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New Syllabus

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SY 2017-2018
Course: Theatre Production
Class Code: TH200
Credit: 0.5 credit/semester
Location: F10 Speech and Drama Lab
Teacher: Ms. Chiara Rose Sgambelluri
Mobile: 671-777-7730
Email: crsgambelluri@gdoe.net
Website: https://www.sgambelluri.weebly.com

Instructional Resources:
Theatre: Art in Action (2009), Theatre: Its Art & Craft 5th Edition (2003), History of the Living
Theatre (2008), History of Theatre (2007), Stage Makeup (2001), The Stage Management
Handbook (1992), Improvisation for the Theatre 3rd Edition (1999), Gorilla Theatre (2010) , A
Practical Handbook of the Actor (1986), Light on the Subject (1998), Illustrated Theatre Production
Guide (2002), Public Speaking Basics (2009), The Complete Book of Speech Communication (1992),
Speech Class for Teens (2012)

Required: -
- 1 Composition Notebook
- 1 Folder Optional:
- 1 Box of Tissues and/or 1 Bottle of Hand - Colored Pencils/ Markers/ Crayons
Sanitizer - Tape White Out
- 1 Ream of Xerox Paper (Scripts) and/or - Binder/Clipboard
Blue Painters Tape (Set Design) - College Dictionary
- Black or Blue Pens/Pencils - Baby Wipes (Makeup Removal)

Students will learn and apply the basic theatrical practices, procedures, and theories through a hands-
on experience of participating in a theatrical production. Students will have the opportunity to
participate in acting, set designing, light designing, set construction, technical, and marketing aspects
of the theatre. Students will also learn skills that will give them the confidence and techniques of
public speaking.

1. Students will be able to describe, analyze, interpret and judge works of art and their
environment using arts vocabulary to express their observations.
2. Students will be able to engage in the artistic process, acquire skills, and use them to
communicate meaning in an original work of art.
3. Students will be able to understand the role of arts in past and present cultures throughout the
4. Students will be able to connect and apply the arts to other content areas. They will develop
creative thinking and problem-solving skills and relate them to real world applications.

Every Student: Responsible, Respectful, and Ready for Life.

Okkodo High School Mission Statement:

Okkodo High School provides a respectful environment for quality learning that builds knowledge
and skills to succeed in the 21st Century.

Okkodo High School Bulldogs School-Wide Learner Outcomes:

Effectively Communicate with Others
Excellence in Academics
Embrace Cultural Diversity
Environmentally Respectful

1. Always come to class prepared.
2. Respect school property.
3. Raise your hand to be addressed.
4. Remain in your seats unless otherwise instructed.
5. Electronic devices are strictly prohibited.
6. You must use appropriate language at all times.
7. Respect others.
8. Encourage others.
9. Always do your personal best.

ALL SCHOOL RULES APPLY (refer to Student Handbook for Rules & Regulations). The
following policies are also expected to be followed in the classroom.

Student attendance: Daily attendance is important. The Tardy Policy will be as follows: three
(3) tardies (less than 15 minutes) or a tardy of fifteen (15) minutes or more will equal one (1) un-
excused absence.

Parent Notes: Students are allowed six (6) parent notes per semester. After the six (6), student
must provide a doctors excuse for every absence thereafter. A parent note will count for each day the
student is absent. If student is absent from school for 3 days or more, a doctors excuse must be
provided (Only the school nurse can issue the admit slips for doctors excuses).

Discipline Referrals: All OHS rules apply. The following chart describes the disciplinary
procedures for minor offenses:

Offense Consequences
1st Offense A verbal warning (name & date will be recorded)
2nd Offense One minute after class/ Writing Assignment
3rd Offense 10 minutes lunch detention & a letter will be sent to parent/guardian.
Writing Assignment
4th Offense Parent-Teacher Conference
5th Offense Refer to assistant principal

Progress Reports: Mid-quarter progress reports will be issued to students during the 5th week of
every quarter. Parents/Guardians are required to review and sign them. It is the students
responsibility to promptly return it to the teacher. It will be counted as a grade.

