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Student Book Email PDF

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1 Introduction What is this course?
Why this course is important?

3 The e-mail screen A quick overview

Email tips
3 E-mail Components

6 4 Formal and informal e-mails The three different writing styles

Email structure
5 E-mail structure in details Formal/informal phrases
Important notes
Common abbreviations
17 6 Abbreviations
Missing words

Request for information

21 7 Enquiries
Polite language

Asking for better term

8 Requesting action Talking about deadlines and
taking actions
Giving information
27 9 Exchanging information
Colloquial phrases and contractios
Being diplomatic

31 10 Making and conrming arrangements Meetings

Prepositions of time
11 Job application Cover letter requesting a position
Cover letter written in response to
an advertisement
41 12 Attachments Attachments phrases

44 13 Common mistakes Punctuation



49 Some Dos and Donts

50 Final word

51 Phrase Bank
Mercy Tree Academy

Course overview

Who is this course for?

Learners of English at intermediate or upper-intermediate level who want to write better emails.

Why this course is important?

Over the last few years, emails have started to have a huge impact on our professional and personal lives.
They often replace a telephone conversation or a letter and many of us have to deal with hundreds
each year. Emails are very often in English, making it more and more important to be able to understand
and reply quickly, efciently, and accuracy. English for emails will help you do this.

In many English courses writing gets a low priority. Sometimes you do have a chance to practice
some writing, but without a focus on emails. That is surprising, because emails are probably the
most common type of written communication. Our course will give you the help you need to write
effective emails.

Perhaps you think that it is not worth spending time on emails. They are informal, written quickly,
and no-one minds if you make mistakes. Well, that is true for some emails, for example emails between
close friends. But what about an email to someone where you want to make a good impression?
Or what about an email where you want to be a bit more careful or more diplomatic than usual?
Or what about an email in a professional context? It takes awareness and practice to write in a
style that ts the context, and our course has many exercises to help you do this.

What are you going to learn in this course?

First you will get an idea of how email writing style is different from the style of a letter.
You will learn the information about the three different writing styles.

Then you will practice and learn common phrases for most typical short emails, including the
steps to write an email, email format, opening and closing emails, giving news, internal message,
and attachment.

After that you will practice and learn the general grammar problems punctuation, spelling,
prepositions and basic grammar. Its an important section because it complete the image that
you create. A careless, disorganized email shows the outside world a careless, disorganized mind.

And you will learn how to write different kinds of emails like Job applications. We have prepared
this section to help you write your own cover letters, as well as other letters that are frequently
used in the job search process. And how to response to an advertisement in the newspaper and
how to request a position. And how to arrange meetings, exchanging information, etc Examples
have been included for you to use as general models in composing your own letters,
we expect you to use these examples as guides for your actual letters.

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The course also contains the "phrase bank" which provides over 500 key expressions for structuring
emails effectively. For example:
arrangements, commercial, complaints and apologies, personal, reports.
These are organized by topic and purpose.
The phrase bank is invaluable both as a study resource and as a handy reference when writing
real emails.

What else can I do to practice writing emails?

Get feedback on the emails that you write in real life: if you know a friend whose English is better than
yours, or a native speaker, then ask them to make comments on your writing. Also, study the English in
the emails you receive. If you receive a well-written email, remember to look carefully at the language.
Build your own phrase book: start your own bank of phrases from ones you have received in an email
or ones you have written yourself.

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The e-mail screen

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From: asaedd@zizoartsup.com name
To: ngismail@yahoo.com name
Cc: rzayed@zizoartsup.com, smith34@hotmail.com copy

Bcc: rob3@zizoartsup.com, mohaabass@zizoartsup.com

Subject Blind
Subject: Conrming order of topic carbon copy

Dear Mr. Saeed, (Salutation)

I would like to conrm that we have the specic

paint brushes and oil paints you asked for and
have been packaged and sent to the address
Body of
mentioned in your previous letter by parcel today. message

Kindly nd attached a price list of all our products.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have
any questions.

Best regards, Closing

Ahmed Saeed
Purchase Manager
ZIZO Art Supplies
18 Abdel Ghani St.
Nasr City, Egypt
Tel: (202) 333-3333
Fax: (202) 555-5555

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E-MAIL TIPS Mercy Tree Academy


An abbreviation for carbon copy. When you want to send anything written and
would like a copy to go to someone else, you write their e-mails address in the
"cc box". In addition, the person knows all recipients.
For example, if you I write an e-mail informing employees of deadlines,
I would probably like to send a copy to the department manager.


An abbreviation for blind carbon copy. In this box I would write the address of the
person whom I would like to show the e-mail but without the other recipient's
knowledge. In addition, everyone receives it separately.


It is important to ll out the "subject box".

It should be short and give some specic information about the contents of
your message.
The subject allows the reader to know the importance of the content.
Make sure the subject reects the main topic of the e-mail and summarizes
briey and clearly the content.
Your e-mail may be one of hundreds of the recipient's computer, and you
want them to read it when it arrives and then nd it again easily in their les.
Do not write a single word hoping that in would give importance.
For example; instead of writing "postpone",
write "meeting of 14 August, postponed".

Greeting (Salutation)

The salutation can be formal or informal, depending on how well you know
the person you are writing to.


An Email communicates information quickly, often brief and less formal than other
forms. Don't be too wordy in an Email. In Email be short and direct.


Like the salutation, this can vary from formal to very informal.


A proper and professional signature includes: sender's full name, position,

company's name, address, telephone, fax, website, and sender's e-mail.

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Formal and informal

TIP There are three different writing styles

This is the style of an old-fashioned letters.
Ideas are presented politely and carefully.
There is much used of xed expressions and long words.
The language in impersonal.
Grammar and punctuation are important.
This style is not common in emails, but you can nd it if the subject
matter is serious. (for example a complaint).

Neutral /Standard
This is the most common style in professional/ work emails.
The writer and reader are both busy, so the language is simple,
clear and direct.
Sentences are short and there is use of contractions (I've for I have, etc.).
The language is more personal.

This is the most common style between friends.
Very short or it could include personal news, funny comments, etc.
There are everyday words and conversational expressions.
The reader will be more tolerant of bad grammar, etc.
These written forms of body language are often used in less formal
emails to help the recipient understand exactly what you mean.

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Mercy Tree Academy

Email structure in details

How formal or informal is the email?
It depends on the type of message you are writing and who you are writing to.
So an email about rescheduling a meeting might be less formal than an enquiry
or an apology.
Similarly, an email to your boss or a new customer would probably be
more formal than an email to an old customer or a colleague.

You can tell how formal an email by its greeting, body, closing,
and vocabulary.

Formal/Neutral Informal

Greeting Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Hi/Hello Mary

(Salutation) (used when first contacting a person.) (used with colleagues you are
Dear Mary often work with.)
(when you have had contact with this person Mary, (or no name at all)
before, or they have already addressed you by (very informal, usually used in
your first name.) messages which are part of a
longer email exchange.)

Previous Thank you for your email of ... Thanks for your email.
contact Further to your last email, ... Re your email, ...
I apologize for not getting in Sorry I haven't written for ages,
contact with you before now. but I've been really busy.

Reason for I am writing in connection with ... Just a short note about ...
writing I am writing with regard to ... I'm writing about ...
In reply to your email, here are ... Here's the ... you wanted.
Your name was given to me by ... I got your name from ...

We would like to point out that ... Please note that ...

Giving I'm writing to let you know that ... Just a note to say ...
information We are able to confirm that ... We can confirm that ...
I am delighted to tell you that ... Good news!
We regret to inform you that ... Unfortunately, ...

Attachments Please find my attached report. I've attached ...

I'm sending you ... as a pdf file. Here is the ... you wanted.

Asking for Could you give me some information about... Can you tell me a little more
information I would like to know ... about ...
I'm interested in receiving/finding out . I'd like to know ...
Please send me ...

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Requests I'd be grateful if you could ... Please could you ...
I wonder if you could ... Could you...?
Do you think I could have...? Can I have...?
Thank you in advance for your help in this I'd appreciate your help on this.

Promising I will I'll

action I'll investigate the matter. I'll look into it.

I will contact you again shortly. I'll get back to you soon.

Offering help Would you like me to...? Do you want me to ...

If you wish, I would be happy to ... Shall I...?
Let me know whether you would like me to... Let me know if you'd like me to

Final Thank you for your help. Thanks again for ...
comments Do not hesitate to contact as again if you require Let me know if you need
any further information. anything else.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any just give me a call if you have
questions. My direct line is any questions. My number is

Closing Yours sincerely Bye/All the best/Best

(very formal, rarely used in email (friendly, informal close.)
correspondence.) Mary/James
Regards/Best wishes (name only, is also common
(most commonly used close, can be used in when writing to close
formal and informal emails.) colleagues.)

Vocabulary Assistance/due to/enquire/inform/information/ Help/because of/ask/tell/facts

obtain/occupation/possess/provide/repair get/job/have/give/fix
request/requirements/verify ask for/needs/check (prove)
(long words sound more formal.) (short words sound more informal.)

