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Excitation Systems and Automatic Voltage Regulators: ELEC0047 - Power System Dynamics, Control and Stability

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ELEC0047 - Power system dynamics, control and stability

Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators

Thierry Van Cutsem

t.vancutsem@ulg.ac.be www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~vct

October 2018

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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Overview


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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Description of main excitation systems

Description of main excitation systems

Purposes of excitation system:
provide the power required by the field winding of generator
make the field voltage vf quickly vary in response to network disturbances.

Two main categories:

1 rotating machine: excitation power taken from mechanical power turbine
⇒ mounted on the same shaft as turbine and generator
Direct Current (DC) machine
Alternating Current (AC) machine with rectifier
2 static excitation system: excitation power taken from network through a
transformer and a rectifier.

There is a wide range of systems

each manufacturer has its own equipment and know-how
We limit ourselves to a short description of the main systems without going
into details
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Description of main excitation systems

DC generator

Non negligible time constant of exciter

the DC generator can be:
self-excited or
separately excited: requires a “pilot” exciter = separate permanent magnet
DC machine
not suited to large units: collector speed below brushes and current too large
has been replaced by power electronics.
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Description of main excitation systems

Alternator with non-controlled rectifier

The diode rectifier does not introduce any delay

the firing of the thyristors can be adjusted very rapidly
the exciter still introduces a time constant
the diodes do not allow applying a negative field voltage (if needed during
large transients)
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Description of main excitation systems

Alternator with controlled rectifier

The field voltage vf is varied by changing the firing angle of the thyristors,
which involves a very short delay
the auxiliary regulator maintains the terminal voltage of the exciter constant
to avoid delays, the exciter alternator operates at full voltage; hence, it is
dimensioned to operate permanently at ceiling field voltage
the thyristors allow applying a negative field voltage (if needed during large
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Description of main excitation systems

Rotating diodes or “brushless” system

Very widespread system

no contact between stator and rotor (no brushes, no slip rings)
the rate of change of the field voltage vf is limited by the response time of
the inverted generator
no access to the field current if of the main generator; the excitation current
of the inverted generator is used as an “image” of if .
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Description of main excitation systems

Potential-source controlled-rectifier or “static” exc. system

A very fast excitation system

the excitation power is drawn from the main generator bus or from an
auxiliary bus
in case of short-circuit close to the main generator, the voltage of the
transformer feeding the excitation system drops; this limits the ceiling field
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters

Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters

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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters

Per unit system

The following base is usually considered :

VfB : the field voltage that produces the nominal voltage VB at the terminal
of the open-circuited generator rotating at the nominal speed
IfB : the field current that produces the nominal voltage VB at the terminal of
the open-circuited generator rotating at the nominal speed.

In steady state, in Volt:

vf = Rf if
and in per unit:
vf Rf if
vfpu = = = ifpu ⇔ Rfpu = 1
VfB Rf Ifb

This base is different from the one used for the synchronous generator. A change
of base is thus necessary.

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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters

Simple generic model of automatic voltage regulator and excitation system

Vo : voltage set-point
Zc : compensation impedance; see course ELEC0014
∆Vpss : output of power system stabilizer1 (zero in steady state)
1/(1 + sTm ) relates to rectification and filtering of AC voltage; Tm ' 0.05 s
Ga /(1 + sTa ) relates to an amplifier; Ta ' 0.05 s. Non-windup limit:

1 see lecture on small-disturbance angle stability

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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters

Ge /(1 + sTe ) relates to the excitation system;

wide variety of values: Te ' from a few 0.01 s to 1 s
internal compensation of the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR):
provides desired dynamic response (settling time, overshoot, etc.) usually
specified for the generator with stator open
either by lead-lag filter (1 + sT1 )/(1 + sT2 ) in the direct path,
or by derivative feedback sKf /(1 + sTf ) in the feedback path
transient gain reduction : T1 < T2
the OverExcitation Limiter (OEL) acts either through the min gate or
through the correction signal ∆Voel (see slides 14 and 15)
the UnderExcitation Limiter (UEL) acts either through the max gate or
through the correction signal ∆Vuel (see slide 16)
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters

Various items that can be added to the above generic model:

for a diode rectifier: the (rectified) vf voltage decreases when the field
current if increases
brushless system: internal compensation does not use the (unavailable) vf
vfmin = 0 for the diode rectifier, vfmin < 0 for the thyristor rectifier
vfmax sensitive to generator terminal voltage in the static excitation system
magnetic saturation of exciter

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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters

Overexcitation limiter acting on summation point of AVR (“non-takeover”):

model initialized with:

y = L1 < 0
switch of block 3 in lower
∆Voel = 0

Bloc 1: u = −1 if if − iflim ≤ d < 0

= 0 if d < if − iflim ≤ 0
= if − iflim if if − iflim > 0

A value if∗ > iflim is tolerated during a time τ such that:

|L1 | |L1 | 1
if∗ − iflim τ =

⇒ τ= ∗
K1 K1 if − iflim

inverse-time characteristic. Fixed-time obtained with block 4 instead of 1.

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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters

Overexcitation limiter acting through min gate of AVR (“takeover”):

model initialized with:

y = L1 < 0
switch of block 3 in lower
Voel = K2 >> 0

In steady state, after OEL action:

−Ga Ge K3 lim Ga Ge |K3 | lim

vf = Ga Ge K3 (if − iflim ) ⇒ if = vf = if = i
1 − Ga Ge K3 1 + Ga Ge |K3 | f

and, since Ga Ge  1 and |K3 | > 1:

if ' iflim

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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters

Underexcitation limiter

Aimed at preventing:
if from becoming lower than a minimum, or
reactive power Q from becoming lower than a minimum (which depends on
active power P).

Example: limiter of second category, acting on summation point of AVR

The integrator output is initially at L1 < 0.

If the operating point (P, Q) enters the forbidden zone where :
KP P + KQ Q + Ko < 0
after a delay dictated by L1 , the integrator starts acting and eventually forces :
KP P + KQ Q + Ko = 0
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