SR 194
SR 194
SR 194
A Commitment theFuture
Asphalt Roadmap
A Committment to the Future
Asphalt Pavement
Research and Technology
A Special Report by
of State Highway
and Transportation
Federal Highway Administration Officials
Many people have contributed greatly to making the National Asphalt Roadmap a
reality. The Committee on Asphalt Research and Technology of the National Asphalt
Pavement Association has spent many hours in deliberation on the outline of research
projects and the review of this report. Special thanks go to the NAR Working Group
members below.
Katherine Petros
Federal Highway Administration
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
6300 Georgetown Pike, HRDI-12
McLean, VA 22101-2296
202 493-3154
This document is the result of public-private partnership and presents the shared vision of the
asphalt community for research and technology in the field of asphalt pavement and material
technologies. In addition to the contributing agencies and organizations recognized on the
title sheet, many individuals and groups provided valuable input into the Roadmap. The roles
of those who contributed varied from members of the working group, who were involved in
the development of the report, to those who took time to provide review and comments. All
of these contributions are valuable and are greatly appreciated. All of the organizations and
individuals worked hard to make this report a valuable resource and are proud to call it our
commitment to the future. It is our hope this report will be used often and will be useful in
shaping the future of asphalt technology in the United States.
Develop improved asphalt pavement and material technologies to ensure the continued
delivery of safe and economical pavements to satisfy our Nations needs.
This Roadmap is a comprehensive report which addresses a full range of important chal-
lenges in asphalt technology. It serves as a guiding document for research and technology
deployment organizations and for others involved in the identification and formulation of
programs and projects. Individuals and groups are encouraged to draw upon and share this
It is our hope that the Roadmap will foster collaboration, partnership, and cooperation
within the asphalt community to ensure the continued delivery of safe and economical pave-
ments to satisfy our Nations needs.
The National Asphalt Roadmap is structured into programs and projects. Seven program areas
are chosen to frame the major components of asphalt technology: Workforce Development,
Long-Life Pavements and Pavement Performance, Improved Structural Design of Pavements,
Materials Characterization and Mix Design, Construction Practices and Quality Management
Systems, Innovative Contracting Approaches, and Surface Characteristics. Each program
area has an introduction to provide insight into the current status of products, equipment and
technology, and the major challenges in that area.
The National Asphalt Roadmap identifies a number of general research projects in each
of the program areas. There are a total of 69 projects identified. The selection of projects is
based on a consensus of experts from all segments of the asphalt community. The research
projects discussed in the Roadmap are broad in scope. The description of each of the projects
includes a brief problem statement that provides an introduction and background information
related to the research needed in that project area. It should be remembered that the intent of
the problem statement is to provide an overview of a research topic and not necessarily to
completely define it. It is likely that a number of actual research projects with more specific
scopes can be identified within each problem statement.
The tasks enumerated under each project are structured to result in clear and useful out-
comes. The projects are presented in a format that includes: title, objective, introduction,
background, expanded objective statement, and a work plan discussing the tasks that are
anticipated. The detailed research problem statement for each project is available at www.
In the United States, transportation infrastructure Joint discussions about research needs and objec-
investments account for approximately 7 percent of tives between agencies, industry, and researchers will
the Gross Domestic Product. As a vital part of this focus the directions of innovations for asphalt pave-
investment, over 550 million tons of hot-mix asphalt ments. Research accomplished in collaboration is more
(HMA) are produced and placed each year. The total easily implemented and reaps far greater gains than
expenditure for asphalt pavement surfaces is in excess research done by an individual group. With agencies
of $25 billion annually and over 300,000 men and and industry working together to identify, develop, and
women are employed in the asphalt industry. implement research programs, the potential for success
Hot-mix asphalt is the predominant material in of the work is greatly improved.
pavement construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation
and maintenance projects. Of the 4 million miles of Background
pavements in the U.S., 2.3 million miles are paved In order to meet future technology needs, the asphalt
and approximately 94 percent of the paved miles are community must take advantage of research efforts and
surfaced with asphalt. Today, many highways have must address the needs of both the private and public
exceeded their design lives and will require recon- sectors. In 1994, the National Asphalt Pavement As-
struction, rehabilitation, and maintenance in order to sociation (NAPA) convened a forum to determine a
continue serving the needs of the U.S. economy and course of action in the research and technology arena
traveling public. that would permit private sector input to research needs.
