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Question Bank - STD VII

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The passage contains a question bank for the subject of English for class 7. It includes different types of questions like short answer, long answer and comprehension questions.

The questions include short answer questions asking for one or two lines (I), long answer questions asking for a brief explanation (II) and comprehension questions based on extracts(III).

The passage is about an English question bank for class 7.




I. Answer the following in one or two sentences only-:

Q1) Why was Tutu tied up most of the time?
Q2) What is much daintier to the bird?
Q3) What did Swami think about the boy in the newspaper?
Q4) What did Swamis father want Swami to prove?
Q5) Which weakness did grandfather have?
Q6)Where did Swami always sleep?
Q7) Where was the Piggy bank kept?
Q8) What did the Soldier feel about the villagers when he entered the village Bohemia?
Q9) What did Manjula need for good water colour paintings?
Q10) In the poem I Dream a World What does the poet want to spread ?
II Answer the following in brief
Q11) Which surprise did Aunt Rubby give to everyone in the house?
Q12) Which competition did Manjulas brother want her to go and Why?
Q13) What does the poet want the earth to be blessed with?
Q14) Which noises could Swami hear through the stillness?
Q15) List the different comments made on the soup by the villagers?
Q16) How did Swami catch the burglar?
Q17) Which was the frightful proposal given to Swami by his father and why?
Q18) Which necklace would the child give to the bird?
Q19) What was wrong with Manjulas feet? What happened when she wore wrong shoes ?
Q20) Why did everyone congratulate Swami the next morning?
Q21)Why did Manjulas father want Manjula to learn and why?
Q22) Which all things were there in soliders kit?
Q23) How is the child going to please the bird?
Q24) Why did Swami want to have a burning lamp in his fathers office room?

QIII Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follows by choosing the correct option-
Q25. Birdie,Birdie will you pet
Summer time is far away yet,
Youll have silken quilts and a velvet bed
And satin pillow for your head.
a.Who is you reffered to in the above line.
b) Which season do you think it is?
c) Which all things will the speaker provide to the bird?
Q26.Please,Please shut up,Granny ,dont talk to me and dont let any one call me.
a) Who is the speaker?
b) Whom is the speaker addressing to ?
c). Why is the speaker asking the listener to be quiet?

Q27. Go ahead and buy whatever you need,dear .Have fun and show the party?
a) Who is the speaker of the above line?
b)What has the speaker given to the listener?
c). What is the speaker asking the listener to buy?

Q28.If you mean that your mother is spoiling him,tell her son & dont look at meshe said,and turned
a)Who is the speaker and to whom is she addressing to?
b) Who is you and him reffered to in the above line?
c) Whose mother is the speaker talking about and why?

Q29.Ah, but Tutu isnt a boy.

a).Who is the speaker of the above lines?
b) Why do you think the speaker must have said the above statement?
c) Why was the listener happy to say that Tutu was not a boy?

