Allium Cepa Wound Healing PDF
Allium Cepa Wound Healing PDF
Allium Cepa Wound Healing PDF
Research Article
Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, K.L.E.Ss College of Pharmacy, Belgaum,
Department of Pharmaceutics, K.L.E.Ss College of Pharmacy, Ankola-581314, Karnataka, India.
Department of Pharmacognosy, K M Kundnani College of Pharmacy, Mumbai
E mail:
Received 12th June, 2009, Revised and Accepted 7h August 2009
To screen the wound healing activity of different extracts of Allium cepa L. in excision, incision and dead space
wound models in albino rats. The tubers of Allium cepa L. (Family Liliaceae) were exhaustively defatted with
petroleum ether (40-600C) and the marc was subjected to continuous extraction with solvent ether, chloroform,
alcohol and chloroform water I.P. All the extracts were tested for various preliminary phytoconstituents and
screened for wound healing activity in excision, incision and dead space wound models in albino rats at a dose of
300 mg/k.g. B.W. by oral route. All the five extracts were also subjected to antibacterial screening by using the cup
plate method. Alcoholic extract of Tubers of Allium cepa has shown better wound healing activity in excision,
incision and dead space wound models as compared to chloroform and chloroform water extracts. From the results
obtained it can be concluded that alcoholic extract of tubers of Allium cepa has significant wound healing activity.
The enhanced wound healing activity of alcoholic extract may be due to free radical scavenging action and the
antibacterial property of the phytoconstituents(viz; tannins and flavonoids) present in it which either due to their
individual or additive effect fastens the process of wound healing. Presence of flavonoids and tannins in alcohol
extract was also confirmed by preliminary phytochemical investigation, TLC and HPTLC methods.
Keywords: Allium cepa, Wound healing activity, Antibacterial activity, Alcohol extract.
INTRODUCTION involves complex series of interactions
A wound is a disruption of tissue integrity between different cell types, Cytokine
that results in damage and is typically mediators and the extracellular matrix. The
associated with loss of function. Wound phases of normal wound healing include
healing can be defined as a complex dynamic hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and
process that results in the results in the remodeling2.
restoration of anatomic continuity and Many Ayurvedic herbal plants have a very
function. It is a finely orchestrated and important role in the process of wound
overlapping sequence of events involving healing. Plants are more potent healers
control of infection, resolution of functional because they promote the repair mechanisms
connective matrix, contraction, resurfacing, in the natural way. The healing process can
differentiation and remodelling. Wounds are be physically monitored by assessing the rate
generally classified as, wounds without tissue of contraction of the wound.
loss (e.g. in surgery), and wounds with tissue Allium cepa Linn. is a member of the Liliaceae,
loss, such as burn wounds, wounds caused as which consists of over 250 genera and 3700
a result of trauma, abrasions or as secondary species. Because of their bulbs, tubers and
events in chronic ailments eg: venous stasis, rhizomes, these plants are able to survive under
diabetic ulcers or pressure sores and harsh conditions, e.g. winter or dryness.
iatrogenic wounds such as skin graft donor The plant Allium cepa Linn. (Liliaceae) are
sites and derma abrasions1. Wound healing proved to shown the antidiabetic3,
antioxidant4, antihypertensive56, antithrombotic6, Preliminary phytochemical studies
hypoglycemic7,antihyperlipidemic8. The bulb The individual extracts were subjected to
of Allium cepa contains Kampferol, - qualitative chemical investigation for the
sitosterol, ferulic acid, myritic acid, identification of the phytoconstituents;
prostaglandins4. Bulb extract shown to have sterols, glycosides, saponins, carbohydrates,
ecobolic effect in rats9. Traditionally plant alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, proteins.
containing these constituents used as Powder analysis
abortifaciant, the bulb extract of Allium cepa The powdered crude drug was subjected to
had showed ecobolic effect in mice and rats10. determination of pH, extractive value, total ash
A survey of literature revealed that no ash, water soluble ash, acid insoluble ash and
systematic approach has been made to study loss on drying as per Indian Pharmacopoeia.
wound healing activity of this plant. Microorganisms
To validate the ethnotherapeutic claim of the The test microorganisms used for the
plant in skin diseases, wound healing activity antimicrobial activity screening were 4
was studied. In this communication we report bacteria (2 Gram positive) Bacillus subtilis
the preliminary phytochemical investigations and Staphylococcus aereus (2 Gram negative)
of the various extracts, the acute toxicity Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
studies, antibacterial activity and wound Escherichia coli.
healing activity. These organisms were identified and
MATERIALS AND METHODS procured from National Chemical Laboratory
Plant material (NCL), Pune, India.
