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Oilfield Lubrication

Regain and Maintain Well Integrity Valve Lubricant 601

The integrity of wellhead pressure control valve Gate valve lubricant key functions: Fully synthetic grease compound
equipment is a very important aspect of upstream Provide an integral lubricating film between the Delivers both lubrication and sealing
field operations, ensuring the equipment works gate & seat and the threaded stem Specially formulated to provide optimum
correctly, at all times. Withstand the high interfacial contact stress resistance to aggressive produced fluids and
between gate & seat surfaces. gases and process chemicals
The selection & application of the correct gate Displace corrosive chemicals and fluids from the Field-proven to reduce valve failure in
valve lubricant is proven to influence significantly valve cavity sand service.
the sustained integrity of gate valves, or regaining Provide a barrier to prevent further ingress Adhesive texture ensures maximum retention
integrity when it has been lost. of contaminants in the valve cavity and minimises the amount of
lubricant removed from the cavity during cycling
A cost effective operation under high differential pressure.
Select a valve lubricant on its performance criteria and API 6A Gate Valve Extended re-lubrication intervals when compared
it will deliver operational cost savings through: with many other valve lubricants.
extended preventative maintenance periods Field proven as a high performance sealant.
fewer unplanned maintenance interventions Inject into valves which require an operational
reduced NPT sealant, (e.g. McEvoy gate valve) for long
reduced spend on valve components term high pressure sealing properties
without hardening. Approval
Advanced Valve Lubricants
RS Clares premium valve lubricants have been
comprehensively proven to deliver increased integrity
and valve functionality. Corrective Maintenance
Developed in conjunction with Valve OEMs Through many field trials, RS Clares
and international field operators valve lubricants have been proven to seal
leaking gate valves, for sustained periods, damaged
Extensive lab R&D and valve testing
where other valve lubricants have been gates
Backed by critical field trials.
unsuccessful. Our leading valve lubricant,
Resistant to produced chemicals 601, is field proven to seal on average
65-75% of leaking valves.
CO2 Sealing Leaking Gate Valves
Condensates and other hydrocarbon solvents If damage to the sealing surfaces is more
Crude oil severe, a heavy duty sealant is required to
Gate and seats have
Natural gas plug the leak pathway. For these cases,
critical metal to metal
RS Clare has developed Valve Sealant 701.
sealing surfaces
our valve lubricants are not dissolved and displaced
from the valve cavity. Valve components will not be Better sealing performance than other
rendered dry and exposed to wear and damage from products available on the market
increased friction. The cavity will not become devoid Full resistance to produced fluids and gases
of lubricant and will be protected from the ingress Good lubricity the valve will still operate
and entrapment contaminants such as corrosive fluids under high DP
or sand. High adhesion will remain on sealing
surfaces & in the valve cavity
Pump using your current specification
Preventative Maintenance grease injection equipment through API 6A
grease injection fitting.
Poor maintenance or using the wrong lubricant can cause
severe valve operational problems, including damage
to the component sealing surfaces, an increase in the Secondary benefits:
required actuation torque or force, or worst case in seizure
of the valve.
Provide additional corrosion protection to the
exposed internal valve components, particularly if
601 Cleaner
the metallurgy is underspecified. A non-hazardous, synthetic cleaning fluid, 601 Cleaner, is available to remove hydrocarbon resistant lubricants during
Routine valve re-lubrication using a premium Clare valve Restore valve integrity, by providing a sustained valve repair and refurbishment or to flush the valve during in-situ maintenance.
lubricant is a highly important aspect of preventative leak sealing capability.
maintenance and will ensure optimum valve protection.
Valve Sealant 701 An extensive R&D programme Hydrocarbon Resistance
Design of a lab Sealant Test Rig for evaluation A fundamental requirement of the valve lubricant is resistance to liquid & gas phase hydrocarbons.
and comparison of different sealing compounds.
Evaluates the ability of the sealant to hold within Valve Lubricant 601 (left) is tested against a standard valve lubricant (right).
the groove cut in the test pieces, under increasing
applied pressure. A sample of each lubricant is applied to a metal plate, and then placed within a container of
Proved that 701 could reliably seal 1.5mm and 2.0mm hydrocarbon fluid.
scratch sizes to 6,000psi and 1,000psi respectively.
Full Scale API 6A Valve testing
Engineer-cut grooves introduced to valve seats
701 was found to reliably seal a 1.5mm groove
to a pressure of 5000 psi, a 2mm groove to
4000psi and a 2.5mm groove to 1500psi.
Testing medium was water
Third party OEM testing with gas as the test medium.

valve standard valve standard valve standard

lubricant Valve lubricant Valve lubricant Valve
601 lubricant 601 lubricant 601 lubricant

The fluid breaks down the GP valve lubricant very quickly. In the valve, the grease would be washed out
Note the difference in texture between the sealant of the cavity when cycled just a few times. Valve Lubricant 601 is unaffected by the hydrocarbon fluid,
and the lubricant but 701 still has enhanced regardless of exposure time, thus providing long term cavity retention.
lubricating properties.