Q30. Imagine you are a shopkeeper of the jewellery shop. Tutu took a pearl necklace from your shop
and created a huge mess in the market before throwing it into the canal. You were quite tensed up
about the whole episode . Write a diary entry describing how you felt at Tutus mischief in not more
than 90 words
P`aSna 1 inamnailaiKt Apizt gad\yaaMSa kao QyaanapUva-k piZ,e AaOr pUCo gae p`SnaaoM ko ]<ar ilaiKe
gaiNatSaas~ khta hO ek AaOr ek imalakr dao haoto hOM.BaavanaaAaoM kI duinayaa ivaica~ hO.]samaoM ek AaOr ek gyaarh haoto hOM.AaSaya
yah hO ik saamaUihk bala maoM A%yaiQak Sai@t haotI hO. samaUh maoM bala lagaanao sao Sai@tyaa jauD,tI hI nahIM k[- gaunaa baZ, jaatI hOM.maanava jaIvana ka
AQyayana kroM tao yah sa%ya pga pga pr ]d\GaaiTt haota hO.ek vyai@t svayaM kao Akolaa pata hO. Akolaopna ko karNa vah Apnao Aap kao
kmaja,aor mahsaUsa krta hO.]saka mana laxya kI Aaor ]%saah sao nahIM baZ, pata.prMtu jaOsao hI ]sao kao[- ima~ yaa saaqaI imalata hO ]sako kama kI
gait baZ, jaatI hO.jaao haqa phlao iSaiqala AaOr gaithIna qao ]namaoM Aba ibajalaI jaOsaI tIva`ta Aa jaatI hO.yah tqya svayaM maoM sa%ya hO ik ekta maoM
bala hO yaa saMgazna maoM Sai@t hO. samaUh maoM kama krnao sao manauYya maoM dyaa k$Naa p`oma va prspr sahyaaoga jaOsao Baava svat: hI jaagaRt hao jaato hOM.
1 ek AaOr ek gyaarh haoto hOM ]i@t ka Aqa- @yaa hO
2 manauYya kI Sai@tyaa kba k[- gaunaa baZ,tI hO
3 Akolaapna manauYya kao @yaa banaa dota hO
4 saaqaI ko maola sao @yaa pirvat-na Aata hO
5 gad\yaaMSa ka ]icat SaIYa-k ilaiKe.
P`aSna 2 inamnailaiKt Apizt pd\yaaMSa kao QyaanapUva-k piZ,e AaOr pUCo gae p`SnaaoM ko ]<ar ilaiKe
gaaQaIjaI ko baMdr tIna
saIK hmaoM doto Anamaaola.
baura idKo tao dao mat Qyaana
baurI baat pr dao mat kana
kBaI na baaolaao kD,vao baaola.
yaad rKaogao yaid yah baat
kBaI na KaAaogao tuma maat
kBaI na haogao DavaaDaola.
1 gaaQaIjaI ko iktnao baMdr qao
Aek Aa dao [ tIna [- caar
2 gaaQaIjaI ka phlaa baMdr hmaoM @yaa khta qaa
A hmaoM baura[- pr Qyaana nahIM donaa caaihe Aa hmaoM baura doKnaa caaihe
[hmaoM baura nahIM idoKanaa caaihe [- hmaoM nahIM doKnaa caaihe
3 hmaoM ikna baataoM pr kana nahIM donaa caaihe
A AcCI baat pr Aa laaBa kI baat pr
[ baurI baat pr [- haina kI baat pr
4 hmaoM kD,vao baaola @yaaoM nahIM baaolanaa caaihe
A kD,vao baaola sao svaad kD,vaa hao jaata hO. Aa kD,vao baaola sao dUsaraoM kao duK phucata hO
[ kD,vao baaola sao hmaoM laaBa haota hO [- kD,vao baaola sao baImaarI hao jaatI hO
5 kavyaaMSa ka ]icat SaIYa-k @yaa haogaa
A gaaMQaIjaI Aa baMdr [ baMdr AaOr gaaMQaIjaI [- gaaMQaIjaI ko tIna baMdr
P`aSna 3 Alpp`aNa AaOr mahap`aNa ko saMyaaoga sao banao hue dao Sabd ilaiKe .
P`aSna 4 inamnailaiKt Sabd iktnao vyaMjanaaoM ko saMyaaoga sao banao hOM
1 ]jjvala 2 [-Yyaa-
P`aSna 5 inamnailaiKt SabdaoM ka Saud\Qa $p ilaiKe
1 nayaarI 2 ima`dMga
P`aSna 6 inamnailaiKt Sabdao kao maanak vat-naI ko Anausaar ilaiKe hO
1 b`a(a 2 bauiw
P`aSna 7 inamnailaiKt SabdaoM ka ivalaaoma Sabd ilaiKe
k patala K AMdr ga ivastar Ga puNya
P`aSna 8 naIcao ide gae SabdaoM ]icat sqaana pr Anausvaar Aqavaa Anaunaaisak icah\na lagaakr ilaiKe
1 baTvaara 2 sagait
P`aSna 9 naIcao ide gae SabdaoM maoM sao ]psaga- , maUlaSabd evaM p`%yaya Alaga krko ilaiKe
1 inarpraQa 2 bacapna
P`aSna 10 naIcao ide gae SabdaoM sao vaa@ya banaakr ilaiKe
1 ivalaxaNa 2 QaIro QaIro
P`aSna 11 naIcao ide gae vaa@yaaoM ka vacana badla kr ilaiKe,
1 pxaI AakaSa maoM ]D, rha hO. 2 ha^la maoM kusaI- pD,I hO.
P`aSna 12 naIcao ide gae SabdaoM sao Baavavaacak saM&a banaakr ilaiKe
1 dyaalau 2 laD,ka
P`aSna 13 inamnailaiKt Sabd samaUhaoM maoM sao ivaSaoYaNa va ivaSaoYya Sabd Alaga Alaga krko ilaiKe
ivaSaoYaNa ivaSaoYya
k AcCo daost
K AapkI icaT\zI
ga Balaa AadmaI
Ga hmaaro caacaa
P`aSna 14 inamnailaiKt SabdaoM ko samaanaaqaI- Sabd ilaiKe
k AEau K ivaica~
ga raxasa Ga saahsa
D, xaNa ca hmaoSaa
C maaotI ja Sai@tSaalaI
P`aSna 1 5 inamnailaiKt SabdaoM kao phcaana kr ilaiKe ik yao s~IilaMga hO yaa puilMlaga
k proSaana K tumharI ga baat
Ga ]<ar D, Aavaaj,a ca iktaba
P`aSna 16 naIcao ide gae SabdaoM ko bahuvacana $p ilaiKe
1 JaaopD,I 1 vah
P`aSna 17 AaKAaOr kpD,a Sabd ko daodao pyaa-yavaacaI Sabd ilaiKe .
P`aSna 18 naIcao ide gae vaa@yaaMSaaoM ko ilae ek Sabd ilaiKe
1 jaMgala maoM ApnaoAap lagaI Aaga . 2 jaao saMgaIt ka &ata hao.

