PNAS-2013-Herrero-20878-81 - Livestock and Global Change - Emerging Issues
PNAS-2013-Herrero-20878-81 - Livestock and Global Change - Emerging Issues
PNAS-2013-Herrero-20878-81 - Livestock and Global Change - Emerging Issues
Herrero and Thornton PNAS | December 24, 2013 | vol. 110 | no. 52 | 20879
already growing at rates higher than 3% per study, a combination of land-based carbon and on how will nutrition be affected. An-
year in many places) for the sake of maximizing taxes for annex 1 countries, together with an swers to all these questions need significant
the efficiency of livestock production presents incentive for forest carbon sequestration in regional, sex, and income differentiation.
significant disease challenges. Potential prob- non-annex 1 countries, yielded large miti- Another area that merits more attention is
lems include increased risk and severity of gation impacts with little leakage. Additional adaptation to climate change. There are still
outbreaks of influenza and other zoonotic dis- abatement was obtained by adding a sub- large gaps in knowledge of the impacts of
eases, and increased likelihood of new patho- sidized GHG tax in non-annex 1 countries. climate change on livestock systems, on
gens developing if proper disease surveillance These practices led to the highest mitigation livestock productivity, on feeds and range-
methods and appropriate regulations and potentials and differential income effects lands, and on mitigation potentials, particu-
policies for managing animal densities and in different parts of the world, with non- larly in the tropics and subtropics (37). These
their location, for example, are not well annex 1 countries increasing incomes, mainly have still not been comprehensively studied,
designed, especially in the developing world. for agricultural households, without largely nor have the necessary incremental or trans-
The paper by Bouwman et al. (9) also affecting food security. There is an urgent formational changes required to adapt these
shows that the continuous intensification of need to develop and test these and similar systems to counteract these impacts in the
livestock systems has led to a large appro- mechanisms to ensure livestock systems con- future been identified. Appropriate adap-
priation and control of nutrient cycles by the tribute to the sustainability of the food system. tation measures in different places will
livestock sector, which, in turn, has led to depend in part on how livestock systems
significant recycling and disruptions in the What Is Next for the Global Integrated
develop into the future. There is much still to
global nitrogen and phosphorus cycles. Assessment of Livestock Systems?
learn about the potential impacts of different
These examples clearly illustrate why the The study of sustainable livestock futures pathways of economic development on food
sustainable in sustainable intensification needs the recognition that the livestock sector system outcomes and how these may affect
matters, and why it merits significantly more cannot be studied in isolation. Developing the livestock sector.
research. Diversity in livestock systems is a trends and alternative growth scenarios of Integrated assessments to date have tended
necessity for meeting environmental objec- how the sector might accommodate the in- to be preoccupied with global change over
tives and for managing risks, and there is a creases in livestock product demand need an the long term (38). More comprehensive ap-
case to be made for not maximizing pro- integrated approach. At the same time, most proaches for evaluating impacts and assess-
duction efficiency at all costs and everywhere. concerned with the evolution of the global ing alternatives that take on board changes
food system need to accept that the livestock in climate variability and climate extremes
Mechanisms for Effecting Behavioral sector needs a sophisticated treatment in are urgently needed. Much is already known
Change in Livestock Systems Need to Be future assessments due to its connectedness about the impacts of climate variability and
Better Understood to other food and economic systems. climate extremes on food systems, but there
Change is often mediated by incentives and From our perspective, the research topics
are undeniable challenges in setting in place
rewards or by regulations, taxes, and sub- presented in this Special Feature advance
adequate and appropriate monitoring systems
sidies. In livestock systems, the large differ- our understanding of livestock systems.
as well as in dealing with our current, some-
ences between the needs of developed and However, still needed is additional research
what limited ability to quantify changes in
developing countries require that sophisti- on these topics and integration of the re-
climate variability and extremes over short
cated differentiated mechanisms be designed. sults in frameworks for the study of global
temporal and high spatial scales. These chal-
Such mechanisms are needed for promoting food systems.
lenges affect all sectors, not just livestock, but
changes in livestock product consumption, Additionally, we feel that the following
improved understanding of the full range of
for managing structural change, for im- livestock-related areas have not received
both long- and short-term impacts of global
proving farmers livelihoods, for reducing enough attention in global integrated assess-
change on food systems is critical for being
transaction costs, for promoting increased ment of food systems.
able to address the challenges effectively.
resource use efficiency in the sector, and for Most attention has focused on the envi-
The livestock sector, the largest land user
managing pollution from livestock systems. ronmental impacts of livestock systems. This
on Earth, holds a large stake in how to ach-
These mechanisms have been implemented was a good starting point because most
ieve the balance between food production,
in the livestock sector with different degrees integrated assessment frameworks require
livelihoods, and environmental objectives.
of success, but it is essential that new alter- adequate knowledge of the main interactions
It is essential that we continue researching
natives be developed. Change and adoption between livestock and natural resources.
it with the urgency, consistency, and rigor
of improved practices and new production However, social and economic impacts have
that it merits to ensure its contribution to
systems are not occurring at a fast enough not received enough attention in these as-
sessments, although they are crucial for the sustainability of global food systems in
pace for promoting economic growth, im-
building convincing cases for change in the the future.
proved livelihoods, food security, and envi-
ronmental protection simultaneously. livestock sector. For example, two areas that ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We would like to thank the
Golub et al. (21) demonstrate how differ- have received significant attention recently, authors of all the papers that contributed to this Special
ent policy mechanisms can have impacts on land sparing as a mitigation option and re- Feature. Additionally, we are grateful to the anonymous
reviewers of the manuscripts. The CGIAR Research Pro-
the mitigation of GHGs from livestock sys- ducing livestock product consumption, can- gramme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
tems. They show that different methods can not be studied properly unless something can is funded by the CGIAR Fund, the Australian Department of
Foreign Aid and Trade, Danish International Development
be effective on their own but, more in- be said about impacts on people and product Agency, Environment Canada, Instituto de Investigao
terestingly, demonstrate that implementing value chains, on the economic contribution Cientfica Tropical, Irish Aid, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign
combinations of incentives and taxes simul- of the sector, on which sectors are going to Affairs, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation,
Government of Russia, UK Aid, and the European Union,
taneously in different parts of the world may absorb the idle producers, on what will be with technical support from the International Fund for
have the greatest mitigation impacts. In their the opportunity costs of other alternatives, Agricultural Development.
Herrero and Thornton PNAS | December 24, 2013 | vol. 110 | no. 52 | 20881