San Juan
San Juan
San Juan
of 5ur J,usn
ol 2004
(b) !|hu ioad lce is a scale conrmod4 $e conrrelLs use of wiich nGL bc
allo.ared bt the gFater good and lhe eFalesr nunrber(hmuchjudicious' fan
pa.icipat.q andi fomr.dtallic maiagemdtsystenl
i.l tafi,c problenrsnLl n$r.s nrusl be rcsontd nr a dional orfuer, euidedbv facts
and slrped rlnoueh .oreuharion.collaboration, and coordinltion{ith lhe
sh.Lbdir8 Nlunl.iFtnies and Ciries, wnh dre lvlelropolira' Monih
De\LrlopBenr Arrhor4 . aj $ell Rs mlional asencieslikc dE Depaftne or
DepanNnt ol Tran$orration md
Public Works &d Highlavs and fte
' r., .he,rh ,o.r Lt"^" lhetr
Inepuohc 3 nr".,-1,,""ffli:lir"r,Ll
f.-dlar'on otani iflect
,a, ol, sou.dtre |,mlpores'c:
MrpeJFr ili'trl
[i ::ll5lx;:.iliT"'']"?Tjilr
i,, "";;1xgffi;fJ'"ii"iff:'"'JJ':fr":ii::ffltl*c'iionoianvpdor
ant Placeat onvtimei or
dof. leare qning oi park the velicle dt
l0 of Articlc Vll of this Code
(d) exceedthe speedlinils pescibed in Secion
Sccrion of Tems -
for m'rc lhan $enq lor (24)
anv tehicle unattended
I Ablrdoned lchi'le
hous on a Publicligh\taY
'. A*hori.'r n'iorenanc" "1r'r'1" 1r.':l'.1' :'.1:*;lH ffi:i;;i:tl
,'Rd in slRel LAhlinglraiic signol hrslrsdv
andnainle.mce works
' ,i:Ii::"r'"iu*:i1t['*"'i
" fit[[t'*ri{mv*;:f'fr
nhnds beml lo gude
9. Channelizcd inleBection - atr idd$ction lrovided vith
andlini \ehicle noreme s.
(lt,day o enCrho'cmi.Cew) gcn'mu) de6ned oJ cigN alonts\hi"t
10. ''' 're
J") F D'"\ideton
i'Ji;i;;", ;";'"p te tr-'uno.i ; rint or
t'" - sped prcpar^rory
ll. Biii"-,,"' "*oge
ro sropping or exilinB",n*o
a ldsi lanc
lor filmc
t2. Dirided road a highwY or oad wirh sepdaled cadagesays
aa\rlins in oppositcdncmns.
and sobile powd ol a
ll. Drivr - is anYPson haling conlol of lhe dnedional
supPlies'drugs oi
d. being urd to ohain oI conrev blood or olhs na\ o nov
.- i,-.n lor oer'o' rreenJ. eqdi'dc ncd'rn'r s\:lh
",-;*' torno's'" \"nrsiEr.Nrr'o
"1. ".'""
purposesot lhn code bv lhe
e. dult authodzedas an energencvvehiclefor
appropii.te aDthontt
15. Foon\iy thatpo ionoftheroadselasidelbr pedeslrianuse
'- F eoVomrehi''hodiedr$'hrlrr
H i e h I ' e a m- m e M ' s h f , f l r f i g l " r ' o'rs"o
ii.'"1 t"*',' p"'""" o rte *a' Ire dho( rte to'tonrir nLrne
p*.i,e ir,"Gr, 'L u"p '* *s p' uelro rh' rcadtvelupor
20 | os h..r msNa.h".rofrch'p'o|ecrer
Eltr f:,::i"li':"':**'l','i;J"'Li
Doncof rhe rain bnehrnonionor llre
01". ' r " - c " ' ' * 1 1 p " c l e r ' p s m [ e l ' o ' ' r o a dc \ e l u p o n \ " ' 5 r h r
inlo a sinsleslrcm'
2:. Nlersing - dre conversingol separaleslreansoftofrc
a' dir'1i' ' I' to r"'d Jd
:--'r' ,,lltini ', iu:r \ , h i c l c r r''(]
o' " (d
r L' i e , e , o r " " d L \ c r e " r i 'co { i o b - n c dr o '
" " . , + .
o\\nesbui no'
. uPoDroN
' ' i '*'Li'
rp' i '11'r'{'Er\''
l-l ". N
: i " " i',i r, '.$' "r l:!"' e* "J ' . " . r tddr"''h *er or
" \il'aa"r' " n
"iN' ""r'
ILJ'e' n ' i l"'l( rcr'n'ntd
-) j . O" n" c r , ' , r h o ' o u g h f ' r . " d r ' J "r'L 'tml'
'"'",",..1'i. -"" .'motr (Jb\ ppr'n:"'"ir"o
z6.Orciakc - 10 tasi or aLlcnrPt m drerhlie or llassx do\ilrmo\irrs
ft\ .lhg iLrrhesatu. dnedion
i di ir-i L rifrl
:8,Pr 'irrr'er 't r''' r'l
" ' r (-!C
r s s l r r r r L l b Jx t p f o p i a i Ieo r i c e s o t l ' ' "r or m : ' ln- ri;:'
- i;,lt'l; c' o' \,rjr' re "o' nir oJ i kr' r i rr'
:l;:; i ;" i.,*,'r'."'"ce'"i r""""Jur'oJ' oJoJ a
ro prson or
is pemilted r
.l l. T$o-sal il$rcughflre nred any tho$nslrlat \rbde tmfic
" H:'"nJtr":,-1:il"iil.:i1;1,i::::'J;i"'f*',:;'::,1
" I::i:""T:ffi.:?,'.",Ti'ilil.1:."1 'de"mm
d " v . n o -t : d d e nb'd d o e s r o r i n
{ io' dl vnn rh' nnror ar nns
r'l t\'lirrng man,a \chi e pe'n'red u rerotr
':nlMnrcn ffiLed tirh veuov Lne'rhJr'hould
4<. yeuos Bor ..'re Fod':onni lhc
bc reptcletr of \ehclesaLtruincs
and lnierrcrcnca vith Trafiic Conlrot tteN -
6, Eroction
(a) \rur,.
!r oe,$n wh-du)*r,:T: -b"T *:5j il':il':if;;
:; ;'i. :il,i.';;";:'"-
' Jl.i:'":l:i
consol sigN or ilenr
Linits on OperaliooolSigrs
:| ;'t;:il[ix,r; [#,ldi':[':,i$.T
)"Jl'.:ff I or c
,.Jpi.i.i,r"y', p"'i.* 'trll' aavclass
bc Opcrltiv -
Section8. Traffi. ControlSigtrs0rllens to
"' w".,r-1e;.,i"ilii.;:::;l;jii:
lur rhePdaos dnderrl'i5code
" "Yr.
