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Dynamics Practice

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Problem Sheet No.

Kinematics of Particle/ Rectilinear Motion, 2/2

1. The velocity of a particle is given by

 = 20t2 – 100t + 50, where '' is in meters
per second and 't' is in seconds. Plot the
velocity '' and acceleration 'a' versus time
for the first 6 seconds of motion and
evaluate the velocity when 'a' is zero.
Ans.  = -75 m/s
Figure – P.4
2. In the final stage of a moon landing, the
5. A particle moves along the positive x – axis
lunar module descends under retrothrust of
with an acceleration ax in m/s2 which
its descend engine to within h = 5 m of the
increases linearly with 'x' expressed in
lunar surface where it has a downward
millimeters, as shown on the graph for an
velocity of 2 m/s. If the descent engine is cut
interval of its motion. If the velocity of the
off abruptly at this point, compute the
particle at x = 40 mm is 0.4 m/s, determine
impact velocity of the landing gear with the
the velocity x = 120 mm.
moon. Lunar gravity is 1/6 of the earth’s
gravity. Ans.  = 0.8 m/s
Ans.  = 4.51 m/s

Figure – P.5

6. The body falling with speed '0' strikes and

maintains contact with the platform
supported by a nest of springs. The
acceleration of the body after impact is
Figure – P.2 a = g-cy, where 'c' is a positive constant
and 'y' is measured from the original
3. The velocity of a particle along the s-axis is platform position. If the maximum
given by  = 5s3/2, where 's' is in millimeters compression of the springs is observed to be
and '' is in millimeters per second. 'ym', determine the constant 'c'.
Determine the acceleration when 's' is 12 Ans. c = (v02 + 2gym)/ym2
millimeters. .
Ans. a = 150 mm/s2

4. In travelling a distance of 3km between

points A and D, a car is driven at 100 km/h
from A to B for 't' seconds and at 60 km/h
from C to D also for 't' seconds. If the brakes
are applied for 4 s between B and C to give
tie car a uniform deceleration, calculate 't'
and the distance 's' between A and B.
Ans. t = 65.5 s, s = 1.819 km
Figure – P.6
7. A test projectile is fired horizontally into a
viscous liquid with a velocity '0'. The
retarding force is proportional to the square
of the velocity, so that the acceleration
becomes a = -k2. Derive expressions for
the distance 'D' traveled in the liquid and the
corresponding time 't' required to reduce the
velocity to '0/2'. Neglect any vertical
Ans. D = 0.693/k, t = 1/(k0)

Figure – P.7

8. The preliminary design for a rapid transit

system calls for the train velocity to vary
with time as shown in the plot as the train
runs the 3.2 km between stations A and B.
The slopes of the cubic transition curves
(which are form a+bt+ct2+dt3) are zero at
the end points. Determine the total run time
't' between the stations and the maximum
Ans. t = 103.6 s, amax = 3.61 m/s2

Figure – P.8
Problem Sheet No. 2
Kinematics/ Plane Curvilinear motion, 2/3, Rectangular coordinate, 2/4
1. A roofer tosses a small tool towards a 3. For a certain interval of motion, the pin P is
coworker on the ground. What is the forced to move in the fixed parabolic slot by the
minimum horizontal velocity 'v0' vertical slotted guide, which moves in the x-
necessary so that the tool clears point direction at the constant rate of 20 mm/s. All
B? Locate the point of impact by measurements are in millimeters and seconds.
specifying the distance 's' shown in the Calculate the magnitudes of the velocity 'v' and
figure. acceleration 'a' of pin P when x = 60 mm.
Ans. v0 = 6.64 m/s, s = 2.49 m Ans. v = 25 mm/s, a = 5 mm/s2

Figure - 3

4. A particle is ejected from a tube at A with a

Figure - 1
velocity 'v' at an angle '' with the vertical y-axis.
A strong horizontal wind gives the particle a
2. The pilot of an airplane carrying a
constant horizontal acceleration 'a' in the x-
package of mail to a remote outpost
direction. If the particle strikes the ground at a
wishes to release the package at the
point directly under its released position,
right moment to hit the recovery
determine the height 'h' of the point A. The
location A. What angle '' with the downward y-acceleration may be taken as
horizontal should the pilot’s line of constant 'g'. Horizontal acceleration 'a'.
sight to the target make at the instant of
release? The airplane is flying 2v 2 g
Ans. h = sin  (cos  + sin )
horizontally at an altitude of 100 m with a a
a velocity of 200 km/h.
Ans.  = 21.70