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NOTES Mercy Tree Academy

Don't ignore capital letters, punctuation, spelling,

paragraphs, and basic grammar. It might be okay when
you are writing to a very close friend,
but to everyone else it's an important part to the image
that you create,
a careless, disorganized email shows the outside world
a carless disorganized mind!

Use the replies you receive to modify

your writing to the same person.
If the recipient writes back in a more informal
or more formal style, then match that in your
future emails to them. If they use particular
words or phrases that seem to come from
their company culture, or professional area,
Be positive! then consider using those words yourself where
Look at these words: they are appropriate.
good question,
join us,
mutual, Use short, simple sentences.
productive, Long sentences are often
solve, difcult to read and understand.
team, The most common mistake for
together, learners of English is to translate
and useful. directly from their own language.
Now look at these: Usually the result is a complicated,
busy, confusing sentence.
forget it,
I cant,
I wont,
and waste.
The words you use
shows your attitude
to life.

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

Look at the following excerpts from emails and write appropriate subject line.

1 2
Subject:_____________________ Subject:__________________
Just a quick note to see if youve heard Many thanks for your email.
from production about the new schedule. The handbook for the XL20 motor
We need the info for tomorrows meeting. is now available online at
c c
3 4
Subject: _______________________ Subject:________________
I will be away from the ofce from I have to change our meeting to
3-5 October. Please direct all questions 3 pm instead of 12.00. Sorry!
to Maggie in my absence.

5 6
Subject:______________________ Subject:_____________________
Could you send me those staff I am writing to conrm your order
guidelines asap? of 1000 coffee mugs with logo
Our dept hasnt seen them yet. Thx. (see attached), color 32c.
Your order no. is 66193 F/2.
Please quote this number
in all future correspondence.

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

look at paragraphs below. Each paragraph belongs to either a formal or
an informal email. Find the two emails and write the letters (a-j) in
the table below.
a b
Attached you'll nd the new price for our A quick note to tell you about
complete product range. We've discussed this with next week's meeting
other distributors & they agree the increase can be
passed on to their customers without any problems.

c d
See you then! Enjoy yourself at the premiere Regards, Heidi

e f g
Hi Vladka, Bye, Ivan I'm writing to inform
How's it going? you of our price
increases for
next quarter.
Dear Sam,

We're meeting at `Frank's` in Haverhill Street at
about 5.30 pm. John is bringing the Swiss visitors
with him directly after the factory tour. We'll hold a
meeting rst, then have dinner. Is that OK?
Hope you have a successful third quarter ad
we look forward to future business contacts
with you.

Formal email Informal email

Opening sentence
Friendly ending
Complimentary close

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

Match the informal phrases (1-15) with the neutral/formal phrases (a-o).

Informal Neutral/Formal

1. What do you need? a) With regard to ... (or With reference to)
2. Thanks for the email of 12 Feb. b) I can assure you that ...
3. Sorry, I can't make it. c) We note from our records that you have not ...
4. I'm sorry to tell you that d) Please let us know your requirements.
5. I promise e) I was wondering if you could ...
6. Could you .? f) We would like to remind you that ...
7. You haven't g) I took forward to meeting you next week.
8. Don't forget h) Thank you for your email received 12 February.
9. I need to i) I am afraid I will not be able to attend.
10 . Shall I...? j) Would you like me to ...?
11 . But, ... / Also, ... / So, k) I would be grateful if you could ...
12 . Please could you l) Please accept our apologies for ...
13 . I'm sorry for m) It is necessary for me to ...
14 . Re n) We regret to advise you that ...
15 . See you next week o) However ... / In addition ... / Therefore ...

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Practice 2 Mercy Tree Academy

Look at the emails a f. which messages are formal and
which are informal?

From: Evan Davis <evan.davis@meyer-consulting.com>

To: Sidney Braithwaite sb@texnet.de

a Subject: Monitors offer

Dear Mr. Braithwaite,

I'm writing to enquire about the monitors you informed us of last month (April).
Please could you send us a brochure and price list?

We would also appreciate a visit from your rep in order to get more information about
the product. Could you ask one of them to contact us, please?
From: "Darren Thornten" <Darren.thornten@odt.com>
Looking forward to your reply.
Cc: "Tanya Backer" < Tanya.becker@odt.com>
To: "Hallwell, Gray" < gray.ahllwell@odt.com>
Yours sincerely,
b Subject: Hols
Evan Davis Hey Gray!
Purchasing Assistant How was the holiday? I'll be away on mine when you get this! I'm off
to Florida. :)

Just a note to tell you that all the info to update you on
the last couple of weeks is with Tanya.
She's collected memos & post for you & also a list of important
points from me.
Hope you had a great time. I'm really looking forward to mine.
Speak to you when I get back.
I WON'T be checking emails at all while I'm away!

See ya
From: Daniel Prewitt <dtprewitt@triangle.com>
To: Lorna Braun < lornabraun@redcol.com>

c Subject: Order CD239 A

Dear Ms. Braun,

Thank you for your order of 24 April for 200 corporate umbrellas.
I would appreciate it if you could check the logo size & color on the attachment.
Please confirm by email if this is correct before we make up your order.

Thank you for your custom.

Daniel Prewitt
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From: r.frischherz@hellers.ch To: reservations@grandpalace.com

Subject: Reservation
I would like to reserve a room for 3 nights 1-3 December inclusive.
Could you also confirm the corporate price I was quoted of EUR 145.50
including breakfast buffet?

Kind regards, To: Gabriella gabriella.m@bradfords.co.uk

Ronald Frischherz From: Yanis yat@infotechz.co.uk
Subject: Change of plan
e Hello Gabi

I hope this email reaches you before you leave the office.
I'm afraid the rep who's coming to visit you tomorrow has been take ill.
Would it be OK if we put off her visit until she's well?
Hope this isn't going to cause too much trouble.
Let me know if I can be of assistace.
Have a nice day :-)
Subject: Internet use
Yanis To: Jackie; Dean; Sonal; Marten:
Amanda; Brain; Robert; Chris;
f Jane; Angela; Tim; Simon.
Cc: Andrew; Annabel
From: Jenny
Deal All:
Please note that starting immediately
use of the Internet during
working times will be limited.
Access will be granted
between 15.00- 08.00 every day.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Jane Morris
Human Resources Assistant

Now look at the emails again nd the following.

1. An announcement to the staff of new regulation

2. A message to colleague
3. A message to a customer about a change in plans
4. A request for conrmation of an order
5. A hotel reservation
6. A enquiry to a supplier

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Practice 3 Mercy Tree Academy

Match the vocabulary in formal emails (1-10) with the less
formal vocabulary below.
- to answer - to ask - to get in touch with - help - to need - ok - to put off
- to be sorry - to set up - to tell
1. convenient = _____________ 6. to contact = _____________
2. assistance = _____________ 7. to postpone = _____________
3. to inform = _____________ 8. to arrange = _____________
4. to reply = _____________ 9. to enquire = _____________
5. to regret = _____________ 10. to require =

Now complete the emails below with words from above.
Be careful of how formal or informal they are!
Dear Mr. Bass,

I'm writing to_________1 about your range of less exclusive products. Our company has diversified recently
and, in addition to the professional equipment we have previously purchased, we now_________2 products
for the hoppy golfer. Could we__________3 arrange a meeting to see one of your
sales reps who can__________4 us about your products? The week of 19 August would
be____________5 for us.

As I will be out of the office from 2 to 6 August, please_________6 my assistant, Sylvie Jouet, directly.

Best regards,
Simon Pilgrim

Hi Sylvie

Just a quick note to say we are very ________7 for the delivery delay. I'm afraid we'll have to__________8
the delivery date for 10 days because of the truck drivers' strike. When exactly do we_________9 the goods?
If it's very urgent I'll__________10 the manager of the forwarders whether we can___________11 a special
delivery somehow. I'll__________12 asap, but please let me know the latest date for the goods.

Despite this, have a nice day!


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Practice 4 Mercy Tree Academy

You are going to write two emails on a similar topic,
the rst formal/neutral and the second informal.


Write to a customer to tell them that the product/service they want is not available
at the moment.

Prepare the situation using the questions below. The information can be real or

What is your companys business? What products/services do you offer?

What is the particular product/service that you normally offer, but is not
available at the moment?
When is it going to be available again?
Who is the customer that you are writing to? Why do they need your
Are you going to promise any action, give additional information, offer help,
or simply say that you will tell them when the product/service
is available again?

Now write the email in a formal/neutral style.

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Missing words and abbreviations

TIP Abbreviations

The use of abbreviations and symbols (e.g. for for example, info for for
information, and & for and) are more common in informal emails,
although some standard abbreviations like asap are also found
in formal emails.
In some emails you can nd very abbreviated forms,
(especially those from native speakers of English).
The writer wants to write very quickly and the meaning is clear from the context.
There are three techniques:

1. using a letter to stand for a sound (`c' = see)

2. making a short form of a common word (`yr' = your)
3. writing the rst letters of a well-known phrase ('asap' = as soon as possible).

