LabVIEW Based PID Design Method For DC Motor Position
LabVIEW Based PID Design Method For DC Motor Position
LabVIEW Based PID Design Method For DC Motor Position
Abstract :- Proportional-Integral-Derivative
(PID) control is the commonly used control
algorithm used in industry and it has been
accepted universally .The analysis is about
developing a Proportional Integral Derivative
(PID) design method for Dc motor position
.LabVIEW 2011 is used for designing the controller.
The novel approach of this paper is Hybrid graphical
/Math script approach is adopted. To obtain the value which are varied to get optimal response. P depends
on the present error, I on the accumulation of past
for Kp, Ki and Kd Trial and Error and Ziegler Nichols
error, and D is a prediction of future error, based on
method is used .This paper presents the different current rate of change .The weighted sum of these
controller strategies and the response to step three actions is used to adjust the process via a
disturbance for P,PI, PD,PID in NI LabVIEW control element such as the position of a control
software. valve, or power supplied to a heating element.
Keywords: DC Position control, LabVIEW, PID Fig. 1: Block diagram of PID controller.
, Steady state error, Rise time, Ziegler Nichols Y(t) = e(t) Kp + KI 0t e(t) dt + KD de(t) /dt
tuning methodINTRODUCTION Equation shows the output of the PID controller.
Position control of DC Motor plays a vital role in Where e = Error signal
many of the applications. In this work, we will be KP = Proportional Constant
controlling the position of the motor using the KI = Integral Constant
LabVIEW. By adopting the LabVIEW aided PID KD = Derivative Constant
controller, the parameters are adjusted to the motor.
The proportional integral derivative (PID) controller II PROCESS OF PROJECT
is the most common form of feedback used in the
control systems. The popularity of PID controllers The schematic diagram of the system is shown in the
can be attributed partly to their robust performance in fig2. With a 1 rad/sec step reference , the design
a wide range of operating conditions and partly to criteria are
their functional simplicity, which allows engineers to Settling time less than 0.04 seconds
operate them in a simple, straight forward manner. It Overshoot less than 16%
can be used for various Industrial applications. As the No steady state error
name suggests, PID algorithm consists of three basic No steady state error due to disturbance.
coefficients; proportional, integral and derivative
Fig 8 : Response to Step Disturbance, Kp = 17 and Ki Fig 11: Response to Step Input, Kp = 17 and Ki =
= 200 600, Kd = 0.15
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roughly 40ms, it has less overshoot compared to
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Adopting the tuning methods for the PID control
Algorithm based DC motor position control. Initially
[9] S. Skoczowski, Design of a robust PID
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control action only. Similarly several values of
time delay, in Proc. AUROMECON, Poland, 2002,
integral and derivative control actions are adjusted
pp. 4045.
until we get the less overshoot and steady state error
zero. We got the tuned PID parameters are KP = 17 ,
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