Corridor Passes: Each student will receive TEN (10) hallway passes per quarter. If a student does
not use a single hallway pass by the end of the quarter, s/he will receive fifty (50) extra credit points.
If at least one pass is used, the extra credit points are forfeited. Students are not allowed to leave the
classroom twenty (20) minutes after the start of class and twenty (20) minutes before the end
of class. Using the restroom before coming to class is the students responsibility, not the teachers.

Makeup Policy: When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to make-up the work. The
student should pick up missed work immediately and must provide an excused admit slip.

Field Trips: Students are required to turn in forms and any other necessary items (money, waivers,
etc.) by the assigned due date. The opportunity to attend a field trip will not be denied to any student
who has not committed any major offense against the school or classroom policies.

Student Media Release Statement: In an effort to promote school productions/

events, your childs/ childrens photo may be posted on the school website, printed in
local media newspapers, and/or maybe aired on the local news stations in an effort to
showcase the school. Should you choose not to have your childs/ childrens picture
released for any school event, please provide your childs/ childrens grade level
administrator with a note as soon as possible.

Plagiarism: Academic dishonesty, fraud, and trickery will not be tolerated in the classroom. Any
students caught plagiarizing will receive a grade of zero (0), as well as be confronted with
appropriate disciplinary action. If any assistance is needed for an assignment, students should feel
free to ask the teacher.

Required Assignments: Students must complete all the following assignments in order to receive a
passing grade.
1. Classwork: Students will complete all classroom assignments and turn them in either at the
end of the period or when teacher designates; Homework: Homework is always due at the
very beginning of the next class unless otherwise instructed. Once the final call for homework
is made, any work turned in after will be considered late. Each late day (not including the
weekend or holidays), ten percent will be deducted from the assignments total points.
2. Quizzes: All quizzes are based on lessons done in class. Quizzes are also preparation for tests
at the end of each unit. Pop quizzes will be given if the class goes off-task during the class
3. Notebook: Students are required to copy down the class agenda and any notes given during
class. At the end of each quarter, the teacher will count the number of agendas and series of
notes. If a student misses a class period, s/he is responsible for getting his/her missing
assignments from the teacher or a classmate; Journal Entries: Students will be doing a
writing prompt in nearly every class meeting. Students will be given time to write in their
composition notebooks during class. Students who do not finish during the designated time
will be required to complete the entry as homework. Journal entries will be due at the
beginning of the next class meeting. Each journal entry must meet the following requirements:
- Contain a certain number of paragraphs (to be specified in each prompt)

- Each paragraph must comprise of five to seven (5-7) COMPLETE sentences

4. Performance: Attendance for all productions is MANDITORY. If a student fails to attend
his/her production, s/he will FOREFIET all points for that show, to include all
ACTING/DIRECTING AND PARTICIPATION points for that quarter. It is important
that each student participate in all rehearsals and shows. Productions are a team effort, which
require that each student maintain their professionalism in the classroom. A performance
score includes, but is not limited to: audition process, casting, rehearsals, set design, acting,
directing, lighting design, costume design, soft openings, and debut performances. Students
who miss performances will only be excused with a DOCTORS NOTE or OFFICIAL
PARENT/GAURDIAN. A special project may be offered to make up for the lost points.
Please keep in mind that putting on a production is a team effort. If even one student is absent,
it jeopardizes the entire show, which all students worked very hard to produce; Projects:
Projects are cumulative assessments of a unit that the class has finished within a period of
time. Projects will be given as single and group assignments. Tests (Oral/ Written): Tests
are cumulative assessments of a unit that the class has finished within a period of time.
5. Participation: Students will be graded on participation throughout each quarter.
6. Acting: Students will gain acting experience through monologues, scene work, pantomime,
improvisation, classical performance, musical theatre, and play performance. Students will
explore their senses and emotions through class exercises. Directing: Student will assist in
conducting auditions, choosing the cast, dividing the play into rehearsal units, scheduling
rehearsals, consulting with Designers and Technicians (Light, sound, scenery, costume, make
up), as well as the Producer/ Production Staff, and Helping actors establish relationships
between their characters. (Acting/ Directing Rubric)
7. Technical Theatre: Students are required to participate as crewmembers for all Theatre
productions. Functions of a crewmember include but are not limited to: set design, costume
design, prop design, lighting design and sound. (Technical Theatre Rubric)
8. Extra Credit: Extra credit will be assigned throughout each quarter.

