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C-35 Mix Design by Estimate of Mass

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C-15 Concrete Mix Design

A-Specification Requirement
Parameteres Requirement Reference
Required Ave.Compressive Strength 15 (Cylindrical) Cont. Specification Table 6404/2
Required Cement Content 360kg ~510 kg Cont. Specification Table 6404/1
Water/Cement Ration 0.5 ACI 211-1-81 Table A-
Standared Devation 4.5 ACI 318-83(40) Table (2.8.1)
Slump Required 25-75 mm ACI 211-1-81 A-1.5.31
Nominal Max. Size 19 mm

B~ Laboratory Quality Test Result of the Ingredients

The Quality Of water quality for Constraction,ACV,Flakiness Index,LAA,Sodium Sulfate
Soundness,Grading,Specificatin Gravity,Water absorptionand other quality test resalts attached
in appendix l port cement (OPC)OR(PPC) used from Mugger Cement Factory.

C~ Laboratory Design Datas

Enteraped air content Determined accordance with Table A. of ACI 2%
Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate 2.73
Specific Gravity of Crushed sand Aggregate 2.72
Specific Gravity of Nejo Fine Aggregate -
Finess moduless of Fine Aggregate 3.00
Specific Gravity of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 3.15
Water absorption of Coarse Aggregate 1.49
Water absorption of Fine Aggregate 3.22
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-roaded unit weight 1578 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-loose unit weight 1353 kg/m3
Crushed Sand Aggregate oven dry-loose unit weight 1553 kg/m4

D- Determination of Target Mean Strength

The Cylinderical targeat average mean compressive strength at 28 day's is given bythe following

Targeat mean strength (T s)=f ck + (Y*S)

Ts=Targeat mean strenght
f ck=Characteristic Compressive Strength at 28 day's - 15 N/mm2
s=standared Deviation - 4.5
y=statical value (from contr. Speci.6404(111) - 1.64
So from the above Equation Cylinderical targeat mean strength - 27.2N/mm2

The Equivalent Cubical targeat mean strength=1.27(27.2) - 34.00N/mm2

E- Determination of Dry Mass of Coarse Aggregate
The quality of coarse aggregate estimated from ACI211-1-81 Table A- for a finesse
modules of 3.00and 19 mm Nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate the table indicates that
0.64 m3 of coarse on dry- Rodd basics.Therefore the required dry mass for coarse aggregate
calculated as

Coarse Aggregate Mass = 0.6 * 1578 947 kg

Cement Content Trials = 320 kg
Mixing Water = 190 kg

NB:- Based On Table A1.5.3.6 For less workebl concrete such as reqired for concrete pevement
constraction they may be increased about 10 %

10% * 946.8 95 kg
947 + 95 1041 kg

F-Determinatiomn of mixing water

(Exciuding absorption of aggregate)

From Water / Cement ratio = 0.59

Mixing Water = 190 kg/m3

G- Trial Mixes Compautation

Atrial mix conducted with constant water cement ratio of 0.5 and 380kg of cement content
targeting to the required strength and workability. The computation result summarized below

G1-Detrmination of Dry Mass of Coarse Aggregate

From ACI 211-1-81Table A1. the mass of cubic meter of non air-entrained made with
aggregate having a maximum size of 20mm is estimated to be 2345kg/m 3 by interpolation
The Mass already known are:
Water = 190 kg/m3
Cement = 320 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate = 1041 kg/m3
Total = 1551.2 kg/m3

From This Mass of Fine = 2345 1551.2 = 793.8 kg/m3

Aggregate becomes = 793.8 kg/m3
G 2-1 Trial batch calculation in one meter cube volume Basis
Volume of water 0.190 m3
Solid Volume of cement 0.101 m3
solid Volume of coarse Aggregate 0.381 m3
volum of entrapped air 0.020 m3
Total volume except volume of fine Aggregate 0.693 m3

solid volume of Aggregate = 1- 0.693 0.307 m3

G 2-2-Bacth mass per meter cube of concret

water = 0.190 1 1000 = 190 kg
cement = 0.101 3.15 1000 = 320 kg
coarse Aggregate = 0.381 2.73 1000 = 1041 kg
crushed sand = 0.307 2.72 1000 = 835 kg