Lower ambient temperature

Our premium lubricants and sealants are also
701 is now used extensively by operators and
available in Winter and Arctic grades.
maintenance contractors and is supported by
field testimonials from around the globe.

In some cases, High Pressure Gate Valves

(10K 15K psi) and also valves trimmed for high H2S
service, can have a buried check valve fitting, in
addition to the primary injection fitting. For these
valves, Valve Sealant 701-L should always
be selected.
Plug Valve Lubrication Ball Valve Lubrication
valve lubricant product range Standardise on one lubricant on all wellhead and The lubrication of a ball valve requires a different practice
downstream flow control equipment. to the lubrication of either a gate valve or plug valve.
Product Application Operational Pumpable Approx. Density 4 Ball Service
Temperature Temperature NLGI Grade g/cm3 EP Test Plug valves are used as compact shut-off valves Field experience has shown that greases and sealants may
Range Range IP239
in a wide range of production and process flow cause severe problems with the seat and seal arrangement
equipment. Such valves are designed to operate with if used regularly during preventative maintenance. If

Standard Crude Oil

Natural Gas
Sand Ingress
H2S - Sour Crude & Gas
High C02
Gas Well Condensate
Diesel Completion Fluid
Frac Acid (Upto 20% conc. HCl)
60 % Methanol 40% Water
100% Methanol
a lubricant/sealant. a non-leaking ball valve is lubricated with an adhesive
grease/sealant, the floating, spring loaded seats can
become stuck within their seat pockets. When the ball
floats due to a pressure differential across the valve, the
seals cannot track the ball and leakage can occur.

Valve Lubricant Gate & -20F to > 30F 2 1.39 >620 kg X

601 Plug Valve 350F

Valve Lubricant Gate & -40F to > -10F 1 1.37 >620 kg X

601 WG Plug Valve 300F

Valve Lubricant Gate & -50F to > -25F 1 1.35 >450 kg X

601 WGX Plug Valve 300F When the lubricant is applied to the valve, it is 601 Fluid is a viscous, synthetic ball valve lubricant
distributed between the sealing faces of the valve
Valve Lubricant Gate & -60F to > -40F 1 1.35 >450 kg X body and plug. The lubricant provides: Offers the same enhanced resistance to
601 AG Plug Valve 250F hydrocarbon fluids and gases as 601
an integral sealing and corrosion preventative film Inject routinely to flush and lubricate ball valves.
Valve Lubricant Gate Valve -75F to > -50F 2 1.35 >620 kg X X X a smooth, controlled actuation over extended Will not dry out or form a gum, when used within
501 250F maintenance periods. its application temperature range
Will not disrupt the operation of the seat and seal
601 Fluid Ball Valve -20F to > -20F 1.18 >620 kg X X Valve Lubricant arrangement.
350F 601 has been
field proven to Use Valve Lubricant 601 for leaking ball valves - it acts as a
remain cohesive high pressure sealing compound without hardening within
VALVE SEALANT PRODUCT RANGE within the plug the seal arrangement.
valve whilst
Operational Pumpable Approx. Density 4 Ball EP Safe to use with
providing the
Temperature Temperature NLGI Grade g/cm3 Test IP239 Secondary Buried necessary sealing.
Range Range Check Valve Fitting
Other inferior
Valve Sealant 0F to 350F >50F No.2 1.39 Weld Load > NO* sealants may
701 620kg harden, resulting
in leakage and
Valve Sealant 0F to 350F >50F No.2 1.39 Weld Load > YES exceptionally high
701-L 620kg actuation torques
damaging the
Valve Sealant -40F - 300F >0F No.2 1.32 Weld Load > NO* valve stem.
701 WG 620kg

Valve Sealant -40F - 300F >0F No.2 1.32 Weld Load > YES
701-L WG 620kg

*Prior to injecting 701/701 WG, the Operator should identify the exact make, model and pressure rating of the gate
valve, and confirm the arrangement of the sealant injection fitting(s) in the valves bonnet
Standardise on one gate valve lubricant
RS Clare premium valve lubricants are used to
lubricate gate valves installed in a large range
of oilfield pressure control equipment for:

Well Testing
Well Intervention & Workover

This unique wide application

capability allows field operators
to standardise on one gate Flow Manifold
valve lubricant whilst ensuring
maximum operational protection.