P`aSna 19 naIcao ide gae SabdaoM ka ilaMga badlakr ilaiKe

1 vaIr 2 AiBanaota
P`aSna 20 naIcao ide gae mauhavaraoM ka Aqa- bata[e AaOr vaa@yaaoM maoM p`yaaoga kIijae
1 baae haqa ka Kola haonaa 2 mauh kI Kanaa
P`aSna 21 1 sava-naama Aqavaa ivaSaoYaNa kI pirBaaYaa ]dahrNa saiht ilaiKe.
2 inamnailaiKt vaa@yaaoM maoM sao iyaa Sabd CaT kr Baod ka naama ilaiKe
A saImaa gaanaa gaatI hO. ba maaohna nao naaOkr sao paanaI Barvaayaa .
P`aSna 22 Apnao xao~ kI gaMdgaI kao saaf, krvaanao ka AnauraoQa krto hue svaasqya AiQakarI kao p~ ilaiKe.
P`aSna 23 inamnailaiKt ivaYaya pr ide gae ibaMduAaoM ko AaQaar pr AnaucCod ilaiKe
1 k jaIvana maoM KolaaoM ka mah<va
saMkot ibaMdu 1 p`stavanaa 3 Kola ka mah<va va p`kar
2 iSaxaa AaOr Kola kUd 4 ]psaMhar.
2 baccaaoM kao dIpavalaI pr pTaKo na jalaanao ka saMdoSa doto hue ek iva&apna banaa[e.
P`aSna 24 inamnailaiKt kavyaaMSa pZ,kr p`SnaaoM ko ]<ar dIijae
[ithasa isaKata hmaoM samaJanaa
samaya isaKata calanaa.
jaIvana hmakao isaKlaata hO
kBaI na idSaa badlanaa.
samaya ko diryaa maoM bahnaa
jaIvana ek mau@ta hO. iktnaa BaI
p`Sna A hma [ithasa sao @yaa saIKto hOM
Aa jaIvana hmaoM @yaa isaKlaata hO
[ kiva ko Anausaar jaIvana @yaa hO
[- diryaa ka Aqa- @yaa haogaa
] kavyaaMSa ko kiva AaOr kivata ka naama ilaiKe.
P`aSna 25 inamnailaiKt gad\yaaMSa pZ,kr p``SnaaoM ko ]<ar dIijae
Ap`Ola maoM prIxaaAaoM sao kovala dao saPtah phlao svaamaInaaqana kao lagaa ik iptajaI ka imajaaj,a bahut Kraba haota jaa rha hO.vao baat ka
batMgaD, banaanao lagao qao jaOsao ]nhaoMnao Acaanak Apnao baoTo kao tMga krnao ka f,Osalaa kr ilayaa hao.Agar vah dadI sao gapSap kr rha haota hO tao
]sasao kha jaata hO yaad rKao prIxaa naj,adIk hO.tumharI dadI [Mtj,aar kr saktI hO laoikna prIxaa [Mtj,aar nahIM krogaI.
p`Sna : k gad\yaaMSa ko laoKk AaOr paz ka naama ilaiKe.
K prIxaa iksa mahInao haonao vaalaI qaI AaOr iktnaa saPtah baakI qaa
ga iptajaI ka imajaaj,a @yaaoM Kraba hao rha qaa
Ga dadI sao gapSap krnao pr iptajaI nao @yaa kha
D naIcao ilaKo SabdaoM ko ]icat Aqa- ilaiKe
1 imajaaj,a 2 naj,adIk
P`aSna 26 inamnailaiKt iknhI caar SabdaoM ko Aqa- ilaiKe
1 kaolaahla 2 tpak 3 pObaMd 4 ivavarNa 5 BaaOMca@ko 6 sarIKa
P`aSna 27 inamnailaiKt p`SnaaoM maoM sao iknhIM caar p`SnaaoM ko ]<ar dIijae
k dIvaalaI ko %yaaohar pr baaj,aar ka dRSya kOsaa haota hO
K Aapkao skUla maoM @yaa @yaa AcCa lagata hO AaOr @yaaoM
ga rakoSa nao naaTk maoM svayaM AiBanaya @yaaoM nahIM ikyaa
Ga inama-laa sayaala sao @yaaoM icaZ,tI qaI
= samaya pr kama krnao sao @yaa laaBa haoto hOM
ca svaamaInaaqana ko ima~aoM ko naama ilaiKe
P`aSna 28 inamnailaiKt p`SnaaoM ko ]<ar dIijae
k sayaala d\vaara baarbaar Baaga jaa inama-laa khnao pr BaI inama-laa @yaaoM nahIM BaagaI
K maaotI iksao kha gayaa hO AaOr @yaaoM
ga sajjana nao rajaU sao ilaaa @yaaoM maagaa
Ga ptMgaoM ]D,anao ko ilae baccao @yaa@yaa krto hOM
= svaamaInaaqana kao iptajaI kI kaOna saI baat zIk lagaI AaOr @yaaoM
ca rakoSa nao naaTk kao iksa p`kar saMBaalaa
C tnmaya nao garIba baccaaoM ka pxa @yaaoM ilayaa haogaa [sasao ]sako cair~ kI iksa ivaSaoYata ka pta calata hO
P`aSna 29 k Anaumaana AaOr klpnaa
1 yaid Aap prIxaa doto samaya p`SnaaoM ko ]<ar BaUla gae tao Aap @yaa kraogao
2 yaid Aap baatUnaI paz ko laoKk kI jagah haoto tao @yaa krto
K iksanao iksasao kha
1 ha Baa[- tuma laaogaaoM ka popr kOsaa huAa
2 lao jaa[e jaao kho KrId dIijae.
P`aSna 30 inamnailaiKt p`SnaaoM ko sahI ivaklp CaT kr ilaiKe
k Acaanak saap pr iksanao laazI sao vaar ikyaa
k sayaala K inama-laa ga lahnaU Baa[- Baaoyaa Ga klagaI baona
K ihndI ko iksa mahInao maoM ptMgaoM ]D,a[- jaatI hO
k caO~ K baOsaaK ga Agahna Ga paOYa
ga inama-laa kao ApnaI sahoilayaaoM maoM kaOna sabasao baurI lagatI qaI
A klagaI bahna Aa kanta bahna [ sayaala lahnaU Baa[- Baaoyaa [- lahnaU Baa[- Baaoyaa
Ga svaamaInaaqana ko iptajaI ]sao iktnao bajao tk saao jaanao ko ilae khto qao
A dsa bajao ba Aaz baja sa naaO bajao d saat bajao
p`Sna 1 KalaIla p`SnaaMcaI ]%tro eka vaa@yaat ilaha
1 maasaaoLIlaa kaya hvao Aaho
2 yao ro yao ro pavasaa hI kivata kaoNaI ilaihlaI Aaho
3 [Md`QanauYyaatIla rMgaacaI naavao ilaha
4 dInadyaaL kSaamauLo qaklaa haota
5 dInadyaaLcaI daonhI maulao kSaI haotI
6 hrdyaaLaMnaI ]dasa maulaaMnaa kaoNata sallaa idlaa
7 gavatfula maaLavar kaya krt haoto
8 gavatfulaavar kaya Jagamagatat
9 maulaalaa iktI lahana vhayacao Aaho
10 ipMpLpana ksao haoto
11 duparI SaaLa sauTlyaavar baMDU kaya krt Asao
12 baMDUlaa SauBaocCakaD- kaoNaI va ka idlao
13 baMDUcaI AajaI kaoNato pdaqa- ivakt Asao
14 gavat Kro idsaavao mhNaUna baMDU kaya krt Asao
15 baMDUnao kaoNatI DaL vaap$na maaoracao BaoTkaD- tyaar kolao

