Concrete Mixed Design Method
Concrete Mixed Design Method
Concrete Mixed Design Method
Finalize the proportions of concrete mix constituents (Cement, Fine aggregate (or
normally Sand), Coarse aggregate, and Water).
Produce concrete of specified properties.
The method of concrete mix design applied here is in accordance to the method published
by the Department of Environment, United Kingdom (in year 1988).
M=k*s ….. [ 1 ]
k = A value appropriate to the defect percentage permitted below the characteristic
[ k = 1.64 for 5 % defect ]
s = The standard deviation (obtained from Figure 1).
step-2: Calculation of the target mean strength, fm
fm = fc + M ….. [ 2 ]
fm = Target mean strength
fc = The specified characteristic strength
the free-water content can be determined from Table 2 depending upon the type
and maximum size of the aggregate to give a concrete of the specified slump or Vebe time.
Note: When coarse and fine aggregates of different types are used, the free-water content
is estimated by the following expression.
2⁄3*Wf + 1⁄3*Wc
Wf = free-water content appropriate to type of fine aggregate
Wc = free-water content appropriate to type of coarse aggregate.
Density of fully compacted concrete can be estimated from Figure 3. This value depends
upon the free-water content and the relative density of the combined aggregate in the
saturated surface-dry condition. If no information is available regarding the relative density
of the aggregate, an approximation can be made by assuming a value of 2.6 for un-crushed
aggregate and 2.7 for crushed aggregate.
D = The wet density of concrete ( in kg/m3)
C = The cement content (in kg/m3)
W = The free-water content (in kg/m3)
Current step demonstrate how to find out total fine aggregate (materials smaller than 5 mm,
i.e. the sand or fine aggregate content). The figure 4 shows recommended values for the
proportion of fine aggregate depending on the maximum size of aggregate, the workability
level, the grading of the fine aggregate (defined by the percentage passing a 600 μm sieve)
and the free-water/ cement ratio. The best proportion of fines to use in a given concrete mix
design will depend on the shape of the particular aggregate, the grading and the usage of
the concrete.
Determination of fine and coarse aggregate can be made using the proportion of fine aggregate
obtained from Figure 4 and the total aggregate content derived from Step-5
1. The volume of mix, which needs to make three cubes of size 100 mm is calculated. The volume
of mix is sufficient to produce 3 numbers of cube and to carry out the concrete slump test.
2. The volume of mix is multiplied with the constituent contents obtained from the concrete mix
design process to get the batch weights for the trial mix.
3. The mixing of concrete is according to the procedures given in laboratory guidelines.
4. Firstly, cement, fine and course aggregate are mixed in a mixer for 1 minute.
5. Then, water added and the cement, fine and course aggregate and water mixed approximately for
another 1 minute.
6. When the mix is ready, the tests on mix are proceeding.
Tests on Trial Mix Design
1. The slump tests are conducted to determine the workability of fresh concrete.
2. Concrete is placed and compacted in three layers by a tamping rod with 25 times, in a firmly held
slump cone. On the removal of the cone, the difference in height between the uppermost part of
the slumped concrete and the upturned cone is recorded in mm as the slump.
3. Three cubes are prepared in 100 mm x 100 mm each. The cubes are cured before testing. The
procedures for making and curing are as given in laboratory guidelines. Thinly coat the interior
surfaces of the assembled mould with mould oil to prevent adhesion of concrete. Each mould
filled with two layers of concrete, each layer tamped 25 times with a 25 mm square steel rod.
The top surface finished with a trowel and the date of manufacturing is recorded in the surface of
the concrete. The cubes are stored undisturbed for 24 hours at a temperature of 18 to 220C and a
relative humidity of not less than 90 %. The concrete all are covered with wet gunny sacks. After
24 hours, the mould is striped and the cubes are cured further by immersing them in water at
temperature 19 to 21oC until the testing date.
4. Compressive strength tests are conducted on the cubes at the age of 7 days. Then, the mean
compressive strengths are calculated.
The Calculations
Here is one example of calculation from one of the concrete mix design obtained from the laboratory.
We have to fill in all particulars in the concrete mix design form with some calculations…
Firstly, we specified 30 N/mm2 at 7 days for the characteristic strength. Then, we obtained the
standard deviation,s from the figure 1. So, s = 8 N/mm2.
From the equation 1, k = 1.64 for 5 % defect. The margin, M is calculated as below:
M = k * s = 1.64 x 8 = 13.12 N/mm2
The type of cement is Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). For the fine and course aggregate, the
laboratory’s fine aggregate is un-crushed and for coarse aggregate is crushed before producing
Then, we obtain the free-water/ cement ratio from table 1. For OPC ( 7 days ) using crushed
aggregate, water/cement ratio = 36 N/mm2.
After that, from the figure 2, the curve for 42 N/mm2 at 0.5 free-water ratio is plotted and obtained
the free-water ratio is 0.45 at the target mean strength 43.12 N/mm2.
From the slump test result, slump about 20 mm and the maximum aggregate size we used in
laboratory is 10 mm. For the specified above, we can obtained the free-water content from table 2 at
slump 10 – 30 mm and maximum size aggregate 10 mm, the approximate free-water content for the
un-crushed aggregates is 180 kg/m3 and for the crushed aggregates is 205 kg/m3. Because of the
coarse and fine aggregates of different types are used, the free-water content is estimated by the
Free-water Content, W
= 2/3 Wf + 1/3 Wc
= (2/3 x 180) + (1/3 x 205)
= 188.33 kg/m3
Wf = Free-water content appropriate to type of fine aggregate
Wc = Free-water content appropriate to type of coarse aggregate
Cement content also can obtained from the calculation with the expression at equation 3:
Cement Content, C = Free Water Content / Free-water or Cement Ratio
= 188.33 / 0.45 = 418.52 kg/m3
We assumed that the relative density of aggregate (SDD) is 2.7. Then, from the Figure 3 with the
free-water content 188.33 kg/m3, obtained that concrete density is 2450 kg/m3. The total aggregate
content can be calculated by:
Total Aggregate Content = D – C – W
= 2450 – 418.52 – 188.33 = 1843.15 kg/m3
The percentage passing 600 μm sieve for the grading of fine aggregate is about 60 %. The proportion
of the fine aggregate can be obtained from the figure 4, which is 38 %. Then, the fine and course
aggregate content can be obtained by calculation:
When the free water/cement ration is high, workability of concrete is improved. However, excessive
water causes “honey-comb” effect in the concrete produced. The concrete cubes become porous, and
hence its compressive strength is well below the design value. Other possible reasons include over
compaction, improper mixing methods and some calculation errors.
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