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List of Symbols, Standard Throughout the Book vii
Foreword viii
Part One 1
Heat Transfer in Round, Annular and Square Channels
Study of Heat Transfer in Liquid Metals in Round
Pipes (V. D. Talanov and P.A. Ushakov) 1
Heat Transfer with Liquid Metal in a Vertical Pipe
with Low Peclet Numbers (N. A. Ampleyev, P. L. Kirillov,
V. I. Subbotin and M. Ya. Suvorov) 8
Heat Transfer of Sodium and a Sodium-Potassium Alloy
in Short Vertical Pipes by Combined Convection
(L. G. Volchkov, M. K. Gorchakov, P. L. Kirillov and
F. A. Kozlov) 28
Taking into Account Longitudinal Heat Flows when Measuring
the Average Temperature of Fluids in Pipes and Heat
Exchanges for Low Peclet Numbers (M. K. Gorchakov) 40
Statistical Characteristics of Turbulent Temperature
Fluctuations in Fluid Flows (V. P. Bobkov, M. Kh. Ibragimov
and V.I. Subbotin) 53
Statistical Characteristics of Temperature Fluctuations in
Heat Exchanger Walls Attendant to High Thermal Fluxes
(M. Kh. Ibragimov, V. I. Merkulov and V. I. Subbotin) 71
Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow of Fluids in Square Ducts
(M. Kh. Ibragimov, Yu. M. Rabotyashnik, G. I. Sabelev,
V. 1. Sidirov and V. I. Subbotin) 82
Fluid Dynamics in an Annular Space with Longitudinal Ribs
(Yu. D. Levchenko, V. I. Subbotin, P. A. Ushakov and
A. V. Sheynina) 100
Effect of Eccentricity on Heat Transfer to Liquid Metals
in Annular Spaces (V. I. Subbotin, V. D. Talanov and
P.A. Ushakov) 108
Transfer of Heat in Turbulent Flows of Fluids in Annular
and Plane Spaces (N. I. Buleyev, V. A. Mosolova and
L. D. Yel'tsova) 120
Mean Temperature Difference in Low-Pressure Vapor
Generators and Condensers (P. L. Kirillov) 287
Transfer of Heat From Condensing Sodium Vapor
(N. B. Bakulin, M. N. Ivanovskiy, V. P. Sorokin,
V. I. Subbotin and B. A. Chulkov) 294
Part Four
Techniques of Work With Liquid Metals
Corrosion Resistance of Construction Materials to
Sodium (V. V. Zotov, B. A. Nevzorov and Ye. V. Umnyashkin) 300
Determination of the Oxygen Content of Sodium and of the
Sodium- Potassium Alloy by Vacuum Distillation (I. B. Dmitryeva,
F. A. Kozlov and E. K. Kuznetsov) 318
The Cock-Type Indicator as an Instrument for Detecting
Admixtures in Sodium (F. A. Kozlov, E. K. Kuznetsov and
V. I. Subbotin) 324
Effect of Admixtures on the Electric Resistance of Molten
Lithium (M. N. Arnol'dov, M. N. Ivanovskiy, V.I. Subbotin
and B. A. Shmatko) 336
The Use of Hot Traps for Removing Oxygen From Sodium
(F. A. Kozlov and E. K. Kuznetsov) 340
Maximum Permissible Leakage in a Sodium-to-Water Steam
Generator (N. N. Ivanovskiy and F. A. Kozlov) 357
Some Problems of Operation and Design of Liquid-Metal
Loops (A. V. Drobyshev, V. A. Kurov and I. T. Filipov) 360
Heat Exchangers of Experimental Liquid-Metal Loops
(V. A. Kurov and V. F. Men'shikov) 368
Study of Velocity Fields by the Electromagnetic Method
(N. N. Turchin and R. V. Shumskiy) 377
Electromagnetic A-C Pump for Liquid Metals Rated at
120 m3/hour (Ye. M. Avilova, T. V. Doktorova, N. I. Marin
and V.A. Povsten') 385
Electromagnetic Screw Pump for Pumping of Liquid Metals
(Ye. M. Avilova, Ye. L. Ivanter, N. I. Marin and V. A. Povsten') 389
Hydrostatic Bearings in Sodium Pumps (N. N. Aristarkhov,
Yu. Ye. Bagdasarov, Yu. L. Kulikov, Ye. N. Larin,
M. S. Pinkhasik, A. A. Rineyskiy and B. S. Tymosh) 392
Abstracts 448
Nu = adA Nusselt number
Pe = wd/a Peclet number
Pr = v/a Prandtl number
Gz = Pe d/1 Gratz number
Re = wd/v Reynolds number
Gr = a13Atg/v2 Grashof number
Bi = adAw Biot number
v Specific weight
a Coefficient of thermal diffusivity
v Kinematic viscosity
Dynamic viscosity
g Acceleration of gravity
d Tube diameter
F Heat transfer area
t Temperature, C
The optimal heat transfer agent in these reactors is liquid sodium, due to
the favorable combination of properties such as the nuclear-physical, thermo-
physical and corrosion, as well as because of its comparatively low cost. While
the use of liquid sodium has little effect on the nuclear properties of reactors, it
permits the removal of large specific quantities of heat (500-1000 kw per liter
in the active zone of the reactor).
One can expect that the sodium temperature at the reactor outlet will be
500-650 C, whichwill make it possible to obtain steam of sufficiently high pres-
sures to operate the power station at high efficiency.
Studies in the field of thermal physics and technology of sodium, study of
thermal processes in active zones, in reactor reflectors, heat exchangers, steam
generators and other equipment are tasks of paramount importance, Successful
solution of these tasks is closely tied to the development of fast-neutron reactor
In the Physics and Power Institute, where the development of fast-neutron
reactors is regarded as a major task, a large group of investigators has been
working for several years on the thermal physics and technology of liquid metal
heat transfer agents. Some results of this work are published in the present col-
Studies in this field already permit the practical utilization of liquid
metal heat transfer agents on an appreciable scale. This is attested to by the
successful operation for many years of the BR-5 experimental fast-neutron reac-
tor. The content of the present collection reflects the level of research work in
this field.
The problems of thermal physics of real active zones and reflectors of re-
actors as well as of impurity removal from the liquid metals, development of
of standard technologies and corrosion studies of structural materials are being
successfully solved. They serve as a basis for optimism as to the feasibility of
developing efficient electric power stations employing fast-neutron reactors
within the next few years.
A. I. Leypunskiy
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TF HN'rAL TRANSLATInN EVALUATIO N I Approval Expires: Sept. 30, 1969
THIS PUBLICATION (Check one or more)
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NASA Form 1332 AU G 66 GP 0 9T5-777
V. D. Talanov and P. A. Ushakov
Investigations have been carried out at the Physics and Power Institute con- /9
cerned with the heat transfer to mercury flowing inside tubes made of nickel and
stainless steel, as well as with heat transfer to a sodium-potassium alloy flowing
inside a copper tube [1]. The experimentally obtained data for different conditions
were in good agreement with each other and are described by the following [empi-
rical] formula
Using data for sodium, whose Prandtl number is much lower than that correspond-
ing to mercury or to the sodium-potassium alloy, it was recommended in [1] to
calculate the heat transfer to liquid metals in tubes by using the formula
The sodium-potassium alloy wets the copper surface well, while the sur-
face of stainless steel is not wetted by this low-temperature alloy. This was
experimentally confirmed.
To obtain data on heat transfer between the stainless steel wall and the so-
dium-potassium alloy two series of tests were performed. In them use was made
of an eutectic alloy(22%Na +78%K) at a temperature not above 100C [2]. Before
pouring the alloy into the circuit, it was passed through a wire-gauze filter and the
oxides were continuously removed by a cold trap. The oxygen content of the alloy,
which was determined by a distillate sampling device, varied from 3 . 10 -4 to 10-3%
by weight. The design of the testing tube is shown in Fig. 1. The calibrated tube
from 1Kh18N9T stainless steel, 19.5 mm in diameter and with a wall thickness of
0.4 mm, was plated by a copper layer of about 7.8 mm by the zone melting
method. The entrance flow stabilization segment comprised 20d, the heating
length was about 940 mm (about 50d). The pipe was provided at its ends with
mixing chambers in which the mixed mean temperature of the sodium-potassium
coolant was measured. The outlet mixing chamber is removed from the end of the
heated segment by approximately 10d.
To measure the pipe wall temperature six thermocouples, two of which could /10
be moved along the entire heated segment, were built into the copper shell. The
movable thermocouples were placed in copper capillaries 1.5/0.6 mm in diameter,
inserted at a distance of 2.4mm from the heat transfer surface and placed in lon-
gitudinal slots in diametrically opposite sides of the pipe. The slots and the cop-
per plates by which the capillaries were calked were rounded off along the radii of
the latter, which improved the thermal contact between the capillaries and the cop-
per shell. In addition, when inserted into the pipe wall, the capillaries were sol-
dered with tin.
The movable thermocouples were made from copper and constantan wires
0.09 in diameter, pulled through a capillary from 1Kh18N9T steel 0.5/0.3 mm in
diameter, and welded to it at one end. The thermocouples were moved auto-
matically by means of a device consisting of an electric motor, speed reducer,
cam, Maltese-cross type gear and a drum on which the driving cable was wound.
On each revolution of the gear the thermocouples, moved through 20 mm. The time
elapsed between the thermocouple motions ( ~30 secs) was sufficient to stabilize
their readings and for making the necessary measurements.
Stationary Movable
Thermocouple Thermocouple
^T 60 0.5/0,3
.n N N
S Seco 6 "
1A -A
The structure was subjected to zonal melting in a small shaft-type furnace.
As the copper rings, and after them the auxiliary copper tube, melted, the struc-
ture lowered itself under its own weight. The heating zone thus moved along the
length of the pipe in . the upward direction and after leaving the furnace it was cooled
by natural convection of the surrounding air. After the section was copper plated in
this manner the external steel shell was removed on a lathe.
The experimental specimens exhibited good diffusion bonding of the copper
with the stainless steel. Penetration of stainless steel components into the cop-
per and vice versa was observed at the boundary between the two metals, i. e.,
a transition layer was formed several tens of microns thick.
In order to determine the magnitude of the effective temperature correction
for the .depth of the thermocouple insertion experiments were performed using wa-
ter in a range of Reynolds numbers from 18; 000 to 600, 000. Comparison of the
data thus obtained with the results of experiments conducted with a copper tube in
which the correction for the depth of thermocouple insertion is small showed that
the formation of the transition layer between the steel and the copper attendant to
the melting of the latter is equivalent to reducing the thickness of the steel wall
by 67 microns. If we assume that the effective wall thickness of the inter-
nal steel pipe is 0.333 mm, thenthe data for water obtained with this two-metal pipe
and with copper tube segments are in agreement to within t 6%.
Moving the thermocouples along the test section made it possible to deter-
mine the temperature distribution at the heat transfer surface along the length of
the passage. Characteristic temperature distributions for two Peclet numbers are
shown in Fig. 2. The temperatures of the sodium-potassium alloy in any cross
section were found by linear interpolation of the heat-transfer agent's temperature /12
at the pipe inlet and outlet.
The results of experiments concerned with determining the stabilized values
of the Nusselt numbers as a function of the Peclet numbers for the two series of
tests are shown in Tables 1 and 2, as well as in Fig. 3. The same figure shows
the previously obtained [1] data, results obtained in [3] and curves obtained by us-
ing formulas
Nu = 7 + 0,025Pe O8 ; (3)
recommended in [4] and [5], as well as those obtained by using Eq. (1).
The good agreement between experimental data for mercury and for the so-
dium-potassium alloy, which were passed through pipes of various materials, show
that the effect of the thermal contact resistance is of no importance under the condi-
tions considered. The results we have obtained again confirmed the hypothesis on
b) 000 0
000 o
0 0p00
200 400 600 800 1, nn
Figure 3. Data on Heat Transfer in Liquid Metals Flowing in Round. Pipes for 0, 02::5 Pr <_
<_ 0.030 1, 2, 3, 4 Are Curves Obtained by Eqs. (3) and (4), (1) and (5), Respectively;
the White and. Black Triangles Pertain to Tests Using Mercury in Nickel and.Stainless Steel
Pipes, Respectively [1]; the Black Circles are for Tests With the Na-K Alloy in a Copper
Pipe [1]; the Half-Shaded. Circles Show Experimental Data for Mercury [3]; the White Circles
Show the Results of the Two Series of Tests With the Na-K Alloy in a Stainless Steel Pipe.
TABLE 2, Results of Control Tests Using the Sodium-Po-
tassium Alloy for a Stainless Steel Pipe
Pe I Nu II Pe Nu II Pe Nu II. Pe I Nu
the negligible effect of the thermal contact resistance on heat transfer provided the /13
oxides of the liquid metal are in the dissolved state.
The experimental data for 0. 02 < Pr c 0. 03 are situated somewhat lower than
the curve obtained in Eq. (2) and, together with data of [3], can be approximated
by Eq. (1). As the Prandtl numbers are made smaller, the Nusselt numbers increase
with the Peclet numbers held constant, which follows, for example, from calculations
made by Buleyev, which are quoted in [1]. Hence, heat transfer in liquid metals (as
well as in sodium, Pr ^ 0.005) flowing through pipes should be calculated by Eq. (2).
The loss of accuracy when using this equation will not exceed 10% even for low (^-100)
Peclet numbers.
1. Subbotin, V.I., et al.: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, Vol. VI, No. 4, 16 (1963) /15
2. Subbotin, V.I., et al.: Vliyaniye ekstsentrisiteta na teploobmen zhidkikhmetal-
lov v kol'tsevom zazore [Effect of Eccentricity on the Heat Transfer in Liquid
Metals in an Annual Space], Present collection, p. 108.
3. Petukhov, B. S. and Yushin, A. Ya.: Doklady AN SSSR, 136, 6 (1960).
4, Lyon, R.: Chem, Eng. Progr. , 47, 2, 75 (1951).
5, Kutateladze, S. S. , et al.: Zhidkometallicheskiye teplonositeli [Liquid-Metal
Heat Transfer Agents]. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1958.
Heat transfer with liquid metal in pipes has been thoroughly studied during
the last fifteen years. At present a large amount of experimental data has been
accumulated and the main governing relationships needed for practical calcula-
tions have been, for the most part, clarified. Still remaining unclear are the
more complex cases of heat transfer (combined forced and free convection) and
the physicochemical processes at the liquid-solid metal interface. The most
general solution of heat transfer in a round pipe with q = const has been given by
Lyon [1]
g 2
(, ug d^)
1 o
_2 d^.
S (1)
0 i+s v`Pr
When performing these experiments the metal was not specially purified, and its /16
purity was not checked. In experiments with pure metals, higher heat transfer
coefficients were obtained, and these are given by the expression
Nu -- 5 +0.014PeO.8 . (5)
The difference in the Nusselt numbers obtained by the above expression and
by Eq. (3) was attributed to the so-called thermal contact resistance at the bound-
ary between the wall and the liquid metal. The nature of this resistance, despite
experiments performed to clarify it, remained unclear for a long time. The ma-
jority of hypotheses have not been verified experimentally or the results of sub-
sequent experiments were contradictory (effect of wettability, gas, etc.). In ad-
dition, some investigators attributed to contact resistance any data having values
below those which at that time were considered as standard, though these values
were quite possible either results of experimental inaccuracies or pro-
cedural errors.
The thermal contact resistance to an alkaline metal flowing in a pipe, was
recently investigated as well as the conditions leading to its appearance on the
heat transfering surface [6]. One can conclude from these experiments that the
Nusselt numbers calculated by Eq. (3) apparently, corresponds to the maximum
value of the thermal contact resistance produced by impurities suspended in the
heated coolant. The maximum value of this resistance is determined by the thick-
ness and structure impurities which precipitate on the wall, and depends on the
rate of flow of the liquid metal but does not depend on the impurity content in the
flowing metal.
In order to eliminate the effect of the thermal contact resistance on the re-
sults of heat-transfer experiments, a method was developed which makes it pos-
sible to measure the temperature fields in the liquid stream. The results of ex-
periments performed by using this method have yielded higher heat transfer co-
efficients than those given by Eqs. (3) and (4) and were in close agreement with
Lyon's formula
Nu = 7 +0.025Pe- 8 , (6)
which is obtained by evaluating the integral in Eq. (1) with attendant use of the
Nikuradze velocity distribution on the assumption that e = 1. It is .possible to
give a definitive physical meaning to the formula
if we regard the expression Nu0 (Re) as the value of the Nusselt number when Pr =
= 0. In this case the values of Nu0 which characterize the heat transferred
by conduction only will not be constant, but will depend on the velocity
distribution, i.e., on the Reynolds number. The second term in Eq. (7) will re-
flect the contribution made by turbulent heat transfer.
Various authors have obtained close results for Nu 0 [7]; it may be as- /17
sumed approximately, with an error of 10%, that
Nuo=8 w (8)
It is known, that for laminar flow w min/wmax = 0.5 and this expression thus
yields Nu = 4. As is known, the theoretical value is 4. 36, as this was substan-
tiated experimentally in [8]. On the other hand, other experiments have yielded
higher (Nu = 7) as well as lower (Nu = 0.6) values [9-12].
The opinions to the effect that the high heat coefficients obtained in papers [9]
and [13] were due to the factthatthe heat transfer was measured in a section with
unsteady heat transfer . (Z = 5d) is incorrect. In this case, if there is no experimen-
tal error, Nu/Nu .= 1.15-1.2 and then Nu should be not more than about 5, but not
7 or 8 as was obtained in [9) and [13]. Consequently, the 50% difference remains un-
The opinion that the low heat transfer coefficients in the region of low Peclet
numbers are due to improper determination of the average temperature of the liq-
uid, which is caused by not taking into account longitudinal, heat leakages along the
wall and the heat transfer agent [14] and [15], is only partially correct. The ex-
periments performed by Johnson are in doubt from the point of view of methodol-
ogy due to the distortion of the temperature field and the heat fluxes by transverse
slots in the test section. However, the same results were obtained in a copper
pipe [10], which did not have slots and which was cooled by a sodium-potassium
alloy. Consideration of longitudinal heat fluxes in the fluid does not make a large
contribution, since the Nusselt numbers still differ by a factor of two when Pe = 25.
Analysis of data on measured temperature fields expressed in the dimen-
sionless form [11] has made it possible to approximately establish the experi-
mental temperature distribution a stream of liquid metal and to use this distri-
bution to set up the interpolational formula
Nu= 5 +0.025PeO.8
The theoretical results obtained in [16] are practically identical withthe above results.
Reference [17] describes approximate calculations of heat transfer to the in-
let part of a pipe during flow of a liquid metal. It has been determined that the
length of the thermal stabilization segment becomes larger with an increase in
the Reynolds number. The values of the Nusselt number were estimated in a
wide range of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. Deissler [18] has analyzed the ef-
fect (on the heattransfer) of the length of thermal stabilization, of Re and Pr, the
shape of the channel, and the initial velocity distribution. Asa result it was shown
that at Pr = 0.01 and a given l/d, the ratio Nuloc /NuOD for parallel plates /18
is somewhat lower than for pipes. At high Reynolds numbers and a given
l/d, the ratio Nuloc/NuCD becomes smaller with an increase in the Prandtl number.
For low Reynolds numbers the changes are more complex. Ratio Nuloc/NuOD first
decreases and then, with an increase in the Prandtl number, increases somewhat.
Results of calculations performed in [17] show that fully developed heat transfer
starts as early as at a distance of less than 10d.
N. S. Kondrat'yev has studied heat transfer (l/d = 17.4, 8.4) attendant to the
flow of the lead-bismuth eutectic alloy [12]. The results of his experiments can
be approximated by the expression
N U-1 si = 4.6 C d / 1-0.4, d 30.
Kondrat'yev has not detected. the effect of the Reynolds number on the length of
the thermal section. By comparing the experimental data obtained by various
authors it follows from [4] that, when 1/d ^! 30, the effect of the inlet section has
little influence on the average heat transfer, while for short pipes it is recom-
mended to introduce the coefficient s l which. takes this effect into account:
\ 0.i6
ei =1,72 Cd
The length of the thermal stabilization section and E I = Nuloc/NuOD increase, ac-
cordingto [17], with an increase in the Reynolds number. The heat transfer coef-
ficients obtained by measuring the wall temperature are lower than those obtained
on the basis of the measured temperature distribution. The length of the thermal
stabilization section and the magnitude of E l in this case are smaller; the coeffi-
cient is equal to ten and does not depend on the rate of flow of the metal. This
difference is attributed to the effect of the thermal contact resistance.
The local Nusselt numbers for Re = 7. P 103 ,3.4 . 104, 1.6-10 5 and 7.2- 10 5
in a round pipe were determined numerically in [22]. It follows from the results /19
of calculations that the length of the thermal stabilization section (Pr = 0.025)
increases as the Peclet number is increased from 10 to 3000 and decreases when
the latter number is increased further.
In the present paper an attempt is made to clarify the cause of the disagree-
ment between results obtained experimentally at low Peclet numbers and the the-
oretical value of Nu = 4.36. We have set out to determine the length of the initial
thermal [stabilization] section as a function of the Peclet number for turbulentflow.
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the circulation circuit made from
1Kh18N9T stainless steel pipes with an a-c electromagnetic volute pump, provid-
ing a delivery rate of up to 10 m3/hour. The metal in the circuit is circulated
through the test section and an alloy-water heat exchanger. The alloy is pressurized
from tank 1 into tank 4 and into the circuit by means of an inert gas and flows
through a mesh filter made of several layers of nickel wire mesh. Measuring
tank 7 was provided for calibrating the flowmeters. The oxides are continuous-
ly removed from the alloy by cold traps. The oxide content is monitored by a
float indicator and a distillation sampler [23]. The flow rate of the sodium-po-
tassium alloy is measured by a magnetic flowmeter combined with the R2/1 po-
tentiometer and is adjusted by valves.
The test section (Fig. 2) consists of a 2700 mm long copper pipe with an / 21
inside diameter of 50 mm and wall thickness of 5 mm. The pipe is connected to
mixing chambers by flanges employing a ball-and-socket joint. Themechanismfor
moving the thermocouple and a rubber packing gland, which is fastened by a con-
nector nut, is placed on the top chamber cover. Longitudinal grooves 3 mm deep
are milled in the pipe wall and chromel-alumel thermocouples are placed in them.
The hot junctions of the thermocouples are calked by copper wedges, and. the elec-
trodes are provided with alundum insulation. The copper pipe is insulated by mi-
canite 0.2-0.3 mm thick, on which is placed a nichrome heater from wire 3.5 mm
in diameter with a pitch of 4mm; then asbestos insulation, thermometers and com-
pensating heaters were placed over the pipe, in this order (see Fig. 2).
When measuring heat transfer (Pe < 100) we have discovered appreciable
heat losses at the section from the end of the heater to the mixing chamber, for
which reason we have placed thermometers there. The heater was made in two
sections, each 1 meter long. The electric power used by the heaters was meas-
sured by a set of class 0.5 instruments. The thermocouple emf was measured
by the PPTN-1 potentiometer, together with the M 21/4 mirror galvanometer.
Figure 1. Schematic of Experimental Setup. 1) Filling Tank;
2) Level Meter; 3) Electromagnetic Pump; 4) Pump Tank;
5) Toluene-Cooled Cold Trap; 6) Water-Cooled Cold Trap;
7) Tank for Calibrating the Electromagnetic Flowmeter;
8) Float Indicator; 9) Sample Taker; 10) Heat Exchanger;
11) Test Section; 12) Valve; 13) VN-2 Vacuum Pump;
14) Electromagnetic Flowmeter.
The temperature distribution in the metal flow was measured by a movable /22
thermocouple (Fig. 3). The frame of the mechanism is pipe 11, which has been
lead out from the metal flow through a packing gland, and the thermocouple is
moved in the longitudinal direction by a jack-type mechanism. The main compo-
nents of the mechanism used for moving the thermocouple in the lateral direction
are a rod with an inclined slit (wedge) and a probe with a shank and axle. When
the rod is moved in the longitudinal direction, the shank which is inserted into
the inclined slit moves across the pipe. The thermocouple which is fastened to
the other side of the axis, then also moves across the flow. Pipe 12 is moved
relative to pipe 11 by another jack, which imparts motion to the rod. The shank
and the entire inside cavity of pipe 11 are protected. by a bellows from penetration
by the metal. The chromel-alumel wires are welded hermetically to the end of the
probe, pass inside of flexible insulation through the probe, shank and pipe 12, and
are lead out to the outside. The movement of the end of the probe (of the thermo-
couple) in the transverse direction is recorded by an indicator, which bears on the
pullbar, which is connected to pipe 12. The movement along the pipe was measured
by a ruler (with scale division of 1 mm). The thermocouple was calibrated by com-
paring the displacement of its end part with the indicator readings. The thermo-
couple junction thickness is 0. 7mm. The probe was centered in the pipe by means
of a guiding bushing, into which three guiding blades have been inserted.
Sec. A-A 11
Figure 2. Test Section.
' 1) Indicator; 2) Pipe 202 mm
18 in Diameter; 3) Plate;
NI o 4) Graduated Circle;
5) and 9) Connector Nuts;
6) Support; 7) Triple-
Thread Nut; 8) Movable
Thermocouple; 10) Pack-
ing Gland; 11) Pipe Union;
12) Mixing Chamber;
13) Copper Pipe; 14) Guide
Bushing; 15) Asbestos
Insulation; 16) Compen-
sating Heater; 17) Ther-
mometer; 18) Insulation
Methodology Used in the Experiments and in Analyzing the Experimental Data
Before starting the experiments the sodium-potassium alloy was filtered
through the cold trap. When doing this the sampling device was periodically
started up. After an oxygen concentration of 3 . 10-3 -5 . 10 -4% by weight was
reached, the given flow rate of the alloy through the test section was established
and the heaters were started up. After the wall temperature was measured, the
temperature in the alloy flow (28 points) was taken. The density of measurements
was the highest in the region closest to the wall. The measurements were made
with the thermocouple moving from the center to the wall. Here, for more reli-
able temperature readings at the wall,
the thermocouple was moved until two
consecutive temperature measurements
were identical. The bending of the ther-
mocouple (0.5-1 mm) which is inevitable
[under these circumstances] did not go
past the limits of the device's flexibility.
The theoretical power was calculated
as an average
Q =Qel+
_Z Qth
ti 16
77 Cross Section
of Probe Figure 3. Movable Thermocouple.
18 1) Indicator; 2) Plate; 3) Pullbar;
13 4) Bolt; 5) Graduated Circular;
6) Bushing; 7) Nut; 8) Support;
9) Spline; 10) Washer; 11) Pipe
With Diameter of 20 x 2 mm;
21 ^^.
12) Pipe With Diameter of 16 x
x 1mm; 13) Reducing Adapter;
14) Wedge; 15) Shank; 16) Rim;
17) Bellows; 18) Axle; 19) Ring;
20) Pipe With Diameter of 10 x
0.3 x 2 mm; 21) Pipe With Diameter
of 6 x 1 mm; 22) End Pieces.
of the liquid in the mixing chambers and 2) from the temperature distribution in
the alloy flow. The heat transfer coefficient was calculated from the expression:
_ g
(tWtf) (9) /23
here (tw - tf) is the difference of temperatures at the inside surface of the wall
and the average calorimetric temperature of the liquid, averaged over the length.
This difference was determined on the basis of the temperature distribution of
the wall along the length of the pipe and the readings of the thermocouples used
to measure the alloy's temperature at the inlet and exit from the heated section.
The temperature drop in the wall was determined by the ordinary formulas
Odin In dext
_ din
2k,0 (10)
The temperature of the alloy at the inlet and outlet of the heated section was de-
termined by taking into account the heat lost in the flow stabilization section and
from the end of the heater to the mixing chamber
s 540.10-3 AE.
Q =
The average liquid temperature t was determined upon taking into account the
flow of heat in the liquid and the wall t =T mch. + 6t
SL = Cn l ^f X. n/`- / 71
[V l dt _ 4qq
dx cpyd
_ in
According to the second method the wall temperature was found by extrapo-
lating the temperature distribution to the wall's surface. Here the convergence
was checked with the boundary condition
dt 4
dr Ir=ro
jr=roXf .
The average temperature of the liquid metal could have been found from the ex-
t ! =d-
tt =
where Z=^2 T`Y .
ro J
_ -d::
0 7O (12)
In calculating tf the integration was replaced by summing. We shall now consi- /24
der in more detail the selection of the velocity distribution for calculating this
temperature. As was shown in [18], there is no difference in t f and, consequently,
also in the Nusselt numbers, if it is assumed that the turbulent flow is governed
by Karman's logarithmic velocity distribution
(2 I a)21+Q, 1_ rj
ro )a ; a= f (Re).
:o (14)
Expressions (13) and (14) are suitable for developed turbulent flow. For laminar
flow with Re < 2300 it would have been natural to use the parabolic expression for
the velocities
mt 2 P
00, Y 1 - (15)
However, Eqs. (13-15) are suitable only for an isothermal flow. When the liq-
uid is heated or cooled the velocity distribution changes. In addition, turbulent
flow ensues with lower Reynolds numbers as a result of acceleration or turbuli-
zation of the flow, which is brought about by natural convection. The velocity
distribution in a nonisothermal laminar flow has been analyzed in [24]. The pa-
rameter which characterizes the natural convection intensities is the quantity
f g V2 r dt
4 Turbulent Flow
4 Laminar Flow
G' Z 4 6 9 10 Z
In our experiments Z varied from 5 to 10. Figure 4 shows that under the /25
circumstances we always had turbulent flow. Hence, strictly speaking, the use
of the expression for the velocity distribution given in [24) is also incorrect
The velocity distribution obtained by Deissler [25, 26] for heat transfer in
a round pipe was calculated by considering the viscosity only along the pipe cross
section, and hence is suitable only for gases. Ber [27] has calculated. the velocity
field in a round pipe with heat transfer in a flow of fluid. To determine the ve-
locity for Re < 2300 Gorchakov [28] has suggested to use the energy equation
F1 dt
W !t
ri Tr z (e
q +a) Trdt/dz
dt ] 1 '
( 18 )
It may be assumed in the first approximation that 1) E q = EM and 2) that the tur-
bulent viscosity in the flow
V = 0.4 $
pro ^ ( 1 ^) [26],
wt C 1 (a + 2by 3b;=) x.
` '4 o
X +(a+b^+b^2)df } ' (19)
A = dx = coast.
The first and second derivatives of the temperature were determined graph- / 26
ically from the experimental temperature curves in the sodium-potassium flow.
It was thus found that W = fQ). In the region next to the wall W was found by in-
terpolation. After the velocity distribution has been interpolated, the value thus
obtained was computed with the measured value of W and the difference did not
exceed 10%. In this manner we have found the approximate distribution of Wi/_
= fQ) for Re < 2300 in a nonisothermal flow. Using this distribution we have cal-
culated the Nusselt number. Figure 5 shows the velocity distribution obtained. by
differentiation for Z = 5 and 9 and the theoretically calculated curves from [24],
The results of studies, expressed in terms of similarity criteria, are shown
in Figs. 6 and 7. The experimental data for laminar flow gave values of Nu > 4.36.
This divergence from the theoretical value
is due to the effect of natural convection.
Consequently, also in previously perform-
Wi ed work this difference, whenever observed, is
w attributable to precisely this circumstance,
The measured temperature distri-
bution in the flow of the sodium-potassium
1 alloy has shown that the actual tempera-
ture is higher than the mixed mean,
1 I which is determined in the mixing cham-
^ 4 ber. Figure 8 shows the temperature
distribution in the wall and in the liquid
along the length where heat transfer takes
place (Pe = 10, Re = 400). As can be seen
from the figure, the actual temperature of
the alloy is higher than the temperature
given by the straight line drawn through
5\ - I 1 points obtained in the mixing chamber
/ / 1
tmch.' which is usually assumed in cal-
culating heat transfer coefficients for
q = const. This temperature increase is
satisfactorily taken into account by the
formula presented in [14].
The length of the initial thermal /28
0.5 [stabilization] section for Pe < 100 is
about l. 0/d. 1. The sharp drop in the
Figure 5. Velocity Distribution
According to Data of [24] (Dashed heat transfer (in the Nusselt numbers) in
the above range of Peclet numbers ob-
Line) and That Found Graphically tained in [10] is due to the fact that in an-
(Solid. Line). alyzing the results no consideration was
given to heat losses from the end. of the
heated section at the exit to the mixing
chamber. This is attested to by a recalculation of one of the regimes. The lower-
than-average Nusselt numbers obtained in [15] have been produced, as was shown
in [8], by distortion of the thermal flux which was brought about by the transverse
grooves in the test sections.
The heat transfer, which was determined by two methods yielded close re-
sults for Pe < 100, which points to the absence under the conditions at hand (ox-
ygen content in the sodium-potassium alloy of 3 . 10 -3 -5 . 10 % by weight) of ap-
preciable thermal contact resistances.
The local value of the Nusselt number at different distances from the inlet
is shown in Fig. 9. Using these experimental points we have found the averaging
2 4 6 8 1p 2 2 4 6 8 1p3 2
1 1
i 1 ^ 1 { 1
^ ^ ^ t l ' , I I i t
e ^
I( I 1 ^ I
C R m 2 4 9 R en2 7 4 6 R mJ 7 4 4 R Aa
t, c
tf tf
70 dtlOssl'- --
/ I
dta /
tmch. y
30 1
n... I
-4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 LID
distribution of At along the length of the pipe. It follows from Figs. 10 and 11
that this length and the coefficient s Z first increase with an increase in the veloc-
ity, and then decrease. Qualitatively this phenomenon is in agreement with re-
sults obtained in [18] and [22]. Stabilization of heat transfer in the range of Pe-
clet numbers under study takes place at l/d <_ 15.
The experimental data (Fig. 12) lie below the theoretical curve obtained in
[25]. The lower values of Nusselt numbers, as compared with those calculated /30
theoretically, are, in the opinion of the authors, due to an increase in parameter Z.
Figure 9. Local
^ ^ m
Nusselt Numbers
for Cross Sections
Situated at Differ-
1i ent Distance l/d.
1 3 6 10 15 16.5
2 4 8 10 3 2 oe
1. 3
5G0 2000 200
1, 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Z/d
u m
10 +
6 0
7 2 4 6 8 10 20 1
As was shown, when natural convection arises, the flow becomes turbulent even
with Re = 400. Hence, the turbulent Z will be somewhat lower (v becomes great-
er) and the experimental points will be displaced to the left. A more detailed
study of this problem is presented in [28].
I length of heated section
r0 pipe radius
y distance from wall
Q heater rating
E thermocouple emf
G flow rate
m number of junctions in thermometer [thermocouple]
S thermometer [thermocouple] thickness
turbulent heat transfer coefficient
e turbulent momentum transfer coefficient
Dimensionless quantities
Subscripts /31
in internal side
ext external side
f fluid
W wall
loc. i local value
-(bar) average value
el electrical
th thermal, pertaining to the thermometer [thermocouple]
Go at infinity from the inlet
los pertaining to losses
inl pertaining to the inlet
out pertaining to the outlet
as asbestos
max maximum value
mch mixing chamber
fl pertaining to the flow stabilization section
cr critical, i.e., corresponding to transition from laminar to
turbulent flow
24. Brown, W. G.: VDI-Forschungsheft, 480 (1960).
25. Deissler, R. G.: Trans. ASME, 76, (1), 73 (1954).
26. Deissler, R. G.: NACA TN 2242, 3145 (1954).
27. Ber, L. E.: Izvestiya AN SSSR, OTN, No. 11, page 77, 1957. /32
28. Gorchakov, M. K., et al.: Teplootdacha natriya i splava natriy-kaliy v
korotkikh vertikal'nykh trubakh pri smeshannoy konvektsii [Heat Transfer
of Sodium and of a Sodium-Potassium Alloy in Short Vertical Pipes by
Combined Convection], Article following this one in the present collection.
L. G. Volchkov, M. K. Gorchakov, P. L. Kirillov
and F. A. Kozlov
Heat transfer.with liquid metal by combined convection (forced and natural) /32
is studied because of the need to design heat exchanger apparatus, particularly,
cold traps for oxides of alkaline metals. Data on this topic are not available,
with the exception of individual remarks [1] to the effect that on parallel convec-
tion (when forced and natural convection proceed in the same direction) the heat
transfer coefficient increases substantially. The published results of theoretical
[2-5] and experimental [6-10] studies using liquids with Pr > 1 do not satisfac-
torily clarify the problem of heat transfer with liquid metals by combined convec-
tion. The qualitative pattern of the fluid flow and heat transfer for combined con-
vection can be observed in [2], which solves the problem for laminar stabilized
flow with qw = const. Subsequently the results of these calculations will be com-
pared with experimentally obtained data.
The heat transfer was studied at test sections - recuperators* - with the
following basic parameters:
Section number I 1 i 2 I 3
At test section No. 1 (external surface of the annular space) we have in- /33
stalled thermocouples, the design of which (similar to that described. in [61)made
it possible to measure the temperature along the pipe cross section at the entire
heat-transfer section. At section No. 2 (see Fig. 1) the movable thermocouple
could be used to measure the temperature distribution only at the center of the
heat transfer section. The thermocouples at section No. 3 were placed both on
the heat transfer and on the external wall. Except for this the sections differ
from one another only by inconsequential details. This design of the test sections
makes it possible to safely reach a thermal flux density of 3 . 105 kcal/m2-hour
using a low-capacity adjustable cooler on the . line connecting the outlet of the cen-
ter pipe with the inlet into the annular space. In addition, this simplifies the nec-
essary measurements.
The experimental sections were placed in sequence on a multipurpose test
stand, provided with a cold trap for oxides, oxide content indicator and a measur-
ing tank for calibration of the flowmeters. The manner in which the test section
with its main elements was connected to the circuit is shown in Fig. 2.
Experience of our work has shown that, in spite of the presence of a gas
separator, gas accumulated at the inlet part of the center pipe, decreasing the
mean heat transfer (a part of the surface was not wetted by the metal). An
additional blow-down line was constructed for continuous removing this gas. The
experiments were performed using pure metal with a continuously operating oxide
trap. The oxygen content of the metal was determined only before performing a
series of experiments; it comprised 5 . 10-40/o by weight.
When steady flow was established we have recorded at least three times the
following data: metal flow rate, temperature at the inlets and outlets of the center
pipe and of the jacket, readings of thermocouples which covered the entire surface
of the test section. The heat losses through the surface of the [test] section because
appreciable' for moderate metal flow rates and at high temperatures, hence the real
temperature was always calculated for each point.
To calculate the heat transfer coefficient we have used the difference 6t be- /35
tween the metal's temperature at the inlet of the center pipe and at its exit, as
well as the mean temperature difference Attheo between the pipe's outlet and the
inlet into the annular space, with a correction for heat lost through the outside
surface of the annular space. The theoretical heat transfer coefficient Ktheo
(without giving consideration to heat flow along the axis) was found from the
Ktheo n d1 h,
h. t .theo (1)
Figure 2, Schematic Diagram Showing How
the Test Section Was,Connected to the Main
Circuit. 1) Cooler; 2) Test Section; 3) Blow-
Down Line; 4) Regulating Valve; 5) Gas Trap;
6) Heating Section; 7) Electromagnetic Pump,
Partially Adjusting the Flow Rate Through
the Section.
The actual heat transfer coefficient for the center pipe was found from the re-
a ^+
1 d
d Indi
I^ Aw d d1ag
m4 a)
W v eT '
f 10 20 50 100 200 Pe
2 S 10 20 50 100 200 Pe
of longitudinal heat fluxes in the greater part of Peclet numbers under study, in
particular in the sodium-potassium alloy. Calculations of K made with moder-
ate Peclet numbers yielded the expected result, i, e. , heat transfer by combined
convection improves with a reduction in Pe.
We wish to note two factors bearing on heat transfer with very low Peclet /37
numbers. On the one hand, the experimental study under these circumstances
is made difficult by the fact that it is necessary to take into account longitudinal
heat fluxes and due to technical difficulties (maintaining the flow rate, taking the
heat losses into account). On the other hand, the smaller Pe, the lower the ex-
perimental accuracy which is acceptable for making design calculations. In fact,
for specified inlet and outlet passage temperature and for a given fluid flow rate
the actual thermal flux through the wall will be expressed as [12]
_ Nu
NUfl eo 4Nu
1 {- Pee C1 I ^P)
With a reduction in the Peclet number the Nutheo becomes increasingly less de-
pendent on Nu, and when
Pea (1 + W) > 1 Nu o 4(11e-T) .
Since Nusselt numbers attendant to parallel combined convection are high, the
above factors have the most direct bearing on the results obtained.
The data on heat transfer in the annular gap for very low Peclet numbers,
needed for calculating a have not been published. However, extrapolation of the
available [13], [14] data to the needed range of Pe, is apparently permitted, just
as in the case of a round pipe. Reference [15] presents a study of the heat trans-
fer by mercury flowing in a pipe up to the laminar regime and it shows that the
heat transfer is practically unchanged for Pe < 100. The extrapolated data can
be only used when one is assured of the absence of natural convection in the an-
nual space. (Estimates which were made show that this condition is satisfied.)
According to [13], [14] the heat transfer in an annular space heated from one side
[only] is described by the expression
Nu .- 4.9 + 0.0175PO-18.
The thermocouples built into the wall of section No. 3 could not as yet be used to
find the heat transfer coefficient in the annular space due to low-frequency tem-
perature pulsations.
The data on heat transfer obtained for p arallel combined convection were
analyzed in coordinates Nu(Z), where Z = 2 'V4/va ax is a parameter which fully
describes the fluid flow and heat transfer in the steady-state laminar flow [2].
The use of Z for analyzing heat transfer in the nonstabilized region is not en-
tirely correct. But since the accuracy of experimental data is such that it is
[anyway] impossible to take into account the effect of the Reynolds and Prandtl
numbers, as well as other factors, Z was found to be the most suitable parameter for
purposes of analysis. Figure 4 shows Nu(Z) for stabilized laminar flow (solid
line) [2]. The results could also have been analyzed in the coordinates Nu(Cr/ /38
/Re), but this would not have reduced the scatter of points and would have intro- "
duced additional inconvenience in using the data. To find Z it is necessary
to know the liquid's proper-
ties and the temperature gra-
dient along the length, [while]
for calculating Cr and Re one
must know the rate of flow of
the fluid and the mean temper-
ature difference. In the pres-
ence of longitudinal heat fluxes
the calculation of t requires
several. approximations.
It can be seen from Fig. 4
that there exists a relation-
ship for Nu(Z) which is simi-
lar to that taking place in a
laminar flow with parallel
combined convection, i. e. ,
Nu increases with an increase
in Z, remaining, however, be-
low the laminar curve.
3 4 if 10 15 20 Z
. The unusual location of
Figure 4. Nusselt Numbers for Parallel Com- points may be explained as fol-
bined Convection. o - Section No. 1 (Sodium); lows. In a purely laminar flow
v - Same as Above (Sodium-Potassium Alloy); the effect of the natural on the
o - Section No. 2 (Sodium); q - Section No. 3 forced convection is expressed
Sodium. as follows: the fluid layers
closest to the wall of the pipe
are imparted high velocities,
while in the center the veloc-
ity is reduced. Hence, the mean temperature difference between the wall and the
fluid drops, while Nu increase. Turbulence makes the velocity distributions more
flat, the velocity maximum near the wall becomes "washed out" to a certain de- /39
gree. In other . words, the increase in turbulence acts in the same direction as a
reduction in Z. If we analyze the structure of parameter Z derived_ for laminar
flow, then it becomes possible to qualitatively estimate the effect of turbulence
on the relationship between Nu and Z. As is known, in turbulent flow
vh. t
vh. t (Re) and ah. t = ah. t (Re); here always vh. t > v and ah. t > a. It is seen
from this that Z for turbulent flow calculated on the basis of the molecular values
of v and a is always higher than some actual Z h. t which is a function of Re and
Pr. Thus, relating the experimentally obtained values of Nu from a real turbu-
lent flow to parameter Z calculated. on the basis of properties of laminar flow one
should expect that the Nusselt numbers will lie below the line corresponding to
heat transfer in laminar flow.
The accuracy of the data obtained (A K theo Ktheo-116.5%) does not allow one to
follow quantitatively the effect of the magnitudes of Pr, Re and t on the Nusselt
numbers. Qualitatively it is possible to observe the heat transfer as a function
of Re (or Pe): at each section the heat transfer coefficient depends on the Rey-
nolds numbers for the same Z. The higher Re, the lower the Nusselt number.
The contribution made by the pipe's diameter is also noticeable, i. e. , for so-
dium the heat transfer coefficient in the region at hand depends weakly on d and
we get that Nu ^ d.
Points obtained in the sodium-potassium alloy are situated somewhatlower.
This apparently is due to the fact that the turbulent component of thermal conduc-
tivity of the alloy is higher than that of sodium. Hence, when using the coordi-
nates Nu(Z) the points for the alloy fall below those for sodium, although the val-
ues of the Nusselt numbers are situated at the same level. We can use the fol-
lowing relationship to describe the experimental points obtained for sodium
Nu = 0.3471.4.
The Nusselt numbers for the alloy are situated by 40% lower.
At section No. 2 we have obtained data on the heat transfer attendant to op-
positely directed [counterflow] combined convection (Fig. 5). In laminar flow de-
scribed in [2] the Nusselt numbers become lower in this case for Z = 0-3, while
when Z > 3 the flow is unstable. In our experiments we have not noticed a de-
pendence on Z, since the turbulence of the flow was quite appreciable. The ef-
fect of natural convection is obvious, i. e. , the lower the Peclet number, the low-
er the heat transfer rate. The increase in Nu with increasing Peclet numbers to
values above Nu = 5 + 0. 025 Pe 0. 8 is due to the fact that the section is short
(1 h. t/d = 5) and a turbulizing mesh has been installed at the inlet.
yu num bers, when the he at
lost through the lateral
: surface of the jacket re-
sults in an appreciable
. increase in the mean
temperature difference
s between the passages.
Linearity in the temper-
2 t = ature trend of the jacket
to such an extent shows
that the heat transfer co-
' 10 40 100 200 600 Pe efficient and
( consequently
q y
also the heat transfer in
Figure 5. Nusselt Numbers for Oppositely Directed the passages) does not
[Counterflow] Combined Convection, o - Section No, 2 vary too much along the
(Sodium); Solid Line - Curve of length of the section.
This fact justifies the
Nu = 5 + 0.025 Pe08, applicability of the meth-
od for taking into account
longitudinal heat fluxes to
the analysis of preliminary results, which is presented in [11].
The only insignificant variation in K along the; length maybe attributed to the
species of the fluid flow with combined. convection (return flow of fluid. in the cen-
ter of the pipe),
Figure 6. Tempera-
ture Distributions in
Section No. 1 at Differ-
ent Distances From the
1.0 0,5 0 0.5 1,0 1,0 0.5 0 0.5 r/R Inlet (Sodium).
3 71_
0 F-
0 017 0.4 0.6 0.8 Ro_r 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0.8 K.-r
a) Ro b) Ro
1. In the region of Peclet numbers and Z under study the heat transfer of
sodium and of the sodium-potassium alloy on parallel combined convection is ap-
preciably higher (and on counterflow it may be lower) than the heat transfer with
forced convection only.
2. The heat transfer coefficient (and consequently also the heat transfer)
in short ducts of experimental sections varies little along the length, which is
shown by the linear temperature variation of the section's surface,
3. The study of heat transfer in the region of low Peclet numbers is dif-
ficult. At the same time, it is possible to use for practical purposes data the
less accurate the lower Pe and the higher Nu and (p.
4. The qualitative picture of the behavior of the temperature fields in the
sections is in agreement with theoretical predictions made on the basis of the so-
lution to the problem of stabilized laminar flow [2].
5. Despite the small variation in the heat transfer coefficient in short ducts
its dependence on the duct length remains unclear.
t he t length of the heat transfer section /43
I total length of center pipe
x longitudinal distance
t average temperature of liquid in the center pipe, C
St difference between the liquid temperature at the inlet and outlet
of the center pipe, 'C
At theoretical value of the liquid-to-liquid mean temperature dif-
theo ference in the heat exchanger, 'C
G flow rate of liquid through the test section
cp ratio of the longitudinal conductivities of the pipe wall and of the
liquid. in the pipe
M. K. Gorchakov
It is assumed in the study of heat transfer with qw = const that the real mean /43
temperature of the liquid in the duct varies linearly from t ( X _ 0 = t I X _ - 00 to
t X = L = tIX _ -, i. e., t = ttheo (X = 0 and X = L pertain to the start and end of
the heated section). However, for low Peclet numbers the axial heat fluxes re-
sult in the fact that t differs from ttheo by some value St. If this difference is not
taken into account in analyzing the experimental data and in calculating heat ex- /44
change devices, this can produce erroneous results. The authors of [1-5] had
as their purpose finding the average temperature of the liquid in the presence of
longitudinal flows of heat. Expressions were found for 6t for heat transfer in
hydrodynamically stabilized laminar flow and stabilized heat transfer in any flow.
It turns out that these data are insufficient for analyzing experimental data ob-
tained in the study of heat transfer in the recuperating part of cold traps of alka-
line metal oxides The heat transfer conditions are quite varied: a short double-
tube heat exchanger (see figure), heat transferring wall with an appreciable longi-
tudinal conductivity, and the velocity and temperature fields are interrelated, and only
their qualitative picture is clear; heat transfer coefficients in both passages are
Below we attempt to find a relationship between the actual mean tempera- /45
ture of the fluid t and its theoretical value ttheo in tubes with qw = const
and in heat exchangers with identical flow rates in both passages.
The effect of longitudinal flows of heat on the mean temperatures of the fluids
in passages of a real heat exchanger is a complex problem, although in principle
solvable. By considering separately the following principal problems and then com-
bining the results thus obtained. it is practically possible to achieve the same results:
1) behavior of the mean temperature of the liquid in the general case of nonstabilized
heat transfer in the presence of longitudinal heat fluxes; 2) dependence of 6t on the
shape of the inlet and outlet parts of the passage; 3) the value of 6t h e in two-dimen-
sional flows in the passages of a counterflow heat exchanger without taking into ac-
count the conductivity of the heat transferring wall; 4) taking into account the latter
conductivity; 5) the dependence of 6th, e in the heat exchanger on the changes in the
heat transfer coefficient and of the mean temperature difference along the length
of the passages.
1 2
Yotheo [w (x, r) ae { v (x, r) Tr
_ = ar
T {T[^
AT ( x , r)) as I T
TX (1)
if it is assumed that the physical properties of the liquid are constant, while the
turbulent component of the thermal conductivity is small in comparison with the
molecular component. Since we
are interested only in the behav-
ior of the mean temperature of
the liquid in the presence of long-
itudinal heat fluxes, it is possible
to obtain the required result by
averaging Eq. (1) over the pipe
cross section. Multiplying it by
27rrdr and integrating both parts
from r = 0 to 0rwe get
b) I I 11 I 111
- YotheoFwOX =F a 2nr o q , (2)
I [
where q = - X(000/i9r)r = r is
the thermal flux at the wall It
is clear from this that the char-
acter of the heat transfer does
not affect the distribution of the
mean fluid temperature along the
length of the duct. In any case
this distribution can be found
from the simple equation of bal-
Change in Mean Fluid Temperatures in Heat ance (2).
Transfer Passages a) Heat Exchanger De- Consideration of a specific
sign [1) Mixing Chamber; 2) Heat Transfer- problem with qw = const, with-
ring Wall; 3) Annular Space; 4) Center Pas-
sage; 5) Inlet Screen]; b) Schematic Replacing out taking into account the wall
the Actual Heat Exchanger When Finding conductivity, [4], yields the
at h. ea - t + atsp (I, H and III Are Heat Transfer expression
when 0:5 X C L
St= L 6tdX= AP Pe L)1
e 3 Cl--P' (1--e JJ (4)
._ APe C 1 PeL (5)
BFI axT wlFlc the0T 191,_
ax ^'
"pll a ^ WIIFIICthe'V aaxl + 27troq == 0, (6)
AFIII as l WIIIFIII0 the0Y aaxl 0'
Boundary conditions
X =-00, tI= 0;
X = 0, tI = tII, XFI
axI = XFII a" ;
Reducing Eqs. (6) to the dimensionless form and making use of the fact that
wI F I =W 11 F Ii = w III FII19 we can get expressions for the mean temperature by
Pe L) a Fl (8)
tl XPe2(Ia
till = IN
L. (10)
It can be seen from Eq. (9) that the shapes of the inlet and outlet parts of
the passage do not affect the mean temperature in the heat transfer zone. In the
section before heat transfer starts the reduction in 6t as X -- -.0 depends on the
relationship between F 1 and F I ; this factor should be taken into account when
placing the pickup measuring the temperature of the fluid at the inlet. It is thus
clear that d t = t ttheo in the heat exchanger zone can be calculated without con- /47
sideration of the internal structure of the flow and without taking into account the
specific end devices.
3. The above simplifies the analysis of heat exchangers to the extreme. For
finding the distribution of mean temperatures and of 8ttheo the actual heat exchang-
er can be replaced by a simplified arrangement (see Fig. 1b and c), since only the
heat transferring zone is of interest. Assuming that K, the heat transfer coeffi-
cient, is constant along the length and treating the wall through which heat trans-
fer takes place simply as a thermal resistance, it is possible to write a system
of equations describing the trend of the mean temperature in both passages in all
the zones. For this it is necessary to replace q = const in Eq. (2) by the expres-
sion K(t t sp). In zones I and II K = 0, in zone II
K=1 d j d d1
T +a s d i
+2K Ind
The subscript II is dropped for convenience when writing equations in the dimen-
sionless form.
Zone I
a2tSpi _ Pe 8tspi 0,
8X 2 V. OX
a 2 tl at.I.
ax2 + Pe ax
= 0. (13)
Zone II
Zone III
^p Pe al
-y-- SPI I I= 0
aX2 % ax (16)
aaX, + Pe
aax l = 0. (17)
Boundary conditions
X = CO tI = Const, tspl = 0; 1
X = 0 tI atI _ at atAp l _ at sp.
t t '_' ax ax' ax ax'
at atIII at sp_a t III
X L t = tIII, tsp = tIII, ax aX ' ax ax (18)
X = 00 tIII = t o, tsplII = COIlst. )
t Ci C^ +P / eslx+C' ^Ra +Q / es2x -f Cs C'4Nuk +`YJ +C4i
i ( 20 )
= Pe 12x xf ^C12
01,2 Pe x 4N+ul,
4Nu k CxYi
X Pe
Q 4Nu k \xP2
The value of H is not presented, since it is very cumbersome and it is not needed
for calculating the theoretical expressions.
C2 = 8 [esiL(1+PNi)l,
= H [ (1 + PPi) ep2L + ( I + QPz) esiL]
C4 = Ci
C Pe ri Yi l
+ C2 C P p 2 2 / +C3 Pe '
At theo = (t ts)I X= - w
CP + Pe pi /+ C2 (Q 1 + C3
+ Pe P2 / C 4Nu h + Pe ) '
K _ p
_at 1+ St _1+wL,h.e.
Kp (itsP Oi (22)
(3 L (3 L
If e 1 >> 1 and e 2 1, we have
L [(1
1-Q^i) PQ1 =-( 1 } Q^2) 4-N, (23)
When L -
WL, h.e.It -,m = W T = Pea
4Nukx Y2 (Y2 - 1 )- 1 (24)
= p ,, (1 + x) ( 26 )
Substituting the above expression into Eq. ( 23), we will get a simpler formula for
a heat exchanger of arbitrary length
1 + u)L _ Y!
1 PjL r YA L (27)
The above expression can be used to calculate K/Ktheo for a heat exchanger in
which the longitudinal thermal flux along the intermediate wall is negligible as
compared with the flux along the fluid in both passages.
4. If the wall is conducting in the longitudinal direction, the situation is
much more complicated. The problem of the behavior of mean temperatures in
the passages of heat exchangers cannot as yet be solved exactly. However for
moderate co and for heat exchangers of moderate length it is apparently possible
to use results obtained on the following assumptions: a) the longitudinal conduc-
tivity of the wall is regarded as an additional conductivity of the fluid in the pas-
sages; b) in the statement of the problem the heat exchanger ' s passages do not
in anyway differ from one another, except for the difference in the area of the
flow passing cross sections. Hence the conductivity of the wall is divided be-
tween the passages in proportion to their cross sections, i, e., co = co 1 + c02,
x 1
^1 = 1+x rP, rP2 = q
r7=r Pe 8t 4Nuk
OX 2 x+(Pi O+ x+(P1 (ttsp)=^, (28)
Pe 81 _ 4Nuk
(t tsp)= 0.
a22 +1+T2 aX 1 +(P2 (29)
Similar changes will take place also in the expressions for zones I and III; the
boundary conditions retain their form. The form of the solution of the new system
of equations remains the same
K 1+(Oh e. (P ,
1 + WL h.e. Ir _
Ktheo 1 _ y ^i h.e.. 1 + h.e.
PWiL y 2 p QS L (30)
1-}- x x
y^ 1 , 2 C 1 +
14wh . e.^(i { x) 2 ^ (31)
Apt, z = (1 y(pi, z) (I +X + (F) r. Pe, (32)
Wh.e.m=^L.h.e.^IL-,^= p e2 (1 -r r. c^). {33)
The use of the above set of equations is convenient when calculating Ktheo on the /50
basis of a known K.
When analyzing experimental data the calculations proceed in the opposite
direction, K is unknown, it can be found by successive approximations. However,
it is more convenient to use the relationships obtained by solving the problem of
variation in the mean temperatures in the reduced representation of a heat ex-
changer in which a constant thermal flux through the wall is assumed. This prob-
lem, together with the assumptions made for finding Eqs. (30-33), makes it pos-
sible to consider each passage separately with a part of the wall, i. e. , the prob-
lem of a heat exchanger with qw = const consists of two problems about passages
with qw = const, similar to expression (6), where XF H should be replaced by
XF II + X w F w ( 1/1 +:x) for the center passage and by XF II + X w Fw (x/1+x) for the an-
nular space. The expressions for St and 8t sp found under these circumstances make
it possible to find the relationship between the actual and theoretical heat trans-
fer coefficients.
