Is 13311 1& 2
Is 13311 1& 2
Is 13311 1& 2
2.) Principle The underlying principle of this test is The method consists of measuring
the time of travel of an ultrasonic pulse passing through the concrete being tested.
Comparatively higher velocity is obtained when concrete quality is good in terms of
density, uniformity, homogeneity etc. A pulse of longitudinal vibrations is produced by an
electro-acoustical transducer, which is held in contact with one surface of the concrete
under test. When the pulse generated is transmitted into the concrete from the transducer
using a liquid coupling material such as grease or cellulose paste, it undergoes multip le
reflections at the boundaries of the different material phases within the concrete. A
complex system of stress waves develops, which include both longitudinal and shear
waves, and propagates through the concrete. The first waves to reach the receiving
transducer are the longitudinal waves, which are converted into an electrical signal by a
second transducer. Electronic timing circuits enable the transit time T of the pulse to be
1) Objective
a) assessing the likely compressive strength of concrete with the help of suitable
correlations between rebound index and compressive strength, b) assessing the
uniformity of concrete, c) assessing the quality of the concrete in relation to
standard requirements, d) assessing the quality of one element of concrete in
relation to another.
2) Principle
When the plunger of rebound hammer is pressed against the surface of the concrete,
the spring controlled mass rebounds and the extent of such rebound depends upon the
surface hard ness of concrete. The surface hardness and therefore the rebound is taken
to be related to the compressive strength of the concrete. The rebound is read off along
a graduated scale and is designated as the rebound number or rebound index.
a. The fixed load required is of the order of 7 N/mm8 when the impact energy of
the hammer is about 2.2 Nm. The load should be increased for calibrating
rebound hammers of greater impact energy and decreased for calibrating
rebound hammers of lesser impact energy.
b. The test specimens should be as large a mass as possible in order to minimize
the size effect on the test result of a full-scale structure. 150 mm cube specimens
are preferred for calibrating rebound hammers of lower impact energy Only the
vertical faces of the cube as cast should be tested.
c. At least nine readings should be taken on each of the two vertical faces
accessible in the compression testing machine when using the rebound
hammers. The points of impact on the specimen must not be nearer an edge than
20 mm and should be not less than 20 mm from each other.
d. The same points must not be impacted more than once.
The estimation of strength of concrete by rebound hammer method cannot be held to
be very accurate and probable accuracy of prediction of concrete strength in a structure
is around 25 percent. If the relationship between rebound index and compressive
strength can be checked by tests on core samples obtained from the structure or
standard specimens made with the same concrete materials and mix proportion, then
the accuracy of results and confidence thereon are greatly increased.