The asphalt community, including government Some key observations were made at the forum:
agencies, industry, and academia, understands how n Since research activities in the U.S. were highly
important HMA is to the nations transportation system. decentralized, coordination of activities would be
Because of this enormous impact on the U.S. economy, beneficial.
there is a continuous effort to improve the quality and n Implementation of research results did not always
performance of asphalt pavements. These improve- occur in a systematic and timely fashion.
ments would include the production and placement of n Agencies were exploring ways to increase private
HMA materials and research to discover innovations sector participation in the research and technology
to enhance asphalt pavement-related products. (R&T) process.
The asphalt industry provides products and services n There was no structured mechanism for private
to public agencies and the private sector. The industry sector input into the process for developing R&T
is comprised primarily of hot-mix asphalt producers, needs.
paving contractors, asphalt binder suppliers, aggregate n Opportunities existed for the private sector to part-
suppliers, and equipment suppliers. It is committed ner in R&T issue identification and prioritization.
to conducting and sponsoring research to improve the n The majority of highway funding for R&T came
quality, economics, and versatility of asphalt mixtures, from either the individual States Departments of
and to provide input into the development of research Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
projects to ensure the industrys needs are addressed. (FHWA), or the American Association of State
Technology deployment is essential to achieve the Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO),
overall goal of focusing research and development on and The Transportation Research Board (TRB)
improving the quality, economy and performance of which manages AASHTOs National Cooperative
asphalt pavements. Highway Research Program (NCHRP) effort.
In each of these program areas, specific project a stand-alone effort. It is also recognized that the list
needs are identified using both agency and contractor includes projects already under way and some projects
requirements. The project descriptions and problem may not be completed for several years. The project
statements are presented in the full report. The projects write-ups can be found at
represent specific short- and long-term needs for the This report clearly demonstrates the need for strong
asphalt community. However, this is intended to be partnerships between agencies and industry for the advance-
a living document, and the programs and projects ment of asphalt pavement technology. This document
are expected to change as research is completed and is a cornerstone of the asphalt communitys commit-
priorities change. Each project description is written as ment to the future of research and technology.
The asphalt community understands that our future pavements do not have adequate service lives for a
hinges on the ability to incorporate innovation in number of known and unknown reasons. In addition,
terms of product quality, performance, economics, there is a belief that the expectations for HMA service
and versatility. The deployment of technology in daily life are too low and that as an industry, we can do better.
operations is the result of a process of research and In order to achieve long-life asphalt pavements, best,
development of new products and methods that show and in some cases, improved practices must be used in
potential for improving pavement and materials tech- component materials selection, mixture type selection,
nology. While any contribution to the state of the art or structural design, mix design, and the construction
body of knowledge for asphalt technology stemming process. Therefore, the ability to consistently meet or
from the National Asphalt Roadmap will advance the exceed expected asphalt pavement service life will be
general understanding of the material, construction, enhanced with improvement in all aspects of asphalt
or pavement systems, the Working Group believes pavement technology.
there are certain over-arching technology goals sup- This report includes programs and projects that dis-
ported by multiple projects critical to the future of the cuss specific approaches to pavement design and struc-
Nations pavement infrastructure. With this in mind, the tural design methods. The terms Long-life pavement
Roadmap Working Group has identified high priority and Perpetual Pavement have specific meanings that
projects in the tables listed below under each of five refer to the structural design and mixture type selection
over-arching goals. While all projects in the Roadmap that is used. It has been shown that long-life pavement
are important and can be assigned to at least one of the design and construction can provide a number of eco-
goals, the listed projects are especially critical. nomic, safety, and environmental benefits. Many of
The five goals include: Long-life Pavements, En- the high priority projects that relate to this goal include
hanced Mix Design, Performance Based Specifications, continued development of Mechanistic-Empirical (M-
Enhanced Quality Management Systems, and Resource E) structural design and analysis systems and research
Availability and Cost Containment. To ensure the im- related to Perpetual Pavement design methods.
portant issues regarding HMA pavement research are A significant number of Perpetual Pavement projects
answered, the following priority projects in each of have been successfully built around the country. These
these goal areas should be accomplished. pavements have avoided distress mechanisms that orig-
inate deep within the structure and manifest themselves
as rutting or bottom-up fatigue cracking on the surface.
