Study of Manufacturing Processes and Stress Analysis of I Beams Using Ansys
Study of Manufacturing Processes and Stress Analysis of I Beams Using Ansys
Study of Manufacturing Processes and Stress Analysis of I Beams Using Ansys
Abstract:- In this paper the overall study of manufacturing processes of steel I-beams and its analysis using ANSYS is
presented. Section modulus of various cross sections are calculated and compared. The main purpose is to optimize the
factors which include stiffness and bending and to reduce buckling in I- Beams. The finite element modeling is employed to
study the use of horizontal and vertical stiffeners on inelastic buckling strength of coped beams. Various types of girders are
studied with its needs and applications and also plate girder is designed. Various manufacturing processes for I- Beams are
studied and compared. Different sizes of I section beams are studied analytically and compared with using ANSYS.
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015
section are calculated. The section modulus is Deformation limit = L/360 = 36/360 =0 .1 m
inversely proportional to bending stress. As the
section modulus is maximum for I section, therefore
the induced bending stress will be minimum.
It is the main horizontal support of a structure which
supports smaller beams. Girders often have an I-
Beam cross section for strength, but may also have a
box shape, Z shape and other forms. Typically a
girder is larger than a beam, or may support several
Final Girder Dimensions:
beams. Actually there are two kinds of beam namely
'Primary beam' and 'secondary beam'. Girders comes
under the category of primary beam, its main job is to
directly transfer loads coming over it to columns
upon which it rests. Now comes the secondary beam,
its main job is to first transfer loads on it to Girders or
Primary beams which in turn transfer the loads to
columns supporting it.
Stiffener plates may be attached to the girder web by
welding or bolting to increase the buckling resistance
of the web. Stiffness are also required to transfer the
concentrated force of applied load and reactions of
the web without producing local buckling.
Fig. 1 Shear Stress for Plate Girder
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015
Loading Conditions:
P =200kN
D = 216 mm, bf = 125 mm, tw = 5 mm
tf = 8mm, h/tw = 40
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015
For span L= 6m
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015
For span L= 8m
For span L= 8m
b. For S355
For span L= 6m
i. For C60
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 3, Issue-7, July-2015
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