The Trial batch preparation based on assumed concrete mass bassis are used

(I)- T rial Batch in oven Dry Aggregate Basis

Absorbed water
crushed sand = 835 0.0322 27 Lt
In Coarse Aggregate = 1041 0.0149 16 Lt

Total 42 Lt
Total water added including absorbed water
Added water = 190 + 42 232 Lt

H- Adjusted net Trial batch in oven dry aggregate basis

Water = 232 kg/m3

Cement = 320 kg/m3
Crushed sand = 835 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate = 1041 kg/m3

I- Lab Trial batch scale dowen to 0.042 m3

Unit Unit
Kg/m3 M3
Water 232 0.042 9.76 kg
Cement 320 0.042 13.43 kg
Crushed sand 835 0.042 35.07 kg
Coarse Aggregate 1041 0.042 43.74 kg

Determination of fine & Coarse Aggregate Measuring Box Size

Determination of fine & Coarse Aggregate Measuring Box Size

Loose Unit
Adjust Quantity per 50 kg of Weight see the Loose Volume of
Quantity cement=(Adjusted attached test Aggregate per a bag of
Parameter (kg) Quantity)/50 kg result (kg/m3) cement (50kg)in m3
Water 232 36.3
Cement 320 50.0
Crushed sand 835 130.6 1553 0.0841
Coarse Aggregate 1041 162.9 1353 0.1204
Total 2429 216.9 0.2045

Number of bag og cement in cubic meter of concret 6.4

*Loose Volue of Aggregate = Quntity per 50kg Cement /Loose Unit Weight

Determination of neight of Measuring Box of Coarse &Fine Aggregate

Assume the Width and Length of all measuring boxes are 0.40m and 0.50m respectively, then
required height of the measuring boxesare simply estimated below

Crushed Sand Coarse Aggregate

Desigh Volume 0.0841 0.1204
Width (m) 0.40 0.40
Length(m) 0.50 0.50
Total Height (m) 0.42 0.60
Adjusted Height (m) 21.02 20.06
Number of box 2 3

Assume Height for Fine Aggregate H=3h and For Coarse Aggregate H=2h

Summary of box size and number of bag

For one bag cement proportion of mix trial

Crushed Sand (Cm) 40.00 50.00 21.02 = No. Box 2

Course Aggregate (Cm) 40.00 50.00 20.06 = No. Box 3

(PPC) Cement Crushed Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate

1 2 3

Remark :

Contractor's Rep Consultant's Rep.

C-15 Concrete Mix Design
A-Specification Requirement
Parameteres Requirement Reference
Required Ave.Compressive Strength 15 (Cylindrical) Cont. Specification Table 6404/2
Required Cement Content 360kg ~510 kg Cont. Specification Table 6404/1
Water/Cement Ration 0.5 ACI 211-1-81 Table A-
Standared Devation 4.5 ACI 318-83(40) Table (2.8.1)
Slump Required 25-75 mm ACI 211-1-81 A-1.5.31
Nominal Max. Size 19 mm

B~ Laboratory Quality Test Result of the Ingredients

The Quality Of water quality for Constraction,ACV,Flakiness Index,LAA,Sodium Sulfate
Soundness,Grading,Specificatin Gravity,Water absorptionand other quality test resalts attached
in appendix l port cement (OPC)OR(PPC) used from Mugger Cement Factory.