Figure - 4

Figure - 2
5. In the cathode-ray tube, electrons
traveling horizontally from their source
with the velocity 'v0' are deflected by an
electric field 'E' due to the voltage
gradient across the plates P. The
deflecting forces causes an acceleration
in the vertical direction on the sketch
equal to 'eE/m', where 'e' is the electron
charge and 'm' is its mass. When clear
of the plates, the electrons travel in
straight lines. Determine the expression
for the deflection '' for the tube and
plate dimension shown.
eEl l 
Ans.  =   b
mv02 2 

Figure - 5

6. A projectile is launched with speed 'v0'

from point A. Determine the launch
angle '' that results in the maximum
range 'R' up the incline of angle ''
(where 0    90). Evaluate your
results for  = 0, 30 and 45

90  a
 ,  45,60,67.5

Figure - 6
Problem Sheet No. 3
Kinematics/ Normal and Tangential coordinate, 2/5

1. A particle P moves in a circular path of

3-m radius. At the instant considered,
the speed of the particle is increasing at
the rate of 6 m/s2, and the magnitude of
its total acceleration is 10 m/s2.
Determine the speed 'v' of the particle at
this instant.
Ans. v = 4.90 m/s

2. A minivan starts from rest on the road

whose constant radius of curvature is 40 Figure-3
m and whose bank angle is 10. The
motion occurs in a horizontal plane. If
the constant forward acceleration of the 4. The motion of the pin A in the fixed
minivan is 1.8 m/s2, determine the circular slot is controlled by the guide
magnitude 'a' of its total acceleration 5 s B, which is being elevated by its lead
after starting. screw with a constant upward velocity
Ans. a = 2.71 m/s2 v0 = 2 m/s for an interval of its motion.
Calculate both the normal and
tangential components of acceleration
of pin A as it passes the position for
which  =30.
an  21.3m / s 2 , at  12.32m / s 2


3. A baseball player releases a ball with

the initial conditions shown in the
figure. Determine the radius of the
curvature of the trajectory (a) just after
release and (b) at the apex. For each
case, compute the time rate of change of
the speed.
Ans. a  p  105.9m, v  4.91m / s 2
b p  68.8m, v  0

5. Race car A follows path a-a while race
car B follows path b-b on the unbanked
track. If each car has a constant speed
limited to that corresponding to a lateral
(normal) acceleration of 0.8g, determine
the times 'tA' and 'tB' for both cars to
negotiate the turn as delimited by the
line C-C.
Ans. tA = 10.52 s, tB = 10.86 s

Figure -6

Figure -5

6. The pin P is constrained to move in

slotted guide that move at right angles
to one another. At the instant
represented, guide A has a velocity to
the right of 0.2 m/s which is decreasing
at the rate of 0.75 m/s each second. At
the same time, B is moving down with a
velocity of 0.15 m/s which is decreasing
at the rate of 0.5 m/s each second. For
this instant determine the radius of
curvature '' of the path followed by P.
Is it possible to determine also the time
rate of change of '' ?
Ans.  = 1.25 m, No
Problem Sheet No. 5
Kinematics/ Constrained Motion of Connected particles, 2/9
relative to A, and the absolute velocity
1. If block B has a leftward velocity of 1.2 of point C of the cable.
m/s, determine the velocity of cylinder Ans. B/A = 0.5 m/s, a B/A = 0.75 m/s2
A. C = 1 m/s, all to the right
Ans. vA = 0.4 m/s down


4. Neglect the diameter of the small pulley

attached to body A and determine the
magnitude of the total velocity of B in
terms of the velocity 'A' that body A
has to the right. Assume that the cable
Figure-1 between B and the pulley remains
vertical and solve for a given value of x.
2x 2  h 2
2. Determine the relationship that governs Ans. B   A
the velocities of the four cylinders. x2  h2
Express all velocities as positive down.
How many degrees of freedom are
Ans. 4A + 8B +4C +D =0

Figure -4

Figure -2

3. Under the action of force P, the constant

acceleration of block B is 3 m/s2 to the
right, determine the velocity of B
relative to A, the acceleration of B
Problem Sheet No. 6
Kinetics/ Work and Kinetic Energy, 3/6

1. The spring is unstretched when x =0. If 3. The 6 kg cylindrical collar is released

the body moves from the initial position from rest in the position shown and
x1 = 100 mm to the final position x2 = drops onto the spring. Calculate the
200 mm, (a) determine the work done velocity v of the cylinder when the
by the spring on the body and (b) spring has been compressed 50 mm.
determine the work done on the body by Ans. v = 2.41 m/s
its weight.
Ans. (a) U1-2 = -60 J, (b) U1-2 =2.35 J.

