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Qu te gusta hacer?
Objetivos Pginas en el texto

Talk about activities you like and dont like to do Pg. 26-29, 36, 38

Ask others what they like to do Pg. 26-27

Understand cultural perspectives on favorite activities Pg. 31, 35, 42

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Chapter Review

To prepare for the test, check to

see if you . . .
know the new vocabulary and
jcd-0189 grammar
Vocabulario y gramtica can perform the tasks on p. 47

to talk about activities to ask others what they like to do

bailar to dance Qu te gusta hacer? What do you like to do?
cantar to sing Qu te gusta What do you like
correr to run ms? (prefer) better?
Te gusta ? Do you like to ?
dibujar to draw
Y a ti? And you?
escribir cuentos to write stories
escuchar msica to listen to music other useful words and expressions
esquiar to ski ni . . . ni neither . . . nor,
hablar por telfono to talk on the phone not . . . or
ir a la escuela to go to school o or
jugar videojuegos to play video games pues . . . well . . .
leer revistas to read magazines s yes
montar en bicicleta to ride a bicycle tambin also, too
montar en monopatn to skateboard y and
nadar to swim
pasar tiempo con to spend time with
amigos friends
patinar to skate
practicar deportes to play sports
tocar la guitarra to play the guitar
trabajar to work
usar la computadora to use the computer
ver la tele to watch television
to say what you like to do
(A m) me gusta . I like to .
(A m) me gusta I like to better.
ms . (I prefer to .)
(A m) me gusta I like to a lot.
mucho .
A m tambin. I do too.
to say what you dont like to do
(A m) no me gusta . I dont like to .
(A m) no me gusta I dont like
nada . to at all.
A m tampoco. I dont (like to) either.

For Vocabulario adicional, see pp. 472473.

46 cuarenta y seis
Tema 1 Mis amigos y yo
Vocabulario de 1A

Ingls Espaol Re-escribe Re-escribe

1. to dance 1. bailar

2. to sing 2. cantar

3. to run 3. correr

4. to draw 4. dibujar

5. to write stories 5. escribir cuentos

6. to listen to 6. escuchar
music msica

7. to ski 7. esquiar

8. to talk on the 8. hablar por

phone telfono

9. to go to school 9. ir a la escuela

10. to play 10. jugar

videogames videojuegos

11. to read
11. leer revistas

12. montar en
12. to ride a bike

13. montar en
13. to skateboard

14. to swim 14. nadar

15. to spend time 15. pasar tiempo

with friends con amigos

16. to skate 16. patinar

17. practicar
17. to play sports deportes/jugar

18. to play the 18. tocar la

guitar guitarra

19. to work 19. trabajar

20. to use the 20. usar la

computer computadora

21. ver la
21. to watch tv
tele/mirar la tele

22. I like 22. me gusta

Vocabulario de 1A

23. me gusta
23. I like
ms/a m me
gusta ms

24. me gusta
24. I like a lot mucho/a m me
gusta mucho

25. I do too 25. a m tambin

26. no me gusta/a
26. I don't like
m no me gusta

27. no me gusta
27. I don't like at
nada/a m no me
gusta nada

28. I don't like

28. a m tampoco

29. What do you 29. Qu te gusta

like to do? hacer?

30. What do you 30. Qu te gusta

like better/more? ms?

31. And you? 31. Y a ti?

32. neither nor 32. ni ni

33. or 33. o

34. well 34. pues

35. yes 35. s

36. also, too 36. tambin

37. and 37. y

Realidades 1
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Vocabulary Clip Art

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Realidades 1
Vocabulary Clip Art

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58 Captulo 1A Vocabulary Clip Art

Realidades 1
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Captulo 1A Vocabulary Clip Art 59
Realidades B
1 Nombre Hora Realidades Nombre Hora

Fecha Guided Practice Activities 1A-1 Fecha Guided Practice Activities 1A-2

Infinitives (p. 32) Negatives (p. 36)