;i ;:"1;l t*"iFihh**.J,";[[fi+fliH
.r dn\ orherleatures oi troic codrcligns tr N I
r ot e r r a l l i c r o n rs' le t ro r i t e m o r r l 'M
g Lo
g l]sc ol Sirens, D'zlins Lighls'SinilarCrdsts
Iut;"Ii"i"ff ]i:iH-'"m:''il'^f;
FhleL ocrN uIE\bolied16fi'
sEml|ell, Jn]P\hs
l e B l s @ r l' 4 o b i n '
'''' i ' r foc"lld -cne lne uJtr codro'
*i'i.!...n.'inc ot'pptoa\lriis theu leM(rcn
(") "*''''""'
'' :il.T:;:,il;r"i,,,: jlj*,fli'ji"l'J::JlH:'
$;J:::i :::TJ
;*"d,xe qopirco' in h' ab'er(e
line, shall no1 enrer tbc inlerwtion at or netr which the lraflic control
s p n a tt e r e . r e du n l c $ l i . w t i , i s s u c l o " er o t n e q o p . n e o r l h e
' ; , s d i o n r [ e n h " d r b tf l o * l r s a p p e x sr t d ' h e r n o r s a l e l v s n p
his \rlicle beloreplssitA the slop line or cffeing the inle$ction;
(s) a red adoF is m iBltuclion that 0 driler tacirg thc lr06c control sisnal
.\aUml lo' I r prrpo.eul floc.edl's r '\c di'(ror indica"db rhered
,' ou proceeob"Jorotlie sop lFe or. in rl" db enceof a s|opliT s\au
not enier tbe inGsclion al or near. thich drc ftmc-contr.l signal is
Trafic sk6 iGralledshoUbe obydby notorisls al all tines. tor purposesof lhis
' - $htri o "Onewat sienis erected1ofacea driveretteri4 o fiorcughlarlo
diver. the driver sbal no1proceedon lhal thooushfare
fae an approachirig
\heF a No Otfiaking on Bridse sign is etcted rear a bridse to
an aplroacbnrg drilei, lhe diver sh,U not otcnake a vehicle on the
(1) \Urse a _Stop" sienis treded lo facc a driver ivho is atProachjngor hs entred
ani esection,lhedd{ershallr
' T'tft
" $ii"*{'r#
i}*-U1,e1i'hp;5, ;: ;i \.'',",""""
X;$:l:l'x l'],::l*i"iielil"
.lo' I o u n r e r 0 oi * i o L a l b w e d dr r[ r i n " o n s r r
av ltoroushrac'
G) h.n o\.naking a tttjclc on a tso_$
ili f lf#X',',JJ:'I"i:."tr"eiiJ:'"'fl:1i
permir dre ovenaline nav@nt ro
tce of onconins li.Sc fd enouehaheadto
bcory)leredin safetY
J dri\e nauroLdn\e in rr" le'rcl
,e' ll nr rhorcdehldei dnid'd rro lhreeLrc'
nc Jr lea 'at rde F 6'c ol o
o\ena,{inamo\ment uereiv
ro & complered
LanesolTh*F'-nnc Thoroughfare'
Sedion1.1. Useofccntc'and Lft
thicle in
a r*!+ty rhotoughfd dilided i o iaee Ies a drils shal not drile his
h e c e i r e lr, . e e \ c e o r :
lhe ruleson oacnskingl
(r) rd o\erlake anoths vehiclein accoidancewi$
\D) I np r e n d ao nt o - a l e hr u a r : o i
r o e \ i ' r e r m \ e r t r sn
rc' s l r e \ e c e n l r 'l a r e b r r r ' e r i n e ' U o t ' l e $ ' L N c l
rr'esrmedtecrrorroshi'hhe Eifarerdgi
ptpaEtion for n bn un'
(d) the ettFnc bn bandlane.excePrin
Se.lionl5 Pasiogvehicles-
i'r the opposnedirectionshallkeeplo
his 'sht
A dnver li$nrg a rehicle lraleling
16, Civi4Wdv to overtd{ingVlhiclcs
?:lJ'; l'il];.::l:"lx55ri"$-;,::ii
i:lJ;f:ll;;:l di\"'''
j'"'l;: ;r;v"rup'n'he
r!:$+i:$it":f:;t :;r;,1;:l::;'l
Drivsn No o Ob{ruci Tnmr'
:JJ".:,ji:.Y fi::i';iill"1lli"'.11"ii.,1'Jlrl,it':::
;"'il".il :i;:ri
i;$l,',y1iili:1 l)'l;L'll*Hli:'":::fl::
rs d obstruction'
DrivitrgtuI-ard on Tltoroughflrc
') *":::fi"*""'.i'"1:,i:ilT;';"-""T:",.:i,'fi"*'Jjj',;*'X'Jji'l
orlineottafrcu il hecandososarerv
S r c r i o lnl , D r i ! i n gi . I t i c t c l e L t n c s- greel
r _ p r o h b i e o6 o d b e n gd r n ' n o p s ( e o - ' any laneol a Public
M o r o r\ c l i ' L
*{r a sisn bearinga qnrbol of
o; prh ,erned erlrnveb ror b|c)'le rd 'roqded
Scrtion22 DriringinRescncdL!ne$-
Section2S DrivingOterr YellorvBox
A podion withaveros,box
mdked lustf'rwavs;:TJi:f,lj'#ii:i
rurnsro red
the tFlic rigEl
A R T | C L E V I - C l v l Nw
c AY
Section2l GiingWnt at rnrcBecnons
rxr c onq. apprc"chine o' pa'tre rhrcLU d inkr" n' "lrl cr"ci:r "becir'\ae
r0,l shereafpropriate slDll\Lneol d rcdu(ed'gPeo
rl olrnnselr'on heo"verofe
h' L r . c o ra s p r o i d e di n p a d g r a o'\c r I I a n d oP rho oushrerhau Ei{c
" i.r'-" '."j* i" opproi'rud l inre* nor ron rtd ster'rre rsu
,Ji '" '"rtr"'i r.'.r,r.^ *rere'rrrerrftccrol ei'cpr
gre 'o rheo(r"l
,l'. *.."4 n \e smerir'e rhedrnerhau "ar
'.i"i.' ":'i
al or ncai an inteselion,
MrE lranieconiol sigMk de dcled procedins i. occords'c
piracrtph(h) rbo\e shaunur aptlv-roa dn\er
qfrhfic in{ructionofant sucl'nPnJl
e hJ\in!
rbo\.'dll rol 3pp\ ro \e dN- of o.\eh
P r a s . D h r b r -"'ni,ri-tr
;ri r\c* ha'
rtn-'rrg rnorouclr'''
,""ii;":.t,'. rr_el
r Civewa\ or {p
.therlclucleis l!!s! or passed
or Gft
A drivd iur.nre b the ig1lt
U Turn shal gNe rvrv 10 ull other lchictes and to
A ddler nre,tinga
o''t* t '* '*'t" the polhion of Scction I
of dis
ro tuf,irglerucres
26, Civing Wal to or fron hrked
*'*,n**tst*"lttrut*:r*t"i"Js;:":T ora
dd c'osr0rceme'
''' a dnve'\haunorruvein'$el:l dro'| tillT:1e'
i"li,*r,'. 'ord"oNoe'rrhimrod"o
Sccfi,n2T Civing rJvnvro Emersencvvehiclc
excedins lh desisnlidts Ior
of d
lhis scrion shal not aPplv h lhe diivd
the lbsoins grorieioN
effrgeN ! tehicle
a lehicle dn$s
*^ * lo justilv fie drivd of
t"t* t ,* *ttt "oslrued
l' *r.,t,t',]',:t
,iir exceeJany n0sum
hs. ordddcc or rcgdldnon
ll, DESRscinS/SNJConlc(
;;;"'fr *,'::1.':."'itT: ';
j :ilrl;"tl:l;"i''i;:lf:fi #f
'HH;;.;;en :l;'fi htr
;""*]i:u"s:";:;yl",g.:',. #;:
* ePPtnu"'
i,n, wuY"r""tttto'*
il ii ii"*".
