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Study of Manufacturing Processes and Stress Analysis of I Beams Using Ansys

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International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015


E-mail: mahesh.tugave1893@gmail.com, mallikarjunbharath12@gmail.com, siddesh.chavare@hotmail.com,

Abstract:- In this paper the overall study of manufacturing processes of steel I-beams and its analysis using ANSYS is
presented. Section modulus of various cross sections are calculated and compared. The main purpose is to optimize the
factors which include stiffness and bending and to reduce buckling in I- Beams. The finite element modeling is employed to
study the use of horizontal and vertical stiffeners on inelastic buckling strength of coped beams. Various types of girders are
studied with its needs and applications and also plate girder is designed. Various manufacturing processes for I- Beams are
studied and compared. Different sizes of I section beams are studied analytically and compared with using ANSYS.

Keywords- Coped beam, Girder, Stiffeners, S355


The study of manufacturing processes used in
I-beams are steel structures widely used in industry and its comparison with the other process
construction industry. It is an important part of any used in manufacturing of beams. It discuss about the
type of construction. I-beams are commonly made of study of effectiveness of using horizontal and vertical
structural steel. Different sizes of I-beams are stiffeners for strengthening of coped beams using
required depending on various light & heavy ANSYS. It also discusses about the analytical study
applications. The method of producing an I-beam was of girders.
patented by Alphonse Halbou of the company
Forges de la Providence in 1849. An I-beam is also III. SECTIONS OF BEAMS
known as H-beam, double T beam or universal beam. The failure of I beam is mostly in bending. We are
In steel construction, when beams are connected to comparing I -section with various sections by
girders at the same elevation, beam flanges must be considering section modulus as a main parameter.
coped to provide sufficient clearance for proper Section modulus is direct measure of flexural strength
attachment. Beams can be coped at the top, bottom, of beam. We have compared the section modulus of
or at both flanges. When a beam is coped, the lateral various sections and the result is listed below:-
torsional buckling of the beam will be affected.
Cheng et al. studied both lateral and local buckling of
coped beams, as well as possible strengthening of
coped region. They recommended using stiffeners at
the coped region in order to improve the buckling
strength of coped beams. However, no theoretical
data are available for stiffening coped I-beams for
inelastic lateral torsional buckling. It discusses the
effectiveness of using horizontal and vertical
stiffeners for strengthening coped beams using
Up to certain limit, I beams are used for structural
purposes. For long span, the weight of beam plays an
important role in design. It is the main horizontal
support of a structure which supports smaller beams.
Girders often have an I-beam cross section for
strength, but may also have a box shape, Z shape and
From the above table assuming section modulus for I
other forms.
section to be 100%, corresponding values for other

Study Of Manufacturing Processes And Stress Analysis Of I Beams Using Ansys

International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015

section are calculated. The section modulus is Deformation limit = L/360 = 36/360 =0 .1 m
inversely proportional to bending stress. As the
section modulus is maximum for I section, therefore
the induced bending stress will be minimum.

It is the main horizontal support of a structure which
supports smaller beams. Girders often have an I-
Beam cross section for strength, but may also have a
box shape, Z shape and other forms. Typically a
girder is larger than a beam, or may support several
Final Girder Dimensions:
beams. Actually there are two kinds of beam namely
'Primary beam' and 'secondary beam'. Girders comes
under the category of primary beam, its main job is to
directly transfer loads coming over it to columns
upon which it rests. Now comes the secondary beam,
its main job is to first transfer loads on it to Girders or
Primary beams which in turn transfer the loads to
columns supporting it.

Stiffener plates may be attached to the girder web by
welding or bolting to increase the buckling resistance
of the web. Stiffness are also required to transfer the
concentrated force of applied load and reactions of
the web without producing local buckling.

A. Design Of Plate Girder

Problem Formulation
Yield stress of steel, fy = 250 N/mm2
Material factor for steel, m = 1.15
Dead Load factor, fd = 1.35
Imposed load factor, f=1.50
Dead Load
Uniformly distributed load, wd = 20 kN/ m (Including
Concentrated load, W1d= 200 kN
Concentrated load, W2d= 200 kN
Live load:
Uniformly distributed load, w = 35 kN/m
Concentrated load, W1 = 400 kN
Concentrated load, W2 = 400 kN

Fig. 1 Shear Stress for Plate Girder

Study Of Manufacturing Processes And Stress Analysis Of I Beams Using Ansys

International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015

Loading Conditions:
P =200kN
D = 216 mm, bf = 125 mm, tw = 5 mm
tf = 8mm, h/tw = 40

Fig. 5 End Condition for Coped Beam

Thickness of stiffeners = thickness of flange

Fig.2 Equivalent Stress for Plate Girder Width of stiffeners = half the width of stiffeners.
1. Horizontal stiffeners
c = 180 mm, dc/D = 0.10
2. Both horizontal and vertical stiffeners
dc/D = 0.5, c = 180 mm

Fig.3 Total Deformation for Plate Girder


In steel construction, when beams are connected to
I. Beam Analysis
girders at the same elevation, beam flanges must be
coped to provide sufficient clearance for proper A. C60 (Carbon Steel):
attachment. Beams can be coped at the top, bottom,
or at both flanges. When a beam is coped, the lateral Carbon steel, also called plain steel is a metal alloy, a
torsional buckling of the beam will be affected. combination of two elements, iron and carbon, where
other element are present in quantities too small to
affect the properties. The only other alloying
elements allowed in plain-carbon steel are
manganese (0.75%max), silicon (0.40%max), and
chromium (0.40% max) .
Steel with a low carbon content has the same
properties as iron, soft but easily formed. As carbon
content rises the metal becomes harder and stronger
Fig.4 Coped Details designation but less ductile and more difficult to weld.
Study Of Manufacturing Processes And Stress Analysis Of I Beams Using Ansys

International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015

B. S355 (Structural Steel) For load w = 30 kN\m

Structural steel is steel construction material,
a profile, formed with a specific shape or cross
section and certain standards of chemical
composition and mechanical properties. Structural
steel shape, size, composition, strength, storage, etc.,
is regulated in most industrialized countries.
Structural steel members, such as I-beams, have
b. For S355
high second moments of area, which allow them to be
For load w = 10 kN\m
very stiff in respect to their cross-sectional area.
Typical grades are described as 'S275J2' or
'S355K2W'. In these examples, 'S' denotes structural
rather than engineering steel; 275 or 355 denotes
the yield strength in Newton per square millimetre or
the equivalent mega Pascal.
C. For Various Loads And Span
Considering UDL (uniform distributed load) load to
be 10, 20, 30 kN\m and span to be 6, 8, 10 m. The
analytical design is carried out by taking standard For load w = 20 kN\m
dimensions from PSG Design data book and found
out the various values of stress and deformation.

i. Maximum Span Length for Constant Load:

a. For C60

For load w = 10 kN\m

For load w = 30 kN\m

ii. Maximum Load For Constant Span

a. For C60

For span L= 6m

For load w = 20 kN\m

Study Of Manufacturing Processes And Stress Analysis Of I Beams Using Ansys

International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015

For span L= 8m

For span L= 8m

For span L= 10m

For span L= 10m

b. For S355
For span L= 6m

VIII. Comparison of Theoretical and ANSYS results

i. For C60

Study Of Manufacturing Processes And Stress Analysis Of I Beams Using Ansys

International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015

ii. For S355

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Study Of Manufacturing Processes And Stress Analysis Of I Beams Using Ansys


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