Q = (t+x)PeL
4otheo W 1 -} %+q) (1 e i+x+m )]1
1 XPe2 ( + f+x L 1(1 { x) Pe L (34)
^sp theo
Qa = (1-^-x)PeL
4a 1 (P 1 _x (1 } x I q)) (1 _e ('+x+(P)x)1 (35)
1 %Pe2 x C1+ 1+X) (1+X) PeL J
_ Ktheo
_ 4theod'
1 j,P_O ('+ X. 'P) tq (36)
(f+x)PeL _ (i+x)PeL
(11 x)
[1e^ 1+x +(p .+ x2 (1 a O+x+Ox )), (37)
Kq, theo = 1 (38)
(O T,
In principle Kq, theo obtained from the above expression and Ktheo obtained from
Eq. (30) have different values, which difference disappears with an increase in
L and Pe.
Practically for calculating K on the basis of Ktheo it is sufficiently conven-
ient to use the expression
K_ Ktheo
1 ` 4Khheo d ( 1 + x To ^q
%Pe 2 jp (39)
where /51
^h.e.ro s't
W L, h.e. tp (40)
variable. In a duct with a thin wall, when q w, = const, St obviously is independent
of changes in a along the length. Approximately (without taking into account the
effect of heat leakages in the wall at the ends of the heat supply section) the same
may be claimed also for a wall with an appreciable longitudinal thermal conduc-
% L
t$ -
TPe [ 4
(X) dX + ePex J 4 (X) e Pex dX
o x JJ (41)
$tg = 74d , pex \ Q (X) e--Pex dX.
X (42)
6tX= XPe 2 1( t b Pe )(1e Pe([. x) )b(L-1^)1
ePei)1 2 (44)
8tx = APe2
I ( 4 + b 1'e-Pt l 1. 1 P ,L ( i
The difference between Rx and 8t can be seen from the following expression /52
(for e- Pe- L 1)
_ bL 1 _ 2
8tx _ 1 = 2 PeL Pe2L2
(40 2 ) C 1 PeL
For q0 = 0 we have
bt 1 _ PeL
at _ i PeL-1
Thus, even when the thermal flux varies appreciably along the length of the
passage, the St (and consequently also K/Ktheo) calculated on the basis of the av-
erage magnitude of the flux does not produce appreciable errors if the product Pe.
L is not very small. In the presence of a conducting wall the following correction
should be introduced: Pe. L in Eq. (45) should be replaced by Pe- L/ 1 + co.
5. The use of the average thermal flux for finding K/Ktheo does not yield,
under certain conditions, appreciable errors even when the thermal flux varies
highly along the length of the passage.
6. The use of the above results in analyzing experimental data of [6] for not
too low Peclet numbers has yielded expected results.
Dimensionless quantities
X = x/d, R = r/r 011 L = 1/d are the longitudinal coordinate, radius and
length of the heat conducting section, respectively.
V. P. Bobkov, M. Eh. Ibragimov and V. I. Subbotin
This circumstance will be used in the present article for obtaining the distribution
function and other statistical characteristics.
The empirical information on the statistical characteristics of turbulentflow
in ducts is not too extensive. The available experimental data pertain mainly to /55
turbulent fluctuations of velocities in the flow of air or water [4-9]. No syste-
matic information is available on the statistical characteristics of turbulent tem-
perature fluctuations, although, obviously, only the study of temperature fluctua-
tions and of the statistical relationship between them and the velocity fluctuations
will make it possible to clarify the mechanism of turbulent heat transfer.
The present article presents results of measurements of certain statistical
characteristics of temperature fluctuations in turbulent flow of various fluids with
highly different thermal conductivities (water, mercury, lead).
The transient function for a thermocouple can, in the first approximation, be rep-
resented as a purely aperiodic component [13], i.e.,
io) _ 1 8 i arctgTTw
( ) V(TT(0 )2 + 1 (2)
Multiplying both sides of Eq. (1) by dw and using Eq. (2) and integrating, we will
get the dispersion of the real (undistorted) signal
Thus, in order to find the real value of the temperature fluctuation intensity, it is
necessary to know the measured spectral density and T th, the thermocouple's time
constant which, in general, depends not only on the dimensions of the junction and
its thermophysical properties, but also on the conditions of heat transfer between
the fluid and the thermocouple junction.
The inertia was studied. separately. Numerical values of the time constant
were obtained (experimentally) for different thermocouples under unequal condi-
tions of heat transfer between the thermocouple junction and the surrounding med-
ium. It was found that for the thermocouple 0.5 mm in diameter the time constant
does not exceed 0.04 secs (when wetted with water flowing at 0.2 m/sec); for a
thermocouple 0.3 mm in diameter it was not more than 0.01 secs (when wetted
with water flowing at lm/sec). It is natural that when wetted with mercury and
lead the heat transfer in the junction is very high and the time constant will be
even smaller [14]. Preliminary results [3-11] have shown that S 1w, the spec-
tral function of temperature fluctuations has a value close to unity as early as at
a frequency of 10 cps, which attests to the negligible energy which is carried by
the higher frequencies (above 10 cps). Calculations using Eq. (3) have shown that
for frequencies from 0 to 10 cps the error produced by the inertia in measuring
the temperature fluctuation intensity does not exceed 1% for thermocouples 0.5
and 0.3 mm in diameter. The measured fluctuation intensities obtained by differ-
ent thermocouples do not differ. Equation (3) is suitable for estimating the cor-
rection only in the case when Tth, the time constant, does not vary with time, i.e.,
when the coefficient of heat transfer between the junction and the fluid is constant.
An estimate of the effect of unsteadiness on the heat transfer has shown that the
heat transfer coefficient under conditions of our experiment differs little from the
steady-state coefficient [14].
The effect of the distortions introduced by the thermocouples was estimated
indirectly: the intensities of fluctuations in the given point of the flow (center of
pipe) were measured with the thermocouples situated at different distances from
one another (Fig. 1); it was found. that Qt , does not change. This, apparently, can /57
be explained as follows: the temperature fluctuations in the given point are deter-
mined mainly by the turbulent field in the preceding, rather than in the given sec-
tion of the pipe. The second thermocouple also had no effect on the probability
distribution function.
It is known that the accuracy in determining the turbulent characteristics de-
pends on the averaging time T. Reference 15 recommends formulas for selecting
the time interval over which T is to be integrated for a given experimental accuracy.
An estimate made using these formulas has shown that in the case of T = 5 min (max-
imum integration time of the . correlometer) the error in determining second-order
moment is not more than 20/6. The oscillograms which were obtained are recordings
over time intervals from 15 secs to 2 mins. When T = 15 secs the maximum error
due to the fact that the integration time is finite should comprise not more than 45%.
Actually it turned out to be much lower. Comparison of results obtained by the cor-
relometer and of those produced. by analysis of the oscillograms shows that they agree
satisfactorily. It is natural that the error in measuring moments of higher order for
the same integration time.
The intensity of temperature fluctuations was measured for the flow of water / 58
(Re = 16, 000), mercury (Re from 5, 000 to 125, 000) and lead (Re from 30, 000 to
, 216, 000). Experimental data for water (thermal flux density 2.3-10 4 watts/m2)
and mercury (for fluxes from 1. 16 . 104 up to 2.3 . 104 watts/m2 ) were obtained by
using the correlometer; for lead (for fluxes from 1.8 . 104 to 3.1 . 104 watts/m2)
they were obtained by analysis of the temperature fluctuation oscillograms. Here
the time pace was 0.01 secs, , which enabled us to satisfactorily reproduce the fluc-
tuation oscillograms up to frequencies of the order of 10 cps [16]. The measurements
were made over the entire pipe cross section (from the pipe axis to contact with the
The manner in which the dimensionless fluctuation intensity varies for mer-
cury and water for Re = 16, 000 over the pipe cross section is shown in Fig. 2.
The fluctuation intensity
curves have a maximum for
water near the very wall, when
while those for mercury and
lead are at maximum at [some]
distance from it. This is due
to the fact that the tempera-
ture distribution in the main
body of the flow for a fluid
with large Reynolds numbers
is simplified and changes high-
ly near the wall, while for
liquid metals the mean tem-
perature distribution is rep-
resented by a flat-curve over
the entire flow cross section.
The maximum relative
fluctuation intensity for mer-
cury changes in a complex
manner with an increase in
Re (Fig. 3), i. e., first it in-
creases rapidly, reaching a
maximum when Re zz^ 20, 000,
and then decreases smoothly.
The fluctuation intensity curve /59
Figure 1. Location of Thermocouples in the tends to zero as Re approaches
Pipe. No. 1 and No. 2 are Thermocouples. the critical value, since the
temperature fluctuations pro-
duced by natural convection
are of such a low frequency
that they are not within the
transmission band of the am-
plifier. Experimental data
for lead were obtained with
Re > 20, 000. Here we were
able to observe the section
in which the fluctuation rate
drops with an increase in the
X Reynolds number.
The above behavior of
\0. 5
the fluctuation intensity with
o o an increase in the Reynolds
number is due to the interac-
tion of two factors acting in
0 0,2 0.4 0,6 a8 1-^ opposite directions. First,
the turbulence is still devel-
Figure 2. Intensity of Temperature Fluctua- oping in the transition region
tions for Re =16, 000 Where the White Circles of the flow, the velocity fluc-
Denote Water, While the Black Circles are tuations increase with an in-
for Mercury. crease in Re, and consequently,
0 i
0 4 8 12 is Kei10-^
the temperature fluctuations increase also. Secondly, the maximum mean tem-
perature difference in the fluid. drops with an increase in the Reynolds number.
This should result in reducing the temperature fluctuation intensity. The latter
quantity thus changes depending on the relative strength of the two aforementioned.
factors. In the transition region the effect of the first factor predominates with
an increase in Re, while when Re is higher than 20, 000 the second. factor predom-
The above behavior of the fluctuation intensity with changes in Reynolds
numbers was observed almost over the entire cross sectional area of the pipe.
The fluctuation intensity increases continuously with an increase in Re to 70, 000,
then some drop in the fluctuation intensity is observed. For lead and mercury
the distance between the point of maximum fluctuation intensity and the wall first
increases rapidly with an increase in Re, and then this increase slows down. The
fluctuation intensity curve becomes more flat with an increase in the Reynolds
Analyzing the experimental data for the three above heat transfer agents
we have found general quantitative laws governing the behavior of the tempera-
ture fluctuations. The first governing relationship is a satisfactory generaliza-
tion of experimental data for the maximum value of the fluctuation intensity and
the distance between this maximum point and the wall. Figure 4 shows the
curve of ovt /,max as a function of y/y max for all the heat transfer agents (the
1 1
Prandtl numbers differ by a factor of 300) obtained for the Reynolds numbers /61
and thermal fluxes at hand. The observed scattering of points is within the lim-
its of experimental error. The generalization attest to the similarity between
temperature fluctuation intensity curves as a function of ymax. The second re-
lationship pertains to the generalization of the dependence of the maximum fluc-
tuation intensity and of the distance between this maximum and the wall for dif-
ferent Reynolds and Prandtl numbers (Fig. 5). The experimental points for mer-
cury and lead can be generalized satisfactorily in logarithmic coordinates.
^o o ^ o
QS 0
^y p 0
0 p
0 1 2 3 4 S Y/Ymax
Figure 4. Fluctuation Intensity Curves.
O Re = 16,000 for water); Re = 30,000; Re = 64,000;
n Re = 216,000 for mercury, Re = t0,000; Cl Re = 161000;
Re = 28,000; Re = 55 , 00; Re = 70,000; q Re = 125,000
(for mercury);
The above generalization shows that the observed. inhomogeneity of the tem-
perature fluctuation intensities over the pipe's radius disappears gradually with an
increase in the average velocity, and the fluctuation intensity maximum becomes
degenerate. This means that the turbulent flow tends to an isotropic flow with an
increase in the Reynolds number,
Spatial Correlation Coefficients and Scales of Temperature Disturbances
R1.2= (4)
where X 0 is a microscale, characterizing the average size of the dissipation eddies. /62
also for temperature fluctuations can be proven similarly. From the fact that the
flow and the heat transfer take place under steady-state conditions we have
ro ro
(t -^ t') r dr = const = tr dr,
o (5)
o (6)
t^ t'r dr = 0,
where t' is the magnitude of the temperature fluctuations in the center of the pipe,
which is independent of radius r. Thus, putting t' under the integral sign and av-
eraging it with respect to time, we get
r dr = 0;
vt R,^,' r dr = 0
o (9)
vt ,Ri^,,r dr = 0.
(10) /64
The validity of the above expression is
substantiated by experimental data on the
correlation coefficient and by the root-
mean-square value of temperatures [18].
Figure 8 shows Rt, t,vt ,r as a function of
the dimensionless radius of the pipe for
Re = 125, 000. The areas of the positive
and negative regions coincide satisfac-
torily with one another. Similarly this
kind. of relationship can also be observed.
2 4 6 8 10 6,nrr for other, lower Reynolds numbers (in
particular, for water). However, for
Figure 7. Correlation Coef- lower Reynolds numbers in order to sat-
ficient for Water with ^ = isfy Eq. (10) very small negative Rt , t,
= 0-0.99, Re = 16, 000. c
are required (less than 0.04), since a
large difference in the fluctuation
intensity is observed in the center
of the pipe and at its wall. Hence
these values cannot always be ob-
served due to measurement errors.
0.4 V
:t' o
0., -- 7.6
Satisfaction of Eq. (10) means
,P that the measurements of a t , and
g ,. Rt, t , in the experiments were of
Q; ).2 c
sufficient accuracy. The physical
0 7 meaning of the negative correlation
coefficients consists in the presence
Rtct - __-- -0.2
of regions with reversed flows, hence
^t r
1^ negative correlation coefficients are
a produced by the main pulsating mo-
-0, 6 tion and do not describe the scales
of the disturbances.
If the ratio of the macro-
and microscales for the temper-
ature fluctuations has the same
order as that for the velocity
fluctuations [1]
L ar^o
Ro v ' (11)
0 0.2 A4 96 0.8 U 1.2 7.4 1.6 1-; For all the Reynolds num-
bers we have noted that the cor-
Figure 9. Correlation Coefficients for Dif- relation coefficients are not the
ferent Directions of Motion of same when 6 varies in the posi-
Thermocouple No. 2. tive and negative directions. The
coefficients are symmetrical only
along the pipe's axis. The lack
of symmetry becomes less pro-
nounced with an increase in the
Reynolds number (Fig. 9).
In determining the scales of the disturbances the problem arises of analyz-
ing the experimental data on the basis of correlation coefficients. Strictly speak-
ing, a calculation using the expression /66
LP R (y; y+ 6) d6,
n (12)
is valid [only] for a normal joint distribution of random functions, which describe
the temperature fluctuations in two points of the flow. Our preliminary calcula-
tions have shown that this distribution is close to normal in the center of the flow.
A certain deviation from normal distribution exists near the wall, in particular
of low Re. No recommendations exist on calculating the scale of disturbance for
a non-normal joint distribution. However, it may be assumed that disregarding
higher-order moments which are brought about by a not too large deviation from
a normal joint distribution will have little effect on the scales of disturbances.
On the other hand, the use of Eq. (12) is apparently not entirely logical, since
it does not take into account features produced by the nearness of the wall and by
the correlation curves. In addition, this expression assumes that, within the
limits of the transverse dimensions of the passage and at the wall, R1.2 reaches
a zero value (for 6 0). It also takes into account negative regions of the correlation
coefficient, which unjustifiably reduces the scales of disturbances. In another meth-
od for determining the scales of disturbances [5], using the expression
Lr^ R ( y -2; y -I 2)d6
0 (13)
Lr= Lr++Lr-
60 60
Integration with respect to 6 0 means that the region with negative correlation coef-
ficients R is disregarded. For comparison we have calculated the microscales
of temperature fluctuations using Eqs. (12) and (14). The region of negative cor-
relation coefficients was not taken into account in these calculations; it was as-
sumed that R1@ 2 at the wall becomes zero, since there is ho turbulent transfer
at this point, although naturally, temperature fluctuations produced by thermal
conductivity do penetrate it. Results of calculations for mercury and water for
Re = 16, 000 and 125, 000 are presented in Fig. 10. It can be seen from the fig-
ure that L near the wall depends appreciably on the selected method of calcula- /67
tions. The first method gives a maximum value of L r, since in this case we do
not use the condition for which R1, 2 at the wall is zero (integration takes place
into the flow). The second method yields the lowest values of L due to the fact
that the effect, of the zero condition at the wall is extended to the center of the flow.
The third method yields intermediate values. In the center of the flow all the three
methods give the same size of temperature disturbances, since the structure of the
flow is close to homogeneous.
Figure 12 also shows values of L obtained for water flowing with Re =
= 16, 000. Data for water have been calculated from Eq. (13). In the center of the
pipe and near the wall the scales of temperature disturbances are the same, butin
the region where L has its maximum, for the case of mercury they turned out to
be somewhat higher than for water. It is possible that this is a result of the effect of ther-
mophysical properties of the [different] liquids. The scales of temperature dis-
turbances for mercury as a function of Re, obtained from Eq. (14), are shown in
Fig. 11. The greater the distance from the wall, the more does the scale vary as /68
a function of the Reynolds number, The scale reaches its full size for large Re in
the center of the flow, but not at the wall. In the immediate vicinity of the wall the
scale does not change with an increase in the Reynolds number (for Re > 10, 000).
This is due to the fact that near the wall the scale of turbulent disturbances is
limited by the presence of the latter.
Figure 10. Scales of Temperature Dis- at,
turbances. 1) Equation (12); 2) Equation
(13); 3) Equation (14) (Mercury); 4) Equa-
tion (13) (water). [14 6 (t'3-3t')+f 4 3 (t'' - 6t'a+3)] .
2 Figure 11. Scales of Tempera-
ture Disturbances as a Function
6 of the Reynolds Number. 1) y =
J =1mm;2)y=5mm;3)y=r0=
0 4 8 Rex10'f = 26.1 mm.
3 -2 ^
3 1 1 0 2 tl6t
4 1 O
Q f
variations of parameters A and E over the pipe's cross section for two different
Reynolds numbers for mercury. As the pipe wall is approached, the excess as
well as the asymmetry change. In conclusion it may be stated that near the wall
the probability of the appearance of large positive temperature fluctuations de-
creases, while that of small fluctuations increases. Scatter of points in the di-
rection of cooling (the main body of the flow cooler than the wall) have a distri- /70
bution close to normal (see Fig. 14). The coefficients of excess and of as-
symmetry also change
r0 pipe radius
y distance from wall
6 distance between thermocouples
y position of the maximum temperature fluctuation
max intensity
t' temperature fluctuation, C
t' temperature fluctuation in the center of the pipe, C
Qt, temperature fluctuation intensity, C
vu ' fluctuation intensity of the velocity in the transverse
u+ rate of friction
D dispersion
R1.2 correlation coefficient
R2 spatial correlation coefficient in the radial direction
L microscale of temperature fluctuations over the pipe's
co angular frequency
S0 (w), S1 (w)real and measured densities of the spectral function,
m(iw) transient function
Tth thermocouple time constant
T time
Dimensionless Quantities
13. Solodovnikov, V. V.: Osnovy avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya [Fundamentals
of Automatic Control]. Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1954.
14. Bobkov, V. P., et al.: Teploenergetika, No. 5 (1965).
15. Opredeliniye parametrov sluchaynykh protsessov [Determination of the Pa-
rameters of Random Processes]. Collection of articles under the editor-
ship of V.I. Chaykovskiy. Gostekhizdat, Kiev, 1962.
16. Harley, N. and Buch, K.: Introduction to the Theory of Probability and to
Mathematical Statistics [translated from English], 1951.
17. Taylor, G. J.: Proc., Roy. Soc. A., 537, (1936).
18. Bobkov, V. P., et al.: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, No. 5 (1965).
19. Romanovskiy, L. Ya.: Primeneniye matematicheskoy statistiki v opytnom
dele (Utilization of Mathematical Statistics in the Performance of Experi-
ments]. Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1947.
M. Kh. Ibragimov, V. I. Merkulov and V. I. Subbotin
=e x a
where Am and Ax are the amplitudes of the temperature fluctuations at the point
of origin and at a distance x from that point, and n is the frequency of fluctua-
tions, cps. Consequently, the fluctuation intensity and the spectral composition
of the temperature fluctuations will vary depending on the thickness of the wall
and will be determined by the behavior of the fluctuations in the fluid region ad-
joining the wall.
Heat exchange apparatus operate at very high mean temperature differ-
ences. Hence, studies of temperature fluctuations in the wall are performed with
attendant high heat fluxes, since in this case even very high frequency fluctua-
tions have large amplitudes and may penetrate the channel's wall still retaining
a sufficiently high intensity. It can be expected that not only the fluctuation in-
tensity increase with an increase in the thermal flux, but also the contribution
of high-frequency fluctuations, which are more dangerous from the point of view
of thermal fatigue stresses.
As a result of temperature fluctuations thermal stresses alternating at
high rates appear in the wall of the channel. Their effect on the fitness of de-
vices at high thermal fluxes is apparently substantial and should be taken into
account in strength calculations. These additional thermal stresses are partic-
ularly dangerous when the heat conducting wall contains microcracks, deep,
slots, etc., which produce stress concentrations [2]. The magnitude of the
thermal stresses is determined by the magnitude of temperature disturbances
in the wall of the channel, i.e., by the values of the spatial correlation coeffi-
cients of temperature fluctuations in two different points of the channel's wall.
This article presents some statistical characteristics (the intensity and
the cross-correlation function) of temperature fluctuations in the wall of a dou-
ble-tube heat exchanger. The same heat transfer agent (liquid metal) was pump-
ed through both heat exchanger passages, at a different temperature.
The heat exchanger was made from 1Kh18N9T steel with inner tube diam-
eters of 25 x 2.5 mm and outer tube diameters of 42 x 3 mm. The manner in
which the heat exchanger was connected to the circulation loop, when the heat
transfer agent flow rate in both parts of the heat exchanger was the same, made
it possible to perform the experiments under conditions close to that of constant
thermal flux, passing through the heat conducting wall and directed into the /73
annular space [space between the tubes]. The heat transfer took place over an 1
length 1 h. e = 900 mm [1 h. e /dl = 43, lh. e / 2) = 82].
(Dl - d
Nine chromel-alumel microthermocouples were inserted into the inner
tube wall at a given cross section along the heat exchanger length i. e., at a
distance of 185 mm from the heat transfer agent inlet into the intertubular space;
the diameter of the outer hood of each thermocouple being 0.5 mm. The thermo-
couples were metallized in slots 0., 6 mm deep, milled in the tube wall. The cen-
ters of thermocouple junctions were situated at a depth of 0.35 mm from the out-
er surface of the tube at specified distances along the circumference (Fig. 1).
The heat exchanger was operated on the principle of counterflow (see Fig.
1). In order to reduce the effect of inlet conditions and to improve the mixing
of the liquid metal in the heat exchanger, provisions were made for three mix-
ing chambers, two of which were placed at the points where the liquid. metal en-
ters and. leaves the intertubular space, and one at the point where the metal leaves
the inner tube. Bushings for measuring the average temperatures of the liquid
metals were inserted in the supply and discharge pipes of the heat exchanger.
Temperature expansions in the heat exchanger were compensated for by a dish-
type compensator, made from 1Kh18N9T stainless sheet steel 1.5 mm thick. In
order to provide for a large temperature difference between the liquid metal flow- /74
ing in the inner and outer passages of the heat exchanger, a heating section and
s a cooling device were installed in the cir-
culation loop. The liquid metal was heat-
ed. by passing electric current through the
heating section. The heat generated by
the cooling device was absorbed by water.
The flow rate in the loop was measured
by a magnetic flowmeter and was checked
inlet on the basis of the heat balance at the
heating section. For this purpose appro-
priate thermocouples in hoods were plac-
ed at the heating section and in the loop.
Section A-A The temperature fluctuations in the
heat-conducting wall of the heat exchanger
were recorded by the EPP-09 high-speed
automatic potentiometer with an upper
scale limit of 1, 2.5 and 5 millivolts, as
well as by the MPO-2 loop oscillograph.
The temperature fluctuations were re-
corded on the diagram tape of the EPP-
09 potentiometer with a speed of 6 mm/
/sec; the loop oscillograph recording
was on a 35-mm moving picture film
with a speed of 10 mm/sec using the No.
5 loop. , The statistical characteristics
of the temperature fluctuations were cal-
culated automatically by the 46K1 corre-
lometer using special amplifiers with a
transmission band of 0.18-300 cps [5].
The arrangement used for measuring the
temperature fluctuations in the wall is
shown in Fig. 2.
The integration time was 5 min; the fluctuation characteristics in each experi-
ment were measured 3-4 times and their average was used in calculations. To
check the changes in the correlation coefficients for symmetry, we have picked
thermocouple No. 5 as the base thermocouple, since it occupies the middle posi-
tion between the nine thermocouples inserted into the tube wall. The average
thermal flux, referred to the inner surface of the heat-conducting pipe, was cal-
culated from the heat balance equation
q = F watts/m2.
The experiments were performed for the following Reynolds number ranges:
in the inner tube Re tube= 41, 900-196, 000; in the intertubular space Re i! s 10,700-
49, 800. Under these conditions the thermal flux varied within the limits of
q = 170 . 103 -600 . 103 watts/m.
The difference in the average mixed temperatures of the heat transfer
agents in both heat exchanger passages or the total mean temperature difference
between the two liquid metal flows comprised At = 140-250'. If we take into ac- /76
count the temperature drop in the wall, then the total mean temperature differ-
ence between the fluid and the wall for both heat exchanger passages is
Experimental Results
Our experiments show that the intensity of temperature fluctuations in the wall
increases linearly with an increase in the thermal flow or of the mean temper-
ature difference with a constant heat transfer coefficient. Figure 3 shows the
curve of a t = f(q). The thermal flux varied within the limits of q = (170-600).
-103 watts/m2.
Since the fluctuation intensity depends on the rate of flow (Reynolds num-
ber), i.e., on the degree of turbulization of the flow and on the magnitude of the
mean temperature difference between the fluid and the wall, one should expect
that function ut = f(Re) will have a maximum. This is due to the fact that no
temperature fluctuations in the wall take place in laminar flow, while in a de-
veloped turbulent flow (as a result of reduction in Ot a ) the fluctuation intensity
will also become lower with an increase in Re. Consequently, at should have a
maximum in some range of Reynolds numbers. This assumption was confirmed
by our experiment (Fig. 4). The dimensionless expression T =Qt'wlq. (Dl-d2)'
characterizing the fluctuation intensity, is plotted off on the ordinate axis of Fig.
4a, while the ratio of the fluctuation intensity to the mean temperature differ- /77
ence in the intertubular space
star = TNu i. s. w
a i. S.
6, is plotted off on the ordinate
axis of Fig. 4b. The above fluc-
tuation intensity maximum is sit-
uated in the range of Rei, s --
18, 000. This apparently is
valid. only for a given heat ex-
changer geometry; the maxi-
mum for other designs may ap-
pear with different Reynolds
numbers. Knowing the magni-
100 200 300 400 500 q m2 tude of u it is possible to esti-
Figure 3. The Intensity of Temperature mate the value of the maximum
Fluctuations as a Function of the Ther- peak to peak amplitude of tem-
mal Flux. o -Re tube = 80,300 (Flow perature fluctuations. For ex-
ample, for a normal distribu-
With Unstable Rc); e - Re tube= 196, 000. tion of fluctuation amplitudes,
the maximum peak-to-peak am-
plitude can be 56t (the probabil-
ity of this occurrence is 1.5 %).
The simplest frequency characteristic of a random process is the average
nav= ^N r
0 6
Jr 2
10 10 30 40 Reis s10 3 10 20 30 40 Re.
I. S .
a} b)
In analyzing the values of 6t in the wall one must remember that the ther-
mocouples recorded the superposition of two, independent random processes of
temperature fluctuations from the direction of the intertubular space as well as
from the direction of the inner tube. In this sense the ratio v t/Ata is some-
what arbitrary. However, the thermocouple junctions are situated closer to the
intertubular space, hence the thermocouples read primarily the temperature fluc-
tuations which penetrate the wall from the direction of the intertubular space,
which can be shown by calculating the damping of fluctuations in the wall, using
Eq. (1). It is known, [3], that in turbulent flow of a fluid in a pipe (d = 52, 2 mm, / 78
Re = 105), the temperature fluctuation of maximum intensity have a frequency
n llan = 0.8 cps. Consequently, if we pick nm . = cps as the fundamental fre-
quency, then we get the following pattern of reduction in the amplitude of fluctu-
ations as a function of increase in the wall thickness
Figure 5 shows the correlation coefficients over the angle of the heat con-
ducting wall. The two correlation curves, i.e., Rt(-S^O) =R t (6 ^ ), are in good
agreement, hence we have constructed for each flow regime a joint curve of cor-
relation coefficients, which drop sufficiently rapidly to zero and even become
negative. The shape of the correlation curve depends on the Reynolds number,
The correlations in the wall reflect the dimensions of the turbulent dis-
turbances in the fluid flow region near the wall. Hence, the behavior of the var-
iation in the correlation coefficient can supply information on the structure of
turbulent disturbances near the wall. A sharp drop in Rt(S ) in the wall points
to the fact that the temperature fluctuations are produced by turbulent eddies of
sufficiently small size. The higher the Reynolds number, the faster does the /79
correlation coefficient reach zero, consequently, the smaller the size of the ed-
dies in the region near the wall. The latter, apparently, have a specific orien-
tation: their rotational motion takes place along the axis of the tube. Hence, af-
ter some distance 8p0 , commensurable with the maximum dimensions of the ed-
dies, the correlation coefficients take on negative values (see Fig. 5). When the
Reynolds number becomes smaller the correlation reduces at a lower rate, which
points to the increase in size of the maximum eddies in the region near the wall.
It is interesting to note that there is a maximum to the size of the largest eddies,
which can be seen from the behavior of the variation in 8(P0 as a function of the
Reynolds number (Fig, 6). Eddies- in the region near the wall are of maximal
size when Re s ^ 18, 000, i, e. , when a t has its maximum. This shows that the
main contribution to the intensity of temperature fluctuations is made by-large-
scale turbulent disturbances.
Rti "
0, 8
1 y
0 ,
0. 2 5
3 6'
LsW = R (6,) cd%.
Figure 6 shows the curve of the scale of temperature disturbances in the /80
wall, referred to the external diameter of the heat conducting wall, which dif-
fers little from the length of the circumference at which the centers of the ther-
mocouple junctions are located. Consequently, the magnitude of scale L5
increases with a reduction in Re. However, we have not observed an explicit
maximum in the curve of L 6 as
was the case of 6 , since at the
x smallest Reynolds numbers the
size of the largest eddies de-
creases, and. the smallest eddies
disappear. Hence, the integral
scale remains approximately con-
50 100 150
RetubeX 10' 3 It was noted in [2] that the
state of the heat conducting sur-
Figure 6. The Curve of S^p /L face exerts an appreciable effect
ext on the behavior of the temperature
= f(Re) (o) and L6 /L ext/ = f(Re) fluctuations in the wall. In our ex-
perimentwe have obtained addition-
(0), the Scale of Temperature Dis- al information on this problem. The
turbances in the Wall, as a Function behavior of temperature fluctuations
of the Reynolds Number. with Re tube=116,000, if there is no
R on the heat conducting surface is
shown in Fig. 7a. When R is pres-
ent, the statistical characteristics of temperature fluctuations change sharply
(the amplitude and frequency of the fluctuations are reduced appreciably). The
appearence of R is accompanied by an increase in the average wall temperature.
For example, for a thermal flux of 5 . 10 5 watts/m2 the wall temperature increased
as a result of the appearance of R by 100-120 C, while the fluctuation intensity
was reduced by a factor of 3-3.5. 'When R disappears, the temperature state of
the wall returns to the previous level and the fluctuation intensity increased to its / 81
previous magnitude. This effect of R c on the temperature fluctuations in the wall
is recorded on the diagram of the EPP-09 instrument and shown in Fig. 7b. When
R is unstable, the temperature fluctuations brought about by the turbulent disturb-
ance [turbulence] have superimposed upon them additional sharp temperature bursts,
which maybe as high as 70'C when q =590, 000 watts/m 2 (see Fig. 7c). Calcu-
lations made using Eq. (1) show that a sufficiently thin oxide film up to 0.1 mm
thick is capable of reducing the temperature fluctuation amplitude at a frequency
of 1 cps several-fold.
Our experiments, which were performed using a heat exchanger of a given
design with fixed dimensions, are [of necessity] partial in character. The am-
plitude and frequency spectrum of temperature fluctuations in the wall will de-
pend appreciably on the dimensions of the passage in which the heat transfer
agent flows. For the same Reynolds numbers we have: the smaller the dimen-
ions of the passage, the higher the frequency and the smaller the amplitude of
the fluctuations. Hence analysis of additional variable thermal stresses which
arise in the wall due to temperature fluctuations should be performed so as to
take into account the specific features of the given heat exchanger.
Figure 7. Record of Temperature Fluctuations Made by
the EPP-09 Instrument for Re tube= 116,000, q =590,000
watts /2 in the Absence of Rc (a), With a Stable Rc(b)
and With an Unstable Rc (c).
LS integral scale of temperature disturbances in the wall with
co respect to angle co
M. Kh. Ibragimov, Yu. M. Rabotyashnik, G. I. Sabelev,
V. I. Sidirov and V. I. Subbotin
The fluid dynamics in rectangular ducts have been extensively analyzed in /82
several publications [1-3]. The problems of heat transfer in turbulent fluid flow
have not been studied to such an extent. While publications on the flow of fluids
in rectangular ducts describe studies not only of the average, but also of local
characteristics of turbulent flow (distribution of velocities, turbulent stresses),
then in the majority of publications devoted to the study of heat transfer in rec-
tangular ducts present data only on average heat transfer coefficients [4-8].
The boundary conditions in many of these studies were close to conditions
of constant wall temperature along the duct perimeter. To calculate the heat
transferred to the heat transfer agents with Pr >_ 1 it is recommended to use the
same formulas which are used for heat transfer in round pipes, and to use the
hydraulic diameter as the characteristic dimension. However, this method is
not always justified. As was shown in [9-11], the use of the hydraulic diam-
eter does not yield satisfactory results for liquid-metal heat-transfer agents.
For example, for liquid metals flowing in rectangular ducts the heat transfer
coefficients calculated on the basis of the hydraulic diameter become smaller
by almost two-fold, if the duct is heated from one side rather than from two. In
calculating high thermal flux heat exchangers it is necessary to know not only the
average heat transfer coefficients, but also the local distribution of heat fluxes
and temperatures on the heat conducting surface and in the duct walls [11, 12].
Below are presented results obtained in the study of heat transfer in a
square duct in turbulent flow of water and mercury. We have studied the tem-
perature fields in the wall and in the fluid, as well as the statistical character-
istics of turbulent temperature fluctuations.
The test section consisted of a square duct, installed in the circuit in the
vertical position, with a cross section of 30 x 30 mm, wall thickness of 6 mm
and 1800 mm long (Fig. 1). The experimental section had at its inlet a chamber
for equalizing the velocity distribution, while at the outlet it was provided by a
mixing chamber. In both chambers were installed thermocouples in sleeves,
used for measuring the temperature of the fluid at the inlet and outlet from the
test section. The outlet chamber was provided by a probe for measuring the
temperature in the fluid flow. The inside surface of the duct was machined to
19 mm
finish class05. The distance between walls 2 and 4 (see Fig. lb) was 30+0.
+0.34 -0.08 '
while the distance between walls 1 and 3 was 30-0.10 mm. Wall 4 was used as
the basic wall for measuring the temperature distribution.
The heat was supplied to the test section by four electric heaters of the
plate type, made from 30mm wide 1Kh18N9T steel, conforming to the width of
the flow cross section of the duct, 0.1 mm thick and 1100 mm long (see Fig. 1b).
Each heater was fastened to a square textolite rod and was pressed to the duct
by clamp screws, fastened in steel columns. A layer of mica about 0.1 mm
thick was placed between the heater and the duct wall. The current and voltage
at the heaters were measured. by class 0.5 astatic instruments. The heaters
could be started up in my combinations. The experiments were performed with
the duct heated from',)ur sides, with a heater corner (walls 1 and 4), with heat-
ing two opposite wall s (walls 2 and 4) and with heating one wall (wall 4).
The temperature distribution in wall 4 was measured at three different
distances from the point where heating started: 1000, 1020 and 1040 mm (which
corresponded to distances from the inlet of 1645, 1665 and 1685 mm) by 27 micro-
thermocouples, 9 of which were built into each of the cross sections (see Fig.1c).
These thermocouples were made from copper and. constantan wires 0.09 and 0.10
mm in diameter, coated by Viniflex insulation and placed over the external side
of wall 4 into slots 0.1 mm wide and 0.1-0.15 mm deep at an angle of 75 to the
duct axis. The hot junction of the thermocouples were welded to the bottom of
the slot in such a manner that the junctions of all the nine thermocouples would
be situated in a plane perpendicular to the duct axis. The wall temperature was
measured differentially, referring it to the temperature of the heat transfer agent
leaving the duct. The thermocouple readings were measured by ar R-2/1 potenti-
ometer with a sensitivity limit of 0.01 millivolts. The temperature distribution
in the wall of the square duct was measured under steady conditions in the zone
of stabilized heat transfer. The distance from the duct inlet to the second cross
section (see Fig. 1) is 1/d h = 56, while from the start of the heated section it is /85
1/dh = 34.
The temperature in the water and mercury flows were measured by a ther-
mocouple probe (Fig. 2). The copper-constantan thermocouple was made from
wires 0.09 and 0.10 mm in diameter with Viniflex insulation, welded together
with the capillary. The 0.25 mm diameter thermocouple which is obtained in
this manner was placed at a distance of 5 mm from the edge of the cone. The
probe was moved along the duct cross section by means of two mutually perpen-
dicular micrometer screws, which made it possible to position the probe at any
point in the duct with a precision to within 0. 02 mm. In order to reduce the effect
of free play, the probe in our
200 cps and an amplification factor of 10 5 , equipped with a noise silencer (damp-
ing factor of 104). The amplified signal was fed either to the MPO-2 loop oscil-
lograph, or to the 46K1 correlometer [15]. The latter could be used to measure
the root-mean-square value of temperature fluctuations, the averaging time of
which is 5 rains. In addition, the thermocouple readings were recorded by the
loop oscillograph on a motion picture film. The time marks were recorded simul-
taneously on the film. The thermocouple readings were recorded for 60-70 secs
in each experiment.
2 3 4 of 0.1 watts/m-degrees, the ther-
mal flux to it is so appreciable, that
the temperature of the heated. wall in
a corner of a duct heated from two
or one side is lower than its tem-
2.1 perature in the central region. The
shape of Curve 2 (see Fig. 3a),
drawn for heating the corner, re-
flects the peculiar features of Curves
1 and 3 and is intermediate between
them Curve 2 shows to what dis-
tance along the duct's perimeter
the effect of these heat leakages on
27 the wall temperature extends.
\ Up to now we have considered
20 only the shape of the temperature
curves. We now compare these
19 70 curves with the average mean tem-
== 11 perature differences, which canbe
18 12 done to estimate the effect of the
i liquid's thermal conductivity on the
_ 13 heat transfer. For the simplest
17 case, when the fluid flows between
two parallel plates, it was shown
by Seban [10) that the heat transfer
14 coefficient will be affected by the
IF 15 heating method (i. e. , whether the
duct is heated from one or two sides)
Figure 2. Construction of the Thermo- for liquids with Pr << 1; if, how-
couple Probe. 1) Clamping Ring; 2) X- ever, Pr S 1, then the heat trans-
axis Guide; 3) Ball; 4) Packing Gland; fer coefficient is practically inde-
5) Y-axis Guide; 6) Sleeve; 7) Microm- pendent of the heating method. Ex-
eter Screw; 8) Mixing Chamber Housing; periments on heat transfer in slot-
9) Clamping Cone; 10) Thermocouple type and rectangular ducts con-
Well; 11) Mixing Unit; 12) Column; firm the fact that the number of
13) Heater-Clamping Screw; 14) Tex- sides heated has an effect on the
tolite Bar; 15) Tube With Thermocouple; heat transfer coefficient in the case
16) Heater; 17) Current-Carrying Heat- of a liquid metal heat transfer agent
er End Pieces; 18) Adjusting Screws; [11]. This effect of the Prandtl num-
19) Bellows-Type Packing; 20) Hinge; ber on the heat transfer coefficient
21) Air-Tight Flange; 22) Top Flange; is a result of the fact that in liquid
23) Cup. metals the temperature distribution /89
varies smoothly over the duct cross
section, andhence, it depends on the
heating conditions of the second wall.
In ordinary, low-conductivity fluids the entire temperature drop which determines
the heat transfer coefficient is concentrated in the layer near the wall and it is al-
most unaffected by the heating conditions at the other wall. Let us now compare
the results obtained with water and mercury heated from one and two sides (see
Figs. 3a and b). While Curves 3 and 4 (water) are practically identical, then Curve 4
.a 21 1 1
0,04 2 2
F ^? 4
w 3
`^ 4
`' 0,02 ^ I ' II 4 I/!
-1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 yea
03 - '
1 j
i Pe=990
o. 1
2- -^- - /A _T- 13
-1 0 1 -1 0 y/Q
(one sided heating) in experiments with mercury lies noticeably higher than Curve
3, It can be seen from Fig. 3b that the average mean temperature difference for
heating from one side is higher than that for heating from two sides. Fig.
3a shows that, in experiments with water, the heating method does not have this
effect on the heat transfer, although in some cases one may observe also a drop
in the temperature of the outer, heated wall, produced by increased heat leakage
due to the increased effective length of the cooling rib.
Comparison of Curves 1 and 2 (see Figs. 3a and b) shows that, for heat trans-
fer to mercury, the total mean temperature difference in the corner of a ductheat-
ed at the corner is higher than for heating from four sides. This increase in the
mean temperature difference for two-sided heating as compared with heating from
four sides can be ascribed to the same effect of the heating method on the heattrans-
fer as is observed in slot-type ducts. In this case heating from four sides can be
regarded as twice heating from two sides. Thus, a reduction in the portion of the
heated perimeter on heat transfer in liquid metals increases the mean temperature
difference, while the presence of heat flux leakages over the unheated, conducting
walls can result in reducing it. In some cases these effects may compensate for
one another and the average heat transfer coefficient may not be dependent on that
portion of the heated perimeter.
On Fig. 3b are drawn dashed lines the ordinate of which corresponds to the
average mean temperature difference over the thickness of the duct wall. The dif-
ference between the ordinates of the dashed line and one of the curves for any val-
ue of y/a yields an arbitrary value 1/Nu in the given point on the perimeter.
Figures 4a and b show curves of Nusseltnumbers as a function of the fluid flow
rate- attendant to heat transfer to water and mercury. The values of Nusselt num-
bers were determined from the expression
2q a
Nu= _
C t w -' qb _
The straight line in Fig. 4b was obtained from a formula used for calculating the /90
heat transfer to liquid metals in round pipes [16]
Nu = 5 + 0.025Pe-8.
The spread of experimental points in Figs. 4a and b can be attributed to two fac-
tors: effect of the thermal conductivity of the fluid and of heat flux leakages a-
long the duct's wall on the mean temperature difference for different methods
of heating.
P4:: 4Re=E
7700 (4500
*^ 6
20 Cf, de g
j I I I
reduction in the slope of the temperature curve at x/a = 0 can be attributed to the
effect of secondary flows, directed from the heat-conducting surface to the cen-
ter of the duct [3]. As was shown experimentally,
the secondary flows in a square duct occupy the
entire duct cross section. The fluid is carried by
-Q2 the secondary flows along a diagonal from the cen-
ter to the corner of the duct, and then the second-
ary flow flows along the wall and then from the
02 -0.29 center region of the wall to the center of the duct.
04 0,1^r
When x/a = 0, the direction of the secondary flow
coincides with the direction of the thermal flux.
0. p 02 Consequently, the secondary flow in this point
0,8 011 should assist in reducing the temperature gra-
0.51 dient. The effect of the secondary flows on the
20 -0 2y1a
1 0.8 0,6 0,4 i-
temperature distribution in the flow of water is
particularly noticeable by the distortion of iso-
Figure 7. Isotherms in therms in Figs. 7 and 8. All figures display the
the Flow of Water in a characteristic inflection of the isotherms in the
Square Duct Heated From direction of the duct's corner.
Four Sides for Re = 7700. As can be seen from Fig. 9, the shape of
isotherms in the flow of mercury differs appre-
ciably from the shape of isotherms obtained in
the flow of water. It is obvious that for such
highly-conducting fluids as mercury, the effect of secondary flows on the shape
of temperature fields is much smaller. When the heat is supplied asymmetri-
cally (see Figs. 8 and 9) the temperature distribution in the fluid flow is affected
by heat leakages along the heat conducting walls of the duct. The effective area
of heat transfer is found to be larger' and is not equal to the area of the heater.
The behavior of isotherms near the unheated wall points to the fact that a part of /93
the heat supplied by the heater flows along the conducting walls and is transferred
from them to the flow of the fluid. The quantity of heat which is transferred
to the fluid by the unheated walls, and the shape of the temperature fields depend
on the heat transfer coefficient, dimensions of the duct, thermal conductivity and
wall thickness. In particular, it follows from Fig. 9 that in the case of heating
from one and two sides the temperature of the fluid in the corners of the duct is
lower than the temperature in the middle part of the wall and, consequently, the
fluid and the wall in the corners of the duct are not overheated.
The high thermal conductivity of mercury, secondary flows and thermal
fluxes through the wall result in the fact that the maximum temperature of the
heat conducting surface is situated not in the corner of the duct, but in the cen-
ter of the duct wall. Such a temperature distribution naturally depends on the
boundary conditions at the outer surface. If the heater is wider than the width
of the flow cross section of the duct and the heat transfer at the outer surface
is nonuniform, for example, high heat transfer density in the corner of the duct, /94
then the temperature maximum of the heat conducting surface may be found to be
in the corner of the duct.
We wish to note the following: in a square duct heated from four sides the
isotherm corresponding to the average mixed temperature of mercury in a given
cross section is situated at a distance y/a and x/a 0. 7, which coincides with
the location of a similar isotherm in a pipe ( for liquid metals).
A more complete picture
of the distribution of tempera-
ture fluctuations in different
cross sections of the square
duct was obtained using the cor-
relometer. The results obtain-
ed by measuring the root-mean-
square values of temperature
fluctuations in water flowingin
0 22 0.4 0.6 u y/a 0 0.2 0.4 0 F 0.8 y/a
a square duct are shown in Figs.
a) b) 11-13a. Figure 11 shows the
Figure 9. Isotherms in the Flow of Mercury curve of a- t , the root-mean-
in a Square Duct. a) Heating From Two Sides, square values of temperature
Re = 28, 400; b) Heating From One Side; fluctuations along lines paral-
Re = 28, 200. lel to axis Y. The parameter
of these curves is the distance
from the center of the duct a-
long axis X.
The distribution of o- t over the cross section of a square duct is shown
more graphically in Fig. 12. The lines of this figure correspond to the locus
of points with a constant root-mean-square temperature fluctuation of the flow.
The parameter of curves in Fig. 12 is o t . As can be seen from Figs. 11 and
12, the distribution of 6t over the duct cross section is quite complex. In the
center part and at the walls at has a minimum; the maxima are situated at the
axial lines of the square at a distance of ---14.5mm (y/a = 0.97) from the cen-
ter of the duct. At the wall o t increases very sharply. As x/a becomes larger
(see Fig. 11) the maxima are reduced smoothly and move away from the wall of
the duct. They move farthest away in the corner region. In the center region
of the flow, when x/a and y/a :5 0.5, the magnitudes of a t are practically con-
stant. In regions with 0.5 < x/a < 0.9 and 0.5 < y/a < 0.9 the curves of constant
values of o t have a peculiar shape: at the axial lines these curves are displaced
toward the center of the duct, while in the corner region they are extended along
the bisectrix into the corner of the duct.
The shape of curves v t = const attests to the presence of secondary flows
in the square duct. Let us examine the distribution of a- t along the line y/a =
= 0.8. The lines of u t = const for x/a = 0.6 are displaced to the center of the
duct. The location of these displacements is the same as the maximum value
of the normal velocity component of the secondary flow [3]. Lines v t = 0.7 and
0.9 for y/a = 0.3 conversely, are displaced toward the wall of the duct, The
region of minimal 6t for x/a -_ 0.8 is identical with the location of the eddy of
the secondary flow, where the normal components of the secondary flow veloc- / 97 .
ity are at minimum. We thus notice a correspondence between the magnitudes
of normal components of secondary flows and the magnitude of o- t'
6t C
"'t 1
r, se cs 7T_ SP.c
a) b)
confirms the fact that in liquid metals with high thermal conductivity the effect
of secondary flows on the heat transfer becomes lower. The effect of the aver-
age velocity within the given limits of variation An Re does not have a substan-
tial effect on the magnitude of u (see Fig. 13b). Comparing Figs. 11 and 13 we
note that the magnitudes of o-t in the center of the duct in experiments with water
and mercury are close to one another by absolute magnitude. The magnitude of
9t was measured with a specific thermal flux of q = 15, 000 watts/m 2 provided by
heaters on heating from four sides. When the Reynolds number is increased the
magnitude of at over a large part of the duct cross section in the flow of mercury
becomes greater than for water
The magnitude of u and the average frequency of fluctuations do not fully /100
characterize the temperature fluctuations. An important characteristic is the
probability that the fluid in the given point of the flow will have a given temper-
ature. We have used the oscillograms to determined the distribution of the prob-
ability of temperature fluctuation amplitude, which is in good agreement with a
normal distribution of random variables. Since the points examined are situated
in different regions of the duct's cross section (for example, at the wall and at
the corner of the duct) it may be assumed that in the first approximation the prob-
ability distribution of amplitudes of the temperature fluctuations conforms to the
normal distribution for a large part of the cross section of the square duct.
Figures 16a and b show the normed autocorrelation function (correlation
coefficient) in two points of a flow of water, calculated from the expression
t , (0) t (r)
R^ =
s, 2
In the main body of the flow (see Fig. 16) the correlation coefficient decreases
rapidly to zero; on further increase in T, the time shift, function R(T) fluctuates
about zero and is gradually damped out. The life of the temperature disturb-
ance, determined by the first intersection between the curve of R and the ab-
scissa axis is 0.35 and 0.55 secs. The life of a turbulent disturbances can be
used to determine its dimensions. The characteristic dimension of a temper-
ature disturbance in the axial direction is L 1/a = T u/a = 6 (when Re = 4910),
i, e., it is appreciably greater than the cross sectional dimensions of the duct.
Our experimental work shows that for accurate calculation of temperature /101
field in rectangular ducts it is insufficient to have relationships used for calcu-
lating heat transfer in round pipes. This is true for liquid metal, as well as for
ordinary, low-thermal-conductivity, heat transfer agents.
The fact that secondary flows have an appreciable effect on the heat trans-
fer process in a square duct was proven experimentally. This was demonstrated
by the characteristic distribution of the wall temperature, by the specific shape
of the mean temperature distributions and of the temperature fluctuation inten-
sity in the fluid flow.
The existing semi-empirical theory of heat transfer do not at all take into
account the contribution of secondary flows, hence, these theories should be cor-
rected accordingly.
The heat transfer in a square duct, in addition to secondary flows, is also
affected by heat fluxes through the wall, which depend on the duct geometry, thick-
ness and thermal conductivity of the wall, which is a characteristic feature of all
nonround channels. Hence, for accurate calculations of nonround ducts from the
point of view of fluid flow as well as from the point of view of heat transfer one
must examine each specific geometry and solve the problem on taking into ac-
count all the factors which affect the temperature field.
Qt root-mean-square value of temperature fluctuations, C
x, y current coordinates (the coordinate origin is in the center of
the duct)
a half-width of the flow cross section
b wall thickness
d hydraulic diameter of the duct
Yu. D. Levchenko, V. I. Subbotin, P. A. Ushakov and A. V. Sheynina
To reduce the quantity of the coolant in the active zones of reactors, the /102
coolant annuli should be narrow. However, in this case the production tolerances
for the geometric dimensions become comparable with the dimensions of the cool-
ant annulus proper. This can result in appreciable eccentricities, which cause
redistribution of coolant velocities, and consequently, also ,cause the appearance
of temperature variations along the perimeter of fuel cells. The present paper
presents the study of a narrow (d l/d2 = 0.895) coolant annulus with three longi-
tudinal spacing ribs (Fig. 1). It considers a concentric duct and ducts with rel-
ative eccentricities s = 0.5 and 1 (the limiting case).
The test section was made of a pipe (d 2 = 95mm) made from 1Khl8N9T
steel with a dural rod (d l = 85 mm) placed inside it. The pipe and the rod formed
an annular slot 1900 mm long and with dl/
/d2 = 0.895, S = d2 -d l/2 = 5 mm. Brass
spacing ribs were inserted into longitu-
dinal slots, milled on the surface of the
rod. In the experiments we have used
2 three rods, one of which had identical
ribs, which were used to keep it concen-
4 trical with the outer tube. The dimen-
sions of the ribs of the two remaining /103
rods were selected so as to provide for
^V . e>0 eccentricities of 0.55 and S. We have
examined the displacement of the rod in
Figure 1. Cross Section of the direction of one of the ribs only. At
Test Section. 1) Large Rib; the inlet to the test section was placed
2) Wide Annulus Segment; a mixing header with a mesh for equaliz-
3) Narrow Annulus Segment; ing the velocity distribution. Along the
4) Small Rib. surfaces of the central replaceable rods
were milled slots into which six capil-
laries 2 mm in diameter from 1Kh18N9T
steel were inserted and fastened by the
quick-setting "Stynscryl" plastic, after
which the surface was carefully smoothed out. Holes in the capillaries (0.5 mm)
for measuring the static pressure were provided in cross sections situated at
distances of 500 and 1000 mm from the inlet. Static pressure pickups have also
been provided at the outer tube at a distance of 150-200 from one another over the
length of the tube.
Moving the inner rod [off-center] (see Fig. 1) forms three cells, two of
which have the same geometry ("narrow" cells), and one has a different cross
section ("wide" cell) The basic parameters of the test section are given in
Table 1.
The construction of the test stand has been described in [1]. The pressure
drops were measured by U-shaped glass differential manometers using distilled
water. The temperature of the water was varied from 6 to 80C in order to ex-
tend the range of Reynolds numbers, Depending on the pressure drops the dif-
ferential manometers were filled with mercury, tetrabromoethane, carbon tet-
rachloride and chlorobenzene. The rate of flow of the water through the test
section was measured by calibrated venturi tubes. Moderate (less than 2 m3/
/hour) water flow rates were determined by measuring tanks. The water tem-
perature was monitored by copper resistance thermometers and the temperature
of the surrounding air was measured by mercury thermometers.
The friction resistance coefficients X were determined on the basis of the
measured pressure drops for the concentric spaces. For eccentric spaces this
was not possible, since in this case the flow rate distribution among the cells is
unknown. The experiments have shown that for a concentric space the pressure /104
drops in the cells do not differ by more than 5%. To reduce the time needed for
measurements, the measurements for small water flow rates were made in one
cell only.
The velocity distributions were measured in cells of eccentric annular spaces.
The experiments were performed on an air stand, the construction of which is de-
scribed in [2]. The local velocities were measured by a glass Pitot tube (with an
external diameter of 0.2 mm and an internal diameter of 0.12.mm) in the duct out-
let cross section. The static pressure was measured through A hole 0.8 mm in
diameter in the wall of the outer tube. The Pitot tubes were positioned and moved
in two mutually perpendicular directions by a coordinate spacer with a sensitivity
of 0, 05 mm. The pressure drops were measured by a U-shaped differential
manometer, filled with alcohol. The air flow rate through the model was kept
constant by monitoring it by the pressure drop over a 600 mm long section.
The theoretical limiting error in measuring X, the friction coefficients in
water was 5-10%, which includes the errors in the geometric dimensions, water
flow rates and pressure drops. The accuracy in measuring local velocities in
the air was 1.5-2%, while that of measuring the friction coefficients X was 7%.
The velocity distributions in the cells of eccentric annular spaces were also de-
termined analytically, using the method due to Deissler and Taylor [3]. The or-
iginal data used in the calculations were: working medium - water at 18C, pres-
sure gradient dp/dl = 238 kg/m2 -m).
The measured friction coefficients in the concentric space are shown in
Fig. 2. The experimental data for laminar flow are in good agreement with the /105
theoretical formula obtained for annular passages without ribs [4]-[6]
`di/ R ' ( 1)
where Re = ud h/v and d is the equivalent hydraulic diameter of the passage,
taking into account the ribs;
( d 1) In di
In d1
` \ di / z+`11 L \ di )z-1
For a round pipe T = 1, while for a flat slot T = 1.5. For our case
Calculations using Eq. (1), derived for a round pipe, naturally yields values of
X on the lower side. Equation (1) is in good agreement with experimental data
obtained in [4] for d l/d2 = 0, 212-0.838.
1= 0.316Re - O - z5 ; ( 2)
1 b,^
10 N
' _ 4
1 L
10 2 103 10`^ 105 Re
Cu)-t \ymax^,
where u is the local velocity, u is the average velocity for the cell under study,
y is a coordinate measured from the surface of the rod along a normal and y
is the width of the annulus for a given angle co. max
9 u, mise c
D) 0j, 45'
Figure 3. Distribution of Velocities u/u in the Wide (a) and Narrow (b) Cells for e = 1.