Goal: Long-life Pavements Because deep-rooted distresses do not occur in these
The most important goal of any research and de- pavements, there is no need to reconstruct them, and
ployment program is to improve the service life, or while their initial costs may be higher than a thinner
performance, of asphalt pavements. The programs and flexible pavement, their life-cycle costs may be lower.
projects included in this Roadmap are all ultimately Avoidance of major rehabilitation and reconstruction
focused on that over-riding goal. Whether asphalt also conserves resources in the form of asphalt cement
pavement applications are used in new construction, and aggregate. It has been estimated that a Perpetual
rehabilitation or maintenance, a satisfactory service Pavement may save as much as 20 percent asphalt
life is expected. Many current asphalt pavements are binder and 25 percent aggregate over a 50-year period.
performing exceptionally well and meet or exceed ex- Resurfacing a pavement through milling and filling is
pected service life. However, in some cases, asphalt a rapid means of restoring the smoothness and remov-
Performance Based the mechanical properties of the final mix and the rela-
Specifications tionships of these properties to the desired performance
of the material. In order to make significant progress
There are many factors that dictate the performance in this area, completion of the following high-priority
of asphalt pavements. Materials selection, thickness projects is considered essential:
design, construction quality, traffic, and climate are
all primary considerations in performance. In the past, TABLE 4
asphalt mixtures have been manufactured and placed High priority projects supporting the
according to specifications that are assumed to be inher- over-arching goal of performance based
ently related to pavement performance. However, the specifications
direct relationships between mixture characteristics and
pavement behavior have been elusive. For instance, it Project No. and Title
is widely believed that pavement fatigue life, rutting, 2.06 Validate/Refine Pavement Performance Type
durability, and aging are strongly correlated with HMA Specifications
density or void content. Yet differences in aggregate 4.01 Full-Scale Accelerated Performance Testing
size (fine versus large), gradation (dense versus open 4.02 Improved Asphalt Binder Specification
versus gap), mix components (fiber or mineral filler), 4.04 Performance-Based and Related Aggregate
and binder grade prevent this relationship from being Properties
universal. 4.10 Accelerated Laboratory Performance Testing
In the future, in order to ensure long-life pavements, 4.13 Develop Durability Test
a greater effort will need to be made in developing
The Challenge
The major challenge confronting the whole trans-
portation community is maintaining the flow of people,
goods, and services that allow the United States to
remain economically competitive in a rapidly chang-
ing global marketplace. An essential component of this
challenge is the continued improvement of the technol-
ogy to design, build, and maintain roadways which
are the fundamental arteries of the national economy.
This challenge is even more difficult because it comes
at a time when the asphalt community is struggling to
maintain an aging infrastructure with increasing traffic
and shrinking resources. For asphalt pavements, the
challenge can be met using a nationally coordinated
Maintaining the national infrastructure must be a effort to conduct research focused on specific programs
high priority for this country to maintain its economic and projects.
competitiveness. Reuse of materials, energy con- The projects presented in the Roadmap represent
servation, improved construction techniques, use of the Working Groups top priority for research, devel-
locally available materials, and use of viable alterna- opment, and deployment. Some would more appro-
tive materials are strategies that may be employed to priately be addressed at a national level while others
provide greater economy and improved sustainability. would be more pertinent to local conditions. In order
The following projects are a high priority in achieving to meet the future needs of the system of pavements in
these goals: this country, all of these topics will require attention.
1 Workforce Development Develop strategies to recruit, retain, and develop the HMA workforce.
1.01 Workforce Growth Develop and implement possible avenues for increasing the workforce
in asphalt community
1.02 Workforce Training and Develop avenues for training existing workforce on current technologies
1.03 Train the Trainers Develop a cadre of qualified experts to conduct technical/workforce
training in the HMA industry
1.04 Standardization of Workforce Develop universal standards to establish levels of competency in
Competency technical and skilled labor
Long-life Pavements and
Pavement Performance
Verify and improve technology for long-life pavement structural
design, materials optimization, life cycle cost analysis, and data
collection techniques for pavement evaluation
2.01 Improved Rehabilitation of Develop approaches for rehabilitating existing pavements to meet
Pavements to Achieve Long- long-life pavement criteria
life Pavement Criteria
2.02 Mechanistic-Empirical Design Validate design values and criteria used in Perpetual Pavement design
of Perpetual Pavements
2.03 Document Performance of Review existing pavements meeting Perpetual Pavement criteria to
Perpetual Pavements evaluate performance
2.04 Advanced Understanding of Develop typical life cycle cost information and approaches for obtaining
Life Cycle Costs for Asphalt the information for asphalt pavements
2.05 Update User and Non-user Develop rational user/non-user cost information associated with HMA
Cost Data pavement applications
2.06 Validate and Refine Pavement Validate/refine performance type specifications for design and placement
Performance Type Specifications of asphalt pavements
2.07 Fatigue Endurance Limits of Validate fatigue endurance levels with a field experiment
Perpetual Pavement Designs
2.08 Improved Hot-Mix Asphalt Determine difference in properties among compacted HMA samples that
Sample Preparation and are used in mix design, used for QC/QA purposes during production /
Pavement Performance construction and used for testing of in-place pavements
2.09 Improved Aggregate Properties Develop aggregate treatments to alter properties and provide long-life
for Use in Long-life Pavements performance
2.10 High-modulus Asphalt Develop/validate design and construction criteria and procedures for
Base Courses in Perpetual high-modulus base layers
Improved Structural Design
of Pavements
Develop improved design methods, which will optimize HMA pavements
to accommodate future changes in traffic and materials while acounting
for environmental effects.