16AajaIcyaa AajaarpNaacaa Kca- kSaamauLo Ba$na inaGaalaa

17 JaaD ]nhat ]Bao rahUna kaya krto
18 SaotIsaazI JaaD kaoNato Kt doto
19 JaaDalaa kSaa p`karcaa ima~ mhTlao Aaho
20 Sard kaoNa%yaa idvasaat AajaaoLI Aalaa haota
21 AajaaobaaMcyaa Saotavar kSaacaI kapNaI sau$ haotI
22 naaMgarlaolyaa jaimanaIt kuLva ka ifrvatat
23 BaaMgalaNa mhNajao kaya
24 Sardnao kaoNata inaScaya kolaa
p`Sna 2 KalaIla SabdaMcao samaanaaqaI- Sabd ilaha
1 kuSala 2 vaayaU 3 maaL 4 hrKNao 5 saana
6 laayakI 7 Daoko 8gaaNao 9 vanaraNaI 10 tLo
11 gaava 12 SaotkrI 13 saaonao
p`Sna 3 KalaIla SabdaMcao iva$d\QaaqaI- Sabd ilaha
1 }na 2 AaBaaL 3 yao 4 Gao[-la 5 kaLo
6 ivaI 7 nama` 8 jaast 9 inaiScat 10kYT
11 saana 12 naajauk 13 ek 14 }z 15 ima~

p`Sna 4 KalaIla p`SnaaMcaI ]%tro ]%tro kMsaatIla saUcanaMap`maaNao saaoDvaa

1 Sard AajaaoLI gaolaa haota vaa@yaatIla naama AaoLKa
2 rajaosaahoba itqao paohcalao vaa@yaatIla iyaapd AaoLKa
3 %yaanao AQaI- BaakrI taTat TaklaIvaa@yaatIla sava-naama AaoLKa
4 ekok daNaa maao%yaasaarKa idsaU laagalaa vaa@yaatIla iyaaivaSaoYaNa AaoLKa
5 Ako sauBaocCa kaD- KalaI pDlao vaa@ya Saud\Qa k$na punha ilaha
6 to poTIlaa maaozo kulaUp laavat Asat vaa@yaatIla ivaSaoYaNa AaoLKa

p`Sna 5 kaoNa kaoNaasa mhNaalao

1 maaJaM paoT BarlaM puro malaa
2 kRpyaa AapNa %yaat laxa Gaalaavao
3 inaraSa hao} naka
4 baap ro baroca kYT kravao laagatat kI
5 Anna vaayaa GaalavaU nayao
6 iktI Gaama gaaLavaa laagatao yaacaI klpnaa Aaho ka tulaa
7 tI dukanaat kuzUna yaoto
8 %yaanaMtr BaaMgalaNa kravaI laagato
9 baapro baroca kYT kravao laagatat