C~ Laboratory Design Datas

Enteraped air content Determined accordance with Table A. of ACI 2%
Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate 2.73
Specific Gravity of Crushed sand Aggregate 2.72
Specific Gravity of Nejo Fine Aggregate -
Finess moduless of Fine Aggregate 3.00
Specific Gravity of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 3.15
Water absorption of Coarse Aggregate 1.49
Water absorption of Fine Aggregate 3.22
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-roaded unit weight 1578 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-loose unit weight 1353 kg/m3
Crushed Sand Aggregate oven dry-loose unit weight 1553 kg/m4

D- Determination of Target Mean Strength

The Cylinderical targeat average mean compressive strength at 28 day's is given bythe following

Targeat mean strength (T s)=f ck + (Y*S)

Ts=Targeat mean strenght
f ck=Characteristic Compressive Strength at 28 day's - 15 N/mm2
s=standared Deviation - 4.5
y=statical value (from contr. Speci.6404(111) - 1.64
So from the above Equation Cylinderical targeat mean strength - 27.2N/mm2

The Equivalent Cubical targeat mean strength=1.27(27.2) - 34.00N/mm2

E- Determination of Dry Mass of Coarse Aggregate
The quality of coarse aggregate estimated from ACI211-1-81 Table A- for a finesse
modules of 3.00and 19 mm Nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate the table indicates that
0.64 m3 of coarse on dry- Rodd basics.Therefore the required dry mass for coarse aggregate
calculated as

Coarse Aggregate Mass = 0.6 * 1578 947 kg

Cement Content Trials = 320 kg
Mixing Water = 190 kg

NB:- Based On Table A1.5.3.6 For less workebl concrete such as reqired for concrete pevement
constraction they may be increased about 10 %

10% * 946.8 95 kg
947 + 95 1041 kg

F-Determinatiomn of mixing water

(Exciuding absorption of aggregate)

From Water / Cement ratio = 0.59

Mixing Water = 190 kg/m3

G- Trial Mixes Compautation

Atrial mix conducted with constant water cement ratio of 0.5 and 380kg of cement content
targeting to the required strength and workability. The computation result summarized below

G1-Detrmination of Dry Mass of Coarse Aggregate

From ACI 211-1-81Table A1. the mass of cubic meter of non air-entrained made with
aggregate having a maximum size of 20mm is estimated to be 2345kg/m 3 by interpolation
The Mass already known are:
Water = 190 kg/m3
Cement = 320 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate = 1041 kg/m3
Total = 1551.2 kg/m3

From This Mass of Fine = 2345 1551.2 = 793.8 kg/m3

Aggregate becomes = 793.8 kg/m3
G 2-1 Trial batch calculation in one meter cube volume Basis
Volume of water 0.190 m3
Solid Volume of cement 0.101 m3
solid Volume of coarse Aggregate 0.381 m3
volum of entrapped air 0.020 m3
Total volume except volume of fine Aggregate 0.693 m3

solid volume of Aggregate = 1- 0.693 0.307 m3

G 2-2-Bacth mass per meter cube of concret

water = 0.190 1 1000 = 190 kg
cement = 0.101 3.15 1000 = 320 kg
coarse Aggregate = 0.381 2.73 1000 = 1041 kg
crushed sand = 0.307 2.72 1000 = 835 kg

The Trial batch preparation based on assumed concrete mass bassis are used

(I)- T rial Batch in oven Dry Aggregate Basis

Absorbed water
crushed sand = 835 0.0322 27 Lt
In Coarse Aggregate = 1041 0.0149 16 Lt

Total 42 Lt
Total water added including absorbed water
Added water = 190 + 42 232 Lt

H- Adjusted net Trial batch in oven dry aggregate basis

Water = 232 kg/m3

Cement = 320 kg/m3
Crushed sand = 835 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate = 1041 kg/m3

I- Lab Trial batch scale dowen to 0.042 m3

Unit Unit
Kg/m3 M3
Water 232 0.042 9.76 kg
Cement 320 0.042 13.43 kg
Crushed sand 835 0.042 35.07 kg
Coarse Aggregate 1041 0.042 43.74 kg