3.01 Validate and Refine Proposed Validation and refinement of new Mechanistic-Empirical Design Guide being
Mechanistic-Empirical Design implemented under NCHRP 1-40
3.02 Develop Pavement Structural Develop simplified approach to structural design of low-volume roadways
Design Guide for Low-Volume
3.03 Improved Structural Design for Develop improved structural methods for heavy duty loading situations
Special Vehicles on Heavy Duty
3.04 Improved Characterization of Explore test equipment and methods for characterization of in-situ materials
In-Situ Material Properties prior to an asphalt overlay, including cold and hot recycled AC and fractured
PCC during pavement rehabilitation projects
3.06 Porous Pavement Design Guide Develop improved design procedures for porous pavements for various
applications including material guidelines and guide specifications
3.07 Laboratory Determination of Develop realistic testing procedures for material properties to be used in flexible
Material Properties for Structural pavement design
3.08 Development of In Situ Structural Develop instrumentation and data systems capable of monitoring the long-
Monitoring Systems term structural conditions of flexible pavements in-place
Materials Characterization
and Mix Design
To develop test methods, specifications, and performance relationships, which
will lead to optimization of materials and mix design for asphalt pavements.
4.01 Full-scale Accelerated Develop guidelines and recommended practice for design, construction and
Performance Testing operation of full-scale APTs
4.02 Improved Asphalt Binder Validate/refine the Superpave PG system for neat and modified
Specification asphalt binders
4.03 Development of Alternative Identify and study alternative binder materials for use in
Binder Materials flexible pavement mixtures
4.04 Performance-Based / Related Develop and validate performance-based aggregate characterization
Aggregate Properties techniques for inclusion in the mixture design system
4.05 Measurement of Interaction Identify laboratory equipment and test procedures to measure the
Between the Asphalt strength of the interaction (bond) between the asphalt
and Aggregate Surface and aggregate surface
4.06 Moisture Damage Susceptibility Improve fundamental understanding of moisture susceptibility, including mix
of HMA Mixtures design and QC/QA tests and treatments/additives during production
4.07 Warm-Mix Asphalt Investigate, validate, refine warm-mix asphalt technologies and analyze mix
design, performance, and environmental data
4.08 Additional Recycled Materials Identify and develop procedures/guidance for the effective and economical
(other than RAP) recycling of reclaimed/reprocessed materials (other than RAP)
4.09 Develop High RAP Content Develop means to produce high quality, high RAP content HMA mixtures
Mix Design Procedure including RAP with polymers, asphalt-rubber, roofing shingles, etc.
4.10 Accelerated Laboratory Develop improved laboratory tests/constitutive models to better predict
Performance Testing pavement performance
4.11 Improved Equipment and Identify laboratory equipment and test procedures to increase automation and
Test Procedures reduced variability
4.12 Laboratory Workability Test Develop a laboratory workability device to assess the ease of placement/
compactability in the field
4.13 Laboratory Durability Test Develop improved durability test for mixture aging/moisture sensitivity
correlated to performance
4.14 Field Versus Laboratory Define the causes of the differences between laboratory mixed-laboratory-
Volumetric and Mechanical compacted and field mixed-laboratory-compacted, and field mixed-field-
Properties compacted (QC/QA) volumetric and mechanical property test results
4.15 HMA for Low Traffic Roadways Develop HMA mixture design approach with specific applicability to low traffic
pavements where durability may be a more important characteristic than
structural capability
4.16 Validate and Refine Superpave Investigate, validate, and refine new Superpave mix design procedure from
Mix Design Procedure NCHRP 9-33
4.17 Mix Designs to Utilize Locally Develop mixture design approaches to ensure the performance of HMA
Available Materials comprised of locally available materials
4.18 Resource Availability Study for Forecast national supply and demand for asphalt binders and aggregates and
Asphalt Binders and Aggregates develop approach for resource analysis at regional and local levels
Construction Practices and To develop construction practices to improve quality, increase productivity,
Quality Management Systems improve safety, and extend pavement life.