The most basic form of a verb is an infinitive. To make an English sentence negative, you usually use the word not: I do not
In English, infinitives have the word to in front of them such as to walk like to sing.
or to swim. To make a Spanish sentence negative, you usually put no in front of the verb or
In Spanish, infinitives end in -ar (nadar), -er (leer), or -ir (escribir). expression: No me gusta cantar.
To answer a Spanish question negatively, you often use no twice: Te gusta bailar?
A. Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model. No, no me gusta.
Modelo patinar To say that you do not like something at all, you add the word nada: No, no me
gusta nada.
1. escribir 4. esquiar 7. leer
To say you dont like either of two choices, use ni... ni: No me gusta ni correr
2. nadar 5. usar 8. jugar ni practicar deportes.
3. correr 6. dibujar 9. ver A. Look at the sentences and circle only the negative words you see. Some sentences do
not have negative words. Follow the model. (Hint: There should be eight words circled.)
B. Now, write the infinitive in the correct column of the chart. Is it an -ar verb, -er verb,
or -ir verb? The first one has been done for you. Modelo No me gusta cantar.
-ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs 1. Te gusta bailar?
2. No, no me gusta bailar.
3. Te gusta patinar?
4. No, no me gusta nada.
5. No me gusta ni bailar ni patinar.

B. You circled three different negative words in part A above. What are they? Write
them on the lines.
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

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C. Complete the sentences with infinitives from part A to express what you like and C. Use the negative words no, ni, and nada to complete the following conversation.
dont like to do.
elena: Enrique, te gusta escuchar msica?
1. Me gusta ____________________ y ____________________. enrique: No, ____________________ me gusta.
2. No me gusta ____________________. elena: Te gusta bailar?
3. Me gusta mucho ____________________. enrique: ____________________, no me gusta bailar.
elena: No te gusta ____________________ escuchar msica ____________________
bailar. Qu te gusta hacer?
enrique: Me gusta ver la tele!
elena: Uy, no me gusta ____________________!

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Fecha Guided Practice Activities 1A-3 Fecha Guided Practice Activities 1A-4

Negatives (continued) Expressing agreement or disagreement (p. 38)

To agree with what another person likes, use a m tambin:
D. Complete the sentences with activities you dont like. You can use the drawings for
ideas of activities. Me gusta patinar.
A m tambin.
To agree with what another person dislikes, use a m tampoco:
No me gusta cantar.
A m tampoco.
A. The word web shows positive (agreement)
words and negative (disagreement) words s me
that you have learned. Look at the sample gusta
conversation, paying attention to the words
tambin and tampoco. One of these two mucho
words is positive and one is negative.
Write each word in the correct circle of
the word web.
no me
Juan: A m me gusta correr. no gusta
1. No me gusta ________________________________. Ana: A m tambin.
2. No me gusta ________________________________. Juan: No me gusta cantar. nada ni
3. No me gusta ni ____________________ ni ____________________. Ana: A m tampoco.

E. Now answer the questions negatively. Follow the models. B. Now, complete the following exchanges with either tambin or tampoco.

Modelos Te gusta esquiar? 1. jorge: A m me gusta mucho dibujar.

No, no me gusta esquiar. susana: A m ___________________.
Te gusta correr y nadar? 2. luis: No me gusta nada hablar por telfono.
No, no me gusta ni correr ni nadar.

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marcos: A m ___________________.
1. Te gusta dibujar?
3. olivia: A m no me gusta ni bailar ni correr.
alberto: A m ___________________.
2. Te gusta cantar?
4. natalia: Me gusta esquiar. Y a ti?
javier: A m ___________________.
3. Te gusta escribir cuentos?
5. sara: A m no me gusta trabajar.
pablo: A m ___________________.
4. Te gusta esquiar y nadar?
6. lorena: Me gusta mucho montar en bicicleta. Y a ti?
marta: A m ___________________.
5. Te gusta patinar y correr?
___________________________________________________________________________ C. Look back at the exchanges in part B above. Put a plus (+) next to the exchange if it
is positive. Put a minus () next to it if it is negative.
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Fecha Guided Practice Activities 1A-5 Fecha Core Practice 1A1

Lectura: Qu te gusta hacer? (pp. 4041) La pregunta perfecta
Complete each sentence using the word or phrase that best describes the picture.
A. The reading in your textbook contains four self-descriptions by students from various
parts of the Spanish-speaking world. Read the following selection about Marisol. Then
answer the questions that follow.
1. Te gusta _______________________?
Te gusta practicar deportes y escuchar msica? A m me gusta
mucho! Tambin me gusta jugar al bsquetbol. Hasta luego!
1. Go back to the reading above and circle the sentence where Marisol is asking you
a question. 2. A m me gusta _______________________ .
2. Underline the words that tell you that Marisol is talking about things that she likes.
3. Now list the activities that Marisol likes to do in the spaces below:
_____________________ _______________________ _______________________ 3. Te gusta _______________________ ?

