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Invitation Sample

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4'h Apr 5'" , 2014

suBJICT: lnlitation lb. thc P!!1!!!p3l!9!rj!j3f]/!!lsl

L. D. Colleec o l tngif c.rnrg Ah medabad is orgat izing r GTI J cenual Tcch Fe$ on '1r'
and5'i'ofApril.20I:l As afafl oftnsL. *e arc or-canizirl-s r,r TV (lhitlpionship lnthiselenl,
the.e is an f-irhrarc. Ra.e oll h.u,s Thc nack {o!ld tjc olaround 1 1 5 km in lengtlr *hich
would be desiencd in $rch a *at Lhar ir Nolld lesllhc lehiclei mnNrcrrbiliry. susPeisior'
spc.d, bmkcs. erc lhe rNinfei \tillbc decliLed acco.ding lo irs PctlDdnce ofttduLrncc

llence.rhe insriture i|ritcsyouto ringin)our AlvsiirhischanrpionshiP

li.r LegisiFlbn pFccs, NOC il onr lhe respcctn€ collegcnrir'si|\ ]s requiLed afd
as IIF dePos iI
each Lern has ; $Lbnir a defr.nd draii o l l 5000 I N I{. l his nronc} is
.nd $iLl be teiunlled afte rhe.onulcrion olrlrc N'ctr'
The LedniciLrcquiLenrcnL\ tLnd nr. rniliciFtioD dcLails shallb. giren oncclhe Noc

.t4. lr.
1j./,.. ar P',tt

ro Qdis +er irei3ejjs0e,+s el0ltr76r6

rtr.il,cLL(hL{rrr!.du r

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