Bulbs of Allium cepa Linn were collected from Antibacterial activity
local areas of Ankola during January 2009 The agar diffusion method11 was used to
dried and were authenticated by Dr. Harsha evaluate the antibacterial activity. Bacteria
Hegde, Chief Botanist, Indian Council of were cultured overnight at 37oC in Mueller
Medical Research (RMRC), Belgaum branch. Hinton 10 l Broth (MHB, Oxoid) and used as
Preparation of extracts inoculum. A final inoculum, using 100 l of
Bulbs of Allium cepa (2kg) were powdered to suspension containing 10 8 CFV/ml of bacteria
coarse form. The powdered materials was spread on Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA).
loaded in Soxhlets extractor and defatted The disc (6 mm in diameter) was impregnated
with petroleum ether (40-600C) in 10 batches with 10 l of 200 l/ml , 150 l/ml , 75
(30 cycles each batch). The marc was dried l/ml, 50 l/ml, 25 l/ml, 10 l/ml and 5
and extracted with solvent ether, chloroform, l/ml of each extracts and for each organism
alcohol and chloroform water I.P.(aqueous) in placed on seeded agar. Streptomycin (200
a Soxhlets apparatus in 10 batches (30 cycles l/ml, 150 l/ml, 75 l/ml, 50 l/ml, 25
each batch). Finally the extracts were l/ml, 10 l/ml and 5 l/ml) were used as
concentrated to semi-solid mass using rotary positive control for bacteria. The test plates
flash evaporator under vacuum. The traces of were incubated at 37 o C for 24h for bacteria
the solvents were removed by keeping the depending on the incubation time required for
dried extracts in to a desiccator. a visible growth.
EXPERIMENTAL space wound model and for 20 days in the
Experimental animals excision wound model.
Healthy adult Wister albino rats of either sex Excision wound model
weighing (150-200g) were procured from An impression was made on the dorsal
Venkateshwara Enterprises, Bangalore. They thoracic region 1cm away from vertebral
were housed individually in polypropylene column and 5cm away from ear using a round
cages at 231C in 12:12h dark: light cycle, seal of 2.5cm diameter on the anaesthetized
with free access to standard pellet feed rat. The skin of impressed area was excised to
(Chakan Oil Mill, India) and water ad the full thickness to obtain a wound area of
libitum. This project was cleared by about 500 mm2 diameters. Hemostasis was
Institutional Animal Ethical committee. achieved by blotting the wound with cotton
Acute toxicity study swab soaked in normal saline. Contractions,
Swiss albino mice of either sex weighing (18- which contribute for wound closure in the
22g) and of 90 days age were used for acute first two weeks, were studied by tracing the
oral toxicity study. The study was carried out wound on a transparency paper initially. Then
as per the guidelines set by OECD12. The an impression was taken on a millimeter scale
animals were starved overnight were divided graph paper, scar area after complete
into six groups (n=3) and were fed with epithelization and time for complete
increasing doses (10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, epithelization in days was evaluated to
2000, 3000 mg/kgB.W.) of the petroleum calculate the degree of wound healing13. The
ether, solvent ether, chloroform, alcohol and parameters were studied were wound closure,
chloroform water extract. The animals were epithelization time and scar features. The
continuously observed for mortality and observation of the percentage wound closure
behavioural responses for 48 h and thereafter were recorded on 4th , 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th
one daily for 14 days after administration. post wounding day and also for epithelization
The 1/10th of the lethal dose was taken as and size and shape of scar area.
effective dose ED50 (therapeutic dose). Incision wound model
Wound models In the incision model14, the rats were
The animals were starved for 12h prior to anesthetized by anesthetic ether and two
wounding. Studies were carried out using longitudinal paravertebral incisions of 6cm
ether-anaesthetized rats. The rats were length were made through the skin and
divided into six groups (n = 6). Animals were cutaneous muscle at a distance of about
depilated at the dorsal thoracic region before 1.5cm from the midline on each side of the
wounding. The first, third and fifth group depilated back. After the incision, the parted
served as control similarly second, fourth and skin was sutured 1cm apart using a surgical
sixth groups received alcoholic, chloroform thread (No. 000) and curved needle (No. 11).
and aqueous extract by oral route at a dose of The wounds were left undressed. The extracts
300 mg/kg body weight by oral route daily were given by oral route once a day, till
for 10 consecutive days in incision and dead complete healing. The sutures were removed
on eighth post-wound day. The skin-breaking
strength of the 10-day-old wounds was One of the granuloma tissue was dried in an
measured by the method of Lee . oven at 60 C and the dry weight was noted.