Determination of fine & Coarse Aggregate Measuring Box Size

Determination of fine & Coarse Aggregate Measuring Box Size

Loose Unit
Adjust Quantity per 50 kg of Weight see the Loose Volume of
Quantity cement=(Adjusted attached test Aggregate per a bag of
Parameter (kg) Quantity)/50 kg result (kg/m3) cement (50kg)in m3
Water 232 36.3
Cement 320 50.0
Crushed sand 835 130.6 1553 0.0841
Coarse Aggregate 1041 162.9 1353 0.1204
Total 2429 216.9 0.2045

Number of bag og cement in cubic meter of concret 6.4

*Loose Volue of Aggregate = Quntity per 50kg Cement /Loose Unit Weight

Determination of neight of Measuring Box of Coarse &Fine Aggregate

Assume the Width and Length of all measuring boxes are 0.40m and 0.50m respectively, then
required height of the measuring boxesare simply estimated below

Crushed Sand Coarse Aggregate

Desigh Volume 0.0841 0.1204
Width (m) 0.40 0.40
Length(m) 0.50 0.50
Total Height (m) 0.42 0.60
Adjusted Height (m) 21.02 20.06
Number of box 2 3

Assume Height for Fine Aggregate H=3h and For Coarse Aggregate H=2h

Summary of box size and number of bag

For one bag cement proportion of mix trial

Crushed Sand (Cm) 40.00 50.00 21.02 = No. Box 2

Course Aggregate (Cm) 40.00 50.00 20.06 = No. Box 3

(PPC) Cement Crushed Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate

1 2 3

Remark :

Contractor's Rep Consultant's Rep.

C-30 Concrete Mix Design
A-Specification Requirement
Parameteres Requirement Reference
Required Ave.Compressive Strength 28 (Cylindrical) Cont. Specification Table 6404/2
Required Cement Content 360kg ~510 kg Cont. Specification Table 6404/1
Water/Cement Ration 0.47 ACI 211-1-81 Table A-
Standared Devation 4.5 ACI 318-83(40) Table (2.8.1)
Slump Required 25-75 mm ACI 211-1-81 A-1.5.31
Nominal Max. Size 19 mm
As per ERA pipe Manual max. Water Cement ratio is 0.53
B~ Laboratory Quality Test Result of the Ingredients

The Quality Of water quality for Constraction,ACV,Flakiness Index,LAA,Sodium Sulfate

Soundness,Grading,Specificatin Gravity,Water absorptionand other quality test resalts
attached in appendix l port cement (OPC)OR(PPC) used from Mugger Cement Factory.

C~ Laboratory Design Datas

Enteraped air content Determined accordance with Table A. of ACI 2%
=2% of Coarse Aggregate O
Specific Gravity 2.75

Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate O2 2.746

Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate 2.596
Finess moduless of Fine Aggregate 2.52
Moister Content of Coarse Aggregate O1 1.410
Moister Content of Coarse Aggregate O2 1.104
Moister Content of Sand Fine Aggregate 0.263
Specific Gravity of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 3.15
Water absorption of Coarse Aggregate O1 1.504
Water absorption of Coarse Aggregate O2 1.328
Water absorption of Sand Fine Aggregate 0.746
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-roaded unit weight 1593 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-loose unit weight O1 1308 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-loose unit weight O2 1497 kg/m3
Sand Fine Aggregate 1500 kg/m3

D- Determination of Target Mean Strength

The Cylinderical targeat average mean compressive strength at 28 day's is given bythe
following Equation

Targeat mean strength (T s)=f ck + (Y*S)

Ts=Targeat mean strenght
f ck=Characteristic Compressive Strength at 28 day's - 28 N/mm2
s=standared Deviation - 4.5
y=statical value (from contr. Speci.6404(111) - 1.64
So from the above Equation Cylinderical targeat mean strength - 27.2N/mm2
The Equivalent Cubical targeat mean strength=1.27(27.2) - 35

E- Determination of Dry Mass of Coarse Aggregate

The quality of coarse aggregate estimated from ACI211-1-81 Table A- for a finesse
modules of 3.00and 19 mm Nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate the table indicates
that 0.64 m3 of coarse on dry- Rodd basics.Therefore the required dry mass for coarse
aggregate calculated as