;ff lJi::#iti{ili
;:'il;"''''" "
Sslion33. OperttingRure bv t[e
$oouehfffe olnt in $e dnecdonindicated
a onc_{v
Thedriler sh![ drivcdo'g
S.ctionS4 RignrTuds _
trtullr*ttlffi -
Se.tion3s, LoftTnms
polided, he tumish a copy ro the SmseunimB Baran wfthin one (1) monlh of $y
changeor rvnion. Tne Evisd list slEUbe decnredlinal ifnol acledby the Sanggunian
BaFn \{nhin drce (3) no ns norn Eceipt llereoi
(c) For purposcsof and rvithou! libjtiig rhe goncrolty of paBgoph (b) abow.
signalshallhe decmd lo give reaenoblewdnine ifeivcn conlinuo6Di
(iii) $hiic thc bntes ol lhe thicle &e anpliedhclorc i! slops or while it is
ant sisul eqnnedbv lhis Seclionsha[beC{ed
srad ;d'lcnlY bY
or reduce
rn in tlre ce of a signalof inredionto $op
'NerseIe\ro hfl
L , $ o . a o r I s i 4 J l o i i n L e i ' i obr u n r g h o - r e F ingde\rce
,..J. U_t* ui *^t ' oa\hirgorJnr!bmnsictu
r\o' de ror
surh,':q'rr'! de c o. .on lan,p $5rl'dlprJ N"h \e spe'iicd onslor
i (Lror
'"Ji,ip p,.";*a w't- L'"a an" o I'on o rlce
Slciion3?. thc of SisnllitrsDNices
Seclion3S. U-Tims.-
rrects 6tcd ill
undEr a hetcbldesisnded's No U_Tuns The
nE b dp'nd, Fdmc tu'Rm o'
md PrrLdr MrNscmento6ce is hcrebyrurhonrd or rhcMa)or'
mo,li[ horn rime r.."'..i di, *bl-, Loqrproval
", Ba),n$r in de {l) du or anv
brulided. ne ilmish a coP! 1o the sdrsctrniane
ihanseor Evision. The Evisd lin +"uii
a*,i.a t ,tit*t ^"d bvrle Saisguoan
lar"jnwithil lt* Cl nontt* ton ceiF theEoi:
o U_tum
A drircr sha[ not causelris \thicle 10rske
D l n e r' " \ i ' ' e o r i r o t r i a g s l h
'a' { \ e r . \ P r ' , o D o m b i l i ) I ' o l l i d t r e$ i h
LheIee movemeni ol trafc, of
prohibitsa urum
(b) on anviites4lioi al {hich a tafEc co rol signor sisEl
!l Chnrnclizedlntcnection
sectiotr39. Proccattrrc
lo rLl'l or lci rJN Jl
'rs or oeceF'LinC lane' re nr\'deJ
when tucerera
'., ' \el:-eq irterdrg "
ePL'o \e2r'oauavol Idrrdeu lishM\ \t'U
oln.^ise iBlruled
tonIJ:\iftd nPnaE'u b/nemoltkn
' d' ' , \eh\-'\'nFrrrg. L' tf
i".-.""'-""'t' r ' d h ' - u r c " t x s hu e 'r '' d { . e ' r r B
'll :iirJilTli
,l'l; *k::ll"; :l"'' ;x;';;";f
othenvis instrocted
seciio.40. vehicl.sNorToBein Cenlin Arenr'
(bl part a ltbjcle in a No Peking Aea ' cKepl $hen loaLlnCor unlo.dinCeooLls
ol coods mu{ be ror Umircdrimc ond
or prsengcdi rlos'linEand uJnoudi"e
du nljdesisnate,l tineolda\ ortoght)
rhis not
Section applvlo a pdsn haling a
(a) (b) ol
Prclidedlhal paraeBPhs ard
vehiclewiiling h a ParkngArea
or Crne -
Seciion43. tlrkins NenrCnde
l*-**qi;;,,,g-#p*tff'll"t'"r*': -
hrade lnd
Rotrtcs on lnv Sp'ti3l Occrsiotr
Section4'1. Parlo4 on
Sectionls. Parli'g for Centin
a leiiol !Po' $y road{avfor lhe pnnciPal
No PesonshallPark
lbi srte:
i*esitatcd b, e
greasing or rcpairing sucir lehicle excepr Fans
in fronr or conderciltEst*l*:*':
16. t'rldns
,.:';.:: ;;,'y,.: I;-*":ffi
"*i' lxiTlii"lffiJi;
,:'i hc'"\e
::iii :i ;1".""ffi1?':.$Jlill oddrBtre
or nErkines Eservslionof its uscs
lnsLaildionof sisdge
Section'lt Loartiogurloadingzonc$
to Rsno{e lteslllt
scction18, OfliceEAulhorted
' #,:ilYi
to$e oMer
. "
',' ** l"{;fl,d[it*5
Sectios4g Authontv lo Dill$se oruDcllim'il
r':;Jl; :;
*i*ll#i;H ffiffi$
' r*:t*f#"r"'"
Zoncs -
50. nesignntion of Plrlong
it x*l'**:,*tt
$**l+n'Wi:illi'.q ptrkcd n'ihjD tllee (l) ndds non a
o No veiriclesn$t bc "nq
i'd Tmnstoft Tdn'n'N
olI_Sl'celPlrking ltcililis
"' fi,'rqi"T$:*llff "-r:::t
sigtre -
Scction51, Prv Parting Chlrecs lnd
that suchlac nYir oPenror
ti$:ilxiiii:tlli:1'"::i "iff'*"
iiri." '"$-r M"J-
OvcrnighlP' ing -
W road
::i*;"",. apprvro
l.;:::"- "a'
or mY Pldce
li"l:lli:l ::.:i.J1"""::.:":-;;151,'
lhc lnthetrce or Liquor or
Sclion58. Driritrs Motor Vchiclc whitc Undcr
*":"','" iJl'cnce or l 'luor o'
!o p.1or .l -
, .,,u,ne.+.,., Imn,.oo sec'or
e'o.h\"Ii]" :: ;:1il#J"i.#;*':i
fJru;',h "":xir:l,\ruii::T:i:'P;*";'.
:T:rj: i F:; r.I"T"; I ;:y;+;
de rreie'ro1'i:;';:\
illt,llt I l"i,lfll:l,lllt b'rc
ll:"';:,j;i.';l. fl!
i';":itl,ii" i:i:111":'
n::#:''.ru:l sropr moe q
E\en iep $uq berorenru e6uredEi suclr
:tijj [*f
:,:1"::: . ;:
; ii';;::',;il#T,,'J
[i'*'"T.:.# :T:I$::i :r ll;,,] "ill"i'lTff'li
| ' '.\J.idr|
"rl,.;ii "^**-
Sccliontl. fiut' LrlDnSlnluDet n'lren'led\ rhiclc
til" a '' \eluih $hd s L {ocd shau
'elr'rc 't
: ;sl:;i
,:;i';ffli'"#T;,:l[.J]":;'i;i"li riiJ'"1"*-''| f um"'nc's
""' "'c'
Sn.tionol, Iurl trnonSlrikng I i\lursun a Ro'J
secuon A c ( i J t n lR t l o n F o m l -
(al lhe lask Force Disiplin! ond lraffic Task Fose shdll prePse ed upon reqrcst
.rr.t\ .o riJs^ fl'd rJen F ' 'cemed.for's fur rc'de1r rpon ^qu'td
' * n " c r r o r l e r r ' o \ ( . r i ' P d o n s k " r c l r r r o n su d r h o
" i l m d qro " r t '
, bc scn;d. The \ rcpons lo be madc bv pesons involved in
;ccidcds drd by rhe invesdBdtingo6ccrs slrl call for sufiicient delailed
inromrlion lo disclosc wirh Elere.ce lo such ascidenh the causs,sstrg
conditionsondllre lersotr andvehicleiNohed
rhc penor in charsc of any ganee or repan shop of which a notor vehicle brougbt
3hov;d *ideme of hali'rs bs inlolrtd in an accidef or sktrck bv anv buuel, shall
ie!.r1 to the Dolice deDadnenruhllin 24 ho!8 rfter sucb nolor lelncle is received
siinB rhc ricire nuDb;, phtc nunber. the nmie and addressoflhe owner or driv'r
suchechlclc-.nd o desciplior oflle slspiciousor unusral circun$unccs.