The curve of Ucp as a function of co is shown in Fig. 4, from which it follows that
the average velocity in the direction of the normal in the wide cell depends little
on the eccentricity, while
in the region of 20 <cp < 100
it practically does not vary
along the perimeter and is
approximately equal to the
average velocity in the cell.
The picture observed in nar-
't v .y row cells is different. When
A P, = 0.5 Ucp varies from 1.2
^ 1
for co = 150 . to 0.7 for co
= 110, i. e. , by approxi-
mately a function of 1.7.
Velocity Ucp varies even
^ I
more rapidly in the case of
P, = 1. In this case the ex-
0 20 40 M 80 perimental data could be
100 9*
obtained only for a part of
Figure 4. Distribution of Relative Velocity, U ^ the narrow cell (cp <_ 65
over angle co A. and are Experimental Data for since the comparatively
pa sll dimensions of the
the Wide and Narrow Cells, Respectively, when passage made it impos-
e = 0.5; o and Denote the Same for e = 1; the
Dashed Line Shows Theoretical Results. men to perform on of -
mets in the region of min-
imal spaces. Analytical
calculations were also made only for co c 850 . The values of Ucp obtained
theoretically and experimentally are close to one another (see Fig. 4).
The average velocities in the cells found by graphical integration and the
measured pressured gradiants dp/dl were used to calculate the Reynolds num-
bers and the friction coefficients X (Table 2). In was assumed in these calcula-
tions that the pressure gradients in all the cells are .the same (238 kg/m 2 -m). / 109
However, it was established experimentally that the pressure gradients in the
cells differ (see Table 2), which apparently is due to the effect of local resist-
ances to flow at the cell inlets and outlets. This phenomenon is one of the causes
for the differences between the calculated and experimentally obtained values of
u2/u1 , shown in Table 2.
TABLE 2. Experimental and Theoretical Data
e = 0.5 8= 1.0
Parameters Experi. I Theoret. Experi, f Theoret.
t 2 t l 2 1 I 2 1 I 2
tw, C - I - I 18 I 18 I - I - I 18 18
Lair, 0 C I 32 I 31 I ( I 31 I 31
U, m/sec 41.1 ( 55.6 11.03 11.51 135.8 56.61 1.01 11.8.3
Pre 3sure gradient, dp/dl, 343 308 238 238 255 236 238 1213
kg/1 n2, m I
r o 0 10= z it 6 8 Ke
in the narrow cell they are situated by 6% lower. For an eccentricity of E = 1
the data for the wide cell are also in agreement with Eq. (2). At the same time
the data for the narrow cell are by approximately 40% lower than values of ob-
tained by Eq. (2).
Thus, our experiments and calculations have shown that the approximate
method due to Deissler and Taylor [3] can be used for practical calculations of
distributions of velocity and of frictional resistance coefficients of narrow ec-
centric passages.
V. I. Subbotin, V. D. Talanov and P. A. Ushakov
The coolant annulus which is formed by a fuel-element rod and the tube in /111
which it is placed is one of the versions of ducts used in reactors with liquid met-
al cooling. When the fuel element is displaced (an eccentricity is formed) the
symmetry of the flow past the fuel rod is disturbed, producing temperature var-
iations along the rod's perimeter, local overheating, additional thermal stresses,
The use of spacing ribs only partially alleviates the above shortcomings.
Perceptible eccentricities may appear due to geometric tolerances of the pas-
sage even when these ribs are used. In addition, the presence of the ribs pro-
duces additional temperature bursts beneath the ribs and alongside them, simi-
lar to those already observed [1]. The eccentricities have a particularly appre-
ciable effect on thin coolant annuli, in which the geometric tolerances are com-
mensurable with the dimensions of the annulus proper.
The present paper describes the effect of spacing ribs and eccentricities
on the temperature field of the surface of the heat-conducting tube which is cooled
by liquid metal flowing in the narrow annulus (D/d 2 = 1.12). The experiments
were performed with the Na-K alloy (22% Na and 787o K) using a setup consisting
of a closed circuit made from 1Kh18N9T steel with a volute electromagnetic pump
[2], providing an alloy flow rate of about 10 m 3/hour at a pressure of about 4 kg/
/cm . The heat was carried away from the stand in a double--tube kind of heat
exchanger, through a double wall with an intermediate contact layer made of lead.
A small part of the coolant was continuously circulated through a cold oxide trap,
which was cooled through a double wall. The oxides content in the circuit was
monitored by a distillation sampler, the sample collected which was subsequently
The test duct (Fig. 1) has been made so as to make it possible to rotate the
center tube through any specified angle directly during the measurements. The
annulus was formed by a jacket with internal diameter D = 76 mm, wall thickness
of 3 mm and an internal tube with d 1 = 2R1 = 64mm and d2 = 2R2 = 68 mm. Thus
the width of the coolant annulus was 4 mm; the electric heater of the inner tube
was made from 3 mm nichrome wire in the form of a spiral. To prevent short-
circuiting the coils, the spiral was first oxidized by heating it in air. In addition,
the nichrome wire was coated by a thin layer of an alundum-orthophosphoric oxide /112
mixture. The spital is insulated from the internal surface of the tube by an or-
ganic silicon compouxid 0.6 mm thick. One end of the heater is attached to the
housing, while the other has a
potential over it. The power
which was supplied to the heat-
er from the AOMK-100/0.5
transformer was measured by
class 0.5 meters. This heater
design provides q = const at the
inner surface of the tube. The
heated duct length was 1 0 = 675,
out of a total length I of 755 mm.
The inside tube may be
positioned concentrically or ec-
centrically by means of replace-
able end grids and slat-shaped
centering ribs 4 mm thick in the
following manner. The ribs are /113
placed into longitudinal slots
milled in the outer tube and
are packed by vacuum rubber.
In all the cases the inside tube
is displaced relative to the
jacket in the direction of one
of the ribs. The angles are
read from the axis of this rib.
The flow cross section of the
duct (upon reducing the area
of the ribs) was 856 mm2 , and
the hydraulic diameter was
dh = 7.58 mm.
The temperature of the
Figure 1. Structure of the Experimental Duct. heat-conducting surface was
1) Thermocouple in a Sleeve; 2) Mixing Head- measured by 12 copper Gon-
ers; 3) Jacket; 4) Slat-Shaped Ribs; 5) Nich- stantan thermocouples, situ-
rome Heater; 6) Inside Tube; 7) Thermocouples ated at different distances
for Measuring the Temperature Distribution from the duct inlet. The ther-
of the Coolant at the Duct's Exit, mocouple wires in Viniflex in-
sulation were placed into steel
capillaries with dimensions of
0.5/0.3 mm. The latter to-
gether with the thermocouple wires were inserted into the wall of the inside tube
by calking and metallizing.
The temperature of the Na-K alloy at the duct's inlet and outlet was mea-
sured by thermocouples located in the mixing headers. In addition, at the point
where the coolant left the duct we also measured the temperature distribution of
the coolant along the perimeter of the annulus, for which we have used thermo-
couples in capillaries placed each 15 0 along the perimeter.
All the components of the test duct in contact with the coolant were made
from 1Kh18N9T stainless steel. The test duct was placed on the stand in the ver-
tical position, and the liquid metal flowed from the bottom upward. The experi-
ments were performed for coolant temperatures from 40 to 100C. The average
thermal conductivity coefficients were: for the wall X w = 13.2 kcal/m-hour-de-
gree, for the Na-K alloy X f = 19.5 kcal/m-hour-degree. The oxygen content of
the alloy did not exceed 10 % by weight.
As was shown by the experiments, bursts in the temperature of the heat-
conducting surface are observed near the ribs in the concentric annulus. The
dimensionless variations in the temperature of the concentric annulus for the
region with stable heat transfer is shown in Fig. 2a. The magnitude of the var-
iations depends to a large extent on the Peclet number, which was calculated on
the basis of the average velocity and of the d calculated upon subtracting the
rib area. As the Peclet number is made large the region of elevated tempera-
tures near the rib narrows down somewhat. This, apparently, is due to the ef-
fect exerted by the higher turbulization of the flow in high-velocity coolants. In
the range of Peclet numbers used the dependence of the temperature nonuniform-
ity on the Peclet number can be approximately described by a power law. In log-
arithmic coordinates this relationship is expressed by straight lines (see Fig. 2b).
The variations in the temperature along the perimeter of the heat-conduct-
ing surface of eccentric annuli with ribs for Z/dh pt 79 are shown in Fig. 3. The
Peclet numbers have been calculated on the basis of the average coolant velocity
and of the hydraulic diameter of the annulus, upon subtracting the rib area. Tem-
perature bursts at points with co = 120 0 correspond to the rib locations. In the re-
gion with the minimum annulus width ((p = 0) the temperature increase is basic- /114
ally produced not by the ribs, but rather by over-heating of the coolant in the
narrow parts of the eccentric annulus. The temperature nonuniformity in eccen-
tric annuli is much greater than that produced by the ribs.
The temperature distributions for eccentric smooth annuli behave in approx-
imately the same way as the distribution for ribbed annuli, with the exception of
the local temperature bursts beneath the ribs. In the region of low Pe (transient
and laminar flows) the temperature nonuniformity for a smooth passage is less
dependent on the Peclet number than for large Pe. A similar trend was observed
also in experiments in a ribbed annulus with a relative eccentricity of x = 0.5.
Comparing experimental data obtained for ribbed and ribless annuli we see
that the temperature variations over the perimeter of the central heat-conducting
tube for low Peclet numbers (20 < Pe < 80) in both cases is approximately the
same (Fig. 4). As Pe is increased, the temperature variations in the ribless an- /116
nulus reduce much faster than in a ribbed space. Apparently the ribs interfere
with the intermixing of the coolant and make tagential flows of heat in the coolant
more difficult.
The temperature variations over the perimeter of the inner tube is determ-
ined basically by the difference in the amounts of heat absorbed by the coolant in
the narrow and wide parts of the eccentric annuli (Fig. 5). It can be seen that the
14 o
0041 I I Iv^
0 20 40 Sp, deg
4 i Figure 3, Variations in the Tem-
V perature of a Ribbed Annulus With
2 Cd
an Eccentricity of x = 0.25. , o, o,
o and 0 are Experimental Results
for Pe = 26, 49, 78, 236 and 559,
20 40 6010100 200 400 Pe Respectively.
4,0 U local mean temperature
differences between the
2. 2.0 wall and the coolant are
7-0,5 much smaller than the total
0 ^o- N
a 0, 8 temperature variation,
^\ o,s and the curves describing
o, 0,41; the temperature distribu-
tions in the fluid and in the
2 wall are approximately
4^_ 4 ^
equidistant. A similar pat-
tern is observed also in
ribbed annuli.
906 ;06
20 40 60 80 100 20J 400 600 Pe The temperature dis-
tributions we have found were
Figure 4. Variations in the Temperature of used to calculate the distri-
Ribbed (a) and Smooth (b) Eccentric Annuli. butions of the thermal fluxes
along the tube perimeter [3]
9 _ 1
akkek cos k(p, (2)
where Tw = R X f is the
0 p=deg q 2
0 60 120 9,deg 60 1Zp
a) b) dimensionless local tem-
perature of the wall in the
Figure 5. Temperature Distributions in the Wall section at hand, T is the
(Solid Line) and in the Fluid (Dashed Line) in
value of T averaged over
a Ribless Annulus With an Eccentricity x = 0.5 w
and with Z/d h = 75, Obtained for Pe = 27 (a) the perimeter, a k is a co-
and Pe =147 (b). efficient of the Fourier
series describing the tem-
perature distribution, q
and q are the local specific
thermal flux and the flux averaged over the perimeter; e k is a parameter charac-
terizing the design and properties of the fuel rod [3].
_ '-w 1 bik
1 +tik 11 =RZ.
Since the heat conductingtube had a relatively small wall thickness (6/11 2 = /117
= R2 -Rl/R2 = 0. 059), which made thermal fluxes over its perimeter difficult,
the variation in the distribution of thermal fluxes q/q was [only] moderate. We
present an example. For a coolant annulus with Pe = 82, 1/d h = 75 and with an
eccentricity of x = 0.5 we found
The curves of Nu as a function of the Peclet number for different Z/d h are
shown in Figs. 7 and 8, The Nusselt numbers were calculated from the expres-
Nu = 4dk
i rf) if
( w
where w and t are the average temperatures of the wall and the fluid for the val-
ue of Z/dh at hand. The Peclet numbers have been calculated on the basis of the
average coolant velocity. The hydraulic diameter was found for the ribbed annuli
upon subtracting the rib area, and for ribless passages it was found from the ex-
pression (dh) sm - d2 d1'
Data on the average heat transferred by concentric annular spaces for sta-
bilized heat transfer are presented in Fig. 9. On the same figure are drawn
curves obtained from Lyon's semiempirical formulas quoted in [4]
Nu=4.9+0.0175Pe 8 (4)
The experimental data for a ribless annulus are higher than values obtained from /119
the above formulas by not more than 15% at large Peclet numbers. When Pe is
reduced this difference becomes smaller. Previously published data for mercury /120
are also in satisfactory agreement with Eqs. (4) and (5), [5]. The presence of
ribs reduces the values of Nu calculated by taking into account temperature bursts
beneath the ribs and near them by an average of 25%.
On the basis of the results we have obtained, we may claim the following.
First, the variation in the coolant temperature over the width of a concentric
annulus is small in comparison with the temperature variation over the passage's
perimeter (see Fig. 5). Secondly, for values of I/ dosed in this investigation, the
heat transfer does not become stabilized. Tangential thermal fluxes in a narrow
space with a coolant and in the thin wall of the heat conducting tube are moderate
for the inlet section, which is attested to by the weak change in the thermal flux
along the perimeter of the passage and the close-to-linear dependence of the tem-
perature variation on Z/d h (see Fig. 6). Let us now consider the problem of tem-
perature variations under the following assumption; 1) the heat transfer agent
temperature is constant over the width of the annular space and is equal to the
wall temperature, but it varies over the perimeter, i. e., t = t = t = f(cp);
ryU ^ _r 10
8 --
6 - 6
41 4 7 ^
2 2
4 4
0,8 20 40 60 80 700 200 400 600 Pe
20 40 60 80100 200 400 600 Pe
a) a)
2 2^
1 ,. 1_
-t-- I I i I I i t
Zo 40 60 80 700 200 400 600 Pe 40 67 SO 100 900 4017 6O0 A
b) b)
7I I i l i l l l 2 . R ^Ii^"'
31 1 1 1 1 111
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 .00 600 700 900 Pe
2) no tangential heat fluxes take place in the fluid or wall; 3) on the heat conduct-
ing surface the specific thermal flux is the same in all points (q = const); 4) the
flow is hydrodynamically stable.
The thermal balance of an elementary volume of the coolant, bounded by
angle dco, height dx and the passage's walls can be written as
r2 Ri
do = 2 dy ; rm = Rz + y,
where y is the distance between the walls of the passage along the normal to the
surface of the inside tube and R2 is the outer radius of the inside tube. Trans-
forming we get
8T _ 2
8X Pe U^ ^
11 ` ( 1 ql
d 2 )L\ Rzl 2 J (6)
T 11f X=x.
qR 2 ' R2
8 (A 1)2Z U
T Pe [t (2d -) Up ' (7)
where p = y/R2 ; A = D/2R2 is the ratio of the diameters of the outside and in-
side tubes and Z = x/dh is a dimensionless coordinate along the passage.
To find the velocity distribution we assume, by analogy with [6] that the /121
d'Arcy formula is valid for each elementary area dw, if for the characteristic
length we take twice the space 2y (local hydraulic diameter), and for the charac-
teristic velocity we take the average velocity (U^O) in the elementary area
dp _ S pGT
dx Py 2
For the entire annulus dp/dx = ^/2y. 2P T . Assuming that the local and average
coefficients of frictional resistance and ^ are described by the same law, for
example, by the Blasius formula = 0.316/Re0, 25 we will get from the last two
Up \n_ \ n ' (8)
y (A 1
where n = 0.715. If we assume that as this was done in [6], then n = 0.5.
The velocity distribution calculated from Eq. (8) with n = 0.715 is in satisfactory
agreement with experimental data obtained in [7].
Finally, from Eqs. (7) and (8) we get
8z (,4--1)2.7i5
e ,i.7t5 (2+N)( 9)
Despite the large number of assumptions made, analytical calculations using Eq.
(9) yield satisfactory results, which is attested to by Table 1. Consequently, the
assumptions we have made [do] reflect the heat transfer process at the inlet sec- /122
tion of the annular space under study.
The above experimental data were obtained for a uniform heat supply to the
inner surface of the inside tube of the passage (q - const at R1). However, these
data are just as valid for the case of uniform heat generation in the wall of the tube
(qv = const at Rl - r - R2), which was shown, for example, in [3]. In fact, the tem-
perature field of the heat transfer surface does not depend on the method by which
the tube is heated (q = const at R or q v = const in the wall), since the tangential
heat fluxes are determined solely by the relative thickness and thermal conduc-
tivity of the tubes's wall under identical conditions in the fluid. The similarity
parameter s characterizing the properties and dimension of the tube is in both
cases described by Eq. (3).
The inside tube used in the experiments can be regarded as thin-walled [3],
since the magnitude of sk/k depends little on the number of the harmonic (k) of the
TABLE 1. Comparison of Results Calculated From
Eq. (9) With Experimental Data for Ribless
Eccentrical Annular Spaces
Eccentricity x I 0.25 I 0.5'
qR^ f
Number of I 1 I 2 I 3 ( 4 I 5 6
harmonic, k I
ai edfrom 0,0410 0,0808 0,1205 1 0,1590 0.1965 0.2330
Eqb 1
8h /k I 0.0410 I 0.0404 I 0,0402 ( 0,0398 I 0,0393 I 0.0388
Fourier series, which can be seen from Table 2. Then it is possible to trans-
form parameter e.k to the simpler form
ek f2 , S = R 2 Ri.
In our case e k = 0, 398, hence the results obtained in the experiments are valid
for passages in which the parameters of the thin-walled inside tubes satisfy the
The method of approximate thermal simulation presented in [3] makes it possible
to use the data we have obtained for calculating a given group of fuel element rods.
This article presents calculations of temperature fields and heat transfer /123
coefficients for turbulent flows of fluids in annular and plane spaces. Use is made
here of integral approximations for turbulent thermal conductivity coefficients [1].
The calculated Nu t and Nut , corresponding to one-sided internal or exter-
nal heating of the fluid flow are represented in the form of functions of param-
eters Re, Pr and O = al /a2 , where al and a2 are the radii of the inner and outer
tubes, forming the space, respectively.
The calculated heat transfer coefficients for several fluids are compared
with the available experimental data.
8 r 8r { r(t+et) 8T } '
w (])
and also
rr L I ar Iwhen y,,> 25
tl =
042LO ' F (1) _ 0 when ' 2"
_ 75 Lo _ LZ I aw
q y* L ar
! 0,8+0,2 / v)"" when Y > 1,
t 1 when v < 1.
Here T is the temperature of the fluid, v, k and s t are the coefficients of mole-
cular viscosity, molecular and turbulent thermal diffusivity respectively and
L is the turbulence scale.
For calculating the coefficient e using Eq. (1) we restrict ourselves by the
dimensionless integration interval -2.4 < 71 < 2.4, i, e., by the interval I r r 0 1
L 0 [1]. The quadrature formulas for s t will have the form
D (ii) = F (-t) to ( qT j) fi (%")
1_ 1 1
L (M) 2 l dy'
o (3)
where I (cp) is the distance between the point in question M to the perimeter of the
passage cross section in the variable direction cp.
In Eqs. (1)-(3) we change to the dimensionless variables
^ = v* , Re =v = 2UD,
a ^ 8 2
ZI 2 ,
_ (4)
v* = a p1 l aaz
S w,
where a = a2 a i , and
For a duct with an annular cross section Eq. (3) for the turbulence scale
L(M), making use of the notation of Eq. (4), yields the following results [2]
a2 L ai = B
(1 Y) Y,
where /125
8 1^ 1 ^ ^ 0 .
H 0
sin x _
L = ( 1 Y)Y,
where y = Z/h and l is the distance between variable point M and one of the plates
forming the space.
To eliminate 8T/8z from Eq. (1) we use the balance equation, which is ob-
tained by interating Eq. (1) along the radius from a 1 to a2
Substituting the value of 8T/8z from the above expression into Eq. (1), and using
the notation of Eq. (4), we get
1 8 k Et 8T _ 2 i +, U
g ay {^' v + v) 8y 1-02
y U ( 8)
From the point of view of mathematics it is sufficient to examine only the
case of heat supply from one side, since for the case of two-sided heating with
arbitrary relationships between fluxes q and q2 the solution for temperature T
can be represented in the form of a linear superposition of solutions for the case
of only inside and only outside heat supplies.
Equation (8) was solved by a numerical method. Here coefficient was
calculated from Eq. (2) using the field of velocities w obtained in [1].
Results of Calculations
tY cpv * (T I T)
` qi
in the flow of fluid in the space for a given constant thermal flux q 1 at the internal
wall of the space and the dimensionless temperatures
_ cpv * (T2T)
for a given thermal flux q2 at the inner wall of the space. Here T 1 and T2 are
the temperatures of the inner and outer walls of the space, respectively.
If we introduce the concepts
2a q l 2^ Pr _ 2a 42
and Nu2 _ 20 Pr
Nu _ X(T2T)
A ( Ti T) V1 *2
for the corresponding cases of heating from one side, then the following can be
said about the results of calculations of Nu t and Nut in annular spaces. First
of all, the calculated Nu 1 are greater than Nut . As parameter O becomes larger, /127
the difference in the calculated values of the above two Nusselt numbers, naturally,
decreases (Table 1). For a specified value of O the relative difference between
Nut and Nut is reduced with an increase in the Reynolds number. There exists
a tendency toward the reduction in the relative difference between Nu l and Nut
with an increase in the Prandtl number.
TABLE 1. Calculated Average Temperatures T 1 and T2 and
of Nut and Nu2 in Spaces With the Flow
of Fluid Heated From One Side
Pr I Re 10-3 9.30 146.7' 1219 ( 9.22 47.5 221 114.1 169.6 ( 322
l Nu2 6.11 9194 24.1 6.21 10.3 24.9 6,89 12,6 32,6
1Reference [3] presents calculations for Nut and Nu2 in annular spaces for
fluid flows with low Prandtl numbers, there the values of s needed for the cal-
culations were calculated on the basis of the latest measurements of the fields of
velocities w in the spaces. All that has been said above about Nu t and Nu2 cal-
culated in the present article for fluids with Pr <_ 1 is in satisfactory agreement
with results of calculations of [3].
1.0 ZO
2 2
0.6 Q6
0.2 0.2
with low Prandtl numbers and by 10-15% for gases (Fig. 3). In the case of fluids /128
with Pr = 10 the calculated values of Nu 2 for the space practically do not differ
from the Nusselt numbers for a pipe at the same Re.
The values of Nu2 calculated for liquid metals with O = 0.5-1 can be approx-
imated by the expression
Nu = 5.0+ 0.020Pe O 8 (9)
For gas flowing in spaces with O = 0.5-1 the following expression will be approx-
imately valid
Nu = 0.018Reo. s . pro.4 (10)
The structure of interpolation formulas (9) and (10) has been made traditional
purposely, for convenience in comparing results obtained in the present paper
with results for a pipe and spaces from other publications. Equation (9) yields
somewhat higher values of Nusselt numbers than that given in [4) and of almost
identical with the equation presented in [5].
For known values of functions 'F l (^) and 'F2 (^) the distributions of temper-
ature T in the flow of a fluid heated from both sides with an arbitrary relation-
ship between fluxes Q1 and Q2 can be calculated by the following formula (Fig. 4).
Table 2 presents the calculated values of the average dimensionless temperature
AY = cpv* (T 2 T/q2 and of NO = 20 Pr/7 in the flow of a fluid in a plane space
with symmetrical heat supply from two sides. The values of Nu* obtained for the
plane space can be related to the Nusselt numbers obtained on heating from one
side by the following approximate expression
Nu* =8,6 -;- [1.50 0:15 lg (1 + 100Pr)] (Nu 5.0) (12)
which is valid for fluids with Pr = 0-10, When > 10 it may be assumed that Nu*
= Nu.2
91 IP
TABLE 2. Calculated Average Temper-
atures * and NO in the Flow of a Fluid in
a Plane Space With the Fluid Heated Sym-
2 metrically From Two Sides
1.0 104 Re
3 Pr
1.41 1 6,96 1 32,2
0.025 T 1.89 4.42 , 7.41
Nu * 11.7 20,1 47.8
0.8 T 16.5 19.3 22.6
Nu * 43.0 147 503
10 `Y 6967 68.5 69.6
Nu * 128 519 2040
"The results provided by Eqs. (9), (10) and, (12) were obtained by the au-
thors earlier, when using the arrangement suggested in [6] for calculating the
velocity and temperature fields in the passage. Equations (10) and (12) are
presented in [7],
2 l-
3 ^
4 6 8 10 4 2 4 6 8 1,1 2 R2
20 1 r r i i i i i t 1
4 6 8 104 2 4 S 8 10 3' 2 Re
band, the calculated heat transfer attendant to the flow of fluid in a space with
Pr = 10 are in agreement with measurements made by Mikheyev and others [9] /131
pertaining to the small difference between Nut and Nu t , as well as with respect
to bringing these numbers close to the Nusselt numbers in a pipe for the same
Reynolds numbers.
Figure 4. Temperature Distribu-
tions Calculated in the Flow of a
Fluid in a Gap Heated From Two
Sides; O = 0.5; q 1/q2 = 1, Pr =
=0.025; Curves 1 and 2 are for
01 5 0,6 0.7 OR 09 F Re = 9.3 . 10 3 and Re = 2.2 . 105,
14 3 ^/
t .^ 2
102 2 6 B 103 2 Pe
6. Buleyev, N. I.: Raspredeleniye skorosti i tmperatury v turbulentnom potoke
zhidkosti v krugloy trube [Velocity and Temperature Distributions in the
Turbulent Flow of a Fluid in a Pipe]. In the collection Voprosy teploob-
mena [Problems Heat Transfer]. Published by the Academy of Sciences of
the USSR, Moscow, 1959.
7. Subbotin, V. I. , , et al.: Atomnaya energiya, 9, No. 4 (1960).
8. Doroshchuk, V. Ye. and Frid, F. P.: Energomashinostroyeniye, No. 11(1959).
9. Averin, Ye. K. , et al.: In the collection Teploperedacha i teplovoye modeli-
rovaniye [Heat Transfer and Thermal Simulation], page 138. Published by
the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow, 1959.
A. P. Kudryatsev, D. M. Ovechkin, D. N. Sorokin,
V. I. Subbotin and A. A. Tsyganok
The experiments described in this article were performed in order to com- /131
pare the levels of heat transfer on boiling [1], [2] and free convection. In addi-
tion, they were of independent interest since we know of only two publications /132
devoted to the study of heat transfer from a horizontal surface to liquid metals
under free convection conditions, [3] and [4].
Reference 3 concerns itself with heat transfer from sodium, which gives
up its heat to a flat round plate from stainless steel 203 mm in diameter which
is located approximately 3 mm below the free level of the .sodium, which is con-
tained in a tank 760 mm in diameter. The sodium was heated by furnaces situ-
ated outside the tank. The experiments were performed with sodium tempera-
tures in the range of 140-350C. On the basis of experimental data it was found
in [31 that
Nu = 0.262 (Gr Pr2)0.35. (1)
The characteristic dimension in the above expression is the diameter of the plate.
On the basis of the power of (Gr- Pr 2 ) in the above expression, it is assumed in
[3] that the heat transfer took place in the turbulent region.
Experiments with mercury situated between two horizontal chromium plates
(electroplated) copper plates are described in [4]. Here use was made of plates
134 mm in diameter held at distances of 35 and 66.5 mm from one another. The
lower plate was heated while the top plate was cooled. The data thus obtained
can be expressed thus
Nu =0.069 (Gr Pr) 1 /3 Pr0.074. (2)
The characteristic dimension here was the distance between the plates.
Our experiments were performed with flat horizontal surfaces from
1Kh18N9T stainless steel 38 mm in diameter, which was heated by electron bom-
bardment. The heat transfer surface was placed in a work tank from stainless
steel 165 mm in diameter. The sodium level above the surface was about 150
mm. Chromel-alumel thermocouples, which measured the temperatures of the
heat conducting wall were placed in protective capillaries from 1Khl8N9T
stainless steel 0, 8 x 1.5 mm in diameter, which were then covered by molten
copper under a vacuum (thermocouple wire diameter 0.2 mm). The temperature
of the sodium was measured by chromel-alumel thermocouples placed in a sleeve
(thermocouple wire diameter 0.5 mm), the beads of which were located by 60
mm above the heat conducting surface. Such an arrangement is also described
in [5].
We have measured the temperature differences between the wall and the
liquid and the temperature of the sodium, as well as the temperature fields in
the latter using a moving thermocouple. The readings of the thermocouples, in-
cluding the movable one, which was connected differentially with the stationary
thermocouple, were recorded continuously by EPP-09 potentiometers (1 sec)
and were also measured intermittently by the R-2/1 potentiometer. We have
performed four series of test. In all of them the sodium was held under inert
gas pressure of about 2 atm absolute. The regime of the heat transfer agent
(laminar or turbulent) was determined on the basis of temperature fluctuations
recorded by the movable thermocouple and by the thermocouples in the wall.
For thermal fluxes below 0, 7 . 106 kcal/m2-hour neither the movable ther-
mocouple, situated near the wall, nor the thermocouples built into the wall re-
corded any temperature fluctuations. When the heat fluxes were made large,
both the movable and the stationary thermocouples record temperature fluctua-
tions. At a distance of more than approximately 15 mm from the heat conduct-
ing surface no temperature fluctuations have been observed for thermal fluxes of
up to 1.5 . 106 kcal/m2 -hour. The presence of fluctuations shows that the fluid flow
at the heated surface is turbulent. For thermal fluxes of (0.7-0. 9) 10 6 kcal/m2
-hour,wicespndtaofrmhelintub arsfe
regime, the Grashof number is about 108,
which agrees with data obtained by Fedynskiy
[6 ], who has found that transition from laminar
to turbulent flow takes place at Gr > 1.5 . 108
irrespective of the Prandtl number. Figure 1
shows a recording of the readings of the mov-
able thermocouple in contact with the wall for
q = 0.95 . 106 kcal/m2 -hour and t1 = 682C.
The characteristic temperature here is the temperature of the fluid far from the
wall. If the wall temperature is taken as the characteristic temperature, then
the results will differ by approximately 4.6%, since the temperature difference
between the wall and the liquid metal in our experiments did not exceed 150C.
The physical properties of sodium used in the calculations are those given in
[7] and [8]. The diameter of the heat conducting surface (38 mm) was taken as
the characteristic dimension.
H, r. im
15 \\\
Lj ZO 40
B 4mm
T 60 100 &'-c
'O r
Figure 3. Experimental
Data on Heat Transfer.
Test Series: - First;
o - Second; n - Third;
(3 - Fourth. 1) Obtain-
3 ed From Eq. (3); 2) Ob-
tained From Eq. (1);
f 6 B ,rPr2X10 9 3) Obtained From Eq. (4).
Reference [6] recommends to use the following formulas for heat transfer
calculations in liquid metals by free convection under turbulent and laminar
Nu = 0.67 r GrPr2
I+Pr ) ( 5)
Line 3 of Fig. 3 was obtained by using Eq. (4). If the Nusselt numbers are cal-
culated from Eqs. (4) and (5) at a sodium temperature of 500 0 , then Eq. (4)
yields Nusseltnumbers approximately two-fold smaller than Eq. (5) for a Grashof
number of about 108 (Gr Pr _ 2.5-10 3 ), which corresponds to transition to tur-
bulent flow. Equations (4) and (5) yield identical values of the Nusselt number /136
only when Gr 10 12 . Consequently, Eq. (4) is incorrect.
Equation (5) is in satisfactory agreement with Eq. (3) when Gr. Pr 2 =2.5 . 103,
i. e. , at the start of the turbulent heat-transfer region.. In the interval of
Gr Pr of about from 2.5 10 3 to 8 . 103 Eq. (1) (line 2) yields values of Nu by
about 25% lower than Eq. (3). If the values of o! are calculated from Eq. (2) for
the turbulent region [q > 0.7 10 kcal/m 2 -hour], then they lie by about 20% lower
than the average value of data obtained by us. Equation (5) is in satisfactory
agreement with our experimental points obtained with low thermal fluxes, i. e. ,
in the laminar region (points not shown).
It thus may be assumed that Eqs. (1)-(3) reflect the level of heat transfer
to liquid metals by free convection in the turbulent region, while Eq. (5) is valid
for laminar flow.
In reactors with liquid-metal cooling use is made most frequently of fuel /137
rods (fuel elements), arranged either in the form of regular triangular or square
lattices, or placed in clusters or one-by-one in separate ducts. The geometryof
. the passages created by the rod clusters or of the individual ducts is responsible
for the appearance of variations in the temperature over the fuel rod periphery.
This variation produces additional thermal stresses, i.e., local overheating,
which reduces the reliability of the fuel elements.
The lack of uniformity in the fuel element temperature, all other conditions
remaining equal, is due to the thermal conductivity and on the dimensions of its /138
component parts, i.e., the fissionable-material core, protective jackets, contact
layers, etc. All this should be taken into account in thermal simulation of
fuel elements.
Let us consider a fuel rod with three shells [jackets]. The more elementary
fuel elements are particular cases of the above. Let us assume that ideal thermal
contacts exist between the shells, between the rod and the first shell, as well as
between the outer shell and the coolant; the physical parameters of the system are
constant and do not depend on the temperature, the fluid is incompressible and does
not change its state of aggregation; the effect of natural convection is negligible and
the heat generation in the rod is uniform.
We now analyze equations for laminar flow of the fluid assuming that the sim-
ilarity criteria which will be thus found are valid also for turbulent flow which, on
the average, is steady with respect to time. On these assumptions the equation
of motion for the fluid
dg 1
R4 Pe
V 2 Tt (WgradTt).=0. (2)
The temperature fields in the fuel rod and in the shells are described, re-
spectively, by the Poisson and Laplace equations
V2 T, = 0, V2 T 2 = 0, V2T3=0. (4)
when =0 T
= 0.
when g =, To = T,; aT _ Xo aT ;
When = ^2 T,=T2; a _ ;
.9T2 (5)
W= l i l f r Rt
_ T t == 11 - Ili is the specific thermal
It ' t 'R =. , 4 , 4 = 4u 2R4
Tw = T 3 (co, 1, Z), where Z is a dimen-
sionless distance along the passage and
co is an angle, measured over the rod's
perimeter. Without detriment to gener-
ality of the problem, we may assume
that the functions being considered are
even and thus to drop the sine terms in
the series.
Parameter ek which characterizes
the thermophysical properties of the fuel
element can be found analytically. The
Fourier series coefficients can be rep-
resented in the form
ak = T3 (y, 1, Z) cos ky dy
Figure 1. Schematic of a Fuel Rod 0
[Cross Section] With Three Shields
[Jackets], z "
_ Tf ((p, 1, Z) cos ky dy.
The specific thermal flux is related to the temperature gradient of the fluid
aT f
e ag 1=g,
kek [
5 Tf ((p, 1, Z) cos ky dT ] cos ky.
0 (10)
From the above two equations, together with Eqs. (1) and (2) we get the
criterial equation for geometrically similar channels
We now find P, k' The solution of the [above] system of equations for the /140
fuel element is most conveniently represented in the form of a sum of two so-
where 8 is a solution which takes into account heat generation in the core at con-
stant temperature along the perimeter of the outer shell ^ = 1: e(1, Z) = Tw(Z),
while T is a solution for the case when there is no heat generation in the rod,
but the temperature varies over the perimeter of the outer shell, i, e. , when
= 1: T (cp, 1, Z) _00z a h (Z) Cos ky.
k =1
Solutions for E)Q, Z)
.o = T w - ^3 In 1_( )2 ]
}Z Inzn }1 I i+2 io L ^1
1 = TW -} f In + In z -^ f In ^2
_ (13)
E) 2 = 7 w}g I n - ^2
03 =TW-I f In
T1 = ^J ( A hb k +
Bhsf - h) COs kq);
k=1 (14)
T2 =!J (Ch^h + Dh^-h) Cos kT;
W^11 Y _ h)
T3 = 'E (D' W + F h^ COs ky.
Hh = N hS2 k b3 ( 1 -^ m 1) ( 1 + m 2) ( 1 + M3);
A h = Nh.2 kS3k (1 -P m2) ( 1 + m3);
Bh = N 1 h 3 km1 ( 1 + m2) ( 1 + m3);
Ch = NkS3k ( 1 + m3) (S i kni , m 2'^ S2k)i
DA=N Y k 3 k (Sg 1YYm1 Y
k ^1I S2kYYm2 ) 1 4- m3)i
(YY i m 2 + S2k)]i
E h = Nh gg2kmgg3 (S1 km 1 S2k m 2) ^- S3 k (S1
Fk = Nk 12S3k k (S1 km i F 2 km 2) k 3 km 3 (Si7YtIM2
3b k I- 2It)]r
where /141
M i ^1 -7^0 , = ^2+a1
m 2=
R2 -X I ,
= 1 3- 12 . -
1 <m < 1.
X1+^o r 3 %3'+'X2'
4 _ X 3 8T 3 1 _-
g Tf 8 I g=1
f Eh = L 3 (EkFk)
The requirement that e = idem can be rigorously satisfied for any harmon-
ics (any values of k) only on the condition that simplexes ^1' ^2' 3 9 " 1/^0'-'2/x'1'
2'^'ff X3 have the same values in nature and on the model. This requirement
X 3A
also follows directly from the system of starting equations and boundary conditions
The creation of thermal models of fuel elements with volumetric heat gener-
ation and with ideal thermal contacts between the layers under laboratory conditions
is very difficult. The above difficulties can be eliminated by using approximate
thermal simulation. This will somewhat reduce the accuracy of the results
The substance of the latter consists in replacing the fuel rod with shells by
some. equivalent tube, at the inner surface of which we, in one way or another
satisfy the conditions: q = const or t = const along the perimeter To be able to
select the dimensions and the thermal conductivity of the equivalent tube it is nec-
essary to know approximately the behavior of the temperature distribution over
the perimeter of the fuel element under study, ie e> , the fundamental harmonic
of the Fourier series which describes the temperature distribution. In some
cases it is possible to guess this harmonic. For example, for cluster of fuel
rods arranged in a regular triangular lattice the fundamental harmonicJs k o =6,
for a square lattice k0 = 4, while for an eccentric annulus k o = 1, [1-4], When
it is difficult to guess the fundamental harmonic, one must resort to successive
approximations. Let us assume that in experiments with the model we have ob-
tained the distribution of the dimensionless variation in the temperature /142
and on the basis of these data we have calculated the distribution of thermal fluxes
in the model
Had the distribution of thermal fluxes on the surface of the fuel element been the
same as in the model, then the variation in the fuel element temperature would
have been described by the expression
AT.* = (T. Tw)* ^ >] (80MOa Cos Iccp.
given by Eq, (16) and those calculated on the assumption of q/q = idem, which is
the basis of Eq. (18), Approximately this can be defined as the root-mean-square
ATw-}-OTw* 1 n r
(,T-)tme^ 2 =2I akL 1 + (eh)
e) f e.
.J cos ky.
If the divergence between AT w and AT* exceeds the desirable accuracy, then
the experiments are repeated using a model the parameters of which have been ap-
propriately adjusted. The average temperature of the heat-conducting surface de-
pends much less on the design of the fuel element than the variation in the temper-
ature. This is attested to experimental data presented in [1-3]. Assuming, by
analogy with a round tube, that the Reynolds number for liquid metal can be ap-
proximately eliminated from criterial Eq. (11), we get
The condition that q = const at the surface to which heat is supplied to the
model can be satisfied, for example, by using electric heaters. In some exper-
iments use was made of heaters made in the form of coils from nichrome wire
and insulated from the tube walls by a thin layer of organic silicon. The condi-
tion that t = const over the inner perimeter can, apparently be created by press-
ing or soldering copper rings inside the tubes.
Let us consider some particular fuel element designs. The value of F.kfor
a single-shell element is obtained from Eq. (15) by setting ^ 1 = ^2 = ^3 = ^0 and
X3 = X w
4 --mtph
Ch Xf 1 + M- 2h (20)
where in Xw-X 0%'w + A 0; ^ 0 = R l/R2 , while R1 and R2 are the inner and outer
radii of the shell, respectively.
If the rod has a thick shell, i.e., if ^2k << 1, then the temperature field
(Tw) of the heat conducting surface is practically independent of the thermal
C^f )f. e. Xf /mod' ( oh)mod 1.
It is easy to simulate fuel elements in which the thermal conductivities of the rod
and of the shell differ highly. When X 0 << X (m ^ 1), we get from Eq. (20)
Xw 1+gIh
s h ti
7,f 1goh (23)
These fuel elements are simulated by tubes in which we impose on the inner sur-
face the conditions q = const (22) or t = const (23) over the perimeter.
We shall assume that the fuel element has a very thin shell, i. e., that /144
S << R2 (6 is the shell thickness), while the value of m is moderate. Expanding
20k in a binomial series, we get
o = C1- R2b) 21 , 1-2k R2 -f ...
m C1-2kR /
N _
^w 1- 2 w 1-m 0
1. Xf 1+M Xf (24)
Xf I+M C1-2kR
i. e. , the effect of the shell can be disregarded. The criteria for shell thinness
in the given case is the fact that depends little on k, the number of the
harmonic. 8
If the thermal conductivities of the rod and the shell of a fuel element with
a thin -walled shell differ, i. e., the fuel elements are equivalent to thin-walled
tubes with q = const or t = const, then
I 1-1+2kR
_ 2 N w8
If k XfR2
Ek~ 1+1-2kR (25)
for N 0 << X or
1+1-2k a
R2 ;^,,^R2
= 1
Xf 1-1+2k k Jf8 (26)
for X 0 >> Xw. In these cases simulation becomes appreciably simpler and re-
duces to selecting tubes and liquid-metal heat-transfer agents, which satisfy the
RfR = idemand' fa2 = idem
for q ;^:i const and t Rt^ const, respectively, at the inner surface of the tubes.
Method.s of approximate thermal simulation can be used in generalizing ex-
perimental data and for solving problems by the method of thermal-electric anal-
Let us consider some examples of approximate simulation. For this we
use experimental data obtained with a Na-K solution (A AA f = 0.695) for rods
packed closely in a square arrangement, [2], an eccentric annulus [4] and for
a rod placed inside a hexagonal jacket [5]. The fuel-element models are tubes
heated from within by electric coils (q ^-_ const at R 1). The values of ^0 for the /147
equivalent fuel elements in all the cases were assumed to be 0. 92, which corre-
sponds to a jacket thickness. of 6 = 0.4mm and an outer radius of R 2 = 5mm.
The ratio of thermal conductivities Xw/^ f for fuel elements arranged in a closely
packed square in one case is assumed to be 1.25 while in the other it is 0.416.
These values of the ratio of thermal conductivities are obtained for cases when
the fuel element jacket is made from ferritic-pearlitic steel (X w = 25 kcal/m-
hour-degree), while the coolants are the Na-K alloy (a, f st: 20 kcal/m-hour-de-
gree) or sodium (A f ^ze 60 kcal/m-hour-degree), respectively.
For fuel elements corresponding to annuli and for those located in the cor-
ner of the shield, we have considered two cases
The value XW/" f = 0.2 is not encountered and is used in the calculations only in
order to extend the range within which the fuel element parameters are varied.
The values of m = X - 0/Xw + X 0 for the equivalent fuel elements were
found from the expression
1myo k0 1
7Lu, _
C ^f i+n ,. 2k0 / f, e. Ekp)mod
with the condition that for dense square packing k 0 = 4, while for the two other
cases k0 = 1.
The main parameters of the models and of the fuel elements being simula-
ted are tabulated in Table 1, which also lists the values of coefficients of the
Fourier series (ak) obtained by analyzing experimental data for the models.
2 D
1 3 5 7 9 11 k mot+
w 1
/0.3 0 ^
0.2 0, ^
y f ?w Qyr^O ^
0,1 Ra
1.2 \ hi
-0.1 v
-0,2 0
40 cO
2 ^
0 10 20 30
Figure 2, Fuel Rods Densely Packed 0 40 80 720 760 cO
in a Square Arrangement. 1 and 2 are
the Values of (:ek)mod/(e'k)f, e and TW Figure 3. Annulus With R0/R2 =1, 11
for Type 1 and 2 Fuel Elements; the With an Eccentricity of 0.5 (for Nota-
Dashed Line Denotes the Value of ATW. tion see Fig. 2).
Type of passage al as a3 a4 as
TABLE 1. (Concluded)
Type 1 fuel element) Type 2 fuel element
ae as Pe mod M
I "W I m
f XW
.f I Xf
. 2.s
1, 8
0 7 3 5 7 3 11 k
4 180
2 ^P a }
1_k Z
^ G
0 40 80 720 760 ^O
A. V. Zhukov, V. I. Subbotin and P. A. Ushakov
The present article considers the transfer of heat from loosely-spaced /149
[fuel] rod clusters in which the temperature variation over the rod perimeters
is small and the heat transfer coefficients depend little on the fuel element de-
sign (jacket thickness, thermal conductivity of the fissionable material and the
Analyzing the differential equations describing the processes taking place
in the fissionable material, fuel element jackets and the coolant, together with
the appropriate boundary conditions, we can find the needed similarity criteria
which define the temperature fields and the average heat transfer in the rod
t qR2"' X t = h C dh , X, (p, S,
Xf , Xff , Re, Pr)
Nu = fa ^S, ?f Re, Pr) .
CI, x, 7f
Parameters ^, X 0 f and Xw/X f which characterize the fuel element design have
their greatest effect on the temperature fields and on the average heat transfer
in densely-packed fuel-element clusters (x = 1), when maximum temperature
variations are observed over the perimeter of the latter, [1-6]. In clusters
with x 1.1 the temperature variations over the perimeter of the fuel elements
are moderate and the above parameters have little effect on the average Nusselt
number. In this case the Nusselt numbers calculated by using the hydraulic di-
ameter depend primarily on the physical properties and the flow regime of the
coolant as well as on the value of x.
Basic information on investigations concerned with heat transfer to liquid
metals in loosely packed rod clusters is presented in Table 1. Figure 1 depicts
the cross sections of clusters used in these studies.
The authors of [7-9] have used seven-tube clusters with spacers
fastened to a cylindrical shell. The tubes were heated internally so as to pro-
vide qw = const at the inner surface. The center tubes from St. 3 or copper
were equipped with thermocouples embedded into longitudinal slots near the heat
conducting surface. These tubes could be rotated through any angle. As a rule,
the total heat supplied to the coolant by the clusters was the quantity measured.
In individual cases the temperature was measured at the outlets from the central
cells of the cluster. The dependence of Nusselt numbers on the relative spacing
TABLE 1. Characteristics of Test Sections and Experimental Conditions [7-13]
I Reference and year of publication
Designation I [ 7] [8] [9] [10] [10-13]
1956 1 1958 I 1958 I 1959 1962 I 1963 I 1964 , 1961 i 19G1-1964
Method of heat Heating by passing current through an inside tubular heater Electric heating by
suPP1Y nichrome coils
amber of thermocouples 4 7 6 5 12 9
>n the center tube
' I
Prandtl number 0.036-0.025 3.10-2 (72-57) X 64.10- 4 0.016 0.02
X 10- 4 0.021
d,, mm 1 17 I 7.6
d2, mm 22 ( 12.7 I 12.7
Limits of rotation -10 -{ 10 + 10+50 held at 0-360 in steps 0-360 was not rotated
of center tube, cp , +35 ( +70 30 of 30
r de gre es
of the rods was not established
[8], [9]. To calculate average
Nusselt numbers in clusters with
x = 1.2-1.75 [8] recommends the
empirical formula
N N eD
Nu = 6 + 0.006Pe
for 30 _ Pe < 4000andRe > 10-'. (1)
to t[y N
00 00
CO CO 00
In [10-13] use was
made of clusters consisting of
13 and 19 heated tubes, held in
CO a cylindrical shell. The shell
diameter was selected so as to
keep the hydraulic diameters of
the cluster and of the central
cells equal to one another. Ther-
0 m mocouples
CO were embedded into
longitudinal slots on the surface
of the copper center element.
This element was chromium or
_ nickel plated in order to obtain,
Q U respectively, a mercury-wetted
U ^
w o or nonwetted surface. The cool-
z ant temperature in the cells of /154
06 N o the test section was not mea-
w sured, and the center tube was
as not rotated during the study of
H temperature fields.
The effective dissimilarity factor for the turbulent heat transfer and the momen-
tum are determined, according to Dwyer's estimated, by the expression
=1 1.82
g y 1.4
Pr ( v )max
A solution similar to that given in Eq. (2) was obtained by Friedland and
Bonilla [16], using data obtained by Knudsen and Katz [17] on the velocity dis-
tribution in annular passages
Equations (2) and (3) yield close results and show that, when the hydraulic diam-
eter is used in analysis, the Nusselt numbers in the clusters depend on the rel-
ative spacing of the rod lattice.
37 heated tubes contained in a hexa-
gonal shell [18]. The tubes were
000 heated internally by nichrome coils,
which provided qW - const at their
inner surfaces. The coils were in-
* sulated from the walls by a layer of
electric insulation - 0.3-0.4 mm
thick. The center tubes were equip-
ped with 12 thermocouples placed in
capillaries from 1Kh18N9T steel
with an outer diameter of 0, 5 mm,
The thermocouple wires were made
from copper and constantan in chlo-
_8?'O rovinyl insulation (for experiments
with mercury) and from chromel,
kopel and alumel in alundum and
organic silicon insulation (experi-
ments with the Na-K alloy) . The
Figure 1. Sections Through Clusters
thermocouple wire diameters were
Used in [7-9] (a and b) and [10] and 0.08 mm, and the junctions were
[11] (c and d), -calked at the . tube surface.
The center tube was inserted
d , mm 3
d , mm I D, mm S;d: into the cluster by means of a pack-
ing gland, which made it possible to
a I 17 ( 22 92, 63 11,2-1,5 rotate it through any angle without
disturbing the operating mode of the
b I 17 I 22 I 96 ^. 1.13
setup. The thermocouple capillaries
were held hermetically in the pack-
C I 7,6 I 12.7 ( 66 I 1133
ing gland in a round bore made in the
d I 7.6 I 12,7 I 101 I 1,75
wall of the tube and filled with the
AKR,-7 plastic. The coolant temper-
ature was measured at the outlet from
each cell by thermocouples in capil-
laries 0.5 or 0.8 mm in diameter, as
well as in the cluster headers by ther-
mocouples in sleeves.
Table 2 shows the main geometric dimensions of the test clusters. The
clusters had a moderate number of heated tubes, hence, the temperature field of
the coolants over the cluster cross section was nonuniform due to the effect of /156
nonheated displacers and jackets. The experimental data was analyzed on the
basis of the coolant temperatures in the center cells; in this manner they canbe
used for thermal calculations for clusters with a large number of heat-produc-
ing rods (for an infinite lattice). We have also studied the temperature field of
the surface of the center tube with the coolant flowing at different velocities.
Here the temperature of the medium at the inlet into the cluster and the thermal
flux were maintained constant. The tube was rotated from cp = 0 to co = 3600 in
steps of 5-100 for clusters with x = 1.1 and 1. 15 and in steps of 30 and 60 0 for
clusters with x = 1, 2, 1. 3, 1.4 and 1.5. The mean temperature differences be-
tween the wall and the fluid were measured at different distances from the inlet.
The stabilized heat transfer coefficients were calculated from the expression /157
a = For clusters with x = 1.1 the temperature variation over the perimeter
of the center tube was estimated. Here the thermocouple readings were aver-
aged and reduced to the reduced angles co = 0, 5, 10, 20 and 300.
In analyzing the experimental results the values of the physical parameters
of 1Kh18N9T steel, of the mercury and of the Na-K alloy were taken from [19]
and [20]. In some cases temperature fluctuations of the heat-conducting surface
and of the coolant were recorded. For this purpose use was made of the EPP-09
rapid-acting, single-point electron potentiometers with a scale of 1 mV and re-
quiring 1 sec in order for the carriage to traverse the entire scale. Sections
through the clusters are shown in Fig. 3.
Experimental Results
TABLE 2, Main Geometric Dimensions of Test Clusters
Designation and
units Numerical values
Relative spacing of rods,` 1.1 1.1 1.15 1.15 1,2 1.3 1,4 1.5
X = S/2112
Tube length L, mm ( 770 1495 I 750 1 891 ( 770 1 891 1 770
Flow cross section of the 978 4300 1720 2530 2820 4314
cluster 0, mm2
Hydraulic diameter of a 5,9 7.80 10.3 15,2 18.6 26.1
cell in the cluster,
d = 4w/p, mm
Temperature fluctuations observed in the cluster with x = 1.1 are produced
by fluctuations in the flow rates of the coolant in the cells, while the total flow
rate through the cluster remains constant. In addition, the temperature fluctua-
tions are brought about by the temperature gradient over the cluster cross sec-
tions. Experiments show that heating of the shell of the above cluster with x =
= 1.1 practically does not affect the temperature fluctuations in the center cells. /158
The fluctuations in the coolant temperature in extreme cells do increase in this
Thus, the main cause for temperature fluctuations in this case is the lack
of stability in the [individual] flow rates and, consequently, in the quantity of heat
transferred to the coolant in cells of the cluster. After the inlet resistance has
been increased, the temperature fluctuations dropped appreciably.
Another picture was observed in clusters with a less tight spacing of tubes
(x > 1. 2), where the coolant temperature fluctuations were at maximum in the
intermediate, rather than the center cells. Apparently, this is due to intermix-
ing of hot and cold fluid streams within the cluster's cells. In experiments with
a cluster with x = 1.2 the flow cross section of the cluster was by a factor of
2.5-3 larger than the line cross section of the inlet centering grid.
Temperature fluctuations were also studied in experiments with the Na-K
alloy using a cluster with x = 1.24 consisting of 37 heated tubes (Fig. 4). For
the same coolant velocity the fluctuations in the temperature of the heat-conduct-
ing surface increase with an increase in the distance from the start of the heated
section. The behavior of temperature fluctuations as a function of the rate of flow
of the Na-K alloy is remarkable. When the alloy flow is turbulent (Re = 5200) and
q = 15,500 kcal/m2 -hour the temperature fluctuations tmax t min comprised
about 0.3--C, while when Re = 3470 they reached the maximum (approximately
1C). When the velocity was reduced further the fluctuations decreased. Final-
ly, in a purely laminar flow (Re = 740) the fluctuations practically disappeared.
The behavior of temperature fluctuations in the Na-K alloy in the center cells
was similar.
The behavior of changes in the fluctuations shown in Fig. 4 can be explained
as follows. An increase in the fluctuations over the length of the cluster is due to
an increase in the amount of heat transferred to the coolant in the cells. Low-
frequency fluctuations at high Reynolds numbers apparently are produced by a
certain amount of instability in the flow rates of the coolant through the cells
which, in its turn, is brought about by the conditions at the inlet into the cluster,
by the less than uniform operation of the pump, as well as by variations in the
power supply. High-frequency fluctuations with a low amplitude are apparently
related to the turbulent flow velocity fluctuations, which disappear in laminar
flow. Maximum temperature fluctuations naturally take place in transient flow.
Thus, the magnitude of fluctuations in rod clusters depends on the inlet
conditions and on the resistance of the inlet grid. When the inlet is smooth and
the dynamic resistance at the inlet is low as compared with the resistance tothe
flow of fluid of the grid and the cluster,, the temperature fluctuations are prim-
arly determined by the flow turbulence. They become larger with an increase
in the thermal load. In reactors operated under high thermal loads fluctuations
f 4
I 3
_! -I _
1 + ^-1- 1 ^ ^ I Y I ^ _ _ - - -
a b c d e f
Figure 4. Fluctuations in the Wall and Coolant Temperatures in a Cluster With x = 1.24.
w, m/sec Re Pe w, m/sec Re Pe
a 0.348 5200 157 d 0.178 2840 78
b 0.281 4250 125 e 0.047 920 19.3
c 0.224 3470 99 f 0.03 740 11.6
Fluctuations in the wall temperature of the center tube
1 2 3 4 5) fluctuations in the coolant temperature in center
Z/dh 0 20 27 47.5
in the temperature of the heat-conducting surface and of the coolant may reduce /160
the operating reliability of the fuel elements. From this point of view it is un-
desirable to have flow transition (from turbulent to laminas) of the coolant in a
reactor, for which the temperature fluctuations are at maximum.
A characteristic temperature distribution over the perimeter of center
tubes of clusters with x = 1.1 and 1.5 (original data) is shown in Fig. 5. For
x = 1.1 temperature bursts are observed in narrow spots of the cells, (cO = 0, 60,
1200 , etc,) produced by coolant overheating in these places. However, the ef-
fect of the above variability is compensated for by the effect produced by the
bending of tubes of the cluster, which results in redistribution of the coolant
flow rates among the individual cells, as a result of which the amount of heat
transferred to the coolant in different cells is nonuniform. Hence, the variabil-
ity in the temperature due to the bending of tubes is increased as the section at
hand is taken further away from the inlet and reduction in the coolant velocity
(i. e. , increasing the quantity of heat transfer).
For tightly-packed clusters (x =1-1. 1) the temperature difference ( w tf)
varies.over the perimeter much less than the wall temperature, since the behav-
ior of temperature distributions in the wall and in the coolant are approximately
the same. This follows from analysis of experimental data.