B. Read the following selection written by Pablo and answer the questions that follow.

Me gusta mucho jugar al vleibol y al tenis. Me gusta escribir 4. No me gusta _______________________ . Y a ti?
cuentos y tambin me gusta organizar fiestas con amigos. No me gusta
ni jugar videojuegos ni ver la tele. Hasta pronto!
1. Underline the words that tell you that Pablo is talking about things that he likes.
5. Pues, me gusta mucho _______________________ .
2. Circle the things Pablo does not like.
3. Pablo is from Guinea Ecuatorial. How would you write that in English?
6. S, me gusta mucho _______________________ .
C. Some quotes from the reading are listed below. Identify the speaker of each by
writing in their name and country of origin. Follow the model.
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Modelo Me gusta jugar al bsquetbol. Marisol Puerto Rico 7. Te gusta mucho _______________________?
1. Me gusta mucho ver la tele. _________________ __________________
2. Me gusta escribir cuentos. _________________ __________________
3. Me gusta hablar por telfono con amigos. _________________ __________________ 8. Me gusta _______________________ .
4. Me gusta organizar fiestas con amigos. _________________ __________________
5. Me gusta tocar el piano. _________________ __________________
9. Me gusta mucho __________________________ !

10. No, no me gusta nada _______________________ !

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Guided Practice Activities 1A-5 37 A primera vista Vocabulario
Repaso del captulo
y gramtica Vocabulario
en contexto 13
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Fecha Core Practice 1A2 Fecha Core Practice 1A3

A ti tambin? Te gusta o no te gusta?
Several friends are talking at the bus stop about what they like and do not like to do. Based You are talking to some new students about the things that they like to do. Using the drawings
on the pictures, write the activity that the first person likes or does not like to do. Then, com- and the model below, complete the following mini-conversations.
plete the second persons response. Make sure to use tambin or tampoco when expressing
agreement and disagreement.


enrique: A m me gusta mucho _______________________________ .
A ti te gusta?

1. dolores: S, ________________________________________________ .
Te gusta hablar por telfono? Te gusta nadar?
S, me gusta mucho. No, no me gusta nada.
pablo: Me gusta _______________________________ .


A ti te gusta?

2. marta: No, ________________________________________ .

jaime: No me gusta _______________________________ . 1. Te gusta __________________________ ? 2. Te gusta __________________________ ?

A ti te gusta?
_____________________________________ . _____________________________________ .
3. julio: No, _________________________________________ .

mara: Me gusta _______________________________ .
A ti te gusta?
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4. julia: No ______________________________________ .
3. Te gusta __________________________ ? 4. Te gusta __________________________ ?

_____________________________________ . _____________________________________ .
carmen: No me gusta nada _______________________________ .


A ti te gusta?

5. josefina: S, ____________________________________ .

roberto: Me gusta _______________________________ .

A ti te gusta? 5. Te gusta __________________________ ? 6. Te gusta __________________________ ?
6. pedro: S, ____________________________________________ . _____________________________________ .
_____________________________________ .
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14 A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto A primera vista Videohistoria 15
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Realidades Nombre Hora Realidades Nombre Hora

Fecha Core Practice 1A4 Fecha Core Practice 1A5

Qu te gusta hacer? El infinitivo
Complete the dialogues below to find out what activities these friends like and dislike. Decide what infinitive each picture represents. Then, based on its ending, write the verb in the
appropriate column. Use the model as a guide.
1. miguel: Te gusta ir a la escuela? -ar -er -ir
rita: S. _________________________________ mucho ir a la escuela.