Practice 1
How many do you know?
Thx ________________ Rgds ________________

Tia ________________ BTW ________________

Re ________________ Fwd ________________

FAQ ________________ REQ ________________

CU ________________ IMO ________________

FYI ________________ ATB ________________

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

What do you think the following abbreviations stand for?
Write out full meaning.

1. i.e. = ____________ 6. bw = ____________

2. e.g. = ____________ 7. attn = ____________
3. NB = ____________ 8. rgds = ____________
4. PS = ____________ 9. pls = ____________
5. At the mo = ____________ 10. w/e = ____________

TIP Missing words

The use of abbreviations and

acronyms is not the only way
native speakers try to keep
their messages short.
They often also omit articles,
Look at these examples,
pronouns, or auxiliary verbs.
notice the missing words
between brackets
a) (That's a) good idea!
b) (Did you) get my last email?
c) (I) think your idea is great.
d) (It) sounds like fun!
e) (I am) looking forward to seeing you.
f) (I'll) speak to you later.
g) Just read (the) email about relocation.
h) Your suggestion (is) good, but needs clarication.
i) (Are you) coming with us on Friday?
j) (I) hope you're well.
k) (It's a) pity we missed you yesterday.
1) Next week (would be) better than this week.

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

Each phrase below has one word missing. Add the missing word.

1. With reference your email sent 6 June, ...

- With reference (to) your email sent 6 June, ...

2. Thank you sending me the catalogue I requested.

3. We are writing to inform that ..... ..........

4. We are able conrm that .... .............

5. I apologise the delay.

6. I would appreciate if you could ...

7. Please get back me if there's anything else. ..

8. What time would convenient for you?

9. If you like any more details, just let me know. .

10. Anyway, that's enough, I think I stop writing now. .

11. It was good to meet you the conference in Paris.

12. I look forward to hearing you soon. .

13. I've attached a copy the latest sales gures. .

14. Thank you for the invitation visit your company. ..

15. With reference your enquiry, I've attached all the information you need.

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Practice 2 Mercy Tree Academy

Look at these sentences and write them out in full.

1. Looking fwd to seeing u next wk.

2. Tia for yr help.
3. Will be in touch tomorrow with updated gures.
4. Pls call me re our meeting on Thurs am.
5. Just a quick email to give you new dates.
6. Got any exciting plans for the w/e?
7. No info on pay rises at the mo. Hope to hear sth soon though.

Write out the emails in full.

Email 1
Subject: Yr order ref no KD654
In relation to yr order rec'd today,
we cannot supply the qty's you need at this moment.
Pls conrm asap if apart-delivery wd be acceptable with
the rest to follow L8R_ Rgds, Stefan.

Email 2
Subject: Thx for yr msg
Re your msg left on my ans machine - yes,
I'm free 4 lunch on Wed next wk. Btw,
good news about yr interview. Hv 2 work now.
CU, Jane. ;)

Email 3
Subject: Options for Tech Help
We have a Tech Assistance section on our website,
with an extensive list of FAQs.
Customers nd this v convnt as it is avail 24/7.
Otoh, if you need to spk to sb in person,
you can call during wkng hours.
Bw, Alan.
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Mercy Tree Academy


TIP Request for information

Saying how you got the We met last Thursday on your stand at the Munich Trade Fair.
contact I am emailing you off your website, which I found through Google.

Giving reason for writing We are a manufacturer/supplier/provider of. ...

We are interested in ...We are a Turkish company exporting to the EU,
and we need ...

General requests We would be grateful for some information about ...

Please send us information about your product range and prices.

Specic requests In particular, we would like to know ...

Please send full details of your prices, discounts, terms of payment and
delivery times.
Could you also say whether there is any minimum order.

Close An early reply would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to an early reply, and am sure that there is a market for your
products here in Hungary.

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Mercy Tree Academy

TIP Polite language

Even in informal emails, use polite language.

Please can be used in every type of request, and phrases with could and
would like are more polite than phrases with can or want.

Could you please send me can you please send me

I would like to order I want to order

In emails it is best to avoid imperatives like Send me or Inform me

By adding please the sentence becomes more polite, but is still rather direct.

Please send me your current price list

Please give us your rates

The following phrases can be used in informal emails to first-time contacts.

However, they can sound too formal in emails to colleagues.

We would be grateful if you could send us

We would also appreciate some information on

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

Complete the table with phrases below.

- Can you help? - We hope you are happy with this. - Let us know if you need any more help.
- Please answer asap. Im sending you the in an attachment. Im sending you
- Thanks for choosing - We are working on your request. Can you please send me ?
- Thanks for your email/request.

More formal Less formal

Requesting information

Id appreciate a reply asap. ____________________________1

Would you be able to help ? ____________________________2
Could you please send me ? ____________________________3


Please nd the in an attachment. ____________________________4

Im pleased to send you ____________________________5

Thank you for your email/enquiry. ____________________________6

Dont hesitate to contact us if you ____________________________7

require further assistance.

We hope you nd this satisfactory. ____________________________8

Thank you for your interest ____________________________9

Your request is being processed. ____________________________10

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Practice 2 Mercy Tree Academy

Rewrite these emails to make them polite.

Our general manager saw your advert in yesterday's Financial Times

and wants the free start-up packet advertised.
Send it to:
We also want all the information you can send us your after-sales service.
Thanks in advance.
T. Gerald

Dear Giovanni
Jane at headquarters gave me your name and said you will help me.
I need some information about the upcoming trade fair in Milan.
1) Who is attending from the Milan ofce?
2) How many hotel rooms have you booked?
3) What time and where is the Tuesday night reception?
Send me the information immediately.
PS I want you to send me your extension number too.
I can't nd in on my international list.

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Requesting action

TIP Asking for better terms

Thank you for sending .... We are interested in .... However,
there are one or two things we would like
to clarify before going ahead.
Discussing terms
Do you give any discount on an order of this size?
Would you be prepared to let us have the goods on credit?
We need these items by ... at the latest.
If we can reach an agreement on these matters we are sure
that we can do more business with you in the future.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

TIP Talking about deadlines and taking action

The present perfect is used to talk about deadlines and whether or not they
have been met.
It is also used to describe the status of tasks in progress.

Have you coordinated your team & their results yet?

Ive already contacted my team and they have just nished their sales

Adverbs like yet, already, or just are often used with the present perfect in
this type of sentence.

Have you sent in your registration for the conference yet ?

Sorry, I havent written the report yet.
Ive already sent the registration form.
Weve just received the order.

In American English the simple past is used instead of the past perfect with
single words above. There is no different in meaning.

Did you send in your registration yet?

The will future is used in replies to emails requesting action to say what the
writer will do and when.
Note that contracted form ( ll instead of will ) is usually used.

Youll have it on your desk by 4 May.

Sorry, but I havent sent it. Ill do it straight away.

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

Use the words in brackets to complete the gaps in these in these emails.

Hello Jane

First of all, there _________1 (be) a meeting next Thursday from 2 to 5 pm to

discuss trade fair planning. Please let me know whether you can attend.

_________________ the brochures for model 564z and 566T ________2

(you/order/yet) ? Remember, we need 5000 copies each for the trade fair.

______________ Margot about the schedule _______3 (you/contact/yet)?

I need the nalized version for the meeting on Thursday.

Finally, _____________ the presentation material _________4 (you/send/yet)?

I cant seem to nd it anyway.


Hi Ramon

Yes, I can attend the meeting next Thursday.

I________________5 (just/order) the brochures for both models.

They _______________ 6 (be delivered) on 7 September. BTW, I ____________7
(just/have a look) at a pdf of the new brochure. It looks good. _____________8
(you/see) it. If not, I ____________ (forward) it to you.

Re the schedule: I ____________10 (leave) a message on Margots voicemail

but she__________________11 (call back/yet). I____________ 12 (try) gain
later and _____________13 (ask) her to contact you directly.

I______________ 14 (email) the presentation material straight away.

Sorry for the delay.



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Exchanging information

TIP Giving information

Thanks Thank you for your email of 4 June inquiring about ...

Giving factual We can quote you a price of ... CIF/FOB Istanbul.

information We can deliver by ... (date) / within ... (period of time)
The goods will be shipped 3 days from receipt of a rm order.

We can offer a discount of ... on orders over ...

We require payment by bank transfer/letter of credit.

Our normal procedure is to ...

Our normal terms for rst-time customers are ...
We can supply the items you require directly from stock.

Saying what you are I am attaching a document that gives full details of ...
attaching I am attaching our current catalogue and price list as a pdf le.

Highlighting one or two You will see that ...

key points You will note that our line of ... is on special offer.

Answering specific You will also note that .... Our experience in this field includes ...
questions We dispatch the goods within 24 hours of a rm order, and
for rst-time customers our minimum order is 1000.
I am afraid that model is no longer available. However, ...