Starting with the condition of AP = idem for all the cells and assuming that
the friction coefficient f R^ Re-0.25 we can write an expression for the rate of
flow by volume of the coolant through a cell of the cluster
Cu 1.75
V- 1.25
N d In (tf+0).
Hence, we get
8tw_ 8tf
1 1.
80 814 (4)
i-75 P
(tfto)_ply r. Cw) (5)
4,v I,mrn tMM
L L I I filf 38 650
34 42 JL I
4049 4199 38 1;4#4#
2,9 -,4 ::F
32 4; 1 1 1 1 ^
28 330 36 500
40 40
I IJ- I L I L-1.
--1 .1 J 1
26 250 N 36 400
24 M M A M3,10
20 N M
20 M
L- L I I I-
22- - 190 32 13,0
Iw -7 71
=L 22
t Ht
ff-- --
24-7 24 A
20-- 21T so
26 ------
0 M WO 190 M 300t0,deg
0 M 120 710 240 309 9,deg
0 120 I'M 240 300 Sp, deg
St f _ 8 (t f to) 12 1 Nudp 8^
$ $ N 1.75 ' Wh ' Pe ( p 0) ) ; (6)
The variation in the thermal flux over the perimeter of the tubes, which is due
to the difference in the amount of heat imparted to the coolant in the different
cells does not exceed 4 %. Hence, it may be assumed approximately that q = const,
In this case /162
p N8a
V "' a
To find 6 a/a on the basis of experimental results we have assumed that a NW0,450
! . 25.0.45
\ 0,45 N P ^` 1.75
aN (
It follows from the above expression and from Eqs. (4) and (6) that
8t'V N 12 1 Nu
1. (8)
a$ dh Pe +
The temperature variation in a cluster with x = 1.1 is moderate and for the range
of velocities under study is by a factor of 5-10 smaller than in a densely packed
cluster of rods [1, 2]. This is not dangerous from the point of view of fuel el-
ement overheating. For example, for fuel elements, the equivalent thermal con-
ductivity of which is equal to the thermal conductivity of tubes of the clusters un-
der study (k ^ 14 kcal/m-hour-degree), the temperature fluctuation w w
r calculated for q = 106 kcal/m2 7 hour comprises not more than ^ 10-15C. Co- e
efficient B [Eq. (10)] as a function of the relative spacing x is shown in Fig. 6b.
The variation in thermal fluxes and, consequently, also in the temperatures
decreases rapidly with an increase in x. In experiments with clusters with x =
= 1.15 these fluctuations were practically nonexistent even when the coolant flow
was laminar.
TABLE 3. Numerical Values of Coefficients A in Eq. (9) for
Clusters With x = 1,1
1 0 =710 mm
1p = 445 mm
the hydraulic diameter, which is by
convention used as the characteris-
tic dimension becomes appreciably
larger with an increase in the rela-
tive spacing.
It is interesting to note that,
for the same flow velocity of the
mercury and the same tube diam-
eters, the relative spacing practi-
cally does not affect the magnitude
0 20 40 60 l/dh
of a (Fig. 9). For this reason the
experimental data in terms of sim-
where d2 , the outer diameter of the tube is taken as the characteristic dimen-
sion. When using this approach in analyzing the experimental data, the data ob-
tained using mercury and the Na-K alloy in developed turbulent flow are in good
agreement with one another. The experimental points can be approximated by
Eq. (11) with a scatter not exceeding 15%.
If, in Eq. (11), we take the hydraulic diameters of the center cell as the
characteristic linear dimension, then it will take on the form
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 12 Wm/sec
2 'k^^ 0000
D _Q a a, ^0e^rx's^` ^o
_+ o q
2 o ^^ oo A ^
e 1 0 s +o' o 0 0
4 LA
2 4 6 8 ^p 2 4 6 8 10 z 2 4 6 8 193 2 Pe
clusters (x 2!^ 1. 1). Reference [4] gives a general analytical solution of thermal
conductivity and heat transfer equations in the fissionable material, jacket and
coolant for any boundary condition. The Nusselt numbers have been calculated
for clusters with x 1-1.5 for two limiting boundary conditions t w = const and
q = const. This solution proves that the boundary conditions and the relative
rod spacing have an appreciable effect on the average Nusselt numbers. The
solid lines in Fig. 11 are for theoretically calculated values of Nusselt numbers
for laminar flow, taken from [4]. The Nusselt numbers for clusters with x = 1.1,
1. 15 and 1.2 were obtained by taking into account the properties of the tubes (wall
thickness and its thermal conductivity), used in the experiments. The values of
Nusselt numbers for these clusters lie between the limiting values of Nusseltnum-
bers calculated on the basis of the boundary conditions q w = const and t = const
over the perimeter of the tubes. Since in clusters with x = 1.2 the properties of
the tube have almost no effect on the temperature fields and on the heat transfer,
the theoretical values of Nusselt numbers for qw , = const and t w = const are equal
to one another.
The average heat transfer in laminar flow of the Na-K alloy was studied us-
ing a cluster with x = 1. 15, consisting of 37 heated tubes 17 x 2 mm in diameter.
The methods used for performing the experiments and processing the data were
the same as in the study of heat transfer in turbulent flow. However, in the re-
gion with very low Peclet numbers, when large temperature gradients and, con-
sequently, axial thermal fluxes through the coolant and in the wall were appre-
ciable, appropriate corrections were introduced into the mean temperature differ-
ence between the wall and the coolant for the region with stabilized heat transfer,
using the formula /168
of C 1 + %fwf
AO= Pe (13)
where At is the increase in the coolant temperature, w and wf are the cross sec-
tional areas of the tube and of the coolant flow, respectively.
As can be seen from Fig. 11, the experimental points for laminar flow in
a cluster with x = 1.15 are clustered about Nu ,z:i 5, which does not depend on the
Peclet numbers. This value
of the Nusselt number is shown
in Fig. 12 for comparisonwith
the corresponding results ob-
tained theoretically in [4]. This
figure also displays average val-
ues of Nusselt numbers for lam-
inar flow in clusters with x =
= 1. 2, 1.5 and 1. 75, taken
from [8], [9] and [13]. The
value of Nu for the cluster
with x = 1.5 [9] lies below
the corresponding theoreti-
cally obtained value by ap-
proximately a factor of 2.7.
In clusters with x = 1. 1, 1. 2,
1. 3, 1.4 and 1.5 experimen-
to 1.2 1.4 46 tal data were also obtained on
the average heat transfer for
Figure 12. Comparison of Experimental Data the transient (from turbulent
on Nusselt Numbers With the Analytically Ob- to laminar) flow of mercury
tained Relationships of Nu = f(x) for Laminar (up to Re - 3500). However,
Flow, Taken From [4]. 1) w = const; 2) cLx, these data turned out to be on
the lower side as compared
= const, Over the Perimeter of Fluid Elemem. with theoretically calculated
(for Notation see Fig. 11). Nusselt numbers for laminar
This may be ascribed to the fact that the design of clusters with x = 1. 1, /169
1. 2, 1. 3, 1.4 and 1.5 did not sufficiently satisfy the features peculiar to
heat transfer in laminar flow. - One may note the following features of heat trans-
fer of laminar flow in fuel element clusters: 1) an extended temperature distri-
bution at the outlet of the center cells, due to the insufficient rate of coolant in-
termixing; 2) axial and radial, thermal fluxes, which increase with a reduction in
the Peclet number; 3) reconstruction of the velocity distribution over the cross
section of the cluster in the case of transient flow; 4) presence of large temper-
ature gradients over the heated length, which is responsible for the appreciable
effect of errors in determining the location of the start and end of the heated
section. All this makes difficult the experimental determination of the average
mixed temperature of the coolant in the center cells of the cluster and as the end
results reduces the accuracy of experimental data on the average Nusseltnumbers.
The experimental data obtained with clusters with x = 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3, 1.4
and 1.5 in turbulent flow should, when extrapolated to the region of low Peclet
numbers, join the corresponding theoretical values of Nusselt numbers for lam-
inar flow. From this point of view it makes sense to generalize the data presented',
in [5] , which yield continuous curves of Nu = f(Pe) for turbulent, transient and
laminar flows of the coolant.
The empirical formula (12) can be used for calculating Nusselt numbers
for developed turbulent flow. It should not be extrapolated to region where
Pe < 400.
Dimensionless Quantities
A. V. Zhukov, L. K. Kudryatseva, Ye. Ya. Sviridenko, V. I. Subbotin,
V. D. Talanov and P. A. Ushakov
The active zones and side screens of reactors frequently consist of hexa- /170
gonal fuel-element holders in which the cylindrical fuel elements are placed in
a regular triangular lattice. To prevent the fuel elements from buckling and to
eliminate the attendant temperature variations, the fuel elements are held at
fixed distances from one another by winding spiral fins on the shell; the height
of the fins is equal to the minimum space between the elements or to half of this
distance. In the first case the fuel elements are in "rib-to-shell" contact, while
in the second the contact is "fin-to-fin. " The peripheral fuel elements contact
by their fins the fuel holder wall in either case.
The reliability of reactor operation depends to a large extent on the condi- /171
tions under which the heat is removed from the fuel-element surfaces, i . e. , on
the temperature regimes of the latter. Heat transfer in clusters of smooth rods,
arranged in a regular, infinite alternating pattern was studied previously for a
wide range of variation in the relative spacings 1 < x < 1.5. The results of these
studies are presented in [1] and [2].
The characteristic features of heat transfer from finned fuel elements held
in hexagonal assemblies are produced by the fact that the peripheral fuel elements
are situated near a flat wall and by the fact that all the fuel elements are finned.
The peripheral elements in the fuel-element holders at hand are not cooled uni-
formly over the perimeter due to the difference in the configuration of the spaces
surrounding them. Various quantities of the coolant flow through the different
spaces andhence, thetemperature of the coolant differs appreciably over the per-
imeter of the fuel elements. The fact that the fuel elements are finned can pro-
mote the intermixing of the coolant over the cross section of the fuel-element
holder, which improves the conditions for heat transfer. On the other hand,the
presence of fins produces local increases in the temperature of fuel-element
Liquid metals have relative high thermal conductivity coefficients and low
coefficients of specific heat per unit volume. They are characterized by high
heat-transfer coefficients and high temperature rises in the coolant flowing in
passages. Hence, the temperature distribution in fuel-element surfaces is de-
termined basically by the local temperature gains of the coolant, rather thanby
the local heat-transfer coefficients.
Temperature fields of fuel elements under different conditions of heat
transfer (centrally and peripherally located fuel elements) were investigated at
the Physics and Power Institute. The experiments were performed on a stand
(Fig. 1) consisting of two main loops [one] with sodium and [the other] - with a
I ^ 2
I' water
-ter J ---
Coolant route
Gas route
Vacuum route
Vacuum manometer
ca Adjustable shut-off valve
b Potentiometric level meter
Shaft-type level meter
Venturi tube
Section AA
11 1
b Side
0 c
inner surface, The center, side and corner tubes were equipped with 12 thermo-
couples each, placed in capillaries with an external diameter of 0.5 or 0.8 mm.
These tubes are held in ribbed holders, in close contact with the tube surfaces.
Using these holders it is possible to rotate the tubes without disturbing the cir-
cuit's mode of operation. The remaining 34 tubes had fins spot welded to them.
The height of the ribs was half the size of the narrow space between the tubes.
In addition, this model was also studied in the finless version.
Model 2 is basically of the same design, except that it consists if 37 smooth
tubes with a relative spacing x = 1, 24. This model was used to study the temper-
ature fields in the center and corner tubes,
Model No, 3, consisting of 19 tubes assembled in a triangular array with
relative spacing x = 1, 04 and placed in a hexagonal shell,is shown in Fig. 3b. /175
The tubes were held at fixed distances by spiral fins, the height of which was
equal to the size of the narrow intertubular space (the ribs were in contact with
the surfaces of neighboring tubes and of the shell walls). The center, a side and
a corner tube were made so that they can be rotated. The temperature at the
tubes surfaces was measured by thermocouples in protective capillaries with
an outer diameter of 0, 3 mm,
Model No, 4 (Fig. 3c) consists of seven heated tubes, twelve rods and a
specially-shaped spacers, - placed in a cylindricals shell. The tubes and the
rods are arranged in a regular triangular array with a relative spacing of x =
= 1.04. Three side heated tubes and three displacing rods have three fins each,
while the remaining tubes and spacers are smooth. Thus, the fins are in con-
tact with the surfaces of the smooth tubes and of the spacing rods. The center
tube is made so that it can be rotated. In its surface were embedded 12 thermo-
couples in protective capillaries with an outer diameter of 0, 5 mm.
The temperature of the fluid at the outlet from each cell and in the headers
was measured in each model, for which purpose we used thermocouples in cap-
illaries with an outer diameter of 0.8 or 0. 5. The geometric characteristics
of the models are presented in Table 1,
Ns f X2 I J\, 3 ( \: 4
Side Elements
TABLE 2. Geometric Characteristics of Spaces [Cells]
I, II and III of Clusters of Smooth Tubes
Designation General expression ,,; I, + X, 2
x=1,15 I x= 1,24
Area of flow cross
section of the cell
I 0I=
z ` 21^ - x 2 -11,mm2 8,676 13,1
^j z3
II Phi=
(4 x2 - 1mm 2 77,60 109
Wetted perimeter
of cell
2y3 x=, I
I P1= 12 2 10,2 10.5
n d2 2x
11 PII = 2 +1 mm 46,2 47.8
Heated perimeter
of cell
I POI = 22 mm I 8.91 8.91
II 2 mm I 26,8 i 26,8
Poil =
d2 (4,2-1
II 2 , mm 9,16 6,71
TE x+1
2 3
III dhI I I C x 1d2 , mm 11.8 7.80
and No. 2 with smooth tubes).
The calculations were made for
turbulent and laminar flows of
the coolant on the assumption
that between the cells the cool-
ant does not become intermixed
and exchange of heat does not
take place [between its individ-
ual streams], while the pressure
drop in all the cells is identical
AP = X TV2 = idem. (1)
X=-IF '
Where A is a coefficient which depends on the shape of the passage. From Eq.
(1) we get that
W ^ . (5)
WO/W) It is assumed that coefficients
A are the same for the side
and center cells.
i 0
As can be seen from
Fig. 5, the theoretical rela-
tionships between the veloc-
s ities, volume flow rates and
temperature gains of the cool-
ant in cells II and. III depend
to a large extent on the rela-
tive spacing of the rods in the
holder. When x is changed,
the minimum distance between
0. 8 the peripheral elements and the
2 flat wall change also. This pro-
duces a change in the relation-
ship between the flow cross sec-
a1 tion of cells II and III. The lat-
41 1.2 43 1,4 x
a ter circumstance results, in the
final count, to redistribution of
velocities, flow rates and tem-
perature gains of the coolant
in the above cells.
For model No. 1 with
smooth tubes (x = 1.15) the
theoretical estimates are
1, 37;0,75.
As can be seen, the tempera-
2 ture gain the coolant in cells
II is by 25 % lower than thatin
cell III, which is precisely the
2,0 circumstance responsible for
the temperature variationover
the perimeter of the side tube.
These theoretical estimates
0 should be regarded as approx-
1 1,1 1.2 l 3 74 ^ imate, but useful for qualita-
b tive clarification of the charac-
ter of temperature fields over
the perimeter of the side tube
Figure 5, Caption on Following Page. obtained in the experiments.
dtri/d till It can be seen from
Fig. 4 that, at relatively
3 high Peclet numbers, local
distortions of the tempera-
ture distribution are observ-
ed, which are due to the pres.
I ence of fins. At low Pe this
I ! f effect disappears, however,
! 2 the overall temperature var-
46 ------ ---- - --- -- ------ iation increases sharply. In
I i the absence of fins the wail
temperature varies over the
perimeter smoothly at all
Peclet numbers.
i I Analysis of experimen-
tal data shows that for a wide
range of Peclet numbers (100
< Pe < 4000), the presence
17 1.2 7.3 7.4
of fins does not sharply re-
duce the temperature varia-
tions in the side-element
Figure 5. Calculated Values of
WII/WIII (a); VII/ wall. Some peculiar features
/VIII (b); AtI1/AtIII (c) for Cells II and III of Mod- ture
of the behavior of tempera-
variations can be ob-
els No. 1 and No. 2 With Smooth Tubes. 1) Tur- served in the laminar and
bulent Flow With Re < 10 5 ; 2) Same as Above transient flows of the cool-
With 104 , Re < 105 ; 3) Laminar Flow. ant. For the model with
smooth tubes in the range
20 < Pe < 80 (800 < Re
< 3000) one observes maxi-
max min
tw /q, ], X f (Fig, 6). For a clus-
ma in the temperature variations (tw
ter of finned tubes these maxima are not as pronounced and are somewhat dis-
placed into the region of lower Peclet numbers. An exception are the initial sec-
tions (1/dh < 30). As the rate of flow becomes lower, the temperature gains, and /181
consequently, also the variations in the temperature of the peripheral elements,
increase. This increase cannot be infinite, due to heat transfer between the cells,
which is proportional to the difference in temperature gains. In low-velocity re-
gions an effect is exerted by natural convection,, which aids in intermixing the
coolant and reducing the temperature variations, hence, a maximum in the tem-
perature variations is observed at certain Peclet numbers. The lower temper-
ature variations observed in finned tubes in this region are attributed to the fact
that the ribs aid in intermixing the coolant.
In laminar flow the effect of the ribs is, apparently, moderate, while the
development of natural convection in a cluster of finned tubes is more difficult
as compared with this phenomenon in a cluster of smooth tubes. Fence, the var-
iations in the temperature of the side finned tube in laminar flow is found to be
somewhat greater than for a smooth tube (see Fig. 6).
4 '
2 ^
4 10. S
2 I
where XtIII and XtII are the coefficients of resistance of cells III (turbulent flow)
and cells II (laminar flow). It can be seen that at the instant of transition from /184
I 9 Rt -4.) R21A,}
^ 8
23 16
-tin)f$Rz^aJ 0'
^ ^ Re=563
^^ t' W=O.f90m /sei 8 Pe=12,9
2. 4 Re =5200
8 Pe=130
i S
7 G
i ^ 9
0,! i
i ^^ ! W=17.132m/s ac
L Re=1450
^i Pe-39
0 i
1.2 W=J,02m1sec G
1 '_ Pe=255 1G
/' ^ W=0,185m/sE C
^ ^ Re=2010
0 6 Pe=53.1
_27r^m /sec
^^ I It Q { 1 PrC 12TU0
0.3 - --
_ W- :slip/sec r
200 400 600 0 1B0 360 20 60 1100 140 0 200 400 600 0 180 360 20 60 100 140
j mm 5o, deg Ry mm 1, mm cp, deg R, mm
N 0.8
o^ 300
C^ 0 4
20 30 40 M 60 70 80 11dh
The temperature variation over the perimeter of a side tube of model No.
3 (x = 1.04) behaves in approximately the same manner as in experiments with
x = 1. 15. However, the temperature maxima in the wall in this case are dis-
placed to the points where the side tube comes close to tubes 3 and 4 ((P = 210
and 150 0 , see Fig. 3b). Temperature minima correspond to cells in which the
coolant is relatively underheated, which is due to the smaller spaces between
the tubes as compared with model No. 1.
For the same Peclet numbers the magnitude of the temperature variation
in the side tube of model No. 3 exceed appreciably the temperature variation in
a side tube of model No. 1 for the following reasons. First, the relative spac-
ing of tubes in model No. 3 (x = 1.04) is appreciably smaller than in model No. 1
(x = 115), which interferes with intermixing of the coolant between the cells.
Second, the relative distance from. the peripheral elements to the flat shell in
model No. 3 is greater than in No. 1, Hence, the variations in the coolant flow
rates, and, consequently, also in the temperature between the different cells of
model No, 3 is more appreciable. This corresponds to results of qualitative
calculations shown in Fig. 5. Third, . the relative wall thickness of tubes of
model No. 3 is lower than in model No, la This interferes with tangential heat
fluxes and produces an additional temperature variation as compared with tubes
of model No. 1,
The temperature variations over the heated length of the side tube of model
No 3 did not become stabilized. This circumstance is apparently attributable to
the lesser intermixing of the coolant between cells II and III as compared with
model No. 1,
Corner Elements
The temperature fields of the corner elements were studied using models
No. 1, 2 and 3. The tubes of models No, 1 and 2 were smooth, while those of
model No, 3 were ribbed. The results of measurements are shown in Figs. 9-11.
It can be seen from Fig. 9 that in clusters of smooth tubes with x = 1,15 and 1/d h=
= 76 the maximum temperature in the wall of a corner tube is observed in the re-
gion adjoining the corner of the shell, while the minimum temperature is observed
in the opposite part of the tube's perimeter. There are no explicit temperature
jumps at points where the tube comes closest to the shell.. The temperature be-
haves similarly in the corner element of model No. 2 (x =1.24), Apparently, in
fuel element clusters with x =1.15 and 1, 24 the minimum distance between the
shell and the surface of the corner tube, which is equal in models No, 1 and 2
to half of the space between the tubes (height of the fin) is entirely sufficient to
eliminate appreciable overheating of the coolant. The wall temperature atpoints
close to neighboring tubes does not increase either. As was shown [2], a varia-
tion in the wall temperature virtually does not exist in clusters of fuel elements
arranged in a regular infinite array with a relative spacing x > 1. 1.
We should note the rather insignificant minima in the wall temperature of
the corner tube in the region of co = 90 and 270 0 , which are observed in experi-
ments with model No. 1 at high Reynolds numbers (see Fig. 9), These minima
are due to the fact that the coolant flowing in cell II is cooler than that flowing
in cell III, At low Reynolds (Peclet) numbers (for example, Re = 760) these min-
ima do not exist.
The variations in the temperature of corner tubes of model No. 1 are ap-
preciably lower than the corresponding temperature variation of side tubes in
the range of Re(Pe) under study. The shape of the curve of maximum variation
in the wall temperature of a corner tube (P ax -- tW in/q' R2 )X as a function of
Pe is approximately the same /187
as for side tubes. However,
the maxima in the tempera-
ture variations for the cor-
ner tubes are less pronounced.
The manner in which the
wall temperature changes along
the perimeter of a corner tube
of model No. 3 for 1/d h = 145
^ 3
Center Elements
Following are the values of the Nusselt numbers averaged over the perim-
eter of the center tube of model No. 1 in the region of stabilized heat transfer:
Pe 1150 1000 835 693 553 228 166 111 54.3 27.3 9.93 7.65 4.71 3.72
Nu 10.2 9.44 8.56 7.22 6.55 5.46 5.68 3.80 5.17 5.07 5.15 4.64 6.00 3.20
The above Nusselt and Peclet
numbers have been calculated
by means of the following ex-
Qc _ 4dh
q Cf . 7f) ^T
^ 3 (7)
m Ii' f
Pe = CPy,
The dependence of the tem-
perature variation of the center
element on the Peclet number for
20 < Pe < 300 is described by the
tw aw
N At 1.5 Pe-0.32.
c 4R2 (8)
^ ^ n r
The values of the Nusselt num- /192
bers in the region with stabil-
V ized heat transfer for the cen-
ter element of model No, 3 are
as follows:
Pe 22 33 66 106 175
Nu 1.26 1.62 2.90 4.60 5.90
r 2 4 6 g in 2 4 6 9 m2 2 4BB -Y/)J 2 4 B PP
Results of studies of the temperature field of the center tube of model No. 4
are presented in Figs. 15 and 16, In the given model, due to alternation of smooth
4A 2 1.3G
0,01 12G
/ 7.O1
i 0.81
Q0. 0.76
QO 0. ^
90 60 30 0 t0, de g 30 60 30 0 V de g
U 76 laminar flows of the coolant is approx-
imately equal to the maximum temper-
ature of the center fuel elements.
5. In experiments with x = 1.15
k0, 08
1.5 we have discovered the effect of redis-
^I tribution of the coolant flow rates over
0.04 the cluster's cross section attendantto
the transient flow of the coolant. This
redistribution can result in the fact that
the average wall temperature in the per-
7 8 910 2 2 V 3 4 5902Pe ipheral elements will exceed the average
temperature of the center elements.
6. The temperature variations in
N the walls of side elements become sta-
bilized over the heated length of tight
clusters at appreciably higher values
^i of 1/dh than for loosely-packed clus-
ters. The temperature variation in a
90 60 90 0 t0, deg side tube of the cluster with x = 1. 04
does not become stabilized even at a
Figure 16. The Maximum [Temper- distance of 1/dh - p = 180.
ature] Variation in the Center Tube
of Model No. 4 as a Function of Re
and Pe 1) and 2) the Heat-Conduct- 7. The finning of fuel elements
ing Surface is Facing a Ribbed and arranged in regular lattices in hexa-
Smooth Side Tube, respectively, gonal holders reduces the temperature
variations in the peripheral elements
for the case of turbulent coolant flow.
This is not observed for laminar flow,
8. In recalculating the experimental data obtained for specific fuel ele-
ment designs, one must satisfy the conditions for approximate thermal simula-
tion of fuel elements presented in [4].
To calculate the heat transfer coefficient in tube-type heat exchangers one /194
must know the laws governing the transfer of heat in the tubes and in the inter-
tubular space (on axial and transverse flow) of the tube clusters. Heat transfer
attendant to the flow of liquid metals in pipes has been studied extensively and at
present there are available recommendations on the calculations which agree with
one another quite satisfactorily. [On the other hand] very little was done to study
the heat transfer attendant to axial flow past tubes, [1-3]. The previously ob- /196
tained formulas for calculations required checking, since the preceding experi-
ments were performed without checking the purity of the metal or under circum-
stances where such control was unsystematic.
The purpose of the present investigation was in experimental study of heat
transfer on axial flow of liquid metal in the intertubular space of a heat exchanger.
Here we have determined the dependence of the average heat transfer coefficient
on the velocity and on the geometric dimensions of the cluster. To generalize the
data obtained, we have used the hydraulic diameter as the characteristic dimension.
The schematic of the stand, consisting of two loops, which was used in the /19,
experiments is shown in Fig. 1. In the first (heating) loop the heat-transfer agent
is sodium, while in the second loop the coolant is an eutectic sodium-potassium
alloy. In the experimental heat exchanger the sodium was piped through the tubes,
while the sodium-potassium alloy was pumped through the intertubular space. The
sodium was pumped by a centrifugal pump with a frozen-sodium seal. The so-
dium was pumped through an electric heater and the heat exchanger. This stand
was used simultaneously to study the heat transfer of liquid metal in round
tubes, for which purpose a special test section was installed. The oxides from
the sodium were removed by a cold trap, while the admixture content was mon-
itored by cork-type oxide [content] indicators. The flow rate of the liquid metal
was measured by magnetic flowmeters, which were calibrated by a measuring
tank. The sodium-potassium alloy was pumped through the circuit by an electro-
magnetic pump through the experimental heat exchanger and an evaporator. The
heat from the evaporator was removed by boiling toluene, the vapor of which con-
densed in the water-cooled condenser. The alloy circuit was provided by a cold
trap, oxide [level] indicator and a tank for calibrating the flowmeters.
The design of the heat exchangers which were tested on the stand is shown
in Fig. 2. The heat exchanger consisted of a cylindrical jacket, with seven tubes
placed inside of it and six displacers, welded to the casing. The geometry of the
inlet and outlet sections of all the heat exchangers is identical. Only their length
and relative spacing were changed, which made it possible to expose the effect of
these factors on the average heat transfer (Table 1). The sodium and the sodium-
potassium alloy were pumped through the heat exchanger only after both metals
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Experimental Setup (Sodium Circuit).
1) Loading Tanks; 2) Electromagnetic Pump; 3) Condenser; 4) and 15) Vapor
Traps; 5) and 16) Breathing Tanks; 6) and 18) Cold Traps; 7) and 17) Mea-
suring Tanks; 8), 11), -13, 19 and 21) Oxide [Content] Indicators; 9) Evapora-
tor; 10) Heat Exchanger; 12) Electric Heating Loop; 14) TsN-280 Centrifugal
Pump; 20) Test Section (Tube).
Sec AA
Sec BB
Sec BB
Diameter Working diameter Tube
x L /dh
of tubes, length, of clus- material
mm mm ter, mm
had oxides removed from them by means of cold traps. The oxygen content after
trapping was 5 . 10 -4% and 2 . 10 % by weight in the sodium and sodium-potassium
alloy circuits, respectively. After obtaining a stable thermal state, we have mea- /200
sured the following quantities: 1) flow rates of the sodium and of the sodium -potas-
sium alloy by means of magnetic flowmeters; 2) average temperatures at the in-
let and outlet of the heat-transfer agents. The temperatures were measured by
chromel-alumel thermocouples with wire diameter of 0. 2, placed in capillaries
from stainless steel. The thermocouple emf was measured by the R-2 / 1 poten-
On the basis of the measured flow rates and temperatures at the ends of the
heat exchanger we have determined the heat transfer coefficient
k1 _ Q
n8tLn (1)
k1 _ 1 1
dout 1
;1, in+2^ W In d in +a z dout (2)
the heat transfer coefficient in the intertubular space of the heat exchanger
a2 - ou 1
1 1
^in dout) .
wtaid mn^ i3, J (3)
The coefficient of heat transfer a from the sodium was calculated using the ex-
pression for a round pipe
Nut = 5+ 0.025 Peo R . (4)
The experimental data are presented in Fig. 3a. Curves which can be described
by the expression Nut -f ( Pe2 06 ) can be drawn through the experimental points.
00 v , p
o v o 4
0 0 'p o 8
zuu 300 400 500 600 700 900 900 1000 1100 1,000 Pe
i on
/ Oc /one
/' o o
/ vt l
t // p Q o/
a //
1 /
o //
[uu JUU fUU SUV 6110 /UU tl011 9UU IUOU 771111 7ZO Fe
X 1, mm
N it, 425 A 1.14 314
r dh l ( ) lb) V 1.1.125 4 500
j L 0.O?7(r 1.1)o, tu j 12b 10/u 1.4u 46u
` n 1.46 I Gnu
Figure 3a shows that heat transfer depends, in addition, on the relative spacing
and on the length of the heat exchanger. To generalize the experimental data, on
consideration of these factors, we have selected the following form
where A, B, m and n are determined graphically. The range within which all
the characteristic quantities were varied in tests with all the heat exchangers
is given in Table 2.
After the constants are determined, the [above] formula takes on the form
lg 1 Pe
f( g z)
The scatter of experimental points about the average line is +10%. /202
When operating the heat exchangers we have observed phenomena which re-
quires close attention to the deviation of the aatuab, characteristics of the heat ex-
changers from their design characteristics. Reference is made here to the re-
duction in the average heat transfer coefficient in the heat exchanger after pro-
longed operation, when the oxide content in the sodium increases. The experi-
mental heat exchanger (Z = 314 mm) was placed on a stand and operated for four
months, the first two weeks of which were spent studying the exchanger's char-
acteristics. During the entire time other experiments were performed at the
stand, during which the oxygen content in the sodium circuit varied from 5.10-3
to 5 . 10-4 [by weight], After the experiments were performed the stand was dis-
connected. When it was restarted we have discovered that the trap for removing
oxides from the sodium did not operate (it was completely clogged up by the oxides).
Nevertheless, we read the heat-exchanger characteristics again and discovered in
the process that the heat transfer coefficient has become smaller by a factor of
more than two. By increasing the temperature in the circuit and by removing
oxides from the metal by a new cold trap the heat transfer coefficient was [then]
increased appreciably. However, it still remained by approximately 20 17o lower
than the initial coefficient. We have disconnected then the end flanges of the heat
exchanger and washed the tubes by alcohol and water and dried them. The char-
acteristics of the heat exchanger with a surface thus cleaned returned to their initial
N,IK '1.9--4.11 31 -71 1.95- 12.3 1 373-923 I 5.S1 -103 1 157222) :1(14110 I. t3--t12.3
values. Figure 4 shows the variations in Nu during the experiments. A simi-
lar picture was also observed when a 1040 mm long heat exchanger was used.
3 0
4 ^
2 s
which is valid in the range Pe = 200-1200
here the oxygen content of the sodium should be <_ 5 . 10 -3 % by weight and in the
sodium-potassium alloy it should be 2.5-10 -3 1/o by weight.
5. The sodium oxides, by settling on the heat-exchanger walls, can reduce
the heat transfer coefficient several fold.
average coefficient of heat transfer in the intertubular space
w1 velocity of sodium inside the cluster's tubes
w2 velocity of the sodium-potassium alloy in the interbular space
of the cluster
This article proves analytically that the values of the average heat trans- /204
fer coefficients for short heat exchangers found by different methods can differ
appreciably from one another. It is also proven that, for approximate design
calculations for these exchangers it is expedient to use the average heat trans-
fer coefficients determined by means of the mean temperature difference be-
tween the wall and the fluid, rather than by integration of local heat transfer
There exist three methods for finding the average heat transfer coefficients
in ducts with q = const, in which the initial sections of thermal and flow stabil-
ization are taken into account. According to the first method the average heat
transfer coefficient is determined by means of the mean temperature difference
between the wall and the fluid
a j =
1 1 (twtf)d.
t 0
The heat exchanger method (q ^ const) can be used to find some average
heat transfer coefficients (third method)
1 _ 1_ 1 _RT
(ef) i K (3)
R (4)
6U 0)2 K P2
where K is the experimentally determined average heat transfer coefficient
_ q In $1
K= $2 - 01 , (5)
where 0 1 and 02 are the temperature differences between the heat-transfer agents /205
at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger, R is the thermal resistance of the
wall separating the fluids, a1 and (32 are the average heat transfer coefficients
found by the first (1) and second (2) methods, respectively.
We now show that the method for averaging the heat transfer coefficient
K(x) corresponds to the formula
02 = 01 exp (mpKl),
1 1
- CP1 Yi U 1 - CP V2V2
Kx = i K (x) dx; K = Kx_i.
we note that d (xKx ) = Kxdx + AKx = Kxdx + xd z K (x) dx) = Kxdx K
x dx +
+ K(x)dx = K(x)dx. 0
a _ 1
a 1exp [ n ( xo-f- x )1 ' (8)
P = 1
b 1 ex p [ n ( 1 + x p x)[ ' (9)
where a and b are the stabilized values of heat transfer coefficients, n and x0
are some constants, and- Z is the length of the heat exchanger. This form of
a function is convenient for mathematical analysis. When x 0 = 0 the local co-
efficients at the inlet sections go to infinity, a -as x 0 and 3 -as x ->
1. We introduce the following notation: N = (a/a)x =0 = (p/b)x=1 are the rel-
ative values of the local heat transfer coefficients at the point where the fluid
enters the duct, while M = (a/a)x =1 = (a/b)x =0 are the local heat transfer co-
efficients at the point where the fluid leaves the duct.
Transforming Eqs. (8) and (9), we get
u _ 1
b M-1
1 'q (nx) (11)
N J nxo=In N
1 a exp (nx)
K (x) = 1 a lei-1 (12)
1 N-1
R f T+ a Aex p ( nx ) T M exp (2nx) N
where A = (1 + Ra + a/b).
According to Eq. (6), the average heat transfer coefficient is determined
by integrating Eq. (12)
g In T
a n1 Vg '
a N-1
M A-1/d-2 b `y
a III-1
( )
A-} Va-2 b N A^-2 b A,
it can be seen that always 6 = A2 4 a/b `'Af 1 N `y, i > 0. The average heat trans-
fer coefficients can be found using Eqs. (1), (2), (10) and (11)
al _ q
a I I _ N-3I
M N-1)
1 if) dx 0a
dx Nhlln ( N ) (14)
a2- 1 a dx= 1
a 1 a N
1n ,
In M-1 (15)
a. A In the case at hand we will
a' b always have
n i
I and 172 = 62
We recall that subscripts 1 and 2 correspond to the different methods for find- /208
ing the average heat transfer coefficients.
Let us consider some limiting cases. When M --1 (the heat exchanger
length goes to infinity) and bounded values of N the quantities
The results obtained on the basis of Eqs. (16) and (17) for M = 1.02 and
N = 100 and 10 are shown in Figs. 2a and b. For convenience in comparing
these figures the reciprocals of e 2 , i. e. , 1/e 2 are also given. It can be seen
that in all cases of practical importance (Ra > 0, a/b > 0) the average heat
transfer coefficients found by the first method differ much less from
those found by the second method. of than
The question arises as to what will be the errors in calculations for short
heat exchangers using average heat transfer coefficients, i. e., using the formulas /210
= + a1 +
RZ 22^2
Figure 3. Heat Transfer
Coefficients Found by Dif-
ferent Methods for M =1.02
and N = 100. 1), 2) and 3)
are Values of K1/K; 4), 5)
and 6) are Values of K2/K
for a/b = 0, 0.3 and 1,
D 0,4 0,8 1,2 1,6 Rb Respectively.
Comparison of the values of K1 and K2 with the actual average heat trans-
fer coefficient K, which was performed using Eqs. (14), *(18) and (19), (Fig. 3)
shows that heat exchanger calculations using the average heat transfer coef-
ficients a1 will result in much smaller errors than calculations using
q2 An
exception are the cases when the relative thermal resistance of the walls (Ra)
and the relative heat transfer coefficients (a/b) are at the same time small
A. V. Sheynina
Rod clusters in contact with a heat transfer agent flowing along their length /210
are used extensively in all kinds of equipment. It is beyond doubt that the resist-
ance to flow exerted by the clusters and by other intricately-shaped ducts cannot
always be calculated using formulas for round tubes and the hydraulic diameter.
Up to present a fair amount of experimental information has been accumu-
lated on the resistance to flow of rod clusters, [1-11]. Articles on the theo-
retical aspects of this problem have also been published, [12, 131. As a rule,
the experiments were performed in the isothermal flow of water or air. It is
proven in [14] and [15] that the flow of liquid metals obeys the same laws as the
flow of ordinary fluids (water, air, etc.). The use of ordinary fluids substan-
tially simplifies the performance of experiments. The physical properties of
liquid metals depend little on the temperature, hence, the data obtained for iso-
thermal flow of water or air can be used for the isothermal flow of liquid metals.
The available data on the flow resistance of clusters are not always in
agreement with one another. Figures 1 and 2 present experimental data for clus-
ters with triangular and square lattices, as well as curves for a round tube con-
structed on the basis of the Blasius formula.
New data for clusters with relative tube spacing S/d = 1, 1. 05 and 1.4 (see /214
Figs, 1 and 2 and Tables land 2) were obtained on, a stand (Fig. 3). The working
medium was distilled water at 18-80C. The necessary pressure was produced
by the KSM-70 pump with a delivery of 70 m3/hour at a pressure of 200 m of wa-
ter. The water flowed through the heat exchanger to a measuring header, con-
sisting of four parallel Venturi tubes with nozzle diameters of 38, 25, 15 and
10 mm. After the measuring header the distilled water was supplied to either
the vertical or the horizontal test sections. Then the water was drained to mea-
suring tanks or to the drain tank. The measuring tanks were used for calibrating
the flowmeters by the volume method. The equipment and parts of the stand were
made from 1Khl8N9T stainless steel, The stand was supplied with distilled water
by the ED-2M electric distillation units. The water was heated by electric heaters
installed in the supply tank. The water temperature in the stand was measured by
copper resistance thermometers combined with an automatically balanced EMV-2
-211A electronic bridge.
1 ^ 0
o 6 } o
------ O^Ow C , tF 0 -0-
^Q ^V d GpV"Q Q
4 ^v d ,8^1^ l
A 2
N r o 0
70' Z Y 0 0 RC
Figure 1. Friction Coefficients for Clusters With a Triangular Lattice, 1) and 2) Denote Curves
Obtained From Eqs. (1) and (2); the Legend Used is Given in Table 1.
6 o
Q) q ^' 6B c^1
Q om 1
103 2 /1 6 B f0 2 y 6 8 70 2 9 6 Re
Figure 2. Friction Coefficients for Clusters With a Square Lattice. 1) and 2) Denote
Curves Obtained From Eqs. (1) and (2); the Legend Used is Given in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Characteristics of Experimental Clusters
With a Triangular Lattice
u Work- Range 0 Cross sec-
N d dh ^ L L '1 tion of
0. v ium Re 10 t ^
QZ model
0 00 .
[5] 1,19 102 47 2,68 1840 Water 0.9-71 MM
1.76 9.2
[9j 2.05 39 19.0 MIS 2900 . A it 6-70 Q
2.37 98.6
The pressure drop at the Venturi tubes and in the test sections was mea-
sured by type DT-50 differential manometers with 1300mm long tubes. The
manometers were filled with mercury, tetrabromoethane, carbon tetrachloride, /216
depending on the magnitude of the pressure to be measured. Pressure drops
exceeding 1200mm of Hg were measured by spring-type comparison manom-
eters. The pressure drops were measured along the length of ducts of models
as a function of the average water velocity. It was assumed that the velocity
of the latter is uniform over the model's cross section. The experimental data
were analyzed by using the hydraulic diameter of an infinite cluster.
Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of the Experimental Setup. 1) Centrifugal Pump; 2) Heat
Exchanger; 3) Delivery Tank; 4) Measuring Header; 5) Damper; 6) Horizontal Test Section;
7) Electric Distillation Units; S) and 9) Measuring Tanks; 10) Vertical Test Section;
11) Drain Tank.
TABLE 2. Characteristics of Experimental Clusters
With a Square Lattice
v Work- eon Cross sec-
S in
v d
N d
dh., dh,,, L med- Range ' y ^ tion of
tx d ium Re-7q-3 A a model
[51 1.106 100 8 2,88 1840 Water 1-10 0
where Xfr/pipe are friction coefficients for round pipes calculated from Eqs. (1)
and (2). The experimental data of [11] for a single passage in a dense square lat-
tice are also satisfactorily (to within about 7%) described by Eq. (3)
Figure 4. Friction Coefficients for Densely-Packed Rod
Clusters. a) Square Lattice; b) Triangular Lattice; 1) and
2) Calculations on the Basis of Eqs. (1) and (2), Respect-
ively; 3) and 5) Curves Obtained by Buleyev, [12] for S/d =
= 1; 4), 6) Curves Obtained by Deissler, [13] for S/d = 1;
7) for S/d = 1.02. For the Notation Used see
Tables 1 and 2.
The results obtained experimentally by Palmer and Swanson [3] for a single
passage of a triangular cluster with S/d = 1.015 lie close to the curve obtained
from Eq. (1) for round pipes. It thus follows from the experiments that the fric-
tion coefficient becomes greater by about approximately 45% when S/d changes
from 1 to 1. 015. This appreciable increase in the friction coefficient attendant
to a small increase in the space between the rods is also obtained in calculations
by the Deissler-Taylor method [13]. Thus, when S/d changes from 1 to 1. 02,
the value of X increases by approximately 35%. This effect is produced by a
sharp reduction in stagnation zones brought about even by a small increase in
the distance between rods.
Let us consider experimental data obtained for two clusters with S/d =1.05.
The first cluster consisted of a bundle of 37 tubes, surrounded by a plane hexa-
gonal displacer. The size of the hexagon was selected so that the hydraulic diam-
eters of the model and the cell be the same. The second cluster has the same
number of tubes, but it is surrounded by a specially shaped displacer. The ex-
treme cells of the second cluster have the same cross section as the center cells.
The friction coefficient for the cluster with the flat [plane] displacer (Fig. 5) at
Re = (3-30)-10 3 is by approximately 30% lower than for a round pipe. At Re > /218
> 30, 000 the experimental points and the curve for the pipe tend to gradually
come close to one another. The friction coefficients for the cluster with the
specially shaped displacer at Re = 10 are practically identical with these co-
efficients for a round pipe.
A-10 z
og oo1
o'qw % 00
90 ^^'es
2 4 6 S rn 2 4 6 8 ins Ke
It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the friction coefficients for the two clusters
differ appreciably from one another. This can be attributed primarily to the dif-
ferent shape of the cluster cross section, i, e. , effect of the shape of the shell.
Figure 6 presents results obtained on measuring the flow resistance of a
cluster with S/d ;zt; 1. 4. In this cluster a bundle consisting of 37 rods was sur-
rounded by a plane displacer. The hydraulic diameter of the model, taking the
shell into account is the same as the hydraulic diameter of the center cells. The
results thus obtained are compared with those for a cluster with S/d = 1, 46, [8].
The resistances of these clusters differ by approximately 50%. In this case, as
well as for clusters with S/d = 1. 05, the lower coefficient is that for the cluster
with the plane hexagonal shell.
Comparing the results obtained by different authors (see Figs. 1 and 2) we
can note relationships common to all of them. The friction coefficient of a clus-
ter, when using d as the characteristic dimension, depends on the relative lat-
tice spacing S/d, with an increase in which the friction coefficient increases also.
The lowest value is observed in dense clusters (S/d = 1).
The experimental results depend also on the effect of the shape of the dis-
placers on the friction coefficients in the clusters. Comparisons were made of
data for clusters with close values of S/d and with close number of tubes, but
with different shell shapes. The results of this comparison are shown in Fig. 7,
where are given the values of the friction coefficient of certain clusters at Re =
= 40. 10 3 as a function of S/d. It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the friction coef-
ficients depend on the shape of the shell; here X of clusters with a plane shell
is lower than in clusters with a specially shaped displace r. Thus, analysis of /219
experimental data shows that the resistance of the clusters depends on the shape
of the shell. This problem requires special study,
1n Z 6 ,C 20
The problems involved in
3,5 determining the flow resistance
3 of clusters with different spac-
ing devices are more complicat-
ed. In these cases the flow re-
2 sistance is affected by the geom-
etry of the spacing elements
proper. The most extensively
used and simplest method for
1 7.7 7,2 43 1,4 S/d spacing the rods are spiral fins.
A study was made of the flow re-
Figure 7. Friction Coefficients in Clusters sistance of finned clusters, pro-
as a Function of S/d for Re = 40 . 103 , o vided with two and four ribs each
Data for Clusters With Hexagonal Shells; wound on the outer surface of the
A - With a Specially-Shaped Shell; - for
a DenselJ -Packed Cluster the Dash-Dot
Line was Obtained Theoretically for a The experimental models
Round Pipe, consisted of clusters of tubes
or rods, surrounded by a spec-
ially shaped displacer. The
ribs from the surfaces of ex-
treme tubes, facing the displacers, were removed. In analyzing the experimental
data the characteristic dimension was the hydraulic diameter of a dimensionless
cluster, taking the fins into account. The basic characteristics of the tested cluster
are shown in Table 3.
The most complete tests were performed using clusters with a triangular
lattice with S/d = 1.05. It was discovered for this spacing that the number of
ribs and their lead affect [the friction coefficient]. Clusters with two and four
fins were tested. For clusters with four fins the experiments were performed
with fin winding leads T = 1400, 300 and 70 mm. The friction coefficients for
clusters with T = 1400 and 300 mm differed little from one another (Fig. 8a).
The same was observed for clusters with two ribs. For winding leads exceed-
ing 300 mm (T/d > 20), the difference between the friction coefficients of clusters
with and without ribs with S/d = 1. 05 is inconsequential and lies within the limits
of experimental error (Figs. 8a and b).
^ 10'
d 0 a
2 fag s ^.
xo ..
7 y a 3
o e b 8
o a
o a _
Similar results were also obtained before. The experiments were per- /220
formed with finned clusters with SO = 1,1 and 1..15. Two clusters with S/d =
= 1. 1 (see Table 3, rows 1 and 2) had fin winding leads T = 400 and 300 mm.
The experimental data for these clusters lie by: 1,0-20% above the Blasius curve
for a round tube (Fig. 8c). Changing the fin lead from T = 400 to T = 300 (T <
< 20d) did not appreciably affect the friction coefficient.
The finned cluster with S/d = 1. 15 (Table 3, row No. 8) consisted of 19
tubes 12 mm in diameter. Each tube was equipped by four fins with a winding
TABLE 3. Characteristics of Ribbed Clusters With
a Triangular Lattice
Range .tea Rib
N d d ,^ L
.1 ^ hp shapes
Z.a Re10s M a
lead of T = 700mm, The friction coefficient for this cluster is higher than for
a round tube by 30 %. The results obtained with a ribbed cluster with the same
value of S/d are being compared (see Fig. 8a) with data for a smooth cluster
(S/d = 1.13) [1].
It can be seen from Fig. 8, that the presence of spacing fins wound spirally,
has little effect on the resistance coefficient at T/d < 20, which is also true with
respect to the effect of the number of ribs on the magnitude of X. When the wind- /221
ing lead is reduced to 70 mm (5d) in the cluster with S/d = 1, 05, the value of X
has increased by more than a factor of two.
The curve of X as a function of T, obtained for clusters with four ribs at
S/d = 1. 05, is shown in Fig. 9 in the coordinates 100 X Re 0.25 = f(T/d), It can
be seen that, when the winding lead is reduced in a range of from 100 to 20 d,
X almost does not change. A sharp increase in l is, [however, ] observed at
low T.
Spacing devices of two more types were also studied. One of them was a
"gimlet"-type insert. The experiments were performed with a cluster with /222
S/d = 1. 13, with 19 rods 13.6 mm in diameter and 1000 mm long, surrounded
A70 Z.
Re 0,25 by a specially-shaped displaces.
^o A "gimlet", i. e. , a plate 0.8 mm,
.0 3.6 mm in diameter and with a
twisting lead P = 30 and 50 'mm
0 Circular tube was placed into each cell of the
- 7 5 70 s0 T/d
In the second case the
Figure 9. The Friction Coefficient of a spacing device was a steel wire,
Finned Cluster as a Function of the Fin on which streamlined sleeves,
Winding Lead, i. e., "beads", were placed at
uniform intervals. Up to 30
Re-10- 1 10 20 40 60 so 1 00 beads were placed in each cell.
notation O -+- * o q The characteristic dimension
used was the hydraulic diam-
eter of the model, without tak-
ing into account the spacing devices. The resistance coefficient was referred
to the arbitrary average velocity of the model without taking into account the
thickness of the latter [beads].
0 om
70 Is' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 Re
The experimental results which are convenient for practical calculations /223
of hydraulic losses for these two types of inserts, as well as data for a cluster
without spacers are presented in Fig, 10. The change in the twisting lead of the
gimlet from P = 50 to P = 30 did not appreciably affect the resistance coefficient
The use of the "bead"-type insert increased the flow resistance coefficient two-
fold, while the use of the "gimlet"-type spacer increased it by a factor of three
as compared with the cluster without spacers. In both cases the resistance
coefficient is some arbitrary quantity, since the calculations were performed
using an average velocity and hydraulic diameter, calculated without taking the
spacing inserts into account. It is difficult to take into account the closing of
the cross section by the inserts, since the configuration of the inserts varies
over the length of the duct.
Yu. D. Levchenko, V. I. Subbotin, P. A. Ushakov
and A. V. Sheynina
of the Physics and Power Institute has performed measurements and calculations
of the distribution of velocities and tangential stresses, as well as friction resist-
ance coefficients in a duct simulating a densely-packed rod cluster.
A densely packed rod cluster is the only cluster in which it is possible to
isolate an individual cell in the pure form. Hence the studies were not performed
with the cluster of rods, but in a duct, specially constructed for this purpose, sim-
ulating a cluster of rods. The duct was made from tubes fabricated from 1Khl8N9T
steel 219 x 18 mm in diameter. After turning on a lathe to a diameter of 205 x 11
mm with surface finish V5 the tube was cut lengthwise into three parts. The sec-
tors [thus obtained] were welded together by argon-shielded are welding. The air /225
was supplied from a special pump. The experimental stand used for the experi-
ments is described in [5]. The dynamic pressure was measured by a glass Pitot
tube 0.20 x 0.12 mm in diameter, placed directly at the duct's outlet. The static
pressure was measured through a hole in the duct's wall 0.6 mm in diameter, sit-
uated a distance of 35 mm from the outlet flange. This hole, as well as the others,
was drilled before the duct was welded together, in order to provide for the max-
imum possible precision and quality of finish.
Measurement of velocities in the outlet cross section of a duct has a number
of advantages. The Pitot tube can be brought to the wall at a distance equal to
half its diameter, using the KM-6 cathetrometer [sic] to rigorously control the
distance from the wall, to move it easily into any point of the flow, etc.
The dynamic pressure drop was measured by a glass differential manom-
eter filled with alcohol. The alcohol level in the manometer was measured by
the KM-6 cathetrometer to within 0.05 mm.
The Pitot tubes were made from plain glass, heating it and sharply ex-
truding from tubes 4 mm in diameter. From a large number of tubes which were
thus drawn we have picked only those which had a ratio of the inner to the outer
diameters of 0.595 to 0.605. These tubes had sufficient rigidity and a relatively
moderate inertia. Then these glass capillaries were polished at their ends by
fine emery cloth, so that the end of the capillary was made perpendicular to its
The Pitot tube was moved by a coordinate spacing device using micrometer
screws with scale divisions of 0. 01 mm. The Pitot tube could be moved in mu-
tually perpendicular directions over distances of 100 x 100 x 25 mm. Due to sym-
metry of the cell produced by triangular packing of the rods, it is sufficient to
obtain the velocity distribution in 1/6 of the cross section, however, in order to
clarify whether the fluid flow was distributed uniformly, we measured the veloc-
ity distribution at Re = 14.2 . 103 in a region embracing half the cross section.
From the dynamic pressure obtained in each point we have calculated the
local velocity
where h = h(y = h(802 -y airand C is a calibration factor, which was
alc yair)
set equal to unity since the Pitot tube was made according to recommendations
of [6].
The tangential stress at the wall T O was calculated on the basis of velocities
measured by a Pitot tube 0.20 x 0. 12 mm in diameter near the wall of the duct
assuming that the velocity at the wall is zero and that it increases in the region
near the wall in proportion to the distance from the wall; the local tangential /226
stress at the wall can be calculated from the expression
ay_ U
Within the limits of a linear velocity distribution along a perpendicular to the wall,
i.e., for &U/8y = const, the value of T O calculated from the above expressiondoes
not depend on the distance from the wall. Since only the Pitot tube was placed at
large distances, where 8U/8y ^ const, the experimental values of TO were found
to be on the low side. Hence the curve showing the distribution of TO over the
duct's perimeter was drawn using the values of local tangential stresses calcu-
lated from Eq. (2).
In calculating the tangential stress at the wall no corrections were intro-
duced to compensate for the distortion of flow by the Pitot tube, the viscosity
of the fluid and the high velocity gradient. Introduction of these corrections, [7]
has increased the scatter of the experimental points. The average tangential
stresses TO thus obtained differed from the TO determined using the flow resist-
ance of the passage. It is possible that these corrections are applicable only
for large-diameter Pitot tubes and are not suitable for the tubes we have used.
The flow-resistance coefficient was measured using distilled water. The
design of the experimental setup is described in [8]. The pressure drop over
the length of the passage was measured by differential manometers, in which
mercury, tetrabromoethane and carbon tetrachloride were used as the working
media. The friction coefficient l was calculated on the basis of the average ve-
locity, temperature and pressure drop over the length of the passage.
The results of velocity distribution measurements in a passage formed by
a closely packed rod cluster are presented in the form of dimensionless isotachs
U/tJ in Fig. 1. For the same pressure drop over the length of the passage which
was obtained in our experiments, we have calculated the velocity distribution us-
ing the Deissler-Taylor method [3]. There were no qualitative differences be-
tween the two above distributions, for which reason the calculated velocity dis-
tribution is not shown.
Our measurements have shown that the velocity distribution is sufficiently
symmetrical, which justifies performance of measurements only in 1/6th of the
passage cross section.
Figure 1. Velocity Distribution (Isotachs) in a Cell Formed
by a Rods of a Closely-Packed Cluster (Experiments
With Air for Re = 14, 200).
For convenience in using the experimental data, Fig. 2 shows the velocity
distribution in the form
UN = f (y/Jmax)
The parameter [here] is angle co, measured from the point where the rod are in
contact. Judging by Fig. 2, the velocity distribution at small angles comes close
to the parabolic, which justifies the assumption of laminar flow in the corners
of the cell. This figure also compares the experimental and theoretical results
and it also displays previously unpublished results obtained by Buleyev, Calcu- /227
lations using the Deissler-Taylor method yields local velocities in the center on
the high side and velocities in the corners of the duct on a low side, which is also
obtained when using the Buleyev method, Consequently, the 'turbulent flow is a
duct formed by closely packed rods of a cluster actually occupies a larger area
than is shown by theoretical methods.
The average velocity obtained from the velocity distribution calculated by
the Deissler-Taylor method is by approximately 10% higher than the average ve-
locity determined in experiments for the same value of the pressure gradient
dp/dz = 5, 22 kg/m2-m.
Cr 2y -- 28.5.
7 . 79.5
/ ,, ^2.,.
i 3
0 45 Y/Ymax as Y/Ymax
a b
Figure 2. Velocity Distribution Along Normals to the Sur-
face of a Cell Formed by aDensely-Packed Rod Cluster.
1) Experimental Data; 2) Data Obtained Using the Deissler-
Taylor Method; 3) Data Obtained Using Buleyev's Method.
Figure 3 displays the velocity distribution over the line of symmetry of the
passage (along the bisectrix of an angle) obtained theoretically and experimentally.
This figure, as is the case of Fig. 2, shows that the theoretical calculations yield
lower values of velocities near a corner of the duct than the experiments. On the
other hand, the velocities in the center part of the channel, calculated by the Deis-
sler-Taylor method come out higher than actual.
The results of measurements and calculations show that in a ductproduced /229
by a densely-packed rod cluster there exist regions with very low velocities -
"stagnation zones", the boundary of which corresponds approximately to an an-
gle cp = 70.
The velocity distribution in the cell was also measured at Re = 37.5 . 103
(Fig. 4). The authors were alarmed by the large distortions in the isotachs.
Apparently additional work must be done to finally determine the pattern of ve-
locity distribution for a given mode of fluid flow.
Distortion of isotachs are usually attributed to the effect of secondary flows
In the fluid, directed along the bisectrix into the corner of the duct. If subse-
quent studies will confirm the results of preliminary measurements, then the
presence of secondary flows in cells formed by closely-packed rod clusters will
be proven.