Grading for this class is based on a point scale. Below is the general breakdown of points for each
assignment. (Rubrics will be provided for shows, projects and participation) Points are subject to
change based on assignment difficulty.

Classwork/Homework 5 points Acting/ Directing 20 points

Quizzes 5 points Technical Theatre 15 points
Notebook/Journals 10 points Participation 20 points
Performance/ Test/ 25 points Extra Credit 25 points

A: 100-90 D: 69-60
B: 89-80 F: 59-0
C: 79-70


In addition to your Speech and Drama letter grade, students will receive a grade based on their
character as a member of the classroom. Citizenship grades will be based on the following: Being
prepared, being on time, staying focused, trying your best, being respectful, being
responsible, being reliable, and being honest.

E: Excellent
S: Satisfactory
N: Needs Improvement
U: Unsatisfactory

SERVICE LEARNING (Board Policy 381):

The mission of service learning is to allow each student to integrate standards-based curriculum and
activities that meet the needs of the community; therefore, Public Law 30-53 stipulates that each
student will be required to fulfill seventy-five (75) hours of service learning as part of their graduation

Planned activities for SY 2017-2018 include:

Participation in OHS Haunted House or Horror House.

Minimum Hours (02) to Maximum Hours (30)
First Quarter 2017/ Fourth Quarter 2018:
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of Theatre Production by performing for Guams
youth and PBS during their Christmas and Spring Production.
Any students participating in this service learning activity must fill out an additional
Student Media Consent Form for Okkodo High School. These forms will be distributed
during second semester.
Minimum Hours (05) to Maximum Hours (10)

* This course outline is tentative and is subject to change at any moment without advance notice at
the teachers discretion. Teacher may notify parents/guardians of any changes.

First (1st) Quarter Third (3rd) Quarter

Language of Theatre Language of Theatre
Auditions Auditions
Public Speaking Theatre History
Acting I Acting II
Directing and Producing I Directing and Producing II
Technical Theatre II
Spring Production (Part 1)
Second (2nd) Quarter Fourth (4th) Quarter
Language of Theatre Language of Theatre
Auditions Spring Production (Part 2)
Acting II Script Writing
Directing and Producing II Acting III
Technical Theatre I Directing and Producing III
Christmas Production Student Written and Directed Scenes

Additional Information:
Rules and regulations are subject to change as necessary.
I will contact parents via telephone, e-mail, notes sent home, or conferences about their
child/childrens academic and behavioral matters in the classroom.

This syllabus and the sequence of the topics to be covered are flexible and subject to change as they
are dependent on the availability of materials, acts of nature, and time constraints.

_____________________________ _________ ______________________________ _________

Mrs. Begona Flores Date Ms. Chiara Rose Sgambelluri Date

Parent/Student Acknowledgement and Student Information Form

Students Name (Last, First Mi.): ______________________________________________

Home Address: Mailing Address:

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

Class Schedule:
Period Course Name Teacher Room Number
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
4th Period
5th Period
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period

Mother/Guardians Name (Last, First Mi.): Father/Guardians Name (Last, First Mi.):
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Contact Information Contact Information
Home: _____________________ Home: _____________________
Work: _____________________ Work: _____________________
Work Name: Work Name:
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Other: _________________________________ Other: _____________________________


**If interested, please list a reliable email address so we can also communicate via online**
Email Address: ____________________________________________________
Name of Addressee: _______________________________________

Parent Acknowledgement:
I have read, understand, and fully support the rules, regulations, and all that is required for my child as stated in
Ms. Sgambelluris course syllabus for school year 2016-2017.
_________________________________ ___________________________________ ______________
Parent/Guardian Name (Print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Student Acknowledgement:
I have read, understand, and fully support the rules, regulations, and all that is required for this course as stated
in Ms. Sgambelluris course syllabus for school year 2016-2017.
_________________________________ ___________________________________ ______________
Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date

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