Excitation Systems and Automatic Voltage Regulators: ELEC0047 - Power System Dynamics, Control and Stability
Excitation Systems and Automatic Voltage Regulators: ELEC0047 - Power System Dynamics, Control and Stability
Excitation Systems and Automatic Voltage Regulators: ELEC0047 - Power System Dynamics, Control and Stability
October 2018
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Overview
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Description of main excitation systems
DC generator
The field voltage vf is varied by changing the firing angle of the thyristors,
which involves a very short delay
the auxiliary regulator maintains the terminal voltage of the exciter constant
to avoid delays, the exciter alternator operates at full voltage; hence, it is
dimensioned to operate permanently at ceiling field voltage
the thyristors allow applying a negative field voltage (if needed during large
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Description of main excitation systems
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters
This base is different from the one used for the synchronous generator. A change
of base is thus necessary.
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters
Vo : voltage set-point
Zc : compensation impedance; see course ELEC0014
∆Vpss : output of power system stabilizer1 (zero in steady state)
1/(1 + sTm ) relates to rectification and filtering of AC voltage; Tm ' 0.05 s
Ga /(1 + sTa ) relates to an amplifier; Ta ' 0.05 s. Non-windup limit:
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters
|L1 | |L1 | 1
if∗ − iflim τ =
⇒ τ= ∗
K1 K1 if − iflim
if ' iflim
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Excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators Modelling of excitation systems, regulators and limiters
Underexcitation limiter
Aimed at preventing:
if from becoming lower than a minimum, or
reactive power Q from becoming lower than a minimum (which depends on
active power P).