Coarse Aggregate Mass =

0.65 * 1593 1035.45 kg
Cement Content Trials = 400
Mixing Water = 190 kg

F-Determinatiomn of mixing water

(Exciuding absorption of aggregate)

From Water / Cement ratio = 0.47

Mixing Water = 190 kg/m3

G- Trial Mixes Compautation

Atrial mix conducted with constant water cement ratio of 0.5 and 380kg of cement content
targeting to the required strength and workability. The computation result summarized below

G1-Detrmination of Dry Mass of Coarse Aggregate

From ACI 211-1-81Table A1. the mass of cubic meter of non air-entrained made with
aggregate having a maximum size of 20mm is estimated to be 2345kg/m 3 by interpolation
The Mass already known are:
Water = 190 kg/m3
Cement = 400 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate = 1035 kg/m3
Total = 1625.9 kg/m3

From This Mass of Fine = 2345 1625.9 = 719.1 kg/m3

Aggregate becomes = 719.1 kg/m3

G 2-1 Trial batch calculation in one meter cube volume Basis

Volume of water 0.190 m3
Solid Volume of cement 0.127 m3
solid Volume of coarse Aggregate 0.377 m3
volum of entrapped air 0.020 m3
Total volume except volume of fine Aggregate 0.714 m3
Solid volume of Fine Aggregate = 1- 0.714 0.286 m3
Coarse Aggregate O1 = 15% 0.056
Coarse Aggregate O2 = 85% 0.320
Total volume except volume of Coarse Aggregate 0.377

G 2-2-Bacth mass per meter cube of concret

water = 0.190 1 1000 = 190 kg
cement = 0.127 3.15 1000 = 400 kg
Coarse Aggregate O2 = 0.320 2.75 1000 = 880 kg
Coarse Aggregate O1 = 0.056 2.746 1000 = 155 kg
Fine Aggrega = 0.286 2.54 1000 727 kg
The Trial batch preparation based on assumed concrete mass bassis are used

(I)- T rial Batch in oven Dry Aggregate Basis

Absorbed water
Coarse Aggregate O1 = 155 0.01504 2 Lt
Coarse Aggregate O2 = 880 0.01328 12 Lt
Fine Aggregate = 727 0.00746 5 Lt
Total 19 Lt
Total water added including absorbed water
Added water = 190 + 19 209 Lt
Water = 195.6302308

H- Adjusted net Trial batch in oven dry aggregate basis

Water = 209 kg/m3

Cement = 400 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate O1 157 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate O2 = 892 kg/m3
Fine Aggregate 729 kg/m3
Total 2388

I- Lab Trial batch scale dowen to 0.042 m3

Unit Unit
Kg/m3 M3
Water 209 0.042 8.80 kg
Cement 400 0.042 16.82 kg
Coarse Aggregate O1 157 0.042 6.61 kg
Coarse Aggregate O2 892 0.042 37.46 kg
Fine Aggregate 729 0.042 30.63 kg

Determination of fine & Coarse Aggregate Measuring Box Size

Quantity per 50 kg Loose Unit Weight

Adjust of see the attached Loose Volume of
Quantity cement=(Adjusted test result Aggregate per a bag
Parameter (kg) Quantity)/50 kg (kg/m3) of cement (50kg)in m3
Water 209 26.2
Cement 400 50.0
Coarse Aggregate O1 157 19.6 1308 0.0150
Coarse Aggregate O2 892 111.4 1500 0.0742
Fine Aggregate 729 91.1 1308 0.0696
Total 1778 95.8 0.1589

Number of bag og cement in cubic meter of concret 8.0

*Loose Volue of Aggregate = Quntity per 50kg Cement /Loose Unit Weight

Determination of neight of Measuring Box of Coarse &Fine Aggregate

Assume the Width and Length of all measuring boxes are 0.40m and 0.50m respectively,
then required height of the measuring boxesare simply estimated below