S e r r i o 6n t , w b e b D n \ c r ! n t b l e t 0 R e p n d-.
,r, ^n .ccrdel Epon 5 no' reqldeo JrJ" rl:' Ar''lc lror' i pe 'i sio
! l [ i c " y i c d p ; b k o l m J l ' g ? p o r o u n C r t o e r r c ' . l - ' l i F c r p ar')
wrlereitt rhe &iEr ota vebicle is phtsicalv 'ncopableof givihg an imcdiate
noticeofan accide asrequned;nSc.rion63 andthercrc @lxqoenPmt!
the vehiclear llE linre of rhe Eccidcnlcrplbl of doing e. sucr'occupmi 'n the
rchiclc slrallml . repon not nDdeht thc drirer or if lhe ddvcr is not lhe oMer
ofrhe vehicle.lhen lh; oqd ofthe vehicGnrvolled in suchaccidentshallwithin
5 daysafrerleamjngofllt mcidontmdke cn repon not madebv the ddver'
Thc headol tb. Tdmc dd Peking Mrmgencd Oflice sbal tumnh mc copiesoI oI
Eporls wfthnr48 hotrs fio; lhc flins tbdeot lo lhe P'lice alld$e of6ceof the
Sectionrr. LicctrscRequired.
a mlor lehicle
No personshall dea bictcle wilhi.lwo netcrs olthe Fai of
(i) whenthe olh$ llrjcle reacbesa point 200 rerc* fton bis molo!
{ii' 'nmdiarclv \h-r, rhc lighr noje'r'_ bv ewry \mdleln oI lhe o h'
o nt
icnille i" $\ir('11 F ou beofl ad shs c'u* e\cry Fcaducnl
'"iti" ," ,*i,, ., r"" 1.- ihe orhcrvehicleh$ pssed
'"' r , u F s o n . r r r l l d - \ c J r o ' o ' w h i c l cs r ' ' o u t \ e r e q l : E dc a d " g ' I ' . l h r
on lod mar r\cd \er o'a moror \ehicle ms '
. -*ii" *1"' *""'J
q n e u ^ c [ n s r r o r d d s tr i l l d a q
. i ' " " . . " -"i* L r""au"l't" l' v'nrle
S..lion 78, Ligbh uo Sr.donrrl Moror!chi.te.
snbjecr ro lhc provisio$ of scclion 84, !o peNon sbol leave a nolor ve[cle
\aiting on a road nnh a hmp oaa FLver exceedi4 sclen waiis lighled and
shoving ro rh nont. ercefi wlije lhe vehiclei3 lolding or unloadinspahg6
or n conDelledto renrainslalionaryby
xio lmps (one on eacbsid4 shownB 0 clee white lighi to rhe &ont dd
cledt aisible uader nomal aimospher'ccondilioN at a distance t8(]
tutes, or lvnere rhe molo! rchlcle o. lDiler is ririns on or adja@ntro
thc hounda.tof$ch Inm! shal beon rhesideof the
n o r o r\ c h r c l r orrr o i l enrc d r . r h ec i d e r o r r l ' ej h o r o u e $ x r .
Smtion80, Liehas
rod Orl. Equipneoton Bicycles.-
Su.h lanps ond rciedo6 shal bc ofrhe gpes and affixed in lhe posnioN
prernbed by lhe propei audrcrityfld cleanat all ttres
r!l r\,' oersoldaU id.d o.r..-teun.\\i i. eqdrDcdwirt
G) No peson shol drive or pmir any eimt-draM vehicteo. lny lrailer 61hche!
lo il io be in any doroueMart belweensunst and sudie, untessthe vehicleor
rlE rnikr is equipFd$ith approFiale nonl and red tmps, ctedancetmps md
Fdecioa. aspEscribedby pmper rurtoiiry dd rhe tmps are tislrted.
(a) ns Fntcr is nol iDE tl[n I neter abole tlc giound i and
(b) it ii in rhe ce er or to lle let sidc ol lhc cenrerof rhat porrion ot lhe rowcd
thicle *4ich Gcesey folloning velncle,
la) \n te rs shdl drNe o' l.J\e wai,nc 0 \et.icc on $nich is nou reoa tanD
o'st rlug nemuenr nDhcs.ercenr
(ii) th. rchicle is oursideo built up rca md lhc lanp is lighred md us
lor ltu pl4ose ofreodiq a bad sicn.
(b) The prorisions of parasrapn(a) oI lhis Sectionshol nol alply if lhe lehicle is tu
cmersencyvehicle which is beine usd by law cnforcementasenciesin the
perlornanceof their oflicial lirnclion.
(a) No leson shal dive my molor vehicle wirh any sisq posrcri or orher non-
lBrolarent mterial npor dre nont wi.dsheld of suchwhicle whichobstructsdre
drnas clearvicw ofthc highsay.
(b) loltqs or slickqs apnoled by thc prope! aulhorily shaub plad al the low*
riCl( handcomer of tbe fionl $n1shiel,j.
(c) No peson sh,I drive aoy nolor rhjcle wirh any nonrrmpare.t merrial or
olrjccl suspendedwirhin lhe windshieldare! N lierved Fon rhe drivels searnor
shNUany persondlive any notor vehicleupon rhe hood of which is anacbcdto
any ixlnre omanml of.ny nEter'al ra[c[ vibntes. or swnrcswitf in vieN ofthe
d er ofsaidkhiclc.
(d) Ih. windsltelds on every ftorff vehicle sh.[ bc cquipped with a wipcr for
cl.tuine $in oi dther moirluE Fom the windshjeldand shall be mintained in
good aor$rg ordcr.
Sccrn,n33. ?ro.jeciingLoods
on Pr$cngerVcliclcs.
Nd paengcr rwc \rhiclc sball b. .perared oD uy Fad virh a load lhqeon prcj4dnC
belond lhe enrene widrb ofrhe vehicle.resadless of rhe mlure ofrhe propeny bing
S.ciioD89. Lordio beprcDertxSe.urd.