P`aSna 1 inamnailaiKtma\ Apiztma\ gaVaMSama\ piz%vaa p`Snaanaama\ ]%traiNa ilaKntu

ivaVa sava-EaoYzM Qanama\ Bavait saMsaaro Anyaaina Qanaaina tu vyayao to naSyaint prM ivaVaQanama\ vyayao to vaQa-to At [dM ivaica~ma\ Qanama\
kqyato ivaVyaa ivanaa nar pSautulya Bavait ivaVyaa jaIvanama\ AalaaoiktM Bavait A&anasya AMQakarma\ ca dUrI Bavait ivaVa eva janaM kt-vya&anama\
karyait ivad\vaana\ ya~ku~aip gacCit t~Ova pUjyato At AalasyaM ivahaya ivaVaopja-namavaSyaM kt-vyama\
A ekpdona ]%trt
1 sava-EaoYzM Qanama\ ikma\ Bavait
2 ivaVyaa ivanaa k pSautulya Bavait

Aa pUNa-vaa@yaona ]%trt
1 ivaVaQanama\ ivaica~ma\ ikmaqa-ma\ kqyato

[ yaqaainado-Saanausaarma\ ilaKt
1 ivaVyaa pdo ka ivaBai@t
2 maUK- pdsya ikma\ ivalaaomapdM
3 t~Ova sainQa ivacCodM ku$
4 %ya@%vaa [%yaqao- ikma\ pdma\ p`yau@tma\
P`aSna 2 AQaaoilaiKtica~M dRYT\vaa maHjaUYaayaaM p`d%t Sabdanaama\ sahayatyaa ica~sya pHca vaa@yaaina saMsto ilaKtu

maHjaUYaa vanasya isaMh mayaUr gaja vaanar kak naR%yait kUd-it ]D\syait itYzit
p`Sna 3 AQaaoilaiKtM p~M maHjaUYaayaaM p`d%t Sabdanaama\ sahayatyaa pUit- ku$t

AQyaapkma\ p`it p~ma\

1 EaImatI kaOr mahaodyaa
85 2
saadrsaaYTaMga 3
4 SauBakamanaa santu sadOva svanaamanau$poNa 5 [nd` Bavantu jaIvanakalao
svaasqyaQanama\ 6 p`sannaa Bavantu BavatamaQyaapnakayao-Na saumaaga-dSao-Na Ca~a Bavantu 7
8snaohpa~a iSaYyaa

maHjaUYaa sauraNaama\ p`aPya saflaa AQyaapkidvasya BavdIyaa prmaadrNaIyaa ivavaok ivahar p`Naamaa
p`Sna 4 AQaaoilaiKtM saMvaadM maHjaUYaayaa sahayyaona pUit- ku$t
maIra rajaIva pSya eYa 1 Kga Aist
rajaIva Aama\ 2ikmaqa-ma\ sa 3Aist
maIra sa Ap`sanna ikmaqa-ma\ Aist
rajaIva ikma\ %vama\ 4na Sa@naaoisa sa 5 Aist
maIra Aama\ Aama\ sa pMjaro Aist ikntu Aanandona 6 marIcama\ Kadit
rajaIva svatM~ta savaa-na\ ip`yaa Bavit sa sva[cCyaa naBao ]D\Diyatuma\ na 7
maHjaUYaa pHjaro Sauk hirtma\ Ap`sanna d`YTuma\ prntu Sa@naaoit
p`Sna 5 AQaaoilaiKtpdoYau sainQaM sainQaivacCodM vaa ku$t
1 ihmaaMSau 2 caaip 3nadISa 4 kpISa 5 BaUjaa- 6ramaoSa 7narao%tma 8 dovaiYa-
1 saUya- + ]dya 2 vaYaa-+ ?tu 3 raja + [-Sa 4sau+ ]i@t 5 maha+ [nd` 6 dyaa +AanaMd
P`aSna 6 kaoYzkat\ ivaica%ya ]icatpdO ir@tsqaanaaina pUryat
1 AaEama ihmaalayao Aist mauina
2 saa Aist ikma\
3 etsya naama ikma\ p`doSa
4 sah rama Aist maalaa
5 Ca~a saint kxaa
Aa kaoYzk p`d%t sava-naama vaa@yaoYau ]icatM ivaBai@tM p`yaujya vaa@yaaina pUryat
1 ivaValayama\ gacCaima Asmad\
2 savao- Ca~a sqa yauYmad\
3 knyaa saundrma\ naR%yaint tt\
4 baalaka ]Vanao IDint tt\
5 maihlao Baaojanama\ pcaava Asmad\
6 ilaKisa yauYmad\
[ kaoYzk p`d%t Qaatu$p pdoYau ]icat ivaBai@tM p`yaujya vaa@yaaina pUryat
1 vayama\ ica~ma\ dRSa\ laaoT\ lakar
2 to ASvaa Qaava\ laT\ lakar
3 yaUyama\ ikma\ laRT\ lakar
4 sa flama\ Kad\ la=\ lakar
5 %vama\ ku~ vasa\ laT\ lakar
6 ta baailaka gaItM gaaya\ laRT\ lakar
7 Ahma\ pazSaalaama\ gama\ laaoT\ lakar
P`aSna 7 AQaaoilaiKtoYau vaa@yaoYau p`d%t saM#yaa saMst BaaYaayaaM ilaKt
A 1 ]Vaanao baalakaO IDt 2
2 ]pvanao vaRxaa saint 3
3 syaUto flaaina saint 4
4 gaRho maihlaa AagacCint 4
5 vaRxaat\ p~ma\ ptit 1

