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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Physics 8.03 Fall 2004

Final Exam
Thursday, December 16, 2004
You have 3 hours
Do all eight problems
You may use calculators
This is a closed-book exam; no notes are allowed

Useful Formulae

General dierential equation for oscillators

+ x + 02 x = f0 cos (t)

has solutions

2t 2
x(t) = A e cos 02 t+ + xss (t) 0 >
4 2
x(t) = (A + B t) e 2 + xss (t) 0 =

x(t) = A e1 t + B e2 t + xss (t) 0 <

1 = 02
2 2 4
and the steady-state solution is

xss (t) = A() cos (t ())

A() = 1/2 tan () =
(0 ) + 2 2
2 2 02 2

Non-dispersive wave equation

2 1 2
y(x, t) = y(x, t)
x2 v 2 t2

where v = T / for a string or v = / for a gas.

Kinetic, potential energy and power
2 2
dK 1 y dU 1 y y y
= = T P (t) = T
dx 2 t dx 2 x t x

Reection and transmission coecients

v2 v1 2v2
R= T =
v2 + v1 v2 + v1

Fourier series for a function f () = f ( + 2)

f () = + Am cos (m ) + Bm sin (m )

Am = f () cos (m) d m = 0, 1, 2, . . .

Bm = f () sin (m) d m = 1, 2, 3, . . .

vphase = and vgroup =
k dk

Maxwells equations


= B


0 t


= 0 0 E + 0 J



EM force, ux, energy, intensity

= q E
v B

S 0E

2 1
UE = E UM = B
2 2 0

Dipole approximation

rad (
r, t) = q
a (t r/c)
E Volt/m
4 0 c2 r

rad (
r, t) = 1
rad (t)
B r E Tesla

rad (
r, t) =
S Erad B
rad Watt/m2
q 2 a2
P = Watt
6 0 c3

Boundary conditions at the surface of a perfect conductor

E// = 0 B// = 0 |JS |
E = B = 0

Transmission lines
V I 1 Vr ZL Z0
= L0 vp = =
z t L C Vi ZL + Z0
0 0
I V L0 Ir Z0 ZL
= C0 Z0 = =
z t C0 Ii ZL + Z0

Boundary conditions at the surface of a perfect dielectric

(1) (2)
(1) (2)
B// B//
E// = E// =
1 2
(1) (2) s (1) (2)
e1 E e2 E = B = B

n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2
Fresnel equations
n1 cos 2 n2 cos 1 tan(1 2 )
r = E0r /E0i = =
n1 cos 2 + n2 cos 1 tan(1 + 2 )
n1 cos 1 n2 cos 2 sin(1 2 )
r = E0r /E0i = =
n1 cos 1 + n2 cos 2 sin(1 + 2 )
2n1 cos 1 2 sin 2 cos 1
t = E0t /E0i = =
n1 cos 2 + n2 cos 1 sin(1 + 2 ) cos(1 2 )
2n1 cos 1 2 sin 2 cos 1
t = E0t /E0i = =
n1 cos 1 + n2 cos 2 sin(1 + 2 )
Special case of normal incidence (1 = 2 = 0)
Er n1 n2 Et 2 n1
r, = = t, = =
Ei n1 + n2 Ei n1 + n2

Doppler Eect
 1 cos
= for EM waves
1 2
f vs + vr cos r
= for sound waves
f vs vt cos t

N source interference and diraction:
sin (N /2) 2
Interference I = I0 = d sin
sin (/2)

sin 2
Diraction I = I0 = D sin

Diraction gratings:
2 2
sin (N /2) sin
I = I0
sin (/2)

Physical constants

Speed of light c 3 108 1

m s 1
Vacuum permeability 0 1.26 106 V m /A

Vacuum permittivity 0 8.85 1012 C/ V m1
Electron rest mass m 9.1 1031 kg
Elementary charge e 1.6 1019 C
Gravitational constant G 6.7 1011 N m2 /kg2