( 0 1
o^ i
r^ N 0
II o
0 0
measurements of this sort. The authors did not as yet succeed in obtaining sat-
isfactory information using ordinary static pressure probes,
r, Figure 5 shows in dimension-
to 0 less coordinates the tangen-
0 tial stress distributions over
^s the duct perimeter; here TO
0 o
o o has been calculated on the ba-
0 ;013o sis of the measured flow re-
0 0 sistance of the duct
i o
dh, dp
0 TO r 4 * dz (3)
the values of TO for co < 9 0 were
10 15 20 25 cp, deg
obtained by extrapolation. In-
Thus, the value of TO obtained by measuring the local tangential stresses differs /231
from the value of TO obtained on the basis of the flow resistance by approximately 4 %.
Figure 6 compares the distribution curves over the perimeter of the pas-
sage obtained experimentally and theoretically upon using the Deissler-Taylor
and Buleyev's methods, It can be seen that the theoretical methods yield higher-
than-actual local tangential stresses in the center and lower-than-actual stresses
near the narrow part of the passage. The slight difference between the calculated
TO/T0 obtained by the authors and those taken from [31 is apparently due to sub-
jective errors in graphical solution of the problem and hence is not of importance.
The theoretical method due to Deissler and Taylor is based on the assump-
tion that the distribution along a perpendicular to the wall is governed by the uni-
versal logarithmic law. This hypothesis was checked by measuring the velocity
distribution and the distribution of tangential stresses at awall with Re = 14.2. 103
The experimental points were plotted in Fig. 7 in coordinates U here the /232
local values of T O for the applicable angle were substituted into the expressions
for these two quantities. The scatter of points near the wall (y+ < 30) is due to
the fact that a large contribution in this region is made by errors in determining
the distance to the wall. The experimentally obtained velocity distributions along
a perpendicular to the wall can in the first approximation be described by Von Kdr-
man's logarithmic law.
zp ------T --- On the basis of the above
f ^{ considerations we have calculat-
3 i^ ed the distribution of T O / T 09 the
tangential stresses over the pe-
rimeter of the duct, makinguse
1.6, of velocity distributions away
^ from the wall, obtained exper-
I ^
imentally and of Von Fhrmants
1.2 universal law, When TO/T0
are calculated by this method
the errors in measuring ve-
locities and distance from the
wall, which are quite appreci-
0.4 able in the region close to the
wall, are eliminated. The val-
25 tP, deg
ue of T O was determined from
the expression
Figure 6, Tangential Stresses Determined io
U I --
1 Q3
15 + ^ r
r ^
S o 2 -
3 r
Q ^
lg Yy
It can also be seen from Fig. 8 that calculations using the Deissler-Taylor
method yield values of the frictional resistance coefficient in densely-packed rod
cluster by 7-10% lower [than actual].
In order to find the friction coefficient at Re = 14, 2 . 103 , we have used the
data on velocity distributions, obtained in experiments with air, from which we
calculated the average velocity. The pressure gradient was measured directly
in our experiments. In addition we have calculated the friction coefficient using
the measured distribution of tangential stresses over the passage's perimeter.
As is shown by Fig. 8, the, values of friction coefficients found by the different
methods are in agreement. The theoretical limiting errors in measuring the
velocity distributions comprised about -2.5% and for the tangential stresses
they were about 10 %. The friction resistance coefficients were determined
to within approximately + 7 %.
A . 102 00.
6 3 'M' 2 4 6 B ens 2 4 If Ba
Dimensionless Quantities
X friction coefficient
U+__ U velocity
,4'J T O
y_ v
distance from wall
1. Eckert, E. R. G., and Irvine, T.F.: Trans. ASME, v. 82, Series C, No. 2 (1960). /234
2. Nikuradze, I.: Ingenieur-Archiv, 1, 30 (1930).
3. Deissler, R. G. and Taylor, M. F. Reactor Heat Transfer Conference of
1956, TID-7529 (Pt. -1), Book 2, 416 (1957).
4. Buleyev, N. I.: Teploperedacha [Heat Transfer], page 64. Published by
the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, (1962) .
5. Ibragimov, M. Kh. , et al.: Raschet i eksperimental'noye issledovaniye
poley skorosti v kanale slozhnoy formy [Calculation and Experimental
Study of Velocity Fields in an Intricately-Shaped Passage]. Article
immediately following this.
6. Popov, S. G.: Izmereniye vozdushnykh potokov [Air-Flow Measurements].
Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1947).
7. Wuest, W.: Archiv ftir technisches Messeu, 116, No. 10 (1961).
8. Levchenko, Yu. D., et al.: Gidrodinamika v kol'tsevom zazore s prodol'
nymi rebrami [Fluid Dynamics in an Annular Space with Longitudinal
Ribs]. Part I of present collection.
9. Subbotin, V. I. , et al.: Atomnaya energiya, 10, Issue 4, 308 (1960).
M. Kh. Ibragimov, I. A. Isupov and V. I. Subbotin
a b
y + < 5 u T Y+
5<y+<30 cc + 11.51"y+-3.05
Y+ Z 30 u+ = 5.751g u + ;- 5.5. (1)
Y r
Yi = AAA
The static pressure was measured in five cross sections of the passage /238
through holes in the shell 0.5 mm in diameter (the ratio of the wall thickness of
the shell to the hole diameter was 6). In drilling the holes particular attention
was paid to their perpendicularity to the wall and to removal of burrs. Five
pickups were made in a cross section located at 'a distance of 33 mm from the
outlet, and these were used for measuring the velocity fields. The remaining
cross sections had two pressure pickups each. All the pickups of a given cross
section were connected for more reliable pressure measurement.
The local velocities were measured by a total pressure metal tube (Pitot
tube) with a working part diameter of 0.45 x 0.15 mm and length of 12 mm, the
end of the tube was rounded to a half-spherical shape. The pitot tube was sol-
dered into a reducing tube, serving as a holder, 6 mm in diameter which was
fastened in the coordinate spacer, and which could be used to move the holder
in four ways: vertically (accuracy of 0.05 mm), horizontally (0.1 mm), rotation
in the vertical plane (0.5) and rotation about the horizontal axis (0.2).
The velocity distributions were measured in a cross section removed by
10 mm from the outlet end.
The distributions were studied in detail only in 1/6 of a symmetrical part
of the cross section. In the remaining parts only control measurements were
made, which have shown that the flow in the passage is satisfactorily symmet-
rical. The velocity distributions were measured along the normals to the flat
part of the shell wall (see Fig. 1a, coordinate y) and selectively along normals
to the rod surfaces. The pressure drops were measured by a type MMN in-
clined-tube micromanometer.
The velocity fields were measured in passages of two shapes: with S/d =
= 1.15 (Fig. la, initial geometry) and when the rods were moved symmetrically
to S/d = 1.3. In both cases the Reynolds number was the same and equal
. 3
to 39 10 . The flow resistance of the passage was measured in the interval of
. 3 3
Reynolds numbers from 18. 3 10 to 39. 10 with the rods moved symmetrically
by different distances.
The study of tangential stresses at a wall by measuring the velocity dis-
tribution in the viscous sublayer requires the use ofathinner Pitot tube and utili-
zation of more sophisticated experimental methods. In our opinion the method
presented in [2] is simpler. For the case when the Pitot tube lies on the wall
in the dynamic similarity layer, Preston has established a relationship be-
tween the tangential stress at the wall and the dynamic pressure difference
P P0 , measured by the tube
P z)- t FC OA) ' (2)
were measured in a section removed by 4 mm from the end of the passage. The
method of electric contact was used to determine that the tube was in contactwith
the wall. Since the experiments have shown that the tangential stresses in sym-
metrical parts are approximately symmetrical, these measurements were made
only in 1/6 of the cross section. The tangential stresses at the wall were
measured at Re = 53.4 . 103 and 35.7 . 103 in the passage with the initial geometry
and with the former Reynolds number only in a passage with rods moved into cor-
ners up to contact with the shell.
The length of the flow stabilization sections was estimated on the basis of
velocity distributions measured at different distances from the inlet. For this
purpose slotted holes, through which were introduced Pitot tubes were made in
the wall of the shell at distances of 30d and 40d from the inlet. After the tube
was inserted, the slot was packed. The velocity distributions were measured
along two normals to the wall of the shell at z/h = 0 and 0.38 in a passage with
the rods moved outward (S/d = 1.3) at Re = 39. 10 3
The experimental data were processed as follows. The local velocities
were calculated by the formula
UP Po) -4-6Po] .2
Y V P '
where 6P0 is a correction produced by measuring the total pressure and the stat-
ic pressure in different cross sections.
We have estimated the effect of the air's humidity and compressibility on
the local velocity being calculated. It was shown that these factors, as well as
changes in the density of alcohol in the manometer produced by the temperature
have little effect. The limiting relative error in measuring the velocity was
about t 3%.
To determine the isotachs we have constructed intermediate graphs of u =
= f(y) for different z. In determining the value of the resistance coefficient A
we have used pressure data obtained with pickups placed at 25, 35 and 50 hydrau-
lic diameters from the inlet. The pressure drop over the length at these distances
is satisfactorily approximated by a straight line. The coefficients were calculat-
ed by the d'Arcy formula. The limiting relative error in measuring /. was about
f 10%.
Using the local tangential stresses -r oil we found the relative stresses TOi by /240
graphical integration
The magnitudes of 70i were compared with the value of T O , calculated from the
dp AO
do= dz Lo (5)
1 on
A 9`
?.8 0.316
3 = Re O.25
?.5 i
?.f ,
177Z^7 -
2 I I
?.2 -I
^1 I - il
2 I ^i I
1.9 - i i 7
0 I I T
o JA -
1.3 It I I
1.2 I J
78 13 20 21 22 23 2r 25 26 27 28 29 30 37 32 33 34 353637 Re70-3
not more than 3%. Conse-
3 quently, at distances of more
than 40d from the inlet the
2 velocity distribution may be
regarded as approximately
The distributions of
tangential stresses at a wall
in a passage with the rods
placed in various positions
is shown in Fig. 8. The
tangential stress T0i/TOi
1 1.1 1,2 1.3 s/d varies in a passage with S1 =
= 1. 15 within the limits of
Figure 6. The Friction Coefficient as a Func- 0. 9-1.26, while in a passage
tion of S/d. 1), 2) and 3) are Curves for Re= with S1 =1.3 it is within the
33 3
= 39. 10 , 28. 7 . 10 and 18.3. 10 , Respect-
limits of 0-2.1. The exper-
ively; s. Denotes Experimental Values, o De- imica nt points are not e
notes Points Obtained From the Expression v alue ns of scattered. The
value the average tan-
0. 316/Re 1/ 4; 0 is for a Rod Lattice With gential stress at the wall,
Re = 40.103, found by Preston's method
(T0i) and those calculated on
the basis of the pressure drop
(T0) are in satisfactory agree-
ment with one another. The maximum-difference between T 0 and T o was 7-15%
for the different rod arrangements in the passage. This circumstance shows
that Preston's method is suitable for determining the tangential stresses at the
wall in such intricately-shaped passages.
The velocity distribution in the passage under study in the coordinates u+,
y+ is in agreement with the universal velocity distribution. Consequently, the /244
universal velocity distribution is practically applicable also in intricately-
shaped passages, if the velocity distribution is measured along a normal to the
passage walls.
1 h =0,38
V u z 0.4 0,6 0.8 y/t,
Zoi x
ZVi x x
/ I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0
Figure 9. Theoretical (Using the Deissler Method)
and Experimental Velocity Distributions. o - Ex-
perimental Data for Re = 39 . 103 ; the Solid Line was
Calculated Theoretically for Re = 65 . 102 ; 1), 2), 3),
4) and 5) are Curves for z/h = 0, 0. 12, 0. 31, 0.42
and 0. 72, 'Respectively.
compared for several values of Re, differing from one another (65 . 103 and 39.103),
however, it is fully justified due to the fact that the dimensionless velocity distri-
bution depends little on the Reynolds number.
The difference between the theoretical and experimental data is a conse-
quence of the assumptions used in the calculations. As is shown by the experi-
ments, as well by data of [3], the universal velocity distribution in a round pipe
describes satisfactorily the velocity distribution even in an intricately-shaped
passage. Hence, this assumption is an experimentally proven fact and is be-
yond doubt. The main source for the above difference is the assumption that
there is no transfer of momentum between elementary volumes. The only time
when there actually will be no such transfer is that when the momentum trans-
fer is produced by the gradient, when the dimensions of the turbulent eddies
(length of the displacement path) is much smaller than the dimensions of the
cell and the entire transfer depends on the velocity gradient du/dz.
However, in addition to momentum transfer produced by the [velocity] /245
gradient, there also exists convective transfer of momentum, which is due to
the motion of large eddies. Such transfer, naturally, will result in mutual
transfer of momentum between the volumes and smoothing out the distribution
Of TO over the passage's perimeter. Convective transfer of momentum be-
tween elementary volumes cannotbe eliminated by choosing these volumes along
velocity gradient lines, as this is -suggested by Deissler and Taylor. Hence,
their basic equation of the force balance in an elementary volume
is invalid in the case of intricately-shaped passages. It follows from analysis
of experimental data, that the greatest imbalance of Eq. (6) is observed in those
parts of the passage where the cross section changes appreciably. Hence, the
more the distance to the maximum-velocity line varies, the more appreciable
is the computed velocity increase [ apparent] shown by theoretical calculations.
(See Figs. 2 and 10). The [apparent] reduction in velocity in those parts of the
cross section where the elementary areas AA do not change, is produced by
a reduction in T0 in these points.
Rod Shell
I ^^^
1,4 li
20 49 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 Z, mm
The applicability of the universal velocity distribution for a pipe for calcu- /246
lations involving intricately-shaped passages means that, in order to calculate
the velocity fields in such passages it is only necessary to know the tangential
stresses at the wall.
1 This method was subsequently refined. See Atomnaya energiya, 21, 2 (1966).
It follows from the assumption that the fluid dynamics in intricately-shaped
passages are appreciably affected by convective momentum transfer, that [4)
f2. b0
=f^ (1-e (7)
where fl and f2 are some constants, while y 0 is the average value of y0 over the
entire cross section of the passage. The above expression shows that for low
y01y0 the variations of y0 and TO are proportional. In the limit, as y0 0,
To 0. As y 0/y0 becomes larger the relationship between the variations in y o /247
and TO becomes less pronounced, due to the effect of convective momentum
transfer by large-scale eddies.
Constant fl is determined by the norming condition
'o 01
dl=1. (8)
Lo 0
The value of f2 is an empirical quantity, which is related to the shape of the pas-
sage cross section. To determine, it is necessary to analyze the experimentally-
determined relationship TO /T0 = F(y0 /y0) for different passage shapes. Figure
11 shows that experimental points with a scatter of approximately 20% are grouped
about two averaging curves. Curve 1 characterizes the distribution of T O /TO in a
very irregularly shaped passage, while curve 2 corresponds to a more uniform
cross section.
The distribution of T o/T0 depends perceptibly on the overall irregularity
in the passage's shape. As a parameter which characterizes this irregularity
we can take
a= Yo max = Yo mi n
f2 = az3 (9)
Vol 0 00 o 00 0
0 0 1
1.' 0
o Q 2
1 A
3. Parameters a and Y0 are determined.
XP= 8-ro
P-uuP .
If the flow rate calculated on the basis of the average velocity differs ap-
preciably from the specified flow rate, then the initial value of T O is adjusted
(taking into account the X which was obtained) and the calculations are repeated.
Using this method we have calculated the velocity at individual normals
in a passage formed by closely-packed rods and in a triangular passage with
S/d = 1.3. Figure 12 compares the theoretically and experimentally obtained
velocity distributions. The greatest difference between these distributions is
about 8% in passages formed by closely-packed rods and about 10% in the tri-
angular passage.
2 ^ \
1.0 /
0 0.2 04 0.6 0.i y/yo
' 3
O,y 3
Al parameter segment
r characteristic dimension
T Oi tangential stress at the wall in the i-th point of the perimeter
T O average tangential stress at the walls of the passage
dp/dx drop in pressure over the length of the passage [pressure gradient]
6 displacement of the position of a point on the maximum velocity
line with respect to the position of a point equidistant from the walls
distance along a normal to the wall in an ith elementary area
U++ U
velocity parameter
r P
P distance
r++ rdp/dx
P r parameter
A. A. Ivashkevich, A. P. Kudryavtsev, D. M. Ovechkin, D. N. Sorokin,
V. I. Subbotin and A. A. Tsyganok
In 1957 Lyon and others [1] have published data on heat transfer from boil- /251
ing sodium and from a sodium-potassium alloy in a large volume (heat fluxes of
approximately up to 0.350 . 106 kcal/m2-hour). For sodium with heat fluxes of
about 0.3 . 106 kcal/m2 hour the heat transfer coefficient was about 7.10 kcal/m 2
fluxes qcr. Calculations made using standard relationships which describe ex-
perimental data for qcr for ordinary fluids, yield values of the critical thermal
flux for sodium, at atmospheric pressure, for example, of from 1.5 . 106 to 10.106
kcal/m2 hour. Hence in working out the methods for performing the experiment
being here described particular attention was paid to selection of a method for
heating the heat-conducting wall and for measuring the temperature difference
between the wall and the fluid [metal].
We have examined various methods for heating the heat-conducting wall for
large-volume conditions, and have arrived at the following conclusions.
1. Heating by passing current directly through the test section-is impossible
due to the electrical conductivity of the metallic heat-transfer agents, while radi-
ant heating can produce thermal fluxes only up to (1.5-2) 10 6 kcal/m2-hour.
2. Heat fluxes in excess of 107 kcal/m2 -hour can be obtained by using an
electric arc or gases passed through an arc (plasmatron), as well as high-fre-
quency heating and heating the boiling alkaline metals by a heat-transfer agent
at a temperature higher than that of the metals. However, this creates great
technical difficulties such as, for example, stabilization of the heat supply over
an extended period of time when heating by the electric arc; corrosion of the heat
conducting wall from the hot-gas side when using the plasmatron; determination
of the thermal flux when using high-frequency heating, making of a special reli- /252
able high-temperature circuit when heating by the heat-exchanger method.
3. Electronic heating makes it possible to supply appreciable amounts of
power to a relatively moderately-sized surface and thus to obtain high thermal
fluxes and to measure them with sufficient accuracy. For example, the thermal
fluxes in high-power generator tubes are as high as 86 . 106 kcal/m2 -hour, [2j.
In conjunction with this we have selected for our study of critical thermal
fluxes and heat transfer from boiling metals the method of electronic heating the
heat-conducting wall, which was used previously in experiments using water [3].
The substance of the method consists in the fact that the electrons emitted by
the cathode are accelerated by the anode voltage and impinge on the anode. This
means that the electrons are stopped in a very thin layer (the thickness of this
layer is several microns, even at voltages of about 10 kv), in which the kinetic
energy of the electrons is converted into thermal energy.
When determining the power generated at the anode one does not take into
account the energy losses due to x-ray radiation and secondary electrons, and it
is also assumed that the electrons leave the cathode with zero energy. It has been
estimated that the error in determining the anode power produced by the above as-
sumptions is less than 1% for voltages of up to 10 kv. Under electronic heating the
surface of the heat-conducting wall facing the cathode is not subjected to oxidation
and corrosion even at high temperatures as compared, for example, with arc heat-
ing, since it is situated in a vacuum (10 -5 -10 -6 mm of Hg). The high-voltage and
evacuated system which is needed under this method can be made by selecting stand-
ard equipment.
The main part of an electron tube is the cathode. In radio electronics use is
made of purely metallic, film and semiconductor cathodes, which may be divided
into direct- or indirect-heated devices [4]. In the electron tube used in the study
of heat transfer the cathode operates under conditions more difficult than cathode
of radio-electronics tubes. In the case at hand the cathode is required to retain
its emission properties under a relatively rough vacuum in the tube ( 10-4 mm
of Hg) and operate stably at temperatures in excess of 1300-150'0C, since the
temperature of the surface of the heat conducting wall facing the cathode may be
as high as that. In addition, the cathode should retain its emission properties un-
der ionic bombardment and on relatively frequent disassembly of the tube. A tung-
sten cathode satisfies these requirements [4].
The electron tube shown in Fig. 1 consists of a diode, the anode of which
(the tube body) is held under ground potential, while adjustable voltage is supplied
to the cathode. A removable shell, to the top butt of which is welded a flat work- /253
ing section (header), is fastened to the upper part of the tube body. The inner sur-
face of the header is subjected to electron bombardment and radiant heating by the
cathode, which is made from tungsten wire 1 mm in diameter in the form of a flat
spiral with an average outer diameter of 38 mm and a distance of 2 mm between
loops. The cathode is fastened to molybdenum holders by a molybdenum wire 0.2
mm in diameter over a length of 12-15 mm, the latter is fastened in copper
conductors 10, which in their turn are fastened in conductors 25, cemented by the
BF-2 glue to an organic-glass insulator. This design of conductors make it pos-
sible to center the cathode and to adjust its height position. The cathode is pro-
vided by six supports from tantalum foil 0.15 mm thick, which prevents it from
sagging. To prevent scattering of the electrons which travel from the cathode to
the header, the former is surrounded by a screen made from 0.15 mm thick tan-
talum sheet and with an inner diameter of 39 mm. The distance between the head- /254
er and the cathode is approximately 15 mm, while that between the top edge of the
screen and the header is about 5-7 mm. To protect the insulator from overheating
1 17-
I !
I e ^^ 19 24 A
21 r' 20
320 { 23 22 31 30'
t- cJ2S Sec, AA
2 , ^
-4204 --
27 9
} ^--i
r j29
The vacuum in the electron tube is measured by the MM-5 and LT-4M pick-
ups. Various types of headers were used in the experiments (Fig. 2). Type I
headers were used for the study of critical thermal fluxes. The header temper-
ature was measured by chromel-alumel thermocouples using wires 0.2 mm in
diameter, insulated by aluminum oxide. The thermocouples were placed in cap- /255
illaries from 1Kh18N9T steel 0.5 x 0.1 or 0.8 x 0. 15 mm in diameter, which
were forced into holes drilled to a depth of about 15 mm.
Type I headers are not recommended for the study of heat transfer
from boiling fluids, since, for example, headers from stainless steel have a
large error due to the fact that it is impossible to determine precisely the position
The electrical system of the tube consists of a high-voltage rectifying de-
vice rated at 20 kwt and of measuring instruments. The above rectifying device
includes: type ATSK-25 adjustable three-phase autotransformer, the TM20/10
step-up transformer, six type TR15/6 thyratrons connected in the Laryonov cir-
cuit, and a filter, consisting of two RL-32.5-0.25 capacitors and of a choke.
The tube heating system was supplied from a specially-made oil-type heat-
ing transformer. The heating power was adjusted by an autotransformer. Volt- /256
age stabilizers have been included in the tube and thyratron heating circuits. The
anode voltage is measured by means of a voltage divider and class 0.5 M 82 mul-
tiscale millivotmeter. The anode voltage was monotored by the S-96 electro-
static kilovoltmeter, while the anode current was measured by class 0.5 m 104
multiscale milliameter. All the additional resistances were measured to within
0.1%. The measuring instruments were protected by R-350 shunts. The
heating current and voltage were measured by class 1.5 control-panel instruments
in the primary circuit of the heating transformer, since the secondary winding is
held at the anode voltage. The rectifier was equipped by operational and pro-
tective shunts, which could be used for shutting off the anode voltage and the tube
The curve showing the specific emission current j for tungsten as a function /257
of the temperature, constructed on the basis of data of [4] is shown in Fig. 3a. It
can be seen that up to a temperature of 2300K j is practically zero, and that it in-
creases rapidly with a further increase in temperature. In electron tubes used in
radio engineering the operating temperatures of tungsten cathodes are within the
limits of 2450-2650K [4].
Electron tubes are capable of operation in the saturation and in the space
charge modes. When operating under the saturation mode the anode current is
limited by the emissive power of the cathode, which increases with an increase
in the temperature, all other conditions remaining equal. If the emission power
of the cathode exceeds the anode current, then it is limited by the magnitude of
the space charge between the cathode and the anode. In this operating mode the
anode current is a function of Ua/2 [4]
1a = 2.33 . 10-sxPa ', (1)
2200 2,'00 2600 WO T, X U
Q b
^ n
U 0 2 G 3U, kv
C d
U aa
qa = 0.86 (2)
It follows from the above expression and from Eq. (1) that in the space charge
mode qa ^ Ua/2.
Figures 3b and c show the qualitative dependence of I and q on the anode
voltage for operation under the space charge and saturation modes (branches for
T c , T cand T c ). Figure 3d shows h e and q a as a function of Uafor the tube
1 2 3
we have used for I = 2 amps (nominal rectifier current) and r = 1. Figure 3d
can be used to estimate the boundary between the space charge and saturation
operating modes as a function of the cathode to anode distance. For example,
for h e = 20 mm it is possible to operate in the space charge mode at Ua of up to
4.5 kV, producing a thermal flux of approximately up to 7 . 10 kcal/m 2 -hour, The
cathode heating current and voltage have been calculated by the method presented
in [4]. To estimate the variation in the thermal flux at the heat conducting surface
produced by possible nonuniform heat generation at the inner surface of the header,
we have considered the limiting case of heat generation along a coil (x P^:; 1/3), the /258
dimensions of which are equal to those of the cathode's coil. The following as sump-
tions were used in the calculations,
1. The. header is considered to be an infinite plate, and the spiral distribu-
tion is replaced by a stepped distribution. The step lead (la c ) is equal to the cath-
ode coil lead, and the width of the step (b) is equal to the diameter of the cathode
wire (see Figs, la and 4).
2. The thermal conductivity of the plate and the coefficient of heat transfer
from the plate to the fluid are constant. The process of heat transfer in the plate
is described by the expression
d2t 821
2+ ay 2 = 0 (3)
ut (s)
8l a(t,utfl)
Solving Eq. (3) with the above boundary conditions we get an expression for the /259
thermal flux
io n7l _not
^^u _
^'ub ^ at n - a an
(A lt o c B"o J ) Cos X. (4)
Figure 4 shows the variability in the thermal flux at the heat conducting
surface of the header as a function of the header thickness for different values
of the thermal conductivity, cal-
culated from Eq. (4), It can be
seen from the figure that even in
this hypothetical case (for head-
ers used in our experiments) the
variability in the thermal flux
from the heat conducting surface
due to the stepped shape of the
heat generation curve will be less
than 0. M These calculations
show that the nonuniform gener-
ation of heat at the inner surface
of the header will be smoothed out
at the heat-conducting surface. To
eliminate variability in heat gen-
eration also at the inner surface,
for example, due to lack of uni-
formity in the cathode tempera-
% 2 3 4 Amm ture when the tube operates un-
der the saturation mode, the work
Figure 4, Variability Aq/q in the Heat should be performed in the space-
Transfer as a Function of Thickness 6 charge mode.
and Thermal Conductivity X of the Ma-
aerial of the Heat Conducting Wall, We have estimated the ther-
mal flux distribution at the heat-
conducting surface of the header
as affected by radial heat losses. This process can be described by the expression
0 2 l 1 at a21
0 (5)
Tr r ar + aye
^J u-0
at a (t tfl)
For headers potted by means of copper the above boundary conditions must be sup- /260
plemented by the requirement of "matching" at r = R (Fig. 5)
Equation (5) with the specified boundary and "matching" conditions, and on
the assumption that a, to and X are constant, was solved numerically for different
.[ Y p7
N ^' 0 4 o I
1 --T 1 e' 4
7e7 e8 i i 8
^ n __^ I ^ ^ 5s i a
0 5 70 75 20 25 30
Number of test
data obtained using different headers agree with one another and with published
data, [6] with respect to magnitude of the critical thermal flux, as well as with re-
spect to the scatter of points. The identical numbers next to points show that the
experiments were performed with the same header, without dismantling the tube. /262
The volt-ampere characteristics constructed for experiments on q cr shows that
the electron tube operated under the space-charge mode. Figure 7 shows an ex-
ample of the volt-ampere characteristic for experiments on q cr shown in Fig. 6
and designated by numeral 8. It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the volt-ampere
characteristic of the tube did not change during the eXpe imei tu,
The temperature differences over the height of a header were measured in
five headers, using thermocouples, in order to determine the thermal flux and to
compare it with the flux calculated from Eq. (2) (Fig. 8). We have compared rel-
ative, rather than absolute units to eliminate the effect of errors due to imprecise
determination of the distance between the thermocouple beads as well as due to
errors in the thermal conductivity of the header material. The results presented
in Fig. 8 show that the thermal fluxes determined by different methods are in sat-
isfactory agreement.
The feasibility of obtaining high thermal fluxes using the tube was determin-
ed by cooling the test section by running water moving in a slot formed by the head- /263
er and a special jacket. These experiments show that the installation is capable
of producing thermal fluxes of about 20.10 6 kcal/m2 -hour. During a short time
period (about 5 mins) we have obtained a maximum thermal flux (about 36 . 10 6
kcal/m2 -hour), but then the anode transformer was overloaded by approximately
.7, 0 Headers type H, III and IV (see
Fig. 2) were used to perform experi-
ments for measuring the heat trans-
fer coefficient attendant to boiling of
.9 a large volume of distilled water, in
the process of which we have mea-
sured the temperature difference be-
tween the wall and the liquid using an
R2/1 semiautomatic potentiometer
and we have recorded the data using
the EPP-09 automatic potentiometer.
0 The experimental results are pre-
sented in Fig. 9, which, for compar-
ison, also displays lines obtained
from criterial formulas due to Kru-
zhilin [7] and Kutateladze [8]. These
formulas describe satisfactorily the
I data on heat transfer on nucleate
boiling of water at atmospheric pres-
sure. The figure shows that the data
we have obtained agree with these
formulas. The heat transfer coef-
ficients were calculated from the
I expression
600 800 7000 1200 1400 U,v
a -At'
where q is the resultant specific /264
Figure 7. Volt-Ampere Characteris-
tics of the Tube Used in Experiments thermal flux, kcal/m2 -hour, while
With Water (Points Correspond to At is the temperature difference be-
Points 8 of Fig. 6). tween the heat conducting surface of
the header and the fluid in the con-
tainer, C.
The resultant specific thermal flux was found as follows
`7 = ` " a nheat'lrad;
q = 0.86 UaIa/Fh is the anode component of the specific thermal flux, where Ua
is the anode voltage, V, I is the anode current, amps, and F is the heat-con-
ducting area of the header, m2; qheat - 0.86 U heat I heat - K K 1 F./Fh is the specific
thermal flux produced by cathode radiation, where Uheat is the heating voltage,
V, Iheat is the heating current, amps; K is a factor which takes into account that
part of the heating power which is radiated to the 'working surface of the header,
Kl is a factor which takes into account losses in the heating transformer and
feeding cable and e is the emissivity of the header; grad - 4. 9- FF d (T1/100)4
Figure 8. Comparison of the Ratio q2/ql of Ther-
mal Fluxes Calculated From Eq, (2) With the Ratio
Ot2/Atl of the Temperature Differences, Measured
Over the Height of the Header and Corresponding to
the Above Thermal Fluxes (the Different Symbols
Denote Points Obtained With Different Headers).
is the specific thermal flux produced by radiation from the inner surface of the
header, where Frad is the radiating surface of the header, m2 , T is the abso-
lute temperature of the radiating surface, K. In experiments with water we have
not taken into account the thermal flux due to radiation from the inner surface of
the header, since the surface temperature (T l) was low.
The temperature difference between the wall and the fluid was calculated as
At = At m At op At,,
where At is the measured temperature difference between the header and the
fluid, degrees; Atcop = q 6cop is the temperature difference in the copper layer,
degrees; 8 cop is the thickness of the copper layer, m; X cop is the thermal
- - --------- ---------
' z T1 O
1y^a ^
i l
' ^^ I ^ I I
U 1^ 4
_ 0,2
+S+ - __^-1^1J!J
8 70 'f kcal/(m2. hr)
conductivity of copper, kcal/m-hour-degree); At . = q An is the temperature differ-
ence in the nickel layer for type II header (see Fig. 2); for type III and IV headers
the temperature drop is calculated for a layer of 1Kh18N9T steel; 6 is the thick-
ness of the nickel or steel layer, and X is the thermal conductivity of the nick-
el or steel, kcal/m-hour-degree,
The limiting relative error of a single measurement of the thermal flux q =
=10 kcal/m2 -hour is 10 %. The limiting relative error in determining the heat
transfer coefficient A-a/a will depend on the magnitude of the thermal flux. For
example, for boiling water with q = 0.2 . 106 kcal/m2 -hour (q =qn) Aq/a ^ 40%,
while for q = 0.6. 106 kcal/m2 -hour Aa/ a - 25%.
When the thermocouples are embedded into a stainless steel wall (type I
header, Fig. 2) of the same configuration the limiting relative error will be Lrx/aS:Z^
N200 %, for q = 0.2 . 106 kcal/m2 -hour and Aala ^ 240% for q = 0. 6 . 106 kcal/m2 - /265
This example shows that the use of multilayer header, in which the thermo-
couples are potted with copper (a metal with high thermal conductivity) makes it
possible to substantially reduce the error in determining the heat transfer coef-
To study heat transfer from metals boiling in a large container we have de-
vised a setup the schematic of which is shown in Fig. 10.
1 ^^
Figure 11 depicts the design of the operating tank and the movable thermo-
couple. The electron tube is inserted into the tank from its bottom. The inner
surface of the working section (header) is heated, while the heat transfer agent
boils at the outer surface. Two holes in the lower part of the working tank serve
for filling and draining, as well as for circulating the heat transfer agent through
the working tank when removing the oxides. A ribbed air-cooled condenser, used
for condensing the heat-transfer agent's vapor, is welded to the upper part of the
Figure 11. Working Tank With Movable
1) Shell withHeader; 2) CoolingSleeve;
3) Working Tank; 4) Rod with Thermo-
couples; 5) Condenser; 6'and32) Guide
Bushings; 7 and 9) Flanges; 8) Copper
Gasket; 10 and 15) Bushings; 11) Guid-
ingTube; 12) Bellows from 1Kh18N9T
Steel; 13) Guide Screw; 14) Connecting
Stub; 16) Connecting Tube; 17) Siloxane-
teflonPacking; 18 and 33) Connector
Nut; 19) Graduated Circle; 20) Selsyn
Jacke; 21) Selsyn; 22, 27 and 29) Bear-
ings; 23) Gear; 26) Pinion; 24) RD-09
Electric Motor; 25) Coupling Sleeve;
28) Housing; 30) Lead Screw; 31) Nut;
34) ClampingSleeve; 35) Siloxane-
teflon Packing; 36)-Connecting Stub;
37) Probe with Stationary Thermocou-
ples; 38, 39 and 40) Electric Heaters
working tank. The necessary temperature in this tank is maintained by three elec-
tric heaters, rated at 14, 3 and 2kW, respectively, supplied from' autotransformers
The movable thermocouple assembly is fastened ,to the condenser flange, It /267
is packed by gasket from annealed copper or nickel. In the rod's grooves are
inserted and metallized four capillaries from 1Kh18N9T steel 0.8 X 0.15 mm in
diameter, in which are placed chromel-alumel thermocouples with alundum insu-
lation (wire diameter 0.2 mm). At the end of the rod the thermocouples are bent
away at a right angle from the rod's axis and from one another. The end of the
rod can come into direct contact with the surface, in which the capillaries with
the thermocouples also come into direct contact with the heat-conducting surface.
The end of one of the movable thermocouples is inserted approximately at the cen-
ter of the heat conducting surface. The movable thermocouples, as well as the
thermocouples embedded in the header are connected differentially with the ther-
mocouples held in tube 37.
Tube 16 and rod 4 connected to it are moved vertically by an RD-09 electric
motor. Bellows 12, made from 1Kh18N9T steel can be used to move the movable
thermocouple over a distance of approximately up to 280 mm, without disturbing
the air-tightness of the setup. The position of thermocouples in their vertical mo-
tion is determined by a selsyn indicator. The selsyn pickup is connected by a gear
and pinion to the shaft of the electric motor.
The receiving selsyn together with a three-arrow position indicator is locat-
ed at the control panel. It determines the height position of thermocouples to ap-
proximately within 0.3 mm. The angular position of the movable thermocouples
is varied manually during the work. The angles of rotation are read from gradu-
ated circle 19.
To monitor the temperature over the height of the working tank and the con-
denser, thermocouples are embedded at appropriate points (not shown in the
All the parts of the stand in contact with the heat-transfer agent are made
from 1Kh18N9T steel and are provided with nichrome electric heaters and ther-
mal insulation. The temperature of the subassemblies and pipelines of the setup
is monitored by chromel-alumel thermocouples.
1. Lyon, R. and Foust, A.: Katz D. Chem. Eng. Progr. Symposium Series, v.
51, No. 12, 1955.
2. Hickey, I.: J. Appl. Phys. v. 24, No. 10 (1953).
3. Povarin, P. I. and Kulakov, I. G.: Informatsionnoye pis I mo No. 6. Energeti-
cheskiy Institute AN SSSR [Information Bulletin No. 6. Power Institute of
the Academy of Sciences of the USSR]. 1958.
4. Tsarev, B. M.: Raschet i konstruirovaniye elektronnykh lamp [Design and
Construction of Electron Tubes]. Gosenergoizdat, Moscow-Leningrad, 1952.
5. Sorikin, D. N., et al.: Byulleten' isobreteniy, No. 18, 1962.
6. Alad'yev, I. T. and Yashnov, V.I.: In the collection Konvektivnaya teplopere-
dacha v dvukhfaznom i odnofaznom potokaky [Convective Heat Transfer in
Twin-Phase and Single-Phase Flows]. Energiya Publishing House, Moscow-
Leningrad, 1964.
7. Kruzhilin, G. I. and Subbotin, V. I.: In the book Proceedings of the Second In-
ternational Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Geneva, 1958.
Doklady sovetskikh uchonykh [Reports by Soviet Scientists], Vol. 2, p. 134,
Atomizdat, Moscow, 1959.
8. Kutateladze, S. S.: Osnovy teorii teploobmena [Fundamentals of Heat Trans-
fer Theory]. Mashgiz, Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.
A. P. Kudryavtsev, D. M. Ovechkin, D. N. Sorokin,
V. I. Subbotin and A. A. Tsyganok
The experiments were performed at flat horizontal sections which were /268
heated (at a diameter of 38 mm) by electron bombardment. Boiling took place at
a surface made from 1Kh18N9T steel. The experimental setup and the test sec-
tions are described in [1].
In these experiments we measured the temperature difference between the
wall and the fluid, pressure and temperature of the sodium in the vessel in the pow-
er supplied to the test section, and in a number of experiments also the tempera-
ture fields in the sodium, using amovable thermocouple. The indications of thermo-
couples which read the temperature difference between the wall and the fluid, the
fluid temperature and the readings of the movable thermocouple, which was con-
nected differentially with the thermocouple situated in the fluid were continuously
recorded by EPP-09 potentiometers (1 sec) and intermittently measured by the
R2/1 potentiometer. The oxygen content of the sodium was monitored by the meth-
od of distillation at the start and termination of experiments. Before start of tests
the working tank was evacuated to a pressure of about 10 -2 mm of Hg at a temper-
ature of about 300C.
We have performed three series of experiments (a series denotes a set of
experiments performed at one test section without purification and replacement
of the heat transfer agent). For convenience in analysis the data of two series of
experiments are broken up into subseries by the level of t s, which were obtained
in successive periods of time.
Before starting the experiments of series 1 oxides were removed from the /270
sodium in a cold trap. The oxygen content of the sodium did not exceed 10-3%by
weight. In experiments of series 2 and 3 the oxygen content of the sodium was in-
tentionally brought up to approximately 10 % by weight.
Figure 1 shows the curve of a as a function of time for constant q and tfl.
The results of heat-transfer experiments are shown in the form of curves of a
plotted against q in Figs. 3, 4 and 6, in which the points are denoted by numerals
in accordance with the time sequence in which they were obtained. Figures 2 and
5 display the recordings of the temperature difference between the wall and the
fluid for a number of points. The large difference in the values of a in Figs. 3, 4
and 6 for the same q and to is not due to experimental error, but to the existence
of various heat-removal modes. For example, in Fig. 3 for q = 0.82 . 106 kcal/
/m 2 -hour one value of a is 15.6- 103 kcal/m 2-hour-degree, while another is 7.7
103 kcal/m2 -hour degree.
o 00
o G
I '
x VC
o 4 00 ' o _ _ _ _
V O O O pO O
12 z, hours
Analysis of data presented in Figs. 1, 3, 4 and 6 shows that they can be at-
tributed to the following three modes of heat removal, [2].
1. Heat removal from sodium boiling under fully developed conditions. The
wall temperature fluctuations here are moderate or entirely undiscernible (see
point 4, of Figs. 4b and 5a). The curve of a as a function of q under this mode is
the same (with a power of about 2/3) as for nonmetallic liquids. The data obtained
for sodium boiling under the above conditions can be expressed as
a 4q2/3. (1)
The curve obtained using this expression is 1 of Figs. 3, 4 and 6. No discernible /271
dependence of a on s was noticed for fully developed boiling of sodium in the pres-
sure range of the tests (about 0.1-1 absolute atmospheres).
Figure 7 shows a distribution of temperature in sodium, typical for fully de-
veloped boiling, measured by a movable thermocouple which, while at the wall,
registered temperature fluctuations with a frequency of about 1 cps, while not tem-
perature fluctuations were recorded away from the wall. The frequency of temper-
ature fluctuations at the surface of a heat-conducting wall attendant to boiling can
serve, judging by experiments with water of [3] and [4], as an indicator of a kind
of.frequency of break-off of vapor bubbles. The measured fluctuation near the heat
conducting wall comprises about 50% of the mean temperature difference Ot t Tem-
perature fluctuations at the surface of the heat conducting wall with magnitudes com-
mensurable with OZt0? have also been observed in boiling water, [5] and [6]. The thick-
ness of the boundary layer in sodium boiling under, fully developed conditions is about
3-4 mm.
2. Heat removal by free con
g) with subse--vection(whubl
quent dissipation of heat by surfac e
evaporation. Here the sodium tem-
perature at the wall may exceed the
saturation temperature by more than
100C. For example, in our exper-
ments (see Fig. 3) there was noboil-
ing at Ats 100 [q ;ze 0.7. 106 m2 -
_ v
-hour]. A similar picture was ob-
served in experiments depicted in
Fig. 4a. We should note that the
relationship between the amount of
superheat of the fluid at the heated
surface, the thermal flux and the
superheating of the fluid in the ves-
sel will depend on the design of the
4 2
The heat transfer coefficients
for heat removal by free convection
for our conditions are in good agree-
ment with the formula
24 C
u 95g 1 1 3 (2)
3, Heat removal attendant
to unsteady boiling. Under these
conditions the removal of heat is
accompanied by appreciable tem-
perature fluctuations in the wall
(see point 4 in Figs. 1 and 2).
4t The maximum magnitude ( max)
;3'jY 82
of fluctuations in the wall tem-
x 8
perature is equal to the differ-
2 3q S sz ence inAt^under free convection
(without boiling) and attendant to
- fully developed boiling.
w j
! I
- - - 3 `x19
+17.. 2-
I ' f 15o4
---- ---- -.---.__..__.__ _ _l 1__i 5 19
X0,'3 1'r
Zs i
10 1 1 21 1 1
,, k
105 z
a b X Q)kcal/(m' . hr) d
,05 RV s o 01
^ 6
v 0 721 1 10
8 of .
^ S
15 122
N 9 _
.G i
; r--
12 172y
lo5 2 4 5 B 7p 6 Q,kcal/(m`.hr)
70 S .-
--_J ___!---
8 --- -- - - - -- ^113
10 12
F 611
7p e16
ao 4 71
$ 82 - - -
- -- --- i--
N ii ^ 17
a 6J
i SZd
- 2' i - -
Cd 9
U 32
4 180
10` 4 4.
105 Z 4 6' X J0'" Q,kcal /(m`% hr)
and the higher the amount of superheat which is needed to restart them, more
will the head-conducting wall be overheated in the given spot.
Analysis of data shows the following.
1. As the thermal flux increases, tendencies appear to transition from con-
vection (without boiling) to unstable boiling (see Fig. 3, point 4), as well as to
transition from unstable to fully developed boiling. This is precisely the cause /275
for the "large slope_ " (> 0, 7) of the test data pertaining to unstable boiling (see
Fig. 4a).
2. As the sodium temperature rises, the thermal flux at which boiling
starts becomes smaller, and the probability of developed boiling increases. For
example, in test series lb boiling started at q ^-, 0. 8 . 106 kcal/m2 -hour (t fl ti
N 7000 C), while in series 2c there was boiling at q 0.2 . 106 kcal/m2-hour
(t fl^ 8600C).
3. Increase the time of contact (apparently to certain limits) between the
stainless-steel heat-conducting wall and the sodium results, all other conditions
remaining equal, in an increase in the thermal flux needed for maintaining the
boiling. For example, in test series la during the first eight hours we have
Figure 5. Recording of the Tem-
perature Difference Between the
Fluid and the Wallin Test Series
2b (a) and 2c (b).
a) q = 2.57 10 6 kcal/m2-hour,
a =107 . 10 3 kcal/m2 hour-degree
(Point 4) and a =59. 7 . 10 3 kcal/m2
10 6 kcal/m 2 -hour, a = 25. 6.103
kcal/m 2 -hour-degree, a = 19.4-
-10 3 kcal/m 2 -hour-degree, a =
= 12.1 . 10 3 kcal/m2-hour-degree
and a = 9.7- 10 3 kcal/m 2 -hour-
a b
degree (Points 1, 2, 3 and 4,
17 0 0 73 '14
12 07
^ 4 --- 17 i 05
70 -
N y 03
^ 2
i^ 8
xU 2
is 01
4 b.
Figure 6. Experimental Data of
195 Z 4 6' 8 10 Q,kcal/mZ -hour. Test Series 3; to =700 12C.
H, mm^
0 0
1 N
4. Within the limits of experimental accuracy no effect of oxygen on heat
transfer from boiling sodium was observed ( the oxygen content was varied ap-
-3 %
proximately from 10-1 to 10 by weight).
Measurements of temperature fields in the fluid and in the vapor show that
the degree of superheat of the fluid with respect to the vapor depends on the mode
of heat removal. For example, for point 14 in Fig. 4c pertaining to developed /277
boiling, the superheat 8t comprises about VC, while for points 17 and 18 of the
same test series, pertaining to unstable heating, it is about 15C. The super-
heating of sodium is also manifested by comparison of the experimentally mea-
sured sodium pressures and temperature with the expression for the saturation
pressure as a function of the temperature given by the formula [8]
I abs.at4.521^T^.
For Q and Ps = const St will be the higher, the smaller F o , the phase interface
surface and aint. When there is no boiling, the phase interface is only the free
surface and St will be the highest. In the case of boiling St will be lower, since
F0 is made larger by the vapor bubbles. Under unstable boiling St should be
higher than for developed boiling. Qualitatively the above is substantiated also by
data for water. When water boils under atmospheric pressure the magnitude of
R depends on the surface roughness. The rougher the surface, the lower St,
since a larger number of vapor - formation centers operates at the surface [9].
The magnitude of a nt depends on the level of is as well as on the admixture
content of the sodium, since the latter have an appreciable effect on the thermal
resistance of the phase transition. Approximate estimates of aint made on the
basis of our measurements show that for a free phase interface for sodium in the
range of Ps -- 0.1 . -1 absolute atmospheres alnt is about 104 kcal/m2 hour - degree.
Several experiments on transfer of heat from boiling sodium were perform-
ed using test sections from copper, electroplated with nickel or with nickel with
chromium (about 20 microns). At temperatures of about 600C heat removal was
accomplished only at unstable boiling or by convection, with subsequent dissipa-
tion of heat by evaporation from the free surface. At temperatures above 700C
all the three heat-removal modes exist. However, the electroplated coatings
were found to be insufficiently stable to sodium. In certain experiments they
broke down and the sodium came into direct contact with the copper, with the re-
sult that an excessive rough surface was produced. Only developed boiling of so-
dium is observed at the copper surface in the temperature range of approximate-
ly 700-880C. The data obtained in these experiments on heat transfer attend- /278
ant to developed boiling and convection without boiling are in agreement with
Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively, while the values of a for unstable boiling lie be-
tween the a for developed boiling and for convection.
Following are the main features characteristic of sodium boiling in a large
vessel at a surface from stainless steel in a pressure range of about 0.1-1 abso-
lute atmosphere.
1. Feasibility of superheating the fluid at the surface by 100-150C over
is without taking any special measures. ,In this case heat removal maybe accom-
plished by convection (t fl > t s ) of large thermal fluxes (about 10 6 kcal/m2-hour)
due to high mean temperature differences and the relatively high heat transfer
coefficients for sodium.
2. Alongside with ordinary nucleate boiling, unstable boiling may also
exist at fluxes of up to qcr, [7] and [10].
is reflected in [15]. Reference [16 ] describes experiments on the transfer of heat
from boiling water and ethyl alcohol under natural circulation conditions in the
range Ps = 0. 125-1 absolute atmospheres. Reference [171 presents experimental
data obtained by Braunlish with a large volume of boiling water (PS 0.09-1.03
absolute atmospheres) and those due to Kruder for boiling water (P =0.037-
1.56 absolute atmospheres), methyl (P s = 0.08-1.42 atm abs) and butyl (P s = 0.17-
1.41 atm abs) alcohol in a large vessel.
The authors of the present article have performed experiments on the trans-
fer of heat from boiling water in a pressure range of about 0. 026-1 atm abs and /279
with thermal fluxes in excess of 10 5 kcal/m2 -hour (surface from 1Kh18N9T steel).
The wall thermocouples did not record any temperature fluctuations and boiling at
constant andps did not cease. The heat transfer coefficient was proportional to
q0.7 and ps0.18
In the case when the dimensions of vapor nuclei (at dts = 1C) are large or when
the wettability is good, while there are no gas (vapor) [holding] cavities on the
surface, boiling up requires high superheats Ats.
There is no basis for the assumption that conditions needed for origination
of vapor bubbles for metals are different from those for nonmetallic fluids. For
example, in experiments with boiling mercury [23] and [24] the same qualitative
picture was obtained with wetted and unwetted surfaces as for water boiling un-
der similar conditions [25]. In both cases when the surface was not wetted the
formation of the vapor phase at the heat-conducting surface started at a temper-
ature close to ts.
boiling which were observed in our experiments (P s ft 0.1-1 abs atm) can be ex-
plained, ofi the basis of presently utilized concepts about the origination of vapor
bubbles, by the following main causes.
1. As was already noted in [26], the vapor nuclei of sodium superheated
by 10 C are large. For example, at P s = 1 abs atm and the same dt ,
s Amin' the
radius of the first nucleus, calculated from Eq. (5) is ten-fold greater for sodium
than for water. Experiments with sodium were performed on surfaces on which
water boiled at At = 5C (atmospheric pressure). If it is assumed that the same
vapor- or gas-filled depressions serve as vapor formation centers for sodium al-
so, then according to Eq. (5) they should have corresponding to them superheats
of At s = 200C at ts = 700C and At s = 78C at t s = 800C. However, these values of
At are higher than experimental values, particularly than those for developed /280
boiling. It, therefore, maybe assumedthat relatively larger depressions werethe
[actual] vapor formation centers. At surfaces not specially machined the size
distribution of the depressions should be close to normal and the number of "large"
depressions, which are the predominant vapor-formation centers may be relative-
ly low.
However, this factor alone does not suffice for explaining the experimental
data we have obtained. For example, in test series 3 at t flc^-, 700C and AV--23C
(point 8) the fluid was boiling, while in test series 2c the boiling ceased tempor-
arily (point 18) at a higher temperature ( tflL- 860C) and At c-- 100C. The value
of Amin calculated from Eq. (5) for point 8 of test series 3 exceeded by approx-
imately 20-fold the pmin for point 18 in test series 2c. The increased value of
pmin alone does not suffice to account for the existance of developed and unstable
boiling under identical pressures at surfaces with the same finish.
2. The heated surface is wetted satisfactorily by the sodium. According
to available data, metal surfaces are wetted satisfactorily by alkaline metals at
temperatures of about 500C and above [27].
Sodium is capable of reducing oxides of metals, if the free energy of the
system becomes lower as a result of the reaction
(here M denotes a metal). The temperatures at which our experiments were per-
formed (about 700-900C) are such that sodium reduces oxides of nickel, molyb-
denum and iron. The rate of oxide reduction depends on the surface material and
the temperature level, however we are not aware of quantitative data on this. Ap-
parently the satisfactory wettability of metals by sodium at temperatures above
500C is due to the reduction of oxide films, which is substantiated by experiments
concerned with wettability of oxides of certain metals by sodium (the extreme wet-
ting angle in this case being about 110-140C) [28].
When the oxide film of a surface is reduced, the latest parts of the latter
to undergo such a reaction will, most probably, be the oxides in the depressions.
As the wettability is improved, the magnitude of the superheat At needed for in-
itial boiling up and the probability of existence of unstable boiling should increase.
These tendencies were proven experimentally.
When boiling sodium (and other metals) one must determine whether the so-
dium reduces the oxide films at the heat-conducting surface (nongetter surface
or, conversely, the material of the heat-conducting surface reduces the oxides of
the sodium (getter-type surface), Zirconium and titanium can serve as examples
of getter materials for sodium. Boiling of sodium at getter and nongetter sur-
faces may differ appreciably.due to the difference in the wettability of these sur-
faces. All the discussions of this article pertain to nongetter surfaces.
3. High thermal conductivity of sodium. High thermal conductivity pro-
motes superheating of the fluid in the entire volume, on one hand, and increases
the time needed for superheating the fluid at the heat-conducting surface after
break-off of the bubble on the other hand. The latter increases the probability
that the vapor remaining in the depression after the bubble breaks off will be re-
placed by fluid. The time needed for superheating this fluid, estimated on the as-
sumption that the latter is superheated only due to thermal conductivity, is by ap-
proximately 20-fold greater for sodium (700-900C) than for water (100 0 C), if q
and At in both cases are the same. This also proves that the frequency of vapor
bubble breakoff from boiling sodium should be lower than in the case of water.
The same opinion was expressed above on the basis of the measured frequency /281
of temperature fluctuations in developed boiling, determined by a movable ther-
mocouple situated at the wall.
Thus, the relative large size of the depressions which serve as vapor-for-
mation centers for sodium at P s sz^ 0.1-1 abs atm and the good wettability of the
latter are responsible for the high At on initial boiling up, as well as (together
with the high thermal conductivity) for the instability in the functioning of the va-
por-formation centers.
The low values of aint at the free surface of the liquid metal aid in the ex-
istence of unstable boiling in sodium. The fluid in the vessel can be appreciably
superheated only at low oint at the free surface. The magnitude of At on boiling
is reduced due to a reduction in At e, as well as of St. The difference in At for
heat removal by free convection without boiling the heat removal with boiling
(q = const) can depend appreciably on the R attendant to convection without boil-
ing. The larger the ration St/At s , the more probable it is that boiling will cease.
In closing, let us consider the effect of the oxygen content of sodium on heat
transfer on boiling.
If the oxygen content is within the limits of solubility at boiling temperatures,
then the sodium reduces the oxide film on the surface of the construction materials
noted above. In conjunction with this it may be assumed that the oxygen content of'
the sodium (within the limits of solubility) should not appreciably affect heat trans-
fer attendant to boiling, which is also substantiated by our experiments. If, how-
ever, the oxygen content of the sodium exceeds the solubility at the given temper-
ature; then the oxides may become deposited on the heating surface and thus affect
the heat transfer on boiling.
The subject of heat transfer from sodium boiling in a large vessel is treated /282
in [29 - 321. In [29] and [32] the experiments were performed in a wide range of
thermal fluxes. These data are, as a whole, in satisfactory agreement with
those obtained by us. In [30] and [31] the experiments were performed with low
thermal fluxes and the data thus obtained lie above our data and the data of [29]
and [32]. It should be noted that at low thermal fluxes appreciable errors in de-
termining the heat transfer coefficient are possible due to instability of the boil-
ing process as well as in the determination of the mean temperature difference.
is - saturation temperature, C
t - temperature of heat conducting surface, C
O max - maximum magnitude of the fluctuation in the temperature difference
between the fluid and the wall, C?
Ps - saturation pressure
a nt - heat transfer coefficient at the fluid-vapor interface
r - heat of vaporization
F - surface of the heat conducting surface
F - area of the interface
[Electronically-Heated Setup for the Study of Heat Transfer from Boiling
Metals by Free Convection]. First article of Part III of this collection.
2. Subbotin, V. I., et al.: USSR report No. 328, Proceedings of the Third In-
ternational Conference on the Peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva,
1964, v. 8, N.Y., 1965.
3. Rogers, T. and Mesler, R. A.: I. Ch. E. Journal, v. 10, No. 5, 656 (1964).
4. Torikai, K.: Report of Japan No. 580. Proceedings of the Third Interna-
tional Conference on the Peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1964,
v. 8, N.Y., 1965.
5. Moore, F. D. and Mesler R. B. A.: I Ch. E. Journal, v. 7, No. 4, 620 (1961).
6. Hsu, Y. Y., et al.: Trans. ASME, Ser. C, No. 3, 254 (1961).
7. Kudryavtsev, A. P., et al. : Eksperimental'noyeissledovaniyeteplootdachiothor-
izontal'noy ploskoy poverkhnosti k natriyu pri svobadnoy konvektsii [Ex-
perimental Study of Heat Transfer from a Horizontal Flat Surface to So-
dium by Free Convection] Part I or II of present collection.