S(lioD 90. ?otj.e offie^ tvlay wcigh vclict.s Md t cquie ReDorrt of Etcess
",nqc . whi(redr, ,odoa. 0bove
oF(r moJJco.ri,e lhe drive ro stup
11 leturF h a .uibbtr pt F trd Rnrin mtin8
miit *^ por,on or ,n" rouais
rcrrDvtud mv b. frsqiJ o ,edLcert.cI,oo \cictr o rt_eLehicte ro sftr
*" - unioded F.n; fo,b),ferMc,, |he
ill:'; T,Tl:tjiir
G) tu'. drn{ o'r v+ le rfo reru$,o jop alJ .rbri rm v<nitc
Md toadro a
rL.rtuC sbendte. edbv. n,.oeg, LUo, e nidr.,,("nur
No person
i dttJrneo @odrv mororven.t rDvinc aeg,eCdre
f 'r' peci "n
na ;r'*b \;ish c hohner
t:il""f ,1"'m',T"il;:"
'"rti" - alvwoodrn
a'|d peed
"' ).""iJ:il,"Tl,:H."lf.;;;' "
SFrion 91- lem ro Mov Equipre.t and/or Lo{d or
rrce$ivc W.ighr, widiir
or rligt,r.
c,J tjTl:-,]{,
rnm(rm nrc,rr hoths an rquior.r
now ,rous1,he
I ald or toa,loi er.rqi,e \erch,,qo.h
or icrEri Jnresa pemit o, cteearre!,! Le I n.LedbL
a drty adrLonado|]jcer
o / h e l / a m c s n dh r t i n B N I J g c m c n
Ol S c e
A / l o p p U . a t i rour r,p c i d , . e o r r ( J d n d enr . . S e o r . h r u
b . m a d ci n M r i n g r o
rneI En. dd Prkinf \tdtusenflr Om ? oi tp
ar "?rtrlr drd (hi .on;in
ofrhe vehictc,e{tuipmcirand/ortoad10benoved:
(ii, -#:i,,il,ilH;]* id.riry'sdc*n|iorrr,heorale
(iii) CoDnJeie
ot lherourcis lo belblo*cdi
(nJ l.ieight,\'id& andlengt ofthe stuDq;
S.ulion94 Routca
.nd Jccrners.
.rJ :eeD,!^.D.rudlI negrrai. rr snunhw6 Mh nrd
l1l:!.,..1'l*-lt* 'hc
ldnJ rrworna.iof
trrr. Lr.tti,s an,l Regur4oryBoord Mo
rt,ks /.fMa e d toi.,irur ,vjLlJn,.e vtr,ni|'t'-f (,Du
frrtu\h t\c I mm. ond
;il:,il:'"i:T1',i"ll.;],ffr"-,hei o o* s",,".,,__-,s.,i.
\'irhod nrslritj noditdc rheir authunrd rourc!
.,.::i".., ,"i,:" ,i,"1. . ,.". o.*"
{ - t r ) ( . . s ! , , b cT)
i F . f t o r J i r Eu n n u d u sp",o
o , n"-.,11",,;;il:,,,il,rJ:jic
..,.", ,is,i,",r"i.
prtrjlc i ' . f l , t J n l c k m i n , . , . , r a r e q , , ; ob J , , , n . , o * ,,iri*
I . a n . ci r p , o v e , q r
9:i. Vehictes
forIIire wilh NoIrixedRoutes.
l'rt'lj. l0nJeJ 'n6p"n cnr\Etrc"\ *,rh lran.hses
16opcmre.virte. to, ljre..
pmhitited to chalge fore in exces of wh.t is authorted by tbe Land T.E6porlotio.
Fr.rcnisiry nd Reculalorr Board.
Scrtion96, TricyclcarndPcdicrbs.-
S.ction9?, Liccnsc'MolDrVehicleRegiltmtidrndOllrerRequirenctrts prsotr wnh lice.s duly issuedbt rhe L.nd TramponadonOfli (LTO)
shill b. ollosdlo drile a \ehicle;
Drnas liceNe nust, !1 all limes. be with or in acbal l)ossion ofthe licetre
dnle rlriving dr oper0ling a nolor vehicle. lt musl b shown/surenderedro
hlfic cnror.ciq whende$andedl
ScrliunrS, SrudsnlDri!;rrrmit
lal Only $lid and rguldt issuediDs. platcs,nickes and lags shall be allowedlo
tlt dnphlrd orposkd onu properlydesilnaredpartolthe nolor vehicles.
Usc. po{ing or display of ftke idcdincadon cdds, ploles, slicks, etc-
pdicularly lhose Mlh Fference ro larv enforcemnl agencies, includinc
Irnpeed, turke4 unaurhoriTed
andimprovisedpl es, aresl ctly prohibned.
S.rlion101. RoadWorannressof
G) Drirr o. o!rator ofa nolor lehicle sla! seeto it tbat his dotor vehicleis in
eood rudi4 or 6ad sbnlt c.ndition equippedwith apprcpriareand tunctionins
slity sadsels, acce$ions o. a(esoies (equiflnent) rvhile on the road, e.g.
brikes. sieDalliChs. rail liehls- Icad lighls. srop lisbls, rviper. side Diror. spare
liFs ofmad worlhvcondilioneic,
lhe drirer/orvner/opedtor sball oll nDke sure that rle moror vcNclc ho/sh is
dn\ds tully comllieslvith the pmvisioBofR.A. 37,19othenvbetnown d de
CIcm An Acr 6 $.eI as Municitial OrdinahceNo. i 2003 abo knoM as tbe
SiDke Belching Ordiianceoflhe Municip.lityofSanJDan.
(c) Fuhlic dilitr vehiclessholt ply lhen appmvcdrcurs as statcd nr rhcn nanchise
snbcci ro seclidn 94. Anicle XVII ofthis Ordinance.Authorizd rcutes bust b.
pruperly painted on the ltry puLsuantro LTO resnlarioN. Failuc or
enoneous/inproperpaindng of aurhorizedrouie shall creale a prcsmplion nDr
l,LrV is nol pltingonirsaulhoriedouie or il is out oflinel
scctionl0l. Acccasorica
(a) in iddirion ro therequiremmsin Seclion99 heEol PLrysnusl bde<tuipped win
lht follolvineplopd o.ceslionvscessoiies:
Liglrton raximler lnd on top oflaxi
utur,cr*nsat covcs. erjorIigbts. etc.
shnu not lllow ovqloading, orqchareing lns nor conhcl out serices in
Section -
105. P.desiri$ Crossing.
(a) A driver amroachins d pedeslrianco$ine shal uald at such a sreed tbat, il
ne*ssd'l to conplt vi{h this salioi, he willbe lbk ro nof his lehicle before
n.ching 'ir pedsriu qo$ins.
(c) A ddlq shaunot pemn mr porrion of his lehicle to enrer upon a pedeshid
(ossing eren if sy vehicl headedii n1e sore direcrioDis stopped on ihe
appFach sidc oi or upon rhe tedeliriao crcssingappdntt for th purpo$ of with this sclion,
106. DuticsotPcdAtrians,
(d) Mud llc awde of ud slricllt lottow rhe sigm pur up i! co@clion wirh
107. Rcatrictiors
, on Tltomugtfar.,-
S..rion r08. Pcdcslrians
l -* . 0 ' L ' , I r l r ! i . o , r o o r q J ._ p e o e i r i a n :
(i) p.ocediry along a fioro{gMue shall. whm nract'cable, t6wl on the
roroughlbreor sidof rhe dorouglinrre usd by lehicls kaveling in the olposire
dnlcrid4 andrhall keepasclos 6 he canlo llE boundaryofthe thoousltire o!
(b) s[oUnol procccdaloDBa thorolehli.e aheosl ofnoE tbm o.e olhcr pcdcalria4
cxrcp! a pmcessionor pdade authotuedby tle lrots anthoritJ,.