Trigonometric Formulae

sin (a + b) = sin a cos b + cos a sin b

cos (a + b) = cos a cos b sin a sin b

a+b ab
sin a + sin b = 2 sin cos
2 2

a+b ab
sin a sin b = 2 cos sin
2 2

a+b ab
cos a + cos b = 2 cos cos
2 2

a+b ab
cos a cos b = 2 sin sin
2 2

sin ( ) = cos

cos ( ) = sin
sin ( ) = sin
cos ( ) = cos

Complex exponentials

ej ej ej + ej
ej = cos + j sin sin = cos =
2j 2

Problem 1 (16 pts): Coupled Oscillators

Two objects, A and B, with masses mA and mB , respectively, are connected by springs as shown
in the gure. The spring constant of the spring on the left and on the right are both k; the spring
constant of the spring in the middle is k  .

k A k B k

mA mB

In parts (a), (b), and (c) you are allowed to give the answers without any calcula-
a. (2 pts) If mA = , what are the normal mode frequencies of the system?
b. (3 pts) If k = 0, what are the normal mode frequencies of the system?
c. (2 pts) If k  = 0, what are the normal mode frequencies of the system?
d. (4 pts) For the general situation, write down the coupled equations of motion.
e. (5 pts) Find the normal mode frequencies.

Problem 2 (15 pts): Dispersive string
The dispersion relation for oscillations of a realistic piano string with mass density and under
tension T is given by
=k + k2

where is a positive constant that depends on the stiness of the string; k(= 2/) is the wave
number. The string is rmly clamped at x = 0 and at x = L. At t = 0, the string is at rest and its
displacement in the y-direction is given by:
2x 3x
y(x, 0) = sin + 4 sin + 9 sin
a. (3 pts) What is the phase velocity on the string? Express your answer only in terms of k, , ,
and T .
b. (4 pts) What is the group velocity on the string? Express your answer only in terms of k, , ,
and T .
c. (5 pts) The string is released with zero velocity at t = 0. What is the displacement of the
string at time t?
d. (3 pts) In the absence of any damping or any other form of loss of energy, at what time t will
the string for the rst time have exactly the same shape as it did at time t = 0? Or will this
never happen? Give your reasons.

Problem 3 (15 pts): Transmission line

V = V0 cos( t) Z0 ZL Z1


Two transmission lines of characteristic impedance Z0 = 50 and Z1 = 100 are connected by

a load impedance ZL . A power supply drives the transmission line with characteristic impedance
Z0 harmonically at frequency . The resulting voltage wave propagates along the z-axis and is
incident on the junction with the load impedance and the other transmission line of characteristic
impedance Z1 . Take the junction to be at the position z = 0, with increasing z to the right of the
junction. Consider the transmitted and reected voltages and currents for the following dierent
situations. Assume that there is no reection from the far end of the second transmission line (with
characteristic impedance Z1 ).
a. (2 pts) Write down an expression for the voltage wave approaching the junction from the left
Vi (z < 0) in terms of its initial amplitude, V0 , , k = /v and z. Here v is the velocity of the
b. (3 pts) What are the voltage amplitudes (relative to Vi ) of the reected and transmitted waves
for ZL = 0.

In what follows (in all 3 questions), ZL = 100 .

c. (2 pts) What is the net impedance which terminates the rst transmission line at z = 0?
d. (4 pts) What are the amplitudes of the reected and transmitted voltages?
e. (4 pts) If the maximum current in the upper wire for z < 0 is 10 A, what then is the maximum
current in
(i) the lower wire for z < 0
(ii) the load
(iii) the upper wire for z > 0
(iv) the lower wire for z > 0?

Problem 4 (5 pts): Design your own pinhole camera
You are being asked to design a pinhole camera. Your box is a cube of 70 cm on the side. You drill a
small circular hole in one side, and use the opposite inside wall as the screen where the photographic
lm is placed. You have to optimize the resolution of the camera.
Derive the approximate diameter (in mm) of the hole that will give you the best resolution at a
wavelength of 500 nm.

Problem 5 (8 pts): Reection of light

A beam of unpolarized light of 500 nm in air is incident on a plate of glass. The angle of incidence
is 40o (this is the angle between the direction of the incoming light and the normal to the glass).
The index of refraction of the glass is 1.5.
a. (5 pts) Which fraction of the incoming 10 kW is reected o the front face of the glass.
b. (3 pts) What is the degree of linear polarization of the reected light?