8. Makansi, M. M., et al.: J. Phys. Chem., 50, 40 (1955).
9. Jakob, M. and Fritz, W.: Forschung Gebiete Ingenieur, 2 (434), 1931.
10. Kudryavtsev, A. P., et al.: Eksperimental'noye issledovaniye kriticheskikh
teplovykh potokov pri kipenii natriya v bol'shom ob"yeme [Experimental
Study of Critical Thermal Fluxes in Sodium Boiling in a Large Vessel].
Article immediately following the present.
11. Paese, D. C. and Blinks, L. R.: J. Phys. Colloid. Chem., 51, No. 2,
556 (1947).
12. Harvey, E. N. , et al.: J. Appl. Phys. , 18, No. 2, 162 (1947).
13. Sabersky, R. H. and Gates, C. W.: Jet Propulsion, 25, No. 2, 67 (1952).
14. Schorck, V. E. and Lienhard, I. H.: Trans. ASME, Ser. C, v. 85, No. 3, /283
261 (1963).
15. Minchenko, F. P. and Firsova, E. V.: Article in the collection Voprosy
teplootdachi i gidravliki dvukhfgznykh sistem [Problems of Heat Trans-
fer and Fluid Flow of Two-Phase Systems]. Gosenergoizdat, Moscow,
16. Kolach, G.A. and Vvedenskiy, Yu. G.: Trudy Moskovskogo energetiche-
skogo instituta. Issure 48, 1963.
17. Kutateladze, S. S. and Borishanskiy, V. M.: Spravochnik po teplopereda-
che [Heat-Transfer Handbook]. Gosenergoizdat, Moscow-Leningrad,
18. Bankoff, S. G.: Trans. ASME, 79, No. 4, 735 (1957).
19. Corty, C. and Foust, A, S.: Chem. Engng Progr. Sympos. , Ser. 51, No.
17, 1 (1955).
20. Hsu, Y. Y.: Trans. ASME, Ser. C, v. 84, No. 3, 18 (1962).
21. Griffith, P. and Wallis, I.: Chem. Engng Progr. Sympos. , Ser. 56, No.
90, 49 (1960).
22. Clark, H. B., et al.: Chem, Engng Progr. Sympos. , Ser. 55, No. 29,
103 (1959).
23. Lozhkin, A. N. and Kanayev, A.A.: Binarnyye ustanovki[Binary Devices].
Mashgiz, Leningrad, 1946.
24. Bonilla, C. F., et al.: Chem. Engng Progr. Sympos. , Ser, v. 53, No.
20 (1957).
25. Averin, K. Ye.: Izvestiya AN SSSR, OTN, No. 3 (1954).
26. Deyev, V. I. and Solov'yev A. N.: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, No. 6
27. Balzhiser R. E. , et al.: Nuclear Science Abstracts, v. 1, No. 9, Abstracts
14033 (1964).
28. Bradhurst, D. H. and Buchanon, A. S.: P. zn. Ehimiya, Ref. 116543 (1962).
29. Noyes, R. S.: Trans. ASME, Ser. C, 85, No. 2, 125 (1963).
30. Lyon, R., et al.: Chem. Engng Progr. Sympos. , Ser, v. 51, No. 7,41 (1955).
31. Borishanskiy, V. M. , et al.: Atomnaya eneriya, 19, Issue 2, 191 (1965).
32. Petukov, B.S., et al.: Third International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. V.
Chicago, August 7, 1966.
A. P. Kudryavtsev, D. M. Ovechkin, D. N. Sorokin,
V.I. Subbotin and A. A. Tsyganok
Up to present very little was published on critical thermal fluxes in metals /283
boiling in a large vessel. A study [11, was made of the dependence of the criti-
cal thermal flow in a large volume of magnesium boiling on horizontal tube on the
magnesiu m concentration in the mercury. As the magnesium concentration in the
mercury increased, the critical flux also increased and reached a maximum for a
magnesium content of about 0. 03 % by weight. In the pressure range under study
(1-10 abs atm) no dependence of the thermal flux on the pressure was observed.
Reference [2] describes the study of critical thermal fluxes in boiling potas-
sium in a large volume at a horizontal tube in a pressure range of 0. 007-1.55 abs
atm (the magnitude of the critical flux at atmospheric pressure was 1.63 . 106/m2 -
hour). Temperature fluctuations in the volume were observed, as well as super- /284
heating of the potassium above the saturation temperature. Reference [3 ) cites an
empirical equation describing these experimental data
where Ps is in kg/cm2.
Noyes [4] has studied critical thermal fluxes in sodium boiling under condi-
tions of natural convection at horizontal molybdenum and stainless steel tubes un-
der pressures of about 0. 03-0.07 kg/cm2 . On the basis of these experimental
data, as well as for data obtained by McAdams for water and some other organic
fluids, Noyes supplements the equation for the boiling crisis under natural con-
vection conditions, obtained on the basis of the fluid-dynamics concept of crisis,
[5], by the factor Pr-O. 245
1' )
q cr = 0.144ry" 1 y
( _ J1 Pr- 0,245. (2)
According to the author, this equation is valid for sodium also at higher pressures,
as well as for other metals.
We have performed seven series of experiments at a flat horizontal surface
heated by electron bombardment at a radius of 38 mm. The heat conducting surface
was placed in a working tank from 1Kh18N9T steel 165 mm in diameter. The
heat was removed from the condenser by air. The temperature of the heat-con-
ducting wall was measured by chromel-alumel thermocouples, with wires 0.2 mm
in diameter which were covered by aluminum oxide and placed in a protective
capillary 0.8 x 0. 15 mm in diameter made from 1Kh18N9T steel. The capillaries
were placed into holes 0.85 mm in diameter drilled in the wall. The sodium tem-
perature was also measured by chromel-alumel thermocouples (wire diameter 0.5
mm), placed in a sleeve.
The temperature difference between the fluid and the wall and the sodium
temperature were continuously recorded on the EPP-09 automatic potentiome-
ters, in which 1 sec is needed for the carriage to traverse the entire scale. The
crisis was recorded on the basis of a sharp increase in the temperature differ-
ence between the wall and the fluid. The [power] supply was shut off by end
switches, with which the potentiometers were provided.
The first five test series were performed using a surface from the VZh-98
alloy, the sixth series was conducted on a molybdenum surface, while the surface
for the seventh series was made from 1Kh18N9T steel. After the first crisis was
obtained, the load was increased rapidly (approximately up to 80% of the critical
load) and then the power supply was increased by steps of approximately 3 %. The
setup and the methods used for performing experiments for measuring q cr are de-
scribed in detail in [6].
As was already pointed out [7], sodium boiling under natural convection
conditions in a pressure range of about 0.1-1 abs atm can proceed by two modes.
1. Developed boiling mode, under which only insignificant fluctuations in
the wall temperature are recorded by the thermocouples.
2. Unstable boiling mode, under which these temperature fluctuations may /285
be very high (for example, at q ^ 10 6 kcal/m2 -hour the fluctuations may be as
high as 700 C). Depending on the boiling mode preceding the initiation of the cri-
sis, the magnitude of qcr may differ.
00C --
with underheating [?] of the fluid to is and with an increase in the pressure (up to
1/3 Pd. This can be attributed to the fact that with an increase in the underheat-
ing and in P the maximum diameter of bubbles situated at the wall decreases al-
though the number of vapor-formation centers increases with an increase in Ps
(for a constant thermal flux).
Figure 2 shows values of qcr obtained in boiling sodium. The level of crit-
ical thermal fluxes can, with a scatter of 30%, be described by the formula
^ I ^ (^ I 2 m
Cd I o^G s
o 3
O f ! o o O 40
^o o r---^ e ^ off n
^U I i i I
I I I I 3
y' 0,02 0,04 006(;080,1 0,2 0,4 40 08 1 Ps,abs atm
In our calculations we have used the values of A, C and v from [9], while /287
r and y" were taken from [10] and y from [11]. The values of v were calculated
from the expression
6 - = 200.12 9.833.10 - 21,
As can be seen from Fig, 2, the Noyes formula [2] (should be (2), DBL)
[line 2] agrees with Eq. (3) only in a relatively narrow pressure range (about
0.025-0a 1 atm abs), and a difference of about a factor of two is observed at ex-
tremes of the pressure range under study. The values of q cr calculated from
Eq. (4) [line 3 1 lie by approximately a factor of three lower than the experimental
data, while those calculated from Eq. (5) [ line 1 ] lie by approximately a factor of
three above the latter.
Formula (4) is based on the fluid dynamics theory of the boiling crisis and
satisfactorily expresses the manner in which qcr depends on o s f r water and or-
ganic fluids. The fact that this formula does not agree with the experimentally
obtained values of q cr does not mean that the nature of the crisis attendant to the
boiling of metal does not obey the laws of fluid dynamics. It is possible that in
boiling metals, due to their high thermal conductivities, a substantial part of the
heat from the heat-conducting surface is transferred by the fluid even at thermal
fluxes close to the critical. This may be one of the factors responsible for the
disagreement between experimentally obtained qcr for sodium and those given by
E q . (4).
It can be seen from Fig. 2 that points obtained on the surface made from
the VZh-98 alloy have a scatter of less than 30%. If an averaging line is drawn
through these points, then its slope will be approximately the same as the slope
of the line obtained from Eq. (1) which describes experimental data for potassium.
On the other hand, the slopes of lines 1, 2 and 3 are much greater. However, the
available data still do not suffice to obtain a generalized expression for q cr as a
factor of Ps , as well as for determining the laws governing the effect of the sur-
face on qcr in boiling metals.
11. Zhidkometallicheskiye teplonositeli [Liquid-Metal Heat-Transfer Agents].
Collection of articles translated from English under the editorship of
A. Ye. Sheyndlin, Foreign Literature Publishing House, Moscow, 1958.
P. L. Kirillov
During the last few years the need has arisen for low-pressure vapor gen- /288
erators. In particular, a number of projects [1] and [2], use is made of vapor
generators for obtaining mercury or potassium vapor, which is then directed in-
to a turbine. The vapor pressure at the turbine inlet can be from several tenths
of an atmosphere to several atmospheres. Here the flow resistance of the vapor
generator is comparable with the absolute presssure of the vapor at the outlet.
This produces an unusual distribution of the mean temperature of the heated heat-
transfer agent (it is cooled, despite the fact that heat is supplied -to it). The tem-
perature distribution of the vaporized heat transfer agent (saturation tempera-
ture) along the length is determined by the changes in pressure which, in their
turn, depend on the flow rate and on the vapor content at each section. This pic-
ture is observed in vapor generators operating at any pressure, but the drop in
the saturation temperature, produced by a reduction in pressure usually does not
exceed several degrees and may be disregarded in calculations. At low pressure
the temperature of the heat-transfer agent may drop by several tens of degrees,
which is appreciable.
According to the above, the temperature of the heat transfer agent over the
length and the mean temperature pressure will not obey the exponential distribu-
tion, meaning that the ordinary expression for the log mean temperature differ-
ence is no longer valid. The purpose of the present paper is to obtain a new ex-
pression for the log mean temperature difference under these conditions.
For the elementary heat transfer surface in a vapor generator we, as us-
ual, have the following equations (Fig. 1)
Here dq2 = di2 + wdw/g. We restrict ourselves to low velocities, such that /289
wdw/g << di2.
The validity of the above expression, which is not generally obvious, was proven
in [3].
The change in the enthalpy dig will be found from known thermodynamic re-
lationships (see [41)
di =T ds+Av dp, (5)
U" 4
dp = tr v^ dT. (8)
Substituting Eqs. (6)- ( 8) in Eq. ( 5), setting v' v", and disregarding changes /290
in the latent heat of vaporization, we will get for our case
whence, if we disregard changes in r, we get Eq. (9) Substituting farther this
expression into Eqs. - (2) and (3), we get
c(IQ rdx
2 2
dt1dt2=( i
c1G1 1 )dQ
Tc2G2 CZ
1G1 +C2G2
d (At.,) _ (--!
1) hJt r d f rC2dx . (13)
Here the minus sign pertains to straight flow, while the plus sign is for counter-
flow. Denoting furtherL/c
\ 1 1 G + 1/c 2 O G lk = n, _ r dx = f , we arrive at
the expression c2 Tf) ()
We assume in the first approximation that the vapor content varies linearly over
the length, then dx/ df = const and
r dx
M (f)=c2 df =const. (16)
r dz
czn df
It is easy to see that, when dx and cp = 0, Eq. (17) yields an exponential tempera=
ture distribution over the length and reduces to the ordinary expression for the
log mean temperature difference.
For straight flow we get (see Fig. 1a) /291
A ----(At ;- r,,) OFD (19)
In = rzF. (21)
Let us now find the mean temperature difference for the entire straight-flow va-
por generator
T , (e- nF -1)
0t = F At,, df = F (22)
After Eqs, (19) and (21) are substituted here and simple transformations are
made, we get
^t = ;ice cp ^' (23)
In At' +
In tit2- + ,p =nF
t, _ .t " T (26)
The above expression and Eq. (23) can be written in the general form
Ot = ,tc),t"
ln,t6+(P tP,
Atm +T
_ r dx
(P = 1 2 ^J (29)
ciG! + c2G2 / k
The minus sign is for straight flow, while the plus sign is for counterflow.
The processes - taking place in condensers are similar (Fag. 2). For an el-
ementary heat transfer surface in this case we have /292
" 'Q -- --G, di, : C,C, dt, (for straight flow), (31)
Examining Eqs. (5)- ( 8) or a T-s diagram for our case, as this was done above,
we get
dil _ : -- c, dt, r d.r. (33)
r dx (34)
dt t = cjG
('Q c, ,
F F f dt2 = c2C2
a b
1 1
d(t' t 2 ). _(e,C,
Figure 2. Temperature Variation in a Condenser. \ _ C2c 2 J
r dx
a) for Straight Flow; b) for Counterflow.. lc, (t, t 2 ) T d f rl (36)
d (Atx)
_ 1
k' Atx
__ r dx
ridf 37
Denoting here
r dx 1 1
i aff , nl = C
m f (f) _ ^ CZGZ) k1+
d (At x) +n;At
x = m, ( f). (38)
Solving it in the method presented above, we get an expression for the log mean
temperature difference in the condenser
t b AtM
At = A
In Atb-}-rpf '(Pi, (39)
where /293
r 1 dx
Cl 1 1 'IT
C c,G;i i CI / h' (40)
The plus sign pertains to straight flow, while the minus sign is for counterflow.
N. B. Bakulin, M. N. Ivanovskiy, V. P. Sorokin,
V. I. Subbotin and B. A. Chulkov
The experimental study of heat transfer from condensing vapors of pure al- /293
kaline metals is made difficult by the aggressiveness of the latter, the high tem-
perature level and the need to measure high heat transfer coefficients under the
above conditions. Small admixtures of noncodensing gases, vapor of metals
with low boiling temperatures or contaminant deposition on the condenser wall
can result in appreciable distortions. Instability of vapor formation under cer-
tain vapor-generator operation mode makes measurements difficult.
It is known that steel surfaces are well wetted by sodium and that it under-
goes film condensation. Due to the high thermal conductivity of liquid sodium
(60-80 w/m-degree), the condensate film creates a low thermal resistance R to
the transfer of heat to the condenser wall. Under these conditions heat transfer
is appreciably affected by the following boundary conditions:.
1) The temperature. difference between the vapor and the condensate needed
for bringing about the phase transition results in the appearance of resistance Rph
to the phase transition;
2) When the vapor contains noncondensing gases or other admixtures, a dif-
fusion resistance Rd arises in the vapor near the condensate surface;
on a setup described in [4]. Using a movable thermocouple 0.5 mm in diameter,
we have measured the temperature fields in the vapor, in the liquid sodium filling
the condenser's bath and in the condenser wall, under steady thermal conditions.
To measure the wall temperatures, the movable thermocouple was lowered into
a narrow (1.2 mm) vertical slot milled in the condenser. The thermal fluxes were
calculated on the basis of the measured temperature gradients in the condensate
and at the condenser wall. The readings of thermocouples (as a function of the po-
sition of the thermocouple probe) for several characteristic thermal modes are
shown in Fig. 1. By examining the temperature field in liquid sodium and at the
wall it is possible to determine the presence or absence of a temperature jump at
the liquid-wall interface, i.e., on the magnitude of R c . In the temperature range /295
under study (up to 520 0 C), no R was found between pure sodium and 1Eh18N9T
steel. The table gives experimentally obtained values of temperature jumps at the
vapor-liquid interface, as well as the heat transfer coefficients p h = 1/R cal-
culated on the basis of these jumps. Figure 2 displays experimental values of ph
as a function of the temperature of the saturated vapor. It can be seen /296
from the figure that p h in the range of parameters under study increases highly
with a rise in the vapor temperature and at 480C it is about 50 kw/m-degree.
_ L i 44^ 491C ,1 Styaam
i ^' 2 c ondensate
sl --- I. 521 ,
3 C ondenser wall
t, C
A correction for the effect of the vapor velocity was obtained in [6]; when consid-
ering the average molecular velocity it is
1/j 1/2 v/4c
In [7] this problem is considered in more detail for the particular case of v/c 1.
On the assumption that the velocity distribution of the molecules evaporating from
the fluid is Maxwellian, the same results were obtained as in [6], i. e., the cor-
rection is 2/(2 - f). Approximate consideration for the case of v/c >> 1 of [8] yields
a correction of about 1.7/(2 - f). For the case of v close to c the solution was in-
conclusive and the calculations are performed by successive approximations.
Using Eq. (1) we can write a formula for p h for vapor condensation at the
condensate surface
9 __ r+cn (To T) Po P
aph ToT (1/f-1/2a/4c)(ToT){ (2:tgRTo/\f)' 1z (2tgRT/Af)' /2 } ( 2)
In the case of TO close to T and v/c 1, we can simplify Eq. (2) and write
In this case ph for condensation does not depend on the thermal flux and is a func-
tion of the vapor pressure (temperature) only.
Using experimental data on temperature jumps at the vapor-condensate in-
terface attendant to condensation of sodium and Eqs. (2) and (3), we can calculate
f for sodium. The results of these calculations are presented in the table and in Fig. /297
3. The physical parameters for sodium vapor in the calculations were taken from
[9]. As can be seen from Fig. 3, the experimental points for f thus found are close
to unity in the entire temperature range. This result is in agreement with the gen-
erally held view that the condensation factors for liquid and solid metals, in which
the vaporizing molecules are identical with the condensating ones should be unity.
However, the experiments which served as the basis for this opinion were per-
formed at low pressures and low phase transition rates. The data obtained by the
present authors give grounds for the assumption that f for pure sodium in the pres-
sure range covered in the experiments does not depend on the pressure and is equal
to unity.
The thermal resistance of the
phase transition on condensation of
sodium can be calculated from for-
f8 --- o -- mulas of the gas kinetic theory set-
ting f = 1. When there are not dif-
0 fusion and thermal contact resist-
0.8 -
ances and the pressures are not too
380 400 420 440 460 t' -C low, the moderate resistance of the
transition results in a high rate of
Figure 3. Condensation Factors Calculated heat transfer from condensing vapor
on the Basis of Experimental Data. of pure sodium.
Although the experiments were performed on condensation of "stationary"
vapor, i. e., when the vapor did not move along the surface of condensation, the
thermal resistance of the phase transition will be the same also in the case of
moving vapor. The motion of the vapor along the surface of condensation does
not affect ph, since the longitudinal velocity of vapor in a vapor layer near to the
surface of condensation with a thickness of the order of a mean molecular path is
zero, or is a priori known to be less than the velocity of thermal motion of molecules.
We wish to note that heat transfer from condensing vapors of alkaline metals,
i. e., potassium [41 and sodium, is one of the high-rate processes of heat transfer.
Heat transfer coefficients under appropriate pressures and high-rate condensate
removal can be as high as 50 kw/m2 -degree and higher. However, as was pointed
out by the present authors in [4], even small admixtures of noncondensating gases
and other contaminants can appreciably reduce the rate of heat transfer. The prob-
lems of thermal resistance of the phase transition and the condensation factors that
were here considered may be of interest not only for condensation of metals, but
also in the study of processes of vacuum distillation, boiling, flow of metal vapors
through a nozzle, and other phenomena related to phase transformations.
f - condensation factor /298
v - convective velocity of the vapor in the direction normal to the
condensation surface
c - average thermal velocity of vapor molecules
R - universal gas constant
M - molecular weight
T0 , PO - temperature and pressure of vapor above the condensate, C
1. Misra B. and Bonilla C.: Chem _ . Engng. Progr. Sympos, Ser. 52 (18),
7-21 (1956).
2, Roth, L. T.: Proceeding of 1962 High-Temperature Liquid-Metal Heat Trans-
fer Technology Meeting, BNL-756, N.Y., 1962, 276.
3. Noyes, R. C.: See p. 97 of Ref. [2] above.
4. Subbotin, V. I. , et al.: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, No, 4, 617 (1964).
5. Silber, R. C.: Engineering, 161, No. 5 (505).
6. Rish, R.: Hely. phys, acta, 6, 132 (1933).
7. Kucherov, R. Ya. and Rikenglaz, L. E.: Doklady AN SSR, 133, No. 5, page
1130, 1960,
8. Zwick, S. A.: J. Appl. Phys. , 31, No. 10, 1735 (1960).
9. Vargaftik, N. B.: Spravochnik po teplofizicheskim svoystvam gazov i zhidkos-
tey [Handbook of Thermophysical Properties of Gases and Liquids]. Fiz-
matgiz, Moscow, 1963.
V. V. Zotov, B. A. Nevzorov and Ye. V. Umnyashkin
Sodium and the eutectic alloy of sodium and potassium are the most exten- /299
sively used liquid-metal coolants. An important problem in their use is the se-
lection of construction materials with sufficient resistance to corrosion in non-
isothermal flow, satisfactory mechanical properties (ultimate strength, relative
elongation, etc.) at elevated temperatures, moderate thermal expansion coeffi-
cient as well as with good workability i. e. , ease of rolling, welding, etc.
In the study of corrosive action of sodium on various metals extensive use
is made of vial tests under isothermal conditions. Since it is impossible to de-
termine the actual rates of certain processes (mass transfer, solubility, effect of
nonmetal admixtures in the liquid metal, etc. ) the vial tests are of value only for
qualitative determination of the corrosion resistance of the material in the given
liquid-metal coolant. In tests in containers (vertical and inclined) the temperature
drops produce convection flows of the liquid metals, which increases the rates of
all corrosion processes. Directed flow of the coolant exists in loops with temper-
ature drops. In this case the flow velocities of the liquid-metal coolant depend on
the temperature difference and can be calculated. Nevertheless, results of cor-
rosion tests obtained in nonisothermal containers and convection loops cannot be
used with sufficient reliability in the design of equipment. Various rotary-type
test machines (with and without interchange of the liquid metal) are also unable to
produce the needed results. And only results of corrosion tests obtained by test-
ing materials in circuits with forced circulation can be used with confidence for /300
design purposes since the circulation loops afford the main parameters, i. e.,
specified coolant temperature and temperature drop, necessary flow velocities
of the liquid metal, nonmetallic admixture content of the latter, as well as a spe-
cific ratio of the coolant volume to the surface area washed by the flow.
Several kinds of corrosion interaction with the liquid metals are observed
when testing materials in circulation loops. The main kind of corrosion for steels
and alloys in liquid metals is by solution of the solid-phase components in the liq-
uid metal. The atoms of the solid substance may dissolve uniformly over the en-
tire washed surface. In this case the solution effect removes the entire surface
layer and no corrosion interaction zones are observed. If, however, the individ-
ual components of the alloy are dissolved selectively, then corrosion zones may
form on the surface in contact with the liquid metal due to the appearance of por-
osity, disintegration and pitting in the surface layer. Frequently corrosion in-
teraction has a clearly expressed intercrystalline character, i. e. , when the cor-
rosion proceeds along the grain boundaries. Intercrystalline corrosion in a liq-
uid sodium medium can extend, for certain metals, to a sufficiently great depth,
which in the final count results in an appreciable reduction in the ultimate strength
and in the relative elongation. The rate of such corrosion is sometimes appreciable,
since, while [only] individual atoms are carried away by the liquid metal on uni-
form solution, in intercrystalline corrosion entire crystals may be removed from
the surface of the constructional material. The dissolved components and the cor-
rosion products are carried by the liquid metal into cooler parts of the device,
where they settle out of the solution and crystallize on wall of pipelines, heat ex-
changers and other units, due to supersaturation attendant to the temperature re-
duction. This process is called thermal mass transfer or mass transfer due to a
temperature gradient. Deposition of the transferred metal particles and corrosion
products can result in partial or total stoppering up of ducts.
Another kind of mass transfer is also observed, i. e., concentration mass
transfer, which may take place under isothermal conditions. It comes about in
the case when several metals with different solubilities are in contact with the
liquid metal and when these metals interact with one another, forming interme-
tallic compounds, nitrides, carbides or solid solutions. Concentration mass
transfer is dangerous from the point of view of reducing the plasticity properties
of the metal, since the latter may become embrittled due to the formation of var-
ious compounds.
The rate of corrosion processes may be affected by the following factors: /301
test temperature, temperature gradient in the system, cyclical temperature
changes, ratio of the liquid-metal volume to the surface area of the system, pur-
ity of the liquid metal, its rate of flow, state of the metal surface (quality of fin-
ish, protective coatings, etc.), state of the material (heat treatment, presence
of internal stresses, grain size, etc. ), number of different metals in contactwith
the same liquid metal, chemical composition of the materials of construction, dur-
ation of tests, etc.
As a rule, breakdown of the oxide films results in the disappearance of the
potential barrier, and thus, in an increase in the rate of corrosion. It is shown in
[1] that the passive film on pure chromium and on the surface of austenitic stain-
less steels is retained in sodium up to 500-540C, and it breaks up rapidly when
the temperature is made higher. It is thus obvious that corrosion of stainless
chromium and chromium-nickel steels in sodium up to 500C depends to a given
extent on the passive film, while on further increase in the temperature the steel
displays its true corrosion resistance, not screened by films which act as
potential barriers.
Many investigators point to the fact that at temperatures above 500C the
corrosion rate of construction materials in sodium (dissolution, frontal and in-
tercrystalline corrosion) is determined primarily by the oxygen content of the so-
dium [1-5]. This is proven experimentally. For example, Bruch [5] has shown /302
that in sodium flowing at 0.4 m/sec at 450C the rate of dissolution of iron in-
creases 16 fold when the oxide content is increased from 0.01 to 0. 04% by weight.
Hempel [6] presents data on the corrosion rate of molybdenum in sodium contain-
ing 0.01 and 0.05% of oxygen by weight at 705C. In the first case the corrosion
rate is equal to a weight loss by the specimens of the order of 0.00014 milligrams/
/cm2 -hour, while in the second case it is 0.0111 milligrams/cm 2-hour.
It is shown in [5] that the presence of oxygen in sodium reduces the temper-
ature at which intercrystalline corrosion starts in stainless steel. Thus brand
304 steel was subjected-to initial intercrystalline corrosion to a depth of one-two
grains when held for 2500 hours at 300C in sodium with an 0.8% oxygen content by
weight. Precisely the same corrosion effect was observed in specimens of this
steel brand when tested in sodium with 0.003% of oxygen by weight at 710C for
3000 hours.
The above facts, which could be continued, show that, when the oxygen con-
tent of sodium is increased, the structural materials are subjected to corrosion
failure at a high rate due to the additional development of some chemical process.
Published data are available on this problem. Horsley [7], referring to [8]
has shown experimentally that when heating sodium containing 5 and 10% of oxygen
by weight in iron crucibles at 800C for seven days ferrites with compositions
Na2 O- FeO and (Na 2 0)2 FeO are formed on the wall (this was shown by x-ray
analysis). When using sodium with a lower oxygen content (0. 005, 0. 01 and 0.16%
by weight) no ferrite containing films were discovered on the crucible walls. Nev-
ertheless, Horsley has suggested that the intensifying effect of oxygen on metal
corrosion in sodium consists in the formation of chemical compounds such as fer-
rites, which are highly soluble in sodium.
Harbourn [9], and Weeks and Klamut [10] in examining the problem of mass
transfer came to the conclusion that oxidation of metal (for example, of iron)
may take place in the hotter part of the circulation system. It is assumed that in
the cooler part of a nonisothermal circulating system the ferric oxide is reduced
by the sodium, yielding the metal
only to the anode vessels (to the positive pole); here the amount of oxygen trans-
ported per 1 amp-hour was practically constant. Thus the experimental results
show that, at the low oxygen solubilities in sodium at 300C, negatively-charged
oxygen ions travel to the anode.
It stands to reason that at a higher temperature not only the solubility [16]
but the electrical transfer of oxygen ions in the sodium should increase. Exper-
iments were performed at 600C in steel tubes 12 mm in diameter, with a wall /304
thickness of 0, 4 mm and length of 180 mm for 2 and 4 hours. At the middle of
each tube was placed a steel tube segment, which served as an oxygen source.
The tubes were filled under vacuum with sodium containing 6-8 . 10 % of oxygen
by weight, welded up and held in a furnace while direct current at the rate of 10
amps was passed through them [17, 18]. After termination of the experiment
the tubes were frozen and their anode and cathode ends were cut off under vacu-
um. Without removing them from the vacuum chamber, the cut off ends of the
tubes were analyzed chemically for the oxygen content (Table 2). A control test
without passing of current showed that at 600C the inner glass tube interacted
with the sodium and enriched it with oxygen from 0.008% by weight (starting con-
tent) to 0.10-0.11% by weight (by a factor of 13. 75 during 4 hours).
the oxygen dissolved in the sodium is in the ion state. But since molarization
takes place simultaneously with the dissociation, we must use the balance equa-
1a202^;a+ 0- 2 , (3)
[ i\a7,, d - 0] - 21
These reactions should have high rates. Quantitatively they are limited only by
the rate of supply of oxygen ions. Each act of formation of ferric oxide disturbs
the solubility equilibrium at the given temperature and a corresponding number
of iron ions is transferred from the lattice to the diffusion boundary layer., Sub-
sequently the ferric oxide molecules move away from the boundary layer by dif-
fusion (stage which controls the total dissolution rate) and, by virtue of changes
in the concentration, are reduced by sodium according to the reaction
The above mechanism for the corrosion of iron with participation of oxygen
ions is somewhat similar to processes observed on homogeneous catalysis with
formation of intermediate chemical compounds. In our case ferric oxide serves
as such a compound.
TABLE 4, Decarbonization of ' Pearlitic and Chromium Steels
in a Flow of Sodium (Flow Velocity of 5 m/sec)
Carbon content, o by weight
I After holding in sodium at
Steel brand Testhours
time, the temperature, *C
500 1 000 1 700
takes place to a great depth and the plasticity of steel then is highly reduced,
which can result in failure of components.
It can be claimed on the basis of the above data that corrosion processes
in ferritic-pearlitic steels held in sodium are practically independent of the flow
velocity in the velocity range at hand (5-12 m/sec),
No erosion-type failures were observed in steel specimens tested at flow
velocities of 12 m/sec.
Corrosion Resistence of Austenitic Stainless Steels
Austentic stainless steels are capable for prolonged operation in sodium at /309
temperatures up to 650-700C; they are sensitive to the oxygen content of the so-
dium. At oxygen contents of up to 5 . 10 % by weight [these] steels are not sub-
ject to appreciable corrosion failures. However, at higher concentration corro-
sion is observed with predominance of intergranular corrosion (Table 6),
Austenitic stainless steels can become highly carburized when the sodium
is contaminated by carbon-containing compounds or when the liquid metal is si-
multaneously in contact with carbon or pearlitic steels. Here their plasticity is
sharply reduced. Consequently, use should be made of proper combinations of
materials in order to avoid [excessive] oxygen content in the system and contam-
ination of the liquid sodium by hydrocarbons.
In our experiments we have discovered transport of nitrogen from the gas
atmosphere to the surface of the austenitic steel. When nitrogen was used as a
protective gas for the sodium, we have observed nitriding of the ducts of our set-
up which were made from 1Kh18N10T steel. The setup operated with an isother-
mal flow of sodium at a temperature of 450'C for one year. Metallographic ex- /310
amination of the inner surface of ducts showed a narrow (10 micromicrons) light
strip with a high hardness. Structural analysis by x-rays showed presence of
chromium nitrides on the surface. A similar light band was also observed on
specimens from 1Kh18N10T steel, tested on the stand in isothermal flow of so-
dium at 400'C during 1800 hours, A two-phase structure is observed from the
surface to a depth of 5 micromicrons consisting of nitrogen-saturated ferrite,
chromium nitrides and austenite. The specimens increased insignificantly in
weight due to the nitriding,
Here the ultimate strength of the steel did not change, but the plasticity re-
duced appreciably. While in the initial state the relative elongation of the steel
was 44%, then after testing in sodium flow it dropped to 34%. The above examples
show that it is not permissible to use nitrogen as a protective gas for sodium,
since this can result in embrittlement of the elements of apparatus due to nitrid-
ing. It may be assumed that at temperatures higher than 400 and 450C the
1Kh18N10T steel would have been nitrided to a greater extent.
Chronium-nickel stainless steels in the form of tubular or flat tension spec-
imens were tested at temperatures of 600 and 700C in sodium flowing at 5 and 12
m/sec with an oxygen content of 3 10-3 - 7 . 10 % by weight. It can be seen from
Table 7 that the weight of all the austenitic steels was reduced in the tests. As
was shown experimentally, the tendency of these steels to mass transfer becomes
apparent when corrosion tests are made in a flow of liquid sodium starting with
600C. When testing at this temperature the specimens changed their weight very
little (0. 0008 milligrams/cm 2 -hour), while in tests at 700C the rate of weightloss
increased to about 0.0030 milligrams/cm 2 -hour (experiment time 4000 hours). The
reduction in the weight of specimens serves as grounds for the conclusion that aus-
tenitic steels have a greater tendency to the transfer of mass than ferritic-pearl-
itic steels, which is due to their nickel content which has an appreciably higher
solubility in sodium than iron and chromium.
Metallographic analysis of austenitic steels shows corrosion interaction of
intercrystalline character (high corrosion of grain boundaries). At 600C it was
observed primarily only in those specimens of these steels which were tested in
sodium containing 7.10 -3% of oxygen by weight, and it is absent at oxygen concen-
trations of 3-4 . 10 % by weight. In the case of the higher oxygen content, the
depth of intercrystalline interaction of EI-211, 1Kh18N10T and EI-448 steels at
600C is as high as 70-150 micromicrons during 5100 hours. Specimens from
1Kh18N10T steel tested in sodium at 700C for 6500 hours had an appreciably
smaller depth of corrosion (20-30 micromicrons) due to the lower oxygen con-
tent of the sodium, while no corrosion interaction zones were observed in spec-
imens from EL-211 steel. The test results show that the corrosion resistance
of austenitic steels depends to a large extent on the oxygen content of the sodium.
All the tested steels of this class are sufficiently corrosion resistant materials
in the flow of liquid sodium at temperatures up to 700C, if the oxygen content
does not exceed 5 4 10 % by weight.
. The mechanical properties of austenitic chromium-nickel steels tested at /311
600C in sodium differed little from the properties of the starting material (after
quench hardening) and from the properties of the same steels held at the same
temperature in an inert-gas atmosphere.
At 700C practically all the austenitic steels exhibit aging tendencies to one
or another degree, which produced some increase in the ultimate strength (6u)
and a reduction in the relative elongation (6). Here the mechanical properties of
specimens tested in sodium are on the level of properties of specimens held in /312
argon. This means that processes which bring about the changes in mechanical
TABLE 7 Results of Corrosion Testing and Changes in
Mechanical Properties of Austenitic Chromium-Nickel
Steels in a Flow of Sodium (Velocity 5 m/sec)
i Maxi- Oyge, I After holding After testing
U mum , content wed in sodium
Steel Time, deth
brand hours a
a sodium, u t,, ^;, 6u
^osion 9/6 'by wt ' g/mm 2 g^
E~ micro ns
properties are not related to the corrosive action of the sodium. The plastic
properties drop most appreciably in the EI-211 steel, due to intensive separa-
tion of the secondary phase at 700C not only along grain boundaries but also in
the grain proper. In the 1Kh18N10T, EI-847 and EI-888 steels the separation
of new phase components takes place primarily along grain boundaries.
X-ray diffraction studies of steel tested in sodium as well as held in argon,
show that the composition of phases precipitated in the process of aging is differ-
ent for each steel brand and is related to the alloying components, For EI-847
steel which has a high molybdenum content, the precipitate was the Fe 3 Mo inter-
metallic compound (Laves 'phase). The EI-888 steel contains about 4% of silicon
and hence, a substantial amount of the complex intermetallic compound Ni 2_(Cr, Fe) Si
is precipitated in this steel in the process of aging.
The amount of TiC in the structure of the 1Kh18N10T steel increased and,
in addition, a noticeable quantity of the sigma phase appeared. Thus, examina-
tion of the mechanical properties, microstructure and data of x-ray diffraction
analysis show that all the austenitic steels are structurally unstable to some ex-
tent at 700C, but the majority of them retain satisfactory mechanical properties
even after exposure of 6500 hours.
Intercrystalline corrosion interac-
tion with sodium reduces the plasticity
2h of austenitic steels. Figure 1 shows the
change in the relative elongation of the
EI-211 steel as a function of the testing
time at 600C and of the oxygen content
7CV0 2000 3000 4000 5060
of the sodium. Despite some scatter
Time, hrs. of the experimental points it can be seen
that the plasticity of austenitic steels de-
Figure 1. Relative Elongation of EI- pends appreciably on the oxygen content
211 Steel Tested in Flow of Sodium at of the sodium.
600C as a Function of the Test Time
and of the Oxygen Content of the Sodium. No effect of the rate of the liquid /313
-3 sodium (12 m/sec) on the corrosion or
1) at 5 . 10 % by Weight;
-3 erosion of stainless chromium-nickel
2) at 4 10 % by Weight. steels was observed.
_Q (7)
K=Koe IIT'
111? '5J d111? I sJ
1, off, where K is the rate of mass
transfer, milligrams/cm 2 -
hour; K0 is a coefficient, con-
N stant for a given material, which
takes into account the effect of /314
bo various factors on the mass trans-
fer, milligrams/cm.2 -hour, R is
the universal gas constant, which
is 1.987 cal/gram-atom-degree,
T is the temperature, K, and Q
0.90 0,85 0.90 0,95 1,00
TxJO^deg-1 is the heat of dissolution, cal/
/gram-atom (in the graph this
is the tangent of the slope of line
Figure 2. The Rate of Mass Transfer (K) as in K to axis 1/T).
a Function of the Temperature (T, K).
1) The ET-437bAlloy; 2)The Kh20N60M5V10- The K0 and Q calculated
Yu2T2Alloy; 3) The EI-559AAlloy; 4) EI-211 on the basis of experimental data
Steel. are shown in Table 9. The mag-
nitudes of Q are very close for
all the materials tested and ap-
parently are characteristic of
lattices with gamma structures, since we have here the dissolution of nickel-con-
taining materials. The products of mass transfer after the EI-437b alloy has been
held in a flow of sodium at 880C for 190 hours contained 21.5% by weight of chrom-
ium, 72. 0% by weight of nickel and 0.93% by weight of titanium. Initially the EI-
437b alloy was composed of 77% by weight of nickel, while after the test the nickel
content dropped to 59% by weight. Consequently, as they became dissolved from
the surface of the alloy, the nickel atoms, by diffusion from the inner volume of
alloy (which is shown by layer-by-layer chemical analysis) again were supplied /315
to the surface, where they were dissolved by the sodium, etc. This mechanism
of leaching out of nickel from alloys may continue for a long time with attendant
constant reduction in the nickel content. The calculated heat of dissolution Q is
an average for the individual components of the alloy.
All the tested materials can be arranged by their readiness to dissolution
and to mass transfer in the following order: EI-211 steel, the EI-559A, Kh20N-
60M5V10Yu2T2 and EI-437B alloys. It can be seen from this that the rate of mass
transfer is directly proportional to the nickel content. Addition of aluminum to
nickel-base alloys reduced the mass transfer rate. As is shown experimentally,
the EI-559 alloy is more prone to mass transfer than the EI-559A alloy, although
the nickel content in the former is even somewhat lower than in the latter; how-
ever, the aluminum content of the EI-559A alloy is higher, due to which it is less
subjected to mass transfer in sodium than the EI-559. The EI-827 Nimonic-type
alloy with a high nickel content (74% by weight) exibited very high corrosion re-
sistance to the transfer of mass in sodium also due to its elevated aluminum con-
tent. Aluminum binds the nickel into the stable Ni3Al compound and thus reduces
its diffusion mobility and consequently also the tendency to dissolution in sodium.
The mass transfer rate is not only a function of the temperature but also of
the test time. Figure 3 shows that K, the mass transfer rate increases with an
Material KO X10-5 mg/(cm2 hr)I Q, cal/gram-atom
increase in the holding time, i.e., the longer the test the higher the loss of weight
per unit time. And only for the EI-211 steel is the rate of mass transfer constant
at 930C. The experiments have shown that mass transfer is reduced appreciably
with improved finish of the surfaces washed by the liquid metal. Nickel has a high-
er solubility in sodium than other components of structural' materials. Due to the
difference in the dissolution rates of the alloy base and of its alloying components,
the surface in contact with the sodium obviously increases, due to the appearance
of rough spots and hence, the rate of mass transfer also increases. Since an in-
crease in the surface results in increasing the mass transfer rate, then the work-
ing surfaces of components and elements in contact with liquid sodium should have
a high finish.
All the experimentally studied nickel-base alloys are, to one degree or another,
prone to mass transfer. The dissolved components are carried by the sodium from
the hot to the cooler zone, where they are saturated and precipitate. This process
is highly dangerous, since the transfer products which form are capable of accum- /316
ulating in the cold zone of the device and to plug up the liquid-metal passages. The
transported masses start to precipitate on the walls of the stand's ducts when the
The rate of flow of the liquid sodium affects the corrosion resistance of nio-
bium. After testing at 900C in liquid sodium flowing with velocities of 0.2 (in
convection loops), 1. 0 and 2. 5 m/sec (in a circuit) the rates of weight loss by the /318
niobium (for the same oxygen content) were 0. 04, 0.06 and 0,10 milligrams/cm 2 -
hour, respectively. Obviously, when the flow rate of liquid sodium is increased,
a larger quantity of dissolved oxygen arrives at the surface of niobium specimens,
which is the factor responsible for the increased corrosion rate. In addition, the
increase in the sodium flow velocity should promote a more rapid removal of the
loose products of corrosion which form on the niobium surface.
Comparatively prolonged use of niobium in liquid sodium coolant requires
that the oxygen content of the coolant be held below 1 . 10-3 % by weight.
3. Hofman, E. E. and Manly, W. D.: Problems in Nuclear Engineering, Lond. ,
4. Evans, J. W.: Nuclear Engineering, 4, No. 5, 35 (1957).
5. Bruch, E. G. : Nuclear Metallurgy, 4, No. 2, 20 (1956).
6. Hempel, C. A.: Corrosion, v. 14, No. 12 (1958).
7, Horsley, G. W.: J. Iron and Steel Inst. No. 1, 182 (1956).
8. Kelman, Z. R. , et al.: Resistance of Materials to Attack by Liquid Metals.
USA, 1950.
9. Harbourn, B.: Corros. Prevent, and Control., v. 5, No. 1 (1958).
10. Weeks, J. R. and Klamut, C. J.: Corrosion of Reactor Materials, v. 1,
p. 105, 1962, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
11. Rabkin, M. A.: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, XXX, 5, 791 (1957).
12. Prosvirnin, V.I.: Vestnik metallopromyshlennosti, 12 (1937).
13, Lebedev, T. A. and Guterman, V. M.: Trudy TsNIITMASh, H, 1948.
14. Romadin, K. L.: Trudy Voyenno-vozdushnoy inzhenernoy Akademii im.
Zhukovskogo. Issue 157, 1947.
15. Babikova, Yu. F. and Gruzin, P. L.: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye
[Physics of Metals and Metals Science]. Issue 5, page 255. Metallurgi-
zdat, Sverdlovsk, 1957.
16. Zhidkometallicheskiye teplonosite1i (natriy) [Liquid-Metal Heat-Transfer
Agents (sodium)]. Collection of articles under the editorship of A. Ye.
Sheyndlin. Foreign Literature Publishing House, Moscow, 1959.
17, Nevzorov, B. A.: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii. Issue 3, XXXV (1961).
18. Nevzorov, B, A.: Nature of Oxygen in Liquid Sodium. In the transactions
of the Conference: Corrosion of Reactor Materials, Vol. 2. Internation-
al Atomic Energy Agency, 'Vienna, 1962.
19. Nekrasov, B. V.: Kurs obshchey khimii [A Course in General Chemistry].
Goskhimizdat, Moscow, 1954.
I. B. Dmitryeva, F. A. Kozlov and E. K. Kuznetsov
^, ^ i li - .'i E
Et ^. ;^ J
a b
Figure 1. Designs of Distilling Samplers for Work With
Sodium (a and b) and With Sodium-Potassium Alloy (c).
1) Liquid-Metal Valves; 2) Drain Tube; 3) Vacuum Chamber
C asing; 4) Baffle Plate; 5) Line to Vacuum Pump; 6) Thrust
Pieces; 7) Packing; 8) Sampling Cup; 9) Furnace; 10) Ther-
mocouple; 11) Packing; 12) Rotary Baffle Plate; 13) Cup
Position Indicator; 14) Rotary Bar; 15) Movable Level Gage.
Keeping in mind the specifics of work with the sodium-potassium alloy, the
above device has been equipped with a rotary baffle plate, which is placed into the
cover of the vacuum chamber through the packing and with a funnel, which protects /320
the cup from metal which may fall into it from condensation surfaces.
Experimental method. Before the vacuum chamber is assembled, its inside
surfaces and the cup are throughly washed with distilled water and alcohol and are
dried. After assembly the chamber is washed with argon and evacuated to a res-
idual pressure of 1 . 10-2 mm of Hg. Before sampling the cup is degassed at 500-
550C. Simultaneously with this the rate of flow of the metal through the sampler
is adjusted to 1500 liters/hour.
The device operates under the same temperature mode before the metal is /321
pumped through the sampler as well as during this. The sodium was continuously
circulated through the cold trap. The cold trap temperature varied within not
more than 5% of that specified. The sodium was circulated through the distilling
sampler for not less than 30 minutes.
Before taking each sample the plugging up temperature was determined not
less than twice, using a cock-type oxide-level indicator. The samples were taken
only as long as the differences in the plugging up temperature did not exceed 10C;
when this happened the temperature of the still furnace was lowered, the circula-
tion was shut off and, when it was determined that there is no flow, the sample
was drained, after which the furnace was put on and the specified temperature es-
tablished. The vacuum pump operated continuously during the distillation; after
the latter was finished the furnace was shut off, the distillation device was cooled,
the system was filled with argon and the chamber was dismantled.
To determine the quantity of oxides in the distillation residue the inner sur-
face of the cup was washed with 100 milliliters of distilled water in 10 milliter
portions at room temperature. The solution thus obtained was titrated by sulfuric
acid in the presence of a mixed indicator and the oxygen content of the sodium
was determined. The sample weight was found by collecting the condensate and
weighing it; the error in weight due to loss of metal and additional oxidation of it
in the air did not exceed 5%, which was verified experimentally.
When four samples were distilled simultaneously, the weight of sodium col-
lected in each cup was determined. For this purpose the sodium temperature dur-
ing sampling was determined and, using a level gage (see Fig. lb) the quantity of
sodium in the cup was measured.
Experimental results. Selection of the distillation conditions is a decisive
factor in obtaining the required precision for a given method. These conditions
should ensure complete removal of the metal from the sample and not permit ap-
preciable vaporization of the oxides. On the assumption that the oxides, after
the metal is removed from the sample, are held under the equilibrium pressure
of dissociation and that the gas behaves as an ideal gas, we have estimated the
possible oxide losses from a nickel cup 40 mm in diameter during one hour. It
was found that in a 100 gram sample the oxide losses by evaporation reduce
the results by 10 -5 , 10 -4 and 7 . 10 -4 % by weight for temperatures of 500-600C,
The distillation conditions were selected at temperatures of 500, 550 and
600C with a distillation time of 1 to 40 hours, the oxygen concentration varied
here from 0.0005 to 0.02% by weight (Table 1). 'When the samples are distilled
(at temperatures of 500 and 550C) for 3-6 hours, the reproducilibity of results
is satisfactory, which is proven experimentally. When this time was increased /322
(to 25-40 hours at temperatures of 500C and to about 10 hours at temperatures
TABLE 1. Results of Experiments for Selecting the
Distillation Conditions
:,ou c s^o^ c euo^ c
Distil- Oxygen PIu u Distil- Oxygen Plug- Distil- Oxygen
temp- lation content, g3 gp
temp- lation content, gingup
temp- lation content,
time, o/ b time b era C re, time a by
era C re, hours
weight eraCre, hours weight hours' weight
of 550C), the quality of results became poorer. This can apparently be attributed
to partial vaporization of the metal oxides, as well as interaction between the latter
and the cup's material and diffusion into the walls. When the distillation time was
25-40 hours the inner surface of the cup became covered by a blackish-green film,
which did not dissolve in water. At 600C the oxygen content of the sample became
smaller in proportion to the distillation time.
On the basis of the results obtained and of the theoretical data, we have se-
lected the following distillation conditions for subsequent tests: temperature 500-
550C, time 5 hours, residual pressure 1 . 10 -2 mm of Hg.
When distilling the alloy, the rotary baffle plate was covered for one hour
before the end of distillation, with the result that no alloy drops fell into the cup
when the sampler was dismantled.
When using the four-cup sampler, the samples taken first are stored for a
prolonged time in the vacuum chamber. To check for further oxygen contamination
of the metal [due to the storage time, DBL], we have made special experiments,
which show that metal held in a cup under a vacuum of 10 -2 mm of Hg for 9 hours,
did not become oxidized.
The duration of one analysis was 8 hours when using distilling samplers with /323
one cup and 2-3 hours when a four-cup device was used. The amount of oxygen
removed from the sampler by vacuum distillation was determined by comparing
the quantity of oxygen added to the sample to that found in the sample after distil-
lation. Here measures were taken to hold the natural oxygen content of the sam-
ple to a minimum. It was equal to the concentration which is provided by a cold
trap with an inside temperature of 110C (0.0003-0, 0005% by weight).
The oxygen introduced into the liquid metal was measured as follows: before
making the analysis a specified quantity of the alkaline solution of sodium hydro-
xide was placed in the nickel cup; this solution was made to evaporate at 100 C and
was finally dried at 150-200C, The cup with the residue was placed in the vacuum
chamber and a sample of the liquid metal was taken from it. In order that the hy-
droxide should interact with the metal and that the oxides should become distribut-
ed over the entire volume of the sample, the latter was held for 2-3 hours at 1500C
and only then was the distilling device operated under distillation conditions. These
conditions and the subsequent analysis were identical to those described above. Ad-
dition of oxygen to the sample by this method yields oxides and a hydride. The lat-
ter dissociates under distillation conditions and is removed from the sample.
The alkali hydroxides which are added to the sample should be prevented
from being lost or being transformed into carbonates, they also should be dehy-
drated. We have performed special tests which show that, under the vaporization
and drying conditions we have used, no hydroxide losses took place. On the av-
erage 7% of the hydroxide became carbonated when vaporizing in air.
When performing the 'oxygen put in - oxygen found" experiments the cup /324
was not degased, since this can result in loss of the hydroxide. Therefore, we
have performed experiments to determine the control-test value for a degased
nickel cup, which, on the average, was 5 . 10 % of oxygenbyweight, when calculat-
ed for a 100 gram sample. The oxygen content of the sodium poured into the cup
was determined by a cock-type oxide indicator. On the average the percentage of
oxide loss from the sample calculated on the basis of the data of these experiments
was 14% (Table 2).
5 39 39.5 33.7 15
6 39 39.6 34,7 12
4 39 39.4 32.0 19
6 7,8 8.4 7,0 17
6 7.8 8.4 7.0 17
6 1.56 2,26 2.0 11
3 1.56 1.86 1,4 21
4 1.58 1.98 1.6 19
8 0.84 1.64 1,6 2.0
4 0,78 1.18 1,1 7.0
7 0,78 1.48 1.4 5,0
To determine the control test value it is necessary to use the distilling sam-
pler to take and analyze a sodium sample with zero oxygen content. We could not
do this, and hence, the control-test value was determined as the quantity of oxides
which form on the surface of the cup when it is held in sodium vapor under the dis-
tillation conditions used by us.
The use of the four-cup distillating sampler (see Fig. lb) made it possible
to determine the control-test value for several cups from different metals simul-
Nickel jx 10 -4% by weight) 3.7 0.69 4.7 6.6 3.5 2.2 3.8 1.8
Molybdenum (x 10 % by weight) 1.3 1 0 0.68 1.2 1.8
The lowest control-test value is given by a molybdenum cup (1.0 f 0.4).10 -4% by
weight, and a nickel cup (3.4 1.4) 10 % by weight, calculated for a sample of
100 grams.
Thus, the minimum oxygen concentration determined by the distilling sam-
-4 -4
pler is (2-5)-10 % by weight when using nickel cups and about 1 . 10 % by weight
when using molybdenum cups. The increase in sensitivity is limited by the con-
trol-test value.
The distillation method can be used to determine oxygen concentrations in
the range of 1. 10-4 - 5.10-2 To by weight.
1. Pepkowitz, Z. P. and Judd, W. C.: Analyt. Chem. 22, No. 10, 1283 (1950).
2. White, I. C.: Nucl. Sci. Abstrs, 15, 8290 (1957).
F. A. Kozlov, E. K. Kuznetsov and V. I. Subbotin
A large volume of work has been performed lately for developing a device /324
for continuous sampling and monitoring of admixtures in liquid sodium [1], and
[2]. These devices are at present undergoing experimental assimilation and have
not as yet come into extensive practical use. It is precisely for this reason that /325
the cock-type indicator described in [3-5] is practically the only one and the most
reliable instrument which is used extensively in liquid-metal facilities; it can be
used for rapid (30 minutes) and remote determination of the admixture content of
the coolant. The operating principle of this indicator is based on the ability of the
admixtures precipitating from a solution to plug up passages.
The instruments include a special device with a small passage, a heat ex-
changer for cooling the liquid metal, adjusting valve or a special pump for estab-
lishing the required rate of flow through the instrument, a flowmeter, and ther-
mocouple for determining the temperature of the liquid metal flowing through nar-
row holes. It is used to determine the oxygen content of sodium and of the sodium-
potassium alloy; it can also be used to determine other admixtures the solubility
of which changes with the temperature.
Let us consider how At depends on the main parameters of the instrument
and experimental conditions. We shall assume that:
1) The pressure drop in the instrument during the.experiments remains
constant and is determined from the d'Arcy formula;
2) The entire resistance of the instrument is concentrated in the holes
where the sodium flow has the lowest temperature and where are precipitated
the oxides which increase the flow resistance of the instrument;
3) The instrument has n holes with diameter d 0 and length 1;
4) The flow of sodium through the holes is turbulent and the resistance co- /326
efficient is determined by the Blasius law, while the oxide flow per unit surface
per unit time is given by the expression [6]
5) The flow does not contain crystallization centers moving together with
the sodium.
To reduce the flow rate of metal through the instrument from Q 0 to Q1 , the
passage cross section must be reduced by some quantity S'. Using the d'Arcy
relationship and the Blasius law, it is easy to show that
where ^ 1 and ^2 are the total resistances of the holes for flow rates Q 6 and Q1.
and ud
=O (5)
we get
r^( \ 019
S' = :7K, Z dT, (6)
0 J
K, s^K
s(-t)0.9 7
During time -rp1 the flow rate through the instrument changes little, and hence, /327
we can write
S K,^J \ dr. (8)
In order to evaluate the integral in the above expression we must know the
manner in which the supersaturation and the size of the holes vary with time. The
change in time in the supersaturation is determined by the oxygen solubility in the
sodium as a factor of the temperature and of the rate of temperature drop in the
holes. This relationship is found to be cumbersome. But if it is assumed that
the sodium temperature does not go below the saturation temperature by more
than 50C, then in this temperature range the solubility of oxygen as a function
of the temperature can be written in the form
_ "' (9)
Cs dt (ts t)+
where dC s/dt for each oxygen concentration in the sodium has a different value.
Making use of the fact that the temperature reduction proceeds at a constant rate,
we get from Eq. (9) the dependence of supersaturation on the time
dcs (It
Z dt
di - T. (10)
The change in the hole size due to oxide deposition can be found from
1 ai.s
which was obtained from conditions of materials balance making use of Eqs. (2),
(5) and (7) Integration of (11) within the limits of d 0 - 0 and 0 - T, respectively,
Substituting the above expression and Eq. (10) into (8), integrating and transform-
ing using Eqs. (1) and (3) and the fact that Q = Q 0/2(1 + a), we get
Approximate estimates show that the reduction is supersaturation for oxide indi-
cators in which the pipeline connecting the heat exchanger with the washer is not
longer than 0 2 m, while the heat exchanger does not have branched out surface,
is insignificant. Under other conditions this effect may be substantial, which
must be taken into account when designing the device.
Obviously the [postulated] absence of crystallization centers moving to-
gether with the sodium will produce an additional reduction in the supersatura-
tion and will subsequently result in lower-than-actual readings.
It can be seen from Eq. (13) that, in order to make smaller the difference
between actual conditions and the instrument's readings, it is necessary to re-
duce the dimensions of the holes in which the oxides are deposited and also the
rate at which the temperature is reduced at the washer, and to increase the rate
of flow of the sodium through the instrument. It also follows from this express-
ion that in order to maintain At constant when the oxygen content is decreased
(reduction in dC/dt) it is necessary to either increase the sodium flow rate through
the instrument or to reduce the cooling rate.
Experimental results. One of the designs of cock-type indicators used is
shown in Fig. 1. The characteristics of holes and heat exchangers of [a number
of] indicators are shown in the Table.