Figure -1
Figure -3
The 10-kg block is released from rest on
2. The small collar of mass m is released 4. The nest of two springs is used to bring
from rest at A and slides down the the 0.5-kg plunger A to a stop from a
curved rod in the vertical plane with speed of 5 m/s and reserve its direction
negligible friction. Express the velocity of motion. The inner spring increases
 of the collar as it strikes the base at B the deceleration, and the adjustment of
in terms of the given conditions. its position is used to control the exact
point at which the reversal takes place.
Ans.  2 gh If this point is to correspond to a
maximum deflection  = 200 mm for
outer spring, specify the adjustment of
the inner spring by determining the
distance s. The outer spring has a
stiffness of 300 N/m and the inner one a
stiffness of 150 N/m.
Ans. s = 142.3 mm


5. The force P = 40 N is applied to the

system, which is initially at rest.
Figure -2
Determine the speeds of A and B after
A has moved 0.4 m.
Ans. vA = 1.180 m/s, vB = 2.36 m/s


1. The car of mass m accelerates on a level

road under the action of the driving
force F from a speed v1 to a higher
speed v2 in a distance s. If the engine
develops a constant power output P,
determine v2. Treat the car as a particle
under the action of the single horizontal
force F.
 3Ps 3 3
Ans. v 2    v1 
 m 

Figure - 6
Problem Sheet No. 7
Kinetics/ Curvilinear Motion, 3/5
1. As the skateboarder negotiates the 3. The small object is placed on the inner
surface shown, his mass-center speed at surface of the conical dish at the radius
 = 0, 45, and 90are 8.5 m/s, 6 m/s, shown. If the coefficient of the static
and 0 respectively. Determine the friction between the object and the
normal force between the surface and conical surface is 0.3, for what of
the skateboard wheels if the combine angular velocities  about the vertical
mass of the person and the skateboard is axis will the block remain on the dish
70 kg and his center of mass is 750 mm without slipping? Assume that the speed
from the surface. changes are made slowly so that any
Ans. N0 =2040 N, N45 =1158 N, N90= acceleration may be neglected.
0 Ans. 3.41< ω< 7.21 rad/s


2. A small object A is held against the

vertical side of the rotating cylindrical
container of radius r due to centrifugal Figure-3
action. If the coefficient of static
friction between the object and the 4. The small object of mass m is placed on
the rotating conical surface at the radius
container is s, determine the
shown. If the coefficient of static
expression for the minimum rotational
friction between the object and the
rate  =  of the container that will keep
rotating surface is 0.8, calculate the
the object from slipping down the
maximum angular velocity  of the
vertical side.
cone about the vertical axis for which
g the object will not slip. Assume very
Ans. 
sr gradual angular velocity changes.
Ans.  = 2.73 r/s.

5. The small pendulum of mass m is
suspended from a trolley that runs on a
horizontal rail. The trolley and
pendulum are initially at rest with θ = 0.
If the trolley is given a constant
acceleration a = g, determine the
maximum angle θmax through which
the pendulum swings. Also find the
tension T in the cord in the term of θ.

 max   / 2, T  mg3 sin   3 cos   2

Problem Sheet No. 8
Kinetics/ Impact, 3/12

1. Determine the coefficient of restitution 3. The figure shown n spheres of equal

e for a steel ball dropping from rest at a mass m suspended in a line by wire of
height h above a heavy horizontal steel equal length so that the spheres are
plate if the height of the second rebound almost touching each other. If sphere 1
is h2. is released from the dotted position and
1/ 4 strikes sphere 2 with a velocity v1, write
h 
Ans. e   2  an expression for the velocity vn of the
 h nth sphere immediately after it struck
by the one adjacent to it. The common
coefficient of restitution is e.
n 1
1 e 
Ans. v n   v1
 2 

Figure-1 Figure-3
2. A steel ball of mass 'm' strikes a steel 4. Determine the coefficient of restitution
plate of mass 'm' with a velocity vo = 24 e that ill allow the ball to bounce down
m/s at an angle of 60o with the the steps as shown. The tread and riser
horizontal as shown. The coefficient of dimensions, d and h, respectively, are
restitution between the ball and the the same for every step, and the ball
plate is 0.8. Compute the final bounces the same distance h΄ above
velocities of both the masses each steps. What horizontal velocity vx
immediately after the impact is required so that the ball lands in the
considering the plate is initially center of each tread?
Ball, v1΄ = 12.20 m/s, θ = -9.83˚
h' 2
Plate, v2΄ = 18.71 m/s down Ans. e , vx 
h' h' h'  h' h