Y _______________ ? Modelo patinar

_______________ _______________ _______________
miguel: S, a m me gusta _________________________________ tambin. No me gusta

_______________ ver la tele _______________ jugar videojuegos. 1. _______________ _______________ _______________

rita: _________________________________ tampoco.

2. _______________ _______________ _______________

2. juan: No _________________________________ patinar.

paula: _______________ tampoco. Me gusta leer revistas.

juan: _________________________________ ms, trabajar o _________________________ 3. _______________ _______________ _______________

____________________________ ?

paula: _________________________________ hablar por telfono.

4. _______________ _______________ _______________
juan: S. A m _________________________________ .

3. amelia: A m _________________________________ pasar tiempo con mis amigos. 5. _______________ _______________ _______________
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carlos: A m me gusta _________________________________ tambin.

amelia: Te gusta trabajar?

6. _______________ _______________ _______________
carlos: No, _________________________________ .

amelia: _________________________________ tampoco.

7. _______________ _______________ _______________

8. _______________ _______________ _______________

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16 A primera vista Videohistoria Manos a la obra Gramtica y vocabulario en uso 17
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Realidades Nombre Hora Realidades Nombre Hora

Fecha Core Practice 1A 6 Fecha Core Practice 1A7

Las actividades en comn La conversacin completa
Cristina is feeling very negative. Using the pictures to help you, write Cristinas negative At lunch, you overhear a conversation between Sara and Graciela, who are trying to decide
responses to Lolas questions. Use the model to help you. what they would like to do after school today. Since it is noisy in the cafeteria, you miss some
of what they say. Read the conversation through to get the gist, then fill in the missing lines
with what the friends probably said.

lola: ____ gusta patinar? _________________ graciela: Qu te gusta hacer?
Modelo No,_______________________________________________
cristina: ____ no me gusta nada patinar. sara: ___________________________________________________ .

graciela: Nadar? Pero es el invierno. Hace fro!

sara: S. Pues, tambin ___________________________________________________ .

lola: ___________________________________________________________
___ graciela: Pero hoy es martes y no hay programas buenos en la tele.
1. critina: _________________________________________________________
__ sara: Pues, qu ____________________ hacer a ti?

graciela: ______________________________________________________________________ .

sara: Uf! Hay un problema. No me gusta ni jugar videojuegos ni usar la

lola: ___________________________________________________________
graciela: Hmm . . . _____________________________________________________ ?
2. critina: _________________________________________________________
sara: No, ____________________ nada patinar.

graciela: Te gusta bailar o cantar?

sara: No, ___________________________________________________ .

lola: ___________________________________________________________
graciela: Pues, qu ______________________________________ , Sara?
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3. critina: _________________________________________________________
sara: ____________________ hablar por telfono.

graciela: A m tambin! Cul es tu nmero de telfono?

lola: _____________________________________________________________

4. critina: _________________________________________________________

lola: _____________________________________________________________

5. critina: _________________________________________________________

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18 Manos a la obra Gramtica y vocabulario en uso Manos a la obra Gramtica y vocabulario en uso 19
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Fecha Core Practice 1A8 Fecha Core Practice 1A9

Repaso Organizer
Fill in the crossword puzzle below with the actions indicated by the pictures. I. Vocabulary

1 2 Activities I like to do Activities I may not like to do

__________________________________________ __________________________________________
3 4
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
6 7

8 __________________________________________ __________________________________________
9 __________________________________________ __________________________________________
Words to say what I like to do Words to say what I dont like to do
10 Down
11 12 __________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Words to ask what others like to do

Across 4.

II. Grammar
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1. 9. 7.
1. The infinitive in English is expressed by writing the word ________________ before a
verb. In Spanish the infinitive is expressed by the verb endings ________________ ,

3. 10. 8. ________________ , and ________________ .

2. In order to say that something doesnt happen in Spanish, use the word
________________ before the verb.

5. 13. 11. 3. Use the word ______________________________ to agree with someone who likes
something. Use the word ______________________________ to agree with someone
who dislikes something.
4. If you do not like either of two choices, use the word ____________________ .
6. 14. 12.
20 Repaso del captulo Crucigrama Repaso del captulo Vocabulario y gramtica 21
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Actividad 10 Actividad 11
Students like to do all sorts of activities during their free periods. Look at the picture below It is your first day at your new school, and your new friend Elena is interviewing you for the
and write what each student is saying he or she likes to do. Then say whether or not you like school newspaper. In the spaces provided, write your answers to the questions that Elena asks
to do those things. Follow the model. you.