Aa AQaaoilaiKtoYau vaa@yaoYau kaoYzko p`d%t saM#yaa saMst BaaYaayaaM ilaKt

1 ivaValayao Ca~a pzint 50
2 IDaD\gaNao IDka IDint 38
3 kxaayaama\ pustkaaina saint 33
4 ]pvanao Aama`vaRxaa saint 27
5 xao~o Yaka kYa-int 30
P`aSna 8 AQaaoilaiKtmaHjaUYaayaaM p`d%tO ]icat AvyayapdO ir@tsqaanaaina pUryat
1 kxaayaama\ na vad
2 saUya- ]idt AnQakar gat
3 gajaa calait
4 vayama\ pazma\ pzama
5 Baaojanao Saakma\ raoiTka Kaidtvyama\
6 AvakaSa BaivaYyait
7 rivavaasar AasaIt\
maHjaUYaa Sva *\ya ca SanaO SanaO AQaunaa ]ccaO yada tda
p`Sna 9 AQaaoilaiKtoYau vaa@yaoYau roKaMiktpdoYau p`%yaya pRqak\ %vaa ilaKt
1 gaaopala xao~ma\ baIjaaina vapint gama\ + @%vaa
2 rmaoSa kaya-ma\ gaRhma\ gacCit + @%vaa
3 lata jalama\ raoiTka Kadit pa + @%vaa
4 sa p`Baato yaaogaasanama\ kraoit ]t\ + sqaa + lyap\
5 Ba@ta [-Svarma\ p`Namya p`sannaa saint
6 Ahma\ pazma\ piz%vaa laoKma\ ilaKaima
P`aSna 10 AQaaoilaiKtoYau roKaMiktpdoYau p`yau@taM ivaBai@tM tqaa karNama\ ca ilaKt
1 Alama\ inad`yaa
2 jalaona ivanaa na jaIvanama\
3 baalak saraovarma\ p`it Qaavait
4 Aavasama\ pirt ]pvanaaina saint
5 maalayaa sah gaIta gacCit
6 nagarma\ AiBat vaRxaa saint
P`aSna 11 AQaaoilaiKtanaama\ samast pdanaama\ naamaaina ilaKt
1 yaqaasqaanama\ 2 Anau$pma\ 3 sapirvaarma\ 4 p`itgaRhma\ 5 ]pvanama\
P`aSna 12 AQaaoilaiKtoYau vaa@yaoYau lakar pirvat-nama\ ku$t
1 Ahma\ gaRhma\ gacCaima laaoT\ lakar
2 yaUyama\ Ca~a BaivaYyaqa laT\ lakar
3 maata Baaojanama\ pcait laRT\ lakar
4 to ASvaa Qaavaint la=\ lakar
P`aSna 13 AQaaoilaiKtanaama\ vaa@yaanaama\ roKaMikt pdanaama\ ASauiQdM saMSaaoQya SauQdma\ vaa@yama\ puna ilaKt
1 yauvaama\ ku~ vasaaima
2 taO baalaka laoKma\ ilaKint
3 ASvavaar ASvama\ ptit
4 Ahma\ pazma\ pzqa
5 Aavaama\ Baaojanama\ KaidYyaisa
6 to vaanar kud-int
P`aSna 14 vaNaa-naama\ ivacCodma\ tqaa saMyaaojanama\ ku$t
1 maatrma\ 4 ivaVa
2 p`gait 5 pyaa-ya
3 xamasva 6 ya~
7 p\ + r\ + +ya\ + A+ t+na\ + A + ma\
8 ] + d\ + ya\ + Aa + na\ + A + ma\
9 k\ + Aa + r+ya\ + A + ya\ + A + ma\
10 ma\ +A+ h\ + [+ la\ + Aa

P`aSna 15 AQaaoilaiKtoYau roKaMiktpdaina AaQaR%ya p`Sna inamaa-Nama\ ku$t

1 vaRxasya p`kaND Bavait
1) Express as a rational number with numerator:
i) -12 ii) 20

2) Express as a rational number with denominator:
i) 32 ii) -40

3) Express each of the following rational numbers in the standard form:

8 12 21 16
i) ii) iii) iv)
32 36 49 64
4) If each of the following pairs represents a pair of equivalent rational numbers, find the values of x :
2 5 48 3 x 16 4
i) and ii) = 2 iii) and iv) =
3 x x 5 25 x 32
5) Which of the two rational numbers in each of the following pairs of rational
numbers is greater?

4 5 5 2 4 3
i) and ii) and iii) and
9 12 7 5 9 7
Arrange the following rational numbers in ascending order:
2 5 4 1 3 17 8 7
i) , , , ii) , , ,
3 7 9 4 5 30 15 10
7) Arrange the following rational numbers in descending order:
4 5 7 11 2 3 1 7
i) , , , ii) , , , ,0
9 6 12 24 5 4 2 6
8) Draw the number line and represent the following rational numbers on it:
3 7 12
i) ii) iii)
4 3 7

8 11 5 7 6 14
9) Simplify: i) + ii) + iii) +
9 6 16 24 13 39

6 4
10) What number should be added to to get
7 15
11) What number should be subtracted from 5 to get ?

