Section 20 Consent Form - Children
Section 20 Consent Form - Children
Section 20 Consent Form - Children
I [name of young person] confirm that I understand the purpose of this consent
form, and that I am Fraser Competent.
I understand that I can change my mind about the S.20 agreement or remove
myself from accommodation provided under the agreement at any time and without
I have/ have not asked the child protection team/ social worker to provide me with
further information so that I can fully understand the process.
I understand that my wishes and feelings about this S.20 Agreement must be taken
into account by the local authority and the social workers dealing with my
I have written down my wishes and feelings about this arrangement and given them
to the social worker. (Please attach a copy of this document to this consent form).
I understand that I can audio or video record all or any part of this meeting.
If you have recorded this meeting using video or audio, please tick here:
If you have been prevented from doing so, please tick here:
Please add any reasons for your request to record being denied here:
My first language is not English. I have requested that the agreement is written in
[choice of language] and my request has been accepted/ denied.
I understand that I am entitled to seek legal advice, and can find my own solicitor
should I want to contact a lawyer.
Signature of child: