How does the overall effectiveness of a finned sur-
Tair = 30C face differ from the effectiveness of a single fin?
wire 398C Hot water is to be cooled as it flows through the tubes
exposed to atmospheric air. Fins are to be attached in order to
enhance heat transfer. Would you recommend attaching the
10 m fins inside or outside the tubes? Why?
FIGURE P388 399C Hot air is to be cooled as it is forced to flow through
the tubes exposed to atmospheric air. Fins are to be added in
389E A 0.083-in.-diameter electrical wire at 115F is order to enhance heat transfer. Would you recommend attach-
covered by 0.02-in.-thick plastic insulation (k 5 0.075 ing the fins inside or outside the tubes? Why? When would you
Btu/h ft F). The wire is exposed to a medium at 50F, with recommend attaching fins both inside and outside the tubes?
a combined convection and radiation heat transfer coefficient
of 2.5 Btu/h ft2 F. Determine if the plastic insulation on the 3100C Consider two finned surfaces that are identical
wire will increase or decrease heat transfer from the wire. except that the fins on the first surface are formed by casting
Answer: It helps or extrusion, whereas they are attached to the second surface
afterwards by welding or tight fitting. For which case do you
390E Repeat Problem 389E, assuming a thermal contact think the fins will provide greater enhancement in heat trans-
resistance of 0.001 h ft2 F/Btu at the interface of the wire fer? Explain.
and the insulation.
3101C The heat transfer surface area of a fin is equal to the
391 A 5-mm-diameter spherical ball at 50C is covered by a sum of all surfaces of the fin exposed to the surrounding
1-mm-thick plastic insulation (k 5 0.13 W/m C). The ball is medium, including the surface area of the fin tip. Under what
exposed to a medium at 15C, with a combined convection and conditions can we neglect heat transfer from the fin tip?
radiation heat transfer coefficient of 20 W/m2 C. Determine
if the plastic insulation on the ball will help or hurt heat trans- 3102C Does the (a) efficiency and (b) effectiveness of a fin
fer from the ball. increase or decrease as the fin length is increased?
3103C Two pin fins are identical, except that the diameter
Plastic of one of them is twice the diameter of the other. For which fin
will the (a) fin effectiveness and (b) fin efficiency be higher?
5 mm 1 mm 3104C Two plate fins of constant rectangular cross section
are identical, except that the thickness of one of them is twice
the thickness of the other. For which fin will the (a) fin effec-
FIGURE P391 tiveness and (b) fin efficiency be higher? Explain.
3105C Two finned surfaces are identical, except that the
convection heat transfer coefficient of one of them is twice that
392 Reconsider Problem 391. Using EES (or other)
of the other. For which finned surface will the (a) fin effective-
software, plot the rate of heat transfer from the
ness and (b) fin efficiency be higher? Explain.
ball as a function of the plastic insulation thickness in the range
of 0.5 mm to 20 mm. Discuss the results. 3106 Obtain a relation for the fin efficiency for a fin of con-
stant cross-sectional area Ac, perimeter p, length L, and thermal
conductivity k exposed to convection to a medium at T` with a
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces heat transfer coefficient h. Assume the fins are sufficiently long
393C What is the reason for the widespread use of fins on so that the temperature of the fin at the tip is nearly T`. Take
surfaces? the temperature of the fin at the base to be Tb and neglect heat

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