Line Balancing For Improving Apparel Production by Operator Skill Matrix
Line Balancing For Improving Apparel Production by Operator Skill Matrix
Line Balancing For Improving Apparel Production by Operator Skill Matrix
Production by
Operator Skill Matrix
During our internship we found out that the styles are changing quite frequently as orders are relatively
small. Due to the fast changes of styles there is very limited time available for the production process.
The optimum uses of resources especially the available machinery & operators who are adding value of
the product is quite important. So the assembly line should be planned in more flexible way. This project
deals with the maximum utilization of manpower in the labour intensive Progressive bundling
system(PBS). The main objective is to create a database of the skills of workers(skill matrix) and using
the database to provide most efficient operator for a certain operation so as to achieve to achieve
highest level of productivity & delivery as planned target.
To get a balanced line from day one, select operators for the operations based on operators skill levels
and capacity required for the task. So we needed to develop a skill matrix of all operators.
2. To check operators capability of doing various operations (If you maintain operations wise
record, you may skip recording machine record or keep both) and their performance level
(efficiency %)
3. To know list of operators who can do selected operations and their performance level
To have all basic information in one table, you need to capture following data.
Operation name,
3. Factory- GG225
4. Shade: - Grey
7. SAM:-28.46
8. No. of Operators:-35
Line Balancing is the distribution of work on the line in such a way that everyone gets the same output
of work in terms of time.
Appropriate allocation of the skill operators for particular operations is the keystone for any line
balancing in the garment industry. Allocation also depends on type of balance required. One approach
of allocation is to find the closest match between operators required and operators available. This type
of allocation results in intrinsic balance of line. Another approach is the effective utilization of operator's
skill so far he can do the best, this approach results in dynamic balance of line.
Table 1
COLLAR MAKING 66 75 72 48
Table 2
Dynamic balancing
From the Tables 1 and 2 for a setting the operators are selected as B & C because the operational
efficiencies of these operators are as per the required for the particular jobs which will have the
effective use of all operators' skills.
After allocation of operators to the Line number G3 we did a time study for all the operations after 2
days of Line settinG identify any bottlenecks in the line.
A sequence of operations is involved in making a garment. Since the progressive bundling system is in
place so each operator do one operation and give it other operator to do next operation. In this way
garment reached to end of the line as a completed garment. In the assembly line after some time of the
line setting, it is found that at some places in the line, work is started to pile up and few operators sit
idle due to unavailability of work.
When this situation happens in the line it is called an imbalanced line. Normally it happens due to two
main reasons
a) Variation in work content (time needed to do an operation) in different operations and
b) Operators performance level.- To meet the production target, maintaining smooth work flow in the
line is very important. So it is very important to know basics of quick line balancing.
The main job in line balancing is to eliminate or reduce WIP (work in process) at bottleneck operations.
To do that you have to know which operations are bottleneck in the line. Through capacity study and
target setting we found existing bottlenecks in the line.
Tools required:
i) Stop watch
ii) Spread sheet or Calculator
Step 1: Capacity study: Listing down all operations (with operator name) as per operation sequence in a
paper. Using stop watch cycle time (time study) for each operation for five consecutive cycles. With
average cycle time calculate hourly capacity of the operators.
Step 2: Target setting: With the above capacity data set your target output per hour from one line.
Generally it is calculated using following formula (Target per hour= Total no of operators X 60 /garment
SAM). Checking current hourly operator production report. Draw a straight line with target output data
on the line graph.
Step 3: Identification of bottleneck areas: Now with the capacity study table and we compare each
operators capacity with the target capacity. Each individual operator whose capacity is less than the
target output is bottleneck operation for the line. It is impossible to improve imbalanced lines output
without improving output of the bottleneck operations. A bottleneck operation is like a weak link chain.
Step 4: Eliminate bottlenecks from the line: Now to eliminate bottleneck areas use following methods
which suites best to your situation but dont jump without trying initial steps.
Club operations where possible - Where there is higher capacity than the target output, give
that operator another operation with less work content.
Shuffle operators - Operations that have low work content use low performer there. And
where work content is higher use high performers.
Reduce cycle time using work aids and attachments - To assist the operator in handling parts
during sewing, positioning cutting and disposing finished task, work aids, guides or attachment
can be used. Thinking of that if possible provide operator with aids. It will reduce operation
cycle time.
Improve workstation layout and improve methods - Most important area for improving output
from a particular operation is using best workstation layout and best method of work. There is
always a chance that though improving method of bottleneck operations you can do line
Add more operators at bottleneck operations - Adding one additional machine in easy task
than others. Before adding one more machine compare the cost-benefits of putting additional
machine into the line. It can be simple compared by estimating machine productivity in both
Do extra work at bottleneck operations - At lunch break and Tea break when each operator of
the line goes for break, bottleneck operator can continue work to feed next to his operator.
Later he can take break. At the end of the day tell this operator to work for one hour extra to
reduce the WIP.
Capacity study
In this study we have produced a garment of 'DOUBLE TWILL SHIRT ' and for this production we took
the production of line number G2 before implementation of skill matrix, and then we selected the
required operators with the use of skill matrix with respect to the operation . In this study we have
conducted for the production of number of pieces for the selected line number G3 before and after the
implementation of the skill matrix. According to the prepared skill matrix the operators are selected
with respect to their skill reports stored from the database. The Table shows the results of before and
after the implementation of the skill matrix
150 #REF!
DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10
Skill matrix helps in allocating right person for the right job which helps in achieving desired
performance level. It keeps record of all operations an operator had done in the past and efficiency level
in each operation. Engineers / line supervisors need minimum time to find and select most efficient
operators for an operation from the pull of operators.
For line balancing, operators can be selected according to work content. When someone is absent,
supervisor can easily find suitable person from the skill matrix table and replace. To analyses the skill
availability and distribution throughout the factory. This can be compared with the skill requirement for
a particular time period and shortage/excess skill availability to achieve at the training requirement. So
productivity can be achieved by allocating skill & semi-skilled workers to the right place and unskilled
operator should be trained properly.
Also after line is set using skill matrix ,capacity study is done to further find bottlenecks in the line . the
main job is to reduce/eliminate WIP between operations to improve the output.