8 4
12) The product of two rational numbers is .If one of the number is ,
9 15
find the other.
13) Express the following rational numbers as decimals:

17 27 37 3
i) ii) iii) iv)
20 250 5 125

14) Express each of the following numbers in the form .

i) 0.15 ii) 3.75 iii) 0.675 iv) 2.56

15) Simplify:

3 1 5 7 13 4
i) +
2 6 3 2 8 3

8 3 3 11
ii) +
5 2 10 16
16) Simplify the following expressions:

i) 63.7 28.89 + 76.4 37.66 ii) ( 0.357 + 0.96 ) (3.25 2.79)

iii) (75.05 0.05) 0.001 + 2.351

17) Solve the equations and check your answers:

i) 5 x - 6 = 4 x - 2 ii) 3( x + 6) = 24 iii) 5( 2 x - 3) 3( 3 x - 7) = 5

2 x + 14 x x x
iv) =4 v) + - =7 vi) 13(y 4) 3(y 9) = 5(y + 4)
3x + 6 2 3 4
18) The sum of two numbers is 99. If one exceeds the other by 9, find the numbers.

19) A sum of Rs.500 is in the form of denominations of Rs.5 and Rs.10.If total number of

notes is 90, find the number of notes of each type.

20) The ages of Sonal and Manoj are in the ratio 7: 5. Ten years hence, the ratio of their ages

will be 9 : 7. Find their present ages.

21) The length of a rectangular field is twice its breadth. If the perimeter of the field is 150

metres, find its length and breadth.

22) A ladder is placed in such a way that its foot is 5m away from the wall and its top reaches a

window 12m above the ground. Find the length of the ladder.

23) The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 17 cm long. If one of the remaining two sides is 8 cm

in length, find the length of the other side.

24) The exterior angle at C of a ABC is 120. Find the measure of all the angles of the

triangle if A = B. What type of triangle is this?

25) Two poles of heights 9m and14m stand upright on a plane ground. If the distance between

their feet is 12m, find the distance between their tops.

26) Find the reciprocals of :

2 -2 2 3 2 -2 3 -2 3 2
i) ( ) ( )3 ii) ( ) iii) ( ) ( )
3 3 5 9 4 4

p 5 -2 4 0 p
27) If = ( ) ( ) , find the value of ( )-2
q 6 3 q

28a) Write the following numbers in the form k 10n where 1< k < 10 and n is

an integer:

i) 0.00000086 ii) 0.00095 iii) 3500000 iv) 78.2651

b) Write in usual form:

i) 2.08 106 ii) 4.09 1011 iii) 3.5 10-8 iv) 1.865 10-5

29a) By what number should we multiply (- 8)-1 to obtain a product equal to 10-1

b) By what number should (-15)-1 be divided so that the quotient is (-5)-1 ?

30a) Simplify and express as a rational number:

4 6 4 -4 2 7 2 4 5 -1 7 -1
i)( ) ( ) ii) ( ) ( ) iii) ( ) ( )
9 9 3 3 7 4
b) Find the value of x so that:

3 3 3 -6 3
i)( ) ( ) = ( )2 x -1
5 5 5

4 2 4 4
ii) ( ) ( )3 x +1 = ( )4
7 7 7
Sub : Science Std : VII
Q1.Which is the proper sequence in processing fleece into wool ?
a) shearing sorting spinning scouring
b)shearing scouring sorting spinning
c)scouring spinning sorting shearing
d)scouring sorting shearing spinning
Q2.The range of a clinical thermometer is
a)35 C to 42C b) 0C to 100C
c)30C to 40 C d) 0 C to 50C
Q3.The pitcher formed in the pitcher plant is a modification of the
a) stem b) leaf
c) flower d) root
Q4.Water from the undigested food is absorbed mainly in the
a)Stomach b)Food pipe
c)Small intestine d)Large intestine
Q5.The distance time graph for a vehicle standing on a road side will be
a) Straight line inclined by some angle to X- axis
b) Straight line parallel to X- axis
c) Straight line parallel to Y- axis
d) None of the above.
Q6. A charged plastic comb (comb B ) is brought near another similarly charged , and suspended , plastic
comb ( comb A ). Then comb A would
a) remain unaffected b)move towards comb B
c) move away from comb B d) start oscillating
Q7.Symbiotic relationship between an alga and fungus is found in ____
a)Pitcher plant b)Mushroom c)Mucor d)Lichen

Q8.Sujata had 4 metal rods of the same size and shape . The metals were iron , steel, copper and
silver . She stuck wax pieces on each of the them .She then heated each of them as shown here and noted
down the time it took for all the wax pieces to melt and fall off the road.
Which of the following was she trying to find out ?
a)Why does wax melt when it is heated?
b)Which metal conducts heat the fastest ?
c)Can a candle flame melt large amounts of wax ?
d)Does a metal rod help to make a candle burn faster ?
Q9.The graph alongside shows the distance travelled by four cars P,Q,R and S over a period of time .