In performing the experiment we have worked out the following method for /329
determining the stopping up temperature. Before starting the test, when the tem-
perature of the liquid metal in the device was at maximum (400-500C) the holes
were washed with sodium (flow rate of 1 m 3/hour) for 15-20 minutes. The exper-
iment was started only when the flow rate of sodium through the device for the
given pressure drop became constant. After washing the holes, the washer was
lowered,, the required flow rate of sodium was established; the fan is started 5-10
minutes later and, adjusting the air flow rate, the required rate of metal temper-
ature reduction in the holes was selected. The tests were run either until the flow
of metal through the device ceased entirely, or until the flow rate became 0,1-0.2
of the initial quantity.
The dependence of the instrument's readings on the sodium flow rate was
studied using nine washers in various combination with heat exchangers (see
Table). For each instrument it was read not less than with two oxygen contents
in the sodium. The absolute level of oxygen concentration in the sodium varied
from 2.5 . 10 % by weight (t PI -- 400C) to 6 . 10-4% by weight (tpl R^ 150C). The
flow rate of sodium through the device was varied from 10 to 800 liters/hour.
If, in the case of large sodium flow rates, the heat exchanger capacity did
not suffice to reduce.the temperature to the required level, the temperature in the
circuit had to be lowered. Here the temperature drop in the heat exchanger was
not less than 70C. Some results obtained in experiments for determining the de-
pendence of the instrument's reading on the metal flow rate through it, are pre-
sented in Fig. 2.
A fact common to all the experiments is that, when the flow rate of sodium
is reduced below a certain level, the instrument readings become lower and un-
stable. Here the lower the oxygen concentration in the sodium, the higher the
flow rate at which the instrument starts giving unstable readings, Reduction of
hole size for the same heat exchanger design and with the oxygen concentration /330
of sodium remaining constant also results in increasing the flow rates at which
the instrument readings are lower than actual.
Figure 3 presents results characterizing regions of unstable (I) and stable
(II) operation of indicators; the points show the flow rate of sodium through the
instrument for which the indicators give
lower than actual readings for the given
4,,p 1 , i r-- oxygen content of the sodium. It can be
I + stated that region I is a region which the
IJ reduction in the readings is a quantity
which is clearly recorded in experiments.
25u According to this approach [which is based
upon Eq . (13) ] . one would expect that in
201 qo the transition from region I to region II,
the flow rate would increase with o- re-
150 duction in the oxygen concentration in the
I ^
sodium or upon an increase inthe.hole size.
0 101 200 309 400 Qo,1/hr. Similar behavior was observed ex-
perimentally. Quantitative comparison of
Figure 2. Readings of Indicator experiments shows' that, when the oxygen
No. 5 as a Function of the Metal content is reduced from 0.01 to 0.0005%
Flow Rate. by weight, in order for the instrument to
I operate reliably it is necessary to increase the flow
rate by a factor of 3.2; in our experiments the flow
rate has to be increased 2-3 fold. [Thus] the depend-
1 O \ ence on the hole size is less sharply expressed in the
^ II experiments than was expected.
, t3 , t5 to t4 This ratio as a
we have calculated the ratios of t2pl pl, t4
pl pl and t9pl pl
function of the hole size is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that, as the hole
size is made larger, the instrument reads lower.
The dependence of the instrument's readin gs on the rate of reduction of the
temperature of the metal flowing through the holes was studied for instruments 1,
2, 3 and 9. The oxygen con-
tent of the sodium was varied
from 0. 004 to 0. 026% byweight.
The experiments with each in-
strument were performed for
two oxygen concentrations. The
rate of temperature reduction
was from 0.3 to 37C per min-
ute. Within limits of experi-
mental error no dependence
of the instruments' readings
on the rate of temperature re-
duction of the metal flowing
through the holes was observ-
2 Q4 O'S Q8 d,mm ed in this range of concentra-
Figure 4. Readings of a Cock-Type Oxide Indi-
cator as a Function of Hole Dimensions. At the same time exper-
iments performed in region I
(see Fig. 3) with differentrates
of temperature reduction at the
washer have shown that, when the rate of temperature reduction is made smaller, /332
the difference between the actual oxygen content and the instrument's readings is
reduced. Moreover, in experiments far from the interface between the regions
in cases when the temperature of the sodium flowing through the holes was re-
duced by 10-15C below the saturation temperature, a gradual reduction in the
flow rate due to deposition of oxides on the holes, was also observed.
Considering experimental results and the possibility of occasional variations
in the flow rate of metal through the instrument, it can be said that in measure-
ments with cock-type indicator it is undesirable to have a higher rate of temper-
ature reduction than 10C/min, since this can result in a random error in deter-
mining the plugging up temperature.
The dependence of the plugging up temperature which is determined by the
cock-type oxide indicator on the hole size made it necessary to perform calibrat-
ing tests.
Calibration by the first method is based on the experimental and logical fact that,
when the liquid metal circulates for a long time through the cold trap, its oxygen
concentration will be determined by the temperature conditions of the trap. Dur-
ing the experiment the temperature in the trap was maintained at the specified
level to within t 10C,
After the entire sodium was passed through the cold trap at least five times
the plugging up temperature determined by the oxide indicator was practically con-
stant and, within limits of experimental error ( 10%) was in agreement with the
temperature in the cold trap.
The use of the second calibration method was as follows. With the oxygen /334
concentration in the circuit and the circulation [rate] of the sodium through the
sampler constant, the plugging up temperature was measured at least twice by the
indicator and it was averaged, Immediately after the last reading was taken on
the oxide indicator, a sample was taken and analyzed (Fig. 5),
The scatter of experimental data on oxygen concentration in excess of 1.10-3%
by weight, as compared with the average, did not exceed 30%. This scatter becomes
larger at higher concentrations, which may be attributed to the fact that the value
of the control test, which determines the sensitivity of the method is, at low con-
centrations, commensurable with the natural oxygen content of the sodium. It is
obvious that, within the above limits of accuracy in determining the plugging up
temperature and in determining the oxygen content of the sodium, the relationship
which is obtained represents the solubility of oxygen in sodium as a function of
temperature. Analyzing it by the method of least square, we get
igC ,s t.i4 T
I 0 . (16)
v n
V q
- n npe o
-- --
o ^ o
7.2 7.4
T-1 7.6 1.8 2.0
2 4' TX;O ' deg 1
value the latter gives lower than actual readings. The larger, the holes, the
higher the metal flow rate which is needed for stable operation. For an indica-
tor with holes of 0, 87 x 0, 87 mm it is about 600 liters/hour. /335
Experimental studies show that, as should have been expected on the basis
of theoretical analysis, even when the flow rate of sodium is high, the instrument's
readings depend on the hole size. A device with holes of 0.24 x 0, 31 mm gives
readings on the average by 10% lower than an instrument with hole size of 1 x 1 mm,
It follows from theoretical analysis that, in order to reduce the error, one
should strive when designing the instrument that the flow resistance be concen-
trated in the holes, while the length of sections, washed with sodium whose tem-
perature is below the saturation temperature, their surface and volume should be
held to a minimum,
Calibration of the instrument with holes of 0.24 mm by the first method has
shown that, for large sodium flow rates, the plugging up temperature agrees, with-
in the 10C of experimental error, with the saturation temperature. This cir-
cumstance made is possible to refine the relationship governing the temperature
dependence of oxygen solubility in sodium.
M - molecular (atomic) weight
D - coefficient of diffusion
At - negative deviation in the instrument's readings, C
j - rate of flow of sodium oxide per unit surface per unit time
C s - concentration of oxygen in the sodium, corresponding to the
solubility at the given temperature
Z = C -- C s - supersaturation
d 0 - diameter of holes in the instrument
^ - integral resistance coefficient
a - factor which takes into account stability of flow rate through
the instrument and the sensitivity of the secondary instrument
co - factor taking into account the distribution of flow resistances
in the instrument
Pr = v/D - diffusion Prandtl number
T - time
M. N. Arnol'dov, M. N. Ivanovskiy, V.I. Subbotin
and B.A. Shmatko
A number of publications have appeared lately which deal with experimental /336
determination of the electrical resistivity of molten lithium [1], [2]. The devia-
tions between the results of these references exceed the total experimental error,
which may be caused by differences in the chemical composition of the lithium
specimens used.
The basic (quantitatively speaking) admixtures of molten lithium, which in-
teract with it are: nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen (from vapor in the air). The
quantity of admixtures in the lithium depends on the specific experimental condi-
tions and may turn out to be a random quantity. The admixtures are a source of
additional (admixture-caused) electric resistivity.
Consideration of the electric resistivity of lithium as a function of the ad-
mixture content is of interest also from another point of view. It helps in under-
standing the physical nature for the origin of admixture-caused electric resistance
as a whole and in liquid metals in particular.
Attempts have been made to explain the experimental data on the effect of
metallic admixtures on the electric resistivity of some molten alkaline metals,
based on the development of the well-known Linde law [3], [4]. The authors of
[5], using and developing the work of Friedel and others, [6], have calculated the
magnitude of the electric resistance of molten lithium containing potassium and
sodium admixtures.
The effectiveness of theoretical calculations is appreciably reduced due to
the inavailability of experimental data on which to base the calculations, in partic-
ular, due to inavailability of data on the dependence of the partial volumes dissolved
in the lithium on the concentration of these volumes. Of great importance is the
magnitude of the charge of the admixture ion in the lithium. We have measured /337
the electric resistivity of molten lithium as a function of the temperature and of
the concentration of the oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen dissolved in it.
Chemical-thermodynamics calculations show that the oxygen, nitrogen and
hydrogen exist in lithium at temperatures of 200-350C mainly in the form of an
oxide, nitride and hydride of lithium, respectively. The existence of admixtures
such as lithium hydroxide or - carbonate under these conditions is impossible from
the point of view of thermodynamics.
The measuring tube into which the lithium being tested was poured, was made
from 1Eh18N9T steel with an inner diameter of 7.95 mm and a wall thickness of
0.25 mm. Before the lithium was poured, its electric resistance in the entire
range of temperatures being studied was measured. Thermostatic control of the
measuring tube was obtained by a thermostat with a boiling Dowtherm (E). The
electrical resistance of the tube with the lithium, which was poured into it, was
measured by a double dc bridge. The lithium used in the test was ordinary, with
the following composition:
Element OZ N2 C I EI,
Composition 1.10-2 I 1 . 10- 2 1 5 . 10- } 3 lU-'
Element Na K Ca Be n1g I Ag
Composition I 5 . 10 - 1 8.10 -3 6.10 - 3 <10 - 3 3 . 10- 3 3.10- 4
Element Cu Ti Ni 1'e 11n Ba
Composition 3 . 10 -3 3 . 10-3 2 . 10- 3 1 . 10 -3 1.10-4 1.10-'-
) J
Element I Al I 7r Cr + Si I
Composition I 3 . 10 - 2 3 . 10- 4 3.10 - 2 I 4. Si
difference in dimensions of the admixture and solvent atoms. This difference pro-
duces a nonuniform charge density in the volume of the metal, which is precisely
the cause for electron scattering which produces the admixture-caused electric
resistance [4]. The absence of nitrogen and hydrogen ions in lithium at tempera-
tures up to 350C, or, more precisely, their negligible content, is shown by the
following: the magnitudes of the admixture-caused electric resistivity do not de-
pend on the temperature, i. e., the Matthiessen rule is satisfied.
Figure 2 shows the electric resistivity of lithium as a function of the tem-
perature for different nitrogen and hydrogen concentrations. The differences be-
tween the resistivities of contaminated and pure metals for a given temperature /339
is the admixture-caused electric resistivity. As can be seen from Fig. 2, the
resistivity lines as a function of temperature for different admixtures' are mutu-
ally parallel, which shows that the Matthiessen rule is satisfied.
The portion of admixtures which is ionized in the lithium depends on the
temperature. Hence, if the admixture-caused resistivity is found not to be tem-
perature dependent, this means that the lithium contains no ionized nitrogen or
J x ohm cm
X !"'ohm cm
i I o
J o
I 2 0
I 32 - -_---
5 0
O ^
t O
It should also be noted that the relationships expressed by Figs. 1 and 2
remained unchanged also for a measuring tube held, together with the lithium,
at 300C for 800 hours.
F. A. Kozlov and E. K. Kuznetsov
One of the main problems arising in using liquid sodium as a reactor cool- /340
ant is that of keeping its oxygen content to a minimum. The required degree of
purification is determined by the construction materials used in the facility, the
working temperature, facility design and other factors. At present extensive use
is made of two methods of oxygen removal: purification by cold and hot traps (get-
ter purification). Both methods differ from one another radically by the nature of
phenomena on which their operation is based, and also by the minimum concentra-
tion of oxygen which is obtained by using these methods.
The solubility of oxygen in sodium drops with a reduction in the temperature,
which is the basic method for oxygen removal by the cold-trap method. The min-
imum possible sodium temperature in cold traps is limited by the 100-150C lev-
el, hence, the minimum oxygen concentration produced by these devices is (1-. 5) 10-3
% by weight, [1-3 1.
The getter purification method uses the ability of some substances to reduce
sodium oxides to pure sodium. The higher the reaction temperature, the higher
the reaction rate. This method ensures a higher degree of oxygen removal than
the cold-trap method. Consequently, if the oxygen concentration in the sodium
should be below that produced by cold traps, the hot trap should be used.
The problems which must be resolved when removing oxygen and other ad-
mixtures by a hot trap are: selection of the getter material, study of the laws gov-
erning the interaction between the getter and the sodium's admixtures, determi-
nation of the maximum oxygen concentration produced by the [given] getter, se-
lection of the hot trap design, developing techniques for obtaining and maintaining
the specified oxygen concentration in the sodium using the hot traps [1, 3 - 6].
The condition characterizing the ability of a metal to reduce sodium oxide
to pure sodium is the reduction in the free energy of reaction
Figure 1 shows the free energy needed for formation of stoichiometric oxides of
various metals as a function of the temperature, [7]. It can be seen that a num- /341
ber of metals can be used as getters. However, it is most practical to use zir-
conium and its alloys with titanium, since, when reacting with oxygen, these form
a dense film bound to the basic metal of the oxide. The interaction of zirconium
C' ' M(
' e
2I5ry5 4s
with oxygen is described in [5] and [6]. It was shown experimentally that the in-
crease in the weight of zirconium can be described by an equation such as
B .
exp ( _T) k
oP T (2)
However, the available data are insufficient for resolving the above problems. /342
[For this reason] we have performed experiments to clarify the laws governing
oxygen removal by hot traps with a zirconium getter.
Interaction Between Zirconium and Sodium-Held Oxygen
In our experiments we have used arc-molten zirconium iodide foil 0, 1, 0.5
and 0.8 mm thick. Specimens of the needed size were placed in special chambers
which were cut into the circulation circuit of the installation. The chambers were
constructed so that it was possible to test the specimens at three different sodium
velocities. Before starting the test the sodium was pumped through the specimen
chambers for 8-35 hours at temperatures not above 350C, simultaneously remov-
ing oxygen from it by a cold trap. When the oxygen concentration in the circuit
dropped to 0.001-0. 0005% by weight, the temperature in it was raised, and then
the specimens were tested for a specified time.
In the course of experiments the oxygen content of the sodium was maintain-
ed at the specified level by continuously pumping the sodium through the cold trap,
the temperature inside of which was 110-140C. The constancy of oxygen concen-
tration in the circuit was monitored by a cock-type oxide indicator. A number of
specimens was tested in sodium purified by a hot trap.
After terminating the experiments the chambers were cut out, the sodium
residues were dissolved in ethyl alcohol, the foil was washed with water and dried
and then its weight gain was determined. Control experiments showed that this
kind of processing does affect the accuracy of weight gain determination. Individ-
ual specimens were replaced in the chambers for continuation of test, after the
weight gain has been determined. We have performed 113 experiments at 510-
1100C. The time during which the specimens were held in sodium varied from
15 to 435 hours, while the sodium velocity was from 0.05 to 5.7 m/sec.
In calculating coefficients A, B and n of Eq. (2) we have used only those data
for which the weight gain in the roughly purified sodium was less than 17% of the
total weight gain in the tests. A part of the tested specimens was subjected to
chemical, metallographic and x-ray diffraction analysis.
Ig S_ __ f(lgi),
which get a straight line (Fig 2). In this method of data analysis, we have used /343
the method of least squares to determine the power n for temperatures of 540,
560 and 620C, the average value of which was 0.51.
Dependence of Weight Gain of Zirconium Specimens on the Temperature
In the study of temperature dependence of the weight gain in zirconium the
temperature range was extended to 1100Cm However, due to failure of the zir-
conium foil (at high temperatures] we
could only determine the weight gains
tg `S ; 1 of specimens tested at 720C. The
experimental data, which are treated
n j in the form lg( ^ 51) =f(1/T) are
o o I ST
3 _-- g ----- - -- -.,,----.-- shown in Fig. 3. As expected, within
I limits of experimental error, they lie
^`d 1 on a straight line, the equation of which,
found by the method of least squares,
has the form
1 2 3 l_q z 4P
1g, - 4.253 6800 Y (3 )
.ST0.61 ,
Figure 2. Weight Gain of the Zir-
conium as a Function of the Hold-
ing Time in Sodium. Changing to Eq. (2), we get
O Ig
-- +.187 -;- 0.54 1,,^ 2 for 5i0'C;
We now consider the results obtained by testing 0,1 mm thick zirconium /344
specimens at temperatures above 650C in more detail. The weight gains of the
specimens at these temperatures are lower than those which were expected on
the basis of Eq. (4) This reduction may be due to two factors: increase in the
rate of mass transfer for zirconium with an increase in the temperature of the so-
dium, washing the specimens, and reduction in the rate of zirconium penetration
by the oxygen, due to the reduced oxygen concentration gradient. For these rea-
sons in calculating n in Eq. (2) we did not take into account results obtained at
675C and above.
contain on their surface a layer of ZrO2 . No zirconium oxides were found
on specimens tested at 540-560C.
On specimens 0.8 mm thick, held in sodium at temperatures of 620 and
720C for 432 and 250 hours, respectively, metallographic analysis has discov-
ered a zirconium oxide film about 0.1 mm thick. The oxide film increases sharp-
ly the microhardness of the specimen surfaces, which may become as high as
800 kg/mm2.
The grain size of crystals of specimens tested in sodium increase in size
on raising the temperature and extending the holding time. It should be noted
that the absorbed oxygen increases the brittleness of the zirconium. From this
point of view the permissible weight gain per unit surface for zirconium sheets
0.1 mm held in sodium purified by a cold trap is about 4%.
mr, ^
^ o O O
0 1 2 3 f .4plp"x
Sec. AA
Sec. BB
Figure 7 shows the manner in which the oxygen concentration in the closed
circulation circuit varied as the sodium was purified by a cold and hot trap. Sim-
ilar results were obtained in other experiments in which oxygen was removed
from sodium by hot traps. A characteristic phenomenon encountered in these
experiments is the increase in the oxygen content of the sodium after the cold
trap is shut off and the temperature is increased. This is due to the following
A rise in the temperature increases the solubility of oxygen in the sodium, /348
and the rate of dissolution and speeds up the diffusion processes. Hence, oxygen
from remote corners of the circuit, from walls of expansion tanks and the struc-
tural metal is absorbed by the circulating sodium.
Analyzing the sodium for oxygen using a distilling sampler (see Fig. 7) we
see that after purification the oxygen content of the sodium remains approximately
on the same level of (2-5) 10 -4% by weight. However, these numbers do not re-
flect the actual oxygen concentration produced by the hot traps, but point only to
the limiting sensitivity of the distilling sampler. Hence, the results of these ex-
periments cannot be used to judge about the maximum oxygen content of sodium
purified by hot traps. The above is verified by the fact that the weight gain of the
zirconium held in sodium purified by a hot trap and the weight gain of zirconium
from the hot traps is by several factors lower than that of specimens tested in
sodium purified by a cold trap.
The following results were obtained with respect to the mechanical strength
of the zirconium foil.
1. Zirconium foil 0.1 mm thick (weight gains of 1.5-2%) becomes so brit-
tle that it can no longer be used.
2. In 0. 1 mm thick foil tested for 1000 hours at 650-670C the oxide film
peeled and the foil proper failed. Foil 0.3 mm thick tested under the same con-
ditions lost part of its initial elasticity, but it still could be used.
Estimating Equilibrium Oxygen Concentrations in Sodium
It was pointed out above that only those materials can be used as getters in
which the free reaction energy (AF) described by Eq. (1) becomes lower. This
condition is necessary, but not sufficient. The second requirement which is pre-
sented to a getter is providing the required oxygen concentration in the liquid met-
al. Exact calculations based on the law of mass action require knowledge of the
activity coefficients for the sodium-held and getter-held oxygen, as well as the
solubilities of the getter proper, as well as of its oxide in sodium [10, 11]. These
data are either inavailable or incomplete, [Therefore] we give below estimates of
the equilibrium concentrations of oxygen, on some assumptions.
For the reaction described by Eq. (1) we write
Ku b n = CXp {
a Me , Na20 WT .
Making use of the fact that the change in the isobaric potential AZ for reactions /349
proceeding at constant volume is practically equal to AF [10], and that a Na2 0 =
C Na2 O /C*Na2O [111, we get
Assuming further that the solubility of the getter and of its oxide in sodium is zero
(the reaction is heterogeneous) and the activity of the sodium (the reaction proceeds
with excess sodium) is equal to unity, we have
_AF (5)
CN a20 = CNa20 CXp RTn } .
The following can be concluded from the results tabulated above. The great-
est degree of oxygen removal can be obtained by using thorium, uranium and a
zirconium-titanium alloy as getter materials. The degree of oxygen removal is
reduced with an increase in temperature. The lowest equilibrium oxygen concen-
trations in sodium are obtained at temperatures of about 400C and lower, but then
the reaction rate becomes lower. Hence, the temperature at which a hot trap should
be operated should be in the range of 550-650C, Oxides of construction materials
(FeO, NiO and others) should become reduced in sodium even when the oxide con-
tent of the latter is above the permissible.
TABLE Equilbrium Concentrations of Sodium Oxides for
Different Getters, Calculated From Eq. (5),
Cna 2 p (mole fractions)
1100 C I 600 C ( 800, C
Th+2Na 2 0 ;t ThOL-I-4Na
U+2Na 2 0 _?- UO2-{-4Na
4.3 . 10- 21
9.7 . 10- 17
4.4 . 10- 17
9.5 . 10 -14
is bound by the rate of absorption of oxygen by the zirconium (below 550C the re-
action rate is reduced appreciably), while the upper limit is limited by the increase
in the mass transfer of zirconium [6].
The velocity of sodium flowing through the trap is taken so that the flow in
the cells formed by the foil is turbulent. Calculations show that for a hydraulic
diameter of cells of about 10 -3 m the velocity of sodium in the latter should be
0.6 m/sec. If the parameters of the facility (sodium flow rate, pressure drop)
or design considerations require that the veolocity in the trap be lower, this can
be done, but then consideration should be given to the possible reduction in the
oxygen absorption by zirconium.
The thickness of the zirconium foil is determined by the total weight gain of
zirconium per unit surface for the entire time of trap operation. The total weight
gain should be such that no oxide films, which subsequently peel, form on the zir-
conium surface and that the foil does not become too brittle. . The weight gain per
unit area satisfying these conditions will be called the normally permissible weight
It can be seen from the above that the maximum weight gain permissible per /351
unit area is a function of parameters such as foil thickness, operating tempera-
ture, oxygen concentration in the sodium, etc., i.e.,
Sh i l (1 ' C'
rnax '5)'(6)
At present the form of the above equation is not known precisely, and it has to be
determined experimentally. On the basis of general considerations and of some
experimental data it can be expected that the maximum permissible weight gain
will basically depend on the foil thickness, meaning that it should increase as 6
is made larger. It is shown experimentally that when using foil 1 . 10-4 m thick
the maximum permissible weight gain is limited by 2% or to approximately 0.006
kg/m2 .
Assuming that (AP/S) m,-. is proportional to the foil thickness and disregard-
ing the dependence on the oxygen concentration of the sodium and on the tempera-
ture, Eq. (6) can be written in the form
CS ) max y 06 . i (7)
15 700 ).
6-2.73.102op'51h',Ii2esp( (8)
Depending on the sodium content and on the behavior of flow in the hot trap
(turbulent or laminar flow), the value of K 2 varies from 1 to 0.25-0.5. No ana-
lytical expression has been found to relate K2 to the oxygen concentration. It is
only known on the basis of experimental data that K 2 = 1 when the oxygen concen-
tration is 0. 0005-0. 001% by weight, and K2 = 0.25-0.6 when the sodium is puri-
fied by a hot trap.
However, in this case the entire zirconium is transformed into an oxide, which
apparently cannot be obtained in practice. Hence, the calculations should be per- /352
formed using data on the maximum permissible weight gains per unit surface.
The total amount of oxygen to be removed by a hot trap can be expressed as
(w1- 1\'(Cin.--Cfin)P,,a
Making use of the above expression, we can write the weight of the zirconium in
the form
1:36:Yzi ( C in. -- C fin) P N a
3 max
200 ( Ay)
It was taken into account in deriving the above that S = 2PZr/yZ 8'
It should be noted that calculations for a hot trap using Eq. (10) can be
performed only when the rate of oxygen removal is not of importance.
Calculating the Weight of Zirconium for a Given Rate of
Oxygen- Zirconium Reaction
We calculate the weight of zirconium from Eq, (4). In this case we must
make certain assumptions, which are not entirely verified by experimental data.
1. The rate of reaction between zirconium and oxygen is independent of the
sodium velocity.
2. Intermixing of the sodium in the circuit is ideal.
3. The concentration of oxygen in the sodium which at a given instant is
in contact with zirconium in the hot trap is constant.
The equation of material balance for oxygen in a closed system for an infi-
nitesimal time interval has the form
while for the sodium flowing through the hot trap it is expressed as
Sd 4P
G (CC') di ' C S) (12)
100 K4
We shall assume that the oxygen concentration at the hot trap outlet is not
zero (C' /= 0), Solving Eqs. (11) and (12) we then have
Integrating the above expression from Cin to Cfin and from ( op - 0) to op, re- T T T
1) 200kK 2'[ TOP Top T ( 0)"J (16)
We perform our calculations on the assumption that K2 = C/CD when C < CO.
Finding (AP/S) for this case, substituting its value into Eq. (13) and integrating,
we get
Ko =
C0 .
It is obvious that Eq. (17) has a physical meaning only when Cfin p > Cin(TOp
- 6) and Cin < C6 . When Cin > C O, then the weight of the zirconium must be
SP- n exp
CB) (T'
yr n- IS
Co G
Cb^2 ^
1 1. t :- Sh. tbh. t. -- PZr
1/3SbyZr (19)
The total section of the hot trap (She t. ) for a given sodium flow rate through it
can be found from
Sh. t. (20)
3600 jl3v Re, , C 1-;- 2 1/35
The inlets of hot traps using zirconium foil must be provided with special
devices, which would be able to hold the particles which are not soluble in sodium,
which form in it. The latter can appear due to failure of zirconium by embrittle-
ment and due to peeling of the oxide film from the zirconium surface. If stainless
steel mesh is used for this purpose, then their design should be as follows: the
flow resistance should be made as low as possible; deposition of mechanical par-
ticles should not rapidly increase the latter. In addition, to prevent the zircon-
ium foil stacks from failing under their own weight and by dynamic loads of the
flow, special dividing grids should be placed between the stacks.
AP/S - increase in the weight of zirconium per unit surface
P - weight
T - time of contact between zirconium and sodium
Top - total operating time of the hot trap
TO - time needed for one purification of sodium at the end of the
hot trap's operating life
6 - thickness of zirconium sheet
G - flow rate of sodium
C - oxygen content of sodium
CO - minimum oxygen content of sodium for which no reduction is
observed in the rate of oxygen absorption
7. Yeremenko, V. N.: Titan i yego splavy [Titanium and Its Alloys]. Published
by the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev, 1960.
8. Tsirkoniy [Zirconium]. Collection of articles, Part II. Translated from
English under the editorship of V. A. Alekseyev. Foreign Literature
Publishing House, Moscow, 1955.
9. Dmitriyeva, I. B. , et al.: Second article, Part IV of present collection.
10. Karapet'yants, M. Kh.: Khimicheskaya termodinamika [Chemical Thermo-
dynamics]. Goskhimizdat, Moscow-Leningrad, 1953.
11. Distefano, J. R. and Hoffman, E. E.: Atomic Energy R eview, 2, 1, 3-34 (1964).
N. N. Ivanovskiy and F. A. Kozlov
The use of sodium as the coolant in large nuclear power stations makes /355
it necessary to develop efficient and reliable sodium-to-water steam genera-
tors. At present the greatest promise is held out by a single-wall generator,
[1], which ensures higher economy and simplicity than the two-wall design.
However, water leakages in the single-wall device is more dangerous, since
then the water gets into the sodium. One of the major problems which this
creates is that of removing the products of interaction with water from the so- /356
dium. According to [2], the reaction between water with sodium, on excess of
the latter, can be written as
Accumulating in the sodium the products of reaction can interfere with the heat
transfer between the water and sodium, stopping up of the circuit's ducts, as
well as increased corrosion of construction materials. Hence, the water must
be .continuously removed from the sodium by a cold trap. As was shown in [3],
this device is capable of removing the products of interaction between water and
sodium from the latter.
Only a part of the liquid metal is circulated through the trap. Hence, de-
pending on the amount of leakage, a given concentration of products of interac-
tion is established in the sodium. Reliable operation of a facility requires that
all the admixtures be in the dissolved state at operating temperatures. This
condition serves as a limit on the amount of leakage above which the facilitywill
be in danger of failure. To determine this maximum leakage we shall now de-
rive an equation which could be used to calculate the change in the oxygen con-
tent of the sodium with time, in the presence of oxygen sources and drains in
the system.
It is shown in [3] that in cases when the minimum temperature in the sys-
tem, when water gets into sodium, exceeds 220C, the sodium oxides will pri-
marily pass into the crystalline phase. Hence, the calculations can be based on
the quantity of oxygen which gets into sodium in the form of H 2 O, while the max-
imum permissible concentration could be the solubility of oxygen in sodium at
minimum sodium temperature in the wall.
On the condition that intermixing in the system is ideal, the equation of
material balance for the oxygen in sodium has the form
Pr a dC = (G, G2) dT. (2)
In our case the oxygen is removed by a cold trap. Assuming that the oxygen
concentration of the sodium passing through the cold trap is reduced to C', we
G2 = G t ( C C'). (3)
tG t
C=C'-{ Gt1 (1 e
Under these conditions the maximum oxygen content of the sodium will be /357
> (7)
^G t
Using Eqs. (7) and (8) for a specific case it is possible to calculate the maxi-
mum permissible leakage of a sodium-to-water steam generator, as well as
the time for reaching the maximum concentration in the circulating sodium.
It can be seen from Eq. (8) that the duration of operation of a steam gen-
erator with a leak will be determined by the thoroughput of the cold trap and
by the magnitude of the leakage. In order that the system be capable of pro-
longed operation with large leakages, cold traps with high thoroughput and ca-
pacity must be designed.
1. Poplayskiy, V. M. , et al.: Teploenergetika, No. 7 (1966).
2. Ivanovskiy, N. N. and Kozlov, F. A.: Atomnaya Energiya, 17, 5 (1964),
3. Subbotin, V.I., et al.: AtomnayaEnergiya, 19 (3), 298 (1965).
A. V. Drobyshev, V. A. Kurov and I. T. Filipov
The extensive experience accumulated up to now in work with alkaline met- /357
als has not been sufficiently illuminated in available publications [1-4]. Liquid
metal loops are extensively used in the study of compatibility between the mate-
rials of construction and the liquid metal, in the study of heat transfer and fluid /358
dynamics, as well as in testing fuel elements and their mockups outside the
The construction material specimens are tested in liquid-metal filled ves-
sels, placed on stationary and rotating supports. Installations with a wide range
of possibilities for this purpose are loops with natural and forced coolant circu-
lation (Figs. 1 and 2). The stands are used for prolonged tests at constant cool-
ant temperature and velocity.
Arrangements used for the study of thermal-flow dynamics which have test
sections of complex design equipped with a larger number of temperature, pres-
sure, flow rate, etc., pickups [5], are frequently made as multi-loop circuits
which, as a rule, operate in a wide flow-rate and temperature range (Fig. 3).
Mockups of fuel elements are tested in similar arrangements, where integrated
data on the specimen behavior can be obtained. To obtain the required number
of thermal cycles (thermal shocks) in a short period of time, use is made of
specially designed setups (Fig. 4). The fuel-element mockup is placed in a so-
dium-filled vessel, which was induction heated by the LA-107 generator and
water cooled; cycle duration is 41 secs.
We shall here consider only loops with forced coolant circulation (see Fig.
3), since they include all the equipment of simpler loops and, in addition, they
also have special equipment such as metal-to-metal high-temperature heat ex-
changers [6], etc. The majority of experiments was performed in setups with
capacities not above 250 liters and liquid-metal flow rates of not more than
20 m3hour. These setups should operate stably and reliably when the flow rate
is varied from zero to nominal. In setting up the thermal balance of the system
(nominal operating mode) one must know precisely the entire assortment of tub-
ing from which the circuit is made. Even insignificant deviations of diameters
have an appreciable effect on redistribution of temperatures and velocities of /360
the liquid metal over the entire circuit. Due to this it is always useful to have
an excess-capacity heater and higher-than-specified pressure head. The tend-
ency to reduce the loop volume and to provide for excess pump head capacity
has lead to the use of centrifugal pumps with n < 50 [7], however, it was found
[8] that the operating reliability of electromagnetic pumps is higher. As a rule,
the major part of the pressure head which is developed by the pump is used up
at the test section (Fig. 5). Hence, the heat-exchanger apparatus of experimental
setups is not the most efficient from the point of view
of compactness and of minimum volume of the alkaline
metal, as compared with, for example, slot-type heat
exchangers but has an acceptable flow resistance of
the ducts.
Auxiliary Systems
Preparing the heat-transfer agent. The sodium
is supplied from the plant in special 100 liter contain-
ers, and its oxygen content is up to 0.05% .by weight.
Depending on the test conditions, the sodium can be
used without distillation, as well as with preliminary /361
distillation. In the second case the metal is heated
until it melts and is poured into an evaporating tank.
Distillation takes place at 550-560C with a continu-
ously operating pre-evacuation pump. The sodium
vapor condenses in a condensing tank. The eutectic
sodium-potassium alloy is prepared in a special in-
stallation with a proportioning device [10].
The admixture content of the heat-transfer agent
is monitored by samplers indicators and other devices,
which are installed on the bypass lines of the loop. The
Figure 1. Schematic samples are taken by distilling samplers [11] or using
of a Natural- Circula- sections which are first frozen and then removed [for
tion Loop. analysis]. Satisfactory checking precision is provided
1) Vapor Trap; 2) Com- by the indication method, which is based on the stop-
pensating Tank; 3) Cool- ping up of narrow passages at a specific flow rate and
er; 4) Test Section; temperature.
51 Heater; 6) Drain Tank.
Oxygen and nitrogen are removed from the heat
transfer agent during operation by cold [13] and hot
[14] oxide traps. Under maximum conditions the ox-
ygen content of the liquid metal is held to 1. 10 % by weight when using the cold
and 1 . 10 % by weight when using the hot traps.
The gas-and-vacuum system is used for filling the setup with the liquid /362
metal, for maintaining the operating pressure, sampling and for testing the air-
tightness of the arrangement. Vacuuming is performed through a compensating
tank and a vapor trap (Fig. 6). The diameter of the pipeline connecting the trap
to the tank should be at least 70 mm.- The vapor trap is a pipe 120 mm in diam-
eter, with welded inclined baffles and a layer of stainless chips. In vacuum sys-
tems of setups with liquid-metal volumes of 50-500 liters use is made of tubes
30-40 mm in diameter and not more than 3 m long (from the header to the ves-
sel), and of the VN-1 and VN-2 pumps. Tubes 10-20 mm in diameter were used
in the gas systems.
Figure 2. Recuperator-Less Loop.
1) Drain Tank; 2) Pump; 3) Heater; 4) Test Section;
5) Cooler; 6) Vapor Trap; 7) Compensating Tank.
Figure 3. Diagram of a Three-Loop Arrangement.
1) Drain Tank of First Loop; 2) Cooler of First Loop; 3) Drain
Tank of Third Loop; 4) Distilling Sampler; 5) Pump of First
Loop; 6) Compensating Tank of First Loop; 7) Recuperator of
First Loop; 8) Measuring Tank; 9) Compensating Tank of Third
Loop 10) Pump of Third Loop; 11) Cold Oxide Trap; 12) Recup-
erator of Second Loop; 13) Cold Oxide Trap; 14) Oxide indi-
cator; 15) Compensating Tank of Second Loop; 16) Pump of
Second Loop; 17) Distilling Sampler; 18) Cooler of Second
Loop; 19) Mixing Header; 20) Drain Tank; 21) Mixing Header;
22) Loop-to-Loop Heat Exchangers 23) Hot Oxide Trap;
24) Heater.
hot traps, etc., are placed at elevation eliminating formation of gas pockets and /363
providing for completer draining of metal. The drain tank is placed in the lowest
point of the loop. For convenience in operating the setup and to reduce its height,
the drain tank is usually placed in a pit (Fig. 8); the pipelines are inclined at3-5 0 .
Expensive equipment (transformers, vacuum pumps) should not be placed beneath
pipelines and equipment with liquid metal. The setup platform should be rigidly
fastened to permanent walls to eliminate vibrations. To protect the service per-
sonnel from possible accidents, the high-temperature sections should be placed
in inert-gas chambers. All the equipment beneath the setup platform is covered
by movable shields.
Pans should be placed at zero elevation to collect metal which may spill
during an accident and to localize a possible fire. Water may be used at alka-
line-metal setups only when absolutely necessary. The water pipelines are
laid below the platform and are insulated. The drain lines of the loop are main-
tained at a temperature higher than the melting temperature of the metal, and
are remotely controlled by electrically-driven valves. The remaining valves
To the
i 12-107
__._..._W ate r
y ;.
1 a
are manually operated. The stand is supplied by a signalling and blocking sys-
tem. When metal leakage is discovered, the electric supply is shut off and the
valves of drain lines are opened. The main heater is also shut off automatically
when the temperature of the heat-transfer agent and supply busbars increases
above the permissible value, when there is no liquid metal flowing, no water in
the busbars and when the pump stops suddenly.
Accidents were previously caused by nichrome heaters, wound onto pipe-
lines and supplied with current at 220 V. When using small-diameter tubing
the porcelain buses [insulators] cracked and the heaters were short-circuited
Figure 7. Section Through a Compen-
sating Manometer.
1, 2 and 3) Liquid-Metal Inlets; 4) Fast-
I ening Plate; 5) Cover; 6) Bellows 7) Core;
8) Casing; 9) Bellows Joint; 10) Connect-
Figure 6. Joining or Nut; 11) Spring; 12) Washer; 13) Rod;
a Gas-and Vacuum 14) Nut; 15) Spool; 16) Sleeve; 17) Con-
Line to the Loop. necting Pipe; 18; 19 and 20) Gas Inlets.
1) Compensating
Tank; 2) Level Gage; by the pipeline. Two methods are now
3) Vapor Trap. used to prevent this, one which consists
in using separating transformers, and
the other in reducing the voltage to ap-
proximately 48 V by type OSU-100/0.5
transformers. Accidents are also caused by centrifugal pumps with frozen-so-
dium shaft seals. The sodium in the space between the casing and the shaft is
frozen by process water. During operation bicarbonates are deposited on the
walls of the cooling jacket, which interferes with removal of heat and thus leads
to splatter of metal. [To remedy this the sodium-held] admixtures are period-
ically removed by a 20% solution of nitric acid. Accidents also happened when
the main heater and pump blocking system were not connected (the heater was
supplied with 15, 000 amps of current and, when the pump jammed, it burned
instantaneously), as well as due to defects in the construction materials, i. e.,
microcracks, micropores, pealing, etc. Accidents may also be produced by
manufacturing defects, such as low quality of jointwelding; usually these are
discovered during the run-in period.
The cost of developing an experimental loop for heat engineering studies /364
at maximum temperature of 500C can be broken up as follows: 1) design work
7%; 2) cost of construction materials 6%; 3) standard process equipment 18%;
Figure 8, Equipment Layout for a Three-Loop Setup,
1) Cooler; 2) Pump of First Loop; 3 and 8) Cold Oxide Traps; 4) Hot Oxide Trap; 5) Transformer; 6) Mixing
Header; 7) Compensating Tank; 9) Pump of Second Loop; 10) Cooler; 11) Heat Exchanger; 12) Heat; 13) Re-
cuperator; 14) Inter-Loop Heat Exchanger; 15) Test Section; 16) Drain Tank; 17) Cooler Heating System;
Vacuum Pump.
4 ) standard electrical equipment 12%; 5) instrumentation 12%; 6) making non-
standard process equipment 27%; 7) process equipment installation 7%; 8) elec-
trical equipment installation 6%; 9) adjustment of electrical equipment and of
instrumentation 5%.
V.A. Kurov and V. F. Men'shikov
No systematized material on the above topic has been published in the Sov- /364
iet Union. In the publications available [1] and [2], primary attention is paid
to problems of heat transfer and practically no consideration is given to design
and operation of heat exchangers. In the present paper we are considering the
design and operation of heat exchangers for sodium and its alloys [3 ]. These are
primarily coolers (metal-to-water, metal-to-air), interloop heat exchangers, /365
recuperators 1 and mixing devices.
An efficient heat exchanger should satisfy the following requirements:
1) Reliable operation of facilities under all conditions (sometimes with a
changed heat-transfer surface) during the specified time of operation, sufficient
strength safety factor at the given rates of temperature variations (startup and
2) inspection and contaminant removal in shortest time;
3) uniform distribution of heat-transfer agent flow (no stagnation zones,
gas pockets, etc. );
4) is provided with facilities for complete draining of heat transfer agents;
5) is accessible for the necessary quality control on manufacture.
The requirements produced by the physical and chemical properties of the
heat transfer agents are well known [4].
As a rule, the designer is limited by the above requirements. However,
among heat exchangers satisfying these requirements preference is given to
those with the highest efficiency and with lower power consumption for pumping
the liquid metal [5]. The above requirements are satisfied by conformance to
the following conditions.
1. The velocity of the liquid metal in the supply stubs is specified as
equal to (or smaller than) its velocity in the working section of the heat exchanger.
Otherwise it is necessary to make a tapered stub with a taper angle of 15 0 or /366_
to place equalization sections into the inlet chambers, to equalize the flow ve-
locity over the cross section.
2. When the heat transfer agent flows into the intertubular space perpen-
dicular to the tubes a baffle and uniform distribution of the liquid metal over the
inlet cross section are provided.
3. To prevent nonproductive flow of the heat transfer agent, spacers are
provided between the casing and the tube cluster.
4. To increase the rate of heat transfer, baffles are placed in the inter-
tubular space (for flow across the tubes).
5. In order to make the tube cluster more rigid (to eliminate vibrations),
the tubes are spaced by screens, which can serve simultaneously as baffles.
6. When the heat-transfer surfaces are coiled, comb-shaped spacers are
In cooler shown in Fig. 1 is provided with a device for uniformly distri-
buting the flow over the tubes when the inlet angle of the chamber is more than
300 . Experience shows that without use of such devices heat transfer does not
take place over the entire surface. Table 1 lists types of heat exchangers.
Metal-to-Water Coolers
The use of water for cooling the above heat transfer agents involves op-
erating difficulties, but makes it possible to develop a small-size device. The
heat transfer surface always has two air-tight walls (made from tubes of differ-
ent diameter) and an adjustable intermediate space. The latter makes it pos- /368
sible to reduce the thermal stresses in the walls which are particularly high
when water is let into a heated up loop. To ensure acceptable heat transfer co-
efficients the intermediate space is filled by an interlay from an alloy such as
Wood's metal, graphite powder, gas, etc. The intactness of walls is monitored
by changes in pressure in the intermediate space and, in case of a gas interlayer,
also by closing of an electric circuit by the liquid metal which penetrates the wall.
It is practically impossible to adjust the capacity by varying the water flow /369
rate, since the outlet temperature is limited, hence, adjustment is obtained by
changing the surface of heat transfer by the following techniques:
1) Sectioning;
2) Moving the water-shell casing.
3) Changing the level of interlayer. This method is preferable, since it
makes it possible to obtain smooth heat removal in a wide range.
When making such a cooler, particular attention is paid to provisions for
checking the welded seams connecting the tubes to tube headers and of the lat-
ter to the casings. On the basis of operating experience we recommend the use
1 2 } d
+ ` + + + + + + +
2.M/G + I IM
^ M/W + + + +
D /M-Inter-loo p Met -to-metal heat exchan ger's and recu
2) M/G-Metal -air cooler
31 M/W-Metal-water cooler
of heat exchangers shown in Fig. 2 (for a surface of < 1 m 2 ) and in Figs. 1 and
3 (for a surface of > 1 m2).
Figure'3. Metal-to-Water
Figure 2. Metal-to-Water Cooler.
Cooler. 1) Casing; 2) Jacket; 3) Shell;
1) Casing; 2) Support; 3) Metal- 4) Spacer; 5) Drain System;
Carrying Coil; 4) Level Gage; 6) Condenser Jacket; 7) Condenser;
5) Water-Carrying Coil. 8) Inlet (Outlet) Water Chamber.
Metal-to-Air Coolers
The main advantages of metal-to-air heat exchangers as compared with
water cooled apparatus is the ability of adjusting the heat removal within a wide
range and greater operating safety. They can also be modified to provide for
preheating. Their disadvantage is the large size. Use is made of coolers with
surfaces of < 3 m2 and >3m 2 (Fig. 4).
Inter-Loop Metal-to-Metal Heat
Exchangers and Recu erators
While the purpose served by
coolers and interloop heat exchang-
ers is obvious, the inclusion of re-
cuperators in loop arrangements re-
quires some clarification. Recup-
erators are thermal bridges be-
tween the hot and cold branches of
the same loop (Fig. 5), whichmake
it possible to reduce the power con-
sumption in the heater and to pro-
vide, for a given heat-transfer agent
flow rate, the specified maximum
and minimum temperatures in the
loop. If we disregard heat losses
in the loop, then
Figure 6. Baffling Device
Which is a Continuation of
the Casing.
Rigid-design recuperators are usually made in the manner shown in Fig. 9.
Use is also made of recuperators with compensation on the heat-transfer surface
of less than 0 5 m2 (Fig 10) and more than 0.5 m2 (see Fig. 7 and Table 2).
1 2 3 4 5 6
1) Heating the entire volume of the heat transfer agent to the specified
temperature, provided that only a part of the flow, which is heated to a higher
temperature, passes through the heater.
1) Chamber; 2) Casing;
3) Star-Shaped Spacer;
I ^^
4) Tube.
Figure 11. Schematic of a Tubular-Type Mixer,
1) Chamber; 2) Tube Header; 3) Casing;
4) Tube; 5) Chamber.
N. N. Turchin and R. V. Shumski.y
Processes of heat transfer are closely related to the fluid dynamics of the /374
heat transfer agent. The velocity fields are studied experimentally primarily by
means of Pitot tubes and of thermoanemometers. At present these devices can-
not be used in liquid metals. The high electrical conductivity of the latter makes
it [however] possible to determine local velocities by measuring the electric po-
tentials which are generated when the liquid moves in a magnetic field. The fea-
sibility of using the electromagnetic method is clarified in [1-3], which consider
a round tube for which the distribution of potentials in axisymmetric flow was ob-
tained analytically. The experimental data are in good agreement with the calcu-
The present article also presents results of experiments with a round tube,
but it considers a more general case of the motion of a fluid in the annulus formed
by two coaxial tubes with an arbitrary [thermal] conductivity of the walls. It is
assumed that the velocity distribution is axisymmetric [v r = v0 =0, v =V (r)],
and that it does not change in a homogeneous magnetic field which is sufficiently /375
large so that edge effects can be disregarded; the secondary induced field is neg-
ligible. Determination of the potential in some point M (Fig. 1) reduces to solv-
ing the following system of differential equations (the subscripts denote the re-
gion for which the equations are written)
C ta Ui == 0, (la)
i Bor-1 1 sill ,
r2 (2b)
Using the boundary conditions ( equality of potentials and equality of the normal
components of the flux at the interface) and solving simultaneously Eqs. (2), we
can determine the coefficients of these equations. Then the potential field in the
fluid will be expressed as
Un : - B O Sill 0 r -, Ur (11 ;- t o
v 1 '2
-1) r
L l d', ( D3 +1)(1D)
ry r ^
Uo D D . r
i (3)
2 1
() (D l - 1 ) 1 -IL (12/d2 .
D= (D3
d^, 62
D3 --
Ai ( D3 I- 1 ) (Di-i-1)' v3 1 d3 /d;
v0 is the average flow velocity and v is the electrical conductivity of the medium.
The flow rate is determined by the total potential difference measured at the outer
surface of tubes between points a, and b with coordinates r = r 4 , O = 7r/2
2 d3 d- d2
6U3 B ovo (c1 3 -- d2) (4)
d3 6g
a4 (1;
d4/-^ __L 4
d l 1. } 3
SU 1 _.= Bovo(d3t12) d3 l
ul ( (5)
die) v2 1 dz l ] 1 nD '
1 i di di
It is easy to show that, when d 2 = 0, Eq. (4) becomes identical with the expres- /376
sion for a round tube presented in [4].
It is also of interest to present a formula for the flow resistance. In the
case of a passage with conducting walls, electromagnetic forces appear in the
fluid and they slow down the motion. The addition flow resistance which is thus
produced is equal to [5]
grad P = Kcr2voBa,
where the deceleration coefficient for an annular space
(D3-1)-^_^_ ^3 (DI
K = (D3 Ir,
.' 1)(D3-1)-i
Bi 7z 1 i (1 2/d2
vi 1 di/d2
From Eq. (3) we [now] can get an expression for the potential field in a round
pipe in the form
here v is equal to the average velocity in a passage cross section of radius r. /377
The value of C varied from + 1 when o-w = 0 to -1 for Qw
When the tube
size is selected properly, C may become zero (when (T fl = 1 + d3/d4/1 -
- d3 /d4).
Thus the potential at each point is not determined by the local velocity, but
rather by the average velocity in a cross section whose radius is equal to the cur-
rent radius of the point proper. The potential will determine the local velocity
only in a homogeneous velocity distribution. In other cases the local velocities
can be determined on the basis of the diagram of potentials, using Eq. (3). Fig-
ure 2 shows such a diagram for different values of C and Re. In turbulent flow
the potential diagrams [curves] lie close to one another and when the Reynolds
number is varied from - to 10 4 the signal increases on the average by 10-20% /378
depending on the value of C.
The quantity which depends more substantially on the velocity is the poten-
tial gradient (Fig. 3). Differentiating Eq. (6) over the radius, we get
d1', t -
lip Sill (7) [V, V, C 1,01, (7)
where v is the local velocity. The probe for measuring grad U should be pro-
vided with two electrodes situated at a distance of dr << r 0 from one another. Us-
ing this kind of probe it is possible to simultaneously measure the potential dia-
gram and the gradient. Then it is easy to get from Eqs. (6) and (7) that
? _= Bo siii (^ C L
TZ -r- `d V, CVO (8)
Reference [3]presents results of
experiments for measuring the veloc-
ity distribution by both methods. The
electrode was a metal capillary, in-
side which passed an insulated wire,
welded at its end to the capillary. In
this case it is impossible to say with
certainty that the signal measured is
equal to the potential in the fluid point
in contact with the junction. The ve-
locity distribution in a flow of the so-
dium-potassium alloy, flowing in a
stainless steel tube with an inside di-
ameter of 36 mm, was measured by a
probe with two molybdenum wires 0.2
mm in diameter. The electrodes were
soldered to the probe by means of a
glass end piece; the distance between
i 2 them was 0.9 mm (Fig. 4). The mag-
net can be moved along the tube, which
Figure 1. Geometry of Passage. makes it possible to measure the po-
t) Region of the Inner-Tube Wall; tential distribution in the cross section
2) Fluid Region; 3) Region of the at the tube elevation and along the mag-
netic field (Figs. 5 and 6). The poten-
Outer- Tube Wall. tial diagrams obtained in a homogene-
ous magnetic field at Re =7.8.103 , are
shown in Fig. 6b. The experimental
points lie between the curves for the above Reynolds number and for a Reynolds
number going to infinity, respectively. It is difficult to determine the Reynolds
number to which the experimentally obtained potential diagram corresponds. As
can be seen from the figure, the straight line about which the experimental points
are clustered has ahigher slope than the calculated curve for Re = 7.8 . 103 . It can
be concluded from this that either the velocity distribution in the magnetic field /379
has become less steep, or that this effect is due to measurement errors. The
velocity distribution should become reconstructed after entering the magnetic
field by a certain distance.
In the given experiment the potential curves measured in a homogeneous
magnetic field at a distance of 10 r 0 from one another were found to be the same
(the data obtained in the plane with I = 540 are not shown in Fig. 6). The curves
along the magnetic field obtained in other experiments performed for a range of
Reynolds numbers from 3.76 . 103 to 3.04 . 104 and in a range of magnetohydro-
dynamic interaction parameters from 0.36 to 148. Apparently, the flattening
in the velocity distribution, if any, was of the order of magnitude of the experi-
mental error. In addition, as was shown above, the potential curve depends little
on the Reynolds number of turbulent flow. Hence, it is practically very difficult
to use it for determining the shape of the velocity distribution.
Figure 2. Diagrams of Potentials
7 in the Fluid Flow.
---Laminar Flow; -. -. -Re = 7.5.103;
-... - Re = 7.5 . 104 ; Re = oo .
/^ ;r
0 t 0.5 0.75
Figure 3. Diagram of the Poten-
0. 7.5 tial Gradient in the Flow of Fluid.
The Solid Line Pertains to Lami-
nar Flow; the Dash-Dot Line is
0.5 for Re = 7.5 . 103 , and the Dashed
Line is for Re = 7.5. 10 4
Unit !!
^n ----^- --:iii'' : o.w_
-$m - _;+_ - -- - - ----'
0.25 -- 3
200 300 400 500 600 700 l
I O .1_2sp -70
o \ +-1=?10 "40
i a^
J . 0.4 C.3 02 0,1'1
t ^ I I ,
\ I
-- 0,
Ar --- nt7' o,
that also in the present experiments the potential field at the outer wall of the
tube, as well as in the fluid flow proper follows changes in the magnetic field.
Values of Ar
R, gauss 1300 2370 4670 5820 5830 5985 6115 7520 7650 8120
6U, mV 1.5 2.65 5.15 5.76 6.41 6.62 7.05 8.25 8.42 9.2
Ar, mm I 0.42 0.455 0.5 0.54 0.485 0.48 0.465 0.5 0.49 0.49
vo, m/sect 0.121 0.263 0.56 0.667 0.85 1.03 1.09 1.25
RATED AT 120 m3/hour
Ye. M. Avilova, T. V. Doktorova, N. I. Marin
and V.A. Povsten'
The development of a pump for liquid metals with an output of 120 m 3/hour /382
completes the task of designing a series of electromagnetic volute pumps, work
on which was performed for the last several years in the Physics and Power
Institute. 1 The design of this pump is generally similar to that of other pumps
of this series, but differs by a number of features (Fig. 1).
The stator consists of the casing with a stack of iron, assembled from 0.5
mm thick electrical steel sheets, pressed into it. The iron stack has 72 slots
into which are placed a three-phase winding with organic silicon insulation. The
heat is removed from the stator by water flowing in a jacket welded to the cas-
ing. The cooled wedge-shaped copper inserts limit the thermal flow at the pro-
jecting parts of the winding from the liquid-metal side.
The triple-start screw-thread shaped passage for the liquid metal is form-
ed by two welded shells, to the outer of which were welded ribs along a spiral.
The inner shell protects the armature from the liquid metal and serves to close
the magnetic circuit. Guiding devices, consisting of tapered sections and ribs, /383
welded to them along a spiral, are welded to the ends of the shells. The spiral
angle may vary from 30 0 to 900 . These devices serve to smoothly change the
velocity and direction of the liquid metal.
The thermal resistance between the stator and the liquid metal is produced
by an air gap, in which are placed very thin corrugated metal screens, which re-
duce the thermal radiation.
Unlike other pumps of the series, this one is made with an airtight casing, /384
which prevents the liquid metal from penetrating the premises on failure of the
1.5 mm thick outer shell.
The pump was tested with sodium in order to refine its parameters, as
well as to expose and eliminate design shortcomings. The testing setup consist-
ed of a circulating loop, the flow rate of sodium in which was measured by a mag-
netic flow meter, connected to the PSRI-01 secondary instrument, the pressure
was measured by the MEM-3 manometric pickup, connected to the EPVI-14 sec-
ondary instrument, the temperature of the stator winding was determined by
chromel-kopel thermocouples, placed in a capillary from 1Kh18N9T steel
0.8 x 0. 1 mm in diameter. The
pump was thus operated for 2500
hours with sodium at 330C; the
winding temperature here did not
exceed 130C. The permissible
winding temperature for prolonged
operation is 180C. The design
delivery of the pump is 150 m 3 /hour
in which case the sodium flows
through the pump at 10 m/sec,
The tests showed that the pump
operates noiselessly and stably
at deliveries of 40-120 m3/hour.