5. During a pregame warmup period, two
basketballs collide above the hoop when
in the positions shown. Just before
impact, ball 1 has the velocity v1 that
makes a 30˚ angle with the horizontal.
If the velocity v2 of ball 2 just before
impact have the same magnitude as v1,
determine the two possible values of the
angle θ, measured from the horizontal,
that will cause ball 1 to go directly
through the center of the basket. The
coefficient of restitution is e = 0.8.
Ans. θ = 82.3˚ or –22.3˚

Problem Sheet No. 10
Impact and Momentum, 3/8

1. The 200-kg lunar lander is descending

onto the moon’s surface with a velocity
of 6 m/s when its retro-engine is fired.
If the engine produces a thrust T for 4 s
that varies with the time as shown and
then cuts off, calculate the velocity of
the lander when t = 5 s, assuming that it
has landed. Gravitational acceleration at
the moon’s surface is 1.62 m/s2.
Ans. v = 2.10 m/s

3. A tennis player strikes the tennis ball

with her racket while the ball is still
rising. The ball speed before impact
with the racket is 1 = 15 m/s and after
impact is speed is 2 = 22 m/s, with
directions as shown in the figure. If the
60g ball is in contact with the racket for
Figure-1 0.05s, determine the magnitude of the
average force R exerted by the racket on
1. The vertical motion of the 3-kg cylinder the ball. Find the angle  made by R
is controlled by the force P applied to with the horizontal. Comment on the
the end rollers of the extensible treatment of the ball weight during
framework shown. If the upward impact.
velocity v of the cylinder is increased Ans. R = 43.0 N,  = 8.680
from 2 m/s to 4 m/s in 2 seconds,
calculate the average force Rav under
each of the to rollers during the 2-s
interval. Analyze the entire system as a
unit and neglect the small mass of the
Ans. Rav = 16.22 N


4. The simple pendulum A of mass mA

and length l is suspended from the
trolley B of mass mg. If the system is
released from rest at  = 0, determine
the velocity B of the trolley when  =
900. Friction is negligible.
mA 2 gl
Ans. B 
mB l  m A / mB

2. The force P, which is applied to the 10-

kg block initially at rest, varies linearly
with the time as indicated. If the
coefficients of static and kinetic friction
between the block and the horizontal
surface are 0.6 and 0.4 respectively,
determine the velocity of the block
when t = 4 s. Figure-5
Ans. v =6.61 m/s
Problem Sheet No. 11
Kinetics/ Rectilinear Motion, 3/4

1. What fraction 'n' of the weight of the jet

airplane is the net thrust (nozzle thrust 'T'
minus air resistance 'R') required for the
airplane to climb at an angle '' with the
horizontal with an acceleration 'a' in the
direction of flight.
Ans.n  sin  

Figure - 1

2. One cylinder B is connected with block A

as shown. Neglect all friction and the
mass of the pulleys and determine the Figure - 3
accelerations of bodies A and B upon
release from rest. 4. A chain of length '2l' with a mass 'p' per
Ans. aA = 1.024 m/s2, down the incline unit length is hanging in the equilibrium
aB = 0.682 m/s2, up position shown. If end B is given a
slight downward displacement, the
imbalance cause an acceleration.
Determine the acceleration of the chain
in terms of the upward displacement 'x'
of end A and find the velocity 'v' of end
A as it reaches the top. Neglect the mass
and diameter of the pulley.
Ans.a  g , v  gl

Figure - 2

3. The 1.8 kg collar is released from rest

against the light elastic spring, which has
a stiffness of 1750 N/m and has been
compressed a distance of 150 mm.
Determine the acceleration a of the collar
as a function of the vertical displacement
'x' of the collar measured in meters from
the point of release. Find the velocity 'v'
of the collar when x = 0.15 m. Friction is
Ans. ax = 136.0 – 972x, v = 4.35 m/s.

Figure – 4
5. In a test of resistance to motion in an oil
bath, a small steel ball of mass m is
released from rest at the surface ( y = 0).
If the resistance to motion is given by R =
kv where k is a constant, derive an
expression for the depth h required for the
ball to reach a velocity v.
m2 g  1  mv
Ans.h  in  
 1  kv /( mg )  k

Figure - 5

6. The system is released from rest in the

position shown. Calculate the tension 'T'
in the cord and the acceleration 'a' of the
30-kg block. The small pulley attached to
the block has negligible mass and friction.
(Suggestion : First establish the kinematic
relationship between the acceleration of
the two bodies)
Ans. T = 138.0 N, a = 0.766 m/s2

Figure - 6

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