Problem 6 (15 pts): Oscillator in viscous medium
A mass m is held by a spring with spring constant k. The mass is immersed in a cup of water (see
the gure). The water exerts a viscous force b
v on the mass;
v is the velocity of the mass relative
to the liquid, and b is a positive constant. A indicates the position of the suspension point of the
spring, B the equilibrium position of the mass m, and C the position of the bottom of the cup.

a. (2 pts) The mass is displaced vertically from its equilibrium (B); it is then released. Find the
dierential equation of vertical motion of the mass m. The cup is at rest.

The cup is now moved up and down at an angular frequency . The position of the bottom of
the cup (C) is given by d1 (t) = D1 cos(t).
b. (3 pts) Find the dierential equation for the position x(t) of the mass m. Give your answer
in terms of m, k, b, D1 , and . Remember that
v in the viscous force is the velocity
relative to the liquid.
c. (3 pts) What is the steady state amplitude of the mass m? Give your answer in terms of
m, k, b, D1 , and .

In addition to driving the cup, we now also drive the mass by moving the suspension end (A)
of the spring up and down with the same frequency . The position of the suspension end is
given by d2 (t) = D2 cos(t + ).
d. (3 pts) Write down the dierential equation for x(t) in the case that both the cup and the
spring are driven.
e. (4 pts) Find D2 and , for which the steady state solution is x(t) = 0 at all times when both
the cup and the spring are driven.


Problem 7 (12 pts): Discharging a capacitor

A capacitor of capacitance C in an LRC circuit (see the gure) is initially charged and the switch
is open; the charge on the plates of the capacitor is qo . At time t = 0 the switch is closed and the
capacitor is discharged.


a. (3 pts) Write down the dierential equation for the charge q(t) during the discharge.
b. (2 pts) What are the initial conditions for the discharge?
c. (2 pts) What should the value of the resistor R be to obtain critical damping?
d. (3 pts) Write down the analytic expression of the charge q(t) in terms of qo , L, and R for the
case of critical damping.
e. (2 pts) Make a sketch of q(t) for the case of critical damping. Mark your time axis in units of
T , where T is the period of undamped oscillations (i.e., in the case that R = 0).


Problem 8 (13 pts): Interferometric Radio Telescope

An interferometric radio telescope is comprised of 10 telescopes separated from one another by
800 m. The telescopes are aligned in the direction East-West. Each radio dish has a diameter of
25 m. The interferometer is operating at a wavelength of 6 cm. The telescopes are all pointing
towards the South at the same elevation in the sky. A bright radio source is in the South and it
is moving from East to West (thus horizontally) in the sky due to the Earth rotation. During the
observations, none of the telescopes move, they all remain pointed towards the same direction in
the sky.
a. (4 pts) Imagine rst that all 10 telescopes are operating like radio transmitters; they emit
spherical waves ( = 6 cm), and that all these ten sources (telescopes) of radiation are in
phase. Sketch the intensity pattern of this array of telescopes as a function of to a ctitious
observer who is light years away. Since we are dealing here with very small angles, sin .
b. (3 pts) We now reverse the scenario. The radio source is emitting EM radiation, and the
interferometer is receiving. The radio interferometer detects the source loud and clear as the
source is at the peak of the zero order maximum. How many radians will the source have to
move in the sky for the interferometer to detect the radio source at the peak of the rst order
Hint: This interferometer behaves just like a multiple source array. Instead of EM waves being
emitted by each of the telescopes, they are receiving EM waves. The E elds, as received by
the individual telescopes, are vectorial ly added by the interferometer. When all E-elds are in
phase, a maximum signal is received.
c. (4 pts) What is the approximate width (in radians) of the zero order maximum and what is
the width of the second order maximum? (The narrower the width, the higher is the angular
resolution of the array.)
d. (2 pts) If the diameter of the radio dishes were 100 m (instead of 25 m), would that increase
the angular resolution of the array, and if so, by how much? Give your reasons.


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