When the output is increased above
120 m3/hour, i. e. , when the so-
dium velocity is increased to 8 m/
/sec, the pump becomes noisywith
the noise increasing with a further
increase in the delivery rate; the
noise intensity could be reduced
only by increasing the argon pres-
sure in the expansion tank of the
loop. The pump was operated at
its top design speed only for a
short time, with the argon pres-
sure maintained at 0.9-1 kg/cm 2,
but even this could not entirely
eliminate the noise. Prolonged
operation with intensive noise is
undesirable, since the noise is
apparently produced by vibration
Figure 1. General View of Pump. of the thin walls of the metal pas-
sages. This operating mode is /385
1 and 9) Guiding Devices; 2) Screen; 3 and regarded as difficult. The noise
8) Wedge-Shaped Copper Inserts; 4) Arma- can be produced by separation of
ture; 5 and 6) Passage-Forming Shells; the metal stream at the pump in-
7) Stator. let. Consequently, it should be
assumed that 120 m3/hour is the
top delivery rate for this pump.
The pump was also unstable at deliveries of 30-40 m 3/hour. The flow var-
iables of the pump's operation fluctuated. The instability of operation at these
flow rates and, consequently, at high .slip, depends on the instability of electric
contact resistances between the spiral ribs of the passage and the liquid metal,
the effect of which increases with an increase in the slip. When the pump is
first started, and the liquid metal does not as yet sufficiently wet the ribs, an
increase in the electric contact resistance in fact reduces the head. However,
the resistance is reduced appreciably after as little as several hours of opera-
tion. The head developed by the pump increases and remains stable on further
operation (Fig. 2).
As can be seen from Fig. 2a, for a given applied voltage, a reduction in
the liquid-metal flow rate is accompanied by an increase in the head. However,
this also increases the stator current, which, as
is known, depends on the applied voltage, slip
(flow rate) and the electrical conductivity of the
liquid metal. Due to limitations imposed by heat-
ing of the windings, the current cannot exceed 250
amps, hence, the pump can operate with maximum
- - output (Q x H)max at different flow rates only when
it is supplied through a voltage regulator. Figure
sco 3 shows the dependence of the output on the flow
o rate at maximum current of 250 amps and at450C.
This characteristic makes it possible to establish /386
optimal operating mode for the pump. For the a-
a 400 --- - bove sodium temperature the pump has the great-
est output for a flow rate of 115 m 3 /hour, the head
then being 5.2 kg/cm 2 . The power consumption
200 at maximum output is 97 kw, the voltage is 350V,
50 100 Q,M 3 /h, efficiency 17.5%a and the power factor is 0.64.
Figure 3. Delivery as a The fact that the characteristics depend on
Function of Sodium Flow the sodium temperature is due to changes in its
Rate at 250 amps and So- electrical conductivity. When the latter increase,
dium Temperature of 720 the stator current must be limited by lowering the
50 100 0, m3/hr
Figure 4. Head as a Function
of the Flow Rate at 250 amps
and Different Sodium
Ye, M. Avilova, Ye. L. Ivanter, N. I. Marin and V. A. Povsten'
The 200 watt flow section heater, which is a nichrome-wire spiral placed
in a ceramic holder, is used to compensate for the temperature reduction of the
liquid metal flowing through the pump.
The pump was tested at a stand using an In-Ga-Sn alloy with specific weight
of 6.5 grams/ cm3 and electric resistivity of 30 . 10-6 ohm-cm. The relationships
shown in Figs. 2 and 3 were obtained at liquid metal temperatures of 20C,
After testing the pump was installed in a small loop in which it circulated
an alloy of the same composition.
x ^^s
e t x
0 0
X xx
4 x X
0 100 200 300 ,7,1
N. N. Aristarkhov, Yu. Ye. Bagdasarov, Yu. L. Kulikov,
Ye. N. Larin, M. S. Pinkhasik, A. A. Rineyskiy
and B.S. Tymosh
A major problem in designing a sodium pump is the selection of the pump /390
bearing. Although it is pointed out in [1] that in a cold-trap equipped loop it is
possible to use ordinary roller and ball bearings, such pumps are not available
at present. This may be in part due to difficulties in selecting materials, as
well as due to the fact that the liquid metal, despite the use of filters, may con-
tain a large quantity of oxides, which has a detrimental effect on the operation of
rolling-contact bearings.
Hydrodynamic as well as hydrostatic bearings can be used for work with so-
dium. The difference between them consists in the manner in which pressure is
obtained in the carrying layer of the fluid. In a hydrodynamic bearing the lift in
the layer dividing the rubbing surface is produced by the fluid captured by the ro-
tating shaft and delivered into the radial clearance. The required shaft lift is
produced on certain combinations of the clearance size, shaft rpm and fluid vis-
cosity. Due to the low viscosity of sodium, the hydrodynamic bearings must be
made with very small clearances, and if the sodium contains solid particles (for /391
example, oxides), then this may result in failure of the bearings, which was ac-
tually observed [2].
In the hydrostatic bearing the external load is produced by the fluid pres-
sure in the bearing layer and may be made independent of the shaft rpm by sup-
plying the fluid by an auxiliary pump. These bearings are extensively used in the
chemical industry [3]. They also operate in fluids with poor lubricating proper-
ties and containing solid particles. The clearance of such a bearing is selected
upon due consideration of the size of the solid particles and the expected opera-
tional eccentricity of the pump shaft. By the method of fluid supply to the bearing
chambers hydrostatic bearings are divided into throttle- and slot-type. The op-
erating principle for any of these two types consists in the following: when the
shaft is deflected by unbalanced forces, the pressure in the chambers to which /392
the shaft has come closer increases and that in the oppositely-located chambers
decreases, thus producing a restoring force which returns the shaft to the initial
position. Thus, the rubbing surfaces in these bearings are separated by the lay-
er of fluid. The operating principle of an elementary hydrostatic bearing is shown
in Fig. 1.
Attempts due to use a throttling hydrostatic bearing in sodium pumps did
not produce positive results. The throttling hole' s were plugged up by oxides
and the bearing just became a simple sliding-contact bearing. After obtaining
negative results with three throttling hydrostatic bearings, we have decided that /393
they should not be used, at least in moderate-delivery pumps (up to 200 m3/hour).
A slot-type hydrostatic bear-
ing is shown in Fig. 2. The fluid
from the pump flows through slots
between the shaft and the sleeve in-
to holes, from which it is directed
into oppositely-situated chambers
through spiral passages. The pres-
sure in the bearing's chambers var-
ies according to changes in the inlet
and outlet clearances. Thus, for
example, when the shaft moves to
the right, the pressure in the right
chamber increases not only due to
reduction in clearance 7, at the out-
let of this chamber, but also due to
increase in the size of clearance 1
at the inlet of this chamber. Here
the pressure in the left carrying
chamber is reduced with an increase
- in clearance 3 at its outlet and
3 to reduction in clearance 9 at the in-
let into the opposite opening. Since
i during operation the clearances at
the inlet and outlet increase simul-
tanously, the relationship between
throttling of the fluid at the inlet and
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of a Throt- outlet, as well as the carrying capa-
tling Hydrostatic Bearing, Where 1, 2, city of the bearing, remain unchanged,
3 and 4 are the Lift-Producing Chambers. Consequently, the rate of flow of the
fluid to the bearing will increase with
increased wear of the journals. Di-
rect flow of fluid between the carry-
ing and regulating chambers is prevented by an annular groove, which is located
between these chambers and which is connected to the low-pressure chamber by
special holes. The slot-type bearing has still another property for operationwith
alkaline metals. Unlike the throttling bearing, almost the entire pressure drop
in the slot-type bearing takes place in the clearance between the stationary sleeve
of the bearing and the rotating sleeve, which appreciably reduces the danger of
stopping up this clearance by oxides. The flow cross sections of holes for inter-
nal supply of the liquid metal to the carrying chambers may be quite large. The
conditions of operation of the rubbing pairs in liquid metals are those of a com-
bined effect of the load, high temperature and medium. When the sodium contains
oxygen, metallic compounds may form with materials which can result in failure
of the surface layer.
The operating conditions of a hydrostatic bearing become much more com-
plicated when sodium is supplied to it from the delivery line of its pump. In this
case on starting, stopping and when operating at low pump rpm, the bearing will
operate with dry or semidry friction. This circumstance presents strict require-
ments to materials from which the rubbing pairs of bearings are made. At pres-
ent there is no single approach to selection of these materials, due to lack of
Sec. AA
sufficient experimental data. Some
preliminary data on the operating
endurance of rubbing-pair materials
were obtained using laboratory pumps
[2]. It was established that the serv-
ice life of an RF-1 steel - beryllium
bronze pair is reduced sharply when
the temperature of the pumped metal
is increased to 400C. Cast iron
paired with RF-1 steel failed at tem-
peratures of 200-400 C. A pair
made of RF-1 steel - EI-229 steel
operated for about 300 hours at liq- /394
uid-metal temperature of 400C.
Some recommendations on the selec-
tion of rubbing-pair materials are
presented in [4].
Below are presented experi-
mentally obtained data on the oper-
ating endurance of a hydrostatic
bearing with self-reversing slot
throttling for different oxygen con-
tents of the sodium, shaft rpm and
sodium temperatures (table). The
Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of a Hy- experiments were performed at an
drostatic Bearing With Mutually Rever- experimental setup (Fig. 3).
sible Slot Throttling.
1 and 9) Sodium Passages of Bearings; The hydrostatic bearing was
2 and 8) Radial Sodium-Supply Passages; placed on a pump (Fig. 4), which
3 and 7) Discharge Clearances; 4) Spiral was driven by an electric motor
Passages for Leading Sodium in the Carry- rated at 36 kW. The motor has three
ing Chambers; 5) Carrying Chambers of Findings, thus providing three steps
Bearing; 6) Pump Shaft. of rpm adjustment. The pump and
motor shafts were coupled by a slid-
ing adapter, while the torque is
transmitted by a spline. The com-
posite shaft thus produced has two ball bearings and one (lower) hydrostatic bear-
ing, with the liquid sodium supplied to it from the delivery line of the pump along
a pipe provided by a magnetic flowmeter.
The design of the bearing is shown schematically in Fig. 2. It is made
from Kh18 steel, the shaft is made from 4Kh13 steel with a nominal shaft diam-
eter of 55 mm, bearing clearance of 0.35 mm and 12 carrying chambers. The
bearing and shaft were heat treated as follows: heating to 650C, hardening with
final heating in salt bath to 1020C and oil-bath cooling to 290C, temper harden-
ing at 290C and air cooling. The hardness of working surfaces after heat treat-
ment was 52-55 RH.
In the process of tests the operation of the bearing was monitored on the /395
basis of flow rate of sodium through it, by the power consumption of the pump,
Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of a Pump Stand.
1) Pump with an Output of up to 150 m 3/hour and Pressure of 3 kg/cm2;
2) Main Loop; 3) Oxide Indicator; 4) Cold Trap.
Characteristics of Various Stages of the Study
O.i^3 I
TABLE Concluded
Radial wear of working journals Radial wear of working journals
of the shaft, mm of the bearing
1 I 2 I 3 I 4 ( 5 1 I 2 I 3 I /i I 5
0.015 0.035 0.04 0.005 0.0/1 0.0/13 0.015 0.006 0.013 0.001
10.0851 0.01251 0.025 1 0.03 I 0.025 1 0.0.48 I 0.026 1 0.031 1 0.015 1 0.001
0.0351 0.09 1 0.44 1 0.07 1 0.04 1 M14 1 0.504 1 0.051 1 O.OS 1 0.022
0.01 1 0.08 1 0.02 1 0.07 1 0.02 1 0.23 1 0.23 F 0.262 1 0.204 1 0.164
Figure 4. Pump With a Hydrostatic Bearing (the Upper Part of
the Electric Motor is Not Shown) .
1) Center Ball Bearing; 2) Polyfluoroethylene Packing; 3) Pump
Shaft; 4) Sodium-Supply Lines to the Bearing; 5) Hydrostatic
Bearing; 6) Impeller; 7) Delivery Pipe.
mode from 5 to 6 kg/cm2 as compared with the nominal pressure, should have
aided in improving the operating conditions for the bearing. Upon analysis we
have arrived at the following hypothesis. It is possible that, when the rate of
flow of sodium through the bearing is increased, it loses its vibration stability,
and this in turn, breaks down the continuity of the fluid film and the shaft comes
into [direct] contact with the bearing. It is probable that a region exists in which
the bearing operates properly. We have also considered another case: short-
duration operation of the bearing without sodium supply through it (the sodium
supply lines to the bearing were "frozen"), also with the pump delivery flap
closed. The bearing operated without ambient noise. At the first stage the pump
was started up and operated for 5-10 sec six tidies without supplying sodium to
the bearing. External inspection of the rubbing pairs after 1100 hours of oper-
ation showed that their surface was smooth without scratches. The shaft was /398
worn concentrically at all the working journals, the bearing also increased; here
the wear of the latter was eccentric relative to the center lines. Figure 5 shows
characteristics of the pump, measured at the start and end of the first test stage.
The flow rate of sodium through the bearing increased toward the end of the tests,
which is due to the increased clearances through which the sodium flowed, pro-
duced by wear. The pump characteristic did not change after the 1100 hours of
operation. The radial wear of the rubbing pairs of the bearing for this and all
the subsequent stages is presented in the table.
The second stage consisting in study of operating endurance of the bearing
on cyclical stops and starts. The cycles were repeated after 60 minutes. The
pump was started up 1-4 minutes after stopping. It was noted that after each
start the flow rate of sodium through the bearing was first somewhat higher than
before stopping and, over 10-15 minutes it gradually took on a value close to the
initial magnitude (Fig. 6). The rate of flow of sodium through the bearing in-
creased from cycle to cycle. No defects, except for wear of working surfaces
was discovered when the bearing was dismantled.
The third stage consisted in the study of operating endurance of the bear-
ing at 1/3 of the nominal shaft rpm. It should be noted that the bearing was de-
signed for apressure of 5 kg/cm2 , hence, the results of this stage should be re-
garded as qualitative [only].
;9 4)
w ^ Vl
0 20 ^0 60 80 i00 i20 140
Pump delivery, m3/hr
After the pump was started up, /400
the bearing operated smoothly, with-
t out ambient noise. The electric sys-
v 7 -
tem for heating the outer part of the
1 I
sodium supply lines to the bearing op-
^ s erated unsatisfactorily. After 24 hours
the temperature on the outer part of the
M pipe dropped to 140C and flow of so-
w ^" dium through the bearing ceased (Fig.
4 7). Reheating the entire system to
0 3 470C and starting the pump did not
w yield satisfactory results - sodium
^ L did not flow through the bearing. It
was discovered on disassembling
the pump that the sodium supply lines
to the bearing were chocked by oxides.
3 12 16 20 2^ 29 External inspection and blow down
Time, min. by gas showed that the inner sodium
communications holes in the bear-
Figure 6. Rate of Flow of Sodium ing are free of sodium compounds.
Through a Hydrostatic Bearing on No wear of rubbing pairs was ob-
Starting and Stopping. served during this time (Fig. 8).
Inspection of the bearing after op-
eration at reduced shaft rpm show-
ed that the surface of the rubbing
pairs is smooth without scratches
or dents.
At the fourth stage we have investigated the operating endurance of the bear-
ing at sodium temperatures of 530-550C in order to determine the durability of the
rubbing pairs of the bearing. Comparison of the bearing characteristics obtained
at the start and end of this state (Fig. 9) shows that the rate of flow of sodium
through the bearing decreased toward the end of this stage. After the pump was
disassembled we have discovered, in addition to additional wear, also metal peel-
ing. Some holes for supplying sodium to the carrying chambers were partially
covered over by local galling of steel. No peeling or visible workhardening were
observed. It is possible that the plugging up of holes by galling is responsible
for reducing the flow of sodium through the bearing. Control checks of the shaft /401
wear showed that part of the shaft situated outside the bearing, as well as jour-
nals situated in the bearing sleeve had their diameter increased from 54.78 to
54.90 mm, Metallographic analysis showed that the shaft hardness dropped from
55 and 36 RH. Changes in the shaft diameter are due to structural transforma-
tions in the steel. The high shaft wear at this stage is apparently attributable
to the reduction in the steel hardness. No corrosion interaction between the
metal and the liquid sodium was observed (Fig. 10).
When the bearing operates at low rpm the wear of rubbing pairs is at max-
imum. We note that the conditions under which the bearing operates at this stage
are very difficult (the pump pressure dropped nine-fold and reached 0.6 kg/cm 2).
Under these conditions the continuity of the fluid film preventing the rubbing pairs
2,4 ,40
280 '
m F
d ^^
'^ a
O.t 760
0 4 8 12 16
Time, hr
.F J. J
v 1
^ Y i..
n 00
F 0,7 Cd
Figure 8 Characteristics of the
^3 k
?s Pump and Hydrostatic Bearing at
ti the 3rd Test Stage,
0 0'S 1) Pump Pressure; 2) Rate of Flow
0 2
0 4 w of Sodium through the Bearing.
0 10 20 30 40 50 00
Pump delivery, m3/hr
from direct contact may be disturbed. In addition, the bearing is divided into 12
chambers, which practically prevents the formation of a fluid wedge when the
bearing ceases to operate as a hydrostatic bearing,
e^ d
xi W
Figure 9. Bearing Char-
acteristics at the 4th Stage.
N 1) Pump Pressure; 2) Rate
a of Flow of Sodium through
b c>+ the Bearing at Start of Tests;
3) Same as Above at End of
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Pump delivery, m3/hr
Our studies should be regarded as qualitative, since the wear could have
been affected by the frequent disassembly and assembly of the bearing. Addi-
tional experiments are needed to finally establish the character of wear of the
rubbing pairs and the effect of the bearing's design on the magnitude of wear.
It can, however, be concluded on the basis of our experiments that the operat-
ing endurance of a slot-type hydrostatic bearing in sodium pumps is satisfac-
tory. The rubbing pairs we have used can be used in hydrostatic bearings for
liquid-sodium temperatures of up to 400C.
2. Kirillov, P. L., et al.: Atomnaya energiya, 7, Issue 1 (1959).
3. Chernousov, N. P.: Novyye konstruktsii germeticheskikh khimiko-tekhno-
logicheskikh mashin [New Designs of Leakproof Machines for the Chemical
Industry]. Kimicheskoye mashinostroyeniye, No. 1 (1959).
4. Reactor Handbook, v. IV. Engineering. N.Y. Interscience publishers, 1964.
N. L. Loginov
Figure 1. Design of Pickup and its Installa-
tion on an Operating Pipeline.
1) Magnet-Fastening Pin; 2) Magnet; 3) Holder;
4) Single-Piece Turned Casing; 5) Pin; 6) Nut;
7 and 8) Asbestos-Cement Insert.
at distances of more than 50 mm will not appreciably affect the pickup's sensitiv-
ity. Consequently, it can be calibrated on pipelines about 100 mm in diameter,
which can be done using laboratory liquid-metal setups.
V. M. Selivanov, N. M. Trebina and V. I. Sharypin
Melting and solidification of metals is accompanied by changes in their /406
state of aggregation, which has a perceptible effect on the temperature field and
on the melting time of the metal. The melting time of metals cannot be deter-
mined analytically since the surface at which melting takes place changes posi-
tion. This problem was solved by various methods in [1-7]. Dusinb.erre [6]
and Eyres [7] have proposed a method for solving this problem using an analog
computer. Baxter [3], who resorted to this technique, has generalized results
on the melting of bodies with an initial temperature equal to the melting temper-
ature for boundary conditions of the 1st and 3rd kinds. The present paper pre-
sents generalizing results for the melting of cylindrical volumes with an initial
temperature different from the melting temperature for different heat-transfer
conditions at the metal surface (boundary conditions of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd kinds).
Statement of Problem
It is required to describe the process of melting,of a cylindrical bodywith
specified thermophysical parameters and initial temperature t 0. The following
are the assumptions made:
1) the material is a pure substance, i. e., melting takes place at a single
specific temperature;
2) the density of the substance does vary on changes in the state of
3) no heat is lost from the ends of cylinders;
4) the thermophysical properties of both phases (liquid and solid) are the
same and do not depend on the temperature.
to describe the temperature field of the cylinder by two /407
equations ( one for each phase). We now write an equa-
tion for the thermal conductivity for a cylinder of infin-
ite length with constant physical properties
In order that Eq. (1) be applicable in the entire region 0 _< r:5 r 0 it is necessary
to make allowances for the fact that, in the process of reaching the melting tem-
perature, the heat supplied is expended not only for heating up, but also for melt-
ing. This can be done by supplementing Eq. (1) by the expression
E +0
hin c alt = c dt (4)
E-O _ E _0
After substitution of new variables into Eq. (1) and reducing it to the dimension-
less form, we get
The relationship between the dimensionless parameters is shown in Fig. 2. Let
us now consider the case of J* and t*. From the mathematical point of view it
is immaterial how this relationship will be plotted in coordinates t* (J*). On
practical considerations this is done in the manner shown in Fig. 2a. This po-
sition of the zero point makes it possible to solve Eq. (5) on an analog computer
at tml = 0 for melting and solidification, which follows from the relationships ob-
tained for the dimensionless temperature and enthalpy. The slope in the positive
quadrant, which is unity, appreciably facilitates analysis of data obtained from
temperature fields in the melting body, since [then] J* = t*. In Fig. 2a the en-
thalpy J* _ -1 attendant to melting corresponds to the solid phase at the melting
temperature, while J* = 0 corresponds to the liquid phase at the same tempera- /408
tures. The intermediate values of J* correspond to a two-phase system and show
the part devolved upon the solid phase. If J* > 0, then the liquid phase is super-
heated relative to the melting temperature. Similar considerations can be pre-
sented by analyzing the graphical relationships (h*(J*) and (;)*(t*) (see Figs. 2b
and 2c) To solve Eq. (5) on an analog computer it is necessary to [first] obtain
from it a difference-differential equation. In the case of a cylinder it is most
expedient to divide the radius into equal segments relative to r* 2 , so that each
layer so cut out would have the same energy store. Substituting Z* = r* 2 into
Eq. (5) and replacing the variables of the complex function, we get
diM 2rz[(2i=, 1)r1^21i-4i71^2- i (2i-1)^-i]
For i-=n
a) boundary conditions of the 1st kind
(P * = t* _ t*.
n C -- 11
b) of the 2nd kind
d.ln 80
(0*n-1 71 (L* L i / 2n 1
1))'. K*;
c) of the 3rd kind
d^n.._8n2((I,n- 1(I,)-2(2n 1)-Bi(tnt*).
a b c
0. The melting time is found from
0.04 0,080,7 0.2 0.4 2 3 4 56 8 70 20 K"
C* - 1p
Figure 3. Nomogram for Calculating the i'nl - a
Melting Time for Cylindrical Volumes
Heated by a Constant Thermal Flux. The nomograms of Figs. 4
serve to calculate the melting
times for cylinders for boundary
conditions of the 1st and 3rd
kinds. Each nomogram is constructed for specific boundary conditions. When
Bi = - (boundary conditions of the 1st kind) it is necessary to assume that the
surface temperature is is equal to the temperature of the medium tm. The nomo-
grams shown in Figs. 3 and 4 can be used to determine the time for melting cy-
lindrical volumes of substances in which the initial enthalpy is
J* C(io tml)
-1 i 3.
{-^A i
"Hi-L I I I
0.0^ L^-r^ 9, 7 4^ 2 i7.4 iV !'S 2 0.7 0.2 OW,sVIO 2 3 te'
t' =Fi
ti I
r0 - radius of cylinder
t melting temperature, OC
ml -
is - surface temperature, C /411
r )lt
rp P
V.a.v P
(IT ttrp
At present much attention is given to the development of shaft packings. /411
Experiments have shown that frozen sodium seals in combination with a special
packing gland can compete with bellows- and membrane-type packings, and in
some cases have certain advantages over them. The main advantage of these
packings is the unlimited height of rise and the feasibility of use with any
shaft, rod, etc., diameter. The leak through this kind of seal is exceedingly
small, only about 2-3 grams per day in a rotating shaft, When used with a valve,
flap, etc., rod no leakage is observed at all [l, 2].
To obtain approximate values of the torque and axial load in these seals it
is nedessary to solve the problem of deformations and stresses in a pliable an-
nular layer, included between two rigid cylindrical surfaces. In addition, one /412
must know the mechanical properties of the packing material at operating tem-
peratures. To obtain these data we have made a special device which can be
used to test sodium specimens at different temperatures. The tests were per-
formed on a UM-1800 machine with variable rate of stress application. The
characteristics of the mechanical properties of sodiumwhich were obtained can
be used to determine the expected torque for a rotating shaft, as well as the
shearing force for the case of a sliding shaft (rod).
Geometric relationships
_ ou r _ u r _
sz Buz
^Z 0 ' (2)
aue uo
}'r6 =
ar r (2a)
Physical relationships
[ 6r E^ (^z^ -6 0)^, ^0 = 1, [ 6 0 ^ L (^z-I-^r)^r
z= G [ CF z I t ( 9, +(50)], (3)
Yr == G (3a)
where , E and G is Poisson's ratio, Young's modulus and the modulus of rigidity.
We must satisfy the boundary conditions
_ l^t
r ---a, U. 0' T r E) = ti
2rca 2l ' (4)
The solution of system of Eqs. (1)-(3) is known, [3]
6r =B-^ ; UO = B 2 ; 1
6Z = 2E0; T ro = 2 ;
ZZr == 1 [B(1-2[,)r ri,
(the bar denotes components of the elastic stage). Satisfying boundary conditions
(4) and (5), we get
TO ra2 ,a2 P \ . 7)
T re = i2 ' Yr0 = d
r2 e u0 =
2G62 r r /)
The remaining components are zero. The angle of rotation of the rod is
_ u0(a) __ D1 a2 1
a ^irtGa2l C G2 ) (8)
The elastic deformation terminates by appearance of plastic strain near the rod /414
surface, when the von Misses yield criterion is satisfied
X _ 1T1
is the total tangential stress; t is the yield strength of the material of the pack-
ing at the given temperature. The torque for which plastic strain starts is
-. 2 . > (11)
1 2
Tr===2 C b2 1) (12)
The elastoplastic stage of strain in the packing. If the material of the pack-
ing can be workhardened, then there appears a certain zone of plastic deforma-
tions a r <_ c, alongside with the elastic zone c < r - b, which is retained. This
zone continues to be described by Eqs. (6), while Eqs. (1), (la), (2) and (2a) re-
main valid in the plastic zone, while the physical relationships, according to the
theory of small elastoplastic deformations, have the form [4):
a) condition of incompressibility of the material
Er-=Ey--E,= 0; (13)
EiE _ ^;
Gi Gj ZTIj (` ' --r ' z ' (14)
1 =KN", (15)
N=2.1ftzb,and r --Ra,
where M is the moment twisting the tube, R, 6 and a are the average radius, /415
thickness and the angle of twist per unit length of the tube, respectively (Fig. 2).
It is also required that components o- r, Tro, U and u0 at the boundary between
regions r and c be continuous. Solving Eq. (la) and satisfying boundary condi-
tion (4), we get for the plastic region
ti3O_rz (17 )
IGr == FO = E r = 0. (18)
from which, together with Eq. (14) it follows that a-r =0-01 and further from Eq.
(1) we have
6r -.: 6e = az =- B 1 . (19)
From the above expression and from Eqs, (10), (16) and (18) we have
c=a V
du e 118 Ka2nt7L
r2n 1
dr r
Ka 2ntn
it = 2nr
+ Dir. (22)
Using Eq. ( 5) and the condition that the components are continuous at boundary
r = c, we will get for the components of the elastic region the same expressions
(7), while for the plastic region
6r=66=6z =0,
i[ =
Ln C S T pen)
n a'- n tae T1,U2
^' + 2G y2 7', (23)
K n _ 11f It 1 1 11f
2,a [ i T 2 l) n
(2Za 1 + 2 G ` 2901 ^ T ) ' (24)
If c = b, then the plastic region extends over the entire packing, in which case /416
the rod is loaded by the moment
In the case of a packing made from an ideal elastoplastic material [see Fig. 2
(dashed line)], it fails at M T such that an annular plastic hinge is formed on the
rod surface and its further twist proceeds without an increase in the moment
[see Fig. 4 (horizontal line)],
Plastic deformation of the packing. Application to the rod of moment M > M0
results in further development of plastic deformations over the entire cross section
of the packing. This stage of deformation may take place quite a long time, hence,
in addition to instantaneous strain, one also must take into account creep strain.
We now consider this stage of deformation, using the following relationships be-
tween the stresses and the rates of strain[ 5 -61
a) conditions of elastic change in the volume
r b) conditions of similititude and coaxiality
N of stress deviators and of rates of plastic and
creep strains
z, I
O ,
1 j 2rij ' c Z -aj 2rlj 28
where I'p = ^ Hp dt is defined as an integral taken over the entire straining path,
of the intensity of the plastic shear strain rate
lip _ V 2 _ (sr) z {- ( y)'` -!- ( Z) 2 { 2 L(jj O)2 -{- (i^ o) L { (^^ Z) L] , (31)
H;:K,W.NI", (32)
where Kc ( t) and m are some time function and a coefficient, which are determin-
ed experimentally. The value of He is defined by a relationship similar to (31),
but the creep strain rates ^c and 71c are used instead. We now write the known
relationships between the rates of strain, components of the rates of displacement
and the displacements
av vr.
E =- r
ar ' 0 r '
SZ = az ' (33)
aV VO 0
TIrO= Or r-' (33a)
V dur Fl u O
at ,
r V _
O -- dt
-- dt ' (33b)
the equilibrium Eqs. (1) and (la) are now written for the current coordinates (r,
O, z) of points of the packing. Boundary conditions (4) and (5) remain the same.
Solving Eq. (la) with boundary condition (4) yields
T rO = r2 T (t), (34)
where T(t) = M(t)/2?ra2 1 and M(t) is a function of time (Fig. 3). Due to the fact
that deformation in the axial direction is constrained and that the material of
the packing is [was assumed to be] incompressible, we can use Eqs. (4) and (5)
to write
Vr=V== ^r= tSO=^-- 0.
Usings Eqs. (1), (10), (28), (29) and (36) we cpxi show that
From the above and fin Eqs, (27) and (28) we get
M is e.,
2 ,3
HP _ Jj e^ f^` _ 7Ire (39)
/ /^
av e vo
I ^i I H" (r , 1) H`
Figure 3. Change in the Moment solving which together with Eq. (5),
Twisting the Rod with Respect to we get
Time for Different Loading Rates
V 1 > V2 > V3 (1, 2 and 3,
Respectively). ^. r NF (.r, t> u',r.
r He (-L' t) dx.
b r r
b (40)
^'6(r, J) dy,
here integration is performed over the entire loadiim path from t = 0 to some t.
Using Eqs. (40) and (41) and making use of the fact that is constant in time,
we write
r I r t
tzr cxx
Ili (x, y) dy,
uo ==I' II'' ( x , J) (ly r lm1
h 0 b 0
ue===- 2ar 2n-1 1
r-1L 1 a 2m l ('
r 2111 T
b2m ( y ) Kc( y ) dy. (43)
b ' n / 277Lr`Lnt-1 C1 J J
The first term in the last expression defines the contribution to the rod's angle /419
of twist by instantaneous strains and does not depend on the manner in which the
twisting moment varies with time. The second term defines the contribution
made by creep and depends on the manner in which moment M(t) changes with
time. Consequently, the relationship co - M in the given case is not unique for
different M(t) (Figs. 3 and 4).
We now consider the elastic and elastoplastic stage of loading, without con-
sideration of creep strain. Making use of the axial symmetry and the large length
of the rod, all the components away from the ends can be regarded as functions of
r only, in which case y r, = y ze = uO = 0.
Elastic stage of load application to rod. To solve this problem we use the
equilibrium Eq. (1) and the equation
i9rrZ r rz _
Fr r ^' (45)
Yrz = Or (46)
9r ^Po 9
Figure 4. The Moment Twisting the Rod as
a Function of the Latter's Angle of Twist;
Curves 1, 2 and 3 Correspond to Different
Rates of Changes in Moment M of Fig. 3.
'Vrz = Gz . (47)
r= a, u r = 01 T rz = T = 2n
it ' (48)
r = b, u r = uz 0. (49)
T rz == r (50)
Using the above expression and Eqs. (46) and (47), making use in the process of
Eq. (49), we get
rc z -- G
In r
ir r = lr-;=b .r,
i Cr
8 8 =A+B1r 2 , - -A---$lr2,
it y
(a) -= 2 1G 1n a (54)
Pr = 2:tal-t T . (55)
S T = tT a In b .
Equation (50) remains valid for the plastic region. 'Using Eqs. (2) and (13),
we get
up =A' r + P9 = 8r =`^' 2 r ( 57 )
Satisfying the continuity condition and the boundary conditions for component u r, /421
we get that A l =A = B = 0, i.e.,
N- -r r,- (59)
T T (60)
Using Eqs. (15), (46), (50), (58) and (59), we get the expression
Z Iit"rz'ti
_^^, _ ,_ _ ran
solving which together with the condition that u is continuous.at the boundary of
the plastic zone yields
IiTq. Jill , T P 2."-TWYT
it, (a) _- 111 I, . (62).
2.TI (11 "1) (ZZatcq.) ,a - i l ZZ1G
Plastic strain proceeds over the entire cross section of the pacldng (c = b) at
the load
Po _ 2jTbIT T, (63)
the displacement of the rod attendant to this
-- 7L^T 1 l_ \ a ) n 1-1 (64)
11rz ='9V' (65)
solving the above equation together with boundary condition (48), we get /422
T rz = ti (t),
P (c)
(t) 2nat ' (66)
^: = gi = 0, (i = r; 0, z), (69)
Hp = TIP 9 He = rlr: (70)
OV t) HO (r,
ar z = H P (r, + t),
r r
V z = Hp (x, t) dx+ ^ H` (x, t) dx.
b b
In general,
VZ = dt
Buz Buz dr auz d9 + 8uz dz
at + ar at + a dt az dt
dr dz auz
u z = u z (r, t), T
o dt = di 8z ,, = 0'
i, e. , vz = auz/at, whence
r t r t
U., = dx
H' (x, y) dy + dx Ho (x, y) dy,
b 0 If 0
where Hp (x, y)dy = P p is the plastic deformation accumulated over the entire
straining path from t = 0 to t. Using Eqs. (15), (32), (66) and (68) for sufficient- /423
ly developed deformations, we get
.^ a"T" t Ln-t \ am
uz = (n-1)6 11 - 1 C rn - ! ^mlq) tfm_1 X
vm -1 I 1
The axial displacement of the rod
The first term here represents the contribution of instantaneous strains, while
the second accounts for the creep strain and depends highly on the manner in
which force P varies with time. Figures 5 and 6 show curves of P as a function
of time and the corresponding 6 - P curves.
r I o
//,00. . Po
t o PT
Figure 7. A Tensile Sodium Specimen.
1) Sodium; 2) Pull rod; 3) Aluminum End Piece of the Spec-
imen (Design Length of Specimen 1 0 = 100 mm; Design Dia-
meter d0 = 22 mm).
failure, while the cross section of a round cast sodium specimen loaded above
the ultimate strength changes, taking on outlines which are not uniform over
the test length of the specimen (Fig. 12).
The methods for calculation require that the experimental results be plotted
and used in the form of S - 'I' load diagrams (where S is the true stress and T is-
the relative narrowing down [necking down]). However, it can be seen from our
description of the experiment that it is impossible to obtain such a diagram for
the segment starting with the ultimate strength and continuing to the point of fail-
ure. Hence, to constructthe N(r) diagram the initial segment of the stress -
strain diagram in the above coordinates was approximated by a power law ex-
tended past the ultimate strength [segment], [6] and [7]. In addition, calcula-
tions were performed on the assumption that past the ultimate strength point the
material of the packing is workhardened insignificantly and its stress-deformation
Figure 8. Schematic of Setup for Tensile Testing of
Sodium Specimens.
1) Electronic Potentiometer; 2) Liquid Bath; 3) Dyna-
mometer; 4) Thermometer; 5) Specimen; 6) Thermo-
stat; 7) Motor; 8) Reducing Gear; 9) Pickup Selsyn.
N C7
^' 4 O
H v
^ 2 N
0 20 40 60 80 T, C
ti I 'e=72Y 1
^' _. I Q6
Li J^
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Deformation, mm
zTy .
N, kga USS
Using data obtained in ten-
/cm2 sile tests of sodium one must
take into account the increase in
the resistance to straining at de-
formation rates higher than those
used in these tests.
Below we present calcula-
NB 20 0,6 tion of moving forces using a
stress - strain curve for sodium
obtained at T =14 C and s =7.2
n, hoar -1. The most accurate dia-
i grams can be obtained in torsion
iYB 76 2 - __
tests of thin-walled tubular spec-
imens tested at load rates close
0 0.08 0.16 0.24 r to those encountered in practice.
A special facility is being design-
Figure 13. Stress-Strain Diagrams for So- ed for this purpose.
dium for Different Temperatures
and Loading Rates
Results of c alculations. /428
Analysis of stress - strain curves
of the material of the packing ob-
tained in tensile tests at 14 C yields the following constant of the yield curve in
Eq. (15)
h 1.509 . 10 (cm 2 /kg) n 11.85.
If it is assumed that the material of the seal is not workhardened past the /429
ultimate strength > r (see Fig. 13), then the ultimate twisting moment and
axial force can be found as
:lfmax -._ 2^-(rt2 1Xb , P 21jaIA'
where N is tangential stress at the instant when the cylindrical specimen ceases
to yield in an orderly manner. For sodium at 14C we have N,o = 2.75 kg/cm2.
Calculations yield Mmax = 750 kg-cm, Pmax = 560 kg. Figures 14 and 15 show
the twisting moment as a function of the angle of twist of the shaft and the axial
force as a function of the rod's displacement.
4P 5s y 2
Substituting the appropriate /430
numerical values, we get
\ 'S jQ t0
^1',s1) i 1 it ::1 ti '3.1 i i 1()- 2
10 1.7. 10 M.
Thus, the thickness of the film of liquid sodium in the clearance between the hous-
ing and the shaft is about 15-20 micromicrons. This calculation should be regarded
as a qualitative estimate.
The power lost in fluid friction does not exceed 11/o, by absolute magnitude,
of the power needed for pumping the metal and depends primarily on the pump
shaft rpm This relationship, determined experimentally, is parabolic (Fig. 17),
Reference [6) presents a formula for calculating the fluid-friction power loss in
sliding-contact bearings of the segment-type
It is also possible to determine the friction power using the known Newton /431
dS (75)
folk a11'2HIP
AN -_' =---- --
1205 (76)
F==u:tDllTl , (77)
IV 67D (78)
F ^izDII
606 (79)
Al = FR -= F 2 (80)
AN 10jZ1W, (81)
%1, Wt Substituting these quantities into Eq.
(75), we will get a quantity expressingthe
fluid-friction power in the clearance be-
tween the shaft and pump housing. Com-
paring experimental data with results ob-
20 tained by calculations a divergence of 30%
is found in the region of high n. But these
differences are not of principal import-
ance, since, as was shown, the absolute
-- value of the power lost in friction does
not exceed 11/o. These differences may
apparently be attributed to the surface
500 600 800 7000 1200 r" 490 n, rpm finish, since it is precisely at high shaft
rpm that these exert their effect.
Figure 17. Power Lost in Fric-
tion in a Packing Seal, where o To determine the starting torque
is Water and a is Sodium. in frozen-sodium seals use was made of
the installation shown in Fig. 16; in which
a lever with a DS-0.2 dynamometer re-
placed the electric motor. When the so-
dium in the seal is liquid, the torque needed for rotating the shaft was, as expect-
ed, practically zero. Reduction in the sodium temperature to below that of solid-
ification sharply increased the required torque. In experiments to determine the
tangential stress for sodium in the frozen-sodium seal the temperature was mea- /432
sured over the height of the valve, which made it possible to determine the size
of the shaft surface which is in contact with the solidifying sodium. It was found
that the tangential stress depends on the temperature and on the starting shaft
rpm. It was also established that increasing the sodium pressure in the loop from
0 to 12 kg/cm2 does not affect the torque of the friction coefficient.
For seals for which calculations were performed above it was found in ex-
periments that Mmax - 800 kg-cm or Mmax/MT = 1.3 and Pmax = 600 kg or
Pmax/P T = 1.3. Comparison of M max and Pmax obtained experimentally and
theoretically shows that they agree satisfactorily (see Figs. 14 and 15).
1. A method was developed for calculating the startup forces of frozen
metal (such as Na, K, etc.) seals.
2. Stress-strain diagrams for sodium were obtained for different strain-
ing rates and different temperatures.
3. Characteristics of several designs of frozen-sodium seals were studied
experimentally. Comparison of experimental and theoretical results shows sat-
isfactory agreement.
Formula (1) yields local heat transfer coefficients and is valid for the re-
gion of steady-state heat transfer, i.e., far from the tube' inlet and from the start
of the heated section. To find the average heat transfer coefficient in short tubes
(5 < 1/d < 30) we must introduce the correction
:t ^.;
t (A.3)
Studies show that e. l is a function of not only I/d, but also of the Peclet
number, and on the extent of contamination of the tube wall,
Formula (2) is applicable to the case when axial flow of heat over the fluid
and the wall are small and the effect of natural convection can be disregarded.
When axial flow of heat is taken into account, then the heat transfer coefficient
calculated from Eq. (2) should be multiplied by the correction factor 't', which
is found from the expression
Longitudinal flow, of heat through the fluid and the walls of the heat exchanger
change the temperature fields, which should be taken into account in calculating
the mean temperature drop in the heat exchanger. For equal water equivalents
of the liquid metal, the theoretical temperature drop in the heat exchanger
41 h a Ft-- F'L .'
Rectangular Duct
Range of Accur-
Conditions Formula applicability racy,
Heating from one side, Nu 5-1- 0.02 Pee s 250 < Pe < 7.5.10 3 15
qw = const (A 8) d
e =0 1.0 < d < 2,.0
Heating from two sides,) Nu 10- x -0.025 Pe08 300 < Po < 4 . 103 25
qw = consi (A.9)
e=0 1.05<
di < 2.0
Formulas (A.8) and (A.9) are applicable only for a symmetrical annulus.
In an eccentric annulus heat transfer becomes inhomogeneous to a large extent
over the angular dimension as well as over the length. The heat transfer some-
times is not stabilized at all in the case of large Peclet numbers. A certain role
is played by the wall thickness and its thermal conductivity. Estimates can be
obtained from Eq. (A.8a) for an internally heated annular duct with a wall thick-
ness of 15 mm made from 1Kh18N9T steel.
^ >50
Intertubular space of dl _, ,_ 2oO < Pe < 1200 15
counterflow heat Nil --' S 0, 0^ r X
exchangers 60 <<
< 260
X ( X 1,1) 0.' 1 ) 1 Pe0.5
J 1.t<X<1.4
1 Here a is the heat transfer coefficient, averaged over the angle at a sec-
tion away from the inlet a = c/tw - tf.
flu Figure A.2 is then used to find
t tr =f(A^12).
trust-- I-
3. Then one finds
1 1.7 1,2 1,4
5. Then Nu = f 1 Nu s + /438
1.3 1.5 7,6 7,7 x
+ f2 Pe is calculated, where Nu
Figure A.1.
is a value averaged over the
perimeter and calculated as
Nil - _ On
( 1 is - Yf) ^'1
J- . R . RMI : R ph
(A. 20)
Figure A,3,
jpu 3
i ^, j i b j ^ i . I.
^^ z
a^ 7
yti ^, - I } I - i ^ I -
Figure A.6
- -- x-7
2. Thermal resistance of the phase transition.
7 97
0.2 0,6 W
1 _ 2r = ( r _ Ps
, s (v __ U,)
kph> t I? Y',, l T ^1 s (A. 21)
:1 6'
Figure A.5. :V
1.1 <
rl -<
Natural Convection
Conditions Range of
Formula applicability curacy,
Range of Accuracy,
I Conditions Formula I applicability I %
Horizontal surface of a==4q (AI9) O.Iatm p 1.2atm, 1. 30 for
a large volume 105 kcal/(m 2. hr) q sodium
q and
cr potassium
A - 1/427
B - height of retangular duct
d l and d2 - major and minor diameters of the annulus
d = 4F/P - hydraulic diameter of duct
F - cross sectional area of duct
I - duct length
L = 1/dh - relative length of duct
P - perimeter
R - universal gas constant
S1 and S2 - spacing along the front and into the depth of a
cluster with flow transverse to tubes
ee- correction factor for shorttubes
4 ^, tin_ r out
Z? I/ .P - dimensionless parameter, reflecting the effect
v " of natural convection.
1. Pearlitic Chromium Steels /441
Rate of porrosion
Temperature mg/(cm .hr), in
limit of util- I a flow of sodium
Material class MaterialI ization, C, at 700C with an
for 5000 hours oxygen content of
work `y eight]
Study of Heat Transfer in Liquid Metals in Round
Pipes (V. D. Talanov and P. A. Ushakov)
This paper presents experimental heat transfer data for mercury
and sodium-potassium alloy in stainless steel and copper tubes, respectively.
Empirical dimensionless equations proposedby previous investigators were
found to correlate well with the experimental data. The data showed the thermal
contact resistance to be negligible under the experimental conditions, pro-
vided the oxides of the liquid metal are in the dissolved state.
Heat Transfer with Liquid Metal in a Vertical Pipe
with Low Peclet Numbers (N. A. Ampleyev, P. L. Kirillov,
V. I. Subbotin and M. Ya. Suvorov) 8
The paper presents an attempt to clarify the cause for disagreement
inheat transfer data at low Peclet numbers obtained by previous investi-
gators. Difference from previous equations is attributed, in part, to
natural convection effects, end heat losses, entrance conditions. Absence
of thermal resistance effects was confirmed and the effect of 1/D is studied.
Transfer of Heat in Turbulent Flows of Fluids in Annular
and Plane Spaces (N. I. Buleyev, V.A. Mosolova and
L. D. Yel'tsova) 120
Calculations of temperature fields and heat transfer coefficients
for turbulent flow in annular and plane spaces are presented. Use is
made of integral approximations for turbulent coefficients of thermal
conductivity. The calculated heat transfer coefficients for several
fluids are compared with the available experimental data.
Experimental Study of Heat Transfer From a Flat
Horizontal Surface to Sodium by Free Convection
(A. P. Kudryatsev, D. M. Ovechkin, D. N. Sorokin,
V. I. Subbotin and A. A. Tsyganok) 130
The experimental study was carried out to compare the level of
heat transfer in boiling and in free convection of liquid metals. Experi-
mental data were correlated satisfactorily by equations previously pro-
posed by other authors. A different set of heat transfer equations ap-
plies for turbulent and laminar free convection regions.
Approximate Thermal Simulation of Cylindrical Fuel-Element
Rods (P. A. Ushakov) 136
The author uses dimensional analysis and other analytical tools
to arrive at methods of simulation of thermal conditions of fuel rods in
liquid-metal cooled nuclear reactors. The presented methods are
successfully used in simulation of actual reactor cores.
Heat Transfer From Loosely-Spaced I Fuel] Rod Clusters to
Liquid Metal Flowing in the Axial Direction (A. V. Zhukov,
V.I. Subbotin and P.A. Ushakov) 149
The present article considers experimental heat transfer data
obtained with fuel rod clusters to liquid metal in longitudinal (axial)
flow past the rods. It is assumed that temperature variation over rod
perimeter is small and that the heat transfer coefficients depend little
on rod geometry, jacket thickness, thermal conductivity of the fission-
able material and of the jacket. Empirical equations are derived and
data are compared with existing correlations.
Experimental Study of Temperature Fields of Fuel Elements,
Using Models (A. V. Zhukov, L. K. Kudryatseva, Ye. Ya. Sviri-
denko, V.I. Subbotin, V. D. Talanov and P.A. Ushakov) 170
Results of an experimental heat transfer study with simulated
fuel elements are presented and analyzed. Hexagonal housings were
used and the peripheral elements were-found to undergo appreciable
temperature variations. These temperature variations are analyzed
for different packing modes. Transient coolant flow was also studied
with the attendant effects on rod temperature. Tinning with fuel ele-
ments is considered in turbulent and laminar flow.
Heat Transfer in the Interbular Space of Liquid-Metal Heat
Exchanges (p. L. Kirillov and M. Ya: Suvorov) 190
The paper presents the data of an experimental heat transfer study
with axial flow of a liquid metal coolant. The correlation for average heat
transfer coefficient as a function coolant velocity and cluster geometry has
been obtained. Effect of tube'oxidation on heat transfer has been studied
and analyzed.
Analysis of the Applicability of Average Heat-Transfer
Coefficients in Heat-Exchanger Design (P. A. Ushakov) 200
This paper compares different available methods of obtaining
average heat transfer coefficients for short heat exchangers. It is
shown that it is preferable to employ average heat transfer coef-
ficients calculated on the basis of average temperature difference
between the wall and the fluid, to the use of integrated values of local
heat transfer coefficients.
Resistance to Axial Flow of Fluids Past Rod Clusters
(A. V. Sheynina) 207
Experimental data on friction factors for flow through rod
clusters are presented, analyzed and compared with existing corre-
lations. Different types of clusters and configurations were studied.
The effect of different spacers and inserts is discussed.
Velocity Distribution in a Cell Formed by a Densely-
Packed Cluster of Rods (Yu. D. Levchenko, V. I. Subbotin,
P. A. Ushakov and A. V. Sheynina) 220
The paper presents a thorough analysis of an experimental study
of xelocity distribution in ducts with noncircular cross-section. Both
velocity and shear stress as well as friction factors in ducts simu-
lating a densely-packed rod bundle.
Calculation and Experimental Study of Velocity Fields in
Intricately-Shaped Passages (M. Eh. Ibragimov, I. A. Isupov
and V.I. Subbotin) 231
The present article considers the fluid dynamics of a passage
formed by a cluster of three round rods surrounded by a triangular
shell. Such duct combines the fluid flow characteristics of rod
clusters as well as exposes the effect of the shell on the fluid flow.
These characteristics were studied experimentally and considered
Electronically-Heated Setup for the Study of Heat Transfer
From Boiling Metals by Free Convection (A. A. Ivashkevich,
A. P. Kudryavtsev, D. M. Ovechkin, D. N. Sorokin,
V.I. Subbotin and A.A. Tsyganok) 248
The authors present a discussion of an experimental study of
electronically heated system for pool boiling of liquid metals. Very
high heat fluxes which can be easily measured were obtained.
Transfer of Heat From Sodium Boiling in a Large Vessel
(A. P. Kudryavtsev, D. M. Ovechkin, D. N. Sorokin,
V. I. Subbotin and A. A. Tsyganok) 265
Boiling studies with sodium were carried out at flat horizontal
plates heated by electron bombardment. The heaters were made of
stainless steel. Comparison of pool boiling data obtained in previous
experiments shows generally satisfactory agreement. Effect of dis-
solved oxygen on heat transfer is considered.
Experimental Study of Critical Thermal Fluxes in Sodium
Boiling in a Large Vessel (A. P. Kudryavtsev, D. M. Ovechkin,
D. N. Sorokin, V. I. Subbotin and A. A. Tsyganok) 281
Data of an experimental burnout study with liquid sodium on flat
horizontal surface are presented. The obtained data and data of other
researchers are still too scarce, in the opinion of the authors, to
allow the derivation of an empirical generalized correlation.
Mean Temperature Difference in Low-Pressure Vapor
Generators and Condensers (P. L. Kirillov) 287
The paper studies the behavior of liquid metal vapors as a
heat transfer medium. A new expression for the log mean tem-
perature difference is obtained for both parallel and counterflows.
Transfer of Heat From Condensing Sodium Vapor
(N. B. Bakulin, M. N. Ivanovskiy, V. P. Sorokin,
V. I. Subbotin and B. A. Chulkov) 294
The paper analyzes the effect of boundary conditions on heat
transfer in condensation of pure "stationary" sodium vapor. The
temperature field in the vapor in the liquid metal and the wall were
measured. The effect of noncondensing gases and other contaminants
is considered.
Corrosion Resistance of Construction Materials to
Sodium (V. V. Zotov, B. A. Nevzorov and Ye. V. Umnyashkin) 300
This papers reviews the available data on corrosion resistance
of materials of construction to liquid sodium. The chemical nature
of oxygen in liquid sodium is analyzed and classified. Corrosion
resistance of ferritic-pearlitic chromium steels as well as that of
austenitic stainlesss steels is presented and discussed at various thermal
and flow conditions. Also, alloys with a nickel base and refractory metals
are grouped and classified.
Determination of the Oxygen Content of Sodium and of the
Sodium-Potassium Alloy by Vacuum Distillation (I. B Dmitryeva,
F. A. Kozlov and E. K. Kuznetsov) 318
An experimental method for determining oxygen content in
liquid sodium is presented. Apparatus for performing the mea-
surements is described as well as analysis of the obtained results.
The Cock-Type Indicator as an Instrument for Detecting
Admixtures in Sodium (F. A. Kozlov, E. K. Kuznetsov and
V. I. Subbotin) 324
The special indicator for detecting admixtures in liquid
metals is described. The operation, construction, calibration and
other aspects of the instrument are given in great detail. Experimental
data obtained with the instrument by different investigators are plotted
and compared.
Effect of Admixtures on the Electric Resistance of Molten
Lithium (M. N. Arnol'dov, M. N. Ivanovskiy, V.I. Subbotin
and B. A. Shmatko) 336
The effect of admixtures, such as nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen,
on the electrical resistivity of liquid lithium is described. The tem-
perature dependences of the admixture concentration and type of ad-
mixture are presented.
The Use of Hot Traps for Removing Oxygen From Sodium
(F. A. Kozlov and E. K. Kuznetsov) 340
The paper gives a thorough description of theoretical and
practical aspects of the use of hot traps for oxygen removal from
sodium. The reaction of zirconium claddingwith the oxygen is con-
sidered as a function of time of exposure, temperature, concentration,
liquid metal velocity, changes in chemical composition. Methods of
testing the cladding by x-ray diffraction and metallographic analysis
are described along with the changes in its electrical resistivity.
Maximum Permissible Leakage in a Sodium-to-Water Steam
Generator (N. N. Ivanovskiy and F. A. Kozlov) 357
The paper presents a set of conditions for calculating the maxi-
mum permissible leakage in a liquid sodium steam generator. Safety
factors are considered.
Some Problems of Operation and Design of Liquid-Metal
Loops (A. V. Drobyshev, V. A. Kurov and I. T. Filipov) 360
Operation and design problems of liquid metal loops operating
with forced coolant circulation are described. Auxiliary systems,
instrumentation, safety measures, equipment layout and costs are
included in the brief review.
Heat Exchangers of Experimental Liquid-Metal Loops
(V. A. Kurov and V. F, Men I shikov) 368
The paper presents design criteria and operating procedures
for heat exchangers associated with liquid metal loops. Liquid-
metal-to-water coolers, liquid-metal-to-air coolers, as well as
liquid metal-to-liquid-metal exchangers and recuperators are
Study of Velocity Fields by the Electromagnetic Method
(N. N. Turchin and R. V. Shumskiy) 377
The present paper presents experimental data on velocity field
in a round tube and an annular channel. Data for laminar and tur-
bulent flows are given and other parameters, such as end effects,
are considered.
Electromagnetic A-C Pump for Liquid Metals Rated at
120 m3/hour (Ye. M. Avilova, T. V. Doktorova, N. I. Marin
and V. A. Povsten') 385
The physical features, design characteristics and performance
data for a 120 m3/hr electromagnetic A-C pump for circulating liquid
metals are presented.
Electromagnetic Screw Pump for Pumping of Liquid Metals
(Ye. M. Avilova, Ye. L. Ivanter, N. I. Marin and V.A. Povsten') 389
The design features and operating characteristics of an electro-
magnetic screw pump are given. The pump is well suited for lab-
oratory-scale tests with liquid metals.
Hydrostatic Bearings in Sodium Pumps (N. N. Aristarkhov,
Yu. Ye. Bagdasarov, Yu. L. Kulikov, Ye. N. Larin,
M. S. Pinkhasik, A. A. Rineyskiy and B. S. Tymosh) 392
The design of hydrostatic bearings for sodium pumps is con-
sidered. Operating principles of the bearings, temperature re-
sistance, pressure, wear and noise were tested in a sodium loop.
Creep was also considered at temperatures up to 400C.
Flowmeter for Measuring Large Liquid-Metal Flows
(N. L. Loginov) 403
The device described in this paper is a flowmeter which operates
by measuring the velocity at one point in the flow. The size of the
instrument is moderate in comparison with the size of the pipeline.
It is intended for operation at 50-1000 m 3 /hour of a liquid metal
flowing in a pipeline 300 mm in diameter. Other operating param-
eters are also given.
Time Needed for Melting Cylindrical [ Metal l Volumes
(V. M. Selivanov, N. M. Trebina and V. I. Sharypin) 406
The paper presents theoretical data and nomograms for cal-
culating the time needed for melting of metal cylinders, starting
at a temperature below the metal melting temperature. Cases of
constant temperature, constant heat flux and constant heat transfer
coefficient are considered (boundary conditions of the first, second
and third kind, respectively).
Frozen Sodium Seals (A. V. Drobyshev, Yu. I. Likhachev
and I. M. Saratov) 412
The paper presents the results of a thorough engineering study
of frozen liquid metal seals. A method for calculating the startup
forces of such seals is given. Stress-strain diagrams for sodium
are given for different strain rates and different temperatures.
Characteristics of several designs of frozen-sodium seals were
studied. Comparison of theoretical and experimental data shows
satisfactory agreement.
Appendix I
Calculations of Heat Transfer in Liquid Metals 437
This appendix presents recommendations for calculating heat
transfer to liquid metals based on world-wide data published up to
January 4, 1966. Equations are given for convective heat transfer
in mund tubes, rectangular ducts, concentric and eccentric annuli,
rod and tube clusters. Equations for condensation of liquid metal
vapor are presented. Combined free and forced convection are given.
Appendix II
Corrosion Resistance and Temperature Limit of Utilization
of Certain Construction Materials in a Sodium Flow 446
This appendix gives tables of corrosion resistance to liquid
metals of pearlitic chromium steels and nickel-containing steels
and alloys as well as refractory metals.