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Figure 21: Water Utilities

Water Utilities Expected annual growth

Regional overview CAGR 2014-2018
Asia ex-Japan 10.1%
Central, South America & Caribbean 5.7%
USA & Canada 4.4%
Eastern Europe 5.5%
Western Europe 2.7%
Middle East / Africa 13.2%
Source: GWI Global Water Market 2014; RobecoSAM

Regional differences: local drivers scarce areas where the population continues to grow,
Regional differences are significant. Based on economic particularly in Southern California. This market continues
growth and the need to catch up with basic infrastruc- to be heavily influenced by public budgets and water-
ture, water sector investments in emerging markets related policies. Economic performance in the Middle
are expected to grow faster than in developed markets, East is closely linked to the provision of additional water
while growth is likely to be sluggish in a number of through desalination, leading to strong growth rates for
European markets and Sub-Saharan Africa. Other coun- related technologies and services. Areas of more acute
tries, however, will enjoy above-average growth rates, water stress have seen greater investment. In Australia,
especially emerging Asia and the Middle East and North problems are concentrated in the southern regions.
Africa (MENA). The US market is expected to grow in the Total annual water and sewage capital expenditures
coming years, driven by increased levels of investment by Australian water utilities have increased by 200%
to expand and upgrade an aging water infrastructure between 2006 and 2012.47
as well as to meet the growing water demand in water-

Figure 22: Global expected municipal water and wastewater capital spending



in USD billion




2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Water capex Wastewater capex

Source: GWI Global Water 2014

 ational Water
Commission 2012-2013

RobecoSAM Water: the market of the future 27

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