Dead space wound model The granulation tissue so harvested was
For the dead space wound three groups of subjected to hydroxyproline estimation.
six animals each were used. Dead space Their weights were expressed as mg/100
wound was made by implantation of gms body weight as suggested by
polypropylene tube (0.5cmX2.5cm), beneath Dispaquale and Meli16.
the dorsal Para vertebral skin. On the 10th Statistical analysis
day the granuloma tissue form on the dead All the results were analyzed by One-way
space wound was dissected and tensile Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by
strength was determined. The excess tissue Dunnetts test. The level of significance was
was cut into two approximately equal halves. set at P<0.05.
The average percentage yield of various extracts of Allium cepa is shown in table 1.
Table 1 : The percentage yield of various extracts of Allium cepa L.
Sl. No. Extracts Nature of extract Colour Yield (%)
1. Petroleum ether Semisolid Dark yellow 3.70
2. Solvent ether Semisolid Dark brown 7.28
3. Chloroform Semisolid Dark brown 2.00
4. Alcohol Semisolid Dark brown 6.00
5. Chloroform water Semisolid Dark yellow 14.27
Powder analysis parameters like pH, extractive extractive values are useful for their evaluation,
value, total ash, water soluble ash, acid especially when the constituents of a drug can
insoluble ash and loss on drying were not be readily estimated by any other means.
determined on the powder of allium cepa bulb. Further these values indicate the nature of the
In powder analysis ash values are useful in constituents present in a crude drug. The results
determining the quality and purity of crude of physicochemical characterization of allium
drug, especially in the powder form and the cepa are presented in table 2.
Table 2 : Physicochemical characterization of Allium cepa
S. No. Parameters Result
1. Total ash (%) 4.22
2. Acid insoluble ash (%) 2.0
6. pH 6.5
The phytochemical tests revealed that the glycosides, carbohydrates and proteins in
bulbs of the plant possess alkaloids in ethanolic and aqueous extracts. The
chloroform, extract. The other results of phytochemical screening are
constituents like flavonoids, tannins, given in table 3.
Table 3 : Phytochemical screening of different extracts of Allium cepa
Petroleum Ether - - - - - - -
Solvent Ether - - - - - - -
Chloroform - + - - - + -
Alcohol - - ++ +++ + -
Chloroform - - + - ++ + +
+++: high concentration; ++: medium concentration; +: low concentration;
-: constituents not detectable
The LD 50 was found to be more then 3000 calculated as 1/10 th of the lethal dose for the
mg/ kg BW p.o. in acute toxicity testing. The purpose of wound healing investigation. The
therapeutic dose 300mg/ kg BW p.o. was results are tabulated in table 4.
Table 4 : Results of Acute oral toxicity studies of various extracts of Allium cepa
Sl. No Extracts LD50 (mg/kg)
Antibacterial activity was done for all the five, almost all organisms in cup plate method. So
pet ether, solvent ether, chloroform, alcohol, the chloroform, alcohol and aqueous extract
and aqueous extracts. During antibacterial study were taken for wound healing activity. The
chloroform, alcohol and aqueous extracts results of antibacterial activity of various
showed maximum zone of inhibition against extracts of Allium cepa are shown in table 5.
Table 5 : Results antibacterial activity of various extracts of Allium cepa
The results of excision wound model are 0.8days P < 0.05) when compared to control
given in table 6. In this parameter the mean (21.50.4). The alcohol extract showed)
percentage of wound area were calculated on showed significant decrease in mean scar area
4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th post wounding days. (7.21.2, P < 0.05) as compared to control
In an excision wound model, alcohol extract (28.21.5).
at a dose 300mg/kg BW p.o. of Allium cepa The results of incision wound model are
showed significant wound healing activity (% given in table 7. In incision study, the alcohol
wound contraction on 18th day (95.31.0, extract showed significant (200.892.62 P <
P<0.05) compared to control (86.11.1). It 0.05) breaking strength when compared to
also showed complete epithelization 18.5 control (149.3513.04).