ELENA: Buenos das. Cmo ests?

T: ________________________________________________________________________________

ELENA: Qu te gusta hacer?

T: ________________________________________________________________________________

ELENA: Te gusta ir a la escuela?

T: ________________________________________________________________________________

ELENA: Qu te gusta hacer en casa?

T: ________________________________________________________________________________

Modelo EL PROFESOR: A m me gusta trabajar. ELENA: Te gusta escribir o leer cuentos?

T: A m me gusta trabajar tambin. T: ________________________________________________________________________________
ESTUDIANTE #1: ____________________________________________________________________________
ELENA: Qu ms te gusta hacer?
T: ________________________________________________________________________________________
T: ________________________________________________________________________________
ESTUDIANTE #2: ____________________________________________________________________________
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ELENA: Pues, muchas gracias por la entrevista. Buena suerte.
T: ________________________________________________________________________________________

ESTUDIANTE #3: ____________________________________________________________________________ T: ________________________________________________________________________________

T: ________________________________________________________________________________________

ESTUDIANTE #4: ____________________________________________________________________________

T: ________________________________________________________________________________________

ESTUDIANTE #5: ____________________________________________________________________________

T: ________________________________________________________________________________________

ESTUDIANTE #6: ____________________________________________________________________________

T: ________________________________________________________________________________________

14 Writing Activities Captulo 1A Communication Workbook Communication Workbook Writing Activities Captulo 1A 15
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Realidades Nombre Hora Realidades Nombre Hora


Actividad 12 Actividad 13
A. Your classmates have signed up for different clubs. Look at the flyers below to see who A. Write two sentences about things that you like to do, and two sentences about things that
signed up for which club. Then, decide how each student might answer the questions below you do not like to do. Follow the model.
based on the club that each one signed up for.
Modelo A m me gusta leer.
El Club Educativo El Club Deportista EL CLUB MUSICAL No me gusta correr.
El club ideal para El club ideal para El club ideal para
estudiantes a quienes les estudiantes a quienes les estudiantes a quienes les
gusta ir a la escuela. gusta practicar deportes. gusta la msica. 1.
Actividades: Actividades: ACTIVIDADES:
usar la computadora nadar TOCAR EL PIANO O LA GUITARRA 2.
leer y escribir cuentos correr CANTAR
estudiar practicar deportes BAILAR
Eduardo ________ Diana ___________ MARICARMEN ___________
Dolores ___________ MANOLO ___________
Eugenia ________
Diego ___________
MNICA ___________ 4.
Esteban ________

Modelo Eduardo, te gusta tocar la guitarra? B. Now, use your sentences from Part A to write a letter to your new penpal that will tell her
a little bit about you.
No, no me gusta tocar la guitarra. Me gusta estudiar.
1. Diana, te gusta leer o escribir cuentos? 29/9/2003

2. Manolo, qu te gusta hacer? ____________________________________________________________________________

3. Diego, te gusta ir a la escuela para usar la computadora? _______________________________________________________________________
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4. Mnica, te gusta nadar o correr? _______________________________________________________________________

Tambin _________________________________________________________________________
5. Eugenia, qu te gusta hacer? _________________________________________________________________________________


B. Now, pick which club you would join and say why. Follow the model. _________________________________________________________________________________
Modelo Prefiero el Club Educativo porque me gusta ir a la escuela. Un abrazo,

Prefiero el Club ______________________ porque ____________________________________________ ________________________



16 Writing Activities Captulo 1A Communication Workbook Communication Workbook Writing Activities Captulo 1A 17
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Introduccin Comprendes?
Actividad 1 Actividad 2
Do you like the video so far? Did you enjoy meeting the characters? Are you curious to find Match the characters with the activities they like to do or do not like to do.
out more about their home cities? Look at the map below. Then, write the names of the video
friends that live at each location. As you are doing this exercise, begin to familiarize yourself
with the names of these locations: Madrid, Espaa; Ciudad de Mxico, Mxico; San Jos, Me llamo Ignacio y a. Me gusta escuchar msica
Costa Rica; San Antonio, Texas. tambin. Pero me gusta ms
1. tengo 17 aos. _____
hablar por telfono.
Esteban y Anglica Ignacio y Ana Claudia y Teresa Ral y Gloria

Yo me llamo Ana y
2. tengo 15 aos. _____ b. Me gusta usar la computadora.