Aggregate O1 Aggregate O2 Fine Aggregate

Desigh Volume 0.0150 0.0742 0.0696
Width (m) 0.40 0.40 0.40
Length(m) 0.50 0.50 0.50
Total Height (m) 0.08 0.37 0.35
Adjusted Height (m) 7.51 18.56 17.40
Number of box 1 2 2

Assume Height for Fine Aggregate H=3h and For Coarse Aggregate H=2h

Summary of box size and number of bag

For one bag cement proportion of mix trial
Aggregate O1 (Cm) 40.00 50.00 7.51 = No. Box 1
Aggregate O2 (Cm) 40.00 50.00 18.56 No. Box 2
Fine Aggregate (Cm) 40.00 50.00 17.40 = No. Box 2
(PPC) Cement Crushed Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate
1 1 2

Remark :

Contractor's Rep Consultant's Rep.

Desired Slump Range (mm) Average Slump Nominal Siz
9.5 12.5

25-50 37.5 207 199

50-75 62.5 217.5 207.5
75-100 87.5 228 216
150-175 162.5 243 228
Percent Voids 3.0 2.5

Cylinder Comp. W:C Ratio (Air

Strength (Mpa) W:C Ratio (Non Air Entrained) Entrained)
40 0.42 -
35 0.47 0.39

Formula is W:C Ratio=1502*EXP(-0.0253*B3)

Avg. Compressive Stren 35
Water:Cement Ratio 0.47

First Estimate of Concrete

Nominal Max. Size Unit Weight ActualNom
9.5 2280 19
12.5 2310
19 2345
25 2380
37.5 2410
50 2445
75 2490
150 2530
% Of Mixing Agg.
F.A C.A O1 C.A O2
41% 9% 50%
Totatl 41% 59%
Nominal Size
19 25 37.5 50 75 150 Remark

190 179 166 154 130 113

197.5 186 173.5 161.5 137.5 118.5 Approx. Mixing Water for different
nominal sizes and desired slumps
205 193 181 169 145 124
216 202 190 178 160 -
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 App. Entrapped air (%)

First Estimate of
Concrete Unit
for a Percent
Desired slump of of
Range Nominal Row Water 75 to Entrapp
(mm) Size Number Content 100mm ed Air
Actual Slump 25-75 19 5 190 2.0
Standard Slump for initial
Density Computation 75-100 19 5 205

Correction of concrete unit weight 15

F.M = Fineness
F.M = Modulus
F.M = F.M =
Nominal Size 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
9.5 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44

12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53

19 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.6

25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
37.5 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
C-30 Concrete Mix Design
A-Specification Requirement
Parameteres Requirement Reference
Required Ave.Compressive Strength 28 (Cylindrical) Cont. Specification Table 6404/2
Required Cement Content 360kg ~510 kg Cont. Specification Table 6404/1
Water/Cement Ration 0.47 ACI 211-1-81 Table A-
Standared Devation 4.5 ACI 318-83(40) Table (2.8.1)
Slump Required 25-75 mm ACI 211-1-81 A-1.5.31
Nominal Max. Size 19 mm
As per ERA pipe Manual max. Water Cement ratio is 0.53
B~ Laboratory Quality Test Result of the Ingredients

The Quality Of water quality for Constraction,ACV,Flakiness Index,LAA,Sodium Sulfate

Soundness,Grading,Specificatin Gravity,Water absorptionand other quality test resalts
attached in appendix l port cement (OPC)OR(PPC) used from Mugger Cement Factory.