Table 6 : Effect of various extracts of Allium cepa on healing of excision wound
Group Dose (oral) Excision wound
% Wound contraction
Chloroform 300 mg/kg 65.5 68.2 76.0 81.9 86.61.9 22.31.7 19.050.075
suspended in 2% 2.2 2.6 3.7 2.1
Alcohol 300 mg/kg 60.1 78.3 80.8 91.1 95.31.0* 7.21.2* 18.50.8*
suspended in 2% 1.7* 1.4 2.3* 1.6*
Chloroform 300 mg/kg 64.2 76.0 86.4 89.6 94.71.5 11.22.2 19.50.6
water suspended in 2% 1.7 3.7 1.7 2.1
* indicates significant difference at P<0.05 when compared to control. Values are Mean SEM from 6 animals in
each group), Data analyzed by One-way ANOVA followed Dunnetts test.
Table 7 : Effect of various extracts of Allium cepa on healing of Incision wound
Group (n) Dose (oral) Wound breaking strength (g)
Control 1 ml of 2% Gum acacia 149.3513.04
Chloroform 300 mg/kg suspended in 180.183.46
2% acacia
Alcohol 300 mg/kg suspended in 200.892.622*
2% acacia
Chloroform water 300 mg/kg suspended in 179.9814.68
2% acacia
* indicates significant difference at P<0.05 when compared to control. Values are Mean SEM from 6 animals in
each group), Data analyzed by One-way ANOVA followed Dunnetts test.
The results of dead space wound model are given in table 8. The tensile strengths of the
granuloma tissue were determined by the water flow technique of Lee. Alcohol extract showed
highly significant increase in breaking strength (213.312.9, P<0.05) when compared to control
(122.314.1) and alcohol extract also showed significant increase in the dry weight of
granulation tissue (59.830.54, P<0.05) as compared to control (32.670.71). Alcohol extract
also showed significant increase in the hydroxyproline content (2232.330.76, P<0.05) as
compared to control (1381.170.70).
Table 8 : Effect of various extracts of Allium cepa on healing of dead space wound
DISCUSSION Phytochemical screening revealed the
Wound healing involves various phases. presence of tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids,
Initially involves acute inflammatory phase proteins and other important constituents.
followed by the synthesis of collagen and Flavonoids have been documented19 to
other extra cellular macromolecules, which possess potent antioxidant and free radical
are later removed to form a scar17. Drugs, scavenging effect, which is believed to be one
which influence one phase, may not of the most important components of wound
necessarily influence another. Hence different healing. Phytochemical screening revealed
models have been used in our study to assess the presence of flavonoids in Allium cepa.
the effect of various phases, which run Thus, the enhanced wound healing may be
concurrently, but independent of each other. due to free radical scavenging action and the
Control group wound showed granulation antibacterial property of the phytoconstituents
tissue and fibroblast aggregation in the present in it which either due to their
alcoholic extract of Allium cepa treated group individual or additive effect fastens the
showed extensive growth of granulation also process of wound healing. This could be the
started along its surface as shown reason for prohealing activity of Allium cepa.
subsequently on 18th day. The treated group This enhanced wound contraction effect of
of wound showed complete healing of Allium cepa and epithelization could possibly
wounds with almost normal architecture of be made use of clinically in healing of open
the collagen, reticulin. Increase in tensile wounds. However confirmation of this
strength of treated group wound may be due suggestion will need well designed clinical
to increase in collagen concentration, evaluation.
alcoholic extract of Allium cepa increase the From the study carried out showed that the
collagen synthesis. alcoholic extract of bulbs of Allium cepa
In excision wound model the increased rate of possesses a definite proheaing activity, there
wound contraction and decrease in period of by justifying its use in the indigenous system
epithelization in the animals treated with of medicine.
alcohol extract of Alium cepa may be ACKNOWLEDGMENT
attributed to their broad spectrum The authors are thankful to Dr. F.V. Manvi,
antibacterial activity. Principal, K.L.E.Ss College of Pharmacy,
Significant increase in skin breaking strength Belgaum, Karnataka, India for providing all
and hydroxyproline content which was a the facilities and support to carry out the
reflection of increased collagen levels by research work.
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