Close We feel sure that ...May I suggest that I call you at your convenience
to discuss the matter further?

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact

me. My direct line is ...

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TIP Colloquial phrases and contractions

Colloquial phrases

These are phrases normally used in conversation which make an email

less formal. Examples are Hows it going? For How are you?
Or See ya for See you later.

When English native speakers write to each other as close business

acquaintances they often use colloquial phrases like the low-down,
to chase something up (AmE down), or cheers (BrE for thanks).
Be carful when using colloquial phrases as they can make your English
sound too familiar when used in the wrong context.

Emails often reect spoken English and tend to use contractions
instead of full form,

e.g. heres (here is), havent (have not), or Ill (I will)

Watch out: dont leave out apostrophe when using contractions as

the meaning could be changed.

Its = it is its = possessive Ill = I will ill = sick

TIP Being diplomatic

When things aren't going according to plan, an email exchange can become
The use of diplomatic language lets you point out mistakes gently,
without offending the person you're writing to.

We have a slight/ minor/ little problem.

Unfortunately, the mistake is rather serious.
I'm afraid we're not happy with

Furthermore, be careful when showing emotion in an email. Using exclamation

marks and writing words or phrases in capital letters can make your message too
strong it can look like you're shouting.

Joanne, I'm still waiting for a reply!!!

Didn't we agree to meet on TUESDAY?

A more moderate way to emphasize a word is to enclose it in asterisks.

Just waiting to see what happened to your report,

I needed it *Monday* and it's now Friday. Can we discuss?

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

Find the matching pairs.

Colloquial language standard language

1. to check sth out to send sb an email

2. to touch base with sb to give sb information
3. to send sth by snail mail to send sth by post
4. to mail* sb to try to nd or get sth (that is missing)
5. to give sb the low-down to look at sth in details
6. to chase sth up (AmE: down) to get in contact with sb
7. to be out of the loop to postpone sth (or put sth off)
8. to put sth on hold to be out of touch or not have heard sth

* Watch out when mail is used as a verb; in AmE to mail also means sending
something by the traditional postal service (i.e. by snail mail) !

Now rewrite this email using standard language to replace
the colloquial phrases.

Hello Sally
Thanks for getting in touch and giving me the low-down on the Mach sales meeting.
By the way, I called Barbaras ofce and tried to chase up the January gures
but shes been on holiday so no success there! Perhaps you could touch
base with Gray and ask him to mail me the info directly.
I hope he can Id hate to have to put the meeting on hold.

Oh, one last thing: can you send me a few brochures?

No hurry snail mail will do!

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Practice 2 Mercy Tree Academy

Rewrite the following email to make it
more diplomatic.

a s ke d you
e a p roblem nce details
v ere
We ha t h e conf ill haven't
send m EK but I st at's going
WE Wh e
LAST a n y thing. a s a s ked m e
ed lh th
receiv w the hote e w ill lose
N o y or w
on?!! fo toda T a goo l
e i n N O
for th ion. This is hote
t e ONLY s
rese r va
! T h i s is t h
o r o u r date
on!! nf ge
situati i n M adstow ve to chan
ble ha
availa n't want to n.
and I
do atio
re n ce loc
n fe OF
the co TAKE CARE
E !

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Mercy Tree Academy

Making and confirming

TIP Meetings

Formal/Neutral Informal

Reason for writing I'm writing to arrange a time for our Just a quick note to arrange a time to meet.
meeting. When would suit you?
What time would be convenient for

Suggesting Could we meet on (day) in (the How about (day) at (time)?

time/place morning etc.) at (time)? Are you free sometime next week?

Saying when you I would be able to attend the I'm free Thursday am.
are/ are not free meeting on Thursday morning. I won't be around until after lunch.
I'm out of the ofce until l pm. Any time after that is okay.
Any time after that would be ne. Sorry, can't make it next Monday.
I'm afraid I can't manage next

Conrming I'd like to conrm ... Thursday is good for me.

That's ne. I will call/email you That should be okay. I'll get back to you if
tomorrow to conrm the details. there's a problem.

Changing This is to let you know that I will Re our meeting next week, I'm afraid I can't
arrangements not be able to attend the meeting make Thursday.
next Thursday.
I wonder if we could move it to ...? How about ... instead?
I apologize for any inconvenience Sorry for the inconvenience.

Close I look forward to meeting you in See you in Brussels.

Brussels. Give me a call if anything changes.
Let me know if you need to change
the arrangements.

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TIP Invitations

Formal/Neutral Informal

Inviting We would be very pleased if you could I'm writing to invite you to ...
come to
Would you like to come to ...
I would like to invite you to ... / attend our ...
Please let me know if you can make
Please let me know if you will be able to it.

Prepare Before the meeting it would be useful if you Please prepare ... before the meeting.
could prepare ...
Please bring to the meeting ...
It would be helpful if you could bring ...

Accepting Thank you for your kind invitation. Thanks a lot for the invitation.

The date you suggest is ne. The date's fine for me.

I would be delighted to attend the meeting. I I'd love to come to the meeting.
am sure it will be very useful.
It sounds like a great idea.

Refusing Thank you for your kind invitation. Thanks a lot for your kind invitation.

Unfortunately, I have another appointment Unfortunately, I have something else

on that day. Please accept my apologies. in my schedule on that day.

I hope we will have the opportunity to meet I hope we can meet up soon.
on another occasion in the near future.

I am sure that the meeting will be a great

success. Good luck with the meeting!

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TIP Prepositions of time

On days of the week In times periods

On Sunday/ Friday In the morning/afternoon

On the weekend! [AmE] In June/August
In the first/third quarter

At denite times, holiday periods By deadlines

At 5 oclock, at 2.30 p.m. By Friday/4 p.m./next month

At midnight (at the latest)
At the end of the week/month We must finish the report by Friday.
At the weekend [BrE] (Not: until Friday)
At Easter/Christmas
At the moment (Not: in the moment)

Practice 1
Read the following sentences and cross out the incorrect prepositions.
1. The conference begins at / on / in Monday at / on / in the afternoon.
2. Could you pick me up at / with / on 5 oclock.
3. The report must be nished in / by / at Tuesday.
4. All holidays must be taken at / on / in June.
5. The company was founded by / in / on 2001.
6. Ill be at a clients in / at / on the end of the week.
7. On / In / At the moment Im very busy but Ill be able to nish
the report by / until / on next week.
8. If I havent heard from you by / in / at the weekend, Ill call you in / on / at Saturday.

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

Use the notes below to write an email to a client to set up a meeting.

Second meeting to nalize terms and conditions next week
Three possible times:
Monday 13/3 2 pm
Thursday 16/3, any time
Friday 17/3 morning any time
Need approx 2 hours
(Urgent: deadline for reserving conference room tomorrow noon!)

Nigel Sharp receive the following reply to an email he sent.
What words or expressions does Christine use to:
1. Say that the suggested dates are not convenient? Find two examples.
2. Say that shes sorry? Find two examples.
3. Suggest changing the meeting to a later date?
4. Suggest a new time to meet?

From: Christine Whitenille cw@geotech.com

To: Nigel Sharp ns@geotech.com

Subject Meeting / Change of plans

Dear Nigel
Im afraid I cant make Tuesday as Im on training course for purchasing software.

And later in the week is also impossible- Ill be travelling with Mary to meet clients.

Sorry about this, but its been very hectic here. Im afraid Ive been even had to put off
meeting the CEO until the end of the month! Would it be all right with you if we
postponed our meeting until the week after next? I should have time on 18 or 19 May.
Please let me know if either of these days is convenient.

Have a nice weekend.


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Practice 2 Mercy Tree Academy

Below are two email exchanges. Match the emails with their replies.
b Just writing to conrm my visit.
a quick note to arrange a time for you to visit the Monday 21st sounds ne. Could
factory next week. How about Monday, you collect me from the station?
21st May at 10:15? My train arrives at 10.00. Thx
Where should we meet? Should I pick you up from Looking forward to seeing
the station? the factory.
Pls send me an email by 5pm today to conrm this. CU Monday.

Thank you for your invitation to visit your factory. Im writing to arrange a meeting
with you and Ms Milton to visit
I can conrm that Friday morning at 9 am is our factory. You expressed interest
convenient for us. We will be arriving in this last time we spoke.
the station at 8.30.
Can you arrange for someone to collect us? I would like to propose next Friday
at either 9 am or 3 pm. The tour
We look forward to seeing you next Friday. usually lasts two hours.
Please let me know which time is
convenient for you.

Im looking forward to seeing you

both soon.

One of the exchanges is in formal language, the other is informal.

Which is which? Make a list of the phrases that helped you decide.

mal informal

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Practice 2 Mercy Tree Academy

Find phrases in the emails in practice 1A to complete the gaps.
Making arrangements

Organizing a date and a time

Im writing to ar_____________________________1.
A quick note to ar_____________________________2 to meet.
Just writing to organize a time for your visit.
When would suit you best ?
What about 5 oclock
H__________________________________________3 Tuesday?
Is 5 oclock suitable ?
Is Tuesday convenient?
Is 3 P.M. OK?
Please let me know wh_______________________________4 .
Please let me know if this is convenient.