C~ Laboratory Design Datas

Enteraped air content Determined accordance with Table A. of ACI 2.000 %
=2% of Coarse Aggregate O
Specific Gravity 2.890

Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate O2 2.890

Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate 2.474
Finess moduless of Fine Aggregate 2.990
Moister Content of Coarse Aggregate O1 0.643
Moister Content of Coarse Aggregate O2 0.432
Moister Content of Sand Fine Aggregate 0.836
Specific Gravity of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 3.150
Water absorption of Coarse Aggregate O1 1.131
Water absorption of Coarse Aggregate O2 1.208
Water absorption of Sand Fine Aggregate 2.339
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-roaded unit weight 1716.76 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-loose unit weight O1 1550 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate oven dry-loose unit weight O2 1494 kg/m3
Sand Fine Aggregate 1332 kg/m3

D- Determination of Target Mean Strength

The Cylinderical targeat average mean compressive strength at 28 day's is given bythe
following Equation

Targeat mean strength (T s)=f ck + (Y*S)

Ts=Targeat mean strenght
f ck=Characteristic Compressive Strength at 28 day's - 28 N/mm2
s=standared Deviation - 4.5
y=statical value (from contr. Speci.6404(111) - 1.64
S= from the above Equation Cylinderical targeat mean strength - 27.2N/mm2
The Equivalent Cubical targeat mean strength=1.27(27.2) - 35

E- Determination of Dry Mass of Coarse Aggregate

The quality of coarse aggregate estimated from ACI211-1-81 Table A- for a finesse
modules of 3.00and 19 mm Nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate the table indicates
that 0.64 m3 of coarse on dry- Rodd basics.Therefore the required dry mass for coarse
aggregate calculated as

Coarse Aggregate Mass = 0.601 * 1716.8 1031.77 kg

Cement Content Trials = 400 kg

Mixing Water = 190 kg

F-Determinatiomn of mixing water

(Exciuding absorption of aggregate)

From Water / Cement ratio = 0.47

Mixing Water = 190 kg/m3

G- Trial Mixes Compautation

Atrial mix conducted with constant water cement ratio of 0.5 and 380kg of cement content
targeting to the required strength and workability. The computation result summarized below

G1-Detrmination of Dry Mass of Coarse Aggregate

From ACI 211-1-81Table A1. the mass of cubic meter of non air-entrained made with
aggregate having a maximum size of 20mm is estimated to be 2345kg/m 3 by interpolation
The Mass already known are:
Water = 190 kg/m3
Cement = 400 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate = 1032 kg/m3
Total = 1622.2 kg/m3

From This Mass of Fine = 2345 1622.2 = 722.8 kg/m3

Aggregate becomes = 722.8 kg/m3 0.292 M3

G 2-1 Trial batch calculation in one meter cube volume Basis

Volume of water 0.190 m3
Solid Volume of cement 0.127 m3
solid Volume of coarse Aggregate 0.357 m3
volum of entrapped air 0.020 m3
Total volume except volume of fine Aggregate 0.694 m3
Solid volume of Fine Aggregate = 1- 0.694 0.306 m3
Coarse Aggregate O1 = 30% 0.107
Coarse Aggregate O2 = 70% 0.250
Total volume except volume of Coarse Aggregate 0.357

G 2-2-Bacth mass per meter cube of concret

water = 0.190 1.00 1000 = 190 kg
cement = 0.127 3.15 1000 = 400 kg
Coarse Aggregate O2 = 0.250 2.89 1000 = 722 kg
Coarse Aggregate O1 = 0.107 2.89 1000 = 310 kg
Fine Aggregate = 0.292 2.47 1000 723 kg
The Trial batch preparation based on assumed concrete mass bassis are used

(I)- T rial Batch in oven Dry Aggregate Basis

Absorbed water
Coarse Aggregate O1 = 310 -0.00488 -1.51 Lt
Coarse Aggregate O2 = 722 -0.00776 -5.60 Lt
Fine Aggregate = 723 -0.01503 -10.86 Lt
Total -17.98 Lt
Total water added including absorbed water
water = 190 - -18 208.0 Lt
Water = 207.978451

H- Adjusted net Trial batch in oven dry aggregate basis

Water = 208 kg/m3

Cement = 400 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate O1 = 312 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate O2 = 731 kg/m3
Fine Aggregate = 729 kg/m3
Total = 2380 kg/m3