Me llamo Claudia y
3. tengo 16 aos. _____
c. A m me gusta tocar la guitarra.

Y yo soy Teresa. Tengo d. Me gusta practicar deportes,

4. 15 aos. _____ correr y montar en bicicleta.

Soy Esteban. Tengo 15

5. aos. _____
e. Me gusta leer libros y revistas.

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Yo me llamo Anglica y f. A m me gusta ir a la escuela.

6. tengo 16 aos. _____

Soy Ral y tengo 15 g. Me gusta ms jugar videojuegos.

7. aos. _____

h. A m no me gusta ni correr ni
Me llamo Gloria y tengo montar en bicicleta. A m me
8. 14 aos. _____ gusta patinar.

Video Activities Captulo 1A 7 8 Video Activities Captulo 1A

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Realidades Nombre Hora

Fecha VIDEO Realidades Nombre Hora

Actividad 3
Decide whether response a, b, or c best describes the characters in each question. Actividad 5
You can learn a lot about a person from what he or she likes to do. You will hear two
1. When they are outside, what does Ana ask Ignacio? _____ people from each group of three describe themselves. Listen and match the descriptions to
a. Te gusta hablar por telfono? the appropriate pictures. Put an A underneath the first person described, and a B underneath
the second person described. You will hear each set of statements twice.
b. Qu te gusta hacer?
c. Te gusta tocar la guitarra?

2. Claudia and Teresa live in Mexico. What do they both like to do? _____
a. pasar tiempo con amigos
b. jugar videojuegos 1. Luisa ______________________ Marta ______________________ Carmen ______________________
c. usar la computadora

3. What sports do Esteban and Anglica talk about? _____

a. correr, montar en bicicleta y patinar
b. esquiar, correr y nadar
c. jugar al bsquetbol, jugar al ftbol y montar en bicicleta
2. Marco _____________________ Javier _______________________ Alejandro __________________
4. Does Ral like to go to school? _____
a. S. A Ral le gusta mucho ir a la escuela.
b. No. No le gusta nada.
c. Pues ms o menos.

Y, qu ms? 3. Mercedes __________________ Ana __________________________ Mara _________________________

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Actividad 4
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You have just seen and heard what these eight video friends like or do not like to do. Now fill
in the blanks below to tell about things that you like to do and do not like to do.

1. Me gusta __________________________________________________________________________ .
4. Carlos ____________
__________ Jaime ________________________ Luis ___________________________

2. A m me gusta ms _________________________________________________________________ .

3. A m no me gusta __________________________________________________________________ .

4. A m no me gusta ni __________________________
________________________________________ . 5. Isabel ______________________ Margarita __________________ Cristina _______________________

10 Audio Activities Captulo 1A Communication Workbook

Video Activities Captulo 1A 9

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Realidades Nombre Hora Realidades Nombre Hora


Actividad 6 Actividad 7
A group of students from Peru will visit your school. Since your class will be hosting the As one of the judges at your schools fall carnival, your job is to mark on the master tic tac toe
students, your teacher is trying to match each of you with a visiting student who likes to do board the progress of a live tic-tac-toe competition between Team X and Team O.
the same things as you do. Listen to the questions and write the students answers in the
As each contestant comes to the microphone, you will hear por X or por O to indicate for
blanks. Then, write which of the activities you like better. Find out if the student has the same
which team he or she is playing. The contestant has to answer a question about activities in
preferences as you do. Follow the model. You will hear each conversation twice.
order to claim the square. Listen for the activity mentioned in each question, and put either
Modelo cantar
Guillermo: _______________________ an X or an O in the box under the picture of that activity.
At the end of this game round, see which team won! You will hear each statement twice.
Me gusta ms bailar
A m: _________________________________ .