5.01 Energy Efficiency Identify and develop equipment, innovations/improvements that will result
in improved energy efficiency
5.02 Recycling Technologies Improve equipment and best practices to facilitate the incorporation of reclaimed
asphalt pavement (RAP) materials into recycled HMA
5.03 Improved Construction Identify innovative laydown/compaction equipment and procedures that will
Equipment and Procedures result in improved quality/efficiency in paving operations
5.04 Real-Time Process Control for Develop real-time test methods and processes for QC and QA purposes at HMA
Asphalt Plant Operations production plants
5.05 Real-Time Process Control for Develop real-time process control technologies for HMA laydown and
Laydown and Compaction compaction operations
5.06 Non-Destructive Evaluation Identify and conduct research on NDE Process Control and QC/QA tools
(NDE) for Process Control
and QC/QA
5.08 Develop a Fundamental Model Develop models and advanced guidance to better understand the compaction
for Field Compaction process of HMA
5.9 Improve Risk Assessment of Standardize procedures and develop software to evaluate buyer/seller risk of a
QC/QA Statistical Specifications QC/QA statistical specification
5.10 Improved Techniques to Obtain Evaluate new opportunities to improve HMA pavement smoothness and
and Measure HMA Smoothness measuring equipment
5.11 Improved Work Zone Safety Identify ways to improve work zone safety devices/ methods and develop
guidelines for best practices
5.12 Asphalt Binder Content Develop improved means of measuring the asphalt binder content of HMA
Measurement mixtures
5.13 Segregation Control Develop improved methods for measuring segregation longitudinally and
transversely and develop guide specifications for segregation
5.14 In-Place Recycling Evaluate ways to improve materials/equipment and develop guidelines for
best practices of hot and cold in-place asphalt recycling techniques using
bituminous materials
5.15 Improve the Quality of Night Develop methods to improve the construction of pavements during nighttime
Construction through better equipment, practices, and inspection techniques
Innovative Contracting
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of innovative and
non-traditional financing contracting approaches used for HMA projects.
6.01 Develop Rapid Construction Develop and evaluate new opportunities to reduce construction time, improve
Methods safety, and improve economics while maintaining quality. Develop techniques to
reduce lane occupancy time during placement of asphalt pavements
6.02 Risk Assessment of Non- Evaluate the performance of projects built with innovative and/or non-traditional
Traditional Contracting contracting to determine economic risks for owner/contractor
6.03 Critical Review of Pavement Evaluate the pavement performance of existing warranty projects and the cost/
Projects Built Using Non- benefit of non-traditional projects, including the appropriate length and
Traditional Contracts conditions of the warranty
6.04 Best Practices for Innovative Prepare a document describing the best practice for engaging in warranty,
Contracting design-build, design-build-maintain, design-build-operate contracts
6.05 Education and Training for Conduct workshops, seminars, and online training for consulting engineers to
Design Consultants become familiar with pavement design standards in an innovative contracting
6.06 Best Practices for Maintenance Develop a document that provides guidance to policy makers, administrators,
Contracting and Facility Leasing agency personnel on contract content and performance standards for
maintenance/facility leasing contracts
7 Surface Characteristics
To develop materials selection, design methods, QC/QA guidelines,
performance relationships, and mix type selection for mixes to improve
surface characteristics (friction, smoothness, splash/spray, and noise)
of HMA pavements.
7.01 High Friction Surfaces Develop improved materials selection, design methods, QC/QA for
high friction surface mixes
7.02 Pavement Noise Reduction Evaluate noise characteristics of materials/tests to measure noise
7.03 Mix Types to Improve Friction Develop a recommended practice for HMA mixtures that can be used to
and Mitigate Noise provide an acceptable level of friction and noise mitigation
7.04 Economics of Pavement Develop benefit/cost relationships for pavement smoothness considering both
Smoothness agency/user costs
7.05 Advanced Surface Developed advanced models relating 3-dimensional images to pavement
Characteristics Model surface characteristics, specifically: noise and spray
7.06 Safety-Driven Pavement Develop surface HMA mix type selection guidance to enhance overall safety
Surface Type Selection
7.07 Thin-Lift Surfaces Develop improved mixtures and construction techniques for thin-lift
surface construction