BOP assembly Separator Gate and Plug Valves sanD filter gate and plug valves

Surface Tree
Test Flowhead

Sub sea tree heat exchanger gate valves

Pack Sizes Available For All Types Of Injection Equipment Lubricant Injection Equipment
Product Pack Type Typical Product RS Clares premium valve lubricants are adhesive, viscous
Weight/Volume lubricants designed for severe operational service conditions. The
ability of conventional, air operated, pumping equipment is limited
24 cartridges (400g size) 24 x 550 g
when used with such lubricants, particularly in cold temperatures
9 x 2kg pot 9 x 2.3 kg or when the lubricant is to be pumped over a long distance.
4 x 5 quart/10lb can 4 x 6 kg
RS Clare offers a comprehensive range of air operated,
12.5kg metal pail 12.5 kg
Valve Lubricant Range hydraulically operated and manual pump equipment. These
12.5kg metal pail 18 kg systems are specially configured with
US 5 Gallon metal pail 18 kg the correct connection fittings for
optimum lubricant injection and
50kg metal keg 50 kg
covering all container sizes from
50kg metal keg 70 kg cartridges to large drums.
180kg metal drum 250 kg
24 cartridges (400g size) 24 x 525 g Bespoke systems can also be
designed and built, with
12.5kg metal pail 12.5 kg self-contained skid units for
Valve Sealants 12.5kg metal pail 18 kg use where central power
US 5 Gallon metal pail 18 kg supply is not available.
50kg metal keg 70 kg
601 Fluid 12.5kg metal pail 15 kg
Heavy duty portable pump Bespoke systems
5 litre plastic jerrycan 5 litre
601 Valve Cleaner
205 litre drum (plastic) 200 litre
25 litre polydrum 25 litre

Unique design
stroke counter

Pressure primed systems

Training and Support Services RS Clare Synonymous with Well Integrity
Global Presence There are many opportunities to question our people on the
Our technical approach to solving technical issues faced during your wellhead valve maintenance
customers problems means that we work. RS Clare present papers at global symposiums and
have gained business globally with participate in SPE seminars. Our industry experts are on
National and International Operators hand to help you make the right decisions in lubrication
and Service Companies. We are able and maintenance.
to provide a comprehensive library
of field reports, user references and Learn the right approach to protecting
technical data. your critical equipment
RS Clare is at the forefront of lubricant technology and can
RS Clare has offices in the UK & provide crucial understanding for front-line engineers.
Middle East, and is supported by
a network of agents & stockists We offer tailor made training courses to educate engineers
covering many parts of the world on Tribology - the science of lubrication, friction and wear.
and expanding. Delivered by our technical experts, the courses provide
delegates with a sound background on lubricant chemistry,
See our website for details. standard lubricant tests and grease applications relevant to
wellhead valve integrity.
Valve Model
Talk to us about having a seminar delivered at your location.
R.S. Clare & Co. Ltd.
Stanhope Street
L8 5RQ
United Kingdom
RS Clare at the forefront of environmentally friendly lubricants Tradition and Technology
T: +44 (0)151 709 2902
F: +44 (0)151 709 0518
RS Clare is always conscious of the effects its V300 RLWI (Riserless Light Well Intervention) RS Clare was founded in Liverpool in 1748 and is the
products may have on the environment. In the Wireline Fluid, also HOCNF Yellow Category, was oldest company manufacturing lubricants in the UK.
offshore Oil & Gas sector, Norway has the most
developed in association with a leading Subsea
stringent environmental regulations globally. When Intervention Equipment Manufacturer and is also Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries we
developing new products for oil service companies, suitable for low temperature applications. distilled tar, surfaced roads and invented and laid
where there is a risk of exposure to the environment, thermoplastic road markings. But weve come a long
we ensure we can meet these high demands. V1000 offers excellent corrosion protection in H2S way. With 50% of our business now exports, weve
environments and is frequently used with Slick line to been awarded Queens Award for Enterprise for
Wireline Fluids enhance the service life of the wire and provide protection International Trade, and been listed in the Sunday
We haveNew RSClare Oil & Gas 5/8/10.indd
built on 7
both running into the well and later when spooled. 10/7/12 10:13:21
Times Top 100 Exporters.
the successes of our
hydrocarbon and V1500 offers an alternative for hot climates where RS Clare has survived for over two and half centuries
H2S resistant Valve greater viscosity is demanded. because we know people will only stay as customers
Lubricant range with if we continue to satisfy their needs. We have done so
the development of with several Major Oil Companies and end users of
V500 Wireline Fluid, specialist lubricants in Upstream O&G, Rail,
a fully synthetic Automotive and Marine markets.
HOCNF certified Yellow Category fluid. Extensive
testing has proven V500 to provide excellent sealing Our business is built on three principles:
performance. V500 is not prone to polymerisation
and helps keep the equipment and rig floor clean. People our staff, who all matter
Partnership all our customers, suppliers
and stakeholders
Wireline Product Table
Progress we make it, together
Unit V300 RLWI V500 V1000 V1500
HOCNF Category Yellow Yellow Not categorised Not categorised
Base Fully synthetic Fully synthetic Fully synthetic Semi synthetic
Colour Colourless to Colourless to Amber Amber
straw yellow straw yellow
Dynamic Viscosity @ -10C cP 25,000 36,000 45,000 600,000
Dynamic Viscosity @ 0C cP 8,700 13,000 19,000 220,000
Dynamic Viscosity @ 25C cP 930 1,400 2,600 30,000
Approximate Low Temp Pumpability C -15 to -20 -10 to -15 -10 to -15 5 to 10

Be it ISO 9001 or ISO 14001, we at R S Clare

believe in the pursuit of excellence and endeavour
to strive for high standards in all that we do.
RS Clare & Co. Ltd
Stanhope Street . Liverpool . L8 5RQ
United Kingdom
t: +44 (0)151 709 2902 . f: +44 (0)151 709 0518
e: oilandgas@rsclare.co.uk . w: www.rsclare.com

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