Organizing a meeting place

Where should w___________________________ 5?

Should p_______________________________ 6 from the station?
Should I collect you from the airport?
Could you c_____________________________________ 7 ?
Could you arrange for s_________________________________________ 8?
Meet me at the station.
Ill see you at reception.

Conrming arrangements

Id like to conrm my visit.

Just writing to c_________________________________ 9 the arrangements.
I can conrm that 9 a.m. is c____________________________________10 .
Id prefer Friday at 8 a.m.
5 oclock is good for me/is ne.
Tuesday sounds great/suits me.
Let me know if this is OK.
Please send me an email by 5 P.M today to c____________________________ 11.
I look forward to meeting you.
L___________________________________ 12 seeing the factory.
See you on Tuesday!

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Mercy Tree Academy

Job applications

TIP Job Applications

Greeting (formal) Dear Sir/Madam

Reason for writing With reference to your advertisement on the ...

I am interested in applying for the post of ...

Your background and I am 26 years old and am currently studying

experience for a degree in ... at ... University.
For the last two months/years I have been
working as a ... at ...

The job itself I am interested in this job because ...

I feel that I would he well-suited for this job as
I enjoy/have a lot of experience in

Refering to your CV I have attached my CV as a Word document.

You will notice that I ... as well as .... You will
also notice that ...

Final comments I would be grateful if you would consider my

You will see from my CV that two people can
be contacted as references, one is ... and the
other is from ...
I am available for interview in .../by phone any
weekday afternoon, and you can email me or
telephone me on the number below.

Close I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully

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Mercy Tree Academy

Example 1
Here is an example of a sample cover letter written in response to an advertisement in
the newspaper. Before taking a look at the letter, here are some useful key phrases to
use in your own cover letters.

Useful Key Phrases

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for...

As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualications match this
position's requirements.
I would like to point out... immediately upon his return.
During ...., I improved (furthered, extended, etc.) my knowledge of...,
I look forward to an opportunity to speak with you in person.
(OR to speak with you personally)

Dear Mr. Trimm,

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a Legal Assistant specializing in

Port Regulatory Law, which appeared in the Seattle Times on Sunday, June 15.
As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualications match this
position's requirements.
I especially would like to point out that I graduated Cum Laude from The University of
Tacoma and was hired directly upon graduation due to my expertise in port authority
During the four years that I worked for Shoreman and Co.,
I further deepened my knowledge of the fast changing regulatory laws in our state.
My employer also thought highly enough of my abilities to promote me to head legal
researcher after my rst year of employment.

I look forward to an opportunity to personally discuss the position with you.

I will call you within the next ve days to arrange an interview.


Kenneth Beare

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Example 2

Here is an example of a sample cover letter requesting a position. Before taking a look
at the letter, here are some useful key phrases to use in your own cover letters.

Useful Key Phrases

Please accept this letter as an expression of interest in the position of...

I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review.
...and believe I possess the right combination of....skills.
My current position .... has provided the opportunity to ...
I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my potential contributions to
your company with you.
I look forward to your reply.

Dear Mr. Trimm,

Please accept this letter as an expression of interest in the position of

Areas Sales Manager

I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review.

I am familiar with the requirements for success in the Sales profession and believe I
possess the right combination of marketing and management skills.

My current position coordinating two local area sales teams has provided the
opportunity to work in a high-pressure, team environment, where it is essential to
be able to work closely with my colleagues in order to meet sales deadlines.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my potential contributions

to your company with you. Please telephone me at after 4.00 p.m.
to suggest a time that we may meet. I look forward to your reply.


Kenneth Beare

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

The sentences with one of these words: as, at, for, from, in, of, on, to.

1. With reference .. your advertisement the JobFinders.com website,

I am interested applying the post of tour leader.
2. I have attached my CV a Word document.
3. I am available interview Naples.
4. I'm working . a sales representative at the moment.
5. You can email me or telephone me the number given my CV.
6. I look forward hearing . you soon.
7. I have a good knowledge . business administration. I studied it . university.
8. I'm unemployed the moment. I've been out . work since the summer.
9. I'm studying . a degree Environmental Studies.
10. I hope to follow a career the legal profession.
11. I have been working Telecom for one year.
12. I have attached my CV .. requested.

Write an email applying for a job.
Some ideas are given below, but adapt and change them as you wish.

1) Look in some newspapers/magazines and nd a job you

might be interested in.

2) Think of a real-life job you would be interested in. It doesnt matter

if the position is not vacant at the moment.

Remember the structure of a job application:

Reason for writing

Your background and experience
The job itself, and why you would like to do it
Refer to your CV
Final comments

When you nish, work with a partner. Check each others grammar,
spelling, punctuation andstyle.
Is everything clear, well-structured and easy to understand?
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TIP Attachments

Saying what you are attaching.

- Please nd my attached report.

- I'm sending you ... as a pdf le.
- I am attaching a document that gives full details of.
- I am attaching our current catalogue and price list as a pdf le.

Practice 1
In each gap there are two possible answers from
A, B, C or D. Write both answers. The rst one has
been done for you.

1. Please / report. Hope it's useful.

A) nd attachment C) nd my attached
B) nd my enclosed
___________ D) see attached

2. Here is my report. If there are any problems/me know.

A) please let C)please to let
B) make D) just let

3. This report has just arrived. I'm .../it to you. Hope it's not too late.
A) moving C) replying
B) forwarding D) sending

4. I'm sending various forms for you to complete. Please .../...special attention
to AF200.
A) give C) make
B) pay D) take

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5. Please complete the attached forms, and return them to me .../3 June.
A) by C) before
B) until D) to

6. As agreed, I'm sending the pre-meeting notes. Let me know if there's anything else we
can do / before we meet.
A) from our part C) on our side
B) from this end D) on this way

7. I'm attaching the Business Plan Review. Please/that several alterations in dates have
been made.
A) look C) note
B) appoint D) be aware

8. Please nd attached my report. / if there are any problems with deadlines etc.
A) get back with me C) get back to me
B) get in touch D) make a touch

9. Please nd attached my report .../

A) Let me know what you think. C) Let me have what you think.
B) Let me have any comments. D) Make me have any comments.

10. Here is the itinerary for Sri Lanka. Please /that I have included everything you
want in it.
A) check C) control
B) agree D) conrm

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Practice 2 Mercy Tree Academy

Write three very short emails referring to attachments.
Some ideas are given below, but adapt and change them as you wish.

An email to colleagues about a report
which you have attached as a Word
document. Ask them for comments by a certain date.

A second email to the same people as in 1,
saying that you forgot to attach the report.
Ask them to conrm that they have received it.

An email to your staff with some forms attached that
they have to complete and return to you by a certain
date. Say why it is important.

When you nish, work with a partner.

Check each others grammar, spelling, punctuation and style.
Is everything clear, well-structured and easy to understand?

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13 Common mistakes
Mercy Tree Academy

TIP Punctuation and spelling

Review the rules for full stops, commas, capital letters, apostrophes,
colons and semi-colons.

Capital letters (also called `upper case' letters) are used:

- to begin a sentence.
- for names of people (Ahmed, Omar).
- Places (Egypt, Cairo, England, London, Europe, New York, The United States)
- Events and organizations.
- for job titles (Doctor, Lawyer).
- for nationalities languages and adjectives\nouns of nationalities
(Arabic, French, English, an Italian lm, a Chinese restaurant,
an Egyption citizen, an Englishman).
- for calendar information like days,
months etc (Saturday, Sunday, January, September).

A comma (,) is used:

- like a brief pause in speech, to make the sentence easier to read.

- to separate words in a list (except for the last two items where we use and).
- after many linking words that come at the beginning of a sentence
(like However,...).

A full stop (.) is used at the end of a sentence.

An apostrophe (') is used:

- in short forms to show that one or more letters have been left out
- before the possessive -s to show ownership or the relationship between people

A colon (:) is used:

- to introduce items in a list.

A semi-colon (;) is used:

- to separate long items in a list, particularly if there are commas inside some items.
It is also used to join two sentences with a related meaning (this is rare).

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

Rewrite the email, putting in a) capital letters b) four full stops and
c) two commas.

dear antoine curial

i am the sales manager for genetech a small biotechnology company
based in cologne i attended your presentation at the eurotech
conference in pans in november and we met briey afterwards
here is the information i said i would send including our latest annual
report i hope it is of interest

best regards
michael bretz

Rewrite the email, putting in a) capital letters, b) apostrophes and

c) four commas.

hi jean - how are you? thanks for your email about mr williams. in fact im meeting him on
friday 16 march. were meeting in his brussels ofce and im a bit nervous about it because
i dont speak french very well! has the marketing director of the company and reports
directly to the ceo. Its going to be an interesting meeting and i havent been to belgium
before so im looking forward to it. anyway ill be in touch when i get back.