The car travelling the maximum distance in the shortest

interval of time is the fastest car.Which car is
travelling the fastest ?
a)Car P b)Car Q
c)Car R d)Car S

Q10.Look at the picture below carefully and write the conclusion for the following activity.
a)Like charges attract and unlike charges
b)Opposite charges are formed by
c)Like charges repel and unlike charges
d) Like charges are formed by attraction.
Q1 1.Balance the given equation :
a) NaCl+ H2SO4 _____ Na2SO4 + HCl

b) KClO3 ____ KCl + O2

c) C + H2SO4 ____ CO2 + SO2 + H2O

d) Na + HCl _________ NaCl + H2

Q12.Describe the construction of gold leaf electroscope with help of a diagram ?

Q13.Explain how lightning conductors protect tall structures from damage due to lightning ? Name the
scientist who established that phenomenon of lightning is related to electric charge ?
Q.14.Show the shape of the distance time graph for the motion in the following cases:
a) A car moving with a constant speed.
b) A car parked on a side road.
Q.15.A car is moving with a speed of 50 km / hr . It takes 7 hrs to reach its destination. Calculate the distance
traveled by the car.
Q.16. A train covers 80 km at a speed of 40 km / h . How much time does it take to cover the distance?
Q.17. A bus is moving with a speed of 80 km/h. It takes 2 hours to reach its destination without stopping on
its route. How much distance the bus has traveled?
Q.18.Complete the given table :
If following materials where rubbed vigorously through dry hair
Material Metallic / Electrical property

Non-metallic (gets charged up /

Does not get charged)

Ebonite rod

Metal comb

Q.19.Describe an experiment to show charging by induction ?

Q.20. Read the following questions given below carefully :
a) What happens when iron nails are mixed in copper sulphatesolution ?
b) Why does this happen ?
c) Give chemical equation for the above reaction.
d) Solve the jumbled word and find the type of chemical reaction shown by the above
given reaction
Q.21. Plot a distance time graph from the data given in the box below : Find the type of
motion shown by the given object .
Time 9:00 am 9:10 am 9:20 am 9:30 am 9:40 am 9:50 am 10:00 am
covered 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Q.22.How is the trunk useful to the elephant ?

Q.23.Explain how rhizobium bacteria and the roots of leguminous plants share a
symbiotic relationship.
Q.24.Explain the given statement that the leaf of a plant will die if its stomata are blocked with the help of
an activity.
Q.25.Name the major climatic zones of India also mention the names of states that fall in these zones .
Q.26.How is the lion tailed macaques adapted to live in the rainforest ?
Q.27.How does amoeba obtain its nutrients ? Explain with help of a neat labeled diagram .
Q.28.It is better to have a white umbrella than a black one in summer . Explain why ?
Q.29.What are villi ?What is their location and function ?
Q.30.Describe a simple experiment to show that the total charge on a pair of objects rubbed
together is zero.

Q1) Differentiate between the following:
a) Tropical and temperate grasslands
b) Hot and cold desert
c) Physical and Biological environment
d) P-wave and S-wave
Q2) Give reasons:-
a) Biosphere is important to us.
b) Humus is more rapidly found in humid areas.
c) Igneous rocks are called primary rocks.
d) Equatorial forests are called evergreen forests.
Q 3) Why is conservation of soil important? Suggest any three ways of conserving soil.
Q 4) Explain the formation of soil with the help of well labeled diagram.
Q 5) What are the various problems related to the ecological imbalance? Suggest steps to solve them.
Q 6) What are minerals? On what basis can the minerals be identified?
Q 7) Describe the different layers of the earths interior.
Q 8) What are fossil fuels? Name any two fossil fuels and specify their importance.
Q 9) Name some common animals found in cold and hot desert regions of the world.
Q 10) Name the major types of vegetation of the world.
Q 11) Why is the period after Harshavardhans death called a period of political instability?
Q 12) Mention the important features of Pratihara rule.
Q 13) Mention the main achievements of Rajaraja the great.
Q 14) What were the religious beliefs of the people in the southern states during the medieval period?
Q 15) Mention the reasons responsible for the defeat of Indian rulers.
Q 16) Which ruler is credited with laying the foundation of muslim empire in India?
Q 17) Balban was a strong and capable ruler Support the statement by giving suitable arguments.
Q 18) Differentiate between the aims of Mahmud Ghazni and Muhammad Ghori.
Q19) Briefly explain the economic reforms of Ala-ud-din Khalji.
Q 20) Explain any two projects of Muhammad Tughlaq which failed.

Q 21) How can people keep a check on their representatives?
Q 22) What is the main function of the opposition?
Q 23) What is the minimum age to be the governor of a state. Enlist his main powers.
Q 24) Why should the state governments be given more powers?
Q 25) Mention the three provisions of Right to equality.
Q 26) Describe the role of media in democracy.
Q 27) How are media & technology dependent on each other?
Q 28) Write any three points of difference between the Legislative assembly and legislative council.
Q 29) Why is media called a watch dog of democracy?
Q 30) Mention the functions of the state legislature.

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