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Observation Task 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

Table 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

The Structure of the Lesson
What the teacher does What the children do Comments
Introducing the Sound:
- The teacher hold a tissue in front of her mouth -The students will stair at the teacher -I like how the teacher starts
so as she say the /p/ sound they can watch the and copy what she's doing ''Each child introducing the sound ''p'' and all the
tissue move as a result of the air released while will have a tissue and place it in front students were excited and ready to
making the sound
of their mouth and say the sound ''p'' know more about the sound ''p''.
and they can see the tissue move as a
result of the air release while making
the sound. -I think thats a good practice for the
-The teacher asks the children to place their
-The students put their fingers on their students to learn how to say the sound
hands on their lips and say the sound ''P''
lips and say the sound ''p'' ''p'' and I think they will enjoy doing it.

-The teacher asks the children to stand up and

-The students stand up and create a -I like how the teacher let the students
to walk like a penguin.
line and pretend that they are to walk like a penguin so that they
penguins. remember that the penguin starts with
the sound ''p''.
-The students were saying popcorn,
-The teacher ask all the children to say words
potatoes, parrot, and penguins. -I was watching how the teacher try to
that starts with the letter ''p''.
let the children think about words that
- starts with the letter ''p''. I think that's
very essential to give children time to
-The teacher explains to the children that while
The children practice the ''p'' sound think about words that starts with the
they are saying the sound ''p'' they have to blow
and if they say the sound ''p'' wrong letter ''p''.
the tissue and each child will have a turn to
the teacher will tell them the right
show the teacher what have they understand.
way to say the sound or they will learn -I was watching the students while their
how to say it correct while their putting the tissue on their lips and say
-The teacher asks the children what their lips do
friends are saying. the sound ''p'' they were so excited
when they say the ''p'' sound.
because each child was watching to
-The children answer that while their their partner while their blowing the
-The teacher asks them to say the following
saying the letter ''p'' they blow the tissue and saying the sound ''p''. The
words while looking in the mirrors and to see
tissue. teacher did a great job because the
what they do with their mouths when making
students didnt get bored and all of
the ''p''sound.
-The children repeat the words after them were engaged with the teacher.
The teacher ask the students to repeat the
the teacher several times. .
words after her '' Popcorn Panda Parrot
-I was staring at the students while the
students are watching themselves in
the mirror when they say the ''p'' sound
after that the teacher asked them what
you saw while you're saying the ''p''
sound, each child answer.
- I like when the teacher try to asses
students learning and try to let the
students to use their thinking and say
words that starts with the letter ''p''.

Hearing the Sound /m/ in the initial position:

-The teacher explains to the students that she -Students will stay quit and hear the -I felt that the students were engaged
will say words that starts with the word ''p'' and teacher while saying different words and they were active. They were quit
words that doesn't start with the letter ''p''. and they were waiting for the teacher and waiting for the teacher to say any
Students will tell the teacher that this word to say a word that's starts with the word that starts with the letter ''p''.
starts with the letter ''p'' and if the teacher said letter ''p''.
word that doesn't start with the letter ''p'' they
stay quit.

-She asks the children to close their eyes and to -The students closed their eyes and -This worked really well because it
listen carefully to words that begin with the ''p'' they were waiting for the teacher to allowed them to focus on the sound
sound. say any word that starts with the ''p''.
letter ''p''.
-The teacher told the students to raise their -The students stay quit and wait listen -I like how the teacher engage the
hands when they hear a word that begins with to the teacher well , and if they heard students and when she told them to
the ''p''sound. the sound ''p'' they raise their hands raise their hands before they answer so
and stay quiet until she ask them to that she can hear each child.

-The teacher says words that starts with the Some of the children were confused,
letter ''p'' fast and she will see who will realize The children raise their hands when raising their arms when the sound was
that this word begins with the letter ''p'' , but they hear the sound ''p'' Some at the end because they are used to
maybe some children will find it difficult children have difficulties hearing it. hear the sound ''p'' in the beginning of
because the teacher say the word fast and they Some children raise their arms when the word.
are used to hear and say words slowly. the ''p'' sound is heard at the end of
the word or in the beginning of the

Introducing the Writing of the Sound:

-The teacher show the students how to write -The students will write the sound ''p'' -I liked when the teacher first show the
the sound ''p'' in the air. in the air. students how to write the sound ''p'' in
the air after that she saw each child
-The teacher will show students directions of -The students had a small board and writing the sound ''p'' in the air . She
writing the letter ''p''. First make a long line they were watching the teacher while make sure that each child know how to
after that make half a circle. she's writing the sound ''p'' and they right the sound ''p''.
were implementing.