I- Lab Trial batch scale dowen to 0.042 m3

Unit Unit
Kg/m3 M3
Water 208 0.042 8.74 kg
Cement 400 0.042 16.82 kg
Coarse Aggregate O1 312 0.042 13.08 kg
Coarse Aggregate O2 731 0.042 30.70 kg
Fine Aggregate 729 0.042 30.61 kg

Determination of fine & Coarse Aggregate Measuring Box Size

Quantity per 50 kg Loose Unit Weight

Adjust of see the attached Loose Volume of
Quantity cement=(Adjusted test result Aggregate per a bag
Parameter (kg) Quantity)/50 kg (kg/m3) of cement (50kg)in m3
Water 208 26.0
Cement 400 50.0
Coarse Aggregate O1 312 38.9 1550 0.0251
Coarse Aggregate O2 731 91.3 1494 0.0611
Fine Aggregate 729 91.0 1332 0.0683
Total 1771 114.9 0.1545

Number of bag cement in cubic meter of concret 8.0

*Loose Volue of Aggregate = Quntity per 50kg Cement /Loose Unit Weight

Determination of neight of Measuring Box of Coarse &Fine Aggregate

Assume the Width and Length of all measuring boxes are 0.40m and 0.50m respectively,
then required height of the measuring boxesare simply estimated below

Aggregate O1 Aggregate O2 Fine Aggregate

Desigh Volume 0.0251 0.0611 0.0683
Width (m) 0.40 0.40 0.40
Length(m) 0.50 0.50 0.50
Total Height (m) 0.13 0.31 0.34
Adjusted Height (m) 12.55 15.27 17.08
Number of box 1 2 2

Summary of box size and number of bag

For one bag cement proportion of mix trial
Aggregate O1 (Cm) 40.00 50.00 12.55 = No. Box 1
Aggregate O2 (Cm) 40.00 50.00 15.27 No. Box 2
Fine Aggregate (Cm) 40.00 50.00 17.08 = No. Box 2

Crushed Fine Coarse Aggregate

(PPC) Cement Aggregate Aggregate O1 O2
1 2 1 2

Remark :

Contractor's Rep Consultant's Rep.

Desired Slump Range (mm) Average Slump No
9.5 12.5

25-50 37.5 207 199

50-75 62.5 217.5 207.5
75-100 87.5 228 216
150-175 162.5 243 228
Percent Voids 3.0 2.5

2.4 0.66
Cylinder Comp. W:C Ratio (Air
2.99 x=what Strength (Mpa) W:C Ratio (Non Air Entrained) Entrained)
2.6 0.64 40 0.42 -
x= 0.601 35 0.47 0.39

Formula is W:C Ratio=1502*EXP(-0.0253*B3)

Avg. Compressive Stren 35
Water:Cement Ratio 0.47

First Estimate of Concrete

Nominal Max. Size Unit Weight ActualNom
9.5 2280 19
12.5 2310
19 2345
25 2380
37.5 2410
50 2445
75 2490
150 2530

By Volume
0.674 0.326 0.292 0.034 83.40
% Of Mixing Agg.
F.A C.A O1 C.A O2
41% 18% 41%
Totatl 41% 59%
Nominal Size
19 25 37.5 50 75 150 Remark

190 179 166 154 130 113

197.5 186 173.5 161.5 137.5 118.5 Approx. Mixing Water for different
nominal sizes and desired slumps
205 193 181 169 145 124
216 202 190 178 160 -
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 App. Entrapped air (%)

First Estimate of
Concrete Unit
for a Percent
Desired slump of of
Range Nominal Row Water 75 to Entrapp
(mm) Size Number Content 100mm ed Air
Actual Slump 25-75 19 5 190 2.0
Standard Slump for initial
Density Computation 75-100 19 5 205

Correction of concrete unit weight 15

F.M = Fineness
F.M = Modulus
F.M = F.M =
Nominal Size 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
9.5 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44

12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53

19 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.6

25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
37.5 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69

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