Rewrite the email, putting in a) capital letters, b) apostrophes,

c) two commas, d) one colon and e) two semi-colons.

Angela - have you read johns report yet? i think its main conclusions are correct. this is
in the pipeline despite our large r&d budget and our share price is at its lowest point since
last november. i hope the board take it seriously.

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Practice 1 Mercy Tree Academy

Find ten spelling mistakes in the rst email. Then correct the second email .
How many mistakes can you nd?
(Look out for punctuation too!)

Hi Charly

Jsut a quik note to telll you that the info fort

he new product has nally arrived.
Ill get in tuch with you next week to update
you on tormorow#s meeting in Romania.
Can you put of the product mailing until I'm
Seeyou soon


Deer Mahendra

We are still wating for the above oerder but have

recieved no email to explain the reason for the deley.
This is particularly iconveniet for us at the moment
as as our clients the dylivery asap
Please can you kontakt the forwarders nd out what
has happened and inform us immediately.
We look forward to hearing from you very soon

Kind regards

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Practice 2 Mercy Tree Academy

Correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. I am write with regard to your recent email.

2. Please send me your comments until Friday at the latest.

3. 1will be grateful if you could send me more information.

4. Please nd attach my report, as promised in Friday's meeting. ..

5. I hope we can to meet up soon.

6. I look forward to receiving this information so soon as possible.

7. I'm sorry I haven't written for ages, but I been really busy.

8. It will be more better for me if we meet on Tuesday rather than Monday.

9. Can we meet at 8 Feb at 14.30 instead? .

10. Sorry, I don't can help you on this matter.

11. If you require any further informations, please do not hesitate to contact me. ..

12. 1look forward to meet you next week. .

13. 1am really appreciate your kindness during my stay in London.

14. At the meeting we will discuss the follow points. ..

15. I'm afraid but we haven't received your payment yet.

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Practice 2 Mercy Tree Academy

Each paragraph in the emails below has three mistakes.
Correct the mistakes.

E-MAIL 1 Paragraph 1
It was a pleasure to meet you in Budapest last week 2..
and I would like to thank you for your interest in our 3..
ofce products. You mentioned that you were going
visit Turkey soon, and when you do I like to invite
you to visit our factory outside Istanbul. Paragraph 2
We would be very pleased to showing you round our 1..
new factory and modern production facilities. 2..
As you would being our guest, we would of course
arrange for you to stay in a good hotel and take you
out to dinner. Please to let me know when you have
nalised your travel plans. I look forward to see you in
Turkey in the near future.

Paragraph 1
You will all be aware that we been interviewing 1..
candidates for the position of Marketing Director. 2..
I am now pleased to inform that we have appointed 3..
an excellent candidate, Simone Verhart.
Simone has worked in marketing for over fteen
years and I am sure that she will be a valuable Paragraph 2
member of team. 1..
I would like to invite you a short lunchtime reception 3..
in Conference Room 2 next Tuesday 5 Feb where you
will have chance to meet Simone on an informal basis.
Refreshments will be available.
Please let me know if you can come so that I can
to estimate numbers.
Paragraph 1
E-MAIL 3 2..
I am write re our order for 1,000 pieces of footwear, reference VK899.
The money was transfer to your account on 23 January and we yet
haven't received the goods. You promised in your email of 15 Dec that
Paragraph 2
you would ship within 7 days of a rm order.
I called your ofce this morning but the secretary told that you were away 2..
until tomorrow . Please call me at the morning and let me know what is 3..
happening. We have customers waiting for these pieces and the delay is
causing us for to lose business.
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Mercy Tree Academy

Some Dos and Donts


It is preferable to cover only one topic in your e-mail.

Do provide a descriptive subject line.
Keep lines, paragraphs, and messages short.
Do care about correctness. You are still judged by your writing.
Do remember that e-mail is far from private, so if the issue is
sensitive, perhaps e-mail isnt the best medium to use.
Make your message easy to read and easy to view. Keep the font
readable in the 10 - 12 range. Use paragraphs and bullets but no


Dont send e-mail message if a telephone call would be just as

Dont send copies of e-mails (Cc) to people who dont need to
receive them.
Dont automatically include the senders message.
Dont use acronyms or shorthand; they are too informal for
business writing. E.g. BBIAB; I was ROTEFL @ ur msg!
Avoid overly long messages. Dont ramble and dont try to cover a
range of subjects in one e-mail. The general rule is no more than
one screen length.
Send to All or Reply to All should be reserved for those work
related messages that really should be sent or reply to all.
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Final word

To sup up what we have learnt, we need business writing, as a vital tool

to brand our organization and ourselves. By sending any type of written
communication internally or externally we are sending our
organizations identity within it.

Effective & professional business writing will reect not only on our
image but also on our organizations image as a whole.

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bank index


Formal/Neutral Informal
Name Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Dupuis Hi/Hello Mary
Dear Mary Mary, ...(or no name at all)
Previous Thank you for your email of ... Thanks for your email.
contact Further to your last email, ... Re your email, ...
I apologize for not getting in Sorry I haven't written for ages,
contact with you before now. but I've been really busy.
Reason for I am writing in connection with ... Just a short note about ...
writing I am writing with regard to ... I'm writing about ...
In reply to your email, here are ... Here's the ... you wanted.
Your name was given to me by ... I got your name from ...
We would like to point out that ... Please note that ...
Giving I'm writing to let you know that ... Just a note to say ...
information We are able to confirm that ... We can confirm that ...
I am delighted to tell you that ... Good news!
We regret to inform you that ... Unfortunately, ...
Attachments Please find attached my report. I've attached ...
I'm sending you ... as a pdf file. Here is the ... you wanted.
Asking for Could you give me some information about... Can you tell me a little more about
information I would like to know ... ...
I'm interested in receiving/finding out . I'd like to know ...
Please send me ...
Requests I'd be grateful if you could ... Please could you ...
I wonder if you could ... Could you...?
Do you think I could have...? Can I have...?
Thank you in advance for your help in this matter. I'd appreciate your help on this.
Promising I will I'll
action I'll investigate the matter. I'll look into it.
I will contact you again shortly. I'll get back to you soon.
Offering help Would you like me to...? Do you want me to ...
If you wish, I would be happy to ... Shall I...?
Let me know whether you would like me to... Let me know if you'd like me to ...
Final Thank you for your help. Thanks again for ...
comments Do not hesitate to contact as again if you require Let me know if you need anything
any further information. else.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any just give me a call if you have any
questions. My direct line is questions. My number is
Close I am looking forward to ... (+ -ing) Looking forward to ... (+ -ing)
Give my regards to ... Best wishes to ...
Best wishes Speak to/See you soon.
Regards Bye (for now)/All the best


Negotiating a project

Asking for information What are your usual charges (fees/rates) for ...
Can you give me some more information about ...

Requests Do you think you could...?

Would you be able to...?

Emphasizing a main point My main concern at this stage is ...

The main thing for me is ...

Asking for a suggestion How do you think we should deal with this?
What do you think is the best way forward?

Making a suggestion Why don't you...?

What about if we ...

Negotiating: being firm I understand what you're saying about ... (but ...
I can see what you're saying, but ...

Negotiating: being flexible We would be prepared to ...

(if ...I am willing to ...(if ...)

Negotiating: agreeing Okay, I'm happy with that for now.

That's fine.

Next steps I'll be in touch again soon with more details.

Let's talk next week and see how things are going.

Closing I look forward to working with you.

I'm sorry that we couldn't use your services this time,
but I hope there will be another opportunity.


Checking understanding

Technical problems Did you get my last message sent on...?

Sorry, you forgot to attach the file. Can you send it again?
I got your email, but I can't open the attachment.
Did you mean to send this? I don't want to open it in case it's got a

Asking for clarification I'm not sure what you mean by ...? Could you clarify?
Which ... do you mean?
I don't understand this point. Can you explain in a little more detail?
Are you sure about that?

Giving clarification Sorry, what I meant was ..., not ...

I thought ..., but I may be wrong.
Ill check and get back to you.
The correct information is given below. Please amend your records
accordingly. Sorry, forget my last email. You're right.

Close I hope this clarifies the situation.

Get back to me if there's anything else.


Formal/Neutral Informal

Reason for I'm writing to arrange a time Just a quick note to arrange a time to
writing for our meeting. meet. When would suit you?
What time would be convenient
for you?

Suggesting Could we meet on (day) in (the How about (day) at (time)?

time/place morning etc.) at (time)? Are you free sometime next week?

Saying when I would be able to attend the I'm free Thursday am.
you are/ are not meeting on Thursday morning. I won't be around until after lunch.
free I'm out of the office until l pm. Any time after that is okay.
Any time after that would be Sorry, can't make it next Monday.
I'm afraid I can't manage next

Confirming I'd like to confirm ... Thursday is good for me.