1. Paco: _________________________________________________

A m: _________________________________________________ .

2. Ana Mara: _________________________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

A m: _________________________________________________ .

3. Jos Luis: _________________________________________________

A m: _________________________________________________ .

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

4. Maricarmen: _________________________________________________

A m: _________________________________________________ .

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5. Luisa: _________________________________________________

A m: _________________________________________________ .

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Who won the game? _____________________________________________________________________

Communication Workbook Audio Activities Captulo 1A 11 12 Audio Activities Captulo 1A Communication Workbook
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Realidades Nombre Hora


Actividad 8
Luisa, the host of your schools radio station talk show, is interviewing four new students. As
you listen to the interview, write down one thing that each student likes to do, and one thing
that each student does not like to do. You will hear the entire question and answer session
repeated. You will hear this conversation twice.

Armando Josefina Carlos Marta



Actividad 9
As you turn on the radio, you hear a Spanish radio D.J. talking about the Top Ten Tips for
being happy during this school year. As you listen, match the suggestion to one of the pictures
and number them in the order the suggestions were given on the air. Remember to listen for

a. b. c. d. e.
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# ______ # ______ # ______ # ______ # ______

f. g. h. i. j.

# ______ # ______ # ______ # ______ # ______

Communication Workbook Audio Activities Captulo 1A 13

Realidades A/1
Captulo 1A


To review the vocabulary and grammar in this song, see Realidades A p. 52 or Realidades 1
p. 46.


Mambo, mambo... Qu te gusta hacer? Te gusta bailar el...

Mambo, mambo... Qu te gusta hacer? Te gusta bailar el...
Mambo, mambo... Me gusta bailar. Mambo, mambo... Te gusta bailar?
Mambo, mambo... Me gusta mucho bailar. Qu te gusta hacer?

Me gusta tocar la guitarra y me gusta escuchar msica.

Te gusta tocar la guitarra y te gusta escuchar msica?
S, s, a m tambin. Y tambin me gusta bailar el mambo.
S, s, a m tambin. Y tambin me gusta bailar el mambo.

No me gusta nada cantar!

Uy! A m tampoco!
No me gusta nada cantar!
S! Pero me gusta bailar el...

Mambo, mambo... Qu te gusta hacer? Te gusta bailar el...

Mambo, mambo... Qu te gusta hacer? Te gusta bailar el...
Mambo, mambo... Me gusta bailar. Mambo, mambo... Te gusta bailar?
Mambo, mambo... Me gusta mucho bailar. Qu te gusta hacer?
Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
1A Repaso para el Examen

True/False - Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 1. To agree with what someone likes, you should say a m tampoco.
____ 2. Spain has two official languages.
____ 3. The following words are all infinitives: cantar, leer, escuchar.
____ 4. The merengue, the tango, the flamenco, and the mambo are dances popular in different Spanish-speaking
____ 5. Spanish is closely related to Latin, the language of the ancient Roman empire.
____ 6. When you answer a question negatively in Spanish you usually use the word no twice.
____ 7. Although the Spanish word nada means nothing in the expression No me gusta nada, it means not at all.
____ 8. In Spanish, there are only two different types of infinitives.
____ 9. The following words are all Spanish infinitives: bailar, leer, escribir, gusta.
____ 10. En el verano me gusta mucho esquiar.

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 11. Which of the following activities needs snow?