Viervor DrjliDg Mechankn'
109, Obstn.tion to Drivcr\
;:fl["i:i'lj$:li';:;:.tiririi Jt
l'":i;:i:l;""::illi:l; J;1:l':.:i:'i;
{b )i:1":}{il\ ::T::,;T;.
jin;e'f\'r'th o r' l ' c
section110. trollorvitrg TnckorotlcrEncYecn'vvehictcs
\(nic,",,i,, "",,',ll.I]
t * Ii::i:i'
*:i:,*r:*t:,li;*t*il l R u n d-
l e f l i o nI l l , Punlnccln* slirp OI'i(rFon
Sectio lt2 TruckingMud' Cc$cntor Debis !'to
\o \crrd"
Hi ;" ;kT.Tllr
il:;illi";;i#JillH il]:':il)il',','" i";1l;l"i
ll:t;"js'".m1;;:;Jl.:ill -
113,Dirins'firough !un'rtl or
l.,r:t:: :,,',i,ll,,..rltill,,::
::1.1 :I;'l:il[i
rftI'ln*ri*i:r** t ;*;1t;,;g1g: ;gi
J::.:t::: ;,"i,."'iii'i,":J"ii"",-i
J_,,iili;':1.,' "
iii'r,l.i."'',' 'n"u -'' 'o sdlhruncr0r
*if; l.;l-$tlli**: :;";m'I
1 :'r":"t':::-lll,,:,;.'fi;i;"i"'ll"lTil","i
of tiliccn ccnrimres (15 cm or 6 inches).The flass md tighs shall he hslcncd
DyInrJr5oragne$. {criun.lrp.. or $riIE. wue in hporo.essjotr eib drnd
J i'h o n r h eh e a d l 6 r ' snn. do r L A r , i . , jeg h r . , . i E r o ' ; h l . ) o j h i 5k t u c t ea .
tu'ihcrrJe inlJlor
\ n f f , o n . h 0 l ld e o ' l . r J M , : u c h y c - o . / u p o r .o. , s n u * r n y r . r p e i o l
rurJ. 'vilroLrkeeorngq sLrI - r ' I Dfl oft.e.os. ol .n,rmua'au!io opln rhe
road $ !s lo pernir rhepa$ageoflelicles,
A p c r c n { l L r l l n odr - : . po r n J e r r . r l T o t o r J . t eL n t e rrsh J ,
. A r J thr . r a e ro Lf i l r r c J J\ . u e t r t a q eF, df n d e . t p n , , o f h eFsrr)duenr6 s * , n g
A srery lElnEr refercd to in paEgmpi (a) lcrein shaltconply wilh lhe slanddd
set Dr lne properauthodb..
scclionll6. Produ.tionofDrivr'sLiccnsero
lmmc Ofiircr
No poson slu! drivca rotor vchicteoD the road ne$ he or shchasa vllid d;vefs
licenleisnEdbr lbc ITO for th tlpeofEhicte.
1l?. OneniryDoon$ndAtishrinstron vehictes,
A per$. sh.Unor opn or leaveops a door ola vehide or aliebt Goma Ehicle uto a
rholouctniqe, so as 10 causeddger lo oder peson using ihe road or so as lo impcde
No peen shoI ue or causeto be ued ibe hom or dry otler rlmjng iNlrumnl on a
1nicle,ercett onen ne.esary as a lhfd thming or as indicationlhat rhe drirr of the
velicle i endslo ovefilke lnollEr vehicle.
A J...r ,.1ont mnror\chtrlc..s qell .s laacnEe6 occupFe rhc bm. q{s andotts
specifiedlocrtioN, nusl sd a seatbel as provnied for under RepublicAd No. 8750
andlne imrlmenting rulesandresllarions issredby LandTransponationOfffce.
(a) pe4o. shall nor Nilho ihe written pcrmissionofthe Trailc dd Parking
MniaeDF Oflice, drive or leavcstaDdingary velicle on o rcld for lhe l]Uaose
(c) A peson i. rehicle slnll not buy or otrer to buy an aniclc ffon dy person
sludingor placcdon a road.
(d) A pe^.n shall lor bar, impcdcor divcrl ft noN or dircclion oftiallc fron dy
rurd. skeel or bshsay, udess authorted in {rnine or exccpt$Ien lhc closuEof
d rood o! 6y pafi llerofto ftamc oi lhe diresion oftr.fl]c is diclatedby redoN
oI cmrycncy lo prolcct tlrc pullic lron dy calamily,fire or other publicdascr.
(e) TIF plohibitior conhnEd lrerh shau aGo apply lo the ue of sidewllks by
vcndors,repairshopsor anyesta6listnenh.
'rcr' c^amlosd cLcRnue iratr ' rncspurup rrad 5ic$ for p' 'cad rcmrt odures
qgtu sanjrB ofexca\al'on$0s
'. *r'i.s r rrde FiJr'a l'Por 'dlil)
" I"*il[!:il'liu';
rd) 4 I s r e a s o J g o r P \ a \ a r emdL l b c f - o p r ' ) ' e t o t r d
o i r ' n F n d l f o n b n d eLr l r e
'Jrl:hH"1"#"x'lJ#I "i\igrx'*rrTi:: H
; ;;;:*; a';"'*"
fi;lli ili"djii.".fi
;;'' :;;ie.'.;.^r',*u ',"' '-jll-T1lill1i$r"li'J:
" "n
r.mktion !l rhe .x(avarion ond lo h cnnpreler
:#;:' ;'::,.x:'t :,T*T:^"',11,"i'"3;r'il
tIi'",".,'.".,t"i'. t"''"ernodI'a!beeirc{'rcdsJrisbconh
ns 0rSoERoads -
Section122. AcccssRestrictio
lr d &' beLnlav Jrfoi 1r) f-'or n" rElo- -iurid' al ro clo'e ob6ttu(r'prevsr'
- n d 0 i c r l c L * o l o o e e' / c s i o
'r'.^."" '"rt'* u"rcrbR o vcni(u
.i.-.,ii,"1,"" oq*"b),\.TTjIT":"Ti,#,'il
-*,;,,, erce, :i:
N;sdictDnol rL'eMuniciF[tv ofs'D Jdin ur ro
sucher is
i:lti#;i;;;; Daim
';iil;;;;;"ihoiztion orthesanecudale
*t ro remvc
p"' 'e andtlre Mrvor is herebvautlroriEd
i'""iy J*tiio
-,"iiaoru* - ou-"io" " "' -a to openthe sid rcld ro ihc plhlic notu /rolid ar
lhe erpsc of rtr otrsder
;li'.11",1; ffi fr'5
;':::l[ il1li::1l.'5i
;t'"l""j- :":j"'#" "d e,,cs b sa(ne'
:1' Tr:flf : iiJ:l H*"": r'Uo i'r orler rcrb
''' - a " rer roorve-
CondNt ofshoe shinco.cuPatloni
Doirg hols choEs suchs qshins clojhes,hongingclothes.3n.tbathinB:
Seuinsup of baskelballoourtso\al:
scctiotr121. lroccdlrB in rh. t$uanceolOrdinlrceVior,tiotrR(eipr (OVR)
\cnicl...,hednpEietnE oli*r .hr-
r\.n inltr-e.F n,m a1dlddres or ,he
o' 1edtre,5
iljil;'liXliill"ili"iilJ::i;tl':,ii:li r(Ec,n,,;
d,h(,eh,," r.rJn!," ..'. ," ",;",;"Ji:I,;,xl[,"ii:iiff"::"R
llili:"l'ff|;.H;",i "r'"'.r"''p''"':
:1",I't "'p"''triiili"
I ror,ded-,
iI rhe \iu or ,J. ,ru,crrn,pd bL
trrJrh Inc rra . e,,ror(r .t. rt (,cJrc..c orF, . Lt n Me,,opoj.k
pritr1,"d Ordtrr,e v;t;.;
,l,li'lll.]"",lll,";'"i",X";X.i,"", 'r,"."n,.ii,i,n
* tli1r
' '. p.o\,son.
ti i,i;:;.:i:'X:"";:*ltT:::il1i,:':,lj:" onr-r.
p,mi'., inf r d.ndru,; o",'."^,;;,; ;;,i ll,iJ.','il"lii"i,.:,.Ilj
:i:ji{i:ii_i,il ;i1 *ul "vlr; -.,H: : "",?ritr.".#,:i: i.
il:'Ii:llli',1 jfl i:.'"j":i"-"d"*.t'r'd o''hi,o oi*n""
*...",,,,",,, i"ri",.a,1, .,
iiTtJ,["#"'.J' "-.
li;:" ""';;:"; ii i"",:'l:ii,"lil,:',,il:::"*' "hd'l
.,p,mn-LkpnorJ. r, ,r..., .r
""' """,'"*',"h3S:ritt;J1i;iT[::,:"::
il:,i'"' ","ii,i."j"c:il.;;."";':t,:"J?":j;
s.cliontr5, Iaiturero Obej,Sunrn0ns.
