Water Cement Ratio (W/C) : VC +VW Vah + VHP + VCP
Water Cement Ratio (W/C) : VC +VW Vah + VHP + VCP
Water Cement Ratio (W/C) : VC +VW Vah + VHP + VCP
W/C ratio states two function - 1) strength of concrete is only depend upon w/c ratio, provide the mixtu
strength of concrete primilarly depends upon the strength of cement paste.
strength of cement paste increase with cement content & decrease in air & water content.
The strength of fully compacted concrete is inversely proportinal to the w/c ratio.
-------Hydration Products
Cement (Vc) -------
-----unreacted cement (V
W/C controls the mechanical properties & durability of hardened concrete. There are two method to ch
1. Physico chemical method (BS1881:124:1988)
2. Fluroescence microscopy method. ( NT361-1999)
Aggregrates & voids are ivariant with time & total shrinkage is small & we can write equation as below
Vc +Vw = VAH + VHP + Vcp
VAH,VHP,Vcp measures with backs cattered electronic microscopy & results are used to calculate the cem
water content.
ater content.
3) Design Mixtures
M refers Mixture
Hydration products have lower specific gravities and larger specific volumes than their parent cement compounds
Therefore every hydration reaction is accompained by increase in the solid volume.
Calcium Silicates -- hydration of these materials is not accompanied by an increase in volume.
Recall, these crystals will only occupy free space. If this space is filled, the growth or hydration will stop.
Calcium Aluminate -- The hydration product of this material (ettringite) will continue to form even when a solid
surface is encountered. Since there is no volume in which the crystal can grow, internal pressures develop.
Volume change is directly related to porosity. It is possible to calculate pore space by measuring the loss of evapora
Other relationships for volume of hydration products and porosity are available (see p. 105). Based on these, a mini
(w/c)min = 0.42a
Therefore, for complete hydration, the w/c ratio should not fall below 0.42. However, complete hydration is not requi
rent cement compounds.
uring the loss of evaporable water and nonevaporable water. The evaporable water describes water held in capillary and gel po
. Based on these, a minimum water/cement ratio relationship for complete hydration can be formed.
ete hydration is not required for high ultimate strength. This means that paste with low w/c ratios will self-desiccate unless extern
ld in capillary and gel pores. This amount can be determined by oven drying a sample. Nonevaporable water is a measure invo
f-desiccate unless external water is added. Generally, this is not a problem in the field.
water is a measure involving the microstructure of the hydration product and is obtained from a paste heated to very high temp
heated to very high temperatures (1000 C0). T.C. Powers developed several empirical relationships for degree of hydration bas
degree of hydration based on the amount the two types of water described above.