a. nadar c. dibujar
b. esquiar d. correr
____ 12. Words that look alike and have similar meanings in English and Spanish are called _____.
a. infinitives c. cognates
b. verbs d. negatives
____ 13. Which of the following is NOT a dance?
a. mambo c. cumbia
b. merengue d. tele
____ 14. If you want to know which of two activities a friend prefers doing, you ask _____.
a. Y a ti? c. Qu te gusta ms?
b. Te gusta? d. Qu te gusta hacer?
____ 15. What can you do in El Parque del Buen Retiro?
a. pasar tiempo con amigos c. nadar
b. esquiar d. All of the above.
____ 16. To talk about something you like to do, what do you add to Me gusta?
a. an infinitive c. a vowel
b. a cognate d. the word pues
____ 17. Which of the following do you use when asking about two choices?
a. ni . . . ni c. pues
b. o d. hay
____ 18. Which is NOT an infinitive?
a. cantar c. escribir
b. correr d. gusta
____ 19. Te gusta correr?
No, no me gusta _____.
a. tambin c. tampoco
b. nada d. ms
____ 20. Me gusta practicar deportes.
A m tambin. Me gusta _____.
a. esquiar c. ver la tele
b. leer d. jugar videojuegos
____ 21. Spanish is most closely related to which one of the following ancient languages?
a. Arabic c. Egyptian
b. Greek d. Latin
____ 22. Which of the following words is not a cognate?
a. popular c. computadora
b. deportes d. guitarra
____ 23. Te gusta usar la computadora?
S, me gusta _____.
a. ms c. mucho
b. tampoco d. nada
____ 24. Qu te gusta ms, esquiar o nadar?
a. A m me gusta mucho. c. A ti te gusta tambin.
b. No me gusta ni esquiar ni nadar. d. A m tambin.
____ 25. Te gusta usar la computadora?
a. S, me gusta practicar deportes. c. No, me gusta practicar deportes.
b. A m tambin. d. A m tampoco.
____ 26. Which of the following is not a popular Latin dance?
a. waltz c. tango
b. mambo d. merengue
____ 27. Te gusta correr?
No, no me gusta _____.
a. practicar deportes c. tocar la guitarra
b. dibujar d. cantar
____ 28. Qu te gusta hacer?
_____ gusta bailar y pasar tiempo con mis amigos.
a. Te c. A m
b. Me d. A ti
____ 29. Qu te gusta _____, leer o hablar por telfono?
a. tambin c. no
b. tampoco d. ms
____ 30. Me gusta esquiar. Y a ti?
A m _____.
a. tampoco c. mucho
b. tambin d. ms
____ 31. Te gusta usar la computadora?
S, me gusta _____.
a. cantar c. escribir cuentos
b. bailar d. nadar
____ 32. A m _____ me gusta ir a la escuela.
a. nada c. pues
b. ni d. no
____ 33. A m me gusta leer. Y a _____?
a. t c. ti
b. m d. tu
____ 34. No te gusta bailar? _____ me gusta mucho!
a. A ti c. Tambin
b. A m d. Tampoco
____ 35. Te gusta _____ leer revistas o jugar videojuegos?
a. muy c. ms
b. nada d. ni
____ 36. En qu estacin te gusta esquiar?
a. En el verano. c. En la computadora.
b. En el invierno. d. En la escuela.
____ 37. Qu te gusta hacer en el verano?
a. Me gusta esquiar. c. Me gusta nadar.
b. No me gusta nada. d. S, me gusta.
____ 38. Qu te gusta hacer?
a. A m tambin. c. No me gusta tampoco.
b. No, no me gusta. d. Me gusta montar en monopatn.
Matching - Match each item to the statement or sentence listed below.
a. tocar la guitarra, bailar, cantar
b. practicar deportes, nadar, correr, esquiar
c. correr, dibujar, escribir cuentos
d. hablar por telfono, bailar, pasar tiempo con amigos
____ 39. You do these activities if you like sports.
____ 40. You usually do these activities with someone else.
____ 41. You might do these activities if you like music.
____ 42. You can do these activities by yourself.
Short Answer
43. Name three words that express disagreement in Spanish.

44. Me gusta mucho usar la computadora. Y a ti?

45. Using what you know about cognates, what do the following words mean: tenis, vleibol, msica clsica,
televisin, novelas?

46. Find 4 cognates in the following dialogue.

Me gusta mucho usar la computadora y practicar deportes. Y a ti, qu te gusta?
A m me gusta mucho escuchar msica y tocar la guitarra.

47. Name a typical dance of Latin America or Spain and tell what country it is from.

48. Qu te gusta hacer en el verano?

49. Name the activities you like and don't like to do during each of the four seasons of the year.

50. Write a dialogue between you and a friend. Greet the friend and ask what he or she likes. Write an answer.
Then the friend asks you what you like. Write your answer. The friend either likes or dislikes some of the
same things you like or dislike and comments on it. You both say good-bye or see you later.

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