That's fine. I will call/email you That should be okay. I'll get back to
tomorrow to confirm the details. you if there's a problem.

Changing This is to let you know that I Re our meeting next week, I'm afraid I
arrangements will not be able to attend the can't make Thursday.
meeting next Thursday.
I wonder if we could move it How about ... instead?
to...? Sorry for the inconvenience.
I apologize for any
inconvenience caused.

Close I look forward to meeting you See you in Brussels.

in Brussels. Give me a call if anything changes.
Let me know if you need to
change the arrangements.


- Meetings

- Invitations

Formal/Neutral Informal

Inviting We would be very pleased if you could I'm writing to invite you to ...
come to Would you like to come to ...
I would like to invite you to ... / attend our ... Please let me know if you can make
Please let me know if you will be able to it.

Prepare Before the meeting it would be useful if you Please prepare ... before the meeting.
could prepare ... Please bring to the meeting ...
It would be helpful if you could bring ...

Accepting Thank you for your kind invitation. Thanks a lot for the invitation.
The date you suggest is fine. The date's fine for me.
I would be delighted to attend the meeting. I I'd love to come to the meeting.
am sure it will be very useful. It sounds like a great idea.

Refusing Thank you for your kind invitation. Thanks a lot for your kind invitation.
Unfortunately, I have another appointment Unfortunately, I have something else
on that day. Please accept my apologies. in my schedule on that day.
I hope we will have the opportunity to meet I hope we can meet up soon.
on another occasion in the near future.
I am sure that the meeting will be a great Good luck with the meeting!


Writing styles

- Formal/Informal

Example phrases Formal/Neutral Informal

Thank you For your email received 12 Feb Thanks for the email.
With regard/reference to ... Re.
I would be grateful if you could ... Please could you ...
We regret to advise you that ... I'm sorry to tell you that...
Please accept our apologies for... I'm sorry for ...
I was wondering if you could ... Could you...?
We note that you have not ... You haven't ...
We would like to remind you that .. Don't forget that ...
It is necessary for me to ... I need to ...
It is possible that I will I might ...
Would you like me to...? Shall I...?
However, ... / In addition, ... / Therefore, ... But, .../Also, .., / So,
If you require any further information, please If you'd like more details, let me
do not hesitate to contact me. know.
I look forward to meeting you next week. See you next week.

Words assistance/due to/enquire/inform/information help/because of/ask/tell/facts

obtain/occupation/possess/provide/repair get/job/have/give/fix
request/requirements/verify ask for/needs/check (prove)


- Direct/Indirect

Direct Indirect: polite/diplomatic

Requests Can you Could you...?

Please could you ... I was wondering if you could ...

Asking for Can I ... Is it all right if I ?

permission Could I I wonder if I could ...

Offering help Can I ... Would you like me to...?

Shall I ... Do you need any help with ...

Making a What about ... (+ ing)? Why don't we...?

suggestion Shall we...? Perhaps we should ...

Softening a strong There is a problem. I'm afraid there is a small problem.

comment It seems there is a slight problem.
That will be very expensive.
That might be quite expensive.
Won't that be a hit expensive?
We can't do that.
That gives us very little time. I'm not sure we can do that.
It will be better to ask Heidi. Actually, that doesn't give us much time.
Wouldn't it be better to ask Heidi?
I disagree.
I can see what you're saying, but ...
Don't you think that...?
To be honest, I think it might be better to.



- Request for information (customer)

Saying how you got the We met last Thursday on your stand at the Munich Trade Fair.
contact I am mailing you off your website, which I found through Google.

Giving reason for writing We are a manufacturer/supplier/provider of....

We are interested in ...We are a Turkish company exporting to the EU,
and we need ...

General requests We would be grateful for some information about ...

Please send us information about your product range and prices.

Specific requests In particular, we would like to know ...

Please send full details of your prices, discounts, terms of payment and
delivery times.
Could you also say whether there is any minimum order.

Close An early reply would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to an early reply, and am sure that there is a market for your
products here in Hungary.


- Giving information (supplier)

Thanks Thank you for your email of 4 June inquiring about ...

Giving factual We can quote you a price of ... CIF/FOB Istanbul.

information We can deliver by ... (date) / within ... (period of time)
The goods will be shipped 3 days from receipt of
a firm order.
We can offer a discount of ... on orders over ...
We require payment by bank transfer/letter of
Our normal procedure is to ...
Our normal terms for first-time customers are ...
We can supply the items you require directly from stock.

Saying what you are I am attaching a document that gives full details of ...
attaching I am attaching our current catalogue and price list as a pdf file.

Highlighting one or two You will see that ...

key points You will note that our line of ... is on special offer.

Answering specific You will also note that.... Our experience in this field includes ...
questions We dispatch the goods within 24 hours of a firm order, and
for first-time customers our minimum order is 1,000.
I am afraid that model is no longer available. However, ...

Close We feel sure that ...May I suggest that I call you at your convenience
to discuss the matter further?
If you need any further information, please do riot hesitate to contact
me. My direct line is ...


- Following up a call (supplier)

Open Thank you for taking the time on the telephone this morning to explain..

Summarizing key points I understand that you are looking for ... and I am confident that we can
find a good solution for your needs.

Giving additional I have attached some information about our company, including ...
information I have attached a list of some of our clients, which you will see include ...

Saying you will call back As agreed, I'll give you a call during the last week of September.
I have made a note to call you again after you've had a
chance to ...
Perhaps then it would be a good idea to meet to discuss...

Close In the meantime, if you would like to discuss any other points, please
don't hesitate to give me a call on my direct line ...

- Asking for better terms (customer)

Thank you for sending.... We are interested in.... However,
there are one or two things we would like to clarify before
going ahead.
Discussing terms
Do you give any discount on an order of this size?
Would you be prepared to let us have the goods on credit?
We need these items by ... at the latest.
If we can reach an agreement on these matters we are sure
that we can do more business with you in the future.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.


- Replying and agreeing terms (supplier)

Open Thank you for your email of ... inquiring about a possible order for

Saying yes In relation to ..., we would be happy to let you have ...

I have spoken to my line manager, and we are able to ... on this


Looking for a With regard to ..., unfortunately we are not able to....
compromise However, I am sure we can find an acceptable compromise.
We are prepared to accept ...

Final details We would be grateful if you could supply bank references.

Please return the attached form asap so that your order can be
processed without any delay.

Please note that we have recently improved the functionality of our

website, and it is now possible to place an order on-line.
Alternatively, you can print out the attached order form and return
it to us by mail.

Close I have arranged for a member of our customer services team to give
you a call later in the week. They will be able to deal with any
further points.

We hope you find our quotation satisfactory and look

forward to receiving your order. We assure you that it
will have our prompt attention.
If you need any further information, do not hesitate to
contact us.


- Making an order (customer)

Open Thank you for your recent email, and we accept your quotation.

Our completed order form is attached, and we give full bank details below.

Close Please acknowledge receipt of this order.

- Confirming an order (supplier)

Open Your order has been received.

We can confirm that your goods have been shipped.

You can track shipping details on our website.

Due to exceptional demand these items are temporarily out of stock.

We hope to be able to ship your order within ... days and will keep you
fully informed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Close We are confident that the goods will meet your expectations. Should
there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, either by
email or phone.


- Asking for payment (supplier)

First reminder - We are writing concerning a payment of 112,600 for invoice number
open KJ678 which is now overdue. A copy of the invoice is attached.
According to our records, the sum of 14,500 is still outstanding on your

First reminder - Please send a bank transfer to settle the account, or an explanation of
action why the balance is still outstanding. If you have already dealt with this
matter, please disregard this email.
We would appreciate your cooperation in resolving this matter as soon
as possible.
Second/Third On (date) I wrote to you regarding your company's unpaid account,
reminder - open amounting to 4,500. May we please remind you that this amount is
still outstanding.
I wish to draw your attention to my previous emails of (dates) about the
overdue payment on your account. We are very concerned that the
matter has not yet received your attention.
Second/Third We need a bank transfer in full settlement without further delay.
reminder - action Clearly, this situation cannot be allowed to continue, and we must ask
you to take immediate action to settle your account.
If you have any queries on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact
Thank you for your cooperation.
Final demand - open Following my emails of (dates) I must inform you that we have still not
received payment for the outstanding sum of 14,500.
I wrote to you on (dates) regarding the balance of 4E12,600 on your
I attach copies of both emails.
This sum is now two months overdue.
We are very concerned that the matter has not yet received your
Final demand - Unless we receive payment within seven days, we shall have no
action alternative but to take legal action to recover the money.
In the meantime, your existing credit facilities have been suspended.


Complaints and apologies

- Complaining (customer)

Open I am writing ...in connection with my order FS690 which arrived this

To complain about the quality of a product I bought from your website.

To complain about the poor service we received from your company, to draw
your attention to the negative attitude of some people in your customer
services section.

Complaint Our order dated 16 September clearly stated that we wanted 1,000 items,
however you ...