-Each student will have the shaving -I was watching how the students were
-The teacher asks all the children to sit on the foam in front of them and they will extremely excited because when they
table and she sprayed shaving foam in front of start writing the sound ''p''. write with their fingers they develop
each child and she asked them to start writing their fine motor skills.
the sound ''p'' on the shaving foam.

-The teacher shows the students how to write The children repeat the teachers -Getting the children to repeat the
the letter ''p'' and she will watch from where directions and if some of the children directions for writing the sound ''p'' and
they will start first to write the letter ''p'' didnt know how to write the letter what I really liked that the teacher
because some children write the letter ''p'' ''p''' she will sit with the child that make sure that all the children have
different way so they must show the children having some difficulties while writing understand the directions of the letter
they there is directions to follow. the letter ''p'' and she make sure that ''p''.
She repeats this with another 2 children. all the children know how to write the
letter ''p''.

Practicing Writing the Sound

-The children listen to the teacher. -This was a good idea because the
The teacher tells the children that they will all teacher told them that they are going
practice writing the sound ''p'' today. to practice writing the letter ''p''. The
children were staring at the teacher
because they were ready to know how
to write the letter ''p''.

-The teacher pick small group to practice with -The children move out into the -It was good to keep the children
them writing the letter ''p'' and the rest of the learning centers and the teacher pick repeating the directions for forming the
children were in the centers until their turn small group to make sure that the sound /m/ so they would remember it
come's. children know how to write the letter and to rub their tummies and say the
''p''. sound to link the sound with a familiar
-The teacher sit with the children and show
them how to trace the letter ''p''. -The children trace the sound ''p'' and -This was a good exercise for the
follow the directions. children because they were tracing the
letter ''p'' and by practicing they will
write the sound ''p'' without tracing the
- letter, they will write by themselves.

She encourages the children to say the sound -The children say the sound ''p'' and -I like how the students were walking
''p'' and walk like a panda. walk like a Panda. like a Panda and repeat the sound ''p''
while their walking.

Reflections on Observation Task 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

1. What program is used in your school to teach phonics?

There are no English programs that are used in AlQrayen
Kindergarten, but there is Arabic programs that they use in tablets.

2. How is phonics taught in your school?

In Arabic the teacher read a story to engage students in the lesson
In English the teacher introduce the lesson to the students and after
introducing the lesson she separate the students in the centres to do the given

3. What was the focus of the lesson?

-In Arabic the focus was on the sound
-In English the teacher focus on the sound P

4. Were the learners engaged in the phonics lesson? If they were, select (a); if
they were not, select (b).

a. D e s c r i b e the different types of active engagement

activities that the teacher used.
-The teacher engages her children by reading a short story,
asking them different questions that are related to the lesson or
showing them pictures and ask them what they see in the picture,
and she play a song from her phone because they dont have
smart board in the class so she play the song from her phone and
they all sing with the teacher this type of activity is very helpful
because the children become active and ready.

b. W h a t could active engagement activities the teacher
has used to help learners b e t t e r understand the lesson?

5. What types of activities did the children participate in during their independent
centres that reinforced the lesson objective/learning outcome? If they participated
in learning centres, select (a); if they did not, select (b)
a) Describe the different types of learning centre activities
that the students did.

-The children have 6 centres in the classroom, the lego centre,

children can create anything from their imaginations and they
can build anything they want, Science Centre where the children
can discover and gain new knowledge. In the Reading Centre the
children have different books that they can read. Role play
centre, it is where the children act and pretend to be a
house worker, they cook, tidy up and wash cloths and
dishes as well and they also play with the puppets. In the
Art centre where the children can show their creativity in
their drawings or also when they are creating something.
In the Math centre where the children can complete their
given activity or solve simple problems or also count
b) Describe two (2) learning centre activities that the
teacher could have used to help reinforce the learning


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