AnJ Frson N,hotiits to alpcar
B$(r lo hm by m oftr ,r
il:Ti',l':::: ;ff":;
Sedion126. SuhnDr!o, r cglll, t,arkcd
V.lrclc, -
k| (jc \v-rr,uro,nuri. ,orr p,,rcdu .oppod qolr.on
Y.-:lr,l.alll,r,orr in or
Lr "tr";;Ci ;.,,i:i"""liT1;:-:[
,ru.. rrn,rrJ trs rcr
, ,^,*; ,r,.
.1,e" M,l \h
i. i i;.J':,:;T;;.i;l;h:i
(on\ni.uou\t! rDr ,^ ,1" -,
rcctioDI l?. Ibirue ro c0nDb\riltr
Snnrnom ArhchdtorrrkcdVehicrcs.
',r.1,ng sfd ! ie'j n ic\c.,sr,a.,
l:if': :lpj:i,. h n.e ,h. .oLJ.
r d8ic rd
: 1 t . , : : , . : 1 . : : ,I :n,L*' !"r"i Tj J_r. . , " . * " r o" p p i " . . r , n* . . " . , l e d a r q a t r eo, , , h i ,
J , o i ' r ru i r i x b ro. . pa.",
.ii;ili.:'-* " -"*-.,Li"g
jl ilhr.l:,:::i,-':li;,r:i"iit.;,"*."",j
q \ ' r r d ! p e - 4 l i h o r : r. l J i t i , .
,-,,, r\ , , n s I . r , . c , ( e : ., r c , lo v r e r r " - . . , a , .
s ' n n o 1 r n . a f l i y e ,ul . D . - , , , t o , o . r",i
; , h . . g h i p "" ,. _ * C""" -r,"
Nlunicilalilt shall alkr tumish thc l- lU on a periodicbasis.rbc li ofnoror vehiclesdd
thcnosncrsordrivcBNhohd heenisscd sumnoN.
In dre ffit ady tnson iaik ro conply wilh a sumon ei@ to hin or athchedto a
v.hicle or if t peNn fails or Etuses to detosit bail s EquiEd and within thc lim
Nnniftcd, tbc lml,er aulhoftt shauhave a comPlainte ered flCainslsuch peson dd
sech rhe issuanceofa \w5nl ofhis 3tres1.
lcn.dica lbr cnforccmcnrshallbc undcidkcn:
For drMnsjelared riolations. the frafrc and Parking MtMsmt OFe slEI
comunicate rvith !e Ldrd TnNpon!(ion Office to lold in abeym the
eneqal of drivefs liceN or vehicle Eeistration unlil cledee hc ben
o b r n n dh o D r l - rv l a . ' p . ' ) :
(b) Fof other violations, the Trafrc and Pnrtins Manasedent ofice sholl
inmcdiDicly Ktui lor cancelfurionof rc pcijnil and lhe issuanceof closurc
order ton the Muicipal Mayo!. ln rhe clcnl that lhe orwr of lhe thiig or objccl
o0using rhe obsrrtrcrion on the sidervBlkor iMjcipol steels could nol bc
det.mined, the TraFrc and larkins ManagemedOfilcc shall causeits remval or
S.ction12e, trorlF.
wlEre fie violaroris nor a driver, a urincn Mtice or citationlo fie ofrendiry
prdy sh.ll be ksuedby thenepurtedtafric enlorcer.
Trmt [trod,-
S..1iun130. Crealionof Tnmc Derelopnni
I'.rkir8 chorges.ieminol fces, loGng fees, dnd simild imposilion ibr qtecific $niccs
renderedshau.ccrueto rhe Tramc Dc\lopmnt Trus! Fud.
Tlc Fn.d shall t disbnrcd ody for tatrc inprovnenr and othr acliYitiesand
requirenenh of lhe 1iafrc and Farhng Managenenl Ofrcc. ircluding nainlenanceor
fa.ilnier and td6c contol, uifotri g.dgcc md equipnenLinclDdinsircenlive
allo\vancesdf ftmc cnlirrc.s but crdudins sallries of pdsonnel.Any lnused balmccdt
+. tud olrhc ar$ yedr In fllcr, cr t*.11 6!e percefl r)toor otrh" pRiour
e r ( n 4 r h t r F { h r l r e e n b a c lr i , r t e C d e , d I d n i "
seclionl3l, Redcn'ptionCcntol,
The OnlceJfule l rafrlca J pd,i.e Mandgtmen, Orr qhem rfe lmtic \iolarion.s
(onrricd \rr'r fne A 'fp redcmpr.on cflrcr wher!d \io arors\dt redeentu\ d,rve-s
. r r h eO F t r o r t l E \ 4 u r i . u r t ' , e s r . e - h c s e o i . m p o u n d . o\ e h i c t er, . a 1 b e
rchsed Lon tre dsrgmtrd nrporndirearel ot , e mLn.c,faiirJ I pon nnenderofthc
InpJfdmE R(ep and pF..nFrion ot celitture ot ret,rmt.on inJldac I're oqical
re Apt r,.uedbJ rheOtrce ot r\e Vurcpdt Le^, re. .enir,g a" doofoip,ymcnt of
Sulled.r iUgally
pdked lel ctedueto flal rireor ensinetrodblewillbe
towedmd OVR Nill beissled.
Sklhd or ilegallt parled vhicleos r Estrlt of chply tuel knk nxy be towed io
rhLreJtrst s,colr. {,b j.n ho{cre.. ,f" r.rsnE te. .huLtobe paiJ ro ,ho
ra:{ n 0((o'docc qr l rhc rLmbrof (LbnerB hom rte
lDrnrotoricin ro rbe
ca:oline sr.tion 0 a OVR shallbe hsuedto rhe{filel
(t) Illegally peked vchjclesrhat me alr@dy clampedro lhc tow lrucks shalt not be
suticcrfor jrftrce$ion bl rbe o\her of lhe \dncle or by llE reprse ativesof
rh.u coq'dny s ro* rluck.
(ii) Vehiclc\condiliotr/otherdcscriptrn
(d) lf lhe $bjNt vehcle foi lowing n in the Mlcl list of camaPFedvehicle.lhen il
lo rhcpropcrouthoriries.