The goods were faulty/damaged/in poor condition.

There seems to be an error in the invoice/a misunderstanding.

The equipment I ordered has still not been delivered, despite my phone
call to you last week to say that it is needed urgently.

The product I received was well below the standard I


To make matters worse, when I called your company

your staff ...

Request for Please replace the faulty goods as soon as possible.

We must insist on an immediate replacement/full refund.

Unless I receive the goods by the end of this week, I will have no choice but
to cancel my order.

Close I hope that you will deal with this matter promptly as it is causing me
considerable inconvenience.


- Apologising (supplier)

Open I am writing in relation to your recent complaint.

Apologizing I was very concerned to learn about ... Please accept my sincere

I would like to apologize for the inconvenience you have suffered.

Denying We appreciate that this has caused you considerable inconvenience, but
responsibility we cannot accept any responsibility in this matter.

promising action Can you leave it with me I'll look into the matter and get back to you

I have looked into the matter and ...

I have spoken to the staff involved, and ...

We will send replacement items/give you a refund immediately. I can

assure you that this will not happen again.

We're having a temporary problem with.... We're doing everything we can

to sort it out.

Compensation To compensate for the inconvenience, we would like to offer you ...

Close Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. Please accept my
assurance that it will not happen again.

Once again, I hope you will accept my apologies for the inconvenience

I very much hope you will continue to use our services in the future.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on

my direct line ...



- Being friendly

You heard something, but are not sure It seems that ... Apparently, ...
Something is true, but surprising Actually, ... In fact, ...
Something is obvious or already known Obviously, ... Of course, ...
Saying what you really think Unfortunately, ... Luckily, ...
Going back to a topic To be honest, ... Frankly, ...
Changing the topic Well, ...So, ...Anyway, ...
Summarizing with the most important point Anyway, ... So, ... By the way, ...
Anyway, ... Basically, ...

- Asking for advice

Formal/Neutral Informal

I'd like your advice about a I've got a bit of a problem.
problem I have.

Asking for
I was wondering if you had any Do you have any ideas about
ideas about...? What should I do?
What would you advise me to do?

Please write back when you have Please email me when you get the
the time when you get the chance chance
and let me know what you think.


- Giving advice

Formal/Neutral Informal

Open I was sorry to hear about your I'm sorry you're having such a hard
current difficulties. time at the moment.

Giving advice I think it might be a good idea to ... I think you should ...
Have you thought of ... (+ .ing)? What about ... (+ -mg)?

Result This would mean that ... That way, ...

Options I think this option would be I think it's better than ... (+ -ing)
to ...(+ -ing)

Close I hope I have been of some help. I hope I've helped a hit.


- Suggestions
Making a suggestion I think we should/I suggest that we/ Let's go to ...
Shall we/Perhaps we could/Why don't we go to ...
I suggest/How about going to...?

Accepting It's a great idea!

I think your idea would work really
well. It might be worth trying.

Rejecting I'm not so sure about your idea.

It sounds like a good idea, but I don't think it would work in practice.
It sounds like a good idea, but I can see one or two problems.

- Special situations

Thanks Just a quick note to say many thanks for ...

I really appreciate everything that you have done.

Good luck Good luck with ...

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you every success

in the future.

Congratulations Many congratulations on your promotion/new job.

I was delighted to hear the news about ...

Well done!

Best wishes Please give my best wishes/regards to ...

Bad news I was so sorry to hear about ...

I was really sorry to hear you're not well. ... Hope you feel better

If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.


- Job application

Greeting (formal) Dear Sir/Madam

Reason for writing With reference to your advertisement on the ... website, I am interested
in applying for the post of ...

Your background I am 26 years old and am currently studying for a degree in ... at ...
and experience University.

For the last two months/years I have been working as a ... at ...

The job itself I am interested in this job because ...

I feel that I would he well-suited for this job as I enjoy/have a lot of

experience in.

Referring to your I have attached my CV as a Word document. You will notice that I ...
CV as well as.... You will

also notice that ...

Final comments I would be grateful if you would consider my application.

You will see from my CV that two people can be contacted as

references, one is ... and the other is from ...

I am available for interview in .../by phone any weekday afternoon, and

you can email me or telephone me on the number below.

Close I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully


- Report structure

Introduction / As requested at the Board meeting of 18 April, here is my report.

Background The report will discuss/consider/describe/analyze/review ...
The report is based on ...
I have divided the report into three sections.

Findings The findings/figures/results/investigations show that ...

It appears that.... This has led to a situation where ...
he graph/table shows that ...

Signposts As can be seen in table 1/section 2/figure 3, ...

As mentioned above,.../..., see below, and I will discuss this in more
detail below/in section 3.2.

Conclusion / I (would like to) suggest/recommend that ...

Recommendations My specific recommendations are as follows.

Closing comments Please have a look at the report and let me have your comments.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Linking words
Sequence Firstly, Secondly, ... Finally, ...
Talking generally In general, ... Usually, ... On the whole, ...
Contrast However, ... Nevertheless, ... On the other hand, ...
Adding another point In addition, ... Moreover, ... On another point, ...
Examples For example, ... For instance, ... e.g.
Alternatives Either ... or ... Alternatively, Instead of ...
Real (surprising) situation In fact, ... Actually, ... As a matter of fact,
Something is obvious Clearly, ... Obviously, ... Of course, ...
Most important point Especially, ... Above all, ... In particular, ...
Rephrasing In other words, ... That is to say, ... i.e.
Result/consequence As a result, ... Therefore,... For this reason,
New topic In relation to ... Regarding ... With reference to ...


- Careful, balanced style

Giving both sides of an argument In general ..., however ... On the whole ..., but ...

Making a statement less general Many/Some ...Usually/Typically/Often ...

Making a statement less certain It is possible/probable that ...It seems/appears that ....
tends to be ...

Making a comparison less strong substantially/considerably/much (+ comparative


marginally/slightly (+ comparative adjective)

Concluding On balance, ...

Taking all the above points into consideration, ...


- Common prepositions of time.

at a time: at 5 o'clock, at 11:3o pm, at midnight, at

lunchtime, at noon.
An age: at fifteen/the age of fifteen

on a day or a date: on 25th September

on Saturday afternoon, on the morning of 4th June
+ noun/gerund: on departure/departing, she.......
= when she departed, she..........
in a period of time:
sometime during that period: in the morning, in
February, in 1994.
At the end a stated period: I'll be ready in five
(five minutes from now)
At the lenght of time that something takes:
I read the book in two and a half hours

by a time, date, period, not later than that time:

You must be here by 7 oclock.

before a time, date, period, event:

I never go to bed before midnight.
after a time, date, period, event:
Ill phone you after lunch.

since a point in time, from that time from that time until
now or until a point in the past:
Weve been here since Tuesday.
It was the end of the summer. They had been there since June.
for a period of time:
they have been together for three years.
during a named period or an event:
we always work hard during the summer.
until/ till a point in time, the point in time which the action finished:
We slept until/till 8.00.
from a time to/until/till a time:
we slept from 11.30 to/until/till 8.00.


- Common prepositions of (places- addresses)

At Use at when you include the street number

Ahmed lives at 22 Ramsis street.

On Use on with the name of the street

Ahmed lives on Ramsis street.

In Use in with cities and countries.

Ahmed lives in Cairo, in Egypt.

You can often use in or at with buildings.
You can saty in a hotel or at a hotel
You can eat in a restaurant or at a restaurant.
We usually say at when we say where an event takes place
(for example: a concert, a cinema, a meeting, a football match)
"Where were you last night?" "at the cinema"/"at the theatre."
We went to a concert at the opera house.
We say at someone's house: I was at my uncle's house.
We say arrive at / in a place
We use in when we are talking about the building itself:
The rooms in my uncle's house are very small.

We say:

At home In bed On a farm

At work In hospital On the wall
At school In prison On train, bus, plane
At university
At a station
At the airport
At the seaside



Capital letters are used:

To begin a sentence.
For names of people (Ahmed, Omar).
Places (Egypt, Cairo, England, London, Europe, New York,
The United States)
Events and organizations.
For job titles (Doctor, Lawyer).
For nationalities languages and adjectives\nouns of
nationalities (Arabic, French, English, an Italian film, a
Chinese restaurant, an Egyptian citizen, an Englishman).
For calendar information like days, months etc (Saturday,
Sunday, January, September).

A comma (,) is used: is used:

Like a brief pause in speech, to make the sentence easier to
To separate words in a list (except for the last two items
where we use and).
After many linking words that come at the beginning of a
sentence (like However,...).

A full stop (.) is used:

At the end of a sentence.

An apostrophe (') is used:

In short forms to show that one or more letters have been
left out
Before the possessive -s to show ownership or the
relationship between people.

A colon (:) is used:

To introduce items in a list.

A semi-colon (;) is used:

To separate long items in a list, particularly if there are
commas inside some items.
It is also used to join two sentences with a related meaning
(this is rare).


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