Nill bc reporred
TnEjc and ParkinsMdaeement OFce shall gile llr go sigml to lhe loqing
crew vnh $e lollowing inslnrcrions: "You are clcded to tow".10 indicatelhal
rheynay procccdi! n to\viru of tbe vehiclc
Dclar sclual towirs. if n owneLis dound. tle tow rruck rew slnl issuea
O\R. ln caseihe otrner/dlils is nol prcsent.tbe Dolicesldlb. left lo ant tramc
of6cer on dury dLthe silc or to dny respomiblepersonwho van Cire the nolice lo
Slould the rsnicb orvner rcn$c lo dccePlthe notice. tnen the mlice shal
te di$e$(leJ and lhe apFehe.dins olfic$ wil pbce a notadon in lhe
noliceLha!ltc oMer rc idsesro acceptbebro lhe vehicleis lo$ed
$hm ll lo\v lruuk $ans ro nove. $lhin the lsl minue aner towjle' fte 1o{
turk crew shalladlne dre liafiic andt.rking lvl@gemnt Olllce offie tine of
$eir ariHl upon remhils the d*ignrled imloundine ma wilh lhe lowcd
(b) I n c d e n l r \ , s ! ( . o 1 . n _ b \ . r r r k l o r d r r i n s_ r o $ i , Co p e d n o r\ h . hm r
.'rd'elo/fe b . e r ! . o f r l e . , k e , o r c s k . b J' \ e M r o i c r p a t c o h r J m n
n l s - t rI J J n l r. h cr d r f i cc d o r e , t a q o p . n e . a i d r o w r r u . t , o r q u e , t i o n i n g
shalltuUrhep'oorr *rholis r\\erherrt.e.0id.osinsin!! beer?ioned
ro ilrhesid lo\v rruul isdulyJ hofred
If lhe lo* truck lud no authority to operare ttrc to\rins scrice wnhin the
Municipaliryof SanJuan,rtF lorins incidenrstrallbe consideredan unla{,tutacl,
ddrhero!,airopFEbr.hd[beth s e dt o r L o t o r L m
o p c r a t i o nl b e r m f f c
c r n n e r . h n l l : s $ er r n \ R o ' i - ' o L r r u . ko D e Eo r . , o r E hr h ed r n e rb - - u c h
v'urrLunand shalliinpou0drhcsad bw rru!k
Scctio!135, TnwinAFcs
T /peAjad or Vcliclc
4 000 knosgross ftr1.500.00
5. hsavlequipnrenr6fmorc
rh& 4.0unkibs P m t , 8 0000
ShrreufrhcCilJ in rherouirrr teesshJllbc
Frcrided. thdi the whole srelch ofthe fotbenrs nolionattoads wjrhin lte julisdiclion of
NiunicipaliiySln Juanm cxcnpled Eom 1!e UWRP nnddd ffi,in ope4 ro {it:
S.dion138, ElenlrrcdVctrictss.
(t 'lo{
lnrhs duryasEdiied by rheMuicipahy of SarJudi
(s) vehhlesusd bynedicalpdc ionersin anenereency
scclion13r. Roquirenetrts
The Munidipll lvlaFr my granr special exen/ion for rehides not covered by the
prccerling*crion on a caseto c.e bdsisor ylEn tlE siluouon
nereserJ. subjedlo theIolo{ingrequitements/procednrcs:
Thc applicationshall b 6ld *ith rhe fmfrc 6nd Pdking Mmgemn Ofrce
ir sholl Eriey the applicationif documnts are in order and conplele and
validarc e.hics fieEitr tlore endoFmnl lo rhe Oflle ol lhe Mayor for
.tProv.l andissudnce ofsemplion
An) cxcnprion grotcd by rhe Mayor shall be wlid ody for d penod oflh@ (3)
monthstonr daleofissance,subjecllo rnewd.
1.10,Fes forExcnption
l}I:00 Plt500
PanelitubliuULilirliecps thr400 Plp750
Tnd\ le{ rhan4,000[ss, PiP6Ol]
lrucklc$ r|tr4,000 kps. PhIt,500
(rv) lnita! ed tuinrain lnfic sigN, Dad martdngsdd oincr kanic control
deucesorcaus theprep@lioDoM in$alalionofrhcsanei
(viii) Fomulaic ,nd implenrenta looal rraflic eduaiion and rcad siety
!ie.rtor14.l. lvlirceln4out,
Ihe provi,sioro
ofDeDanneil Oder No. 96-693i$ncd by lnc DOrC or 13Nowmbr
Retscd scheddenr Adninislmlivcfes ondchdgcsof lhe LandTlmponalion Otrce
(LTO) lhit arenot 'ncousislent
herewitbdreleEby adopted.
ljecrior1'16. Repe.libgCh$d-
nns o imncc slnl lakc cllicr fi1ieen(15) daysaner its oDp.ovaland pub[cdion in lhe
Municirr,l IIaI an.lBaianCayofiicesoftlJs l4nnicipahl
Brrri!!r Artone-Ba.o
Brnnlov PcdmC@
L , , F K S d b s s , h . , { B t L n c l r i ns r o N D u m , s o s ,
u . r o " t i J d oS. r .S r ,f o h N . U o f r i l b os r . , o B t u n d r n n
L.^rErorosr liontmgtab$an F SerrurSr.
r.r(q[a sl. goilp lu n]utunuiu Sr Alrye/ S tun I. Bss sr. ,o p,nr8,ornrl \
Bhnsv Addiriontritb
Sr.10v. Cruzst
Sr.noh p. pamda
tsarcelum V. Cru sr
nomV. p. pandaSr.
MonsSr 6oh p, (nie\naroM.ctancSl.
sonsonSr.6omMrlans to p. Cuem;a
v AnAelcs
Sl lronrCot.vcr Sr.,otsluncnkitrsr.
Barrno,\ WesiCEn
A r i l d n S Lh o m0 t u r n e r usi u
, roEiexiosl.
.,r*""r"= rir," s,.ii';,;:-i;,.,,,s
"",, ",,,,,,,
Eje$itoSL SoD PinarJabanan
BaRtrqovLiflL Brqtrio
6 r . D . l f q u s 5 r .r i o r \ J r e r s r , o t o s ca 4 J s M r u . 5 r .
( u . M . v c r r r . b o m l o . cc - , 4 s
Gon.V. Lin Sr.nonrCol,M. Ver sr ro cen. Dc Jesus St.
C e l V I i d c t . L c n L i T D e I e - , - : . . r oJ J , eA L d q _ no . : l
( J d r \. 4 : q d d o \ r . f . T r , f l , \ . t , T t u . r . +
A b - os d r o - : .
\r/os['SronSr.non MadisonSL
r Nshinglon Sr.lion MadkonSt.
lvlaJi\onSt JiomWaslinglonSi. ro Xa!i$ St.
xavierSr nomMadison Sr.lo DeIesusSt.
xavierS!. noin Dc lesusSr.b WlshinetonSt.
anhapolG St.t0 MissouriSl.(7 Ln,lo]sr
s l r o c o lM V e r S l
c . n , v , L i n s t . a o n M . AR e r t S
GeD,S.cundoSL to'njosc AbadSanlosSr.lo Cen DeJesusSl
lhiicT S:i.non JoseAbadSadrosSt. io M A. Ret4 Sl
cranl St. lion M, ,4. ReyesSt to Xaviei St-
l. NlsrorDoE ngoSr.
2. Fenrlmn.l Dludtin Si
! Iheofcenterl. s ofTlrccLanes
DrivineOrtsideB.t.le Le 200.00
Dri\in! Trirlck on NanonalRood 500.00+
Rcstrflion on SoneRoads r,500.00
'*ll RidineBic\(h Morcrh,nIso ^b^ir
Rclnsdio Haveve[cls weiehedonryorto
l RoadLh\lnhiness of l4olor \rcnicks 2.500.00+
SterE D.E[nelighc, Sunilar
crdCers 1,000.00+
S&er DiEe'nCs
or RoadClosureWirhout 1,500.00
UmudbnreLlD6C RJ(ns/Sp@d
Conresr I,000.00
TowinpolBirJcles ,100.00
Uff ee;reredIIoror vehictc , 00000
Chrrscof Colur/Lnsiric i, 00000+
#ffi*m 200.00
mffi*--T* 500.00
-.e Q-*-